BBC Men of Rock 3 of 3 The Big Freeze
TLDRThe documentary explores Scotland's geological history by examining its landscapes and the pioneering scientists like Louis Agassiz and James Croll who transformed our understanding of Earth's ice ages. Agassiz identified evidence of glaciation in Scotland and Switzerland, proposing the ground-breaking concept of a past ice age. James Croll, a janitor with a keen interest in science, introduced the astronomical cycles theory, explaining the Earth's climate changes and ice ages. The documentary traces the journey of these discoveries, connecting past geological evidence to future climate predictions, and highlights Scotland's pivotal role in shaping our understanding of global climate dynamics.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 🏔️ Scotland's landscape is a testament to Earth's geological history and past earthquakes.
- 🧊 Louis Agassiz pioneered the ice age theory by studying glacial evidence in Scotland and Switzerland.
- 🌌 James Croll's astronomical theory explained the Earth's climate changes and ice ages.
- 📜 19th-century scientists used intuition and meticulous observations to piece together Earth's icy past.
- 🔬 Geological formations, like u-shaped valleys and glacial erratics, indicate ancient glacial activity.
- 📚 James Croll's theories reshaped the scientific understanding of planetary climate rhythms.
- 🗺️ Scotland played a key role in the development of theories about Earth's fluctuating climates.
- 🌍 Current predictions suggest another ice age in 40,000-50,000 years based on natural cycles.
- 🛰️ Modern technology confirms historical theories about Earth's climate transitions using techniques like ice core analysis.
- 🔍 The history of ice ages teaches us about the powerful forces that have shaped our planet.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The video begins with a scenic view of Scotland's ancient landscape, which is deeply connected to the planet's geological history. It introduces the audience to the idea that Scotland's epic and violent past holds keys to understanding Earth's mysteries through the work of pioneering scientists.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Two scientists, Louis Agassiz and William Buckland, explored these landscapes 200 years ago to understand the geological formation of the Highlands. Agassiz, inspired by his experiences in the Swiss Alps, developed a revolutionary idea about Earth's past ice ages by studying glaciers and their effects.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Agassiz observed glacier movements and how they carried large boulders, leading to a groundbreaking theory that ice once covered large parts of Europe. His experiments showed glaciers acted like 'rivers of ice', shaping the landscape by transporting rocks and debris.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
In Scotland, Agassiz sought evidence of his ice age theory by examining geological features such as "erratic" boulders and U-shaped valleys, similar to those found in the Alps, to demonstrate that glaciers had once dominated the region.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The Glen Roy landforms posed a major geological mystery until Agassiz proposed they were ancient shorelines of glacier-made lakes. This crucial evidence supported his theory, suggesting vast ice sheets once covered Scotland, carving out its dramatic landscapes.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Despite Agassiz's findings, his ice age theory faced skepticism. His observations received little immediate support because of prevailing beliefs that Earth's climate had remained largely stable over time, a view strongly defended by influential geologist Roderick Murchison.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
James Croll, a janitor at Anderson College, proposed a theory linking Earth's orbital changes to climate fluctuations, explaining the occurrence of ice ages. His ideas about astronomical cycles as drivers of climate were initially overlooked but later recognized as groundbreaking.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Croll suggested Earth's elliptical orbit periodically brings it farther from the Sun, cooling the planet and allowing ice sheets to grow—an effect amplified by the reflective properties of ice (albedo effect), helping explain the occurrence of extensive ice ages.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Croll's ideas laid the groundwork for understanding the natural cycles of ice ages, predicting multiple glaciations in Earth's past. These concepts were crucial for later developments in climate science, although Croll himself initially lacked widespread recognition.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Later scientific developments verified Croll's theory using ice core samples, aligning geological evidence with his astronomical cycles and proving the Earth's climate experiences regular, predictable ice ages.
- 00:50:00 - 00:58:52
The video concludes by highlighting the legacy of Agassiz and Croll, whose daring ideas revealed the dynamic natural forces shaping Earth. By following these pioneering scientists, we better understand the cyclical nature of ice ages, foretelling future climatic changes.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
What is the main focus of the documentary?
The documentary focuses on Scotland's geological history and the pioneering scientists who studied ice ages.
Who was Louis Agassiz and what was his contribution?
Louis Agassiz was a Swiss scientist who proposed the theory of past ice ages by studying glacial evidence in Switzerland and Scotland.
What role did James Croll play in understanding ice ages?
James Croll developed the astronomical theory explaining the Earth's climate changes and the occurrence of ice ages.
How did James Croll contribute to the theory of climate change?
Croll's theory involved the Earth's orbit and tilt affecting ice ages, highlighting natural rhythms in the Earth's climate.
What geological evidence supports past ice ages?
Geological evidence includes glacial erratics, u-shaped valleys, and stratified layers in soil indicating periods of glaciation.
How did Scotland's landscape inform the understanding of global climate?
Scotland's landscape, shaped by glaciers, provided key evidence for theories of global ice ages and climate shifts.
Why is James Croll’s work significant today?
Croll's work laid the foundation for understanding natural climate cycles, influencing current climate science.
What future predictions are made about ice ages?
Scientists predict another ice age in 40,000-50,000 years, based on natural climate rhythms similar to past patterns.
What unique methods were used to explore the Scottish landscape?
The documentary uses historical exploration, analysis of geological features, and modern scientific techniques to understand Scotland's geology.
How does the documentary convey its scientific messages?
The documentary conveys scientific messages through historical narratives, expert interviews, and visual evidence of geological formations.
