AI News: OpenAI's Sora Gets Exposed!
TLDRTa teden prinaša obilico novosti na področju umetne inteligence, med drugim tudi uhajanje Sora, kar je omogočilo ljudem kratkotrajni dostop do videov prek Sora API-ja. Zanimiv je tudi Luma Dream Machine, ki omogoča ustvarjanje AI-generiranih videov na mobilnih napravah. Poleg tega podjetje LTX Video s svojim odprtokodnim modelom omogoča lokalno generacijo videov, medtem ko nova funkcija 11 Labs, Gen FM, omogoča poslušanje podcastov na podlagi člankov. Amazon povečuje svojo naložbo v Anthropic, hkrati pa razvija svoje AI rešitve. Nvidia je predstavila Fugato, AI model za glasbo in zvok. Runway je dodal funkcijo za razširitev videov in novi generator slik, Frames. Amazonov video AI zdaj vključuje razumevanje videov in slik, kar bo nadgradilo njihove storitve. Na področju velikih jezikovnih modelov je Anthropic izdal nov protokol za povezovanje Clada s podjetniškimi podatki. Celoten pregled prinaša vpogled v napredek AI tehnologij in potencialne aplikacije v prihodnosti.
- 🆕 Uvodne funkcije v AI videu: Luma in Runway ponujata nove možnosti za ustvarjanje videov z umetno inteligenco.
- 🔍 Razširjeni dostop do Sora: Uhajanje je razkrilo sposobnosti AI platforme za generacijo videov.
- 📱 Mobilne aplikacije AI: Luma Dream Machine omogoča ustvarjanje videov s pametnim telefonom.
- 🎨 Napredne slike: Runway Frames ustvarja realistične in umetniške AI generirane slike.
- 🎼 AI zvokov: Nvidia Fugato združuje ustvarjanje glasbe, govora in zvokov.
- 💼 Amazon in Anthropic: Skupno sodelovanje pri razvoju AI tehnologij in novih storitev.
- 📊 Model Context Protocol: Anthropic omogoča povezovanje AI z notranjimi podatki podjetij.
- 🔗 Odprtokodni model LTX Video: Omogoča lokalno ustvarjanje videov z AI.
- 📰 Gen FM podjetja 11 Labs: Ustvarjanje podcastov iz pisnih člankov in dokumentov.
- 📈 Napredek AI: Razvoj različnih AI modelov kaže na hitro širjenje AI zmogljivosti v industriji.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Razprava se začne z govoricami o uhajanju projekta Sora, AI orodju OpenAI, ki omogoča generiranje videov. Kljub hitremu zaprtju API-ja zaradi uhajanja, je ta incident povzročil ponovno zanimanje javnosti za Soro. Nekateri zgodnji uporabniki so izrazili nezadovoljstvo s pogoji dostopa do Sorinega API-ja in OpenAI-jevo kontrolo nad generiranimi vsebinami.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Uhajanje je povečalo prepoznavnost Sora in ponovno zagnalo zanimanje za AI generiranje videov. Medtem so nove demo video vsebine pokazale sposobnosti storitve Sora ter izpostavile nekatere težave v delovanju. Poleg tega so druge platforme, kot je Luma, lansirale nove funkcije, npr. mobilna aplikacija, ki omogoča ustvarjanje videov iz slik.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Podjetje L Trix je lansiralo nov odprtokoden model za generiranje videa, ki uporabnikom omogoča lokalno ustvarjanje videov. Povečan je tudi interes za AI video generacijo zaradi novih funkcij, ki jih je uvedla Runway, vključno s širjenjem video posnetkov s pomočjo AI in novo realistično generacijo slik preko njihovega generatorja 'Frames'.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Stability AI je nadgradil svojo tehnologijo za generacijo slik z dodatki, kot so canny control nets in blur model, kar pripomore k izboljšanju kakovosti generiranih vsebin. Medtem Google Labs uvaja inovativne načine ustvarjanja vsebin s projektom 'gen chess', ki združuje AI tehnologijo z igro šaha.
- 00:20:00 - 00:27:29
Več novih funkcionalnosti je bilo predstavljenih tudi na področju zvoka in glasbe, vključno z NVIDIA-jevimi modeli za generativno umetno inteligenco zvoka. Na področju velikih jezikovnih modelov je Anthropic predstavil izboljšave za uporabnike, medtem ko Amazon krepi svoj portfelj AI tehnologij z novimi funkcijami ter investicijami v anthopric.
Kaj se je zgodilo z uhajanjem Sora?
Uhajanje Sora je omogočilo ljudem kratkotrajni dostop do generiranja videov na Sora prek API-ja, preden je bil dostop omejen zaradi varnostnih razlogov.
Kaj ponuja nova aplikacija Luma?
Aplikacija Luma Dream Machine omogoča ustvarjanje videov z uporabo umetne inteligence na mobilni napravi.
Kaj je LTX Video?
LTX Video je odprtokodni AI video model, ki omogoča generiranje videov na lokalni napravi.
Kaj omogoča funkcija Gen FM podjetja 11 Labs?
Gen FM omogoča ustvarjanje podcastov iz dokumentov ali člankov, kar omogoča uporabnikom poslušanje vsebine namesto branja.
Kako Amazon sodeluje z Anthropicom?
