TREC Form Changes - November 2024
TLDRVideoen handler om ændringer i formularer for ejendomstransaktioner, som opdateres hvert par år af Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). Disse ændringer skal træde i kraft den 3. januar og kræver, at mæglere starter med dem med det samme. Ændringerne omfatter opdateringer til seks kontraktformularer og fem andre dokumenter. Blandt de bemærkelsesværdige ændringer er en tilføjelse af geotermiske lejemål og en ny t47.1 erklæring, der ikke kræver notarbekræftelse. Der er også en ny tilføjelse for 1031-bytte transaktioner. Ændringer i tredjepartsfinansiering kræver nu en skriftlig erklæring fra långiveren om hvorfor en køber ikke blev godkendt. Ved agentkommissioner er der tilføjet en ny sektion, hvor sælgeren kan dække buyer's agent's kommission. Backup-kontrakter er forbedret til at tillade ekstra selvtildelt earnest money og optioning fee, som er relevant for ejendomsmarkedets skiftende praksis.
- 📅 Nye ændringer træder i kraft den 3. januar.
- 📜 Opdatering inkluderer 11 formularer.
- 🌐 Tilføjelse af geotermiske lejemål i kontrakter.
- ✍️ Ny t47.1 erklæring uden notarbehov.
- 💰 Ændringer i tredjepartsfinansieringsregler.
- 📝 Sælgere kan dække buyer's agent's kommission direkte.
- 🔄 Ny addendum for 1031 exchanges er tilføjet.
- 🔍 Survey sektioner i kontrakter er opdateret.
- 🏢 Opdateringer på traditionel og backup ejendomsaftale.
- 🏠 Tilpasning af ejendomsmæglers templates er nødvendig.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Tre opdaterer deres formularer hver to år, og disse ændringer træder i kraft fra januar. I år blev 11 formularer ændret, inklusiv kontrakt formularer og fem andre dokumenter. En ny tilføjelse er addendum for 1031 exchange.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
De første ændringer er i en til fire kontrakter, hvor der er tilføjet geotermisk til leasingsektionen. Formularerne skal nu have dato 114 2024, og hvis man bruger en gammel version, skal man opdatere. Der er også kommet en ny T47.1 erklæring, som ikke skal notariseres.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
T47.1 erklæringen kræver ikke notarisation, og det skal udarbejdes. Hvis ejendomssælger ikke leverer både survey og erklæring, skal køber købe en ny. Det er vigtigt at få en ny survey for luksusejendomme, selvom det koster cirka 1000 dollars.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Hvis køber får en ny survey, skal de indgive skriftlige indvendinger til titelflækninger, som ikke er standard prætrykte undtagelser. Hvis det hele er indarbejdet, kan køber ikke opsige kontrakten baseret på survey-mangler.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Mugremediering er blevet tilføjet som et krav i tilfælde af en remediationscertifikat inden for fem år. Salgsoplysningsformularen skal også indeholde denne information, hvis ejendommen er blevet afhjulpet for mug.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
En ny sektion angår sælgers bidrag til købers omkostninger. Den tidligere tillæg omhandlende mæglers gebyr er blevet fjernet, og denne sektion dækker direkte betalinger fra sælger til købers agent.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Sektion A1B dækker nu situationer, hvor købers agent har forhandlet en kommission direkte med sælger. Dette gives kun, hvis det ikke er en del af den oprindelige aftale gennem en mægler. Sektionen omhandler også købers eventuelle manglende betaling.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Tilføjelse af nye 1031 exchange addendum for transaktioner inkluderer at de oprindelige kontraktskrav om mæglergebyrer nu er mere klart defineret, og den tidligere tillæg om mæglergebyrer er blevet fjernet.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Formularændringer i backup addendum har nu en indførelse for godkendt mægling, hvor køber ikke behøver at lægge sikre indsatser ved backup-tilbud. Det gælder dog stadig, at man bør være bekendt med de nye bestemmelser.
- 00:45:00 - 00:51:31
Mindre ændringer vedrører bl.a. ændringer til tredjepartsfinansierings tillæg, som præciserer krævet dokumentation for finansiel godkendelse. Ændringerne fokuserer på bedre klarhed og større gennemsigtighed i processen.
Hvornår træder de nye formularændringer i kraft?
De træder i kraft den 3. januar.
Hvor mange formularer er blevet ændret?
11 formularer er blevet ændret.
Hvilke nye elementer er tilføjet i kontrakterne?
Der er tilføjet geotermiske lejemål og en ny t47.1 erklæring uden notarbekræftelse.
Hvilken dato blev ændringerne annonceret?
De blev annonceret den 4. november.
Hvad er en væsentlig ændring i tredjeparts finansieringsændring?
Nu kræves der en erklæring fra långiver om, hvorfor køberen ikke blev godkendt.
Hvad skal ejendomsmæglere gøre med deres templates?
De skal opdatere deres templates til den nye version, da de ikke opdateres automatisk.
Hvordan påvirker ændringerne buyers agent-kommissionen?
En ny sektion er føjet til, hvor sælger kan betale købers agentkommission, hvis ikke allerede aftalt ved listing.
Er der tilføjet nye dokumenter vedrørende ejendomsskatter?
Nej, der blev ikke nævnt nye dokumenter vedrørende ejendomsskatter.
Hvad gør t47.1 erklæringen forskellig fra den tidligere?
Den kræver ikke notarbekræftelse.
Hvordan er backup-tilføjelsen blevet forbedret?
Nu kan man angive ekstra earnest money og option fee, der skal betales, hvis backup-kontrakten bliver primær.
