WE GOT CAUGHT (During Scammer Hunt)
TLDRIn San Jose, Kalifornien, versuchen Betrugsjäger, einen raffinierten Betrüger zu überlisten, der sich als Mitarbeiter der Geek Squad ausgibt und versucht, 100.000 Dollar von ihnen zu stehlen. Der Betrug umfasst das klassische Rückerstattungsverfahren, bei dem das Opfer von einer angeblichen Überzahlung überzeugt wird. Die Betrüger verwenden komplexe Methoden, um das Geld durch Geldmühlen ins Ausland zu leiten. Die Betrugsjäger setzen leere Pakete ein, um die Betrüger in die Irre zu führen und die rechtlichen Behörden zu benachrichtigen. Auch wenn die Betrüger versuchen, ihre Adressen zu ändern, gelingt es den Betrugsjägern, mehrere lokale Ressourcen des Betrügers aufzudecken und zu stören. Trotz der Hürden zeigen die Betrüger, dass sie die Betrugsjäger genau beobachten und vor der Enthüllung ihrer Methoden und Akteure Angst haben.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 🐭 Spannendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel zwischen Betrugsjägern und Betrügern.
- 📦 Verwendung von leeren Paketen als strategisches Mittel.
- ⚖️ Zusammenarbeit mit den Behörden zur Aufdeckung von Geldmühlen.
- 🔍 Betrüger ändern ständig ihre Taktik.
- ❌ Erfolgreiche Vereitelung eines Betrugs in Höhe von 100.000 Dollar.
- 🎥 Betrugsjäger dokumentieren ihre Erfolge.
- 🚫 Betrüger versuchen, echte Opfer zu finden.
- 🏠 Nutzung leerstehender Häuser für betrügerische Zwecke.
- 💼 Schnelle Berichterstattung an die Polizei.
- 🌐 Globale Reichweite der Betrüger in Indien.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Ein Betrüger aus Indien, der sich als Geek Squad ausgibt, versucht, 100.000 Dollar mit einem klassischen Rückerstattungsbetrug zu stehlen, aber wir sind ihm voraus und versuchen, seine Geldmühlen in San Jose, Kalifornien, zu entwurzeln.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Das Opfer Ray wird durch den Rückerstattungsprozess geführt, bei dem das Konto so manipuliert wird, dass es aussieht, als gäbe es eine Überzahlung von 100.000 Dollar, woraufhin der Betrüger verlangt, dass das Geld zurückgeschickt wird.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Die Betrüger verwenden Geldmühlen, um das gestohlene Geld von den Opfern zu erhalten. Diese Mühlen senden das Geld in die Betrugszentrale nach Übersee zurück, normalerweise gegen einen Anteil.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Die Betrüger haben mehrere Übernachtlieferungen für das Geld geplant, aber ohne Unterschriftserfordernis, was darauf hinweist, dass es an leeren Häusern abgegeben wird, um von Mühlen abgeholt zu werden.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Wir verfolgen den Betrüger, um seine Aktionen zu stören und mögliche Opfer vor der Zahlung zu bewahren. Leere Pakete wurden als Köder geschickt, um die Geldmühlen aufzudecken.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Michael, der Betrüger, versucht die Adressen zu ändern, an die das Geld geschickt werden soll, während wir uns darauf vorbereiten, in San Jose zuzuschlagen.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Die Betrüger sind zunehmend nervös und versuchen, die Versandadressen zu ändern, während wir den Köder aufgestellt haben, um ihre Operationen zu stören.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Es besteht eine ständige Spannung mit Michael, der zunehmend verzweifelt versucht, seine Beute zu kontrollieren, während wir weiter Druck auf die Betrüger ausüben.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Der Betrüger zeigt Verzögerungstaktiken und Versuche der sozialen Manipulation, um falsche Informationen zu erhalten. Aber wir bleiben standhaft, um ihre Pläne zu vereiteln.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Die Adresse in San Jose, eine für den Betrug genutzte leere Wohnung, ist vorbereitet für ein weiteres Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, während wir uns positionieren, um das Paket abzufangen.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Während wir auf das nächste Paket warten, enthüllt der Betrüger seine wachsende Frustration und Unsicherheit gegenüber der laufenden Operation.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Die Musikalität in dessen Kommunikation offenbart die Unsicherheit und Taktlosigkeit der Betrüger, wenn wir die Situation weiterhin im Griff haben.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Die Wartezeit auf die Aktivitäten der Geldmühlen bringt uns in die Lage, Überlegungen zur Sicherheit und zur besten Vorgehensweise bezüglich der betrügerischen Adressen anzustellen.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Wir rufen verstärkten Schutz für die nachverfolgten Adressen in San Jose ab, um Pakettransaktionen zu verhindern, während die Betrüger versuchen, ihren Plan zu reorganisieren.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Trotz Fehlstarts und verderblichem Potenzial in deren Plänen haben wir bedeutende Fortschritte im Verständnis ihrer Netzwerkoperation gemacht.
- 01:15:00 - 01:20:00
Unser Fokus verschiebt sich auf das sichere Handhaben der Adressen, während wir die Aktivitäten überwachen und die Kommunikation mit den Betrügern bei jeder Enthüllung präsentiert wird.
- 01:20:00 - 01:25:00
Nachdem wir den Betrügern beträchtlichen Schaden zugefügt haben, indem wir ihre Operationen in den USA gestört haben, ändern wir die Strategie, die auch zukünftige Interaktionen determiniert.
- 01:25:00 - 01:31:39
Trotz der Erfolglosigkeit des Plans, sofort Opfer zu retten, wurden die Adressen den Behörden gemeldet, was zeigt, dass wir löbliche Fortschritte bei der Störung des Netzwerks gemacht haben.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
Wer ist der Betrüger in der Geschichte?
Der Betrüger ist ein Inder, der sich als Michael von Geek Squad ausgibt und versucht, Geld zu ergaunern.
Was ist das Ziel der Betrüger?
Das Ziel ist es, 100.000 Dollar von den Betrugsjägern zu stehlen.
Wie reagieren die Betrugsjäger auf die Drohungen des Betrügers?
Sie konfrontieren die Betrüger und informieren die Behörden über die Geldmühlen.
Was ist der Zweck der leeren Pakete?
Die leeren Pakete werden als Köder genutzt, um die Betrüger zu verwirren und weitere Geldmühlen aufzudecken.
Welche Rolle spielen die angeblichen Geldmühlen?
Die Geldmühlen sollen das gestohlene Geld in ihren Namen empfangen und weiterleiten.
عرض المزيد من ملخصات الفيديو
- 00:00:00get ready for the biggest cat and mouse
- 00:00:01game we've ever experienced while
- 00:00:03hunting a scammer in San Jose California
- 00:00:07[Music]
- 00:00:09an Indian scammer pretending to be from
- 00:00:11Geek Squad running the classic refund
- 00:00:13scam is trying to steal a hundred
- 00:00:16thousand dollars from us thankfully
- 00:00:18we're scam baiters and we're one step
- 00:00:20ahead of the scammers
- 00:00:23or are we
- 00:00:28today's Target three separate money
- 00:00:30mules in the San Jose area receiving a
- 00:00:33hundred thousand dollars cash on behalf
- 00:00:34of a call center scammer that we've
- 00:00:37tracked to Puna India calling himself
- 00:00:39Michael from Geek Squad our friends
- 00:00:42modern Paul and chappie have done a
- 00:00:43Flawless job of pretending to be victims
- 00:00:45Ray Michael dream and Raymond Raymond
- 00:00:48Roberts thank you for being connected to
- 00:00:50Geek Squad and his assistant Mary yeah
- 00:00:53this is Mary I just noticed in my email
- 00:00:55I got a Geek Squad invoice for 245
- 00:00:59scammer Michael has taken Ray through
- 00:01:01the entire refund scam process we need
- 00:01:04your help to cancel a subscription okay
- 00:01:06sir I will provide you the cancellation
- 00:01:09from and reference from pretending that
- 00:01:11he's gonna refund a few hundred dollars
- 00:01:12are in front of your computer right now
- 00:01:14yes I'm in front of it and then altering
- 00:01:17the HTML of Rey's bank account to
- 00:01:19display an overpayment of a hundred
- 00:01:22grand congratulations you're your
- 00:01:25account has been credited please check
- 00:01:26your bank account okay well something's
- 00:01:28wrong I didn't get a hundred dollars I
- 00:01:31got a lot more than a hundred dollars
- 00:01:32that's a huge jump one hundred thousand
- 00:01:36dollars really what no it's all fake
- 00:01:38there was no charge and there was no
- 00:01:39refund this gamer is just using smoke
- 00:01:41and mirrors on the victim's own computer
- 00:01:43screen to convince the victim that this
- 00:01:45is all happening and that it's their
- 00:01:47fault I put dollar sign one
- 00:01:50100.00 I didn't type 100 000. I think so
- 00:01:54that you might have not pressed the
- 00:01:57decimal points correctly that is why
- 00:01:59this has happened then with heavy
- 00:02:00pressure Michael demands that that money
- 00:02:02be sent right back to him extra is 99
- 00:02:06650. you need to help me out in getting
- 00:02:09that back okay and here is where the
- 00:02:11real social engineering of a scam bait
- 00:02:13comes into play you need to go inside
- 00:02:15the bank go to the teller and tell that
- 00:02:18person that I wanna make an
- 00:02:20international wire transfer these scam
- 00:02:22call centers use money meals all over
- 00:02:25the world oftentimes locally here in the
- 00:02:27United States to receive the scammed
- 00:02:29money from the victim they'll usually
- 00:02:31take a cut and then forward the rest of
- 00:02:32the profits back to the scam call center
- 00:02:35overseas now once the scammers reveal
- 00:02:37their money mules Rey and chappie are
- 00:02:39impeccable at creating these crazy
- 00:02:41scenarios that prevent them from
- 00:02:43actually sending money and what this
- 00:02:45does is it of course reveals a money
- 00:02:47mule that will then be reported to the
- 00:02:49feds so I'll help you out with the
- 00:02:51packing and I'll give you the address
- 00:02:52where you can send it 99 600 but then it
- 00:02:56also forces the scammer to then reveal
- 00:02:58another money mule and another money
- 00:03:00mule and another done as many times as
- 00:03:02possible over and over again slowly but
- 00:03:04surely chipping away at all of their
- 00:03:05local resources making it a lot more
- 00:03:07difficult for them to continue their
- 00:03:09operations now this brings us to San
- 00:03:10Jose perfect I got the picture you took
- 00:03:13out 10 Stacks right yeah there's 10
- 00:03:16Stacks the scammer has told Ray to send
- 00:03:18the hundred thousand dollars in three
- 00:03:19separate cash shipments to three
- 00:03:22separate addresses in the same San Jose
- 00:03:24area that is why I will be giving you
- 00:03:27all three different addresses okay good
