Free To Choose 1980 - Vol. 02 The Tyranny of Control - Full Video
TLDRThis episode of the series explores Milton Friedman's perspective on government planning and control in nations like India, Japan, and Europe, contrasting these with free market systems such as those in Hong Kong. The film illustrates how Adam Smith's "invisible hand" principle works in free markets and the impact of centralized control on economic development, focusing on Japan's successful transition to a free market and the stagnation in India due to central planning. Post-film reflections at the Harper Library further debate these issues, advocating for free trade and criticizing protectionist policies.
- 📈 Free markets allow self-interest to promote public welfare through Adam Smith's 'invisible hand.'
- 🏭 Britain's transition to free trade in the 19th century led to global economic dominance.
- 🇯🇵 Japan's economic success was propelled by embracing free trade and new technological methods.
- 🇮🇳 India's focus on central planning has stifled its economic growth and development potential.
- 💼 Government planning often inhibits the growth of dynamic and adaptive industries.
- 🇬🇧 British shipbuilding is used as a modern example of government-subsidized competition.
- 🔄 The exchange rate naturally balances trade by adjusting to demand unless governments interfere.
- ⚖️ Protectionist policies inhibit consumer benefits, driving costs for lower economic growth.
- 🌐 Free trade is argued to ultimately benefit all parties through competition and better pricing.
- 📉 Government monopolies often fail against industries operating in free markets.
- 🎥 Post-film discussion debates the ethical and social considerations of free vs. managed markets.
- 🗽 Free enterprise is supported as a means to prevent excessive control by any single entity.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Robert McKenzie introduces the series, highlighting Milton Friedman's exploration of economic systems. This week's focus is on India, Japan, and Europe, and how government planning affects economic activities. Insights from Adam Smith's theories on free markets are discussed, showcasing the invisible hand that coordinates independent economic actions.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
In Japan, farmers harvest rice for the market, echoing Adam Smith's ideas that markets function best when influenced by self-interest. Britain's past imposition of trade duties, which encouraged smuggling, is recounted. The lifting of trade barriers in 1846 spurred economic benefits across the globe, illustrative of free market advantages.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The Industrial Revolution in Britain showcases the benefits of free trade. Japan's transition from isolation in 1868 to adopting British trading patterns marks its evolution toward a market-driven economy. This included importing textile innovations from Europe and led to economic and industrial growth, demonstrating the power of free enterprise.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Milton Friedman discusses India's embrace of central planning post-independence in 1948, a consequence of British intellectual influences supporting government control. The preservation of traditional industries, like handloom weaving, exemplifies the struggle against modernization and highlights the limitations of a planned economy.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The adverse effects of government intervention and planning in India are evidenced by the subsidization and protection of traditional industries. This restricts industrial growth and perpetuates poverty, contrasting with the prosperity in nations like Japan, where free markets facilitated technological and economic advancement.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The film illustrates the success of Japan's market-oriented economy, emphasizing technological advancements. Milton Friedman criticizes government protection of industries as detrimental to economic health, advocating for free trade and illustrating through examples, like U.S. steel, that market restrictions harm competitiveness.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
The discussion shifts to an analysis of government restrictions and their impact on competitive industries, highlighting inefficiencies in protected markets. The narrative underscores how consumer interests suffer under protectionism. The film argues for the benefits of allowing markets to operate without government interference.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Milton Friedman and other experts debate the merits of free trade versus protectionism. Arguments focus on ethical and social impacts, worker displacement, and the need for competition. Friedman's response emphasizes the long-term benefits of open markets despite short-term adjustments, stressing individual over societal interests.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Debate continues with criticisms of foreign subsidies and trade regulations. Responses highlight the need for fairness in global trade and managing the impacts on disadvantaged workers. The session addresses the implications of subsidies and how government interventions can distort market dynamics rather than protect them.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Discussion pivots to the role of government in industrial development. Examples from Japan and other countries illustrate how both market forces and government action shape economic landscapes. Critics argue mixed strategies of intervention and market freedom might be necessary for balanced growth in developing economies.
- 00:50:00 - 00:57:39
Milton Friedman advocates for constitutional amendments to limit government interference in trade, arguing it would bolster U.S. economic leadership. Critics worry about domestic industries' vulnerabilities under such conditions, foreseeing potential exploitation without reciprocal trade agreements. Debate highlights varying perspectives on the balance between protectionism and free market ideals.
What is the main topic of the video?
The main topic is Milton Friedman's examination of the effects of government planning and control of economies in countries like India, Japan, and Europe, contrasted with free market systems.
Which economist's ideas are discussed in this video?
Milton Friedman's ideas are discussed in this video.
What countries are covered in the film?
The film covers India, Japan, and several European countries.
What historical economic concept does the video highlight?
The video highlights the concept of the 'invisible hand' introduced by Adam Smith, which suggests that self-interest indirectly promotes the public welfare.
What are the effects of central planning according to Friedman?
According to Friedman, central planning leads to economic problems and limits the country's development potential, as seen in India.
How is Japan's economic transformation depicted?
Japan's economic transformation is depicted as a result of adopting free trade and integrating foreign methods like the jacquard loom, leading to a flourishing economy.
What example demonstrates successful free trade in the video?
Britain's transition to free trade in the 19th century, which freed up markets and boosted its global economic position, is an example given in the video.
What modern issue does Friedman address regarding trade?
Friedman addresses modern issues of protectionism, like subsidies in international shipbuilding and the need for the US to promote free trade regardless of other countries' actions.
What is Friedman's stance on laws preventing import competition?
Friedman argues against laws preventing import competition, claiming they ultimately harm consumers and a country's economic health.
What setting is used for the post-film discussion?
The post-film discussion takes place at the Harper Library at the University of Chicago.
Free To Choose 1980 - Vol. 01 The Power of the Market - Full Video
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The Entire Lore of Fear & Hunger Explained In Chronological Order | Part 1
- 00:00:01Hello, I'm Robert McKenzie.
- 00:00:02Last week in this series,
- 00:00:04Milton Friedman, the distinguished economist
- 00:00:05took us to Hong Kong to see a
- 00:00:07free market system in which he had a
- 00:00:09great deal of confidence and faith.
- 00:00:11This week he takes us traveling again
- 00:00:13to India, Japan, and to Europe…to see
- 00:00:15what happens in his view when
- 00:00:17governments decide they can plan and
- 00:00:19control the economic activities
- 00:00:21of their peoples.
- 00:00:22And after the film, we return here to the
- 00:00:24Harper Library at the University of Chicago
- 00:00:26to discuss and to debate the
- 00:00:28ideas of Milton Friedman.
- 00:00:32(opening music)
- 00:01:02(birds singing, woman cutting rice plants)
- 00:01:09It is harvest time and Japanese
- 00:01:11farmers gather their crops for
- 00:01:12the rice market in Kyoto.
- 00:01:16Of course, they will try to get as much
- 00:01:18for it as possible and the buyers will
- 00:01:20try to buy it as cheaply as possible.
- 00:01:22That is how markets are supposed to work.
- 00:01:24That is what Adam Smith,
- 00:01:26the Scotsman who turned economics into
- 00:01:28a modern science, observed 200 years ago.
- 00:01:33He observed something else, too.
- 00:01:35“In every country it is always and
- 00:01:38must be in the interest of the great body
- 00:01:40of people to buy whatever they want
- 00:01:43of those who sell it cheapest.
- 00:01:46The proposition is so very manifest
- 00:01:48that it seems ridiculous to take any
- 00:01:51pains to prove it.
- 00:01:53Nor could it ever have been called
- 00:01:54in question had not the interested sophistry
- 00:01:57of merchants and manufacturers
- 00:01:59confounded the common sense of mankind.
- 00:02:03Their interest is, in this respect,
- 00:02:06directly opposite to that of
- 00:02:07the great body of people.”
- 00:02:12Adam Smith's flash of genius was to see
- 00:02:15how prices that emerged in the market,
- 00:02:17the prices of goods, the wages of labor,
- 00:02:19the cost of transport, could coordinate
- 00:02:23the activities of millions of independent
- 00:02:25people, strangers to one another,
- 00:02:26without anybody telling them what to do.
- 00:02:34His key idea was that self-interest could
- 00:02:37produce an orderly society benefiting
- 00:02:39everybody. It was as though there
- 00:02:44were an invisible hand at work.
- 00:02:46The “invisible hand” is a phrase that was
- 00:02:48introduced by Adam Smith in his great book,
- 00:02:51The Wealth Of Nations, in which he talked
- 00:02:55about the way in which individuals,
- 00:02:58who intended only to pursue their own
- 00:03:00interests, were led by an invisible hand
- 00:03:02to promote the public welfare, which was
- 00:03:05no part of their intention.
