TLDRDans cet épisode de "How to Corporate", Fella Ebiola accueille Dr Rochelle Parks Yancey pour discuter de la façon de négocier son salaire et d'évaluer sa valeur professionnelle. Dr Yancey, experte en ressources humaines et coach de carrière, partage ses conseils sur la manière de déterminer la valeur de ses compétences et sa capacité de négociation. Elle souligne l'importance de faire des recherches approfondies sur le marché du travail et les salaires, tout en développant la confiance nécessaire pour demander une rémunération qui reflète réellement sa valeur. En renforçant la préparation mentale et en consolidant les compétences de négociation par la pratique, les professionnels peuvent efficacement négocier des conditions de travail optimales sur le chemin de la réussite financière et professionnelle. Dr Yancey insiste sur le fait que connaître son propre "Hell No" – c'est-à-dire le salaire minimal qu'on est prêt à accepter – est crucial pour ne pas céder à des offres qui sous-évaluent notre travail.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 🧠 Importance de la négociation proactive pour sa carrière.
- 💼 Ne jamais se fier uniquement à l'entreprise pour évaluer sa valeur.
- 📈 Faire des recherches approfondies sur les salaires du marché.
- 🤝 Négocier également les conditions de travail, pas seulement le salaire.
- 📝 Pratiquer régulièrement la communication de ses attentes salariales.
- 🏆 Importance de quantifier ses réussites professionnelles.
- 🔍 Développer la confiance grâce à une préparation minutieuse.
- 🗣️ Utiliser le feedback de l'environnement professionnel comme levier.
- 👥 Établir des relations professionnelles solides pour l'information sur les salaires.
- 🚫 Connaître son 'Hell No' pour éviter les offres inacceptables.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Hôte Fella Ebiola présente son émission sur la réussite professionnelle avec l'invitée Dr. Rochelle Parks Yancey, explorant la compétence nécessaire pour négocier sa valeur dans le milieu de travail.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Dr. Yancey partage l'importance d'identifier les insatisfactions professionnelles et raconte son parcours personnel menant à sa spécialisation en ressources humaines. Elle souligne que les carrières peuvent évoluer au-delà des points de départ initiaux.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Elle insiste sur l'importance de ne pas compter sur les entreprises pour déterminer la valeur personnelle et partage un exemple soulignant les pertes possibles si l'on ne négocie pas correctement son salaire.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Dr. Yancey aborde le mythe de la reconnaissance automatique de la valeur au travail encouragé par les institutions académiques et met en garde contre les effets négatifs de l'ignorance salariale.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Elle propose des stratégies pour renforcer la confiance avant de négocier, en notant que parler à soi-même peut être une méthode utile pour surmonter la peur.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Elle détaille les recherches nécessaires avant de négocier un salaire, comme évaluer la valeur de ses compétences et de son expérience pour l'emploi, en tenant compte du contexte géographique et sectoriel.
- 00:30:00 - 00:38:10
Dr. Yancey souligne l'importance des bénéfices non salariaux et de la préparation minutieuse des négociations salariales. L'attention aux détails, telle que la préparation visuelle et verbale, est primordiale pour réussir à obtenir les conditions décentes.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
Qui était l'invitée de l'épisode ?
L'invitée était Dr Rochelle Parks Yancey.
Quel est le sujet principal de l'épisode ?
Le sujet principal est la négociation de votre valeur professionnelle.
Quels sont les titres professionnels de Dr Yancey ?
Dr Yancey est professeur en ressources humaines, coach de carrière, auteure et compétitrice de fitness.
Quelle est l'importance de savoir négocier son salaire ?
Cela permet de s'assurer que l'on est payé à sa juste valeur et de ne pas laisser de l'argent sur la table.
Que signifie le terme "Hell No" dans la négociation salariale ?
Il s'agit du montant minimum que vous refusez d'accepter lors d'une négociation.
Quels éléments entrent en compte dans l'évaluation de la valeur de votre travail ?
Les éléments incluent l'éducation, les certifications, les compétences, l'expérience et les accomplissements.
Quels conseils Dr Yancey donne-t-elle pour surmonter la peur en négociation ?
Dr Yancey conseille de se parler à soi-même et de s'exercer à l'aide de pratiques et de simulations.
Quelle analogie utilise Dr Yancey pour souligner l'importance de se vendre efficacement ?
Elle compare la négociation à un match de sport où il faut être son propre meilleur vendeur.
Quels autres aspects peuvent être négociés avec un salaire ?
Le travail à domicile, les frais de déménagement, les options de stock et les congés payés peuvent aussi être négociés.
Pourquoi est-il important de faire des recherches avant une négociation salariale ?
Faire des recherches permet de connaître la fourchette salariale pour le poste, l'industrie et la région, et ainsi mieux défendre sa position.
