Why King James Only? #kjv #kjb #kingjames #kjvonlyism #kjvonly #kjvbible #kjvscripture #kjvoice
TLDRVideo autor arutleb oma uskumust King James Piibli ainuõigsuses, põhjendades seda ajalooliste, tekstiliste ja matemaatiliste argumentidega. Ta käsitleb oma isiklikku teekonda selle piibliversiooniga, rõhutades erinevusi õigete ja valede tekstiliinide vahel, samuti tõlkijate usaldusväärsust. Ta kritiseerib uute piiblitõlgete ebatäpsusi ja väljendab oma veendumust King James Piibli eksimatuses ning matemaatilises täiuslikkuses. Video sisaldab ka kogemusi King James Piibli muuseumi külastusest, mis kinnitasid autori usku selle piibliversiooni tähtsusse.
- 📜 King James Piibel on ainutõde, autor usub selle inspiratsiooni ja täiuslikkusse.
- 🏛️ Autor külastas King James Piibli muuseumi, mis süvendas tema usku.
- 🔍 Uued tõlked tulevad valedest tekstiliinidest, erinevalt King James Piiblist.
- ✍️ King James Piibli tõlkijad olid väga haritud ja pühendunud.
- 🔢 Numbriline täiuslikkus näitab Jumala sõrmejälgi King James Piiblil.
- 📚 Tekstikriitika viib autori sõnul ekslike tekstideni.
- 🚫 Uute tõlgete puhul on eemaldatud või muudetud salme.
- 🕊️ King James Piibli lugemine toob rahu ja kindluse.
- 💡 Autor kritiseerib tekstikriitika kui pettuse ideid.
- 🗝️ Usulise hariduse tähtsus King James Piibli kaudu.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Alustatakse teemat, miks pooled valivad King Jamesi versiooni Piiblist. Käiakse läbi isiklik kogemus ja rõhutatakse KJV ilu ja täiuslikkust.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Tuues esile erinevaid Piibli tõlkeid, selgitab kõneleja KJV ainulaadsust. Kirjeldatakse külastust King Jamesi Piibli muuseumis.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Tutvustatakse kahte peamist piiblitekstide perekonda, rõhutades, et KJV pärineb õiglasest tekstiliinist, samas kui muud tõlked toodavad valetlikkust.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Keskendutakse sellele, et uued Piibli tõlked tulevad tekstiliinidest, mida peetakse korrumpeerunuks ja ebausaldusväärseks.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Selgitakse, miks on KJV ainuõige, arvestades selle päritolu ja tõlkijate pühendumust, ning kuidas muud tõlked eemaldavad isegi terveid salme.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Toodud välja vastuolud uute tõlgete õpetustes ja nende mõju doktriinile, tuues välja mitmeid näiteid, kus uus tõlge võib õpetust eksitada.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Kinnitakse, kuidas uued tõlked õõnestavad õpetuste tõepärasust, eemaldades või muutes osi tekstist.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Käsitletakse õpetuslikke erinevusi ja seda, kuidas uued tõlked võivad moonutada õpetusi, viidates spetsiifilistele näidetele.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Rõhutatakse, et uued tõlked on mõjutanud õpetuse langust läbi ajaloo ja seda, kuidas KJV säilitab õpetusliku puhtuse.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Räägitakse paljudest KJV Piibli numbrilistes aspektides ning kuidas see tõestab selle matemaatilist täpsust.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Toodud näiteid sellest, kuidas KJV on ainulaadne oma keele ja matemaatilise ülesehituse poolest, mida ei ole muudes tõlgetes.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Tõdetakse, et KJV on ainus, mis on püsiv võrreldes teiste muutuvate ja ebausaldusväärsete tekstidega.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Selgitatakse, kuidas uued tõlked moonutavad piibrateksti ristlõikega, võrreldes selle täiuslikkusega KJV-s.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Väidetakse, et uued tõlked muudavad doktriinilisi olulisi punkte, rõhutades, kuidas KJV säilitab tõe.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Rõhutatakse, kuidas KJV tõlkijad olid pühendunud ja targad, vastandina uute tõlgete liberaalsuse ja ebatäiuslikkusele.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Väidetakse, et KJV säilitab Piibli õpetuste alguse ja selle õiged sõnumid.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Käsitletakse uute tõlkijate ebausaldusväärsust ja nende töö viljatust, viidates nende võrdlemisele KJV tõlkijatega.
- 01:25:00 - 01:30:00
Tuues välja, kuidas KJV on säilitanud tõe seal, kus uued tõlked on loonud segadust.
- 01:30:00 - 01:35:00
Arutletakse Piibli ennustuste ja KJV täitumise üle, rõhutades selle usaldusväärsust.
- 01:35:00 - 01:42:18
Tuues esile, kuidas KJV tõlgendab Piiblit täpselt ja õigesti, võrreldes uute tõlgetega, mis muudavad keskseid õpetusi.
Miks autor on King James Piibli ainutõe uskuja?
Autor usub, et King James Piibel on täielik, inspireeritud ja eksimatu Jumala sõna.
Kuidas autor õigustab King James Piibli eelist uutele tõlgetele?
Ta rõhutab, et uued tõlked tulevad valetest tekstiliinidest, samas kui King James pärineb õigetest tekstidest.
Mis on King James Piibli numbriline täiuslikkus?
King James Piibli numbrite hämmastav matemaatiline täiuslikkus, nagu sõnade esinemine, mis jagub seitsmega.
Milline kogemus oli autori jaoks King James Piibli muuseumi külastamine?
Ta leidis selle kogemuse väga harivaks ja kinnitavaks oma usku King James Piibli tähtsusse.
Mis on 'Texas Receptus'?
See on tekstiversioon, mille alusel King James Piibel valmis ja mida autor pidas õigeks.
Millist rolli mängivad tõlkijad King James Piibli usaldusväärsuses?
King James Piibli tõlkijaid peetakse väga haritud ja vagadeks inimesteks erinevalt uute tõlgete liberaalidest tõlkijatest.
Mis teemal käib video peamiselt?
Video keskendub King James Piibli tähtsusele ja sellele, miks autor usub selle ainuõigsusse.
Kas Piibel eemaldab või lisab salme, sõltuvalt tõlkest?
Uute tõlgete puhul on eemaldatud terveid salme, mida King Jamesi Piiblis leidub.
Milline oli autori isiklik ajalugu King James Piibliga?
Autor kasvas üles King James Piibliga ja leidis teistes tõlgetes palju keerukusi.
Kuidas autor käsitleb tekstikriitikute arvamusi?
Ta peab tekstikriitikat pettuseks, mis viib valede tekstide poole.
- 00:00:00all right welcome back today we're going
- 00:00:02to be looking at a topic that you
- 00:00:04probably already know but what we want
- 00:00:06is we want others to know and this is a
- 00:00:09question that we get a lot from a lot of
- 00:00:11people why are you King James only what
- 00:00:13is this is that a cult that whole King
- 00:00:15James thing well let's start today in 2
- 00:00:18Timothy Chapter 2 and let's look at this
- 00:00:20because if you actually do what this
- 00:00:23verse says guess what you'd be King
- 00:00:26James only too I think the reason
- 00:00:28there's a lot of people that aren't King
- 00:00:30James only is because they don't look
- 00:00:31into the Beauty and the majesty and the
- 00:00:34miracle and the Perfection that is the
- 00:00:37King James Bible now I've got a lot of
- 00:00:40Bibles here today I've got a lot of
- 00:00:41things to get into but recently um
- 00:00:44Joseph and I we went to Arizona to the
- 00:00:47King James Bible
- 00:00:49Museum and I learned a couple things I
- 00:00:51thought it was amazing I think anyone
- 00:00:53should go there this is their website
- 00:00:55kjb m.org and I think you should go
- 00:00:58visit that and we had
- 00:01:00all four tours they were two hours a
- 00:01:02piece so eight hours it was like going
- 00:01:03to school all over again it was a
- 00:01:05blessing so you have to call and you
- 00:01:07have to schedule if you want to do that
- 00:01:09now let me say from the beginning that I
- 00:01:11have always been a King James Bible
- 00:01:13believer when I was eight years old I
- 00:01:15remember my dad gave me a little King
- 00:01:16James Bible and I read it and I
- 00:01:19understood it I didn't have any problem
- 00:01:21with it now when Mom and Dad got
- 00:01:23divorced I had to go and live in
- 00:01:25Oklahoma and somebody gave me an NIV
- 00:01:28what does that stand for NIV non-
- 00:01:30inspired version something like that I
- 00:01:32forget um but I read that and I could
- 00:01:35not understand it I said no I'm going to
- 00:01:36go back to the King James and I did and
- 00:01:38I never looked back at age 18 I moved
- 00:01:40back home to Florida and I learned more
- 00:01:42about why the King James is God's word
- 00:01:44and I've never doubted it I do believe
- 00:01:46that the King James Bible is the
- 00:01:47inherent inspired infallible perfect
- 00:01:50word of God preserved for us today now
- 00:01:54as you know I sat under a man named
- 00:01:55Peter Ruckman now he is best known for
- 00:01:58his defense of the King James Bible now
- 00:02:01I don't want to make this about Ruckman
- 00:02:02but I do want to make this about what
- 00:02:04was it that Ruckman taught that the King
- 00:02:06James was right so I'm going to show you
- 00:02:09what he said but then I'm going to just
- 00:02:10add to it and show you more and more
- 00:02:12more I feel like when I went to Bible
- 00:02:14school they said here's what you're
- 00:02:15supposed to believe well it's not really
- 00:02:16your belief until you study it yourself
- 00:02:19so just because someone says you have to
- 00:02:20believe this you need to study it to
- 00:02:23make sure that it's your conviction amen
- 00:02:25there's some people out there that say
- 00:02:26they're King James but it's their
- 00:02:28preference it's not their conv
- 00:02:30conviction my conviction is there's no
- 00:02:32other Bible but the King James how can
- 00:02:35you say that well I'm about to show you
- 00:02:36I'm about to show you so let me show you
- 00:02:38seven things why King James only that
- 00:02:41proves we only go to the King James
- 00:02:44because all other versions come from the
- 00:02:47wrong line of Bible texts and let me
- 00:02:51show you this real quick and what's a
- 00:02:53shame is if you go to some sort of a
- 00:02:55bible school or a bible college or a
- 00:02:57Bible Institute they teach you the ex
- 00:02:59exact opposite of what the Bible says
- 00:03:02and logic and history and Truth they
- 00:03:06follow two men named Wescott and Hort
- 00:03:08which tried to pervert the King James
- 00:03:10Bible undo it and they teach that the
- 00:03:13better text are the corrupt
- 00:03:15text so if you actually just study for
- 00:03:18yourself by the way I didn't read 2
- 00:03:19Timothy 2:15 I'll just quote it to you
- 00:03:21the Bible says study to show thyself
- 00:03:23approved unto God a Workman that needeth
- 00:03:24not to be ashamed rightly dividing the
- 00:03:26word of truth that first word is study
- 00:03:30you know that word is taken out of new
- 00:03:32versions of the Bible it's almost like
- 00:03:34they don't want you to study I wonder
- 00:03:36why maybe because if you do study you
- 00:03:38find out that they did some pretty evil
- 00:03:40things in the new versions of the Bible
- 00:03:42so first I want to talk about is the the
- 00:03:45family of Bible texts now the Bible
- 00:03:48tells us that God gave the Old Testament
- 00:03:52to the Jews right I think it's in Romans
- 00:03:54chapter 3 it says the Oracles of God are
- 00:03:56given to the Jews well where did the
- 00:03:58Jews have their capital Jerusalem so it
- 00:04:00would be in Jerusalem that I would look
- 00:04:02for a Hebrew Old
- 00:04:04Testament and that's where you find the
- 00:04:07Old Testament was preserved by those
- 00:04:09Jews and the levitical priesthood was
- 00:04:12the one that was supposed to preserve
- 00:04:13the Old Testament and they were called
- 00:04:16mettes or mastic text which came from
- 00:04:19them so we have the Hebrew mastic text
- 00:04:23coming from here that is the Fountain of
- 00:04:25where the word comes from so shouldn't
- 00:04:27we go there for the fountain well if we
- 00:04:29we do we find it's called the Ben Chim
- 00:04:31Hebrew text today Jacob Ben Chim now the
- 00:04:35Bible says in Acts chapter 8 that that
- 00:04:38they had to flee Jerusalem because of
- 00:04:40persecution and guess where they went
- 00:04:42they went to this place here called
- 00:04:44Antioch and I believe it's acts 11:26
- 00:04:49that says the Disciples of Christ the
- 00:04:51disciples were first called Christians
- 00:04:53in Antioch of Syria so here's Antioch so
- 00:04:56this is where I would look for my New
- 00:04:58Testament and guess what language It Was
- 00:05:00Written in the language of the world at
- 00:05:02that time was Greek so I would look for
- 00:05:05the New Testament in Greek and that's
- 00:05:08what you have that's where the King
- 00:05:10James Bible come from uh came from and
- 00:05:13here I have the Old Testament and the
- 00:05:16New Testament so here's your Hebrew and
- 00:05:17in Hebrew you read from the other side
- 00:05:19first it's backwards so here's your
- 00:05:21Hebrew benim text in Hebrew and here's
- 00:05:25your he DEA which is the New Testament
- 00:05:29in Greek and this is where you would go
- 00:05:32if you were sane if you were rational if
- 00:05:36you wanted to go to the source you would
- 00:05:38go well I'm going there to get my Old
- 00:05:40Testament I'm going there to get my new
- 00:05:41testament and when you look at history
- 00:05:44this is where more than 5,000 plus
- 00:05:47manuscripts were here you go throw this
- 00:05:49away please that one's not working this
- 00:05:51is where over 5,000 plus manuscripts
- 00:05:54were discovered that all agree and they
- 00:05:57come from this text we call call this
- 00:06:00the Texas
- 00:06:02receptus and the Texas receptus means
- 00:06:05received text so this is the text that
- 00:06:08was received by all Christians in Greek
- 00:06:11this is the Hebrew mtic text the King
- 00:06:13James Bible comes from this line they
- 00:06:15call this the Byzantine text so we would
- 00:06:17we would say this is the line of text
- 00:06:19that I would go to look for a Bible the
- 00:06:22new versions of the Bible come from this
- 00:06:25if you go to them and you read them and
- 00:06:27you ask the people that put them out
- 00:06:29they've been brainwashed into believing
- 00:06:32that there's a better line of text and
- 00:06:35their line of text would be from here
- 00:06:37and here now twice in the Bible in the
- 00:06:39book of Acts it talks about a ship from
- 00:06:42Alexandria to Rome so there's a
- 00:06:44connection from Alexandria Alexandria to
- 00:06:46Rome and so this is a line of text that
- 00:06:49is different and you have a Greek Old
- 00:06:52Testament called the lxx or the septu
- 00:06:55aint and it has got some errors it's got
- 00:06:58some mistakes I've got it right here you
- 00:06:59want to look at it here's the septu hint
- 00:07:01when I see
- 00:07:29and preserved so should we go to the
- 00:07:32gnostics and ask them to give us the
- 00:07:34Bible should we go and ask for a Greek
- 00:07:38Old Testament rather than a Hebrew no
- 00:07:41but that is a Greek Old Testament so
- 00:07:44that's called the alexandrian text and
- 00:07:47then there was a guy who put out what's
- 00:07:49called the Latin
- 00:07:51Vulgate and the Latin Vulgate is in
- 00:07:54Latin and it was done by a guy named
- 00:07:56Jerome you know what his name is in
- 00:07:58Spanish Jeron Mo I think that's funny
- 00:08:01but Jerome he went and he got these
- 00:08:04texts and these texts he mixed them
- 00:08:06together he tookes these corrupt text
- 00:08:07and he put forth the Latin Vulgate now I
- 00:08:10love studying Spanish and so before I
- 00:08:13studied the history of English Bible I
- 00:08:15studied the history of the Spanish Bible
- 00:08:17and codor DEA in his Bible of 1569 he
- 00:08:21says although it's old because that's
- 00:08:23about 400 years after Jesus he says you
- 00:08:25cannot excuse the many errors that are
- 00:08:28in this translation
- 00:08:30but that is the official translation of
