5 Reasons You SHOULD Move to Saudi Arabia



TLDRVideyo sa a diskite sou kesyon sou si li bon oswa pa bon pou yon moun deplase viv nan Arabi Sawoudit. Otè a pataje eksperyans pèsonèl li, kote li te nan yon moman nan lavi li kote li chache nouvo eksperyans ak opòtinite finansye. Li souliye senk rezon ki ka ankouraje yon moun fè deplasman an: nouvo eksperyans, opòtinite kwasans nan karyè, kwasans pèsonèl, fè pati yon misyon nasyonal ak pataje valè. Li mete aksan sou enpòtans fè rechèch sou konesans enfòmasyon sou travay ak kilti peyi a anvan nenpòt desizyon. Anplis de sa, li eksplike avantaj espò ak aktivite rekreyasyon, grandi nan karyè, ak aprann yon nouvo lang yo.

الوجبات الجاهزة

  • 🌍 Deplasman nan Arabi Sawoudit ofri nouvo eksperyans ak yon kilti inik.
  • 💼 Gen anpil opòtinite karyè nan yon ekonomi k ap grandi rapidman.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Fòme kominote ak nouvo koneksyon sosyal.
  • 🎓 Adaptasyon nan yon nouvo kilti ka mennen nan kwasans pèsonèl.
  • 💰 Ofri pè nan opòtinite finansye atiran.
  • 🕒 Diminye tan vwayaj ak ogmante tan gratis pou aktivite pèsonèl.
  • 🏝️ Genyen aksè fasil ak aktivite natirèl ak espò.
  • 🌿 Plan Vision 2030 ap kreye yon sans de devlopman nasyonal.
  • 🇸🇦 Ou ka ede kontribye nan devlopman peyi a.
  • ☀️ Jou solèy ak syèl ble améliore mantal la.

الجدول الزمني

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Chwa pou deplase nan peyi Arabi Sawoudit se yon kesyon pèsonèl e li depann de priorite nan lavi. Moun ki ap reflechi sou deplase yo bezwen evalye sa ki enpòtan pou yo ak sa yo vle soti nan lavi. Pou otè a, eksperyans ak avantaj finansye te kle nan desizyon li pran, e jodi a li wè ke move ak bon eksperyans li te gen valè. Li vle pataje senk rezon poukisa lòt moun ta dwe konsidere deplase tou.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:14:43

    Nan lavni karyè, li gen anpil opòtinite kwasans nan Arabi Sawoudit akòz devlopman rapid anpil endistri yo ak envestisman ki fèt nan peyi a. Li ankouraje moun ki gen kapasite pou yo kontribye nan ekonomi an, paske tandans aktyèl la se pou avanse, pa koupe depans. Dapre li, lè w deplase nan yon nouvo peyi ou kapab retounen nan pasyon ou ak dèz espas pèsonèl paske w ap gen plis tan ak mwens distraksyon, kote w ap itilize tan sa a pou fè aktivite ki enteresan ak devlope tèt ou plis.

الخريطة الذهنية

فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة

  • Poukisa otè a deside deplase nan Arabi Sawoudit?

    Otè a te chache nouvo eksperyans epi li te atire pa opòtinite finansye yo.

  • Ki sa kapl plis enpòtan si w ap panse deplase ale nan yon nouvo peyi?

    Li enpòtan pou reflechi sou priyorite pèsonèl ou ak sa w vle sòti nan lavi a.

  • Ki avantaj ki gen nan karyè nan Arabi Sawoudit?

    Yon kantite endistri yo ap devlope rapidman ak gen anpil opòtinite kwasans.

  • Kouman pwosesis pou adapte yon nouvo kilti ka afekte kwasans pèsonèl?

    Adaptasyon nan yon nouvo kilti bay tan ak opòtinite pou eksplorasyon tèt ou ak pou amelyorasyon pèsonèl.

  • Kisa plan Vision 2030 a gen ladan?