عرض المزيد من ملخصات الفيديو
- 00:00:02hey there
- 00:00:03my name is fella ebiola
- 00:00:05and this is how to corporate
- 00:00:07my digital show
- 00:00:09about how successful professionals
- 00:00:11navigate career moves and money matters
- 00:00:14today's topic
- 00:00:15how to negotiate your work with my guest
- 00:00:18dr rochelle parks yancey
- 00:00:22so welcome back
- 00:00:24today's topic is you know really
- 00:00:27an area that i've wanted to focus on for
- 00:00:29a while it's a skill set that everybody
- 00:00:31should have at the end of the day
- 00:00:33uh knowing your worth
- 00:00:35it's a common phrase that's thrown
- 00:00:37around all the time but do people really
- 00:00:40know how to apply your work right and uh
- 00:00:44but never fear
- 00:00:46how the corporate is here and i can't
- 00:00:48think of a better person to have this
- 00:00:50conversation with than
- 00:00:52uh the great dr rochelle parks yancey
- 00:00:56she is a human resource professor she is
- 00:01:00a career coach
- 00:01:01a uh multi-uh book author uh resume
- 00:01:06writer fitness competitor
- 00:01:09motivator i can't think of all her
- 00:01:10titles all right i can't think of all
- 00:01:12her time she has a lot of them so uh but
- 00:01:15you know first and foremost thank you dr
- 00:01:18nancy so much for attending the podcast
- 00:01:21today to have this discussion so you
- 00:01:23know thank you so much appreciate you
- 00:01:24for sure so um i'll first just start to
- 00:01:28kick it off man dr yancey maybe you want
- 00:01:30to give the folks a little bit about
- 00:01:31your background as before we kind of get
- 00:01:34into the topic just talk a little bit
- 00:01:35about yourself
- 00:01:37so certainly um
- 00:01:39a little bit about me is that
- 00:01:41uh you know i'm very hard-headed my
- 00:01:43parents always said that and i learned
- 00:01:45everything the hard way so most of the
- 00:01:47stuff that i talk about is because i
- 00:01:49learned it the hard way you know but but
- 00:01:52that's okay um
- 00:01:54so you know obviously i specialize in
- 00:01:57human resources uh you know phil i
- 00:01:59talked about um
- 00:02:01you know resume writing and and all that
- 00:02:02sort of thing but i do want to mention
- 00:02:04that i did not start off i was always a
- 00:02:07business major but originally i thought
- 00:02:08i was going to be
- 00:02:10a banker um i finished college that i
- 00:02:12was going to be a banker and you know i
- 00:02:14worked in banking and it was horrendous
- 00:02:17i'm not criticizing the big industry i'm
- 00:02:19saying that was horrendous for me and i
- 00:02:21was paid very well the money was good
- 00:02:23right but you know at fridays at 5 00
- 00:02:26p.m i felt like i was escaping the
- 00:02:27graveyard only to go back to the
- 00:02:29graveyard again on monday so
- 00:02:31you know
- 00:02:32and i knew you know i just couldn't live
- 00:02:34like that yeah anymore
- 00:02:36so anyway you know so i kind of followed
- 00:02:38around and i did like a lot of other
- 00:02:39things you know and then i found out
- 00:02:42that you know hr was kind of my area
- 00:02:44specific training development
- 00:02:45recruitment and that was how you know i
- 00:02:48got into that but my whole point is that
- 00:02:51where you started is never where you
- 00:02:53have to end up you know as far as i'm
- 00:02:56concerned we can still be or do whatever
- 00:02:58we want to be or do up until you know
- 00:03:00we're dead or we're in the hospital and
- 00:03:02i'm not dead i'm still not in hospital
- 00:03:04so you know i'm all right so
- 00:03:06you know so we're living still
- 00:03:08yeah so
- 00:03:10that's um
- 00:03:11that's really you know uh you know
- 00:03:14about me i'll talk about you know some
- 00:03:15of my books and you know it's on you
- 00:03:17know later on but
- 00:03:19just in terms of who i am um
- 00:03:22i'll just mention one thing i totally
- 00:03:23believe that we are 100 responsible for
- 00:03:25our own career i mean fellow knows how i
- 00:03:28am about this i don't believe in
- 00:03:29victimhood nobody's going to save you no
- 00:03:31one's gonna help you unless you're gonna
- 00:03:33help yourself you gotta be willing to
- 00:03:35fight for what's yours and fight doesn't
- 00:03:37mean necessarily um uh aggressively you
- 00:03:40have to know how to fight strategically
- 00:03:42you cannot count on a company i don't
- 00:03:44care what the company is you can't count
- 00:03:46on a client to tell you what your worth
- 00:03:49is you need to do your salary homework
- 00:03:51and so we'll get into that uh to know
- 00:03:54what that range is and there are a
- 00:03:55number of variables um that that go into
- 00:03:58that and just to like give you an
- 00:03:59example so i was talking a client
- 00:04:00yesterday and they were like well what
- 00:04:02do you think my resume suggests that i
- 00:04:04would be worth and i'm like i can't
- 00:04:05answer that question with any
- 00:04:07intelligence i can make up a number that
- 00:04:09will make you feel good but i'm not a
- 00:04:11liar and i'm not a damn liar then i'm
- 00:04:12not gonna do that you know so
- 00:04:15uh
- 00:04:16it's up to you so to your point it's up
- 00:04:18to you to know
- 00:04:20your worth
- 00:04:22don't count on a company to tell you
- 00:04:24because here's the thing i'll give you
- 00:04:25this really quick example
- 00:04:26you can think well okay i'm worth 120
- 00:04:29and it comes 120 000 rather for a
- 00:04:31particular role and a company is like
- 00:04:32okay we'll give you the 120. you know
- 00:04:34what that means there was way more money
- 00:04:36on the table and you left it and it's
- 00:04:38your fault that you didn't go get it
- 00:04:42so so so
- 00:04:43to that point right i mean
- 00:04:46i think sometimes folks are
- 00:04:48maybe a little scared right to even just
- 00:04:50push back right that that push back on
- 00:04:53the needle to say
- 00:04:55well i mean 120 000
- 00:04:57that's a nice salary that's you know
- 00:04:59that's good money
- 00:05:00if they put it out there i don't want to
- 00:05:02turn them off i don't want to you know i
- 00:05:04don't want to say well maybe i'm coming
- 00:05:06off too greedy or maybe they say oh well
- 00:05:08we can get the next person who's you
- 00:05:10know um for much cheaper or exactly at
- 00:05:13the price range that you know we're
- 00:05:15trying to go for i mean i i think
- 00:05:18there's a lot of folks who probably have
- 00:05:19that mentality i mean what would you say
- 00:05:22to those who may say you know what i
- 00:05:24don't really want to rock the boat here
- 00:05:26i feel
- 00:05:27if i get that offer and i've been maybe
- 00:05:29i've been out of work for three four
- 00:05:31five six months and
- 00:05:33and it's exactly what i was thinking i
- 00:05:35mean what would you say to that is that
- 00:05:36a way to
- 00:05:37are you cutting yourself short by doing
- 00:05:39so or is there a way to maybe come at it
- 00:05:42later on at a bite at the apple i mean
- 00:05:44what are your thoughts there no okay
- 00:05:46check it out okay
