Who is Mashiach?
TLDREl video profundiza en la intrigante idea judía del Mashiaj, un concepto que ha fascinado durante siglos. Comienza con el Tanaj, el Talmud, el Midrash y otras fuentes judías, explorando quién es el Mashiaj, sus características y roles. Hay confusión y desacuerdos sobre los detalles del Mashiaj, incluyendo su nombre y cómo vendrá. Sin embargo, hay consenso en cinco cualidades esenciales que debe tener el Mashiaj. El video discute figuras históricas que han sido consideradas como Mesías, como Jesús, Bar Kojba, Shabtai Tzvi, Jacob Frank y, más recientemente, el Lubavitcher Rebbe, abordando cómo se relacionan con estas cualidades y el impacto que tuvieron en el judaísmo. El Ramba'm describe al Mashiaj como alguien que debe restaurar la dinastía davídica, reconstruir el Templo y reunir al pueblo judío en Israel, sin la necesidad de milagros. También se destaca la importancia de ser un guerrero y un músico. Estos requisitos han descalificado a muchas figuras históricas como verdaderos Mesías.
- 🤔 Existen múltiples interpretaciones sobre el Mashiaj.
- 📜 Mashiaj está basado en fuentes del Tanaj y el Talmud.
- 🗝️ Hay cinco cualidades esenciales que todos coinciden que Mashiaj debe tener.
- 👑 Mashiaj debe restaurar la dinastía del rey David.
- 🏛️ Es esencial que el Mashiaj reconstruya el Templo.
- 🧩 No necesita realizar milagros para ser reconocido.
- 🎶 La música es crucial para el papel del Mashiaj.
- 🛡️ Mashiaj es un guerrero en profecías bíblicas.
- 📜 Trasciende como una idea compleja y fascinante en la cultura judía.
- 🔎 La verificación del Mashiaj es un tema ampliamente discutido.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Mashiachipataki taqiwiksa, ¿kawkitanaskiwixa tanaka patapi? Taqikuyataki qhipratinakataki juk'amp sumaq k'amachasiñata Munawiwixa. Jutimataki, payixa ukhamanakat arkapatchinaktawa: ¿yuqalla jupa kikiniwa?, ¿espiritu sarnaqaña willtatakiwa?, ¿jakawi munaski uka sarnaqawi? Nayaw maynikinak munaski khitinaka Diosarux uka jupiwaya sapksnaxa.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Heruru jakkatakanuchapapsi ch'amaniwa, janiw chuymapun jaqinakata, jan ukax pusiqar tukusana puntoñpa jupankiwa. Taqina qawqas qhipanataki mashiachi suyt'ituwa. Suma ch'aninak amuyasiñaxa, khitinakaxa jark'asinakampi churirinakampixa.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Israelan jakankaspa asunas jupana ch'amaka churkatapki Christianonakapaxa. Dariwanakansti, chuyman jakawa. Pusiniwdi, wali amuyt'atawa, janiw ukampis atipasaqkaniti ukxa janiw Diosa sapta orangun tsakaxkaña.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Chinanakapaxa taykisipuni ch'ijraqatasa Jach'a jach'a markata akham kutt'puristaskakiwa. Mashiachnakapa suyu uywirinakapasa qarparinakasa, jach'a anqa instrumentun llamk'añan mapsakiwa.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Mashiachi suma k'acharuwa janiw jaksarakunu. Ika (musica lurayata) akham chiqapachanak arkapachañäpa; amuyasiri k'arimipjasa uñtasima.
- 00:25:00 - 00:57:09
Uka sarnaqawi ch'unqhu kawtirinakar majiştiwa jaqiwina chemarewa. Mashiachi sassa, walja uruwa, nisiñani, wali q'ayma ukatak luraskaniti. Jaqunakar chinanaksan qullañamar inakakisipachaniwa.
Mind Map
Video-Fragen und Antworten
¿Quién fue considerado el primer gran mesías en la historia judía?
Históricamente, Jesús fue considerado el primer gran mesías.
¿Cuántas cualidades esenciales debe tener Mashiaj según las escrituras judías?
Mashiaj debe tener cinco cualidades esenciales.
¿Cuál es una de las incertidumbres en la identificación del Mashiaj?
Una gran incertidumbre es la falta de acuerdo sobre detalles específicos como su nombre exacto o las condiciones precisas de su llegada.
¿Qué rol importante desempeña Mashiaj en la comunidad judía?
Mashiaj debe reestablecer la dinastía davídica, reconstruir el Templo y reunir a los judíos en Israel.
¿Mashiaj necesita realizar milagros para ser reconocido?
No, no es necesario que Mashiaj realice milagros, según el Ramba'm.
¿Qué evento se considera importante para confirmar la llegada del Mashiaj?
Se confirmará su llegada cuando reconstruya el Templo, reúna a los judíos en Israel y restablezca la dinastía davídica.
¿Qué importancia tiene la música para Mashiaj según los textos judíos?
Mashiaj debe ser un músico, ya que la música es espiritual y necesaria para la inspiración y profecía.
¿Qué figura de la historia judía fue considerada como un posible Mashiaj pero no lo fue debido a una carencia importante?
El rey Ezequías fue considerado como un posible Mashiaj, pero no se le permitió serlo porque no estaba involucrado en la música.
¿Cuál es el papel esperado de Mashiaj durante tiempos de conflicto?
Mashiaj se espera que sea un guerrero que lidere y defienda a Israel en conflictos finales.