عرض المزيد من ملخصات الفيديو
- 00:00:03[Music]
- 00:00:11Oh
- 00:00:14oh here this is that is a top just there
- 00:00:20ah no this is fine faster what a view
- 00:00:27I'm back um I was last here 25 years ago
- 00:00:3325 years hello it's summer now run your
- 00:00:37left bahama oh look at this here we are
- 00:00:40Oh would you like it that's like a let's
- 00:00:47view this is what I remember this is our
- 00:00:50ancient heritage laid out before our
- 00:00:53very eyes
- 00:00:53[Music]
- 00:00:57scotland's landscape has an epic and
- 00:01:00violent past hidden in these mountains
- 00:01:04and Glen's
- 00:01:05is the history of the planet I'm gonna
- 00:01:09show you how this landscape was used by
- 00:01:11a bunch of brilliant maverick eccentric
- 00:01:14scientists to solve the greatest
- 00:01:15mysteries of the earth
- 00:01:21and following in the footsteps of these
- 00:01:23pioneers who blazed the trail where no
- 00:01:27one had been before
- 00:01:28[Music]
- 00:01:34they showed vision and determination
- 00:01:39[Music]
- 00:01:40to piece together baffling evidence and
- 00:01:44uncover the forces that shape our world
- 00:01:48Wow
- 00:01:51it's all right there if you know what to
- 00:01:53look for threaten into the Scottish
- 00:01:56landscape is a story of the entire
- 00:01:58planet
- 00:01:59[Music]
- 00:02:13[Music]
- 00:02:29let's bowl and I'm climbing there's a
- 00:02:31genuine puzzle and it's huge but the
- 00:02:35mystery isn't it sighs they said it's
- 00:02:37here at all the rocks around here are
- 00:02:40completely different must be 30 times my
- 00:02:42height and weigh in half of thousand
- 00:02:45tonnes so have enough did this alien
- 00:02:48rock get here
- 00:02:54this one stands completely alone in
- 00:02:57rolling Scottish countryside similar
- 00:03:01rogue boulders light scattered all over
- 00:03:03Northern Europe in the early 1800s
- 00:03:06people struggle to understand our
- 00:03:08presence scientists can ignore them but
- 00:03:12they couldn't explain them either the
- 00:03:16most extreme suggestion of the time the
- 00:03:18one that I liked best was by a Frenchman
- 00:03:20Monsieur de Luke who figured that these
- 00:03:22huge borders were fired from underground
- 00:03:25caverns with the force of compressed air
- 00:03:28much like a cork exploding from a kid's
- 00:03:31pop gun the solution to these curious
- 00:03:38rocks lay in one of the most powerful
- 00:03:40forces of nature
- 00:03:43[Music]
- 00:03:59September 1840 the Scottish Highlands
- 00:04:03two close friends have been traveling
- 00:04:06through some of the wildest parts of
- 00:04:07Scotland eight hundred miles in just two
- 00:04:10weeks
- 00:04:12it wasn't easy to get around Halen's two
- 00:04:15men trek for miles clamber up steep
- 00:04:18hillsides and cross expanses of water to
- 00:04:21get closer to the rocks that they want
- 00:04:23to study they're on a mission to try to
- 00:04:28understand the very shape of the
- 00:04:30highlands why it's a land of great Peaks
- 00:04:34punctuated by magnificent locks the two
- 00:04:41men couldn't be more different
- 00:04:43Louis Agassiz an adventurous Swiss
- 00:04:46scientist serious-minded never devil the
- 00:04:57other miners Britain's leading Joel just
- 00:04:59William Buckland a bit of an eccentric
- 00:05:01he wears his academic gown and top hat
- 00:05:04in the field whatever the weather
- 00:05:10William Buckland was a better only
- 00:05:12person around who believed that the
- 00:05:14young Swiss scientist I guess a was just
- 00:05:1933 yet had an idea that would
- 00:05:22revolutionize our understanding of the
- 00:05:24geological world together they looked at
- 00:05:29the shape of the glans
- 00:05:33they examine the isolated boulders that
- 00:05:36dot the Highlands at all struck the
- 00:05:43young scientists are strangely familiar
- 00:05:47it's seen this type of landscape back
- 00:05:49home agassi's radical idea had first
- 00:05:58come to him in his homeland of
- 00:06:00Switzerland
- 00:06:06[Music]
- 00:06:14this is the mortar at Glacia in the
- 00:06:17Swiss Alps Agassiz grew up with his
- 00:06:23world of snow and ice on his doorstep in
- 00:06:28the late 1830s he devoted his time to
- 00:06:31studying great glaciers like this vast
- 00:06:34sheets of ice that covered the Saints of
- 00:06:36the Alps oh those are nice crevasses
- 00:06:41over there
- 00:06:42let's cross what I guess his journal
- 00:06:46tells us how he was lured right down
- 00:06:48inside iglasia to try to discover its
- 00:06:50scale in size with the help of mountain
- 00:07:00guide Jan Luke I hope to do the same
- 00:07:11it's amazing all this modern equipment
- 00:07:13that we've got now compared to what
- 00:07:16years ago was much harder than now I
- 00:07:20think when I guess II came here here da
- 00:07:22it half made of Marmot skin he probably
- 00:07:27came in like lederhosen in the tweed
- 00:07:28suits or something well I just thought
- 00:07:30of how far it goes actually trouble aigo
- 00:07:33staying in there's a let me just going
- 00:07:34dark when I guess he went dead
- 00:07:38he got himself Lord forty meters down
- 00:07:40right but he got to the bottom he
- 00:07:42feigned
- 00:07:43that he found himself and not hot water
- 00:07:46fat cold water he was in the melt water
- 00:07:48and iglasia he ended up in like half
- 00:07:51drained that did Holloway the colder is
- 00:07:55his descent into hell
- 00:07:58all right yeah
- 00:08:03as I climb down it's hard to forget that
- 00:08:06Agassi nearly died in his crevasse okay
- 00:08:10yep keep going keep going keep good Hey
- 00:08:20it was like woods of what a good stream
- 00:08:23and Diana st. the overall sense again
- 00:08:26it's about feeling a bit it's really
- 00:08:30Donnelly
- 00:08:31but I guess you really noticed was the
- 00:08:33weight of the ice above compress and
- 00:08:36down on the layers below then you can
- 00:08:38tell that crash has been building up
- 00:08:41because the eighth thing is but see blue
- 00:08:44it's really find all the air bubbles
- 00:08:47have been squeezed there today much like
- 00:08:50a hug and squeeze the next moment
- 00:08:53[Music]
- 00:08:57then here you got a real sense of the
- 00:09:00sheer scale and mass of the Glacia in
- 00:09:04fact a glace had a hundred meters thick
- 00:09:06will bear down with the force of eight
- 00:09:08eight tons per square meter every summer
- 00:09:17for five years I guess he returned to
- 00:09:20the mountains to study the ice he wanted
- 00:09:23to find out if the immense pressure of
- 00:09:25the Galatia was somehow put into action
- 00:09:29first clue that Agassiz noticed was
- 00:09:32something peculiar going on with his
- 00:09:34research shot that he'd belt off on the
- 00:09:36Glacia it wasn't ready to laughter every
- 00:09:39season they came back the hot seems to
- 00:09:41be closer and closer to the end of the
