Exposing my Instagram strategy for 2025!
TLDRI denne videoen deler verten sin oppdaterte Instagram-strategi for 2025, der hun fokuserer på endringer i innholdstype og hyppighet. Verten understreker viktigheten av å forstå målgruppen og verdipunktene for å lage meningsfylt innhold. Hun planlegger å fokusere mer på uformell, ubehandlet innhold og personlig deling for å øke engasjementet. Verten nevner også at hun ønsker å øke antallet innlegg per uke og skape mer bakgrunnsinnhold. Dessuten diskuterer hun viktigheten av å bruke riktige metrier for å måle suksess, og hvordan HubSpot kan gi veiledning og verktøy for å forbedre strategien.
الوجبات الجاهزة
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- 🗓️ Øk postinghyppigheten til fem ganger i uken.
- 🚀 Test mer uformelt innhold for bedre engasjement.
- 📊 Identifiser riktig metrikk for dine mål.
- 🤝 Inkluder personlige elementer i innholdet.
- 📝 Bruk gratis ressurser fra HubSpot for bedre planlegging.
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الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
I dag diskuterer jeg endringene som kommer til Instagram, og viktigheten av å tilpasse strategien vår for å trives i denne nye virkeligheten. Jeg fokuserer på to nøkkelkomponenter for min nye strategi: målgruppen og verdiforslagene. Målgruppen min er folk som bruker sosiale medier med en hensikt, for eksempel for å bygge en bedrift eller et fellesskap. Verdiforslagene mine består av utdannende, inspirerende, relaterbare og underholdende elementer som hjelper meg å koble sammen innholdet med tilhørerne mine.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Jeg deler noen nye innholdsformater som jeg vil teste ut i 2025, inkludert mer uformelt, uredigert innhold som svarer på aktuelle nyheter, og mer personlig innhold som viser mitt daglige liv. Jeg ønsker å åpne opp mer om meg selv, men beholder også fagligheten jeg er kjent for. Med økt publiseringsfrekvens til fem ganger i uken, håper jeg å forbedre synligheten og engasjementet på plattformen, tilpasse innholdet mitt mer til hva folk faktisk vil se og gjøre Instagram til en mer sentral del av min strategi.
- 00:10:00 - 00:17:28
Avslutningsvis føler jeg at for å implementere disse endringene, trenger jeg mer tid og må vurdere å ansette en innholdsmanager for å hjelpe med distribusjonen av innholdet. Jeg vil prioritere engasjementet med følgerne mine ved å svare på kommentarer og analysere ytelsen til innholdet regelmessig. Strategiarbeidet jeg har planlagt er ambisiøst, men jeg er fast bestemt på å gjøre disse forbedringene for en mer vellykket Instagram-strategi.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
Hvilke endringer planlegger verten for Instagram-strategien sin i 2025?
Verten planlegger å bruke mer uformelt og ubehandlet innhold, samt inkluderer personlige elementer og øke antall innlegg per uke.
Hva er de fire verdipunktene vært snakker om?
De fire verdipunktene inkluderer: utdannende, inspirerende, relaterbare, og underholdende.
Hvordan kan HubSpot hjelpe med Instagram-strategien?
HubSpot tilbyr gratis maler for sosiale mediekalendere for å hjelpe med planlegging og administrasjon av innhold.
Hva er den viktigste metrikken verten vil fokusere på?
Verten vil nå fokusere på antall visninger som den viktigste metrikken for å måle suksess på Instagram.
Hvor ofte planlegger verten å legge ut nytt innhold?
Verten planlegger å øke hyppigheten av innlegg til fem ganger i uken.
