How to Spend Quiet Time With God | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon
TLDRThe speaker highlights a concerning trend in American society, where a generation of children is being raised without biblical education due to their parents' and grandparents' absence from church. This reality has necessitated changes in how religious education is approached, emphasizing the need to explain biblical concepts anew. The significance of maintaining a daily quiet time with God is stressed, illustrating that such practice fosters a deeper relationship with Him, enhances understanding of scripture, and allows for meaningful self-evaluation. The pastor points to studies suggesting that those who regularly read the Bible and pray experience greater success and are better prepared to handle life's challenges. Ultimately, the speaker argues that knowing God intimately leads to confidence in faith, especially concerning mortality.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 📖 Increase biblical knowledge through teaching.
- ⏰ Quiet time aids personal reflection and growth.
- ✨ Develop an intimate relationship with God.
- 🙇♂️ Be mindful of self-evaluation daily.
- 🌍 Address the generational gap in biblical education.
- 💔 Recognize the impact on family dynamics.
- 📉 Understand the link between faith and success.
- ✝️ Confidence in faith reduces fear of death.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The speaker discusses a mini-series about the Bible, highlighting that many children today are raised by parents and grandparents who are not involved in church or saved, leading to a lack of biblical education for these kids.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
As a pastor, the speaker feels the need to adjust their assumptions about the audience's biblical knowledge, recognizing that many may not know common Bible stories or terminology, which requires a more foundational approach to teaching.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The speaker emphasizes the importance of teaching fundamental concepts about the Bible, such as who Jesus is and the significance of salvation, as they can no longer assume that the audience has been exposed to these teachings.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
The sermon stresses the value of quiet time, demonstrated through Jesus' practice of seeking solitude to connect with God, even amidst busyness and crisis.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The speaker shares experiences illustrating that despite life's challenges, Jesus consistently prioritized his quiet time with God, establishing it as a critical practice for spiritual health.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The importance of quiet time is reiterated, with the conclusion that if it was essential for Jesus, it should be for all Christians, as it helps develop a personal relationship with God.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
The speaker categorizes people into rule followers and questioners, explaining how each responds differently to the concept of having a quiet time, and addressing the importance of understanding the 'why' behind practices.
- 00:35:00 - 00:41:36
The speaker lists reasons for quiet time: to build an intimate relationship with God, to increase knowledge of Him and His Word, and for self-evaluation, emphasizing that true growth requires daily reflection and learning.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
What is the main focus of the discussion?
The discussion focuses on the lack of biblical education in the current generation and the importance of having a quiet time with God.
Why do parents and grandparents not teach biblical stories to their children?
Parents and grandparents often do not attend church or are not saved, resulting in a lack of religious education being passed down.
What changes did the pastor make in their teaching?
The pastor started explaining biblical stories and terms rather than assuming the audience has prior knowledge.
What is a 'quiet time' with God?
A quiet time is a private one-on-one time with God, where one prays, reads the Bible, meditates on scripture, and listens for God's voice.
Why is it important for Christians to have a quiet time?
It helps to develop an intimate relationship with God, increases knowledge of His Word, and allows for daily self-evaluation.
What does the speaker suggest about the relationship between Bible reading and personal success?
Studies suggest that people who read the Bible daily and engage in prayer are often more successful in life.
How does the act of reading the Bible aid in self-evaluation?
Reading the Bible reveals areas of one’s life needing correction, encouraging personal reflection and growth.
What implication does the speaker make about the fear of death for those who know God?
Those with an intimate relationship with God typically have less fear of death, as they are confident in their faith.
Can not having a quiet time affect one's relationships?
Yes, the speaker asserts that not having a quiet time can lead to failures in relationships, including marriage.
What is the pastor's stance on continual learning and growth in faith?
The pastor emphasizes ongoing learning as essential for spiritual maturity, urging regular quiet times for reflection and growth.
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- 00:00:00
- 00:00:01I just recently finished a mini-series
- 00:00:01I just recently finished a mini-series on the subject of the Bible and in that
- 00:00:03on the subject of the Bible and in that
- 00:00:03on the subject of the Bible and in that series I mentioned the fact that this is
- 00:00:05series I mentioned the fact that this is
- 00:00:05series I mentioned the fact that this is the first time in American history in
- 00:00:08the first time in American history in
- 00:00:08the first time in American history in which we have a generation of children
- 00:00:10which we have a generation of children
- 00:00:10which we have a generation of children whose parents and grandparents are in
- 00:00:12whose parents and grandparents are in
- 00:00:12whose parents and grandparents are in church in other words this is the first
- 00:00:15church in other words this is the first
- 00:00:15church in other words this is the first generation in America in which the
- 00:00:17generation in America in which the
- 00:00:17generation in America in which the majority of kids are being raised by
- 00:00:19majority of kids are being raised by
- 00:00:19majority of kids are being raised by parents who aren't saved and who don't
- 00:00:21parents who aren't saved and who don't
- 00:00:21parents who aren't saved and who don't attend church and the same goes for
- 00:00:23attend church and the same goes for
- 00:00:23attend church and the same goes for their grandparents they aren't saved and
- 00:00:26their grandparents they aren't saved and
- 00:00:26their grandparents they aren't saved and they don't attend church so these kids
- 00:00:28they don't attend church so these kids
- 00:00:28they don't attend church so these kids are being raised without any biblical
- 00:00:30are being raised without any biblical
- 00:00:30are being raised without any biblical education or spiritual guidance which
- 00:00:32education or spiritual guidance which
- 00:00:32education or spiritual guidance which means that they've never been taught any
- 00:00:34means that they've never been taught any
- 00:00:34means that they've never been taught any of the stories from the Bible
- 00:00:35of the stories from the Bible
- 00:00:35of the stories from the Bible they've never prayed at meals or at
- 00:00:37they've never prayed at meals or at
- 00:00:37they've never prayed at meals or at bedtime and they've never heard their
- 00:00:39bedtime and they've never heard their
- 00:00:39bedtime and they've never heard their mother or their grandmother saying Jesus
- 00:00:41mother or their grandmother saying Jesus
- 00:00:41mother or their grandmother saying Jesus loves me so as a pastor I've had to make
- 00:00:44loves me so as a pastor I've had to make
- 00:00:44loves me so as a pastor I've had to make some changes first of all I can't assume
- 00:00:46some changes first of all I can't assume
- 00:00:46some changes first of all I can't assume that everyone knows the stores from the
- 00:00:49that everyone knows the stores from the
- 00:00:49that everyone knows the stores from the Bible they might be familiar to me but
- 00:00:51Bible they might be familiar to me but
- 00:00:51Bible they might be familiar to me but it doesn't mean they're familiar to them
- 00:00:53it doesn't mean they're familiar to them
- 00:00:53it doesn't mean they're familiar to them if I bring up David or Goliath I just
- 00:00:56if I bring up David or Goliath I just
- 00:00:56if I bring up David or Goliath I just expected in the past for everyone to
- 00:00:59expected in the past for everyone to
- 00:00:59expected in the past for everyone to know the story even if they didn't
- 00:01:00know the story even if they didn't
- 00:01:00know the story even if they didn't attend church as a child I knew that at
- 00:01:03attend church as a child I knew that at
- 00:01:03attend church as a child I knew that at least their parents did as a child or
- 00:01:05least their parents did as a child or
- 00:01:05least their parents did as a child or maybe their grandparents did so they
- 00:01:07maybe their grandparents did so they
- 00:01:07maybe their grandparents did so they passed those stories on well I can't
- 00:01:08passed those stories on well I can't
- 00:01:09passed those stories on well I can't assume that anymore
- 00:01:09assume that anymore
- 00:01:09assume that anymore I can't even assume that they know who
- 00:01:11I can't even assume that they know who
- 00:01:11I can't even assume that they know who Jesus is or what Jesus has done for them
- 00:01:15Jesus is or what Jesus has done for them
- 00:01:15Jesus is or what Jesus has done for them secondly I can't use theological terms
- 00:01:17secondly I can't use theological terms
- 00:01:17secondly I can't use theological terms unless I explain what they mean first I
- 00:01:20unless I explain what they mean first I
- 00:01:20unless I explain what they mean first I can't use words like saved redeemed or
- 00:01:23can't use words like saved redeemed or
- 00:01:23can't use words like saved redeemed or sanctified those are biblical words and
- 00:01:25sanctified those are biblical words and
- 00:01:25sanctified those are biblical words and without a knowledge of the Bible those
- 00:01:27without a knowledge of the Bible those
- 00:01:27without a knowledge of the Bible those kids have no idea what I'm talking about
- 00:01:29kids have no idea what I'm talking about
- 00:01:29kids have no idea what I'm talking about and last but not least I can't assume
- 00:01:32and last but not least I can't assume
- 00:01:32and last but not least I can't assume that they know the difference between
- 00:01:33that they know the difference between
- 00:01:33that they know the difference between right or Rome from God's perspective I
- 00:01:36right or Rome from God's perspective I
- 00:01:36right or Rome from God's perspective I know it's wrong to have sex outside of
- 00:01:38know it's wrong to have sex outside of
- 00:01:38know it's wrong to have sex outside of marriage but I can no longer assume that
- 00:01:40marriage but I can no longer assume that
- 00:01:40marriage but I can no longer assume that they know it's wrong I know that
- 00:01:43they know it's wrong I know that
- 00:01:43they know it's wrong I know that homosexuality is wrong but I can no
- 00:01:46homosexuality is wrong but I can no
- 00:01:46homosexuality is wrong but I can no longer assume that they know it's wrong
- 00:01:48longer assume that they know it's wrong
- 00:01:48longer assume that they know it's wrong I know it's wrong to get drunk or to get
- 00:01:51I know it's wrong to get drunk or to get
- 00:01:51I know it's wrong to get drunk or to get high but I can no longer assume that
- 00:01:53high but I can no longer assume that
- 00:01:53high but I can no longer assume that they know it's wrong which means that
- 00:01:55they know it's wrong which means that
- 00:01:55they know it's wrong which means that from time to time I have to teach on
- 00:01:57from time to time I have to teach on
- 00:01:57from time to time I have to teach on things that I used to assume that
- 00:01:59things that I used to assume that
- 00:02:00things that I used to assume that everyone knew simple things but
- 00:02:02everyone knew simple things but
- 00:02:02everyone knew simple things but important things things like what is the
- 00:02:05important things things like what is the
- 00:02:05important things things like what is the Bible and why do we believe that it's
- 00:02:07Bible and why do we believe that it's
- 00:02:07Bible and why do we believe that it's God's Word what does it mean to be saved
- 00:02:09God's Word what does it mean to be saved
- 00:02:09God's Word what does it mean to be saved and what are we saved from how do we
- 00:02:12and what are we saved from how do we
- 00:02:12and what are we saved from how do we study the Bible
- 00:02:13study the Bible
- 00:02:13study the Bible how do we pray so from time to time I
- 00:02:16how do we pray so from time to time I
- 00:02:16how do we pray so from time to time I have to teach on what I consider to be
- 00:02:17have to teach on what I consider to be
- 00:02:17have to teach on what I consider to be the basics and if you grew up in church
- 00:02:21the basics and if you grew up in church
- 00:02:21the basics and if you grew up in church it might seem like I'm being too
- 00:02:22it might seem like I'm being too
- 00:02:22it might seem like I'm being too elementary and it could be a little
- 00:02:24elementary and it could be a little
- 00:02:24elementary and it could be a little boring for you but let me remind you of
- 00:02:26boring for you but let me remind you of
- 00:02:26boring for you but let me remind you of what Peter said he wrote in 2nd Peter
- 00:02:28what Peter said he wrote in 2nd Peter
- 00:02:28what Peter said he wrote in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 12 and 13 therefore I
- 00:02:32chapter 1 verses 12 and 13 therefore I
- 00:02:32chapter 1 verses 12 and 13 therefore I will always remind you about these
- 00:02:37will always remind you about these
- 00:02:37will always remind you about these things even though you already know them
- 00:02:39things even though you already know them
- 00:02:39things even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth
- 00:02:42and are standing firm in the truth
- 00:02:42and are standing firm in the truth you've been taught and it is only right
- 00:02:44you've been taught and it is only right
- 00:02:44you've been taught and it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as
- 00:02:47that I should keep on reminding you as
- 00:02:47that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live so this morning I'm going
- 00:02:50long as I live so this morning I'm going
- 00:02:50long as I live so this morning I'm going to teach on the importance of a quiet
- 00:02:53to teach on the importance of a quiet
- 00:02:53to teach on the importance of a quiet time now if you didn't grow up in church
- 00:02:55time now if you didn't grow up in church
- 00:02:55time now if you didn't grow up in church you probably have no idea what a quiet
- 00:02:57you probably have no idea what a quiet
- 00:02:57you probably have no idea what a quiet time is that's a term that you've never
- 00:02:59time is that's a term that you've never
- 00:02:59time is that's a term that you've never heard before but don't worry about it
- 00:03:01heard before but don't worry about it
- 00:03:01heard before but don't worry about it I'm going to explain exactly what I mean
- 00:03:04I'm going to explain exactly what I mean
- 00:03:04I'm going to explain exactly what I mean by a quiet time and I'm also going to
- 00:03:07by a quiet time and I'm also going to
- 00:03:07by a quiet time and I'm also going to explain why it's so important so let's
- 00:03:10explain why it's so important so let's
- 00:03:10explain why it's so important so let's start with the basics what is a quiet
- 00:03:13start with the basics what is a quiet
- 00:03:13start with the basics what is a quiet time will turn in your Bible to the book
- 00:03:16time will turn in your Bible to the book
- 00:03:16time will turn in your Bible to the book of Mark chapter 1 verse number 35 and
- 00:03:18of Mark chapter 1 verse number 35 and
- 00:03:18of Mark chapter 1 verse number 35 and let's find out notice what it says