- 00:09:42valley he must have thought that's about
- 00:09:45odd even the mountains or the hot must
- 00:09:47be moving okay Agassiz was determined to
- 00:09:58discover why is hot moved he's carried
- 00:10:02out an experiment the first of its kind
- 00:10:06I'll recreate it with Glacia expert
- 00:10:09during a Leone I think we put the next
- 00:10:12one about here it's as simple as it is
- 00:10:15clever
- 00:10:15I guess you drove wooden stakes across
- 00:10:20the Glacia one stake every 50 meters or
- 00:10:23so now you wouldn't expect something as
- 00:10:29solid as ice to move but Agassiz he
- 00:10:32suspected otherwise he tracked the
- 00:10:35positions of those stakes over one year
- 00:10:37over two years went on now even though
- 00:10:40he attained to hang around and wait for
- 00:10:42that but I can show you what he found
- 00:10:45I guess he discovered the stakes did
- 00:10:51move and if they moved men the entire
- 00:10:53Glacia millions of tons of ace was also
- 00:10:57moving slowly and inexorably down the
- 00:10:59mountain a remarkable finding as team
- 00:11:06made beautiful engravings of fast rivers
- 00:11:09of ice which flowed down the valleys of
- 00:11:11the Alps another experiments like the
- 00:11:18steak experiment seem very simple but
- 00:11:19they gave him really interesting results
- 00:11:21to me yes it was their method of
- 00:11:23measuring the speed of the ice how much
- 00:11:26advance during one year or two years or
- 00:11:28three years it was the only way of doing
- 00:11:30it to tell me how fast were some of
- 00:11:32these glaciers moving well they found
- 00:11:34out that the ice moves 30 or even 60
- 00:11:37meters in the middle of the glacier in
- 00:11:39one year that is because you know the
- 00:11:41ice is rock-hard right you can hit that
- 00:11:43Italy breaks like us but on a different
- 00:11:48time scale it's it's like a slowly
- 00:11:51moving fluid so it changes from year to
- 00:11:54year
- 00:11:55[Music]
- 00:11:59you're aliens webcams exposes secret
- 00:12:02life of Galatia in 15 seconds we can see
- 00:12:06but Agassiz took five years to record
- 00:12:09[Music]
- 00:12:12for me it's impressive for seeing a
- 00:12:14family in Mobile Glacia really flowing
- 00:12:18with just sticks and clever logic Agassi
- 00:12:22had proved that glaciers traveled down
- 00:12:24the mountain
- 00:12:26and that's not all he found out the
- 00:12:29pressure of all that eight grains open
- 00:12:31rocks in its path and skips them up
- 00:12:37[Music]
- 00:12:42this is the kind of thing that I can see
- 00:12:46would have been absolutely intrigued by
- 00:12:47a boulder imbedding there's plenty of
- 00:12:50smaller ones Melissa's the biggest one
- 00:12:52I've seen and Agassi realized that it's
- 00:12:55less rocky debris it was essentially the
- 00:12:59teeth of the Glacia it was less it was
- 00:13:02eaten away at the line I guess he had a
- 00:13:10further revelation in the foothills of
- 00:13:15the Alps were huge boulders he suspected
- 00:13:19they had something to do with the
- 00:13:20glaciers further up the mountains now
- 00:13:25here's a familiar sight it's one of
- 00:13:28these mysterious alien balls the French
- 00:13:31called them air attics wonders and
- 00:13:34Agassiz was convinced that these were
- 00:13:36transported by ice these boulders
- 00:13:41fascinated him he and his colleagues
- 00:13:45mapped the positions over wider and
- 00:13:47wider areas
- 00:13:51what Agassiz found would lead him to an
- 00:13:54extraordinary theory about the Earth's
- 00:13:56past
- 00:13:57I love old maps this one is especially
- 00:14:02beautiful I mean look at this picture of
- 00:14:04an erratic boarder the map itself covers
- 00:14:07most of Switzerland and goes up into
- 00:14:09France and the creamy areas show the
- 00:14:12distribution of these erratic borders
- 00:14:15the glaciers were only in the mountains
- 00:14:18yet many borders were down in the
- 00:14:20lowlands far from any ace the glaciers
- 00:14:24seemed to have once covered a much
- 00:14:26larger area
- 00:14:29trapped within that massive a ship were
- 00:14:32borders like this borders that when the
- 00:14:34climate warmed and the ice thawed were
- 00:14:36left scattered across a country seat
- 00:14:38it's a beautifully elegant and simple
- 00:14:40idea if the glaciers had been far more
- 00:14:47extensive and Agassiz believed he should
- 00:14:50be able to find other evidence of the
- 00:14:51rot in the landscape he proposed that
- 00:14:56these shallow grooves were created by
- 00:14:58rocks and the Glacia scraping over the
- 00:15:00land and even more spectacularly that
- 00:15:04the great u-shaped valleys of the alps
- 00:15:07or giant grooves carved by glaciers he
- 00:15:12called the glaciers God's great plan
- 00:15:20but I guess he didn't stop there what if
- 00:15:25it wasn't only the glaciers of
- 00:15:27Switzerland that had melted and shrunk
- 00:15:31what if long ago that had been iced
- 00:15:34everywhere that had no vanished this is
- 00:15:39how one of the most radical ideas in the
- 00:15:41history of science began to take shape
- 00:15:43the idea that the climate was once much
- 00:15:45colder and the glaciers smothered much
- 00:15:48of the area of northern Europe I guess
- 00:15:57his theory of a great and ancient ice
- 00:16:00age was bald
- 00:16:01but so far he'd only studied the area
- 00:16:04around the Swiss Alps to prove it he'd
- 00:16:08have to go much further afield he hoped
- 00:16:11to find a killer clues and a foreign
- 00:16:14land it showed signs of having once had
- 00:16:16glaciers but which is no ice-free the so
- 00:16:19began the whole Scottish adventure
- 00:16:32this is why I guess it came to be in
- 00:16:34Scotland in the autumn beating Authority
- 00:16:36along with fellow scientist William
- 00:16:38Buckland he wanted to discover in
- 00:16:42Scotland the same signs of ancient
- 00:16:44glaciers he'd seen in Switzerland if he
- 00:16:48succeeded his theory of a huge a siege
- 00:16:51would be vindicated together
- 00:16:54Victor of the Highlands I guess he was
- 00:16:57sure that only huge frozen forces could
- 00:16:59have gouged this gland into a ueshiba
- 00:17:02just like the alpine valleys back home
- 00:17:05or carried this wrong ball that across
- 00:17:08the wand similar to those he'd found in
- 00:17:11the Alps but agassi's theory of a frozen
- 00:17:17past didn't just explain the obvious
- 00:17:19features of the highlands
- 00:17:27one of the most dramatic is best seen
- 00:17:30from the air
- 00:17:31[Music]
- 00:17:38the great plan here we come
- 00:17:44ah
- 00:17:47to geology mother that's for spike
- 00:17:49rubbish seven years ago
- 00:17:52[Music]
- 00:18:03as their journey continued up the west
- 00:18:05coast of Scotland Buckland was keen to
- 00:18:08show Agassiz the highlight of the tour
- 00:18:10just north of Ben Nevis is Glen Roy
