A Plan Is Not a Strategy



TLDRA videóban Roger Martin a stratégia és a tervezés közötti különbségeket elemzi. Kiemeli, hogy bár a stratégiai tervezés kifejezés egy integrált, hosszú távú stratégiát sugall, valójában gyakran a tervezés során csupán tevékenységek listáját hozzák létre anélkül, hogy egyértelműen megfogalmaznák, hogyan fognak versenyelőnyhöz jutni. Martin hangsúlyozza, hogy a sikeres stratégia olyan koherens döntések összessége, amelyek célja a vállalat versenyképességének növelése, míg a tervezés pusztán a rendelkezésre álló erőforrások elosztására fókuszál. Példaként a Southwest Airlines esetét mutatja be, amely a versenytársaival szemben valódi stratégiát követett, ezzel biztosítva versenyelőnyt. Végezetül tanácsokat ad arra, hogyan lehet felülemelkedni a stratégiai tervezés komfortcsapdáján és hogyan lehet a stratégiát egyszerűbbé és hatékonyabbá tenni.


  • 📋 A stratégia és a tervezés nem ugyanaz.
  • 🔍 A stratégiai tervezés nem feltétlenül stratégiai.
  • 🎯 A stratégia koherens döntések sorozata.
  • ✈️ Southwest Airlines sikeres stratégiát követett.
  • 🏆 A győzelem stratégiát igényel, nem csak tervezést.
  • 📝 Ne bonyolítsuk túl a stratégiát.
  • 🔄 A stratégia folyamatos finomítást igényel.
  • 🔨 A tervezés a kényelmes döntésekre fókuszál.
  • 🚫 Kerüljük a stratégiában a túlzott bonyolultságot.
  • 🧠 Stratégia nélkül a tervezés elveszik a részletekben.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:31

    Roger Martin elmagyarázza, hogy a stratégiai tervezés fogalma félrevezető lehet, mivel a stratégia és a tervezés nem ugyanaz. A stratégia egy integrált döntéshalmaz, amely meghatározza, hogyan nyerhetünk egy választott játéktéren. A tervezés általában a tevékenységek listája, amit a vállalat meg akar valósítani, de ezek nem feltétlenül kapcsolódnak össze koherensen, és nem garantálják a sikert. Ezzel szemben a stratégia meghatároz egy elérni kívánt versenyképes eredményt, amely a vásárlók döntésein alapszik, nem ellenőrizhető teljes mértékben. A stratégia sikerének kulcsa, hogy úgy pozicionáljuk magunkat, hogy jobbak legyünk a konkurenciánál egy adott piaci környezetben.



  • Mi a különbség a stratégia és a tervezés között?

    A stratégia egy integrált döntési készlet, míg a tervezés gyakran tevékenységek listáját jelenti anélkül, hogy összefüggne egy átfogó céllal.

  • Mi a stratégiai tervezés kritikája?

    A stratégiai tervezés gyakran nem tartalmaz valódi stratégiát, csak a vállalat által végrehajtani kívánt tevékenységek listáját, anélkül, hogy meghatározná azokat a versenyelőnyöket, amelyek sikeressé teszik.

  • Miért fontos a stratégia koherenciája?

    A stratégiai döntéseknek összhangban kell lenniük, és úgy kell működniük, hogy elérjék a cég céljait és versenyelőnyökhöz jussanak.

  • Mi a szerepe a 'játéktérnek' egy stratégiában?

    Egy stratégia megválasztja azt a 'játékteret', amelyen a vállalat versenyezni kíván, olyan módon, hogy ott a legeredményesebben szolgálja ki az ügyfeleket.

  • Mitől sikeres a Southwest Airlines stratégiája?

    A Southwest Airlines stratégiája az alacsony költségek és közvetlen járatok révén nyújtott versenyelőnyöket, amellyel nagyszerűen szolgálja ki a piacát.

  • Mit jelent a 'játszani a részvételért' kifejezés?