- 00:03:07He was talking about the economic market,
- 00:03:10about the market in which people buy and
- 00:03:12sell, and he was pointing out that in order
- 00:03:15for a butcher, or a baker
- 00:03:17or a candlestick maker
- 00:03:18to make an income, he had to produce
- 00:03:20something that somebody wanted to buy.
- 00:03:22Therefore, in the process of promoting
- 00:03:24his own interests and looking to
- 00:03:25his own profit, he ended up serving
- 00:03:28the interests of his customers.
- 00:03:33When Adam Smith published
- 00:03:34The Wealth Of Nations,
- 00:03:36Britain was still a largely rural
- 00:03:37and placid place. But the Industrial
- 00:03:40Revolution was already getting started,
- 00:03:42and standards of life were beginning to rise.
- 00:03:50One obstacle was that trade with other
- 00:03:52nations was still tightly controlled.
- 00:03:54Merchants in the home market had
- 00:03:56persuaded the government of the day
- 00:03:58to impose heavy duties and taxes on
- 00:04:00all foreign imports, in order to insure
- 00:04:03themselves a protected market.
- 00:04:07(sound of waves)
- 00:04:11One of the results was to turn Britain into
- 00:04:13a nation of lawbreakers. Smuggling was
- 00:04:15a national pastime: brandy, wines, tobacco,
- 00:04:19anything with a heavy customs duty on it.
- 00:04:21For years, the revenue men fought
- 00:04:24a losing battle along the shores
- 00:04:26and inlets of the British Isles.
- 00:04:30In 1846, after years of argument and
- 00:04:33partial success, the followers of Adam Smith
- 00:04:36finally persuaded the British Parliament
- 00:04:38to remove all duties on goods imported
- 00:04:41from abroad. Britain embarked on
- 00:04:43complete free trade, giving a further push
- 00:04:46to the rising standard of life.
- 00:04:49What happened in Britain as a consequence
- 00:04:51of releasing the tremendous force of
- 00:04:53self-interest had the unintended effect
- 00:04:55of benefiting millions of people all
- 00:04:57over the world, and by 1851 the evidence
- 00:05:01was proudly on show at the great
- 00:05:03Crystal Palace Exhibition.
- 00:05:07(steam engine sounds)
- 00:05:13Free trade enabled Britain to become the
- 00:05:15work place of the world.
- 00:05:19(city sounds, horses, trains, whistle)
- 00:05:31But was it all an accident?
- 00:05:33I don't think it was.
- 00:05:34Consider what happened in 1868 on
- 00:05:37the other side of the world, in Japan.
- 00:05:42(gong sound, Oriental music)
- 00:05:44For the preceding 300 years, the Japanese
- 00:05:47had lived in almost complete isolation.
- 00:05:49They had discouraged visitors from other
- 00:05:51nations, especially from the West.
- 00:05:55The result was that by the standards of the
- 00:05:58West, Japan was backward.
- 00:06:04It was a feudal society with lords and serfs,
- 00:06:07and woe betide anyone who tried to
- 00:06:09change the order of things.
- 00:06:17Women were third-class citizens.
- 00:06:20In 1868, a new generation of rulers decided
- 00:06:23that the time had come for Japan to make
- 00:06:26contact with the outside world.
- 00:06:28And with the arrival of the first
- 00:06:30foreign traders from the West,
- 00:06:31things began to change.
- 00:06:33The Japanese followed the British trading
- 00:06:35pattern because Britain was the leading
- 00:06:37nation of the world.
- 00:06:43So free trade came to Japan.
- 00:06:47Japan became a magnet for other people's
- 00:06:49ideas and developments.
- 00:06:54One of the first traditional industries to
- 00:06:56feel the effects was weaving. From Europe,
- 00:06:58the Japanese imported the jacquard method,
- 00:07:01a way of programming a loom to
- 00:07:04control the accuracy of the weave,
- 00:07:05and so, to standardize output.
- 00:07:09Workers did well in the new atmosphere,
- 00:07:11and so did their employers.
- 00:07:15(sounds of loom working)
- 00:07:25The adoption of mass production techniques
- 00:07:27meant that workers were able to move
- 00:07:29out of the traditional industries and
- 00:07:31into the new industries, which all added
- 00:07:34to the trade boom.
- 00:07:41None of us can help being affected by the
- 00:07:44intellectual atmosphere that we breathe.
- 00:07:46In the middle of the 19th century, when
- 00:07:48Japan ended her self-imposed isolation and
- 00:07:51entered the modern age, it never occurred
- 00:07:55to her leaders to follow any other course
- 00:07:57than that of free enterprise
- 00:07:58and free markets.
- 00:08:00That was the intellectual atmosphere of the
- 00:08:02time, created by Britain's success in
- 00:08:05applying the principles of Adam Smith.
- 00:08:08In 1948, when India achieved independence,
- 00:08:13her leaders had all been trained in Great
- 00:08:15Britain. They had sat at the feet of Harold
- 00:08:18Laski and his associates at the London
- 00:08:21School of Economics, or of their
- 00:08:22counterparts at Oxford and Cambridge.
- 00:08:25It never occurred to them to follow any
- 00:08:27other course than that of central planning
- 00:08:30and government control. That was the
- 00:08:32intellectual atmosphere of the time.
- 00:08:38And the intellectual seed took root.
- 00:08:41As it grew, it needed to be honored,
- 00:08:43even worshiped.
- 00:08:45Every year on the anniversary of Gandhi's
- 00:08:47birth, people all over India do just that:
- 00:08:50in homage to the great Mahatma, they sit
- 00:08:53and spin using methods handed down
- 00:08:55through the centuries.
- 00:08:59But it is more than just a
- 00:09:00symbol of honoring the past.
- 00:09:02It typifies the policy that
- 00:09:04they are actually following.
- 00:09:09The new government in 1948 decided that
- 00:09:12India's traditional weaving industry and its
- 00:09:15workers should be protected from 20th
- 00:09:17century industrialization.
- 00:09:20What were the consequences of that policy?
- 00:09:27This is India today, 30 years after winning
- 00:09:31independence. These are scenes of a very
- 00:09:34typical Indian community, one of thousands.
- 00:09:37It is called Anakaputhur, and it is
- 00:09:40about a thousand miles south of the
- 00:09:42capital, New Delhi.
- 00:09:51This is not the kind of life the government
- 00:09:53intended to perpetuate,
- 00:09:55but it is one result of their policy.
- 00:09:58By subsidizing the cotton that the
- 00:09:59villagers spin and the cloth that
- 00:10:02they weave, they made it difficult for
- 00:10:03modern industry to develop.
- 00:10:08(village sounds, vendor selling wares)
- 00:10:22This is sizing. It's an essential technique
- 00:10:24in cloth production where the yarn is
- 00:10:27smoothed clean.
- 00:10:30(people working, talking)
- 00:10:36A modern machine could do the same thing
- 00:10:38in a hundredth of the time.
- 00:10:42The result of government planning to
- 00:10:44modernize industry, is that the number of
- 00:10:46handlooms roughly doubled in the first
- 00:10:4830 years after India's independence.
- 00:10:51Today, in thousands of villages
- 00:10:53throughout India, the sound of
- 00:10:55handlooms can be heard from early in
- 00:10:57the morning until late at night.
- 00:10:59In this village alone, there are more
- 00:11:02than 3,000 handlooms in operation.
- 00:11:08Since 1948, three generations of villagers
- 00:11:11have sat at these looms, making cloth with
- 00:11:14patterns that never vary, using methods
- 00:11:17that never change.
- 00:11:22There is nothing wrong with this activity,
- 00:11:25provided it survives the test of the market,
- 00:11:27provided it is the way in which these
- 00:11:29people can use their abilities and
- 00:11:31their energies most effectively.
- 00:11:33After all, in Japan, where the government
- 00:11:35has not specially encouraged the handloom
- 00:11:38industry, there remains a very small,
- 00:11:40but very productive, handloom segment.
- 00:11:44The trouble here is that this industry
- 00:11:47exists only because the government
- 00:11:49has subsidized it, supported it; because
- 00:11:52it has, in effect, imposed taxes, direct
- 00:11:55and indirect, on the rest of the people
- 00:11:57of India, people who are no better off
- 00:11:59than these people are, in order to enable
- 00:12:02this activity to continue.
- 00:12:05Other industries, both textile industries and
- 00:12:08industries of a variety of kinds, have been
- 00:12:10restricted, explicitly kept back,
- 00:12:12prevented from providing
- 00:12:14more productive employment,
- 00:12:15in order to make room for this industry.
- 00:12:19The effect has been to inhibit the
- 00:12:21development, to prevent the growth,
- 00:12:23to prevent the dynamic activity that could
- 00:12:26otherwise develop out of the energies and
- 00:12:28the abilities of the people of India.