    Plan Vision 2030 a gen ladan yon objektif pou fè Arabi Sawoudit tounen yon pwisans mondyal nan plizyè sektè.

  • Ki kalite anviwònman sosyal ou ka jwenn nan Arabi Sawoudit?

    Gen yon sans de kominote ak amitye ki fòme avèk lòt moun ki viv la.

  • Ki opsyon eksplore natirèl ki disponib nan Arabi Sawoudit?

    Opsyon tankou plonje, wakeboard, ak kan ki se aktivite fasilman aksesib.

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التمرير التلقائي:
  • 00:00:00
    okay welcome back to the channel another
  • 00:00:02
    question I get which I want to shed some
  • 00:00:05
    insight on because at the moment I'm
  • 00:00:06
    just kind of like answering over here
  • 00:00:09
    answering this person answering this
  • 00:00:11
    person which is great but I thought I
  • 00:00:13
    would do a video which addresses this
  • 00:00:15
    right and that question is is it right
  • 00:00:18
    for me to move to Saudi so personally I
  • 00:00:21
    was at a bit of a Crossroads in my life
  • 00:00:24
    right I've done a video on this before
  • 00:00:25
    but I'll give you a a little of a you
  • 00:00:28
    know a bit of a summary and for me I was
  • 00:00:30
    between things right I had just finished
  • 00:00:32
    a job and I was going to move into
  • 00:00:34
    freelance in advertising
  • 00:00:37
    um and then I was also going to do pt on
  • 00:00:39
    the side personal training and so a
  • 00:00:41
    friend introduced me to someone they
  • 00:00:43
    knew who was looking for someone to move
  • 00:00:45
    over here and and run a personal
  • 00:00:47
    training part of this new mix gym and so
  • 00:00:50
    at that point I had pretty much zero
  • 00:00:52
    commitments right I had a mortgage with
  • 00:00:54
    my brother so as long as I took care of
  • 00:00:56
    that that was absolutely fine I had a I
  • 00:00:58
    had a dog which my brother took full
  • 00:01:01
    responsibility and ownership of so there
  • 00:01:04
    was that everything else other than you
  • 00:01:07
    know family friends relationships and
  • 00:01:09
    stuff that was all in London I had
  • 00:01:11
    nothing really tying me to that place so
  • 00:01:14
    for me it was pretty easy to move out so
  • 00:01:17
    when people ask me if it's the right
  • 00:01:18
    decision for them they need to go
  • 00:01:21
    through or you need to go through what
  • 00:01:22
    is important in your life right what are
  • 00:01:25
    those priorities for you what do you
  • 00:01:27
    value because this is the answer I
  • 00:01:29
    always give it all comes down to what
  • 00:01:32
    you want out of life for me at the time
  • 00:01:34
    it was experience I wanted something new
  • 00:01:38
    I wanted something outside the London
  • 00:01:40
    life and this was literally fell it
  • 00:01:42
    literally fell in my lap and two
  • 00:01:45
    was the money the money was very
  • 00:01:47
    attractive a very very attractive
  • 00:01:49
    incentive and anyone who says it isn't
  • 00:01:51
    is obviously just lying and oh my that
  • 00:01:53
    has changed so dramatically in the last
  • 00:01:56
    four years it's literally
  • 00:01:58
    seven days until it's my four year
  • 00:02:01
    anniversary and I look back at the
  • 00:02:03
    decision right and I was thinking
  • 00:02:04
    experience and money and to be honest
  • 00:02:07
    experience has been
  • 00:02:10
    ups and downs of course but experience
  • 00:02:12
    has been a number one and that is why I
  • 00:02:15
    want to stay here the experience the
  • 00:02:17
    opportunity and basically what is
  • 00:02:19
    happening here so what I'm going to do
  • 00:02:20
    is I'm going to give you five five
  • 00:02:23
    reasons for you to consider why you
  • 00:02:26
    should make the move number one it goes
  • 00:02:29
    down to what I was saying earlier right
  • 00:02:31
    you want to experience something new you