- 00:03:21let's find out notice what it says
- 00:03:21let's find out notice what it says before daybreak before the Sun came up
- 00:03:25before daybreak before the Sun came up
- 00:03:25before daybreak before the Sun came up the next morning Jesus got up and he
- 00:03:30the next morning Jesus got up and he
- 00:03:30the next morning Jesus got up and he went out to an isolated place to pray in
- 00:03:33went out to an isolated place to pray in
- 00:03:33went out to an isolated place to pray in other words before Jesus ever started
- 00:03:35other words before Jesus ever started
- 00:03:35other words before Jesus ever started his day he went to a quiet and secluded
- 00:03:36his day he went to a quiet and secluded
- 00:03:36his day he went to a quiet and secluded place to spend some alone time with God
- 00:03:39place to spend some alone time with God
- 00:03:39place to spend some alone time with God now if you read through the Gospels
- 00:03:41now if you read through the Gospels
- 00:03:41now if you read through the Gospels you'll find that Jesus did this on a
- 00:03:43you'll find that Jesus did this on a
- 00:03:43you'll find that Jesus did this on a regular basis Jesus would get up before
- 00:03:46regular basis Jesus would get up before
- 00:03:46regular basis Jesus would get up before daybreak and he'd go to a quite secluded
- 00:03:48daybreak and he'd go to a quite secluded
- 00:03:48daybreak and he'd go to a quite secluded place to spend some alone time with God
- 00:03:51place to spend some alone time with God
- 00:03:51place to spend some alone time with God that was his quiet time with God hence
- 00:03:56that was his quiet time with God hence
- 00:03:56that was his quiet time with God hence the name quiet time so let me give you a
- 00:03:59the name quiet time so let me give you a
- 00:03:59the name quiet time so let me give you a definition for the term quiet time if
- 00:04:02definition for the term quiet time if
- 00:04:02definition for the term quiet time if you're taking notes make sure you write
- 00:04:03you're taking notes make sure you write
- 00:04:03you're taking notes make sure you write this down because you might need to
- 00:04:05this down because you might need to
- 00:04:05this down because you might need to teach this to your children or to your
- 00:04:08teach this to your children or to your
- 00:04:08teach this to your children or to your grandchildren if your children aren't in
- 00:04:10grandchildren if your children aren't in
- 00:04:10grandchildren if your children aren't in church so here's the definition a quiet
- 00:04:13church so here's the definition a quiet
- 00:04:13church so here's the definition a quiet time is a private one-on-one time with
- 00:04:16time is a private one-on-one time with
- 00:04:16time is a private one-on-one time with God that you do first thing in the
- 00:04:18God that you do first thing in the
- 00:04:18God that you do first thing in the morning during that time you're going to
- 00:04:21morning during that time you're going to
- 00:04:21morning during that time you're going to pray read your Bible meditate on what
- 00:04:25pray read your Bible meditate on what
- 00:04:25pray read your Bible meditate on what you read
- 00:04:26you read
- 00:04:26you read and listen to the voice of God now the
- 00:04:30and listen to the voice of God now the
- 00:04:30and listen to the voice of God now the reason it's referred to as a quiet time
- 00:04:32reason it's referred to as a quiet time
- 00:04:32reason it's referred to as a quiet time is because you need a quiet secluded
- 00:04:34is because you need a quiet secluded
- 00:04:34is because you need a quiet secluded place so you can listen to what the Holy
- 00:04:36place so you can listen to what the Holy
- 00:04:36place so you can listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you through the Word
- 00:04:39Spirit is saying to you through the Word
- 00:04:39Spirit is saying to you through the Word of God and as you pray the emphasis is
- 00:04:43of God and as you pray the emphasis is
- 00:04:43of God and as you pray the emphasis is on listening you're not just reading
- 00:04:47on listening you're not just reading
- 00:04:47on listening you're not just reading you're not doing all the talking in your
- 00:04:50you're not doing all the talking in your
- 00:04:50you're not doing all the talking in your prayer time you are listening to the
- 00:04:54prayer time you are listening to the
- 00:04:54prayer time you are listening to the Holy Spirit now let's talk about the
- 00:04:56Holy Spirit now let's talk about the
- 00:04:57Holy Spirit now let's talk about the importance of having a quiet time and
- 00:04:59importance of having a quiet time and
- 00:04:59importance of having a quiet time and let's start with the obvious obviously
- 00:05:02let's start with the obvious obviously
- 00:05:02let's start with the obvious obviously if having a quiet time was important to
- 00:05:04if having a quiet time was important to
- 00:05:04if having a quiet time was important to Jesus but it should be important to us
- 00:05:06Jesus but it should be important to us
- 00:05:06Jesus but it should be important to us and people that was very important to
- 00:05:08and people that was very important to
- 00:05:08and people that was very important to Jesus in fact no matter how busy Jesus
- 00:05:11Jesus in fact no matter how busy Jesus
- 00:05:11Jesus in fact no matter how busy Jesus was he always took the time to have a
- 00:05:14was he always took the time to have a
- 00:05:14was he always took the time to have a quiet time with God and no one was ever
- 00:05:17quiet time with God and no one was ever
- 00:05:17quiet time with God and no one was ever busier than Jesus every once in a while
- 00:05:21busier than Jesus every once in a while
- 00:05:21busier than Jesus every once in a while I have someone come up to me and they'll
- 00:05:22I have someone come up to me and they'll
- 00:05:22I have someone come up to me and they'll say well you know pastor Alan my life is
- 00:05:24say well you know pastor Alan my life is
- 00:05:24say well you know pastor Alan my life is so busy I'm just too busy and I always
- 00:05:30so busy I'm just too busy and I always
- 00:05:30so busy I'm just too busy and I always like to say no one was busier than Jesus
- 00:05:35like to say no one was busier than Jesus
- 00:05:35like to say no one was busier than Jesus in fact let me give you two examples of
- 00:05:37in fact let me give you two examples of
- 00:05:37in fact let me give you two examples of Jesus keeping his personal quiet time
- 00:05:39Jesus keeping his personal quiet time
- 00:05:39Jesus keeping his personal quiet time with God even during the midst of his
- 00:05:41with God even during the midst of his
- 00:05:41with God even during the midst of his crazy schedule and times of personal
- 00:05:44crazy schedule and times of personal
- 00:05:44crazy schedule and times of personal crisis turn with me if you would to
- 00:05:46crisis turn with me if you would to
- 00:05:46crisis turn with me if you would to Matthew chapter 14 verses 14 through 25
- 00:05:49Matthew chapter 14 verses 14 through 25
- 00:05:49Matthew chapter 14 verses 14 through 25 for the first example this is the story
- 00:05:51for the first example this is the story
- 00:05:51for the first example this is the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and walking
- 00:05:54of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and walking
- 00:05:54of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and walking on water this story is kind of a
- 00:05:56on water this story is kind of a
- 00:05:56on water this story is kind of a combination of the two but sandwich
- 00:05:59combination of the two but sandwich
- 00:05:59combination of the two but sandwich right in the middle of these two stories
- 00:06:01right in the middle of these two stories
- 00:06:01right in the middle of these two stories is the the important point that God is
- 00:06:05is the the important point that God is
- 00:06:05is the the important point that God is wanting to make let's look at it notice
- 00:06:09wanting to make let's look at it notice
- 00:06:09wanting to make let's look at it notice what it says Jesus saw the huge crowd as
- 00:06:12what it says Jesus saw the huge crowd as
- 00:06:12what it says Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat and he had
- 00:06:13he stepped from the boat and he had
- 00:06:13he stepped from the boat and he had compassion on them and he healed their
- 00:06:15compassion on them and he healed their
- 00:06:15compassion on them and he healed their sick met people that started early in
- 00:06:17sick met people that started early in
- 00:06:17sick met people that started early in the morning probably around eight or
- 00:06:19the morning probably around eight or
- 00:06:19the morning probably around eight or nine o'clock in the morning so as soon
- 00:06:21nine o'clock in the morning so as soon
- 00:06:21nine o'clock in the morning so as soon as he stepped from the boats he saw
- 00:06:24as he stepped from the boats he saw
- 00:06:24as he stepped from the boats he saw these people he had compassion on them
- 00:06:25these people he had compassion on them
- 00:06:25these people he had compassion on them and he healed their sick that evening oh
- 00:06:28and he healed their sick that evening oh
- 00:06:28and he healed their sick that evening oh my gosh
- 00:06:30my gosh
- 00:06:30my gosh he's been going all day that evening the
- 00:06:33he's been going all day that evening the
- 00:06:33he's been going all day that evening the disciples came to him and said this is a
- 00:06:35disciples came to him and said this is a
- 00:06:35disciples came to him and said this is a remote place and it's already getting
- 00:06:37remote place and it's already getting
- 00:06:37remote place and it's already getting late
- 00:06:37late
- 00:06:37late send the crowds away so
- 00:06:39send the crowds away so
- 00:06:39send the crowds away so I can go to the villages and buy food
- 00:06:41I can go to the villages and buy food
- 00:06:41I can go to the villages and buy food for themselves but jesus said that isn't
- 00:06:43for themselves but jesus said that isn't
- 00:06:43for themselves but jesus said that isn't necessary you feed them but we only have
- 00:06:46necessary you feed them but we only have
- 00:06:46necessary you feed them but we only have five loaves of bread and two fish they
- 00:06:49five loaves of bread and two fish they
- 00:06:49five loaves of bread and two fish they answered bring them here he said then he
- 00:06:51answered bring them here he said then he
- 00:06:51answered bring them here he said then he told the people to sit down on the grass
- 00:06:53told the people to sit down on the grass
- 00:06:53told the people to sit down on the grass Jesus took the five loaves and the two
- 00:06:55Jesus took the five loaves and the two
- 00:06:55Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish looked up towards heaven and
- 00:06:57fish looked up towards heaven and
- 00:06:57fish looked up towards heaven and blessed them then breaking the loaves
- 00:06:59blessed them then breaking the loaves
- 00:06:59blessed them then breaking the loaves into pieces
- 00:07:00into pieces
- 00:07:00into pieces he gave the bread to the disciples who
- 00:07:02he gave the bread to the disciples who
- 00:07:02he gave the bread to the disciples who distributed to the people they all ate
- 00:07:05distributed to the people they all ate
- 00:07:05distributed to the people they all ate as much as they wanted I like that you
- 00:07:08as much as they wanted I like that you
- 00:07:08as much as they wanted I like that you know I like to go to all-you-can-eat
- 00:07:11know I like to go to all-you-can-eat
- 00:07:11know I like to go to all-you-can-eat buffets and trust me I eat all I can't
- 00:07:14buffets and trust me I eat all I can't
- 00:07:14buffets and trust me I eat all I can't that's what they did they all ate as
- 00:07:17that's what they did they all ate as
- 00:07:17that's what they did they all ate as much as they wanted and afterward the
- 00:07:20much as they wanted and afterward the
- 00:07:20much as they wanted and afterward the disciples picked up twelve baskets of
- 00:07:23disciples picked up twelve baskets of
- 00:07:23disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers now notice this because when
- 00:07:25leftovers now notice this because when
- 00:07:25leftovers now notice this because when we say feed 5,000 we're only talking
- 00:07:27we say feed 5,000 we're only talking
- 00:07:27we say feed 5,000 we're only talking about the men they really didn't list
- 00:07:29about the men they really didn't list
- 00:07:29about the men they really didn't list the women they didn't list the children
- 00:07:32the women they didn't list the children
- 00:07:32the women they didn't list the children and their culture that wasn't as
- 00:07:33and their culture that wasn't as
- 00:07:33and their culture that wasn't as important so notice what it says about
- 00:07:36important so notice what it says about
- 00:07:36important so notice what it says about five thousand men were fed that day in
- 00:07:38five thousand men were fed that day in
- 00:07:38five thousand men were fed that day in addition to all the women and children
- 00:07:42addition to all the women and children
- 00:07:42addition to all the women and children so how many were there probably between
- 00:07:46so how many were there probably between
- 00:07:46so how many were there probably between twelve to fifteen thousand yeah
- 00:07:50twelve to fifteen thousand yeah
- 00:07:50twelve to fifteen thousand yeah immediately after this Jesus insisted
- 00:07:54immediately after this Jesus insisted
- 00:07:54immediately after this Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the
- 00:07:55that his disciples get back into the
- 00:07:55that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the
- 00:07:57boat and cross to the other side of the
- 00:07:57boat and cross to the other side of the lake
- 00:07:57lake
- 00:07:57lake while he sent the people home after
- 00:08:00while he sent the people home after
- 00:08:00while he sent the people home after sending them home he went up into the
- 00:08:01sending them home he went up into the
- 00:08:01sending them home he went up into the heels by himself to pray night fell
- 00:08:05heels by himself to pray night fell
- 00:08:05heels by himself to pray night fell while he was there alone people that was
- 00:08:08while he was there alone people that was
- 00:08:08while he was there alone people that was his quiet time now someone says no wait
- 00:08:10his quiet time now someone says no wait
- 00:08:10his quiet time now someone says no wait a minute pastor he didn't get up in the
- 00:08:12a minute pastor he didn't get up in the
- 00:08:12a minute pastor he didn't get up in the morning you need to understand Jesus
- 00:08:15morning you need to understand Jesus
- 00:08:15morning you need to understand Jesus knew that he was going to start off in
- 00:08:17knew that he was going to start off in
- 00:08:17knew that he was going to start off in the morning saw probably someone was
- 00:08:19the morning saw probably someone was
- 00:08:19the morning saw probably someone was going to wake him up and he was not
- 00:08:22going to wake him up and he was not
- 00:08:22going to wake him up and he was not gonna go a day without having quiet time
- 00:08:24gonna go a day without having quiet time
- 00:08:24gonna go a day without having quiet time with God so at the very end of a very
- 00:08:27with God so at the very end of a very
- 00:08:27with God so at the very end of a very busy day he sends the people and the
- 00:08:28busy day he sends the people and the
- 00:08:28busy day he sends the people and the disciples away and he goes up into the
- 00:08:31disciples away and he goes up into the
- 00:08:31disciples away and he goes up into the mountain alone to have his quiet time
- 00:08:33mountain alone to have his quiet time
- 00:08:33mountain alone to have his quiet time with God meanwhile the disciples were in
- 00:08:37with God meanwhile the disciples were in
- 00:08:37with God meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from land for a strong
- 00:08:40trouble far away from land for a strong
- 00:08:40trouble far away from land for a strong wind had risen and they were finding
- 00:08:42wind had risen and they were finding
- 00:08:42wind had risen and they were finding heavy waves now if you've never been to
- 00:08:44heavy waves now if you've never been to