- 00:05:48that's a lot so number one here's the
- 00:05:50thing and i'm saying this as a professor
- 00:05:52college is a lie
- 00:05:54all right college will teach you that if
- 00:05:56you just do the right thing and you just
- 00:05:58work hard everyone's going to recognize
- 00:06:00your value that's a load of garbage
- 00:06:02okay you don't get paid what you deserve
- 00:06:05you get what you negotiate so here's the
- 00:06:07deal if you've been out of work a long
- 00:06:09time i totally respect you taking
- 00:06:10whatever you got to do to pay some bills
- 00:06:12but in the meantime you keep looking for
- 00:06:14opportunities to value you you know why
- 00:06:16because there's nothing worse than i'm
- 00:06:18sure that fella you've experienced or i
- 00:06:20certainly have experience when you start
- 00:06:22a job you're all excited you may even be
- 00:06:24happy about the salary then you find out
- 00:06:26oh wow i'm making like 30 000 less or
- 00:06:29whatever it is than someone else but
- 00:06:31whose fault is that you didn't ask for
- 00:06:33it and people tend to blame the company
- 00:06:34and blame everybody else but i don't
- 00:06:36blame people for what i did not ask for
- 00:06:38that's my fault
- 00:06:40you know see i'm all in about doing what
- 00:06:42i can oh right now i do understand being
- 00:06:45afraid like well if i ask for more you
- 00:06:47don't ask for my what what my worth is
- 00:06:50they're going to walk away well number
- 00:06:52one one mistake people have is number
- 00:06:54one they don't ask at all there's always
- 00:06:56a range always okay
- 00:06:59but then number two
- 00:07:00um people even if they do ask as i said
- 00:07:04they don't just to do their homework
- 00:07:06they just have pulled a number out of
- 00:07:07the air but where did this number come
- 00:07:09from
- 00:07:10you know what salary homework have you
- 00:07:12done on the back end to support what
- 00:07:15you're asking for on the front end right
- 00:07:18then number three they don't practice
- 00:07:21their salary negotiation verbiage
- 00:07:23because and even writing in writing as
- 00:07:25well as a verb because it's practice it
- 00:07:28is hours and hours and hours um
- 00:07:31of excuse me of practice and then number
- 00:07:34two i don't know i mean i don't feel
- 00:07:36like i was put on this earth to fit in
- 00:07:38with everyone else
- 00:07:39i feel like i was put on this i wasn't
- 00:07:41born i'm gonna call it dr seuss you know
- 00:07:43i put this on linkedin a lot i wasn't
- 00:07:45born to fit and i was born to stand out
- 00:07:47and say i believe that about you too not
- 00:07:49just fail out there they're about people
- 00:07:50i communicate that students i
- 00:07:52communicate their clients that's who i
- 00:07:54am
- 00:07:55so
- 00:07:55if a company is like if you ask for
- 00:07:58anything remotely having if you've done
- 00:07:59all your homework and you asked for
- 00:08:01anything remotely
- 00:08:03relating to what you're worth and
- 00:08:04they're like ew no well you need you
- 00:08:06know what they're basically telling you
- 00:08:08we don't value you
- 00:08:10we want you to work like a dog
- 00:08:12for less money than you're worth and you
- 00:08:14know what they may sound good at first
- 00:08:17but about a month later you know what
- 00:08:19you're going to do you're going to be
- 00:08:20thinking you're going to be like i am
- 00:08:22overworked and i am underpaid and you're
- 00:08:24going gonna be mad
- 00:08:26right
- 00:08:27so you know again i understand taking a
- 00:08:29job you know to pay some bills but stop
- 00:08:31counting on these companies
- 00:08:32anybody i don't care what the company is
- 00:08:34i don't care if it's profit i don't care
- 00:08:35it's non-profit it does not matter it is
- 00:08:38not their job to negotiate your top top
- 00:08:42that is your job and you're not going to
- 00:08:44learn that in school unless you had me
- 00:08:47or dr crowley but otherwise
- 00:08:51you're right about that you're right
- 00:08:53about that no i mean that i think that
- 00:08:54that's well said dr yancey um
- 00:08:57because like you said it's you know in
- 00:08:59in school
- 00:09:01where we're taught that you know this is
- 00:09:02the way things are right like this is
- 00:09:05very structured is you know just
- 00:09:07graduate get a good job
- 00:09:10or you know i mean and maybe not today
- 00:09:12but i would say years ago it was get a
- 00:09:15good job stay with that company for 30
- 00:09:17plus years retire out get your gold
- 00:09:19watch and call it a day right so that's
- 00:09:21that's very different from
- 00:09:23from from today's environment and i
- 00:09:25think honestly what a lot of people are
- 00:09:26willing to to do i mean people are
- 00:09:28willing to not only negotiate just you
- 00:09:31know salary but living arrangements
- 00:09:33right i mean we're in a pandemic now and
- 00:09:35people are living all over the globe
- 00:09:36people are relocating and doing all
- 00:09:38these things and saying that hey look i
- 00:09:39don't why should i have to you know live
- 00:09:42in some no-name town to work in to do a
- 00:09:45job that i'm able to do from home so i
- 00:09:47want to live in mexico for a year or on
- 00:09:49a beach or whatever the case may be so i
- 00:09:51think you made a lot of good points that
- 00:09:53at the end of the day you got to be
- 00:09:54willing to have the confidence in
- 00:09:56yourself right to be able to push the
- 00:09:58needle to say you know i deserve this oh
- 00:10:00i deserve that or whatever the case may
- 00:10:02be so nah that's well said
- 00:10:05well said so so you kind of talked a
- 00:10:06little bit about some of the skill sets
- 00:10:09right that are kind of necessary to um
- 00:10:12to go through or to maybe beef up when
- 00:10:15it comes to negotiating could you maybe
- 00:10:16talk a little bit more about some of the
- 00:10:18skills that you feel like are necessary
- 00:10:20to kind of have that confidence to to
- 00:10:22even have that conversation
- 00:10:25okay so
- 00:10:26and to clarify do you want me to
- 00:10:28actually go through the uh kind of
- 00:10:31salary negotiation strategies or kind of
- 00:10:33first the sort of internal bolstering of
- 00:10:35yourself to even be able to do that
- 00:10:38maybe start with just even just the
- 00:10:39internal piece right because you know
- 00:10:41how can you even go there without even
- 00:10:43having a skill set for yourself so i
- 00:10:45mean you talk a little bit about
- 00:10:46practice right you know practicing in
- 00:10:48front of a major or whatever just things
- 00:10:50like that
- 00:10:51okay so
- 00:10:52i mean okay all of us feel fear about
- 00:10:55various things i do
- 00:10:57no different you know than anyone else
- 00:10:59and i'm not saying this is what other
- 00:11:02people have to do
- 00:11:03i'm saying you have to find the thing
- 00:11:05that works for you
- 00:11:07to bolster you for me you know what i do
- 00:11:12i talk to rochelle rochelle is one of my
- 00:11:15best friends