¿Cuál es un factor crítico en el linaje de Mashiaj?
Mashiaj debe ser un descendiente directo de la línea del Rey David.
Weitere Video-Zusammenfassungen anzeigen
- 00:00:00today we're talking about mashiach
- 00:00:02which is this like fascinating Jewish
- 00:00:05idea that's intrigued the world all
- 00:00:07these centuries and millennia
- 00:00:09and we have a lot of discussion about
- 00:00:12mashiach starting with the Tanakh and
- 00:00:14then the talmud midrash Lazar there's so
- 00:00:16many things said about mashiach who is
- 00:00:20he what does he look like where is he
- 00:00:21from where is he born when is he born
- 00:00:24what's his name maybe and the details
- 00:00:26how's he going to come and the details
- 00:00:28don't always agree
- 00:00:30so even like with the name of mashiach
- 00:00:32right the talmud is a famous passage
- 00:00:34many different possibilities it's this
- 00:00:35name and that name and this so the
- 00:00:37details don't always agree and all the
- 00:00:39different descriptions throughout our
- 00:00:41literature it's not always clear exactly
- 00:00:43what mashiach is like but if you look
- 00:00:47carefully you will find that there's
- 00:00:49five qualities maybe more but there's
- 00:00:51five that I found that everybody agrees
- 00:00:54on
- 00:00:55five qualities of mashiach that for sure
- 00:00:58are non-negotiable anybody wants to be
- 00:01:01mashiach has to have these five
- 00:01:03qualities for sure
- 00:01:04these are the five you have to have
- 00:01:07and so it's a useful to know these five
- 00:01:09it's useful it's kind of like a it's a
- 00:01:11good checklist that if somebody claims
- 00:01:13to be the Messiah or people claim that a
- 00:01:15certain person is the Messiah whether
- 00:01:17past or present or in the future you
- 00:01:19just kind of pull out this checklist and
- 00:01:21you see does this person have these five
- 00:01:23qualities because for sure all the
- 00:01:25sources agree that mashiach must have
- 00:01:27these five qualities
- 00:01:28so if the person has these five
- 00:01:30qualities okay great then it's possible
- 00:01:32let's see you can explore further but if
- 00:01:35the person is missing at least one of
- 00:01:36these qualities then you know that they
- 00:01:39are immediately disqualified and what
- 00:01:41you'll find is throughout Jewish history
- 00:01:43many have claimed to be mashiach many
- 00:01:47five major ones
- 00:01:50yeah so I there's been five major
- 00:01:53figures in Jewish history that either
- 00:01:55claim themselves or were claimed by
- 00:01:56others to be mashiach many minor ones
- 00:01:58the distinction I make between major and
- 00:02:01minor is if their movement outlasted
- 00:02:04their life
- 00:02:05meaning like if it continued past their
- 00:02:08death
- 00:02:09yeah so you have many minor Messianic
- 00:02:12figures who maybe generated some small
- 00:02:14movement but their movement died with
- 00:02:16them or didn't last long afterwards and
- 00:02:17then you have the major figures who
- 00:02:19built something bigger bigger than
- 00:02:22themselves and also Judaism had to
- 00:02:26respond to their movements and Judaism
- 00:02:27was permanently impacted by these
- 00:02:30movements so the first one was Jesus
- 00:02:34historically the first one was Jesus
- 00:02:372000 years ago now about a century after
- 00:02:40Jesus you had the next major figure who
- 00:02:43was
- 00:02:45right
- 00:02:47who led
- 00:02:49sure declared them to me yeah we don't
- 00:02:52know if he again we don't know what he
- 00:02:54himself said we know that Rabbi Akiva
- 00:02:56for sure declared him to be the Messiah
- 00:02:58and that's that's a big deal if rabi
- 00:03:00Akiva the chief Rabbi of the world says
- 00:03:02that he's a messiah that's a really big
- 00:03:04deal of course even in his day people
- 00:03:06whenever declared to be the Messiah
- 00:03:08there said what are you talking about
- 00:03:10they're one of the rabbis responded and
- 00:03:12told him famously that Akiva you know
- 00:03:14grass will be growing out of your cheeks
- 00:03:16and the Messiah will still not have come
- 00:03:18right meaning you'll be long gone and
- 00:03:20still mashiach will not be here so
- 00:03:22that's one of the people one of the
- 00:03:24rabbis in his day that responded to him
- 00:03:25but anyway rabi Akiva declared to be the
- 00:03:29Messiah because he really did do
- 00:03:31something major he managed to expel the
- 00:03:33Romans he managed to start rebuilding
- 00:03:36the temple even there's a we know for
- 00:03:38sure that he cleared the Temple Mount
- 00:03:40and they he started rebuilding the
- 00:03:41temple in fact there's a theory among
- 00:03:44historians that originally lagba omel
- 00:03:47the holiday of lag bahamir was
- 00:03:49originally instituted by barca to
- 00:03:52commemorate the expulsion of the Romans
- 00:03:54and the start of rebuilding the temple
- 00:03:57it's a very interesting Theory and of
- 00:03:59course
- 00:04:00um
- 00:04:01rashvi Shimon baryohai who today we
- 00:04:04celebrate lagba Omer we celebrate rashvi
- 00:04:06rajbi lived in that generation right
- 00:04:07raspberry was one of the students of
- 00:04:09Herbie Akiva he was a contemporary of
- 00:04:11Barca and then became associated with