- 00:00:03okay all right it's two so we'll get
- 00:00:05going so what we're going to do today is
- 00:00:09as you guys know Tre updates their forms
- 00:00:11generally speaking like every two years
- 00:00:13and they do it in November and it's be
- 00:00:15go into effect at the beginning of the
- 00:00:16new year they just announced the changes
- 00:00:19um on November 4th I think they these
- 00:00:21changes are required January 3rd so you
- 00:00:23guys are good to be here like learning
- 00:00:25because you basically need to start
- 00:00:27using them right away and they changed
- 00:00:31hold on they
- 00:00:34changed 11 of the forms so you can see
- 00:00:38what they've changed here all the six on
- 00:00:40the left are
- 00:00:41um contract forms variations of the
- 00:00:44contract form so for the most part those
- 00:00:47those changes are the same right um but
- 00:00:50they had to change each version of the
- 00:00:51contract so we'll go over what those
- 00:00:53changes look like and then there's five
- 00:00:55changes to
- 00:00:56other documents five other documents
- 00:00:59were changed there's a new document
- 00:01:01addendum for 1031 exchange and then they
- 00:01:03change third party financing Amendment
- 00:01:05backup and condo resale certificate so
- 00:01:07we will go through all of those
- 00:01:09okay good
- 00:01:12deal um so let's get going we have to
- 00:01:16change because there's so many documents
- 00:01:18we kind of have to like finagle around
- 00:01:19so bear with me while I do
- 00:01:21my finagling you want to get going sure
- 00:01:24and if you guys who are uh at home on
- 00:01:26Zoom can't hear let us know and Angela
- 00:01:29will talk louder
- 00:01:32okay
- 00:01:34okay
- 00:01:38so this is me being fancy all right so
- 00:01:42first set of changes okay this is the
- 00:01:44one to four contract so um several
- 00:01:48significant changes in here we're going
- 00:01:50to go Page by Page and on page one
- 00:01:53there's only one change and that is down
- 00:01:57on um the lease section under natural
- 00:02:00resource leases they have added
- 00:02:03geothermal so um if by chance your
- 00:02:06property has a geothermal um lease then
- 00:02:09um the seller is required to provide
- 00:02:12that to the buyer and then just as we
- 00:02:15kick off to get going you guys need to
- 00:02:17pay attention the the the forms that
- 00:02:19you're using will now say 114 2024 in
- 00:02:22the corner here okay so if yours says
- 00:02:24117 2022 that's the old version you're
- 00:02:28required to use the new version on Jan
- 00:02:29January 3rd and so ReChat will be
- 00:02:32updated and zip forms will be updated
- 00:02:34but if you have your own template saved
- 00:02:36you need to update your templates to the
- 00:02:38new version because they're not going to
- 00:02:39automatically do that okay and there
- 00:02:41aren't forms out now it's just the red
- 00:02:43lines is that yes yes which is annoying
- 00:02:46but how they do it so okay so these are
- 00:02:48red lines where it highlights what the
- 00:02:50changes are so you can see additions are
- 00:02:51in blue deletions are in Red so we'll
- 00:02:54keep scrolling yes so page two there are
- 00:02:56no changes okay one of the big changes
- 00:02:59to the the contract has to do with the
- 00:03:01survey and the
- 00:03:04t47 so um what there's a new document
- 00:03:09out and it's called the
- 00:03:10t47
- 00:03:12point1 and this you may use you may
- 00:03:15still use the t47 which you guys know
- 00:03:18has to be notorized but the new document
- 00:03:21it's called the t47 point1 it's the same
- 00:03:26as the t47 except it does not have the
- 00:03:30notorized there is
- 00:03:32a I know good change right there is a
- 00:03:35declaration where the seller is saying
- 00:03:38but you know not to a notary that no
- 00:03:41changes have been made or the changes
- 00:03:44that they're noting have been made so um
- 00:03:47I'm going to show you guys the T the
- 00:03:49Declaration I just have to find it so
- 00:03:51again bear with me
- 00:03:57okay sorry I'm dragging
- 00:04:03yes it can be sent by
- 00:04:05docy um on or just after the you know
- 00:04:10what we'll probably go ahead and put
- 00:04:12that one up because that form is already
- 00:04:14up but here's the problem if you use the
- 00:04:19Declaration with the
- 00:04:212022 version of the contract it doesn't
- 00:04:25allow for the for the t47 point1 so you
- 00:04:28wouldn't be in compliance
- 00:04:30yeah unless you got one of us to approve
- 00:04:33tweaking at the language right so here's
- 00:04:36the new document so T
- 00:04:3847.1 residential real property
- 00:04:41declaration in Li of affidavit so it's
- 00:04:45really the same thing but the signature
- 00:04:47block you can see on the second page is
- 00:04:50just uh It's tricky because it looks
- 00:04:52like a notary but it's not yeah you
- 00:04:54declare under the penalty of surgery
- 00:04:56that the foring is true and correct yeah
- 00:05:00so you ex you do the same like said like
- 00:05:02the notary you executed and Blake County
- 00:05:05sign and it does require your date of
- 00:05:08birth so just FYI so like I can be by
- 00:05:11myself and fill this out right zaren con
- 00:05:14date of birth address executed in Taran
- 00:05:17County state of Texas on the second day
- 00:05:19of December 2024 and sign it you don't
- 00:05:22need a notary so that's a huge change
- 00:05:24for you guys
- 00:05:26right to make it feel more official
- 00:05:31no no no no no the seller you're right
- 00:05:35this is as if I were the seller so one
- 00:05:36thing when you guys are filling out the
- 00:05:40um it puts yeah it puts the date of the
- 00:05:42survey so this document is actually a
- 00:05:43little bit different so
- 00:05:46okay
- 00:05:48yeah is that n right or you put you know
- 00:05:52con or you know new driveway something
- 00:05:55like that yes
- 00:06:03well that's the change so the contract
- 00:06:05has changed now oh yeah they know it so
- 00:06:08there's no U that you couldn't T doc you
- 00:06:10sign a t47 because it had to be
- 00:06:13notorized and this does not have to be
- 00:06:16notorized yes
- 00:06:22Penny appr yes it still has to be
- 00:06:28approved will be
- 00:06:35do think they'll I don't think they'll
- 00:06:37care they'll care they may have an issue
- 00:06:39with the survey right if you're an old
- 00:06:41survey and there's a new fence and
- 00:06:43there's a pool and stuff like that just
- 00:06:45before where the title company and the
- 00:06:47lender have to buy off on it also guys
- 00:06:49I'll just get on my little zarine soap
- 00:06:51box here that when you are helping these
- 00:06:53clients buy like luxury properties they
- 00:06:56should get a new survey unless the
- 00:06:57survey is like one or two years old no
- 00:06:59changes have been made the value of your
- 00:07:02title policy and what is being in
- 00:07:04insured references the survey so much it
- 00:07:06should be a new survey that if I were
- 00:07:08helping someone buy a luxury property I
- 00:07:10would for sure be like you should get
- 00:07:11your own new survey that's my opinion
- 00:07:14it's like what maybe a $ thousand dollar
- 00:07:16and like well worth it okay okay so back
- 00:07:19to other changes in the survey section
- 00:07:22of the contract so um again it's added
- 00:07:26the language saying that you know
- 00:07:28sellers existing survey and a
- 00:07:30residential property fdavid or
- 00:07:32Declaration which we just talked about