- 00:11:16she is my i'm serious i am so serious
- 00:11:19about it i have no idea she is my
- 00:11:22hardest
- 00:11:23uh uh manager she is my biggest
- 00:11:27cheerleader you know
- 00:11:29i hate rochelle and i love rochelle all
- 00:11:31at the same time
- 00:11:33without that old song rochelle rochelle
- 00:11:39yes but i'm serious though so when i'm
- 00:11:41feeling afraid which i have many times
- 00:11:44and still do and fully expect to
- 00:11:46what works for me is to talk to myself
- 00:11:48and i literally will say to myself over
- 00:11:52and over again michelle
- 00:11:54other people have done this before they
- 00:11:57are no smarter they are no better than
- 00:12:00you if they can do it you can do it too
- 00:12:03and for me speaking it out loud even as
- 00:12:06i'm dealing with whatever i'm dealing
- 00:12:08with is what works for me
- 00:12:10we can still move forward even though
- 00:12:13we're afraid
- 00:12:14so see i know and what i don't like i
- 00:12:16don't know if you tell me already got
- 00:12:17this i don't like when people tell me
- 00:12:19not to be afraid i feel like saying f
- 00:12:22you don't tell me how to feel and i feel
- 00:12:24like you're minimizing how i feel so i
- 00:12:27never tell people i don't tell a student
- 00:12:29i don't tell a client i don't tell my
- 00:12:31son to be your free
- 00:12:32what i do say is that
- 00:12:35here are the actions that you can still
- 00:12:37take
- 00:12:38even though
- 00:12:40you're afraid
- 00:12:42i think there's too much focus on our
- 00:12:43feelings sometimes and what i mean by
- 00:12:46that is i'm not if you can feel afraid
- 00:12:49but you can still do something even
- 00:12:51though you're afraid you know i'm a
- 00:12:53parent i was terrified to have a baby
- 00:12:55well i did it
- 00:13:00yeah you know
- 00:13:02my point is that i don't feel like fear
- 00:13:05is an excuse
- 00:13:06for you not to go forward and put your
- 00:13:09uh best brand forward
- 00:13:12so i'm not telling you not to be afraid
- 00:13:14i'm saying that you find whatever
- 00:13:16methods it is for me is talking to
- 00:13:18myself but you find your internal
- 00:13:21strategies
- 00:13:22to go forward
- 00:13:24even though you're afraid
- 00:13:28nah that's a that's an excellent point
- 00:13:30dr nancy i think like you said it's
- 00:13:33um
- 00:13:34i mean if we think about all the things
- 00:13:36in life that one could be afraid of
- 00:13:38doing right but you know you got to do
- 00:13:40anyway so
- 00:13:41um but finding the confidence to do that
- 00:13:43is just i don't i just for me it always
- 00:13:45felt like a lot of stuff just really
- 00:13:47boils down to confidence right it's
- 00:13:49really confidence in oneself confidence
- 00:13:51in the ability to do it but i mean
- 00:13:54you know pushing through without fear
- 00:13:57having practice you know having a
- 00:13:59conversation with yourself when you've
- 00:14:00rehearsed it several several time and
- 00:14:03time again i mean you can only imagine
- 00:14:05how much better
- 00:14:06equipped you are with having that
- 00:14:08conversation with you know uh with
- 00:14:10somebody else so
- 00:14:11so before let's say negotiating with you
- 00:14:14know like maybe your existing employer
- 00:14:16um
- 00:14:17uh what type of research
- 00:14:19would you go about or recommend i guess
- 00:14:21it's a follow-up right kind of the next
- 00:14:22part of the question what kind of
- 00:14:23research would you
- 00:14:25recommend somebody do before the
- 00:14:27conversation right if you know you're
- 00:14:28about to go in and have this
- 00:14:30conversation to talk about salary or
- 00:14:32whatever you want to negotiate like what
- 00:14:34kind of research we want to go through
- 00:14:36okay so here are some things that people
- 00:14:38need to do number one you need to know
- 00:14:41the dollar value of you and so let me
- 00:14:44name some things
- 00:14:45what are the dollar value of your
- 00:14:48education your certifications your
- 00:14:50skills your knowledge abilities your
- 00:14:52experience your accomplice for and i'll
- 00:14:56name these five entities for
- 00:14:58the job that you want or you have or you
- 00:15:01know whatever it is okay even if it's
- 00:15:03your current role all right and you're
- 00:15:04trying to negotiate a raise the concept
- 00:15:06is still the same whatever the job it is
- 00:15:08that you want all right
- 00:15:09um
- 00:15:11what is the value of beer for that job
- 00:15:14in
- 00:15:15that company
- 00:15:17in that industry
- 00:15:20in that city
- 00:15:22in that state or country those five and
- 00:15:26i'll say them again
- 00:15:28that job
- 00:15:30that company
- 00:15:31that industry
- 00:15:32that city
- 00:15:34that state or country
- 00:15:36because those variables all impact
- 00:15:40salary
- 00:15:41they're all impact pay and just like to
- 00:15:43give you an example
- 00:15:44um you know obviously you know i live in
- 00:15:46the houston area
- 00:15:48so let's just take a marketing manager
- 00:15:50role
- 00:15:51in
- 00:15:52i don't know uh
- 00:15:54let's just say a large retail firm like
- 00:15:57a walmart or target or something like
- 00:15:58that right
- 00:15:59that may pay less
- 00:16:01than say
- 00:16:03an engineering firm you know like or a
- 00:16:06shell or you know oil and gas or
- 00:16:07something like that because those roles
- 00:16:10just happen generally
- 00:16:12and speaking in general pay more in this
- 00:16:15area right
- 00:16:16than you know the target walmart so
- 00:16:19so i can never comfortably or not just
- 00:16:22come to me i won't
- 00:16:24ever say well for this job you should
- 00:16:26definitely make this amount
- 00:16:28that makes no sense if you have not done
- 00:16:31the effect in those five miracles that i
- 00:16:33just talked about okay
- 00:16:35all right so let me go on
- 00:16:37then
- 00:16:39um you need to know all roles have what
- 00:16:41i call the you need to know the high the
- 00:16:44midpoint
- 00:16:45the low
- 00:16:46but then you also need to know
- 00:16:49a hell no
- 00:16:50all right so
- 00:16:52the high is you know again there's a
- 00:16:53range so this is a big example the
- 00:16:55easiest thing for me to do is to give an
- 00:16:57example client right that's kind of
- 00:16:59right and so
- 00:17:01originally they were like okay this
- 00:17:03person is a vp of operations your health
- 00:17:06okay so they were like well
- 00:17:08you know i'm gonna ask for so they were
- 00:17:10making about 290 before 290 000 excuse
- 00:17:12me and they were like okay i'm going to
- 00:17:14ask for about 320. right you're excited
- 00:17:17i'm like well let's get unexcited
- 00:17:19have you done your homework to know
- 00:17:22what the value is of the role you want
- 00:17:25in that city that state that industry
- 00:17:28you know that uh
- 00:17:29organization and so forth and then i'm
- 00:17:32like you know how do you know that
- 00:17:34so
- 00:17:35she did something how her salary homer
- 00:17:36that that we talked about and she found
- 00:17:39out that the reigns was actually up to
- 00:17:42about 365.
