Project Manager Interview Questions & Answers | Project Management Interview Questions | Intellipaat
TLDRLa vidéo présente des questions clés d'entretien pour les chefs de projet, détaillant les compétences techniques et comportementales essentielles. Elle couvre divers aspects de la gestion de projet tels que la définition d'un projet, l'importance de la gestion de projet, les caractéristiques d'une charte de projet, et les différentes phases du cycle de vie d'un projet. Des concepts comme le triangle de fer, les WBS et la gestion des parties prenantes sont également abordés. La vidéo vise à préparer les candidats aux entretiens en fournissant des réponses structurées et des insights sur la gestion de projet.
- 📊 La gestion de projet garantit le succès des projets.
- 📅 La planification est essentielle pour éviter les retards.
- 🤝 L'identification des parties prenantes est cruciale.
- 📝 Une charte de projet guide l'équipe tout au long du projet.
- 🔄 Le triangle de fer influence les décisions de gestion.
- 📈 Le WBS facilite la gestion des tâches.
- 💼 La méthodologie Agile permet une plus grande flexibilité.
- ⚖️ Les conflits doivent être résolus rapidement pour préserver la dynamique d'équipe.
- 🏆 Le suivi des performances aide à ajuster les plans en temps réel.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introduction à l'interview de gestion de projet, mettant en avant le rôle essentiel d'un chef de projet pour assurer le bon déroulement d'un projet.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Définition d'un projet : une entreprise temporaire avec des objectifs clairs et une fin bien définie, nécessitant une collaboration d'équipe et des contraintes de budget et de temps.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Importance de la gestion de projet : organise les tâches, fixe des objectifs clairs et assure une bonne collaboration d'équipe pour livrer efficacement le projet. Les bénéfices d'une bonne gestion de projet incluent des résultats de qualité et des décisions efficaces.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Le triangle de fer (contraintes triples) en gestion de projet : coût, temps et portée définissent le succès d'un projet et doivent être équilibrés pour gérer les attentes et éviter les dérives de portée.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Les quatre P de la gestion de projet (personnes, produit, processus et projet) soulignent l'importance de chaque élément dans le succès global d'un projet.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Définition de la charte de projet comme document formel qui initie un projet, précisant objectifs, parties prenantes, contraintes et livrables pour orienter l'équipe.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Identification des phases du cycle de vie d'un projet (initiation, planification, exécution, suivi et contrôle, fermeture) et soulignant leur interdépendance pour maintenir le projet sur la bonne voie.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Le groupe de processus d'initialisation définit et autorise un nouveau projet, faisant émerger des documents clés comme la charte de projet et le registre des parties prenantes.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:13
Identification des parties prenantes via la charte de projet et l'analyse des impacts du projet pour s'assurer que toutes les voix pertinentes sont entendues et impliquées dans le processus.
Qu'est-ce qu'un projet ?
Un projet est une entreprise temporaire avec un début et une fin, visant à atteindre des objectifs spécifiques.
Pourquoi la gestion de projet est-elle importante ?
Elle permet d'organiser les tâches, de définir des objectifs clairs et de garantir un travail d'équipe efficace.
Que représente le triangle de fer ?
Il représente les trois contraintes principales d'un projet : le coût, le temps et la portée.
Quels sont les quatre P de la gestion de projet ?
Les quatre P sont les personnes, le produit, le processus et le projet.
Qu'est-ce qu'une charte de projet ?
C'est un document officiel qui initie un projet et définit ses objectifs, ses parties prenantes et ses contraintes.
Quelles sont les phases du cycle de vie d'un projet ?
Les cinq phases sont : initiation, planification, exécution, surveillance et contrôle, et clôture.
Comment identifier les parties prenantes ?
Il faut consulter la charte du projet et engager des discussions avec l'équipe pour repérer les intérêts.
Qu'est-ce qu'un WBS (Structure de Répartition du Travail) ?
C'est un outil qui décompose un projet en tâches plus petites et gérables.
Comment gérer les conflits dans un projet ?
Il est essentiel d'écouter, de comprendre les motivations, et de travailler vers une solution commune.
Qu'est-ce que la méthode Agile en gestion de projet ?
Elle favorise la flexibilité et l'amélioration continue à travers des cycles de travail itératifs.
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- 00:00:00hello everyone did you know that behind
- 00:00:03every Seamless app experience or
- 00:00:05perfectly executed event lies the
- 00:00:07expertise of a project manager they
- 00:00:09ensure every detail is planned every
- 00:00:11challenge is addressed and every goal is
- 00:00:14achieved on time if you're preparing for
- 00:00:16a project manager interview you know
- 00:00:18it's more than just about having a
- 00:00:19technical knowledge it's about
- 00:00:21demonstrating leadership problem solving
- 00:00:23and adaptability to help you Ace your
- 00:00:25next interview and make the concepts
- 00:00:27easier I have compiled the top 30
- 00:00:29projects manager interview question that
- 00:00:31covers everything from technical hard
- 00:00:33skills to critical soft skills and I'm
- 00:00:35100% sure that these questions will give
- 00:00:37you an idea of how project manager
- 00:00:39interviews are shaped and what kind of
- 00:00:41questions you can expect so make sure to
- 00:00:43watch this video till the end and plus
- 00:00:46don't forget to subscribe to Intel
- 00:00:47part's YouTube channel to never miss out
- 00:00:49any updates from RN okay so starting off
- 00:00:52with the very first question which is
- 00:00:53how do you define a project okay so a
- 00:00:56project is like a journey with a clear
- 00:00:58starting point A Des ation and a unique
- 00:01:01purpose so what I mean by this is a
- 00:01:03project is a temporary Endeavor with a
- 00:01:05definite beginning and end it's all