  • 00:02:34
    want to experience something different
  • 00:02:36
    for me I was kind of tired of the same
  • 00:02:39
    predictable you know the same path
  • 00:02:43
    that everyone is on in London you kind
  • 00:02:46
    of work your way up the ladder do you
  • 00:02:49
    want to not really maybe do you have a
  • 00:02:52
    choice yeah maybe it's comfortable you
  • 00:02:54
    get your salary it's predictable and you
  • 00:02:58
    face the commute so you know things
  • 00:03:00
    aren't terrible but they're not great
  • 00:03:03
    either you're not
  • 00:03:06
    it doesn't give you that you know
  • 00:03:08
    excitement I can't really explain it but
  • 00:03:11
    it's just like yeah okay this is this is
  • 00:03:14
    my lot this is my lot in life you go to
  • 00:03:16
    the same cafes you go to the same
  • 00:03:18
    restaurants you go to the same clubs you
  • 00:03:20
    see the same friends you talk about the
  • 00:03:22
    same Memories the nice out you've had
  • 00:03:24
    everything is just a bit repetitive
  • 00:03:28
    samey and The Lure of something
  • 00:03:31
    different something new something wildly
  • 00:03:33
    different to you know a life that you
  • 00:03:36
    may already be living is something that
  • 00:03:38
    was so appealing to me and I'm sure you
  • 00:03:41
    know you're either side of this you're
  • 00:03:43
    like well no I actually quite like my
  • 00:03:44
    life as it is or you're like yeah okay
  • 00:03:48
    something needs to change because out
  • 00:03:50
    here you're not just immersed in a new
  • 00:03:52
    culture a new way of life you know
  • 00:03:54
    mingling with new people is so much more
  • 00:03:57
    than that there's so much more to
  • 00:03:59
    explore which is outside of your of your
  • 00:04:02
    bubble that you might be living in or
  • 00:04:04
    may have lived in for the last 10 20 30
  • 00:04:06
    40 years so really like do a little bit
  • 00:04:10
    of research watch the rest of my videos
  • 00:04:12
    and you'll you'll see what I mean by
  • 00:04:14
    that because people come for yes
  • 00:04:16
    something different and the money but
  • 00:04:19
    they stay for the community for the
  • 00:04:21
    friendships for the life that they're
  • 00:04:23
    building here number two this is you
  • 00:04:26
    want growth in your career and there are
  • 00:04:30
    so many Industries here that are booming
  • 00:04:33
    they are like going at a rate of knots
  • 00:04:35
    and you know if you don't jump on quick
  • 00:04:38
    you're gonna miss the boat and the
  • 00:04:40
    amount of investment the amount of money
  • 00:04:42
    coming into the country into companies
  • 00:04:44
    into Industries is staggering and so
  • 00:04:47
    whilst you know you might be sitting in
  • 00:04:49
    meetings going through your financials
  • 00:04:52
    and at the moment complaining how
  • 00:04:55
    clients are cutting budgets and it's the
  • 00:04:57
    economy and it's this and it's that
  • 00:04:59
    I don't think those conversations really
  • 00:05:02
    happen here to some extent you know the
  • 00:05:05
    investment the growth the opportunity
  • 00:05:07
    the potential of everything is so so so
  • 00:05:10
    big and that is where everyone is
  • 00:05:13
    looking everyone is looking forward
  • 00:05:15
    rather than cutting costs and stopping
  • 00:05:17
    that and defunding this so for you in
  • 00:05:20
    terms of your career you know how many
  • 00:05:22
    places are there in the world where
  • 00:05:25
    things are just on the up so the
  • 00:05:28
    opportunity for you in your career
  • 00:05:30
    whatever that might be is
  • 00:05:33
    the sky is the limit obviously you need
  • 00:05:35
    to do your due diligence on the company
  • 00:05:37
    what it is they're doing what they're up
  • 00:05:39
    to what they're promising you know all
