Web3 Brand Loyalty with Kalder’s Founder Gökçe Güven | Web3 Watch Fireside Chat
TLDRDas Gespräch zwischen Chrissy und Carlos behandelt die Integration von Web3-Technologien in traditionelle Marketingstrategien, um die Markentreue zu steigern. Dabei betont Carlos, dass Web3 es ermöglicht, direkte und tiefere Beziehungen zwischen Marken und Kunden zu schaffen, indem es die traditionellen Barrieren beseitigt. Er argumentiert, dass Blockchain-Technologie genutzt werden kann, um dynamische NFTs als Belohnungssysteme zu schaffen, die nicht nur wiederholte Käufe, sondern auch das gesamte Kundenengagement verfolgen und belohnen. Die Diskussion geht auch auf die Herausforderungen ein, die Marken im Web2-Umfeld haben, einschließlich hoher Werbekosten und des Verlusts an direkter Kundeninteraktion. Weitere Punkte umfassen die technischen Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Web3, die Bedeutung von Kunden als Mitgestalter und die Revolution in der Datennutzung, die Web3 ermöglichen kann.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 👩💻 Web3 eröffnet neue Wege für das Kundenengagement.
- 🏷️ NFTs können als dynamische Mitgliedschaften genutzt werden.
- 📊 Blockchain bietet transparente und sichere Datenströme.
- 💡 Marken können direkte Beziehungen zu ihren Kunden aufbauen.
- 🚀 Web3 reduziert die Abhängigkeit von zentralisierten Plattformen.
- 🔍 Markendaten können zur Entwicklung von Engagement-Strategien genutzt werden.
- 🧩 Kunden werden als Mitgestalter und Influencer betrachtet.
- 🌐 Herausforderungen bei der mobilen Integration von Web3.
- 🎯 Kundenbindung soll durch bedeutungsvolle Engagements gestärkt werden.
- 🔗 Zusammenarbeit zwischen Marken könnte durch Web3 erleichtert werden.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Chrissy interviewt Carlos über Markentreue im Web 3. Carlos erzählt von seinem Hintergrund in der Krypto-Technologie und den Anfängen bei Unternehmen wie Celo und Opensea, die ihn inspirierten, Grenzen zwischen Marken und Technologie zu überwinden.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Marken stehen vor Herausforderungen durch steigende Kosten alter Marketingkanäle und suchen nach Web3-Lösungen für langfristige Kundenbeziehungen. Carlos hebt die Wichtigkeit der Integration von Web3 als Kernstück für tägliches Marketing hervor.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es gibt zwei wesentliche Bedürfnisse von Marken: neue Tools für Community-Engagement und der Zugang zu direkten Kundendaten. Das Ende von Drittanbieter-Cookies erhöht den Fokus auf eigene Datenstrategien, um Kosten zu senken und Kundenbindung zu stärken.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Web3 bietet neue Möglichkeiten, indem es den Wert von Kundeninteraktionen durch On-Chain-Daten steigert. Die Möglichkeit, Kundenbewegungen direkt nachzuverfolgen und Engagement zu analysieren, schafft eine neue Dimension im Kundendatenmanagement.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Das Potential von Web3 liegt in der Verbindung von realer und digitaler Welt. Loyalty-Programme können durch dynamische NFTs revolutioniert werden, die Kunden durch Interaktionen unterschiedliche Vorteile bieten. Traditionelle Markenprogramme sind im Umbruch.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Dynamische NFTs verändern die Art der Kundenbelohnung. Sie ermöglichen, dass Engagement und Loyalität durch Echtzeitdaten sichtbar werden, was die Kundenbindung intensiviert und eine flexible Anpassung an Kundenverhalten ermöglicht.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Marken und Marketer können Blockchain-Daten nutzen, um präzisere und direktere Einblicke in Kundenverhalten zu gewinnen. Die Fähigkeit, Impressions und Kundenbewegungen zu analysieren, bietet eine neue Dimension der Marktsegmentierung.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Web3 verändert die Wettbewerbslandschaft, indem Marken durch Partnerschaften stärkeren Zugang zu Kundendaten erhalten. Das führt zu präziseren und kollaborativeren Markenstrategien, die den Kundenmehrwert maximieren.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Ein nahtloser Übergang von Web2 zu Web3 erfordert mobile Integration und benutzerfreundliche Schnittstellen. Trotz technischer Herausforderungen bleiben Fortschritte in der mobilen Benutzerfreundlichkeit entscheidend für die Akzeptanz.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:23
Aufbau einer langfristigen Web3-Strategie erfordert Überdenken klassischer Marketingansätze. Marken, die erfolgreich Communitys aufbauen und stärken, werden Vorreiter im sich wandelnden digitalen Marketingumfeld sein.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
Was ist der Zweck des Costac-Projekts?
Das Costac-Projekt zielt darauf ab, Web3-Technologien in traditionelle Marketingstrategien zu integrieren.
Was ist die zentrale These der Diskussion über Markentreue?
Web3-Technologien können genutzt werden, um eine tiefere Beziehung zwischen Marken und ihren Kunden zu schaffen, indem Barrieren beseitigt werden und direkte Engagement-Möglichkeiten entstehen.
Welche Herausforderungen sehen Marken im Web 2.0-Marketing?
Marken sehen sich mit hohen Kosten für Werbung und einem Mangel an direkter Kundenbindung konfrontiert.
Wie können NFTs im Web3-Marketing genutzt werden?
NFTs können als dynamische Mitgliedschaften und Belohnungssysteme genutzt werden, um Kundenengagement und Loyalität zu fördern.
Warum ist die Nutzung von Blockchain im Marketing vorteilhaft?
Blockchain bietet transparente und sichere Datenströme und ermöglicht es Marken, direkte Beziehungen zu ihren Kunden aufzubauen.
Was sind die Vorteile von Web3 gegenüber traditionellen Werbeplattformen wie Google und Facebook?
Web3 ermöglicht es Marken, direkt mit ihren Kunden zu interagieren und die Abhängigkeit von zentralisierten Plattformen zu reduzieren.
Wie sieht die Zukunft der Marken im Web 3.0 aus?
Kunden werden nicht nur als Konsumenten, sondern als Mitgestalter und Influencer betrachtet.
Wie sollen Markendaten im Web3-Kontext genutzt werden?
Marken sollen öffentliche Blockchain-Daten nutzen, um Engagement-Strategien zu entwickeln.
Welche technischen Herausforderungen bestehen bei der Implementierung von Web3-Marketing-Tools?
Es gibt Herausforderungen bei der mobilen Nutzung und der Integration von Blockchain-Technologie in bestehende Systeme.
Welche Rolle spielt die Kundenbindung im Web3-Marketing?