- 00:04:14him but there is this theory that it may
- 00:04:16have even started a little bit earlier
- 00:04:18with
- 00:04:19Uma who actually on that day started
- 00:04:22rebuilding the Third Temple it's a
- 00:04:23theory I'm not saying that it's a fact
- 00:04:24but there is some evidence to support it
- 00:04:27eventually the Romans came back and put
- 00:04:29down their their Revolt barcoheri bolt
- 00:04:32and again it had a very serious impact
- 00:04:34on Judaism even in Allah like the fourth
- 00:04:37bracha of birkata Mazon was instituted
- 00:04:40in response to if you remember the
- 00:04:42Battle of beta and beta was one of the
- 00:04:44main battles of the Barca Rebellion
- 00:04:47so it had an impact on even how we
- 00:04:50recite birkata Mazon and if that's so
- 00:04:52that's what I mean that these are major
- 00:04:53Jewish figures because what they did had
- 00:04:56a serious and permanent impact on the
- 00:04:58development of Judaism going forward so
- 00:05:00we had Jesus and then a century later
- 00:05:02barkova and then for a long time you
- 00:05:04don't have any major figures you have a
- 00:05:06lot of minor runs
- 00:05:10one David Ruben mulholl these
- 00:05:14were all kind of minors
- 00:05:16there was in Yemen there was a couple so
- 00:05:18yeah so for a long time there was no
- 00:05:20major figure and then who's next
- 00:05:23in the 1600s
- 00:05:25yeah so in the 1600s then you have the
- 00:05:28notorious Chevy
- 00:05:29again was a major major figure managed
- 00:05:32to convince many many Jews that he was
- 00:05:34the Messiah of course eventually the
- 00:05:37ottoman Emperor the sultan called him in
- 00:05:39and said oh you think you're Messiah
- 00:05:41okay like you're going to convert to
- 00:05:42Islam or we're going to execute you so
- 00:05:44of course he's sold out he converted to
- 00:05:46Islam and his closest followers
- 00:05:48converted with him he convinced them
- 00:05:50that he was doing a tikkun for Islam by
- 00:05:52converting and but he will rectify the
- 00:05:54Muslim world like that but ultimately
- 00:05:57everybody realized that he was a faker
- 00:05:59or the vast majority of the Jewish World
- 00:06:01realized that he was another failed or
- 00:06:04false or Failed Messiah and that was the
- 00:06:06end of it although to this day there's
- 00:06:08many conspiracy theories of like secret
- 00:06:10shabbatan influence in the world I will
- 00:06:13put all those aside generally speaking I
- 00:06:16mean the shabbatsby movement was pretty
- 00:06:18much dead and then the next major figure
- 00:06:21was again about a century after who was
- 00:06:22Jacob Frank in the 1700s who saw himself
- 00:06:25as basically like a second coming of
- 00:06:27shabbatri Poland yes this was in Europe
- 00:06:31and he came from a family of shabbatan's
- 00:06:34and he saw himself as kind of like a
- 00:06:35second coming and started this new
- 00:06:39neoshabate and frankist movement which
- 00:06:42made a splash for a little while and
- 00:06:44then with him as well similar story he
- 00:06:46ended up converting to Christianity with
- 00:06:48his father Jacob Frank so we had Jesus
- 00:06:50we had Shimon we had shaptitsui Jacob
- 00:06:54Frank and then finally
- 00:06:57many many times you can't really say I
- 00:07:00have deal enough times but in our day
- 00:07:01and age the the biggest Messianic
- 00:07:04movement in the Jewish world is
- 00:07:15I think other people
- 00:07:18right so he he's not yeah first of all
- 00:07:22first of all there's no doubt that he is
- 00:07:25one of the greatest rabbis not only of
- 00:07:27the last century but of all time first
- 00:07:28of all uh what he did was incomparable
- 00:07:32revolutionary he did for sure more than
- 00:07:35anybody to advance the Messianic age
- 00:07:38to rectify the world you have to
- 00:07:40understand his vision and his genius you
- 00:07:43know he didn't just talk the talk he
- 00:07:44walked the walk if you think about even
- 00:07:46something like this whole vision of
- 00:07:48having Chabad houses on like every
- 00:07:50corner of the planet and every country
- 00:07:52in the most remotest Villages and
- 00:07:53jungles wherever you know under this the
- 00:07:56shut understanding of that like on a
- 00:07:58simple level why did he want to do this
- 00:07:59because you know to offer Jews wherever
- 00:08:02they might be kosher you know Jewish
- 00:08:04services so that wherever a Jew might be
- 00:08:06anywhere in the world there's access to
- 00:08:08a synagogue to prayers to kosher food to
- 00:08:10a Jewish Community to shabbat and so on
- 00:08:12that's a simple meaning the simple
- 00:08:14reason that he wanted to do this which
- 00:08:16is already incredible but if you
- 00:08:17understand the kabbalistic reason of
- 00:08:19what he was trying to accomplish it was
- 00:08:22more than that it was about absolute
- 00:08:25tikkun like this is the the real tikkun
- 00:08:28olama we talked about this recently with
- 00:08:30reciting brachas we talked about the
- 00:08:32last time about and how we recite on
- 00:08:35everything to rectify to free the Sparks
- 00:08:37there's Sparks of Holiness trapped
- 00:08:39everywhere on the planet within material
- 00:08:42things they are covered in these clipot
- 00:08:45of these physical husks and our job is
