PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE in English: 9 ways to use it!



TLDRNeste vídeo, Aga explica nove usos diferentes do tempo continuo pasado en inglés. O tempo continuo pasado, tamén coñecido como pasado progresivo, úsase para describir accións que estaban en curso durante un período específico do pasado. Úsase a miúdo cando unha acción continua é interrompida por outra, para contar historias ao describir fondos ou escenas, e para situacións temporais, así como para expresar accións repetidas que son molestosas. Ademais, Aga explica como empregar este tempo en discurso indirecto, onde transforma o presente continuo en pasado continuo. O vídeo inclúe varios exemplos, como describir a música alta como unha acción molesta ou o uso de "was being" para indicar comportamentos específicos. Ao final do vídeo hai exercicios prácticos para consolidar o aprendido.


  • 📘 O tempo continuo pasado úsase para accións en curso no pasado.
  • 🚶 O tempo continuo pasado describe accións interrompidas.
  • 📖 Útil para contar historias ao describir o fondo.
  • 🏠 Describe situacións pasaxeiras no pasado.
  • 🎵 Expresa accións molestas e repetitivas.
  • 🗣️ Úsase en discurso indirecto para transformar tempos.
  • 🔍 Diferencia entre opinións e pensamentos continuos.
  • 👕 "Was being" indica un comportamento temporal ou específico.
  • ☀️ describe escenarios ou ambientacións.
  • ⏰ Úsase para accións que duran un período específico.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:07:47

    Neste video, Aga fala sobre o tempo pasado continuo en inglés, tamén coñecido como o pasado progresivo. Explica nove formas diferentes de usalo, incluíndo accións continuas no pasado que foron interrompidas, a descrición de fondos en historias, situacións temporais, e accións ou comportamentos molestos cando se emprega unha tense continua. Tamén aborda o uso do pasado continuo no discurso indirecto, onde se cambia do presente continuo ao pasado continuo, como en plans futuros. Aga ofrece exercicios de práctica ao final do video para reforzar o aprendido.



  • Que é o tempo continuo pasado?

    Descríbese unha acción que estaba en curso no pasado durante un período específico.

  • Cando se usa o tempo continuo pasado?

    Utilizamos o tempo continuo pasado para accións interrompidas, narrativas e situacións temporais.

  • Podemos usar "I was thinking" en vez de "I thought"?

    Si, "I was thinking" expresa un proceso de pensamento continuo.

  • Cal é a diferenza entre "He was being arrogant" e "He was arrogant"?

    "He was being arrogant" describe un comportamento específico no momento, en vez de "He was arrogant" que é xeral.

  • Como se usa o tempo continuo pasado no discurso indirecto?

    En discurso indirecto, o presente continuo cámbiase ao pasado continuo.


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  • 00:00:00
    Hi everyone, welcome to English with Aga. In this  video we're talking about the past continuous
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    tense we will look at nine different ways to use  the past continuous in English and there are some
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    practice exercises at the end so keep watching  before we start subscribe to my channel and get
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    your free English grammar booklet from the link  in the video description so let's get started the
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    past continuous tense is sometimes called the the  past Progressive usually we need it when we talk
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    about a continuous action in the past so something  that was happening during a specific period of
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    time and it was continuous this morning between  8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. I was playing football so
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    it was a continuous action and I was doing it for  a specific period of time in the past continuously
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    between 8 and 9 I was playing football often this  continuous action is interrupted by an event I was
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    playing football when my phone rang so my phone  interrupted my football so when we have two things
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    one is continuous and happening for a period of  time and the other one interrupts it then the
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    first one is the past continuous and the second  one the past simple I was playing football when
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    my phone rang the past continuous is also for  telling stories when you want to describe the
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    background of the story story for example the man  was wearing blue jeans he was wearing them it was
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    the background of the story the description of  the scene the Sun was shining again this is the
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    background of my story I'm describing the scene  the Sun was shining the past continuous is also
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    for talking about situations that were temporary  in the past so I was living in Paris in 2020 it
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    was a temporary situation I didn't want to stay  in Paris forever I just wanted to stay there for
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    a while so I was living in Paris compare that with  I lived in Paris I lived it's more of a permanent
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    situation Paris was my heart home I wasn't going  anywhere I lived there and I was living means it's
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    quite a temporary situation the past continuous  is also for something that we find annoying when
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    we lived together you were always playing really  loud music in your bedroom you were always doing
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    it so even though it's a repetitive action that  happened all the time we need the past continuous
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    because we're annoyed and when we're annoyed we  need a continuous tense so you were always playing
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    loud music when we lived together I was thinking  think is usually used in the past simple when used
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    in the past not the past continuous I thought the  film was good I thought this book was interesting
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    so I thought means it was my opinion but when  we say I was thinking we're talking about the
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    continuous action of thinking happening in your  head at the time so when I was sitting on a bench
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    earlier I was thinking about my next holiday so  the process in my head was happening continuously
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    I was thinking he was being is that correct yes  usually the verb to be is used in the past simple
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    not the past continuous my old school friend was  very arrogant this is just something that I would
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    say if I'm describing my friend how he was when  we went to school together he was very arrogant
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    my friend was was being very arrogant earlier when  we were having a conversation so was being is a
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    continuous action that was happening whilst  we were having the conversation he was being
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    arrogant right then in that specific moment  so that's why I'm using the past continuous
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    and finally before we move on to the exercise the  final use of the past continuous tense in English
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    is to use it in reported speech so if I tell  you I am reading a book and then you want to
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    tell someone else then you would say she said  she was reading a book in reported speech the
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    present continuous changes to the Past continuous  so I'm eating a sandwich she said she was eating a
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    sandwich sometimes the present continuous is used  to talk about future plans I am playing tennis at
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    the weekend this is my plan for the weekend if  you want to tell someone about it you should say
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    she said she was playing tennis at the weekend so  I am playing changes to I was playing in reported
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    speech now you tell me past continuous or past  simple I was living or lived in England for 30
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    years I lived in England because it's a  permanent situation that lasted for 30
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    years it's not temporary it's it was  a beautiful day the sun Shone or was
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    shining the Sun was shining I'm  describing the background to my
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    story so I need the past continuous this  morning between 8 and 10 I worked or I was
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    working I was working it's a continuous action  that was happening between those two hours how
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    many did you get right let me know in the  comments and don't forget to subscribe and
  • 00:07:40
    get your free English grammar booklet from the  video description and I'll see you next time bye
  • Past Continuous
  • English Grammar
  • Tense Usage
  • Past Progressive
  • Reported Speech
  • Temporary Actions
  • Storytelling
  • Interruptions
  • Narrative Background
  • Continuous Actions