- 00:18:17in this Glen was an extraordinary
- 00:18:20phenomenon that no one had been able to
- 00:18:22explain
- 00:18:29magazine funnily came here because it is
- 00:18:31peculiar lights that are etched straight
- 00:18:34along the size of the glaad but early
- 00:18:36consider these parlor lights the
- 00:18:39greatest geological mystery in Britain
- 00:18:41all the great minds of the day could be
- 00:18:43like Charles Darwin would come here to
- 00:18:46try to study them
- 00:18:47[Music]
- 00:18:51the three ledges are each ten metres
- 00:18:54wide and tens of kilometers long the
- 00:18:59lanes run parallel and completely level
- 00:19:06more bake some so and aquatics appeared
- 00:19:09as a NASA regular I mean big just like
- 00:19:12man-made elixir might be the sum of the
- 00:19:14contemporaries of Buckland thought that
- 00:19:16they were created with some ancient
- 00:19:19human civilizations and the three routes
- 00:19:22and read of prophecies what was her
- 00:19:23humans what was for horse-drawn
- 00:19:25carriages the other was for LA he
- 00:19:27stopped
- 00:19:31[Music]
- 00:19:34when Agassiz study them he realized they
- 00:19:36weren't obsolete highways to him these
- 00:19:39inscrutable features screamed ice he
- 00:19:46believed he knew what happened during
- 00:19:49the Ice Age a glacier comes down from
- 00:19:51the mountains and blocks the mouth of
- 00:19:53Glenroy and the river that runs through
- 00:19:55it behind this wall of ice a lake slowly
- 00:20:00forms the water level rises to a certain
- 00:20:05level for hundreds of years waves battle
- 00:20:08the lakeside ruining it and creating a
- 00:20:11flat shoreline
- 00:20:13as it gets colder the Galatia increases
- 00:20:17in hate blocks the valley further up and
- 00:20:20the lake level rises another shoreline
- 00:20:23is created higher up the valleys saved
- 00:20:28this happens three times and all finally
- 00:20:33they claim it warms the glacier melt and
- 00:20:36the lake pours out leaving behind the
- 00:20:40strange marks on the health side
- 00:20:42[Music]
- 00:20:51you know it's so clear from up here but
- 00:20:53what's astonishing is the accuracy what
- 00:20:55they say but they're there on the grave
- 00:20:58in just a couple of days but probably
- 00:21:00low lights of Glenroy well via piped
- 00:21:03shorelines of an ancient glacial lake
- 00:21:09[Music]
- 00:21:14Glenroy was the crucial piece of the
- 00:21:17puzzle
- 00:21:20[Music]
- 00:21:24it was no credible that huge ice sheets
- 00:21:27used to call Scotland a country far from
- 00:21:30modern-day glacials
- 00:21:33and Agassiz believed that ice as deep as
- 00:21:36a huge ice sheet that covers Greenland
- 00:21:38today must have one smothered much of
- 00:21:41the world
- 00:21:45[Music]
- 00:21:48for Agassiz this beautifully sculpted
- 00:21:50indistinct and landscape provided the
- 00:21:52best evidence for this theory it was in
- 00:21:54Scotland he said that I achieved
- 00:21:56precision in my ideas regarding ancient
- 00:21:59glasses for the very first time Agassiz
- 00:22:03had confirmed glaciation outside the
- 00:22:05Alps
- 00:22:05[Music]
- 00:22:13one of the joys that'd be the joel is
- 00:22:15just as if once you get your iron
- 00:22:17once you've trained your mind to see
- 00:22:18what's important you'd start to make
- 00:22:20sense of the world around you in a
- 00:22:22completely fresh way for Agassi and
- 00:22:26Botwin
- 00:22:27what they saw in places like this told
- 00:22:29them that this landscape had been carved
- 00:22:31by a massive ice sheet and that sense
- 00:22:34there were visionaries but not everyone
- 00:22:36shared that vision
- 00:22:39[Music]
- 00:22:48I guess they rushed back to Edinburgh
- 00:22:50with ease ACH theory in 1840 many of the
- 00:22:54world's most important geologists lived
- 00:22:56here he had to win them over for his
- 00:22:59idea to be accepted he couldn't drag
- 00:23:04them up to the Highlands but he could
- 00:23:06show them evidence of ace just round the
- 00:23:08corner
- 00:23:12he took some top geologists for a tour
- 00:23:14around the city
- 00:23:22I'm with present-day members of the
- 00:23:24Android Geological Society as we had for
- 00:23:27a site their predecessors visited
- 00:23:29Blackford quarry in the city outskirts
- 00:23:35what I wanted assure them were scratches
- 00:23:38and grooves in the rock you have to
- 00:23:40really know what you're looking for
- 00:23:42because to the untrained eye these look
- 00:23:44just like girls and it's what they mean
- 00:23:47look there's some really nice set here
- 00:23:49if you could see that he looks like I'm
- 00:23:51taking the fingernails and just scratch
- 00:23:53that along here what I guess he thought
- 00:23:56was that this was caused by storms been
- 00:23:59dragged in the ice and scaring across a
- 00:24:01rock ends up being really beautifully
- 00:24:03polished and molded lovely when Agassiz
- 00:24:07saw that's here at Lightford quarry
- 00:24:08famously said yes this is the work of
- 00:24:12ace Agassiz was convinced had been
- 00:24:17iglasia here but what about his
- 00:24:19companions they start feeling I guess of
- 00:24:26trying to imagine this place here
- 00:24:28covered in ice as well I mean that would
- 00:24:29be I'll be quite difficult how many of
- 00:24:38you be convinced of a completely new
- 00:24:41theory that Britain was covered in ice
- 00:24:43based on that is there any who would I'm
- 00:24:47interested in the silence
- 00:24:52[Laughter]
- 00:24:54to most geologists of the time these
- 00:24:57tiny scratches appeared of little
- 00:24:59consequence
- 00:25:00so Agassiz turned to other grander rocks
- 00:25:03one in particular that's visible from
- 00:25:05all Edinburgh from the top of black rot
- 00:25:08hair you can get a really good view of
- 00:25:10the gently sloping Royal Mile coming off
- 00:25:12the back of the hub Castle Rock and it's
- 00:25:15this kind of feature that Agassiz
- 00:25:17believed must have been carved out by
- 00:25:19ace ace reach the hard Castle Rock of
- 00:25:23sports to squeeze around the side all
- 00:25:27the surrounding area was carved away by
- 00:25:29the ace except for the land protected
- 00:25:32behind the castle rock and so the gently
- 00:25:35sloping shape of the Royal Mile was
- 00:25:37created
- 00:25:42the thing about geology is it's often a
- 00:25:44lot less clear-cut than you might think
- 00:25:46I mean on the face of it whose features
- 00:25:48I Agassiz pointed out well not exactly
- 00:25:51blindingly obvious and it takes a huge
- 00:25:53leap of faith to go from small scratch
- 00:25:56he's not a shape a castle rock so the
- 00:25:58notion of a have agree a siege luckily
- 00:26:08for Agassi one man on his tour of Emre
- 00:26:11was the editor of the Scotsman newspaper
- 00:26:14[Music]
- 00:26:19in a tavern round the corner from the
- 00:26:22newspaper offices