- 00:08:47to free the spiritual Sparks Within
- 00:08:49and that's that's something that like
- 00:08:51going back to the Ariza and to the tsar
- 00:08:53and to the Ariza that our purpose on a
- 00:08:55mystical level is to go all over the
- 00:08:56world and to free those Sparks and
- 00:08:58thereby rectify the whole Cosmos
- 00:09:00spiritually and that's how we bring
- 00:09:02about the Messianic age
- 00:09:04um and the laboratory took that into
- 00:09:07overdrive and literally sent people
- 00:09:09everywhere on the planet on a
- 00:09:11kabbalistic level to rectify to free the
- 00:09:13Sparks wherever they might be in the
- 00:09:15jungles of Southeast Asia or wherever in
- 00:09:17deserts in Africa and South America
- 00:09:19everywhere to rectify the world to make
- 00:09:22sure that all the Sparks wherever they
- 00:09:23might be will be liberated and freed
- 00:09:26through mitzvot and prayers and good
- 00:09:29deeds and all these things that we're
- 00:09:30all supposed to do so it was nothing
- 00:09:32less than actually rectifying the entire
- 00:09:35planet and preparing it spiritually for
- 00:09:38the coming of mashiachen for the
- 00:09:40Messianic age which is incredible
- 00:09:41because again you didn't just say that
- 00:09:43he would do it he was able to accomplish
- 00:09:45it he was able to inspire people to do
- 00:09:47that so that's an incredible incredible
- 00:09:49achievement and genius that's right
- 00:09:52that's right and so it's understandable
- 00:09:53why there's such a huge Messianic
- 00:09:55movement around him despite the fact
- 00:09:57that it's been almost three decades
- 00:09:59since he passed away so there's no doubt
- 00:10:01that he's a great figure I personally
- 00:10:02have a portrait of him in my office as
- 00:10:05well
- 00:10:06however the question of being mashiach
- 00:10:09that's a separate topic that needs to be
- 00:10:10discussed
- 00:10:11and so as I was saying that a person who
- 00:10:14claims to be mashiach or who whoever
- 00:10:17will be mashiach needs to have these
- 00:10:19five qualities that's just basic
- 00:10:21fundamental based on all of our sources
- 00:10:24and so we have to see if any of these
- 00:10:27five people from the past have these
- 00:10:28qualities all five of these qualities
- 00:10:30and anybody who claims in the future to
- 00:10:33be the Messiah are in the present or in
- 00:10:34the future do they actually have these
- 00:10:36five important qualities so I want to
- 00:10:39share those five with you and explain
- 00:10:40them and why they are important and
- 00:10:42where they come from
- 00:10:43and then go from there
- 00:10:45so before that just quickly to review
- 00:10:48the actual Allah as brought down by the
- 00:10:52rambam maimonides mosheban maimon who
- 00:10:54was also considered
- 00:10:56um you know we say that from
- 00:11:00the time of Moses until Moses maimonides
- 00:11:04there never arose one like Moses he's
- 00:11:06considered he's the great codifier of
- 00:11:08Jewish law and so we will hopefully in
- 00:11:11about a month devote when his yard side
- 00:11:13comes devote some time just to the
- 00:11:15rambam because he's such an important
- 00:11:16Monumental figure so in the mishna Torah
- 00:11:19and in his code of Jewish law he
- 00:11:21actually outlines the Allah
- 00:11:22of kings and specifically the Allah in
- 00:11:26chapter 11. so this is just to
- 00:11:28understand how do we know for sure when
- 00:11:30somebody is mashiach what is the job of
- 00:11:33mashiach so this is what he says right
- 00:11:35from the beginning
- 00:11:39number one that the Messiah is really
- 00:11:43just a Jewish King his job number one is
- 00:11:45to re-establish the davidic dynasty
- 00:11:48that's God's chosen Dynasty like it says
- 00:11:51clearly in the Tanakh it's the only
- 00:11:52legitimate line of Kings is the line of
- 00:11:55King David and the job of the Messiah is
- 00:11:58number one to re-establish the davidic
- 00:12:00dynasty the Jewish Kingdom the throne in
- 00:12:04Jerusalem
- 00:12:06number one
- 00:12:08and then he has to rebuild the Temple he
- 00:12:11has to rebuild the Temple so we await
- 00:12:13the Third Temple the next job of
- 00:12:16mashiach is to rebuild the Temple number
- 00:12:18two
- 00:12:19maybe there is one idea that the Third
- 00:12:21Temple will descend from heaven but
- 00:12:23that's that's not the rambam didn't hold
- 00:12:25by that kind of midrash the simple idea
- 00:12:27is on the simplest level mashiach has to
- 00:12:31just physically start the project of
- 00:12:33rebuilding the temple
- 00:12:35and number three is um and to gather to
- 00:12:39end the Exile of the Jewish people and
- 00:12:42to bring the Jews back to Israel so
- 00:12:44these are the three go the three jobs of
- 00:12:46mashiach and then the rambam makes sure
- 00:12:48that you know the Aliah
- 00:12:51do not think that mashiach has to be
- 00:12:54some miracle worker that is not
- 00:12:56important that is not a requirement
- 00:12:58there's no need for mashiach to work
- 00:13:00miracles and the Rumba makes it very
- 00:13:03clear that he doesn't even have to be me
- 00:13:05team he does not have to resurrect the
- 00:13:07dead that's not a sign that a person is
- 00:13:09the Messiah that's not important those
- 00:13:12are not the important things the
