Lecture 4 - Israel in Egypt
TLDRIl video fa parte di una serie chiamata "Il piano del Padre", condotta da Jeff Cavins e il dottor Scott Hahn, e si concentra sulla disamina della Bibbia per comprendere il piano di Dio per l'umanità. Viene spiegata l'importanza di leggere la Bibbia in ordine cronologico e vengono esplorati diversi concetti teologici, tra cui il peccato originale di Adamo ed Eva, visto non solo come un atto di ribellione ma come una mancanza nel ruolo di Adamo di essere protettore e guida della famiglia umana. Si discute anche delle alleanze con Abramo e di come queste siano fondamentali per il piano divino, culminando nel sacrificio di Isacco, prefigurazione del sacrificio di Cristo. L'episodio tocca la storia di Mosè e l'importanza dell'Esodo, l'incidente del Vitello d'Oro e le sue conseguenze sul popolo di Israele. Hahn spiega che questa ribellione portò a nuovi complessi rituali e a una relazione modificata tra Dio e Israele.
- 📖 Approccio cronologico alla Bibbia per una comprensione più completa.
- 🌿 Adamo come re e sacerdote, il suo peccato origine di molti mali.
- 🐍 Il serpente simbolo di inganno e minaccia spirituale.
- 🕊️ Alleanze di Dio con Abramo fondamentali per la storia biblica.
- 🔑 Mosè come figura chiave nella liberazione e guida di Israele.
- ⛪ Cambiamento della relazione con Dio dopo il Vitello d'Oro.
- 🚶♂️ Avventura spirituale attraverso la lettura della Bibbia.
- 📜 Le complessità e le ricchezze delle leggi mosaicche.
- 🌳 Il sacrificio di Isacco prefigurazione del sacrificio di Cristo.
- 📚 Importanza delle scritture per conoscerti e crescere spiritualmente.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
L'introduzione introduce Jeff Cavins e il dottor Scott Hahn che discuteranno del piano di Dio nella Bibbia, con un focus sull'ordine cronologico e sui concetti teologici, iniziando con Geremia 29:11 per sottolineare la speranza offerta da Dio.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Il dottor Hahn spiega l'importanza di Adamo come re e sacerdote e come il suo peccato di orgoglio sotto circostanze difficili nel Giardino dell'Eden ha avuto conseguenze profonde, collegando questo alla sua responsabilità matrimoniale.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
La discussione continua esplorando come Adamo avrebbe dovuto affrontare la tentazione del serpente, identificato come Satana, con un parallelo alla risposta redentrice di Cristo nella sua passione e morte.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Il dottor Hahn parla dell'espiazione di Cristo come secondo Adamo, indicando come la sua morte salvifica corregga il fallimento di Adamo e offra amore e sacrificio perfetto come risposta alla paura e al peccato originali.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Si esamina Abramo e le promesse di Dio in Genesi 12, sviluppate in tre alleanze separate, che preludono alla benedizione di tutte le famiglie della terra, con la promessa finale dopo il sacrificio di Isacco che prefigura Cristo.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Il segmento sottolinea come le successive alleanze tra Dio e Abramo conducono alla creazione di un grande popolo, una dinastia e infine una benedizione universale per tutte le nazioni attraverso la discendenza di Abramo.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La narrazione biblica passa a Israele in Egitto, il suo esilio e la promessa di liberazione attraverso Mosè in Esodo, con la Pasqua che simboleggia il principale evento salvifico, paragonato al ruolo di Cristo come Agnello Pasquale.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
La ribellione e il ritorno agli idoli dell'Egitto durante l'episodio del vitello d'oro in Esodo 32 interrompono il piano di Dio, portando alla necessità dei sacrifici animali per rovesciare il peccato attraverso un culto rinnovato.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Dopo l'idolo del vitello d'oro, il ruolo del tabernacolo e il sacerdozio levitico emergono come chiusura simbolica tra Dio e il suo popolo, evidenziando la perdita di intimità diretta e richiedendo un culto strutturato.
- 00:45:00 - 00:51:46
La Levitico viene spiegato come codice sacrificale per riscattare Israele dai suoi peccati idolatri, mentre l'Esodo presenta una narrazione di transizione dal peccato alla redenzione attraverso un culto ritualizzato.
Chi era Melchisedec?
Era il re di Salem e sacerdote del Dio Altissimo, spesso visto come figura di Cristo.
Chi conduce il programma?
Il programma è condotto da Jeff Cavins e il dottor Scott Hahn.
Quali sono i temi principali trattati?
Lettura cronologica della Bibbia, il peccato originale di Adamo ed Eva, le alleanze di Abramo, il significato del Vitello d'Oro.
Cosa si intende per "piano del Padre"?
Si riferisce alla comprensione e al progetto di Dio per l'umanità come illustrato nella Bibbia.
Come spiegano l'incidente del Vitello d'Oro?
Come un momento critico che ha portato alla perdita di privilegi sacerdotali per le altre tribù, mantenuti poi dai Leviti.
Qual è la struttura del programma?
Il programma discute parti della Bibbia in ordine cronologico per aiutare nella comprensione teologica.
In che modo Mosé è importante nella storia biblica?
Mosé guida gli israeliti fuori dall'Egitto e riceve le leggi di Dio, rappresentando un mediatore tra Dio e il suo popolo.
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- 00:00:00I started reading about him but I just
- 00:00:03got lost in all the genealogy you know
- 00:00:09who was Malky Zadok
- 00:00:14the book of Revelation just scares me
- 00:00:16does anybody really understand all those
- 00:00:19symbols the judges like do they really
- 00:00:24matter
- 00:00:25[Music]
- 00:00:27I've never understood which book came
- 00:00:29first is there a way to read the Bible
- 00:00:37so it makes sense
- 00:00:43[Music]
- 00:00:51we want to welcome you to our Father's
- 00:00:53plan
- 00:00:54I'm Jeff Cavins along with dr. Scott
- 00:00:56Hahn and in this series we're taking a
- 00:00:59look at God's Word program is called our
- 00:01:01Father's plan and he does have a plan
- 00:01:03for you and we're discovering it in the
- 00:01:05Bible
- 00:01:06we're taking a look at the Bible
- 00:01:07specifically I'm teaching how to read
- 00:01:10the Bible in chronological order and dr.