Kundenbindung ist zentral und soll durch interaktive und bedeutungsvolle Engagements verbessert werden.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:03hello I'm Chrissy the founding director
- 00:00:05of the costac project coming to you from
- 00:00:07the land of web 3. today I'm joined by
- 00:00:09Carlos founder Dolce uh who's going to
- 00:00:12talk about a brand loyalty in web 3
- 00:00:14using web3 stack to rethink marketing
- 00:00:17brand relationship and um most
- 00:00:19importantly having an intimate and
- 00:00:21growing relationship with customers
- 00:00:22thank you for joining us thank you Chris
- 00:00:25it's great to be here and I've always
- 00:00:28been a follower of card stocks podcast
- 00:00:29so excited Deep dive into brand loyalty
- 00:00:33marketing and the future of Brands 3.0
- 00:00:35absolutely I think when we talk about
- 00:00:37web 3 marketing a lot of people think
- 00:00:39about like Shilling or like talking
- 00:00:41about the future possibility but
- 00:00:43Marketing in the traditional world is
- 00:00:45really a kind of a science and they're
- 00:00:47not in science about data about
- 00:00:48engagement about deeping that
- 00:00:50relationship uh what makes you kind of
- 00:00:53uh bring those two Fields together right
- 00:00:54like true Marketing in the digital
- 00:00:56marketing maybe even brand marketing
- 00:00:58sense and the two set of the emerging
- 00:01:01and uh and refining two set of web three
- 00:01:04what brings you to that intersection
- 00:01:05yeah that's a great question and your
- 00:01:08spot on that marketing has always been
- 00:01:10one way but uh has been data driven
- 00:01:13about how do you bring and upsell from
- 00:01:17the Journey of the starting point of the
- 00:01:19customer through the different
- 00:01:20intersections and different engagement
- 00:01:22rails and when it comes to my story I
- 00:01:26have always been in the intersection of
- 00:01:27Brands marketing and Engineering I have
- 00:01:30what I call a day job and a night job
- 00:01:33and my day job has always been crypto
- 00:01:35engine nearing and I started in 2017 and
- 00:01:3918 era and went down in the rabbit hole
- 00:01:41in crypto and back then it was only
- 00:01:44layer ones and wallets so at cello I was
- 00:01:47part of the early stage organization and
- 00:01:49the foundation that worked on the wallet
- 00:01:52before pre-made like pre-made net times
- 00:01:54and was able to see how we need to build
- 00:01:58a consumer phase like consumer facing
- 00:02:00right applications to bring next billion
- 00:02:02people on chain and then I was part I
- 00:02:06hacked on different D5 and like nft
- 00:02:09projects back in 2019 with like
- 00:02:12blockchain at Berkeley uh jumped into
- 00:02:14Robinwood cryptos early like crypto team
- 00:02:17and lastly and most importantly these uh
- 00:02:21Two Worlds collided when I joined openc
- 00:02:24and I was part of the early product and
- 00:02:26design team seeing how consumers Brands
- 00:02:30and Enterprises started to engage
- 00:02:33directly by passing middleman's like
- 00:02:35Instagram or like Amazon and start to
- 00:02:38own data and engagement with their
- 00:02:41community and what I say my night job
- 00:02:44was always about fashion brands and
- 00:02:47marketing I um have a sister who has
- 00:02:50been collecting Vogues when since I'm
- 00:02:53seven and I think that was a pivotal
- 00:02:55time for me where I actually had a time
- 00:02:58in my life where I studied for a year in
- 00:03:00like St Martin's and the fashion and
- 00:03:02engagement and marketing and seeing the
- 00:03:05two sides of the world and the past year
- 00:03:08was pivotal and such that I had a lot of
- 00:03:10Brands I was working with that wanted to
- 00:03:13get into crypto and we've seen for the
- 00:03:16first time that crossing the chasm but
- 00:03:18there was no right person or product
- 00:03:20that brings Brands and crypto
- 00:03:23Engineering in the right intersection
- 00:03:25and build the right tools knowing both
- 00:03:28sides of the world so that's where I
- 00:03:30came in and Calvin came to life that
- 00:03:33makes a lot of sense and how big do
- 00:03:35things again like when you're talking to
- 00:03:37brand and they hear about web3 in the
- 00:03:39mainstream press or dabble a little bit
- 00:03:41in the uh kind of the rabbit hole what
- 00:03:44understanding do they have and what
- 00:03:46Instinct do they come with and what are
- 00:03:48the surprises they they discover when
- 00:03:50they talk to you uh what what was that
- 00:03:52Enlightenment moment look like yeah
- 00:03:54definitely and as we have seen a lot of
- 00:03:57brands are excited to learn more about
- 00:04:00nfts and web 3 but with the last years
- 00:04:03like bubble and Trends but yet we are
- 00:04:07still so early in the market that when a
- 00:04:10lot of Brands come in to launch nfts
- 00:04:12they don't know what is the potential
- 00:04:15with blockchain technology they think
- 00:04:17it's um 10 000 derivations of jpegs but
- 00:04:21yet what blockchain is technology is
- 00:04:24um the best for is creating direct
- 00:04:27bottom-up engagement with community and
- 00:04:30um creating better data streams and many
- 00:04:32more so in what it best starts with is
- 00:04:36essentially breaking down the
- 00:04:39misconceptions and breaking down the
- 00:04:42terminology so and focusing on the
- 00:04:44problem what we have seen that actually
- 00:04:47crypto projects on the well is solving
- 00:04:50problems of Brands but rather show
- 00:04:53marketing projects so uh what we focus
- 00:04:57on when we work with Brands and onboard
- 00:04:58them to our self-serve tools is that
- 00:05:00their existing marketing channels are
- 00:05:03actively deteriorating and existing
- 00:05:05tools are getting costly d2c ads are not
- 00:05:08adding up third-party cookies are
- 00:05:10shutting down there's so many Paradigm
- 00:05:12shifts in marketing that we can solve
- 00:05:14with web3 powered uh like loyalty tools
- 00:05:18and that's what we index on solving The
- 00:05:21Real World engagement problems and then
- 00:05:22that's how brands are like wow I really
- 00:05:25need this as a core marketing primitive
- 00:05:27not one-off drops and that's where we
- 00:05:30want to like shift the Paradigm to
- 00:05:32Bringing web 3 rails as a core marketing
- 00:05:35primitive every Brand's day-to-day
- 00:05:37engagement absolutely and I think it's
- 00:05:39really important to note that when you
- 00:05:41talk to let's call them web 2 marketer
- 00:05:43is that the deterioration of the
- 00:05:46marketing stack in web 2 with the uh do
- 00:05:49not track initiative with uh even the
- 00:05:51the extraction the Facebook and Google
- 00:05:53take on top of the marketing we spend
- 00:05:55most of the money is going to two
- 00:05:56companies and and supporting the
- 00:05:58metaverse initiative and other alphabets
- 00:06:01and it's not working for Brands it
- 00:06:04really isn't and it has really actively
- 00:06:05deteriorated so it's not like a nice to
- 00:06:07have because it's like oh my new
- 00:06:09apartment is not ready but my old
- 00:06:11apartment is in underwater right people
- 00:06:13don't realize how dire the situation is
- 00:06:16are they looking for some Refuge or they
- 00:06:19don't really have uh the recognition
- 00:06:21that the ship is thinking what is the
- 00:06:23what is the term what is the sentiment
- 00:06:25yeah that is a great question and like
- 00:06:27every brand we work with especially
- 00:06:29bigger the size more um the urgency is
- 00:06:32asking us for two things one what is the
- 00:06:35next generation in advocacy or Community
- 00:06:37tooling what is the next Generation data
- 00:06:41tooling because just like what you said
- 00:06:43like I'm like Amazon ads Google ads
- 00:06:45every every big company is now uh
- 00:06:49building even bigger walled Gardens to
- 00:06:52uh own and not share the data of
- 00:06:56customers and um as more like as data
- 00:07:00and access to this data gets more
- 00:07:02expensive and centralized every brand
- 00:07:04knows that they need to bring the
- 00:07:06customer back to their website and own
- 00:07:08the engagement so we see that like as
- 00:07:12the red flags and urgency is already
- 00:07:14there especially the year like about to
- 00:07:17close up because uh 2023 will be pivotal
- 00:07:21in third-party cookies changes and what
- 00:07:25we have seen is companies without first
- 00:07:28party data are actually going to spend
- 00:07:3020 more on marketing efforts to make up