- 00:03:29it's very common for the scammers to
- 00:03:31want to split up shipments when it's a
- 00:03:32large amount of money so they don't have
- 00:03:33all their eggs in one basket they're all
- 00:03:35supposed to be sent overnight delivery
- 00:03:36tonight to arrive tomorrow signature not
- 00:03:39required you don't want like signature
- 00:03:42required I mean it's cash no no no no no
- 00:03:45no no no nothing it should require
- 00:03:48if it is ask me for the signature
- 00:03:50required I would have given you
- 00:03:51signature required now when they want it
- 00:03:53signature not required it usually
- 00:03:55indicates that it's a vacant residence
- 00:03:57that the scammers use to have the
- 00:03:59packages dropped off on the porch to
- 00:04:00then later be picked up by a passing
- 00:04:02money mule that has the tracking number
- 00:04:04this then gives us the ability to watch
- 00:04:06the package and confront anybody that
- 00:04:08puts their hands on it but even more
- 00:04:09importantly watch to see if any
- 00:04:11additional packages show up from real
- 00:04:14victims whom we can help get their money
- 00:04:16sent back to them before the scammer can
- 00:04:18put their hands on it they're really
- 00:04:19easy to spot because the scammers always
- 00:04:21want these boxes wrapped up with a crazy
- 00:04:23amount of tape
- 00:04:24thank you
- 00:04:27okay they don't want anyone opening it
- 00:04:29or inspecting it before delivery we have
- 00:04:31three addresses expecting cash today and
- 00:04:34we've sent empty decoy packages to two
- 00:04:36of them we're about to play cat and
- 00:04:38mouse with a scammer but who is who we
- 00:04:41don't know yet
- 00:04:42[Music]
- 00:04:43foreign
- 00:04:49Michael who's an arrogant
- 00:04:52piece of crap scammer when Rey's mother
- 00:04:57in the story was rushed to the hospital
- 00:04:59after breaking her hip this [ __ ]
- 00:05:01literally just sent him a message and
- 00:05:04said let the nurses take care of her
- 00:05:06and call me because he's more important
- 00:05:08now he wants to change the addresses of
- 00:05:11the ones we're shipping to and let's see
- 00:05:14what Mary has to say about that getting
- 00:05:17ready to call him as we prep for another
- 00:05:21bust with trilogy
- 00:05:22[Music]
- 00:05:31yeah this is Mary
- 00:05:34um Raymond had given me a bunch of
- 00:05:35packages to ship off and everything has
- 00:05:39been shipped he said how many packets
- 00:05:41did he give hold on let me talk you're
- 00:05:44like slow down okay I don't work for you
- 00:05:46I ship a lot of packages for people so
- 00:05:49I'm looking at my notes right now going
- 00:05:52to my basketball event
- 00:05:54oh
- 00:06:10[ __ ] but we do not have the tracking
- 00:06:13informations then how will we are you
- 00:06:16done
- 00:06:17I'm still talking okay so let me finish
- 00:06:19and tell you what what I'm saying here
- 00:06:21well first of all you don't have the
- 00:06:23door closed and you don't have uh so
- 00:06:25you're probably gonna have to close the
- 00:06:27door I did did our clothes and it's
- 00:06:29still on a you know there's where you're
- 00:06:32here right to put it in drive now this
- 00:06:34has to be tucked under here that has to
- 00:06:38be there
- 00:06:41okay now the package that has been
- 00:06:44shipped to California yep if I have any
- 00:06:48changes to make I will inform you about
- 00:06:49no no no yeah you cannot make any
- 00:06:51changes to those
- 00:07:13there is no dick to touch it brother
- 00:07:16you're a dick to touch I'm addicted to
- 00:07:19tasting
- 00:07:21she had old school Drive look at this
- 00:07:25look at these like like a big small look
- 00:07:28at this
- 00:07:32is the most ridiculous video now the one
- 00:07:35package that you have with yourself yeah
- 00:07:37do not shift it to the address that you
- 00:07:40have I will send you an address okay in
- 00:07:43five or ten minutes okay you send me in
- 00:07:46that address the third package that you
- 00:07:48have with yourself okay okay okay that's
- 00:07:51clear yeah
- 00:07:52bubbling
- 00:07:58you say Veronica tongs yeah
- 00:08:05you know
- 00:08:08San Jose baby I'll do it when I get time
- 00:08:11it won't be it probably will be tomorrow
- 00:08:13but if it is tomorrow I will send you
- 00:08:16the informations tomorrow because my
- 00:08:18informations too changes every day they
- 00:08:20are not the same because it's been
- 00:08:22packaged means also transferred to
- 00:08:24different differences so I need to look
- 00:08:26into it
- 00:08:28yeah this is a company but it goes to
- 00:08:31various Departments of the company
- 00:08:33right so certain departments go through
- 00:08:36different places
- 00:08:38so that is what I need to inform you so
- 00:08:41you call me up tomorrow or text me that
- 00:08:43you are sending the package I will send
- 00:08:45you the informations Michael hold on one
- 00:08:47minute let me see if myself don't sign
- 00:08:50anybody have an air leak
- 00:08:53just chill out okay I don't work for you
- 00:08:55and it stops by itself like I have to
- 00:08:58push all the time
- 00:09:02how do you adjust the mirrors how can
- 00:09:05you I don't see it actually I pull over
- 00:09:08maybe we should Google it I work I
- 00:09:10understand that I'm doing Raymond the
- 00:09:12favor and he says that you're still
- 00:09:14harassing someone with his mother I do
- 00:09:17not want to stop harassing him
- 00:09:24about 10 times
- 00:09:26[Music]
- 00:09:32so at least you should have called me
- 00:09:34because I
- 00:09:36was worried about him as well
- 00:09:51it's okay I am sorry I do not want to
- 00:09:54point out at anything I'm really sorry
- 00:09:56about that
- 00:09:57I just want you to please help me with
- 00:09:59the package
- 00:10:01about the other package
- 00:10:04please usually tuna laughed
- 00:10:11uh maybe it's like energy calendar
- 00:10:14browser browse me well here's what I'm
- 00:10:16gonna tell you Michael do not call UPS
- 00:10:19UPS told me that people have called in
- 00:10:21the past and tried to change
- 00:10:26they have direction for me that they
- 00:10:30cannot change the address okay yeah
- 00:10:32that's correct you do not have to change
- 00:10:34the address
- 00:10:35does not allow any changes
- 00:10:39full mirrors oh [ __ ] yeah mirrors
- 00:10:43mirrors left okay so touch it left okay
- 00:10:46and cow like how use left scroll wheel
- 00:10:50to adjust your side mirrors left scroll
- 00:10:53wheel uh maybe this thing
- 00:10:56foreign
- 00:10:57[Music]
- 00:10:58yeah holy [ __ ] it was music five seconds
- 00:11:00ago oh
- 00:11:02I've never had so much attention around
- 00:11:06two packages all it is is I don't know
- 00:11:09what the hell it is paperwork or
- 00:11:10whatever it is he sent out but there
- 00:11:12shouldn't be such a big discussion about
- 00:11:14it why did he think the address whatever
- 00:11:16you are sending that's not concerned
- 00:11:18it's about that you are sending you
- 00:11:20inform me about it how will I get to
- 00:11:22know whether you have something
- 00:11:25it
- 00:11:26so you should have at least
- 00:11:30no issues I'm sorry about it I don't
- 00:11:33know if you're married but if you are or
- 00:11:35you have a girlfriend but or a boyfriend
- 00:11:37but whatever the situation don't start
- 00:11:40conversations with you should have done
- 00:11:43because that won't get you very far I'll
- 00:11:46tell you that much especially with a
- 00:11:47woman all right that's good so I think
- 00:11:49I'm getting ready for your electric car
- 00:11:51for my first election execution why it's
- 00:11:54not going up because like electric
- 00:11:56execution
- 00:11:57[Laughter]
- 00:11:58what
- 00:12:06I'm trying what is this
- 00:12:08okay so what I should have done is
- 00:12:11exactly what I did
- 00:12:12I should have shipped it could be
- 00:12:14addressed it Ray gave me and made sure
- 00:12:17there are no changes on it and that's
- 00:12:19what I did
- 00:12:20so they will definitely no change around
- 00:12:23it the first one will be in Mountain
- 00:12:25View at 12 o'clock the second one will
- 00:12:29be in Hayward California by end of day
- 00:12:33tomorrow they both have no signature
- 00:12:35they're both overnight and they're both
- 00:12:37gone and I will send you the tracking
- 00:12:38okay okay
- 00:12:41yep [ __ ] oh my God you broke me it's too
- 00:12:45early it's eight o'clock why are you
- 00:12:47[ __ ] laughing so much so there is a
- 00:12:48coffee shop you see this is the coffee
- 00:12:50shop right and uh we just got our coffee
- 00:12:53as you can see cheers shrimp right so I
- 00:12:56asked for the restroom code do you have
- 00:12:59the restroom code then he goes yeah left
- 00:13:02right left right five
- 00:13:04which is correct which is one three nine
- 00:13:08seven five but my brain processor
- 00:13:11remember this left right right left five
- 00:13:15I said what the [ __ ] did you just say it
- 00:13:19didn't work
- 00:13:20it did work actually
- 00:13:23I'm pretty busted okay we better hurry
- 00:13:25up okay we gotta hurry up okay left
- 00:13:26right left right 69 see you inside
- 00:13:31hello
- 00:13:32what are you talking about your guy is
- 00:13:34waiting for the package ma'am the
- 00:13:37package that you have send it which is
- 00:13:39about to arrive today no it arrives
- 00:13:41tomorrow you idiot one arrives tomorrow
- 00:13:44and one yeah arrives tomorrow idiot
- 00:13:48so at least give me the correct tracking
- 00:13:51number I do not have that idiot
- 00:13:53I do not have the track yes you do it's
- 00:13:56right in the picture I sent you Mom the
- 00:13:59picture is not clear yes it is the only
- 00:14:02way I can see it too I am not able to
- 00:14:04see the picture another number
- 00:14:07what are you calling Rey on some other
- 00:14:10number somebody's calling him non-stop
- 00:14:12in the hospital
- 00:14:13I am not calling him from any of the
- 00:14:16numbers right going on a bus number one
- 00:14:19out of three so we have three boss
- 00:14:22we're going to Mountain View which is
- 00:14:24like uh almost 29 miles 29 miles away
- 00:14:28raining as usual doesn't matter which
- 00:14:31city we're going California looks like
- 00:14:32it's
- 00:14:33good [ __ ] is good electric [ __ ]
- 00:14:37electric execution
- 00:14:40start for 20 minutes but we did and
- 00:14:43right now like you know looking for my
- 00:14:44windshield clean or like how can I clean
- 00:14:47my windshield or something like that
- 00:14:51okay I'm just saying that please give me
