How to Create your AI Talking Twin Avatar for Videos
TLDRI videoen diskuterer Bruno hvordan man kan lage en AI-dobbel-avatar som kan hjelpe deg med å lage videoer, slik at du slipper å sette opp kamera, mikrofon og lys hver gang. Bruno forklarer at videoer er viktige for å øke engasjementet, anerkjennelsen og konverteringene, spesielt på sosiale medier. Med plattformen Big View kan du lage skript, bruke AI til å generere en avatar som kan 'opptre' i videoene dine, og deretter stilisere med undertekster og visualer. Han nevner også utfordringer som mange møter når de lager videoer, som tidsmangel og tekniske problemer, og gir eksempler på hvordan Big View kan bidra til å overvinne disse utfordringene. På slutten av videoen gir Bruno en spesialkode for rabatt på Big View-abonnementer, og understreker at AI-avatarer kan snakke 24 språk, noe som gjør dem svært fleksible for internasjonal bruk.
- 🤖 Opprett en AI-dobbel-avatar for å automatisere videoopptak.
- 🎥 Videoer øker engasjementet og konverteringer på sosiale medier.
- 💡 Big View gir en alt-i-ett-løsning for å lage og redigere videoer.
- ⏱ AI-avatarer sparer tid og reduserer tekniske krav.
- 🌍 Avatarer kan snakke på 24 forskjellige språk.
- 📱 Big View fungerer på flere plattformer, inkludert mobil og PC.
- 🔧 Lær hvordan du lager et godt treningsvideo for avatarer.
- 👏 AI genererer ikke bare avatarer, men også skript og redigering.
- 💰 Spesialtilbud for Big View-abonnement tilgjengelig.
- 🔒 Brukerens identitet beskyttes gjennom samtykkeprosesser.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Bruno introduserer hvordan man lager en AI-avatar som kan ta opp videoer for deg, noe som sparer tid og innsats for å sette opp kamera, mikrofon og belysning.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Bruno forklarer hvorfor videoopptak er viktig for engasjement, anerkjennelse og konverteringer. Han nevner også utfordringer med å lage videoer, som å være ukomfortabel foran kamera, tekniske problemer, tid, kostnader og manglende kreativitet.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Bruno går i detalj om Big View-appen og dens funksjoner for skriptskaping, opptak med teleprompter, og redigering. Han forklarer hvordan disse funksjonene gjør videoproduksjon raskere og enklere.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Bruno introduserer AI-tvillingen som kan erstatte menneskelige videoopptak ved å bruke AI for skriptskaping og videoopptak, samt hvordan dette kan spare tid og forbedre kvaliteten på videoene.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Bruno viser eksempler på videoer laget med AI-avatarer, inkludert hvordan AI kan generere b-roll, visuelle effekter og redigere videoene automatisk.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Bruno gir tips for å lage en effektiv treningsvideo for AI-avatarer, som riktig innramming, godt lys, pauser med jevne mellomrom og et nøytralt bakgrunn. Han demonstrerer også hvordan man oppretter AI-avatarer i Big View.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Bruno viser trinnene for å lage en video med en AI-avatar i Big View, fra skriptskaping til generering av video. Han svarer også på spørsmål om AI-avatarfunksjonen.
- 00:35:00 - 00:41:21
Bruno annonserer en tidsbegrenset rabattkode for å prøve Big View AI-funksjonalitet med 10 % avslag. Han gjentar viktigheten av en 30-dagers pengene-tilbake-garanti og støtten som følger med tjenesten.
Hva er hovedtemaet i videoen?
Hovedtemaet er hvordan man kan lage en AI-dobbel-avatar for å lage videoer.
Hvorfor er det viktig å lage videoer ifølge Bruno?
Fordi videoer gir mer engasjement, anerkjennelse og konverteringer.
Hva er Big View?
En plattform som lar deg lage og redigere videoer med AI, inkludert å lage en AI-avatar.
Hva er noen av utfordringene med å lage videoer som Bruno nevner?
Utfordringer inkluderer å føle seg ukomfortabel foran kamera, tekniske utfordringer, tid og kostnader.
Hvordan kan en AI-avatar hjelpe?
Den kan lage videoer for deg, noe som sparer tid og fjerner behovet for teknisk oppsett.
Hva tilbys på slutten av videoen?
En spesialtilbud-kode for rabatt på Big View-abonnementer.
Hvor lenge tar det å lage en AI-avatar?
Det tar omtrent seks timer å prosessere en AI-avatar første gangen.
Kan AI-avatarene snakke flere språk?
Ja, AI-avatarer kan snakke 24 ulike språk.
Kan Big View brukes på flere typer enheter?
Ja, Big View kan brukes på iPhone, iPad, Android, datamaskiner og MacBooks.
Hvordan beskytter Big View brukerens identitet?
Kun brukeren kan lage sin egen avatar med samtykkevideo og treningsvideo.