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- 00:00:00Instagram is changing but you already
- 00:00:01knew that I talk about the changes
- 00:00:03coming to Instagram all the time on this
- 00:00:04channel but the truth is in order for us
- 00:00:06to really thrive in this new world of
- 00:00:09Instagram we need to make some changes
- 00:00:10too and that brings me on to today's
- 00:00:12video in today's video I'm going to be
- 00:00:14telling you my new Instagram strategy
- 00:00:16for 2025 and spoiler alert things are
- 00:00:19changing by the way this video is
- 00:00:21sponsored by HubSpot more on them later
- 00:00:23all right let's start off with the
- 00:00:24fundamental elements of my strategy I
- 00:00:26want to make sure that we talk about
- 00:00:27these elements because you might be
- 00:00:28making some changes to your own straty
- 00:00:30and maybe you're using this video as a
- 00:00:31source of inspiration so with that in
- 00:00:33mind we have to make sure we cover two
- 00:00:35initial points when it comes to our new
- 00:00:36strategy the first is our audience so
- 00:00:38who are we trying to speak to and the
- 00:00:40second is our value points now when it
- 00:00:42comes to my audience the way that I like
- 00:00:43to describe you guys are people who use
- 00:00:46social media for a purpose so you might
- 00:00:47be using social media to build a
- 00:00:49business become a content creator build
- 00:00:51a community whatever it may be you're
- 00:00:53using social media for a purpose Beyond
- 00:00:55you just using it for personal use
- 00:00:56that's how I group my entire audience
- 00:00:59together if you do not have a clear idea
- 00:01:00of who your audience are you will
- 00:01:02struggle to follow along with the rest
- 00:01:03of this video your audience is the
- 00:01:05essence of any social media channel if
- 00:01:07you do not know who you're talking to
- 00:01:08how on Earth are you going to talk to
- 00:01:10them now the second point that I
- 00:01:11mentioned were my value points now if
- 00:01:13you've watched a lot of my videos you've
- 00:01:14heard me talk about my audience and my
- 00:01:15value points quite frequently but don't
- 00:01:17worry for the rest of this video we're
- 00:01:18going to be diving into some elements
- 00:01:20that I've definitely not publicly shared
- 00:01:21with you guys before but in case you're
- 00:01:23new here we do have to ensure that
- 00:01:25you've put some thought and attention
- 00:01:26into the value that you will be
- 00:01:28providing your audience through your
- 00:01:29social social media channels now the
- 00:01:31four key value points are educational
- 00:01:33inspirational relatable or entertaining
- 00:01:35you don't have to just pick one you can
- 00:01:37have multiple different value points
- 00:01:38that you rotate between whenever you
- 00:01:40create content the best way to think of
- 00:01:42your value points are basically a
- 00:01:43vehicle for you to share the content
- 00:01:45that you want to create so for me I know
- 00:01:47that my audience use social media for a
- 00:01:48purpose all of my content is about
- 00:01:50marketing and Entrepreneurship my value
- 00:01:52points are the vehicle in which I
- 00:01:54connect those two things is educational
- 00:01:56content so I'm going to talk about
- 00:01:57marketing and Entrepreneurship through
- 00:01:59an ed ational content lens and I'm going
- 00:02:01to be speaking directly to an audience
- 00:02:03of people who use social media for a
- 00:02:05purpose do you see how I beautifully
- 00:02:06linked all those things together that's
- 00:02:08what you're going to need to do too now
- 00:02:09before we move on to the changes that
- 00:02:11I'm going to be making to my content
- 00:02:13this actually makes me nervous cuz I'm
- 00:02:14like you know when you say something out
- 00:02:16loud then you have to really do it
- 00:02:18that's how I feel about this video I'm
- 00:02:19basically enlisting all of you to keep
- 00:02:20me accountable before we dive into that
- 00:02:22though I do want to share a resource