- 00:14:54the tracking number correctly just write
- 00:14:57the tracking number down tell me what to
- 00:14:59[ __ ] do
- 00:15:08you mean nothing to me I do know that
- 00:15:11man but at least give me the right
- 00:15:13tracking number you have wait oh I have
- 00:15:15a man waiting what the what the [ __ ] are
- 00:15:17they waiting yes you just written down
- 00:15:19it in the what uh
- 00:15:21it would be arrived by the end of the
- 00:15:23day one is tomorrow at the end no no no
- 00:15:26no they're all tomorrow buddy so at
- 00:15:30least give me the right tracking number
- 00:15:31I have the right tracking number I am
- 00:15:33not able to see it can you can you just
- 00:15:36leave one message with a tracking number
- 00:15:38I am blind I can say whatever you want
- 00:15:41to say but I'm lying well I guess it's
- 00:15:43the time I'll do it okay stop just a
- 00:15:46message
- 00:15:47tell me what to [ __ ] do you loser
- 00:15:50when I get time I will send it to you
- 00:15:53when will you get time bye when did you
- 00:15:56get time tell me that
- 00:15:58yeah
- 00:15:59Chucky's saying that uh package number
- 00:16:01one are all for delivery we'll be there
- 00:16:04in seven minutes stop calling my phone I
- 00:16:07do not hear you anything on my iPhone I
- 00:16:09will not call you I don't want to call
- 00:16:11you
- 00:16:13saying that Toyota is too close for me
- 00:16:15for my comfort they stay here to make me
- 00:16:17uncomfortable
- 00:16:18when I say stop calling me what do you
- 00:16:21hear Do you hear circus music stop
- 00:16:24calling my phone do you uh you won't
- 00:16:28give me the tracking number a little boy
- 00:16:32I can contact the UPS even directly that
- 00:16:36could not be my problem
- 00:16:38okay do you want to see that I don't
- 00:16:40want anything from you I've said do I
- 00:16:42call the UPS directly do I want to
- 00:16:45question you'll never see it you'll
- 00:16:47never see it
- 00:16:49I don't want even if that then I'll deal
- 00:16:52with shut the [ __ ] up okay if you
- 00:16:54Raymond's already said we already spoke
- 00:16:57to the nurse and if you call him again
- 00:16:59he is so mad right now
- 00:17:01huh
- 00:17:12I am a loser that's up to me
- 00:17:15[ __ ] idiot man
- 00:17:23your destination is on the right on the
- 00:17:25right what is it
- 00:17:36all right that's the building yeah
- 00:17:38that's
- 00:17:41okay so okay yes we can do we can do a
- 00:17:44lot of these let's go [ __ ] back there
- 00:17:46is only one parking spot right here
- 00:17:48brother yeah
- 00:17:50let me tell you one thing see you do not
- 00:17:52do things on your own package you don't
- 00:17:56send the package I will deal with it I
- 00:17:58will deal with the race okay
- 00:18:00that kind of an attitude
- 00:18:10this can be handed over to be a
- 00:18:13qualities as well because this is what
- 00:18:15you do if you face something
- 00:18:18yeah
- 00:18:21that's the same thing with you so when
- 00:18:24you talk I'll hear circus music
- 00:18:30is I'll call you back when I have time
- 00:18:33but for some reason you thought those
- 00:18:36words mean call me 30 times
- 00:18:41I don't want to call you because you
- 00:18:43can't you can't follow instructions it's
- 00:18:46pretty simple Mom all right
- 00:18:49and yet now I'm telling you you don't
- 00:18:52follow instructions right because you
- 00:18:54have to answer someone ma'am
- 00:18:57back that [ __ ] up all right sorry man I
- 00:19:00don't have anything
- 00:19:02from you I'm really sorry if I bothered
- 00:19:05you a lot I disturb you a lot because
- 00:19:07you can't follow directions right
- 00:19:11should I ask you something
- 00:19:14yeah sure the fourth time that your
- 00:19:17mother dropped you on your head did she
- 00:19:19mean to because I understand the first
- 00:19:21few times might have been a mistake
- 00:19:23but like the fourth or fifth time did
- 00:19:25you do it on purpose did she like throw
- 00:19:27you against the wall or something
- 00:19:29like did she say stop crying and then
- 00:19:31you kept crying for 18 hours
- 00:19:34what are you getting so personal
- 00:19:36I'm just curious how many times that you
- 00:19:39were hit on the head why are you getting
- 00:19:41personal it's not personal
- 00:19:44it's so so you're so this yes your
- 00:19:47mother did do it on purpose after four
- 00:19:49times it makes sense I understand so
- 00:19:51apparently when I talked you hear this
- 00:19:53dude
- 00:20:02that's what you hear tracking number
- 00:20:04means what what is tracking number four
- 00:20:07you really don't know what tracking
- 00:20:09number or because
- 00:20:14you will get even stupider if I have to
- 00:20:18yeah if you try to educate me it'll be
- 00:20:21entertainment it really will be
- 00:20:23entertainment you are finding it
- 00:20:25entertainment
- 00:20:26you take your work like this right okay
- 00:20:30so the first one will be there by noon
- 00:20:43phone calls
- 00:20:45really
- 00:20:46I might be what is there any phone calls
- 00:20:49mean to you I understand
- 00:20:54he is in this package that is such a big
- 00:20:57deal is it is it paperwork or is it just
- 00:21:00components
- 00:21:01no it's paperwork's components and some
- 00:21:05path also that's
- 00:21:09none of your thing the way you say it
- 00:21:12that I do not mean that's the company's
- 00:21:14things I don't have to go into that even
- 00:21:16I don't know what's best we're about to
- 00:21:17arrive at the first delivery location
- 00:21:19and commence the craziest cat and mouse
- 00:21:21game we've ever encountered but before
- 00:21:23we park the car I regret to inform you
- 00:21:25that I just found out via email that my
- 00:21:28Norton subscription has expired it's
- 00:21:30terrible they've reported my email and
- 00:21:32my computer is now susceptible to
- 00:21:34viruses we better click here and renew
- 00:21:35this right now wait a minute this is
- 00:21:37actually a scam email that I received
- 00:21:39blocked immediately by our security
- 00:21:41partner guardio this email is what's
- 00:21:43called a redirection scam meaning it's
- 00:21:46pretending to be coming from a
- 00:21:47recognizable Source like Norton only to
- 00:21:49trick you into clicking on it so they
- 00:21:51can redirect you to somewhere fraudulent
- 00:21:52where then they'll try to steal your
- 00:21:54logins your passwords and infect your
- 00:21:55computer with viruses this is just one
- 00:21:58of billions of scam emails that are sent
- 00:22:01out every single day now at a closer
- 00:22:03look this email definitely looks fishy
- 00:22:04there's spelling and grammar errors the
- 00:22:06countdown is phony and this entire
- 00:22:08graphic is once single clickable image
- 00:22:10which if you hover your mouse over the
- 00:22:12link preview that shows up on the bottom
- 00:22:14of the screen in Chrome indicates that
- 00:22:17this doesn't go to Norton at all it goes
- 00:22:19to some site called pakistanijokes.com
- 00:22:22you can't write this [ __ ] now before you
- 00:22:24say oh I never fall for one of these
- 00:22:26keep in mind it's not always this
- 00:22:27obvious guardio recently published some
- 00:22:29research on a fake chat GPT Chrome
- 00:22:32extension whose sole intention was to
- 00:22:35hijack your Facebook business account
- 00:22:37regardless if you had two-factor
- 00:22:38authentication on or not this extension
- 00:22:40or this virus was in the Chrome Store
- 00:22:42now it's since been removed after
- 00:22:44guardio caught it before Google did by
- 00:22:46the way but not before infecting
- 00:22:47countless victims computers doing
- 00:22:49irreparable damage just like romance and
- 00:22:52fish in the sea there's a scam out there
- 00:22:54for everybody and that's why you need to
- 00:22:55get the guardio browser extension like
- 00:22:57yesterday guardio lives inside your
- 00:22:59browser and works invisibly in the
- 00:23:01background you can browse the internet
- 00:23:03just like you normally would without
- 00:23:04worry but as soon as something malicious
- 00:23:06is clicked on Guardia will step in and
- 00:23:08block it in real time before it can even
- 00:23:10access your computer and that's where I
- 00:23:12believe that guardio is even more
- 00:23:13important than antivirus software
- 00:23:15anti-virus is meant to identify and
- 00:23:17remove malware once it's already on your
- 00:23:18computer guardio's protection is in the
- 00:23:20browser in real time stopping threats
- 00:23:22before or they can even reach your
- 00:23:23computer for you and your family by the
- 00:23:25way guardio protects up to five family
- 00:23:27members simultaneously with one single
- 00:23:29subscription all this traveling is fun
- 00:23:31but it's killing me I'd love to stop
- 00:23:32seeing elderly people lose their life
- 00:23:34savings and just you know go swimming
- 00:23:36for once use our link guard.io Trilogy
- 00:23:40you can try it seven days completely
- 00:23:42free and with our link you're gonna get
- 00:23:44twenty percent off the entire
- 00:23:46subscription and you'll get a free
- 00:23:47health report of your browser right away
- 00:23:49letting you know of any current data
- 00:23:50leaks or browser threats that you didn't
- 00:23:52even know about guard.io Trilogy your
- 00:23:55computer will thank you
- 00:23:58I got a tracking and I tracked it and
- 00:24:01it's on the way for delivery but I just
- 00:24:04need to ask you one thing the package
- 00:24:06here I don't think so I got the correct
- 00:24:08package that she was supposed to send me
- 00:24:10we're talking about you might have
- 00:24:11missed yeah what was inside the packaged
- 00:24:13rim and inform you about it yeah he gave
- 00:24:16me the two packages to send and I sent
- 00:24:18them uh can you just tell me what was
- 00:24:20the weight of that package
- 00:24:25you don't have to send me anymore I'm
- 00:24:27not asking you to send me anything okay
- 00:24:30are those packages or just uh
- 00:24:34just boxed like
- 00:24:36what are you talking about because what
- 00:24:38I wanted inside the package that is not
- 00:24:40therein well I I don't know I didn't
- 00:24:42open the package they already opened the
- 00:24:44package the package that you sended me I
- 00:24:46got the same package but there was not
- 00:24:49anything inside the package
- 00:25:0430 minutes ago they just received the
- 00:25:06package and they already delivered no
- 00:25:10no yeah
- 00:25:11should we call Ash or choppy or
- 00:25:13something say like calling you right now
- 00:25:15so
- 00:25:17[ __ ] unit
- 00:25:24rest