- 00:13:13important things are that the Messiah
- 00:13:14re-establishes the Kingdom of Israel the
- 00:13:16davidic dynasty rebuilds the temple
- 00:13:18brings the Jews back to Israel he does
- 00:13:20not have to be a miracle worker he does
- 00:13:22not have to revive the dead you know
- 00:13:24there's an old Hasidic saying that
- 00:13:26what's the big deal in Reviving The Dead
- 00:13:28Right anybody can revive the dead so
- 00:13:30there's any any second-rate Rabbi can
- 00:13:31revive the Dead the Hasidic saying goes
- 00:13:34that a real Rabbi knows how to revive
- 00:13:35the living right that's that's what's
- 00:13:38challenging Reviving The Dead is easy
- 00:13:40you have to know how to revive the
- 00:13:41living so mashiach is not somebody who
- 00:13:44can revive the dead it's somebody who
- 00:13:45can revive the living that's the idea
- 00:13:46you don't have to be a miracle worker a
- 00:13:48miracle worker that's not the
- 00:13:50requirement
- 00:13:51okay now what is important the rambam
- 00:13:54continues that how do we know if
- 00:13:56somebody is mashiach so imia David if
- 00:14:00you have a king somebody who is a king
- 00:14:02and who can prove that he's from the
- 00:14:04line of David
- 00:14:05and this person is he's constantly
- 00:14:08meditating upon the Torah
- 00:14:10and is full of engaging in mitsvilletan
- 00:14:13fulfilling the Mitzvahs Aviv like King
- 00:14:16David his forefather which needs its own
- 00:14:19explanation what does it mean to keep
- 00:14:21the Torah like King David
- 00:14:23but of course mashiach is a is a direct
- 00:14:26descendant of King David in some ways he
- 00:14:27is King David it's like the return of
- 00:14:29King David
- 00:14:30that's right yeah it's hard to be able
- 00:14:33to prove your lineage but the truth is
- 00:14:35that and we'll talk more about this
- 00:14:36later like probably every Jew has some
- 00:14:39direct line unless there's converts I
- 00:14:43guess but most Jews are probably have a
- 00:14:46direct connection to King David in some
- 00:14:48way simply because King David lived so
- 00:14:50long ago and he had many kids you know
- 00:14:53the talmud in one place said that he had
- 00:14:54like at least 400 kids so you can and
- 00:14:56then King Solomon
- 00:14:58at least and then King Solomon and then
- 00:15:01his son King Solomon had a thousand
- 00:15:04wives the tanaks of that so imagine how
- 00:15:05many kids King Solomon had so imagine
- 00:15:07how many descendants of King David there
- 00:15:09must be and that was three thousand
- 00:15:10years ago so imagine over 3 000 years of
- 00:15:13people marrying
- 00:15:15exactly so there's some millions and
- 00:15:17millions of people in the world after
- 00:15:19three thousand years would be descended
- 00:15:20from King David so that's not really
- 00:15:22that's probably not the hardest thing to
- 00:15:24find because uh I bet many Jews are
- 00:15:27actually in some way
- 00:15:29connected to King David after all these
- 00:15:31years
- 00:15:32but but mashiach really is David like he
- 00:15:35is the King David is the Prototype of
- 00:15:38mashiach and as we'll see in the five
- 00:15:39qualities that we discuss these are
- 00:15:41qualities that that David had mashiach
- 00:15:45has the qualities that King David had
- 00:15:48and he the the rambam continues that
- 00:15:51mashiach of course has to know all that
- 00:15:54he has to follow the whole written and
- 00:15:57oral Torah
- 00:16:00and he will encourage and inspire all of
- 00:16:04the Jewish people to return to proper
- 00:16:06Torah observance and the next thing is
- 00:16:08really important
- 00:16:09and he'll fight the wars of God as we
- 00:16:12know we talked about Goku Magog and all
- 00:16:14these prophesied wars that will happen
- 00:16:16at the end of days and mashiach is not
- 00:16:19just somebody who is you know a great
- 00:16:22scholar but he also fights the wars of
- 00:16:24God
- 00:16:25he's also a warrior so a person who does
- 00:16:28these things
- 00:16:30so the rambam says that a person who
- 00:16:32does these things is the presumptive
- 00:16:34Messiah we're still not sure if he's for
- 00:16:37sure the mashiach but he is the
- 00:16:39presumptive Messiah until if he does
- 00:16:43if he does all these things and succeeds
- 00:16:47and he builds the temple in its right
- 00:16:50place in Jerusalem
- 00:16:52Israel and he gathered all the people of
- 00:16:54Israel all the Jews to Israel then you
- 00:16:57know
- 00:16:59the only time where you're certain that
- 00:17:02a person is the Messiah is if these
- 00:17:04things have been accomplished he
- 00:17:06defeated the enemies of Israel
- 00:17:07re-established the dynasty rebuilt the
- 00:17:10temple brought all the Jews back to
- 00:17:11Israel so how do you know if a person is
- 00:17:14we are only certain if he did all these
- 00:17:17things rebuilt the temple brought all
- 00:17:19the Jews back to Israel fought all the
- 00:17:20wars re-established the davidic dynasty
- 00:17:23if a person succeeded in doing this then
- 00:17:25you know that he is and until then you
- 00:17:28know it would be very premature to
- 00:17:30declare anybody mashiach if they have
- 00:17:32not fulfilled these things and that's
- 00:17:34how we only then will we know for sure