- 00:12:31(hand looms operating)
- 00:12:38This looks like a factory, but it is also
- 00:12:40home for the people who work here.
- 00:12:43When they are not sitting at their looms,
- 00:12:44they eat and sleep in a corner of this hut.
- 00:12:56Throughout the world, governments always
- 00:12:59profess to be forward-looking. In practice,
- 00:13:03they are always backward-looking, either
- 00:13:05protecting the industries that exist,
- 00:13:09or making sure that whatever ventures
- 00:13:10they have decided to undertake are
- 00:13:13encouraged and developed.
- 00:13:16This occurs at the expense of the kind of
- 00:13:19healthy development of new, dynamic,
- 00:13:23adaptive industries that would surely occur
- 00:13:26if the market were allowed to operate freely;
- 00:13:29if it were allowed to separate out the
- 00:13:32unsuccessful ventures from the successful
- 00:13:34ones, discouraging the unsuccessful
- 00:13:37and encouraging the successful.
- 00:13:44India has tremendous economic and human
- 00:13:46potential, every bit as much as Japan had
- 00:13:49a century ago.
- 00:13:52The human tragedy is that in India,
- 00:13:55that potential has been stifled by
- 00:13:57the straightjacket imposed by an all-wise
- 00:14:00and paternalistic government.
- 00:14:05Central planning, in practice, has condemned
- 00:14:08India's masses to poverty and misery.
- 00:14:14(people walking, street sounds)
- 00:14:23We know what has happened in Japan;
- 00:14:25free trade set off a process that
- 00:14:27revolutionized Japan and
- 00:14:29the lives of its people.
- 00:14:31Improvements in material well-being went
- 00:14:33hand-in-hand with the elimination of the
- 00:14:35rigid social structure of a century ago.
- 00:14:38It's no accident. As always, economic
- 00:14:41freedom promotes human freedom.
- 00:14:45And in the meantime, what has happened
- 00:14:47to the Japanese weaving industry?
- 00:14:55This is how textiles start life in a Japanese
- 00:14:58weaving shed today. A design for cloth is
- 00:15:01placed on a drum.
- 00:15:03As it revolves, it is scanned by
- 00:15:05an electric eye. Each color, each variation in
- 00:15:09the pattern and texture, is transmitted
- 00:15:11faithfully to a computer.
- 00:15:13(mechanical loom operating)
- 00:15:18It's all that the modern
- 00:15:20loom of Japan requires.
- 00:15:29This loom is fitted with electronics that
- 00:15:32make it one of the most sophisticated of
- 00:15:33its sort in the world. The fabric that it
- 00:15:36produces is the best silk of its kind.
- 00:15:40Thanks to the speed and efficiency of these
- 00:15:42machines, the price of the silk is competitive.
- 00:15:47The workers are highly skilled and well-paid.
- 00:15:50With the new technology, there is very little
- 00:15:52a loom like this cannot produce.
- 00:15:56This piece will become the sash
- 00:15:58of a traditional bridal gown.
- 00:16:08These are machine-made products, but by
- 00:16:10any standards, they are beautiful. They can
- 00:16:13stand comparison with the very finest work
- 00:16:15of the handloom. And it's not merely the
- 00:16:18end product itself that is remarkable.
- 00:16:22The sophisticated technology which was
- 00:16:23developed to make all of this possible,
- 00:16:25has been adapted to other processes,
- 00:16:27part of the self-generating development
- 00:16:29under free enterprise, and it all stems from
- 00:16:32an ancient, traditional industry, weaving,
- 00:16:35that imported a new method for controlling
- 00:16:38its looms when Japan turned to
- 00:16:39free trade more than a century ago.
- 00:16:45Yet believe it or not, many still maintain
- 00:16:48today that markets cannot be left to
- 00:16:50operate freely, that they must be controlled
- 00:16:53by government. This dockside is in Scotland.
- 00:16:56A British government, a socialist
- 00:16:58government, decided that its role was to
- 00:17:00protect the workers here from competition.
- 00:17:06So down there in governed shipyards,
- 00:17:07they are building these vessels for the
- 00:17:09Polish government. To get the order,
- 00:17:14the British government is using the
- 00:17:15money of British taxpayers to subsidize
- 00:17:17the work. In other words, British people
- 00:17:21are making these ships in order to
- 00:17:24sell them at a loss to the Poles.
- 00:17:27(heavy machinery sounds)
- 00:17:30Not only the Poles, but also we in America
- 00:17:33benefit from this kind of philanthropy.
- 00:17:39The steel industry in the United States makes
- 00:17:41a fine product. Other countries do, too.
- 00:17:44And their steel is often cheaper, sometimes
- 00:17:47because their taxpayers subsidize it.
- 00:17:49So why shouldn't the American
- 00:17:51consumer buy steel wherever he can
- 00:17:53get it cheapest -- at home or abroad?
- 00:17:56The American steel industry works
- 00:17:58very hard trying to persuade us
- 00:18:00that it's not in our self-interest
- 00:18:02to buy in the cheapest market.
- 00:18:05They urge the government to restrict
- 00:18:07what they call unfair competition,
- 00:18:09though, of course, they recognize
- 00:18:11that there are dangers in this.
- 00:18:13The dilemma of asking our government
- 00:18:15for assistance in this problem of unfair
- 00:18:19competition bothers many of us,
- 00:18:22because the sword does cut both ways.
- 00:18:25But we believe that what we have attempted
- 00:18:28to do is far different than the kinds of
- 00:18:32direct government involvement that occur
- 00:18:34in many of the foreign nations around
- 00:18:36the world, where the governments provide
- 00:18:38direct financial assistance in the
- 00:18:41form of either ownership or loans or
- 00:18:43subsidies in some fashion or another.
- 00:18:46What we have attempted to do is
- 00:18:48simply to get our government to
- 00:18:50enforce the United States laws against
- 00:18:53unfair competition that have been
- 00:18:55on the United States' books. We draw clear
- 00:18:59distinction between that and, for example,
- 00:19:02the several hundred-million dollars that the
- 00:19:06French government has granted to the
- 00:19:07French steel companies, or that the British
- 00:19:11Steel Corporation has received $1.3 billion
- 00:19:13for capital investment this year.
- 00:19:15So that while we are uneasy in any way
- 00:19:20interfacing with our government in what
- 00:19:22we traditionally believe are the free
- 00:19:25enterprise prerogatives, yet what we
- 00:19:29are only asking for is that the
- 00:19:31government enforce the laws
- 00:19:33that our congress has passed.
- 00:19:35I'm not sure that's really any different
- 00:19:37than asking someone to arrest someone
- 00:19:40that commits a crime. I don't think we
- 00:19:43would be accused of being reactionary if we
- 00:19:48reported somebody who was stealing to the
- 00:19:52police if it were in violation of a U.S. law.
- 00:19:55We think that we're doing exactly the same
- 00:19:57thing when we bring cases against foreign
- 00:20:01producers who we believe are
- 00:20:03violating U.S. laws.
- 00:20:11The fallacy with that argument is that it
- 00:20:13begs the real question. Why should there
- 00:20:16be laws that in effect prevent you and
- 00:20:18me from buying in the cheapest market?
- 00:20:23When anyone complains about unfair
- 00:20:25competition, consumers beware.
- 00:20:28That is really a cry for special privilege
- 00:20:32always at the expense of the consumer.
- 00:20:35What we needed in this country is free
- 00:20:39competition. As consumers buying in an
- 00:20:42international market, the more unfair
- 00:20:45the competition the better.
- 00:20:46That means lower prices and better
- 00:20:48quality for us. If foreign governments
- 00:20:51want to use their taxpayers’ money to
- 00:20:54sell people in the United States goods
- 00:20:56below cost, why should we complain?
- 00:20:59Their own taxpayers will complain soon
- 00:21:00enough, and it will not last for very long.
- 00:21:04History provides lots of evidence on what
- 00:21:07happens when government-protected
- 00:21:10industries compete with industries who have
- 00:21:13to operate in an open and free market. It's
- 00:21:15almost always the government-protected
- 00:21:18industries that come out second best.
- 00:21:20Ask Sir Freddy Laker, the Englishman who
- 00:21:23introduced low cost air traffic across the
- 00:21:26Atlantic. Who were his chief competitors?
- 00:21:29They were all government-protected,
- 00:21:32government-financed,
- 00:21:34government-regulated airlines.
- 00:21:37He came out very well, made a mint of
- 00:21:40money. And you and I have gotten
- 00:21:42cheaper travel across the Atlantic.
- 00:21:45Nothing would promote the long run health
- 00:21:48of the steel industry, make it into a more
- 00:21:50efficient, profitable and productive industry,
- 00:21:53than for the U.S. government to keep its
- 00:21:56hands off, neither providing special
- 00:21:59privileges, nor imposing special restraints.