- 00:01:08about achieving something new whether
- 00:01:10it's building a bridge or you can say
- 00:01:13launching an app or even planning a
- 00:01:15vedding it all comes under a project and
- 00:01:19what are the key characteristics of a
- 00:01:20project that a project don't go forever
- 00:01:24meaning it has some clear goals and
- 00:01:27timeline a project should produce a a
- 00:01:30unique
- 00:01:31outcome and project also have boundaries
- 00:01:34like money budget and time constraint
- 00:01:37making them distinct from every business
- 00:01:40process and lastly team
- 00:01:43collaboration so what's the outcome of a
- 00:01:45project is something deliverable which
- 00:01:48you can
- 00:01:49serve so moving on to our next question
- 00:01:52which is what is project management and
- 00:01:55why is it
- 00:01:56important so imagine you working on a
- 00:01:58big project okay like planning a wedding
- 00:02:01or launching a new app you need someone
- 00:02:03to keep everything on track making sure
- 00:02:06that the team stay focused the budget
- 00:02:09doesn't goes out and everything gets
- 00:02:11done on time and this is where project
- 00:02:14management comes in it involves
- 00:02:16organizing task setting clear goals and
- 00:02:20ensuring teamwork for successful
- 00:02:23outcome so you can see here on the
- 00:02:25screen the 12 benefits of having a good
- 00:02:28project management that is more
- 00:02:30impactful project outcome on time and
- 00:02:33budget delivery efficient Resource
- 00:02:35Management continuous learning from past
- 00:02:38projects improved project consistent
- 00:02:40detailed project better productivity and
- 00:02:43effective decision making and problem
- 00:02:45solving so you can say that with proper
- 00:02:48project management the team can stay on
- 00:02:50the track risk are handle and you get
- 00:02:53the high quality results that can bring
- 00:02:55real
- 00:02:57value okay moving on to our next
- 00:02:59question which is what is the iron
- 00:03:01triangle which is also known as triple
- 00:03:04constraint in a project management and
- 00:03:06why is it
- 00:03:07significant okay so the Iron Triangle or
- 00:03:10the triple constraint in project
- 00:03:12management represent the three key
- 00:03:14factors that determines a project
- 00:03:16success which is
- 00:03:20cost time and scope and together they
- 00:03:24produce the quality okay the cost is the
- 00:03:29project budget covering resources like
- 00:03:31the materials labors the time it refers
- 00:03:35to the schedule including the deadlines
- 00:03:38of the task duration and third scope
- 00:03:41which represents the outline the task
- 00:03:43and goals to be achieved so the key
- 00:03:45challenge for project managers is
- 00:03:47balancing these three elements for
- 00:03:50example if you want to complete the
- 00:03:52project faster so there comes the time
- 00:03:55it might increase the cost or reduce the
- 00:03:57scope similarly expanding the scope can
- 00:04:01raise cost or extend the deadlines so
- 00:04:03this concept is crucial because it helps
- 00:04:06manage the expectations and ensures that
- 00:04:09project deliver while staying realistic
- 00:04:12so by effectively balancing the triple
- 00:04:15constraint project managers can handle
- 00:04:17the tradeoffs or they can avoid scope
- 00:04:19creeps and deliver the quality results
- 00:04:23so moving on to our next
- 00:04:25question which is what are the four Ps
- 00:04:28of project management and how do they
- 00:04:30contribute to project success okay so
- 00:04:33the four piece of project management as
- 00:04:36you can see on the screen are people
- 00:04:39product process and
- 00:04:42project so
- 00:04:48this okay now talking about people so
- 00:04:51you know the backbone of any project
- 00:04:53lies in the skilled labor involved so a
- 00:04:56skilled will managed team with clear
- 00:04:59rules like project managers team leads
- 00:05:02and stakeholders can ensure smooth
- 00:05:06execution talking about the product so
- 00:05:09this is the end result whether it's a
- 00:05:12software a system or even an
- 00:05:14organizational change clearly defining
- 00:05:17the product scope and addressing
- 00:05:19technical challenges helps the team stay
- 00:05:22focused and aligned talking about the
- 00:05:25process a structured process is critical
- 00:05:28for Success it defines how the team will
- 00:05:30approach the project covering phases
- 00:05:33like documentation implementation
- 00:05:35deployment
- 00:05:37Etc now talking about this project so
- 00:05:41the overall blueprint of the effort the
- 00:05:43project manager ensures everything stay
- 00:05:46on the track from managing budget budget
- 00:05:50as in cost deadlines and solving problem
- 00:05:53and guiding the team so we can say that
- 00:05:56together these PS perform a framework
- 00:05:58that drives project project to achieve
- 00:06:00their end
- 00:06:02goal so moving on to our next question
- 00:06:05which is what is a project Charter and
- 00:06:08what does it
- 00:06:10includes okay so a project Charter in
- 00:06:13short we can say that it is a formal
- 00:06:16documentation initiating a project
- 00:06:19meaning it gives the project manager the
- 00:06:21authority to Begin work and outline the
- 00:06:24key details of the project to ensure
- 00:06:26that everyone involved understands its
- 00:06:30goals and objective it's like a
- 00:06:32blueprint that helps guide the team and
- 00:06:35keep stakeholders informed throughout
- 00:06:37the project and what does it include it
- 00:06:40includes project Scopes and objectives
- 00:06:44then identify project stakeholders and
- 00:06:46roles then create project Charter then
- 00:06:50update the project Charter as required
- 00:06:53and ensure that stakeholders are aligned
- 00:06:55with whatever mission and vision of that
- 00:06:57project is and last ly managed project
- 00:07:00according to the Charter so the charter
- 00:07:03helps keep the project on track and
- 00:07:05serves as a quick reference throughout
- 00:07:07its life
- 00:07:09cycle moving ahead with our next
- 00:07:11question which is what is a project
- 00:07:13Charter and what does it include so a
- 00:07:16project Charter in short is a formal
- 00:07:19documentation that officially starts a
- 00:07:21project so it serves as a blueprint for
- 00:07:24guiding the team and aligning the
- 00:07:27stakeholders which ensures clarity on