- 00:25:27there is no unit numbers
- 00:26:04yeah looks like super empty this is this
- 00:26:07is it this one on the left okay all
- 00:26:10right now
- 00:26:15okay choppy
- 00:26:18yep all right so uh at nine o'clock it's
- 00:26:21actually at 8 50 when when I put
- 00:26:24tracking number it says it's just
- 00:26:27arrived to San Jose main stationary and
- 00:26:30it's going to be out of delivery soon so
- 00:26:33there is it's a it's a it's a full of
- 00:26:34[ __ ] there is no way in 20 minutes
- 00:26:37they receive from the plane to a main uh
- 00:26:41um UPS station no it doesn't work like
- 00:26:44this yeah I
- 00:26:49how can
- 00:26:50can he check the weight
- 00:26:52is
- 00:26:55it
- 00:26:56can you even possibly do that I never
- 00:26:58knew that
- 00:27:0733 000. you know what I mean it's not a
- 00:27:10lot of weight yeah exactly and I know
- 00:27:13your business partner usually put his
- 00:27:15stinky underwear and diapers and
- 00:27:17everything so it is
- 00:27:23empty and he said pretty much why and I
- 00:27:26said because the scammer is asking me if
- 00:27:28the box is empty
- 00:27:30listen the greed
- 00:27:34yep
- 00:27:35exactly uh greed always lead them to the
- 00:27:39Trap so we're right now at this location
- 00:27:41right uh 201 and uh you can see the unit
- 00:27:45is empty there is like empty balcony and
- 00:27:47you can see it's a town townhouse so uh
- 00:27:51we literally park right here and we just
- 00:27:54gonna [ __ ] wait and see what's up
- 00:27:56okay I would say as hidden as you can
- 00:27:58because I think that they're going to be
- 00:28:00tough and they might have the meal
- 00:28:01looking yeah we have we have we know
- 00:28:03what to do it's it's raining which is
- 00:28:05good so that makes our window like foggy
- 00:28:07and you know like you cannot see it
- 00:28:09um through so we're good we're good
- 00:28:11we're ready to rock and roll I will keep
- 00:28:12you posted and you keep me posted as
- 00:28:14well
- 00:28:15okay all right I'll be here your ice
- 00:28:17skating characters what the hell are you
- 00:28:19talking about to the guy yeah and he
- 00:28:21said uh
- 00:28:22I think those parts
- 00:28:27because it's supposed to be components
- 00:28:29or paperwork for the big fish and this
- 00:28:32is only a business here you better be
- 00:28:33sending stuff out for work
- 00:28:37and I said what are you talking about
- 00:28:40whatever was in them is in them
- 00:28:43and I said no this is
- 00:28:45nobody tells me they just send me the
- 00:28:48address to ship too yeah exactly good
- 00:28:51good good play We we've done this when
- 00:28:53we have like pink [ __ ]
- 00:28:55um like one of these I think it's a
- 00:28:58second episode or third episode of uh
- 00:29:00skimmer payback scammed serious and it
- 00:29:02was exactly the same uh we confronted
- 00:29:05the guy like five minutes later but the
- 00:29:07main scammer he called me he was like
- 00:29:09you full of [ __ ] there is they already
- 00:29:11picked up the uh the um the box and the
- 00:29:15Box haven't been delivered yet so
- 00:29:16they're just playing the game and we're
- 00:29:17playing the game so we're good
- 00:29:19all right I will keep you posted
- 00:29:26all right yeah I will let you know
- 00:29:31okay sounds good bye
- 00:29:37yeah full of [ __ ] yeah got delivered
- 00:29:40empty no I didn't even know that you can
- 00:29:42call UPS and check the weight of the box
- 00:29:47[Music]
- 00:29:48camera so sneaky it's all right it's all
- 00:29:51right we're good we're good
- 00:29:53no way
- 00:29:55no way this box hit like has been
- 00:29:57arrived already
- 00:29:59Mike's on what we make yeah
- 00:30:05Mike okay
- 00:30:08[Music]
- 00:30:14no
- 00:30:17The Big Box probably one one one billion
- 00:30:44too
- 00:30:50check us out okay I'm ready
- 00:31:12yeah roll
- 00:31:16[ __ ] no boxes
- 00:31:20is it UPS or FedEx it's ups
- 00:31:33all right that's only two big one
- 00:31:40let's look like a Furniture pieces
- 00:31:52imagine all these it's full of cash and
- 00:31:56it's a billion dollar [ __ ] because I
- 00:31:58don't look at these two big Bazookas
- 00:32:00chappie says oh wow
- 00:32:02good look at this maybe it's not
- 00:32:05Furniture it's [ __ ] smuggling cash
- 00:32:08After Cash it's after cash it's two cows
- 00:32:11in cash
- 00:32:15all right all right all right I see a
- 00:32:16box I see a box
- 00:32:18okay okay I see a box a small one dude
- 00:32:20it's our box that's it that's it come on
- 00:32:23yep that's it that's it that's it we got
- 00:32:25it we got it we got it we got it
- 00:32:29we got it
- 00:32:31two boxes
- 00:32:32two boxes
- 00:32:44all right he's leaving let me go uh you
- 00:32:46just killed me
- 00:33:18foreign
- 00:33:20it's very light it's very light
- 00:33:25it's our box yeah
- 00:33:27very light you can feel there is nothing
- 00:33:29inside
- 00:33:31in a very light
- 00:33:35calling you [ __ ]
- 00:33:42yeah the thing is
- 00:33:44[ __ ] Raymond yes
- 00:33:49okay choppy
- 00:33:50um [ __ ] I was hoping it's gonna be more
- 00:33:52boxes it's only one box and it's it's
- 00:33:55very light and it's our box yeah Raymond
- 00:33:57uh Raymond's right or something
- 00:34:04yeah okay already drop it off and it's
- 00:34:06unfortunately it's only one box so there
- 00:34:08is no more boxes the other victims uh
- 00:34:12let me like I swear he get two boxes in
- 00:34:14his hand
- 00:34:18I'm not standing no we we we're not
- 00:34:21we're not standing we first of all we've
- 00:34:23been here for like past uh 25 minutes
- 00:34:26and it was no cars around so uh it's
- 00:34:30only one it's very remote parking spots
- 00:34:33and it will it was only one parking spot
- 00:34:35available which we took that parking
- 00:34:37spot so we have ice on this apartment
- 00:34:39and so far it's only our box
- 00:34:43okay the rest of the boxes it's the rest
- 00:34:46of the boxes it's a big piece of
- 00:34:48furniture
- 00:34:52[Music]
- 00:34:56when you uh leave that address if they
- 00:34:59haven't picked it up if you take it so
- 00:35:01that they don't come take it after you
- 00:35:03leave and it below the next bus
- 00:35:08I know but you know what also I don't
- 00:35:11want that would happen
- 00:35:15[ __ ] hold on I'm thinking
- 00:35:18no I'm thinking I just also
- 00:35:20um
- 00:35:22like I wanna cut him red-handed I want
- 00:35:25to see who is you know
- 00:35:30yeah
- 00:35:32yeah no I don't know we we definitely
- 00:35:34staying staying put it's only one box
- 00:35:46well right now if you know what's crazy
- 00:35:48you guys put afternoon delivery right
- 00:35:51now it's 10 o'clock 10-1 and they
- 00:35:53already at 9 9 55 they did like like an
- 00:35:56early delivery it's not noon
- 00:35:59wow
- 00:36:01[ __ ] I was expecting noon and I was
- 00:36:04expecting you know like last time with
- 00:36:05Patricia video we had they we had like
- 00:36:0810 o'clock deliveries that's what uh he
- 00:36:10said and then we did 12 and that's how
- 00:36:12we got the second box now our box
- 00:36:14arrives early two hours
- 00:36:17that's kind of like messing up
- 00:36:20all right uh the least that we can do
- 00:36:22with uh bust this cash meal to see who
- 00:36:25is that guy
- 00:36:26yes um I would like to ask you saying in
- 00:36:29our three-way to stay stay hidden yep
- 00:36:32yeah we are okay
- 00:36:33okay
- 00:36:39just waiting so I didn't get it out
- 00:36:41today just start getting a temperature
- 00:36:43right because you know what because like
- 00:36:45I said we're right now with location
- 00:36:46number one Mountain View and the
- 00:36:49location number three that we don't have
- 00:36:50a trucking number we don't have a box
- 00:36:52but location is 11 minutes away so it's
- 00:36:55literally next door location number two
- 00:36:57is 40 minutes away
- 00:37:03yeah so location one and three basically
- 00:37:06the same zip code same neighborhood
- 00:37:08neighborhood but uh location number two
- 00:37:11is far away so that's why we'll see
- 00:37:13we'll see what happens
- 00:37:15all right so you want me to leave him
- 00:37:18wondering then about
- 00:37:25yeah don't don't don't don't tell him
- 00:37:27that you didn't ship it we want we we
- 00:37:29want some activities on uh package
- 00:37:31number three on location number three
- 00:37:32okay
- 00:37:35all right meanwhile on ice on this box
- 00:37:40okay talk to you soon
- 00:37:42okay
- 00:37:43okay bye yeah uh keep even if when you
- 00:37:45you're going peeing freely keep your
- 00:37:48foot next to your girl yeah
- 00:37:50[Laughter]
- 00:37:59right here ding ding ding and I'm like
- 00:38:02oh
- 00:38:04[Applause]
- 00:38:08yeah that's a nervous speed like Ashton
- 00:38:11said I need to do a nervous speech all
- 00:38:14right cool we're gonna talk to you soon
- 00:38:15all right all right bye
- 00:38:19wanna check really quick one more time I
- 00:38:21swear he had two boxes in his in his
- 00:38:23hands
- 00:38:25okay gosh yeah I can't really get a good
- 00:38:28shot from the car I know I'm like I want
- 00:38:30to come out with a camera but yeah
- 00:38:34true
- 00:38:36true
- 00:38:55now only one box
- 00:38:57one box
- 00:39:01UPS I [ __ ] love you
- 00:39:03but you screw the [ __ ] up
- 00:39:06it's supposed to be known delivery how
- 00:39:08did you [ __ ] deliver two hours
- 00:39:10earlier
- 00:39:12that's supposed to be a
- 00:39:13true shipment
- 00:39:16[ __ ] second box supposed to be a
- 00:39:18second shipment known delivery afternoon
- 00:39:22oh
- 00:39:29so choppy just sent us a message and a
- 00:39:33message saying okay everything Capital
- 00:39:35skimmer just send me a note saying I
- 00:39:38know who you are [ __ ]
- 00:39:44how
- 00:39:49but you know what we have over there
- 00:39:51well there is a ring [ __ ]
- 00:39:57there is three Zone there is like a
- 00:39:59little side on the door I'm not on the
- 00:40:01door on the side
- 00:40:04I only notice when I uh when I picked up
- 00:40:06the box and it was a ring but if replace
- 00:40:09empty how can you get access to
- 00:40:13something that does not belong to you
- 00:40:15unless you go and install it yourself
- 00:40:18I mean they could probably just hang a
- 00:40:20ring up but unless you unless you hacked
- 00:40:26hack that [ __ ]
- 00:40:28very interesting yeah bizarre situation
- 00:40:31I wish we could be on the call with
- 00:40:33chappie and Ash right now
- 00:40:35let's look in here what's going on
- 00:40:38I mean
- 00:40:40we on this side champion on her side
- 00:40:43and there's the scammer
- 00:40:46I'm calling shots
- 00:40:48scammer was already bluffing before