- 00:08:32the Catholic Church the Latin Vulgate
- 00:08:34and those who read it said man that's
- 00:08:36got a lot of mistakes so do we choose
- 00:08:39Rome are we Catholics well I don't want
- 00:08:42to choose Rome because it was Rome that
- 00:08:44that killed the apostles and killed Paul
- 00:08:47and Rome that killed the early
- 00:08:49Christians and all I don't think we
- 00:08:51should go to another line of text that
- 00:08:53is the Gnostic text I think we should
- 00:08:55say where in the Bible does the right
- 00:08:57line of text come from it comes from
- 00:08:58here yes yes sir how many manuscripts
- 00:09:00were in the lxx uh the lxx it's called
- 00:09:03the hexapla and you can go there and
- 00:09:06there's the osian Samus there's origin
- 00:09:10and really the lxx there's a lot of
- 00:09:11doubt about it it looks like it's from
- 00:09:13origin so what he did is he had uh six
- 00:09:16different ones and one of them was his
- 00:09:18translation from the Hebrew into Greek
- 00:09:20and he has mistakes and errors because
- 00:09:22they didn't believe in a pure whole
- 00:09:24Bible that's true they changed it so you
- 00:09:27can find the lxx from the hexapla okay
- 00:09:30there's a lot of stuff here we could get
- 00:09:32into but remember these are the gnostics
- 00:09:34these aren't the true Bible Believers so
- 00:09:36alexandrian text today what are the
- 00:09:39outstanding alexandrian text there's
- 00:09:41only about two maybe three and they're
- 00:09:45very famous one of them is called
- 00:09:47vaticanus I'll just put vat for short
- 00:09:50and the other is the sinicus or caticus
- 00:09:53which came from here should we use a
- 00:09:56manuscript says sin
- 00:09:59the add a cuss should we cuss but if you
- 00:10:01look at these these manuscripts Scholars
- 00:10:04try to tell you these are the older and
- 00:10:06better
- 00:10:07manuscripts well they might be older but
- 00:10:09they're not better cuz between Matthew
- 00:10:11Mark Luke and John in between these two
- 00:10:13there's over 3,000
- 00:10:15differences so I don't want a Bible from
- 00:10:18the gnostics that have errors and
- 00:10:21mistakes I want the true Bible from the
- 00:10:23true source and that's the only one that
- 00:10:25the King James comes from so in the
- 00:10:271800s there were these guys named West
- 00:10:30wcot and
- 00:10:32Hort and they hated the Texas receptus
- 00:10:34in the King James Bible so they ran to
- 00:10:36these two and they tried to say no we
- 00:10:38think these are the better texts and
- 00:10:41that was a time when they have what they
- 00:10:43call textual
- 00:10:45criticism now is it right to criticize
- 00:10:48the Bible no but that's what happened
- 00:10:51from German rationalism came textual
- 00:10:53criticism and through textual criticism
- 00:10:55today there is What's called the Nestle
- 00:10:58Allen Bible
- 00:11:00AR Nestle Allen New Testament it's also
- 00:11:03called the GNT I think it's the fourth
- 00:11:05or fifth edition down all new versions
- 00:11:07of the Bible do not come from this all
- 00:11:12new versions of the Bible come from this
- 00:11:15now I have that right here it's called
- 00:11:18Ness Allen noest
- 00:11:20gra if you open this up this is their
- 00:11:23Greek text and you look at this let me
- 00:11:26read you what it says the text shared by
- 00:11:29the these two additions was adopted
- 00:11:30internationally by the Bible societies
- 00:11:32and following an agreement between the
- 00:11:34Vatican and the United Bible societies
- 00:11:36and is served as the basis for new
- 00:11:38translations and for revisions made
- 00:11:40under their
- 00:11:41supervision so these people are working
- 00:11:45with these people to give you the
- 00:11:47Gnostic text instead of giving you the
- 00:11:50true
- 00:11:51Bible every new version of the Bible
- 00:11:53comes from this is that what you want so
- 00:11:56that's reason number one to be King
- 00:11:58James only now I'm going finish reading
- 00:12:00here this is the this is the
- 00:12:01introduction and it says right
- 00:12:03here it should naturally be understood
- 00:12:06that this text is a working text on the
- 00:12:08sense of the century long Nestle
- 00:12:09tradition it is not to be considered as
- 00:12:13definitive can you hold up any Bible
- 00:12:16from this line of text and say thus
- 00:12:17sayith the Lord the pure preserve
- 00:12:19inspired infallible word of God says no
- 00:12:22because the people that put it out said
- 00:12:23we don't think this is the pure inspired
- 00:12:25infallible it shouldn't even be taken as
- 00:12:27definitive it's says further it says it
- 00:12:30is a stimulus to further efforts toward
- 00:12:32defining and verifying the text of the
- 00:12:34New Testament so they don't even know
- 00:12:35what the text says they don't even have
- 00:12:38it they confess this is the best we can
- 00:12:40do and maybe God might have said this
- 00:12:43perhaps now do you want that or do you
- 00:12:46want this that we know God preserved now
- 00:12:49by the way God said he would preserve
- 00:12:51his word now is God a liar did he
- 00:12:54preserve it through manuscripts that are
- 00:12:56full of Errors like these did he
- 00:12:58Preserve it through the gnostics or did
- 00:13:01he use the true Christians and the true
- 00:13:02Jews so that's number one King James
- 00:13:06Bible comes from the right line of text
- 00:13:08not the left it's kind of funny the left
- 00:13:10is always wrong it seems like here's a
- 00:13:12right and the left it came from this
- 00:13:13text the King James is the only one all
- 00:13:16new versions come from alexandrian we
- 00:13:18call it the alexandrian cult and that's
- 00:13:21what new versions are they're part of
- 00:13:23the alexandrian cult Now new versions
- 00:13:26also have the wrong translator
- 00:13:30when you begin looking
- 00:13:32into the translators of all new versions
- 00:13:35of the Bible a lot of them are liberals
- 00:13:38a lot of them are pro Catholic a lot of
- 00:13:40them are not even saved a lot of them
- 00:13:43have sin in their life openly their
- 00:13:47something and you look at that and say
- 00:13:49is that the kind of people that God gave
- 00:13:51his word to the sinful the liberal the
- 00:13:54the ungodly the wicked should we go to
- 00:13:57them for a Bible so you have the wrong
- 00:14:00family of text if you have another
- 00:14:02version and you have the wrong
- 00:14:05Foundation of translators when you look
- 00:14:08at the King James Bible though there are
- 00:14:1047 translators of the King James Bible
- 00:14:12they were the smartest men that ever
- 00:14:13lived many of them spoke nine different
- 00:14:16languages that's pretty wild I I I would
- 00:14:19say wow that's true scholarship right
- 00:14:21instead of hey let's follow these modern
- 00:14:23people that have been taught in secular
- 00:14:24schools and don't really believe the
- 00:14:27Bible wouldn't you rather have someone
- 00:14:28that did believe the Bible Well new
- 00:14:31versions of the Bible are wrong in
- 00:14:33taking out whole
- 00:14:36verses and if you look at new versions
- 00:14:38of the Bible you'll see that's exactly
- 00:14:41what they do they take out whole
- 00:14:43versions of the Bible I've got here the
- 00:14:48NIV and I could hand this to you maybe I
- 00:14:50will I'll hand this to somebody and I'm
- 00:14:52going to ask you can you read Acts
- 00:14:53chapter 8:37 to me can you read acts
- 00:14:568:37 there alfredo
- 00:14:59see if you can read acts 8:37 from the
- 00:15:02from the NIV
- 00:15:04Bible come on I'm
- 00:15:07waiting it's not there it's what wait
- 00:15:10what I'm asking you to read a verse and
- 00:15:12it's not right there wait huh well
- 00:15:15that's that's the problem with new
- 00:15:17versions of the Bible they take out
- 00:15:19whole verses that's not right I've got
- 00:15:23here the children's Living
- 00:15:25Bible should I ask someone to read this
- 00:15:28passage should I ask you to read 1st
- 00:15:30Samuel chapter 20 in verse uh
- 00:15:3510 maybe I
- 00:15:37shouldn't it'll teach you how to cuss
- 00:15:39I'll you get your own and I'll it says
- 00:15:42it's for children though this is the
- 00:15:43children's living by well all right I'll
- 00:15:44read it Saul boiled with rage you son of
- 00:15:47a I better not finish that but that's
- 00:15:50exactly what you think it says that's
- 00:15:52for children that's for children so do
- 00:15:55you see that there translators have a
- 00:15:57dirty heart and they're teaching kids
- 00:15:58how a cuss and then they're taking out
- 00:16:01whole verses it's horrible but you don't
- 00:16:04know that because you didn't study to
- 00:16:07show yourself approved unto God a
- 00:16:09Workman that needeth not to be ashamed
- 00:16:10right I'm not ashamed of the King James
- 00:16:13but what does the world say oh you ought
- 00:16:14to be ashamed it's so hard to understand
- 00:16:16actually I've got right here the
- 00:16:18original King James Bible from 1611
- 00:16:22reprint and I got my daughters both of
- 00:16:24them I said come here start reading and
- 00:16:26they read it I said a a u is a V and an
- 00:16:30F is an S Now read it and they had no
- 00:16:34problem reading this from over 200 years
- 00:16:36ago don't tell me it's archaic and too
- 00:16:38hard to read that's not true it's not
- 00:16:41true so people are listening to lies and
- 00:16:44they're not studying for themselves so
- 00:16:46what should they be
- 00:16:48ashamed right not to be ashamed all
- 00:16:51right so what's wrong with these new
- 00:16:53versions of the Bible they come from the
- 00:16:54wrong text the wrong translators they're
- 00:16:56wrong in taking out whole verses but
- 00:16:58they also O Come From the wrong New
- 00:17:02Testament and um let me tell you again
- 00:17:06about that new testament if you look at
- 00:17:09that new testament that I just showed
- 00:17:10you and I read you that Nestle Allen
- 00:17:13what does it say it says this is not to
- 00:17:15be taken as definitive so they don't
- 00:17:18want the New Testament given to us by
- 00:17:20God from this side they want a new
- 00:17:23testament from two manuscripts that are
- 00:17:25corrupt and when you go through this
- 00:17:29New Testament of all new versions it has
- 00:17:31below What's called the critical
- 00:17:33apparatus and they supposedly tell you
- 00:17:36the reason we put this in the text or
- 00:17:37that in the text is because it came from
- 00:17:39but you know what in Bible school they
- 00:17:42taught us how to read the critical
- 00:17:43apparatus you know how many times I've
- 00:17:45caught them in a lie these people that
- 00:17:48put this out they lie to you because
- 00:17:50they don't figure anybody's going to
- 00:17:51learn how to read their
- 00:17:53notes so this is a completely different
- 00:17:55New Testament it's based upon the New
- 00:17:57Testament of westcot and Hort it is not
- 00:18:00the true Testament from Antioch of Syria
- 00:18:03from the Byzantine text it is part of
- 00:18:05the alexandrian
- 00:18:06cult how about this one new versions of
- 00:18:09the Bible are in the wrong time in
- 00:18:12history the Bible says in the last days
- 00:18:14perilous time shall come men shall be
- 00:18:16lovers of themselves and things like
- 00:18:17that and what does the bible tell us
- 00:18:19well the Bible says that they'll be
- 00:18:21seducing spirits and doctrines of devils
- 00:18:24in the last days well where did the
- 00:18:26doctrine come from from Bibles and so
- 00:18:29when you begin to look at that what does
- 00:18:30it say in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 2
- 00:18:34Thessalonians chapter 2 verse three it
- 00:18:37says there will be a falling away from
- 00:18:40the
- 00:18:41truth so here we are at the end now we
- 00:18:44suddenly get the Bible in the time that
- 00:18:47the Bible says they're falling away from
- 00:18:48the truth now we're getting the truth
- 00:18:51somebody doesn't know
- 00:18:53history no the Bible came out when God
- 00:18:56gave it to us and we've had it before
- 00:18:58the king James but God brought it all
- 00:19:00back together for us to have in a
- 00:19:02perfect time in the King James for the
- 00:19:04last days so these new versions they're
- 00:19:06coming along just lately they Johnny
- 00:19:08come lat and you go through them and you
- 00:19:11find
- 00:19:12out you find out there's a lot of
- 00:19:14missing things in them what is falling
- 00:19:18away well that's the Greek word
- 00:19:20apostasia which means falling away from
- 00:19:22a standing position when all these new
- 00:19:24versions came out we see more and more
- 00:19:26people falling away from Christianity
- 00:19:29we see more and more Cults we see more
- 00:19:32and more so-called churches that are
- 00:19:34doing things that aren't what the Bible
- 00:19:36says so that's kind of interesting well
- 00:19:39what about this they also have the wrong
- 00:19:42teaching do you know every version of
- 00:19:45the Bible says something completely
- 00:19:47different so there's people out there
- 00:19:48that go well I want to believe this so
- 00:19:50I'm going to go find the version that
- 00:19:51teaches what I want to
- 00:19:52believe does God do that there's only
- 00:19:56one version of Shakespeare in English
- 00:19:59right why isn't there one version of the
- 00:20:01Bible in English why are there many well
- 00:20:04because someone doesn't like what it
- 00:20:06says so they have to go translate
- 00:20:07something else to be able to change the
- 00:20:10teaching like the NIV you take out acts
- 00:20:138:37 it makes it sound like the guy got
- 00:20:15saved by water baptism so if someone
- 00:20:17thinks you're saved by water baptism
- 00:20:19that's the version they want and yet
- 00:20:22what that does is it changes teaching
- 00:20:24they claim this in the new version of
- 00:20:25the Bible no doctrine of the faith is
- 00:20:28affected by new versions of the Bible
- 00:20:30have you heard them say that all right
- 00:20:32so what about Mark 1: 2 and 3 if you
- 00:20:36read the King James Bible it says as it
- 00:20:39is written in the
- 00:20:40prophets why does it say prophets
- 00:20:43because verse two is one Prophet verse
- 00:20:46three is a different Prophet you go to
- 00:20:48the new versions of the Bible it says as
- 00:20:49it is written in Isaiah so Isaiah is
- 00:20:53quoted from verse two and verse three
- 00:20:55now you just made God a liar because
- 00:20:58verse two two was from
- 00:20:59Malachi so somebody changes God's word
- 00:21:02and now it's a lie that affects Doctrine
- 00:21:05there was two different prophets that
- 00:21:07said it how about Luke 4:4 man shall not
- 00:21:09live by bread alone but by every word of
- 00:21:11God and new versions take out but by
- 00:21:14every word of God how am I supposed to
- 00:21:16live by every word of God when you take
- 00:21:18out the words but by every word of God
- 00:21:21what are you doing you're taking out the
- 00:21:23word of God how about Luke Chapter 2
- 00:21:25Verse 22 in Luke Chapter 2 and verse 22
- 00:21:29the King James Bible the right text says
- 00:21:32the her
- 00:21:33purification
- 00:21:36or her purification new versions of the
- 00:21:39Bible change that to their purification
- 00:21:43it's talking about the law when a woman
- 00:21:45under the law gave birth she was unclean
- 00:21:47and had to bring a sacrifice to the
- 00:21:48temple for her
- 00:21:50uncleanliness so Jesus had to have a
- 00:21:53sacrifice for his sin when he was born
- 00:21:56that's what it teaches if you change it
- 00:21:58to them instead of her see how you can
- 00:22:01change one word and it