- 00:07:35um and then it says so if the if the
- 00:07:39buyer is obtaining a new survey at the
- 00:07:42seller's expense no later than three
- 00:07:45days part of closing if the seller fails
- 00:07:48to furnish within the time prescribed
- 00:07:51below both the existing survey and the
- 00:07:55affidavit or Declaration so um
- 00:08:00the so if they don't per do both so you
- 00:08:03can't have one without the other you
- 00:08:05can't has you can't give them just the
- 00:08:07survey but not the affidavit or
- 00:08:10Declaration and just having it in Media
- 00:08:14or transaction desk in netris is not
- 00:08:17sufficient you need to proactively send
- 00:08:19that to to the buyer's agent for that so
- 00:08:24and if the seller fa fails to fish um
- 00:08:27both the survey and after dtive
- 00:08:30declaration um then the you know same
- 00:08:34thing the
- 00:08:36buyers you say as always if if it's not
- 00:08:39accepted by the title company or the
- 00:08:41lender who has to buy the new one so
- 00:08:43nothing's changed about the way
- 00:08:45nothing's really changed in that
- 00:08:47paragraph Yes paragraph
- 00:08:52C2 two yes yes okay within blank days
- 00:08:57after the effective date buyer May so
- 00:08:59they don't have to they may obtain a new
- 00:09:02survey at buyer expense so buyers buying
- 00:09:05the survey and that buyers deem to
- 00:09:07receive the survey on the date of actual
- 00:09:10receipt or the date specified in the
- 00:09:12contract in this paragraph whichever is
- 00:09:14earlier if buyer fails to obtain the
- 00:09:18survey buyer may not terminate the
- 00:09:22contract under paragraph 2B of the third
- 00:09:26party financing agenda because the party
- 00:09:28was not because the survey was not
- 00:09:31obtained so if it's the buyer's
- 00:09:34responsibility and they don't get the
- 00:09:36survey they can't use that as an excuse
- 00:09:38too and I will say I just had a
- 00:09:40conversation with an agent this is a
- 00:09:42sidebar but they were like oh we'll just
- 00:09:44object when we get the survey and I was
- 00:09:45like you have to be really careful
- 00:09:47because you can't just object to
- 00:09:48anything on the survey and use it as an
- 00:09:50out you can you you you need to read
- 00:09:52here it says that buyer May object in
- 00:09:53writing to defect exception exceptions
- 00:09:56or encumbrances to title disclosed on
- 00:09:58the survey other then item 6A through 17
- 00:10:01above so if you go up here these are the
- 00:10:03standard pre-printed exceptions and the
- 00:10:05first one is restrictive covenants
- 00:10:07common to the platted subdivision so if
- 00:10:09the buyer if the whole subdivision has a
- 00:10:1110- foot setback and the buyer gets it
- 00:10:14and they're like oh it has a 10 foot
- 00:10:15subject set setback that's not really
- 00:10:17something that they're allowed to object
- 00:10:19to so you need to be really careful now
- 00:10:22if you had written you know um
- 00:10:25construction of a 7,000 foot home and
- 00:10:28you can't do that because of the setback
- 00:10:30then you can so you just have don't just
- 00:10:33assume you can object on something
- 00:10:35because of the survey okay like I think
- 00:10:37agents are really casual about that and
- 00:10:38we're like oh we'll get a lawyer and
- 00:10:39figure it out when the time comes but
- 00:10:41that's not an automatic out because you
- 00:10:43can't object to these common
- 00:10:47incumbrances okay that's like a weird
- 00:10:49little wrinkle but just I don't want you
- 00:10:51guys to rely on the fact that you'll be
- 00:10:53able to object
- 00:10:55well yes that's not a change that's just
- 00:10:57me being anal retentive
- 00:11:04amen yep yep yep
- 00:11:07yep okay are we good with the survey do
- 00:11:09you guys have questions about this okay
- 00:11:12all right onward um we're gonna go to
- 00:11:15page
- 00:11:16four um down here yes um there is a new
- 00:11:20um you know this is the section with
- 00:11:23different notices and there's a new one
- 00:11:25a certificate of mold remediation that
- 00:11:28if a property has been remediated for
- 00:11:31mold the seller must provide to buyer
- 00:11:34each certificate of mold damage
- 00:11:36remediation issued under Section blah
- 00:11:39blah blah of the occupations code during
- 00:11:42the five years preceding the sale of the
- 00:11:45property so if they're in within the
- 00:11:49past five years there's been mold and
- 00:11:52they found out about it they cleaned it
- 00:11:53up they should have been issued by the
- 00:11:55mold remediation company a certificate
- 00:11:58they need to provide that now this goes
- 00:12:01hand inand already with the survey I'm
- 00:12:04sorry with the seller's disclosure
- 00:12:07because it says in the sage
- 00:12:10disclosure um on the Texas Association
- 00:12:12of Realtors version um that you have to
- 00:12:16that's one of the questions on there
- 00:12:18that if there was an environmental
- 00:12:20hazard such as mold if yes attach any
- 00:12:23other document identifying the extent of
- 00:12:26the remediation like a mold remediation
- 00:12:29things so again this is prior mold this
- 00:12:31isn't mold that comes up during your
- 00:12:34inspection this is prior if it's been
- 00:12:36remediated for mold yes so
- 00:12:45Ral I mean I think it it's saying if you
- 00:12:48have um whatever you have from five
- 00:12:51years before so if you don't have it if
- 00:12:53you bought it three years ago and the
- 00:12:55seller did it four years ago and they
- 00:12:56didn't give you anything hopefully they
- 00:12:58disclose that to you and you can
- 00:12:59disclose it but you can say I don't have
- 00:13:00anything or if it comes up you can be
- 00:13:02like that was before my time right but
- 00:13:04whatever you have you have to disclose
- 00:13:07yeah okay okay so next one is number 12
- 00:13:12um required notices um they've added
- 00:13:14some some theyve changed the language
- 00:13:16and added some more things so the
- 00:13:19following notices have been given or are
- 00:13:22attached to this contract for example
- 00:13:25utility water drainage and public
- 00:13:27utility districts
- 00:13:29um used to say like mud and pit they
- 00:13:32kind of made it a little a little
- 00:13:34broader I would say so and
- 00:13:45that but are you now having
- 00:13:50thec no I think this has to do with um
- 00:13:53drainage District water districts if
- 00:13:55it's a
- 00:13:57mud yeah yeah I think all of those yeah
- 00:14:02yeah and then they added this language
- 00:14:03sellers failure to provide the statutory
- 00:14:06notices may give buyer um remedies or
- 00:14:09rights to terminate so it's not an
- 00:14:10automatic out so they clarified that
- 00:14:14too okay
- 00:14:16questions keep moving yes all right okay
- 00:14:21this is a big one okay yeah this is the
- 00:14:23biggie um this is section 12 which you
- 00:14:25know we've historically used um sellers
- 00:14:29contribution to buyers closing cost you
- 00:14:32know sometimes they're adding an amount
- 00:14:34upfront more often um though when in
- 00:14:39when repairs are being negotiated we put
- 00:14:42an amount in there you know $5,000 you
- 00:14:46know instead of having the seller do
- 00:14:48this this and this but what they've
- 00:14:51changed this to is they are adding a new
- 00:14:56section um having to do with just
- 00:14:59commission okay so um the form that the
- 00:15:05Texas Association of Realtors came out
- 00:15:07with the summer um with all after the N