- 00:40:50everyone came saying that the box is
- 00:40:52empty
- 00:40:54before when the box was delivered yeah
- 00:40:56he was already saying the box is empty
- 00:40:59questions
- 00:41:02hello hey
- 00:41:05yeah did you talk to him after that text
- 00:41:07I
- 00:41:09have no idea I want to talk to you first
- 00:41:11and ask you what you want me to say
- 00:41:13I mean there's a there's a change I
- 00:41:15didn't know artwork
- 00:41:23right well that's why when he sent the
- 00:41:24picture of it I said don't stand next to
- 00:41:26it yeah and don't walk over to it
- 00:41:29because I think they're watching but I
- 00:41:31think he walked over because he
- 00:41:32initially thought there were two
- 00:41:33packages and maybe one was going to be a
- 00:41:34victim I mean at this point you just got
- 00:41:37to keep keep the bluff going I don't
- 00:41:38know I think he could be
- 00:41:40um trying to call it because if he
- 00:41:41hasn't identified Trilogy or you or mod
- 00:41:44or Paul yet then it could be it could
- 00:41:46just be trying to call your bluff I mean
- 00:41:49at this point you may have you know been
- 00:41:51doing all this research I would say just
- 00:41:53keep the bluff going and maybe get the
- 00:41:55scammer on the phone and see if he calls
- 00:41:58you out by name if he calls me out by
- 00:42:00name still sit with it
- 00:42:02I mean yeah I would say at least while
- 00:42:06they're still you know yeah while
- 00:42:08they're still there yes I would say I
- 00:42:10mean I would say once they're gone and
- 00:42:12safe then we can come clean but I I
- 00:42:14think at this point uh just try to keep
- 00:42:15the bluff going as much as possible and
- 00:42:17see what he knows I mean what
- 00:42:19what has the staff to have those three
- 00:42:21addresses we could have literally staked
- 00:42:23out three addresses right yeah well
- 00:42:25right little by little and I'll call uh
- 00:42:28art uh right now too all right yeah find
- 00:42:30out what happened all right I'll call
- 00:42:31him now um all right thanks
- 00:42:39okay
- 00:42:40hey
- 00:42:42um if you ever start to talk in a good
- 00:42:44safe place yeah yeah winside yeah we're
- 00:42:46inside of the car the last text from the
- 00:42:48scammer
- 00:42:49said I know who you are but he hasn't
- 00:42:51identified anyone yet so I told chappie
- 00:42:54just keep the keep the uh the bluff
- 00:42:56going yeah
- 00:42:57um even if he calls us out by name I
- 00:42:59think as long as you guys are still
- 00:43:00sitting there we need to keep the bluff
- 00:43:02going just for safety and then if uh for
- 00:43:05some reason uh we don't get anything and
- 00:43:07you guys are gone and safe then we can
- 00:43:09call the scammer and come clean even
- 00:43:11before UPS truck showed up skimmer
- 00:43:14already texted her in saying like it's
- 00:43:16an empty box we didn't even arrive yet
- 00:43:19schema already somehow knew so he was
- 00:43:21bluffing so there's a good before
- 00:43:23special chance there's a good chance
- 00:43:25he's bluffing both ways but the only
- 00:43:28thing that tipped me off that maybe he
- 00:43:30knows something is the weight of the
- 00:43:31package is visible in the tracking it
- 00:43:33says 0.2 pounds and if it's supposed to
- 00:43:35be how much it's supposed to be 40 Grand
- 00:43:37or something 33
- 00:43:39yeah I mean that would be probably at
- 00:43:41least half a pound yeah like when I
- 00:43:44picked up the box I immediately like I
- 00:43:46was like this is empty box and that's
- 00:43:47what I was like it's our box it's
- 00:43:49absolutely empty when I picked up a
- 00:43:51Patricia box I can feel videos like you
- 00:43:53felt it you hold that box yeah but also
- 00:43:55listen to this we have access to three
- 00:43:58locations that from across the country
- 00:44:01packages delivering no matter what even
- 00:44:03if it's a bluff or no Bluff we're gonna
- 00:44:05sit here for a couple hours we're gonna
- 00:44:07go on second location gonna sit over
- 00:44:08there there is one more box coming uh
- 00:44:11the delivery schedule at the end of the
- 00:44:13day and we have third location that we
- 00:44:16haven't shipped anything but we have
- 00:44:17location for delivering boxes so we're
- 00:44:19gonna be [ __ ] sitting all day no
- 00:44:21matter what it's just 10 o'clock we we
- 00:44:23have all day ahead of us we will find
- 00:44:24something so Chappy's talking to the
- 00:44:26scammer let's see what he knows what he
- 00:44:28says she's gonna keep the bluff going
- 00:44:29you guys too and uh did you walk when
- 00:44:32you walked up and took that picture of
- 00:44:33that box was was Conor with you no no no
- 00:44:36Conor wasn't no he was filming from the
- 00:44:37car no it was only me because I like
- 00:44:40when uh UPS showed up and he dropped two
- 00:44:43big Bazookas I was like he like he
- 00:44:46literally like Patricia 2.0 2.0 I was
- 00:44:48like he's holding two boxes and then
- 00:44:51hold on hold on got a text from chappie
- 00:44:54all the three or five whatever mules
- 00:44:57that we got on your end
- 00:44:59they wouldn't be coming to that location
- 00:45:05what the [ __ ] are you chappie
- 00:45:08I don't know what that means
- 00:45:09you don't know what that means all right
- 00:45:11so the third package all I know weirdo
- 00:45:13is who my secretary said she will let me
- 00:45:16know what's going on who's model Paul
- 00:45:19scam [ __ ]
- 00:45:21who's what should I give you the
- 00:45:23informations
- 00:45:28won't fetch you anything let me tell you
- 00:45:31okay yeah working with Trilogy media I
- 00:45:35don't know so that you can catch
- 00:45:38you little boy
- 00:46:12you sound like you're underwater there
- 00:46:14son
- 00:46:16hahaha
- 00:46:26scammer called her chappy modern pollen
- 00:46:28Trilogy what
- 00:46:29[Music]
- 00:46:31we've been we've been outed
- 00:46:34[ __ ]
- 00:46:36I don't know how the [ __ ] he knows that
- 00:46:38he knew it before we arrived
- 00:46:40how did he know that
- 00:46:42I know I I didn't know that you can able
- 00:46:45to track the weight of the box that has
- 00:46:47been that been shipped to the address
- 00:46:50but you you you wow but that but even
- 00:46:52how would just the weight of the Box
- 00:46:54tell him it's modern pile Champion
- 00:46:55Trilogy that doesn't help doesn't make
- 00:46:57sense I don't know I don't know it's all
- 00:47:01right it's all right like I said you
- 00:47:02know what we we have three of his
- 00:47:05locations in this area so you know what
- 00:47:07whatever he cannot right now if if
- 00:47:10victims send boxes uh from from across
- 00:47:14of uh across of country from there
- 00:47:16they'll still arrive yeah unless he
- 00:47:18reroutes them but he's gonna furiously
- 00:47:21try to do now he's gonna try to reroute
- 00:47:22everything
- 00:47:25no it doesn't make sense no he went
- 00:47:28looking at your videos yeah but how the
- 00:47:30[ __ ] yeah no what no no no no no no no
- 00:47:33no no
- 00:47:34no
- 00:47:36a little box okay next time we
- 00:47:38definitely have to put a dildo so it
- 00:47:40will be some weight inside
- 00:47:42um no more empty boxes number one but
- 00:47:44again lesson learn I never knew that you
- 00:47:47can track this actually we never we
- 00:47:49never even shipped an empty box I mean
- 00:47:51but like still like oh yeah
- 00:47:54something doesn't adds up to be honest
- 00:47:57with you it's all right we're gonna be
- 00:47:59we're gonna be still here let's see for
- 00:48:01noon delivery because I'm pretty sure
- 00:48:02it's gonna be more deliveries so it's
- 00:48:04all right we're here
- 00:48:06stay safe because now they're looking
- 00:48:08for you now they know you specifically
- 00:48:10yeah yeah we came and it was like one
- 00:48:14parking spot available because it's a
- 00:48:16it's a it's a kind of like a square
- 00:48:18community and there is a one two three
- 00:48:21four five six seven parking lots on the
- 00:48:24front and one two three four five on the
- 00:48:26back and it was only one spot and we
- 00:48:28parked and since we parked it was Zero
- 00:48:31people coming in and out it was like
- 00:48:34everything occupied
- 00:48:35look at the last text
- 00:48:37all right
- 00:48:41you're being watched guys
- 00:48:44you've been looking at your videos you
- 00:48:46texted that he sees someone waiting for
- 00:48:48the package
- 00:48:49no way
- 00:48:51there's no way it was Zero [ __ ]
- 00:48:54people in these houses or something like
- 00:48:57every single car is is empty you can see
- 00:49:00there's not a lot of cars around here
- 00:49:01like
- 00:49:03[ __ ]
- 00:49:07what you guys need to be careful because
- 00:49:09you guys are being watched right now
- 00:49:11all right it's okay we watched and you
- 00:49:14know what activity is gonna happen he
- 00:49:16watched as well so it's all right we're
- 00:49:18gonna see for a couple hours and then
- 00:49:19we're gonna go to on second location on
- 00:49:21Third location so we're still gonna [ __ ]
- 00:49:22him up
- 00:49:24stay in the car be safe all right bye
- 00:49:26all right
- 00:49:29unbelievable
- 00:49:32how how the [ __ ] is this possible
- 00:49:38let me tell anyone read always overcome
- 00:49:40all these cameras so
- 00:49:42they steal questioning it's a Trilogy
- 00:49:44not truly would you choppy not choppy
- 00:49:48he must send somebody to pick up those
- 00:49:50boxes
- 00:49:54just to be make sure that you know the
- 00:49:56box is empty
- 00:49:58I would cannot sleep if I'm criminal and
- 00:50:00I know that there is a box being shipped
- 00:50:02and there is possibility that there is
- 00:50:0433k inside I would not able to sleep
- 00:50:07what if it's not Trilogy what if it's
- 00:50:09not choppy yeah
- 00:50:11The Cure Ross
- 00:50:13curiosity right curiosity curiosity
- 00:50:16would kill me
- 00:50:22the water blower you guys a leafy blower
- 00:50:25that is a water blower even San
- 00:50:27Francisco in San Jose allow me some
- 00:50:30water
- 00:50:36imagine that if he will be a approached
- 00:50:39pirate
- 00:50:40go over there
- 00:50:42imagine them just caught on camera
- 00:50:45stealing [ __ ]
- 00:50:47questions
- 00:50:50hello hey they're gonna stay anyway
- 00:50:52because you know I know the mule
- 00:50:54probably won't show his face now but if
- 00:50:56the scammer has other victims sending
- 00:50:58money today they could they'll still
- 00:51:00arrive unless he reroutes it which I'm
- 00:51:02sure he's trying to do now
- 00:51:04um yeah but the mule if he's expecting