- 00:17:36that a person is Messiah and if if they
- 00:17:38seem to be heading in that direction
- 00:17:40like somebody like balkova did defeat
- 00:17:43the Romans he fought the words of God he
- 00:17:45started rebuilding the temple he was
- 00:17:47apparently a great scholar perhaps one
- 00:17:49of the students of rabi Akiva rabi Akiva
- 00:17:51did declare him to be the Messiah so
- 00:17:53that he was the presumptive Messiah
- 00:17:55because he seemed to be fulfilling all
- 00:17:57the roles but one seat died and the
- 00:17:59rambam explains this once he he's dead
- 00:18:02and he did not fulfill all these goals
- 00:18:04then you know for sure that the person
- 00:18:06is not mashiach
- 00:18:10yeah so we have an idea that in every
- 00:18:12generation there is somebody who has the
- 00:18:14potential to be the Messiah right God
- 00:18:15keeps up at least one or perhaps more in
- 00:18:18every generation people who are
- 00:18:19potential Messiahs
- 00:18:21and if the generation merits it and the
- 00:18:24time is right then God will call on that
- 00:18:26person okay
- 00:18:32no because he's supposed to re-establish
- 00:18:33the davidic Dynasty and Rule as king
- 00:18:35eventually he will die after 40 years
- 00:18:38According to some sources like King just
- 00:18:41like King David ruled for 40 years King
- 00:18:43Solomon ruled for 40 years that seems to
- 00:18:45be the standard term Moses was the
- 00:18:48leader of Israel for 40 years
- 00:18:49so the standard term is one generation
- 00:18:52is defined as 40 years so after mashiach
- 00:18:55fulfills these goals he still needs to
- 00:18:58rule for 40 years and then pass away
- 00:19:06eventually yes So eventually also there
- 00:19:08will be a resurrection of the dead
- 00:19:10that's true after a certain period of
- 00:19:11time it doesn't have to be right away
- 00:19:12though at some point in the future
- 00:19:16complicates things a little bit now too
- 00:19:18right because now that you can meet a
- 00:19:20whole new criteria now I want to keep it
- 00:19:23simple and I want to avoid the
- 00:19:25discussion of mashir benicef versus
- 00:19:27because truly there is also a discussion
- 00:19:30of whether there are really two Messiahs
- 00:19:32or not is it really one messiah in just
- 00:19:36two phases
- 00:19:38um or is it to distinct individuals
- 00:19:42so that's that needs its own discussion
- 00:19:44but the simple I'm going to keep it as
- 00:19:46shut as possible that there's one
- 00:19:48mashiach for the purp maybe another day
- 00:19:50we'll discuss uh various other
- 00:19:52possibilities but assuming that there's
- 00:19:54only one
- 00:19:57and it's important to remember
- 00:19:59that there's no need for a second cup
- 00:20:02second coming because we're saying here
- 00:20:04the rambam says very clearly that a
- 00:20:05person's only mashiach when they
- 00:20:07fulfilled these roles if they have not
- 00:20:09fulfilled these tasks they are not the
- 00:20:11Messiah and all these other groups that
- 00:20:14have claimed somebody is the Messiah
- 00:20:15they had to deal with this problem
- 00:20:17because if you're saying let's say Jesus
- 00:20:19is the Messiah or whoever but they
- 00:20:22clearly did not fulfill these basic
- 00:20:25tasks so what do the people have to say
- 00:20:28oh well he'll come back right the
- 00:20:31shabbatayan said well shabbat's me will
- 00:20:33come back because he clearly did not
- 00:20:34fulfill any of these tasks so that means
- 00:20:37he must come back in the future and of
- 00:20:39course 400 years later he's never come
- 00:20:41back same thing with Jesus two thousand
- 00:20:43years ago the original disciples of
- 00:20:44Jesus were expecting him to fulfill
- 00:20:47these tasks and he didn't so they said
- 00:20:49well he will come back to fulfill these
- 00:20:51roles and they were expecting him to
- 00:20:53return imminently
- 00:20:56that's that's right
- 00:20:59whatever it is whatever it is they have
- 00:21:02to claim a second coming because clearly
- 00:21:04the person did not fulfill those tasks
- 00:21:06clearly today in real time this has not
- 00:21:10been done there is no Third Temple there
- 00:21:12is no davidic Dynasty the majority of
- 00:21:14Jews are not living in Israel in a
- 00:21:16proper holy Torah Kingdom so clearly
- 00:21:18none of these things have been fulfilled
- 00:21:20which means simply the Messiah has not
- 00:21:22yet come that's kind of obvious so how
- 00:21:24do these people continue to believe in a
- 00:21:26messiah when it's so obvious that a
- 00:21:28messiah has not come well they say that
- 00:21:30well he's came he did he started the
- 00:21:33work but didn't actually get very far
- 00:21:34but he will come back and so Christians
- 00:21:37have been waiting for two thousand years
- 00:21:38for him to come back and shabbatan were
- 00:21:41waiting for a long time for him to come
- 00:21:42back and so on everybody's always
- 00:21:43waiting and again
- 00:21:45who thinks that the rebius mashiach are
- 00:21:48waiting for him to come back even it's
- 00:21:50though it's been so long so having said
- 00:21:52all that what kind of person should we
- 00:21:55expect mashir to be what are those five
- 00:21:57qualities that mashiach must have
- 00:21:59number one
- 00:22:01and the First Quality is the most