- 00:07:29goals roles and deliverables and what
- 00:07:32does it includes so it includes project
- 00:07:36goals what the project is being done the
- 00:07:40participants and their
- 00:07:42roles the
- 00:07:44stakeholders people impacted by the
- 00:07:47project or who needs update the
- 00:07:50constraint for example the potential
- 00:07:53risk the
- 00:07:55Milestones the key dates including the
- 00:07:58start check check point and completion
- 00:08:01communication
- 00:08:03plan how updates will be shared the
- 00:08:06deliverable what will be the delivered
- 00:08:09item at the end and the cost so the
- 00:08:12charter help keep the project on track
- 00:08:14and serves as the quick reference
- 00:08:17throughout its life cycle so moving
- 00:08:19ahead with our next question which is
- 00:08:22what are the five Project Life Cycle
- 00:08:25phases and how they are interrelated so
- 00:08:28the five phases of project life cycle
- 00:08:30are like stepping stone that help manage
- 00:08:33a project from start to finish and each
- 00:08:36phase has a specific purpose to solve
- 00:08:39and together they ensure the project
- 00:08:42stays on track so talking about the
- 00:08:45first phase which is Project initiation
- 00:08:48okay so this is where the project ideas
- 00:08:52take shape so you define a project
- 00:08:55purpose goal and stakeholder a project
- 00:08:58Charter is created in this particular
- 00:09:00phase
- 00:09:01only okay it's like setting the
- 00:09:04foundation before going ahead secondly
- 00:09:07talking about project planning so think
- 00:09:10of this phase as creating a detailed
- 00:09:12road map you break down the project into
- 00:09:15task set deadlines and identify the
- 00:09:18resources so smart specific measurable
- 00:09:21achievable time bound are set to keep
- 00:09:25everything realistic and this phase also
- 00:09:28involves the planning of risk and how to
- 00:09:31manage those
- 00:09:33risk so moving on with our next phase
- 00:09:36which is Project execution so here the
- 00:09:39actual work begins team carry out the
- 00:09:41task and project manager ensures that
- 00:09:44smooth work flow and collaboration is
- 00:09:47there it's all about following the plan
- 00:09:49and staying aligned with the stakeholder
- 00:09:52then comes the monitoring and
- 00:09:54controlling so this happens alongside
- 00:09:57the execution Okay so as the project
- 00:10:00execution is started this will also stop
- 00:10:03it's ensure that the project stays on
- 00:10:05the track by measuring performance using
- 00:10:07key performance indicator which is also
- 00:10:09known as kpis and critical success
- 00:10:11factors which is also known as csfs and
- 00:10:15adjustments accordingly are made and
- 00:10:17last step is Project closing when all
- 00:10:20the four steps are followed this is the
- 00:10:23Final Phase which wraps up the project
- 00:10:25and deliverables are handed over and
- 00:10:28contracts are closed and a further
- 00:10:30documented for future Improvement so
- 00:10:33each phase Builds on the previous one
- 00:10:36you see each phase is dependent on the
- 00:10:38previous one which ensures a smooth flow
- 00:10:41from initiation to
- 00:10:44completion okay so moving on to our next
- 00:10:47question which is what is the purpose of
- 00:10:49the initiating process group and what
- 00:10:52key documents are produced okay so the
- 00:10:55purpose of initiating process group is
- 00:10:57to Define an authorize a new project or
- 00:11:01a new phase of an existing project what
- 00:11:03do mean by this what I mean by this is
- 00:11:06it sets the foundation by helping
- 00:11:09stakeholders understand the Project's
- 00:11:11need that what are the things required
- 00:11:14and it's expected benefits this phase
- 00:11:17aligns their expectation with the
- 00:11:20Project's purpose which ensures clear
- 00:11:22visibility about the scope and objectiv
- 00:11:25of that particular project it also
- 00:11:28highlights the importance of engaging
- 00:11:31stakeholders early to ensure project
- 00:11:34success so the key deliverable produced
- 00:11:38in this phase include the project
- 00:11:40Charter and the stakeholder register and
- 00:11:42what does it include it includes the
- 00:11:45definition of the authorized project
- 00:11:47which engages the stakeholders key
- 00:11:50deliverables and it secures its approval
- 00:11:53so these documents are essential for
- 00:11:55smooth execution of project ensuring
- 00:11:58alignment ment with organizational goal
- 00:12:01and securing the necessary approvals for
- 00:12:04the Project's Next Step okay so moving
- 00:12:07on to our next question which is how to
- 00:12:10identify stakeholders in a project this
- 00:12:13is again a very important question so
- 00:12:16you can think of a stakeholder as anyone
- 00:12:20who has a role in or is affected by
- 00:12:23whatever project you're working on and
- 00:12:25whatever Project's outcome is there so
- 00:12:28start with the project Charter it
- 00:12:30usually list the keys people like
- 00:12:33sponsor or the
- 00:12:35client then look at your company setup
- 00:12:38and Industry standards to spot other
- 00:12:41players okay so a great way to dig
- 00:12:44deeper is to talk to team and experts so
- 00:12:49asking the right question ask the
- 00:12:51question that who benefits from this
- 00:12:53project or who might be impacted by its
- 00:12:56result so this will help you uncover
- 00:12:59everyone involved from suppliers and
- 00:13:02client to end users finally group them
- 00:13:06based on their levels of Interest so
- 00:13:09when you are done with Consulting your
- 00:13:11team and experts group them on the basis
- 00:13:14of the level interest and influence
- 00:13:17identifying stakeholders early means
- 00:13:19fewer surprises and better communication
- 00:13:22throughout the
- 00:13:23project so it's all about knowing who to
- 00:13:26involve and keeping them in this Loop
- 00:13:29Loop of making a project so moving ahead
- 00:13:32with our next question which is what is
- 00:13:34a work breakdown structure or WBS and
- 00:13:38how does it Aid in Project planning so
- 00:13:41work breakdown structure is a project
- 00:13:43management tool that breakdowns a large
- 00:13:47project into smaller manageable
- 00:13:49components so you see here this is a
- 00:13:52project and it's been broken down into