- 00:26:23I guess his theory was a hot topic
- 00:26:25amongst journalists back then the very
- 00:26:31idea of an ice age scarcely to be
- 00:26:34contemplated even so the editor dared to
- 00:26:39publish his scoop and here's the article
- 00:26:44Wednesday October the 7th 1840
- 00:26:47sandwiched between a review of the
- 00:26:49Adelphi Theatre and ten counts of
- 00:26:51proceedings is the world's first
- 00:26:53announcement of the ACH discovery of the
- 00:26:57former existence of glaciers and
- 00:26:59Scotland it's incredible professor
- 00:27:03Agassiz could seize that at a certain a
- 00:27:05POC all the north of Europe and also the
- 00:27:08north of Asian America were covered with
- 00:27:10a mass of ice he's written the ground of
- 00:27:15Europe inhabited by hounds of giant
- 00:27:17elephants enormous hippopotami and
- 00:27:19gigantic carnivore became suddenly
- 00:27:22buried under a vast expanse of ice
- 00:27:27silence of death fold it's hard to
- 00:27:34emphasise what earth-shattering news
- 00:27:36this was been for your average reader
- 00:27:38and that Wednesday morning is this
- 00:27:40equivalent to I don't know teeth reading
- 00:27:42that a double deck and boss has been
- 00:27:44phoning them with the world
- 00:27:46you know our understanding upon its past
- 00:27:48would never be the same again this is
- 00:27:51essentially the arrival of the eighties
- 00:27:53[Music]
- 00:28:07paying close attention to this new idea
- 00:28:10of an ice age was the most influential
- 00:28:12geologist of the day
- 00:28:15Roderick MP moccasin former Army officer
- 00:28:19who his approach to geology was somewhat
- 00:28:22like a military campaign he was one of
- 00:28:25geology's rising stars
- 00:28:27what do you thought of I guess his new
- 00:28:29theory would make it or break it
- 00:28:36Marcin didn't believe a word of it
- 00:28:41yeah sarcastically of the scratches in
- 00:28:43Polish and on London streets would also
- 00:28:45be attributed to the action of ace the
- 00:28:48day will come he said when we shall
- 00:28:49apply it to all Highgate Hill will be
- 00:28:52the site of a glacier and Hyde Park and
- 00:28:55Belgravia square the scene of its
- 00:28:57influence you can just hear the snort of
- 00:29:00derision
- 00:29:04Roderick Morrison was a traditional man
- 00:29:07with traditional views he believed the
- 00:29:10Earth's climate remained largely steady
- 00:29:12over time there'd been a gradual cooling
- 00:29:17since the earth formed but no extreme
- 00:29:19swings and temperature resistant to new
- 00:29:23ideas Murchison dismissed the theory of
- 00:29:26an ancient a siege as poppycock
- 00:29:33and he wasn't above stooping to
- 00:29:36underhand measures these appear to be
- 00:29:50the transactions of the Geological
- 00:29:52Society from 1842 but in fact that
- 00:29:55evidence of a dastardly deed a crime
- 00:29:57against science because Agassiz
- 00:29:59submitted two of his key papers that his
- 00:30:01publication but she flicked through I
- 00:30:04just don't see them as present of the
- 00:30:07society much as in use these power abuse
- 00:30:10this power to constantly delay
- 00:30:12publication they never came out in
- 00:30:14effect he says of them and in the face
- 00:30:17of that constant onslaught from Marxism
- 00:30:19even Buckland's convictions over the ACH
- 00:30:22theory began to falter this
- 00:30:27groundbreaking theory was frozen out by
- 00:30:29a geological buoy
- 00:30:34Louie Agassiz left for America he felt
- 00:30:38he'd taken his ideas on the a sage as
- 00:30:40far as he could
- 00:30:41[Music]
- 00:30:46but the controversy rumbled on
- 00:30:52you know joel is just fun it's so hard
- 00:30:54to accept the idea of the ACH for one
- 00:30:56simple reason and that is there was no
- 00:30:59explanation as to why the planet got
- 00:31:01jelly enough for the pasta crate let's
- 00:31:03suppose that anything is I mean how does
- 00:31:05the earth go cold and then hot again
- 00:31:07what sends into the freezer only to
- 00:31:10thought I don't just doesn't seem to
- 00:31:12make any sense
- 00:31:13[Music]
- 00:31:20for nearly 20 years the puzzle of the
- 00:31:23cause of an ice age remained unsolved
- 00:31:26help came from a most unlikely source in
- 00:31:331859 a man and poor health or with a
- 00:31:36patchy employment record applies for a
- 00:31:39job at Anderson College in Glasgow
- 00:31:42James cruel has variously ran a tea shop
- 00:31:47managed at temperance hotel what's in a
- 00:31:50mill and been an insurance salesman
- 00:31:54crawls career changes yet again when he
- 00:31:57lands a job at the college not as a
- 00:31:59lecturer he's got no qualifications as a
- 00:32:02janitor
- 00:32:13this shy silent brooding Scot had little
- 00:32:17formal education but he did have a
- 00:32:20brilliant mind he would clean the rooms
- 00:32:30after the students had laughed and had
- 00:32:32no doubt eavesdrop into sinus science
- 00:32:34classes pondering what was left on the
- 00:32:37board James Croll applied his mind there
- 00:32:43was controversial theory of the day the
- 00:32:47origin of the a seizure
- 00:32:51in his spare time he taught himself
- 00:32:54physical astronomy and the complex laws
- 00:32:57of motion light and heat crow fascinates
- 00:33:04me he wasn't interested in my new shy of
- 00:33:06Georgie he wanted to get a big picture
- 00:33:08and what gave him the edge was while
- 00:33:10most geologists was staring in the rocks
- 00:33:12underfoot he was looking to the heavens
- 00:33:16[Music]
- 00:33:17[Applause]
- 00:33:19[Music]
- 00:33:23rules mastery of astronomy give him an
- 00:33:26original take on the most familiar of
- 00:33:29objects that's the lovely beautiful
- 00:33:32color I mean fantastic isn't a color
- 00:33:35through that well I say I mean just
- 00:33:37because it's so harsh to look at you
- 00:33:38just think it's like white see anything
- 00:33:40but beautiful orange and red
- 00:33:44[Music]
- 00:33:48in a leap of imagination crawl made a
- 00:33:51connection between the Sun and the Ice
- 00:33:53Age nowadays we have modern technology
- 00:33:59to map and understand the solar system
- 00:34:03crawl and none of us yet working on his
- 00:34:08own you suspected the Ice Age was all to
- 00:34:12do how the earth orbiting the Sun this
- 00:34:19is an orrery I kind of amazing
- 00:34:22contraption that simulates the orbits of
- 00:34:24the planets it's wonderful to see the
- 00:34:26choreography of all the planets tonin
- 00:34:29you know this device is incredibly
- 00:34:31simple and elegant but it really makes
- 00:34:33you realize just how hard the job crawl
- 00:34:35hard cuz he had to work it the orbits
- 00:34:37all the different planets and then
- 00:34:38trying determine the end the fluids you
- 00:34:41had
- 00:34:44[Music]
- 00:34:58who like to grapple with these difficult
- 00:35:01problems over the course of long walks