- 00:02:23with you which is going to make your new
- 00:02:25strategy a lot easier to implement in
- 00:02:272025 now I'm well aware that nowadays a
- 00:02:29lot of us are across multiple different
- 00:02:31social media channels and managing
- 00:02:33multiple social media channels can get
- 00:02:34very very messy that's why for today's
- 00:02:36video I want to share HubSpot social
- 00:02:38media calendar templates because these
- 00:02:40are going to help you streamline your
- 00:02:41strategy and simplify your workload all
- 00:02:43right so let's break down what's inside
- 00:02:45this free resource gives you access to
- 00:02:47calendar templates for every platform
- 00:02:48from YouTube to X to Instagram to Tik
- 00:02:51Tok and so on and so forth a monthly
- 00:02:53planning calendar to schedule your
- 00:02:54content for the rest of the year a
- 00:02:55Content repository to track and reuse
- 00:02:57your Brand's white papers ebooks and
- 00:02:59other assets for different audiences a
- 00:03:01ready to upload template for HubSpot to
- 00:03:03automate your social scheduling and a
- 00:03:05user guide packed with insights from
- 00:03:07Samantha Mela who is the head of the
- 00:03:09hustle social media team these templates
- 00:03:11essentially make managing your post
- 00:03:13across multiple different social media
- 00:03:14sites so much easier for you so that you
- 00:03:16can focus on building your brand and
- 00:03:17engaging with your audience and the best
- 00:03:19part guys I've said it before and I'll
- 00:03:21say it again these are completely free
- 00:03:22to download and use so to streamline
- 00:03:24your social media strategy and to save
- 00:03:26time I recommend you get the social
- 00:03:28media calendar templates free fre of
- 00:03:30charge from HubSpot you can get them via
- 00:03:31the link in my description and a huge
- 00:03:33thank you to HubSpot for sponsoring this
- 00:03:34video all right let's talk about the
- 00:03:36juicy stuff my content how is my content
- 00:03:38changing this year well I'd be lying to
- 00:03:40you if I said that when I look back on
- 00:03:41my content on Instagram from 2024 I was
- 00:03:44super proud of it I'm not there are some
- 00:03:45pieces of content that I absolutely love
- 00:03:47I did a Content series called Creator
- 00:03:49confessions and I love that series but
- 00:03:50for the most part Instagram has really
- 00:03:52taken a backseat when it comes to my
- 00:03:53overall social media strategy YouTube
- 00:03:55was a channel that I really focused on
- 00:03:57this year and to be honest the year
- 00:03:58before that as well I am going to to try
- 00:04:00to change that in 2025 I am determined
- 00:04:03to give some other social media
- 00:04:04platforms some love as much as YouTube
- 00:04:06is still my fave other ones deserve
- 00:04:08attention too right so I've come up with
- 00:04:11a few different content formats that I'm
- 00:04:12going to be testing in 2025 and I've
- 00:04:15come up with these based on what's
- 00:04:16working in the market and also what's
- 00:04:18worked for me previously the first type
- 00:04:20of content which I'm really excited for
- 00:04:22is going to be the more raw unedited
- 00:04:24style of real where I'm talking about
- 00:04:26specific news stories or Creator updates
- 00:04:29now this this is an example of one that
- 00:04:30I shared recently I filmed it very very
- 00:04:32quickly and I was talking about a change
- 00:04:34that Instagram are going to make to
- 00:04:35their story highlights this video
- 00:04:37actually performed really well and it
- 00:04:38made me think previously my content on
- 00:04:41Instagram has always been quite highly
- 00:04:42edited and whilst that's not going to go
- 00:04:44away completely I do think I'm missing a
- 00:04:46trick by not at least triing the more
- 00:04:48raw Tik Tok style content on my
- 00:04:51Instagram feed and the type of content
- 00:04:52which works really well for that is when
- 00:04:54I'm talking about something that is hot
- 00:04:56off the press I always get confused if
- 00:04:57that's actually the phrase so I'm just