    Azokat a vállalatokat jelzi, amelyek inkább csak a részvételért játszanak, nem pedig, hogy kiemelkedjenek a versenytársaik közül és nyerjenek.

  • Hogyan segíthet a stratégia egyszerűsége?

    Egy egyszerű, egyoldalas stratégia világosabbá teszi az irányt és könnyebben ellenőrizhető és finomítható, amint a körülmények változnak.


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  • 00:00:00
    ROGER MARTIN: This thing called planning has been around
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    for a long, long time.
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    People would plan out the activities
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    they're going to engage in.
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    More recently, has been a discipline called strategy.
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    People have put those two things together to call
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    something strategic planning.
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    Unfortunately, those things are not the same, strategy
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    and planning.
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    So just putting them together and calling it
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    strategic planning doesn't help.
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    What most strategic planning is in the world of business
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    has nothing to do with strategy.
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    It's got the word, but it's not.
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    It's a set of activities that the company
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    says it's going to do.
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    We're going to improve customer experience.
  • 00:00:44
    We're going to open this new plant.
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    We're going to start a new talent development program.
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    A whole list of them, and they all sound good,
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    but the results of all of those are not
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    going to make the company happy because they
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    didn't have a strategy.
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  • 00:01:02
    So what's a strategy?
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    A strategy is an integrative set of choices
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    that positions you on a playing field of your choice in a way
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    that you win.
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    So there's a theory.
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    Strategy has a theory.
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    Here's why we should be on this playing field,
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    not this other one, and here's how, on that playing field,
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    we're going to be better than anybody else
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    at serving the customers on that playing field.
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    That theory has to be coherent.
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    It has to be doable.
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    You have to be able to translate that into actions for it
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    to be a great strategy.
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    Planning does not have to have any such coherence,
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    and it typically is what people in manufacturing want--
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    the few things they want, to build a new plant,
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    and the marketing people want to launch a new brand,
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    and the talent people want to hire more people--
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    that tends to be a list that has no internal coherence to it
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    and no specification of a way that that
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    is going to accomplish collectively
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    some goal for the company.
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    See, planning is quite comforting.
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    Plans typically have to do with the resources you're
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    going to spend.
  • 00:02:19
    So we're going to build a plan.
  • 00:02:21
    We're going to hire some people.
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    We're going to launch a new product.
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    Those are all things that are on the cost side of businesses.
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    Who controls your costs?
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    Who's the customer of your costs?
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    The answer is, you are.
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    You decide how many square feet to lease,
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    how many raw materials to buy, how many people to hire.
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    Those are more comfortable because you control them.
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    A strategy, on the other hand, specifies an outcome,
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    a competitive outcome that you wish to achieve,
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    which involves customers wanting your product or service
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    enough that they will buy enough of it
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    to make the profitability that you'd like to make.
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    The tricky thing about that is that you don't control them.
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    You might wish you could, but you can't.
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    They decide, not you.
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    That's a harder trick.
  • 00:03:22
    So that means putting yourself out and saying,
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    here's what we believe will happen.
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    We can't prove it in advance, we can't guarantee it,
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    but this is what we want to have happen
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    and that we believe will happen.
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    It's much easier to say, I'll build a factory,
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    I will hire more people, et cetera,
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    than I will have customers end up liking our offering more
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    than those of competitors.
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    The tricky thing about planning is that while you're planning,
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    chances are at least one competitor
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    is figuring out how to win.
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    When US air carriers were busily planning what routes to fly
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    and da-da-da, there was this little company
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    in Texas called Southwest that had a strategy for winning.
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    And at first, that looked largely irrelevant
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    because it was tiny.
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    What Southwest Airlines was aiming for was an outcome.
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    What they wanted to be is a substitute
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    for Greyhound, a way more convenient way