- 00:01:12Hahn is looking at some theological
- 00:01:14concepts going a bit deeper into these
- 00:01:16theological concepts I just like to open
- 00:01:19today's program by reading a scripture
- 00:01:20from you that hopefully will give you
- 00:01:23some hope because your father wants you
- 00:01:25to have hope comes from Jeremiah chapter
- 00:01:2629 and verse 11 for I know the plans
- 00:01:30that I have for you declares the Lord
- 00:01:32plans for welfare and not for calamity
- 00:01:35to give you a future and a hope dr. Hahn
- 00:01:40last program you said some very
- 00:01:42interesting things about Adam and I
- 00:01:44wanted to begin today's program by
- 00:01:46reviewing a little bit about Adam and
- 00:01:49his relationship to Eve can you give us
- 00:01:50just a little synopsis of what you
- 00:01:52talked about last time okay for
- 00:01:53background think of it this Genesis 1
- 00:01:55describes creation as a sacred home or
- 00:02:00temple then in Genesis 2 it follows that
- 00:02:03the Garden of Eden is being described in
- 00:02:05unique terms that reflect the sanctuary
- 00:02:08or the holy of holies that implies that
- 00:02:10when God creates Adam he's not just
- 00:02:13creating the founding father of the
- 00:02:14human family he's creating Adam to be
- 00:02:16our King and High Priest and so in
- 00:02:19Genesis 2 Adam discovers that God is
- 00:02:22putting him on trial in a way that God
- 00:02:25is going to test his faithfulness as a
- 00:02:27son so when you move into the Temptation
- 00:02:30narrative of chapter 3 you recognize
- 00:02:33that Adam's sin is a sin of pride but
- 00:02:36it's a sin of pride that is being
- 00:02:38committed under challenging
- 00:02:41circumstances you might say and the text
- 00:02:43in Genesis 2 sets the stage for that in
- 00:02:46certain ways for instance we see a tree
- 00:02:48of life we might wonder why is there any
- 00:02:50need for a tree of life if Adam is
- 00:02:52already immortal it suggests or it might
- 00:02:54imply that there's going to need there's
- 00:02:57a need for something to seal and protect
- 00:02:59his
- 00:02:59mortality likewise Adam is commanded to
- 00:03:02guard the garden not just cultivated and
- 00:03:04and in the term there implies that there
- 00:03:07might be something to guard it from and
- 00:03:09then when the the bride is presented to
- 00:03:12Adam he meets Eve for the first time it
- 00:03:15describes how they come together in
- 00:03:17intimacy and how the man and his wife
- 00:03:20were both naked and not ashamed and in
- 00:03:22the very next verse the opening verse of
- 00:03:24chapter 3 the serpent is introduced as
- 00:03:26being more subtle and the Hebrew word
- 00:03:29for subtle is almost identical with the
- 00:03:31Hebrew word for naked implying for most
- 00:03:34interpreters that the serpent is
- 00:03:36entering the garden in order to test in
- 00:03:39order to challenge the human couple in
- 00:03:41their you know their naked marital
- 00:03:44harmony and bliss but also in their
- 00:03:46vulnerability so I would suggest my
- 00:03:49intriguing proposal is that that Adam is
- 00:03:52being tested not just in some generic
- 00:03:55sense but specifically in terms of his
- 00:03:57covenant or role as husband as the
- 00:04:00mediator of a marital covenant is he
- 00:04:03going to be the provider the protector
- 00:04:05that his bride needs him to be and what
- 00:04:08is so provocative then is not the fact
- 00:04:12that the woman is you know being
- 00:04:14interrogated by the serpent or that the
- 00:04:16woman is sort of fumbling in her words
- 00:04:18as she answers the questions raised by
- 00:04:20the serpent but what's so loud what's so
- 00:04:22noisy is Adams silence the fact is he's
- 00:04:26there but he's quiet that's what was
- 00:04:28intriguing to me is that you seem to be
- 00:04:31implying that Adam was a silent while
- 00:04:33his wife was being interrogated well
- 00:04:35yeah because the Hebrew word for serpent
- 00:04:37isn't just you know pointing to a little
- 00:04:39snake hanging from a tree branch or
- 00:04:41something the the term Nahash is used
- 00:04:43elsewhere in Scripture to define to
- 00:04:45describe Leviathan this great dragon in
- 00:04:48revelation 12 verse 9 it's used to
- 00:04:50describe Satan the ancient serpent this
- 00:04:53great dragon with seven heads and ten
- 00:04:55horns and in fact pope john paul ii gave
- 00:04:58catechesis on this material on original
- 00:05:01sin and he describes how Adam was
- 00:05:04confronted by the tempter by the devil
- 00:05:06in the form of the serpent and he quotes
- 00:05:08revelation 12:9 to suggest that this was
- 00:05:11no mere snake the
- 00:05:13serpent is a life-threatening symbol and
- 00:05:16so we have to take we have to factor
- 00:05:18that into our interpretation now I would
- 00:05:21suggest that when the serpent begins
- 00:05:24interrogating the woman he begins with a
- 00:05:27question he says did God say so there's
- 00:05:31no lie there and then when she answers
- 00:05:33he comes back and says you will not die
- 00:05:36now professor Moberly over in england
- 00:05:39wrote an article entitled did the
- 00:05:40serpent get it right and he made the
- 00:05:42intriguing observation that when they
- 00:05:45ate they didn't die no wait a second
- 00:05:49does that mean that the serpent got it
- 00:05:50right and that God got it wrong no
- 00:05:52because what God was speaking of was not
- 00:05:55instant physical death that took place
- 00:05:58centuries later
- 00:05:59he was talking about spiritual death
- 00:06:01mortal sin the day that you eat of it
- 00:06:04you shall die that is to say our
- 00:06:06covenant bond will be severed and
- 00:06:08shattered but when the serpent says you
- 00:06:11will not die there's a sense in which
- 00:06:14it's true the purpose of the statement
- 00:06:16however is deceitful to tempt to test
- 00:06:19the serpent said of the woman you will
- 00:06:21not die for God knows when you eat of it
- 00:06:24your eyes will be open and you will be
- 00:06:25like God knowing good and evil and once
- 00:06:27again when God enters the garden at the
- 00:06:29end of the chapter he says behold they
- 00:06:32have become like us knowing good and
- 00:06:34evil
- 00:06:34so the serpent is the really good liar
- 00:06:36he uses the truth to deceive but I would
- 00:06:40suggest to you that when the serpent
- 00:06:43says you will not die something more is
- 00:06:45going on and that is an implied threat
- 00:06:47he's saying in effect if you eat this
- 00:06:50tree you won't die in other words read
- 00:06:55my lips if you don't eat this tree I a
- 00:06:59serpent I a murderess Satan am going to
- 00:07:04see to it that you pay a price for
- 00:07:05obedience in other words this is what
- 00:07:08the scholars call a trial by ordeal Adam
- 00:07:11should be stepping in at this point and
- 00:07:13saying you know Satan you ought to go to
- 00:07:17the pit they thought it prepared for you
- 00:07:18oh that's my thinking my question is
- 00:07:20here is Eve being interrogated
- 00:07:22what should Adam have done in this in
- 00:07:23that situation yeah III think you know
- 00:07:25the best way to win
- 00:07:26Herbert this particular response is to
- 00:07:29see it in light of what Christ later
- 00:07:31does we'll get to that in a minute but I
- 00:07:34think he should have said you know step
- 00:07:35forward and said hey you know a serpent
- 00:07:37you have no business in here in the name
- 00:07:41of God begone and you know what would
- 00:07:44have happened at this point if this
- 00:07:46serpent is really Satan as the as the
- 00:07:48Scriptures tell us what would he have
- 00:07:50done what do you just suck his tail
- 00:07:51between his legs and gone off whimpering
- 00:07:53to the hell fires I doubt it it suggests
- 00:07:56that there may well have been a kind of
- 00:07:58struggle mm-hmm now man is immortal you
- 00:08:02know and if he doesn't sin he is going
- 00:08:04to enter glory but I would suggest to
- 00:08:06you that Adam is being challenged by a
- 00:08:09test of faith here he would size up the
- 00:08:11situation and say wait a second now I'm