- 00:08:44heavy waves now if you've never been to Israel you really don't understand this
- 00:08:45Israel you really don't understand this
- 00:08:45Israel you really don't understand this story but if you go you'll find out that
- 00:08:48story but if you go you'll find out that
- 00:08:48story but if you go you'll find out that the Sea of Galilee is actually in this
- 00:08:50the Sea of Galilee is actually in this
- 00:08:50the Sea of Galilee is actually in this little Valley but it's very close
- 00:08:53little Valley but it's very close
- 00:08:53little Valley but it's very close to the Jezreel Valley and so right off
- 00:08:55to the Jezreel Valley and so right off
- 00:08:55to the Jezreel Valley and so right off of Mount Carmel from the Mediterranean
- 00:08:57of Mount Carmel from the Mediterranean
- 00:08:57of Mount Carmel from the Mediterranean Sea winds will blow and when you get to
- 00:09:00Sea winds will blow and when you get to
- 00:09:00Sea winds will blow and when you get to Mount Tabor it'll make it left and
- 00:09:02Mount Tabor it'll make it left and
- 00:09:02Mount Tabor it'll make it left and there's another Valley goes right by the
- 00:09:04there's another Valley goes right by the
- 00:09:04there's another Valley goes right by the city of Magdala onto the Sea of Galilee
- 00:09:07city of Magdala onto the Sea of Galilee
- 00:09:07city of Magdala onto the Sea of Galilee and let me tell you the waves are
- 00:09:09and let me tell you the waves are
- 00:09:09and let me tell you the waves are unbelievable if you've ever been in
- 00:09:11unbelievable if you've ever been in
- 00:09:11unbelievable if you've ever been in Israel when you have a storm in the
- 00:09:13Israel when you have a storm in the
- 00:09:13Israel when you have a storm in the Galilean area make sure that you walk
- 00:09:15Galilean area make sure that you walk
- 00:09:15Galilean area make sure that you walk down to the lake to see the waves
- 00:09:19down to the lake to see the waves
- 00:09:19down to the lake to see the waves sometimes if they're not paying
- 00:09:21sometimes if they're not paying
- 00:09:21sometimes if they're not paying attention and you go on one of the boats
- 00:09:23attention and you go on one of the boats
- 00:09:23attention and you go on one of the boats let me tell you when the waves come in
- 00:09:26let me tell you when the waves come in
- 00:09:26let me tell you when the waves come in even the people who are on those boats
- 00:09:29even the people who are on those boats
- 00:09:29even the people who are on those boats get scared are we gonna make it out of
- 00:09:30get scared are we gonna make it out of
- 00:09:30get scared are we gonna make it out of here and that's what they do for a
- 00:09:32here and that's what they do for a
- 00:09:32here and that's what they do for a living now let's keep going
- 00:09:34living now let's keep going
- 00:09:34living now let's keep going meanwhile the disciples were in trouble
- 00:09:36meanwhile the disciples were in trouble
- 00:09:36meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from land for a strong wind and
- 00:09:38far away from land for a strong wind and
- 00:09:38far away from land for a strong wind and risen and they were fighting heavy waves
- 00:09:40risen and they were fighting heavy waves
- 00:09:40risen and they were fighting heavy waves about three o'clock in the morning Jesus
- 00:09:44about three o'clock in the morning Jesus
- 00:09:44about three o'clock in the morning Jesus came toward them walking on the water
- 00:09:47came toward them walking on the water
- 00:09:47came toward them walking on the water but here's what I want you to notice
- 00:09:49but here's what I want you to notice
- 00:09:49but here's what I want you to notice about this story Jesus had ministered to
- 00:09:52about this story Jesus had ministered to
- 00:09:52about this story Jesus had ministered to the people all day long and you know
- 00:09:55the people all day long and you know
- 00:09:55the people all day long and you know that he had to have been wiped out
- 00:09:57that he had to have been wiped out
- 00:09:57that he had to have been wiped out physically emotionally spiritually and
- 00:10:02physically emotionally spiritually and
- 00:10:02physically emotionally spiritually and yet he purposely sent the people in the
- 00:10:04yet he purposely sent the people in the
- 00:10:04yet he purposely sent the people in the disciples away so he could have his
- 00:10:06disciples away so he could have his
- 00:10:06disciples away so he could have his quiet time with God people that's how
- 00:10:10quiet time with God people that's how
- 00:10:10quiet time with God people that's how important it was to Jesus now turn to
- 00:10:14important it was to Jesus now turn to
- 00:10:14important it was to Jesus now turn to the book of Matthew chapter 26 verses 36
- 00:10:16the book of Matthew chapter 26 verses 36
- 00:10:16the book of Matthew chapter 26 verses 36 through 44 and let's look at the second
- 00:10:19through 44 and let's look at the second
- 00:10:19through 44 and let's look at the second example because what I want you to see
- 00:10:21example because what I want you to see
- 00:10:21example because what I want you to see in these two examples is that it didn't
- 00:10:23in these two examples is that it didn't
- 00:10:23in these two examples is that it didn't matter what Jesus was going through he
- 00:10:27matter what Jesus was going through he
- 00:10:27matter what Jesus was going through he was always going to have his quiet time
- 00:10:29was always going to have his quiet time
- 00:10:29was always going to have his quiet time notice what it says then Jesus went with
- 00:10:32notice what it says then Jesus went with
- 00:10:32notice what it says then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called
- 00:10:34them to the olive grove called
- 00:10:34them to the olive grove called Gethsemane you already know what's
- 00:10:37Gethsemane you already know what's
- 00:10:37Gethsemane you already know what's happening this is the night he was
- 00:10:39happening this is the night he was
- 00:10:39happening this is the night he was betrayed he knew he was going to be
- 00:10:41betrayed he knew he was going to be
- 00:10:41betrayed he knew he was going to be betrayed he knew he was going to die the
- 00:10:43betrayed he knew he was going to die the
- 00:10:43betrayed he knew he was going to die the next day on the cross there's the
- 00:10:45next day on the cross there's the
- 00:10:45next day on the cross there's the setting and he said sit here while I go
- 00:10:51setting and he said sit here while I go
- 00:10:51setting and he said sit here while I go over there to pray in other words I need
- 00:10:54over there to pray in other words I need
- 00:10:54over there to pray in other words I need some alone time with God you said here
- 00:10:58some alone time with God you said here
- 00:10:58some alone time with God you said here I'm gonna go over there to pray he took
- 00:11:03I'm gonna go over there to pray he took
- 00:11:03I'm gonna go over there to pray he took Peter in 7yz two sons James and John and
- 00:11:06Peter in 7yz two sons James and John and
- 00:11:06Peter in 7yz two sons James and John and he became angry
- 00:11:07he became angry
- 00:11:07he became angry and distressed he told them my soul is
- 00:11:10and distressed he told them my soul is
- 00:11:10and distressed he told them my soul is crushed with grief to the point of death
- 00:11:13crushed with grief to the point of death
- 00:11:13crushed with grief to the point of death stay here and keep watch for me Oh with
- 00:11:18stay here and keep watch for me Oh with
- 00:11:18stay here and keep watch for me Oh with me he went on a little further even with
- 00:11:21me he went on a little further even with
- 00:11:21me he went on a little further even with him I don't want you with me
- 00:11:24him I don't want you with me
- 00:11:24him I don't want you with me I want my alone time with God and he
- 00:11:28I want my alone time with God and he
- 00:11:28I want my alone time with God and he bound with his face to the ground
- 00:11:30bound with his face to the ground
- 00:11:30bound with his face to the ground praying my father if it be possible that
- 00:11:32praying my father if it be possible that
- 00:11:32praying my father if it be possible that this cup of suffering be taken away from
- 00:11:34this cup of suffering be taken away from
- 00:11:34this cup of suffering be taken away from me you know I want your will to be done
- 00:11:36me you know I want your will to be done
- 00:11:36me you know I want your will to be done not mine
- 00:11:37not mine
- 00:11:37not mine then he returned to the disciples and
- 00:11:39then he returned to the disciples and
- 00:11:39then he returned to the disciples and found them asleep he said to Peter now
- 00:11:42found them asleep he said to Peter now
- 00:11:42found them asleep he said to Peter now not all the disciples he's actually
- 00:11:44not all the disciples he's actually
- 00:11:44not all the disciples he's actually saying this to Peter James and John
- 00:11:45saying this to Peter James and John
- 00:11:45saying this to Peter James and John couldn't you watch with me even one hour
- 00:11:48couldn't you watch with me even one hour
- 00:11:48couldn't you watch with me even one hour keep watching pray so that you will not
- 00:11:52keep watching pray so that you will not
- 00:11:52keep watching pray so that you will not give in to temptation remember Peters
- 00:11:54give in to temptation remember Peters
- 00:11:54give in to temptation remember Peters already said if everyone else denies you
- 00:11:56already said if everyone else denies you
- 00:11:56already said if everyone else denies you I won't before the cock the cock crows
- 00:11:59I won't before the cock the cock crows
- 00:11:59I won't before the cock the cock crows twice you will deny me three times
- 00:12:02twice you will deny me three times
- 00:12:02twice you will deny me three times now notice so he says keep watching pray
- 00:12:04now notice so he says keep watching pray
- 00:12:04now notice so he says keep watching pray so you will not give in to temptation
- 00:12:05so you will not give in to temptation
- 00:12:05so you will not give in to temptation for the Spirit is willing but the body
- 00:12:08for the Spirit is willing but the body
- 00:12:08for the Spirit is willing but the body is weak then Jesus left them a second
- 00:12:12is weak then Jesus left them a second
- 00:12:12is weak then Jesus left them a second time and pray you stay here I'm gonna go
- 00:12:15time and pray you stay here I'm gonna go
- 00:12:16time and pray you stay here I'm gonna go over there and have some alone time with
- 00:12:17over there and have some alone time with
- 00:12:17over there and have some alone time with God and he prayed my father if this cup
- 00:12:21God and he prayed my father if this cup
- 00:12:21God and he prayed my father if this cup cannot be taken away unless I drink it
- 00:12:23cannot be taken away unless I drink it
- 00:12:23cannot be taken away unless I drink it you will be done when he returned to
- 00:12:26you will be done when he returned to
- 00:12:26you will be done when he returned to them again he found them sleeping for
- 00:12:27them again he found them sleeping for
- 00:12:27them again he found them sleeping for they couldn't keep their eyes open so he
- 00:12:30they couldn't keep their eyes open so he
- 00:12:30they couldn't keep their eyes open so he went in other words he still said okay
- 00:12:32went in other words he still said okay
- 00:12:32went in other words he still said okay I'll let him sleep I want some alone
- 00:12:35I'll let him sleep I want some alone
- 00:12:35I'll let him sleep I want some alone time with God so he went to pray a third
- 00:12:37time with God so he went to pray a third
- 00:12:37time with God so he went to pray a third time saying the same things again so
- 00:12:39time saying the same things again so
- 00:12:39time saying the same things again so here Jesus is knowing his time is up and
- 00:12:42here Jesus is knowing his time is up and
- 00:12:42here Jesus is knowing his time is up and he's about to die on the cross and
- 00:12:43he's about to die on the cross and
- 00:12:43he's about to die on the cross and descend into hell in order to pay for
- 00:12:45descend into hell in order to pay for
- 00:12:45descend into hell in order to pay for our sin and yet he still takes the time
- 00:12:48our sin and yet he still takes the time
- 00:12:48our sin and yet he still takes the time to have his quiet time his alone time
- 00:12:51to have his quiet time his alone time
- 00:12:51to have his quiet time his alone time with God now people have I hadn't been
- 00:12:54with God now people have I hadn't been
- 00:12:54with God now people have I hadn't been Jesus I would have sat down and I would
- 00:12:57Jesus I would have sat down and I would
- 00:12:57Jesus I would have sat down and I would have ordered all the disciples to gather
- 00:12:59have ordered all the disciples to gather
- 00:12:59have ordered all the disciples to gather around me to lay their hands on me and
- 00:13:02around me to lay their hands on me and
- 00:13:02around me to lay their hands on me and to start praying for me and every time
- 00:13:04to start praying for me and every time
- 00:13:04to start praying for me and every time they stopped I would have rebuked them
- 00:13:06they stopped I would have rebuked them
- 00:13:06they stopped I would have rebuked them and I was you guys need to keep praying
- 00:13:08and I was you guys need to keep praying
- 00:13:08and I was you guys need to keep praying you don't know what I'm about ready to
- 00:13:10you don't know what I'm about ready to
- 00:13:10you don't know what I'm about ready to do I'm gonna die on the cross for you
- 00:13:13do I'm gonna die on the cross for you
- 00:13:13do I'm gonna die on the cross for you for your sins I'm gonna descend into
- 00:13:16for your sins I'm gonna descend into
- 00:13:16for your sins I'm gonna descend into hell to pay the penalty for your sin you
- 00:13:18hell to pay the penalty for your sin you
- 00:13:18hell to pay the penalty for your sin you just keep praying
- 00:13:20just keep praying
- 00:13:20just keep praying for me but not Jesus yes Jesus wanted
- 00:13:24for me but not Jesus yes Jesus wanted
- 00:13:24for me but not Jesus yes Jesus wanted this disciples to pray but he still
- 00:13:26this disciples to pray but he still
- 00:13:26this disciples to pray but he still walked away from them in order to have a
- 00:13:29walked away from them in order to have a
- 00:13:29walked away from them in order to have a private one-on-one time with God people
- 00:13:33private one-on-one time with God people
- 00:13:33private one-on-one time with God people that's how important a quiet time was to
- 00:13:37that's how important a quiet time was to
- 00:13:37that's how important a quiet time was to Jesus now listen to me
- 00:13:39Jesus now listen to me
- 00:13:39Jesus now listen to me if Jesus thought it was important enough
- 00:13:41if Jesus thought it was important enough
- 00:13:41if Jesus thought it was important enough to have a personal quiet time with God
- 00:13:43to have a personal quiet time with God
- 00:13:43to have a personal quiet time with God no matter what was happening in his life
- 00:13:45no matter what was happening in his life
- 00:13:46no matter what was happening in his life then it must be something that every
- 00:13:48then it must be something that every
- 00:13:48then it must be something that every Christian ought to do no ifs ands or
- 00:13:54Christian ought to do no ifs ands or
- 00:13:54Christian ought to do no ifs ands or buts because Jesus is the standard that
- 00:13:57buts because Jesus is the standard that
- 00:13:57buts because Jesus is the standard that we're trying to live up to in fact the
- 00:13:59we're trying to live up to in fact the
- 00:13:59we're trying to live up to in fact the word Christian literally means
- 00:14:00word Christian literally means
- 00:14:00word Christian literally means christ-like so if you're a Christian
- 00:14:03christ-like so if you're a Christian
- 00:14:03christ-like so if you're a Christian your goal is to become christ-like you
- 00:14:06your goal is to become christ-like you
- 00:14:06your goal is to become christ-like you should want to be just like him in fact
- 00:14:10should want to be just like him in fact
- 00:14:10should want to be just like him in fact that's what Paul said notice what he
- 00:14:12that's what Paul said notice what he