- 00:04:58going to run with it hot off the press
- 00:05:00like some news article that's just
- 00:05:02landed to do with an Instagram update or
- 00:05:05the creater economy or something like
- 00:05:06that that I can film very quickly get it
- 00:05:08up within minutes previously I would
- 00:05:09think to myself I can't get this up too
- 00:05:11soon because I need to set up my studio
- 00:05:13I need to get it edited and it would be
- 00:05:14this whole kafuffle and I think that's
- 00:05:16actually holding me back from sharing
- 00:05:17more content on Instagram so that is one
- 00:05:19type of content that I'm going to be
- 00:05:20pushing or at least triing for the first
- 00:05:22few months of 2025 I should also say
- 00:05:25that this test is a reflection of where
- 00:05:26Instagram is going they are trying to
- 00:05:28become a less polished platform similar
- 00:05:30to Tik Tok they've been trying for a
- 00:05:31while though and I don't think it's
- 00:05:32fully caught on for everyone so let's
- 00:05:34just see how this test goes the next
- 00:05:36type of content I did tried to implement
- 00:05:38this year but I'm not going to lie I
- 00:05:39struggled with it a lot more than I
- 00:05:40thought I would and this is more like
- 00:05:42personable content this is also
- 00:05:44reflecting a general content Trend
- 00:05:46across multiple platforms where creators
- 00:05:47are seeing a lot of success when they
- 00:05:49Implement a bit more of their personal
- 00:05:51life into their content this isn't to
- 00:05:53say that you should completely deviate
- 00:05:54from the content that you already create
- 00:05:55if you're known for creating Finance
- 00:05:57content still create Finance content
- 00:05:59this is just a note to say that creators
- 00:06:01who inject a bit of their personal life
- 00:06:04into their content strategy let's say
- 00:06:0620% of their posts are actually to do
- 00:06:07with their personal life not just their
- 00:06:09Niche or their usual content people
- 00:06:11often see higher engagement from this
- 00:06:13because it's a reminder that they're
- 00:06:14human it's a chance to connect with your
- 00:06:16audience on a deeper level and that
- 00:06:17usually results in a spike in overall
- 00:06:20performance of your content I said
- 00:06:21already that I struggled with this this
- 00:06:23year and I think the reason why I
- 00:06:24struggled is because my initial approach
- 00:06:25to this was once a month I'll share a
- 00:06:27photo dump and it will just be a mixture
- 00:06:29of photos my life what I forgot to
- 00:06:30account for is in order for you to have
- 00:06:32a photo dump from your personal life you
- 00:06:34need to be taking more photos of your
- 00:06:36personal life this isn't something that
- 00:06:37I used to have an issue with I used to
- 00:06:38do this naturally but I think as a
- 00:06:40result of the career that I've built for
- 00:06:42myself I've realized when I scroll
- 00:06:44through my photo and video library that
- 00:06:46almost everything is to do with work
- 00:06:48which is actually a little bit
- 00:06:50depressing I don't even really take
- 00:06:51photos like if I'm out with Jamie my
- 00:06:54husband like we used to go and do like
- 00:06:56full-on photo shoots cuz we used to have
- 00:06:58a joint Instagram together and we just
- 00:07:00do not even reach for our phones anymore
- 00:07:02and I think it's because I'm so used to
- 00:07:04having my phone and content as part of
- 00:07:06my job that I just don't reach for it
- 00:07:08when I'm not working so I would get to
- 00:07:10the end of the month and be like hm I
- 00:07:12don't have anything to share so that's
- 00:07:14something that I need to be a lot more
- 00:07:15intentional about next year because I do
- 00:07:17really really want to share more of my
- 00:07:19life keep in mind that I'm always going
- 00:07:21to be a somewhat private person because
- 00:07:23at the end of the day you're not
- 00:07:23following me to know about my life but I
- 00:07:25do think there's more that I could share
- 00:07:26even about my life through the lens of