- 00:17:44so 365 000.
- 00:17:47so just imagine how much of an idiot she
- 00:17:49would have felt and how happy the
- 00:17:51company would have been if she'd been
- 00:17:53like 320 they would have been able to
- 00:17:54sign her fast enough
- 00:17:57you know so
- 00:17:59we agreed then the high that you know
- 00:18:01it's about 365 say in the middle yeah
- 00:18:04about 340 or so and the low as in the
- 00:18:07lowest amount that she was willing to
- 00:18:09accept
- 00:18:11was it was about 325 all right so then
- 00:18:14what that meant is her hell no
- 00:18:17was
- 00:18:18324 thousand dollars 999.99
- 00:18:24you know you understand what i mean yeah
- 00:18:26now you have to be honest with yourself
- 00:18:28about what your hell no is because see
- 00:18:29people lie to themselves
- 00:18:31they'll say well you know i want 200 000
- 00:18:35and i'm not going to take less 200 000.
- 00:18:37then they haven't practiced their
- 00:18:39negotiation so they're really confident
- 00:18:41in their work so the companies like will
- 00:18:44give you 199
- 00:18:46and they're like
- 00:18:48sold
- 00:18:49and then as soon as they say that
- 00:18:51inside they're like i suck
- 00:18:56yeah so those are the things that you
- 00:18:59know people have to do and if you want
- 00:19:00me if you want to make commentary here
- 00:19:01before i go on i'll stop now yeah yeah
- 00:19:04no no i just you can keep going i think
- 00:19:06just i'm just absorbing everything
- 00:19:08you're talking about so yeah you got it
- 00:19:09okay all right so you know there did now
- 00:19:12there's never just one site you should
- 00:19:14look at for this information first of
- 00:19:15all talk to people in your industry if
- 00:19:18you've been a good
- 00:19:19relationship builder people some people
- 00:19:22will tell you well i make about this man
- 00:19:24you know but those are things that i
- 00:19:26mean people you know well i don't mean
- 00:19:28random sending messages and people on
- 00:19:30linkedin like yo how much do you make
- 00:19:33come on now seriously
- 00:19:35so i i do want to comment on that
- 00:19:38because i think you know that's
- 00:19:40something that
- 00:19:41i don't i don't know where it comes from
- 00:19:43you know but it's always been considered
- 00:19:45taboo right to kind of have those
- 00:19:47conversations but
- 00:19:49people are having those conversations
- 00:19:50regardless of whether you are not
- 00:19:53you know believe that for sure so
- 00:19:55um and you know sometimes being able to
- 00:19:58see a peer whether it be the
- 00:20:00organization you work in or somewhere
- 00:20:02else to kind of have an idea right
- 00:20:04because at the end of the day it's like
- 00:20:06you're not in competition with anybody
- 00:20:07we're just we're just sharing facts
- 00:20:09we're just sharing you know conversation
- 00:20:11like you said if it's somebody you
- 00:20:12personally know or you have a good
- 00:20:14relationship with then it really
- 00:20:16shouldn't be a problem so i i just i
- 00:20:18don't know i guess i kind of want to get
- 00:20:20out of the the stigma that sometimes
- 00:20:22people have about even having it and
- 00:20:24again agree with you don't be going
- 00:20:26around asking say hey how much money you
- 00:20:28make or any kind of mess like that but
- 00:20:31you know don't feel like you can never
- 00:20:32have that conversation with people
- 00:20:34because you can't you know
- 00:20:36yeah and here's the thing and um like
- 00:20:38for example my case i mean i work at a
- 00:20:40public institution anyway my salary is
- 00:20:42public information google it you'll find
- 00:20:44it
- 00:20:46but my point is that but see that's
- 00:20:48where when people like things have been
- 00:20:50taboo these things have always been
- 00:20:51taboo because they benefit the company
- 00:20:54you know and that's the problems that
- 00:20:55people have
- 00:20:56for some reason have not understood the
- 00:20:58game because it's a game
- 00:21:00all right and the game is
- 00:21:03get you to work as hard as you can for
- 00:21:05as little money as possible
- 00:21:07and i'm not upset at an organization
- 00:21:09before that
- 00:21:11i'm really not i mean their business you
- 00:21:13know is to make money your business is
- 00:21:15to make money for you
- 00:21:16so
- 00:21:17when you're playing someone else's game
- 00:21:20you know
- 00:21:21you are the game
- 00:21:26corporate contact sport
- 00:21:28yeah exactly so if you're like well i've
- 00:21:31always heard i shouldn't do this i
- 00:21:32shouldn't do that think
- 00:21:35who is this benefit
- 00:21:37not you all right now to go on though
- 00:21:40some other things though so so different
- 00:21:42side so one as i said reach out to
- 00:21:44people and i mean people you have
- 00:21:46personal relationships with and to that
- 00:21:48this is a different topic but if you're
- 00:21:50like i don't know anyone
- 00:21:53i don't have those kind of relationships
- 00:21:55why
- 00:21:56have you not been investing in building
- 00:21:58relationships that's your fault that's
- 00:22:00not your company's fault that's your
- 00:22:02fault
- 00:22:03and that's your responsibility but
- 00:22:05that's a different challenge but anyway
- 00:22:07don't worry we're going to cover that
- 00:22:08topic too
- 00:22:11but you know linkedin has it has you
- 00:22:13know style information uh glassdoor
- 00:22:16pay scale.com salary.com you need to
- 00:22:18look at a variety of sources don't just
- 00:22:21go by what one source has told you look
- 00:22:23at them and look at a variety and look
- 00:22:25at it in the aggregate and then say okay
- 00:22:28that's how you kind of come up with what
- 00:22:30you know your midpoint your high your
- 00:22:32low is okay now
- 00:22:34other things that are negotiable though
- 00:22:36besides money fail i just talked about
- 00:22:38them work from home you know can be a
- 00:22:40negotiable right i mean that that can be
- 00:22:43one of them uh child care you know
- 00:22:45that's something these things are all
- 00:22:47money all right when you don't have to
- 00:22:48pay for something out of your pocket