  • 00:05:41
    that kind of stuff but that's quite an
  • 00:05:43
    individual thing I'm talking Top Line
  • 00:05:45
    here right for your career it could be a
  • 00:05:48
    move that you wouldn't get anywhere else
  • 00:05:50
    and the amount of people who've said
  • 00:05:51
  • 00:05:52
    is is staggering really now the third
  • 00:05:55
    one is personal growth and a little bit
  • 00:05:58
    of self-exploration so coming here you
  • 00:06:01
    have time unless you're like you know
  • 00:06:03
    working in the pif or something like
  • 00:06:05
    that where you're obviously on it and
  • 00:06:07
    you're working
  • 00:06:09
    um you have time right so there's less
  • 00:06:11
    of a commute unless you're in Riyadh um
  • 00:06:13
    you know if coming from London you might
  • 00:06:15
    be doing an hour hour and a half commute
  • 00:06:17
    every day which is just Savage right for
  • 00:06:19
    me here 15 minutes so you get all this
  • 00:06:22
    time back in your day so that means you
  • 00:06:25
    can prioritize your health you can
  • 00:06:27
    prioritize your Fitness and the amount
  • 00:06:28
    of experts you've reached out to me
  • 00:06:29
    after seeing these videos and said Pete
  • 00:06:31
    let's work together
  • 00:06:32
    um let's do some coaching and this isn't
  • 00:06:34
    this isn't a sell but what I'm trying to
  • 00:06:36
    say is is moving country is a golden
  • 00:06:38
    opportunity for you to take control of
  • 00:06:41
    those things which might have been you
  • 00:06:43
    know on the back burner back home right
  • 00:06:46
    your Fitness your health you can really
  • 00:06:48
    focus on those right there's no there's
  • 00:06:51
    no booze there's no tempting of the the
  • 00:06:54
    piss up at the weekend as it were all of
  • 00:06:56
    those distractions those bad habits can
  • 00:06:59
    fall by the wayside and you can
  • 00:07:00
    prioritize yourself
  • 00:07:02
    and that doesn't just mean your health
  • 00:07:04
    and fitness that can be your hobbies
  • 00:07:06
    right I'm sure there's something you've
  • 00:07:08
    wanted to do for me coming here I
  • 00:07:11
    learned to scuba dive during the week at
  • 00:07:13
    the weekend I can just go diving so
  • 00:07:16
    compare that to somewhere like London
  • 00:07:17
    right where there's other things to do
  • 00:07:19
    yes but you're not like you're not out
  • 00:07:21
    in nature you're not you know
  • 00:07:23
    experiencing these things which are just
  • 00:07:25
    on your weekend you know that's for once
  • 00:07:27
    a year on a holiday but the fact that
  • 00:07:28
    you can do it pretty much whenever you
  • 00:07:30
    want here is is just on your doorstep
  • 00:07:33
    equally you know wakeboarding wake
  • 00:07:35
    surfing you've probably seen the videos
  • 00:07:37
    you can go camping you can do this you
  • 00:07:39
    can visit this place and so on like
  • 00:07:41
    there are so many possibilities and so
  • 00:07:44
    for you to have that time to to
  • 00:07:46
    personally explore more about yourself
  • 00:07:50
    um you know your family what it is they
  • 00:07:53
    like getting them to do different things
  • 00:07:54
    trying different things you know you get
  • 00:07:56
    all this time back and you can really
  • 00:07:59
    really really use it to just
  • 00:08:03
    kind of do all those things you've
  • 00:08:05
    you've never been able to do now number
  • 00:08:07
    four number four I've alluded to it a
  • 00:08:10
    moment ago and that is being part of
  • 00:08:14
    something bigger than you I'm sure if
  • 00:08:17
    you've done a bit of research you've
  • 00:08:18
    heard about the vision 2030 and that is
  • 00:08:21
    this this vision for the whole country
  • 00:08:24
    all the different sectors Industries to
  • 00:08:27
    basically push to be an absolute