- 00:07:28my work and like what's going on behind
- 00:07:29the scenes speaking of behind the scenes
- 00:07:31this is another type of content that I'm
- 00:07:32going to be integrating more into my
- 00:07:34main feed on Instagram now I did say
- 00:07:36Main feed there because I do think I
- 00:07:38share this already on my stories so if
- 00:07:40you follow me and you look at my stories
- 00:07:41you'll often see my day calendar where I
- 00:07:44break down every single thing that I'm
- 00:07:45working on that day the feedback you
- 00:07:46guys give me on that content is insane
- 00:07:48like I'll meet people on the street and
- 00:07:49they will tell me that those calendar
- 00:07:51posts are actually their favorite
- 00:07:53content that I share which is wild when
- 00:07:55I think about it and that tells me that
- 00:07:56you guys want that content I've fallen
- 00:07:59into the Trap as we all do okay none of
- 00:08:02us is perfect if there's one thing you
- 00:08:03get from this entire video it's that
- 00:08:05even when your job is to know everything
- 00:08:07about social media you still are going
- 00:08:09to fall short on some elements right
- 00:08:10we're all human I have fallen into the
- 00:08:12very human trap of convincing myself
- 00:08:14that my life is boring and I'm therefore
- 00:08:16hesitant to share like what I do on a
- 00:08:18day-to-day basis on my main feed cuz I
- 00:08:20think it's boring and it's so silly
- 00:08:21because I know my life's not boring in
- 00:08:23fact none of our lives are really boring
- 00:08:25people find so much comfort in the
- 00:08:27mundane or in a usual schedule so I want
- 00:08:29to start integrating that more into my
- 00:08:31feed so whether that's like a time lapse
- 00:08:33of me working and breaking down every
- 00:08:34single thing that I did that day just an
- 00:08:36example of what that might look like
- 00:08:38that is definitely a content type that
- 00:08:39I'm going to be introducing a lot more
- 00:08:41this year if you notice me switching
- 00:08:42between next year and this year it's
- 00:08:44because I'm trying to rationalize the
- 00:08:45fact that this video isn't going to go
- 00:08:46out for a little while and by the time
- 00:08:47you're watching this it probably is
- 00:08:48already 2025 another area that needs to
- 00:08:51be considered is the frequency of my
- 00:08:52content up until this point I have been
- 00:08:54posting around three times a week for
- 00:08:56like years for years because my
- 00:08:58objective was engag M and Instagram just
- 00:09:00wasn't my core Channel whilst it still
- 00:09:02won't be my core Channel I do want to
- 00:09:03increase my posed frequency to five
- 00:09:05times per week in 2025 which makes me a
- 00:09:08bit nervous but it's fine we're going to
- 00:09:09talk about how I'm going to make it
- 00:09:10happen but it is worth saying that that
- 00:09:12is part of my strategy as well and the
- 00:09:13reason why I do want to increase my
- 00:09:15posting frequency is because a healthy
- 00:09:17posting frequency which is usually
- 00:09:18between five to seven times per week go
- 00:09:20hand inhand with a healthy view count I
- 00:09:22have to feed the platform and feed the
- 00:09:24algorithm with content okay so those are
- 00:09:26the changes I'm going to be making to my
- 00:09:28content I now want to touch on the
- 00:09:30metrics that I'm going to be using your
- 00:09:32metrics are essentially the units of
- 00:09:34measurement that you're going to be
- 00:09:35using to analyze your content and see if
- 00:09:37it's performing well I'm so passionate
- 00:09:39about this because so many people get
- 00:09:41this part wrong let me explain there are
- 00:09:44a few different ways that you can
- 00:09:45measure the success or the effectiveness
- 00:09:47of your Instagram Channel you can look
- 00:09:48at your content's views interactions and
- 00:09:50your followers there are other metrics
- 00:09:52but these are like the Three core
- 00:09:54metrics that you tend to see when you
- 00:09:55open up your analytics dashboard right