- 00:14:12that's what Paul said notice what he wrote in chapter 11 verse number 1 in
- 00:14:14wrote in chapter 11 verse number 1 in
- 00:14:14wrote in chapter 11 verse number 1 in 1st Corinthians he wrote this you should
- 00:14:171st Corinthians he wrote this you should
- 00:14:171st Corinthians he wrote this you should imitate me just as I imitate Christ Wow
- 00:14:25imitate me just as I imitate Christ Wow
- 00:14:25imitate me just as I imitate Christ Wow Paul said you need to be like me but you
- 00:14:29Paul said you need to be like me but you
- 00:14:29Paul said you need to be like me but you need to be like me in this way I do
- 00:14:33need to be like me in this way I do
- 00:14:33need to be like me in this way I do everything I can to be like Jesus so you
- 00:14:38everything I can to be like Jesus so you
- 00:14:38everything I can to be like Jesus so you need to imitate me you need to do
- 00:14:40need to imitate me you need to do
- 00:14:40need to imitate me you need to do everything you can to be like Jesus so
- 00:14:44everything you can to be like Jesus so
- 00:14:44everything you can to be like Jesus so if Jesus had a quiet time with God then
- 00:14:48if Jesus had a quiet time with God then
- 00:14:48if Jesus had a quiet time with God then you need to have a quiet time but let's
- 00:14:50you need to have a quiet time but let's
- 00:14:50you need to have a quiet time but let's go a little bit deeper how many of you
- 00:14:53go a little bit deeper how many of you
- 00:14:53go a little bit deeper how many of you know that it's very common for the Bible
- 00:14:54know that it's very common for the Bible
- 00:14:54know that it's very common for the Bible to divide people into two groups in
- 00:14:56to divide people into two groups in
- 00:14:56to divide people into two groups in order to illustrate a certain point as
- 00:14:59order to illustrate a certain point as
- 00:14:59order to illustrate a certain point as an example the Bible frequently divides
- 00:15:02an example the Bible frequently divides
- 00:15:02an example the Bible frequently divides people into two groups such as Jews and
- 00:15:04people into two groups such as Jews and
- 00:15:04people into two groups such as Jews and Gentiles male and female saved and
- 00:15:08Gentiles male and female saved and
- 00:15:08Gentiles male and female saved and unsaved those who are under the law and
- 00:15:10unsaved those who are under the law and
- 00:15:10unsaved those who are under the law and those who are not under the law
- 00:15:12those who are not under the law
- 00:15:12those who are not under the law those who were godly and those who were
- 00:15:14those who were godly and those who were
- 00:15:14those who were godly and those who were wicked those who were obedient and those
- 00:15:17wicked those who were obedient and those
- 00:15:17wicked those who were obedient and those who are disobedient those who are wise
- 00:15:19who are disobedient those who are wise
- 00:15:19who are disobedient those who are wise and those who were foolish so as you can
- 00:15:22and those who were foolish so as you can
- 00:15:22and those who were foolish so as you can see it's very common for the Bible to
- 00:15:24see it's very common for the Bible to
- 00:15:24see it's very common for the Bible to divide people into two groups in order
- 00:15:26divide people into two groups in order
- 00:15:26divide people into two groups in order to make a certain point and people I
- 00:15:28to make a certain point and people I
- 00:15:28to make a certain point and people I like to do the very same thing when I
- 00:15:30like to do the very same thing when I
- 00:15:30like to do the very same thing when I want to make a certain point I will
- 00:15:32want to make a certain point I will
- 00:15:32want to make a certain point I will divide people into two
- 00:15:33divide people into two
- 00:15:33divide people into two and I'm going to do that right now if
- 00:15:35and I'm going to do that right now if
- 00:15:35and I'm going to do that right now if you don't mind there are two groups of
- 00:15:38you don't mind there are two groups of
- 00:15:38you don't mind there are two groups of people in this world those who are real
- 00:15:41people in this world those who are real
- 00:15:41people in this world those who are real followers and those who are rural
- 00:15:44followers and those who are rural
- 00:15:44followers and those who are rural questioners now my wife and two dollars
- 00:15:47questioners now my wife and two dollars
- 00:15:47questioners now my wife and two dollars are real followers they follow the rules
- 00:15:50are real followers they follow the rules
- 00:15:50are real followers they follow the rules without ever questioning them just tell
- 00:15:52without ever questioning them just tell
- 00:15:52without ever questioning them just tell them what the rules are and they'll
- 00:15:54them what the rules are and they'll
- 00:15:54them what the rules are and they'll follow them no questions asked I on the
- 00:15:56follow them no questions asked I on the
- 00:15:56follow them no questions asked I on the other hand am a rule questioner in other
- 00:15:59other hand am a rule questioner in other
- 00:15:59other hand am a rule questioner in other words if you give me a rule and I don't
- 00:16:01words if you give me a rule and I don't
- 00:16:01words if you give me a rule and I don't see a purpose for the rule then I'm not
- 00:16:03see a purpose for the rule then I'm not
- 00:16:03see a purpose for the rule then I'm not gonna follow it
- 00:16:04gonna follow it
- 00:16:04gonna follow it I'm going to question the rule I'm going
- 00:16:08I'm going to question the rule I'm going
- 00:16:08I'm going to question the rule I'm going to ask why and if you can't tell me why
- 00:16:11to ask why and if you can't tell me why
- 00:16:11to ask why and if you can't tell me why I should follow the rule then I'm not
- 00:16:12I should follow the rule then I'm not
- 00:16:12I should follow the rule then I'm not gonna do it it's a stupid rule and I'm
- 00:16:15gonna do it it's a stupid rule and I'm
- 00:16:15gonna do it it's a stupid rule and I'm not gonna follow a stupid rule that's
- 00:16:17not gonna follow a stupid rule that's
- 00:16:17not gonna follow a stupid rule that's just the way I am and my wife has to
- 00:16:19just the way I am and my wife has to
- 00:16:19just the way I am and my wife has to tell me all the time
- 00:16:20tell me all the time
- 00:16:20tell me all the time quit trying to pass that on to your
- 00:16:22quit trying to pass that on to your
- 00:16:22quit trying to pass that on to your girls you think when my girls were
- 00:16:26girls you think when my girls were
- 00:16:26girls you think when my girls were little both of my girls did this they
- 00:16:28little both of my girls did this they
- 00:16:28little both of my girls did this they were at Central the old junior high you
- 00:16:31were at Central the old junior high you
- 00:16:31were at Central the old junior high you remember the old junior high and I had
- 00:16:33remember the old junior high and I had
- 00:16:33remember the old junior high and I had this yellow line and I would drop them
- 00:16:35this yellow line and I would drop them
- 00:16:35this yellow line and I would drop them off to school Lisa was still going to
- 00:16:37off to school Lisa was still going to
- 00:16:37off to school Lisa was still going to school I'd already graduated and so I
- 00:16:40school I'd already graduated and so I
- 00:16:40school I'd already graduated and so I would pull in and I would drop Micah off
- 00:16:42would pull in and I would drop Micah off
- 00:16:42would pull in and I would drop Micah off and I would notice that Micah would not
- 00:16:44and I would notice that Micah would not
- 00:16:44and I would notice that Micah would not walk straight towards the door uh-uh
- 00:16:47walk straight towards the door uh-uh
- 00:16:47walk straight towards the door uh-uh she would make a beeline to get behind
- 00:16:49she would make a beeline to get behind
- 00:16:49she would make a beeline to get behind the yellow line and then she would walk
- 00:16:51the yellow line and then she would walk
- 00:16:51the yellow line and then she would walk all the way behind it she'd make it hard
- 00:16:53all the way behind it she'd make it hard
- 00:16:53all the way behind it she'd make it hard right and then she would walk there and
- 00:16:57right and then she would walk there and
- 00:16:57right and then she would walk there and then she would go to the door and in it
- 00:16:59then she would go to the door and in it
- 00:16:59then she would go to the door and in it and one day I said honey why don't you
- 00:17:01and one day I said honey why don't you
- 00:17:01and one day I said honey why don't you just walk to the door dad we can't we're
- 00:17:03just walk to the door dad we can't we're
- 00:17:03just walk to the door dad we can't we're supposed a behind the yellow line I said
- 00:17:05supposed a behind the yellow line I said
- 00:17:05supposed a behind the yellow line I said honey that's so you won't get hit by
- 00:17:06honey that's so you won't get hit by
- 00:17:06honey that's so you won't get hit by carpet you need to understand there's no
- 00:17:08carpet you need to understand there's no
- 00:17:08carpet you need to understand there's no one in front of me and no one can get
- 00:17:10one in front of me and no one can get
- 00:17:10one in front of me and no one can get around me so when you get out just walk
- 00:17:12around me so when you get out just walk
- 00:17:12around me so when you get out just walk to the door I can't do that we're not
- 00:17:14to the door I can't do that we're not
- 00:17:14to the door I can't do that we're not supposed to and my wife one day heard me
- 00:17:18supposed to and my wife one day heard me
- 00:17:18supposed to and my wife one day heard me saying honey just do it and she said
- 00:17:21saying honey just do it and she said
- 00:17:21saying honey just do it and she said listen to me Alan the rule-followers I'm
- 00:17:24listen to me Alan the rule-followers I'm
- 00:17:24listen to me Alan the rule-followers I'm a rule follower let them follow the
- 00:17:27a rule follower let them follow the
- 00:17:27a rule follower let them follow the rules Macy did the very same thing now
- 00:17:30rules Macy did the very same thing now
- 00:17:30rules Macy did the very same thing now to me that was a stupid rule I
- 00:17:31to me that was a stupid rule I
- 00:17:31to me that was a stupid rule I understand it if people are picking up
- 00:17:34understand it if people are picking up
- 00:17:34understand it if people are picking up kids and you're afraid that you're going
- 00:17:35kids and you're afraid that you're going
- 00:17:35kids and you're afraid that you're going to be hit but if that's not gonna happen
- 00:17:37to be hit but if that's not gonna happen
- 00:17:37to be hit but if that's not gonna happen that's a stupid rule and I'm not gonna
- 00:17:39that's a stupid rule and I'm not gonna
- 00:17:39that's a stupid rule and I'm not gonna follow it now people I've been like that
- 00:17:43follow it now people I've been like that
- 00:17:43follow it now people I've been like that since I was born
- 00:17:45since I was born
- 00:17:45since I was born my parents found out real quick that if
- 00:17:48my parents found out real quick that if
- 00:17:48my parents found out real quick that if they wanted me to do something they
- 00:17:50they wanted me to do something they
- 00:17:50they wanted me to do something they needed to explain why they wanted me to
- 00:17:52needed to explain why they wanted me to
- 00:17:52needed to explain why they wanted me to do now my dad was a disciplinarian and
- 00:17:56do now my dad was a disciplinarian and
- 00:17:56do now my dad was a disciplinarian and sometimes his reason was because I said
- 00:17:59sometimes his reason was because I said
- 00:17:59sometimes his reason was because I said so and then I said that's good enough
- 00:18:00so and then I said that's good enough
- 00:18:00so and then I said that's good enough for me
- 00:18:01for me
- 00:18:01for me because those who don't listen must feel
- 00:18:05because those who don't listen must feel
- 00:18:05because those who don't listen must feel my dad could smack good anyways let's do
- 00:18:09my dad could smack good anyways let's do
- 00:18:09my dad could smack good anyways let's do a little quick survey here if you don't
- 00:18:10a little quick survey here if you don't
- 00:18:10a little quick survey here if you don't mind how many of you are rural followers
- 00:18:13mind how many of you are rural followers
- 00:18:13mind how many of you are rural followers in other words if there's a rule you're
- 00:18:15in other words if there's a rule you're
- 00:18:15in other words if there's a rule you're gonna follow it without questioning it
- 00:18:16gonna follow it without questioning it
- 00:18:16gonna follow it without questioning it if that's you know what you raise your
- 00:18:18if that's you know what you raise your
- 00:18:18if that's you know what you raise your hand how many real followers yeah all
- 00:18:21hand how many real followers yeah all
- 00:18:21hand how many real followers yeah all right how many of you are rural
- 00:18:24right how many of you are rural
- 00:18:24right how many of you are rural questioners in other words if there's a
- 00:18:26questioners in other words if there's a
- 00:18:26questioners in other words if there's a rule but you can't see a purpose for it
- 00:18:28rule but you can't see a purpose for it
- 00:18:28rule but you can't see a purpose for it then you're not gonna follow it unless
- 00:18:29then you're not gonna follow it unless
- 00:18:29then you're not gonna follow it unless someone can explain the purpose behind
- 00:18:31someone can explain the purpose behind
- 00:18:31someone can explain the purpose behind it and then it better make sense or
- 00:18:34it and then it better make sense or
- 00:18:34it and then it better make sense or you're not going to do it how many of
- 00:18:35you're not going to do it how many of
- 00:18:35you're not going to do it how many of you fall into that category
- 00:18:37you fall into that category
- 00:18:37you fall into that category alright so we're about 50/50 here we've
- 00:18:40alright so we're about 50/50 here we've
- 00:18:40alright so we're about 50/50 here we've got about 50% rule followers and fifty
- 00:18:43got about 50% rule followers and fifty
- 00:18:43got about 50% rule followers and fifty percent real questioners well if you're
- 00:18:45percent real questioners well if you're
- 00:18:45percent real questioners well if you're a real follower and I tell you that you
- 00:18:47a real follower and I tell you that you
- 00:18:47a real follower and I tell you that you need to have a quiet time with God it's
- 00:18:49need to have a quiet time with God it's
- 00:18:49need to have a quiet time with God it's a rule then you're gonna do it no
- 00:18:51a rule then you're gonna do it no
- 00:18:51a rule then you're gonna do it no questions asked
- 00:18:52questions asked
- 00:18:52questions asked and if someone asks you why you have a
- 00:18:54and if someone asks you why you have a
- 00:18:54and if someone asks you why you have a quiet time this morning every morning
- 00:18:56quiet time this morning every morning
- 00:18:56quiet time this morning every morning you're gonna say because I'm supposed to
- 00:18:58you're gonna say because I'm supposed to
- 00:18:58you're gonna say because I'm supposed to and if they press you on it you're gonna
- 00:19:01and if they press you on it you're gonna
- 00:19:01and if they press you on it you're gonna say well Jesus had a quiet time with God
- 00:19:03say well Jesus had a quiet time with God
- 00:19:03say well Jesus had a quiet time with God so I should have a quiet time with God
- 00:19:05so I should have a quiet time with God
- 00:19:05so I should have a quiet time with God and that's good enough for you because
- 00:19:06and that's good enough for you because
- 00:19:06and that's good enough for you because you're a rule follower but if you're not
- 00:19:10you're a rule follower but if you're not
- 00:19:10you're a rule follower but if you're not a real follower and you're a real
- 00:19:12a real follower and you're a real
- 00:19:12a real follower and you're a real questioner and I tell you that you need
- 00:19:15questioner and I tell you that you need
- 00:19:15questioner and I tell you that you need to have a quiet time with God you're
- 00:19:17to have a quiet time with God you're
- 00:19:17to have a quiet time with God you're gonna want to know why and if I say