- 00:13:54smaller task and this task is again
- 00:13:57broken into subtask and then work
- 00:14:01package so it aids in Project Planning
- 00:14:04by organizing task it clearly structures
- 00:14:07the project it improves the clarity okay
- 00:14:12it streamlines the tracking which helps
- 00:14:15project managers monitor progress
- 00:14:17identifying delays and maintains
- 00:14:20accountability it enhances the focus
- 00:14:24because it simplifies the large go into
- 00:14:26actionable steps and vly supporting cost
- 00:14:30and reducing planning which helps in
- 00:14:33assisting in estimating budgets and
- 00:14:37allocating resources because as we have
- 00:14:39broken our project into smaller task we
- 00:14:41now know that what task required what
- 00:14:44amount of money so you can say that WBS
- 00:14:47can be formatted as spreadsheet flow
- 00:14:50chart or Gant chart and by breaking down
- 00:14:54projects WBS ensures better
- 00:14:56collaboration and successful project
- 00:14:58completetion
- 00:15:01so moving on to our 10th question which
- 00:15:04is what is a earned value management and
- 00:15:07how does it improve project tracking so
- 00:15:10earn value management or evm it's a
- 00:15:14project management method that helps
- 00:15:18track progress by comparing what's been
- 00:15:20achieved to what was planned so you
- 00:15:24planned
- 00:15:25something and you achieved something so
- 00:15:28this will help you track the overall
- 00:15:31progress so it provides a clear picture
- 00:15:34of whether a project is on scheduled and
- 00:15:37within budget by combining time cost and
- 00:15:40scope into a single system so evm
- 00:15:44improves project tracking by offering
- 00:15:46realtime insights into performance okay
- 00:15:49it highlights the potential delays that
- 00:15:52how much you're lagging for example if a
- 00:15:55task is only 50% complete but was
- 00:15:58supposed to be
- 00:15:5975% done by now evm Flags this
- 00:16:03discrepancy allowing adjustment to keep
- 00:16:06the project on track so by breaking down
- 00:16:09project data into measurable metrics evm
- 00:16:12ensures better resources allocation
- 00:16:15effective communication and accurate
- 00:16:17forecasting which makes a vital tool for
- 00:16:21managing complex project ensuring goals
- 00:16:24are met efficiently and cost effectively
- 00:16:29so moving ahead with our next question
- 00:16:31which is what is a critical path method
- 00:16:34or CPM and how does it help in Project
- 00:16:37scheduling so the critical path method
- 00:16:41is a project management technique that
- 00:16:43is used to identify the most crucial
- 00:16:46task needed to complete a project okay
- 00:16:50so it focuses on critical path which is
- 00:16:52a longest sequence of task that must be
- 00:16:55finished on time to ensure the project
- 00:16:58state is on schedule and if any task on
- 00:17:01critical path is delayed the whole
- 00:17:03project gets
- 00:17:04delayed so suppose task a takes 3 days
- 00:17:08task B takes 2 days and task D which is
- 00:17:13dependent upon task a and task B will
- 00:17:17take 3 days so you can say the average
- 00:17:19of task a and task B so CPM highlights
- 00:17:23this dependency so you can plan
- 00:17:26accordingly your task d okay so using
- 00:17:30CPM project managers can prioritize task
- 00:17:33avoid bottlenecks and allocate resources
- 00:17:36then after this task D then the project
- 00:17:39managers can plan their task e
- 00:17:41accordingly which will take 3 days so in
- 00:17:44short you can say that CPM gives you a
- 00:17:46clear road map helping you manage
- 00:17:48complex project smoothly while keeping
- 00:17:52deadlines so moving ahead with our next
- 00:17:55question which is how does the
- 00:17:57responsibility assign assignment Matrix
- 00:18:00support Resource Management so for this
- 00:18:03question imagine you're working on a
- 00:18:06project where everyone is busy but
- 00:18:08nothing seems to move forward like you
- 00:18:11are doing your job your TL is doing your
- 00:18:13job and your manager is doing job but
- 00:18:16the confusion is about who is doing what
- 00:18:19and that is where the raci Matrix
- 00:18:22becomes your savior raci stands for
- 00:18:27responsible account accountable
- 00:18:29consulted and informed responsible
- 00:18:32meaning who does the actual work
- 00:18:35accountable meaning who's the head Will
- 00:18:37Roll if anything goes wrong consulted
- 00:18:40meaning those whose input shapes the
- 00:18:43decision and informed meaning people
- 00:18:46kept in the task and who has to kept
- 00:18:48updated about the progress so this
- 00:18:51simple chart clears up any
- 00:18:53misunderstanding about responsibility it
- 00:18:56ensure the task never clear owners
- 00:18:58reduces overlap and improves
- 00:19:01communication for example while the
- 00:19:03project manager might be accountable for
- 00:19:06pro whole project a business analyst
- 00:19:08could be responsible for mapping process
- 00:19:11Consulting with TLS and informing the te
- 00:19:15so moving ahead with our next question
- 00:19:17which is what is the signin framework
- 00:19:20and how does it apply to classifying
- 00:19:22projects so sfin framework is a decision
- 00:19:26making tool which category situation
- 00:19:30into four
- 00:19:31domains complex complicated chotic and
- 00:19:36clear so clear meaning clear cause and
- 00:19:40effect solution are the best practices
- 00:19:43one should follow complicated multiple
- 00:19:46solution of same project which requires
- 00:19:49expert analysis complex meaning patterns
- 00:19:53emerge through
- 00:19:55experimentation and enabling constraint
- 00:19:58which are Loosely coupled then chaotic
- 00:20:01meaning immediate action is necessary to
- 00:20:04restore the order so to use the
- 00:20:07framework assess the situation based on
- 00:20:10cause and effect stability and available
- 00:20:13knowledge choose the appropriate
- 00:20:16responses based on these factor for
- 00:20:19example in crisis management immediate
- 00:20:22action is needed which is chaotic while
- 00:20:24in routine task the best practic is
- 00:20:27simple are
- 00:20:29sufficient so by visualizing these
- 00:20:32domains organization can improve
- 00:20:34decision making and adapt
- 00:20:36strategies moving ahead to our next
- 00:20:38question which is what is the difference
- 00:20:41between iterative and phased approaches