- 00:15:11settlement what that was called the
- 00:15:13246 the addendum regarding brokerage
- 00:15:18compensation brok fees broker's fees yes
- 00:15:20brokerage fees okay that is going away
- 00:15:25that form the 2406 is going away now the
- 00:15:292401 and 2402 registration Agreements
- 00:15:32are still still around okay but this
- 00:15:36section um it is saying that the seller
- 00:15:41shall pay the following um the following
- 00:15:44amount to be applied to brokerage fees
- 00:15:48that buyer has agreed to pay when you
- 00:15:50put either a dollar amount or a
- 00:15:52percentage of the sales price so this
- 00:15:56would be that if you have a if you have
- 00:16:01a seller that is directly paying the
- 00:16:04buyer agent commission okay it's not
- 00:16:07being run through the listing agreement
- 00:16:11you know in conjunction with a 2402
- 00:16:13compensation between
- 00:16:15Brokers um it's they're paying it
- 00:16:18separately you know if someone got say a
- 00:16:203% just listing side agreement but then
- 00:16:24in negotiations the seller decided that
- 00:16:27they would pay a commission to the buyer
- 00:16:29agent this is where you would put that
- 00:16:32also let's say there's a situation where
- 00:16:36they were offering through the listing
- 00:16:38agent a buyer agent compensation of 2%
- 00:16:43but you negotiate that additional
- 00:16:45percent um as part of your negotiations
- 00:16:48and the seller's going to pay that you
- 00:16:50would put that additional amount that 1%
- 00:16:53in there so it equals three so if the
- 00:16:56cell if everything's being run through
- 00:16:59the the listing agent you know if
- 00:17:01nothing nothing's coming directly from
- 00:17:03the seller then you would not be filling
- 00:17:06out that section be a
- 00:17:08paragraph 12 but you so
- 00:17:11so so this is where this does
- 00:17:15change where if so if you just put it in
- 00:17:1812 a1b that's because a seller has not
- 00:17:21agreed to pay that amount in the listing
- 00:17:23agreement right so it's a 3% listing or
- 00:17:26just to the listing side right so but if
- 00:17:28it's a six % where it's like three for
- 00:17:29the listing three for the buyer then
- 00:17:31you're still going to have to sign that
- 00:17:33compensation agreement between Brokers
- 00:17:35right where the listing broker is
- 00:17:37agreeing to pay you as the buyer's
- 00:17:39broker and then you're going to
- 00:17:41reference it here on this last page of
- 00:17:43the contract pursuant to a previous
- 00:17:45separate agreement the compensation
- 00:17:47agreement between Brokers the listing
- 00:17:49broker has agreed to pay other broker a
- 00:17:51fee of
- 00:17:53blank does that make sense so now it's a
- 00:17:56little bit more clear the reason that so
- 00:17:58remember Tre is the consumer protection
- 00:18:01agency that is our government right
- 00:18:02Texas Realtors which gave us our
- 00:18:04previous forms is our industry
- 00:18:07Association like they're trying to
- 00:18:08protect us right um so Tre most other
- 00:18:13states do it we like if I'm a seller and
- 00:18:16Angela is my agent I agree to pay her a
- 00:18:18certain amount and when you write an
- 00:18:20offer if Gail writes an offer she writes
- 00:18:22the offer and she asks us to pay
- 00:18:24whatever I haven't agreed in advance
- 00:18:26with Angela to pay anything to the buyer
- 00:18:28broker that's how Most states do it and
- 00:18:30that's kind of how Tre has drafted this
- 00:18:33contract by adding that 12 a1b section
- 00:18:36but they are acknowledging that we still
- 00:18:39because of our Texas realtor forms do
- 00:18:41sometimes negotiate the co-broke fee and
- 00:18:43so they changed this here to acknowledge
- 00:18:46that the seller may have agreed to pay
- 00:18:48the buyer's broker in advance and it's
- 00:18:51documented in that compensation
- 00:18:52agreement and it goes here
- 00:18:592402 yes yeah so
- 00:19:02again yeah so you can't just write 3% in
- 00:19:05here you it says pursuant to a previous
- 00:19:09separate agreement so that means you
- 00:19:11have to get that compensation agreement
- 00:19:12between Brokers and I know you guys are
- 00:19:13out there like negotiating with agents
- 00:19:16that are like my broker says we don't
- 00:19:17have to sign that well that's just wrong
- 00:19:19and like if you really get sideways with
- 00:19:20them like call us and we'll call their
- 00:19:22broker we'll talk to the agent or
- 00:19:23whatever we need to do but like
- 00:19:25literally the document refers to the
- 00:19:27previous separate written agreement
- 00:19:28which is your compensation agreement
- 00:19:30between
- 00:19:31Brokers so realistically if you as a
- 00:19:34listing agent it may be if you're going
- 00:19:36to negotiate with your sellers to say
- 00:19:38pay me three pay the buyer's broker fee
- 00:19:40you should just have that compensation
- 00:19:41agreement between Brokers like ready to
- 00:19:43go does that make
- 00:19:47sense well this is a red line so you
- 00:19:51know this is what this language that
- 00:19:52they crossed out says such as an MLs
- 00:19:54offer of compensation but that doesn't
- 00:19:56exist anymore so in the the actual
- 00:19:59version you're just going to see what's
- 00:20:00in black and blue here so the separate
- 00:20:02agreement that's going to be like the
- 00:20:042402
- 00:20:08so no that's what that's what the old
- 00:20:10version says MLS remember it said 3% or
- 00:20:14whatever in but BAC and MLS that was a
- 00:20:17binding promise for them to pay that and
- 00:20:19so that went away in July
- 00:20:33um so so okay hold on let me scroll back
- 00:20:36so we'll go back I just wanted to show
- 00:20:37you guys that part about the mechanics
- 00:20:40of how to use that but we'll go back
- 00:20:42there because you know we used to say
- 00:20:45we're going to ask for closing costs in
- 00:20:4612 a1b to cover plumbing repairs well
- 00:20:49now that's 12
- 00:20:51A1C that's where you put the the
- 00:20:53miscellaneous yeah cost of repairs or
- 00:20:56helping a firsttime buyer out with some
- 00:20:57of their closing costs
- 00:21:01Etc the amendment to the contract line
- 00:21:04we'll get there in a minute and look at
- 00:21:06that
- 00:21:12yes
- 00:21:14she no so no so that Lauren just asked
- 00:21:17if the seller has agreed to pay you know
- 00:21:19listing agent three and buyer agent
- 00:21:20three would we put three% in 12 a1b and
- 00:21:24the answer is
- 00:21:25no you only put it on the last page of
- 00:21:27the contract because we're getting paid
- 00:21:30by the broker not by the seller and the
- 00:21:3220 and we' have the
- 00:21:36242 compensation agreement between
- 00:21:38Brokers which would document that yes
- 00:21:41yes yes and Casey is asking online so
- 00:21:44the addendum regarding broker's fees is
- 00:21:45no longer required or needed at all and
- 00:21:47it's like yes we can light that document
- 00:21:49on fire right once we start using this
- 00:21:51version of the form
- 00:21:53okay they're I don't think they make
- 00:21:56them available until the day they go
- 00:21:57into effect which is really stupid yeah
- 00:21:59January January
- 00:22:013rd but I think I think they say you can
- 00:22:03start using it but I don't know how to
- 00:22:05access always they're like you can use
- 00:22:07them but you must use them by this day
- 00:22:09but I don't know how to get to them so
- 00:22:11yeah we find them in the meantime we'll
- 00:22:12let you know yeah yes okay okay
- 00:22:16questions about this yeah um can I okay
