Why Our Souls Choose the Human Body



TLDRThe video discusses the complex relationship between the human body and soul, with the body representing the Earth and the soul embodying consciousness. Souls originate from a Collective Consciousness and choose to experience life on Earth to learn and grow through various lifetimes. This earthly experience acts as a school for souls, helping them evolve and eventually graduate to a level of creators. Earth provides the practical setting to understand one's true nature beyond theoretical knowledge from the spiritual realm. Souls are not all-knowing upon their return to the spiritual plane, retaining their personality and knowledge from life. The notion of reincarnation stems from the need to gain new experiences as souls might stagnate in comfort on the spiritual side. The ultimate aim is to contribute to creation, testing whether creations can sustain and multiply in the physical realm.

الوجبات الجاهزة

  • 🌍 The body symbolizes planet Earth and the soul represents consciousness.
  • 🌌 Souls come from a Collective Consciousness, not initially individual.
  • 🧠 The purpose of existence is to learn and grow through earthly experiences.
  • 🔄 Reincarnation is a cycle for gaining new memories and experiences.
  • 💡 Earth is a soul's school for practical understanding beyond theory.
  • 🌈 Souls retain their lifetime's personality and knowledge in the afterlife.
  • 🎓 The ultimate goal is to graduate as creators with the ability to innovate.
  • ❓ Souls are not all-knowing in the spiritual realm.
  • 🏞 Earth's challenges enrich the soul's experience and learning.
  • 🌱 Creation tests one's ability to sustain and multiply in the physical world.

الجدول الزمني

  • 00:00:00 - 00:07:59

    The discussion begins by exploring the concept of being human, emphasizing the intricate merger between the physical (body) and the metaphysical (soul). The body is tied to Earth, while the soul embodies consciousness seeking physical experience. The souls originate from a collective consciousness, and initially, as "baby souls," they exist in a primitive state, gradually evolving through multiple lifetimes to gain wisdom and experience, moving eventually to the 'Guild of creators'. The purpose of life on Earth is to learn and prepare for creation beyond the physical realm. The cycle involves repeated experiences and learning, within the philosophy that Earth serves as a 'school' for souls needing to develop through physical experiences.

الخريطة الذهنية

فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة

  • What is the relationship between the human body and soul?

    The human body and soul form a complex merger or symbiosis, where the body represents planet Earth and the soul embodies consciousness.

  • Why do souls choose to embody a physical form on Earth?

    Souls choose to embody physical forms on Earth to have physical experiences and learn, growing through various lifetimes.

  • Where do souls come from?

    Souls originated from a Collective Consciousness and gradually gained individual consciousness and self-awareness.

  • What is the purpose of human life according to this video?

    The purpose is to learn and experience in order to grow and eventually graduate into the Guild of creators.

  • Are souls all-knowing when they cross to the other side?

    No, souls have the same personality, memories, and knowledge they had in life but can choose to learn more if they desire.

  • Why is Earth described as a "school" for souls?

    Earth is a physical reality where souls can experience challenges, grow, learn, and show their true colors.

  • What happens to souls in the spiritual realm?

    They find comfort and often stagnation, which leads them to seek new experiences through reincarnation.

  • Why is Earth's experience more valued?

    Earth offers practice which is essential for understanding oneself and their true potential beyond theoretical knowledge.

  • What is the ultimate purpose of creation?

    Creators aim to bring their non-physical creations into the physical world to see if they can survive and multiply, providing purpose and meaning.

  • Why do souls choose challenging lives on Earth?

    Challenging lives provide more experiences and memories that souls can take back to the spiritual realm.