- 00:22:05destroys the fact that Jesus is sinless
- 00:22:08he is the sacrifice he didn't have to
- 00:22:10have a sacrifice made so you go through
- 00:22:12these uh look at this 2 Corinthians 4:14
- 00:22:14some versions of the Bible they
- 00:22:18change by to with well that's no big
- 00:22:23deal is it the context is we will raise
- 00:22:27by Jesus by his power power he raises us
- 00:22:29from the dead if you change that to we
- 00:22:31raise with Jesus where is Jesus he's
- 00:22:35still in the grave you think that
- 00:22:37affects Doctrine you still got Jesus in
- 00:22:40the Tomb no I went to Israel I walked in
- 00:22:42the Tomb he wasn't there so new versions
- 00:22:45are full of lies oh but no no Doctrine
- 00:22:49is a oh okay hold on was Jesus was uh
- 00:22:52was Mary a virgin when Jesus was born
- 00:22:56yeah not in new versions of the Bible
- 00:22:59you go to Isaiah chapter 7 it says a
- 00:23:01young woman shall have a
- 00:23:04baby okay um no the Bible says a virgin
- 00:23:08and that's a Doctrine you're changing
- 00:23:10the teaching so why do people tell you a
- 00:23:13no Doctrine is affected in new version
- 00:23:14of the Bible when you read them you go
- 00:23:16yeah they are big time someone has not
- 00:23:20studied here's an example all right Mark
- 00:23:24The End Of The Book of Mark verses
- 00:23:271 uh through
- 00:23:2920 okay there's 20 verses in the last
- 00:23:32chapter of Mark if you have that in the
- 00:23:35Bible like the King James does then that
- 00:23:37means the entire Book of Mark is
- 00:23:40678
- 00:23:41verses but you know what new versions of
- 00:23:44the Bible do new versions of the Bible
- 00:23:47that are based on these texts they will
- 00:23:49take out verse 9- 20 from The Book of
- 00:23:54Mark they take out that many verses
- 00:23:57guess how many many verses that leaves
- 00:24:00in The Book of
- 00:24:01Mark
- 00:24:03666 verses in the Book of Mark if you
- 00:24:05have a new version of the
- 00:24:07Bible uh I don't think so that must be
- 00:24:10who doing that Satan not God so when you
- 00:24:14go to new versions of the Bible and you
- 00:24:16don't study you think oh and most
- 00:24:19pastors don't study they ought to be
- 00:24:21ashamed and they say oh oh they're all
- 00:24:23the same no they're not you got 666
- 00:24:26verses in your book of Mark not me so is
- 00:24:30it right to be taken away from the word
- 00:24:31of God how about this one the wrong
- 00:24:37transformation who are the people that
- 00:24:39you know that believe the Bible the most
- 00:24:42the people that use different versions
- 00:24:44or the King James Bible believer we're
- 00:24:46like we believe the Bible we believe in
- 00:24:48Doctrine we and like we know our Bible
- 00:24:50but anybody uses a different version
- 00:24:52they don't know very much they probably
- 00:24:54don't even read it and they claim they
- 00:24:56got saved through a different version
- 00:24:58yet they got pink hair and nippled
- 00:25:01things or whatever they're called you
- 00:25:03know with their tattoos and I just look
- 00:25:05at that go um when I was a kid people
- 00:25:08that got saved by the King James well
- 00:25:09they wore a suit and a tie and they had
- 00:25:11nice haircut and I see a different
- 00:25:13transformation from those that use new
- 00:25:15versions compared to those that that use
- 00:25:18the King
- 00:25:19James so what I see is the new versions
- 00:25:22have the wrong
- 00:25:24family they have the wrong Foundation
- 00:25:28they have the wrong Fidelity they're not
- 00:25:30faithful in translating the Bible they
- 00:25:31take out whole verses and words you know
- 00:25:34the NIV is 60,000 words less than the
- 00:25:36King James Bible do you know the new
- 00:25:38King James Bible is 20,000 words less
- 00:25:42they have the wrong faithfulness they're
- 00:25:44not faithful they have the wrong
- 00:25:48fundamentals and they use the wrong
- 00:25:50fashion or if you will the wrong
- 00:25:51Testament and guess
- 00:25:53what they have the wrong fruit how many
- 00:25:57people are really getting saved from
- 00:25:59these new versions of the Bible I mean
- 00:26:01really
- 00:26:02saved very few people that use new
- 00:26:06versions The Bible do you hear them say
- 00:26:08put your faith in the blood of Jesus I
- 00:26:10don't you know why you go to Romans 3:25
- 00:26:13in their Bible it doesn't say that the
- 00:26:15King James is the only one that says
- 00:26:16through faith in his blood and you know
- 00:26:18what if you come up here and you open
- 00:26:19the King James Bible to the preface of
- 00:26:21the translation to the readers guess
- 00:26:24what it says in the translation to the
- 00:26:26readers Joseph knows what it says see if
- 00:26:28I can find it real quick it's very small
- 00:26:30print and I didn't bring my glasses here
- 00:26:32today but it says here in the
- 00:26:34front it says through faith in his
- 00:26:39blood can you read that to us right here
- 00:26:43um if I can find it
- 00:26:46here right there but when start with but
- 00:26:50when but when the fullness this is the
- 00:26:53to the readers in the beginning of the
- 00:26:54King James Bible what does it say but
- 00:26:57when the fullness of time Drew near that
- 00:27:00the son of righteousness the Son of God
- 00:27:04should come into the world whom God
- 00:27:07ordained to be a Reconciliation through
- 00:27:10faith in his blood amen there we go so
- 00:27:12the King James Bible in Romans 3:25 says
- 00:27:16we're saved by faith and his blood and
- 00:27:18the translators even said in the
- 00:27:20beginning it's through faith in his
- 00:27:22blood so who are the true saved guys
- 00:27:24sounds like it's the ones behind the
- 00:27:26King James who are the ones giving us
- 00:27:27the true sounds like the guys behind the
- 00:27:29King James and if you're a true King
- 00:27:31James Bible believer you would preach
- 00:27:33faith in his blood because that's what
- 00:27:34it says not just in the text but the
- 00:27:36notes as well so isn't that fascinating
- 00:27:39so you go to these new ver new churches
- 00:27:42these dead churches these mega
- 00:27:45churches is there Revival there if there
- 00:27:49was they'd all be carrying the King
- 00:27:50James Bible a lot of them don't even
- 00:27:53have a
- 00:27:54Bible the King James Bible is the most
- 00:27:57sold book
- 00:27:58in
- 00:27:59history it has brought more Revival than
- 00:28:02any other time in history modern
- 00:28:05versions do not do this they make people
- 00:28:07more worldly more complacent more dumb
- 00:28:10down so you want to look at the fruit we
- 00:28:12look at the fruit so Ruckman was right
- 00:28:16in his teaching but he just scratched
- 00:28:18the surface of why the King James Bible
- 00:28:21recently we visited the King James Bible
- 00:28:24Museum in Cave Creek Arizona this is
- 00:28:26where you can go to look them up up and
- 00:28:29Joseph went with me and I learned more a
- 00:28:32whole lot more about why the King James
- 00:28:34version is God's word I'm going to have
- 00:28:35Joseph come up afterwards and tell what
- 00:28:37he saw there as we went through there
- 00:28:40and we were able we didn't have to put
- 00:28:41on white gloves we were able to hold the
- 00:28:43King James Joseph actually kissed him
- 00:28:45before we left he kissed the King James
- 00:28:46Bible there probably lipstick stain
- 00:28:48right there no I'm just
- 00:28:49kidding no he doesn't wear lipstick as
- 00:28:51far as I know I don't know what he does
- 00:28:53at home but that's his business but
- 00:28:55anyway so it's it was amazing and
- 00:28:57fascina to be able to hold these Bibles
- 00:29:00and I've got some up here for you today
- 00:29:02and I've got a lot to tell you but I
- 00:29:04learned a lot it was four tours it was
- 00:29:06four tours two hours each day it was
- 00:29:09incredible now I want to tell you this
- 00:29:11God is a god of
- 00:29:13numbers all right Einstein said this I
- 00:29:16can never believe in a God that can't be
- 00:29:17proven
- 00:29:18mathematically but when you look at the
- 00:29:21King James Bible and you look at the
- 00:29:23numbers there's a Bible uh book called
- 00:29:25The Book of
- 00:29:26Numbers it's insane
- 00:29:28it cannot be an accident how
- 00:29:30mathematically perfect the King James
- 00:29:33Bible is and as you actually study you
- 00:29:35actually get into it and look at it you
- 00:29:37see God's fingerprints in that book
- 00:29:40there's a brother named brother Brandon
- 00:29:41Peterson who wrote This Book now we've
- 00:29:43interviewed him twice and I was on Jason
- 00:29:46blood Church's Channel and uh I think I
- 00:29:48put it on mine it was a live stream
- 00:29:50where we talked to Brandon Peterson and
- 00:29:52he put out this book and this book is
- 00:29:55called
- 00:29:55777 intricate patterns and details
- 00:29:58pointing to God's inspiration over the
- 00:30:001611 Holy Bible in English and this book
- 00:30:02is incredible so what he did is he
- 00:30:04started at the beginning of the King
- 00:30:06James
- 00:30:07Bible in the cover where it says holy
- 00:30:09Bible and he went to every word to the
- 00:30:12end and guess what it comes out to
- 00:30:16exactly seven to the seventh power that
- 00:30:19many words are in the King James Bible
- 00:30:21now does that work in new version of the
- 00:30:22Bible no they take verses out now God
- 00:30:25uses the number seven he calls that the
- 00:30:27Alton anomaly the word uh the words in
- 00:30:30the King James Bible come out to exactly
- 00:30:337 to the 7th power you can go to King
- 00:30:35James verion code.org or.com I didn't
- 00:30:38you didn't check that out but also
- 00:30:40sealed bythe king.com and you can get
- 00:30:42this
- 00:30:43book and if you take the first two words
- 00:30:46in the Bible and the last two words in
- 00:30:47the Bible in Earth and the amen okay not
- 00:30:52they're not the first two words but
- 00:30:53they're the words in the first uh verse
- 00:30:55and in the last verse it comes out to
- 00:30:5977777 mentions so a lot of this we
- 00:31:02couldn't figure out till we got
- 00:31:04computers you know what's amazing if you
- 00:31:06go to the original King James Bible in
- 00:31:09the translation to the readers it said
- 00:31:12in the end that this might be a miracle
- 00:31:16to the world at the end and now here we
- 00:31:19are close to the end and it's still a
- 00:31:22miracle
- 00:31:24huh it's. so they said when they when
- 00:31:28they put out the King James that it
- 00:31:29might be a miracle in the last days and
- 00:31:33as we got computers and we begin to look
- 00:31:35we see just how much of a prophecy that
- 00:31:39was there's so many things in this book
- 00:31:42that are divisible by the number seven
- 00:31:45the King James Bible the word amen
- 00:31:46appears 77 times in the King James Bible
- 00:31:50if you take the word Jesus and Christ
- 00:31:53and when it's applying to Jesus not some
- 00:31:55guy named Jesus every time that it's
- 00:31:56talking about Jesus and Christ guess how
- 00:31:59many times they show up together 777
- 00:32:03times accident coincidence really if you
- 00:32:08take the New Testament books that are
- 00:32:10odd and the New Testament books that are
- 00:32:12even and you just look for Jesus he
- 00:32:16shows up 490 times in the odd books and
- 00:32:19Jesus shows up 490 times in the even
- 00:32:22books pure accident nothing to see here
- 00:32:26unless of course God is a god of numbers
- 00:32:29who is showing through numbers to prove
- 00:32:31to Einstein that he did this does this
- 00:32:33work in new versions of the Bible no it
- 00:32:35does not no it does not Jesus is the
- 00:32:3977th from God in the genealogy you go
- 00:32:42through the genealogy in in the Bible
- 00:32:44and Jesus is the 77th one from God he
- 00:32:50waited to be born till he was the 77th
- 00:32:52generation because God uses the number
- 00:32:55seven you take God Jesus and spirit
- 00:32:58and you put that in the search engine in
- 00:33:00the computer it appears
- 00:33:022331 times guess what that is that's 777
- 00:33:08time
- 00:33:093 so you go through it it just blows
- 00:33:11your mind how often you see the number
- 00:33:13seven okay every one of these things
- 00:33:15that I mention is only found seven times
- 00:33:17in the King James Bible Rock capital r
- 00:33:21Jehovah Gospel of God my beloved Son
- 00:33:24forgiveness reconciled Sanctified
- 00:33:27confessed the word capital W perfectly
- 00:33:30is seven times in King James now who
- 00:33:33knew this back then now we have a
- 00:33:35computer we can look up how many times
- 00:33:37words show up and it's fascinating how
- 00:33:39they show up so many times seven times
- 00:33:41or divisible by the number seven do you
- 00:33:44think that was a
- 00:33:45joke or do you think God in heaven said
- 00:33:48okay I'm going to do this to show people
- 00:33:50that I have my fingerprints on this and
- 00:33:53that there is math you know what they
- 00:33:54say they say math is the only thing that
- 00:33:56can never lie
- 00:33:58if you do it right now I know they have
- 00:34:00new math nowadays you know with common
- 00:34:01core or whatever but if you do true math
- 00:34:03it can never
- 00:34:05lie feathers feathers shows up seven
- 00:34:08times in the Bible that's something I I
- 00:34:10I found myself and I thought that was
- 00:34:12interesting because they used the
- 00:34:13feather to write the Bible and remember
- 00:34:15it says purified seven times we'll get
- 00:34:16to
- 00:34:17that the terms in Christ is found 77
- 00:34:21times in the King James
- 00:34:23Bible these things are divisible by
- 00:34:25seven word of God shows up 49 times
- 00:34:29forgive shows up 49 times that's 7 time
- 00:34:327 42 times the word forgiveness well
- 00:34:35that's 7 time 6
- 00:34:38finished 42 times rested 21 times 7 time
- 00:34:433 witness 49 times 7 time 7 bride 14
- 00:34:47times 7 time 2 favor 70 times 7 time 10
- 00:34:54consecrate 14 times 7 time 2 so God uses
- 00:34:57the number seven and it's peculiar in
- 00:35:00his King James Bible and it's the math
- 00:35:03and so many things that are wholesome
- 00:35:05and righteous and just and good and from
- 00:35:07God is seven
- 00:35:10times now does that work in new versions
- 00:35:12no it does not so who put out the new
- 00:35:15versions either man or the devil and so
- 00:35:18God is pointing through this that he has
- 00:35:20one Bible God uses the number seven and
- 00:35:23it's peculiar in his Bible the math does
- 00:35:26not work in new versions showing that
- 00:35:28they are not of God now the Bible tells
- 00:35:30us in Psalms 12: 6 and
- 00:35:337 let's go there Psalms chap 12 verse 6
- 00:35:36and 7 God purified his word so God was
- 00:35:40busy purifying the
- 00:35:42Bible and how did he do it well he had
- 00:35:45to get it through different languages
- 00:35:46you know it went through seven different
- 00:35:47languages before we got it in
- 00:35:50English and then it went through seven
- 00:35:53different translations or six and the
- 00:35:55seventh is the King James Psalms 12: 6
- 00:35:59and 7 which by the way is only found in
- 00:36:02the King James Bible new versions
- 00:36:04pervert this verse to where it has a
- 00:36:07generation preserved
- 00:36:09forever really so the people in David's
- 00:36:12time are still alive today here on Earth
- 00:36:15no again they change it and make a lie
- 00:36:18Psalms 12: 6 and 7
- 00:36:20says we read the words of the Lord are
- 00:36:23as pure words as silver tried in a
- 00:36:25furnace of Earth purified seven times
- 00:36:27Thou shalt keep them oh Lord Thou shalt
- 00:36:29preserve them from this generation