- 00:00:02[Music]
- 00:00:09[Music]
- 00:00:24[Music]
- 00:00:36[Music]
- 00:00:43[Music]
- 00:00:57[Music]
- 00:01:08H everyone how are you guys today my
- 00:01:09name is Bruno and today we'll be talking
- 00:01:11about how to create an AI twin Avatar
- 00:01:16and you're probably tired of constantly
- 00:01:18having to turn on your camera lighting
- 00:01:21microphone and create videos right no
- 00:01:24more today we'll see exactly how to
- 00:01:27create your AI twin to record videos for
- 00:01:29for you so you save a lot of time and
- 00:01:33you don't have to set up the camera
- 00:01:34microphone light everything uh that you
- 00:01:37need usually to record a good video
- 00:01:39right this is a live session I hope you
- 00:01:42guys can see me I hear me well it seems
- 00:01:43a little bit laggy but I hope you guys
- 00:01:46can hear me well can you please leave in
- 00:01:48the chat if you're a new user old user
- 00:01:52and the city that you are right now I
- 00:01:55can see that we have Dr RB let's reunite
- 00:02:00hey how are
- 00:02:02you he a little bit slow on my side but
- 00:02:05I hope you guys can see me and hear me
- 00:02:08well and we're starting in a few seconds
- 00:02:12I will start giving you guys context
- 00:02:15before talking about the AI Avatar twin
- 00:02:18I'll give you guys context explaining
- 00:02:20first why it is important I know you
- 00:02:21guys already know that then I'm going to
- 00:02:23talk a little bit about Big View and
- 00:02:25then we're going to see a few examples
- 00:02:27using the AI Avatar and next the end for
- 00:02:30those of you that stay here with me to
- 00:02:32the end you're going to receive a
- 00:02:34special offer so stay tuned let me just
- 00:02:37make sure that you guys can see me and
- 00:02:39hear me well we have someone that is
- 00:02:42newish Linda reading you're new on Big
- 00:02:46View that's good pretty good pretty good
- 00:02:50so guys I will start sharing my screen
- 00:02:52and let's see a few things if you have
- 00:02:54any question in the middle of this
- 00:02:55session just leave in the chat I'm going
- 00:02:57to answer any concern any question that
- 00:03:00you may have hello Santiago
- 00:03:03from
- 00:03:07Chicago very good very good so guys
- 00:03:10let's
- 00:03:10start the first thing that we see here
- 00:03:14is that big view it's a allinone app so
- 00:03:19let's start this presentation I'll go
- 00:03:21quickly through the first slides but
- 00:03:23here why videos are important and why
- 00:03:27you should record videos I know you
- 00:03:28already know this but my question is why
- 00:03:31you're not doing yet so let's understand
- 00:03:34this first if you reach if you want to
- 00:03:37reach your goals faster you need to
- 00:03:39record videos why you have more
- 00:03:42engagement social media videos generate
- 00:03:451,200% more shares than text and image
- 00:03:49so that's the first reason why you why
- 00:03:52you should be sharing videos on your
- 00:03:53social media and not just uh text not
- 00:03:56just images you should record more
- 00:03:59videos
- 00:04:00then you have more recognition by doing
- 00:04:03that so viewers will retain 95% more
- 00:04:07your message the message that you want
- 00:04:09to deliver to your audience and the last
- 00:04:11thing that's what you probably want more
- 00:04:14conversions you are not just recording
- 00:04:16videos for fun at the end you want to
- 00:04:19convert this audience into clients right
- 00:04:23videos will help with that because when
- 00:04:25you include a video on a ling page that
- 00:04:29can increase by up to 80% the conversion
- 00:04:33that you have so now if you have a
- 00:04:35landing
- 00:04:36page and you don't have uh a video right
- 00:04:41there in the landing page you're missing
- 00:04:44a lot of
- 00:04:47things okay
- 00:04:50okay uh the recording will be available
- 00:04:52guys here on YouTube I hope you guys can
- 00:04:54watch muscle metric is have an issue but
- 00:04:58I think the rest of you can see H me
- 00:05:00well because no one mentioned that so
- 00:05:04muscle metrics if you can refresh the
- 00:05:06page it should work for
- 00:05:08you so these are the reasons why you
- 00:05:11should record videos right nothing new
- 00:05:14you already know that and you know that
- 00:05:15is important so maybe
- 00:05:19now why we are not doing that because
- 00:05:22already know it's important we should be
- 00:05:24doing but why are not recording and
- 00:05:26posting the videos that we supposed to
- 00:05:30let's understand this there are a few
- 00:05:33challenges when you want to share videos
- 00:05:35so roadblocks in video creation that you
- 00:05:38probably have a few of them maybe you're
- 00:05:40not comfortable on camera when you turn
- 00:05:42on the camera you're not the same person
- 00:05:46right like when you're doing something
- 00:05:47on Zoom or even with your colleagues
- 00:05:49your friends you can express yourself
- 00:05:53very well but when you turn on the
- 00:05:54camera sometimes that's not the case
- 00:05:57you're not very comfortable just talking
- 00:05:59to to the camera or technical challenges
- 00:06:02maybe you don't know how to set up the
- 00:06:04lighting the microphone you don't have a
- 00:06:05good camera you don't know how to do
- 00:06:07these and that so this could also be an
- 00:06:10issue time I know that probably are
- 00:06:13always on the go we don't have time to
- 00:06:15record videos every day so this could
- 00:06:17also be an issue and the cost because
- 00:06:21sometimes you need to hire a freelancer
- 00:06:23a v VA to add captions to your video add
- 00:06:26the video for you maybe create a script
- 00:06:28for you uh AI is helping us a lot on
- 00:06:31this but it's still maybe you need to
- 00:06:33hire someone or purchase subscription on
- 00:06:35this app that app to do your video uh
- 00:06:39creation process
- 00:06:41then maybe you don't know what to say
- 00:06:44you're not creative every day right and
- 00:06:48the last that was the lesson that most