- 00:08:13supposed to be immortal but here's a
- 00:08:14life-threatening force in the form of
- 00:08:17this serpent I'm supposed to have
- 00:08:20dominion over the beasts and yet here is
- 00:08:22a beast with murderous capacities and
- 00:08:24looking at things by my natural reason
- 00:08:27and judging from my own natural position
- 00:08:29over nature I should be able to eat this
- 00:08:32tree because it's a tree and I'm allowed
- 00:08:34to eat trees moreover as it says the
- 00:08:37tree is good for food it's a delight to
- 00:08:40the eyes and the tree was desirable to
- 00:08:42make one wise so why can't I eat it and
- 00:08:45if I don't eat it the serpent seems to
- 00:08:48be implying something that if we don't
- 00:08:50eat this if you do eat it we you won't
- 00:08:54die well that could be you don't mean
- 00:08:56that if we don't eat it he's going to
- 00:08:58spring into action so Adam is is really
- 00:09:01being called upon to make a decision
- 00:09:03he's being called upon to give consent
- 00:09:06to his own self offering he is to enter
- 00:09:10into a kind of spiritual warfare with
- 00:09:14the serpent with the devil to destroy
- 00:09:16the works of the devil from the very
- 00:09:17foundation of the world and he looks and
- 00:09:20he sizes up the situation but instead of
- 00:09:22walking by faith instead of just simply
- 00:09:24saying I don't know why we can't eat the
- 00:09:26tree I don't know why my immortality
- 00:09:29seems to be threatened but nevertheless
- 00:09:31I have to obey my father who's in heaven
- 00:09:33I have to be willing to lay my life down
- 00:09:35for my bride after all as Jesus says
- 00:09:37greater love hath no man than to lay
- 00:09:39down his life for
- 00:09:40is beloved so Adams love is being tested
- 00:09:43here his love for Eve his trust in God
- 00:09:46the Father and he fails that see I think
- 00:09:50this approach builds upon the early
- 00:09:52church fathers this approach also builds
- 00:09:55upon what I've read in the Catechism and
- 00:09:57it avoids these two extremes I think
- 00:09:59most people who interpret this tend
- 00:10:02toward one extreme or the other
- 00:10:03they either trivialize the sin by making
- 00:10:06this couple just a bunch of bumbling
- 00:10:07fools who's like you know look at the
- 00:10:09tree Wow great fruit you're right
- 00:10:11serpent thanks you know and they take it
- 00:10:12and eat it on the other hand you can
- 00:10:14exaggerate the sin by making Adams act
- 00:10:17an expression of rebellious defiance
- 00:10:20that just doesn't befit the initial sin
- 00:10:23I mean that kind of sin we know where
- 00:10:26Adam would look and say yes I am the the
- 00:10:28master of my fate I'm the captain of my
- 00:10:30soul and he takes the fruit and he eats
- 00:10:32it and says you know God I will be the I
- 00:10:35will be my own God you know that sort of
- 00:10:38defiant gesture that takes place only
- 00:10:41after years of a bitch'll sin so we
- 00:10:43either trivialize the sin or we
- 00:10:46exaggerate it but in fact you know
- 00:10:48Hebrews 2 verses 14 to 16 quoted by the
- 00:10:51Catechism describes how Christ died and
- 00:10:55through his death he defeated the devil
- 00:10:58who has the power of death and because
- 00:11:01of this power of death at the devil
- 00:11:03possessed it says in Hebrews 2 that we
- 00:11:05were subjected to lifelong bondage to
- 00:11:08the one who has the power of death why
- 00:11:09through fear of death through fear that
- 00:11:13brings up one last question I'd like you
- 00:11:14to address real quickly and that is you
- 00:11:17you talked about Adam being afraid of
- 00:11:20suffering
- 00:11:21how could Adam be afraid of suffering
- 00:11:23before he sinned that's a good question
- 00:11:26that's a good question I would say quick
- 00:11:28you know quickly and simply that God
- 00:11:31issues the commandments saying if you
- 00:11:33eat this forbidden fruit you'll die now
- 00:11:35if Adam does not dread death and that
- 00:11:37prohibition and threat would mean
- 00:11:39nothing to him likewise if you look at
- 00:11:41our Lord Jesus he is in the Garden of
- 00:11:44Gethsemane and he is sinless and yet
- 00:11:46when faith with the prospect of
- 00:11:48suffering he is sweating blood he is on
- 00:11:51his face he is praying to his father
- 00:11:53that this
- 00:11:54of suffering be removed and so it isn't
- 00:11:57true to say that apart from sin we would
- 00:11:59have no dread of suffering Adam would
- 00:12:01have had a healthy dread of suffering
- 00:12:03now we can't go into all of this but I
- 00:12:05would say that the key to interpreting
- 00:12:07what the first Adam did and what he
- 00:12:09should have done is by looking at Christ
- 00:12:11because he is the second Adam that's how
- 00:12:13he's described throughout the New
- 00:12:14Testament and here is the second Adam he
- 00:12:18also is tested he also goes to the
- 00:12:21garden and there he is tempted and then
- 00:12:24he goes to the tree and there at the
- 00:12:27tree he lays his life down for the bride
- 00:12:30for his church and he has assumed the
- 00:12:33curse of Adam upon himself the curse of
- 00:12:35sweat the curse of thorns he sweat blood
- 00:12:37he bore the crown of thorns and there at
- 00:12:40the at the cross the tree of life as the
- 00:12:43early church fathers called it he laid
- 00:12:45his life down and from Adams side
- 00:12:48remember from the deep sleep of Adam
- 00:12:49came forth Eve well the second Adam go
- 00:12:53through the tree and in the deep sleep
- 00:12:54of death came forth from his side blood
- 00:12:57and water the water of baptism the blood
- 00:13:00of the Eucharist as the early church
- 00:13:02fathers interpreted the very stuff the
- 00:13:04sacramental material from which the new
- 00:13:07Eve the church the Bride of Christ is
- 00:13:09formed it reminds me of the scripture
- 00:13:11perfect love casts out fear exactly that
- 00:13:14beautifully you know I I was thinking as
- 00:13:15you were talking and we were talking a
- 00:13:17little bit earlier quote from Mother
- 00:13:18Teresa and is right along these lines
- 00:13:21and Bute I just beautifully puts kind of
- 00:13:24a closure to this she says that we
- 00:13:27cannot decide to become Saints without a
- 00:13:29great effort of renunciation of
- 00:13:32resisting temptations of combat of
- 00:13:35persecution and of all sorts of
- 00:13:37sacrifices it is not possible to love
- 00:13:39God except at one's own expense oh
- 00:13:43that's good it is not possible to love
- 00:13:46God except at one's own experience see
- 00:13:48God calls us to love like the Trinity
- 00:13:51loves the father pours his life out
- 00:13:54generate the son the son image is the
- 00:13:56father by pouring that life that gift
- 00:13:59out and he gives it back to the Father
- 00:14:01which is the spirit God calls us to
- 00:14:04enter into that life but we can't unless
- 00:14:07we give
- 00:14:08sent to the gift of self beautiful the
- 00:14:10self-sacrifice is beautiful what a
- 00:14:12challenge but it really is indeed let's
- 00:14:14move ahead just a little bit in
- 00:14:16Salvation history to Abraham we talked
- 00:14:18about the three promises in Genesis
- 00:14:20chapter 12 and what I'd like to ask is
- 00:14:22how does the call of Abraham relate to
- 00:14:24the three covenants that were mentioned
- 00:14:27in Genesis 15 17 and 22 okay good
- 00:14:30Abraham's called in Genesis 12 by God
- 00:14:33his father and it comes right on the
- 00:14:35heels of the Tower of Babel in Genesis
- 00:14:3711 at the tower Babel the human family
- 00:14:40was scattered and divided from the
- 00:14:42father's perspective in heaven you might
- 00:14:44think oh now all the hopes of family
- 00:14:46unity are lost but no God calls Abraham
- 00:14:50specifically for a long-term plan to
- 00:14:53reunite the human family of God but he
- 00:14:56can't do it right away the effects of
- 00:14:59sin take a long time to overcome and so
- 00:15:02the call of Abraham is really divided up
- 00:15:03into three parts you can see it in
- 00:15:05Genesis 12 verses 2 & 3 he says first of
- 00:15:08all go to this land so that I can make
