You’re Not A Failure: How To Actually Achieve Big Goals In 2025
TLDRThis video explains how learned helplessness affects individuals' ability to achieve their goals, rooted in psychological conditioning from repeated failures. It discusses the necessity of a positive mindset and strategic thinking to overcome self-imposed limitations. The content delves into the importance of viewing failure as a learning opportunity and emphasizes developing a strategic approach to life goals. Practical steps are outlined, including self-analysis, the premortem technique for anticipating challenges, and strategies for reprogramming one's beliefs and identity. The speaker encourages viewers to embrace their capability of personal transformation away from mediocrity.
- 🧠 Understanding learned helplessness is crucial for overcoming mediocrity.
- 💡 Mindset and perspective shape how we interpret our reality.
- 🚀 Failures are necessary stepping stones on the path to success.
- 🔍 Practicing strategic thinking helps in achieving personal goals.
- ✍️ Use the premortem technique to visualize and address potential failures.
- 📈 Embrace a continuous self-education and skill acquisition process.
- 🌟 Your identity is malleable and can evolve over time.
- 📊 Conduct a SWOT analysis for better self-awareness.
- 🧘♂️ Meditation can accelerate personal growth and development.
- 🔗 Delete distractions that do not align with your goals.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The concept of learned helplessness explains why many individuals struggle to achieve their goals. This psychological condition arises from repeated negative stimuli leading to a belief that one's actions don't influence outcomes, causing a resignation to mediocrity. People often exhibit selective skepticism, doubting their ability to succeed when opportunities arise, which traps them in a cycle of stagnation.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
The root cause of these issues lies in one's identity, which is formed by societal influences rather than personal experiences. Understanding that the mind interprets reality through stories allows for a reframing of one's experiences and actions toward achieving goals. Defining a clear personal narrative and actively choosing to alter it is crucial for overcoming obstacles in self-development.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Identity is shaped by various stages of ego development, with most individuals stagnating in conventional stages which dictate their decision-making and perspectives. Recognizing the limits of this conventional mindset is essential for growth beyond the status quo. The journey involves understanding this framework and working towards transcending to higher stages of thought.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Mistakes serve as a vital source of truth, unlike theoretical knowledge. Embracing failure enables individuals to gain uniquely tailored insights pertinent to their situations, facilitating real growth and the ability to adapt without reverting to old beliefs. This re-engagement with failure, rather than avoidance, propels one forward in their personal development journey.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Strategic thinking is imperative in navigating life's challenges effectively. By clearly defining strategic intent and working through self-analysis (including a SWOT analysis) and strategic preparation, individuals can create a conducive environment for growth. A firm commitment to executing a strategic plan enhances the likelihood of achieving long-term goals while maintaining flexibility to adjust as circumstances evolve.
- 00:25:00 - 00:31:33
Finally, utilizing the premortem technique allows individuals to foresee potential failure points in their plans. By anticipating obstacles, listing their causes, prioritizing them, and brainstorming solutions, one can eliminate fear and uncertainty, allowing for a more decisive, action-oriented approach toward realizing their goals. The integration of clear strategy and adaptability is crucial for success.
What is learned helplessness?
Learned helplessness is a psychological condition where individuals feel they cannot escape negative situations due to repeated failures or pain, leading them to give up.
How does mindset affect achievement?
Mindset shapes how individuals perceive reality and influences their ability to see opportunities and take risks.
What is selective skepticism?
Selective skepticism refers to a critical flaw in self-development where individuals cannot envision a successful future and dismiss opportunities.
What strategies can help overcome learned helplessness?
Strategies include strategic thinking, recognizing and interpreting reality differently, and embracing failure as a source of growth.
What is the premortem technique?
The premortem technique involves imagining potential failures before starting a project and brainstorming solutions to avoid them.
- 00:00:00if you want to understand why most
- 00:00:02people never actually achieve their
- 00:00:04goals and really struggle to do anything
- 00:00:07great with their lives you need to
- 00:00:09understand this learned helplessness is
- 00:00:11a psychological condition where a person
- 00:00:14or animal learns to behave helplessly in
- 00:00:16a particular situation even when the
- 00:00:19opportunity to avoid or Escape it is
- 00:00:22available it occurs after an individual
- 00:00:24has experienced repeated aversive
- 00:00:26stimuli examples being pain or failure
- 00:00:29that they can cannot control as a result
- 00:00:31they come to believe that their actions
- 00:00:33have no effect on the environment and
- 00:00:35they give up trying to change their
- 00:00:37circumstances you probably know a few of
- 00:00:39these people you probably have that
- 00:00:40friend who believes they just can't do
- 00:00:42anything and it's kind of depressing