- 00:22:21on B it says The Brokerage fees the
- 00:22:23buyer has agreed to pay so that has to
- 00:22:25be part of the pro contract now good
- 00:22:27point that's in the buyer they're
- 00:22:29referencing really that's referencing
- 00:22:30like the buyer rep yeah that's a good
- 00:22:32question yeah that's the buyer rep
- 00:22:34because everyone has to have a buyer's
- 00:22:35rep yes right so and so it's that so
- 00:22:39you're covering what the buyer would
- 00:22:42have to pay for their agreement with
- 00:22:44their buyers that's a great question
- 00:22:54yes that's only if the listing
- 00:22:58there's not any Corporation yeah so so
- 00:23:01Laura is saying if you have a buyer rep
- 00:23:02agreement that says a certain amount
- 00:23:04you're only going to use
- 00:23:0612a
- 00:23:071B if the seller has not agreed to pay
- 00:23:11the listing broker a you know extra for
- 00:23:13the buyer broker okay otherwise for the
- 00:23:16most part the way you guys are doing
- 00:23:18business the way we're seeing it in the
- 00:23:19marketplace where most sellers are still
- 00:23:21agreeing to offer buyer agent commission
- 00:23:23and listing agent commission 12 a1b will
- 00:23:26be blank for you and you're going to
- 00:23:28fill out that last page and sign the
- 00:23:31compensation agreement between Brokers
- 00:23:32so that's really how you guys are
- 00:23:34operating the majority of the time if
- 00:23:36moreen more sellers shift to be like my
- 00:23:38husband and not be willing to buy write
- 00:23:40offer buyer agent commission until he
- 00:23:41sees the offer then they're going to
- 00:23:43start you're going to start writing in
- 00:23:44there I have a buyer rep that says three
- 00:23:46so with part of this offer is that we're
- 00:23:48asking the seller to pay the 3% of my
- 00:23:50buyer rep because it was not agreed to
- 00:23:53in the listing agreement but but that's
- 00:23:56not in that's not in 12b though that
- 00:23:58just says the buyer is no so but it says
- 00:24:02that's 12 A1 says seller shall pay the
- 00:24:04following expenses this amount that the
- 00:24:07buyer has agreed to pay it is confusing
- 00:24:09you're right it's confusing how it's
- 00:24:11written but the reason that it says that
- 00:24:12the buyer has agreed to pay is because
- 00:24:13they want to make sure that you you have
- 00:24:15already agreed in writing with your
- 00:24:17buyer and you have some type of
- 00:24:19representation agreement I'm talking to
- 00:24:20the speaker I don't know why um sorry
- 00:24:25does that make sense so it's a good
- 00:24:26question because it is confusing that
- 00:24:28says buyer has agreed to pay but just
- 00:24:30remember the first sentence says seller
- 00:24:31shall pay the following expenses you
- 00:24:33know that the buyer agreed to
- 00:24:35pay does that make
- 00:24:52sense is that to
- 00:24:56substantiate C
- 00:25:00a
- 00:25:02no B it goes back to The Brokerage fees
- 00:25:06at buyers agree to pay that's in B it's
- 00:25:08just tying back to that yeah so this
- 00:25:11says okay so you'll see that this
- 00:25:12language seller willay the following
- 00:25:14amount to be applied to brokerage fees
- 00:25:16that buyer has agreed to pay so I think
- 00:25:18they stuck in that extra in case the
- 00:25:20seller's like okay fine I'll pay two but
- 00:25:22your buyer rep says three so that's
- 00:25:24where it's still saying you still have
- 00:25:25to pay the one does that make sense no
- 00:25:29no so asking in in 1282 in blue it says
- 00:25:35brokerage fees that buyer has agreed to
- 00:25:37pay well she says but up up up in 12 a1b
- 00:25:41it says that the seller is going to
- 00:25:42agree to pay that and they just stuck
- 00:25:44that little phrase in there at the
- 00:25:45bottom because if the seller only agrees
- 00:25:47to pay two but the buyer has agreed to
- 00:25:49pay three then the buyer is still going
- 00:25:51to be responsible for that 1% because of
- 00:25:53that little language that they added
- 00:25:55there but you so generally we'll have
- 00:25:57three%
- 00:25:58MB then yeah yeah but if your buyer rep
- 00:26:02was
- 00:26:02[Music]
- 00:26:06for so it could be
- 00:26:09anything so the way that the market is
- 00:26:11operating right now where sellers for
- 00:26:13the most part are agreeing to pay the
- 00:26:15buyer broker fee right you're not pull
- 00:26:17out 12 a1b because that's in a separate
- 00:26:21written agreement between you and the
- 00:26:22buyers and the listing agent right so
- 00:26:25most of the time you're going to have
- 00:26:27that compensation agreement between
- 00:26:28broker is because the seller has agreed
- 00:26:29in advance to pay x amount in the
- 00:26:32situation where whatever the seller has
- 00:26:33agreed to in advance doesn't cover what
- 00:26:37the buyer's rep says you're either going
- 00:26:39to ask for it here right you're going to
- 00:26:42ask for the difference or the buyer is
- 00:26:44just going to pay the difference okay
- 00:26:47but I'm talking about like if I'm have a
- 00:26:49a
- 00:26:53seller okay and they're offering 3% to
- 00:26:56the buyer agent is that that covered in
- 00:26:59paragraph 12 then no no that's covered
- 00:27:04that's covered you're going to get a
- 00:27:05compensation agreement between Brokers
- 00:27:07signed by the listing broker and the
- 00:27:09listing broker is going to pay that um
- 00:27:12buyer broker fee okay does that
- 00:27:16help I guess yeah so basically this is
- 00:27:19just done if you're representing the
- 00:27:21buyer you have to fill that part out B
- 00:27:24no if the seller isn't if the sell the
- 00:27:27listing agent isn't already offering the
- 00:27:30buyer agent compensation is fill it out
- 00:27:33and you're collecting directly from the
- 00:27:36BAC directly from the seller okay so
- 00:27:39like I said my husband if we listed our
- 00:27:41house he would say we're going to pay
- 00:27:43the listing agent 3% and we're not
- 00:27:44offering anything up front until we see
- 00:27:46the offer and if someone writes us a
- 00:27:48full price offer and asks us to pay
- 00:27:50their buyers I'm still talking up there
- 00:27:51and asks us to pay 3% to their buyer
- 00:27:54agent we'll do it but if they write us a
- 00:27:56very terrible offer we're not going to
- 00:27:58to pay their buyer broker anyway why
- 00:27:59would I agree in advance so in that case
- 00:28:02the buyer's broker if they called me and
- 00:28:04they said zaren what is the buyer's
- 00:28:06broker compensation I said it's zero
- 00:28:08then they're going to have to write in
- 00:28:09here and ask the seller to pay whatever
- 00:28:12their buyer's rep
- 00:28:14says except that it says the seller is
- 00:28:16going to pay yeah so you're agreeing to
- 00:28:18pay the seller is going to pay yeah the
- 00:28:20seller is paying the expenses that the
- 00:28:22buyer has already agreed to pay it is
- 00:28:24confusing
- 00:28:33awesome
- 00:28:35[Music]
- 00:28:44[Music]
- 00:29:00[Music]
- 00:29:19yeah I think we're gonna get used to it
- 00:29:20we're gonna get used to it real quickly
- 00:29:23yeah yeah one less piece of paper you
- 00:29:26know it's going to be we have question
- 00:29:28online So Christine says would you use
- 00:29:30121b if the listing agent because this
- 00:29:32is happening to you guys a lot just send
- 00:29:34me your offer with whatever compensation
- 00:29:36you want and that's really annoying and
- 00:29:38you guys need to remember that when
- 00:29:39you're listing agents like if you have