- 00:15:10of you a great nation because without
- 00:15:12land there can be no nationhood so the
- 00:15:14first promise is that God will make of
- 00:15:16Abram a great nation I will bless you
- 00:15:19and then the second promise comes
- 00:15:20closely in the heels and I will make
- 00:15:22your name great that's a Hebrew
- 00:15:25expression for a dynastic Kingdom that
- 00:15:28is not only will I draw forth a nation
- 00:15:30from you but I will make your name great
- 00:15:32I will give you a dynastic Kingdom so
- 00:15:35that you will be a blessing I will bless
- 00:15:36those who bless you and him who curses
- 00:15:38you I will curse and here comes the
- 00:15:40climax by you all the families of the
- 00:15:43earth will be blessed all the families
- 00:15:46of the earth will be blessed now in
- 00:15:47Genesis the blessing is what the father
- 00:15:49passes on down to the son so through
- 00:15:52Abraham God is going to pass down the
- 00:15:55fatherly blessing to the entire human
- 00:15:58family so that the human race will be
- 00:16:00the family of God by becoming the
- 00:16:03spiritual family of Abraham now those
- 00:16:06three blessings those three promised
- 00:16:08blessings represent three stages one
- 00:16:11sort of long remote the other one would
- 00:16:15be more proximate and the third would be
- 00:16:17ultimate this first one the remote
- 00:16:19blessing nationhood
- 00:16:21is upgraded to a covenant in Genesis 15
- 00:16:24in Genesis 15 we see God taking the
- 00:16:28first promise blessing nationhood and
- 00:16:30land and swearing a covenant to Abram in
- 00:16:35Genesis 15 we have the Covenant that God
- 00:16:37makes with Abram regarding a vast amount
- 00:16:40of land that stretches all the way from
- 00:16:42Egypt to the Euphrates that covenant was
- 00:16:46fulfilled not only through the
- 00:16:47Israelites but through the Ishmaelites
- 00:16:50through the Arabs because Ishmael is a
- 00:16:52son of Abraham at this point in the
- 00:16:54Genesis narrative so the covenant with
- 00:16:56Abram makes all of the gnash all the
- 00:17:00natural seed of Abram heir to this
- 00:17:03initial promise so they get this vast
- 00:17:05chunk of land from Egypt all the way to
- 00:17:07Babylon now the second promise is
- 00:17:10upgraded to a covenant in Genesis 17 but
- 00:17:14that covenant is made between God and
- 00:17:16Abraham he changes his name from exalted
- 00:17:19father Abram to father of a multitude
- 00:17:22Abraham and at this point and only at
- 00:17:25this point does God specifically state
- 00:17:27that Canaan is going to be the land for
- 00:17:31the seed of Abraham - the name change
- 00:17:34there exactly and the land is narrow -
- 00:17:36it isn't just from Egypt to the
- 00:17:38Euphrates it's now specific it's
- 00:17:40specified as Canaan moreover it isn't
- 00:17:43just nationhood now in Genesis 17 he
- 00:17:46says kings of people shall come forth
- 00:17:49from Abraham and Sarah there in verse 16
- 00:17:52so this covenant actually points beyond
- 00:17:55it points to what is ultimately
- 00:17:58accomplished in the Davidic covenant but
- 00:18:00still this is something that is
- 00:18:02penultimate it's second-to-last because
- 00:18:04God's ultimate plan for his family is
- 00:18:07not simply to make of a natural seed of
- 00:18:10Abram a great landed people or even to
- 00:18:13make of the people of Abraham a strong
- 00:18:16secular Kingdom instead he wants to make
- 00:18:19them the means of blessing all the world
- 00:18:22so in Genesis 22 we see the last and the
- 00:18:26greatest of the promised blessings that
- 00:18:28through you all the families of the
- 00:18:31earth will be blessed in Genesis 22
- 00:18:33God's where's Anne
- 00:18:35to Abraham after Abram after Abraham had
- 00:18:39had had offered up Isaac his only
- 00:18:42beloved son as a holocaust there at
- 00:18:44Moriah God stops the sacrifice right
- 00:18:48before it takes place and says Abraham
- 00:18:50Abraham Here I am and he says because
- 00:18:52you have not withheld your only beloved
- 00:18:54son from me
- 00:18:55what will your reward be I swear an oath
- 00:18:59I swear by myself that through your seed
- 00:19:02all the families of the earth will be
- 00:19:04blessed this is just tremendous this is
- 00:19:06momentous because for the first time in
- 00:19:08history God explicitly puts himself
- 00:19:11under oath he puts himself under a
- 00:19:14conditional self curse as hard to
- 00:19:16believe it really is and it's not only
- 00:19:18something that God verbalizes that is I
- 00:19:20swear this covenant oath I will bless
- 00:19:23all the nations and make them your
- 00:19:25family and my family through your seed
- 00:19:28God also pre in acts he he almost
- 00:19:32represents he he displays to the world
- 00:19:35centuries before the coming of Christ
- 00:19:37what will have to take place in order
- 00:19:40for this covenant blessing to be
- 00:19:42realized namely God will say in effect
- 00:19:45Abraham you know I'll pick up where you
- 00:19:47left off I am a faithful father like you
- 00:19:50Abraham and I will take my only beloved
- 00:19:53son the same phrases used in John's
- 00:19:55Gospel Jesus who is the son of Abraham
- 00:19:57and I will offer him as a holocaust as
- 00:20:00well there on Calvary which was part of
- 00:20:03the mountain range of Moriah and thereby
- 00:20:06God will provide the lamb that will take
- 00:20:10away the sins of the world and remove
- 00:20:12the impediment that prevents the
- 00:20:15blessings of God the Father from
- 00:20:17reaching the whole human family this
- 00:20:18covenant with with Abraham in a sense is
- 00:20:21sort of like a safety net all throughout
- 00:20:23salvation history yes yeah it's sort of
- 00:20:26like mankind is walking across a
- 00:20:27tightrope but in a sense God's merciful
- 00:20:30provision is even greater than a safety
- 00:20:32net god foresees our fall and he makes
- 00:20:35provisions in his wisdom and mercy and
- 00:20:37and the same thing that he puts under
- 00:20:39the highwire is the Covenant but instead
- 00:20:42of just being a safety net when we fall
- 00:20:44into his covenant mercies we discover
- 00:20:47that the safety net is
- 00:20:48more like a trampoline yeah it's
- 00:20:50something that bounces us back to the to
- 00:20:53the rope from whence we fell in fact in
- 00:20:55a certain sense you could say that when
- 00:20:56Jesus Christ comes and offers himself as
- 00:20:59a sacrifice
- 00:21:00we are raised even higher that's been
- 00:21:03from Winston Farrell you know this is a
- 00:21:05deep subject and it's something that we
- 00:21:06use it's not that we need to learn more
- 00:21:08about can you tell our viewers is there
- 00:21:10a tape series that you have that you
- 00:21:11might suggest that goes into this deeper
- 00:21:13yeah I've done a tape series on Genesis
- 00:21:151 to 22 that's available through st.
- 00:21:17Joseph's communication you can just call
- 00:21:19them up their number is 1-800-543-8242
- 00:22:00and the challenge for us is to break
- 00:22:03down those 73 books into a system where
- 00:22:07we can read the Bible in chronological
- 00:22:08order and that's what we're attempting
- 00:22:10to do so we broke down the Bible into 14
- 00:22:12historical books and by historical books
- 00:22:15we mean keep the narrative moving and to
- 00:22:18help us memorize those 14 historical
- 00:22:21books and the twelve periods of Bible
- 00:22:23history we have a little memory device
- 00:22:25here that we can make available to you
- 00:22:27through EWTN if you'll write a call
- 00:22:28we're on our third bead on this program
- 00:22:31it's the tan bead and our card tells us
- 00:22:33that the tan bead stands for Israel in
- 00:22:36Egypt and that's our third period and we
- 00:22:39just left the patriarchal period started
- 00:22:41with the history of the early world
- 00:22:43moved on to the patriarchal period now
- 00:22:45we're in Israel in Egypt the period of
- 00:22:47Israel in Egypt is an intriguing period
- 00:22:50one sixth of the Old Testament is
- 00:22:53dedicated to this period this period it
- 00:22:56comes on the heels of Joseph finding