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التمرير التلقائي:
  • 00:00:00
    what is it to be human can you describe
  • 00:00:04
    or explain the merger between the human
  • 00:00:06
    body and the Soul
  • 00:00:09
    human human is a complex merger sometime
  • 00:00:13
    we call Divine anything we cannot
  • 00:00:16
    explain we call
  • 00:00:19
    Divine so it's it's a human is a quite
  • 00:00:23
    complex merger or symbiosis between
  • 00:00:27
    physical and metaphysical between body
  • 00:00:30
    and the Soul where body represents
  • 00:00:33
    planet Earth and States as a planet
  • 00:00:35
    Earth because it's creation of Earth and
  • 00:00:37
    can exist only on the planet Earth and
  • 00:00:41
    uh Soul which is a energy in a form of
  • 00:00:44
    Consciousness is not just any other
  • 00:00:46
    Consciousness the cons the human
  • 00:00:49
  • 00:00:52
    um chooses
  • 00:00:54
    to embody the physical object in order
  • 00:00:59
    to have physical experience on a planet
  • 00:01:02
    Earth planet Earth okay why planet Earth
  • 00:01:07
    it could have been any other planet but
  • 00:01:09
    the souls are existing on this planet
  • 00:01:11
    theyve been created for this
  • 00:01:13
    planet also what is important to
  • 00:01:16
    understand uh where did the souls come
  • 00:01:19
    from um they originated from Collective
  • 00:01:22
    Consciousness before Souls gain
  • 00:01:25
    individual Consciousness or what we call
  • 00:01:27
    Self awareness it was a part of the much
  • 00:01:31
    bigger Collective Consciousness which we
  • 00:01:33
    call consciousness of animal
  • 00:01:35
    world so um the first steps uh we do as
  • 00:01:40
    a human or homoerectus or you can call
  • 00:01:44
    whatever you want uh we are originated
  • 00:01:46
    from animal
  • 00:01:48
    world and
  • 00:01:50
    we doing our first tips on this planet
  • 00:01:53
    as a baby Souls not many of them love
  • 00:01:56
    left on the planet
  • 00:01:57
    currently or when cing of humanity
  • 00:02:01
    started on the planet Earth they were
  • 00:02:03
    majority now they minority you can find
  • 00:02:05
    them in very rural areas of
  • 00:02:08
    Africa in Amazonia in Brazil
  • 00:02:12
    or it's very primitive existence on the
  • 00:02:16
    survival level and between them and the
  • 00:02:19
    old souls are this
  • 00:02:22
    humongous space which
  • 00:02:25
  • 00:02:27
    construct or made of multiple lifetimes
  • 00:02:31
    Soul has to
  • 00:02:33
    experience jumping from body to
  • 00:02:36
    body until it College reaches the age of
  • 00:02:40
    the time and it's about graduate the
  • 00:02:43
    school so purpose of us being here is to
  • 00:02:47
    learn is to G
  • 00:02:49
    experience one day when time is right
  • 00:02:53
    when we're ready to graduate into the
  • 00:02:55
    Guild of creators in other words to come
  • 00:02:59
  • 00:03:00
    of some might some call Matrix I don't
  • 00:03:03
    say a matrix I say a
  • 00:03:06
    school once you enter the school you
  • 00:03:09
    have to graduate sooner or later you
  • 00:03:11
    have to be out no one stays behind a lot
  • 00:03:14
    of our followers ask what is the purpose
  • 00:03:16
    of coming to Earth and going through all
  • 00:03:18
    this learning if we are all knowing on
  • 00:03:21
    the other side but are we all knowing on
  • 00:03:25
    no we're not all knowing when we cross
  • 00:03:28
    to the other side what go fourth
  • 00:03:30
    dimension of into the world of spirits
  • 00:03:33
    but still we got same personality we got
  • 00:03:36
    same memories same knowledge we are same
  • 00:03:39
    you are uh it's a same you s
  • 00:03:42
    Consciousness the soul is a
  • 00:03:44
    Consciousness uh if you choose to learn
  • 00:03:46
    more you got the opportunity to study to
  • 00:03:50
    to ask questions and answered will be
  • 00:03:52
    given to you but uh not many Souls do
  • 00:03:57
    because once they arrive they find so
  • 00:03:59