- 00:36:31forever so seven different languages the
- 00:36:33Bible went through Hebrew Aramaic serc
- 00:36:35Greek old Latin German English English
- 00:36:38is the seventh language that God gave us
- 00:36:40the Bible in purified seven times now I
- 00:36:42used to teach it like this there was
- 00:36:44seven times that the Bible went into
- 00:36:46English and the last one is the King
- 00:36:48James tendale Coverdale Matthews great
- 00:36:50Bible Geneva Bible Bishop's Bible in
- 00:36:51King James but I learned that the
- 00:36:54tendale Bible was only a new testament
- 00:36:56it wasn't the whole Bible
- 00:36:58and so I said man well God doesn't make
- 00:37:00mistakes so they at the Museum they
- 00:37:03count the tavers so they have the
- 00:37:05seventh one number seven amen lucky
- 00:37:07number seven God's seven number is the
- 00:37:10King James purified seven times the
- 00:37:12Coverdale 1535 Matthews 1537 tavers 1539
- 00:37:16great Bible 1539 Geneva 1560 Bishop
- 00:37:19Bible 1572 and the King James 1611 now
- 00:37:23if you want to read some of these I'm
- 00:37:24gonna leave these out after and you can
- 00:37:26come up I've got in my hand with William
- 00:37:28Tindale New Testament and you can come
- 00:37:30read this you know what Ry read it
- 00:37:32earlier he can read English from 500
- 00:37:35years ago and it's not too hard so I'll
- 00:37:37leave this out for you to look at and
- 00:37:39it's just amazing that we have these
- 00:37:41things to look at and look at this this
- 00:37:43is called the English hexapla this has
- 00:37:46the Whitecliff tendale great Bible
- 00:37:47Geneva Bible the Dewey Reams and the
- 00:37:49King James Bible so you can come up and
- 00:37:51you can look up verses in six different
- 00:37:53English
- 00:37:54translations and it's fascinating to be
- 00:37:56able to do this now the Bible says study
- 00:37:58to show thyself approved unto God a
- 00:38:00Workman need not to be ashamed rightly
- 00:38:01dividing word of truth how many pastors
- 00:38:03are
- 00:38:04studying very few I guess because if
- 00:38:07they did they'd be like wow the King
- 00:38:08James is amazing all right you know
- 00:38:11what's amazing you go to Deuteronomy
- 00:38:14chap 16 and verse
- 00:38:1611 and guess what that's the 1, 161th
- 00:38:21mention of the word Lord in the King
- 00:38:23James Bible
- 00:38:25coincidence when you start looking at I
- 00:38:27mean yeah we can say coincidence but
- 00:38:28when you get like 8,000 of them it's no
- 00:38:31longer coincidence it's showing yeah God
- 00:38:33did this look at the King James
- 00:38:39Bible I if you look at that Deuteronomy
- 00:38:411611 that's the 1,611 mentioned of
- 00:38:46Lord but it is
- 00:38:48also in this verse is the 49th mention
- 00:38:51of his name which is 7 time 7 so these
- 00:38:56things just wow you just look look at
- 00:38:57these you go huh you look at King and in
- 00:39:01Jesus and Christ in the King James Bible
- 00:39:03it shows up 1,611 times H what does the
- 00:39:08Bible say in Ecclesiastes 8:4 in
- 00:39:11Ecclesiastes 8:4 it says where the word
- 00:39:14of a king is there is
- 00:39:16power all right the only Bible we have
- 00:39:19that's given by a king is the King James
- 00:39:21Bible he was your majesty that's what
- 00:39:24they called him your majesty it's kind
- 00:39:26of funny that if you take the word
- 00:39:27majesty and rearrange the letters what
- 00:39:30does it
- 00:39:32spell the Majesty is James King James is
- 00:39:35the magesty so we're looking at this and
- 00:39:37and it's just fascinating where the word
- 00:39:39of a king and by the way King James King
- 00:39:42James did you know that King James was
- 00:39:45King James the first of England but the
- 00:39:47sixth of Scotland that's seven God
- 00:39:51always using the number seven that's
- 00:39:53interesting and did you know that he was
- 00:39:55also King James the first of France and
- 00:39:58King James the 1 of Ireland so he's King
- 00:40:01James the 1 of England King James the
- 00:40:036th of Scotland King James the 1 of
- 00:40:05France King James the that's
- 00:40:071611 16111 but that's just a coincidence
- 00:40:11right nothing to see here right um but
- 00:40:14where the word of a king is there is
- 00:40:15power now if you take
- 00:40:201611 and you take 16 and divide it by 11
- 00:40:24do you know what you get 16 divided by
- 00:40:2711 is
- 00:40:291.
- 00:40:31454 well that's interesting now we use a
- 00:40:34comma usually but in Europe they put a
- 00:40:36point what happened in the year
- 00:40:401454 oh I don't know it was the
- 00:40:42Gutenberg Bible the first thing ever
- 00:40:44printed was a Bible That's Just
- 00:40:46coincidental but just another one of
- 00:40:48those coincidences I guess the Gutenberg
- 00:40:50Bible was printed in 1454 now have you
- 00:40:53ever heard of the golden ratio do you
- 00:40:55know what the golden ratio is this
- 00:40:57called the if I say it right Fibonacci
- 00:41:00Sequence the golden ratio is 1 to
- 00:41:061.61 that's a golden ratio well you take
- 00:41:09those numbers and you rearrange those
- 00:41:11it's
- 00:41:121611 that's quite interesting but that's
- 00:41:15just a coincidence but the Fibonacci
- 00:41:16sequence God made us and if you look at
- 00:41:19my fingers right there like that that's
- 00:41:21the Fibonacci sequence God the creator
- 00:41:24that created us and that's it
- 00:41:26interesting too because in the old days
- 00:41:28all they had was Scrolls and they'd roll
- 00:41:30the Bible up and they'd open it out and
- 00:41:32every time they're opening it if you
- 00:41:33were to look at it you would see it
- 00:41:34opening up like the Fibonacci sequence
- 00:41:37now you look at your hand you know how
- 00:41:39many bones are are in your hand 27
- 00:41:43bones up
- 00:41:45here's 16 down here's
- 00:41:4911 that's just a coincidence but when we
- 00:41:52open the Bible it's like we're doing
- 00:41:53this right it's almost like the Bible is
- 00:41:57God's hand going here let me give you
- 00:41:58something to read and he's doing this so
- 00:42:01it's pretty fascinating to get into this
- 00:42:03and to think about
- 00:42:04this in Genesis
- 00:42:0711 verse 1 and verse
- 00:42:116 it says
- 00:42:13language and it talks about one
- 00:42:16language if that's Genesis 11 1 and 6
- 00:42:19what is that
- 00:42:211611 and it just happens in that verse
- 00:42:23it's the maybe the one language that God
- 00:42:25wants the world to know is English and
- 00:42:27maybe just maybe God said all right I'm
- 00:42:29going to give my all into that one
- 00:42:32version so the whole world sees that
- 00:42:33that's the right Bible that's what I
- 00:42:36believe because I studied it
- 00:42:38out in um Isaiah 41: 211 it talks about
- 00:42:43the king of
- 00:42:45Jacob do you know how you say James in
- 00:42:49Greek
- 00:42:51Jacobus King Jacob so the original King
- 00:42:55James Bible this was fascinating we
- 00:42:57learned this at the place when they
- 00:42:59printed the original King James Bible
- 00:43:02they printed a big huge piece here now
- 00:43:04you could half that that's called a um
- 00:43:08or you make it a fourth size of the big
- 00:43:09one the big one would be way bigger than
- 00:43:12this but when you make it smaller you
- 00:43:14make what's called an octavo and then
- 00:43:16you make it even smaller like that one
- 00:43:18over there it's called a decimal sexto
- 00:43:21but the Big King James Bible it was
- 00:43:23going to be too heavy to print so they
- 00:43:26went from paper to to a kind of a cloth
- 00:43:29and when they printed the King James
- 00:43:30Bible they would always print it and
- 00:43:32give it to a guy without a cover because
- 00:43:35the guy would go and then get somebody
- 00:43:36else put a cover on it so they would
- 00:43:38give the guy the whole King James Bible
- 00:43:41and guess how much it
- 00:43:43weighed 16b and 11 o dropped the mic
- 00:43:48right is is that a coincidence and then
- 00:43:51you put the cover on but guess what the
- 00:43:54size was 16 in
- 00:43:57by 11
- 00:43:59in so do you think God just keeps
- 00:44:01bringing those numbers back in your head
- 00:44:03just to remember hey when 1611 comes
- 00:44:05that's when I'm giving you the Bible I
- 00:44:06mean you can't make this stuff up so you
- 00:44:09go to Isaiah chapter 57 and verse
- 00:44:1218 and it says talking about the Lord
- 00:44:15that he's the one well actually let's do
- 00:44:16that Isaiah
- 00:44:1857:18 Isaiah 57 and verse 18 and it's
- 00:44:22quite interesting if you study to show
- 00:44:25yourself approved unto God a Workman
- 00:44:26needeth not be ashamed rightly by see
- 00:44:28people don't study they just listen to
- 00:44:29other people King James are cake and
- 00:44:32hard to understand re really Isaiah 57
- 00:44:35really do do you really believe that the
- 00:44:37King James is archaic and hard to
- 00:44:39understand maybe you need that book by
- 00:44:41Gail riplinger called New Age Bible
- 00:44:43versions and she shows how the new
- 00:44:45versions of the Bible are satanic in
- 00:44:48nature and are bringing in the
- 00:44:49Antichrist by their changes but she goes
- 00:44:52through and scientifically you know
- 00:44:54trust the science she shows you that the
- 00:44:56king James Bible on average is a sixth
- 00:44:59grade reading level in new versions of
- 00:45:02the Bible are between 9 and 12 grade
- 00:45:03reading level she uses the fleshman
- 00:45:05concade test and test the King James
- 00:45:08Bible is actually the easiest to
- 00:45:10understand so don't listen to these
- 00:45:12lying pastors that don't study and say
- 00:45:14oh it's archaic we can't understand it
- 00:45:16now look at Isaiah chapter 57 and:
- 00:45:1918 okay that's not what I wanted Isaiah
- 00:45:2357:18 which one which look up that verse
- 00:45:25and see the one I wanted it's the that
- 00:45:27says holy and it says one so I want to
- 00:45:29make sure I get that right do you know
- 00:45:31where that is look that up the Isaiah 57
- 00:45:35we'll get back to that Isaiah 57 where
- 00:45:37it says holy because I want to make sure
- 00:45:39I get this right don't get the
- 00:45:40gainsayers anything wrong to use against
- 00:45:41this so we're going to look up his name
- 00:45:43is Holy his name is Holy and 5715 15
- 00:45:47thank you see there
- 00:45:495715 that's what we want okay so I'll
- 00:45:51make sure I get this right now amen we
- 00:45:53don't want to give the devil anything to
- 00:45:55use against us amen people that hate
- 00:45:57King James Bible I think it's because
- 00:45:58they're led by the devil be honest with
- 00:46:00you but Isaiah 57:15 thank you Isaiah
- 00:46:0357:15 says for thus saith the high and
- 00:46:07lofty one do you see that's a capital O
- 00:46:10that's the Lord himself that inhabited
- 00:46:12eternity whose name is what holy that's
- 00:46:15a capital h i dwell in the high and holy
- 00:46:18place so Jesus or God is the one who is
- 00:46:23Holy okay so we see the number
- 00:46:25one you you know how many times the word
- 00:46:28holy
- 00:46:30appears in the King James guess how many
- 00:46:33times it
- 00:46:34appears 611
- 00:46:37times just a coincidence though don't
- 00:46:40look at the math now don't look at stuff
- 00:46:42like that here's another one what is
- 00:46:46Pi Pi is an amazing number because Pi is
- 00:46:50a repeating number that ever ends it's
- 00:46:52kind of like eternity eternity never
- 00:46:54ends so if you're looking for a deity if
- 00:46:57you're looking a non-re repeating number
- 00:46:59if you're looking for a deity who's
- 00:47:01Eternal and never ends you would think
- 00:47:03man that number kind of corresponds
- 00:47:05corresponds because that number never
- 00:47:07ends so it's 3.1415 so just out of
- 00:47:11curiosity let's go to Exodus 34 and 15
- 00:47:14because that kind of sounds like 3.1415
- 00:47:17and what do we see do we see God
- 00:47:19revealing himself through mathematics
- 00:47:22well that kind of sounds like what we
- 00:47:24see Exodus 3 and verse 14 and
- 00:47:2815 and God said unto Moses I am that I
- 00:47:32am see it's an all cap so I have to yell
- 00:47:34it my wife says when you put something
- 00:47:35in all caps that's yelling but is this
- 00:47:38just coincidence that that's the verse
- 00:47:41in the Bible where God tells his true
- 00:47:43name and it's in all I mean I think
- 00:47:46there's a God in heaven that's looking
- 00:47:48down and he's saying no no no no put
- 00:47:50this in this verse no no no put this
- 00:47:52this many times no no so that all the
- 00:47:54math works out perfectly I don't see how
- 00:47:57that's
- 00:47:58a just a coincidence I don't see how
- 00:48:00that's just a
- 00:48:02accident but does this work in new
- 00:48:04versions of the Bible
- 00:48:06no so let's go to
- 00:48:10um uh Psalms
- 00:48:12139 by the way the word sum suum you
- 00:48:16know when you add you get a sum the word
- 00:48:18sum appears 21 times that's 7times three
- 00:48:21but Psalms 139 so is God a God in heaven
- 00:48:25that wants us to learn numbers
- 00:48:27yes and so if you start looking into the
- 00:48:30numbers and many times that something's
- 00:48:31found in the King James Bible you can't
- 00:48:34help but go wow God is in this thing
- 00:48:38look at um Psalms 139:1
- 00:48:4217 how precious also are thy thoughts
- 00:48:45unto me oh God how great is the sum of
- 00:48:48them a sum is a mathematical thing and
- 00:48:52it's talking about God's thoughts and
- 00:48:54God's thoughts are making
- 00:48:57psms so God is a God that when he speaks
- 00:49:00he in his mind he's going I'm going to
- 00:49:01say something perfectly so it comes out
- 00:49:02to seven all the time isn't that amazing
- 00:49:06if I should count them they are more in
- 00:49:09number than the sand when I awake I am
- 00:49:11still with thee what an amazing thing
- 00:49:13that God says count now Revelation 13:
- 00:49:1713-18 it talks about the Beast and it
- 00:49:20says let him that have wisdom count the
- 00:49:23number so wisdom is counting something
- 00:49:25to see how many times something shows up
- 00:49:26up and when you start doing that with
- 00:49:28the King James Bible you start getting
- 00:49:30Goosebumps so big a pig can suck on them
- 00:49:32because you're just like wow there this
- 00:49:34is It's mathematic
- 00:49:36Perfection it has to be that God put
- 00:49:40this book together and how come it
- 00:49:42doesn't work in any other version of the
- 00:49:44Bible could it be this is the one
- 00:49:47purified seven times look at the word
- 00:49:50scripture if you take P you know what p
- 00:49:53is this is weird it's right slap middle
- 00:49:56in the word scripture the letter
- 00:50:00P P is are you ready for this I can't
- 00:50:04make this stuff up p is the 16th letter
- 00:50:07counting that way and the 11th letter
- 00:50:09counting back in our
- 00:50:11alphabet but no that again just a
- 00:50:14coincidence nothing to see here you know
- 00:50:16remember that stupid movie The Naked Gun
- 00:50:19where uh they go into the fireworks and
- 00:50:22it blows off and all these people are oh
- 00:50:24and he goes nothing to see here nothing
- 00:50:26to see here who this first and
- 00:50:27everyone's like cuz all the fireworks
- 00:50:29are exploding that's what the King James
- 00:50:31Bible is and people run around like
- 00:50:34nothing to see that there's nothing to
- 00:50:36that he doesn't know what he's talking
- 00:50:38about open your eyes people and get in
- 00:50:41this book and you will find wondrous
- 00:50:45things from the word of God little
- 00:50:48history about the King James Bible the
- 00:50:49authorized King James Bible comes out in