- 00:22:03obvious and needs the least explanation
- 00:22:05is that this is a person who's of course
- 00:22:07a talmith who obviously knows
- 00:22:11he knows Torah inside and out and
- 00:22:14doesn't just know it but can teach it
- 00:22:16and can spread it and inspire people so
- 00:22:19it's like a genuine Torah teacher who's
- 00:22:21a very inspirational figure and an
- 00:22:24authentic real scholar and we talked
- 00:22:26about last time that just plain is not
- 00:22:28enough to be a computer is not enough
- 00:22:31what do I mean a computer can also a
- 00:22:33hard drive can also store all the
- 00:22:35thousands of texts and all the whole
- 00:22:37talmud and everything can recall it
- 00:22:40instantly so it's not enough for a
- 00:22:42person to just you know be blessed with
- 00:22:44a photographic memory and to just have
- 00:22:45all of Chess in their head and to be
- 00:22:47able to recall it instantly that's nice
- 00:22:49it's a nice feature but uh does not need
- 00:22:53to be a computer he needs to be somebody
- 00:22:55who understands who has Beena and Dutch
- 00:22:57right it's not enough to just have the
- 00:22:59plain and to just be able to MRI is a
- 00:23:02great deal of information it also
- 00:23:04requires a much deeper level of
- 00:23:06understanding and being able to relate
- 00:23:08to it and synthesize and apply it and
- 00:23:11actually have that wisdom and to inspire
- 00:23:13people and to be able to relay that
- 00:23:14information to others properly
- 00:23:17and honestly and truthfully and so on
- 00:23:20so that's quality number one number two
- 00:23:23though and this is the the one where a
- 00:23:26lot of people who claim to be mashiach
- 00:23:29or are claim to be this is where a lot
- 00:23:30will fail because as we saw as the
- 00:23:32rambam said he has to fight Hashem he
- 00:23:35has to be a warrior he's a warrior
- 00:23:37Messiah and in the tanak mashiach has
- 00:23:40described as a warrior mashiach and it
- 00:23:44connects to our Parsha this week and to
- 00:23:46the whole story of yaakov and Asaf and
- 00:23:49Israel what does this whole if you think
- 00:23:51about what is this whole story about
- 00:23:53yaakov and the transformation of yaakov
- 00:23:55from yaakov to Israel
- 00:23:58think about that yaakov is born and the
- 00:24:01Torah tells us that he's a Tom person
- 00:24:03Tom he's an innocent guy yes he sits in
- 00:24:07tents all day and he just wants to like
- 00:24:08learn and pray and meditate and his twin
- 00:24:11brother Asaf is a man of the field he's
- 00:24:14an ishade that he's he's hunting he's a
- 00:24:18man on the field he's taught he was born
- 00:24:20physically strong muscular hairy and so
- 00:24:24they're twins and yet yaakov is this
- 00:24:26like soft soft-spoken soft guy sitting
- 00:24:29intense just wants to be left alone just
- 00:24:31wants to read his books read pray
- 00:24:33meditate and ASAP is the exact opposite
- 00:24:35he's this Hunter this Warrior this great
- 00:24:37strong figure what was the point of that
- 00:24:39originally they were meant to serve God
- 00:24:41together right the Asaf was given the
- 00:24:45these qualities to be physically strong
- 00:24:48and to rectify the world physically and
- 00:24:50yaakov was given the ability to rectify
- 00:24:52the world spiritually yaakov would be
- 00:24:54the teacher the person who does mitzvot
- 00:24:56and all these things and ASAP would be
- 00:24:57the person who has to fight somebody has
- 00:24:58to defeat evil too somebody has to build
- 00:25:00somebody has to do those physical things
- 00:25:02so ASAP would have been the physical
- 00:25:04Builder the fighter somebody who
- 00:25:06confronts the darkness and yaakov is the
- 00:25:08person who's spiritually who's educating
- 00:25:10who's spreading the light they were
- 00:25:11supposed to work together
- 00:25:13but ASA failed in that attack he
- 00:25:15couldn't really channel that physical
- 00:25:17strength in the right direction and then
- 00:25:19what yaakov did is he said okay if
- 00:25:21you're not going to do this Mission I
- 00:25:22will do it and he took the birthright
- 00:25:25from him he took his Yakov took asab's
- 00:25:27Birthright which means what does that
- 00:25:28mean that he took his birth right it
- 00:25:30means he took his mission he took his
- 00:25:32actual purpose upon himself and he took
- 00:25:35his Blessing too and he made sure that
- 00:25:37he yaakov is basically saying I will be
- 00:25:40ASAP also and that what henceforth what
- 00:25:43God does is is he tells yaakov prove it
- 00:25:45and for the next 20 plus years he makes
- 00:25:49the Alcove even more it really really
- 00:25:51for the rest of his life he makes Yakov
- 00:25:53work to prove that he can be Asaf so
- 00:25:56what do you see yuck of doing henceforth
- 00:25:58he works for Lavan he's shepherding God
- 00:26:01he makes the outcome of work hard be a
- 00:26:04Shepherd work for Lavon do this do that
- 00:26:06build this whole Enterprise with these
- 00:26:09sheep and the goats and everything and
- 00:26:11then he makes him fight he battled Lavan
- 00:26:13the Torah says that Yakov wrestled with
- 00:26:15Lavan and then he wrestles with the
- 00:26:17angel
- 00:26:18he wrestles with people he wrestles with