Amazon povečuje svoje naložbe v Anthropic in implementira njihove AI modele, hkrati pa razvija lastne rešitve.
Kaj omogoča nova funkcija Runway za razširjanje videov?
Runway omogoča razširitev malih ali vertikalnih videov z uporabo umetne inteligence, ki zapolni manjkajoče dele.
Kaj je Nvidia predstavila na področju AI zvoka?
Nvidia je predstavila model Fugato, ki kombinira ustvarjanje glasbe, govora in zvokov z uporabo ene vmesne točke AI.
Kaj je posebnega pri modelu Amazon's video AI?
Amazon razvija AI model, ki lahko razume in procesira videe ter slike, kar bo uporabno v njihovih storitvah.
Kaj pomeni najnovejša funkcija Anthropicovega Clada?
Model Context Protocol omogoča povezovanje Clada s podatki znotraj podjetja, kar dopolnjuje njegove zmogljivosti.
Kakšne novosti je predstavil Runway?
Runway je uvedel novo funkcijo za razširitev videov in nov generator slik Frames, ki ustvarja realistične in umetniške slike.
- 00:00:00well it's Thanksgiving week here in the
- 00:00:01US but surprisingly there's still quite
- 00:00:04a bit to talk about in the world of AI
- 00:00:06so here's all the stuff that I thought
- 00:00:08was really interesting or super cool
- 00:00:10that I thought you would like so let's
- 00:00:11go ahead and break it down starting with
- 00:00:13the Sora leak and I say leak in air
- 00:00:16quotes because the leak was pretty
- 00:00:18quickly shut down so basically what
- 00:00:20happened was someone or some people who
- 00:00:23got Early Access to Sora created this
- 00:00:26little python file here and shared it on
- 00:00:28hugging face and this python file had
- 00:00:31access to the Sora API basically meaning
- 00:00:35that yes people were able to go and
- 00:00:37generate videos on Sora for a short
- 00:00:39window of time but their prompt was
- 00:00:41going to the Sora servers Sora was
- 00:00:44generating it on their servers and then
- 00:00:45sending it back it wasn't like the code
- 00:00:48was leaked and people were able to
- 00:00:49install Sora on their computer and now
- 00:00:52there's access floating around and
- 00:00:53anybody can generate with Sora no people
- 00:00:55were linked up to the Sora servers could
- 00:00:58generate videos for a little bit opening
- 00:01:00found out shut down the API and then
- 00:01:02nobody was able to use Sora again after
- 00:01:03that and when I mean nobody I mean even
- 00:01:05all the Early Access people that were
- 00:01:07able to use Sora originally also lost
- 00:01:10access so the people who leaked it
- 00:01:13basically made it so that nobody can use
- 00:01:15it anymore at least temporarily now
- 00:01:17here's the reasons they gave for
- 00:01:19actually leaking this Sora access they
- 00:01:21put up this like Manifesto here on
- 00:01:23hugging face that says Dear corporate AI
- 00:01:26overlords we received access to Sora
- 00:01:28with the promise to be early testers red
- 00:01:29teamers and creative Partners however we
- 00:01:31believe instead we are being lured into
- 00:01:33artwashing to tell the world that Sora
- 00:01:35is a useful tool for artists artists are
- 00:01:38not your unpaid research and development
- 00:01:40we are not your free bug testers PR
- 00:01:41puppets training data or validation
- 00:01:43tokens they go on to say furthermore
- 00:01:45every output needs to be approved by the
- 00:01:47open AI team before sharing this program
- 00:01:50seems to be less about creative
- 00:01:51expression and critique and more about
- 00:01:53PR and advertisement essentially they
- 00:01:55were frustrated that they were given
- 00:01:56Early Access to test for bugs red team
- 00:02:00and create marketing material for open
- 00:02:01AI without compensation and without ever
- 00:02:05actually releasing it to the public to
- 00:02:06use they're also claiming that open aai
- 00:02:08required them to share the outputs
- 00:02:10before putting them out into the world
- 00:02:12now from what I understand this wasn't
- 00:02:14because open AI didn't want them to put
- 00:02:16out anything that didn't look amazing it
- 00:02:19was because open AI didn't want any sort
- 00:02:20of fake political propaganda spreading
- 00:02:23from Sora they didn't want any sort of
- 00:02:25adult content that was generated with
- 00:02:26sore to be spread around and things like
- 00:02:28that they just wanted to review it
- 00:02:30before it went live to make sure that
- 00:02:32sort of unethical content or adult
- 00:02:35content wasn't being shared with it not
- 00:02:37because they were trying to make sure
- 00:02:39only the best outputs were being shown
- 00:02:41Sam Alman himself back when he was
- 00:02:43originally demoing Sora on X was
- 00:02:46actually sewing some of his outputs
- 00:02:47weren't amazing still so I don't think
- 00:02:50they were trying to hide that it doesn't
- 00:02:51always generate amazing outputs they go
- 00:02:53on to say here we are not against the
- 00:02:55use of AI technology as a tool for the
- 00:02:57Arts they just don't agree with how this
- 00:02:59artist program has been rolled out and
- 00:03:01how the tool is shaping up ahead of a
- 00:03:03public release a handful of artists
- 00:03:05signed it basically saying that they
- 00:03:06agree with the sentiment but in my
- 00:03:08opinion I feel like this was sort of a