- 00:51:06anyone else's packages other than ours
- 00:51:08will still stay there
- 00:51:10do you think your smart work was pretty
- 00:51:12loggy I wouldn't listen to all their
- 00:51:14videos how the [ __ ] did he figure this
- 00:51:17out like how does he know Trilogy
- 00:51:19specifically how does he because
- 00:51:21foreign
- 00:51:23how does he know that because the weight
- 00:51:25of the package uh wait definitely the
- 00:51:29lead the way didn't make sense so they
- 00:51:30were
- 00:51:33they were 33 it's pretty nebulous but I
- 00:51:36don't know even though this chassis
- 00:51:38Trilogy media you know that they didn't
- 00:51:40do anything you're not gonna get
- 00:51:41anything done right nothing done
- 00:51:46you got to do yeah he says we didn't do
- 00:51:49anything yet we got seven mules out of
- 00:51:51him and he just lost how much money a
- 00:51:52hundred thousand dollars today yeah yeah
- 00:51:54we didn't do anything right of course
- 00:52:00all right
- 00:52:24watch the footage
- 00:52:29all right okay traffic question for you
- 00:52:31so I sent you a screenshot that second
- 00:52:35package is out for delivery and it's
- 00:52:37crazy how everything is
- 00:52:39um expedite it's like this package not
- 00:52:42supposed to be here until afternoon and
- 00:52:44it's end up being at 9 50. okay question
- 00:52:47for you should we still spend a couple
- 00:52:50hours on this location or should we go
- 00:52:52and sit in the bushes with the second
- 00:52:53package that we know that that place is
- 00:52:55active as well
- 00:52:59all right
- 00:53:01you know that might not be a bad idea
- 00:53:05once we got called out by name like I
- 00:53:09didn't get many more info what I did say
- 00:53:10I did on the third and he was like why
- 00:53:13are you keep pretending I said I'm not
- 00:53:15put any of the answer any questions I
- 00:53:17asked my secretary to send it I haven't
- 00:53:19seen the tracking yet and then he was
- 00:53:21like I know he's happy why are you
- 00:53:23saying anything but you know you're
- 00:53:24choppy you're with trilogy
- 00:53:30all right so how about like these
- 00:53:33questions
- 00:53:35yeah yeah of course I already told him I
- 00:53:38told lesson but uh called him yeah
- 00:53:39because I said like we can spend a
- 00:53:40little bit time here go on a second
- 00:53:42location but the second uh second box is
- 00:53:45already out for delivery and it's a 30
- 00:53:47miles Drive
- 00:53:48right right
- 00:53:50um all right Coalition call me back
- 00:53:53let me call you right back okay it's a
- 00:53:55gamble I I don't know either way I mean
- 00:53:57it's it's all the same scammer so the
- 00:53:59bait package is kind of useless at this
- 00:54:01point right so the question is do we
- 00:54:03does he go somewhere that's right down
- 00:54:05the road which is the third address or
- 00:54:08does he travel the 30 minute to the
- 00:54:11other one you know what I think he
- 00:54:13should go to the closer one because it
- 00:54:15could be on the same truck like the the
- 00:54:17if there's a if we're hoping for a
- 00:54:18victim package here it could be on the
- 00:54:20same truck so maybe have him go to the
- 00:54:22second or go to the close one and uh and
- 00:54:25just wait for a bit give it a little
- 00:54:27time if nothing happens then maybe try
- 00:54:29the other one on the way out but since
- 00:54:30it's still before noon you know before
- 00:54:32the noon delivery window
- 00:54:33s
- 00:54:35cool thanks
- 00:54:37yeah I will still pick up this box
- 00:54:39because I don't want that you know like
- 00:54:40the the address of sheepman's
- 00:54:42information everything we can pick up
- 00:54:43the box and I'm still gonna flip that uh
- 00:54:45finger in the camera
- 00:54:46since they [ __ ] watching okay what if
- 00:54:50the other houses have the same [ __ ]
- 00:54:53camera
- 00:54:55wouldn't that be interesting
- 00:54:57well that's why when am I going to
- 00:54:59arrive
- 00:55:00I'm gonna go to the front door
- 00:55:02front door we're gonna sit and wait and
- 00:55:04see the activities yeah
- 00:55:06and if you Bears showed up with boxes
- 00:55:09it's time for Vlad to ask for milk
- 00:55:12excuse me do you know we can buy organic
- 00:55:15milk from really good hey
- 00:55:20rub that [ __ ]
- 00:55:24all right talk to me
- 00:55:26hi um
- 00:55:29uh he said go to the closest one that he
- 00:55:32recommends you in the closest one well
- 00:55:35the closest one has no tracking number
- 00:55:37and we're not shipping anything to Third
- 00:55:39location
- 00:55:42you know that it's 11 minutes it's 11
- 00:55:45minutes but there is there is nothing
- 00:55:47going on
- 00:55:49but package number two it's already out
- 00:55:51for delivery
- 00:55:52right
- 00:55:53well that's what you know I mean he said
- 00:55:56I would do the closest one
- 00:55:59um but if you want to go the other one
- 00:56:01you can do the other one I'm not gonna
- 00:56:03well if maybe maybe we can go to the
- 00:56:06closest one since since it's uh next
- 00:56:08door hang out over there for a couple
- 00:56:10hours and since the delivery again you
- 00:56:12know by 7 PM we can do the last you know
- 00:56:15like try to beat the last package it's
- 00:56:18just
- 00:56:18all right I know it sucks no nothing
- 00:56:22sucks no everything is uh like I said uh
- 00:56:25before we arrived he was already he was
- 00:56:27already uh putting a lot of bluff and a
- 00:56:29lot of [ __ ] so it means like
- 00:56:32yeah
- 00:56:33um
- 00:56:34all right all right sounds good then
- 00:56:36we're gonna go uh sniff around in two
- 00:56:38other locations oh my God
- 00:56:43over there
- 00:56:45yeah
- 00:56:46um but I don't know I just I want to
- 00:56:48give you guys thanks too
- 00:56:50no no for sure
- 00:56:52um I just don't want to lose second
- 00:56:53package you know because it's again it's
- 00:56:55it's showing its Artful delivery
- 00:56:57right everything is a Bazaar
- 00:57:01all right
- 00:57:04let me let me go to uh
- 00:57:07just let us know in the freeway
- 00:57:11um all right
- 00:57:12I'm just putting it into three ways if
- 00:57:15you can go to the closer one and then we
- 00:57:17can go and uh
- 00:57:19you have tracking for the other one and
- 00:57:21that one's out for delivery yeah all
- 00:57:23right text me put in put put in a group
- 00:57:25chat and I'm gonna put in my GPS right
- 00:57:27now okay sounds good I will call you
- 00:57:28from uh from location number three
- 00:57:31okay and uh I'm gonna pick up the box so
- 00:57:34that empty box with the uh with the ray
- 00:57:36name I'm gonna I'm gonna take it with me
- 00:57:37yeah
- 00:57:39okay all right see you guys
- 00:57:41mom
- 00:57:59in the case you're watching [ __ ] you
- 00:58:01from tools you [ __ ] you from rain [ __ ]
- 00:58:03you from chubby [ __ ]
- 00:58:07[ __ ] you
- 00:58:08all right they want to explain what's
- 00:58:10happening so we have two more locations
- 00:58:12we're going right now one location is
- 00:58:14like literally like
- 00:58:16a couple miles away and uh second
- 00:58:19location that we shoot overnight that
- 00:58:21already shipped it overnight location is
- 00:58:23like 30 miles away so we're gonna sniff
- 00:58:25around a little bit on location number
- 00:58:27three
- 00:58:28if there is no activity we're gonna go
- 00:58:31to location number two where the Liberty
- 00:58:33is supposed to be by seven o'clock and
- 00:58:35right now it's 11 15 so basically
- 00:58:37delivery uh in next eight hours uh yeah
- 00:58:41so
- 00:58:43cat and mouse game
- 00:58:46between scammers and skin bearers
- 00:58:50the address is coming up looks like it's
- 00:58:53here
- 00:58:53yeah on this complex
- 00:58:56[Music]
- 00:59:04all right green light
- 00:59:06yeah 44.85
- 00:59:11485 okay
- 00:59:12thank you
- 00:59:16all right so probably next one you can
- 00:59:19turn into yeah I like great
- 00:59:23yeah
- 00:59:27oh [ __ ] God damn it really a jaded
- 00:59:31community
- 00:59:33[ __ ]
- 00:59:39um is there a keypad
- 00:59:53it's okay I'm gonna wait for somebody
- 00:59:55okay
- 00:59:59[ __ ] so now we need to wait
- 01:00:02until then then here is like literally
- 01:00:05dude today is a day when everything
- 01:00:07against our ass
- 01:00:10um there's an entrance over here so
- 01:00:13maybe we can try it's one way yeah I
- 01:00:15think so it's getting Community but I'm
- 01:00:17pretty sure cigarette take a ride at
- 01:00:20this light up here
- 01:00:22awesome 44-1 oh so you wouldn't even
- 01:00:26need to you know it's right there
- 01:00:33what is that button when you [ __ ]
- 01:00:35need the emergency [ __ ] Tesla yeah
- 01:00:39yeah where is it
- 01:00:42there's an emergency lights
- 01:00:47what the [ __ ]
- 01:00:50um okay 44 85 44 81 44
- 01:00:5444.85 right there literally right there
- 01:00:58yeah because I see 81 85 oh yeah that's
- 01:01:01the fighting yeah front entrance
- 01:01:04oh fine
- 01:01:07parking no parking behind us no parking
- 01:01:10so if delivery gonna be
- 01:01:25can you hear me
- 01:01:26can you hear me yeah looks like we're
- 01:01:29playing Mission Impossible today on
- 01:01:30every single location
- 01:01:33well uh
- 01:01:35do we know no we cannot but also it's a
- 01:01:39one-way Street and it's like kind of
- 01:01:41like part of the highway so you cannot
- 01:01:43even park in the front right so it's
- 01:01:45like just like one one street so you
- 01:01:48have to either go side streets or
- 01:01:49something so it's one-way Street you
- 01:01:51cannot park in the front
- 01:01:53um and the main entrance is that gating
- 01:01:55Community right so you have to put
- 01:01:56passcode so my question to you is
- 01:01:59um do we know if these places
- 01:02:02or not
- 01:02:06I think it looks Bacons right now
- 01:02:11because you also said that it's supposed
- 01:02:14to be name
- 01:02:19it's supposed to be named Oscar Evans
- 01:02:22yes but no signature required
- 01:02:27all right so you know what um I'm gonna
- 01:02:30go um I'm um I'm gonna leave uh Conor in
- 01:02:33the car I'm gonna go to the front door
- 01:02:34just to see what's happening over there
- 01:02:37um
- 01:02:37maybe these
- 01:02:44guys
- 01:02:48yeah it looks like it is right
- 01:02:51the townhouse for rent another townhouse
- 01:02:55all right
- 01:02:58[ __ ]
- 01:02:59200 for 4200 oh forty two hundred
- 01:03:03dollars yeah two hundred dollars oh [ __ ]
- 01:03:06I was like I'm moving in immediately
- 01:03:11[Applause]
- 01:03:12all right then uh
- 01:03:15yeah me and Connor we're gonna go um
- 01:03:17just check what's going on if not we're