- 00:09:57so we're just going to focus on those
- 00:09:59now the bit what people get wrong is
- 00:10:00that they focus on the wrong metric for
- 00:10:02their goal so previously my goal for my
- 00:10:05Instagram channel has just been
- 00:10:06engagement and you can kind of see that
- 00:10:08in how my content has performed the
- 00:10:09views haven't been great it's fluctuated
- 00:10:11quite a lot but the engagement when you
- 00:10:13look at the amount of views that my
- 00:10:15content is getting has actually been
- 00:10:16quite high so let's say for example a
- 00:10:18real gets 5,000 views I likely would
- 00:10:20have received 500 interactions or like
- 00:10:22different forms of engagement on that
- 00:10:24real and that would have actually been
- 00:10:26an engagement rate of 10% because out of
- 00:10:28the 5,000 people who saw or it 10%
- 00:10:30engaged with it and that's really
- 00:10:31healthy but it's only healthy if my goal
- 00:10:33is engagement if my goal is views that's
- 00:10:36not good we want to be aiming for a lot
- 00:10:38more views than 5,000 we want to be in
- 00:10:40the 10,000 20,000 100,000 million plus
- 00:10:43Mark right and that's why it's important
- 00:10:45to have a good idea of what your goal is
- 00:10:47and to match your metric to your goal so
- 00:10:49if you are trying to get more views on
- 00:10:50your content your metric should be your
- 00:10:52views if you are trying to get more
- 00:10:54engagement build a community then your
- 00:10:56metric should be your interactions if
- 00:10:58you are trying to grow your audience in
- 00:10:59terms of followers then your metric
- 00:11:01should be your follow account do you see
- 00:11:02where I'm going with this obviously you
- 00:11:03can pay attention to the other metrics
- 00:11:05but it's important that you identify
- 00:11:06what your key metric is so when it comes
- 00:11:08to my key metric as I mentioned
- 00:11:10previously it was engagement we are
- 00:11:12switching it up and that makes me
- 00:11:14nervous we are now going to focus on
- 00:11:16views I have not focused on views for
- 00:11:17years and my account has suffered as a
- 00:11:19result we're switching up it's important
- 00:11:21to know when it's time to switch things
- 00:11:23up and the time has come and now we're
- 00:11:24going to be focusing on views as my key
- 00:11:26metric so that is going to be the thing
- 00:11:27that I'm looking at and accessing when
- 00:11:29I'm uploading my content right okay so
- 00:11:32let's talk about your tactics now if
- 00:11:33you're following along and you're also
- 00:11:35making some tweaks to your own strategy
- 00:11:36your tactics are the smaller things that
- 00:11:38you do on a regular basis that help the
- 00:11:40overall performance of your account and
- 00:11:42hopefully help you reach your goal now
- 00:11:44there are so many different tactics you
- 00:11:45can use on Instagram I will link to a
- 00:11:47master class that I have inside the
- 00:11:48collective where I dive into this I'll
- 00:11:50also link to a Master Class about
- 00:11:51analytics as well below but essentially
- 00:11:53we all want to have a few different
- 00:11:55tactics that we are triing at any one
- 00:11:57time let me explain to you what my
- 00:11:59tactics will be and one of them I
- 00:12:00actually need your help on CU I'm not
- 00:12:01sure if I should really do it or not so
- 00:12:03I need your thoughts so the first tactic
- 00:12:04is really really basic but it is
- 00:12:06something that I have struggled with in
- 00:12:07the past and this tactic is to respond
- 00:12:10to at least 90% of my comments under my
- 00:12:12content now as I said this is a very
- 00:12:13basic tactic the reason why this works
- 00:12:15is because it allows you to connect with
- 00:12:16your audience it allows you to
- 00:12:18understand how your audience are
- 00:12:19responding to your content and also it
- 00:12:21feeds the algorithm the more comments
- 00:12:22you have under your content the more the
- 00:12:24algorithm sees you engaging with your
- 00:12:26audience the more likely it is that your