- 00:03:10petty thing to do if anything it brought
- 00:03:14more awareness to open Ai and Sora I
- 00:03:16mean people had kind of stopped talking
- 00:03:18about Sora for a while all these other
- 00:03:20video platforms had come out that were
- 00:03:22generating videos nearly as good as what
- 00:03:24we were seeing from Sora but as a result
- 00:03:26of this leak now people are talking
- 00:03:28about Sora again we're getting a whole
- 00:03:29bunch of demos of it again it's sort of
- 00:03:32back in the public Consciousness and to
- 00:03:34be honest most of the videos that were
- 00:03:35generated kind of showed that Sora is
- 00:03:38still pretty ahead of the pack when it
- 00:03:40comes to AI video generation I mean
- 00:03:41these videos are probably better than
- 00:03:44what we're seeing from most of the other
- 00:03:45video platforms right now now some of
- 00:03:47the videos did show that Sora still has
- 00:03:49some of the same issues as some of the
- 00:03:51other AI video platforms but overall it
- 00:03:54seems to be generating better videos on
- 00:03:57average than some of those other
- 00:03:59platforms this AI Central X account here
- 00:04:01posted a thread with every single video
- 00:04:04that's been generated I'll share it
- 00:04:05below but I'll kind of highlight some of
- 00:04:07the ones that I thought were interesting
- 00:04:09this dog chasing a cat here looks pretty
- 00:04:12good I mean it looks pretty dang
- 00:04:13realistic here's one of like a bright
- 00:04:16city with a woman in a red dress and
- 00:04:18black jacket walking towards the camera
- 00:04:20and you know it looks pretty good it's a
- 00:04:22decent looking video here's one of a
- 00:04:24building on fire that looks realistic I
- 00:04:27mean that if you saw that just kind of
- 00:04:29scroll rolling you'd probably think that
- 00:04:30was real here's a nice looking anime
- 00:04:32video here's a video of like a truck
- 00:04:34driving through the dirt it's kind of
- 00:04:36got that slow motion effect that we tend
- 00:04:37to see in a lot of the other AI video
- 00:04:39generators I don't know what the exact
- 00:04:41prompt was maybe they prompted it to be
- 00:04:42in slow motion I'm not sure here's a cat
- 00:04:44chasing a mouse this is one where you
- 00:04:46can start to see some of the issues
- 00:04:48right like you look at this cat and as
- 00:04:50it jumps around you'll notice that the
- 00:04:52legs kind of disappear it looks like a
- 00:04:53three-legged cat for a second there so
- 00:04:55you can start to see some of the
- 00:04:57weirdness a dog rolling on a skateboard
- 00:04:59here's one that you know you could
- 00:05:01clearly tell is AI it zooms in and
- 00:05:03they've got some of the funkiness and
- 00:05:05uncanniness that you get out of a lot of
- 00:05:07the AI video generators here's Somebody
- 00:05:09by the Eiffel Tower looking through some
- 00:05:11binoculars in the rain some cartoon
- 00:05:13flamingos with a blue flamingo in the
- 00:05:15middle some gameplay footage some
- 00:05:18Minecraft footage that actually looks
- 00:05:20really really good honestly uh looks
- 00:05:22like some maybe civilization footage
- 00:05:24here and for the most part it's kind of
- 00:05:26showing that Sora makes really good
- 00:05:28videos still at everybody thought this
- 00:05:30one of a cat on like a Roomba looks
- 00:05:32really funky I mean that one kind of
- 00:05:35shows off some of the weirdness the cat
- 00:05:37loses its hat for a second and almost
- 00:05:39turns into a squirrel but overall the
- 00:05:42majority of the videos that I've seen
- 00:05:43that have come out of this leak make me
- 00:05:45more impressed and more excited about
- 00:05:47Sora this one of a baby swimming in the
- 00:05:49water that kind of reminds me of like
- 00:05:50the old Nirvana cover looks pretty good
- 00:05:53you know there's almost 30 videos here
- 00:05:55in this thread so again I will link it
- 00:05:57up if you want to see what more of these
- 00:05:58videos look like like but if anything I
- 00:06:01actually think this leak created more
- 00:06:03hype for Sora than anything else I mean
- 00:06:05there's even rumors going around that
- 00:06:07maybe Sora leaked it themselves to sort
- 00:06:09of get Buzz around it again I think
- 00:06:11that's highly unlikely but not out of
- 00:06:13the question and since we're talking
- 00:06:14about AI video let's go ahead and
- 00:06:16continue with that theme Luma just
- 00:06:18rolled out some new features for dream
- 00:06:20machine including a mobile app I was
- 00:06:22actually lucky enough to get early
- 00:06:24access to the dream machine app which I
- 00:06:26believe is available for everybody now
- 00:06:28but this is what it looks like I can go
- 00:06:29through and see all of my previous
- 00:06:31generations here play them right inside
- 00:06:33of the app and I can create boards by
- 00:06:35hitting this little plus button we can
- 00:06:37see I've got a prompt box down here at
- 00:06:38the bottom I can actually pick photos
- 00:06:40from my computer here's a photo of me
- 00:06:43and some of my buddies in the AI world
- 00:06:45let's just give it the prompt make them
- 00:06:47dance and let's see what it gives us now
- 00:06:49it's choreographing a dance of