- 00:20:44in project management so talking about
- 00:20:47the phased approach the project is
- 00:20:50divided into sequential
- 00:20:52stages for example Phase 1 Phase 2 phase
- 00:20:56three and so on and each phase must be
- 00:21:00completed before moving to the next for
- 00:21:03instance in construction projects the
- 00:21:06design phase is fully completed and
- 00:21:09approved before the construction phase
- 00:21:11begins ensuring a clear structure and
- 00:21:13predictable
- 00:21:15timeline so this can be your initiation
- 00:21:18stage then comes the
- 00:21:21planning then comes the execution and
- 00:21:25then comes the closure so moving ahead
- 00:21:28with the iterative approach in this the
- 00:21:31work is divided into smaller Cycles or
- 00:21:35iteration where task are Revisited to
- 00:21:38refine and improve the outcome okay so
- 00:21:41fine you didn't like the analysis and
- 00:21:44design okay move ahead with the
- 00:21:46development or testing and then come
- 00:21:48back to analysis and design once you
- 00:21:50feel like so it is flexible and
- 00:21:53incorporates continuous feedback for
- 00:21:55example in agile software development
- 00:21:58features like a login page or dashboard
- 00:22:00are built tested and improved in each
- 00:22:03Sprint allowing for adjustment based on
- 00:22:06the feedback so you can see the both
- 00:22:09methods suit different project type for
- 00:22:11example iterative is for ideal and
- 00:22:14dynamic projects like software while pH
- 00:22:17is better for fixed scope like
- 00:22:21construction moving ahead with our next
- 00:22:23question which is what are the key
- 00:22:26components of risk planning and how do
- 00:22:28you to address potential
- 00:22:30risk okay so risk planning involves
- 00:22:35identifying
- 00:22:37analyzing
- 00:22:38preparing monitoring and control for
- 00:22:42example risk identification is the
- 00:22:44process of recognizing potential risk
- 00:22:47before they occur for example in a
- 00:22:50software project risk like system
- 00:22:52failure scope changes or resources
- 00:22:55shortage are identified early on the
- 00:22:58early basis moving ahead with risk
- 00:23:01assessment so once the risk are
- 00:23:03identified their likelihood and
- 00:23:05potential impacts are
- 00:23:07evaluated which helps prioritize which
- 00:23:10risk need immediate action for example a
- 00:23:13security breach in software project
- 00:23:15could have a high impact while minor
- 00:23:18delays may have a lower impact talking
- 00:23:21thirdly about risk strategies or
- 00:23:24mitigation it involves creating plans to
- 00:23:28min minimize or avoid risk strategies
- 00:23:31can include have a backup plan
- 00:23:34diversifying resources or setting
- 00:23:36contingency budgets and lastly risk
- 00:23:39monitoring so throughout the project
- 00:23:41risk should be monitored in each and
- 00:23:43every step and ensure the mitigation
- 00:23:46plans are effective and when new risk
- 00:23:49are identified promptly regular reviews
- 00:23:52and updates help keep the project on
- 00:23:54track so you can say that addressing
- 00:23:56risk requires proactive planning and
- 00:24:00constant monitoring to ensure project
- 00:24:03with to stay within scope time and
- 00:24:06budget okay so moving ahead with our
- 00:24:09next question which is what tools do you
- 00:24:12use to improve process activities in a
- 00:24:15project so to improve process activities
- 00:24:18in a project there are several tools
- 00:24:20that can be used to streamline
- 00:24:23workflows which increases the efficiency
- 00:24:26and ensure better outcomes so some of
- 00:24:29the commonly used tools are project
- 00:24:32management software you must have heard
- 00:24:35about jira tro these tools help manage
- 00:24:38task and track process and assign
- 00:24:41responsibilities then coming to Gan
- 00:24:43chart for example Microsoft Project
- 00:24:46smart sheets which are helpful for
- 00:24:48visualizing project timelines milestones
- 00:24:51and dependencies then we have process
- 00:24:55mapping for example use a chart and in
- 00:24:58which process mapping tools help
- 00:25:00visualize the flow of task and
- 00:25:02activities in a project then we have
- 00:25:05canman board you have heard about Trello
- which help manage task by
- 00:25:11visualizing them in column such as too
- 00:25:13or in process or completed which ensures
- 00:25:17that work is moving smoothly and teams
- 00:25:20are staying on the top of the task then
- 00:25:22we have root cause analysis which
- 00:25:25consist fishbone diagrams five y's to
- 00:25:28identify the root cause of any problem
- 00:25:31then we have the sort analysis you must
- 00:25:32have heard which is a tool for assessing
- 00:25:35strength weakness opportunities and
- 00:25:37threat then we have time tracking tools
- 00:25:41such as toggle Harvest which help keep
- 00:25:44the track of the time spent on various
- 00:25:47tasks and helping teams understand where
- 00:25:51resources are being
- 00:25:52allocated okay so you can say that by
- 00:25:56utilizing these tools team can improve
- 00:25:58process activities inform decisions and
- 00:26:01keep project on
- 00:26:03track okay so moving ahead with our next
- 00:26:06question which is tell me about a
- 00:26:08challenge you have faced and how you
- 00:26:11handle it okay so what the question
- 00:26:13means here is the interviewer wants to
- 00:26:15learn about your problem solving skills
- 00:26:17and how you approach towards the
- 00:26:19challenges okay and so they looking for
- 00:26:22a specific example how to answer this is
- 00:26:25to apply the star method and what what's
- 00:26:28the meaning of Star as you can see on
- 00:26:30the screen star is situation task action
- 00:26:34and result so situation start with the
- 00:26:37situation you were in for example
- 00:26:39explain that your project team suddenly
- 00:26:41got smaller because two people were out
- 00:26:43sick for an extended period of time in
- 00:26:46task you can say like uh how you wanted
- 00:26:49to resolve the situation for example
- 00:26:52your goal was to ensure that you could
- 00:26:54still deliver the project on time and in
- 00:26:56action you can describe the action you
- 00:26:58took to reach your goal for example you
- 00:26:59tried to get help from another team and
- 00:27:02when that also didn't work out you had