- 00:50:521611 it was started in the year 16004
- 00:50:57all
- 00:50:58right and guess when it was
- 00:51:00ended it was ended in 1611 how many
- 00:51:04years is that seven another seven seven
- 00:51:08wow wow isn't that but that's just you
- 00:51:10know coincidence there's nothing to see
- 00:51:13here now looking at the King James Bible
- 00:51:16it came out in 1611 and I wasn't going
- 00:51:18to talk about this but it is kind of
- 00:51:19interesting there's the he and the she
- 00:51:21Bible cuz when they printed it they put
- 00:51:24in Ruth 315
- 00:51:28he went into the village but then when
- 00:51:30they printed it again I don't know if it
- 00:51:32was a spelling person messed up or
- 00:51:34something they put she and so a lot of
- 00:51:36people point out the he and the she
- 00:51:38Bible I don't see it's a problem because
- 00:51:41in the Hebrew it says went into the city
- 00:51:43it didn't say who did and when you read
- 00:51:45the passage both of them went he went
- 00:51:46this way she went that way she went to
- 00:51:48see whoever the the woman was and he
- 00:51:50went to go see this so they' get married
- 00:51:52so I don't really see a problem with he
- 00:51:54or she but when God created
- 00:51:58man he created the man first and then
- 00:52:01the woman quite fascinating that out
- 00:52:03comes the he and then the she almost
- 00:52:06like hey I'm making this again now I
- 00:52:07don't have time to get into all that but
- 00:52:09it's amazing how a book is like a
- 00:52:12body we have a spine that has a
- 00:52:15spine and it's divided in half you know
- 00:52:18we have a double helix it's divided into
- 00:52:21half and I could get a lot more into
- 00:52:22that but I have here what they call the
- 00:52:26fact simile 1611 I'll get to that here
- 00:52:28in a minute they're expensive to get an
- 00:52:30original King James Bible they had some
- 00:52:32there they had the she Bible they had
- 00:52:34the she Bible and I think they paid
- 00:52:36$100,000 for a King James original but
- 00:52:39the King James was in Gothic font goic
- 00:52:44Gothic font now to me gothic is
- 00:52:46incredible and this is it this is a
- 00:52:48reprint fact simil 1611 of the original
- 00:52:50he Bible that you can come up and look
- 00:52:52I'm gonna leave it open here but when
- 00:52:54you look at that Gothic font it reminds
- 00:52:57me of Hebrew because they wrote Hebrew
- 00:53:00with a
- 00:53:01feather and you look at this font this
- 00:53:03font was designed so that you could
- 00:53:05write it with a feather and so it's
- 00:53:06thick it's very thick well in
- 00:53:111789 Benjamin blay came along and he
- 00:53:13changed some of the spelling he didn't
- 00:53:16change the text he changed the spelling
- 00:53:17for example the word sun in the old days
- 00:53:19was spelled like that now we spell it
- 00:53:22like this so he did some changes to make
- 00:53:23it spell in the King James the uh V was
- 00:53:27a u and an F was an an S was an
- 00:53:31F so you got to remember it's not hard I
- 00:53:34want you to try to read some of this see
- 00:53:35how you could but in 1833 a bunch of
- 00:53:39people got together and said hey we we
- 00:53:40want the he Bible we want it as it was
- 00:53:42originally printed so they went to and
- 00:53:44they went to Oxford and they printed the
- 00:53:46original 1611 but they changed the font
- 00:53:49from the gothic font to what's called
- 00:53:52Roman font which is what we use today if
- 00:53:54you go to your computer and start typing
- 00:53:57usually the font says Times New Roman
- 00:54:00and that's this font right here Roman
- 00:54:01font so this is the King James Bible but
- 00:54:05it's um from 1833 and it's a little
- 00:54:07easier to read because the font's a
- 00:54:09little different so that's fascinating
- 00:54:12so I want you to come up and look at
- 00:54:13these and see if you can read it now
- 00:54:15there's so much more I could get into oh
- 00:54:17my goodness but guess what
- 00:54:191833 God redid the printing of the
- 00:54:23original and then 1833 Noah Webster came
- 00:54:25out with his version of the Bible and in
- 00:54:28his version of the Bible guess what he
- 00:54:30did he said I don't like that it says he
- 00:54:32or she so he changed a lot of places to
- 00:54:34just it so I guess that's the first
- 00:54:37trans Bible or something I don't know
- 00:54:39but he just he didn't want that feminine
- 00:54:41and masculine so he CH and that's
- 00:54:43probably why his Bible didn't catch on
- 00:54:46okay nobody's ever heard of that
- 00:54:47probably but in 1885 they took out the
- 00:54:51Apocrypha so in the old days the
- 00:54:54Apocrypha was in intertwined in the old
- 00:54:56test but the King James they said we're
- 00:54:57going to put it right in the middle
- 00:54:59we're going to put it in a separate spot
- 00:55:01and today there's a lot of people that
- 00:55:03go around and say well I don't know if
- 00:55:04the Apocrypha if the Apocrypha is is
- 00:55:07good or not and you know I'm not going
- 00:55:09to get into it but I find it interesting
- 00:55:11that the Jews a lot of the Jews will
- 00:55:13accept mccabes in these books so the
- 00:55:16Apocrypha I'm not going to say I do or
- 00:55:18don't believe it okay but I do want to
- 00:55:20show you something pretty fascinating in
- 00:55:22it because if you're dealing with a Jew
- 00:55:24and he won't believe the Bible this is
- 00:55:27probably one of the most fascinating
- 00:55:29things that you can do to show a Jew who
- 00:55:31Jesus is second EAS chapter
- 00:55:357 and verse 28 and 29 all right this is
- 00:55:41wow I don't I don't know if I should
- 00:55:42read this people oh Apocrypha they don't
- 00:55:44like the Apocrypha okay but listen to
- 00:55:47what this says if you're dealing with a
- 00:55:49Jew I might just go right here
- 00:55:52okay this is second ezras and that's
- 00:55:55supposed to be Ezra
- 00:55:577: 28 for my son Jesus shall be revealed
- 00:56:02with those that be with him and they
- 00:56:04that remain shall rejoice within 400
- 00:56:06years after these years shall my son
- 00:56:08Christ die and all men that have
- 00:56:11life what a weird thing that that's
- 00:56:14supposed to be like 400 years or way I
- 00:56:16don't even know how many years but many
- 00:56:18years before Jesus and the apocryph says
- 00:56:21that when he comes the Christ his name
- 00:56:23will be what Jesus so um some people
- 00:56:27believe in the Apocrypha some don't it's
- 00:56:29been recent that it was removed now I
- 00:56:32don't want to take my Doctrine and and
- 00:56:34base that I stick with the 66 books but
- 00:56:36I do find that fascinating that that wow
- 00:56:38that's kind of
- 00:56:39interesting so all old Bibles had the
- 00:56:43Apocrypha but the King James put it in
- 00:56:46its own separate section some detest it
- 00:56:49and call it all false others say it's
- 00:56:51been messed with and for that reason we
- 00:56:53can't take it as Canon but for the Jews
- 00:56:58the talmid prohibits reading the
- 00:57:00Apocrypha and I find that interesting
- 00:57:02some of them will read it anyway but the
- 00:57:04talmud says don't read it because if
- 00:57:07they read 2 ezras 7:28 29 it says that
- 00:57:10Jesus Christ is the Messiah they'd have
- 00:57:13to admit it wouldn't they so I'm just
- 00:57:15saying it's interesting maybe God let it
- 00:57:17stay in there just in the case that a
- 00:57:19Jew would read it well guess what I got
- 00:57:21a phone call a couple years ago from a
- 00:57:23Jew he said I'm a Jew but I only read
- 00:57:26the original King James Bible I said
- 00:57:28tell me why he says well I asked God God
- 00:57:30if your word is out there where would it
- 00:57:32be and he said God said well I do
- 00:57:34everything through Kings so look for a
- 00:57:36one that a king did so he found the King
- 00:57:38James Bible authorized King James Bible
- 00:57:41he began to read it and that verse
- 00:57:43popped out to him now he's a Christian
- 00:57:45Jew Because he believes that Jesus was
- 00:57:47the Christ and he found that in the
- 00:57:49Apocrypha of all places I was like wow
- 00:57:51that's interesting but God does all
- 00:57:53things perfectly have you ever heard of
- 00:57:55the Bible Code
- 00:57:57if you take the Old Testament Hebrew and
- 00:57:59put it in a computer there's codes there
- 00:58:02and words pop out and it's almost like
- 00:58:04they correspond with everything that's
- 00:58:05happening around us well do you know you
- 00:58:07can do that with the King James Bible
- 00:58:10you know you can't do that with the NIV
- 00:58:11and other versions for some
- 00:58:13reason maybe they're not of
- 00:58:16God think about it study now the
- 00:58:20interesting thing about the King James
- 00:58:22Bible is what we call the furniture here
- 00:58:26this is called the furniture lines the
- 00:58:29King James Bible did something
- 00:58:31fascinating and you don't really see
- 00:58:33this in Old Bibles they put a table up
- 00:58:35here a table here and a table here and
- 00:58:39then in these two tables is the word of
- 00:58:42God over here are the notes man but see
- 00:58:45how they're separated by the line
- 00:58:46because we're not as holy as God so when
- 00:58:49you look at that it almost looks like
- 00:58:51you're looking at this Hebrew letter in
- 00:58:53the format and then here and here is
- 00:58:55where the Bible's written that's the
- 00:58:58Hebrew letter hate and that letter
- 00:59:01standing by itself means the letter of
- 00:59:03Life do new versions of the Bible look
- 00:59:06like that why not why not so I'm just
- 00:59:12looking at this and I'm going wow wow
- 00:59:14and there's a lot more I could get into
- 00:59:16with that but I won't I do I want to
- 00:59:19we'll have some questions herea but
- 00:59:20let's go to Romans
- 00:59:2211:33 Romans
- 00:59:2511:33 when you start looking into the
- 00:59:27King James Bible and you start seeing
- 00:59:30all these things that might look like a
- 00:59:33coincidence after a while that's not a
- 00:59:35coincidence how could it be so
- 00:59:38mathematically perfect men did that did
- 00:59:41they 47 guys got together and said we're
- 00:59:44going to do this they didn't have
- 00:59:45computers they had no idea how many
- 00:59:48times these things showed up it's God
- 00:59:51working behind the scenes Romans 11:33
- 00:59:53says
- 00:59:56oh the depth of the riches both of the
- 00:59:58wisdom and knowledge of God how
- 01:00:00unsearchable are his judgments and his
- 01:00:03ways past finding out for who hath known
- 01:00:05the mind of the Lord or who hath been
- 01:00:07his
- 01:00:08counselor God is smarter than us
- 01:00:10wouldn't you say and if he's doing this
- 01:00:13and he's preserving his word like he
- 01:00:15said then wouldn't you look for the one
- 01:00:18that has all the counts in it Daniel 2:
- 01:00:2328 it says but there is a God in heaven
- 01:00:26that reveal the secrets and maketh known
- 01:00:28to the King Nebuchadnezzar what shall be
- 01:00:30in the latter days and again in verse n
- 01:00:32it talks about and he that revealeth
- 01:00:35Secrets maketh known to thee what shall
- 01:00:37come to pass God has hidden things in
- 01:00:41this book and this book only and the
- 01:00:44more you study it the more you find it
- 01:00:45and you find mathematical Perfection
- 01:00:48just like in this book man I can't tell
- 01:00:51you I mean I can't stress enough got to
- 01:00:53get this book because he goes through
- 01:00:56and just shows you how it all perfectly
- 01:00:58works out with math it must be the true
- 01:01:01inspired inherent infallible word of God
- 01:01:03Proverbs chapter
- 01:01:0425 when you get a new version of the
- 01:01:07Bible you're not getting God's word
- 01:01:09you're getting a perversion a word that
- 01:01:11man messed with that man changed and he
- 01:01:13messed up all the
- 01:01:14math Proverbs
- 01:01:1825:2 and in Proverbs chapter
- 01:01:2125 and verse
- 01:01:24two we read
- 01:01:26it is the glory of God to conceal a
- 01:01:29thing but the honor of Kings is to
- 01:01:32search out A matter wow God concealed a
- 01:01:36lot of Truth in the King James now do
- 01:01:38you want to be like a king and start
- 01:01:40studying verse 11 look what it says
- 01:01:43there a word fitly spoken is like apples
- 01:01:46of gold and pictures of silver you know
- 01:01:48what gold is have you ever looked up
- 01:01:50gold on the Periodic Chart it's Au did
- 01:01:54you know that gold is Au U well you know
- 01:01:56a u is a v so you know how they would
- 01:01:59have spelled or how we would spell that
- 01:02:01today AV because it was a U Back Then so
- 01:02:05the AV authorized version is like gold
- 01:02:09amen are you happy you got the right
- 01:02:11Bible yes I am I can't tell you how many
- 01:02:14people let's go to Proverbs
- 01:02:161611 Proverbs 1611 but I can't tell you
- 01:02:18how many people have told me man when I
- 01:02:20got that book it's like my life changed
- 01:02:22it's like God spoke to me I read all
- 01:02:24these other versions and I got nothing
- 01:02:25and I came to this it's like it's alive
- 01:02:28I have a friend that only spoke Spanish
- 01:02:30and he went to jail and he says well I'm
- 01:02:32in America I might as well learn English
- 01:02:34and he started reading he read the whole
- 01:02:35Bible in Spanish but then when he
- 01:02:37started reading in English he just
- 01:02:39couldn't stop he's just like this
- 01:02:40there's so much more to it it's alive
- 01:02:42this book is incredible he he saw it and
- 01:02:44he could feel the Lord speaking to him
- 01:02:47what does it say in Proverbs
- 01:02:511611 a just weight and balance are the
- 01:02:53Lords all the weights of the bag are his
- 01:02:57work you want a true Bible from the true
- 01:03:00text from the right place that has
- 01:03:04mathematical Perfection that comes from
- 01:03:07here you go to the King James you want a
- 01:03:10perverted corrupt texts from people that
- 01:03:13probably weren't even saved that didn't
- 01:03:14believe the Bible that have persecuted
- 01:03:16true Christians oh you go get whatever
- 01:03:18other Bible you want but you will not
- 01:03:20find mathematical Perfection and you
- 01:03:23will not find God speaking to you
- 01:03:26as much as he would through the King
- 01:03:27James Bible now there's so much more I'd
- 01:03:30like to say but let's see if there's any
- 01:03:32questions anybody have any questions yes
- 01:03:35sir so my earlier question okay so the
- 01:03:39Brother Ray says for me it's the
- 01:03:40coalation that proves to me the King
- 01:03:42James Bible they took over 5,000
- 01:03:45manuscripts and they collated them what
- 01:03:47does that mean they looked at each one
- 01:03:49and if one was missing a word here or
- 01:03:50one was missing a word here well guess
- 01:03:52what there's over 5,000 manuscripts
- 01:03:54against that one that's missing
- 01:03:56something so if you look at them all at
- 01:03:58once you can come to what the original
- 01:04:00would have said and he said now how many
- 01:04:02did the alexandrian well the alexandrian
- 01:04:04has the vaticanus and the city atus and
- 01:04:06then there's maybe two or three other um
- 01:04:10text that are from that family and
- 01:04:12that's it and those texts are full of
- 01:04:15errors and mistakes so there's not
- 01:04:18enough there to sit down and look at
- 01:04:20each one and get back to the true text
- 01:04:22because they're so messed up so why
- 01:04:24would anyone one with a rational mind
- 01:04:27say hey let's go to these corrupt texts
- 01:04:29and let's make a Bible from it why