- 00:06:51of the users are facing most of video
- 00:06:53creators a business owner they're facing
- 00:06:56these challenges while you're creating
- 00:06:57views and here's the
- 00:07:00all in one platform Big View you can do
- 00:07:04everything using the big view app and
- 00:07:07I'm still not talking about the AI twin
- 00:07:10avator I'm still not talking about the
- 00:07:12AI twin avator I'm going just to give
- 00:07:14you guys this context because if you're
- 00:07:17not aware if you're new user on Big View
- 00:07:19what you can do on Big View without the
- 00:07:21AI twin aor we have the 4S formula what
- 00:07:26is that you can create your scripts
- 00:07:28using a I so you don't need to write
- 00:07:30everything yourself usually this saves
- 00:07:33me I don't know 30 minutes sometimes
- 00:07:35more than this because when you're in a
- 00:07:37bad day takes a lot of time to come up
- 00:07:40with an idea and create a script so you
- 00:07:43can use big view AI to create scripts
- 00:07:45for you then you record this using a
- 00:07:50teleprompter and you don't need to
- 00:07:52memorize your lines and usually without
- 00:07:55a teleprompter guys it used to take me I
- 00:07:57don't know 10 15 recordings 15 takes
- 00:08:01until you find a good one so I need to
- 00:08:04record record record record record a lot
- 00:08:06of videos until okay this video is good
- 00:08:08enough usually when I'm using T prompter
- 00:08:10now one or two takes are enough to have
- 00:08:13a good video and I can make it great in
- 00:08:16the editing process so if you go back
- 00:08:18there you're going to see that you're
- 00:08:20recording the video now ising a
- 00:08:21teleprompter so you need to record less
- 00:08:23takes you're saving your time you're
- 00:08:26saying exactly those words that you want
- 00:08:30and all of this
- 00:08:32faster using your phone or your
- 00:08:36computer after recording your video now
- 00:08:39we need to style so you can add captions
- 00:08:42logo music visuals Bureau and so much
- 00:08:46more things to make that video Dynamic
- 00:08:50we want to create Dynamic video because
- 00:08:52nowadays if you share a video without
- 00:08:54captions without music without visuals
- 00:08:56without buau without things happening
- 00:08:59people feel that that video is boring
- 00:09:01maybe your message is great but the way
- 00:09:04that you deliver that message should
- 00:09:06also be engaging you cannot if I'm here
- 00:09:10talking to you guys today for 40 minutes
- 00:09:12without showing you guys anything
- 00:09:14without any visual you guys will be
- 00:09:15bored in two minutes I'm sure so that's
- 00:09:18why I'm switching between screens as
- 00:09:20well so you can see me you can see the
- 00:09:21presentation and this back and forth
- 00:09:24create a dynamic
- 00:09:26video and after doing all of this I have
- 00:09:28my screen created by AI I recorded my
- 00:09:31take I added captions music and more at
- 00:09:34the end I can share this video across
- 00:09:38all my social Channels with one click
- 00:09:42think about that instead of downloading
- 00:09:45my video and then I go to YouTube I post
- 00:09:48I go to LinkedIn and I post I go to
- 00:09:50Facebook and I post I go to Instagram
- 00:09:51and I post I go to Tik Tok I'm going to
- 00:09:53a lot of places to post the same video
- 00:09:56no more on Big View just choose where I
- 00:09:58want you to post this video on Tik Tok
- 00:10:00Instagram Facebook real YouTube shorts
- 00:10:03choose the social channels where you
- 00:10:04want to share hit post done that's it
- 00:10:07you don't have to do anything else let
- 00:10:09me just improve this camera angle a
- 00:10:10little bit that's everything that you
- 00:10:12need to do to create videos on Big View
- 00:10:15and this is the context this you can do
- 00:10:18without the AI twin Avatar that's the
- 00:10:20topic of this webinar right so now you
- 00:10:22have the context now you know what is
- 00:10:25Big View and think about what is if I
- 00:10:30add the AI twin avator in this process
- 00:10:34the Second Step should will be replaced
- 00:10:38by my AI twin avator so I don't have to
- 00:10:41record my videos I would create my
- 00:10:44script using
- 00:10:46AI then my AI twin Avatar would record
- 00:10:50the video for me so I don't need to turn
- 00:10:52on my camera my liting my microphone I
- 00:10:55still can add visuals captions and
- 00:10:57more and at the end I'm going to share
- 00:11:00this across all my social channels as I
- 00:11:03used to do with my regular videos so
- 00:11:05this is what we're going to start
- 00:11:06talking about now how to create your AI
- 00:11:11T aor this will save your time would
- 00:11:14save uh I don't know money technical
- 00:11:18challenges if you're traveling if you're
- 00:11:20always on the go you don't have time to
- 00:11:22stop set up everything or maybe you're
- 00:11:24not in a good day you you feel that you
- 00:11:26don't look good that specific day your
- 00:11:29AI twin Avatar we always look good we
- 00:11:32always look like that training video
- 00:11:34that you used right so this is what
- 00:11:36we're going to see right
- 00:11:39now I want to show you guys first
- 00:11:42examples that's what how I like to start
- 00:11:45let's take a look at the examples how it
- 00:11:47looks the AI avatars and then I go
- 00:11:50through the process of how you can do it
- 00:11:52and at the end I will share with you
- 00:11:54guys uh a discount a special offer that
- 00:11:58we have at the ad sounds good but before
- 00:12:01doing this I just want to make sure that
- 00:12:03you understood the context because I'm
- 00:12:05not just talking about avatars it's so
- 00:12:07much more than this right you have the a
- 00:12:09scripting the recording that can also
- 00:12:11use the teleprompter and I'm not saying
- 00:12:13that you don't have to record never
- 00:12:15again that's not what I'm saying I'm
- 00:12:16saying that now it's not just you it
- 00:12:18could be you and a few friends a few