- 00:06:52camaraderie and we got a video of the
- 00:06:54four of us all dancing here there's one
- 00:06:57video that it generated and there's the
- 00:06:59other video that it generated and I did
- 00:07:00it all on my phone so pretty cool new
- 00:07:03upgrade to dream machine it's now got
- 00:07:05consistent characters from a single
- 00:07:07image so I can upload an image of myself
- 00:07:09use a prompt like at character as a
- 00:07:12Pixar cartoon we'll use this as a
- 00:07:15reference and by the way I'm on the web
- 00:07:17app now to do this but you can do this
- 00:07:19on the phone app as well and you can see
- 00:07:21it created some character references of
- 00:07:24me as a Pixar character I can select one
- 00:07:26of these images and now I can turn it
- 00:07:28into a video or I can use that as a new
- 00:07:30reference image and animate this video
- 00:07:33with whatever prompt I want so some
- 00:07:35pretty cool new features in Luma dream
- 00:07:37machine definitely worth playing around
- 00:07:39with and checking out but we have even
- 00:07:40more AI video news this week the company
- 00:07:43L Trix the company behind LTX studio
- 00:07:46just released an open-source AI video
- 00:07:48model they released a model called LTX
- 00:07:51video and put all of the files available
- 00:07:53to download up on hugging face so this
- 00:07:56is a video model that if you have a
- 00:07:58strong enough computer you can actually
- 00:08:00download it and generate videos locally
- 00:08:03on your own hard drive and it's pretty
- 00:08:05decent too we can see some of the sample
- 00:08:07videos that they have here of like this
- 00:08:08woman having a conversation with another
- 00:08:10woman the camera pans over a snow
- 00:08:12covered Mountain the waves crash against
- 00:08:14Jagged rocks we can see it generates
- 00:08:16videos in 24 frames per second at 768 x
- 00:08:19512 but then you can always use a tool
- 00:08:21like topaz's AI video upscaler and
- 00:08:24upscale the video and if you do want to
- 00:08:26test it out and play around with it for
- 00:08:27free they actually have a hugging face
- 00:08:29space up called LTX video playground we
- 00:08:32can click into here and well I think
- 00:08:33this space might be a little overloaded
- 00:08:35now I've been waiting for like almost 9
- 00:08:37minutes and it still hasn't generated
- 00:08:39anything so let's go ahead and take a
- 00:08:41peek at some of their like cached
- 00:08:43prompts here like this young woman
- 00:08:45behind some curtains that are opening
- 00:08:47you can see the pretty good Generations
- 00:08:49maybe you'll be luckier than I am trying
- 00:08:51to use this hugging face space or you
- 00:08:53can always duplicate this space and you
- 00:08:55know spend a little money to run it on
- 00:08:56hugging face or you can download the
- 00:08:58files to your computer if you have a
- 00:08:59strong enough GPU and run it yourself
- 00:09:02but it is pretty cool to see some of
- 00:09:03these new video models actually being
- 00:09:06open sourced so that people can build
- 00:09:08off of them and iterate off of them and
- 00:09:10improve them and do all sorts of cool
- 00:09:11stuff because now we'll be able to
- 00:09:13generate this stuff right on our own
- 00:09:15computer without having to wait for
- 00:09:16tools like Sora we also got some AI
- 00:09:18video news out of Runway this week they
- 00:09:21added a new expand video feature so you
- 00:09:24can take like a vertical video and
- 00:09:26expand it and it will use AI to fill in
- 00:09:28the rest or take a small video and you
- 00:09:30know expand it in any direction really
- 00:09:33and see what it does so if we jump over
- 00:09:35to Runway I could log into my
- 00:09:38account make sure I'm set on gen 3 Alpha
- 00:09:41turbo here just for fun let's take this
- 00:09:43little video that was actually one of
- 00:09:45the demo videos from The Hot Shot AI
- 00:09:47video generator and expand it and see
- 00:09:50what it does so I'm going to go ahead
- 00:09:51and pull this in here I can make it
- 00:09:53verticle and let's go ahead and generate
- 00:09:55and see how it fills in the top and
- 00:09:56bottom on this one and here's what we
- 00:09:58get out of that you can see that it
- 00:09:59figured out what the water looks like
- 00:10:01and what the top of her head looks like
- 00:10:03did a pretty good job honestly now it's
- 00:10:05kind of funny because the video is only
- 00:10:065 Seconds long but it generated a
- 00:10:0810-second animation so after 5 Seconds
- 00:10:10the video just freezes on this Frame but
- 00:10:13that's because the original video was 5
- 00:10:14seconds and I set the prompt at 10
- 00:10:17seconds so my bad but it still looks
- 00:10:19pretty cool but that's not all Runway
- 00:10:21released this week they also released a
- 00:10:23new image generator called frames and
- 00:10:26Frames is one of the more realistic AI
- 00:10:29image generators I've seen like here's
- 00:10:31some of the sample images they've shared
- 00:10:33now it also does cartoon stuff and this
- 00:10:35sort of weird like abstract stuff as
- 00:10:37well but these images that are supposed
- 00:10:39to look realistic look pretty dang good
- 00:10:43here's some more like images of people