- 00:29:41negotiated with your seller that they're
- 00:29:43going to pay a certain amount amount it
- 00:29:45does not make sense to hide the ball and
- 00:29:47not tell the agent if you have a seller
- 00:29:49that's like well I don't know how much
- 00:29:50I'm going to pay until I see the offer
- 00:29:51then there're a z% seller like my
- 00:29:53husband right they don't want to offer
- 00:29:56they don't agree to pay any amount
- 00:29:58until they see what the offers look like
- 00:30:02okay and that's not catastrophic that's
- 00:30:04fine because if you write the best offer
- 00:30:06and you ask for your 3% here it may be
- 00:30:08better right so does that make sense
- 00:30:11Christine does that answer your question
- 00:30:14she says what would you would you use
- 00:30:15121b yes if they're being kg and weird
- 00:30:18which doesn't make sense if you have the
- 00:30:19seller already agreed in writing in the
- 00:30:21listy agreement to pay a certain amount
- 00:30:23they should tell that amount because if
- 00:30:25they're being weird about it then
- 00:30:26they're not really committed to that
- 00:30:27amount and should be zero but if you're
- 00:30:30in that situation just write in what
- 00:30:32you're asking and then they're going to
- 00:30:34have to clean up the paperwork on the
- 00:30:36back end if what you have written is
- 00:30:38different than what they have in their
- 00:30:39agreement okay
- 00:30:41but got a question yeah okay um okay so
- 00:30:46let's say you're this is the this is the
- 00:30:49deal with zarin's husband and he uh the
- 00:30:53offer is really good and so he agrees to
- 00:30:55pay the 3%
- 00:30:58after um there's an
- 00:31:01inspection and there's a major problem
- 00:31:03with the
- 00:31:04foundation that he's gonna have to pay
- 00:31:08to repair and he says well if I'm doing
- 00:31:11this Foundation I am not going to uh now
- 00:31:14pay 3% I'll pay
- 00:31:161% at that point do you need to do an
- 00:31:19amendment to this uh contract yes and
- 00:31:24it's in the new Amendment form just like
- 00:31:26you guys do now right
- 00:31:28so so you would so then at that point
- 00:31:31he's going to pay that 1% directly so
- 00:31:34you have to
- 00:31:36change on the amendment
- 00:31:3812b because and he never agreed up front
- 00:31:42to do the 3% it was only directly right
- 00:31:47and so that's what we would be changing
- 00:31:49is the paragraph 12 B AB right is that
- 00:31:54right yes okay okay yes I mean obviously
- 00:31:59if you agree in the first version of the
- 00:32:01fully executed contract to pay a certain
- 00:32:03amount and then you're renegotiating
- 00:32:05your amendment is going to have to
- 00:32:06incorporate any amount that you're
- 00:32:08changing whether it's 12 A1C 12 a1b like
- 00:32:11whatever it is um yes and we'll get
- 00:32:13there when we look at the amendment all
- 00:32:15right have we beat this to death yet all
- 00:32:20right yes and we'll get
- 00:32:23there um okay all right so here this is
- 00:32:26a fun one yes we have new addendum right
- 00:32:29here the no it's easy it's actually a
- 00:32:32good one you guys will like it one pager
- 00:32:34a couple of sentences we'll go there
- 00:32:36next so that there is if the transaction
- 00:32:39is a 1031 exchange um you have to attach
- 00:32:43an addendum just acknowledging that
- 00:32:45that's what it is if you've ever done a
- 00:32:461031 exchange there's a paragraph that
- 00:32:49the 1031 qualified intermediary wants
- 00:32:51you to include on the original contract
- 00:32:53that says the other party will cooperate
- 00:32:56it just says we'll cooperate I mean you
- 00:32:58might mean you have to sign two extra
- 00:32:59pieces of paper so instead of calling us
- 00:33:01and being like what is that language
- 00:33:03there's an addendum that says that now
- 00:33:04it's very easy it's not like material
- 00:33:06it's just a disclosure saying hey we're
- 00:33:09doing this if I need you to sign two
- 00:33:11extra pieces of paper at closing will
- 00:33:12you do it yes so we'll look at it in a
- 00:33:16second okay so that's it guys you know
- 00:33:20we talked about this already you know
- 00:33:22you
- 00:33:26have Lawrence asking if people are
- 00:33:28having trouble getting compensation
- 00:33:29agreements
- 00:33:31signed yeah which doesn't make sense to
- 00:33:33me like if your seller has agreed
- 00:33:34upfront in the listing agreement to pay
- 00:33:36a certain amount like why are we being K
- 00:33:38about what that amount is it doesn't
- 00:33:40make sense and I'm sure you have sellers
- 00:33:42that are like that but then they're not
- 00:33:43a 3% seller right they're like a let's
- 00:33:45wait and see kind of seller which is
- 00:33:47fine I think that that we might shift
- 00:33:49that way in general which is not a bad
- 00:33:53thing you guys are good negotiators
- 00:33:54you're very good at what you do
- 00:34:21right yeah I do think that the lawsuit
- 00:34:24has just made has put commissions on the
- 00:34:26table as the more negotiable item but
- 00:34:28because we're talking about it more but
- 00:34:30the reason was probably because a lot of
- 00:34:32people not you guys weren't talking
- 00:34:33about it enough before and not now
- 00:34:35that's just where we are but I think
- 00:34:37this is an opportunity for you guys to
- 00:34:38just show how good you are and like that
- 00:34:40you're worth that's the up that's the
- 00:34:42like positive spin on it I know that
- 00:34:44that's
- 00:34:46annoying
- 00:34:52yes that's section 22 that's the section
- 00:35:00no because this is the Tre form right
- 00:35:03Tre is not going to acknowledge our
- 00:35:05Realtor
- 00:35:07Association and it's between the listing
- 00:35:09a that document is between the listing
- 00:35:11agent and the buyer agent not the buyer
- 00:35:15seller you know the parties to this
- 00:35:17contract are the buyer and the seller
- 00:35:19and the parties to that contract are the
- 00:35:20listing broker and the buyer's broker
- 00:35:22they are kind of acknowledging it here
- 00:35:24right pursuant to a separate agreement
- 00:35:27okay all right so I'm going to show you
- 00:35:29guys real quick the
- 00:35:31um the 1031 exchange language just
- 00:35:35because that's easy and we'll like give
- 00:35:36our brains a Break um let's
- 00:35:40see
- 00:35:42here
- 00:35:43okay so this is what this looks like and
- 00:35:46before it was just a paragraph that you
- 00:35:47wrote
- 00:35:49in but it it says you know seller or
- 00:35:52buyer whoever is doing the 1031 is
- 00:35:54disclosing that they intend to use the
- 00:35:55property to accomplish the 1031 like
- 00:35:57kind exchange and the parties will
- 00:35:59reasonably cooperate to accomplish The
- 00:36:01Exchange provided it will you're not
- 00:36:04going to incur any additional expens
- 00:36:05reliability and closing will not be dis
- 00:36:07so it's as it's as gentle language as
- 00:36:10possible to like disclose and
- 00:36:11acknowledge that yes this person is
- 00:36:13doing a 1031 exchange and I will
- 00:36:14cooperate before we had to write all
- 00:36:16that in so now they just gave us an
- 00:36:18addendum good all right that one was
- 00:36:21easy okay do we want to go through the
- 00:36:23other forms of the con let's go through
- 00:36:26the rest of the addendums then we can
- 00:36:27come back
- 00:36:29okay so now there are changes to all
- 00:36:33like there's new home complete new home
- 00:36:35incomplete unimproved property farm and
- 00:36:37ran actually let's look at unimproved