- 01:04:31wouldn't you say hey let's go to the
- 01:04:33majority text that's what that's called
- 01:04:34by the way majority text that's called
- 01:04:36the minority text why wouldn't you go to
- 01:04:37the majority text and say hey let's get
- 01:04:39the Bible from
- 01:04:40there you see what I'm saying so I think
- 01:04:44we should go to the Fountain and we
- 01:04:46should go there for the word of God and
- 01:04:48only the King James Bible does that amen
- 01:04:52anybody else yes ma'am
- 01:04:54I Okay so
- 01:04:56why did new versions come
- 01:04:58out so why did they come out with new
- 01:05:00versions of the Bible there's there's
- 01:05:02over 300 new versions of the Bible in
- 01:05:04English
- 01:05:05why the love of money is the root of all
- 01:05:08evil not all kinds of evil like new
- 01:05:11version say because there's no different
- 01:05:12kinds of evil there's either good or
- 01:05:13evil the love of money and I think the
- 01:05:16main reason not only for money is
- 01:05:19because they want everybody to come back
- 01:05:20to here because the Antichrist is going
- 01:05:23to have a one world religion where
- 01:05:24everybody is under him so he's got to
- 01:05:27get people to read a Bible that reads
- 01:05:28closer to his Vulgate so he can say see
- 01:05:31we had it right all to begin with but no
- 01:05:33in the 1500s all these Protestants read
- 01:05:35it and said man that thing's full of
- 01:05:36errors and mistakes how'd that happen
- 01:05:38well no wonder there was the Dark Ages
- 01:05:40they didn't have the right Bible and
- 01:05:42then at the end of the Dark Ages out
- 01:05:44pops Revival and learning and
- 01:05:45Enlightenment from the true Bible the
- 01:05:47true text so does that make sense so
- 01:05:50only with the King James do we have the
- 01:05:52true word of God all new versions like I
- 01:05:54showed you take out whole verses and
- 01:05:57when they do they mess up the
- 01:05:58mathematics and so in The Book of Mark
- 01:06:01they go from 678 verses to 666 verses in
- 01:06:06that chapter how does that not if you
- 01:06:09have wisdom count the number at 66 well
- 01:06:12that version 6 no thank you that must
- 01:06:14not be of God right the Lord said change
- 01:06:17his words exactly now we didn't go there
- 01:06:20but Deuteronomy chapter 4 Proverbs
- 01:06:23Chapter 30 and re Revelation chap 22
- 01:06:27three places in the Bible beginning
- 01:06:29middle and end that says do not add to
- 01:06:31or take away from his word and those
- 01:06:35people that do that they do it to their
- 01:06:36own
- 01:06:37detriment anybody else did you have
- 01:06:39something honey yeah f it over flip it
- 01:06:41over
- 01:06:45okay get your red marker M and paint in
- 01:06:49that letter which letter the big letter
- 01:06:52which big letter in the middle of bottom
- 01:06:54this one here yeah oh so so what does
- 01:06:57that look like a door and that reminds
- 01:06:59me of the Passover where they're to put
- 01:07:01the blood on the door and it makes a
- 01:07:04what is that what you're were going to
- 01:07:06say so see now there's all sorts of ways
- 01:07:09you can look at that um at the Museum
- 01:07:11they looked at this as the way that's
- 01:07:13closed up like that it's like a well and
- 01:07:16the Bible is like water so you go to the
- 01:07:19well to drink you go to the well to read
- 01:07:21the word of God so there's all different
- 01:07:23ways you can look at that but that's one
- 01:07:25way God says I am the door and you come
- 01:07:27to him but it's fascinating another way
- 01:07:30to look at it is like this and this is
- 01:07:33what they said if you can see it there's
- 01:07:36one 2 3 four and then five is up here so
- 01:07:41it's one two 3 four five so it's almost
- 01:07:42like a hand so what is it it's like God
- 01:07:45here's his hand and what is he doing
- 01:07:48it's like God is going like this from
- 01:07:49Heaven here read this and so that's
- 01:07:52another way to look at it and that that
- 01:07:54makes a lot of sense and it's just
- 01:07:56fascinating why is the King James the
- 01:07:58only one to to do the letters I mean to
- 01:07:59do the lines like that unless that's God
- 01:08:02in heaven just one more time
- 01:08:04going look at this so anybody else have
- 01:08:08any questions or or comments somebody's
- 01:08:11asking what about the septu agent what
- 01:08:13about the septu agent so I have that
- 01:08:15here I threw it on the floor because
- 01:08:16it's not a good word oh here it is the
- 01:08:18septu agent is like I said from origin
- 01:08:22and origin was down here in the school
- 01:08:24of Alexandria
- 01:08:26where the gnostics were origin was a
- 01:08:28very evil man but today they try to
- 01:08:31praise him but he didn't know his Bible
- 01:08:34very well it says If thy right hand
- 01:08:36offend thee cut it off well he started
- 01:08:39thinking well I think about girls a lot
- 01:08:41and I get offended at that so I'm going
- 01:08:43to cut that off and he did he castrated
- 01:08:47himself and he castrated the Bible too
- 01:08:49by taking stuff and cutting stuff out of
- 01:08:51it so when you go to the septu and you
- 01:08:53read it you find a lot of Errors you
- 01:08:55find a lot of mistakes now the
- 01:08:58lie that modern so-called Scholars say
- 01:09:01is Jesus quoted the
- 01:09:19septuagesimo the lxx and there's a lot
- 01:09:22of question on whether that is truly
- 01:09:24what they say it is
- 01:09:26it gets the name lxx because supposedly
- 01:09:29pomi remember we did our study about the
- 01:09:31pamy that was down here that was one of
- 01:09:33the four generals of of Alexander well
- 01:09:35his son or his son or his or whatever
- 01:09:37supposedly ask the Jews hey come over
- 01:09:39here and translate the Bible in the Old
- 01:09:40Testament that's what they claim they
- 01:09:43did and supposedly they say uh six Jews
- 01:09:47from each of the tribes of Israel came
- 01:09:48and translated the Bible how do we know
- 01:09:51that can't be well number one God told
- 01:09:53the Jews don't go to Egypt
- 01:09:56and they knew their Bible none of them
- 01:09:58would have come to Egypt they would said
- 01:09:59no you come over here and we'll give you
- 01:10:00a Hebrew copy so that puts uh a doubt on
- 01:10:04the story that this is a true version
- 01:10:06made by those Jews and
- 01:10:12secondly it's the priests that were
- 01:10:15given the word of God why would there be
- 01:10:17six from each of the 12 tribes of Israel
- 01:10:19to come do that that wasn't their job it
- 01:10:21was the priest the levitical priesthood
- 01:10:24that protected the Bible
- 01:10:25so this is a story that many people
- 01:10:27think was made up and that is only the
- 01:10:30version of origin and it's not truly
- 01:10:33what they claim it is done by Jews so
- 01:10:36there are a lot of people that'll lie to
- 01:10:37you they they lie about the
- 01:10:40caticus Tish andorf said he found that
- 01:10:43and guess where he found it in a garbage
- 01:10:45can you know why it was in the garbage
- 01:10:47can the priest go oh that's so full of
- 01:10:49airs we're just going to burn
- 01:10:51it but they've got the vaticanus too and
- 01:10:54I can't remember it was one of those
- 01:10:56where a guy came out sim sim sodes or
- 01:10:59something is his name and he claims that
- 01:11:02that wasn't an old text he made that
- 01:11:04himself and made it look old so there's
- 01:11:07so much doubt when it comes to these new
- 01:11:10versions of the Bible where they come
- 01:11:11from the stories that they try to tell
- 01:11:13us don't line up with the Bible do we go
- 01:11:17to the you know where the vaticanus text
- 01:11:19came from it came from the Vatican
- 01:11:21Napoleon found it in the Vatican and it
- 01:11:24was written on which is animal skin it
- 01:11:26was really beautiful but it's missing
- 01:11:28whole verses of the Bible so you can't
- 01:11:31trust these people most of them aren't
- 01:11:33even saved that are the modern textual
- 01:11:35Scholars you go to a secular college and
- 01:11:37you can study textual criticism one of
- 01:11:39the main men that is that is last name
- 01:11:41is
- 01:11:43er Jesus said you do therefore greatly
- 01:11:46ER not knowing the scriptures nor the
- 01:11:48power of God and the guy's name is
- 01:11:50Erman or something like that I'm just
- 01:11:52like cracks me up but he F he follows
- 01:11:55this line of thought that the true Bible
- 01:11:57comes from here well guess what if he
- 01:11:59ever accepted the King James he'd be out
- 01:12:01of a job you know why because he's a
- 01:12:04textual critic that's his job he gets
- 01:12:06paid to criticize the Bible so he could
- 01:12:09never believe the true Bible because
- 01:12:10then he'd be out of a job so do you see
- 01:12:12how this has been set up to cast doubt
- 01:12:15on the word of God but here we believe
- 01:12:18we're King James only we believe it's
- 01:12:19the word of God what's the worst that
- 01:12:22could happen we get to heaven and God
- 01:12:24goes man you guys were
- 01:12:26deceived but Lord we believe didn't you
- 01:12:29say the only thing that pleases you is
- 01:12:31Faith you see what I'm saying so but
- 01:12:33they're doubt all they are is continual
- 01:12:35Perpetual doubt so I did my best to try
- 01:12:39to present that to you any more
- 01:12:40questions yes okay so someone asked
- 01:12:43about does the Apocrypha use the lxx or
- 01:12:45whatever the Apocrypha is texts that are
- 01:12:48in the King James and I don't remember
- 01:12:50if if if I think they must have been in
- 01:12:52Greek I don't know I don't I didn't
- 01:12:54study more about the Apocrypha so I
- 01:12:56don't know the answer to that but the
- 01:12:58other question was what about the
- 01:12:59Ethiopian Bible and if you look at the
- 01:13:02Modern Bibles I'll say it again all new
- 01:13:05versions of the Bible come from here
- 01:13:07where is Ethiopia right down there so
- 01:13:09where do you think its Bible probably
- 01:13:11came from so I don't use any other
- 01:13:14version if they came out with one
- 01:13:15tomorrow and they said but we only use
- 01:13:17these text I'd say no because God said
- 01:13:20this is the one and this is the time in
- 01:13:21history and this is where you go cuz
- 01:13:23that's where I gave it to you
- 01:13:25I purified it seven times not eight are
- 01:13:29we supposed to wait for him to bring out
- 01:13:30the number eight well if you show me the
- 01:13:32Bible verse that says purified eight
- 01:13:33times then I'll and you show me all the
- 01:13:35mathematical Perfection and that I but
- 01:13:37it's not there this is it and the Bible
- 01:13:40says forever oh Lord Thy word is settled
- 01:13:42in heaven if you go to heaven you know
- 01:13:44what you'll see a King James
- 01:13:48Bible it's got to be true if you believe
- 01:13:51the
- 01:13:52Bible because it's nowhere else in such
- 01:13:54per ction of math amen so anybody else
- 01:13:59if not we're going to have Joseph come
- 01:14:02and he's going to tell you more about
- 01:14:04what we learned in our um going through
- 01:14:07the uh the King James Bible Museum now
- 01:14:11it was interesting to me because when I
- 01:14:12went to Pigeon Forge and preach the tent
- 01:14:14meeting we got to go to a um Bible
- 01:14:16Museum in Pigeon Forge and that guy I
- 01:14:19don't think was King James only because
- 01:14:22he kept going you King James guys and he
- 01:14:24sold all different versions but this
- 01:14:28place is King James Bible museum is in
- 01:14:31Cave Creek and it's outside of um
- 01:14:35Phoenix and these guys truly believe one
- 01:14:38is brother Howard and the other is
- 01:14:39Brother Gary and I believe the Lord
- 01:14:41brought them together and they have all
- 01:14:43these Bibles and if you want to go
- 01:14:46there's four different tours you could
- 01:14:47just go one day and take one tour what's
- 01:14:49like two hours but if you could take all
- 01:14:51four there are two hours stay there that
- 01:14:53long it's worth it and I want to give a
- 01:14:55shout out to the folks in Oklahoma that
- 01:14:57visited me here and told me they were
- 01:14:59going and they paid for it and it
- 01:15:01includes so many people so they asked me
- 01:15:03if I'd go and that's why we went because
- 01:15:05they had they were going and they paid
- 01:15:07for it and I I appreciate you guys for
- 01:15:08doing that brother Kelly and sister
- 01:15:11Bridget thank you so much for that and
- 01:15:13what a blessing it was and brother Gary
- 01:15:16is the pastor there they meet there and
- 01:15:18I said we're coming what hotel should we
- 01:15:20get he said no I'll pick you up you guys
- 01:15:22stay with me so Brother Gary was a real
- 01:15:25blessing and it was wonderful to go see
- 01:15:26the King James and I believe the King
- 01:15:28James before boy I believe it even more
- 01:15:32because all that mathematical Perfection
- 01:15:34you can't argue with math amen it is the
- 01:15:37true word of God the King James Bible
- 01:15:40where the word of a king is there is
- 01:15:41power and I have seen the power of God
- 01:15:44in that book especially when you come
- 01:15:46across demons they hate the King James
- 01:15:48Bible but they're happy for you're using
- 01:15:50NIV I wonder why they even know in the
- 01:15:53spirit world so come on real quick and
- 01:15:56uh you take as long as you want and tell
- 01:15:57us about so Robert asked me to talk
- 01:15:59about it for a little bit I'm going to
- 01:16:01try not to talk about it because it was
- 01:16:03a lot that we learned um the first day
- 01:16:06we went it was only uh it was only
- 01:16:08supposed to be 2 hours and we stayed
- 01:16:10there for like four and a half and we
- 01:16:13were just me and Robert Robert
- 01:16:14especially God was just throwing so many
- 01:16:17new ideas in his head he was just like
- 01:16:18but look at this look at this look at
- 01:16:19this hey Joseph come here read this hey
- 01:16:21and he was he started teaching the class
- 01:16:23after a while cuz he was so he was
- 01:16:25getting so much information at one time
- 01:16:26it was amazing but after I had um the
- 01:16:29experience at the museum at Cape Creek I
- 01:16:32like for sure without a doubt will
- 01:16:35always from now and on forever use new
- 01:16:38versions no I'm just kidding I'll for
- 01:16:40now and on forever use the King James
- 01:16:42from now on I was just like you know
- 01:16:44like for so long like people fought me
- 01:16:48about this book I literally have the
- 01:16:501611 Edition people fought me so much
- 01:16:53about this book they're like don't read
- 01:16:54this you know don't read that and and
- 01:16:56you can tell that I've read this book
- 01:16:58you know look at this
- 01:17:01thing happy birthday here's my here's me
- 01:17:04unwrapping my birthday present you know
- 01:17:06every day I unwrap my birthday present
- 01:17:08yeah it shows I destroyed it and I
- 01:17:10shouldn't you don't play football with
- 01:17:12your Bibles so I'm just kidding so um
- 01:17:14you know it's just like reading it and
- 01:17:16knowing that I've stayed True to this
- 01:17:17thing since I got saved you know it was
- 01:17:19just like wow like thank God the other
- 01:17:21thing that I realized too is that while
- 01:17:23I was over there is like as some of you
- 01:17:25guys know that I studied religions for
- 01:17:27four years all the world's religions I
- 01:17:29studied for four years and I studied so
- 01:17:31hard and then after I found Christianity
- 01:17:33I studied most of the new versions I
- 01:17:35have most of the new versions down
- 01:17:36already I read the NIV ESV nasv I read