- 00:35:14imagine that less this is the Sun that
- 00:35:20imagine this rock its planet Earth guess
- 00:35:25that most people would assume that the
- 00:35:27earth comes
- 00:35:28Rhona Sun over a year and a broadly
- 00:35:31circular orbit nice and symmetrical but
- 00:35:37the orbit it's actually slightly
- 00:35:39elliptical it's more of an oval
- 00:35:43exaggerated for effect
- 00:35:47now all the long periods of time that
- 00:35:51and let's gets more and more skewed and
- 00:35:54stretched out to be even more oval
- 00:35:58all the stretching is caused by the
- 00:36:01gravity of the other planets pulling the
- 00:36:03earth out of position another thing is
- 00:36:08when this happens the earth spends more
- 00:36:12of its orbit away from the Sun than it
- 00:36:15does towards it when does that happen
- 00:36:17when the earth is out here at its
- 00:36:19farthest distance tend to be more
- 00:36:21intense and the best possession follow
- 00:36:25this from the Sun the most stretched
- 00:36:27orbit comes around every 100,000 years
- 00:36:35Cruel took into account other factors
- 00:36:37which also change over time such as a
- 00:36:40tilt of the earth when these coincide
- 00:36:46with the most extreme orbit the winter
- 00:36:48temperature of the earth is at its
- 00:36:50lowest 20 percent colder saves a lot but
- 00:36:56it's still not enough to unleash a
- 00:36:58full-blown a siege crew believed there
- 00:37:03had to be something else to make the
- 00:37:05earth even colder speech has become a
- 00:37:09bit of a size lab there are two sets of
- 00:37:17different ice cubes here same size but
- 00:37:20slightly different colors of water this
- 00:37:22one here is your regular water source
- 00:37:24mister transponders clear the best one
- 00:37:26has a tiny amount of black dye in it
- 00:37:29now all I need to do is keep them out in
- 00:37:31the Sun to melt Oh cold ed was applying
- 00:37:38its simple physics of reflected late to
- 00:37:41the office climate it's something we all
- 00:37:43know that light colored surfaces reflect
- 00:37:46more sunlight than dark ones so what
- 00:37:48should happen is that these light
- 00:37:50colored transparency should reflect off
- 00:37:54to bounce off more of the sun's energy
- 00:37:56and take longer to melt whereas these
- 00:37:58darker ones will absorb all that heat
- 00:38:00and melt much quicker
- 00:38:04[Music]
- 00:38:17look at that all of the ice has gone
- 00:38:19from the black one and there knows what
- 00:38:21one two three four five six ice cubes
- 00:38:26still laughter ah I call that a success
- 00:38:31[Music]
- 00:38:33the ability of late suffices to reflect
- 00:38:36heat it's called the old B to effect it
- 00:38:39supposes to many janitors we would have
- 00:38:41wondered that the effect of that Earth's
- 00:38:43climate
- 00:38:45[Music]
- 00:38:45[Laughter]
- 00:38:49think of the clear ice cubes as the ice
- 00:38:52sheets at the North and South Poles
- 00:38:54cruel argue to every 100,000 years the
- 00:38:58extreme orbit of the earth triggers the
- 00:39:00growth of these ice sheets the more the
- 00:39:04ice expands the more heat from the Sun
- 00:39:06is blends the way the more heats
- 00:39:09reflected the colder the earth gets and
- 00:39:12yet more ice grows eventually it covers
- 00:39:16much of the earth in an Isis it can last
- 00:39:18tens of thousands of years they'll be to
- 00:39:25affect is one of the most powerful
- 00:39:26drivers of the earth climate for cruel
- 00:39:29and explained how the world could cool
- 00:39:31rapidly cool enough to start an a siege
- 00:39:35[Music]
- 00:39:44cruel rates up is what gets it published
- 00:39:47in a science journal the paper comes to
- 00:39:50the attention of the Geological Survey
- 00:39:53they are blown away by some regional
- 00:39:55ideas but the causes of erasing what
- 00:40:00genius came up with s they think
- 00:40:02astonished to discover this character
- 00:40:05crawl as a janitor it doesn't put them
- 00:40:08off they offer this new phone genius are
- 00:40:10a sales job
- 00:40:12no more dead-end jobs James crawl has
- 00:40:16arrived a professional position gave him
- 00:40:26the space to develop his ideas further
- 00:40:28he spent the next ten years writing his
- 00:40:31book claim it and Taemin but aren't many
- 00:40:34books have changed the world
- 00:40:36but James crawls book is as important to
- 00:40:38claim its science as Darwin's Origin of
- 00:40:41Species is to biology yeah how many
- 00:40:44people have heard of it it's largely
- 00:40:46forgotten and I must confess that even I
- 00:40:48have read it which is why I'm so excited
- 00:40:50and I'm about to see it for the very
- 00:40:52first time
- 00:40:53[Music]
- 00:40:58so this is that this is the hallowed Tom
- 00:41:02this is the diagram that lies really I
- 00:41:05guess at the heart of Truls book no the
- 00:41:08kid gives it a kind of drama this
- 00:41:10graphic presentation of the variation in
- 00:41:14temperature cruel had calculated the
- 00:41:18changes in the temperature of the earth
- 00:41:19over the last three million years so
- 00:41:22this is time this is 1 million two
- 00:41:25million three million years in the past
- 00:41:27who's saying there's been these swings
- 00:41:28yeah very arousing not very erotic kind
- 00:41:31of behavior but behavior nonetheless
- 00:41:34that could be predicted yeah orderly
- 00:41:36erotic but orderly the same absolutely
- 00:41:38the key thing that jumps out here is
- 00:41:40multiple ages and he carries it back and
- 00:41:43says look this should be an a sees maybe
- 00:41:44they're here only there yeah and then
- 00:41:47suddenly he and I certainly hear prompts
- 00:41:49all these questions about the climate in
- 00:41:51the past as you look I know the traction
- 00:41:54actually down here as 1880 as has
- 00:41:56present-day any projected into the
- 00:41:58future a million years into future
- 00:42:00thinking about when the next day's ages
- 00:42:02would be it's clear this mind has a
- 00:42:04brain the size of a planet never mind
- 00:42:06actually a thinking about planner says
- 00:42:08colleagues thought he was a genius
- 00:42:10there might have been might have been
- 00:42:11right about the past the genius Johnny
- 00:42:15I'm absolutely bowled over by this book
- 00:42:18in this ordinary looking graph is a
- 00:42:21great scientific breakthrough really
- 00:42:24shows how the temperature fluctuates all
- 00:42:26the time which was kind of a real
- 00:42:29maverick idea and real almost heresy
- 00:42:31people prevailing notion that that's
- 00:42:34just cool steadily over time and here it
- 00:42:36was this irregularity but what was cruel
- 00:42:40genius was to see that within that
- 00:42:41irregularity that was order it was all
- 00:42:43to do the astronomical changes this is a
- 00:42:47what Rafael says the rhythms of the