- 00:07:33for loss of cookies so with the new
- 00:07:36changes implemented every brand will
- 00:07:39prioritize first party engagement and
- 00:07:42data as their marketing initiative and
- 00:07:45put it as part of their budget
- 00:07:47yeah you know when musicians talk about
- 00:07:49nft they always talk about cutting out
- 00:07:51Spotify and that middleman so this idea
- 00:07:54that and I kind of want to understand a
- 00:07:56little bit about you know your spin on
- 00:07:58the web 3 loyalty brand loyalty solution
- 00:08:00stack I think we understand what the
- 00:08:01problem says but there's also a lot of
- 00:08:03interesting possibility space within the
- 00:08:05public data of of transaction history
- 00:08:08the the user nft is a type of signal of
- 00:08:11status and loyalty uh can you tell us a
- 00:08:14little bit about like what is the kind
- 00:08:16of uh solution bundle if the problem is
- 00:08:19well known and the infomercial but like
- 00:08:21don't you hate it when you cannot track
- 00:08:22your customer and give them the the
- 00:08:24value they want and giving all the the
- 00:08:26value to a few big Tech Giants what is
- 00:08:29the solution set that you you believe is
- 00:08:31the building block for this new web free
- 00:08:33marketing solution yeah that's a great
- 00:08:35question so what we have seen after
- 00:08:38years of working with like Brands and in
- 00:08:41the intersection of crypto is Brands
- 00:08:43don't need one scope solution but the
- 00:08:46full stack a customer relationship
- 00:08:48management to engage and segment their
- 00:08:51uh customers so how counter looks like
- 00:08:54today is that we provide the full white
- 00:08:58label service for Brands to establish
- 00:09:00their tiered Dynamic nft memberships
- 00:09:03launch their own brand native rewards
- 00:09:06like I think about Nike Starbucks like
- 00:09:09Adidas and having their full native
- 00:09:12rewards that looks like a full reward
- 00:09:14system but is just ended up being
- 00:09:16powered by blockchain technology so it's
- 00:09:19super seamless but uh is using web 3
- 00:09:21rails and lastly create what we call
- 00:09:25contribute to earn experiences where
- 00:09:28Brands can set and gamify and tokenize
- 00:09:31any task or engagement that they want
- 00:09:34come Community to do or activate with
- 00:09:38and what happens when you put these
- 00:09:41features on blockchain Rails is couple
- 00:09:44things one you create a tiered product
- 00:09:47and experience access with Dynamic nft
- 00:09:50memberships where where essentially nfts
- 00:09:53become the gateway to these new brand
- 00:09:55worlds and communities and you change
- 00:09:58customers into a community and two what
- 00:10:02loyalty has done wrong and never went
- 00:10:04well since 1990s is it has always been
- 00:10:07an index on repeated purchases but with
- 00:10:10talent and loyalty is we have the full
- 00:10:14engagement and tokenization of the of
- 00:10:17data where any engagement that brand
- 00:10:21wants you to do becomes a loyalty index
- 00:10:25where as you earn more rewards by
- 00:10:28completing contributes earned
- 00:10:29experiences you lock these rewards to I
- 00:10:33upgrade your membership or spend your
- 00:10:36rewards and essentially be rewarded for
- 00:10:39your engagement and becoming a core
- 00:10:41create core like co-creator influencer
- 00:10:45and Advocate and with this tooling what
- 00:10:47we see is the future of data and
- 00:10:49marketing because in the well in what we
- 00:10:52call with Brands 3.0 customers will not
- 00:10:55be only consumers to the product if they
- 00:10:57will be co-creators influencers and
- 00:11:00stakeholders and we encounter provides
- 00:11:02that full infrastructure to create those
- 00:11:05loyalty indexes and identities and
- 00:11:07memberships to do that yeah it's really
- 00:11:09interesting to see the brands uh have
- 00:11:13traditionally treat the Loyalty program
- 00:11:15for Passive consumers so if you're not
- 00:11:18spending money your debt to me basically
- 00:11:19right where is the real brand building
- 00:11:22for some of the direct consumer d2c
- 00:11:24brand is that kind of excitement but
- 00:11:26it's uncompensated and yeah you can put
- 00:11:28an affiliate code but unless you're like
- 00:11:30one of the top influencers those
- 00:11:31affiliate code doesn't add up to much
- 00:11:33um so essentially it's Goodwill it's
- 00:11:35it's it's and this Goodwill really is
- 00:11:38somewhere Chuck is super important for
- 00:11:41an establishing new product category a
- 00:11:42new product within a larger organization
- 00:11:44but it's completely either uncompensated
- 00:11:46but more importantly unrecognized so
- 00:11:49what do you see that this whole idea of
- 00:11:51dynamic nft like you know nft is pretty
- 00:11:53static I only bought a but I don't have
- 00:11:55it and you know it's almost like I I
- 00:11:57traded away my 1K status from United
- 00:12:01which you can't really do right so
- 00:12:02there's some non-transferability so
- 00:12:04bound as in United uh mileage what is
- 00:12:07your sense of the tradability of nft and
- 00:12:10this idea of earned long-term loyalty so
- 00:12:12it's not as mercenary how is it Dynamic
- 00:12:14and how is it not just like another
- 00:12:16collectible yeah that's a good question
- 00:12:18and we think like you're essentially
- 00:12:21tapping into like what we think is the
- 00:12:23next hypothesis of where nfts are going
- 00:12:25where nfts are main merely like the
- 00:12:27infrastructure so what we do with
- 00:12:30Dynamic nfts is essentially create a
- 00:12:32system where users can upgrade their
- 00:12:35nfts or as they earn in the ecosystem
- 00:12:38they are they upgrade the tier of their
- 00:12:41nfts and by the nature of their new
- 00:12:44loyalty status and index their nft
- 00:12:47changes visually too we have seen like
- 00:12:50generative on chain projects or dynamic
- 00:12:52nft projects that have
- 00:12:55um experimented with this idea but we
- 00:12:57haven't seen a real world use case that
- 00:13:00Dynamic nfts are perfect for and it is
- 00:13:02actually perfect for loyalty index and
- 00:13:04membership index so we are essentially
- 00:13:07taking nfts and membership to our next
- 00:13:09level where the moment you're in it's
- 00:13:13not a world where the moment you're in
- 00:13:14you're done but that you need to keep
- 00:13:17engaging and gamify the engagement such
- 00:13:19that you you can upgrade your membership
- 00:13:22and up and open the worlds of different
- 00:13:25partners and creators through this world
- 00:13:27too
- 00:13:28I suddenly check my uh Marriott app as I
- 00:13:31do I still have gold yes
- 00:13:33I haven't traveled as much since the
- 00:13:36pandemic so I think they were extending
- 00:13:38some loyalty for like grace period now I
- 00:13:40probably will be losing them left right
- 00:13:41in the center and that's a dynamic thing
- 00:13:43my membership is you know the number
- 00:13:45stays with me but the levels changes
- 00:13:48depends on whether I'm engaging in in a
- 00:13:50given way
- 00:13:51um you mentioned that the whole uh
- 00:13:54upgrading and downgrading is something
- 00:13:56that's data driven
- 00:13:58um so in in on web3 at least right now
- 00:14:00before we talk about privacy technology
- 00:14:02which is a separate issues altogether
- 00:14:03most of the interaction data about
- 00:14:05people do on chain is public uh how is
- 00:14:08that useful for marketers uh is that
- 00:14:11something that they understand it's like
- 00:14:13while they don't get access to the first
- 00:14:15party data like Amazon and apple apple
- 00:14:17especially not there's this public data
- 00:14:20do they see that as something that's a
- 00:14:22gold mine or they haven't recognized the
- 00:14:23power of users transaction and interest
- 00:14:25and participation being a in indexable
- 00:14:29yeah that is such a great question and
- 00:14:31uh it is in so interesting because it's
- 00:14:35uh the first thing you said they didn't
- 00:14:37realize the gold mine yet so when we
- 00:14:39tell brands that you can not only like
- 00:14:43um essentially track repeated purchases
- 00:14:45of your customers but actually The
- 00:14:48Impressions where they check in with
- 00:14:50their nft where they sign in with their
- 00:14:51nft or who what are the other wallets or
- 00:14:54creators they interact with they just
- 00:14:57think it's not possible and basically we
- 00:15:01see a data Revolution that is about to
- 00:15:04come here too blockchain data has not