- 00:00:44because you just look at them and think
- 00:00:45like dude can't you see that this is
- 00:00:49possible if you look at it from a
- 00:00:50different angle that's a lot of what
- 00:00:52we're going to talk about but you see
- 00:00:54this everywhere online it just seems
- 00:00:55like people don't try anymore and
- 00:00:58there's a deep reason behind this
- 00:01:00extremely deep they're presented with
- 00:01:02opportunities to start a business meet
- 00:01:04new people or change their life as a
- 00:01:06whole and their unconscious automatic
- 00:01:08and programmed response is sounds like a
- 00:01:11scam I can't do that because but what if
- 00:01:14it doesn't work this is a critical flaw
- 00:01:17in their self-development it's called
- 00:01:19selective skepticism their mind can't
- 00:01:22see a potential future where they do
- 00:01:24well their beliefs trap where their
- 00:01:26thoughts can go in this small little
- 00:01:28bubble their attention can't transcend
- 00:01:30the problem and if your decisions create
- 00:01:33your future you can see that this only
- 00:01:35leads to a mediocre life so the brutal
- 00:01:37truth is this you haven't failed enough
- 00:01:40you gave up too soon and you didn't
- 00:01:42learn how to view failure as the only
- 00:01:45path to success now success is mostly
- 00:01:47about winning the internal battle
- 00:01:49between your lower and higher self it's
- 00:01:51a mind game and you lose that game when
- 00:01:54you accept that negative outcomes for
- 00:01:56your life are the only outcomes you win
- 00:01:58this game this mind mind game when you
- 00:02:00cultivate a mind that can thrive in any
- 00:02:03situation so that's exactly what we need
- 00:02:06to learn how to do and I have a few
- 00:02:08tricks for you in this video the first
- 00:02:10is how to become a strategic thinker
- 00:02:13like the most successful people in
- 00:02:14history so we'll break down the seven
- 00:02:16principles the second thing is how to
- 00:02:18simulate failure before you even start
- 00:02:21with the premortem technique so you can
- 00:02:23prepare your mind to do hard things but
- 00:02:25first before we do any of that we need
- 00:02:27to start from Ground Zero because you
- 00:02:29need the belief before you can actually
- 00:02:32act this video the first onethird or
- 00:02:35half of this video is meant to reprogram
- 00:02:38your mind I'm going to try to install
- 00:02:41the right beliefs and ways of thinking
- 00:02:44about how your mind works so that when
- 00:02:46you actually go to create a strategy or
- 00:02:48achieve your goals you can actually do
- 00:02:51it and your mind doesn't immediately
- 00:02:52think I can't do that so let's get into
- 00:02:55that let's get into winning the Mind
- 00:02:57Game and we'll start from a quote from
- 00:02:59Ludwig wienstein if I said that
- 00:03:02correctly what is your aim in philosophy
- 00:03:04to show the fly the way out of the fly
- 00:03:07bottle so you have a project that you
- 00:03:09want to complete you have a goal that
- 00:03:10you want to achieve you have some idea
- 00:03:13for a life that you want to live it
- 00:03:15could be making millions of dollars
- 00:03:17marrying a person you couldn't see
- 00:03:18yourself without losing weight learning
- 00:03:21a skill or anything else that leads to
- 00:03:22growth because humans have an intrinsic
- 00:03:25desire to break out of one shell then
- 00:03:27the next then the next now here's the
- 00:03:29thing everything is a mind game within
- 00:03:31one big mind game in order to play the
- 00:03:34Mind Game you must understand how the
- 00:03:36mind works from there you need to create
- 00:03:38a strategy to win that game you need to
- 00:03:41become a strategic thinker so we're
- 00:03:43going to go a bit deep before we talk
- 00:03:45about practical steps because if you
- 00:03:47don't understand the root cause of why
- 00:03:50you fail to achieve big things then the
- 00:03:52Practical steps aren't going to help you
- 00:03:53at all you've already gotten all of the
- 00:03:56Practical steps you've watched all the
- 00:03:57YouTube videos has it gotten you
- 00:03:59anywhere maybe maybe maybe not so stick
- 00:04:01with me and really try to understand
- 00:04:04this to start dissecting your mind so we
- 00:04:06can understand it we need to understand
- 00:04:08the first thing which is how your mind
- 00:04:10interprets reality most people are
- 00:04:12pursuing the unconscious goals that
- 00:04:14their parents in society put into their
- 00:04:16head they are playing the game of being
- 00:04:18a useful worker rather than a free and
- 00:04:21fulfilled individual people try to play
- 00:04:23the game of starting a business or
- 00:04:25losing weight with the programmed mind
- 00:04:27of an employee or overweight person and
- 00:04:29wonder why they fail they don't
- 00:04:31understand that to achieve anything in
- 00:04:33life you must become the person who both
- 00:04:35sees that as a possibility and has the
- 00:04:38skill to achieve it to reinvent yourself
- 00:04:40you need to understand this the Mind
- 00:04:42makes sense of the world in stories a
- 00:04:45story or game provides the mind with a
- 00:04:48frame to maintain order and Clarity it
- 00:04:51gives you fulfilling steps to take
- 00:04:52toward the end goal and if you don't
- 00:04:54understand the story you are living out
- 00:04:56or the game you were playing you can't
- 00:04:57make sense of your place in the world
- 00:05:00you lose purpose entropy ensues and you
- 00:05:03get lost in chaos how your mind
- 00:05:05interprets reality is largely dependent
- 00:05:07on your identity or who you are and your
- 00:05:11identity is a web of ideas and goals and
- 00:05:14beliefs and values that act as this
- 00:05:18mental filter and as we'll discuss in a
- 00:05:20few minutes there are nine stages of ego