- 00:12:28content will be pushed out to more
- 00:12:29people the reason why this is one of my
- 00:12:31tactics though is because as I said it's
- 00:12:32something that I've always struggled
- 00:12:33with as I've already established at the
- 00:12:35start of this video Instagram's been
- 00:12:36pretty low down on the pecking order
- 00:12:38when it comes to my hierarchy of social
- 00:12:39media channels and as a result of it
- 00:12:41being low down it means that when things
- 00:12:42have gotten busy for me it's been one of
- 00:12:44the first things to go so when that
- 00:12:45comes off my to-do list so does
- 00:12:47responding to comments the way that I'm
- 00:12:49going to improve this is actually to do
- 00:12:51some habit stacking there's a book
- 00:12:53called oh my God what is that book
- 00:12:55called It's so it's like such a popular
- 00:12:58book
- 00:12:59know what I'm not going to Google this
- 00:13:00cuz I know I know it a few moments later
- 00:13:03Atomic habits knew I'd get it Atomic
- 00:13:06habits in atomic habits they talk about
- 00:13:09this idea of habit stacking it's
- 00:13:10basically when you take an existing
- 00:13:11habit and you stack a new one onto it
- 00:13:13increases the chances of you actually
- 00:13:15completing this new habit for me the
- 00:13:17Habit that I'm going to stack responding
- 00:13:19to comments on top of is going to be my
- 00:13:21daily walks with my beautiful dog where
- 00:13:23is she oh she's asleep when I take mojo
- 00:13:25on long walks we often like find a bench
- 00:13:27and sit for like 5 minutes so that she
- 00:13:29can chill and practice watching the
- 00:13:30world go by so what I'm going to do from
- 00:13:32now on is respond to comments when I'm
- 00:13:34taking that bench break right I'm going
- 00:13:35to merge those habits together another
- 00:13:37tactic that I'm going to be doing is
- 00:13:39adding monthly analytical reviews of my
- 00:13:41Instagram Channel onto my end of month
- 00:13:44general reviews so at the end of every
- 00:13:45month I go over my finances my goals my
- 00:13:48YouTube channel and now also my
- 00:13:50Instagram I do actually have a analytics
- 00:13:52tracker that I use again available
- 00:13:54inside the collective I'll link it below
- 00:13:55and I'm going to make a point to update
- 00:13:56that more regularly and also just spend
- 00:13:58some time in my analytics on a monthly
- 00:14:00basis so that I'm actually staying
- 00:14:01really close and connected to what's
- 00:14:03working the third and final tck the one
- 00:14:05that I need your help on and just your
- 00:14:06thoughts on is lives should I go live on
- 00:14:09Instagram more I do these events with my
- 00:14:12other brand the Creator project where a
- 00:14:14few times a year we'll do a big deep
- 00:14:17dive into a subject related to creators
- 00:14:19sometimes I'll get guest speakers and
- 00:14:21that's like a whole production and
- 00:14:22that's not going anywhere right I think
- 00:14:23because I already do that I'm often hes
- 00:14:25hesitant to go live on any other channel
- 00:14:27because part of me is like okay well I
- 00:14:28want to say like the Deep dive heavy
- 00:14:30valuable content for that those events
- 00:14:32are free by the way if you don't follow
- 00:14:34the Creator project already the links
- 00:14:35are below so part of me things just like
- 00:14:37save all of that for that but then that
- 00:14:39doesn't mean that I can't just go live
- 00:14:41sometimes just to talk about what's
- 00:14:42going on in the Creator space and like
- 00:14:44what's going on with social media but if
- 00:14:45I do go live on Instagram I want it to
- 00:14:47be that I want it to be really casual I
- 00:14:49want it to be a conversation I don't
- 00:14:51want it to be me just presenting like I
- 00:14:53always am like I want to speak to you
- 00:14:55guys can you let me know in the comment
- 00:14:56section just write the word live if that
- 00:14:58would be something that you'd like for
- 00:14:59me to do okay last but not least and an
- 00:15:01essential part of this entire process is