- 00:15:06been um semantic or readable for so long
- 00:15:10that we had this mind mind of data that
- 00:15:13was not usable by Brands so what Calder
- 00:15:17is one of the verticals do is also
- 00:15:19become the main data portal that is
- 00:15:22fully integrated to a marketer stack but
- 00:15:24is also abstracting enough so that
- 00:15:27blockchain data uh just looks like a
- 00:15:29marketing data so we turn nft
- 00:15:33signings into actually Impressions and
- 00:15:35we think signing on like with your nft
- 00:15:38and proving that your signing will be
- 00:15:41the new era of Impressions that we used
- 00:15:44to have in web 2 Instagram and ads and
- 00:15:47there's many more data metric Primitives
- 00:15:49that uh blockchain technology will bring
- 00:15:52us that we will see the future of uh as
- 00:15:55interactive partnership Partnerships and
- 00:15:58how it will harness the new layer of
- 00:16:00data and engagement that we think will
- 00:16:03build the Next Generation data and
- 00:16:05marketing companies
- 00:16:07yeah and I think you know when we look
- 00:16:08at data the the Big Data movement and
- 00:16:11then turn into like kind of data science
- 00:16:12has been looking at somewhat low
- 00:16:15resolution data around a meaningful
- 00:16:17activity and I think what's interesting
- 00:16:18about blockchain is that while there's
- 00:16:20less data each time you interact that's
- 00:16:22a meaningful data point you didn't just
- 00:16:24Mouse over something or scroll by
- 00:16:26something then there needs to be an
- 00:16:28intention and and what's been really
- 00:16:30great about like you know uh Google is
- 00:16:32that they can say that every single time
- 00:16:33you click on a search engine you know
- 00:16:35link or type in a keyword it's a
- 00:16:37meaningful action and that's why the
- 00:16:39real estate so expensive so valuable uh
- 00:16:42do you see this idea that the customers
- 00:16:45engagement will be mostly around uh
- 00:16:48marketing to people who are already with
- 00:16:51the brand let's say Nike has a program
- 00:16:52and using the on-chain data but you see
- 00:16:55Adidas knocking on the door and say I
- 00:16:56can see what you guys are doing with
- 00:16:58Nike yeah the data is for all to see and
- 00:17:02come and do some competitive offer like
- 00:17:04a dry cleaner saying that I will honor
- 00:17:06my competitor this coupon and I will
- 00:17:08approach my competitive customer you
- 00:17:10don't do you see that opportunity
- 00:17:11because we see those kind of what we
- 00:17:13call vampire attacks and D5 where
- 00:17:15existing values and wallet holder
- 00:17:17becomes an attack Vector uh in a good
- 00:17:20way I would say uh for for growth of
- 00:17:22other competitive Network do you see
- 00:17:24that Dynamic yeah that's a great
- 00:17:26question we think that like there will
- 00:17:29be a lot of like collaboration and
- 00:17:30acquisition strategies that will be
- 00:17:32bootstrapped through this data and
- 00:17:34engagement and then there will be both
- 00:17:37sides of the coin the most important
- 00:17:39part will be that like let's say Nike
- 00:17:42and like Gucci are about to partner what
- 00:17:46they will be able to see is that who are
- 00:17:48my top customers and that have both Nike
- 00:17:51and Gucci and what like what is that
- 00:17:54intersection that will be that should be
- 00:17:56guest listed to the new job and this was
- 00:17:59never possible before because right now
- 00:18:01in web 2 loyalty there is no way to like
- 00:18:05um essentially communicate to segments
- 00:18:06to databases and create cross utility
- 00:18:09Rewards or costs like uh intersection
- 00:18:13and every day there is like a streetwear
- 00:18:15drop on like stockx or retailers and
- 00:18:19then Bots take over the products rather
- 00:18:22than top fans but if there is like a
- 00:18:25supreme drop I think the person who is
- 00:18:27doing the most YouTube videos about
- 00:18:28Supreme that may not have a supreme
- 00:18:31product in itself maybe he is just the
- 00:18:34most engaged but not like the top
- 00:18:36purchaser should be a guest listed so
- 00:18:39these type of data points will be all
- 00:18:41available and will be the next like
- 00:18:43engagement and interoperable
- 00:18:46collaboration rails and what we see for
- 00:18:48like uh competition too I we hypothesize
- 00:18:53that in the 10 to like 10
- 00:18:56year realm Actually All Brands will be
- 00:18:59collaborating and because right now
- 00:19:01there's a non-consumption problem every
- 00:19:04brand chose to Silo their data and
- 00:19:06customer and by that they uh essentially
- 00:19:10are bearing the costs of acquiring new
- 00:19:12customers and we do see a future where
- 00:19:15if we build the new unit swap of Loyalty
- 00:19:17Rewards and uh engagement rails then
- 00:19:21there will be a world night Kennedy that
- 00:19:24will be collaborating too it's and but
- 00:19:27we need to build towards that step by
- 00:19:29step so for sure and then I think this
- 00:19:32idea that uh uh you mentioned the word
- 00:19:34segmentation
- 00:19:36all the projects who are doing airdrops
- 00:19:39and figuring out who to include and
- 00:19:41exclude are essentially doing
- 00:19:42segmentation correct they don't say it
- 00:19:45they just didn't get some blog post
- 00:19:47about how clever they are but Market
- 00:19:48they do that all day long include that
- 00:19:50excluded included except this one and
- 00:19:53they're doing segmentation with tools
- 00:19:55that are immature uh and I sometimes
- 00:19:58feel like you guys should just get these
- 00:19:59marketing Cloud things and do your own
- 00:20:01segmentation but the results here is
- 00:20:04challenging right in the segmentation
- 00:20:05you can do a certain things send some
- 00:20:06email but here you have to create a
- 00:20:08natural program you have to modify your
- 00:20:11token gating or your guest listing
- 00:20:12system or you have to do a miracle-based
- 00:20:15airdrop uh so the delivery mechanism
- 00:20:18which was worth three well but the
- 00:20:19actual computation and thinking that now
- 00:20:21analysis is very uniquely web too so
- 00:20:24there's just a tremendous opportunity to
- 00:20:27bring those two worlds together uh what
- 00:20:29do you see is the challenge of
- 00:20:31aggregating the data that already exists
- 00:20:33about customer in web 2 like within
- 00:20:35their existing databases email lists as
- 00:20:37well as this interaction is the
- 00:20:39association uh much like the brick and
- 00:20:42mortar online phase where they want to
- 00:20:43associate those users to their is that
- 00:20:45important or do you think that the word
- 00:20:47three engagement as kind of independent
- 00:20:48of who goes to your store or who bought
- 00:20:51something on your online site on Black
- 00:20:52Friday yeah that's a great question and
- 00:20:54we
- 00:20:55there will be both
- 00:20:57Sonos one that will build their new
- 00:20:59world identities in these membership
- 00:21:01portals which is totally viable because
- 00:21:03if they're engaging and my like name is
- 00:21:06like 0x dgd like uh dot is it is still a
- 00:21:12fact that I'm a loyal customer and I'm
- 00:21:14like keep purchasing or engaging or like
- 00:21:16contributing to this brand and it just
- 00:21:18doesn't matter who I am what is my
- 00:21:20gender and what is my birthday and this
- 00:21:22also shows how archaic our data
- 00:21:25collection today is when we go to
- 00:21:27Shopify the first thing they ask me is
- 00:21:28my name birth date and gender but more
- 00:21:31importantly what they should know is
- 00:21:33probably which music I like which like a
- 00:21:36dress I want to buy from this shop or uh
- 00:21:39what are the other creators and brands
- 00:21:42that I know is synergistic with the
- 00:21:44brand I'm purchasing but I'm not gonna
- 00:21:46that I'm not telling the brand this data
- 00:21:49at this point or which experience they
- 00:21:51should be presenting for me so what we
- 00:21:54are seeing now is essentially if we can
- 00:21:57when we use contribute to earn
- 00:22:00experience as well we are creating new
- 00:22:02layer loyalty and identity indexes so if
- 00:22:06I'm I keep pushing content for night
- 00:22:08Keys like Air Forces or even like
- 00:22:10painting and Air Forces in Brooklyn and
- 00:22:13then posting the pictures of it and I'm
- 00:22:15racking UP Rewards and they're like
- 00:22:17let's say working with Supreme and I'm
- 00:22:19also a top customer and supreme