- 01:03:19gonna jump on the road I'm gonna
- 01:03:20continue driving to at least something
- 01:03:22that is solid which is uh uh location
- 01:03:24number two
- 01:03:26okay
- 01:03:27you want your phone when you go to the
- 01:03:28door
- 01:03:29um yeah we can do that yeah okay I can
- 01:03:32call you from the door
- 01:03:35yeah of course I will okay talk to you
- 01:03:38in a second bye okay
- 01:03:42yo let's go
- 01:03:59what is this
- 01:04:04I know it's jaded community but can we
- 01:04:06go through this
- 01:04:13just want to see
- 01:04:21we're inside
- 01:04:24oh
- 01:04:27not get it anymore [ __ ]
- 01:04:31okay 44 85. yeah
- 01:04:3544.85
- 01:04:38yeah so
- 01:04:39FedEx
- 01:04:414485
- 01:04:45so yeah you see we actually don't need
- 01:04:47gated community
- 01:04:50because it's a garage it's a back door
- 01:04:52so the main entrance is here
- 01:04:55you were right banana pens that's right
- 01:04:57let's go let's find it
- 01:05:00um Trilogy media did you see Gates yeah
- 01:05:01[ __ ] you gate exactly
- 01:05:15[Music]
- 01:05:25three four eight five
- 01:06:06okay
- 01:06:07yeah I already saw we already saw
- 01:06:09through the window it's empty there is
- 01:06:11no furniture furniture so it's
- 01:06:13definitely
- 01:06:14um empty but I still can call it you can
- 01:06:16be on the phone
- 01:06:18no packages
- 01:06:21no no the bushes no packages we
- 01:06:23absolutely find the back door in the
- 01:06:24front door we don't even need the gate
- 01:06:26we just cannot come through the with the
- 01:06:27car we went through the back and it's
- 01:06:30just garage called garage so we didn't
- 01:06:32even need that gate so
- 01:06:34it's very accessible it's literally from
- 01:06:37the freeway you can walk into this from
- 01:06:39Highway you can literally can walk to
- 01:06:41this place
- 01:06:42yeah nobody's going to open I can put
- 01:06:44100 bucks
- 01:06:46for uh for for the houses and for the
- 01:06:49right by saying it's beginning to Italy
- 01:06:52but it's no safer no it's not safer it's
- 01:06:55not gated communities get it for your
- 01:06:56garage for your for your what is it
- 01:06:59called um
- 01:07:00yeah
- 01:07:03yeah exactly exactly yeah we we are
- 01:07:05right now looking through the window
- 01:07:08yeah I'm looking through the window it's
- 01:07:10empty it's it's here you were right
- 01:07:12it's a it's vacant yeah
- 01:07:15all right cool
- 01:07:16um
- 01:07:17we gonna go then on uh mission number
- 01:07:20two location number two
- 01:07:22all right
- 01:07:26wow
- 01:07:29it's wow wow
- 01:07:32now we know now we know now we know
- 01:07:35they're [ __ ] playing games dude
- 01:07:37yep
- 01:07:40it's a quest
- 01:07:42location number one like they do for
- 01:07:45movie there is uh location scouting
- 01:07:47right when you before you're gonna film
- 01:07:48and everything scammers have like scam
- 01:07:51location scouting
- 01:07:55that's especially second location it's
- 01:07:57so easy
- 01:07:58to get in and out from from the freeway
- 01:08:00from Highway
- 01:08:02you don't even have to go to the Gated
- 01:08:04Community you park your car you run grab
- 01:08:07the package and you boom Gone with the
- 01:08:09Wind
- 01:08:10yeah
- 01:08:12it's ridiculous smart [ __ ]
- 01:08:15all right they're playing smart playing
- 01:08:18smart
- 01:08:24um that's a third location by this
- 01:08:25actual location number two where we ship
- 01:08:27the Box uh Ray ship and blocks and um
- 01:08:35the community I hope it's not gated no
- 01:08:38it's not looks like a house
- 01:08:41yeah and he said it's vacant as well all
- 01:08:46right
- 01:08:47so what is it we need uh what's uh
- 01:08:5124962
- 01:08:5324 16 supposed to be on the ride
- 01:08:59maybe this one's empty
- 01:09:07yes
- 01:09:0824962 yeah
- 01:09:17all right and let's do like this
- 01:09:28hi hi
- 01:09:30scammers oh [ __ ] it's been chewing
- 01:09:32somebody else's door right
- 01:09:35yeah but
- 01:09:39no matter how you go it's gonna be
- 01:09:45doing Circle and then we can call okay
- 01:09:49done
- 01:09:52you can park here
- 01:09:53you can try it because we again in
- 01:09:56somebody else
- 01:09:57literally no matter what you do yeah or
- 01:10:00more people you and people will get let
- 01:10:01me do them all
- 01:10:02no packages do it
- 01:10:06I'm like that
- 01:10:08I don't like him
- 01:10:11yo can you hear me yeah I can hear you
- 01:10:13chubby
- 01:10:14so as you were right it's uh it's
- 01:10:18actually townhouse situation you know
- 01:10:20like people having houses and stuff and
- 01:10:22you can see you know like in front of
- 01:10:24every single garage there is a car you
- 01:10:26can see that everybody lives except the
- 01:10:28address that
- 01:10:30that's places vacant vacant
- 01:10:35so
- 01:10:36um it's a it's a house townhouse right
- 01:10:39it's a it's a same stuff from porch and
- 01:10:42stuff and so far no packages and I just
- 01:10:46checked the delivery status and it says
- 01:10:48out for delivery
- 01:10:56have you heard anything back from from
- 01:10:58this camera
- 01:11:00nope not since he called this out by
- 01:11:03name
- 01:11:04yeah it's a freaking Quest and like yeah
- 01:11:06even it's a gating uh gated community uh
- 01:11:09like it was location number three you
- 01:11:11can easy access to the front door uh
- 01:11:14from the highway which is bizarre
- 01:11:16literally you can you go on the highway
- 01:11:17you park your car you go rob somebody
- 01:11:19you and you continue driving on a
- 01:11:21highway
- 01:11:22they yeah they find a good place that I
- 01:11:26guess that people can get in and out of
- 01:11:27exactly that was my point they did like
- 01:11:30Asian scouting for sure on every single
- 01:11:32subject like easy access
- 01:11:36on every single location
- 01:11:37uh well we're gonna see
- 01:11:41if we're doing it right now while we
- 01:11:42were talking yeah yeah so I hope it's
- 01:11:45not going to be like you know delivered
- 01:11:46at seven o'clock
- 01:11:48right the the the early delivery already
- 01:11:50screwed us up on the first in the first
- 01:11:52place so hopefully we'll see
- 01:11:55um we're gonna be here it's it's
- 01:11:57definitely so we'll see if people not
- 01:11:59gonna call police on us
- 01:12:00neighborhood watch especially when you
- 01:12:02it's it's like kind of like dead end
- 01:12:04dish
- 01:12:05so um like it's yeah
- 01:12:12no no not really okay yeah I mean you
- 01:12:17never know until it could be somebody
- 01:12:18living on the street
- 01:12:20that's watching you from their living
- 01:12:22room right now yeah well we we actually
- 01:12:24did not Park uh on the front we parked
- 01:12:27in the beginning of the street but you
- 01:12:28still can see the uh you know like the
- 01:12:30middle of the street with like one two
- 01:12:32three four five six seven like seven
- 01:12:34houses down before the like age actual
- 01:12:37uh house but we clearly can see
- 01:12:39everything
- 01:12:47at all I'll let you know all right yeah
- 01:12:49keep us posted uh my phone is um next to
- 01:12:52me okay
- 01:12:55all right talk to you soon bye
- 01:13:04hope for this guy carpet
- 01:13:20look at this this guy
- 01:13:24this one
- 01:13:39all right
- 01:13:41the cats okay all right
- 01:13:46all right brother boy package number two
- 01:13:48thank you for not coming at seven
- 01:13:51appreciate it now again
- 01:13:54so
- 01:13:56let's
- 01:13:59let's just pass by
- 01:14:01okay so we're not gonna okay just pass
- 01:14:04by
- 01:14:06buzz buzz buzz buzz Madam pass by okay
- 01:14:10and just let's see if there is anything
- 01:14:12okay
- 01:14:14[Music]
- 01:14:16hold on just let's this guy go what is
- 01:14:20his
- 01:14:22chicken chicken
- 01:14:31maybe he's waiting for us to move so we
- 01:14:33can park now no no he's one thing that
- 01:14:36underwrites
- 01:14:44just curious if um
- 01:14:49gamer
- 01:14:52this camera's grief gonna bring anybody
- 01:14:55here or not
- 01:14:58should we scoop or should we stay
- 01:15:01as soon as I just want to pause my juice
- 01:15:03yeah
- 01:15:07I just want to see if there is two
- 01:15:09packages please please [ __ ] put
- 01:15:12second package
- 01:15:19how many packages
- 01:15:22on Yellow Tape
- 01:15:24hold on one second
- 01:15:26[Music]
- 01:15:28Yellow Tape right
- 01:15:40she says it's supposed to be big
- 01:15:43box remember she sent me a picture
- 01:15:47chubby
- 01:15:52you said yeah I just texted you you said
- 01:15:54that uh it's supposed to be gigantic big
- 01:15:56bucks
- 01:15:59I said it's supposed to be a gigantic
- 01:16:01big boss I sent you a picture of the box
- 01:16:03I mean the Box itself is big
- 01:16:06it's not like a tiny shoe box okay so
- 01:16:08there is a tiny box showed up with a
- 01:16:10pink pink tape
- 01:16:15no it's a it's a it's a size exactly the
- 01:16:18size of a previous box
- 01:16:24the picture I thought it was bigger
- 01:16:27ideas on the picture everything looks
- 01:16:29bigger
- 01:16:31yeah resend me that picture
- 01:16:33yeah resend it to me okay
- 01:16:36um after three hours final you better
- 01:16:38showed
- 01:16:39it
- 01:16:41it definitely pink okay because oh [ __ ]
- 01:16:43yeah because when you said like like
- 01:16:45Arctic said like you know big boxes
- 01:16:46coming and now I see like a little
- 01:16:48little small box on the front porch I
- 01:16:50was like oh got excited
- 01:17:02okay no worries
- 01:17:04okay
- 01:17:08it's too bad
- 01:17:11this is bad
- 01:17:21you see it yeah
- 01:17:26uh Google glasses are rolling yeah
- 01:17:29yeah audio as well yes
- 01:17:41looks like he went to the neighbors to
- 01:17:43these little guys
- 01:17:57this is a [ __ ] weird
- 01:18:00who drives wide
- 01:18:03with Gruff video
- 01:18:16oh he's gone
- 01:18:37foreign
- 01:18:47super empty you can feel there is
- 01:18:49nothing dude all right let's knock on
- 01:18:51the door
- 01:18:52of the neighbors
- 01:18:55[Music]
- 01:18:59oh we found the black cat what
- 01:19:15hi guys
- 01:19:17I saw you working earlier outside my
- 01:19:20name is Art I'm independent journalist
- 01:19:21we investigate like a crime of scams and
- 01:19:25stuff
- 01:19:26there is empty house next to you do you
- 01:19:29see receiving packages like these a lot
- 01:19:31like packages do you see like any
- 01:19:32suspicious activities in this house
- 01:19:37what do you mean like do do you see like
- 01:19:39you know cars pulling over and getting
- 01:19:42packages every day in and out because
- 01:19:44nobody lives in their house right right
- 01:19:46but these packages getting constantly