- 00:27:04outsourced some of the simpler task to a
- 00:27:06freelancer and the result result will
- 00:27:09include finish the outcome of the
- 00:27:11situation for example hiring a
- 00:27:12freelancer allowed your team to focus on
- 00:27:14the important task and complete the
- 00:27:16project without any further delays so
- 00:27:19this is how you will explain about the
- 00:27:21challenges you faced and how you handle
- 00:27:23it using the star method so moving ahead
- 00:27:27with our next question which is what are
- 00:27:29the type of meeting in a project
- 00:27:31management and what roles do they play
- 00:27:34so in project management meetings are
- 00:27:37very essential to ensure smooth
- 00:27:39communication and collaboration so we
- 00:27:42have kickoff meetings which are held at
- 00:27:45project start and these meeting ensure
- 00:27:48everyone understands the goal then we
- 00:27:51have regular meetings conducted
- 00:27:53frequently like on daily weekly or
- 00:27:56monthly basis then we have stakehold
- 00:27:58older meetings which involve
- 00:28:00stakeholders to provide updates gather
- 00:28:02feedback and maintain their interest
- 00:28:05then we have Change Control meetings uh
- 00:28:08which focuses on reviewing and deciding
- 00:28:11on change request and these meetings
- 00:28:13help manage the project scope then we
- 00:28:16have status review meeting which are
- 00:28:19done to track the progress on a schedule
- 00:28:21budget and school then lastly we have
- 00:28:24project review meeting which is held at
- 00:28:26the end of the project to evaluate
- 00:28:29success learn lesson and recognize team
- 00:28:32effort so each type of the meeting plays
- 00:28:35a critical role in ensuring Clarity
- 00:28:37addressing concern and keeping the
- 00:28:39project on track so moving ahead with
- 00:28:42our next question which is how do you
- 00:28:45manage a difficult stakeholder involved
- 00:28:48in your project so managing a difficult
- 00:28:51stakeholder can be challenging but at
- 00:28:53the same time it's very essential for
- 00:28:55ensuring the project success and the key
- 00:28:58to address their concern while
- 00:29:00maintaining a professional and
- 00:29:01productive relationship so the steps
- 00:29:04which you can follow is you can listen
- 00:29:07actively you can hear their issues
- 00:29:09without
- 00:29:10interrupting you can understand their
- 00:29:13motivation determine if their concerns
- 00:29:16stem over the pressure lack of
- 00:29:18information then you can stay calm and
- 00:29:21professional you can handle the
- 00:29:22discussion with patients and avoid
- 00:29:24personal conflicts then you can provide
- 00:29:27data driven responses use the fact and
- 00:29:30progress report to address the concerns
- 00:29:32then you can take quick actions resolve
- 00:29:35the valid issues then of course
- 00:29:37communication is the key everywhere so
- 00:29:39you can keep them informed through
- 00:29:41updates and meeting and you can be firm
- 00:29:44whenever it is necessary so moving ahead
- 00:29:48with our next question which is how
- 00:29:50would you manage a client issue
- 00:29:52encountered just before the uat phase so
- 00:29:56what do you mean by uat phases user
- 00:29:59acceptance testing so how you can manage
- 00:30:03a client so there are eight steps to
- 00:30:05manage a client issue before the uat
- 00:30:08phase the first one is identify the
- 00:30:11issue it's very important to know what
- 00:30:13exactly the issue is then you can
- 00:30:16communicate that issue immediately then
- 00:30:19assess the impact of that issue then
- 00:30:21collaborate on solution you can take
- 00:30:24various solutions from various people
- 00:30:26and then collaborate then prioritize the
- 00:30:28critical task then change the
- 00:30:31documentation which was previously made
- 00:30:34and update the uat and then maintain the
- 00:30:38transparency so these are the steps to
- 00:30:41be followed to manage a client issues
- 00:30:43just before the uat fee moving on with
- 00:30:46our next question which is how do you
- 00:30:49deal with bottlenecks in a project so
- 00:30:51dealing with bottleneck in a project
- 00:30:54requires a structured approach okay so
- 00:30:56firstly identify the bottleneck analyze
- 00:31:00where delays or inefficiency occurs so
- 00:31:03so the first step is identification then
- 00:31:06second prioritize and address it by
- 00:31:09understanding its root cause for example
- 00:31:11if it is a resource shortage reallocate
- 00:31:14the resource or bring an additional
- 00:31:16support then optimize the process
- 00:31:19consider automating repetitive task
- 00:31:22streamlining communication or breaking
- 00:31:24the bottleneck then communicate
- 00:31:26effectively with the team keeping
- 00:31:28everyone informed about the step then
- 00:31:31prevent that issue and after resolving
- 00:31:34it Implement longterm solution to
- 00:31:36prevent reoccurrence such as improving
- 00:31:39workflows updating tools increasing
- 00:31:42training and lastly stay positive
- 00:31:45maintain a positive mindset that
- 00:31:48bottlenecks are common in projects and
- 00:31:50tackling them effectively improves the
- 00:31:52team efficiency and outcome okay moving
- 00:31:57ahead with our next question which is
- 00:31:58how can a conflict affect a Project's
- 00:32:01progress and how would you resolve it so
- 00:32:04conflict can significantly impact a
- 00:32:07Project's progress by disrupting team
- 00:32:10decrease productivity compromising
- 00:32:13project quality escalation of conflict
- 00:32:16legal and financial consequences reduced
- 00:32:19team cohesion and poor moral and
- 00:32:21increase stress so a tense work
- 00:32:24involvment May lower the morale and
- 00:32:26creativity making it harder for teams to
- 00:32:28collaborate effectively and ultimately
- 00:32:31these issues can slow down the project
- 00:32:33and even risk the client dissatisfaction
- 00:32:36so to resolve the conflict the first
- 00:32:39step is identifying okay so identifying
- 00:32:42the root cause by actively listening
- 00:32:45collaborating accommodating and avoiding
- 00:32:48the conflict so once the prospective of
- 00:32:51everybody is gathered focus on a common
- 00:32:54goal and brainstorm the solution
- 00:32:57collaborate choosing a mutually
- 00:32:59agreeable solution that addresses
- 00:33:02everyone concern is the key encouraging