- 00:19:20gonna want to know why and if I say
- 00:19:20gonna want to know why and if I say because the Bible says you're supposed
- 00:19:21because the Bible says you're supposed
- 00:19:21because the Bible says you're supposed to it's a rule you're gonna want to know
- 00:19:24to it's a rule you're gonna want to know
- 00:19:24to it's a rule you're gonna want to know why you're supposed to why is it a rule
- 00:19:27why you're supposed to why is it a rule
- 00:19:27why you're supposed to why is it a rule and if I tell you well Jesus had a quiet
- 00:19:30and if I tell you well Jesus had a quiet
- 00:19:30and if I tell you well Jesus had a quiet time so you should have a quiet time
- 00:19:32time so you should have a quiet time
- 00:19:32time so you should have a quiet time you're gonna say so I'm not Jesus tell
- 00:19:35you're gonna say so I'm not Jesus tell
- 00:19:35you're gonna say so I'm not Jesus tell me why I need to have a quiet time how
- 00:19:39me why I need to have a quiet time how
- 00:19:39me why I need to have a quiet time how many of you real questions know exactly
- 00:19:41many of you real questions know exactly
- 00:19:41many of you real questions know exactly what I'm talking about
- 00:19:43what I'm talking about
- 00:19:43what I'm talking about yeah so I'm not Jesus why should I have
- 00:19:47yeah so I'm not Jesus why should I have
- 00:19:47yeah so I'm not Jesus why should I have a quiet time so for all of you rule
- 00:19:50a quiet time so for all of you rule
- 00:19:50a quiet time so for all of you rule questioners let me explain why you need
- 00:19:53questioners let me explain why you need
- 00:19:53questioners let me explain why you need to have a quiet time with God every
- 00:19:55to have a quiet time with God every
- 00:19:55to have a quiet time with God every morning there are three reasons why you
- 00:19:58morning there are three reasons why you
- 00:19:58morning there are three reasons why you need to have a quiet
- 00:19:59need to have a quiet
- 00:19:59need to have a quiet time the first reason that you need to
- 00:20:00time the first reason that you need to
- 00:20:00time the first reason that you need to have a quiet time with God is because
- 00:20:02have a quiet time with God is because
- 00:20:02have a quiet time with God is because that's the only way to develop an
- 00:20:04that's the only way to develop an
- 00:20:04that's the only way to develop an intimate relationship with him let me
- 00:20:07intimate relationship with him let me
- 00:20:07intimate relationship with him let me say that again it's the only way to
- 00:20:10say that again it's the only way to
- 00:20:10say that again it's the only way to develop an intimate relationship with
- 00:20:13develop an intimate relationship with
- 00:20:13develop an intimate relationship with God you see you can't know God if you
- 00:20:16God you see you can't know God if you
- 00:20:17God you see you can't know God if you don't spend time with him in fact notice
- 00:20:19don't spend time with him in fact notice
- 00:20:19don't spend time with him in fact notice what first John chapter 2 verse number
- 00:20:21what first John chapter 2 verse number
- 00:20:21what first John chapter 2 verse number four says it says whoever says I know
- 00:20:23four says it says whoever says I know
- 00:20:23four says it says whoever says I know him talking about God but doesn't keep
- 00:20:28him talking about God but doesn't keep
- 00:20:28him talking about God but doesn't keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth
- 00:20:30his Commandments is a liar and the truth
- 00:20:30his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him
- 00:20:31is not in him
- 00:20:31is not in him now the word know was translated from
- 00:20:33now the word know was translated from
- 00:20:33now the word know was translated from the Greek word conozco
- 00:20:35the Greek word conozco
- 00:20:35the Greek word conozco and it means to know intimately in fact
- 00:20:38and it means to know intimately in fact
- 00:20:38and it means to know intimately in fact the Septuagint uses this word as a
- 00:20:41the Septuagint uses this word as a
- 00:20:41the Septuagint uses this word as a euphemism for sex in Genesis chapter 4
- 00:20:44euphemism for sex in Genesis chapter 4
- 00:20:44euphemism for sex in Genesis chapter 4 verse number one it says Adam knew Eve
- 00:20:46verse number one it says Adam knew Eve
- 00:20:46verse number one it says Adam knew Eve his wife everyone knows what the
- 00:20:50his wife everyone knows what the
- 00:20:50his wife everyone knows what the Septuagint is right it was translated
- 00:20:52Septuagint is right it was translated
- 00:20:52Septuagint is right it was translated about third century BC what happened was
- 00:20:56about third century BC what happened was
- 00:20:56about third century BC what happened was after Alexander the Great came in and
- 00:20:57after Alexander the Great came in and
- 00:20:57after Alexander the Great came in and conquered the known world Greek became
- 00:21:00conquered the known world Greek became
- 00:21:00conquered the known world Greek became the international language much like
- 00:21:01the international language much like
- 00:21:01the international language much like English is today so everyone learned
- 00:21:03English is today so everyone learned
- 00:21:03English is today so everyone learned Greek even the Jews in Palestine or what
- 00:21:07Greek even the Jews in Palestine or what
- 00:21:07Greek even the Jews in Palestine or what should say Palestine that's not the
- 00:21:08should say Palestine that's not the
- 00:21:08should say Palestine that's not the correct term for it the Romans did that
- 00:21:11correct term for it the Romans did that
- 00:21:11correct term for it the Romans did that Hadrian did that in 135 to punish the
- 00:21:15Hadrian did that in 135 to punish the
- 00:21:15Hadrian did that in 135 to punish the Jews but anyways so anyways when he came
- 00:21:19Jews but anyways so anyways when he came
- 00:21:19Jews but anyways so anyways when he came through and he conquered the known world
- 00:21:20through and he conquered the known world
- 00:21:20through and he conquered the known world everyone started speaking Greek that
- 00:21:22everyone started speaking Greek that
- 00:21:22everyone started speaking Greek that became the international language and
- 00:21:24became the international language and
- 00:21:24became the international language and even the Jews did that they lost their
- 00:21:26even the Jews did that they lost their
- 00:21:26even the Jews did that they lost their ability to actually read and speak
- 00:21:28ability to actually read and speak
- 00:21:28ability to actually read and speak Hebrew except for the ones that were
- 00:21:31Hebrew except for the ones that were
- 00:21:31Hebrew except for the ones that were more educated as a result of that they
- 00:21:33more educated as a result of that they
- 00:21:33more educated as a result of that they had the Bible translated the Old
- 00:21:35had the Bible translated the Old
- 00:21:35had the Bible translated the Old Testament because it's written the 3rd
- 00:21:37Testament because it's written the 3rd
- 00:21:37Testament because it's written the 3rd century BC before the New Testament was
- 00:21:40century BC before the New Testament was
- 00:21:40century BC before the New Testament was ever written
- 00:21:40ever written
- 00:21:40ever written they had it translated from Hebrew into
- 00:21:43they had it translated from Hebrew into
- 00:21:43they had it translated from Hebrew into Greek now in in Genesis chapter 4 verse
- 00:21:46Greek now in in Genesis chapter 4 verse
- 00:21:46Greek now in in Genesis chapter 4 verse number one it says an Adam knew Eve his
- 00:21:49number one it says an Adam knew Eve his
- 00:21:49number one it says an Adam knew Eve his wife and of course that means that Adam
- 00:21:52wife and of course that means that Adam
- 00:21:52wife and of course that means that Adam had sex with Eve now in the Septuagint
- 00:21:56had sex with Eve now in the Septuagint
- 00:21:56had sex with Eve now in the Septuagint the word new is translated from the
- 00:21:58the word new is translated from the
- 00:21:58the word new is translated from the Greek word good no-scope
- 00:21:59Greek word good no-scope
- 00:21:59Greek word good no-scope so as you can see gano school means to
- 00:22:02so as you can see gano school means to
- 00:22:02so as you can see gano school means to intimately know Adam didn't just know
- 00:22:05intimately know Adam didn't just know
- 00:22:05intimately know Adam didn't just know Eve he knew her intimately he knew her
- 00:22:11Eve he knew her intimately he knew her
- 00:22:11Eve he knew her intimately he knew her carnally
- 00:22:12carnally
- 00:22:12carnally does that make sense so notice what
- 00:22:15does that make sense so notice what
- 00:22:15does that make sense so notice what first John chapter 2 verse 4 is saying
- 00:22:17first John chapter 2 verse 4 is saying
- 00:22:17first John chapter 2 verse 4 is saying whoever says I know God intimately me
- 00:22:22whoever says I know God intimately me
- 00:22:22whoever says I know God intimately me and God are like this but doesn't keep
- 00:22:25and God are like this but doesn't keep
- 00:22:25and God are like this but doesn't keep his Commandments is a liar the truth is
- 00:22:29his Commandments is a liar the truth is
- 00:22:29his Commandments is a liar the truth is not in him
- 00:22:30not in him
- 00:22:30not in him people were commanded to pray in fact
- 00:22:32people were commanded to pray in fact
- 00:22:32people were commanded to pray in fact we're commanded to pray without ceasing
- 00:22:34we're commanded to pray without ceasing
- 00:22:34we're commanded to pray without ceasing we're commanded to seek God's face and
- 00:22:36we're commanded to seek God's face and
- 00:22:36we're commanded to seek God's face and draw near to him and the promises if we
- 00:22:39draw near to him and the promises if we
- 00:22:39draw near to him and the promises if we draw near to God God will draw near to
- 00:22:41draw near to God God will draw near to
- 00:22:41draw near to God God will draw near to us we're commanded to study his word and
- 00:22:45us we're commanded to study his word and
- 00:22:45us we're commanded to study his word and to meditate on it day and night and
- 00:22:47to meditate on it day and night and
- 00:22:47to meditate on it day and night and that's what a quiet time is all about
- 00:22:50that's what a quiet time is all about
- 00:22:50that's what a quiet time is all about it's all about praying and seeking God's
- 00:22:53it's all about praying and seeking God's
- 00:22:53it's all about praying and seeking God's face and and reading his word and
- 00:22:55face and and reading his word and
- 00:22:55face and and reading his word and meditating on it so if we're not doing
- 00:22:57meditating on it so if we're not doing
- 00:22:57meditating on it so if we're not doing that and we say that we know God
- 00:22:59that and we say that we know God
- 00:22:59that and we say that we know God intimately people were a liar and the
- 00:23:02intimately people were a liar and the
- 00:23:02intimately people were a liar and the truth is not in us and let me tell you
- 00:23:05truth is not in us and let me tell you
- 00:23:05truth is not in us and let me tell you something your lie will find you out and
- 00:23:08something your lie will find you out and
- 00:23:08something your lie will find you out and I'll explain how in just a second listen
- 00:23:10I'll explain how in just a second listen
- 00:23:10I'll explain how in just a second listen to me you cannot know God if you don't
- 00:23:14to me you cannot know God if you don't
- 00:23:14to me you cannot know God if you don't have a daily quiet time because the only
- 00:23:17have a daily quiet time because the only
- 00:23:17have a daily quiet time because the only way to know God is to spend time with
- 00:23:20way to know God is to spend time with
- 00:23:20way to know God is to spend time with him no ifs ands or buts and if you say
- 00:23:24him no ifs ands or buts and if you say
- 00:23:24him no ifs ands or buts and if you say that you know God and you don't spend
- 00:23:26that you know God and you don't spend
- 00:23:26that you know God and you don't spend time with him quality time with him on a
- 00:23:29time with him quality time with him on a
- 00:23:29time with him quality time with him on a daily basis you're a liar and your lie
- 00:23:32daily basis you're a liar and your lie
- 00:23:32daily basis you're a liar and your lie will find you out and let me tell you
- 00:23:35will find you out and let me tell you
- 00:23:35will find you out and let me tell you how we'll do that there will come a time
- 00:23:37how we'll do that there will come a time
- 00:23:37how we'll do that there will come a time when you will die and when you're on
- 00:23:40when you will die and when you're on
- 00:23:40when you will die and when you're on your deathbed if you have an intimate
- 00:23:42your deathbed if you have an intimate
- 00:23:42your deathbed if you have an intimate knowledge of God if you know God if
- 00:23:45knowledge of God if you know God if
- 00:23:45knowledge of God if you know God if you're like this you don't have a fear
- 00:23:49you're like this you don't have a fear
- 00:23:49you're like this you don't have a fear of death
- 00:23:50of death
- 00:23:50of death but let me tell you something just
- 00:23:52but let me tell you something just
- 00:23:52but let me tell you something just because you're a Christian just because
- 00:23:53because you're a Christian just because
- 00:23:53because you're a Christian just because you come to church just because you know
- 00:23:56you come to church just because you know
- 00:23:56you come to church just because you know the Bible stories just because you know
- 00:23:57the Bible stories just because you know
- 00:23:57the Bible stories just because you know what Jesus did for you that is no
- 00:24:00what Jesus did for you that is no
- 00:24:00what Jesus did for you that is no guarantee that when you get ready to
- 00:24:01guarantee that when you get ready to
- 00:24:01guarantee that when you get ready to take your last breath that you're
- 00:24:03take your last breath that you're
- 00:24:03take your last breath that you're confident that when you take that last
- 00:24:05confident that when you take that last
- 00:24:05confident that when you take that last breath of Jesus is there to take you by
- 00:24:07breath of Jesus is there to take you by
- 00:24:07breath of Jesus is there to take you by the hand and take you into the presence
- 00:24:09the hand and take you into the presence
- 00:24:09the hand and take you into the presence of God you won't know God therefore you
- 00:24:14of God you won't know God therefore you
- 00:24:14of God you won't know God therefore you won't have the confidence I can't tell
- 00:24:16won't have the confidence I can't tell
- 00:24:16won't have the confidence I can't tell you as a pastor how many times I've been
- 00:24:18you as a pastor how many times I've been
- 00:24:18you as a pastor how many times I've been called to a person's bed their deathbed
- 00:24:21called to a person's bed their deathbed
- 00:24:21called to a person's bed their deathbed and they're scared to death of dying and
- 00:24:24and they're scared to death of dying and
- 00:24:24and they're scared to death of dying and I can see it written all over their face
- 00:24:26I can see it written all over their face
- 00:24:26I can see it written all over their face and I say are you scared and so I
- 00:24:33and I say are you scared and so I
- 00:24:33and I say are you scared and so I minister to them and I usually share one
- 00:24:37minister to them and I usually share one
- 00:24:37minister to them and I usually share one thing and I'm not gonna do that because
- 00:24:38thing and I'm not gonna do that because
- 00:24:38thing and I'm not gonna do that because I don't have time but I share something
- 00:24:41I don't have time but I share something
- 00:24:41I don't have time but I share something with them that gives them great comfort
- 00:24:43with them that gives them great comfort
- 00:24:43with them that gives them great comfort and most of them are ready to go home at
- 00:24:46and most of them are ready to go home at
- 00:24:46and most of them are ready to go home at that point but let me say this if you
- 00:24:50that point but let me say this if you
- 00:24:50that point but let me say this if you don't know God