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    to get around at a price that wasn't extraordinarily much
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    greater than a Greyhound bus.
  • 00:04:46
    Southwest said, everybody else is flying hub and spoke.
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    They have hubs, and they fly hub and spoke.
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    We're going to fly point to point so that we don't have
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    aircraft waiting on the ground because you only make money
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    when you're in the air.
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    We're going to only fly 737s, one kind of aircraft,
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    so that our gates are set up for those,
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    our systems are set up for those, our training,
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    our simulations are set up.
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    We're not going to offer meals on the flights
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    because we're going to specialize in short flights.
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    We're not going to book through travel agents.
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    We're going to encourage people to book online
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    because that's less expensive for everybody
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    and more convenient.
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    So their strategy ended up having a substantially lower
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    cost than any of the major carriers so
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    that they could offer substantially lower prices.
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    Because it had a way of winning, it
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    got bigger and then bigger and then bigger and then bigger
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    and bigger and bigger and bigger until it
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    flies the most passenger seat miles in America.
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    The major carriers were not trying
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    to win against one another.
  • 00:05:52
    They were all playing to play, as I say.
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    They were playing to participate, maybe buy
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    more planes, get more gates, maybe grow some,
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    not having a theory of here's how we could be better
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    than our competitors.
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    And that was fine until somebody came along and said,
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    here's a way to be better than everybody
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    else for this segment.
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    And so that segment then goes.
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    It's gone [FAST-MOVING SOUND].
  • 00:06:22
    And the main playing to play players
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    have to share a smaller pie that's
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    left over after Southwest takes whatever share it wants.
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  • 00:06:35
    If you're trying to escape this planning trap, this comfort
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    trap of doing something that's comfortable but not
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    good for you, how do you start?
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    The most important thing to recognize
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    is that strategy will have angst associated with it.
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    It'll make you feel somewhat nervous because as a manager,
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    chances are you've been taught you should do things
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    that you can prove in advance.
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    You can't prove in advance that your strategy will succeed.
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    You can look at a plan and say, well, all of these things
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    are doable.
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    Let's just do those because they're within our control.
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    But they won't add up to much.
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    In strategy, you have to say, if our theory
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    is right about what we can do and how the market will react,
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    this will position us in an excellent way.
  • 00:07:27
    Just accept the fact that you can't be perfect on that,
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    and you can't know for sure.
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    And that is not being a bad manager.
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    That is being a great leader because you're
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    giving your organization the chance to do something great.
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    The second thing I do is say, lay out
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    the logic of your strategy clearly.
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    What would have to be true about ourselves, about the industry,
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    about competition, about customers for this strategy
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    to work?
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    Why do you do that?
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    It's because you can then watch the world unfold.
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    And if something that you say is in the logic that
  • 00:08:10
    would have to be true for this to work
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    is not working out quite the way you hoped,
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    it'll allow you to tweak your strategy.
  • 00:08:18
    And strategy is a journey, what you
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    want to have as a mechanism for tweaking it, honing
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    it, and refining it so it gets better and better as you
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    go along.
  • 00:08:28
    Another thing that helps with strategy
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    is not letting it get overcomplicated.
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    It's great if you can write your strategy on a single page.
  • 00:08:38
    Here's where we're choosing to play.
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    Here's how we're choosing to win.
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    Here are the capabilities we need to have in place.
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    Here are the management systems.
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    And that's why it's going to achieve this goal,
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    this aspiration that we have.
  • 00:08:52
    Then you lay out the logic, what must
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    be true for that all to work out the way we hope.
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    Go do it, and watch and tweak as you go along.
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    That may feel somewhat more worry-making, angst-making
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    than planning, but I would tell you that if you plan,
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    that's a way to guarantee losing.
  • 00:09:20
    If you do strategy, it gives you the best possible chance
  • 00:09:25
    of winning.
  • 00:09:27
  • stratégia
  • tervezés
  • stratégiai tervezés
  • versenyelőny
  • Southwest Airlines
  • Roger Martin
  • koherencia
  • erőforrások
  • vezetés
  • döntéshozatal