- 00:33:04a communication fostering respect and
- 00:33:08using project management tools to ensure
- 00:33:10transparency for ensuring smoother
- 00:33:13project
- 00:33:14execution okay moving ahead with our
- 00:33:16next question which is how will you
- 00:33:18create an effective change management
- 00:33:21plan so let's first understand what are
- 00:33:23the steps involved in the chain
- 00:33:25management process so the number one is
- 00:33:27preparation for a change for example if
- 00:33:29any change you want to do in that in
- 00:33:31your project how you're prepared for it
- 00:33:34building a vision for that planning the
- 00:33:36change implementing the change and then
- 00:33:38lastly monitoring and reviewing the
- 00:33:40change so how can we create the
- 00:33:42effective chain management is by
- 00:33:44defining certain objective then
- 00:33:46developing a communication strategy
- 00:33:49providing training and support and
- 00:33:51lastly monitoring and evaluating so all
- 00:33:54businesses must undergo a change at one
- 00:33:57point or another so whether it's change
- 00:33:59in leadership organizational structure
- 00:34:02or Technologies and changes can be
- 00:34:04disruptive and stressful so there needs
- 00:34:07to be a effective change management plan
- 00:34:10so a change management plan allows you
- 00:34:12to communicate the change early and
- 00:34:14often by providing training support and
- 00:34:18be available to answer possible question
- 00:34:21which reduces the change resistance
- 00:34:23boost employe morale and helps to create
- 00:34:26a more positive work involment
- 00:34:28government moving ahead with our next
- 00:34:30question which is how do you prepare to
- 00:34:33manage a remote team effectively again
- 00:34:36to prepare to manage a remote team
- 00:34:39effectively the key is to establish a
- 00:34:42solid foundation of structure
- 00:34:44communication and well-being while
- 00:34:46remaining adaptable to your team's
- 00:34:48unique need you know every individual
- 00:34:51has unique needs and unique manageable
- 00:34:56Styles and it's important to find
- 00:34:58what works best for you and your team so
- 00:35:01here are seven strategies which you can
- 00:35:03Implement so first one is set clear
- 00:35:06expectation so you can establish clear
- 00:35:08guidelines for work procedure
- 00:35:10communication style and team values then
- 00:35:13you can use the right Communication
- 00:35:15channel so use a mix of communication
- 00:35:19tool like instant messaging emails video
- 00:35:23calls Etc then you can hold regular
- 00:35:26check-ins you can schedule daily or
- 00:35:28weekly check-ins to maintain a
- 00:35:30connection and provide
- 00:35:32opportunities then mental health of
- 00:35:35course is very important then prioritize
- 00:35:37your team's emotional well-being by
- 00:35:39providing support encouraging breaks and
- 00:35:42offering resources then it's very
- 00:35:44important to celebrate the win recognize
- 00:35:47both big and small achievements then
- 00:35:49document the process keep detailed
- 00:35:51documentation of workflow then lastly
- 00:35:54encourage the socialization then
- 00:35:56organize word viral or social events
- 00:35:59team building Etc so you must remember
- 00:36:03the approach may vary based on Team
- 00:36:05Dynamics you know it can vary from Team
- 00:36:08to team or person to person based on
- 00:36:11preferences but consistency in these
- 00:36:14core areas will help effectively remote
- 00:36:17Team Management moving ahead with our
- 00:36:19next question what steps will you take
- 00:36:22to create a risk management plan okay to
- 00:36:25create a risk management plan in a
- 00:36:27project management I would take the
- 00:36:29following steps okay so what I would do
- 00:36:31is I would identify the step risk okay I
- 00:36:35would measure the risk I would examine
- 00:36:37the solution I would implement the
- 00:36:39solution and then I would monitor the
- 00:36:41result so I would begin by engaging the
- 00:36:44stakeholder for brainstorming the
- 00:36:46potential risk then I would assess the
- 00:36:50likelihood and impact of each risk then
- 00:36:52based on the assessment I would Define
- 00:36:55mitigation strategies for technical
- 00:36:58failures a contingency plan then I would
- 00:37:00Monitor and review you know monitoring
- 00:37:02and reviewing throughout the project is
- 00:37:05very necessary and I would continuously
- 00:37:07monitor risk adjusting the plans and
- 00:37:10then I would communicate the regular
- 00:37:11communication with the team and
- 00:37:13stakeholder which would ensure everyone
- 00:37:15is aware of the risk and their
- 00:37:18perspectives moving ahead with our next
- 00:37:21question which is if you suddenly notice
- 00:37:23a traffic drop in your website how would
- 00:37:26you conduct a root cause analysis a
- 00:37:29sudden drop in website traffic can cause
- 00:37:32by various factors okay for example
- 00:37:34technical issues side speed security
- 00:37:37manual penalities algorithm updates and
- 00:37:40backlinks issues so by addressing these
- 00:37:43area will help you conduct a root cause
- 00:37:46analysis for example in technical issues
- 00:37:48check for the server issue broken
- 00:37:50lengths sight speed slow loading time
- 00:37:53can frustrate the visitors then security
- 00:37:56risk a security breach can result in
- 00:37:59Google warning visitors which reduces
- 00:38:02traffic then manual penalties if your
- 00:38:05site violates Google guidelines a manual
- 00:38:07penalty may occur then algorithm updates
- 00:38:10very important so Google algorithm
- 00:38:12changes like regularly so it's very
- 00:38:15important to stay updated on core
- 00:38:16updates then lastly backlink issues so
- 00:38:19low quality backlinks can harm your
- 00:38:21ranking so you know by keeping these
- 00:38:25areas in mind and conducting a regular
- 00:38:27audit
- 00:38:28keeping up with the SEO Trends you can
- 00:38:30recover from the traffic
- 00:38:32drops moving ahead with our next
- 00:38:35question which is how do you handle
- 00:38:36project dependencies effectively so
- 00:38:39managing dependency in project
- 00:38:41management is crucial to ensuring smooth
- 00:38:44project execution and dependency refer
- 00:38:47to relationship between the task like
- 00:38:50how much this x task is dependent upon