- 00:24:52don't know God
- 00:24:52don't know God you can say you do but you're a liar and
- 00:24:55you can say you do but you're a liar and
- 00:24:55you can say you do but you're a liar and that lie will become evident on your
- 00:25:02that lie will become evident on your
- 00:25:02that lie will become evident on your deathbed the only people who are ready
- 00:25:06deathbed the only people who are ready
- 00:25:06deathbed the only people who are ready to go home truly ready to go home are
- 00:25:08to go home truly ready to go home are
- 00:25:08to go home truly ready to go home are those who know God have kept his
- 00:25:12those who know God have kept his
- 00:25:12those who know God have kept his Commandments they've spent time with him
- 00:25:14Commandments they've spent time with him
- 00:25:14Commandments they've spent time with him they know him intimately the second
- 00:25:19they know him intimately the second
- 00:25:19they know him intimately the second reason you need to have a quiet time
- 00:25:21reason you need to have a quiet time
- 00:25:21reason you need to have a quiet time with God is to increase your knowledge
- 00:25:23with God is to increase your knowledge
- 00:25:23with God is to increase your knowledge of him and his word you see the more you
- 00:25:26of him and his word you see the more you
- 00:25:26of him and his word you see the more you know the more you grow as a Christian
- 00:25:29know the more you grow as a Christian
- 00:25:29know the more you grow as a Christian let me say that again because it rhymes
- 00:25:32let me say that again because it rhymes
- 00:25:32let me say that again because it rhymes and this will stick with you the more
- 00:25:34and this will stick with you the more
- 00:25:34and this will stick with you the more you know the more you grow as a
- 00:25:37you know the more you grow as a
- 00:25:37you know the more you grow as a Christian notice what Paul told the
- 00:25:40Christian notice what Paul told the
- 00:25:40Christian notice what Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter to them
- 00:25:41Corinthians in his first letter to them
- 00:25:41Corinthians in his first letter to them chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 he said dear
- 00:25:45chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 he said dear
- 00:25:45chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 he said dear brothers and sisters when I was with you
- 00:25:47brothers and sisters when I was with you
- 00:25:47brothers and sisters when I was with you I couldn't talk to you as I would to
- 00:25:49I couldn't talk to you as I would to
- 00:25:49I couldn't talk to you as I would to spiritual people I had to talk to you as
- 00:25:51spiritual people I had to talk to you as
- 00:25:51spiritual people I had to talk to you as though you belong to this world or as
- 00:25:53though you belong to this world or as
- 00:25:53though you belong to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian
- 00:25:55though you were infants in the Christian
- 00:25:55though you were infants in the Christian life in other words baby Christians I
- 00:25:57life in other words baby Christians I
- 00:25:57life in other words baby Christians I had to feed you with milk not with solid
- 00:26:01had to feed you with milk not with solid
- 00:26:01had to feed you with milk not with solid food because you weren't ready for
- 00:26:03food because you weren't ready for
- 00:26:03food because you weren't ready for anything stronger and here's the sad
- 00:26:06anything stronger and here's the sad
- 00:26:06anything stronger and here's the sad thing you still aren't ready now
- 00:26:09thing you still aren't ready now
- 00:26:09thing you still aren't ready now I love Paul's analogy you see a baby
- 00:26:12I love Paul's analogy you see a baby
- 00:26:12I love Paul's analogy you see a baby can't handle anything but milk for about
- 00:26:13can't handle anything but milk for about
- 00:26:13can't handle anything but milk for about the first four to six months but when
- 00:26:16the first four to six months but when
- 00:26:16the first four to six months but when they reach about four to six months it's
- 00:26:17they reach about four to six months it's
- 00:26:17they reach about four to six months it's time to start adding some pureed food to
- 00:26:21time to start adding some pureed food to
- 00:26:21time to start adding some pureed food to their diet now have you ever noticed
- 00:26:23their diet now have you ever noticed
- 00:26:23their diet now have you ever noticed when you pick baby food that's pureed
- 00:26:25when you pick baby food that's pureed
- 00:26:25when you pick baby food that's pureed and you feed them have you ever noticed
- 00:26:27and you feed them have you ever noticed
- 00:26:27and you feed them have you ever noticed when you stick that little bitty spoon
- 00:26:29when you stick that little bitty spoon
- 00:26:29when you stick that little bitty spoon in their mouth that they spit half of it
- 00:26:31in their mouth that they spit half of it
- 00:26:31in their mouth that they spit half of it out ever notice that you put it in there
- 00:26:34out ever notice that you put it in there
- 00:26:34out ever notice that you put it in there they go and half of it comes out so you
- 00:26:36they go and half of it comes out so you
- 00:26:36they go and half of it comes out so you take the spoon and you wipe it across
- 00:26:38take the spoon and you wipe it across
- 00:26:38take the spoon and you wipe it across their lips and then
- 00:26:39their lips and then
- 00:26:39their lips and then stick it back in the second time and you
- 00:26:41stick it back in the second time and you
- 00:26:41stick it back in the second time and you do that every time ever notice that do
- 00:26:44do that every time ever notice that do
- 00:26:44do that every time ever notice that do you know why babies do that babies do
- 00:26:46you know why babies do that babies do
- 00:26:46you know why babies do that babies do that because they're born with the
- 00:26:48that because they're born with the
- 00:26:48that because they're born with the instinct to suck it's an innate instinct
- 00:26:52instinct to suck it's an innate instinct
- 00:26:52instinct to suck it's an innate instinct within them so how they suck and the way
- 00:26:55within them so how they suck and the way
- 00:26:55within them so how they suck and the way any one sucks is we take our tongue and
- 00:26:57any one sucks is we take our tongue and
- 00:26:57any one sucks is we take our tongue and we stick it out actually we're going to
- 00:27:00we stick it out actually we're going to
- 00:27:00we stick it out actually we're going to push it to the top of her mouth and
- 00:27:01push it to the top of her mouth and
- 00:27:02push it to the top of her mouth and we're going to suck but they don't have
- 00:27:04we're going to suck but they don't have
- 00:27:04we're going to suck but they don't have any teeth and because they don't have
- 00:27:06any teeth and because they don't have
- 00:27:06any teeth and because they don't have any teeth see our teeth will stop our
- 00:27:09any teeth see our teeth will stop our
- 00:27:09any teeth see our teeth will stop our tongue so if you want to suck and you
- 00:27:11tongue so if you want to suck and you
- 00:27:11tongue so if you want to suck and you can go home and you experiment today in
- 00:27:13can go home and you experiment today in
- 00:27:13can go home and you experiment today in fact go out to eat say honey look and
- 00:27:16fact go out to eat say honey look and
- 00:27:16fact go out to eat say honey look and take that straw and put that straw in
- 00:27:18take that straw and put that straw in
- 00:27:18take that straw and put that straw in there and notice what happens with your
- 00:27:20there and notice what happens with your
- 00:27:20there and notice what happens with your tongue it'll go to the top of the roof
- 00:27:22tongue it'll go to the top of the roof
- 00:27:22tongue it'll go to the top of the roof of your mouth but the reason it stops is
- 00:27:25of your mouth but the reason it stops is
- 00:27:25of your mouth but the reason it stops is because you have teeth but if you're
- 00:27:27because you have teeth but if you're
- 00:27:27because you have teeth but if you're toothless like a baby then that tongue
- 00:27:30toothless like a baby then that tongue
- 00:27:30toothless like a baby then that tongue comes out and when it comes out they're
- 00:27:33comes out and when it comes out they're
- 00:27:33comes out and when it comes out they're trying to push it up so that they can
- 00:27:36trying to push it up so that they can
- 00:27:36trying to push it up so that they can suck and that's instinct within them
- 00:27:39suck and that's instinct within them
- 00:27:39suck and that's instinct within them they innately know to do that that's why
- 00:27:43they innately know to do that that's why
- 00:27:43they innately know to do that that's why you can put them on your breast and they
- 00:27:44you can put them on your breast and they
- 00:27:44you can put them on your breast and they will latch on and start sucking but
- 00:27:48will latch on and start sucking but
- 00:27:48will latch on and start sucking but here's the problem when you take that
- 00:27:49here's the problem when you take that
- 00:27:49here's the problem when you take that pureed food and you stick it in their
- 00:27:51pureed food and you stick it in their
- 00:27:51pureed food and you stick it in their mouth the first thing they want to do is
- 00:27:53mouth the first thing they want to do is
- 00:27:53mouth the first thing they want to do is suck it so the tongue comes out and when
- 00:27:57suck it so the tongue comes out and when
- 00:27:57suck it so the tongue comes out and when it comes out it pushes half of the food
- 00:27:58it comes out it pushes half of the food
- 00:27:58it comes out it pushes half of the food out and then they suck the rest of the
- 00:28:00out and then they suck the rest of the
- 00:28:00out and then they suck the rest of the pure fade pureed food in and then you
- 00:28:03pure fade pureed food in and then you
- 00:28:03pure fade pureed food in and then you wipe their tongue or your lips and you
- 00:28:05wipe their tongue or your lips and you
- 00:28:05wipe their tongue or your lips and you stick the other part back in right
- 00:28:07stick the other part back in right
- 00:28:07stick the other part back in right everyone with me yeah and when they hit
- 00:28:10everyone with me yeah and when they hit
- 00:28:10everyone with me yeah and when they hit about 10 to 11 months old and start
- 00:28:12about 10 to 11 months old and start
- 00:28:12about 10 to 11 months old and start grabbing for your food it's time to add
- 00:28:14grabbing for your food it's time to add
- 00:28:14grabbing for your food it's time to add some soft food because they've been
- 00:28:16some soft food because they've been
- 00:28:16some soft food because they've been developing the ability to swallow so
- 00:28:19developing the ability to swallow so
- 00:28:19developing the ability to swallow so they're not just sucking now but the
- 00:28:21they're not just sucking now but the
- 00:28:21they're not just sucking now but the reason you want to make sure that a soft
- 00:28:23reason you want to make sure that a soft
- 00:28:23reason you want to make sure that a soft food is because if you give them hard
- 00:28:25food is because if you give them hard
- 00:28:25food is because if you give them hard food they're going to choke they haven't
- 00:28:27food they're going to choke they haven't
- 00:28:27food they're going to choke they haven't really mastered yet that that's
- 00:28:29really mastered yet that that's
- 00:28:29really mastered yet that that's swallowing now eventually they get to
- 00:28:32swallowing now eventually they get to
- 00:28:32swallowing now eventually they get to the point where they can chew and they
- 00:28:33the point where they can chew and they
- 00:28:33the point where they can chew and they can eat solid food but if your child is
- 00:28:35can eat solid food but if your child is
- 00:28:35can eat solid food but if your child is 3 to 4 years old and still can't eat
- 00:28:373 to 4 years old and still can't eat
- 00:28:373 to 4 years old and still can't eat solid food there's a problem with their
- 00:28:40solid food there's a problem with their
- 00:28:40solid food there's a problem with their development something is wrong and
- 00:28:43development something is wrong and
- 00:28:43development something is wrong and that's what Paul was saying to the
- 00:28:45that's what Paul was saying to the
- 00:28:45that's what Paul was saying to the Corinthians he was saying something is
- 00:28:47Corinthians he was saying something is
- 00:28:47Corinthians he was saying something is wrong with your development as
- 00:28:48wrong with your development as
- 00:28:48wrong with your development as Christians because you should be able to
- 00:28:51Christians because you should be able to
- 00:28:51Christians because you should be able to handle the meat of God
- 00:28:52handle the meat of God
- 00:28:52handle the meat of God but you can't handle it you're still a
- 00:28:55but you can't handle it you're still a
- 00:28:55but you can't handle it you're still a baby Christian and not growing you're
- 00:28:57baby Christian and not growing you're
- 00:28:57baby Christian and not growing you're still sucking on the nipple of Jesus
- 00:29:01still sucking on the nipple of Jesus
- 00:29:01still sucking on the nipple of Jesus Christ that's all you can handle his
- 00:29:03Christ that's all you can handle his
- 00:29:03Christ that's all you can handle his milk in fact look at the last three
- 00:29:06milk in fact look at the last three
- 00:29:06milk in fact look at the last three verses in Hebrews chapter 5 and the
- 00:29:08verses in Hebrews chapter 5 and the
- 00:29:08verses in Hebrews chapter 5 and the first verse in Hebrews chapter 6 notice
- 00:29:10first verse in Hebrews chapter 6 notice
- 00:29:10first verse in Hebrews chapter 6 notice what it says you've been believer so
- 00:29:12what it says you've been believer so
- 00:29:12what it says you've been believer so long now that you ought to be teaching
- 00:29:14long now that you ought to be teaching
- 00:29:14long now that you ought to be teaching others instead you need someone to teach
- 00:29:17others instead you need someone to teach
- 00:29:17others instead you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God's
- 00:29:19you again the basic things about God's
- 00:29:19you again the basic things about God's Word you are like babies who need milk
- 00:29:22Word you are like babies who need milk
- 00:29:22Word you are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food for someone
- 00:29:24and cannot eat solid food for someone
- 00:29:24and cannot eat solid food for someone who lives on milk is still an infant and
- 00:29:27who lives on milk is still an infant and
- 00:29:27who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn't know how to do right solid food
- 00:29:30doesn't know how to do right solid food
- 00:29:30doesn't know how to do right solid food is for those who are mature and who
- 00:29:32is for those who are mature and who
- 00:29:32is for those who are mature and who through training had the skill to
- 00:29:34through training had the skill to
- 00:29:34through training had the skill to recognize the difference between right
- 00:29:36recognize the difference between right
- 00:29:36recognize the difference between right and wrong so let us stop going over the
- 00:29:38and wrong so let us stop going over the
- 00:29:38and wrong so let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and
- 00:29:40basic teachings about Christ again and
- 00:29:40basic teachings about Christ again and again let us go on and stand and become
- 00:29:42again let us go on and stand and become
- 00:29:42again let us go on and stand and become mature and our understanding surely we
- 00:29:45mature and our understanding surely we
- 00:29:45mature and our understanding surely we don't need to start again with the
- 00:29:46don't need to start again with the
- 00:29:46don't need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from
- 00:29:48fundamental importance of repenting from
- 00:29:48fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God
- 00:29:50evil deeds and placing our faith in God
- 00:29:50evil deeds and placing our faith in God you ever noticed people who fall away
- 00:29:53you ever noticed people who fall away
- 00:29:53you ever noticed people who fall away then they feel bad to come back to