- 00:36:38property because it does have that um
- 00:36:41areas thing
- 00:36:45okay okie doie okay so they've added a
- 00:36:49section and the farm and ranch contract
- 00:36:52had something similar has unov property
- 00:36:54yes yes but now the unimproved property
- 00:36:56has this um that you will check whether
- 00:36:59or not the price will be adjusted based
- 00:37:03on based on a new survey so if it's a
- 00:37:06little bigger you know you just do the
- 00:37:08math and um because a lot of times with
- 00:37:11farming ranches or unimproved property
- 00:37:13you're negotiating like a per acre price
- 00:37:15and then you get your survey back and
- 00:37:17it's 70 Acres smaller than you thought
- 00:37:19it was that can be substantial so in raw
- 00:37:22land deals like farm and ranch or this
- 00:37:25you can adjust sometimes the price based
- 00:37:27on a per per acre price so that's just a
- 00:37:29little nugget for you guys to remember
- 00:37:31but this you'll see same change
- 00:37:33geothermal the the changes carry
- 00:37:36throughout the the survey so there's
- 00:37:39like we said there's six different
- 00:37:41contracts but the changes for the most
- 00:37:43part of the same
- 00:37:47okay okay so now I was going to share
- 00:37:50the um third party or backup yes let's
- 00:37:54see here's the third party financing
- 00:37:58okay third party financing
- 00:38:02um the biggest change on this has to do
- 00:38:07with buyer
- 00:38:09approval so it and this is aange yeah so
- 00:38:14this is saying that if you've checked
- 00:38:17that this contract is subject to buyer
- 00:38:20approval that now you have to show A
- 00:38:24lender statement on why the buyer did
- 00:38:28not approve so just like we've had this
- 00:38:31requirement on the property approval
- 00:38:35right so we've been doing that but you
- 00:38:38haven't so people have been manipulating
- 00:38:41this section they you know let's say you
- 00:38:43had a 7-Day option period and a 20-day
- 00:38:46financing period and on day 18 buyer
- 00:38:50changes their mind people were just
- 00:38:52saying no my buyer didn't didn't um make
- 00:38:56approval they can't buy it and as the
- 00:38:59contract was written that could be an
- 00:39:01out there was no substantiation you know
- 00:39:04documentation so this is this makes it a
- 00:39:08lot more ethical and honest so I always
- 00:39:10thought it was slimy when when that
- 00:39:12happened before so it's a good change I
- 00:39:14would
- 00:39:16say so that's different that's property
- 00:39:19approved this is just the buyer the buy
- 00:39:22buyers income debt creditworthiness just
- 00:39:25all them not the house
- 00:39:35says The Bu it gives permission for them
- 00:39:40to get the honest money but it does it's
- 00:39:43not clear about earnest money for
- 00:39:45selling does that make sense well I mean
- 00:39:48if the buyer terminates because they
- 00:39:49were unable to qualify for financing
- 00:39:51individually they're going to ask for
- 00:39:53their earnest money back
- 00:39:57I
- 00:40:04me know what my brain is
- 00:40:09ising
- 00:40:11yeah yeah yeah whatever
- 00:40:19reason
- 00:40:20assest money but it's not well it's an
- 00:40:24event that's an event of default right
- 00:40:26because the buyer is unable to close are
- 00:40:27they still going to require that both
- 00:40:29parties sign off I think the title
- 00:40:32company is pretty much always going to
- 00:40:33require that because otherwise they're
- 00:40:34just asking for trouble you know um okay
- 00:40:38and then this is a good change too I was
- 00:40:40actually just talking about this with an
- 00:40:41agent it's like oh well it's the third
- 00:40:44day before they just cleaned up the
- 00:40:45language buyer May terminate this
- 00:40:46contract honor before the third day
- 00:40:48before the closing date it's just a
- 00:40:50little bit cleaner than later than three
- 00:40:52no later than three days because that
- 00:40:54was confusing okay and as an Yi uh about
- 00:40:59the lender approval I'm sorry the lender
- 00:41:02letter the lender written um notice of
- 00:41:05termination written statement um before
- 00:41:08this even came to effect I had a
- 00:41:10situation with an agent this summer and
- 00:41:13they were they were wanting to terminate
- 00:41:16because cause of property approval and
- 00:41:18their statement was from a mortgage
- 00:41:22broker not an actual lender and so they
- 00:41:24were fighting back the seller was
- 00:41:26fighting back back saying you don't this
- 00:41:28it's a mortgage broker Not A lender so I
- 00:41:31called the Texas Association of Realtors
- 00:41:33hotline and they agreed and said that a
- 00:41:36mortgage broker is not a lender so just
- 00:41:40beware so if they were some want to be
- 00:41:45really interesting yeah that's that's a
- 00:41:48very Pro
- 00:41:50tip okay all right questions about
- 00:41:55this yes Donna
- 00:42:09yeah he got a boat um I mean I think
- 00:42:11that they'll have to say something like
- 00:42:12they're dead to income ratio didn't meet
- 00:42:14our expectations or whatever I mean it's
- 00:42:16just the point is that the the lender
- 00:42:18has to go through the act of doing
- 00:42:20something versus just being like Oh
- 00:42:21didn't qualify yeah
- 00:42:32yeah well I think I think as long as you
- 00:42:34have that letter from the lender you
- 00:42:36kind of can't argue about it but the
- 00:42:37point is that you have to have a lender
- 00:42:39that will do it I mean people will argue
- 00:42:40about anything so
- 00:42:43um but that's a good question okay let's
- 00:42:46look at the amendment um yeah or dend
- 00:42:49them for backup either one okay oh I
- 00:42:50just did this
- 00:42:53one Okie okay yeah y'all were asking
- 00:42:56about this earlier um the amendment so
- 00:42:59this is the plain old
- 00:43:03Amendment so what they've done is the
- 00:43:07part um
- 00:43:09where in the Susan matusitz example
- 00:43:11where they were like we were going to
- 00:43:12pay 3% but just kidding now we're just
- 00:43:14going to pay 1% because I have to pay
- 00:43:15for all these other repairs you you'll
- 00:43:17check this fourth box and then you'll
- 00:43:19say 1% here instead so that amends what
- 00:43:22was in the original contract right 12
- 00:43:24a1b is about buyer broker fee and then
- 00:43:27if you're like and you're going to give
- 00:43:29me $7,000 towards Foundation repairs
- 00:43:33that goes into 12
- 00:43:35A1C that Mak sense they made it super
- 00:43:37easy
- 00:43:38yeah and then these numbers all just
- 00:43:40changed now one more thing I have I I
- 00:43:42have to talk about this every time
- 00:43:43because I had a client I was not working
- 00:43:46with them at the time and they regretted
- 00:43:48that where when you write an option
- 00:43:50Amendment guys and you're asking the
- 00:43:52seller to do X Y and Z before the end of
- 00:43:55the option you should check this here
- 00:43:57because you say seller if you do X Y and
- 00:43:59Z we are waving the remainder of our
- 00:44:02option because if you were negotia if
- 00:44:04the option expired on Wednesday and you
- 00:44:06get this agreed to and you sign off on
- 00:44:09it and you didn't wave the remainder of
- 00:44:10the option then the buyer is still in
- 00:44:12their option and they can come back and
- 00:44:13ask for more right so you always just
- 00:44:16want to make sure on behalf of your
- 00:44:17sellers if you're signing an option
- 00:44:20amendment that you check this box I've