- 00:22:50that's equivalent of it getting in your
- 00:22:52pocket all right and sometimes it can be
- 00:22:54more particularly if you aren't paying
- 00:22:55tax it's like before tax okay all right
- 00:22:58but anyway um if you have to drive and
- 00:23:00your company pays for parking um
- 00:23:03moving expenses your vacation paid time
- 00:23:06off um
- 00:23:08every industry is different so like
- 00:23:10stock options in my industry getting
- 00:23:12grants um bonuses uh if you have to
- 00:23:15drive your car your cell phone you know
- 00:23:18all those things all of those are
- 00:23:19negotiables i can't tell you
- 00:23:22and no one else can tell you what should
- 00:23:24be important to you
- 00:23:26you have to make a list of those things
- 00:23:28and say okay
- 00:23:29what else do i care about you know so
- 00:23:33just to give you and just to kind of
- 00:23:35highlight that um so i do have a client
- 00:23:37who was like okay
- 00:23:39um you know so and in this case the
- 00:23:41company was offering i was like 154 or
- 00:23:43something like that and he knew he's
- 00:23:45worth about 168. so he was willing so
- 00:23:48but he accepted like 162 but in addition
- 00:23:53they were going to they paid for his mba
- 00:23:55program and that was something that was
- 00:23:57important to him
- 00:23:58so
- 00:23:59know the other things that matter to you
- 00:24:01besides my and i'll mention another
- 00:24:03thing health insurance don't trust the
- 00:24:05company when they just say we offer
- 00:24:06health insurance what does that mean it
- 00:24:08could be with mom and dad's health
- 00:24:09insurer where you're paying a thousand
- 00:24:10dollars a month so you can go for some
- 00:24:12garbage so you need to be sure that you
- 00:24:14understand what exactly are they
- 00:24:17offering how much do you have to pay out
- 00:24:19of pocket you know for this healthcare
- 00:24:21and how good is the healthcare
- 00:24:23what is it
- 00:24:24you know and you need to know all those
- 00:24:26things before you accept an offer or
- 00:24:29even if you're um this all still applies
- 00:24:31by the way even if you're negotiating a
- 00:24:33race i'll stop here unless you want me
- 00:24:35to go on yeah no i mean say hey you
- 00:24:38you're dropping it so i'm just going to
- 00:24:39give you an answer you know yeah
- 00:24:42once you know
- 00:24:44once you know you're high you're low
- 00:24:46your midpoint you know and you're hello
- 00:24:48you know your negotiables and so on then
- 00:24:51you actually need to practice it
- 00:24:54you actually need to verbally and in
- 00:24:56written form you know or chat whatever
- 00:24:59so company says all right we're going to
- 00:25:01offer you
- 00:25:02i don't know let's suppose you know that
- 00:25:04the rain as i said oh well i'll take my
- 00:25:06friend yet so or it was kind and
- 00:25:10they knew they were going to ask for the
- 00:25:12320 they found out the high was a 360
- 00:25:14right so when the company was like we're
- 00:25:16going to offer you 330 000. number one
- 00:25:19if she hadn't done her salary at home or
- 00:25:21she would have been happy about that
- 00:25:22then no realize no no
- 00:25:25right so she came back at them and she
- 00:25:28was like well you know thank you very
- 00:25:31much and this is important emphasize
- 00:25:33that you're excited about working in the
- 00:25:34company so she said you know thank you
- 00:25:36very much i'm totally excited about the
- 00:25:38offer but then she said however it is
- 00:25:41lower
- 00:25:42you know and she did about 30 000 35 000
- 00:25:44lower than what i was expecting all
- 00:25:47right given all the research i have done
- 00:25:50and that uh regarding you know this role
- 00:25:52as well as the value that i bring
- 00:25:55and then she also went through to
- 00:25:57practice this
- 00:25:58name specific measurable accomplishments
- 00:26:02that uh you know were the basis of her
- 00:26:05employment history she didn't say things
- 00:26:07like well you know i worked 15 years in
- 00:26:09healthcare that's some bs so you can be
- 00:26:1115 years of an idiot you know we all
- 00:26:14know people work in the job a long time
- 00:26:15and they stink
- 00:26:16so instead she said during my 15 years
- 00:26:20in healthcare
- 00:26:21i have accomplished this amount i have
- 00:26:24saved this amount of money i have hired
- 00:26:26this number of people i have retained
- 00:26:28this number of nurses i have gotten this
- 00:26:30accreditation for the hospital she named
- 00:26:33measurable
- 00:26:35accomplishments yep and then she said
- 00:26:38and wait and then she asked for the uh
- 00:26:40and then so she indicated you know so
- 00:26:42the amount i'm looking for
- 00:26:43is you know 165 000
- 00:26:46based upon you know what i've said this
- 00:26:48is what i'm worth and
- 00:26:49you know i hope we can come to an
- 00:26:51agreement and so then company was like
- 00:26:53well okay you know what go back and
- 00:26:55negotiate whatever she's like then she
- 00:26:57was like well i need a date you know she
- 00:26:59requested to date she was very nice
- 00:27:00about it but because you know you want
- 00:27:01to
- 00:27:02uh have some urgency for sure
- 00:27:05right to the negotiation right so anyway
- 00:27:08so then they came back and they were
- 00:27:10like well okay you know we'll give you i
- 00:27:13don't know it was like three
- 00:27:15three forty or something now what many
- 00:27:17people do is they would say well okay
- 00:27:18i'll take that no no
- 00:27:20no no you don't just stop one
- 00:27:22negotiation no
- 00:27:24so then she said okay well let me think
- 00:27:27about that yeah she did that went back
- 00:27:29to them again and then negotiated she
- 00:27:32said okay
- 00:27:33well
- 00:27:34i would still look still would like to
- 00:27:36you know have get a little closer to the
- 00:27:38365 but i also would like
- 00:27:41um it was like some additional vacation
- 00:27:43days and you know some additional uh pto
- 00:27:46and some other things that she cared
- 00:27:47about right so it ultimately ended up
- 00:27:51with 348
- 00:27:53but plus