- 00:22:02And what is true for the steel industry is true
- 00:22:05for every other industry in the country.
- 00:22:13These women work in an industry that
- 00:22:15so far hasn't asked for special protection --
- 00:22:17the silicon chip industry. Every one of these
- 00:22:19small squares on this disk is a highly
- 00:22:21complicated and integrated microcircuit.
- 00:22:27An American technician examines
- 00:22:29them for defects.
- 00:22:31It is highly skilled work, and she's had a lot
- 00:22:33of training. When she has done her job,
- 00:22:36the rejects will be separated from the rest,
- 00:22:39and the good circuits will be packed up and
- 00:22:42sent halfway around the world to Malaysia.
- 00:22:48The product of American technological
- 00:22:50skills returns looking like this. Each
- 00:22:53microcircuit has been enclosed in ceramic by
- 00:22:56a Malaysian worker who is highly
- 00:22:57productive at this sort of work.
- 00:23:00But the Malaysians are not able to test their
- 00:23:01products, so back they come here to
- 00:23:04America to be fed into these machines.
- 00:23:09American engineers are good at producing
- 00:23:11sophisticated machines. In an operation
- 00:23:14that lasts a fraction of a second, these
- 00:23:17machines can test every circuit, can grade it
- 00:23:19for quality, and then can sort it into one of
- 00:23:22six different categories of reliability.
- 00:23:26The invisible hand in this free market has
- 00:23:28done wonders for both the American girls
- 00:23:30and their Malaysian counterparts. And that's
- 00:23:35not the end yet, because American silicon
- 00:23:38chips are exported to many countries where
- 00:23:41foreign workers assemble them.
- 00:23:43The final product is then returned to our
- 00:23:45stores so that you and I, the consumers,
- 00:23:48can benefit from $10.00 calculators,
- 00:23:50as well as from a lot of other
- 00:23:53electronic devices that not
- 00:23:55long ago simply did not exist.
- 00:24:04When this Hi-Fi equipment first came on the
- 00:24:06market, only the rich could afford it.
- 00:24:10(classical music playing on stereo)
- 00:24:35(man speaking on phone)
- 00:24:40But even when the international market
- 00:24:42in labor is seen to work to everyone's
- 00:24:43advantage, people still put up arguments
- 00:24:46against it. The usual argument against
- 00:24:50complete free trade is that cheap labor from
- 00:24:53abroad will take jobs away from
- 00:24:55workers at home.
- 00:24:56Well...what is cheap?
- 00:24:58A Japanese worker is paid in yen;
- 00:25:00an American worker is paid in dollars.
- 00:25:02How do we compare the yen with the dollar?
- 00:25:04We need some way of transforming the
- 00:25:06one into the other. That is where the
- 00:25:08exchange rate enters in --
- 00:25:10the price of yen in terms of the dollar.
- 00:25:13Suppose, at some exchange rate,
- 00:25:16Japanese goods are in general cheaper than
- 00:25:19American goods. Then we will be buying
- 00:25:21much from Japan and selling little to them.
- 00:25:24But what will the Japanese do with the
- 00:25:26extra dollars they earn?
- 00:25:27They don't want to buy American goods.
- 00:25:30By assumption, those are all dear.
- 00:25:32They want to buy Japanese goods.
- 00:25:34But to buy Japanese goods, they need yen.
- 00:25:36Calls will come in from all over the world to
- 00:25:39places like this, offering to buy
- 00:25:42yen for dollars. But there will be
- 00:25:44more offers to buy yen than to sell yen.
- 00:25:47In order to get customers, those offering to
- 00:25:50buy will have to raise the price. The price of
- 00:25:53yen in terms of dollars will go up.
- 00:25:55As you remember, that is what happened in
- 00:25:571977 and 1978. By late 1978, it took 50%
- 00:26:02more dollars to buy a given amount of yen
- 00:26:04than it had taken a year earlier.
- 00:26:06But what happens when the price of
- 00:26:10yen in terms of dollars goes up?
- 00:26:13Japanese labor is no longer so cheap.
- 00:26:15Japanese goods are no longer so attractive
- 00:26:17to American consumers. On the other hand,
- 00:26:19American labor is no longer so
- 00:26:22dear to Japanese.
- 00:26:23American goods are more attractive
- 00:26:25to the Japanese. We will export more
- 00:26:28to them. We will import less from them.
- 00:26:31New jobs will be created in export industries
- 00:26:34to replace any jobs that might have been
- 00:26:36lost in industries competing with imports.
- 00:26:39That is how a free market and foreign
- 00:26:42exchange balances trade around the world
- 00:26:44when it is permitted to operate.
- 00:26:52The problem is that more often than not,
- 00:26:54a free market is not permitted to operate.
- 00:26:57For reasons that seem to make sense if you
- 00:26:59don't examine them carefully,
- 00:27:00governments insist on interfering.
- 00:27:03But when they do, it's not possible to hide
- 00:27:05the harmful effects for very long.
- 00:27:09The main reason why the Japanese yen went
- 00:27:12up so sharply in price in 1977 and 1978,
- 00:27:17was because the Japanese government had
- 00:27:19been trying to prevent the yen from going
- 00:27:22up in price. In the process, what might have
- 00:27:25been small disturbances were allowed to
- 00:27:27accumulate into a major gap in trade.
- 00:27:32As a result, when market forces finally were
- 00:27:35permitted to operate, as sooner or later they
- 00:27:37must be, it took a major change in the yen
- 00:27:41exchange rate to bring things back into line.
- 00:27:45Why don't governments learn?
- 00:27:47Because governments never learn,
- 00:27:49only people learn, and the people who
- 00:27:52learn today may not be the people in
- 00:27:55charge of economic policy tomorrow.
- 00:27:58As you contemplate this, you may come
- 00:28:00to agree with me that what we need are
- 00:28:04Constitutional restraints on the power of
- 00:28:07government to interfere with free markets
- 00:28:09in foreign exchange, in foreign trade,
- 00:28:12in many other aspects of our lives.
- 00:28:17(music)
- 00:28:20Now, here in Chicago, the special guests who
- 00:28:22have been watching that film have their say.
- 00:28:24This film has set me on edge.
- 00:28:27There is political, social, ethical
- 00:28:31considerations, which do not reflect,
- 00:28:33in the economic philosophy put out.
- 00:28:37There is a pervading feeling in this that
- 00:28:41the individual worker is to be totally
- 00:28:43sacrificed for the overall good of society.
- 00:28:46I see -- I don't see how possibly you can
- 00:28:48sacrifice individuals for overall good of
- 00:28:51society because society is nothing but
- 00:28:53those millions and millions of individuals,
- 00:28:55put together.
- 00:28:56And nowhere is there any
- 00:28:58consideration given to the
- 00:28:59social and the ethical aspects of the
- 00:29:01free trade formula that you advocate.
- 00:29:04Let's get other views now, around the group.
- 00:29:06What's your reaction, Don Rumsfeld,
- 00:29:08as a businessman, to the idea that Milton
- 00:29:10Friedman's advanced, that America ought to
- 00:29:12buy in the cheapest markets, the cheapest
- 00:29:14goods, without protecting against them?
- 00:29:17I swore I would never even try to defend
- 00:29:19Milton Friedman. And I won't. But let me
- 00:29:23comment, first, on Dick's comment.
- 00:29:26It bothers me to hear social and moral
- 00:29:32arguments invoked in an issue like this,
- 00:29:35because it seems to me the measure is
- 00:29:37what actually happens to human beings.
- 00:29:39Each individual ought to be concerned
- 00:29:41about humanity. For a single individual
- 00:29:43who is unemployed,
- 00:29:44that's a hundred percent unemployment.
- 00:29:46FRIEDMAN: (Absolutely.)
- 00:29:46And we recognize that. I recognize that.
- 00:29:48But the real world is, if you, as the film did,
- 00:29:52go to India, if you want to see things that
- 00:29:55one can describe as inhumane, and poverty,
- 00:29:58and problems of human beings, they exist.
- 00:30:01And the test ought to be: What works?
- 00:30:02What, in fact, will provide a circumstance
- 00:30:05that will be more dynamic,
- 00:30:07and more productive in the world?
- 00:30:09It is true that in the long run
- 00:30:10we would all be better off
- 00:30:11with free trade. I agree with Milton.
- 00:30:13But it's the short run that matters,
- 00:30:15and in the short run there are serious
- 00:30:17adjustment problems. Now there's no
- 00:30:19question that the developing countries need
- 00:30:21access to markets such as
- 00:30:24American markets.
- 00:30:25And America needs them to export so that
- 00:30:29they can export more to developing
- 00:30:30countries. American exports to developing
- 00:30:33countries have moved from something like
- 00:30:35twenty percent of total exports to thirty
- 00:30:37percent over the last ten years.