- 00:38:53the Y understanding and identifying
- 00:38:55these dependency early can help mitigate
- 00:38:58risk enhance communication and improve
- 00:39:01efficiency so basically there are four
- 00:39:03main type of task dependency finish to
- 00:39:07start finish to finish start to start
- 00:39:11and start to finish so task y cannot
- 00:39:13start until task X ends because Y is
- 00:39:17dependent on X similarly task y can't
- 00:39:21start unless task X finishes task Y in
- 00:39:25this case task y won't be able to finish
- 00:39:28and in this task y cannot finish until
- 00:39:31task X is finished so to manage
- 00:39:33dependency effectively project managers
- 00:39:36must identify all the dependencies which
- 00:39:39are there then you need to categorize
- 00:39:41those dependency then assign individual
- 00:39:44responsibilities and prioritize the
- 00:39:46critical task to be done first you can
- 00:39:48use visualization tools then monitor the
- 00:39:51progress regularly and communicate
- 00:39:54effectively then plan for the
- 00:39:56contingency so by staying proactive
- 00:39:59project managers can navigate complex
- 00:40:01dependency and ensure timely project
- 00:40:04delivery moving ahead with our next
- 00:40:06question which is what is a critical
- 00:40:09chain project management and how does it
- 00:40:11address resource constraint so critical
- 00:40:14chain project management or
- 00:40:17ccpm is a project management method
- 00:40:20focused on effectively managing
- 00:40:23resources and dependent task so you can
- 00:40:26think of of it like building something
- 00:40:28with limited blocks you need to plan
- 00:40:32okay how to use them
- 00:40:34wisely ccpm ensures essential task are
- 00:40:38prioritized while accounting for
- 00:40:40resource constraint so it adds buffer
- 00:40:43extra time and resource to pick the
- 00:40:45project from delays it reduces the
- 00:40:48multitasking and it plans the resources
- 00:40:52proactively so overall it helps team
- 00:40:54focus on one task like prioritize only
- 00:40:57one task at one
- 00:40:59time reducing multitasking and planning
- 00:41:03resources need upfront and using buffer
- 00:41:06at safety nets so it ensures project
- 00:41:09stays on track even when limited
- 00:41:12resources or unexpected challenges are
- 00:41:15there so going ahead we have our next
- 00:41:18question which is what is the benefit
- 00:41:21realization management of
- 00:41:23brm and how does it enhance traditional
- 00:41:26project manag agement okay so brm or
- 00:41:30benefit realization management is a
- 00:41:32systematic approach to ensure projects
- 00:41:35deliver measurable value assigned with
- 00:41:38an organization strategies goal it
- 00:41:42Bridges the gap between project
- 00:41:44deliverable and tangible benefits by
- 00:41:47identifying planning executing and
- 00:41:50sustaining value so it basically
- 00:41:53involves identifying executing and
- 00:41:55sustaining so what is the benefit
- 00:41:57benefit is benefit identification Matrix
- 00:42:00resource allocation and sustaining
- 00:42:02benefits so benefit identification
- 00:42:05clearly defined project
- 00:42:07objective it defines objective Matrix
- 00:42:10and kpis uses measurable indicators to
- 00:42:13track progress how your project has made
- 00:42:17so far then resource allocation assign
- 00:42:19the right resources that how much amount
- 00:42:22of uh human resource or money is
- 00:42:26required then sustain benefit then
- 00:42:29transition project output into long-term
- 00:42:31organization values so in summary you
- 00:42:34can say brm is essential for maximizing
- 00:42:36Roi and ensuring project contribute to
- 00:42:40an organizational success because
- 00:42:42success is what is needed out of every
- 00:42:44project by focusing on long-term
- 00:42:47measurable outcomes instead of just
- 00:42:50deliverables so moving ahead with our
- 00:42:53last question which is what is the
- 00:42:55difference between Canin and scrum and
- 00:42:58what is Scrum one so let's break it down
- 00:43:02so scrum is like a well grouped game
- 00:43:05plan work happens in fixed Sprint okay
- 00:43:09team Sprints are there and work happens
- 00:43:11between 1 to 4 week with a scrum Master
- 00:43:14guiding the team it's great for tackling
- 00:43:16big and complex project step by step
- 00:43:20because roles are Define and set of
- 00:43:22rules and principles are there to be
- 00:43:24followed now canbin is more more like a
- 00:43:28flowing river you can say there is no
- 00:43:30deadline okay and task move through
- 00:43:32stages at their own pace and speed and
- 00:43:35everything is visualized on Canen boat
- 00:43:37so it's perfect for ongoing project of
- 00:43:40Shifting priorities but you will need to
- 00:43:43self-managed deadline since there is no
- 00:43:45time pressure so process and workflow
- 00:43:47visualization through boards and
- 00:43:49continuous flow of work and then there
- 00:43:51come the scrumban so it's the mix of
- 00:43:54both scrum and canbin it borrows the
- 00:43:57scrum Sprint and prioritization while
- 00:43:59keeping the canin's visual workflow so
- 00:44:03you can think of it best of both the
- 00:44:05words so it will take the pros like pros
- 00:44:09of the scrum is predetermined system
- 00:44:11with clear roles and it's great for
- 00:44:13meeting deadlines and it will take the
- 00:44:16pros of Canan also which provides a
- 00:44:18simple visual cues for team members and
- 00:44:20adaptable for continuous project which
- 00:44:23will need the flexibility so you saw
- 00:44:25that it will take the pros of both for
- 00:44:27the teams that needs flexibility but
- 00:44:29still what some structure you can say
- 00:44:31that it's ideal for dynamic projects or
- 00:44:34transitioning between the framework so
- 00:44:37now talking about the cons of scrum it
- 00:44:39requires individual focus and team
- 00:44:41collaboration it takes time to implement
- 00:44:44and familiarize yourself talking about
- 00:44:46cons of Canin Which is less structure
- 00:44:48than scrum and lack of focus on time
- 00:44:51sensitivity so that's all from my side I
- 00:44:54hope you have liked the video kindly
- 00:44:55don't forget to hit the like And
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- gestion de projet
- interview
- questions
- triangle de fer
- charte de projet
- parties prenantes
- phase du projet
- méthode Agile
- conflits