- 00:27:54about three
- 00:27:55yeah but that would be about 15 more
- 00:27:57days of oh sorry about 15 more days of
- 00:28:00pto and that's what she cared about
- 00:28:03right
- 00:28:04but she was able to do this
- 00:28:07through extensive
- 00:28:09practice
- 00:28:11video
- 00:28:12you know um
- 00:28:14in the mirror practice yeah
- 00:28:17no i mean so that's that's a great
- 00:28:20example and
- 00:28:22you know people don't always have
- 00:28:23opportunities to kind of
- 00:28:26hear about things like these unless
- 00:28:28they're literally going through the
- 00:28:29negotiations themselves so that's why
- 00:28:32this to me is a real gem because you
- 00:28:34really walked us through
- 00:28:35the beginning to end of how somebody has
- 00:28:37successfully done it and i mean you
- 00:28:40named a lot of different things right
- 00:28:41but
- 00:28:42quantifying
- 00:28:44you know what you've accomplished what
- 00:28:46you've brought to your organization i
- 00:28:48think is a big piece i think sometimes
- 00:28:50you know folks feel like well i've been
- 00:28:52here for a long time
- 00:28:54i should i deserve a raise like whatever
- 00:28:57no you don't
- 00:28:58no you don't
- 00:28:59you know and i'm saying this sometimes
- 00:29:01i've been in my industry where a lot of
- 00:29:02people feel like that no that's just a
- 00:29:04load of crap that doesn't mean you
- 00:29:05haven't done enough to get fired yet
- 00:29:09but that's but that's real i think
- 00:29:10that's a hard bill for a lot of people
- 00:29:12to swallow but how often should you
- 00:29:15practice that right so because
- 00:29:17i think sometimes
- 00:29:19you can deal with the pushback once
- 00:29:22you've
- 00:29:23thought about or practiced that no right
- 00:29:26because let's say you never practiced
- 00:29:28anticipating that no when you hear it
- 00:29:30you may not be ready for it you may say
- 00:29:32you know what this is this is just where
- 00:29:34we're at with it right this is just you
- 00:29:35know this is the best we can offer you
- 00:29:37you know i'm sorry i you know would love
- 00:29:39to do more but i can't i'm sorry and so
- 00:29:41and then if you haven't done all that
- 00:29:43practice you're kind of throwing off on
- 00:29:45that and say
- 00:29:46all right well i don't want to lose this
- 00:29:48opportunity so i got to just take it
- 00:29:49right and just
- 00:29:51enroll and
- 00:29:53but you know just in my personal
- 00:29:55experience and from the folks that i've
- 00:29:57i've uh talked to about these kind of
- 00:29:59things
- 00:30:00you know and it's not 100 of the time
- 00:30:02but if an organization has the capacity
- 00:30:05to do it and you and they truly see your
- 00:30:07value they see your worth right
- 00:30:10they're going to do what they need to do
- 00:30:12in order to keep you
- 00:30:13that's absolutely true um
- 00:30:15it's like this when a company tells you
- 00:30:18we can't do something what they're
- 00:30:19really saying is we don't want to it's
- 00:30:22just that simple it is just
- 00:30:24that
- 00:30:25simple
- 00:30:26we don't want to
- 00:30:28now it could be
- 00:30:30because they really don't want to
- 00:30:33it could be because
- 00:30:35you didn't really make the case that's
- 00:30:36why you were worthy of it
- 00:30:39i mean that's just real you know it
- 00:30:41could be you know and the best analogy i
- 00:30:43can give is as a parent all right
- 00:30:46yeah that's a parent i'm a parent now
- 00:30:48you know your kid will ask for something
- 00:30:50and if they're a wise kid
- 00:30:52they know
- 00:30:54that the first no isn't always known
- 00:30:58you know
- 00:30:59depends on the effectiveness of the
- 00:31:01arguments your whether the argument
- 00:31:04effectiveness of the debate
- 00:31:07no my point is that you know relating to
- 00:31:10work seriously is that when you before
- 00:31:12you go in for that raise or you know
- 00:31:15negotiating for for a new job you need
- 00:31:18to have your
- 00:31:19arsenal ready with all the things that i
- 00:31:22just talked about and what phil i
- 00:31:23mentioned about so many times people
- 00:31:25don't quantify what they do
- 00:31:27and that's just inexcusable i get it
- 00:31:29school doesn't teach you that but stop
- 00:31:31counting on school don't count on school
- 00:31:35life excuse me life is school
- 00:31:39so
- 00:31:40yeah so if company doesn't want
- 00:31:43absolutely says no that means i just
- 00:31:45don't want to negotiate but it does but
- 00:31:48it is on you to initially make the case
- 00:31:50and practicing your counter as i gave
- 00:31:52the example um with my client and you
- 00:31:54have to practice this over and over
- 00:31:56again one thing i like about sales
- 00:31:58people but see we're all in sales but
- 00:31:59people actually work in sales is their
- 00:32:01whole job is overcoming objections
- 00:32:04that's their entire job
- 00:32:06you know
- 00:32:07and so that's what you have to see
- 00:32:09yourself as you are your number one
- 00:32:10sales person for your number one brand
- 00:32:13and the only company that you truly are
- 00:32:14which is you you don't own your job you
- 00:32:17don't own that firm you know you work
- 00:32:18for someone else but you do own you and
- 00:32:20frankly i find that to be more important
- 00:32:22than any other job
- 00:32:25it's awesome yeah the last thing i
- 00:32:27mentioned in particular on video and or
- 00:32:29being in person you don't just need to
- 00:32:30practice it verbally um
- 00:32:33you need to practice your facial
- 00:32:35expressions
- 00:32:36because you need to be sure because see
- 00:32:38people don't negotiate with your mouth
- 00:32:39and negotiate with your face
- 00:32:41so and you know this is me right so if
- 00:32:44your face is your mouth is saying here's
- 00:32:46why i'm worth this
- 00:32:48but your eyes and face are saying
- 00:32:50i'll take less oh i'm negotiating with
- 00:32:53that face and i'm offering you that
- 00:32:57so the part of the practice the value of
- 00:32:59the video is ensuring alignment of what
- 00:33:02you're saying with your facial