- 01:17:40some of the nasb I read the message
- 01:17:42Bible cuz I was looking for the truth I
- 01:17:44was looking so hard for it and by myself
- 01:17:47without anybody tell me I didn't know
- 01:17:49who Ruckman was I didn't even know who
- 01:17:50Robert was but by myself I found out
- 01:17:53that the King James was the right word
- 01:17:54of God on my own without nobody telling
- 01:17:57me so nobody can say oh a man taught you
- 01:17:59this dude I read it by myself I read it
- 01:18:02slowly by myself and I was reading it I
- 01:18:04was like that's interesting cuz the es
- 01:18:07the ESV says this but the NIV didn't say
- 01:18:09that where did that come from and then I
- 01:18:12would that's how I slowly started
- 01:18:13putting things together and um sorry I'm
- 01:18:15boring you and I was kidding he's
- 01:18:16sleeping and U basically what happened
- 01:18:19was um I realized with Robert and with
- 01:18:22everybody there is that people that are
- 01:18:24keing James only like we have a
- 01:18:26different um atmosphere in our faith
- 01:18:30like when we're together when I go to
- 01:18:32these new modern mega churches and stuff
- 01:18:35like that when I used to go to these
- 01:18:37huge churches and they were NIV
- 01:18:39American all these Bibles dude they have
- 01:18:42the most fruity weird personalities ever
- 01:18:46like they're so weird they had to fake
- 01:18:48their personalities it's so cringy
- 01:18:50they're just like oh come on I'm so
- 01:18:52happy come on come on here look at I
- 01:18:54hold the door for you yay you know
- 01:18:56they're like so excited I know that they
- 01:18:57don't go home and deal like like act
- 01:18:59like that but the King James Bible since
- 01:19:01it's pure and authentic it makes you
- 01:19:03authentic it doesn't take away your
- 01:19:05personality if you were weird back then
- 01:19:08you're weird now you know you know so
- 01:19:11then the new versions then make you act
- 01:19:13weird because your when your religion
- 01:19:15when your faith uh lacks things you make
- 01:19:19up for it in different ways so if your
- 01:19:22if your religion lackes Jesus Christ
- 01:19:24you'll start trying to act like what you
- 01:19:26think Jesus would act like instead of
- 01:19:28being who God had made you to be cuz
- 01:19:30we're all we're all different in our own
- 01:19:32ways you know God made us different in
- 01:19:33our own ways because we need to reach
- 01:19:35people in different ways if everybody
- 01:19:37acts the same weird fruity way then like
- 01:19:39who are you going to reach just fruity
- 01:19:40people you know so let me go back to
- 01:19:43talking about the tour sorry so um
- 01:19:47Robert was just getting so many ideas
- 01:19:49and like he would like you know freak me
- 01:19:51out and then like the guy was preaching
- 01:19:53and then he freaked me out I had like 30
- 01:19:56goosebumps in 10 minutes I I even told
- 01:19:58like Robert said I said dude I need to
- 01:20:00check I need to look this up to see if
- 01:20:02this is healthy like I'm I don't want to
- 01:20:03have a heart attack and um the thing
- 01:20:07that really stood out to me is that when
- 01:20:09you we were on the tour in the museum or
- 01:20:10whatever uh I didn't feel like it was
- 01:20:13just like a college professor teaching
- 01:20:15you things I felt like he was teaching
- 01:20:17you and then the Holy Ghost was teaching
- 01:20:19you too and that was the most amazing
- 01:20:21part was like he's teaching something
- 01:20:24but God is feeding me something new and
- 01:20:26we've brought it up to him several times
- 01:20:27something that God taught us while he
- 01:20:29was teaching and we would interrupt him
- 01:20:30and be like dude we got to tell you this
- 01:20:32and he was happy to have himself
- 01:20:34interrupted but he was like um you know
- 01:20:37he would say things look at God showing
- 01:20:38me this right here right here and even
- 01:20:39he was like wow I never seen that before
- 01:20:41so like you're contributing to the
- 01:20:43museum while you're there cuz God's
- 01:20:45feeding that person that God's feeding
- 01:20:46that so the one thing I got oh well
- 01:20:49Robert got the Augustus Caesar that was
- 01:20:51super cool he was like look at this this
- 01:20:53so cool so the other thing that I got
- 01:20:55was um I started he started talking
- 01:20:58about something and then um what exactly
- 01:21:00was it so he said it says in Timothy
- 01:21:043:15 or something like that that the
- 01:21:05heel will crush the serpent right it
- 01:21:08says something like that 3:15 and what
- 01:21:10is 315 that's nine and what does n come
- 01:21:12out to it's 1611 so 1611 right so the
- 01:21:17the thing that I was wondering is like
- 01:21:18okay what does that mean you know that's
- 01:21:19so interesting and another thing that in
- 01:21:21the Hebrew the alphabet nine actually
- 01:21:23equals I the letter I and I is a A
- 01:21:27visual representation of the snake so
- 01:21:30why does the Bible and a snake correlate
- 01:21:33and then I thought about Moses how they
- 01:21:34said you know look at the snake and be
- 01:21:37you know saved if you look at the snake
- 01:21:39and but another thing that I thought
- 01:21:40about was also it says that his heel
- 01:21:43will crush the Serpent's head right but
- 01:21:47when you when you turn this book in a
- 01:21:4990° angle which is another nine which
- 01:21:52equals 1611 what does this look like it
- 01:21:54looks like a heel and then what does the
- 01:21:56spine look like it looks like the spine
- 01:21:58is the heaviest part of the book why
- 01:22:00didn't he say the toes you know so it
- 01:22:02looks like God is crushing the serpent
- 01:22:04with his heel you know even the Bible is
- 01:22:07like a physical manifestation of that
- 01:22:08verse so 3:15 equals n which also equals
- 01:22:11a snake and the Bible was 1611 which
- 01:22:14also equals 9 so it's like crushing the
- 01:22:16snake uh the other thing Genesis 3:15
- 01:22:19yes Genesis 3:15 what was the other
- 01:22:21thing that I got oh man that was just so
- 01:22:24much dude there was so much what was the
- 01:22:26other thing I got oh the other thing too
- 01:22:28is that this is I'm telling you like
- 01:22:30he's teaching us these things and all of
- 01:22:32a sudden it's like Bam Bam Bam Bam like
- 01:22:34we're getting hit with him you know but
- 01:22:36the other thing that I realized is I
- 01:22:38think I realized this like a couple days
- 01:22:39ago is how the Bible kind of looks like
- 01:22:42Teeth you know and what does the Bible
- 01:22:44say about the lips of God and that the
- 01:22:46word of God comes from his mouth
- 01:22:48proceedeth from his mouth what does this
- 01:22:50look like this looks like teeth right
- 01:22:52what is this this is the tongue
- 01:22:55and then this is the lips of God on the
- 01:22:56outside talking to you every day and
- 01:22:59what happens when you brush through the
- 01:23:00pages you get clean and what happens
- 01:23:03when you brush your teeth you get clean
- 01:23:05so it's like it's like I'm telling you
- 01:23:07like this is this is what we were
- 01:23:08getting hit by the whole time we were
- 01:23:10there it's like wow dude like it was
- 01:23:13just consistent like like I was just
- 01:23:15getting Goosebumps the whole time just
- 01:23:16freaking out while he was telling us all
- 01:23:18this but the other thing I wanted to if
- 01:23:21I'm I'm not preaching but the thing I
- 01:23:23wanted to finish on was the people dude
- 01:23:26like Gary doesn't even have a TV in his
- 01:23:28house and yet he was like one of the
- 01:23:30most comforting nice guys I've ever met
- 01:23:33Howard was amazing dude we Howard was
- 01:23:35like I have to go and then we were like
- 01:23:37no where's the handcuffs like we're
- 01:23:38keeping him here for another hour cuz he
- 01:23:41was so he had so much information he
- 01:23:43preached to the president of bise and
- 01:23:45all this stuff and it was just everybody
- 01:23:48saage did you you didn't even bring him
- 01:23:50Savage his name is Savage but I call him
- 01:23:52Savage cuz he's from England and um you
- 01:23:54know the whole time we were just joking
- 01:23:56like I don't I don't think there was one
- 01:23:57time where we weren't joking all
- 01:23:59together like we laughed the whole
- 01:24:01experience like that's what it feels
- 01:24:03like when you're together and I feel
- 01:24:04like we had like a little Heaven
- 01:24:06happening there where we were all just
- 01:24:08so happy to be with each other laughing
- 01:24:10making jokes like it was just consistent
- 01:24:12happiness and I was like man this is
- 01:24:14what heaven must be like everybody with
- 01:24:16the King James Bible together not
- 01:24:18debating and critiquing it just being
- 01:24:21one like that's what that's what it
- 01:24:22feels like and and and um Savage he
- 01:24:26comes from the lineage of King
- 01:24:29James we were I I was like let me kiss
- 01:24:32your ring dude let me kiss your ring and
- 01:24:35then like um like that U uh what is it
- 01:24:38called the Red Robin movie where he
- 01:24:40kisses his ring and then the diamond's
- 01:24:42gone I was like dude let me kiss your
- 01:24:44ring dude like come on dude but um
- 01:24:47everybody was there everybody was there
- 01:24:49was so nice dude I just like I I was we
- 01:24:53were sad we were leaving were like dude
- 01:24:54it feels like see when you have too much
- 01:24:56fun like an hour feels like 3 minutes
- 01:24:59right well we were gone for like six 5 6
- 01:25:01days and it felt like two or three days
- 01:25:03we're like dang dude if only we could
- 01:25:04stay longer like to learn more um is
- 01:25:07there anything specifically you would
- 01:25:08want me to add to that anything else you
- 01:25:10can think of just what was the I mean
- 01:25:13you knew the King James was right before
- 01:25:15but what really settled even more to you
- 01:25:17oh yeah that's the thing that I was
- 01:25:18saying about the religions so you know I
- 01:25:20read all the religions I read all the
- 01:25:21most of the new version by the way uh
- 01:25:24the
- 01:25:25Exodus 3 31415 guess what the new new
- 01:25:29versions say it says I am who I am or
- 01:25:33something like that I am who I am most
- 01:25:34of them say I am who I am what the heck
- 01:25:36does that mean dude I am who I am Who
- 01:25:39Who Are You Joseph but I am that I am is
- 01:25:41like not a question it's like it's
- 01:25:43finalized another version says I am the
- 01:25:47being can you IM this sounds like a rap
- 01:25:50song I am that being you know I like
- 01:25:52what the what the heck is does that mean
- 01:25:54dude I am that being I am that guy the
- 01:25:57guy that runs Heaven it's like what the
- 01:25:59heck dude I thought it was a what's up I
- 01:26:01am that being bro I just thought that
- 01:26:03was so it's so goofy how these new
- 01:26:05versions just even even they attack
- 01:26:08God's character and people still read
- 01:26:09them they're so there's something
- 01:26:11there's oh the thing that I really like
- 01:26:13that he said Gary said is the reason
- 01:26:15most people don't like stick to the King
- 01:26:16James only is because they usually have
- 01:26:17a dirty
- 01:26:19heart because guess what this if this is
- 01:26:21a manifestation of the word of God and
- 01:26:23who is Jesus know the word of God and if
- 01:26:26you don't like this book what does that
- 01:26:28mean about you and Jesus you don't know
- 01:26:29him if you hate this book and this is
- 01:26:32known as the word of God because there's
- 01:26:35no difference in the word of God and you
- 01:26:37guys notice that right in the Bible word
- 01:26:38of God sometimes it sounds like it's
- 01:26:40talking about this and sometimes the
- 01:26:42letter is not even Capital but it's
- 01:26:43talking as it's a human being you know
- 01:26:46it's like why is that so TR because if
- 01:26:48you don't like this book it's because
- 01:26:49you don't like God and the Bible says in
- 01:26:50John it says people don't like me
- 01:26:52because their works are evil and they're
- 01:26:54Deeds are evil so they stay away from me
- 01:26:56when you re when you have somebody
- 01:26:57that's a King James only like Robert you
- 01:26:59you can almost already just trust a man
- 01:27:02because he's like I'm sticking with
- 01:27:04Jesus when you meet somebody that has
- 01:27:06the NIV or the ESV you almost feel like
- 01:27:08I got to check out my wallet dude you
- 01:27:10know like I got I I trust you to an
- 01:27:13extent but there's something weird about
- 01:27:14you you know I got to check out my make
- 01:27:16sure that my my um my money still intact
- 01:27:20and um um basically what I was going to
- 01:27:22say is I was going to say something that
- 01:27:24Gary
- 01:27:26said oh that's right and basically the
- 01:27:29thing that I kept saying to myself over
- 01:27:31and over again while I was at the at the
- 01:27:33Museum was through the whole tour I kept
- 01:27:35saying thank god dude like thank God I
- 01:27:38got the right
- 01:27:39religion like thank God I got the right
- 01:27:42one you know because there's so many
- 01:27:45people that think they got the right one
- 01:27:46but they don't go further and then they
- 01:27:48die and they found out they're wrong but
- 01:27:50thank God that I got it right before I
- 01:27:52died thank God that I'm going to go to
- 01:27:54to heaven and I know I got it right
- 01:27:55because that whole tour was just like
- 01:27:57consistent freak you out moments like
- 01:28:00how did God do that like the for
- 01:28:02instance the outer courts you didn't
- 01:28:04bring that up how the Bible set up like
- 01:28:06a court system the outer courts are
- 01:28:08right here here's the top here's the
- 01:28:10beginning of your overview case here's
- 01:28:12the litigation against you here in the
- 01:28:15middle well it's on the it's on the
- 01:28:17chapter like when you read Ezekiel or
- 01:28:20Isaiah or something like that there's
- 01:28:22like um there's like a bar bar in the
- 01:28:24middle and that's called the bar exam
- 01:28:27and then the prophet you know the
- 01:28:28prophet is suing you is going against
- 01:28:31you and how the Bible set up like a hand
- 01:28:33like Robert said the thing that he left
- 01:28:35out is the hands fit like this right
- 01:28:38here's the thumb right here can y'all
- 01:28:40see here's the thumb right up here's the
- 01:28:42thumb because it's horizontal it's the
- 01:28:43only line that's horizontal like that
- 01:28:46here's the index finger which points you
- 01:28:47to different parts of the Bible what is
- 01:28:50the middle finger it's the cursing cuz
- 01:28:52God's cursing you too with the Bible if
- 01:28:54you're not saved right and then what's
- 01:28:57the other column right here it's the
- 01:28:58other finger right here right and that's
- 01:29:00the promise cuz God has full promises
- 01:29:03and then what's the pinky the pinky is
- 01:29:04right here in case you miss something
- 01:29:07and right here is the notes you know
- 01:29:09that God is Lally saying here's my word
- 01:29:11read it here's how he set it up because
- 01:29:13the thing that Gary stood the thing that
- 01:29:14really stood up to me about Gary was he
- 01:29:16said Bible uh God's out to sue you and
- 01:29:19this is his litigation book against you
- 01:29:21like if you think about it in that way
- 01:29:23it's it it's different like God wants to
- 01:29:26sue you and he has a warrant for
- 01:29:28everybody's arrest and this book is set
- 01:29:31up exactly like a court system would