- 00:30:39But the adjustment is important,
- 00:30:42because what is happening at present is that
- 00:30:45it's not just a random group of workers that
- 00:30:48is affected by this trade, it's the most
- 00:30:50disadvantaged and underprivileged workers
- 00:30:53in America which are being affected,
- 00:30:56and they are, by and large, women, and
- 00:30:59members of minorities;
- 00:31:01in garments, in electronics. And I think that
- 00:31:04the adjustment consists of action on both
- 00:31:07the developing and
- 00:31:08the developed countrysides.
- 00:31:09From the -- let's take the American side.
- 00:31:11On the American side, the unions and
- 00:31:14industry, I think, have to get off discussion
- 00:31:16about moral issues and get their act in order.
- 00:31:19I couldn't agree more with Helen.
- 00:31:21I think there is a very valid income
- 00:31:23distributional problem involved here.
- 00:31:26Certainly society gets better off, consumers
- 00:31:29get better off as a result of cheaper imports,
- 00:31:32and I'm all for that, and there I agree
- 00:31:33completely with Milton.
- 00:31:34But if the incidence of the adjustment falls
- 00:31:38on disadvantaged groups, then you would
- 00:31:40want to do something about it, if this really
- 00:31:42becomes an ethical issue.
- 00:31:44But the other thing, which I think Milton
- 00:31:45does bring up, which I disagree sharply with,
- 00:31:47is: Suppose the foreign governments do
- 00:31:49subsidize and actively promote exports to
- 00:31:53you. Should you just sit back and just say,
- 00:31:55"Well, we're going to be better off as
- 00:31:58a result of this."
- 00:31:59I don't think that takes into account
- 00:32:01the fact of the whole international system
- 00:32:03can break down as a result of what
- 00:32:06people perceive in pluralist economies
- 00:32:08as unfair competition emerging.
- 00:32:11And I think this is really what you're
- 00:32:12beginning to see. So we do need some
- 00:32:14sanctions. I mean, I may receive
- 00:32:15stolen property, and I'm better off.
- 00:32:17Of course I'm better off.
- 00:32:19But if, as a result of this, I encourage theft,
- 00:32:21I think few people would agree that was
- 00:32:24something one didn’t want to worry about.
- 00:32:26Before I call in Milton Friedman on this,
- 00:32:27a reaction to the comments?
- 00:32:29Yes. Really to Don and to Helen.
- 00:32:31Don, you choose to set aside, or you
- 00:32:34appear to choose to set aside the social
- 00:32:36and the ethical considerations. And -
- 00:32:40Not at all, what I said was:
- 00:32:41You have to put the fact on a scale,
- 00:32:43that there are social and ethical
- 00:32:44considerations with a free market or without
- 00:32:47one. And the tendency is for people to
- 00:32:50invoke morality only on their side,
- 00:32:53and not to recognize that there are problems
- 00:32:55of human being in this world that are
- 00:32:58going to occur in each case.
- 00:32:59And the measure, or the test ought to be:
- 00:33:01What actually happens out there?
- 00:33:03And address that question.
- 00:33:05But you must, you must also very much
- 00:33:07consider the social aspect of this situation.
- 00:33:10Helen's comment, the short-term
- 00:33:12displacement. I have a question for Milton
- 00:33:14at this point: How long do you put as a
- 00:33:19timetable on the displacement of these
- 00:33:21people, of these workers?
- 00:33:23Five years, ten years, a generation?
- 00:33:26How long will it be before overall society,
- 00:33:30you know, balances itself out and
- 00:33:32the individual is no longer hurt?
- 00:33:35Let me take your first -- your last question
- 00:33:37first and then go to your basic question.
- 00:33:39I have always been in favor of phasing out
- 00:33:42tariffs over a five-year period, a twenty
- 00:33:44percent reduction a year for five years to
- 00:33:46give people time to adjust.
- 00:33:48Now to your fundamental issue.
- 00:33:49I thought I had heard every objection to my
- 00:33:52views imaginable, but you are the first one
- 00:33:56who has ever accused me of putting the
- 00:33:58interests of society as a whole ahead of the
- 00:34:01interests of individuals.
- 00:34:02If there is one element in my social
- 00:34:04philosophy, in my ethical philosophy
- 00:34:06that's predominant, it is that the ultimate
- 00:34:08unit is the human being, the individual,
- 00:34:11and that society is a means whereby
- 00:34:14we jointly achieve our objectives.
- 00:34:17I would argue that the social and moral
- 00:34:18issues are all on the side of free trade,
- 00:34:20that it is you, and people like you,
- 00:34:23who introduce protection,
- 00:34:27who are the ones who are violating
- 00:34:29fundamental social and moral issues.
- 00:34:31Tell me, what trade union represents the
- 00:34:33workers who are displaced because high
- 00:34:36tariffs reduce exports from this country?
- 00:34:39Because high tariffs make steel, for example,
- 00:34:42or other goods, more expensive.
- 00:34:45As a result, those industries which use steel
- 00:34:48have fewer -- have to charge higher prices,
- 00:34:51they have fewer employees, the export
- 00:34:54industries that would grow up to balance the
- 00:34:57imports -- tell me, what union represents
- 00:34:58them? What moral and ethical view do you
- 00:35:02have about their interests?
- 00:35:04You still haven't answered my basic question:
- 00:35:06How long of a time period, how long of a
- 00:35:10frame -- five years, ten years, a generation?
- 00:35:12You still haven't answered it.
- 00:35:14I said -- I said five years.
- 00:35:14Could we be clear, Milton, on this point?
- 00:35:16You're saying, though, that tariffs should be
- 00:35:18phased out over five years regardless of
- 00:35:21the action of other countries. It's not a sort
- 00:35:23of negotiation or anything else?
- 00:35:25Regardless. Regardless of the actions of
- 00:35:26other countries. So far, obviously,
- 00:35:28I would prefer to have other
- 00:35:29countries reduce their tariffs --
- 00:35:30But if they don't move,
- 00:35:31America should move?
- 00:35:31FRIEDMAN: Absolutely.
- 00:35:32Do you go along with that, Don Rumsfeld?
- 00:35:34In others words, you're against reciprocal -
- 00:35:38FRIEDMAN: I'm not against -
- 00:35:39-- you favor getting to truly reciprocal trade,
- 00:35:41but you're willing to get there unilaterally?
- 00:35:43FRIEDMAN: Yeah.
- 00:35:46It seems to me that it's probably worth
- 00:35:48moving in that direction.
- 00:35:52I don't know where I would stop. I am not --
- 00:35:54Well, it's a five-year program.
- 00:35:55Will you buy that?
- 00:35:57Well, it seems to me that you get action,
- 00:35:58reaction. To the extent you're doing
- 00:36:00something that makes sense for human
- 00:36:01beings, presumably, that would be
- 00:36:04persuasive with others. Presumably there
- 00:36:07would be a logical sequence where other
- 00:36:10countries would begin to sense that that had
- 00:36:13a certain degree of validity in the world.
- 00:36:16McKENZIE: Will that happen, Helen Hughes?
- 00:36:18Providing you do something for the
- 00:36:20displaced workers in the country
- 00:36:21in which they're displaced.
- 00:36:23Because if you don't do
- 00:36:25something, if you don't take some action,
- 00:36:27and it's generally got to be government
- 00:36:28action, you will get such a backlash that
- 00:36:31you'll be back in the thirties with the sort of
- 00:36:33thing that happened with
- 00:36:34high unemployment.
- 00:36:36Could we go -- Milton.
- 00:36:37There's a direct challenge.
- 00:36:38What would you do about displaced workers,
- 00:36:40or let the slack be taken up by other -
- 00:36:42I believe that you have to separate and
- 00:36:44should separate sharply the issue of what
- 00:36:46you do about people in distress,
- 00:36:47from how you handle the industrial system.
- 00:36:50I do not believe you ought to have a
- 00:36:51special program for displaced workers.
- 00:36:53What you ought to have, and what all
- 00:36:55societies do have, is some mechanism,
- 00:36:57voluntary or governmental, which will assist
- 00:37:00people in distress. We have another program
- 00:37:02in this series, which deals with exactly that
- 00:37:04issue, in which I come out, as you know,
- 00:37:06in favor of a negative income tax as
- 00:37:08a way to do it.
- 00:37:09But I think it's a great mistake
- 00:37:11to try to link it directly with tariffs.
- 00:37:15And the reason is:
- 00:37:15That many people who are displaced are not
- 00:37:18in trouble. Many of those have good
- 00:37:20alternatives. Some of them will benefit from
- 00:37:22it. There are some who will be in distress,
- 00:37:24of course, but there are always people who
- 00:37:25are in distress for all sorts of reasons.
- 00:37:27In a dynamic society, demands are going up
- 00:37:29here, demands are going up there.