- 00:22:21regardless who I am in the real world I
- 00:22:24should be getting the Early Access
- 00:22:25because right now there's so much data
- 00:22:27about my engagement and loyalty index so
- 00:22:30what weird in short like bringing
- 00:22:31together here is a new layer like
- 00:22:33loyalty identity that is not necessarily
- 00:22:37dependent on who you are in like the
- 00:22:39real world right and and it's really
- 00:22:41interesting right because if you buy
- 00:22:43these uh uh when you're engaging you're
- 00:22:45earning these virtual virtual currency
- 00:22:48for you know dollars on Nike uh but you
- 00:22:51know eventually you may want to redeem
- 00:22:52it for an actual Air Force One Another
- 00:22:54limited edition one what is the
- 00:22:56connection do you see the Commerce of
- 00:22:58the actual redemption or the getting a
- 00:23:00discount because of a certain level to
- 00:23:02be settled through crypto and then kind
- 00:23:04of like unisex how your buy the socks
- 00:23:07token then you can if you want to spend
- 00:23:10seven dollars and redeem the actual
- 00:23:11stock that's a real Ultimate Flex right
- 00:23:13for a lot of people do you see this idea
- 00:23:15that the nft sale in a platform like
- 00:23:18openc or other competitive and it is the
- 00:23:21point of sale for that transaction and
- 00:23:23the whole real world supply chain of
- 00:23:25shipping and handling is just a
- 00:23:26fulfillment against that uh do you see
- 00:23:28that Commerce moving on chain that way
- 00:23:30with a substantive transaction buying
- 00:23:32the product is on chain yeah that's a
- 00:23:34great question and we think like at
- 00:23:37Calder we have a philosophy that like
- 00:23:39nothing that should be it shouldn't be
- 00:23:41on chain should be forced to be on chain
- 00:23:43because it's so costly and needless and
- 00:23:45we see a lot of like people in the
- 00:23:47landscape trying to put like everything
- 00:23:49on chain but using the right like uh
- 00:23:52Integrations and on-ramps and off ramps
- 00:23:54are critical so what this means in this
- 00:23:56case is like if we are the uh if we are
- 00:23:59out living like childish full light
- 00:24:01white labeled infrastructure is living
- 00:24:03on the members.brand.com and brand is
- 00:24:06using Shopify for their like shop
- 00:24:08experience they're essentially using our
- 00:24:11nft gated membership to launch an
- 00:24:13exclusive drop and the full like
- 00:24:15payments is under like childhood Rewards
- 00:24:18or like a crypt or crypto or Fiat but
- 00:24:22the full shipping and settlement is just
- 00:24:24like any Commerce and that we think our
- 00:24:27core value proposition is creating new
- 00:24:29engagement data and marketing rails but
- 00:24:32it's but and bring the full Commerce
- 00:24:34integration and power Commerce but to
- 00:24:37not be new Shopify so that we do see
- 00:24:40like we have built a lot of the
- 00:24:42Integrations to make it work but and it
- 00:24:44should be fully integrated but it it
- 00:24:46does not need to be on chain right
- 00:24:48exactly so you can look at it if you got
- 00:24:50a free drop it's like your nft
- 00:24:52membership give you a one-time use 100
- 00:24:54off coupon code so it's still at the end
- 00:24:58of the day fulfilled in a more
- 00:24:59traditional way but there's a bridge on
- 00:25:01that and then you can certainly track
- 00:25:02that that actually got redeemed exactly
- 00:25:04yeah
- 00:25:05um you know you know we at cost like we
- 00:25:07will work on a lot of the underlying
- 00:25:09infrastructure uh you mentioned that you
- 00:25:12have you know worked in in the openc
- 00:25:14with the marketplace thing and before
- 00:25:15that worked on essentially the layer one
- 00:25:18layer two type of crypto infrastructure
- 00:25:20what do you think is a missing piece of
- 00:25:22technology in the crypto stack that
- 00:25:24still requires polishing you know I I
- 00:25:27have a thought that like you know we're
- 00:25:28not quite in the iPhone era of crypto
- 00:25:31yet we're kind of in the Blackberry era
- 00:25:33like most of things there you got you
- 00:25:35know you got some sort of touch screen
- 00:25:36you got some sort of keyboard but it's
- 00:25:38not as smooth and it's not really doing
- 00:25:40that um so what do you think is going to
- 00:25:43bring us from the Blackberry iPhone
- 00:25:44error at at the platform layer like one
- 00:25:47level level below the app and these kind
- 00:25:49of toolkit for marketer that you wish uh
- 00:25:51in your experience having work on those
- 00:25:53tools and work with people who are
- 00:25:54working on those two that you wish would
- 00:25:56happen that would make your job building
- 00:25:58this marketing stack much easier yeah
- 00:26:00definitely and I think uh this is not on
- 00:26:03the layer one level but like we should
- 00:26:05definitely go into that but the first
- 00:26:07and the most core like pain we see day
- 00:26:09to day as a white labeled marketing and
- 00:26:12loyalty solution is
- 00:26:15um not being able to go fully mobile
- 00:26:16like right now like what we have seen is
- 00:26:19with of course like preventions from
- 00:26:21like apple and the new experiences we
- 00:26:24have found our ways around uh many times
- 00:26:28to provide seamless experiences for our
- 00:26:30customers because what characters how
- 00:26:32calendar is different from a lot of web3
- 00:26:34like products is our product is not for
- 00:26:38web3 if our Market is the 250 billion
- 00:26:42dollars spend in loyalty and CRM and we
- 00:26:45want to take it all but if we want to
- 00:26:47take it all we need to also take the web
- 00:26:492 pie of this and what this means is we
- 00:26:52need to be the most seamless product
- 00:26:54both web 2 and web3 and it is so hard
- 00:26:57just like you said it's like Blackberry
- 00:26:59era of web3 and competing with the Apple
- 00:27:02era of web2 so when
- 00:27:06yeah when we are putting the Apple
- 00:27:11wallets like uh or like our like
- 00:27:13memberships in uh responsive web apps
- 00:27:16instead of mobile apps what happens is
- 00:27:19we do have uh like a friction in our
- 00:27:23technology that is not dependent on
- 00:27:25Calder that we need to like hack around
- 00:27:28with
- 00:27:29um and that it that is something we know
- 00:27:32like uh with a like good design or like
- 00:27:36uh API like infrastructure we can like
- 00:27:38figure out but that Going Mobile will
- 00:27:42help cross the chasm in the next years
- 00:27:44uh especially for a tool like colored uh
- 00:27:48um and that will be very critical yeah
- 00:27:51and it's it's really interesting to see
- 00:27:52how even the best mobile wallet web3
- 00:27:55wallet that has wallet connect are
- 00:27:57speaking the language of a crypto user
- 00:28:00to a gonna be you know buying and
- 00:28:02selling tokens and swapping those verbs
- 00:28:05that are in there are not everyday verbs
- 00:28:08like people are not day Traders like and
- 00:28:11and you know making crafts and charts is
- 00:28:13actually getting the way and this hasn't
- 00:28:15been a a an experience that can be
- 00:28:17either used as a companion app or a
- 00:28:19white label or a kind of a platform
- 00:28:21there's no WeChat of a global wallet I
- 00:28:24mean people thought the telegram will
- 00:28:25build one and they may still end up
- 00:28:27doing so uh but until there's some more
- 00:28:29Innovation around that you know at cost
- 00:28:31like we have a react native team
- 00:28:32focusing on figuring out what is the
- 00:28:35right layer subtraction like when are we
- 00:28:37adapting into the mobile ecosystem in
- 00:28:39Google and apple in-app purchase and
- 00:28:41otherwise and when they connecting to
- 00:28:43the uh crypto ecosystem whether that's
- 00:28:45multi-signature account abstraction all
- 00:28:47these kind of concept right gasless
- 00:28:48transaction would be very nice for
- 00:28:50things that you want to do for the first
- 00:28:52time without necessarily having eth or
- 00:28:53worse yet having Matic it's not easy to
- 00:28:55get a layer 2 gas token in the wallet I
- 00:28:58have trouble doing it
- 00:29:00um so um so some of the things we're
- 00:29:02working on but I absolutely agree that
- 00:29:03those are the things that's going to be
- 00:29:04Community effort and I I love what
- 00:29:06Vitalis think talking about around you
- 00:29:07know thinking about social recovery
- 00:29:09thinking about account abstraction as a
- 00:29:11way to make it easier for people to uh