- 00:29:56then they feel bad to come back to
- 00:29:56then they feel bad to come back to church and they get saved again
- 00:29:59church and they get saved again
- 00:29:59church and they get saved again you don't get saved again but anyways
- 00:30:01you don't get saved again but anyways
- 00:30:01you don't get saved again but anyways they think they do and then they fall
- 00:30:03they think they do and then they fall
- 00:30:03they think they do and then they fall away from church they come back again
- 00:30:05away from church they come back again
- 00:30:05away from church they come back again and they rededicate their lives and they
- 00:30:07and they rededicate their lives and they
- 00:30:07and they rededicate their lives and they keep doing and we're always staying with
- 00:30:09keep doing and we're always staying with
- 00:30:09keep doing and we're always staying with the same thing yeah why because if
- 00:30:13the same thing yeah why because if
- 00:30:13the same thing yeah why because if you're not learning you're not growing
- 00:30:16you're not learning you're not growing
- 00:30:16you're not learning you're not growing if you're not learning you're not
- 00:30:19if you're not learning you're not
- 00:30:19if you're not learning you're not growing
- 00:30:20growing
- 00:30:20growing you have Arrested Development which
- 00:30:23you have Arrested Development which
- 00:30:23you have Arrested Development which simply means you've stopped maturing as
- 00:30:25simply means you've stopped maturing as
- 00:30:25simply means you've stopped maturing as a Christian you stop growing as a
- 00:30:28a Christian you stop growing as a
- 00:30:28a Christian you stop growing as a Christian and that wouldn't be happening
- 00:30:30Christian and that wouldn't be happening
- 00:30:30Christian and that wouldn't be happening if you had a quality quiet time with God
- 00:30:32if you had a quality quiet time with God
- 00:30:32if you had a quality quiet time with God every morning your knowledge of God and
- 00:30:35every morning your knowledge of God and
- 00:30:35every morning your knowledge of God and His Word would be increasing the way
- 00:30:37His Word would be increasing the way
- 00:30:37His Word would be increasing the way it's supposed to if you were spending
- 00:30:39it's supposed to if you were spending
- 00:30:39it's supposed to if you were spending time with God the third reason you need
- 00:30:42time with God the third reason you need
- 00:30:42time with God the third reason you need to have a quiet time with God it's
- 00:30:44to have a quiet time with God it's
- 00:30:44to have a quiet time with God it's because the process itself requires you
- 00:30:47because the process itself requires you
- 00:30:47because the process itself requires you to evaluate yourself on a daily basis it
- 00:30:49to evaluate yourself on a daily basis it
- 00:30:49to evaluate yourself on a daily basis it requires you to do a self-evaluation
- 00:30:52requires you to do a self-evaluation
- 00:30:52requires you to do a self-evaluation look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 6
- 00:30:55look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 6
- 00:30:55look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 6 and 16 and 17 and I'll show you what I'm
- 00:30:57and 16 and 17 and I'll show you what I'm
- 00:30:57and 16 and 17 and I'll show you what I'm talking about all Scripture is inspired
- 00:31:00talking about all Scripture is inspired
- 00:31:00talking about all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is
- 00:31:03by God and is useful to teach us what is
- 00:31:03by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is
- 00:31:06true and to make us realize what is
- 00:31:06true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when
- 00:31:09wrong in our lives it corrects us when
- 00:31:09wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and it teaches us to do
- 00:31:12we are wrong and it teaches us to do
- 00:31:12we are wrong and it teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare us
- 00:31:15what is right God uses it to prepare us
- 00:31:15what is right God uses it to prepare us and do equip us to do every good work
- 00:31:18and do equip us to do every good work
- 00:31:18and do equip us to do every good work then did you catch those five things
- 00:31:21then did you catch those five things
- 00:31:21then did you catch those five things God's Word teaches us what is true it
- 00:31:25God's Word teaches us what is true it
- 00:31:25God's Word teaches us what is true it makes us realize what is wrong in our
- 00:31:28makes us realize what is wrong in our
- 00:31:28makes us realize what is wrong in our life in other words where we're screwing
- 00:31:31life in other words where we're screwing
- 00:31:31life in other words where we're screwing up where we're failing and it teaches us
- 00:31:34up where we're failing and it teaches us
- 00:31:34up where we're failing and it teaches us what we should be doing to succeed in
- 00:31:37what we should be doing to succeed in
- 00:31:37what we should be doing to succeed in life and more importantly God uses his
- 00:31:39life and more importantly God uses his
- 00:31:39life and more importantly God uses his work to prepare us to do the things that
- 00:31:42work to prepare us to do the things that
- 00:31:42work to prepare us to do the things that we need to do in order to be successful
- 00:31:44we need to do in order to be successful
- 00:31:44we need to do in order to be successful in this life so every day as I read
- 00:31:47in this life so every day as I read
- 00:31:47in this life so every day as I read God's Word and meditate on it it's
- 00:31:49God's Word and meditate on it it's
- 00:31:49God's Word and meditate on it it's revealing where I'm screwing up and
- 00:31:51revealing where I'm screwing up and
- 00:31:51revealing where I'm screwing up and where I'm doing good
- 00:31:53where I'm doing good
- 00:31:53where I'm doing good it's revealing the areas that I need to
- 00:31:55it's revealing the areas that I need to
- 00:31:55it's revealing the areas that I need to improve in and the things that I need to
- 00:31:57improve in and the things that I need to
- 00:31:57improve in and the things that I need to want working on so as you can see the
- 00:32:00want working on so as you can see the
- 00:32:00want working on so as you can see the whole process of reading the Bible and
- 00:32:02whole process of reading the Bible and
- 00:32:02whole process of reading the Bible and meditating on it and how it applies to
- 00:32:05meditating on it and how it applies to
- 00:32:05meditating on it and how it applies to my life and then praying about it causes
- 00:32:09my life and then praying about it causes
- 00:32:09my life and then praying about it causes me to personally evaluate whether or not
- 00:32:11me to personally evaluate whether or not
- 00:32:11me to personally evaluate whether or not I'm living the way that God's words says
- 00:32:13I'm living the way that God's words says
- 00:32:13I'm living the way that God's words says that I should be or not and if I'm not
- 00:32:19that I should be or not and if I'm not
- 00:32:19that I should be or not and if I'm not it convicts me to repent and change so
- 00:32:23it convicts me to repent and change so
- 00:32:23it convicts me to repent and change so instead of doing a yearly evaluation in
- 00:32:25instead of doing a yearly evaluation in
- 00:32:25instead of doing a yearly evaluation in January and then making some new year's
- 00:32:27January and then making some new year's
- 00:32:27January and then making some new year's resolutions that and all probability I'm
- 00:32:30resolutions that and all probability I'm
- 00:32:30resolutions that and all probability I'm never going to keep I'm doing a personal
- 00:32:33never going to keep I'm doing a personal
- 00:32:33never going to keep I'm doing a personal evaluation of my life every morning in
- 00:32:35evaluation of my life every morning in
- 00:32:35evaluation of my life every morning in my quiet time people that alone is worth
- 00:32:41my quiet time people that alone is worth
- 00:32:41my quiet time people that alone is worth the price of the ticket that alone is
- 00:32:46the price of the ticket that alone is
- 00:32:46the price of the ticket that alone is worth the price of the ticket because if
- 00:32:49worth the price of the ticket because if
- 00:32:49worth the price of the ticket because if you're stuck in life I can tell you why
- 00:32:52you're stuck in life I can tell you why
- 00:32:52you're stuck in life I can tell you why it's because you don't have a daily
- 00:32:54it's because you don't have a daily
- 00:32:54it's because you don't have a daily quiet time with God or if you do have a
- 00:32:57quiet time with God or if you do have a
- 00:32:57quiet time with God or if you do have a quiet time with God it's not a quality
- 00:32:58quiet time with God it's not a quality
- 00:32:59quiet time with God it's not a quality quiet time you're just going through the
- 00:33:01quiet time you're just going through the
- 00:33:01quiet time you're just going through the motions you're just wanting to check off
- 00:33:03motions you're just wanting to check off
- 00:33:03motions you're just wanting to check off read my Bible I prayed but it's not a
- 00:33:06read my Bible I prayed but it's not a
- 00:33:06read my Bible I prayed but it's not a quality time where you are listening to
- 00:33:09quality time where you are listening to
- 00:33:09quality time where you are listening to God you know what's interesting studies
- 00:33:13God you know what's interesting studies
- 00:33:13God you know what's interesting studies show and these aren't just Christian
- 00:33:16show and these aren't just Christian
- 00:33:16show and these aren't just Christian studies these are even secular studies
- 00:33:19studies these are even secular studies
- 00:33:19studies these are even secular studies studies show that people who read their
- 00:33:21studies show that people who read their
- 00:33:21studies show that people who read their Bible everyday and have a time for
- 00:33:23Bible everyday and have a time for
- 00:33:23Bible everyday and have a time for prayer and meditation are more
- 00:33:24prayer and meditation are more
- 00:33:24prayer and meditation are more successful than those who don't and do
- 00:33:27successful than those who don't and do
- 00:33:27successful than those who don't and do you want to know why that is it's
- 00:33:29you want to know why that is it's
- 00:33:29you want to know why that is it's because the people who read their Bible
- 00:33:31because the people who read their Bible
- 00:33:31because the people who read their Bible every day and have a daily time for
- 00:33:33every day and have a daily time for
- 00:33:33every day and have a daily time for prayer and meditation are performing a
- 00:33:35prayer and meditation are performing a
- 00:33:35prayer and meditation are performing a self-evaluation and they don't even know
- 00:33:38self-evaluation and they don't even know
- 00:33:38self-evaluation and they don't even know it every morning they are critiquing
- 00:33:43it every morning they are critiquing
- 00:33:43it every morning they are critiquing their life every morning they're saying
- 00:33:47their life every morning they're saying
- 00:33:47their life every morning they're saying God show me where I'm screwing up show
- 00:33:53God show me where I'm screwing up show
- 00:33:53God show me where I'm screwing up show me what I need to improve in or on show
- 00:33:57me what I need to improve in or on show
- 00:33:57me what I need to improve in or on show me what I should be doing and I'm not so
- 00:34:01me what I should be doing and I'm not so
- 00:34:01me what I should be doing and I'm not so they're making daily changes and they're
- 00:34:03they're making daily changes and they're
- 00:34:03they're making daily changes and they're remaining focused on the things that
- 00:34:04remaining focused on the things that
- 00:34:04remaining focused on the things that really matter in life instead of getting
- 00:34:07really matter in life instead of getting
- 00:34:07really matter in life instead of getting sidetracked and they don't even know
- 00:34:09sidetracked and they don't even know
- 00:34:09sidetracked and they don't even know that they're doing that because the
- 00:34:11that they're doing that because the
- 00:34:11that they're doing that because the process itself of doing a daily quiet
- 00:34:13process itself of doing a daily quiet
- 00:34:13process itself of doing a daily quiet time requires that they do a
- 00:34:15time requires that they do a
- 00:34:15time requires that they do a self-evaluation every morning not once a
- 00:34:19self-evaluation every morning not once a
- 00:34:19self-evaluation every morning not once a year good lord
- 00:34:22year good lord
- 00:34:22year good lord you've wasted a whole year just to find
- 00:34:24you've wasted a whole year just to find
- 00:34:24you've wasted a whole year just to find out that you're a screw-up but if you
- 00:34:29out that you're a screw-up but if you
- 00:34:29out that you're a screw-up but if you were doing a quiet time every morning
- 00:34:32were doing a quiet time every morning
- 00:34:32were doing a quiet time every morning the Holy Spirit says hey Alan yeah this
- 00:34:38the Holy Spirit says hey Alan yeah this
- 00:34:38the Holy Spirit says hey Alan yeah this is where you're screwing up did you
- 00:34:40is where you're screwing up did you
- 00:34:40is where you're screwing up did you really say that to your wife last night
- 00:34:44really say that to your wife last night
- 00:34:44really say that to your wife last night did you really do that you know you did
- 00:34:47did you really do that you know you did
- 00:34:47did you really do that you know you did because I heard it here's what you're
- 00:34:50because I heard it here's what you're
- 00:34:51because I heard it here's what you're supposed to say and do you want to know
- 00:34:53supposed to say and do you want to know
- 00:34:53supposed to say and do you want to know why you did that and then he reveals
- 00:34:55why you did that and then he reveals
- 00:34:55why you did that and then he reveals something in the word and I'm praying
- 00:34:57something in the word and I'm praying
- 00:34:57something in the word and I'm praying and let me tell you on a continual basis
- 00:34:59and let me tell you on a continual basis
- 00:34:59and let me tell you on a continual basis I'm doing this self-evaluation every
- 00:35:02I'm doing this self-evaluation every
- 00:35:02I'm doing this self-evaluation every morning every morning I'm wanting to
- 00:35:04morning every morning I'm wanting to
- 00:35:04morning every morning I'm wanting to know okay God where did I screw up show
- 00:35:08know okay God where did I screw up show
- 00:35:08know okay God where did I screw up show me where I need to improve help me to
- 00:35:11me where I need to improve help me to
- 00:35:11me where I need to improve help me to focus on what's really important in life
- 00:35:13focus on what's really important in life
- 00:35:13focus on what's really important in life and the process itself of doing a daily
- 00:35:16and the process itself of doing a daily
- 00:35:16and the process itself of doing a daily quiet time forces me to do this
- 00:35:19quiet time forces me to do this
- 00:35:19quiet time forces me to do this self-evaluation every morning and I
- 00:35:22self-evaluation every morning and I
- 00:35:22self-evaluation every morning and I don't even realize I'm doing that no
- 00:35:25don't even realize I'm doing that no
- 00:35:25don't even realize I'm doing that no wonder people who read their Bible and
- 00:35:27wonder people who read their Bible and
- 00:35:27wonder people who read their Bible and have a time for prayer and meditation
- 00:35:28have a time for prayer and meditation
- 00:35:28have a time for prayer and meditation every day are more successful than those
- 00:35:31every day are more successful than those
- 00:35:31every day are more successful than those who
- 00:35:31who
- 00:35:31who don't let me just be honest with you you
- 00:35:37don't let me just be honest with you you
- 00:35:37don't let me just be honest with you you want to know why you have a bad marriage
- 00:35:38want to know why you have a bad marriage
- 00:35:38want to know why you have a bad marriage you've had a bad marriage for 15 years
- 00:35:40you've had a bad marriage for 15 years