- 00:22:58himself down in Egypt you may remember
- 00:23:01from the
- 00:23:02last program during the patriarchal
- 00:23:03period that God made three promises to
- 00:23:06Abraham and the first of those promises
- 00:23:08was that Abraham was going to receive
- 00:23:10land that his descendants would receive
- 00:23:12land but he said in Genesis 15 in verse
- 00:23:1513 that first before they received that
- 00:23:17land that his descendants would spend
- 00:23:19400 years in slavery in a foreign land
- 00:23:22and we know that land to be Egypt so we
- 00:23:26move into our next historical book we're
- 00:23:28moving out of Genesis and now we're
- 00:23:29moving into Exodus our second historical
- 00:23:32book you can look on the chart behind me
- 00:23:34here the fourteen historical books we
- 00:23:37just moved out of Genesis and now we're
- 00:23:40moving into Exodus the second of our 14
- 00:23:44historical books the book of Genesis
- 00:23:47picks up with the children of Israel in
- 00:23:49slavery in Egypt and they had been
- 00:23:50slaves for 400 years the star at this
- 00:23:54point the individual that God points out
- 00:23:56is the leader is Moses Moshe a young
- 00:24:00Moses he is born and the Egyptians try
- 00:24:03to kill Moses but God ends up saving
- 00:24:06Moses and God uses Moses to deliver the
- 00:24:09children of Israel out of bondage now
- 00:24:13this story of the deliverance of the
- 00:24:15children of Israel will become very
- 00:24:17important for understanding the rest of
- 00:24:19the rest of the Bible there's a lot of
- 00:24:21things that take place during the book
- 00:24:23of Exodus if you've tried to read
- 00:24:24through the book of Exodus before and
- 00:24:26got confused a little bit later on the
- 00:24:28program dr. Scott Hahn is gonna be with
- 00:24:30us and he's going to clarify some of
- 00:24:31those those rumble strips some of those
- 00:24:33difficult areas during the book of
- 00:24:35Exodus up until the book of Exodus the
- 00:24:39blessing was passed on through the
- 00:24:41firstborn through the patriarchs and in
- 00:24:45during the book of Exodus we see that
- 00:24:47God is raising the entire nation they're
- 00:24:50sort of growing up the 400 years have
- 00:24:52been boot camp for the children of
- 00:24:55Israel but they're growing up and Exodus
- 00:24:584 in verse 22 God calls Israel his
- 00:25:02firstborn Israel is God's firstborn and
- 00:25:07they have a responsibility to be that
- 00:25:11vehicle to bring the blessing to all of
- 00:25:13the nations but they need to be formed
- 00:25:15they need to be developed and this is
- 00:25:18what takes place during the book of
- 00:25:19Exodus Moses and Pharaoh collide Moses
- 00:25:26and Pharaoh collide you see God speaks
- 00:25:28to Moses in a burning bush and tells
- 00:25:31them Moses I'm gonna use you to deliver
- 00:25:32my people out of bondage but you're
- 00:25:34gonna have to go to Pharaoh Moses
- 00:25:36doesn't want to do this really
- 00:25:37reluctantly he does and he's very
- 00:25:39successful we have at this point during
- 00:25:42the book of Exodus the ten plagues now
- 00:25:46it's on the tenth plague the death of
- 00:25:48the firstborn that the Exodus takes
- 00:25:50place the Exodus takes place in the
- 00:25:53Passover Pesach in Hebrew the Passover
- 00:25:57is the principal event in the Old
- 00:25:59Testament it's the event that speaks of
- 00:26:02deliverance Jesus is our Passover lamb
- 00:26:05and he brings deliverance to our lives
- 00:26:09the children of Israel make a covenant
- 00:26:12Moses and the seventy elders they make a
- 00:26:14covenant with God at Mount Sinai in
- 00:26:18Exodus chapter 19 and God gives them his
- 00:26:22law he gives them Torah the minute we
- 00:26:25talk about Torah what do we think of a
- 00:26:27lot of times we we think of right and
- 00:26:29wrong yes no stop signs and so forth but
- 00:26:33you know to the ancient Jews Torah was a
- 00:26:34good thing and David said oh how I love
- 00:26:37thy Torah how I love thy law the word
- 00:26:41Torah comes from a Hebrew word yaaaaah
- 00:26:44which is a archers term it means to hit
- 00:26:48the mark you see God wants his people to
- 00:26:51hit the mark and so he gives him
- 00:26:54direction he gives him law to hit the
- 00:26:57mark something takes place on the heels
- 00:27:00of this covenant at Mount Sinai and that
- 00:27:03is the Golden Calf incident in Exodus
- 00:27:06chapter 32 now dr. Hahn is going to be
- 00:27:08with us in a few moments to discuss this
- 00:27:10and and I would encourage you to stay
- 00:27:12tuned because this is very very
- 00:27:13important because in Exodus chapter 32
- 00:27:16something takes place with the worship
- 00:27:18of the golden calf that is going to
- 00:27:20completely change God's plan with man
- 00:27:25completely change it we come up with a
- 00:27:27temple or tabernacle
- 00:27:29we have additional laws we have a the
- 00:27:31Levitical priesthood and if you're like
- 00:27:33me and you've read through the book of
- 00:27:35Exodus you come to all of the sacrifices
- 00:27:37and you come to the tabernacle and Moses
- 00:27:40and you you get confused I know I have
- 00:27:42four years and we hope to sort that out
- 00:27:44in a few min a few minutes after the
- 00:27:47Golden Calf incident we have a Levitical
- 00:27:51priesthood and dr. Hahn is going to
- 00:27:53explain that makes sense of the Book of
- 00:27:55Leviticus so we're gonna return in just
- 00:27:58a few minutes and we're gonna look at
- 00:28:00the book of Exodus and we're gonna look
- 00:28:01at the the Golden Calf incident and a
- 00:28:04couple of other incidents during the
- 00:28:05book of Exodus but if you're reading
- 00:28:06along with us I encourage you read
- 00:28:08Genesis 1 through 11 for the history of
- 00:28:11the early world and to the chart to my
- 00:28:13right shows these periods of history
- 00:28:15read Genesis 1 through 11 for the
- 00:28:17history of the early world and then
- 00:28:19after you're done reading 1 through 11
- 00:28:21move on to your next period the
- 00:28:24patriarchal period Genesis 12 through 50
- 00:28:27after Genesis 12 through 50 which talks
- 00:28:30about the four patriarchs Abraham Isaac
- 00:28:32Jacob and Joseph you will enter the
- 00:28:35period called Israel in Egypt when you
- 00:28:38move from your first historical book
- 00:28:39which is Genesis to your second
- 00:28:42historical book which is Exodus that's
- 00:28:45your second historical book if you would
- 00:28:48like to obtain this as I said earlier
- 00:28:50the beads and the card and a complete
- 00:28:52package to telling you how to read
- 00:28:54through the Bible with some charts just
- 00:28:56give us a call at ewtn or write and they
- 00:28:58will let you know how you can obtain
- 00:28:59that package we'll be back right after
- 00:29:01this with dr. Scott Hahn we're gonna be
- 00:29:03looking at some more theological
- 00:29:04concepts on our fathers plan
- 00:29:09[Music]
- 00:29:16want to welcome you back to our Father's
- 00:29:18plan well we have entered a new book a
- 00:29:21new period of history history we moved
- 00:29:23out of the patriarchal period into
- 00:29:25Israel in Egypt we moved from the book
- 00:29:27of Genesis into the book of Exodus give
- 00:29:31us a little bridge how do we get from
- 00:29:32the patriarchal age into Israel and
- 00:29:34Egypt move from the two books yeah it's
- 00:29:36important that we build a bridge because
- 00:29:37so often people were done with Genesis
- 00:29:39they just put it aside and begin reading
- 00:29:41Genesis Exodus but the two really
- 00:29:43interpret each other for instance we see
- 00:29:45in Exodus the beginning of the
- 00:29:47fulfillment of God's covenant with
- 00:29:49Abraham regarding Abraham's seed
- 00:29:51blessing the nation's for instance we
- 00:29:54have in Exodus for 22 the verse you just
- 00:29:57discussed a few minutes ago this
- 00:29:58important statement that God makes to
- 00:30:00Moses go tell Pharaoh Israel is my
- 00:30:04firstborn son
- 00:30:05well that doesn't that doesn't imply a
- 00:30:07monopoly of God's favor on the part of