- 00:10:45in like various costumes and things like
- 00:10:471970s Art here's some more like cartoony
- 00:10:50comic Booky looking images really really
- 00:10:53good overall though I'm really impressed
- 00:10:56with what Runway has with their image
- 00:10:58generator here and it should a pretty
- 00:10:59fun one once it's fully rolled out but
- 00:11:01we can see here on their blog post about
- 00:11:03it we're gradually rolling out access
- 00:11:05inside of gen 3 Alpha and the runway API
- 00:11:08to allow you to build more of your
- 00:11:09worlds within a larger more seamless
- 00:11:11creative flow I just checked I don't
- 00:11:13believe it's in my account yet but when
- 00:11:15it is I will follow up in a future video
- 00:11:17about it we also got some more AI image
- 00:11:19generation news out of stability AI
- 00:11:22they're stable diffusion 3.5 large model
- 00:11:25now has control Nets they've got the
- 00:11:28canny control net we recently saw this
- 00:11:29roll out with flux as well but cany sort
- 00:11:32of does this almost like trace of your
- 00:11:34original image and then allows you to
- 00:11:36generate new images that follow that
- 00:11:38same sort of tracing they also did a
- 00:11:40depth model similar to what we saw with
- 00:11:42flux where it takes an original image
- 00:11:44looks at the depth of the image and then
- 00:11:45generates new images with that depth and
- 00:11:47they also released a blur control net
- 00:11:50where it looks like you can take a sort
- 00:11:51of blurry image and it will upscale it a
- 00:11:53bit and since we're talking about AI art
- 00:11:55I thought this was a fun one to share
- 00:11:57Google Labs just released a a new thing
- 00:11:59called gen chess where you can actually
- 00:12:02create playable chess boards in whatever
- 00:12:05style you want so here's an example that
- 00:12:07colum made of Tesla Verse Ford chess
- 00:12:10pieces here's some dinosaur chess pieces
- 00:12:14that you can play with but if you like
- 00:12:15chess this is pretty cool you can go to
- 00:12:16labs. gooogle jeness and we can see our
- 00:12:19prompt here make a classic chess set
- 00:12:21inspired by jam on toast or make a
- 00:12:24creative chest set inspired by Wolves
- 00:12:27we'll go ahead and generate that and now
- 00:12:28we can see are various wolf related
- 00:12:31chest pieces here or we can go a classic
- 00:12:34chest set inspired by wolves and we get
- 00:12:36pieces that look like more traditional
- 00:12:39chess pieces here now let's go ahead and
- 00:12:40generate an opponent and it's doing
- 00:12:42wolves vers sheep and here's the Sheep
- 00:12:44chess pieces that it made and now we can
- 00:12:46actually play chess wolves vers sheep
- 00:12:48I'm going to go ahead and do easy and
- 00:12:50now we've got a chess game going on here
- 00:12:52and I can play against the AI computer
- 00:12:55which seems to just be mirroring every
- 00:12:56move that I do but anyway it's pretty
- 00:12:59cool a fun creative way to play more
- 00:13:02chess all right moving on to AI audio
- 00:13:04news 11 Labs just rolled out a new
- 00:13:06feature this week called Gen FM and Gen
- 00:13:09FM is kind of the same concept as
- 00:13:11notebook LM by Google where you can
- 00:13:13upload a whole bunch of PDFs or
- 00:13:16documents or things like that and it
- 00:13:17will actually create a podcast out of it
- 00:13:19now this is currently only available on
- 00:13:21mobile but I do believe it's coming to
- 00:13:23desktop soon but if I open up the mobile
- 00:13:2511 Labs app here we can see a giant bar
- 00:13:28that says transform your content into a
- 00:13:29podcast with Gen FM let's click on that
- 00:13:31I have the options to paste a link write
- 00:13:33my own text in import a file or scan a
- 00:13:37document I'll go ahead and paste a
- 00:13:38random AI news article in here create a
- 00:13:41new
- 00:13:42episode and as it's actually creating
- 00:13:44the episode it actually plays music for
- 00:13:46you and here's what we get out of it
- 00:13:49Zoom the pandemic darling of video
- 00:13:51conferencing just dropped a bombshell
- 00:13:53they're rebranding as an AI first workor
- 00:13:56platform for human connection but is
- 00:13:58this a brilliant pivot or a desperate
- 00:14:01attempt to stay relevant whoa that's
- 00:14:03quite a shift so they're moving away
- 00:14:05from just being known for video
- 00:14:08calls exactly they're dropping the video
- 00:14:11from their name and becoming Zoom
- 00:14:12Communications Inc it's a bold move so
- 00:14:15yeah if you played around with notebook
- 00:14:16LM this will sound very familiar except
- 00:14:18it's on your mobile phone and you can
- 00:14:20listen to podcasts about whatever you
- 00:14:22want whatever you want with a pretty
- 00:14:24easy fun app and since we're talking
- 00:14:25about AI audio Nvidia just released a
- 00:14:28new generative AI model called fugato
- 00:14:31which is short for foundational
- 00:14:32generative audio Transformer Opus 1 it
- 00:14:35generates or transforms any mix of Music
- 00:14:38voice and sound described with prompts
- 00:14:40using any combination of text and audio
- 00:14:42files
- 00:14:43[Music]
- 00:15:07[Music]
- 00:15:16[Music]
- 00:15:19is just as
- 00:15:22easy wash it