- 00:35:40you've had a bad marriage for 15 years it's because for 15 years you've either
- 00:35:43it's because for 15 years you've either
- 00:35:43it's because for 15 years you've either not had a quiet time or you're just
- 00:35:44not had a quiet time or you're just
- 00:35:44not had a quiet time or you're just going through the motions because I
- 00:35:47going through the motions because I
- 00:35:47going through the motions because I promise you over that 15 years if you'd
- 00:35:50promise you over that 15 years if you'd
- 00:35:50promise you over that 15 years if you'd had a quiet time with God and you were
- 00:35:52had a quiet time with God and you were
- 00:35:52had a quiet time with God and you were saying God showed me where I'm screwing
- 00:35:54saying God showed me where I'm screwing
- 00:35:54saying God showed me where I'm screwing up he'd be showing you if he had to send
- 00:35:57up he'd be showing you if he had to send
- 00:35:57up he'd be showing you if he had to send someone all the way across the Atlantic
- 00:35:59someone all the way across the Atlantic
- 00:35:59someone all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to speak into your life if he had
- 00:36:02Ocean to speak into your life if he had
- 00:36:02Ocean to speak into your life if he had to bring someone that's a stranger to
- 00:36:04to bring someone that's a stranger to
- 00:36:04to bring someone that's a stranger to talk to you if he had to put a book in
- 00:36:06talk to you if he had to put a book in
- 00:36:06talk to you if he had to put a book in your hand if you're there and you're
- 00:36:08your hand if you're there and you're
- 00:36:08your hand if you're there and you're wanting to know God how do i improve and
- 00:36:10wanting to know God how do i improve and
- 00:36:10wanting to know God how do i improve and you're listening God's gonna show you
- 00:36:12you're listening God's gonna show you
- 00:36:12you're listening God's gonna show you he's gonna show you where you're
- 00:36:13he's gonna show you where you're
- 00:36:14he's gonna show you where you're screwing up in your marriage and what
- 00:36:15screwing up in your marriage and what
- 00:36:15screwing up in your marriage and what you need to be doing to fix it if you
- 00:36:18you need to be doing to fix it if you
- 00:36:18you need to be doing to fix it if you have financial problems and you really
- 00:36:20have financial problems and you really
- 00:36:20have financial problems and you really want to know how to fix it if you're
- 00:36:22want to know how to fix it if you're
- 00:36:22want to know how to fix it if you're doing a quiet time God's gonna show you
- 00:36:24doing a quiet time God's gonna show you
- 00:36:24doing a quiet time God's gonna show you how to fix it every day your life should
- 00:36:29how to fix it every day your life should
- 00:36:29how to fix it every day your life should be getting better now in fact let me
- 00:36:34be getting better now in fact let me
- 00:36:34be getting better now in fact let me give you an example today is March the
- 00:36:37give you an example today is March the
- 00:36:37give you an example today is March the 24th and if I quiet time I read through
- 00:36:4024th and if I quiet time I read through
- 00:36:4024th and if I quiet time I read through the Bible every year that's just
- 00:36:41the Bible every year that's just
- 00:36:41the Bible every year that's just something that I do I'm a fast reader
- 00:36:45something that I do I'm a fast reader
- 00:36:45something that I do I'm a fast reader and the reason I'm a fast reader is
- 00:36:47and the reason I'm a fast reader is
- 00:36:47and the reason I'm a fast reader is because that's what I do for a living so
- 00:36:49because that's what I do for a living so
- 00:36:49because that's what I do for a living so I can read the portions that I'm
- 00:36:51I can read the portions that I'm
- 00:36:51I can read the portions that I'm supposed to read in about five to seven
- 00:36:53supposed to read in about five to seven
- 00:36:53supposed to read in about five to seven minutes my wife says don't say that
- 00:36:56minutes my wife says don't say that
- 00:36:56minutes my wife says don't say that anymore for most people that probably
- 00:36:58anymore for most people that probably
- 00:36:58anymore for most people that probably takes 15 to 20 minutes to read through
- 00:36:59takes 15 to 20 minutes to read through
- 00:36:59takes 15 to 20 minutes to read through if you don't have that much time because
- 00:37:01if you don't have that much time because
- 00:37:01if you don't have that much time because you need to read through the Bible you
- 00:37:03you need to read through the Bible you
- 00:37:03you need to read through the Bible you need to meditate on it you need to pray
- 00:37:04need to meditate on it you need to pray
- 00:37:04need to meditate on it you need to pray want to spend at least 30 minutes then I
- 00:37:07want to spend at least 30 minutes then I
- 00:37:07want to spend at least 30 minutes then I recommend that you only read the New
- 00:37:08recommend that you only read the New
- 00:37:08recommend that you only read the New Testament portion and maybe the Proverbs
- 00:37:10Testament portion and maybe the Proverbs
- 00:37:10Testament portion and maybe the Proverbs but today's March 24th so this was my
- 00:37:14but today's March 24th so this was my
- 00:37:14but today's March 24th so this was my daily reading today and in the New
- 00:37:18daily reading today and in the New
- 00:37:18daily reading today and in the New Testament part Luke chapter 6 says start
- 00:37:22Testament part Luke chapter 6 says start
- 00:37:22Testament part Luke chapter 6 says start in verse 37 do not judge others and you
- 00:37:25in verse 37 do not judge others and you
- 00:37:25in verse 37 do not judge others and you will not be judged do not condemn others
- 00:37:27will not be judged do not condemn others
- 00:37:27will not be judged do not condemn others or it will all come back against you
- 00:37:29or it will all come back against you
- 00:37:29or it will all come back against you forgive others and you will be forgiven
- 00:37:32forgive others and you will be forgiven
- 00:37:32forgive others and you will be forgiven given you will receive your give will
- 00:37:35given you will receive your give will
- 00:37:35given you will receive your give will gift will return to you and full of
- 00:37:37gift will return to you and full of
- 00:37:37gift will return to you and full of press down shaken together to make room
- 00:37:39press down shaken together to make room
- 00:37:39press down shaken together to make room for more running over and pour it into
- 00:37:41for more running over and pour it into
- 00:37:41for more running over and pour it into your lap the amount you give will
- 00:37:44your lap the amount you give will
- 00:37:45your lap the amount you give will the amounts you get back so every year
- 00:37:48the amounts you get back so every year
- 00:37:48the amounts you get back so every year I'm going through this Bible and you can
- 00:37:51I'm going through this Bible and you can
- 00:37:51I'm going through this Bible and you can see where I've highlight highlighted
- 00:37:53see where I've highlight highlighted
- 00:37:53see where I've highlight highlighted these things that God speaks in and when
- 00:37:57these things that God speaks in and when
- 00:37:57these things that God speaks in and when it becomes too highlighted I just grab
- 00:37:59it becomes too highlighted I just grab
- 00:37:59it becomes too highlighted I just grab another one and start all over again but
- 00:38:04another one and start all over again but
- 00:38:04another one and start all over again but today as I'm reading through this I see
- 00:38:06today as I'm reading through this I see
- 00:38:06today as I'm reading through this I see the law of reciprocity and the law of
- 00:38:09the law of reciprocity and the law of
- 00:38:09the law of reciprocity and the law of reciprocity says you get what you give
- 00:38:15reciprocity says you get what you give
- 00:38:15reciprocity says you get what you give you can say it in many ways you can say
- 00:38:17you can say it in many ways you can say
- 00:38:17you can say it in many ways you can say tit for tat what goes around comes
- 00:38:19tit for tat what goes around comes
- 00:38:19tit for tat what goes around comes around but basically it's this what you
- 00:38:22around but basically it's this what you
- 00:38:22around but basically it's this what you dish out to others you're gonna receive
- 00:38:25dish out to others you're gonna receive
- 00:38:25dish out to others you're gonna receive right back that's just the way it is
- 00:38:29right back that's just the way it is
- 00:38:29right back that's just the way it is judge not and you won't be judged if
- 00:38:32judge not and you won't be judged if
- 00:38:32judge not and you won't be judged if you're a judgmental person let me just
- 00:38:34you're a judgmental person let me just
- 00:38:34you're a judgmental person let me just say when you goof up everyone's going to
- 00:38:36say when you goof up everyone's going to
- 00:38:36say when you goof up everyone's going to jump on that why because you are a
- 00:38:39jump on that why because you are a
- 00:38:39jump on that why because you are a self-righteous and if they're not a
- 00:38:41self-righteous and if they're not a
- 00:38:41self-righteous and if they're not a Christian that broadly a de it's
- 00:38:42Christian that broadly a de it's
- 00:38:42Christian that broadly a de it's bleeding to it but anyways condemn not
- 00:38:47bleeding to it but anyways condemn not
- 00:38:47bleeding to it but anyways condemn not you won't be condemned forgive and
- 00:38:49you won't be condemned forgive and
- 00:38:49you won't be condemned forgive and you'll be forgiven given it she'll be
- 00:38:52you'll be forgiven given it she'll be
- 00:38:52you'll be forgiven given it she'll be given to you now here's what's
- 00:38:53given to you now here's what's
- 00:38:53given to you now here's what's interesting there's always a proverb
- 00:38:55interesting there's always a proverb
- 00:38:55interesting there's always a proverb that goes with it and so I'm reading
- 00:38:57that goes with it and so I'm reading
- 00:38:57that goes with it and so I'm reading this the Holy Spirit speaking to me
- 00:38:59this the Holy Spirit speaking to me
- 00:38:59this the Holy Spirit speaking to me about the law of reciprocity you get
- 00:39:01about the law of reciprocity you get
- 00:39:01about the law of reciprocity you get what you give Alan are you forgiving are
- 00:39:06what you give Alan are you forgiving are
- 00:39:06what you give Alan are you forgiving are you judgmental on others are you
- 00:39:08you judgmental on others are you
- 00:39:08you judgmental on others are you condemning and then I get to this last
- 00:39:10condemning and then I get to this last
- 00:39:10condemning and then I get to this last part this is the proverb if you search
- 00:39:15part this is the proverb if you search
- 00:39:15part this is the proverb if you search for good you will find favor but if you
- 00:39:21for good you will find favor but if you
- 00:39:21for good you will find favor but if you search for evil it will find you you
- 00:39:26search for evil it will find you you
- 00:39:26search for evil it will find you you know what's kind of interesting what God
- 00:39:28know what's kind of interesting what God
- 00:39:28know what's kind of interesting what God ministered to me and what he spoke to me
- 00:39:30ministered to me and what he spoke to me
- 00:39:30ministered to me and what he spoke to me about was I need to look for the good in
- 00:39:32about was I need to look for the good in
- 00:39:32about was I need to look for the good in people not look for the bad because when
- 00:39:38people not look for the bad because when
- 00:39:38people not look for the bad because when I only look for the bad in others then
- 00:39:41I only look for the bad in others then
- 00:39:41I only look for the bad in others then it finds me and back comes out in me but
- 00:39:44it finds me and back comes out in me but
- 00:39:44it finds me and back comes out in me but if I look for the good and I over
- 00:39:46if I look for the good and I over
- 00:39:46if I look for the good and I over overlooked these things that goes with
- 00:39:48overlooked these things that goes with
- 00:39:48overlooked these things that goes with the law of reciprocity and I'm not
- 00:39:49the law of reciprocity and I'm not
- 00:39:49the law of reciprocity and I'm not condemning and I'm not judgmental and I
- 00:39:51condemning and I'm not judgmental and I
- 00:39:51condemning and I'm not judgmental and I want to give forgiveness and that's what
- 00:39:56want to give forgiveness and that's what
- 00:39:56want to give forgiveness and that's what I receive
- 00:39:58I receive
- 00:39:58I receive in this morning and my self-evaluation
- 00:40:02in this morning and my self-evaluation
- 00:40:02in this morning and my self-evaluation time the Holy Spirit said you start
- 00:40:07time the Holy Spirit said you start
- 00:40:07time the Holy Spirit said you start looking for good in people you're
- 00:40:09looking for good in people you're
- 00:40:09looking for good in people you're becoming a little too critical you're a
- 00:40:12becoming a little too critical you're a
- 00:40:12becoming a little too critical you're a little too judgmental now here's what's
- 00:40:17little too judgmental now here's what's
- 00:40:17little too judgmental now here's what's great I don't know what God's gonna
- 00:40:20great I don't know what God's gonna
- 00:40:20great I don't know what God's gonna speak to me about tomorrow I have no
- 00:40:24speak to me about tomorrow I have no
- 00:40:24speak to me about tomorrow I have no idea but tomorrow I will open up the
- 00:40:27idea but tomorrow I will open up the
- 00:40:27idea but tomorrow I will open up the Bible and I will pray before I start a
- 00:40:30Bible and I will pray before I start a
- 00:40:30Bible and I will pray before I start a very simple prayer for the Holy Spirit
- 00:40:32very simple prayer for the Holy Spirit
- 00:40:32very simple prayer for the Holy Spirit to illuminate the word to speak to me
- 00:40:36to illuminate the word to speak to me
- 00:40:36to illuminate the word to speak to me from the Word of God what he wants to
- 00:40:38from the Word of God what he wants to
- 00:40:38from the Word of God what he wants to tell me and I'll start reading and
- 00:40:41tell me and I'll start reading and
- 00:40:41tell me and I'll start reading and there's always something I'll be
- 00:40:43there's always something I'll be
- 00:40:43there's always something I'll be highlighting and then when I come to my
- 00:40:45highlighting and then when I come to my
- 00:40:45highlighting and then when I come to my prayer time my prayer time is always
- 00:40:47prayer time my prayer time is always
- 00:40:47prayer time my prayer time is always personal because God's already been
- 00:40:49personal because God's already been
- 00:40:49personal because God's already been dealing with me and then I know on
- 00:40:53dealing with me and then I know on
- 00:40:53dealing with me and then I know on Tuesday self-evaluation again
- 00:40:57Tuesday self-evaluation again
- 00:40:57Tuesday self-evaluation again Wednesday's self-evaluation again
- 00:40:59Wednesday's self-evaluation again
- 00:40:59Wednesday's self-evaluation again Thursday self-evaluation again and every
- 00:41:03Thursday self-evaluation again and every
- 00:41:03Thursday self-evaluation again and every day God's working on me little by little
- 00:41:07day God's working on me little by little
- 00:41:07day God's working on me little by little line upon line precept upon precept and
- 00:41:12line upon line precept upon precept and
- 00:41:12line upon line precept upon precept and not only that I get where I know God and
- 00:41:15not only that I get where I know God and
- 00:41:15not only that I get where I know God and I hear his voice and I expect when it's
- 00:41:18I hear his voice and I expect when it's
- 00:41:18I hear his voice and I expect when it's time to go home I know God and I'm ready
- 00:41:26time to go home I know God and I'm ready
- 00:41:26time to go home I know God and I'm ready to see my mom to see my dad to see my
- 00:41:31to see my mom to see my dad to see my
- 00:41:31to see my mom to see my dad to see my grandparents
- Bible
- quiet time
- Christian education
- spiritual growth
- self-evaluation
- faith
- pastoral teachings
- relationship with God
- biblical knowledge
- American society