- 00:05:23development and each of those stages
- 00:05:26kind of comes along with goals beliefs
- 00:05:29and certain things that occupy your mind
- 00:05:30as you grow through them so a lot of the
- 00:05:33times when you are just starting out in
- 00:05:35self-development or any kind of
- 00:05:36development pursuing anything more in
- 00:05:38your life your identity wasn't created
- 00:05:41by you it was created by your
- 00:05:42environment by your parents Society the
- 00:05:44culture you grew up in maybe the the
- 00:05:47religion you grew up in or the things
- 00:05:49you grew up watching on TV or the news
- 00:05:51and we'll learn how to overcome that but
- 00:05:53for now you need to understand that the
- 00:05:55Mind selectively allows information into
- 00:05:59into your mind and your goals beliefs
- 00:06:02your identity shapes that it sh it
- 00:06:04shapes what your mind can perceive in a
- 00:06:06very poor example one person's mind
- 00:06:09could be able to see this camera another
- 00:06:11person's mind wouldn't be able to see
- 00:06:13this camera but you can think of that as
- 00:06:15information obviously you can probably
- 00:06:17see this screen right now but the words
- 00:06:20coming through some people are just
- 00:06:22missing the point completely of what
- 00:06:24we're talking about here and they're
- 00:06:25going to continue to miss the point
- 00:06:26because their identity and how they
- 00:06:28interpret the information doesn't land
- 00:06:30in their head you notice information
- 00:06:32that helps you achieve your goals you
- 00:06:34notice information that aligns with
- 00:06:36what's important to you or your values
- 00:06:39you notice information that confirms
- 00:06:41your beliefs so two different people at
- 00:06:44completely different levels of
- 00:06:45development with different goals can
- 00:06:47both read the same book or watch the
- 00:06:49same video and come to completely
- 00:06:51different conclusions about it the thing
- 00:06:53there is that those conclusions what you
- 00:06:56get out of something is then used to
- 00:06:58make decisions and those decisions
- 00:07:01compound into a life of success or
- 00:07:04failure because your choices create who
- 00:07:07you are you make more choices that
- 00:07:09creates who you are that that determines
- 00:07:11how you perceive reality in a certain
- 00:07:13way to more make more decisions and then
- 00:07:15it compounds over time do you see why
- 00:07:17this is important yet you fail at almost
- 00:07:19everything you do because you fail to
- 00:07:21interpret reality in a way that provides
- 00:07:23you with the information you actually
- 00:07:25need to succeed in any given situation
- 00:07:27you can interpret it in one thousand
- 00:07:29different ways maybe five of those
- 00:07:31interpretations will help you succeed
- 00:07:33but your mind can't comprehend those
- 00:07:36five ways yet you can't make progress
- 00:07:38because your mind rejects the
- 00:07:40information you need to make progress
- 00:07:42and this goes far beyond just getting
- 00:07:44information from a book or uh a YouTube
- 00:07:47video or a course what is your
- 00:07:50relationship with failure do you see
- 00:07:52that as the only source of reliable
- 00:07:54information to base your decisions on or
- 00:07:56do you see it as a reason to crawl back
- 00:07:59into your hole and give up do you not
- 00:08:01realize that growth is like being a
- 00:08:03lobster yes a lobster that it is painful
- 00:08:07to grow too big for your shell and if
- 00:08:09you don't remove it the pain only
- 00:08:11intensifies int death if you do decide
- 00:08:14to remove it which most don't you will
- 00:08:16be vulnerable you will go through a
- 00:08:18period of building a new shell and the
- 00:08:20shell here is your identity by the way
- 00:08:23almost all of your pain insecurity and
- 00:08:25lack of progress boils down to you being
- 00:08:27trapped in the Shell of your lower self
- 00:08:29that is doing everything it can to stay
- 00:08:32the same you refuse to open your mind or
- 00:08:34remove your shell so you can actually
- 00:08:36see that a better life is possible now
- 00:08:38your identity isn't some set in stone
- 00:08:40thing that you were assigned at Birth
- 00:08:42along with your name it's a living
- 00:08:44breathing and evolving entity you aren't
- 00:08:47helpless you've just learned to be so
- 00:08:49now we understand how the mind
- 00:08:50interprets reality on a surface level
- 00:08:53but now we need to understand how to
- 00:08:55reach a new level of Mind how do we
- 00:08:57adopt these new goals these new values
- 00:08:59these new beliefs so that we can
- 00:09:01interpret reality in a new expanded way
- 00:09:03to notice more information that helps us
- 00:09:05actually achieve the things we want to
- 00:09:07achieve so here there are nine different
- 00:09:09stages of ego development ego identity
- 00:09:13self we're going to consider those
- 00:09:14synonymous for now it's your
- 00:09:16interpretive filter for the world it's
- 00:09:18your storytelling engine it's how you
- 00:09:21make sense of the world but this is a
- 00:09:22concept by Susan Cook grer the nine
- 00:09:25levels of ego development it's it's one
- 00:09:27of her research papers so the first
- 00:09:28three stages fall within the
- 00:09:30preconventional category there's three
- 00:09:32categories there's preconventional
- 00:09:34conventional and postconventional so in
- 00:09:36the preconventional there's symbiotic
- 00:09:39impulsive and opportunist but we're not
- 00:09:42going to go over these because most
- 00:09:44people grow out of these stages by the
- 00:09:45age of 10 to 12 in these stages you're
- 00:09:48just dependent on others to fulfill your
- 00:09:49basic needs There's no distinction
- 00:09:51between self and other you just think