- 00:12:21avatars that you create of yourself to
- 00:12:23help you in the process so you're not
- 00:12:24alone anymore then you edit the video
- 00:12:27and you share on your social channels so
- 00:12:28just to make sure that we're good so far
- 00:12:31can you leave 10 in the chat so I know
- 00:12:34we are good and I can move on to show
- 00:12:36you the
- 00:12:38examples can you please do that so
- 00:12:41you're helping me to understand if we
- 00:12:43are good so far I have three videos to
- 00:12:47show
- 00:12:56you okay or if you have any question you
- 00:12:59can also leave in the chat okay 10 10
- 00:13:03Santiago Dean muscle Matrix okay very
- 00:13:05good so guys let's take a look at the
- 00:13:08examples and everything on these videos
- 00:13:11that I'm going to show you they were
- 00:13:13created by AI the script the recording
- 00:13:16the editings all the b roll the Visos
- 00:13:18that you're going to see they were also
- 00:13:20added by AI let's take a look at that
- 00:13:23okay seems that it's clear for everyone
- 00:13:25I love okay Laura Linda Liz pretty good
- 00:13:29pretty good let's take a look guys at
- 00:13:32this video
- 00:13:34first I'm going to share the link in the
- 00:13:36chat later because when I'm sharing my
- 00:13:39screen you guys can see kind of a
- 00:13:40lipsick issue when I'm sharing screen So
- 00:13:43to avoid this I'm going to also share
- 00:13:45the link the video link in the chat so
- 00:13:46you can watch on your side and that
- 00:13:48would be uh so much better but here you
- 00:13:52can also see this is the first video
- 00:13:54that I want to show you let me play the
- 00:13:55video let me make it bigger let me play
- 00:13:58the video
- 00:14:01today we're diving into the art of
- 00:14:02staging homes effectively particularly
- 00:14:04in the vibrant real estate market of
- 00:14:06Houston staging isn't just about making
- 00:14:09a home look good it's a crucial strategy
- 00:14:11for attracting buyers and maximizing the
- 00:14:13home selling potential with Houston's
- 00:14:16guys take a look all these visuals
- 00:14:18everything that you're seeing here all
- 00:14:19the elements they were created by AI
- 00:14:22these captions visual the color I could
- 00:14:24change this is also an AI it is an AI
- 00:14:28these visuals that you're seeing they
- 00:14:29were added by AI as well all these
- 00:14:32bureaus that you see here this was also
- 00:14:35added by AI think about it a video like
- 00:14:38this you could create in minutes so let
- 00:14:40me share this link in the chat this is
- 00:14:42the first
- 00:14:43video so video one I'm going to leave
- 00:14:47here in the chat so you can watch on
- 00:14:49your side so everything here created by
- 00:14:53AI let me play a little bit maximizing
- 00:14:55the home selling potential with
- 00:14:57Houston's diverse market and eager body
- 00:14:59bues how you present a home can make all
- 00:15:01the difference first let's focus on
- 00:15:03decluttering a clean and organized space
- 00:15:06okay okay that's the first video that I
- 00:15:08have to show you let me show you the
- 00:15:09second one this
- 00:15:12is my clone I need to create another one
- 00:15:15actually with a a different background
- 00:15:18but this is I think you can see it now
- 00:15:21let me play the
- 00:15:23video I'm covering a little bit of the
- 00:15:25video so let me play a video now today I
- 00:15:29want to talk about a powerful concept
- 00:15:30that can truly transform Our Lives
- 00:15:33transforming pain into growth and
- 00:15:34finding purpose through adversity we all
- 00:15:37experience difficult times it's a
- 00:15:38universal part of Being Human the key is
- 00:15:41understanding that these challenges can
- 00:15:42serve as fertile so this you'll be able
- 00:15:45to do with your videos again you'll be
- 00:15:48able to ask your AI T to record a video
- 00:15:51you will add captions caption animation
- 00:15:54visuals everything using AI I have one
- 00:15:57more video to show you let's take a look
- 00:15:59at this
- 00:16:00video let me make it bigger
- 00:16:04again wait how can I okay here is a
- 00:16:07little bit bigger let's watch this
- 00:16:10video this is a sales
- 00:16:13video are you struggling to sell your
- 00:16:15online courses effectively I'm here to
- 00:16:18help you change that as a coach or small
- 00:16:20business owner you have incredible
- 00:16:22knowledge to share but sometimes
- 00:16:24reaching your ideal customers can feel
- 00:16:26overwhelming with my course Builder
- 00:16:28program I'll help you sell more courses
- 00:16:30and Achieve tangible results in just 30
- 00:16:33days or you get your money back imagine
- 00:16:35having a step-by-step guide that not
- 00:16:37only simplifies the course creation
- 00:16:39process but also boosts your sales like
- 00:16:41never before you'll not only learn to
- 00:16:43create compelling content that resonates
- 00:16:45with your audience but also Market it in
- 00:16:48a way that drives real engagement let's
- 00:16:50face okay okay guys this is the kind of
- 00:16:54video that you could create using big
- 00:16:56view this whole video this entire video
- 00:16:58was created using big view let me also
- 00:17:01share this video here in the chat so you
- 00:17:04can watch on your side and you'll see
- 00:17:06that the
- 00:17:07results are amazing guys nothing was
- 00:17:11recorded I didn't record that lady
- 00:17:13didn't record a video that's an avatar
- 00:17:17so with this in mind have seen the
- 00:17:20results have seen that you can do all of
- 00:17:23this AI scripting the Avatar create a
- 00:17:25video then I add visuals Boll captions
- 00:17:27music logo different layouts and at the
- 00:17:30end I share this across all my social
- 00:17:32channels that's what I'm going to uh
- 00:17:35talk about with you guys today
- 00:17:37specifically the Second Step because b
- 00:17:41roll included yes Sergio those b rolls
- 00:17:44they were included by AI I didn't do
- 00:17:46anything I just asked AI okay I also
- 00:17:49want buau those images videos they were