- 00:37:31There is no more reason in my opinion to
- 00:37:34have a special program for those who are
- 00:37:36displaced because of the changes in
- 00:37:38demand and supply in the international
- 00:37:40scene, than because of the changes
- 00:37:41on the domestic scene.
- 00:37:42A quick reaction to that -
- 00:37:43Why would you want to return to a concept
- 00:37:45that this country exists, you know,
- 00:37:47had in 1900? Why would you want to return
- 00:37:49to where a few control the economic destiny
- 00:37:53of every working man and woman?
- 00:37:55It's exactly the other way, Mr. Deason.
- 00:37:56The best way to limit the control of a few is
- 00:38:01free trade on a worldwide basis.
- 00:38:02There is no measure whatsoever that would
- 00:38:04do more to prevent private monopoly
- 00:38:07development than complete free trade.
- 00:38:09It would do -- be far more effective than
- 00:38:11all the antitrust suits in the world.
- 00:38:13I totally disagree.
- 00:38:14You would wind up with a situation like in
- 00:38:16the movie Rollerball, where corporations
- 00:38:19carved out their spheres of economic
- 00:38:22influence throughout the world,
- 00:38:23and controlled everything.
- 00:38:25It would be controlled by corporations -
- 00:38:27FRIEDMAN: You saw the -
- 00:38:28DEASON: -- in its entirety.
- 00:38:29FRIEDMAN: Excuse me. You saw the picture
- 00:38:30of Hong Kong, didn't you?
- 00:38:31DEASON: Yes.
- 00:38:32Where are those corporations there?
- 00:38:35We might get down that alley and have a
- 00:38:37difficulty in finding our way out of it. Could
- 00:38:39we move to another big theme in the film:
- 00:38:41that is, that the third-world countries have,
- 00:38:44broadly speaking, made a very serious
- 00:38:46error in moving into planned economies,
- 00:38:48from beginning to end, and you use a phrase
- 00:38:51in the case of India, "Central planning has
- 00:38:53condemned the Indian masses to
- 00:38:54poverty and misery."
- 00:38:56Now, what's your reaction to that, sir?
- 00:38:58I partly agree with Milton as well as I largely
- 00:39:01disagree with him. I think it is true that the
- 00:39:04invisible hand ought to be seen more in the
- 00:39:06poor countries, (Laughter) than it is, and
- 00:39:09I would like to see the iron fist disappear.
- 00:39:11Unfortunately, it's the other way around.
- 00:39:14On the other hand, I think it cannot be
- 00:39:16maintained that laissez-faire is the answer,
- 00:39:21either that it's a necessary or a sufficient
- 00:39:23condition for development.
- 00:39:24Let me go to Milton's examples and,
- 00:39:27you know, refer to Japan.
- 00:39:29Japan is a prime example, actually, of where
- 00:39:31the visible hand is invisible to everybody
- 00:39:34who is outside of Japan. But it's writ large
- 00:39:37on the wall for the Japanese.
- 00:39:39The Japanese government, right from the
- 00:39:41Meiji Restoration, has taken a very active
- 00:39:43interest in the development of the country.
- 00:39:46It has regulated technology and imports.
- 00:39:48Even to this date the government and
- 00:39:50business have a sort of strong symbiotic
- 00:39:53relationship. I think it's just --
- 00:39:55MCKENZIE: Highly paternalistic.
- 00:39:56-- and business is highly paternalistic.
- 00:39:58I don't think it's a valid example at all
- 00:40:01of what I believe was the implication
- 00:40:05of Milton's program.
- 00:40:06Let's bring in Helen Hughes.
- 00:40:07On this theme, has the third-world made
- 00:40:08a disastrous mistake in almost
- 00:40:11unanimously moving into planned
- 00:40:12economies, rather than the free market?
- 00:40:14Well, first of all, it hasn't almost
- 00:40:16unanimously moved into planned economies.
- 00:40:18McKENZIE: Overwhelmingly so.
- 00:40:19Not even overwhelmingly.
- 00:40:20I mean, India is a large country, but the
- 00:40:23majority of developing countries are not
- 00:40:26centrally planned; they have some sort
- 00:40:28of planning. Secondly, some of the countries
- 00:40:32which have been most successful have had
- 00:40:34the highest government intervention.
- 00:40:35The best examples are Taiwan, Korea,
- 00:40:38Brazil, Singapore. And even in Hong Kong,
- 00:40:42which is often held up as an example
- 00:40:44of no government intervention,
- 00:40:46I mean this is just not true.
- 00:40:48The Hong Kong government has provided the
- 00:40:51infrastructure. It has provided the roads and
- 00:40:53the ports and schools. And it's been very
- 00:40:55important. But when you move to a country
- 00:40:58like Malawi or Papua, New Guinea, you can't
- 00:41:02do without government intervention.
- 00:41:03There is nothing there.
- 00:41:05There are no entrepreneurs in place,
- 00:41:06and the American entrepreneurs are not
- 00:41:08interested in small places like that.
- 00:41:12I'm not in favor of no government
- 00:41:13intervention. I never have been.
- 00:41:14I point out in the film that what
- 00:41:17the government did in Hong Kong
- 00:41:19was very important.
- 00:41:20The question is: What kind of intervention?
- 00:41:21And in the states you've described, in the
- 00:41:23places you have described where you've had
- 00:41:25success, governmental intervention has
- 00:41:28been of a rather special kind.
- 00:41:30It has provided infrastructure.
- 00:41:31It has not tried to determine the outline of
- 00:41:35industrial production, the areas in which
- 00:41:38industry should go, exactly what the
- 00:41:40allocation of -- it has not gone in
- 00:41:41for central planning.
- 00:41:42HUGHES: Well that's just not true in Korea.
- 00:41:44I mean, you are factually wrong because in
- 00:41:46Korea the government has actually -
- 00:41:49FRIEDMAN: Oh, it is true in Taiwan.
- 00:41:50It's fairly true in Taiwan, but not in Korea,
- 00:41:53which has grown faster than any other
- 00:41:55country. Where Korean exports have been
- 00:41:58determined to a very large extent, by direct
- 00:42:01government intervention. I think your point
- 00:42:03is: what sort of government intervention,
- 00:42:06what for, and what are the trade-offs
- 00:42:09between government intervention and the
- 00:42:11free market? These are the relevant issues.
- 00:42:14What is the role of government in relation to
- 00:42:16the market economy? How do you see it
- 00:42:18performing, Don Rumsfeld, do you want to
- 00:42:21see government, as it were, enforcing
- 00:42:23competition by chasing down monopoly,
- 00:42:26restrictive practices, and all the rest
- 00:42:28of it in the society?
- 00:42:29The record's clear that they don't do it well.
- 00:42:31They can't manage the --
- 00:42:32But does that mean they shouldn't
- 00:42:33do it at all, or do it better?
- 00:42:34Take the wage-price controls in the
- 00:42:35United States of America.
- 00:42:36I happen to have been involved,
- 00:42:37and I don't say it with any great pride.
- 00:42:39The real world is -- I don't care
- 00:42:42about good intentions,
- 00:42:42I don't care about brains,
- 00:42:44I don't care about integrity,
- 00:42:46the fact of the matter is they're not smart
- 00:42:48enough to manage the wages and prices
- 00:42:49of every American, 215 million strong.
- 00:42:53They can't do it well. They do it poorly.
- 00:42:56And the weight of that is harmful.
- 00:43:00It's graphically shown in every document
- 00:43:03issued by the Council of Economic Advisors
- 00:43:05in the United States.
- 00:43:06But what about the additional question,
- 00:43:07though, does the government properly,
- 00:43:09in this country or elsewhere,
- 00:43:11insure competition by other devices?
- 00:43:13I'm not talking now about price control,
- 00:43:15wage control, but insuring competition
- 00:43:17rather than permitting price-fixing
- 00:43:20or agreements and monopoly.
- 00:43:22What do you feel about it?
- 00:43:23I feel the government properly
- 00:43:24acts in that area. It must --
- 00:43:25the government must be there
- 00:43:27to insure competition.
- 00:43:28The government's not smart enough --
- 00:43:30look at the Antitrust Law.
- 00:43:32You talk about a patch --
- 00:43:33the implementation of antitrust regulations
- 00:43:36in the United States,
- 00:43:36between the Department of Justice and
- 00:43:39the FTC. It's a -- it's a patchwork mess.
- 00:43:42There isn't any logic to it.
- 00:43:44People don't know what to do.
- 00:43:45They don't -- they can't get answers.
- 00:43:48They're inhibited from mergers
- 00:43:51and consolidations that would make a lot of
- 00:43:52sense from the standpoint of the consumer.
- 00:43:56And would make even more sense from
- 00:43:57the point of multi-national corporations.