- 00:30:10Israel what that really points to is the
- 00:30:12fact that Israel as a nation is sort of
- 00:30:14like God's firstborn son but that means
- 00:30:17all the nations including Egypt are at
- 00:30:20least potential members of God's family
- 00:30:22younger brothers of Israel younger sons
- 00:30:25of God the Father that's an important
- 00:30:28it's an important point to make because
- 00:30:29a lot of people think that the Bible is
- 00:30:32just about Israel and it's not just
- 00:30:34about Israel is it it's about everybody
- 00:30:35exactly and another part of the bridge
- 00:30:38between Genesis and Exodus is the idea
- 00:30:42of the firstborn son because in the
- 00:30:44patriarchal period before the Levites
- 00:30:47became priests the firstborn sons were
- 00:30:50supposed to assume royal priestly
- 00:30:52Authority so in effect throughout
- 00:30:55Genesis you have firstborn sons slated
- 00:30:58to receive royal Priestly Blessing but
- 00:31:01what Genesis indicates it's so important
- 00:31:03for grasping Exodus message is that
- 00:31:06beginning with Adam and then moving
- 00:31:07through Cain moving through ishmael esau
- 00:31:11reuben and all of the other firstborn
- 00:31:13sons except for noah's firstborn son
- 00:31:15Shem every other firstborn son in
- 00:31:18Genesis fails to obtain the blessing
- 00:31:22and has to be bypassed by the father so
- 00:31:24that the blessing goes from the father
- 00:31:26not to the firstborn but to the second
- 00:31:28or the third born the fourth and so on
- 00:31:30so by the time you get to exodus 422
- 00:31:33God's announcement Israel is my
- 00:31:35firstborn son that's a mixed signal on
- 00:31:38the one hand it's good news you know
- 00:31:40Israel is to be a kingdom of priests as
- 00:31:43Exodus 19:6 says but on the other hand
- 00:31:46looking at Genesis you recognize that
- 00:31:49every other firstborn son except for
- 00:31:51Shem was a failure
- 00:31:53so this calling from God the Father to
- 00:31:57Israel his firstborn son is a
- 00:32:00conditional calling you'll have to be
- 00:32:03faithful if you hear my voice if you
- 00:32:06keep my covenant then and only then will
- 00:32:08you be a kingdom of priests so you know
- 00:32:11in effect Israel is to the nations in
- 00:32:14Exodus what Adam was to all individual
- 00:32:18human persons in Genesis Adam is the
- 00:32:21firstborn son who falls in Genesis
- 00:32:24bringing sin to all persons Israel is
- 00:32:28God's firstborn son nation in Exodus and
- 00:32:31when Israel Falls of the golden calf it
- 00:32:33brings calamitous confusion to God's
- 00:32:36family plan it really suspends certain
- 00:32:39aspects of that plan as well as we'll
- 00:32:41see in a minute you know dr. Hahn I have
- 00:32:42read the Bible for 20 years now and I
- 00:32:46know that in trying to read through the
- 00:32:48Bible as many of our viewers are trying
- 00:32:50to do with us read from Genesis through
- 00:32:52Exodus and on it seems that from Genesis
- 00:32:55to Exodus it's a very simple story right
- 00:32:57and then suddenly you come to Exodus and
- 00:33:00you come to the the Passover the Exodus
- 00:33:02and the Passover and the Mount Sinai
- 00:33:04covenant and all the sudden things
- 00:33:06become so complicated things become so
- 00:33:09confused we have a tabernacle we have
- 00:33:11the Levitical priesthood we have all
- 00:33:14these sacrifices that we don't we don't
- 00:33:16really identify with what has happened
- 00:33:18in the book of Exodus that seems to have
- 00:33:21ruptured this this beautiful streamline
- 00:33:23planned into a confusing plan to us yeah
- 00:33:26that's a very good question
- 00:33:27if you keep that bridge in mind you're
- 00:33:30able to travel into Exodus and I think
- 00:33:31make more progress because Israel's
- 00:33:33God's firstborn son
- 00:33:35and God commands Pharaoh to let him go
- 00:33:37to serve me or else I'll slay your
- 00:33:39firstborn sons that sets the stage for
- 00:33:41the Passover where the firstborn sons of
- 00:33:43Egypt are slain so that God's firstborn
- 00:33:46son can be redeemed and given this royal
- 00:33:49priestly mission to all of the younger
- 00:33:51brother nations but why slay the lamb
- 00:33:55that's the interesting thing
- 00:33:56why does God call Israel out of Egypt
- 00:33:59over to Mount Sinai to offer up animal
- 00:34:03sacrifices in this covenant making
- 00:34:05ratification ceremony in Exodus 24 the
- 00:34:09key to that the secret is found in
- 00:34:11Exodus 826 where Moses announces to
- 00:34:15Pharaoh God's initial plan plan a plan a
- 00:34:19was simply let Israel go for three days
- 00:34:21out to cyanide to sacrifice and then
- 00:34:24they'll return and begin working again
- 00:34:25and then God of course told Moses it's
- 00:34:28not gonna happen Pharaoh's gonna harden
- 00:34:30his heart and so I'm gonna have to
- 00:34:31liberate you completely but Moses says
- 00:34:34you know Pharaoh says okay go fine
- 00:34:37sacrifice to your God but do it in this
- 00:34:40land don't go out in the water nurse
- 00:34:42because how do how do I know you're even
- 00:34:43to come back but Moses said it would not
- 00:34:47be right to do so for we shall sacrifice
- 00:34:49to the Lord our God offerings abominable
- 00:34:51to the Egyptians if we sacrifice
- 00:34:54offerings abominable to the Egyptians
- 00:34:55before their eyes will they not stone us
- 00:34:58hmm now what does that statement imply
- 00:35:00well the ancient rabbis the early church
- 00:35:02fathers understood it very clearly so
- 00:35:04did st. Thomas that what God required of
- 00:35:07Israel was for Israel to slaughter
- 00:35:09animals that the Egyptians venerated the
- 00:35:13idols that were worshiped in Egypt were
- 00:35:15worshipped under the form of cattle
- 00:35:17sheep and goats
- 00:35:19those were the three animals deemed
- 00:35:21sacred by the Egyptians they sacrificed
- 00:35:24many other animals but never those three
- 00:35:26and in fact they would sacrifice their
- 00:35:29other animals to their gods on the form
- 00:35:31of cattle sheep and goats and so God an
- 00:35:34effective saying in order for you to
- 00:35:36make a clean break from the idolatry of
- 00:35:39Egypt
- 00:35:40I want you Israel to slaughter
- 00:35:43symbolically the gods the idols of Egypt
- 00:35:46by sacrificing cattle she
- 00:35:48and goats to me at Sinai when you
- 00:35:51repudiate the gods of Egypt you can have
- 00:35:54me as your God once again
- 00:35:56this echoes in Joshua 24 the opening
- 00:36:00verse is also in Ezekiel 20 verses 5 to
- 00:36:0326 were you hear elsewhere in the Bible
- 00:36:06that Israel had been in Egypt for so
- 00:36:09long that they'd actually absorb the
- 00:36:11idolatrous ways of the Egyptians and
- 00:36:14they had to make a clean break and
- 00:36:15renounce this idolatry so this initial
- 00:36:18sacrifice and that's spoken of here in
- 00:36:20chapter 8 is really to to get Egypt out
- 00:36:24of Israel yeah the the Exodus the
- 00:36:26liberation is not only political its
- 00:36:29spiritual that is I want you to be free
- 00:36:31from the idolatrous bondage of Egypt not
- 00:36:35just the political slavery of Egypt they
- 00:36:38were enslaved Egypt not only externally
- 00:36:41but internally in order for Yahweh to be
- 00:36:44the God of Israel they had to renounce
- 00:36:46and actually symbolically slaughter
- 00:36:48sacrifice the gods of Egypt which they
- 00:36:51did in the Passover in the form of the
- 00:36:52lamb and then they do it Mount Sinai in
- 00:36:55Exodus 24 in the form of cattle sheep
- 00:36:57and goats so in effect this whole
- 00:37:01ceremony is restoration through
- 00:37:05renunciation Israel is making this break
- 00:37:08from the ways of Egypt and in that way
- 00:37:10they're being reunited to God to Yahweh
- 00:37:14as father so they can begin fulfilling
- 00:37:16their royal priestly mission as God's
- 00:37:19firstborn son nation to all the other
- 00:37:22nations okay so the children of Israel
- 00:37:24are at Mount Sinai and God makes a
- 00:37:27covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai what
- 00:37:29does this mean well in Exodus 19 he