- 00:29:14you know without knowing it dealing with
- 00:29:16a programmable wallet things like that
- 00:29:18that actually speaking all the most
- 00:29:19advanced language of web 3 but it's SEC
- 00:29:21they use as to what you would expect a
- 00:29:23sponsored transaction gasless
- 00:29:24transaction exactly and gases
- 00:29:27transaction is one that is top of mind
- 00:29:29for us too because uh it's very
- 00:29:31unintuitive for a web 2 customer to come
- 00:29:35to a membership and loyalty program and
- 00:29:38pay to submit their proof rights yes
- 00:29:42yeah so they're like how why am I paying
- 00:29:45to my brand in their perspective even
- 00:29:47though it's not to the brand
- 00:29:50um to submit uh a proof that I have like
- 00:29:54attended this event or posted this
- 00:29:56content so there's also like new like
- 00:29:59kind of a technical like Paradigm shifts
- 00:30:02that happen in web 3 that is not native
- 00:30:04in web two that will take a lot of
- 00:30:07terminology and ex like kind of crossing
- 00:30:11the chasm as well and to what you said
- 00:30:13like web3 has a branding problem like
- 00:30:15all the tools all the jargon is designed
- 00:30:18for web3 Natives and that
- 00:30:22um it's not designed for like web2 like
- 00:30:25Integrations and infrastructure to be
- 00:30:27adopted and that's why it feels
- 00:30:29intimidating to jump in yeah I think
- 00:30:32words like wallet gas account Network
- 00:30:35Layer Two none of them are kind of uh
- 00:30:39none of them are leading to conversion
- 00:30:42and engagement they're all kind of
- 00:30:43friction points around that so there's a
- 00:30:46lot to do uh both in terms of the actual
- 00:30:48substance of it but also how we describe
- 00:30:50it and obviously we went abstract it all
- 00:30:52away but one of the things we've learned
- 00:30:53is that you know centralized exchange is
- 00:30:55abstracted all the way but they also
- 00:30:57take it all away because the attraction
- 00:30:59is not actually real your deposit is an
- 00:31:01instigment of your imagination right
- 00:31:03um so so it's important for us to
- 00:31:06actually do the decentralization and do
- 00:31:08that type of like you know user
- 00:31:10ownership brand ownership yet providing
- 00:31:12that thing is a really tricky thing to
- 00:31:14do it's very easy to cheat both ways
- 00:31:15right like totally centralized just say
- 00:31:18crypto and totally crypto and totally
- 00:31:20unusable so we have to find those
- 00:31:21balances yeah you know you know
- 00:31:23obviously you're early on in the project
- 00:31:25uh in your in your journey in in kind of
- 00:31:28scaling up the organization and just
- 00:31:29taking your brand learning what do you
- 00:31:31what when what do you think is the most
- 00:31:33kind of like likely moment where your
- 00:31:36tool set get that first like a consumer
- 00:31:39adoption moment a brand success can you
- 00:31:41tell me what that would look like like
- 00:31:43basically what should I look out for on
- 00:31:44Twitter or whatever it's like oh that
- 00:31:46finally happened yeah she told me and
- 00:31:48prophesied that this will happen one day
- 00:31:50what does that event look like yes I
- 00:31:52think uh it ideally we expect this event
- 00:31:55to be near in like especially in the new
- 00:31:57year
- 00:31:58um so we have done a lot of Pilots with
- 00:32:00Brands and Publications on how we can
- 00:32:04engage their Community but has been
- 00:32:05private or like whitelisted but what is
- 00:32:08up and coming now is one of our biggest
- 00:32:11uh brand Partnerships that will be
- 00:32:15um that will be just like build and
- 00:32:17executed like any marketing software
- 00:32:19where we will be fully integrated and
- 00:32:22taking over a streetwear Brands uh
- 00:32:26loyalty program and May and fully
- 00:32:29deployed on Calder and that three rails
- 00:32:32what this mean is that we will ideally
- 00:32:35have thousands of cut like loyal
- 00:32:37customers to this brand engaging
- 00:32:40creating content attending events making
- 00:32:43repeated purchases and raving about
- 00:32:45their brand all across maintenance
- 00:32:47social network channels and coming back
- 00:32:50to Brand's own website to engage with
- 00:32:53the community whether their own chat
- 00:32:55experience and more so you can say we
- 00:32:58will made we will we made it in the next
- 00:33:01month when we we execute this and bring
- 00:33:05more Brands to create that
- 00:33:07interoperability too right now we serve
- 00:33:10our tools on like dateless onboarding
- 00:33:12bases where Brands self-serve but we
- 00:33:14work closely with them right so in the
- 00:33:17next six months as we are choosing
- 00:33:20uh like work work closely and choose our
- 00:33:22next uh 10 brand Partners our goal is to
- 00:33:25then open source and publicize our tools
- 00:33:28in the next six months so that anyone
- 00:33:30from a Creator to an nft Community to
- 00:33:33brand can use it that's really I think
- 00:33:36amazing because at the end of the day uh
- 00:33:38the brands that we will respect in 2024
- 00:33:41is likely one person somewhere doing
- 00:33:43something you know we think of Mr Beast
- 00:33:46as a brand today but three years ago he
- 00:33:48is just a dude right uh and and and it
- 00:33:52happens all the time this whole
- 00:33:53iteration is way fast way fast and so I
- 00:33:56think any time and then think uh web3
- 00:33:58tools can be permissive uh not
- 00:34:01permissionless as in people can really
- 00:34:02start using the tools for whatever they
- 00:34:04think of uh which the creators sometimes
- 00:34:07don't even imagine that would be used
- 00:34:09that way I'm sure uh the Open Sea people
- 00:34:12didn't really completely see all the
- 00:34:13different ways nfts are being listed so
- 00:34:17I I'm sure you will see a lot of
- 00:34:19creative uses of this loyalty solution
- 00:34:22to things that you don't think of as
- 00:34:23Brands maybe yes individual is obvious
- 00:34:25maybe like you know ideas can become
- 00:34:28Brands who knows
- 00:34:30I I love what you said there because I
- 00:34:32think that's like the infrastructure and
- 00:34:34Foundation we want to create what web2
- 00:34:37marketing tools done wrong is build
- 00:34:39Walgreens for their tools as well like
- 00:34:41right now getting even onboarded to
- 00:34:43Salesforce the hustle and nobody likes
- 00:34:45it what we want Calder to be is the main
- 00:34:47like creative infrastructure engagement
- 00:34:50infrastructure for everything where your
- 00:34:52morning coffee can build their community
- 00:34:54portal too but also your favorite
- 00:34:56musician or you yourself or your like
- 00:35:00podcast can build the community around
- 00:35:02them and engage their customers directly
- 00:35:04too because the core problem here is not
- 00:35:07having a bi-directional engagement
- 00:35:09between community and brand or like the
- 00:35:12founder itself and this is universal
- 00:35:14across many Brands so
- 00:35:18um and like building towards a headless
- 00:35:19Brands and building the infrastructure
- 00:35:21for that is like the full like goal of
- 00:35:24Calder and that people should get
- 00:35:26creative with it yes and I think the
- 00:35:28composability of web 3 and crypto does
- 00:35:31mean that you know different tools will
- 00:35:34be used for different people you know
- 00:35:35within a boundary within one project or
- 00:35:38one protocol and and then the mix and
- 00:35:40matching event you know I I heard about
- 00:35:42people thinking about uh using nft as a
- 00:35:45way to uh deal with a paid membership so
- 00:35:49that could be interesting not just not
- 00:35:50just these kind of like earned status
- 00:35:52but how different are they really right
- 00:35:54like wouldn't you be able to buy a
- 00:35:56membership of something you know
- 00:35:58certainly some Airlines sell the
- 00:36:00membership maybe not directly but by way
- 00:36:02of credit card companies if you get this
- 00:36:04credit card then you get this membership
- 00:36:05so this is really interesting like do
- 00:36:07you earn it or do you buy it and is that
- 00:36:10the same so so those are two different
- 00:36:12types of nft or different commercial
- 00:36:14transactions and and on chain that's way
- 00:36:16easy to compose but when you're talking
- 00:36:18about the back end system of these
- 00:36:20loyalty program and I wasn't involved in
- 00:36:23a in a strategy project to talk about
- 00:36:25airline miles and Status those systems