- 00:09:54others are there for you to fulfill your
- 00:09:56needs that's about 5% of the population
- 00:09:59now the conventional stages is about 75
- 00:10:02to 80% of the population so most people
- 00:10:06that fail to achieve the things they
- 00:10:07want in life are within these
- 00:10:09conventional stages the first is the
- 00:10:11conformist stage where your identity is
- 00:10:14defined by your relationship to a group
- 00:10:16like high school students focused on
- 00:10:18popularity or Bible Thumpers who never
- 00:10:20question their beliefs conformists base
- 00:10:22their decisions around what the group
- 00:10:24does and Obey Authority now this isn't
- 00:10:26limited to high school students or Bible
- 00:10:28Thumpers it's limited to people who just
- 00:10:31conform to the group and can't think for
- 00:10:33themselves the next stage is the expert
- 00:10:36stage so these are skill Centric
- 00:10:38engineering types or the average
- 00:10:40scientist they are good at tackling
- 00:10:42complex problems and working on tasks
- 00:10:44but they're bad at identifying if they
- 00:10:46are working on the right task or they're
- 00:10:48also bad at shifting their focus once
- 00:10:51they realize they're working on the
- 00:10:53wrong tasks and usually this is because
- 00:10:55they are still chained to a specific
- 00:10:57ideology or belief system from their
- 00:11:00past that they were conditioned into the
- 00:11:02next stage is the achiever stage so this
- 00:11:04is the quote unquote Pinnacle of
- 00:11:06development for the Western world you
- 00:11:08can think of it as self-help and
- 00:11:10business focused people who want to make
- 00:11:11a lot of money and achieve a high level
- 00:11:13of status so 80% I would say of
- 00:11:16educational content on YouTube or any
- 00:11:18kind of social media is focused on this
- 00:11:21even if the YouTubers like Alex hosi
- 00:11:23aren't solely if they don't have to be
- 00:11:25the same level of Mind as you but when
- 00:11:27they're teaching how to make money how
- 00:11:28to make money and you're going to them
- 00:11:30out of this stress and survival to
- 00:11:32attain some high level of status rather
- 00:11:34than some deeper meaning behind it which
- 00:11:36there's nothing wrong with this right
- 00:11:37you everyone goes through these stages
- 00:11:39everyone pursues status at some point
- 00:11:41everyone pursues vanity at some point
- 00:11:43you go to the gym for vanity and stay
- 00:11:45for the therapy so this isn't bad it's
- 00:11:47just good to understand these so you can
- 00:11:49identify okay I'm here and there is
- 00:11:52something more and I can reach another
- 00:11:54level and at that level there's a better
- 00:11:56life waiting for me you can identify
- 00:11:58these people the people in the
- 00:12:00conventional stages of development by
- 00:12:02just talking to them cuz when you talk
- 00:12:04to them it's like they're kind of
- 00:12:06regurgitating uh religious beliefs or
- 00:12:09it's like you're talking to a TV or a
- 00:12:11mainstream News Channel or you're like
- 00:12:14haven't I heard all of this before in
- 00:12:16like one of those popular self-help
- 00:12:17books that's how you can kind of
- 00:12:19identify who they are the main
- 00:12:20characteristic here is they haven't
- 00:12:22developed the ability to expand Beyond a
- 00:12:25popular worldview and think for
- 00:12:26themselves so it's like monkeys copying
- 00:12:29other monkeys and you fail at achieving
- 00:12:32the goals you want to achieve because
- 00:12:34you expect that monkey who achieved what
- 00:12:36you expect to be able to do the same
- 00:12:37exact thing as them without critical or
- 00:12:40deep thinking or solving complex
- 00:12:42problems and it just backfires because
- 00:12:44that's not how the mind works now the
- 00:12:46next three stages are the
- 00:12:48postconventional stages and this is
- 00:12:50about 15 to 20% of the population the
- 00:12:53next stage here is the pluralist stage
- 00:12:56where you question your beliefs and
- 00:12:57values and begin to adopt New
- 00:12:59Perspectives like a religious person who
- 00:13:01becomes an atheist or a hippie or a
- 00:13:03corporate executive that realizes that
- 00:13:05grinding on work they don't enjoy for
- 00:13:07the sake of status isn't worthwhile the
- 00:13:09next stage is the strategist where they
- 00:13:11realize intuition is more powerful than
- 00:13:13logic and rationality exploration
- 00:13:16Discovery and self-actualization start
- 00:13:18to take priority over achieving more
- 00:13:20goals and making more money and they
- 00:13:22have a vision for what Humanity could be
- 00:13:24and understand the generalized
- 00:13:25principles of reality now the last is
- 00:13:28stage here is the construct aware stage
- 00:13:30where you tap into a fifth dimension of
- 00:13:32thinking the cognitive Dimension you can
- 00:13:35see how the mind constructs meaning and
- 00:13:37begin to integrate more perspectives and
- 00:13:39you think from a more abstract layer now
- 00:13:42the final in bonus stage is the unitive
- 00:13:44stage which is about 1% of the
- 00:13:46population and just for the sake of
- 00:13:48brevity I would recommend that you go
- 00:13:50and research that yourself to see what
- 00:13:52it's all about now the point here is
- 00:13:54that at each level of development your
- 00:13:56mind interprets reality according to the
- 00:13:59goals beliefs Etc of that stage now if
- 00:14:02you fail to achieve anything worthwhile
- 00:14:04in your life it may be because you're
- 00:14:06trapped in one of the lower quote
- 00:14:09unquote conventional stages you conform
- 00:14:12to a group without knowing it and your
- 00:14:14mind makes it very difficult to release
- 00:14:16the grasp from that thing because again
- 00:14:19it's like a lobster the pain starts to