- 01:19:49drop off and it's basically it's a
- 01:19:51victim money from America and there is a
- 01:19:53cashmules they come and pick up the
- 01:19:55packages and drive away
- 01:19:57so this is my brochure so what we do my
- 01:20:00company is called Trilogy media we and
- 01:20:02we investigate and educate people of
- 01:20:04other scams so we came across with this
- 01:20:07address that scammers will scam elderly
- 01:20:10people make them put cash inside of the
- 01:20:12box like this is box 70 they will ship
- 01:20:15to this address and then cashmere will
- 01:20:17pull over and pick up those boxes and
- 01:20:19drive away so my question to you have
- 01:20:21you seen any like suspicious activities
- 01:20:23or anything no we I don't see anything
- 01:20:27I'm here almost every day so I don't see
- 01:20:29anything so not a lot I will leave you
- 01:20:31my uh this is card and we've been on
- 01:20:33National Television educating people if
- 01:20:36you see any special activities can you
- 01:20:38send us email and just like we're going
- 01:20:40to report this address
- 01:20:42and we're going to call police on this
- 01:20:43address if you're gonna see something
- 01:20:45because it's your neighborhood and your
- 01:20:47neighbor neighborhood watch so send us
- 01:20:48email I don't fix this one you just use
- 01:20:51the example yeah it's example yes it's
- 01:20:53an example they don't I don't see people
- 01:20:55uh ship them a lot of things no
- 01:20:59nothing nothing like no no no no no no
- 01:21:01no man they are going to rent it out so
- 01:21:04in the past couple of weeks there only
- 01:21:06when they're waiting and then a lot of
- 01:21:08workers come back and come come and go
- 01:21:10so come and go and this couple days it's
- 01:21:14very like they talk to cancel so nobody
- 01:21:17will come over here okay all right I
- 01:21:20will leave you this is my card this is
- 01:21:21my company I get it yeah okay thank you
- 01:21:23appreciate it just watch out if you see
- 01:21:25something again this is your
- 01:21:27neighborhood this is your community keep
- 01:21:29an eye on these keep an eye on this okay
- 01:21:31thank you have a good day
- 01:21:37at least at least he knows at least he
- 01:21:40um
- 01:21:41he will be aware of what's going on you
- 01:21:43know
- 01:21:49all right cool cool well let's go
- 01:21:52um let's go use restroom and then we can
- 01:21:55drive uh to the other location the other
- 01:21:57two locations and then we can start
- 01:21:59heading to
- 01:22:00um Airport
- 01:22:07s
- 01:22:10probably probably didn't stop on
- 01:22:14it's been a real
- 01:22:15red light right
- 01:22:17all right
- 01:22:20yep let's see
- 01:22:26can you
- 01:22:34know
- 01:22:38your destination is on the right
- 01:22:41same spot right here
- 01:22:59oh [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing
- 01:23:02nothing nothing
- 01:23:04at all of it
- 01:23:07nothing nothing at all
- 01:23:12you know
- 01:23:15[Music]
- 01:23:26foreign
- 01:24:29he's giving those a little
- 01:24:31um you know letters and stuff UPS I saw
- 01:24:34a couple little boxes but
- 01:24:37usually it's it's either FedEx or use PS
- 01:24:40or UPS not USPS yeah but the guys here
- 01:24:43I'll say we'll see for a second
- 01:24:47so what happened to Patricia it was
- 01:24:49absolutely lottery ticket it's not we've
- 01:24:51been chasing three locations today and
- 01:24:53zero packages so right yeah it's all
- 01:24:56right we will uh we'll come
- 01:25:01out that's what I'm saying we're gonna
- 01:25:02come back uh stronger and better
- 01:25:05all right okay thank you for everything
- 01:25:07you did I appreciate it yeah likewise
- 01:25:09guys likewise okay we'll talk to you
- 01:25:11soon okay okay bye-bye
- 01:25:16that's um
- 01:25:17[Music]
- 01:25:19all right back to LA
- 01:25:23before you're disappointed about this
- 01:25:26outcome let me kindly remind you what
- 01:25:27was accomplished here days of time
- 01:25:29wasted for the scammer six U.S cashmule
- 01:25:32addresses uncovered and reported to
- 01:25:33authorities as well as an international
- 01:25:35cash mule bank account all collected by
- 01:25:38Ray and chappie at modern Paul scambaits
- 01:25:40and maybe most importantly the knowledge
- 01:25:42that these scammers are severely
- 01:25:44affected by the work that we're all
- 01:25:46doing as scambaters we have Intel that
- 01:25:49scammers are actively watching our
- 01:25:51videos and watching our stream calendar
- 01:25:53in order to avoid us at all costs during
- 01:25:55their deliveries they're having to
- 01:25:57change their tactics dramatically every
- 01:25:59single time we upload a video it's no
- 01:26:01longer as simple as just cash or a check
- 01:26:03being signed for at a mule's home
- 01:26:05anymore they're using airbnb's vacant
- 01:26:07homes locked briefcases intensified
- 01:26:10scrutiny we're [ __ ] up their
- 01:26:12operation and it's amazing and this is
- 01:26:14not the last time we're going to screw
- 01:26:15over Michael I guarantee you that
- 01:26:19hello
- 01:26:21hello
- 01:26:23Michael
- 01:26:24who's this this is Michael right who are
- 01:26:27you no I'm just I'm your Proctologist
- 01:26:29I'm just calling to check in on on the
- 01:26:32on on your uh on your nether region you
- 01:26:34don't have to check anything on me and
- 01:26:36this is the wrong number thank you no no
- 01:26:37this is The Geek Squad right
- 01:26:39no wrong number Michael do you know who
- 01:26:42this is
- 01:26:44no I don't know who that is this is
- 01:26:46Ashton you might have gold on the wrong
- 01:26:49number no it's the right number no how
- 01:26:51about you just listen for a second
- 01:26:53Michael guess what
- 01:26:56the text now subscriber you were trying
- 01:26:59to read
- 01:27:02hello hey oh thank God I got you okay
- 01:27:05you can hear me now
- 01:27:07this is the wrong number please stop
- 01:27:09calling on this number no I just got to
- 01:27:11tell you one thing
- 01:27:13what I just wanted to check and see how
- 01:27:15how you're doing because I know that you
- 01:27:17lost uh not my family member no that
- 01:27:21you'll call it no I just I think you
- 01:27:22remember that money that you had Raymond
- 01:27:24send to Tom borda and Deborah Gail in
- 01:27:26San Jose and I don't know any Raymond
- 01:27:28you have all the wrong Mountain View
- 01:27:30California Ray this is Ashton from
- 01:27:33Trilogy media
- 01:27:35whoever you are you're calling the wrong
- 01:27:38number you know who I am Ray and chappie
- 01:27:40and Ashton from Trilogy media ringing
- 01:27:43any bells
- 01:27:45I don't know anyone yes you do I have
- 01:27:49your do you want to hear your voice
- 01:27:50listen this is your voice listen listen
- 01:27:53the informations has been changed that's
- 01:27:55you you hear it uh that's the
- 01:27:57informations has been changed I have all
- 01:27:59the recordings I know it's you it's the
- 01:28:01same voice
- 01:28:02you know it's the wrong number please
- 01:28:04stop the same person do you want your
- 01:28:06money
- 01:28:08I don't want anything from you please
- 01:28:10stop I have your money 99
- 01:28:12000 what is it 600 yourself I don't oh I
- 01:28:16already spent it it's not about I just
- 01:28:18wanted to ask you about keep it with
- 01:28:20yourself
- 01:28:21cash meals we've exposed
- 01:28:26the number you are trying to reach is no
- 01:28:28longer in service and you blocked me
- 01:28:32good thing I got other numbers
- 01:28:36[Music]
- 01:28:39hello oh thank God I got you I thought
- 01:28:41you may have accidentally blocked me
- 01:28:44are you doing okay
- 01:28:47I just want you to answer for your scam
- 01:28:49that you're running and I want you to
- 01:28:51talk about how much we [ __ ] you the
- 01:28:52other day when you thought you were
- 01:28:54gonna get a hundred thousand dollars in
- 01:28:55cash but you just didn't
- 01:28:58have you seen what you had to what's
- 01:29:01that oh are you if you're listening I'll
- 01:29:03finish
- 01:29:04no I'm not finished I got one more thing
- 01:29:07I got one more thing
- 01:29:08I'm watching I'm just want you to know
- 01:29:10that you're being watched I know you're
- 01:29:12in Poon India or Pune India I don't know
- 01:29:15how to say it but I know where it is I
- 01:29:17also know your IP address I know what
- 01:29:18you look like your pictures your mom's
- 01:29:20picture everything you do is being
- 01:29:22watched and every victim you're trying
- 01:29:24to scam is has a high chance of being us
- 01:29:27and it will happen again
- 01:29:29you good with that
- 01:29:31yeah okay anything you want to say
- 01:29:33because you're about to be exposed thank
- 01:29:36you very much you're going to be exposed
- 01:29:37to a lot of people on Saturday
- 01:29:40sure sure thank you do you know do you
- 01:29:42know YouTube
- 01:29:44what YouTube Trilogy media YouTube yeah
- 01:29:48yeah you're gonna be it you're gonna be
- 01:29:52on it and you're gonna have it all right
- 01:29:54you're gonna be on YouTube your face
- 01:29:56your address your phone number your scam
- 01:29:59your mom her ass
- 01:30:02the dad that left you but I still have
- 01:30:04his picture
- 01:30:05it's gonna happen you understand
- 01:30:08and then it's going to be you in a jail
- 01:30:12cell in Poon or puni India let's see I
- 01:30:15can look up on the map and see what's
- 01:30:17nearby but I know exactly where it is I
- 01:30:19know about your Geek Squad scam I know
- 01:30:22about your money meme
- 01:30:24I know everything Tom borda Deborah
- 01:30:32please leave your message after the tone
- 01:30:35hey Michael this is Ashton from Trilogy
- 01:30:38media I know damn well you know exactly
- 01:30:41who this is I know you know what Trilogy
- 01:30:44media is I know you know it Rey and
- 01:30:46chappie do I know you know all of this
- 01:30:49but I just want to make you know one
- 01:30:51more thing
- 01:30:52you are being watched and you will
- 01:30:55always be being watched I will never go
- 01:30:58away do you understand I have unlimited
- 01:31:02phone numbers unlimited resources and I
- 01:31:05will not stop until I take you down I'm
- 01:31:09watching all of your mules I'm watching
- 01:31:11all of your scams I'm going after your
- 01:31:13victims to help them recover their lives
- 01:31:15that you're trying to ruin
- 01:31:17I am going to unfuck the world with your
- 01:31:21presence one
- 01:31:22bit at a time
- 01:31:26so call me
- Betrug
- Geek Squad
- San Jose
- Geldmühlen
- Indien
- Betrugsjäger
- Rückerstattung
- Überzahlung
- Paketzustellung
- Behörden