- 00:36:28are really archaic and they don't really
- 00:36:30integrate
- 00:36:31so limits what they can do yeah it is so
- 00:36:35true like what we don't see like
- 00:36:38um in the front end or like in the
- 00:36:39consumer experiences how much Financial
- 00:36:41modeling or segmentation these loyalty
- 00:36:43programs take and in spite of that much
- 00:36:46work how they don't work because uh
- 00:36:49because right now loyalty is designed
- 00:36:51for customers to not redeem their points
- 00:36:53right because it's like a mechanism
- 00:36:56design that went all wrong so what we
- 00:36:59are doing essentially here is
- 00:37:01redesigning what it means to be loyal
- 00:37:03and earn and upgrade from first
- 00:37:06principles and then redesign and
- 00:37:09redefine what loyalty programs mean and
- 00:37:12right now when we think about loyalty
- 00:37:14programs it's kind of a distaste left in
- 00:37:16us like so 10 off or my gold points that
- 00:37:20I will never be able to take anywhere
- 00:37:21else or my status that doesn't take
- 00:37:23anywhere else but if we can turn these
- 00:37:26siled rewards and Status into a unified
- 00:37:28engagement and index and what we have
- 00:37:31seen with our Pilots is when done right
- 00:37:33it creates more than 70 percent of
- 00:37:36customer engagement to a point where
- 00:37:38when loyalty Works engagement works so
- 00:37:40we're trying to build that Association
- 00:37:43absolutely and I think this is one thing
- 00:37:46that uh the brand people has went from
- 00:37:48completely uh focusing on getting the
- 00:37:51brand out there and then got really into
- 00:37:53the whole uh performance base uh with
- 00:37:56the early you know Google and then
- 00:37:58Facebook kind of repeating a cycle and
- 00:38:00now they felt kind of betrayed by the
- 00:38:01performance model because it actually
- 00:38:03doesn't perform very well if you look at
- 00:38:04the ROI and they're so looking at like
- 00:38:06how do I take my data expertise and
- 00:38:08rethinking this kind of community so
- 00:38:10when you say community is really great
- 00:38:11because the it's just not customers and
- 00:38:14data points and leads right it's it's
- 00:38:16building that and I think in early web3
- 00:38:18Community crypto Community you know for
- 00:38:21the time where everybody is pretty happy
- 00:38:23with each other and then and and and
- 00:38:24their wallets uh it really feels very
- 00:38:27rich and and and and close and if if
- 00:38:31Brian can cultivate those Community I
- 00:38:32think it makes it much easier to compete
- 00:38:34in the world where Amazon try to inject
- 00:38:36themselves in between everything is like
- 00:38:37you got to buy an ad to show up it's
- 00:38:39like but they're searching for my
- 00:38:40product names but this is my search
- 00:38:42engine right like that's happening and
- 00:38:44it's really I'm sure it's very
- 00:38:45frustrating and I see why they're
- 00:38:47seeking community and hopefully web3
- 00:38:49provide that additional rail to make
- 00:38:51those Community meaningful yeah
- 00:38:53definitely and what we are seeing um as
- 00:38:56a paradigm shift also for Brands is like
- 00:38:58they are even stop calling their
- 00:39:00customers customers about Community like
- 00:39:02it's the customer management but
- 00:39:04Community Management so these words will
- 00:39:07be ingrained to our language even more
- 00:39:09and right now especially uh we try to
- 00:39:13work with brands that are Community
- 00:39:14First even like a product second to a
- 00:39:17point because what we've seen is if you
- 00:39:19build the right Community products sells
- 00:39:21in itself anyways so once the Playbook
- 00:39:23of this new generation marketing and
- 00:39:25loyalty is written we will like
- 00:39:27basically put the d2c Playbook off the
- 00:39:29shell to the shelves and then start
- 00:39:31using the new Community Driven marketing
- 00:39:34and engagement tools yeah absolutely and
- 00:39:36there was a saying about how there used
- 00:39:38to be a point where Capital allows you
- 00:39:40to create audience and now it's the
- 00:39:42reverse is true audience or in this case
- 00:39:44Community actually drives Capital
- 00:39:46whoever have an audience Capital will
- 00:39:48chase after them you have a community
- 00:39:49engaged Community you can go ahead and
- 00:39:52order million dollars with a product
- 00:39:54tomorrow someone will give you that
- 00:39:55money right and I think it's not
- 00:39:57entirely clear yet that that's happening
- 00:39:59uh but hopefully you know I'm excited
- 00:40:02about uh what you guys are working on
- 00:40:03but also intersecting with other people
- 00:40:05about like financing the first uh
- 00:40:08product using these kind of future
- 00:40:09Revenue as a way to kind of borrow
- 00:40:12against that thing you can maybe have
- 00:40:13people make physical product that way
- 00:40:15and that type of like you know you know
- 00:40:17infantry financing the risk taking
- 00:40:19hasn't necessarily happened uh in a
- 00:40:22fluid way or more importantly in a
- 00:40:24successful way of which the people who
- 00:40:26are building community that matters have
- 00:40:28access to only suits have access to or
- 00:40:30people have vest right they have the
- 00:40:32pentagonia vestalities as not not suits
- 00:40:35vests but I I would love to see web3
- 00:40:38democratize both the building or
- 00:40:40community and building engagement but
- 00:40:42also the financing of these to become
- 00:40:44actual uh big brands that has Global
- 00:40:47supply chain that would be beautiful
- 00:40:48yeah that's like a great to like talk
- 00:40:50about because like we also think the
- 00:40:52next generation of Brands will be the
- 00:40:54ones like essentially are the the blue
- 00:40:56chip off brands that will lead what it
- 00:40:58is like to build and gauge and we are
- 00:41:00seeing this already I think streetwear
- 00:41:03is a great example where the cult like
- 00:41:05following of streetwear is the
- 00:41:08proposition to the customers it's not
- 00:41:10the sneakers it it's not like the
- 00:41:13product jobs but even the drop culture
- 00:41:16which is so similar to web3 is
- 00:41:19um essentially the main value
- 00:41:20proposition to associate with who you
- 00:41:22want to be and who you like to be and
- 00:41:25and I don't think we have the tech yet
- 00:41:27to connect these people and by doing
- 00:41:29this we will unlock the new like what we
- 00:41:32call Brands 3.0 Brands who are like uh
- 00:41:35taking their customers as co-creators
- 00:41:37and engagement and the pain has never
- 00:41:39been more real like like you said when
- 00:41:41we look at engagement what we see at
- 00:41:43Calder is the marketing Playbook is so
- 00:41:46saturated and leading to such a low
- 00:41:48engagement that around 50 of consumers
- 00:41:51report they will switch to a brand
- 00:41:54product or any other the retailer then
- 00:41:57faced with other offers or customer
- 00:42:00better customer experience so customers
- 00:42:03are craving this connection emotional
- 00:42:05communal connection but they are not
- 00:42:08getting it yes and and the the
- 00:42:11commoditization that comes with the
- 00:42:12platform setting in the way certainly
- 00:42:14dilutes a little bit but I do believe
- 00:42:16that nobody thinks of themselves as a as
- 00:42:19a Google loyalist uh yeah those like you
- 00:42:22know I I don't trust the search result
- 00:42:25people uh even on social media it's like
- 00:42:27well you know I use tick tock to find
- 00:42:29things I might like do I trust them not
- 00:42:31at all right so I think the new
- 00:42:33generation is definitely clear about the
- 00:42:34utility and the exchange but they trust
- 00:42:38the community they trust this streetwear
- 00:42:40brand they trust the people online with
- 00:42:42them waiting for the next drop in the
- 00:42:43physical store and so on right and and I
- 00:42:46think there's something really really
- 00:42:47deep there that is both you know
- 00:42:49intrinsically human and I think one
- 00:42:50thing about web 3 design or if in crypto
- 00:42:53is that a lot of what determine what
- 00:42:55happens is human nature and
- 00:42:56rediscovering that again right uh to Le
- 00:42:59Mania it's on a human event and we have
- 00:43:02it again but then again the growth of a
- 00:43:04new community online communities also
- 00:43:07human nature and we're seeing that again
- 00:43:08uh so it would be really interesting to
- 00:43:10see when The Primitives exist and the