- 00:14:21get there removing the shell is painful
- 00:14:23it makes you vulnerable you don't want
- 00:14:25to do it your mind fights back your ego
- 00:14:27fights back now the thing here the
- 00:14:29really unfortunate thing here is that
- 00:14:31this isn't a get-rich quick type thing
- 00:14:33it takes years to develop through these
- 00:14:36stages so you may not be able to achieve
- 00:14:38your goals this year or in two years it
- 00:14:41it takes a while to reach the pluralist
- 00:14:43strategist and construct aware stage
- 00:14:45that kind of allows you to view
- 00:14:47situations from multiple perspectives to
- 00:14:49pull the best information in and make
- 00:14:52the right decisions so the question here
- 00:14:54is even if it takes years it can be
- 00:14:57accelerated Ken Wilbur actually found I
- 00:14:59believe it was through research either
- 00:15:01way go research Ken Wilbur read his
- 00:15:03books it'll change your life but he
- 00:15:04found that the simple Act of meditation
- 00:15:0715 minutes of meditation a day or more
- 00:15:09drastically increases how fast you can
- 00:15:12improve through these stages so that's
- 00:15:14step one to going up is just meditate
- 00:15:16more practice mindfulness dive into that
- 00:15:19domain but aside from that how do you
- 00:15:21move up how do you increase your level
- 00:15:24of development so we've learned how the
- 00:15:25mind interprets reality we've learned
- 00:15:27the levels of mind mind and now the
- 00:15:29third thing is that mistakes are the
- 00:15:32only source of Truth so there are two
- 00:15:35types of growth there's horizontal and
- 00:15:37vertical horizontal growth is expanding
- 00:15:39within the level of development you are
- 00:15:41in you are learning acquiring skills and
- 00:15:43acquiring knowledge now vertical growth
- 00:15:45is transcending to a new level after a
- 00:15:47period of struggle pain or wrestling
- 00:15:50with your own beliefs to the point of
- 00:15:51needing to Adopt A New Perspective to
- 00:15:53view the struggle from a new light so
- 00:15:55that you can overcome it it's like
- 00:15:57Einstein said or supposedly said that
- 00:15:59you can't solve a problem from the same
- 00:16:01level of mind that created it you have
- 00:16:03to transcend and if you don't you're
- 00:16:05stuck with that problem and you won't
- 00:16:08achieve the polar end of a problem which
- 00:16:11is a goal so the key to growth is just
- 00:16:13that a continuous self-education skill
- 00:16:16acquisition and not numbing yourself
- 00:16:18from the pain or problems that spring up
- 00:16:20as you get further in you increase your
- 00:16:22level of development by making mistakes
- 00:16:24realizing them not ignoring them or
- 00:16:27suppressing them but leaning into them
- 00:16:28them and self-correcting toward the
- 00:16:30evolving string of goals you are trying
- 00:16:32to achieve now here's the main problem
- 00:16:34most people try and try and try just to
- 00:16:37fail and fail and fail because they try
- 00:16:39to match someone else's map to their
- 00:16:41territory courses books podcasts
- 00:16:44teachings advice they don't realize that
- 00:16:46these things are maps they are guides
- 00:16:48not truth they are useful but only if
- 00:16:51you understand that they are nothing but
- 00:16:52a candle of in the distance that guides
- 00:16:54you through a dark room they do not
- 00:16:56determine the direction of your steps or
- 00:16:58if you stumble into a pit of snakes
- 00:17:00further you do not have access to
- 00:17:02someone else's State of Mind you do not
- 00:17:04have access to how they perceive the
- 00:17:06world you do not have their same exact
- 00:17:09identity so this leads to one crucial
- 00:17:11and counterintuitive realization
- 00:17:13mistakes are the only source of Truth
- 00:17:16not the thoughts in your head not the
- 00:17:17advice of a billionaire failure is the
- 00:17:19only teacher that is absolutely 100%
- 00:17:22tailored to your situation failure has a
- 00:17:25signal to noise ratio of 100 to1 but you
- 00:17:28hate failure you let it rule your life
- 00:17:30you ignore it and dig your head into
- 00:17:32more courses books and podcasts
- 00:17:34everything you learn that is not derived
- 00:17:36from mistakes is derived from Theory it
- 00:17:38is derived from a map it is but a
- 00:17:40conjecture formed through the
- 00:17:42interpretation of mistakes made by
- 00:17:44another person and that leads to the
- 00:17:45question how do you make better mistakes
- 00:17:48in the right direction and learn from
- 00:17:50those mistakes in a way that leads to
- 00:17:52success and lastly for the end of this
- 00:17:54video how do you fail before you even
- 00:17:57start so you can start learning learning
- 00:17:59immediately so now you understand the
- 00:18:01mind you understand growth you
- 00:18:04understand how you perceive the world
- 00:18:05which is extremely important for now
- 00:18:08becoming a strategic thinker and
- 00:18:10creating a strategy for your future so
- 00:18:12we'll start with a quote from Lawrence
- 00:18:14fredman strategy is not a lengthy action
- 00:18:17plan it is the evolution of a central
- 00:18:19idea through continually changing
- 00:18:22circumstances and that's just the thing
- 00:18:24most people's lives are mediocre due to
- 00:18:26a lack of strategic thinking because
- 00:18:28most of them aren't in the strategist
- 00:18:30stage that six seventh level of mind but
- 00:18:33you don't have to be there to create a
- 00:18:35strategy you can do that you can create
- 00:18:37a strategy to get to any of those stages
- 00:18:40now successful people on the other hand
- 00:18:42are highly strategic they don't just let
- 00:18:44life happen to them they reject the
- 00:18:46default path they were assigned they
- 00:18:48choose the game they want to play both