- 00:15:24away cuz I know
- 00:15:29[Music]
- 00:15:31you be
- 00:15:33there kids are talking by the door kids
- 00:15:36are talking by the door kids are talking
- 00:15:40by the door
- 00:15:42[Music]
- 00:16:07[Music]
- 00:16:13so that seems pretty cool it's like all
- 00:16:15of the various AI models that we've had
- 00:16:17out there all into one right you've got
- 00:16:19the ability to create music the ability
- 00:16:21to create speech the ability to isolate
- 00:16:23tracks from songs add you know drums or
- 00:16:26other instruments to songs that you've
- 00:16:28already created like so many different
- 00:16:30things all within a single model now at
- 00:16:33the moment this just seems to be
- 00:16:34research I don't think they've made it
- 00:16:35available yet but once it's available
- 00:16:37this looks like it'll be pretty fun to
- 00:16:39play with and something we'll definitely
- 00:16:40be following up on once it's ready and
- 00:16:42since we're talking about Nvidia let's
- 00:16:44talk about edifi 3D this is a new
- 00:16:46scalable highquality 3D asset generation
- 00:16:50model that they released research for
- 00:16:52this week so this appears to be a model
- 00:16:54where you could give it a text prompt
- 00:16:56and from that text prompt it will
- 00:16:57generate a 3DS set that you can use in
- 00:17:00your games or whatever you can also
- 00:17:01upload images and it'll turn those
- 00:17:03images into 3D assets that you can use
- 00:17:06for whatever you need to use them for so
- 00:17:08this looks really really fun you know
- 00:17:10one of the things that I sort of aspire
- 00:17:12to do is create a game in Unreal Engine
- 00:17:15or Unity at some point and having tools
- 00:17:17like this at my disposal is going to
- 00:17:19make creating a lot of those 3D assets
- 00:17:21for that game a lot easier now again
- 00:17:24this is just research that was released
- 00:17:25we just have a paper there doesn't seem
- 00:17:27to be code available for it yet but
- 00:17:29again something we'll follow up on as it
- 00:17:32progresses a little bit further now
- 00:17:33moving on to large language Model news
- 00:17:35there's been a few announcements out of
- 00:17:37anthropic this week starting with the
- 00:17:39model context protocol this is something
- 00:17:42that I think is going to come in really
- 00:17:43handy for businesses because what this
- 00:17:45allows you to do is connect your clad
- 00:17:48account to data within your company now
- 00:17:51clad doesn't actually find real-time
- 00:17:54information it doesn't search the web
- 00:17:56it's only updated through the latest
- 00:17:58model checkpoint that's available and so
- 00:18:01no new information is available except
- 00:18:03for when they roll out new models
- 00:18:05however with this model context protocol
- 00:18:08you can actually attach clad to your own
- 00:18:11sort of databases and information and as
- 00:18:14you update the information in your own
- 00:18:16sort of system that information gets
- 00:18:18added to Claud now at the moment it
- 00:18:20seems like this is just available with
- 00:18:21the API it says developers can start
- 00:18:23building and testing mCP connectors
- 00:18:25today existing Cloud for work customers
- 00:18:27can begin testing mCP servers locally
- 00:18:30connecting Cloud to internal systems and
- 00:18:32data sets and will soon provide
- 00:18:34developer toolkits for deploying remote
- 00:18:36production mCP servers that can serve
- 00:18:38your entire Claude for work organization
- 00:18:40so again if you're a business that uses
- 00:18:42clad and specifically use their API you
- 00:18:45can actually start to connect it to your
- 00:18:47own data sources but that's not all
- 00:18:49anthropic rolled out with Cloud this
- 00:18:50week they also released a new personal
- 00:18:53style feature and so check this out if I
- 00:18:55head over to my clot account you can see
- 00:18:57there's a new drop down here that says
- 00:18:58choose style and it's got normal concise
- 00:19:02explanatory and formal by default but
- 00:19:04you can also create and edit your own
- 00:19:06Styles this Tech Storyteller is the one
- 00:19:09that it created for me so to create your
- 00:19:11own style you click create and edit
- 00:19:12Styles and you can see these first three
- 00:19:14are presets and then here's mine and it
- 00:19:16says deliver technical insights through
- 00:19:18precise analytical and professional
- 00:19:20discourse I can even edit this style
- 00:19:23once I've already created it once but if
- 00:19:25you want to create a new style you click
- 00:19:26create custom style and then you can add
- 00:19:28writing examples here so you can drag
- 00:19:30and drop PDFs or documents or things
- 00:19:32like that or you can paste in text and
- 00:19:34then select Define a style objective
- 00:19:36sort of explain the style you can tailor
- 00:19:38it to an audience you can use a specific
- 00:19:40voice and tone and upload like
- 00:19:42transcripts or your own blog posts or
- 00:19:44you can describe generally what you want
- 00:19:46your style to sound like now when I made
- 00:19:48this Tech Storyteller style what I did
- 00:19:50was I uploaded about 90 minutes of
- 00:19:53transcripts from my YouTube videos and