- 01:29:33when you read a court file from a lawyer
- 01:29:35they have it set up just like this or
- 01:29:37when you go to court they have the the
- 01:29:38physical place of the Court is set up
- 01:29:40just like
- 01:29:41this and God is out to sue you if you're
- 01:29:43not saved and if you don't have the
- 01:29:45right lawyer for your case you're done
- 01:29:48for dude like if you if your lawyer is
- 01:29:50Buddha he
- 01:29:52died you're going to be represent
- 01:29:54resenting yourself and that's the worst
- 01:29:56thing that can happen to you in in in in
- 01:29:58a trial is representing yourself and
- 01:30:00then the other lawyer comes up with a
- 01:30:01litigation using law terms code P pineal
- 01:30:06code
- 01:30:0831558 you're like okay well I'm going to
- 01:30:11go to hell you know so so it's awesome
- 01:30:15to know that our Jesus is a lawyer for
- 01:30:17us he's alive and I couldn't thank God
- 01:30:19more that I got the right religion I got
- 01:30:21the right Faith guys like this is such a
- 01:30:23relief
- 01:30:24some of you guys just did it by faith
- 01:30:26you didn't even have to go through like
- 01:30:27all the hours I had to go through
- 01:30:28reading all the new versions reading all
- 01:30:30the religions of the world you guys
- 01:30:31didn't even have to go through that you
- 01:30:32just floop you just woke up and you're
- 01:30:34here but like for me dude I scoured the
- 01:30:38Earth for the right religion and it just
- 01:30:40feels so amazing to know like I got it
- 01:30:43you know and him reading those numbers
- 01:30:45and proving to me that there there was
- 01:30:48me and Robert was just like Robert's
- 01:30:50just standing over there like watching
- 01:30:52and then he'd do this and I'm like yeah
- 01:30:54he's go he's getting Goosebumps right
- 01:30:56now yeah he's totally getting Goosebumps
- 01:30:58too he'd be like this and then he'd be
- 01:30:59like this and I'm like yeah that's his
- 01:31:01Goosebump hands you know he's like
- 01:31:03totally freaking out right now like I am
- 01:31:05and then and then like we would we would
- 01:31:07talk afterwards and we'd be like dude
- 01:31:08what the heck did we get ourselves into
- 01:31:11like I can't believe we like I can't
- 01:31:13believe we got it you know but I guess
- 01:31:15that's all I have to say unless you have
- 01:31:16something else you want me to say let me
- 01:31:17finish this out okay hey man here it was
- 01:31:20a lot of fun
- 01:31:22huh so Joseph was the comic relief I
- 01:31:26think I think they they're usually more
- 01:31:29uh what is the word here I think they
- 01:31:32were usually more serious than then we
- 01:31:34showed up so amen but we enjoyed it so
- 01:31:38basically lived in their pool D yeah we
- 01:31:39did go to the pool a lot it was 10 I
- 01:31:41think almost 120 one day we were there
- 01:31:43it was crazy hot but um two things I saw
- 01:31:46while we're looking at I guess that's
- 01:31:48Tik Tok or something people say oh how
- 01:31:50sad that you guys worship the Bible like
- 01:31:53an idol
- 01:31:55that's what the pope said when the King
- 01:31:57James Bible came out he said oh that's
- 01:31:59your that's your Protestant Pope he
- 01:32:02called it your paper Pope he said that's
- 01:32:03your paper Pope I don't worship this
- 01:32:06piece of paper I don't worship this
- 01:32:08piece of cardboard I don't worship this
- 01:32:11what does the bible say that this is the
- 01:32:13words that I say unto you they are
- 01:32:15spirit and they are life we worship the
- 01:32:17spirit and it's the holy spirit that so
- 01:32:19we're not worshiping the actual paper
- 01:32:21right one of the things we saw there was
- 01:32:23pretty interesting we saw the paper wad
- 01:32:25Bibles remember that in 1776 the Germans
- 01:32:28printed a bunch of German Bibles and
- 01:32:31those Bibles were cut up and used for
- 01:32:32wadding to shoot out of their guns for
- 01:32:34the American Revolution so it's it was
- 01:32:38it was interesting it was sad to see
- 01:32:39that but it's also it's a piece of paper
- 01:32:42and if that's all it is then it's
- 01:32:43meaningless and then the gospel it's not
- 01:32:45the paper that we worship it's the words
- 01:32:48that are the true words of God
- 01:32:50uncorrupted given to us in perfect
- 01:32:53English and I believe in a God who
- 01:32:56cannot lie and if he said he's going to
- 01:32:58purify it seven times he's going to
- 01:32:59purify it seven times and he did all you
- 01:33:02have to do is know how to count it's
- 01:33:04like a love letter exactly you don't
- 01:33:07worship the letter they you receive from
- 01:33:11do you love that what's inside yep I'm
- 01:33:14glad you mentioned that because I meant
- 01:33:15to mention that what is the Bible it's
- 01:33:17our love letter from God all right now I
- 01:33:19will confess when I got letters from
- 01:33:21Laura I'd go and smell it cuz sometimes
- 01:33:23it smelled like her right but did I
- 01:33:25actually worship the piece of paper no I
- 01:33:28worshiped the one that wrote it so don't
- 01:33:31give us that garbage you want to see
- 01:33:32idol worship you go to Rome and you'll
- 01:33:35see a whole lot of people worshiping
- 01:33:37Idols but they call them images and
- 01:33:39these people they're the idol
- 01:33:41worshippers and they're worshiping a
- 01:33:43false god and a false Bible the other
- 01:33:45thing was the numbers and I didn't get
- 01:33:48into numbers I'm not going to get into
- 01:33:49gatria and things like that but there's
- 01:33:51something to that and when you get into
- 01:33:54that you can take letters and then you
- 01:33:57can figure out each letter has a number
- 01:34:01and you take names you take places and
- 01:34:03you turn it it's uncanny how many times
- 01:34:06it lines up to nine or 1611 or something
- 01:34:08and I didn't even have time to get into
- 01:34:10that or we'd be here all day but that's
- 01:34:12another thing that we go blow your mind
- 01:34:15that it's not an accident the way things
- 01:34:16are named and how they're named and
- 01:34:19what's amazing to me these new versions
- 01:34:21of the Bible they change words there's
- 01:34:23the most beautiful words in the King
- 01:34:24James Bible like this one now I'm going
- 01:34:27to write it first in in English and
- 01:34:30America that's how we say Jesus is our
- 01:34:33savior that's not true English you know
- 01:34:36how it's written in the King James
- 01:34:39Bible he's our savior so when you look
- 01:34:43at that there's so many things in that
- 01:34:45book too that are like that that contain
- 01:34:47within the word itself another word that
- 01:34:49just brings it out even more and so
- 01:34:52that's what's so amazing about English I
- 01:34:54believe God gave us the English language
- 01:34:56now some people they go so far as to
- 01:34:58think that the original language was
- 01:35:00English in heaven and that all of of
- 01:35:04everything that's happened to this earth
- 01:35:05is all to get back to that that's an
- 01:35:07interesting thing but if that's true
- 01:35:09then English was the first language and
- 01:35:12then at the Tower of Babel it went into
- 01:35:13all these different languages and then
- 01:35:16over the last however many years it's
- 01:35:17all coming back to one language that
- 01:35:20would be fascinating but you know what
- 01:35:22you know that's hard for some people to
- 01:35:24swallow but there are Hebrew professors
- 01:35:27in colleges who have said in writing
- 01:35:30that English is just refined refined
- 01:35:33Hebrew how would they say that why would
- 01:35:36they say that if they had studied it and
- 01:35:38said yeah it's just so uncanny how much
- 01:35:40Hebrew and English have in
- 01:35:42common so I don't know but I know one
- 01:35:44thing if that's true then the King James
- 01:35:46Bible was in heaven before eternity and
- 01:35:48it's still there and we're going to get
- 01:35:49up and see that same book so I believe
- 01:35:51in the King James Bible that does not
- 01:35:53make me an idol worshipper and one
- 01:35:55person said on there it's a shame that
- 01:35:57they haven't been educated in textual
- 01:35:58criticism I bet I've read more books
- 01:36:00than you on textual criticism and I told
- 01:36:03you what it teaches and it brainwashes
- 01:36:05people to believe that the left is right
- 01:36:07because that's the left side and it
- 01:36:09doesn't even come from the right text
- 01:36:11you look at textual criticism it's a
- 01:36:14fraud it is literally
- 01:36:17fraudulent and to believe that textual
- 01:36:19criticism is the right way because it
- 01:36:21does not give you a pure complete Bible
- 01:36:24I read to you what it says in the Nestle
- 01:36:26Allen text and it says this is not to be
- 01:36:29taken as definitive this is textual
- 01:36:30criticism it's a working text so it's
- 01:36:34always in flux and it's always changing
- 01:36:36and they're always telling you what they
- 01:36:38say the Bible should say if that's what
- 01:36:40you want have fun but you will not have
- 01:36:43the Love Letter you'll have a letter
- 01:36:45from somebody that changed it and you'll
- 01:36:46never know if that was from the one you
- 01:36:48love or from somebody else but with the
- 01:36:50King James Bible you'll have faith
- 01:36:52you'll have joy you'll have peace you'll
- 01:36:54probably get saved through faith in his
- 01:36:55blood and like he said it's just such a
- 01:36:58great we're not here for me we're here
- 01:37:02because we love this book that's what it
- 01:37:04should be about so anybody else I mean
- 01:37:07this has been fun for me anybody else oh
- 01:37:09another thing is that I I don't know if
- 01:37:11you can hear me the other thing is that
- 01:37:13the reason I kissed the Bibles or
- 01:37:15whatever is because the Jews in the
- 01:37:17synagogue that I used to go to the mic
- 01:37:19Jews that I used to know every time they
- 01:37:21had the Torah locked up and then when
- 01:37:23the Torah came out all the Jews ran to
- 01:37:25it to kiss it and touch it so when I was
- 01:37:28there I finally got to see a Torah like
- 01:37:29in front of me so boy I slobber that
- 01:37:32Torah of I all the original 1611 and
- 01:37:36then you know even some of the Bibles in
- 01:37:38there from the 1611 book had the
- 01:37:40writings of people that owned it in the
- 01:37:4215
- 01:37:431600s like like what was one of them
- 01:37:46Milton so they had Milton you know John
- 01:37:49Milton who wrote Paradise Lost I think
- 01:37:50it was John or something Milton wrote
- 01:37:52this book Paradise lost and it's all
- 01:37:54about how the devil took over and
- 01:37:57everything they had his Bible and in the
- 01:37:59front of his Bible it said oh how many
- 01:38:02wonderful days I had in this
- 01:38:06book yeah so Paradise Lost that was his
- 01:38:09paradise found in the Bible but um
- 01:38:12there's a whole bunch of Bibles and
- 01:38:14things they had there it was just
- 01:38:16fascinating to see all that they had and
- 01:38:18to see these old Bibles and then see
- 01:38:20people's handwritten notes and things
- 01:38:21like that one of the things the first
- 01:38:23thing I know noticed was here was the
- 01:38:25Hebrew text and the Hebrew text was in
- 01:38:28four columns just like that and then you
- 01:38:31had to scroll on either side like he was
- 01:38:34talking about and they would open it up
- 01:38:37like this and each sheet was the back of
- 01:38:41a lamb skin and on the back of one lamb
- 01:38:45was four
- 01:38:46columns and the first thing I noticed
- 01:38:49was wow when I open up my Bible I see
- 01:38:52four columns
- 01:38:54because this is the Lamb of God he's my
- 01:38:56lamb and this is him the word and the
- 01:38:58word you know and so I just thought wow
- 01:39:00I see that and the Hebrew was like that
- 01:39:03but they had to scroll it open I just
- 01:39:05have to go like this and I see the same
- 01:39:07thing that those ancient Hebrews were
- 01:39:09looking at portable Temple a portable
- 01:39:11Temple yeah so I want to leave these up
- 01:39:14here so you can come and look at them
- 01:39:16and that's the the goal is that you look
- 01:39:18through these and I want you to see and
- 01:39:20a lot of people um this is one thing and
- 01:39:22I'll close with this this is the the
- 01:39:24tendale and you can see there's not four
- 01:39:26columns there you know like we're used
- 01:39:28to so we're closer to the ancient
- 01:39:30Hebrews than a lot of people because we
- 01:39:32we're used to seeing four column but
- 01:39:33they didn't have verse
- 01:39:35numbers they didn't have verse numbers
- 01:39:37this one doesn't have verse numbers so
- 01:39:39who was the first to put in those verse
- 01:39:40numbers a guy named stephanus in
- 01:39:441500s and I believe that the holy spirit
- 01:39:47of God put the translators to do the
- 01:39:49King James and the Holy Spirit of God
- 01:39:51put him to put the verse numbers
- 01:39:54and aren't you glad we have verse
- 01:39:55numbers today cuz can you imagine if I
- 01:39:58say turn to uh page 476 in your Bible
- 01:40:02now if yours is printed by this people
- 01:40:04it'll be 466 but if yours is printed by
- 01:40:06how would we now go down to paragraph 46
- 01:40:09I mean it'd be impossible but now God
- 01:40:12has put it together when was stephanus
- 01:40:14stephanus was in the 1500s and he put
- 01:40:17out his Greek New Testament and he's the
- 01:40:19one that put the verse numbers in so
- 01:40:21thank God for him there'll be a lot of
- 01:40:22people in Heaven that have a big reward
- 01:40:25that a lot of people don't know you want
- 01:40:26to bring up the font the font was really
- 01:40:28cool yeah I did I talked about so
- 01:40:29remember this is the thick promp font
- 01:40:31right here the gothic this is the Roman
- 01:40:33so you can see the difference between
- 01:40:35these two name which one called oh yeah
- 01:40:39that's another thing oh man we'll be
- 01:40:41here all day but hey these are things
- 01:40:42that people need to know people need to
- 01:40:44know so
- 01:40:46today where do we put all this today if
- 01:40:50you have a computer and this is what's
- 01:40:52interesting is um the guy that was with
- 01:40:54us Kelly he works on uh computers a lot
- 01:40:58and so when there's a kind of computer
- 01:41:00there's four main things that you use to
- 01:41:03make tables and then we had the four
- 01:41:05here on the Hebrew thing but today if
- 01:41:07you go to computer there's uh what they
- 01:41:10call right justify it's like this
- 01:41:13there's left justify which is like this
- 01:41:16there's Center Justified which
- 01:41:18everything's centered and then when you
- 01:41:20do this it's called Full Justified
- 01:41:23and what did our Bibles do well those
- 01:41:26lines there made it full justification
- 01:41:29it goes all the way to so it's full
- 01:41:30Justified a't that amazing uh so it's
- 01:41:34just there's so much it's like I said
- 01:41:35are you getting Goosebumps yet um it's
- 01:41:37just amazing to see how our Bible is
- 01:41:39full Justified fully Justified you want
- 01:41:42to talk all right right but yes so we'll
- 01:41:45close there but I want you guys to come
- 01:41:47up here and look at these and get an
- 01:41:49idea of what Hebrew looks like so I'll
- 01:41:52leave the Hebrew open open here and you
- 01:41:54can see how thick the lines are so and
- 01:41:56then see what the Greek looks like and
- 01:41:58then um thank God that we don't have to
- 01:42:00learn those languages God gave it to us
- 01:42:03in English amen
- 01:42:11[Music]
- King James Piibel
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