- 00:18:50for their ideal life and the games that
- 00:18:52allow them to get there they become the
- 00:18:54person that can win that game through
- 00:18:56skill acquisition and learning so to win
- 00:18:58any game that you choose to play you
- 00:19:01need a strategy now for all of this I'm
- 00:19:03going to be speaking but on the screen
- 00:19:05I'm going to be filling out a template
- 00:19:07slw worksheet for creating your own
- 00:19:09strategy so again you can download that
- 00:19:11with the link in the description and if
- 00:19:13you decide to use cortex for your note
- 00:19:15taking your second brain for saving
- 00:19:17external highlights for capturing ideas
- 00:19:19for writing for whatever it is that
- 00:19:21cortex can help you with if you download
- 00:19:22the desktop app on Mac or Windows and
- 00:19:24you press alt or option C what that will
- 00:19:28do is open up a floating chat window so
- 00:19:30as you're watching this video you can
- 00:19:32take notes inside of there or you can
- 00:19:34press option D and that opens up a
- 00:19:36floating note this has been one of the
- 00:19:37features that people really like about
- 00:19:40cortex so you can open up the strategy
- 00:19:41document floating next to you as you go
- 00:19:44about watching this video so now the
- 00:19:46first thing you need is strategic intent
- 00:19:49you need direction you need a new goal
- 00:19:52from which your mind perceives the world
- 00:19:54so first think of everything that you
- 00:19:56hate about your current life the job the
- 00:19:58body your routine how you feel start
- 00:20:01somewhere and then second think of a few
- 00:20:03potential possibilities for your future
- 00:20:05life starting a business being fit and
- 00:20:07energetic living out your ideal day now
- 00:20:10don't dwell on this and write a few
- 00:20:12things down and continue choose the
- 00:20:14macro game you want to play now the
- 00:20:16point behind step one the first pillar
- 00:20:18of strategic thinking which is strategic
- 00:20:20intent is to just create an aim an
- 00:20:23overarching filter something to work
- 00:20:25towards and this starts to frame your
- 00:20:27mind to notice the right information in
- 00:20:29alignment with that intent so you pick
- 00:20:31up the right information you aren't just
- 00:20:33going about learning certain skills
- 00:20:34blindly your intent frames what you
- 00:20:37learn go watch the last video on how to
- 00:20:39learn anything 10 times faster than
- 00:20:41anyone to understand this better the
- 00:20:43second step is self analysis because you
- 00:20:45need to understand yourself so that you
- 00:20:47can work with your strengths and
- 00:20:49overcome your weaknesses because with
- 00:20:51this your identity clearly isn't serving
- 00:20:54you here that's why you're watching this
- 00:20:56video so to become aware of the
- 00:20:57different parts of your your identity we
- 00:20:59need to do a SWAT analysis s swo t
- 00:21:02strengths weaknesses opportunities and
- 00:21:05threats so for strengths what comes easy
- 00:21:08to you what are your strengths and
- 00:21:10talents and if you respond with a copout
- 00:21:12answer of nothing like oh I can't do
- 00:21:14anything I'm not good at anything you
- 00:21:16are lying and already can't see past the
- 00:21:19reactions your lower self is feeding
- 00:21:20your mind to spit out like a robot think
- 00:21:22harder now for weaknesses what are you
- 00:21:25notoriously bad at and how is it
- 00:21:27impacting your progress the third is
- 00:21:29opportunities for growth what can help
- 00:21:31you overcome your weaknesses and
- 00:21:33leverage your strengths this could be
- 00:21:34learning skills taking courses meeting
- 00:21:36new people Etc and last threats what
- 00:21:40threatens your progress this could be
- 00:21:42friends inviting you out to a party a
- 00:21:44lack of time a fear of failure whatever
- 00:21:46it may be now with all of this you can
- 00:21:48come back to it and add to it over time
- 00:21:50because these may not come to you right
- 00:21:52away you can't just think through all of
- 00:21:54these things so you may have to come
- 00:21:55back to this note and by the way if you
- 00:21:57aren't writing this down in the template
- 00:21:59yet I did actually improve the Strategic
- 00:22:02advisor prompt from the last video so if
- 00:22:04you want to chat with AI for it to break
- 00:22:06down and rip apart your entire strategy
- 00:22:08you can pop that into an AI tool as well
- 00:22:11and just ask it for feedback on your
- 00:22:13entire strategy so you can go to that
- 00:22:15chat all the time and share your
- 00:22:17progress and it will help you overcome
- 00:22:19blocks and give you Clarity on what to
- 00:22:21do next and here's an example of what
- 00:22:23this prompt spat out to me when I told
- 00:22:25it I wanted to build an audience so it
- 00:22:28gets pretty granular and very clear on
- 00:22:30what you need to do it's very helpful
- 00:22:32now the third step after understanding
- 00:22:34yourself is just strategic preparation
- 00:22:36so the question is how do you change
- 00:22:38your identity so that you act on your
- 00:22:40strategy with ease and you start by
- 00:22:43immersing yourself in a completely new
- 00:22:45environment you change the books you
- 00:22:46read the information you consume the
- 00:22:48people you follow and everything else to
- 00:22:50reflect the goal you are trying to
- 00:22:52achieve you open your mind to New
- 00:22:54Perspectives and allow them to challenge
- 00:22:56your beliefs of what's possible so
- 00:22:58delete EET most of the apps on your
- 00:22:59phone unfollow most of the people you
- 00:23:01follow buy three new books C podcast to
- 00:23:04listen to on a walk invest in resources
- 00:23:06to learn the skills you need to learn
- 00:23:08have pre-written messages that declines