- 00:37:31offers them the Covenant he says in
- 00:37:33effect if you keep my covenant you'll be
- 00:37:35a kingdom of priests which follows from
- 00:37:37their firstborn status as a nation in
- 00:37:39Exodus 20 the Ten Commandments are given
- 00:37:42that summarizes the the law the wisdom
- 00:37:45of the father firs first firstborn son
- 00:37:47if you live this law and break from the
- 00:37:50idols of Egypt and if you live out my
- 00:37:53own fatherly wisdom all the nations will
- 00:37:55see your obedience see your prosperity
- 00:37:58see our covenant intimacy and desire it
- 00:38:01and in Exodus 21 22 and 23 additional
- 00:38:04laws are given to kind of help Israel
- 00:38:07gradually make that break the final
- 00:38:11covenant is ratified however in Exodus
- 00:38:1324 that's where the cattle sheep and
- 00:38:16goats are all slaughtered the blood is
- 00:38:18thrown upon the altar representing God's
- 00:38:21side of the Covenant earth and then the
- 00:38:23blood is also thrown upon the heads of
- 00:38:24the people that symbolizes the fact that
- 00:38:26Israel likewise is bound by covenant
- 00:38:29oath to the Lord
- 00:38:31they're both now bound by covenant oath
- 00:38:33to each other now when reading through
- 00:38:35the book of Exodus would you agree that
- 00:38:37chapter 32 the Golden Calf incident is
- 00:38:40the critical chapter in understanding
- 00:38:43really the whole the sacramental system
- 00:38:45the Levitical system the tabernacle
- 00:38:47precisely now we can see I think more
- 00:38:49clearly why that's the case in Exodus 32
- 00:38:52Moses is atop Mount Sinai for 40 days of
- 00:38:55fasting during that time Israel gets
- 00:38:58Aaron to build a golden calf in other
- 00:39:00words they've returned to the gods of
- 00:39:02Egypt the bowl is a sign of APUs one of
- 00:39:05the great gods of the Egyptian
- 00:39:07idolatrous religions and so though they
- 00:39:11have come out of Egypt Egypt has not
- 00:39:14come out of them and up until the golden
- 00:39:17calf all of the fathers of the twelve
- 00:39:20tribes of Israel had a priestly role all
- 00:39:22of the firstborn sons of Israel also had
- 00:39:26a kind of royal priestly calling every
- 00:39:28Israelite family could have been like a
- 00:39:30little church a little tabernacle only
- 00:39:33after the golden calf when the Levites
- 00:39:36slaughtered the 3,000 idolaters does
- 00:39:39Moses ordain the Levites to be priests
- 00:39:41instead of all the father's and the
- 00:39:44firstborn sons from all 12 tribes before
- 00:39:47the golden calf then every family is
- 00:39:49sacred every father's like a high priest
- 00:39:51every firstborn son is like a deacon or
- 00:39:54a priest under the Father so that every
- 00:39:56family meal would have been sacred
- 00:39:58sacrificial God would have been dwelling
- 00:40:00in every Israelite family after Israel
- 00:40:04goes back to the gods Egypt they forfeit
- 00:40:07that royal priestly privilege and it's
- 00:40:09given exclusively to the Levites because
- 00:40:11only the Levites obey the Lord at Sinai
- 00:40:14taking their swords at Moses command and
- 00:40:16slaughtering 3,000 of the worshippers of
- 00:40:19the Golden Calf he said today you've
- 00:40:22ordained yourselves to be priests in
- 00:40:24Israel you see that makes understanding
- 00:40:26the book of Exodus it's so much more
- 00:40:28clear yeah it really does it's it's
- 00:40:31amazing go ahead okay well before the
- 00:40:33Golden Calf and we have this situation
- 00:40:35where the law is relatively simple we
- 00:40:37have the Decalogue and sacrifices take
- 00:40:40place in Exodus 24 but in the Ten
- 00:40:43Commandments there are no requirements
- 00:40:45for daily offerings up until the golden
- 00:40:49calf you could offer animal sacrifices
- 00:40:50if you wanted to after the ratification
- 00:40:53ceremony but you didn't have to was
- 00:40:55optional it was voluntary discretionary
- 00:40:57but after the golden calf God says you
- 00:41:00will offer every morning and evening
- 00:41:02these animals that you have been
- 00:41:04venerating secretly in this idolatry so
- 00:41:08that in effect God is saying you said at
- 00:41:11the oath that you would break but then
- 00:41:13at the golden calf you return to the
- 00:41:15gods of Egypt now that you've returned
- 00:41:18I command you every day to break with
- 00:41:23those gods it's sort of like those are
- 00:41:25the sacrifices exactly the animal
- 00:41:26sacrifices then every day require Israel
- 00:41:29to renounce idolatry it's sort of like
- 00:41:32if a wife was married to an alcoholic
- 00:41:34and she said look Tom you know 10 times
- 00:41:37now you have repudiated alcohol and I
- 00:41:41believe you every time but no more what
- 00:41:43I'm going to require of you every
- 00:41:45morning and every evening if we're to
- 00:41:47stay together here and she hands him a
- 00:41:48bottle of Jack Daniels he says you must
- 00:41:51smash that bottle in the sink this
- 00:41:53morning and again this evening if I am
- 00:41:55going to stay with you because I see
- 00:41:57that this bottle is your God and you
- 00:42:00must break with the God in effect and so
- 00:42:02God is saying to Israel in effect every
- 00:42:05day you must slaughter the gods that you
- 00:42:07had been secretly worshiping if you're
- 00:42:09going to have me as your true father and
- 00:42:11Lord so before the Golden Calf incident
- 00:42:15there seems to be a level of intimacy
- 00:42:17between God and His people at least God
- 00:42:20desires there to be a level of intimacy
- 00:42:22that when sin comes the Golden Calf
- 00:42:24incident takes place the intimacy the
- 00:42:28Misha's between God in His people and
- 00:42:30that's what sin does yeah before the
- 00:42:32golden calf there was no reason why
- 00:42:33God's Spirit would not dwell in all of
- 00:42:36the tents of the 12 tribes of Israel but
- 00:42:38in the Golden Calf incident all of that
- 00:42:40is lost if all 12 tribes were priestly
- 00:42:43before only the tribe of Levi is
- 00:42:45priestly afterwards if sacrifices could
- 00:42:48have been offered in all of the the
- 00:42:49tents of the 12 tribes before after the
- 00:42:52golden calf only in the tabernacle that
- 00:42:54is erected right after the golden calf
- 00:42:56and Aaron is installed as the high
- 00:42:59priest so you have a whole load of
- 00:43:02additional ceremonial laws that revolve
- 00:43:05around animal sacrifice Aaron's high
- 00:43:08priesthood the tabernacle in other words
- 00:43:11at this point
- 00:43:12God is withdrawing from Israel now you
- 00:43:15might say that doesn't seem fair but the
- 00:43:17only reason God is doing it is because
- 00:43:19Israel had already withdrawn from the
- 00:43:21Lord God is just simply honoring their
- 00:43:24request he's saying I called you to come
- 00:43:27an intimacy you said yes but your
- 00:43:29actions said no and so I'm just going to
- 00:43:32basically respond to your actions
- 00:43:34because your actions speak louder than
- 00:43:36your words but I'm not gonna let you go
- 00:43:38I'm not going to let you return to those
- 00:43:40gods I'm gonna make you slaughter those
- 00:43:42gods not just once at Sinai but once
- 00:43:45twice a day every day for centuries for
- 00:43:49over a thousand years until finally I
- 00:43:53rode out of your hearts the hardest I
- 00:43:56rode out of your eye i uproot the heart
- 00:43:59of stone as he says in Ezekiel 36 and
- 00:44:01I'll give you a new heart so not until a
- 00:44:04future covenant is made will Israel's
- 00:44:07real spiritual problem be resolved talk
- 00:44:11just for a moment about the tabernacle
- 00:44:12the tabernacle is it can seem very very
- 00:44:14complicated there are many many chapters
- 00:44:16in the Bible that are dedicated to the
- 00:44:18description the building of it all the
- 00:44:20different instruments in the tabernacle
- 00:44:21what is the role of the tabernacle now
- 00:44:23in Israel's history yeah at this point
- 00:44:25in time the tabernacle is God's dwelling
- 00:44:27place in Exodus 33 the tabernacle had to
- 00:44:30be pitched outside the camp of Israel