- 00:15:04we have to talk about the how so I've
- 00:15:06talked about all these different changes
- 00:15:07that I'm making to my Instagram and it
- 00:15:08all sounds so nice and so exciting but
- 00:15:11we often make these plans to change our
- 00:15:13social media content and a lot of the
- 00:15:14time the plans never come to fruition
- 00:15:16why is that it's because we've not
- 00:15:17answered the question how are we going
- 00:15:19to make all of these changes if your
- 00:15:21changes to your strategy are going to
- 00:15:22require more work from you you need to
- 00:15:25figure out how you're going to
- 00:15:27facilitate that work okay this is the
- 00:15:29hurdle a lot of us fall over on fall of
- 00:15:33hurdle a lot of us fall on I think
- 00:15:36that's right God I feel like I bounc
- 00:15:38between articulate to con string a
- 00:15:40sentence together like within minutes I
- 00:15:42don't know how you guys keep up with me
- 00:15:44so for me a lot of these changes are
- 00:15:45going to require me to spend
- 00:15:47significantly more time on my Instagram
- 00:15:48Channel like at least an additional few
- 00:15:50hours a week at a very minimum right I
- 00:15:52don't currently have a few hours spare
- 00:15:54so I need to figure out where I'm going
- 00:15:55to find that time an industry secret
- 00:15:57many creators that you currently follow
- 00:16:00have content managers content managers
- 00:16:02are essentially people who sometimes do
- 00:16:04the editing of their content but more
- 00:16:06often than not they just focus on
- 00:16:07Distributing their content so they will
- 00:16:09be the ones who schedule their content
- 00:16:10across multiple platforms make sure it
- 00:16:12goes live etc etc I have never had one
- 00:16:14of those because in my mind I was like I
- 00:16:16just don't need one I've always been
- 00:16:18really on top of my scheduling for
- 00:16:19YouTube and therefore I thought I'm on
- 00:16:21top of this and I don't really need any
- 00:16:22help anywhere else but the truth is if
- 00:16:24I'm going to increase my posting
- 00:16:25frequency on Instagram and if I'm going
- 00:16:28to be spending more time on Instagram
- 00:16:29per week I need to find some way to save
- 00:16:31some time and I think the way that I do
- 00:16:33that is by training my current employee
- 00:16:35Haley to actually do my content
- 00:16:37distribution for me so that is what I'm
- 00:16:39going to do and that is going to be my
- 00:16:41how that's going to be how I actually
- 00:16:42make these changes obviously if you have
- 00:16:44a team member and you're thinking of
- 00:16:45doing the same thing and I'm aware that
- 00:16:46it's an incredibly privileged thing to
- 00:16:48have a team member remember that you now
- 00:16:49need to figure out how they're going to
- 00:16:50have the time to do that so the
- 00:16:52challenge of Saving Time never really
- 00:16:53goes away it just gets passed on to
- 00:16:54someone else but you have to make sure
- 00:16:56you're on top of that and that is my new
- 00:16:57Instagram strategy for 202 if you're not
- 00:16:59following me on Instagram already now is
- 00:17:01the time to go and follow me to see if I
- 00:17:02actually stick with any of the things
- 00:17:03that I've just said no I'm kidding I'm
- 00:17:05sticking with it the content is going to
- 00:17:06be great you won't regret it don't
- 00:17:08forget that you can grab HubSpot social
- 00:17:09media calendar templates for free via
- 00:17:11the link in my description if you feel
- 00:17:12like hanging around I recommend watching
- 00:17:14this video it's all about the social
- 00:17:15media trends for 2025 this is one of my
- 00:17:18favorite videos to film it's so
- 00:17:19important to every single person
- 00:17:21watching so I really recommend that you
- 00:17:22go and watch it thank you so much for
- 00:17:24watching this video as always I cannot
- 00:17:25wait to see you in my next one
- strategi
- 2025
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- engasjement
- HubSpot
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- metrikker