- 00:23:10your friends invitations to go out
- 00:23:12anything that does not align with your
- 00:23:14goals is by definition a distraction you
- 00:23:16need an environment that is solely
- 00:23:18conducive to you achieving your goal now
- 00:23:21step four is concentration of force
- 00:23:24because we understand ourselves we have
- 00:23:26the direction we want to go we don't
- 00:23:27have any distractions around us and
- 00:23:29we're ready to learn so now we need to
- 00:23:31focus our energy on the goal and as we
- 00:23:35discussed in the last video the only way
- 00:23:37to actualize a goal is to build a real
- 00:23:40world project that's the only way to
- 00:23:42learn as well so a project is a vessel
- 00:23:45for making mistakes and overcoming those
- 00:23:47mistakes in a structured way so you
- 00:23:50write down three to five projects you
- 00:23:52could build to achieve the goal you
- 00:23:54choose the highest leverage project that
- 00:23:56has the most advantageous outcomes and
- 00:23:58and you map out the three to five
- 00:24:00priority tasks you can do on a daily
- 00:24:02basis to make progress on the project so
- 00:24:04an example of this if you're trying to
- 00:24:06quit the job you hate then a project
- 00:24:08related to that is maybe building a
- 00:24:10personal brand or starting a Weekly
- 00:24:12Newsletter or just starting a business
- 00:24:14in general it doesn't have to be content
- 00:24:16creation related but social media is
- 00:24:18like the highest leverage thing right
- 00:24:19now that's where you attract people to
- 00:24:21your work so I have to toss it in here
- 00:24:23but if you want to learn how to write in
- 00:24:26a way that builds an audience around
- 00:24:27your skills or interests and check out
- 00:24:29to our writer so now we have a way to
- 00:24:31channel everything that we have into
- 00:24:33just daily execution so step five is
- 00:24:36that discipline disciplined execution so
- 00:24:38you need to replace your old routine
- 00:24:41with a new one because you probably fell
- 00:24:43into your current routine without
- 00:24:44knowing it and if your actions create
- 00:24:46your future you are falling into a
- 00:24:48future without knowing it and it's
- 00:24:49probably not one you'll care about so
- 00:24:51you execute your 3 to five priority
- 00:24:53lever moving task for 1 to 2 hours in
- 00:24:55the morning or 1 to 2 hours at night I
- 00:24:57think this should happen in the morning
- 00:24:59because I personally don't think that
- 00:25:00anyone is a night owl everyone is bound
- 00:25:03to their circadian rhythm and by staying
- 00:25:05up extremely late that disrupts your
- 00:25:07health more than you could ever know
- 00:25:09feel free to go down the Circadian and
- 00:25:11light Health rabbit hole if you were to
- 00:25:13wake up and go on a walk in the Sun
- 00:25:15every day and get more sunlight you
- 00:25:17would be a morning person then next
- 00:25:19everything you do throughout the day
- 00:25:21should fuel your work what you read what
- 00:25:24you scroll your conversations going on
- 00:25:26walks instead of distracting yourself
- 00:25:27eating well the only thing on your mind
- 00:25:29should be strategizing how to overcome
- 00:25:32obstacles of the game and this will
- 00:25:33become seamless once we create a
- 00:25:35premortem soon now step six isn't really
- 00:25:38a practical step it's more of a mental
- 00:25:40step it's adaptability because a
- 00:25:42strategy is like everything else in life
- 00:25:44it is not static it evolves with
- 00:25:46feedback you need to be able to identify
- 00:25:49when things aren't working go back to
- 00:25:51your strategy and experiment with
- 00:25:53something new and remember mistakes are
- 00:25:55the only source of Truth experimentation
- 00:25:57is how you make mistakes thus
- 00:25:59experimentation is the only way to
- 00:26:01achieve what you want in life it's going
- 00:26:03to be uncertain because anything that is
- 00:26:05certain isn't a mistake it's not the
- 00:26:07source of truth if it's certain it's the
- 00:26:09map or theory of someone else now step
- 00:26:12seven is another unpractical step kind
- 00:26:14of a mental step where you need to study
- 00:26:16the general principles of both the
- 00:26:19strategy you're trying to execute and
- 00:26:21reality in general now to get started on
- 00:26:23the reality portion I would recommend
- 00:26:25studying the philosophy of mind or her
- 00:26:28medc philosophy so read the book The
- 00:26:30cabalion for just the seven laws of the
- 00:26:32universe just dive down that rabbit hole
- 00:26:34as well because those are like the
- 00:26:36fundamentals of reality in general and
- 00:26:39what's allowed but to achieve Mastery in
- 00:26:42what you're doing you repeat the boring
- 00:26:43fundamentals you live in a plateau for
- 00:26:46the most of your life and most people
- 00:26:47try to escape that Plateau by numbing
- 00:26:50their mind with cheap Pleasures or cheap
- 00:26:52stimulation or food or scrolling on
- 00:26:54their phone and then they get trapped
- 00:26:56there in that Plateau they never
- 00:26:58continue to make upward progress slowly
- 00:27:01because they want to achieve rapid
- 00:27:03progress really fast so you master the
- 00:27:06fundamentals when you are learning a
- 00:27:07skill or you're doing your priority
- 00:27:09tasks in the morning those are usually
- 00:27:12the basics just done with taste and
- 00:27:14style so you need to continuously study
- 00:27:17those refine those practice those every
- 00:27:18single day for something like writing a
- 00:27:20newsletter or a social post it's the
- 00:27:22hook a lot of people fail in this regard
- 00:27:24and I see them fail because they start
- 00:27:26off by following the fundamental and the
- 00:27:28principles of good writing and then they