- 00:42:49Asian and they can apiece me
- 00:42:53[Music]
- 00:42:57Cruel gave us the history of all these
- 00:43:00ice ages the waxing and waning of the
- 00:43:03ice sheets over tens of thousands of
- 00:43:05years but when he walked this road there
- 00:43:09was no geological evidence to support it
- 00:43:12his research was theoretical worked out
- 00:43:15entirely from first principles this is
- 00:43:21impressive science
- 00:43:28for me James Croll was an unsung hero as
- 00:43:32so often happens from science someone
- 00:43:35else stole his thunder when I was
- 00:43:37learning about the ACS and university
- 00:43:39these astronomical principles were
- 00:43:41attributed to a Serbian guy called
- 00:43:43Milankovitch and the periods of warming
- 00:43:45and cooling called Milankovitch cycles
- 00:43:48what I didn't know was that malankov
- 00:43:51it's largely Beasties work on the ideas
- 00:43:53of James crawl so it's nice to set the
- 00:43:55record straight to give credit where
- 00:43:58credit's due
- 00:44:02[Music]
- 00:44:07crawls boot came out in 1875 Queen
- 00:44:11Victoria was on the throne the
- 00:44:14Industrial Revolution was in full swing
- 00:44:16new canals railway lanes and roads cut
- 00:44:19through the landscape all this digging
- 00:44:22exposed the earth itself geologist now
- 00:44:30had the perfect opportunity to paint
- 00:44:31real evidence on the ground of what cold
- 00:44:34predicted on people multiple a sieges
- 00:44:39stepan james geeky he's bought into the
- 00:44:43notion of recurrent ice ages and he's
- 00:44:45determined to find a proof of it in
- 00:44:47scotland yuki actually what's alongside
- 00:44:54crawl at the geological survey the whale
- 00:44:56crawled theorized yuki like to get his
- 00:44:59hands doctor
- 00:45:00[Music]
- 00:45:02and that's all where we're cutting we
- 00:45:04can uncover layers laid down over
- 00:45:06thousands of years and just as Beauty
- 00:45:09dead reveal oh I see parsley I think I
- 00:45:16said biggest reason ever be it might not
- 00:45:24look much but what excites us geologists
- 00:45:27is what it means the top gray layer on
- 00:45:30the bottom red one at both ice ages
- 00:45:33they're separated by a thin black layer
- 00:45:37[Music]
- 00:45:39the thing jumps out immediately at us is
- 00:45:41the black the organic layer in the
- 00:45:43middle doing here yeah and if you pull a
- 00:45:46lump of that out yeah you'll see that
- 00:45:50there are bits and pieces of twig and
- 00:45:51leaf various bits of vegetation so it's
- 00:45:55the kind of a song it's entually a soil
- 00:45:57yeah
- 00:45:57so this soil is from a warm period when
- 00:46:01there were trees and other plants around
- 00:46:02very different from the layer above and
- 00:46:05the layer below now underneath that we
- 00:46:08get this red sandy material if we dig
- 00:46:11through it we see there's also some very
- 00:46:13large stones in it then as we go up
- 00:46:17through that we eventually come into now
- 00:46:19again a sticky clear sticky muddy clay
- 00:46:21but make very large stones in it yeah
- 00:46:23and this is very similar to the material
- 00:46:26we just talked about at the bottom and
- 00:46:28that's what glacier ice
- 00:46:29tends to deposit so what we're looking
- 00:46:31at here then is essentially an ACH
- 00:46:34deposit yes and then we've got a soil so
- 00:46:36warm period vegetation yes comes back
- 00:46:39and then below it another races another
- 00:46:42Ice Age deposit so ace no nice faces
- 00:46:45that's it
- 00:46:49and it wasn't just here was it I mean
- 00:46:51they've owned several they say it's all
- 00:46:53of geeky compiled a huge number of these
- 00:46:55sites in his textbook which he published
- 00:46:57in in the early 1870s and he compiled
- 00:47:00all the sites from the various railway
- 00:47:02cuttings around Scotland I'm not gonna
- 00:47:04cry yes you're a kid Oberg things of
- 00:47:07Scott James geeky had phoned direct
- 00:47:12evidence of multiple ice ages in the
- 00:47:15landscape it was the first indication
- 00:47:18that Krall was on the right lanes with
- 00:47:20his concept of the natural rhythms of
- 00:47:22the planet but geek ease research could
- 00:47:26not reveal the precise dates of the ice
- 00:47:28ages it was impossible to tie his work
- 00:47:31in definitively with crows astronomical
- 00:47:34cycles
- 00:47:38[Applause]
- 00:47:41in recent years scientists are given as
- 00:47:44ever more accurate timings of the ice
- 00:47:46ages
- 00:47:48[Music]
- 00:47:58here in sunny Cambridge the British
- 00:48:00Antarctic Survey has a collection of ice
- 00:48:03going back nearly a million years
- 00:48:06[Music]
- 00:48:08[Applause]
- 00:48:12they use this ice to discover more about
- 00:48:15the past
- 00:48:15temperature of the earth
- 00:48:17[Music]
- 00:48:19[Applause]
- 00:48:22okay hello I can't see me you mean avert
- 00:48:27wrapping up what is the temperature
- 00:48:31minus 20 degrees minus 20 their
- 00:48:35conditions that we'd work in in
- 00:48:36Antarctica we're wearing the same
- 00:48:38clothes
- 00:48:38we're in Antarctica I miss this what you
- 00:48:40again obesity it's cause like the cause
- 00:48:49of drilled out of the Antarctic Ice
- 00:48:51Sheet the deeper the core the older it
- 00:48:54is by measuring the depth of the ice
- 00:48:57samples the scientists can work out when
- 00:48:59the ice formed it's call that I've just
- 00:49:04pulled out here is probably about a
- 00:49:05twenty-year section of ice it got there
- 00:49:08I'm just thinking if this is 20 years
- 00:49:10then 800,000 years
- 00:49:12it's just ginormous yes over three
- 00:49:16kilometers down we had to drill a new
- 00:49:18ice to get make hundred thousand year
- 00:49:20records so you don't have a hole here no
- 00:49:21that's for sure
- 00:49:25now we can use the the pencil here to
- 00:49:28actually cut some samples through the
- 00:49:29ice but then find out more about the
- 00:49:31planet
- 00:49:33oh yes
- 00:49:37they got glistening a sugary texture hey
- 00:49:40oldest this piece of ice is around about
- 00:49:42ten thousand years old so where's the
- 00:49:45scroll I see we got my flight article so
- 00:49:47this is the core we collected from James
- 00:49:48Ross Island which is right on the tip of
- 00:49:50the Antarctic Peninsula
- 00:49:52[Music]
- 00:49:58the Antarctic team is most interested in
- 00:50:01the temperature of the earth at the time
- 00:50:03the ice formed each sample has a
- 00:50:07distinctive chemical makeup the
- 00:50:10scientists use this fingerprint to
- 00:50:12measure how hot a called the F was then
- 00:50:18they found out that over the last
- 00:50:21800,000 years the temperature of the
- 00:50:23earth does fluctuate and these changes
- 00:50:26closely follow the Earth's orbit
- 00:50:29[Music]
- 00:50:34James crawl didn't get all the details
- 00:50:37spot-on