- 00:17:53added by AI so
- 00:17:56yes wow that that's that was my reaction
- 00:17:59creating videos and it still is I have
- 00:18:02demo this I don't know 50 60 times I'm
- 00:18:04still impressed with the
- 00:18:06result but guys I want to be honest to
- 00:18:11create a great Avatar we need a great
- 00:18:14training video so that's what you're
- 00:18:16going to talk about now I'm going to
- 00:18:17show you guys the best ways to train
- 00:18:21your avatar because if you're training
- 00:18:23video for the AI Avatar it's not good
- 00:18:26the results will not be good right so we
- 00:18:28need to create a great training video to
- 00:18:31have a great AI twin Avatar right it
- 00:18:34does make sense I cannot record like a
- 00:18:37video with uh think about let me just
- 00:18:40change my camera so you guys can take a
- 00:18:42look if instead of using this camera I
- 00:18:44was using this
- 00:18:48one okay you can see the quality is not
- 00:18:50good I still have a ring light think
- 00:18:52about if I turn off my ring
- 00:18:55light okay so if I record my video like
- 00:18:58this I have
- 00:19:00a another good lighting my camera is not
- 00:19:03full HD the angle is not good it's good
- 00:19:06in my head so if I create my AI TN
- 00:19:08avator like this it will look like this
- 00:19:11so please make sure that it looks good
- 00:19:13we're going to go through the things
- 00:19:15that you need to have in mind let me
- 00:19:16turn off this uh light again and turn
- 00:19:20change my camera again but you need a
- 00:19:22great training video for your avatar to
- 00:19:26look good right it's if your video look
- 00:19:29good the avatar look good I think we
- 00:19:31understand that I'm going to answer you
- 00:19:33guys questions in a second let's just go
- 00:19:36back to the presentation because I want
- 00:19:37to share a few things with you
- 00:19:40guys they're important so tips for
- 00:19:44creating a great training video what you
- 00:19:47need to have in
- 00:19:50mind first as I said reording HD it
- 00:19:53should be in a high quality resolution
- 00:19:55the video then you need to frame it
- 00:19:57right what is a good frame the frame
- 00:20:00that I'm using right now it's a good
- 00:20:01frame because you can see the upper body
- 00:20:04I you can see my hands I can talk about
- 00:20:05this I can talk about that avoid to move
- 00:20:08a lot so don't move a lot your head or
- 00:20:11kind of do this this is this because
- 00:20:13your avatar could look weird so try to
- 00:20:15be still a little bit but not too much I
- 00:20:18know but you can move your hands you can
- 00:20:20move your head you can talk so these are
- 00:20:23the things that you need to do but the
- 00:20:25frame you should be in the middle of the
- 00:20:27video make sure that your head is not
- 00:20:29being cutting your hands everything's
- 00:20:31appear on the frame then pause between
- 00:20:35sentences when you recording the
- 00:20:37training video and guys yes you'll be
- 00:20:39able to watch the replay of this session
- 00:20:40to watch again all this trip these tips
- 00:20:43for creating a great training video you
- 00:20:46need to pause between every sentence in
- 00:20:48the training video then you need a good
- 00:20:51lighting as I mentioned and you need to
- 00:20:54bring the energy because if your
- 00:20:56training video is about body video like
- 00:21:00I'm saying all my video like this this
- 00:21:03is me creating a training video for my
- 00:21:05avatar I would say one two three
- 00:21:08training video for my avatar the result
- 00:21:10to be boring right so try to bring the
- 00:21:13energy 50% more that you usually do so
- 00:21:16your a avatar will look more Dynamic so
- 00:21:19please try to do that and you have
- 00:21:21better results then we have use handers
- 00:21:25I mentioned that and keep the background
- 00:21:27chill you need to avoid void paintings
- 00:21:29in the background you don't need
- 00:21:31paintings in the background animals
- 00:21:33things moving in the background if you
- 00:21:35have a fireplace in the background kind
- 00:21:36of with the fire moving that's not good
- 00:21:39as well try to find something still
- 00:21:41behind you a wall without a picture and
- 00:21:43the results will be better by doing this
- 00:21:47as well let me see what you guys have in
- 00:21:53mind are you we are we able to create a
- 00:21:58them or template for our AI TN video so
- 00:22:02we can duplicate and automate our video
- 00:22:03creation process Sergio this is the next
- 00:22:06step that we going into that direction
- 00:22:09right now how would be the process my AI
- 00:22:12twin video would be created without any
- 00:22:16editing right my avatar will read my
- 00:22:20script that I created using Ai and then
- 00:22:22I'll have a video based on that script I
- 00:22:25will have to choose what I want right
- 00:22:27now is that's a process if I want
- 00:22:29captions music overlays different
- 00:22:31layouts zoom in zoom out I can use AI to
- 00:22:34do all of that for me so the next step
- 00:22:38would be automate even more to choose
- 00:22:40one of these templates but right now you
- 00:22:42would have kind of to choose the things
- 00:22:44that you want for each video so we have
- 00:22:47one extra step right
- 00:22:50now okay CH the only thing I don't like
- 00:22:54about the Avatar is that the words don't
- 00:22:56match the mouth movement and that's huge
- 00:22:59bad PE for people Chelsea have you
- 00:23:02created an AI avatar on Big View just
- 00:23:05wondering and I would love to see your
- 00:23:07training video if you watch these two
- 00:23:09videos that I sent here in the comments
- 00:23:12take a look at the
- 00:23:13result because we still have a
- 00:23:17slightly delay that is not sync but most
- 00:23:21of the time people not be able to
- 00:23:24realize that to see that so I recommend
- 00:23:27you to show your video to someone else
- 00:23:29and don't say anything and and then you
- 00:23:32hear the feedback because when I'm