  • 00:08:31
    Powerhouse in everything on a global
  • 00:08:34
    scale and so there is this outrageous
  • 00:08:37
    ambition that obviously the country has
  • 00:08:40
    has said itself MBS has set the country
  • 00:08:43
    and so everyone is aiming like Sky High
  • 00:08:47
    think about you know
  • 00:08:49
    um the sort of national
  • 00:08:51
    belonging and pride that came
  • 00:08:55
    I wasn't around at that time but um but
  • 00:08:57
    like in the US when they were going for
  • 00:08:59
    like the moon right everyone was behind
  • 00:09:03
    that and there was this real sense of
  • 00:09:04
    national pride it's not too dissimilar
  • 00:09:07
    like the country in terms of what they
  • 00:09:09
    want to achieve the projects they're
  • 00:09:11
    setting themselves everything like that
  • 00:09:13
    is is creating this Buzz this energy
  • 00:09:17
    this whole lot of positivity within
  • 00:09:21
    within everyone here and so being part
  • 00:09:23
    of something bigger than you is it's
  • 00:09:26
    it's almost like you're feeling a bit
  • 00:09:28
    like a cog in a bigger wheel right
  • 00:09:30
    you're part of this you have a part to
  • 00:09:32
    play whether it is in Fitness whether
  • 00:09:34
    it's in the digital space whether it's
  • 00:09:36
    in finance whether it's in whatever like
  • 00:09:39
    you are working towards your small part
  • 00:09:41
    of this huge National Endeavor and there
  • 00:09:45
    is something super exciting about that
  • 00:09:47
    along with the national pride the
  • 00:09:49
    country has Saudi national day the
  • 00:09:51
    founding day all Argentina losing to
  • 00:09:55
    Saudi in the World Cup all of these
  • 00:09:57
    things evoke this um this real sense of
  • 00:10:00
    Pride which is is really heartwarming to
  • 00:10:03
    see right in the UK for example you see
  • 00:10:07
    someone with a um a Union Jack Flag or a
  • 00:10:10
    sort of a Saint George's cross you kind
  • 00:10:14
    of think they're a racist right you
  • 00:10:15
    think they're uh their sort of white
  • 00:10:18
    power kind of thing you know but but
  • 00:10:21
    here totally different like everyone is
  • 00:10:24
    behind this common goal and it's it's
  • 00:10:27
    it's cool it's really cool to see and
  • 00:10:29
    even to some extent be a part of a
  • 00:10:32
    number five I mean there's probably so
  • 00:10:35
    many more but number five it's a nice
  • 00:10:36
    easy number and that is if you feel you
  • 00:10:39
    have value to add I think a lot of the
  • 00:10:42
    time expats historically as well come
  • 00:10:44
    here thinking okay
  • 00:10:46
    I've got a big paycheck
  • 00:10:49
    um I'm just going to do my time for a
  • 00:10:51
    year and and get out go back home and so
  • 00:10:54
    historically I feel and speaking to
  • 00:10:57
    people anecdotally there's this almost
  • 00:10:59
    like take take take like take as much as
  • 00:11:01
    I can from the company from here from
  • 00:11:03
    the people and then I'm just gonna leave
  • 00:11:06
    and go back and do another job back home
  • 00:11:08
    you have a real opportunity to add value
  • 00:11:11
    to to the people you work with to the
  • 00:11:14
    company you work with to the society you
  • 00:11:16
    are in and whereas you know back home
  • 00:11:18
    back in the UK you might be doing
  • 00:11:20
    something and it's a thankless task and
  • 00:11:22
    yeah it's kind of like does anyone
  • 00:11:24
    really care is anyone really benefiting
  • 00:11:26
    from this here you can add value you can
  • 00:11:30
    help your co-workers you can upskill
  • 00:11:32
    them you can educate them you can raise
  • 00:11:34
    the standards of the industry you're
  • 00:11:37
    working in so it's not really just doing
  • 00:11:40
    your job but the lasting impact you can
