Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)
TLDRVideo ini menunjukkan proses pembuatan ekstrak menggunakan lengkuas merah dan etanol dengan rasio pelarut dan bahan 1:3. Proses dimulai dengan mencampur bahan dengan pelarut di dalam Erlenmeyer, kemudian meletakkannya di microwave. Setelah itu, bahan disaring menggunakan kertas saring untuk mendapatkan ekstrak, yang selanjutnya dievaporasi untuk menghasilkan produk akhir.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 🔬 Preparing extract with red galangal and ethanol.
- ⚖️ Solvent to material ratio is 1:3.
- 🥼 Mixing done in an Erlenmeyer flask.
- 📡 Microwave used for extraction.
- 🔍 Filtration to obtain the extract.
- 💨 Evaporation to finalize the extraction.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:03:42
In the beginning, ingredients are prepared for the process, specifically using red galangal with ethanol as the solvent. The ratio of solvent to material is 1 to 3. The next step involves mixing the material and the solvent in an Erlenmeyer flask. The prepared mixture is then placed in a microwave for extraction. The process includes setting up the microwave and configuring it to the required settings for the extraction program. Following extraction, filtration is applied using filter paper, resulting in a certain output. After filtration, evaporation is performed to further process the extract, leading to the final result.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
What ingredients are used in the video?
Red galangal and ethanol.
What is the ratio of solvent to material used?
What equipment is used for extraction in the video?
An Erlenmeyer flask and microwave.
What is the first step in the extraction process?
Mixing the material with the solvent.
What is the purpose of filtering in the process?
To obtain the extract after mixing.
What is the final step after filtering the extract?
Evaporation of the solvent.
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- extraction
- red galangal
- ethanol
- microwave
- Erlenmeyer
- filtration
- evaporation