- 00:43:59I think that one of the points you're making
- 00:44:01is that it's very hard for the government
- 00:44:03to intervene in a very large country,
- 00:44:05like India or the United States.
- 00:44:08But compare government intervention
- 00:44:10in some of the small, homogenous countries
- 00:44:13of Europe or Singapore,
- 00:44:15and I think that's very important.
- 00:44:17Switzerland
- 00:44:17has a great deal of government intervention.
- 00:44:19Sweden, Denmark, Norway --
- 00:44:22I've just quoted you
- 00:44:23the four highest-income countries
- 00:44:25in the world. They do have intervention
- 00:44:27to try and protect the functioning of
- 00:44:30of the market system,
- 00:44:32and to make it more efficient.
- 00:44:33Milton is absolutely right
- 00:44:34that if you're talking about central planning,
- 00:44:36that has been disastrous.
- 00:44:38Absolutely, in terms of having targeted
- 00:44:41industrial allocations and so on;
- 00:44:43I mean there's absolutely no doubt
- 00:44:44in anybody's mind who has studied
- 00:44:46the problem over the last twenty years.
- 00:44:47McKENZIE: Disastrous in India, too.
- 00:44:48In India as well, very definitely.
- 00:44:49McKENZIE: You advised on that, didn't you?
- 00:44:51No, not on centralized planning, no.
- 00:44:53(Laughing)
- 00:44:54RUMSFELD: That wasn't a clear question
- 00:44:55RUMSFELD: anyway. (Laughter)
- 00:44:56FRIEDMAN: That's all right. I was over there
- 00:44:58FRIEDMAN: as an advisor, too.
- 00:44:59BHAGWATI: I'm on the side of
- 00:45:00the angels on that. For a number of years --
- 00:45:04I'm supposed to be a friend of Milton's there,
- 00:45:05which is disastrous.
- 00:45:06(Laughing)
- 00:45:07To give advice is one thing.
- 00:45:09To have it taken is a different one.
- 00:45:14I agree very much with
- 00:45:15what Helen Hughes has said,
- 00:45:17that the more homogenous the country,
- 00:45:18the less harm the government
- 00:45:20will do by intervening.
- 00:45:21I don't believe it does positive good.
- 00:45:22I just simply believe it does less harm.
- 00:45:24But, as to antitrust --
- 00:45:26McKENZIE: Yeah.
- 00:45:27I am in favor of the laws which make
- 00:45:31agreements in restraint of trade illegal.
- 00:45:35Most of the rest of the antitrust apparatus
- 00:45:38has promoted monopoly
- 00:45:39instead of hindered monopoly.
- 00:45:40If you look at where there are
- 00:45:42monopolistic elements in the world
- 00:45:45and in the United States, including
- 00:45:47the multi-nationals you want to refer to,
- 00:45:50in almost every case that monopoly derived
- 00:45:53from a special grant by government.
- 00:45:55And therefore, the problem is not,
- 00:45:57how does government enforce competition?
- 00:45:59How do you keep government
- 00:46:01from setting up monopolies?
- 00:46:02That's the real problem, if you look
- 00:46:03at the real world, and not at the preamble,
- 00:46:07the language, of antitrust measures
- 00:46:10and similar laws.
- 00:46:11How close are you to what Deason
- 00:46:12was saying a moment ago in this area?
- 00:46:14He would seem to be arguing with you
- 00:46:15that there was a responsibility
- 00:46:17to make competition work.
- 00:46:19The responsibility is to set up a framework
- 00:46:21of laws and of arrangements, under which
- 00:46:24competition will flourish. And the most --
- 00:46:27McKENZIE: Inevitably flourish? I mean, or -
- 00:46:30Well, so far as I know, I don't know of any
- 00:46:32case in history in which monopolies have
- 00:46:35able to maintain themselves for very long
- 00:46:38without having government assistance
- 00:46:40directly come in on their side.
- 00:46:41The trade union monopolies that Mr. Deason
- 00:46:44represents would never have the kind of
- 00:46:46power they do now if it weren't for the
- 00:46:48special privileges which government has
- 00:46:49granted to them.
- 00:46:50I can perfectly well understand his being in
- 00:46:53favor of such action, of antitrust action by
- 00:46:55the government, because it really is
- 00:46:58is pro-monopoly action, in the main.
- 00:47:00Why were those exemptions to monopoly
- 00:47:03laws given to unions?
- 00:47:04Because of the political power of unions,
- 00:47:06of course. I'm not questioning that.
- 00:47:08and because -- and because of the
- 00:47:09tremendous imbalance of power of
- 00:47:11companies at the time that unions were
- 00:47:12getting their start.
- 00:47:14There's one concluding idea toward the
- 00:47:16end of your script that I'd like to look at,
- 00:47:19because it seemed to me to be most
- 00:47:21provocative.
- 00:47:21You talked about the need for Constitutional
- 00:47:23restraints on governments to prevent
- 00:47:27them interfering in foreign exchange free
- 00:47:29markets, and in foreign trade.
- 00:47:31Now what have you in mind, Milton,
- 00:47:33when you say "Constitutional restraints"?
- 00:47:35I -- no doubt what I have in mind
- 00:47:36if I, if I could persuade the public,
- 00:47:39I would like it to adopt a constitutional
- 00:47:41amendment strictly parallel to the
- 00:47:44constitutional prohibition in the text
- 00:47:47of the Constitution, against the central
- 00:47:49government -- I'm sorry, against state
- 00:47:52governments imposing tariffs on imports.
- 00:47:53I would like to have a constitutional
- 00:47:55amendment, which would read,
- 00:47:56"The Congress shall not impose
- 00:47:59any taxes on imports, or give any subsidies
- 00:48:05to exports, except such as may be
- 00:48:09necessary."
- 00:48:10I think the wording of the Constitution is that
- 00:48:11the states are permitted to do it if it's
- 00:48:13necessary for inspection.
- 00:48:14That's the excuse under which California
- 00:48:17inspects you every time you drive past to see
- 00:48:19whether you're carrying any plants or fruits
- 00:48:21or vegetables.
- 00:48:22DEASON: Milton, let me ask you a question.
- 00:48:24How long do you think that the United States
- 00:48:25would survive if the United States enacted
- 00:48:30what you would like to have?
- 00:48:31I think the United States would prosper
- 00:48:32in a way that is hardly imaginable today.
- 00:48:35It would be an example and a beacon
- 00:48:37to the rest of the world.
- 00:48:38What kind of sense does it make, here
- 00:48:40we are supposedly the leaders of the world.
- 00:48:42We are the ones who promote freedom,
- 00:48:44and free enterprise, and individual initiative.
- 00:48:47And what do we do? We force puny little
- 00:48:49Hong Kong to impose limits, restrictions
- 00:48:52on its exports at tariffs, in order
- 00:48:54to protect our textile workers.
- 00:48:56We go to Japan, and we say to Japan,
- 00:48:59"For God sakes, you got to limit the number
- 00:49:00of television sets you come out."
- 00:49:01Instead of doing that, we ought to be setting
- 00:49:03an example to the world, and if we set the
- 00:49:05kind of an example to the world that
- 00:49:07Great Britain set to the world in the 19th
- 00:49:09century, it would be a tremendous --
- 00:49:12it would have a tremendous impact, it would
- 00:49:14strengthen our moral position in the world,
- 00:49:16it would strengthen our ethical position
- 00:49:18in the world. Instead of giving money to
- 00:49:20underdeveloped countries to produce
- 00:49:22products which we then refuse to buy
- 00:49:23and don't let them export to us,
- 00:49:25we would be saying to the rest of the world,
- 00:49:28"If you produce anything, if you can produce
- 00:49:29anything and have a market here, come,
- 00:49:31we're delighted to buy it, and we'll produce
- 00:49:34things for you to buy."
- 00:49:35That's the kind of a pattern I would like
- 00:49:37to see the United States establish.
- 00:49:39McKENZIE: Would your members buy that?
- 00:49:40DEASON: Never. That's a -
- 00:49:42FRIEDMAN: Never is a long word, sir.
- 00:49:43Yes, you're right.
- 00:49:44-- and you must distinguish between -
- 00:49:46DEASON: And one should never say never.
- 00:49:47our union officials would not buy it.
- 00:49:49But I am not sure your members wouldn't.
- 00:49:51My members would not. No. My members
- 00:49:52would never buy it either.
- 00:49:54I cannot conceive of the United States
- 00:49:56setting itself up to become a target
- 00:49:58for the rest of the world.
- 00:49:59FRIEDMAN: It's not a target.
- 00:50:01There would be absolutely nothing that
- 00:50:02would require or compel any other country
- 00:50:05to enact any reciprocal
- 00:50:06agreements relative to tariffs-
- 00:50:08FRIEDMAN: That's right.