- 00:23:35showing you a video and I say to you
- 00:23:37okay this was created by AI Avatar
- 00:23:38you're looking for things in the video
- 00:23:41that okay that this that movement this
- 00:23:44this and that but when you're just
- 00:23:46watching on social media you're not
- 00:23:47looking for those signs so most of the
- 00:23:49time people not be able to uh tell is an
- 00:23:53AI twin especially because we're using
- 00:23:55also overlays to make that video more
- 00:23:57Dynamic we have overlay lay go back to
- 00:23:59you caption different layout overlay
- 00:24:01again go back to you so the goal is not
- 00:24:03to show an AI avatar for five minutes
- 00:24:06without any editing without anything
- 00:24:08people be will be weird right the result
- 00:24:11will not be good so that's why we want
- 00:24:13everything we want captions music logo
- 00:24:16overlays different layouts things
- 00:24:18happening zoom in zoom out everything
- 00:24:20happening to create a dynamic
- 00:24:25video uh okay one question
- 00:24:29also can the b roll only be generated
- 00:24:31when you're doing an avvatar no you can
- 00:24:34add b rolls to your video for any video
- 00:24:37If you record the video you can also
- 00:24:38generate uh these b r using
- 00:24:43AI UHA uh Chelsea it depends on the plan
- 00:24:47that you have if you have the Pro Plan
- 00:24:49you can use as many times as you want
- 00:24:51there's no limit of bow I will show you
- 00:24:53guys how to do that in a second and
- 00:24:55again guys for those of you that stay
- 00:24:57here stti here with me to the end I'm
- 00:24:59going to show you a special offer at the
- 00:25:03end
- 00:25:04so what we have seen we had the context
- 00:25:08we know what is Big View we know the AI
- 00:25:11TW avator now we have seen a few
- 00:25:13examples how to create a great training
- 00:25:15video I understand if you have to go now
- 00:25:17the recording will be here but now how
- 00:25:20can I do this on big view my training
- 00:25:22video is ready it's perfect I have a
- 00:25:23good lighting good framing I just need
- 00:25:25to do the process on Big View how can I
- 00:25:27do that
- 00:25:28let me share my
- 00:25:31screen you're probably hearing a few
- 00:25:35dogs now they're not mine but let me
- 00:25:38share my screen now and let's see how we
- 00:25:41can create our own avatar so if you guys
- 00:25:46take a look this is the big view on the
- 00:25:48web version I hope you have seen this
- 00:25:51screen before but as soon as you log
- 00:25:53loging on your account you're going to
- 00:25:54see this screen this is the big view
- 00:25:56dashboard how can you create your AI
- 00:25:59twin just hit
- 00:26:02branding on the left I'll click on
- 00:26:05branding and then I'll hit generate with
- 00:26:08AI at the bottom when I do
- 00:26:11this I need to record a consent video
- 00:26:14that I allow Big View to create a clone
- 00:26:17of me so I just hit on get started I
- 00:26:21need to use a clear voice head and upper
- 00:26:24body and clear Focus closers not
- 00:26:26blending with the background no hands
- 00:26:28this is for the consent video because we
- 00:26:30cannot clone you without your consent so
- 00:26:33you need to create this consent video
- 00:26:38the next step after recording the
- 00:26:39consent video you can see that we have
- 00:26:40four steps step three you would choose
- 00:26:44the training video so your training
- 00:26:45video you already have recorded framing
- 00:26:48right good lighting those tips that I
- 00:26:50gave you to create a great training
- 00:26:52video and step four you just choose to
- 00:26:55make video create my AI TN Avatar when
- 00:26:58you do this when you follow these four
- 00:27:00steps it will take around six hours to
- 00:27:04process for the first time so the when
- 00:27:07I'm cloning myself for the first time
- 00:27:09that would take around six
- 00:27:11hours once my avatar is ready is created
- 00:27:15is created my AI twin it will take me
- 00:27:18one two minutes to create a video right
- 00:27:20so not take that long to create a video
- 00:27:22just to clone yourself that would take
- 00:27:25six hours but then when the Avatar is
- 00:27:27ready you'll be able to create videos in
- 00:27:30one two minutes sounds good I'm going to
- 00:27:32answer those questions in a second
- 00:27:35because now we know how to create a
- 00:27:37great training video where we should go
- 00:27:42right I just hit on branding on the left
- 00:27:45generate with AI get started I record
- 00:27:49the Cent video and I choose the video
- 00:27:50that I want the next step is to create
- 00:27:54my video using my AI Avatar right so let
- 00:27:56me just change the
- 00:27:59workspace here
- 00:28:01because I can also create my script
- 00:28:04using AI as I mentioned so let me create
- 00:28:07a quickly a script here on Big
- 00:28:11View you if you guys have no idea what
- 00:28:13I'm doing now I'm just creating a n
- 00:28:15script that's not the focus of this
- 00:28:17session but I assume you already know
- 00:28:19how to do that if not I'll be happy to
- 00:28:22help you out in that process too how to
- 00:28:25grow
- 00:28:28your
- 00:28:29business on
- 00:28:32Instagram then I hit write new Big View
- 00:28:35give me a few options just creating
- 00:28:37quickly I script
- 00:28:40here using AI that would be the process
- 00:28:43after when you already have your avatar
- 00:28:45you create your script first like this
- 00:28:48one this is a
- 00:28:54storytelling storytelling is script and
- 00:28:57I hit save at the top as you can see
- 00:28:59this is a 2 Minutes video 2
- 00:29:02minutes and
- 00:29:04then I'll going to the left and here on
- 00:29:07the left side I have a few options right
- 00:29:11I would choose the AI T avator at the
- 00:29:14bottom it will appear the Avatar that I
- 00:29:16have I could choose this one or this one
- 00:29:19and I hit create with AI in 2 minutes
- 00:29:23this video will be
- 00:29:25ready so again what I have done
- 00:29:29I hit new script this script was created