- 00:44:23had this happen to me before where the
- 00:44:25when the buyer's agent I was a agent and
- 00:44:27they wrote the amendment and they didn't
- 00:44:29check this box instead of like having
- 00:44:31them go back and initialize just sat on
- 00:44:33it until 4:57 p.m. and then I sent it
- 00:44:36back to them right that's annoying so
- 00:44:38just on the sales side make sure this is
- 00:44:40checked or wait until 455 at the end of
- 00:44:42the option to send it back to them does
- 00:44:45that make
- 00:44:45sense okay sorry you guys are probably
- 00:44:48all know that but it makes me crazy um
- 00:44:52okay so that's that's it with the
- 00:44:54amendment they made that easier and and
- 00:44:57what else do we have how's our time okay
- 00:45:01backup this is a good change this is a
- 00:45:04really good
- 00:45:05change all right angel I really excited
- 00:45:08about it um what people used to call us
- 00:45:10about for this language and to doctor up
- 00:45:13when you are in a back I can't I can't
- 00:45:15find my little window hold
- 00:45:21on
- 00:45:23yes there we go
- 00:45:27okay okay here we go okay so they've
- 00:45:29added a whole bunch of language to this
- 00:45:32backup agenda because you know usually
- 00:45:34if you're
- 00:45:35backup chances are as a general rule
- 00:45:38pretty slim that you're going to become
- 00:45:40primary so a lot of people don't want to
- 00:45:42have a lot of money out there they they
- 00:45:44don't want to have you know hundreds or
- 00:45:47a thousand dollars as an option fee out
- 00:45:50there and one to two% as earnest money
- 00:45:53so kind of what's become standard
- 00:45:54practice is you put a small amount in
- 00:45:58say like $10 and $10 or something just a
- 00:46:01small amount of
- 00:46:02consideration um and then we You' ask
- 00:46:05Serene and I to write language for you
- 00:46:08um saying that if and when you become
- 00:46:10primary then you would put the bigger
- 00:46:13portions of you know the real amount
- 00:46:17right so now the way that frk has
- 00:46:21grafted this it takes care of all of
- 00:46:25that so it's says buyer shall deliver
- 00:46:29the earnest money and option money as
- 00:46:31provided in paragraph five of the backup
- 00:46:33contract so that's paragraph five that's
- 00:46:35the regular section of the contract
- 00:46:38buyer shall deliver additional earnest
- 00:46:40money of blank and additional option fee
- 00:46:44of blank um within blank days after the
- 00:46:47amended effective date um so you know
- 00:46:50the amended effective date is when it
- 00:46:52becomes primary so you know um and then
- 00:46:55it also says you know the if the third
- 00:46:59day is legal holiday or weekend for
- 00:47:02either the additional earn the
- 00:47:03additional fees or the original that
- 00:47:06it's extended to the next business day
- 00:47:09and and all of that so um it just spells
- 00:47:13it out much more clearly and gives you
- 00:47:15the option the ability not the option
- 00:47:18that's confusing gives you the ability
- 00:47:20to like increase your earnest money once
- 00:47:22you become the primary which is what you
- 00:47:23guys were all doing anyway and we had to
- 00:47:25like give you special language so this
- 00:47:26is a
- 00:47:27awesome change and there wasn't a there
- 00:47:29wasn't anything for additional option
- 00:47:31money either so we'd have to kind of do
- 00:47:33a slash and write that in special
- 00:47:34provision so this is makes it just very
- 00:47:37self-explanatory and Dives with the way
- 00:47:40the market functions but you do have we
- 00:47:42have agents all the time being like I'm
- 00:47:43just not we're just not going to deposit
- 00:47:45the option in earnest money it's like no
- 00:47:47with this 100 million th% you absolutely
- 00:47:50need to deposit your option and your
- 00:47:52earnest money when you execute right and
- 00:47:55that option money is never you're never
- 00:47:56getting it back so make it a small
- 00:47:58amount and you can make the earnest
- 00:47:59money a small amount too um and then you
- 00:48:02can add more but you have to do it
- 00:48:04people are always like oh we just won't
- 00:48:05deposit it right don't do that follow
- 00:48:09follow it and do it the right way
- 00:48:15okay yeah $10 option fee a 100 a th
- 00:48:19escrow or whatever I mean are you some
- 00:48:22less 10 or 20 just
- 00:48:27whatever
- 00:48:31works additional yes yeah that's a good
- 00:48:35question yes good way to PR that okay so
- 00:48:38that was a good
- 00:48:39change spelling it all out yes that's it
- 00:48:43okay okay and then we have this condo
- 00:48:46resale thing we'll just point out to you
- 00:48:48guys
- 00:48:51um they condomini the there's a form
- 00:48:57about what needs to go into the resell
- 00:49:01certificate most big condomini
- 00:49:03associations are not using the Trek form
- 00:49:06but Trek does have a form that meets the
- 00:49:07minimum statutory requirements of what
- 00:49:09an HOA has to disclose in the resale
- 00:49:11certificate so this is this this is the
- 00:49:14form and um they just changed there must
- 00:49:16have been some bad lawsuit or case where
- 00:49:19this language was confused so now it
- 00:49:21says the board has no knowledge that any
- 00:49:23alterations or improvements to the unit
- 00:49:26um or to the common elements assigned to
- 00:49:27that unit violate the Declarations or
- 00:49:30Association rules so they Chang no
- 00:49:33knowledge of they just cleaned up the
- 00:49:34language but just this just makes you
- 00:49:36guys aware
- 00:49:38that this is like section 82.1 57 of the
- 00:49:42Texas property code is what is
- 00:49:45statutorily required from HOAs and then
- 00:49:48they cleaned this
- 00:49:50up yes this is not some this is you guys
- 00:49:53are never going to have to fill this out
- 00:49:55the HOA companies and HOA management
- 00:49:58companies will have to fill it
- 00:50:03out right right so you know you're going
- 00:50:05to get your HOA docs but then you're
- 00:50:07also going to get this resale
- 00:50:08certificate that gives like a snapshot
- 00:50:09of where are we financially what
- 00:50:11lawsuits do we have going on what are
- 00:50:13our reserves etc
- 00:50:21etc yeah I mean like a like if you if
- 00:50:24you there's like a three unit condo that
- 00:50:27like one of the owners manages the HOA
- 00:50:29they probably go and find this form and
- 00:50:31fill it out if you're contacting some
- 00:50:33like large HOA management company there
- 00:50:36it's not going to be on this piece of
- 00:50:38paper the resale certificate that your
- 00:50:39client gets but it will still meet the
- 00:50:41statutory requirements that are in here
- 00:50:44does that make sense
- 00:50:48okay no no no no no and you'll never be
- 00:50:51filling this out this is just to show
- 00:50:53you what still submitted
- 00:50:57[Music]
- 00:50:58no no you don't need to do thisen yeah
- 00:51:01yeah no um this yeah it's it's like the
- 00:51:06association's management and then who
- 00:51:07filled it out the name of the
- 00:51:08association and who's the person that
- 00:51:10completed it um
- 00:51:14okay so those are the new forms we can
- 00:51:17go through farman ranch or condo or do
- 00:51:20you guys have questions is there
- 00:51:21something you want to talk
- 00:51:23about poj was that exciting he was like
- 00:51:25can you guys make exciting I was like
- 00:51:27probably
- 00:51:28not um
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