- 00:50:08and until such time as they have
- 00:50:11succeeded in dumping in the
- 00:50:12United States -- and I used dumping
- 00:50:13in the broadest sense of the word
- 00:50:15-- any and every product, either
- 00:50:16government subsidized by a foreign
- 00:50:18government, either put there because
- 00:50:20of multi-national corporations
- 00:50:21manufacturing facilities in a foreign country,
- 00:50:24until they have succeeded in absolutely
- 00:50:27draining us dry -
- 00:50:29FRIEDMAN: Draining us dry of what?
- 00:50:30Of every -- of every asset.
- 00:50:32FRIEDMAN: How?
- 00:50:32Of every -
- 00:50:33What would they do
- 00:50:34with the dollars they got?
- 00:50:35They'd probably buy up,
- 00:50:36as they are now, as they -
- 00:50:37If they bought up -
- 00:50:39OFF CAMERA: The choice farmland.
- 00:50:39Yes. Yes.
- 00:50:42McKENZIE: Let's broaden this. On this
- 00:50:42very argument, now and a
- 00:50:43constitutional amendment argument.
- 00:50:45We've learned from our union friend
- 00:50:47he would -- can't sell it and
- 00:50:49won't sell it. Would business buy it?
- 00:50:52Oh, no! They -- speaking -
- 00:50:56(Several people talking at once.)
- 00:50:58I'm not saying whether I'd buy it,
- 00:50:59I’m saying whether business would
- 00:51:00buy it, which is the question.
- 00:51:01No, when I -- I speak not as
- 00:51:03a businessman, but as an
- 00:51:04ex-government employee,
- 00:51:07whenever proposals like that came up,
- 00:51:10one of the first things people
- 00:51:11see happen is government -business
- 00:51:13and labor come in in lock-step, saying,
- 00:51:16"Horrors, horrors, the sky is falling!"
- 00:51:20There's a commonality of interests
- 00:51:22there and people get used to what is,
- 00:51:25they get terribly conservative, and
- 00:51:26they know how to work the system
- 00:51:28the way it exists, and particularly the
- 00:51:30the big unions and the big business,
- 00:51:31and they get very satisfied with it,
- 00:51:34they can manage it pretty well,
- 00:51:36and any time you try to unravel
- 00:51:37any kind of regulation or restriction
- 00:51:40or government intrusion,
- 00:51:42they're philosophically for it,
- 00:51:44but in the practical world,
- 00:51:45they don't want you to change the drill,
- 00:51:47they just figured out how to work this.
- 00:51:49Why should you then change it and
- 00:51:51make it all that more complicated?
- 00:51:53No, I think you'd get a good deal of reaction,
- 00:51:55just like you did out of the
- 00:51:56steel company in your television show.
- 00:51:58McKENZIE: And what would the international
- 00:52:00reaction be, do you think, as an
- 00:52:00international economist?
- 00:52:01Supposing Milton got his amendment,
- 00:52:03constitutional amendment, which had that
- 00:52:05effect, how would other countries react to it?
- 00:52:08Well, I think Milton's fundamental example
- 00:52:11of why not be like Britain
- 00:52:12in the 19th century is wrong.
- 00:52:14Britain in the 19th century was the
- 00:52:16industrialized country; it was
- 00:52:19well ahead of everybody else.
- 00:52:20McKENZIE: Many decades ahead.
- 00:52:21Many decades ahead of everybody else,
- 00:52:23and it was making larger profits,
- 00:52:25larger economic rents on its production,
- 00:52:28and it was doing it at very great cost
- 00:52:31to the workers in Britain.
- 00:52:33The workers in Britain were greatly exploited
- 00:52:36under those circumstances, and we
- 00:52:38don't want to go back to that.
- 00:52:40The international situation is much
- 00:52:43more complex, and countries -- there are
- 00:52:46countries at different levels of development,
- 00:52:48countries with different social systems, and
- 00:52:51countries with different social objectives,
- 00:52:53so I think that the solution,
- 00:52:56you know, is wrongly founded, and
- 00:52:58it's millenarian, it's utopian.
- 00:53:00I think that we have to
- 00:53:02think of a much more
- 00:53:04realistic process of discussion,
- 00:53:08negotiation, such as has taken place
- 00:53:11through GATT, to get to where
- 00:53:13we're going, without hurting the people
- 00:53:15who pay for the adjustment,
- 00:53:17and that is basically the workers,
- 00:53:19not the economists.
- 00:53:20Could I just comment briefly?
- 00:53:21McKENZIE: Yeah.
- 00:53:22I worry about the argument that
- 00:53:24because of the complexities
- 00:53:26of international relations, that
- 00:53:28therefore they must be planned and
- 00:53:29managed. By definition, we're not capable
- 00:53:32of managing the world economy.
- 00:53:34Each instance when we try to do it
- 00:53:37it doesn't work out
- 00:53:38quite the way we intended.
- 00:53:40I don't apologize for a moment for setting
- 00:53:42for being millenarian; because I think
- 00:53:44unless we know where we want to go,
- 00:53:48the timid steps that we take
- 00:53:49in that direction will go
- 00:53:52in the wrong direction.
- 00:53:53And if we're gonna go in the right
- 00:53:54direction, we ought to have a view.
- 00:53:56But I want to be sure to
- 00:53:57get down on the record a very
- 00:53:59strong objection to the statement of fact
- 00:54:01by Helen Hughes about 19th century Britain.
- 00:54:03I believe it is simply wrong.
- 00:54:05The workers were not exploited.
- 00:54:07The studies that have been done recently
- 00:54:09have shown over and over again that
- 00:54:10the 19th century was a period
- 00:54:12in which the ordinary English worker
- 00:54:14experienced a very rapid and
- 00:54:16very substantial rise in his standard of life.
- 00:54:18England did not stand alone.
- 00:54:20Japan had complete free trade for 30 years
- 00:54:22after the Meiji Restoration.
- 00:54:24Japan in more recent years has not.
- 00:54:26Japan in more recent years
- 00:54:27is not an example I would cite.
- 00:54:29But in its early years
- 00:54:30it had complete free trade.
- 00:54:31So I don't believe England stands alone.
- 00:54:34Now on the more --
- 00:54:35McKENZIE: Politics of it.
- 00:54:36On the politics of it, of course
- 00:54:38it's not politically feasible, why?
- 00:54:40Because it's only in the general interest
- 00:54:42and in nobody's special interest.
- 00:54:44Each of us is fundamentally --
- 00:54:47has more concern with our role as
- 00:54:50a producer of one product than
- 00:54:52we have as a consumer of a
- 00:54:53thousand and one products.
- 00:54:55The benefits of a tariff are visible.
- 00:54:58Mr. Deason can see that his workers
- 00:55:01are quote, "Protected."
- 00:55:03The harm which a tariff does is invisible.
- 00:55:06It's spread widely. There are people who
- 00:55:07don't have jobs because of the tariff,
- 00:55:09but they don't know they don't have jobs.
- 00:55:11There's nobody who can organize them.
- 00:55:13Consumers all over are paying a little
- 00:55:14more for this, that and the other thing.
- 00:55:16They don't recognize that the reason
- 00:55:17they're paying for it
- 00:55:19is because of the tariff.
- 00:55:21The businessmen? I have never been in
- 00:55:24I'm not pro business,
- 00:55:26I'm pro free enterprise...
- 00:55:28which is a very different thing,
- 00:55:30and the reason I'm pro free enterprise
- 00:55:31RUMSFELD:Don't point at me
- 00:55:32when you say that!(Laughter)
- 00:55:33No, no. I don't mean to point to you, Don.
- 00:55:36I point to the business community,
- 00:55:38because you are an exception.
- 00:55:39McKenzie:Because actually there was a
- 00:55:41tacit alliance because that way...
- 00:55:43Oh there's -
- 00:55:44to prevent you from achieving your purpose.
- 00:55:45Oh, there's no doubt that there's such
- 00:55:46an alliance. In my opinion,
- 00:55:48the strongest argument for free enterprise
- 00:55:51is that it prevents anybody
- 00:55:53from having too much power.
- 00:55:55Whether that person is a government official,
- 00:55:58a trade union official,
- 00:55:59or a business executive.
- 00:56:01It forces them to put up or shut up.
- 00:56:04They either have to deliver the goods,
- 00:56:05produce something that people are
- 00:56:06willing to pay for, willing to buy,
- 00:56:08or else they have to go
- 00:56:09into a different business.
- 00:56:10Well, there we must leave the argument
- 00:56:12for this week, and I hope you'll
- 00:56:13join us again for the next episode of
- 00:56:15Free To Choose.
- 00:56:17(closing music)
- Milton Friedman
- free market
- central planning
- invisible hand
- Japan
- India
- trade
- economics
- government intervention
- Adam Smith