- 00:27:30try to do it in their own voice and
- 00:27:32their own way and there's nothing wrong
- 00:27:34with that you just have to bake your own
- 00:27:35voice into the principles you stopped
- 00:27:37writing compelling hooks people stopped
- 00:27:39paying attention people stopped caring
- 00:27:41and then you got mad of like okay well
- 00:27:43people only like it when I'm this
- 00:27:45attention grabbing person you have to
- 00:27:46grab attention it's aside the point okay
- 00:27:48moving on the premortem technique how do
- 00:27:50you fail before you even start on this
- 00:27:53strategy so that you're much more likely
- 00:27:55to follow through with it cuz that's
- 00:27:57most people's problem is they just can't
- 00:27:58start so a quote from Michael Porter is
- 00:28:00that the essence of strategy is choosing
- 00:28:03what not to do so we need to figure that
- 00:28:05out because most people don't fail
- 00:28:07because they can't complete their
- 00:28:09project they fail because of internal
- 00:28:11psychological thought processes that
- 00:28:13take control of their focus and lead to
- 00:28:15the belief that success isn't possible
- 00:28:17so a few examples here are paralysis by
- 00:28:19analysis by over researching or not
- 00:28:22taking action losing sight of the big
- 00:28:24vision due to others opinions lack of
- 00:28:26complimentary skills like writing and
- 00:28:28audience building to be able to find
- 00:28:30customers for your work or your business
- 00:28:32whatever you're starting Financial
- 00:28:33insecurity to the point of accepting
- 00:28:35that you need to focus on the job you
- 00:28:37hate burning out and not having a coping
- 00:28:39mechanism that refreshes you getting
- 00:28:41bored with the mundane work that gets
- 00:28:43results the desire to do something fancy
- 00:28:45and high status instead of something
- 00:28:47that you enjoy or gets you out of your
- 00:28:49situation because the thing here is that
- 00:28:51when you're in the middle of a project
- 00:28:53when you're deep in it you're stressed
- 00:28:55you're automatically when you're
- 00:28:56stressed your mind Narrows further
- 00:28:58you're kind of temporarily regressed
- 00:29:00into a lower state of yourself it's like
- 00:29:02we go over those nine stages of ego
- 00:29:04development and you can be in the
- 00:29:06highest stage you can be construct aware
- 00:29:08unitive Master Mystic but when your head
- 00:29:11is stuck in a bucket of water and held
- 00:29:13there you're going into survival mode
- 00:29:15and you're going to kick and flail like
- 00:29:16an old caveman that's pinned by a beast
- 00:29:19and that's kind of what it's like being
- 00:29:20in the middle of a project you're so
- 00:29:22consumed by the project so the best way
- 00:29:24around this or at least to help with
- 00:29:26this is the premortem a pre morm is a
- 00:29:29strategic thinking tool that identifies
- 00:29:31failure points in any project before it
- 00:29:33even begins so here's what you do this
- 00:29:35is also included in the worksheet and
- 00:29:36I'll also so show screen recordings on
- 00:29:38the screen of me filling it out the
- 00:29:40first thing is to imagine spectacular
- 00:29:42failure so visualize your strategy
- 00:29:44failing horribly what does it look like
- 00:29:47and where does your life end up this is
- 00:29:48like the antiv vision that I have talked
- 00:29:50about many times before we have the
- 00:29:52Strategic intent which is like the
- 00:29:54vision and then we have the anti Vision
- 00:29:56which just helps you frame that so much
- 00:29:58more the next thing is to list the
- 00:30:00causes of failure so brainstorm all
- 00:30:03possible reasons for the failure include
- 00:30:05psychological reasons like personal
- 00:30:07weaknesses self-sabotage lack of
- 00:30:09knowledge or skill and external factors
- 00:30:11like not having enough money then next
- 00:30:13you prioritize that list of failures so
- 00:30:16reorganize the list and place the most
- 00:30:18threatening at the top then last you
- 00:30:20brainstorm Solutions so for each cause
- 00:30:23of failure brainstorm potential
- 00:30:25Solutions you can ask Kai or cortex AI
- 00:30:27as your strategic adviser to help with
- 00:30:29these so now you have all of this
- 00:30:31awareness you understand how the mind
- 00:30:33works you have a clear action plan to
- 00:30:35achieve your goal now it's literally on
- 00:30:38you if you can't do it it's because
- 00:30:40you're failing to integrate something
- 00:30:42that we talked about in this video so I
- 00:30:44hope all of that was helpful an update
- 00:30:47on cortex is that we're going to have
- 00:30:48more models going in like Claude 3.7
- 00:30:51chat GPT Etc mobile app is almost there
- 00:30:54getting there global capture is also
- 00:30:56almost getting there which is awesome so
- 00:30:58in short with a keyboard shortcut you'll
- 00:31:00be able to press the keyboard and it
- 00:31:01will capture the link of anything that
- 00:31:03you're on automatically transcribe that
- 00:31:06to your workspace so you have anything
- 00:31:07that you'd want to learn all of your
- 00:31:09writing all of your ideas in one place
- 00:31:11that you can reference and synthesize
- 00:31:13with AI so think of it as both AI
- 00:31:16powered note taking and bookmarking Tool
- 00:31:19but it's actually useful because you can
- 00:31:21go back and find those bookmarks and use
- 00:31:23them for anything that you create so
- 00:31:25like subscribe let me know if you
- 00:31:26enjoyed this video you can also find
- 00:31:282our writer oneperson business Launchpad
- 00:31:29with the links in the description thank
- 00:31:31you again bye
- learned helplessness
- psychology
- mindset
- strategic thinking
- failure
- self-development
- goals
- personal growth
- premortem technique
- identity