- 00:19:55let it sort of determine what my style
- 00:19:57is based on my transcripts and it did an
- 00:20:00okay job but the nice thing is if you
- 00:20:02don't like some elements about the style
- 00:20:04you can click edit with Claud and you
- 00:20:06could tell it how you want it to change
- 00:20:08like my first style that it generated
- 00:20:09was a little bit too informal and it
- 00:20:11also threw emojis in there for some
- 00:20:13reason and so I said hey don't use
- 00:20:15emojis when you prompt as me and also I
- 00:20:18do talk casually but this was a little
- 00:20:20overly casual so make it slightly more
- 00:20:22formal and then it actually tweaked my
- 00:20:24style and fixed it up so something fun
- 00:20:26to play with if you want claw to sound
- 00:20:28more like you or like a certain style
- 00:20:30when you generate prompts you now have
- 00:20:32that ability and since we're talking
- 00:20:34about anthropic some other big news is
- 00:20:35that Amazon is investing another $4
- 00:20:38billion do into anthropic it sounds like
- 00:20:41Amazon is kind of going Allin as
- 00:20:43anthropic being their AI partner we
- 00:20:45already know that the future alexas are
- 00:20:48going to use anthropic and Amazon seems
- 00:20:50to be going in big with them but they
- 00:20:52are hedging their bets a little bit this
- 00:20:54information came out this week as well
- 00:20:56on the information that Amazon is
- 00:20:58developing a video AI model hedging its
- 00:21:01Reliance on anthropic now when I first
- 00:21:03read this I thought they were making
- 00:21:05like their own version of Sora or
- 00:21:06something like that but this title is a
- 00:21:08little bit misleading it's actually a
- 00:21:10model that can understand video and
- 00:21:13understand images so it says Amazon has
- 00:21:15developed new generative artificial
- 00:21:17intelligence that can process images and
- 00:21:19Video in addition to text according to a
- 00:21:21person with direct knowledge of the
- 00:21:22matter and two people who spoke with
- 00:21:24Amazon about its plans so even though
- 00:21:26they're going in big on anthropic
- 00:21:27they're kind of doing what Microsoft is
- 00:21:30doing where they're developing their own
- 00:21:31stuff in house but Microsoft's also
- 00:21:33working very closely with open AI
- 00:21:35Amazon's developing their own stuff in
- 00:21:36house but also working really really
- 00:21:38closely with anthropic and using
- 00:21:40anthropic technology but they don't want
- 00:21:42to be too reliant on anthropic Alibaba
- 00:21:44also released a new model this week
- 00:21:46which goes head-to-head with open AI 01
- 00:21:48model so it's one of those reasoning
- 00:21:50models that understands math and logic
- 00:21:52and things like that a little bit better
- 00:21:54this new model is called qwq 32b preview
- 00:21:58now personally I have a hard time
- 00:22:00testing between different large language
- 00:22:02models because for the most part chat GP
- 00:22:04perplexity and Claud kind of do
- 00:22:06everything I need them to do so these
- 00:22:09really deep logic and reasoning models I
- 00:22:11kind of struggle to test and compare but
- 00:22:13I know my buddy Matthew Burman over on
- 00:22:14his channel does a lot of large language
- 00:22:16model comparison videos so definitely
- 00:22:19check out his channel cuz I could almost
- 00:22:20guarantee he'll probably be breaking
- 00:22:22down this model pretty soon grock also
- 00:22:24got an update this week grock now knows
- 00:22:26your name and X handle and you can do
- 00:22:29more personalized prompts inside of
- 00:22:31grock so if I jump into grock here I can
- 00:22:33ask it what's my name and it will
- 00:22:36actually know my name I'm going to turn
- 00:22:37on fun mode and then I'm going to say
- 00:22:40based on my tweets what do I do for a
- 00:22:43living from what I can gather from your
- 00:22:46exp posts it seems you're quite a
- 00:22:47digital Nomad in the realm of Technology
- 00:22:50Ai and content creation I'm into content
- 00:22:52creation Tech and AI enthusiasm and
- 00:22:54social media engagement so piecing it
- 00:22:56together you seem to be a techsavvy
- 00:22:57content creator perhaps running a
- 00:22:59YouTube channel engaging with AI
- 00:23:00Technologies and sharing insights on
- 00:23:02digital tools and Trends essentially
- 00:23:04you're the digital equivalent of a Swiss
- 00:23:05army knife sharp multi-tool and capable
- 00:23:07of opening almost any conversation in
- 00:23:09the tech world it's kind of flattering
- 00:23:11and since we're talking about grock it
- 00:23:12also looks like xai is going to be
- 00:23:15eventually releasing their own
- 00:23:17Standalone app similar to chat GPT I
- 00:23:20don't think the concept of X being the
- 00:23:22everything app has really caught on
- 00:23:24amazingly well in the US and so not a
- 00:23:27lot of people are using grock yet and so
- 00:23:30I believe that Elon thinks that if he
- 00:23:32goes and makes grock its own Standalone
- 00:23:34app like the chat GPT app they'll get a
- 00:23:36lot more adoption of that platform which
- 00:23:39I tend to agree with I think pulling it
- 00:23:41out of X and making it its own
- 00:23:42Standalone thing is probably a really