- 00:50:38but his general principle has been
- 00:50:40vindicated what do you know of James
- 00:50:47crawl not very much I only know that he
- 00:50:50was involved in some of the early ideas
- 00:50:53about natural changes in the Earth's
- 00:50:55climate yeah I'm trying to bring him out
- 00:50:57the ice closet really but then I was
- 00:50:59just thinking he would love to have got
- 00:51:02his hands I'm nice to have seen what
- 00:51:03you're doing with these ice cores
- 00:51:04because this is really nailing it isn't
- 00:51:06it
- 00:51:13I'll tell her that if I come out with a
- 00:51:15slice of Ace I can hear something weird
- 00:51:23don't you dare NAT all
- 00:51:29but I should be here mrs. Li is the ice
- 00:51:31starts to melt the air bubbles pop
- 00:51:42crackle crackle
- 00:51:45and what I'm hearing is the sound of the
- 00:51:47atmospheres from thousands of years ago
- 00:51:49coming out the sound of the ACH
- 00:51:56[Music]
- 00:52:00these days we've learned more about the
- 00:52:03ECGs and crawl could ever have dreamt of
- 00:52:07where they began how long they lasted
- 00:52:10and how extensively were the last a
- 00:52:13sheet to cover most of the British Isles
- 00:52:15was just 20,000 years ago you may assume
- 00:52:19it started in the North Pole and spread
- 00:52:22southward but reading the rocks reveals
- 00:52:26that Britain's a siege began in the
- 00:52:27middle of the Scottish Haley's
- 00:52:49[Music]
- 00:52:52in the British Isles the ice sheet was
- 00:52:54born here ranek more Evaristo maximum
- 00:52:58thickness of a kilometer thousand meters
- 00:53:01of ice which is similar to present-day
- 00:53:02greenland that was the beating heart of
- 00:53:06the a siege from here glaciers have
- 00:53:08moved slowly down these valleys towards
- 00:53:10the sea carving out these magnificent
- 00:53:13glands
- 00:53:15[Music]
- 00:53:17we known or that have been 10 major ice
- 00:53:19ages in the past million years so what
- 00:53:25does the future hold for us
- 00:53:26[Music]
- 00:53:34[Music]
- 00:53:35today scientists follow in the footsteps
- 00:53:38of James crawl they to predict that an
- 00:53:42ice age is coming on this board in the
- 00:53:50west coast of Scotland they work out
- 00:53:52where the glaciers of the next Ice Age
- 00:53:53will go
- 00:53:56and the best way of doing this is to
- 00:53:59look where the eggs went last time
- 00:54:04[Music]
- 00:54:07this is a first of long that I've been
- 00:54:10here loads days but never like this this
- 00:54:12is it's like I'm milk it might seem odd
- 00:54:19to study glaciers out at sea but
- 00:54:21thousands of years ago this wasn't see
- 00:54:24it was land land covered by ice during
- 00:54:28the Ice Ages the so much water gets
- 00:54:30locked up in the ashes that around the
- 00:54:32world sea levels fall and they fall by
- 00:54:35as much as a hundred and fifty meters
- 00:54:41when the ice sheets melt the sea floods
- 00:54:44back and so by mapping the seabed John
- 00:54:48Howe and Tom Bradwell can find the
- 00:54:50tracks of these ancient glaciers you can
- 00:54:55see on here the footprint of a glass
- 00:54:57here or an ice sheet as it's come down
- 00:54:59in LA and we can see these beautiful
- 00:55:02ridges that cut across and this was
- 00:55:05produced by a glass here and presumably
- 00:55:07get better preserved on the seabed
- 00:55:09because there's nothing to ruin diverse
- 00:55:11range that's exactly what happens we've
- 00:55:12seen these features preserved better
- 00:55:14offshore than we ever do on shore
- 00:55:18the first time we can actually see where
- 00:55:20the ice got to they're actually real
- 00:55:22limits this is a guess work we were
- 00:55:24actually getting real data on where the
- 00:55:25ice got to at a certain point in time
- 00:55:27the team has made a computer model that
- 00:55:30shows what the next ice age in Britain
- 00:55:32could be like how far these giant
- 00:55:35glaciers would extend depends on how far
- 00:55:37the temperature drops an eighth degree
- 00:55:40fall would plunge Britain into a
- 00:55:42full-blown Passage and so that's telling
- 00:55:46us what that ace is gonna be in the
- 00:55:47future it's gonna cover this area again
- 00:55:50absolutely there will be another huge
- 00:55:52ice sheet of hundreds of meters of ice
- 00:55:54and the ice will just scrape across and
- 00:55:56remove the remains of advisory in their
- 00:55:59cities you know everything we think of
- 00:56:01it so scenario enough because as weak
- 00:56:03wheezing as that yeah people bulldozed
- 00:56:05away all gonna be trashed
- 00:56:08[Laughter]
- 00:56:09[Music]
- 00:56:12it's not just tones in Scotland that
- 00:56:15will be obliterated the next ice age
- 00:56:19will be a global catastrophe millions of
- 00:56:23people will be displaced America Europe
- 00:56:26and Asia will be gripped by ice
- 00:56:35[Music]
- 00:56:40this is one of the things that geology
- 00:56:42so gritter is you have to imagine
- 00:56:44strange other worlds you get tantalizing
- 00:56:48clues here and there but actually a lot
- 00:56:50of it's in your head how do you
- 00:56:51visualize this with I don't know several
- 00:56:53hundred meters of ice above you just
- 00:56:55just hard to do
- 00:57:00but how soon will this happen a
- 00:57:04million-dollar question when is the
- 00:57:05earth going to go into the next ice age
- 00:57:08forty to fifty thousand years from now
- 00:57:10it will definitely be an ice age and
- 00:57:12Scotland will be plunged back into the
- 00:57:14the conditions that we saw about 12 to
- 00:57:1720 thousand years ago but that timing
- 00:57:19then is still based on those natural
- 00:57:21rhythms that crawl in my wine cave it's
- 00:57:23really tied there that's right those
- 00:57:25natural frequencies are going to are
- 00:57:26going to exist into the future and we
- 00:57:29know that looking back into the past
- 00:57:30over the last two million years we've
- 00:57:32seen this natural frequency
- 00:57:34[Music]
- 00:57:39this is a vision of our future we've
- 00:57:42only come to realize it thanks to the
- 00:57:44pioneers of the past
- 00:57:46[Music]
- 00:57:51people like Louie Agassiz who opened our
- 00:57:54eyes to the power of ice that carved our
- 00:57:56landscape
- 00:57:58[Music]
- 00:58:02and James call the looked up to the
- 00:58:06heavens to solve the mystery of Earth's
- 00:58:08ice ages these men of rock gave us the
- 00:58:14tools to make sense of our planet
- 00:58:19[Music]
- 00:58:26eastenders next tonight here on BBC HD
- 00:58:29stay with us and right behind daft stuff
- 00:58:32at the airport Matt Lucas and David
- 00:58:34Williams we've come flying with me
- 00:58:36[Music]
- 00:58:38[Applause]
- 00:58:39[Music]
- 00:58:48you
- Scotland
- geology
- ice age
- Louis Agassiz
- James Croll
- glaciers
- climate change
- Earth's history
- astronomy
- geological formations