- 00:43:13iPhone era of web3 competing you know
- 00:43:15just as well maybe better than the
- 00:43:17iPhone era web 2 happened I would be
- 00:43:20lovely to see what new form emerge and
- 00:43:22more importantly what over uh o o form
- 00:43:25re-emerge and surprises again about the
- 00:43:28beauty of the human relationships yeah I
- 00:43:30love that because I think what we're
- 00:43:32doing at Calder is not loyalty marketing
- 00:43:35all these words we are building
- 00:43:37infrastructure for Brands to build
- 00:43:39communities and engage with each other
- 00:43:41and it's not in an archaic marketing way
- 00:43:43because brands are creators people we
- 00:43:47trust or individuals or like people we
- 00:43:50want to engage with and have so much
- 00:43:51emotions around but have never been able
- 00:43:54to build that connection with because it
- 00:43:56was not scalable or right thing to do so
- 00:43:58so if we come to a point where Calder is
- 00:44:02both for Brands and Community is the way
- 00:44:04uh people connect with each other and be
- 00:44:07creative with then we have done our job
- 00:44:10and we're essentially betting on a
- 00:44:12behavior change here the moment we that
- 00:44:14we create that bi-directional engagement
- 00:44:17then we create that new product category
- 00:44:20of what it is to build loyalty and you
- 00:44:24know when we think about web3 as a as a
- 00:44:27field it's like oh what is it all about
- 00:44:28it's just you know numbers going up
- 00:44:30going down uh but you know I think we
- 00:44:32think about this as a you know people
- 00:44:34say coordination in an abstract way but
- 00:44:36human coordination and human
- 00:44:38communication that's that's always going
- 00:44:40to work I mean the internet's about that
- 00:44:42social media is that what it's it
- 00:44:44doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't
- 00:44:45work until it does and then it defines
- 00:44:48an error and I I you know I'm I'm in a
- 00:44:51way bullish on people finding connection
- 00:44:54with each each other through the web and
- 00:44:56whether we add a 3 to the web or two to
- 00:44:58the web it's just a way to actually make
- 00:45:01it even more convenient and deeper in
- 00:45:03that way so yeah definitely I mean even
- 00:45:06to a point where like how we meet with
- 00:45:08people on Twitter and become Twitter
- 00:45:10friends show how we like surpass Tech to
- 00:45:14still find connections absolutely and
- 00:45:16think about the world we built the right
- 00:45:18tech for right Community engagement and
- 00:45:20Trust then we built the right human
- 00:45:22coordination and I think we are getting
- 00:45:25there and we are definitely in the
- 00:45:27Blackberry era but I think with the this
- 00:45:29like a market it's a great time to build
- 00:45:32and build towards that uh like apple era
- 00:45:35both for infrastructure level and um
- 00:45:37essentially like use cases level
- 00:45:40absolutely well this is really really
- 00:45:43awesome to have a conversation about
- 00:45:45things that I'm sure not getting covered
- 00:45:47a lot in the web 3 space because I think
- 00:45:49a lot of web 3 is very insular looking
- 00:45:51but if you look at the two sets that we
- 00:45:53can offer to people in the Hunger there
- 00:45:56is from the customer to become community
- 00:45:58members and Brands to become more like
- 00:46:00you know in a way connected uh
- 00:46:03disintemate again with the customer
- 00:46:05that's just a huge demand for it and you
- 00:46:09know the demand for web 3 is going to
- 00:46:11come from the demand for the use case
- 00:46:12and a second effect is all the other
- 00:46:15stuff that we talk about right numbers
- 00:46:17and stuff like that
- 00:46:18um so thank you very much for your time
- 00:46:20today uh are there anything else you
- 00:46:22want to kind of tell our audience about
- 00:46:24what's about to happen or uh teasers and
- 00:46:27stuff yeah definitely so in the uh we
- 00:46:31are still finalizing our like brands
- 00:46:33that we are working with if you're a
- 00:46:35brand or a creator that like this like
- 00:46:37excites you would love to chat and
- 00:46:39calder.xyz or calendar.app is a great
- 00:46:42place to reach out uh to us and our
- 00:46:45socials tell their world but at the same
- 00:46:47time uh if if as a consumer Creator
- 00:46:51whoever you are this ideas excite you
- 00:46:53just sign up or join the wait list and
- 00:46:56we have many brand public launches
- 00:46:58coming in the new year that we will
- 00:47:00co-market With Our Brands we are working
- 00:47:02with retailers uh streetwear Brands
- 00:47:05um DJs like influencers so many like nft
- 00:47:08communities like podcasts there will be
- 00:47:11so many like uh loyalty programs
- 00:47:14launched on Calder in the next year that
- 00:47:17you can find something to connect with
- 00:47:19but more importantly be part of this
- 00:47:21like future of Engagement so
- 00:47:24um I tell there's uh xyzing and our
- 00:47:27socials are a great way to follow that
- 00:47:29and participate our nft memberships for
- 00:47:32these Brands will be live very soon in
- 00:47:35the New Year it's so exciting because
- 00:47:37when people see these Brands come in and
- 00:47:39they connect they're not gonna
- 00:47:40immediately think crypto or got for BF
- 00:47:43FTX so they're gonna think oh really
- 00:47:45interesting tag or very interesting uh
- 00:47:47new things to do in our digital lives
- 00:47:49and the intersection on that and that's
- 00:47:51really where it becomes uh the the ramp
- 00:47:54of going into web 3 becoming
- 00:47:55non-existent it's just you know I call
- 00:47:58it the land of the web 3 it's just the
- 00:47:59web extended it's just a greater web
- 00:48:02area covered by web3 with with a new
- 00:48:05technology to connect like a bridge
- 00:48:07behind me it just extends the the the
- 00:48:09landscape of the web to something that
- 00:48:11wasn't addressable before well thank you
- 00:48:14very much for your time today I had a
- 00:48:16great uh uh experience with uh talking
- 00:48:19about these you know topics that I
- 00:48:21believe are going to be the unlocking of
- 00:48:23not only the the excitement around web3
- 00:48:26but more importantly the real spend
- 00:48:28right like real revenues brand spending
- 00:48:30money instead of on Facebook on web3 and
- 00:48:33that is the kind of few I have a big
- 00:48:35belief that uh if we focus on
- 00:48:37consumption and revenue and not
- 00:48:39speculation and kind of like you know
- 00:48:41like Leverage we will actually make for
- 00:48:44much more fulfilling and satisfying and
- 00:48:47more sustainable economy so any use case
- 00:48:49that brings money from one place that's
- 00:48:51being spent to money spent on web3 in
- 00:48:54this land would be health healthy for
- 00:48:56our industry growth and and Thrive yeah
- 00:49:00I totally agree and it was great to chat
- 00:49:01with you Chris too I think it's very
- 00:49:04special to dig deep
- 00:49:05to the next four to ten like five years
- 00:49:07of crypto and really see what's the
- 00:49:09future rather than focusing on like the
- 00:49:12Shilling or like uh the ups and downs I
- 00:49:14think what will always say is the true
- 00:49:16proposition of like blockchain
- 00:49:19technology ownership economy and
- 00:49:21bringing right uh ownership and
- 00:49:23engagement Primitives to the world of
- 00:49:25consumers and Brands and that's what
- 00:49:27we're hyper focused on and it was super
- 00:49:29great to chat on that absolutely uh and
- 00:49:32and always or thanks our community for
- 00:49:35time and attention uh we do this every
- 00:49:36two weeks to talk to Founders who are
- 00:49:38actually building use cases around web 3
- 00:49:41and using the technology that we all
- 00:49:43love in a way that other people outside
- 00:49:45of our field would love uh they may not
- 00:49:47love nft but they're gonna love being
- 00:49:49recognized for who they are what they've
- 00:49:51done and what they will continue to do
- 00:49:53and that type of human connection and
- 00:49:55reward and recognition is what you
- 00:49:56strive for and hopefully that becomes a
- 00:49:58thing that billion people will feel the
- 00:50:00same way they open a wallet to check in
- 00:50:02in the in their status on calendar but
- 00:50:05something thank you so so much and until
- 00:50:07next time take care
- 00:50:08[Music]
- 00:50:17[Music]
- Web3
- Marketing
- Markentreue
- Blockchain
- NFTs
- Brand Loyalty
- Engagement
- Daten
- Technologie