- 00:44:32because the camp was defiled so God
- 00:44:34wants to dwell in the midst of his
- 00:44:36people so he has to add all these laws
- 00:44:38to make it possible what are the laws he
- 00:44:40says okay
- 00:44:41we're gonna put my Tabernacle back in
- 00:44:43the middle of the twelve tribes but it's
- 00:44:46gonna have to be cordoned off surrounded
- 00:44:48by the four clans of the tribe of Levi
- 00:44:51price of sin exactly the cushioning of
- 00:44:53the Levites then is the result of the
- 00:44:56golden calf whenever we sin we distance
- 00:44:58ourselves from God but God is never
- 00:45:01going to abandon us but he will allow
- 00:45:03our sins to have their effects he will
- 00:45:06manifest those effects to us he will
- 00:45:09allow us in fact he will force us to
- 00:45:11accept the consequence of her sin which
- 00:45:13is this greater distance between
- 00:45:15ourselves and God and so the tabernacle
- 00:45:19represents God's own loving presence in
- 00:45:22the midst of his family but the
- 00:45:24Levitical tribe that surrounds the
- 00:45:26tabernacle is a constant reminder to
- 00:45:29Israel of their fall the rabbi's used to
- 00:45:31say that what the forbidden fruit was to
- 00:45:33Adam the golden calf was to Israel as
- 00:45:36Adam forfeit of his royal priestly
- 00:45:39authority to transmit blessings to every
- 00:45:42person to all of his progeny by eating
- 00:45:44the forbidden fruit so likewise Israel
- 00:45:47forfeit of the royal priestly privilege
- 00:45:50as a firstborn son nation to freely
- 00:45:53transmit God's blessing salvation to all
- 00:45:55the nations instead the Levites became
- 00:45:58the priestly conduit to transmit God's
- 00:46:01blessings back to the twelve tribes who
- 00:46:04would hopefully bless all and be a
- 00:46:06blessing to the nation that's right this
- 00:46:08is the key to understanding the
- 00:46:09Levitical laws that follow the Golden
- 00:46:11Calf you see in the Golden Calf we have
- 00:46:13Exodus 32 to 34 and then at the end of
- 00:46:16Exodus 35 to 40 we have the instructions
- 00:46:18concerning erecting the tabernacle and
- 00:46:21consecrating Aaron as the high priest
- 00:46:23then Leviticus begins boy when people
- 00:46:26read them what are you about to say I
- 00:46:27could read your thoughts well you know
- 00:46:29when you read through the Bible you have
- 00:46:30these Bible reading programs where you
- 00:46:32start in January and you go through when
- 00:46:33do people stop they stop in March
- 00:46:35because they're in Leviticus and that's
- 00:46:36right I think this does this is not
- 00:46:38edifying me in my daily devotions right
- 00:46:40along with the March rain and the March
- 00:46:42mud comes the book a little bit and you
- 00:46:44get bogged down in all of the details
- 00:46:46describing the sacrifice explained the
- 00:46:48Book of Leviticus where does this fit
- 00:46:50well once you see the significance of
- 00:46:52the golden calf as the hinge on which
- 00:46:53the Covenant now turn
- 00:46:55you can recognize that Leviticus is
- 00:46:57neatly divided into two parts Leviticus
- 00:46:591 to 16 is the priestly code Leviticus
- 00:47:0317 that for who is the priestly code for
- 00:47:05okay the first half of Leviticus is a
- 00:47:08guidebook to train the Levites in their
- 00:47:11new task of getting the 12 tribes back
- 00:47:14on track with God okay
- 00:47:16the second half love Leviticus 17 to 27
- 00:47:19is known as the holiness code the second
- 00:47:22half of Leviticus the holiness code
- 00:47:24consists of the instructions that the
- 00:47:27Levites must pass down to the twelve
- 00:47:29tribes to rehabilitate them in order to
- 00:47:32get them back on track so you have two
- 00:47:35books in the in Leviticus in effect you
- 00:47:37have the priestly code to train the
- 00:47:40priests in their new Levitical duties
- 00:47:42and then you have the holiness code so
- 00:47:45the Levites know what they're to teach
- 00:47:47the twelve tribes as the new teacher of
- 00:47:49Israel is sort of like they're almost
- 00:47:51like babysitters if you will they have
- 00:47:53to be super strict in overseeing and
- 00:47:56administering the twelve tribes to keep
- 00:47:58them from returning to the idols the
- 00:48:00gods of Egypt now when you approach the
- 00:48:03book of love the Leviticus that way
- 00:48:05you'll recognize that all the animals
- 00:48:07that God requires Israel to sacrifice he
- 00:48:10has no need for he takes no delight in
- 00:48:12these animal sacrifices but he does
- 00:48:15recognize that Israel needs to sacrifice
- 00:48:18those animals in order to constantly
- 00:48:20make that clean break from idolatry and
- 00:48:24then all of a sudden the sacrifices of
- 00:48:27Leviticus become an educational tool
- 00:48:30tutor for the father to teach his
- 00:48:33wayward son his rebellious
- 00:48:35that's what Paul says doesn't he exactly
- 00:48:37why then the law it was added because of
- 00:48:39transgressions or in Hebrews 7 verse 12
- 00:48:41where there is a change the priesthood
- 00:48:44there is a change in the law the change
- 00:48:46in the priesthood from the firstborn
- 00:48:48sons to the Levites a change in the law
- 00:48:50from the simple Ten Commandments and the
- 00:48:53covenant code to all of the additional
- 00:48:55burdensome penitential regulations and
- 00:48:59sacrifices and ceremonies by which God
- 00:49:02in effect slowly rehabilitates dr.
- 00:49:05Hodges read your teaching has made
- 00:49:06reading the Bible
- 00:49:08a lot of fun because it puts everything
- 00:49:10in perspective as we start reading
- 00:49:12through the scriptures and our viewers
- 00:49:14are reading with us they started in the
- 00:49:15book of Genesis and then they come to
- 00:49:17the book of Exodus and right there in
- 00:49:20chapter 32 you can start reading
- 00:49:21Leviticus and you read it in context
- 00:49:24knowing what it's about who it's
- 00:49:26addressed to and what the purposes of
- 00:49:28the of the book are and by the ways it's
- 00:49:30I'm flattered that you say it's my
- 00:49:32approach but it's really a very new old
- 00:49:34approach it's the approach as you know
- 00:49:36it you make it simple yeah you know it's
- 00:49:38it's reflected in the targum the ancient
- 00:49:40Jewish Bible that was used probably some
- 00:49:42form of it in Jesus day the targum czar
- 00:49:44the aramaic translator right exactly
- 00:49:46we also find it in the rabbinic writings
- 00:49:48we find it in the early church fathers
- 00:49:49st. Thomas Aquinas takes it for granted
- 00:49:52in the Summa Theologica the Prima
- 00:49:54Secunda section 102 he just describes
- 00:49:58all these ceremonial sacrifices as a
- 00:50:00penitential addition because of the
- 00:50:03golden calf even Martin Luther who
- 00:50:06inherited so much through his training
- 00:50:07as an Augustinian monk took all of this
- 00:50:10for granted and interpreting the Bible
- 00:50:11it's really been in the last two
- 00:50:13centuries or so that a lot of this is
- 00:50:15lost through the misuse of certain
- 00:50:18historical critical tools and methods
- 00:50:19that's wonderful I have I enjoy talking
- 00:50:22to you about this you know there's
- 00:50:23nothing as exciting as reading the Bible
- 00:50:25and you know that I really mean that
- 00:50:27it's an adventure when you pick up on
- 00:50:28the book of Genesis and you read you
- 00:50:30read all the way through about our
- 00:50:32fathers plan it really is an adventure
- 00:50:34our next book that we're going to be
- 00:50:36looking at is the Book of Numbers we're
- 00:50:38going to travel from Genesis to Exodus
- 00:50:40and you can read Leviticus in the
- 00:50:42context of Exodus we're going to move on
- 00:50:44to the Book of Numbers and so read up on
- 00:50:48numbers before our next program this is
- 00:50:50our Father's plan Jeff Cavins and dr.
- 00:50:52Scott Hahn with you we're looking
- 00:50:54forward to seeing you next time
- 00:50:56[Music]
- 00:51:10[Music]
- 00:51:20[Music]
- 00:51:33[Music]
- Bibbia
- teologia
- Adamo ed Eva
- Abramo
- Esodo
- Mosè
- Vitello d'Oro
- alleanze bibliche
- primo peccato
- storia sacra