  • 00:11:43
    have on others here which to be honest
  • 00:11:45
    is absolutely incred credible there's
  • 00:11:47
    this real Drive amongst expats amongst
  • 00:11:50
    locals to really do better at what
  • 00:11:53
    they're doing right the bar has been set
  • 00:11:55
    Vision 2030 there's a bit of a bit of a
  • 00:11:59
    sort of difference between the two at
  • 00:12:01
    the moment but what are we 2023 so over
  • 00:12:05
    each year standards are going to get
  • 00:12:07
    higher competence is going to get higher
  • 00:12:10
    efficiencies and so on and you can be a
  • 00:12:13
    part of helping to drive that so in
  • 00:12:15
    short and you might have seen us in some
  • 00:12:16
    of my other videos right you have an
  • 00:12:19
    abundance of time and with that time you
  • 00:12:22
    can do so many different things you can
  • 00:12:24
    focus on yourself your family your
  • 00:12:27
    career and so on equally there's
  • 00:12:29
    opportunity right you never know what is
  • 00:12:32
    just around the corner here everything
  • 00:12:35
    works on on networks okay it's all who
  • 00:12:38
    you know and then those relationships
  • 00:12:40
    can help these relationships to help
  • 00:12:42
    these relationships so you never know
  • 00:12:43
    where you're gonna fall or where you're
  • 00:12:46
    gonna be so you might come here with a
  • 00:12:48
    job in mind five years down the line you
  • 00:12:50
    might be doing something totally
  • 00:12:52
    different and you could never even
  • 00:12:54
    imagine that your life would have taken
  • 00:12:56
    that turn for me personally speaking you
  • 00:12:59
    know I think I'm I'm Testament to that
  • 00:13:01
    to some extent you know I came across as
  • 00:13:03
    a PT and now four years later working on
  • 00:13:07
    Saudi radio and and sort of this is home
  • 00:13:10
    this is what I want to call home also
  • 00:13:11
    learning Arabic which is uh I'll do
  • 00:13:13
    another video on that maybe and butcher
  • 00:13:15
    what I'm learning but anyway and there's
  • 00:13:17
    one more one more I'm going to share
  • 00:13:19
    with you it's a uh it's a bonus okay the
  • 00:13:22
    bonus is you get some like 24 7. you get
  • 00:13:27
    blue skies most of the time you get sun
  • 00:13:31
    and you get Blues Guys now how many
  • 00:13:32
    people are just sick of the glue the
  • 00:13:36
    gray the rain and so on back home here
  • 00:13:41
    even if you're just looking outside it's
  • 00:13:44
    blue and it's sunny it might be horrible
  • 00:13:46
    when you go outside in terms of humidity
  • 00:13:49
    and heat and all that kind of stuff but
  • 00:13:51
    at least you know your mood's picked up
  • 00:13:53
    because you get to see some blue sky you
  • 00:13:55
    get light you get sun uh so yeah there's
  • 00:13:58
    a little bonus one if you needed it I
  • 00:14:01
    would love to hear what you think of
  • 00:14:03
    this obviously everything's going to be
  • 00:14:05
    a little bit different depending what
  • 00:14:07
    your job description is your industry is
  • 00:14:09
    if you're coming over single versus a
  • 00:14:12
    wife versus a family or a husband or
  • 00:14:14
    whatever so things change but I really
  • 00:14:16
    wanted to give it a sort of a Top Line
  • 00:14:18
    overview as to what are five things you
  • 00:14:21
    can really consider when you're making
  • 00:14:23
    or thinking about making the move over
  • 00:14:26
    here so I hope that was helpful please
  • 00:14:29
    remember to like share and subscribe and
  • 00:14:32
    also ping me on Instagram I love it when
  • 00:14:35
    people message me and share their
  • 00:14:36
    thoughts ask questions whatever it might
  • 00:14:39
    be so I'm looking forward to that thank
  • 00:14:42
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