    much comfort and belief in a place they
  • 00:04:01
    are currently placed that not many
  • 00:04:05
    really wants
  • 00:04:07
    to to explore and
  • 00:04:11
    uh just they they call it Heaven they
  • 00:04:13
    stay there everything is perfect you
  • 00:04:16
    have nothing to fight for nothing to
  • 00:04:17
    thrive for for nothing to live for it's
  • 00:04:21
    eventually we get bored and then once
  • 00:04:23
    our Spirit guides sense this feeling
  • 00:04:27
    like we all
  • 00:04:31
    we tired of of the heaven we and we
  • 00:04:35
    do and then I off another life another
  • 00:04:38
    lifetime another life it's uh what you
  • 00:04:41
    actually what we actually do we go for
  • 00:04:44
    fishing for new memories new
  • 00:04:47
    experiences more turmoils CU that's what
  • 00:04:51
    keeps us
  • 00:04:52
    going if it wasn't for this will die a
  • 00:04:56
    borom although you can't die on the
  • 00:04:58
    other side but it's it we come to the
  • 00:05:01
    state of mind we call
  • 00:05:03
    stagnation and only if that on other
  • 00:05:06
    side is a theory you can study
  • 00:05:08
    everything you want you can learn you
  • 00:05:10
    can visit future see how the history of
  • 00:05:13
    humanity or history of any whatever you
  • 00:05:17
    interested in but but there is always
  • 00:05:22
    always Theory practice is here only here
  • 00:05:25
    you can really understand what you made
  • 00:05:27
    of and who you are in other words to
  • 00:05:30
    show True Colors so the soul needs to
  • 00:05:32
    develop in physical reality that's
  • 00:05:35
    what's happening not in the
  • 00:05:39
    spiritual and yeah and this school we
  • 00:05:42
    call Earth is perfect for that
  • 00:05:46
    purpose um that's thought I was going to
  • 00:05:48
    ask why do Souls choose to come to this
  • 00:05:50
    specific planet is it more challenging
  • 00:05:53
    or it is it is very
  • 00:05:55
    challenging um it's very challenging and
  • 00:05:58
    uh also
  • 00:06:01
    interesting once we go
  • 00:06:03
    back we we have always have a chance to
  • 00:06:06
    R our life we just stepped out from uh
  • 00:06:10
    Good Times bad times the more
  • 00:06:12
    challenging life you choose more
  • 00:06:14
    experiences you take with and as a
  • 00:06:16
    result more meries you bring with
  • 00:06:18
    yourself to the other
  • 00:06:21
    side uh you can say it's like a
  • 00:06:24
    game uh but it's not a game it's
  • 00:06:27
    basically it's on the basic level if you
  • 00:06:29
    like is if you think about it's like
  • 00:06:31
    going to school why do we kid take our
  • 00:06:33
    kids to school because they need to
  • 00:06:35
    learn they need to be updated to upgrade
  • 00:06:38
    it to the level where we are so to the
  • 00:06:41
    level of
  • 00:06:42
    creators because um a universe is a
  • 00:06:45
    nothing but the place
  • 00:06:48
    of where creators come together to
  • 00:06:52
    explore this absolutely amazing
  • 00:06:57
    ability to create anything you want
  • 00:07:02
    in non- physical
  • 00:07:04
    world that will your creation survive in
  • 00:07:07
    the physical world only time can show
  • 00:07:10
    only by implementing your creation to
  • 00:07:13
  • 00:07:14
    gu or to the planet
  • 00:07:17
    Earth and observing if it can be
  • 00:07:21
    sustained multiplied and to survive in
  • 00:07:25
  • 00:07:27
    environment what makes that makes
  • 00:07:32
    creator gives purpose to his
  • 00:07:35
    existence yeah the find their purpose in
  • 00:07:38
    exist of the existence in the process of
  • 00:07:41
    creation and creation is ongoing process
  • 00:07:45
    non-stopping that's why um universe is
  • 00:07:48
    expanding with a such a rapid speed
  • 00:07:51
    because every creation occupies space so
  • 00:07:55
    it's consciousness
  • human body
  • soul
  • consciousness
  • Earth
  • learning
  • creation
  • Collective Consciousness
  • reincarnation
  • spiritual realm
  • practical experience