- 00:29:32by AI then I choose AI to avator at the
- 00:29:35bottom if my avatar is already ready to
- 00:29:38be used I just choose the the Avatar and
- 00:29:41hit generate with AI at the bottom
- 00:29:44that's the process to create videos when
- 00:29:47the aor is already
- 00:29:49ready sounds good I hope it makes sense
- 00:29:54if not please leave your question in the
- 00:29:56chat uh I'm going to answer a few
- 00:29:59questions now can we try for free we
- 00:30:03offer guys we cannot offer this feature
- 00:30:05for free because it's a highly costly
- 00:30:07feature for us so we cannot offer a free
- 00:30:09trial but we really trust the product
- 00:30:12that we're offering and we offer you
- 00:30:14guys a 30-day money back guarantee 30day
- 00:30:18so you can use for 30 days if you
- 00:30:19purchase a y plan use it for 30 days if
- 00:30:23you are not happy we are not happy and
- 00:30:25we can process a full refund for you
- 00:30:28so we really trust the product that we
- 00:30:31are selling you
- 00:30:32guys how can I create a email sequence a
- 00:30:35landing pages Marshall that's not the
- 00:30:37focus of this session but please get in
- 00:30:40touch support at bw. TV uh we can send
- 00:30:43you fiq exactly with step by step with
- 00:30:45the screenshots how to create a l page
- 00:30:47how to do that so please just send a
- 00:30:50message support at big
- 00:30:52viewtv and guys just a few more things
- 00:30:55send an email right here if you need
- 00:30:56anything we have a support channel so
- 00:30:58you're not alone if you need anything
- 00:31:00about Big View if you want to learn more
- 00:31:01just send a message this email but guys
- 00:31:04that's not all because think about it if
- 00:31:09you're a realter in Houston maybe New
- 00:31:11York maybe in Miami what if a few
- 00:31:16videos think about maybe you don't speak
- 00:31:18Spanish but your AI twin it does she
- 00:31:24does so our AI Avatar speaks 24
- 00:31:29languages so I could clone me and my ey
- 00:31:32twin could speak Portuguese Spanish
- 00:31:34German French Hebrew English all these
- 00:31:38languages 24 languages supported by the
- 00:31:41AI
- 00:31:42twin
- 00:31:46then we
- 00:31:48have all in one platform as I mentioned
- 00:31:51be viie we can do everything on Big View
- 00:31:54that's what I'm talking about today
- 00:31:56everything in one app one subscription
- 00:31:59where you can create the script record
- 00:32:01or use AI to do all the editings beauty
- 00:32:04effects High contact fix AI music a lot
- 00:32:07of cool things on Big View and you can
- 00:32:09create anywhere if you only have one
- 00:32:12iPhone you can do it there you can
- 00:32:14create the a TW there you can use the a
- 00:32:16TW there iPad Android computer MacBook
- 00:32:20anywhere you be able to create videos
- 00:32:23using big view let me answer a few
- 00:32:26questions
- 00:32:31okay how long can we create a video with
- 00:32:34our AI
- 00:32:36TW the videos could be the length that
- 00:32:39you want there is a limitation in the
- 00:32:41yearly plan you have one 180 minutes to
- 00:32:45use so you have 180 minutes to use in
- 00:32:48that yearly plan and you'll be able to
- 00:32:50create 12 avatars if you purchase a
- 00:32:53yearly plan 12 avatars so usually what I
- 00:32:56do I create an avatar with this- shirt
- 00:32:59then I put a put on a black shirt a blue
- 00:33:02shirt yellow shirt in different
- 00:33:04backgrounds so I have different versions
- 00:33:07of me not just the same background and
- 00:33:09me so I have 12 avatars and 180 minutes
- 00:33:13180 minutes per year uh to create AI
- 00:33:18videos if you need extra minutes you can
- 00:33:20also purchase
- 00:33:22more how many use application can we do
- 00:33:25like short from Tik Tok long for YouTube
- 00:33:28or even Zoom calls meeting okay the AI
- 00:33:31twin will not work in a zoom call Zoom
- 00:33:33meeting that the AI Twi not work there
- 00:33:36in this situation because it's a video
- 00:33:38right it's a video recorded used as
- 00:33:41script but it could be used for Tik Tok
- 00:33:43videos for short videos is great for Tik
- 00:33:46Tok Instagram videos long form YouTube
- 00:33:48videos could also be used I recommend to
- 00:33:51add aib rols if you're doing a long form
- 00:33:54video for YouTube but yes
- 00:33:57what data protection and identity
- 00:34:00protection this we guarantee that
- 00:34:03because you can only clone
- 00:34:06yourself you cannot clone your friend
- 00:34:08for example you cannot clone Donald
- 00:34:10Trump you can only clone yourself and
- 00:34:13the platform will only clone yourself
- 00:34:15when you record the conent video so you
- 00:34:18need to record the video with video and
- 00:34:21audio saying a script that going to give
- 00:34:23you I brunal LS consent that big view
- 00:34:26can create a an AI twin Avatar based on
- 00:34:29the video and audio samples I provide
- 00:34:32something similar to that but you can
- 00:34:34only clone yourself and you are the only
- 00:34:37one that can do that because the consent
- 00:34:39video and the training video should be
- 00:34:40exactly the same person right so that's
- 00:34:43how we protect your data no one else
- 00:34:45will be able to use your videos no one
- 00:34:46else will be able to uh create your
- 00:34:48avatar or use your avatar for other
- 00:34:52things Aha and Serio I basically
- 00:34:55answered that question the
- 00:34:58yearly plan will give you guys 12 12
- 00:35:02avors so you can create up to 12
- 00:35:04different avors of yourself always and
- 00:35:08you have 180
- 00:35:10180 minutes of video creation you can
- 00:35:13purchase extra time if needed and guys
- 00:35:16it's time it's time it's time it's time
- 00:35:19it's time it's time for The Limited
- 00:35:21offer for those of you that are still
- 00:35:22here guys we have a great offer for you
- 00:35:26guys today
- 00:35:28and today is Thursday I'll give you guys
- 00:35:31until tomorrow night until Friday night
- 00:35:34you use this code so this code will only