- 00:23:44smart move for them this week threads
- 00:23:46took a play out of the X Playbook and it
- 00:23:49is giving you AI powered summaries of
- 00:23:51trending topics so if I head on over to
- 00:23:53my threads account here and I click on
- 00:23:55the little magnifying glass icon you can
- 00:23:58can see trending now what people are
- 00:24:00saying summarized by AI so Black Friday
- 00:24:022024 people discuss Black Friday 2024
- 00:24:05deals and shopping plans Bears fire Matt
- 00:24:08Eber flus Thanksgiving dinner Brad Pit
- 00:24:10Taylor Swift Jimmy Fallon let's go ahead
- 00:24:12and click on this one here and you can
- 00:24:14see it's just got a very short
- 00:24:16one-sentence summary of what this news
- 00:24:18is about followed by a bunch of threads
- 00:24:20posts about this news Uber made an
- 00:24:23interesting play this week they're
- 00:24:24getting into AI labeling so right now
- 00:24:26the dominant player in the aiag labeling
- 00:24:28game is scale AI where they'll look at
- 00:24:31AI images and help label them so that
- 00:24:33the AI better understands what's going
- 00:24:35on in images they'll look at like chat
- 00:24:37transcripts and basically give feedback
- 00:24:40on whether or not the transcript looks
- 00:24:42good or not to you know improve the ai's
- 00:24:44output well it sounds like uber is
- 00:24:46trying to turn that concept into like a
- 00:24:49side hustle gig Uber is going to pay
- 00:24:51people to look at images and label them
- 00:24:54or look at chats and help improve the
- 00:24:57response of those chats as like a side
- 00:25:00hustle income method that could be
- 00:25:03really interesting as that plays out
- 00:25:04definitely something I'll be following
- 00:25:06the news very closely on if you use Da
- 00:25:08Vinci resolve for your editing like I do
- 00:25:10they just rolled out a better AI motion
- 00:25:12tracking tool here we can see this
- 00:25:15little demo video where it's tracking
- 00:25:17this like Porsche driving on these roads
- 00:25:19and it's doing a really really good job
- 00:25:21of this tracking so super impressed by
- 00:25:24that and I'm really looking forward to
- 00:25:25playing around with this in my own Da
- 00:25:26Vinci resolve account Elon Musk is is
- 00:25:28apparently planning on starting an AI
- 00:25:30game Studio to make games great again
- 00:25:32Tesla showed off a new feature of its
- 00:25:34Optimus robot we can see in this video
- 00:25:36here a Tesla Optimus robot catching
- 00:25:38tennis balls and doing it pretty well it
- 00:25:41actually turns out that this is tea
- 00:25:43operated so when he's catching the
- 00:25:45tennis ball there's actually somebody
- 00:25:47operating the robot to catch the tennis
- 00:25:49ball but if you read about it here it's
- 00:25:51really fascinating it says the new hand
- 00:25:52is much more realistic and it actually
- 00:25:55has tendons much like a human hand Tesla
- 00:25:57says that it has 22 degrees of freedom
- 00:26:00on the hand and another three on the
- 00:26:02wrist and forearms so it moves a lot
- 00:26:04more naturally like a real human hand
- 00:26:06but again like I mentioned Tesla was
- 00:26:08quicker to confirm that this Optimus was
- 00:26:10also teleoperated for this demonstration
- 00:26:12and finally there was a bit of a robot
- 00:26:14Heist this week an AI robot came into
- 00:26:16like a robot showroom and actually
- 00:26:18convinced other robots to follow it out
- 00:26:21so here's actually a video of that
- 00:26:22happening we can see the little robot
- 00:26:24here on the screen and it's
- 00:26:25communicating with these other robots
- 00:26:27inside of this warehouse and it actually
- 00:26:30convinces these various robots to follow
- 00:26:33it out of the warehouse this is pretty
- 00:26:36wild so this one robot follows the other
- 00:26:38robots are kind of paying attention in
- 00:26:40watching and next thing we know all the
- 00:26:42robots are following the little robot
- 00:26:44out of this Warehouse here like that's
- 00:26:46crazy anyways that's what I got for you
- 00:26:48today like I mentioned quite a few cool
- 00:26:50things that happened this week that I
- 00:26:51wanted to share with you I'm actually
- 00:26:53about to head off to London this weekend
- 00:26:57for some cool stuff that that I'm not
- 00:26:58quite allowed to talk about yet so I'm
- 00:27:00not sure how that's going to affect my
- 00:27:02video uploading schedule next week but
- 00:27:04hopefully I'll have cool stuff to share
- 00:27:06with you next week I just uh don't know
- 00:27:08how it's going to play out yet with what
- 00:27:09I'm doing in London so possibly less
- 00:27:11videos next week we'll see how it all
- 00:27:13plays out anyway check out future tools.
- 00:27:15this is where I curate all the coolest
- 00:27:17AI tools and latest AI news join the
- 00:27:19free newsletter you'll get really cool
- 00:27:21stuff sent to your inbox around the
- 00:27:22latest AI news and AI tools and thank
- 00:27:24you so much for tuning in I really
- 00:27:26really appreciate you I'll see you in
- 00:27:27the next video bye-bye
- Sora
- AI video
- Luma Dream Machine
- Gen FM
- Amazon in Anthropic
- Nvidia Fugato
- Runway
- AI audio
- LTX Video
- veľki jezikovni modeli