- 00:33:05expressions and this is something you
- 00:33:07have to do over and over again and fail
- 00:33:08i did ask about when the
- 00:33:11the minute that you're thinking of
- 00:33:13applying for a role this is before you
- 00:33:15apply
- 00:33:16or you're thinking
- 00:33:18i want to race before you do anything
- 00:33:21you need to do all the things that we
- 00:33:23talked about so often people be like i
- 00:33:25oh i was tomorrow i'm going to ask
- 00:33:27tomorrow what would you do today well
- 00:33:30nothing let me know how that works out
- 00:33:31for me
- 00:33:36no so that's that's that's awesome i
- 00:33:38think
- 00:33:39just the examples and everything you
- 00:33:42brought out just shows how much
- 00:33:44you know this is a i want to say an art
- 00:33:46form but it kind of is a bit i mean
- 00:33:48honestly yeah it is an art yeah it is
- 00:33:51yeah yeah the reason i can do this stuff
- 00:33:53in my sleep is not because i have some
- 00:33:55magic i don't have any magic it's from
- 00:33:57hours and hours and hours and hours and
- 00:33:59hours and more out of practice
- 00:34:03awesome just it's so many to name i mean
- 00:34:05you drop so many
- 00:34:06gems in i again i can't appreciate i
- 00:34:09cannot thank you enough
- 00:34:11for for having this conversation i mean
- 00:34:12clearly i've had the benefit
- 00:34:15of having you uh as a mentor and and
- 00:34:18constantly drilling these
- 00:34:20uh
- 00:34:21thoughts and practices over the years
- 00:34:24but there's a lot of people and i do
- 00:34:26meet a lot of folks who have not they
- 00:34:27don't they don't they don't have these
- 00:34:29kind of conversations we don't you know
- 00:34:30and if it's hard if you don't have
- 00:34:32somebody in your life to be able to
- 00:34:34bounce these kind of things off of so
- 00:34:36that's the whole purpose of this play
- 00:34:37but you're not a victim if you don't and
- 00:34:39you can you know
- 00:34:40youtube is still your friend i'm not a
- 00:34:42huge fan of youtube a lot of stuff that
- 00:34:45you don't know you youtube can
- 00:34:48teach you so don't don't rely on well i
- 00:34:50don't have this person in my life
- 00:34:52because that's the bs figure it out
- 00:34:53that's what youtube is for
- 00:34:55no facts i mean you can always contact
- 00:34:56me but if you don't do that that's okay
- 00:35:10but no i mean it's you know for the sake
- 00:35:12of time
- 00:35:13i mean we could continue going on with
- 00:35:14this and we're definitely going to have
- 00:35:16more conversations around this topic
- 00:35:18because i think it's endless and to
- 00:35:20really dive into more of the scenarios
- 00:35:22kind of like you did today would love to
- 00:35:24have you come back on
- 00:35:26and uh talk through that so you know
- 00:35:28looking forward to the continued
- 00:35:30conversation so
- 00:35:31um you know just going to really bring
- 00:35:33this to a close again dr thank you so
- 00:35:36much this was you know phenomenal um
- 00:35:39you know really want to give you the
- 00:35:40opportunity as well to kind of share
- 00:35:43you know any of your you know linkedin
- 00:35:46or anything about your books that you
- 00:35:47may want to share with anyone's
- 00:35:48listening
- 00:35:49i would love to do that okay so my third
- 00:35:52book and it is written with my colleague
- 00:35:54dr dalonia cooley who's an amazing
- 00:35:57marketing person if you need help with
- 00:35:59branding she is like the woman for that
- 00:36:02but okay so our third book is this is it
- 00:36:06it is be your best career architect here
- 00:36:08are the blueprints you know it's
- 00:36:10available on amazon and it covers you
- 00:36:13know different career management
- 00:36:14strategies some of the things i talked
- 00:36:15about regarding salary negotiation are
- 00:36:18absolutely in here but also like
- 00:36:19effective job punch strategies um you
- 00:36:22know building relationships your two to
- 00:36:24four year career plan that whole five
- 00:36:26years ten years that's all old school
- 00:36:29it's garbage you know yeah uh you know
- 00:36:32what are you doing you know in the next
- 00:36:33year i mean if covert taught people
- 00:36:35nothing else it shows you that you know
- 00:36:37we gotta be prepared to adapt at any
- 00:36:40time okay now um
- 00:36:42i'm very active uh on linkedin under dr
- 00:36:45rochelle uh park cianci you know
- 00:36:48certainly reach out you know be happy to
- 00:36:50share my services i will say don't be
- 00:36:53weird you know don't send weird messages
- 00:36:55you don't have to send messages like i
- 00:36:57want to know how i can service and help
- 00:36:59you let's just stop it's okay if you
- 00:37:01just send a linkedin request and don't
- 00:37:03send any messages at all i'm good
- 00:37:06so but anyway if you are going to send a
- 00:37:08message don't be weird okay
- 00:37:11don't be weird please don't be creepy
- 00:37:14all right so anyway yeah so doctor will
- 00:37:16show up park cnc and i certainly cannot
- 00:37:19thank you know uh fellow enough um he
- 00:37:23definitely embodies everything that uh
- 00:37:26that we've talked about today and i
- 00:37:27would definitely encourage you to not
- 00:37:29only listen to his podcast but certainly
- 00:37:32share it um with others because it it
- 00:37:35it's very valuable
- 00:37:37please like retweet retweet share
- 00:37:40all the above so absolutely but yeah no
- 00:37:44thank you so much i'm gonna definitely
- 00:37:46make sure i include a link uh to your
- 00:37:48books as well um one this is distributed
- 00:37:51too so
- 00:37:52um that's a wrap so thank you everybody
- 00:37:55appreciate you listening and uh join me
- 00:37:58next time
- 00:37:59hey thanks for tuning in for more
- 00:38:01content please click the subscribe
- 00:38:03button and follow us on all social media
- 00:38:05platforms at how to corporate until next
- 00:38:07time keep building
- négociation salariale
- valeur professionnelle
- ressources humaines
- Dr Rochelle Parks Yancey
- compétences professionnelles
- marché du travail
- confiance en soi
- préparation mentale
- recherche salariale
- optimisation de carrière