- 00:35:37be activated until Friday night if
- 00:35:40you're watching the recording of the
- 00:35:41session I'm sorry probably this code is
- 00:35:43not available anymore if you're watching
- 00:35:44after I don't know Saturday until Friday
- 00:35:48night you have 48 hours actually a
- 00:35:51little bit less than this so Friday
- 00:35:53until 11:59 you'll be able to get 10%
- 00:35:58off of the yearly AI Max plan by using
- 00:36:03the code Bruno Max 24 you receive 10%
- 00:36:08off how you can use the code just go to
- 00:36:12this
- 00:36:15website just go to this website that I
- 00:36:17left in the chat and on this side you
- 00:36:20choose the AI Max plan yearly and with
- 00:36:25this code you get 10% off using Bruno
- 00:36:28Max 24 code if for any reason you have
- 00:36:33issues just letting get in touch with
- 00:36:36support at big view. TV this email
- 00:36:38address that you can see at the bottom
- 00:36:40and there you'll be able to get help and
- 00:36:43I'm not going to leave the code in the
- 00:36:45chat I'm not going to leave as a comment
- 00:36:47it's not in the description of the video
- 00:36:49as you can see it will only be here on
- 00:36:50the screen so only those of you that
- 00:36:52watch until the end or if you watch the
- 00:36:54replay today you'll be able to
- 00:36:57uh subscribe using this
- 00:37:00offer okay so just use the code Bruno
- 00:37:03max24 to receive 10%
- 00:37:06off the plan is the AI
- 00:37:10Max and now let me answer the
- 00:37:16questions okay okay any questions now
- 00:37:19guys and again you guys will have 30
- 00:37:21days money back rantee so you're going
- 00:37:24to start using after purchase ear plan
- 00:37:26you have 30 days to use to test to get
- 00:37:29in touch with us give us feedback oh the
- 00:37:31result is good here but not as good on
- 00:37:33this other one what could be the reason
- 00:37:35and I'm going to give you specific
- 00:37:37feedback okay you need to improve the
- 00:37:39lighting or the frame is not good or
- 00:37:41maybe we have excessive movement on this
- 00:37:44video try to move a little bit less be
- 00:37:46still we're going to give you directly
- 00:37:49directly feedback to improve this
- 00:37:51training video You're
- 00:37:53creating okay let's see how does it
- 00:37:55protect our identity I think I shared
- 00:37:58that information only you'll be able to
- 00:38:00clone you these videos are not public
- 00:38:02only use your login email and password
- 00:38:06to assess your account so it's like any
- 00:38:08video that you record it's the same way
- 00:38:11to assess the videos created by the
- 00:38:13Avatar and no one else besides the
- 00:38:15persons that have the email and password
- 00:38:19will be able to create videos using your
- 00:38:23avatar
- 00:38:26okay what if I have a lifetime
- 00:38:28membership how can I add this or will be
- 00:38:30provided already to the account Sergio
- 00:38:32it's a different subscription so if you
- 00:38:34can please get in touch support at bview
- 00:38:37dotv we can help you so just send a
- 00:38:39message to what it is just give me one
- 00:38:43second just send a message support at
- 00:38:46bvw dotv we can help you in that process
- 00:38:49but it's not included in the deal that
- 00:38:52you have okay guys I'm still here I'll
- 00:38:56be here for a few more more minutes in
- 00:38:59case you guys have any question let me
- 00:39:01share the videos again in the chat in
- 00:39:02case you just landed you missed the
- 00:39:05beginning of the session here we have
- 00:39:07one video so you can watch the results
- 00:39:09and it's very impressive the results
- 00:39:13that you can have using big view AI tors
- 00:39:16with Bureau captions music to create a
- 00:39:19very Dynamic videos in minutes think
- 00:39:22about
- 00:39:25it that l was not mine but I have a few
- 00:39:29dogs here I don't know why but
- 00:39:32anyway any question guys anything that
- 00:39:34is not clear this was a webinar
- 00:39:36specifically for the AI twin Avatar we
- 00:39:39have weekly webinars about the other
- 00:39:43features of big view how to create a
- 00:39:44great script how to use the teleprompter
- 00:39:46how to Ed it with captions buos and more
- 00:39:49so today was just about the AI Twi I
- 00:39:53hope it was clear thank you so much for
- 00:39:55giving me 40 minutes of your Thursday I
- 00:39:57know you're busy growing your business
- 00:40:00and I hope to you soon thank you thank
- 00:40:03you guys thank you so much I don't see
- 00:40:05any questions so I'll let you go if you
- 00:40:07still have any questions just get in
- 00:40:09touch support at pv. let me show you the
- 00:40:12discount code one more time so if you
- 00:40:15still seen this use the code Bruno max24
- 00:40:18in the checkout
- 00:40:20screen and you receive 10% off in the
- 00:40:23ear plan just use this link you in the
- 00:40:28chat okay guys thank you so much take
- 00:40:31care and I hope to see you soon thank
- 00:40:32you
- 00:40:36bye-bye I'm going to play an outro video
- 00:40:39just give me one
- 00:40:41second
- 00:40:43and okay thank
- 00:40:47you videos you're proud of easily trim
- 00:40:50your video by selecting the words where
- 00:40:51you want to start and end color your
- 00:40:54presentation with automatic subtitles
- 00:40:55and highlighting keywords add your brand
- 00:40:58logo add music for an emotional touch
- 00:41:00add your contact info on an animated
- 00:41:02business card on all your videos easily
- 00:41:04replace green screen with an image or a
- 00:41:06video Loop stand out with a web page
- 00:41:08with your logo your video at the center
- 00:41:10and personalized button for visitors to
- 00:41:12interact it's one tap to simultaneously
- 00:41:14upload your videos on Instagram Tik Tok
- 00:41:17and YouTube always know what to say next
- 00:41:19with the big view teleprompter
- AI-avatar
- videoopprettelse
- Big View
- videoredigering
- sosiale medier
- engasjement
- konverteringer
- tekniske utfordringer
- videoredigeringsplattform
- tilbudskode