- 00:26:21Divine beings and finally when he proves
- 00:26:23that yes he can fight that he's not just
- 00:26:25gonna run away originally what was he
- 00:26:27doing he was always running away ASAP
- 00:26:29said he's gonna hunt him down what does
- 00:26:31yaakov do instead of confronting him he
- 00:26:33runs away from him
- 00:26:34yaakov starts by running away and then
- 00:26:37he learns that he can't run away from
- 00:26:38his problems anymore he even runs away
- 00:26:40from Lavan at one point and then you
- 00:26:42realize that he can't keep running away
- 00:26:43and finally he confronts Lavon and
- 00:26:45wrestles with him and defeats him and
- 00:26:47then he wrestles with the angel and then
- 00:26:49he confronts ASAP and he learns to fight
- 00:26:51he learns to become a warrior not just
- 00:26:53somebody who is Yeshiva Alim who sits in
- 00:26:56tents but somebody who can also fight
- 00:26:58and prove his physical might this is the
- 00:27:01true Israel this is when God renames him
- 00:27:03Israel this is the person that the Jew
- 00:27:06is supposed to be not just a scholar who
- 00:27:08is Yeshiva Alim but also somebody who's
- 00:27:11an Isha somebody who can be a man of the
- 00:27:13field and can fight and this was
- 00:27:15actually perfectly embodied in King
- 00:27:18David this is why King David is so
- 00:27:21special why was King David unique why
- 00:27:23was King David God's beloved David means
- 00:27:26beloved his very name means that he's
- 00:27:28God's beloved why did God choose him and
- 00:27:30say that he is the forefather of
- 00:27:33mashiach and he's the only one his line
- 00:27:35is the only legitimate line of Kings
- 00:27:37what's so special about David David is
- 00:27:40that yaakov and a sub in one person he
- 00:27:43is the perfect Israel
- 00:27:44and what's even crazier this is really
- 00:27:46going to blow your mind there's only two
- 00:27:48people in the whole Tanakh that the
- 00:27:50Tanakh calls them admoni
- 00:27:53Asaf was that money and King David was
- 00:27:57admoni that's not a stem connection
- 00:27:59that's not a coincidence right remember
- 00:28:00there's no coincidence physical
- 00:28:03characteristics yeah King David was
- 00:28:05described as almoni as well
- 00:28:09so King David is described like ASA
- 00:28:12physically like Aesop he was this
- 00:28:13incredible Warrior
- 00:28:15that could defeat that that defeated 200
- 00:28:18Philistines single-handedly in one
- 00:28:19battle right his father-in-law put him
- 00:28:21to the test said bring me a hundred
- 00:28:23Philistine I won't say what he asked
- 00:28:25them to bring but he wanted him to fight
- 00:28:27a hundred Philistines and King David
- 00:28:29fought 200.
- 00:28:30hey he was a warrior and he was this
- 00:28:33incredible scholar and this composer and
- 00:28:36this musician he wrote talim and he
- 00:28:38wrote all these beautiful Psalms and and
- 00:28:40you retail him and you see how close he
- 00:28:42was to God how he was constantly you
- 00:28:44know put God before him and everything
- 00:28:46so he is that perfect embodiment of
- 00:28:48Israel he is the Yakov and ASAP in one
- 00:28:51he is spiritual Yakov and physically
- 00:28:53Asaf the Tanakh describes him physically
- 00:28:56like ASAP he's the only other person
- 00:28:57who's called admoni like asaph
- 00:29:00so the connections made very clear in
- 00:29:03Nintendo that's King David and that's
- 00:29:04mashiach and by the way really all of
- 00:29:06our great Figures were warriors avraham
- 00:29:08was a warrior he fought the Kings you
- 00:29:10remember he went up against these Kings
- 00:29:12he he took them on he fought them in
- 00:29:14battle
- 00:29:15uh yahushua
- 00:29:16even Moses we'd mentioned that recently
- 00:29:20that he fought Ugg he went head to head
- 00:29:22and he fought the giant Ugg and he was
- 00:29:23the one that single-handedly defeated
- 00:29:25this giant in battle so even Moses went
- 00:29:28to fight so all of our great Heroes were
- 00:29:31warriors
- 00:29:32so that's where a lot of the
- 00:29:35um
- 00:29:35people in the past didn't really fulfill
- 00:29:38this role somebody like Jesus was is
- 00:29:40considered described like a pacifist you
- 00:29:42know turn the other cheek and all that
- 00:29:44was not was not really a fighter not in
- 00:29:47his generation again if they'll argue
- 00:29:50well he'll come back to fight those in
- 00:29:51the second coming but like we said we
- 00:29:53can't wait for a second coming
- 00:29:55he physically fought he like literally
- 00:29:57fought off the Romans and defeated them
- 00:29:59in battle miraculously took on the
- 00:30:01biggest empire in the world and was able
- 00:30:03to defeat them at least temporarily so
- 00:30:05he's the only one that really fulfilled
- 00:30:07this particular requirement
- 00:30:09somebody likes updatesv never fought
- 00:30:10Jacob Frank never fought and now to
- 00:30:13answer your question when you look at
- 00:30:14somebody like the lubavitcher review
- 00:30:17obviously knew this requirement and what
- 00:30:20you find and this has been pointed out
- 00:30:22by others actually that's right Not only
- 00:30:25was the lubavator be consulted uh by the
- 00:30:29IDF regularly he he often gave advice to
- 00:30:33IDF generals and Israeli Prime Ministers
- 00:30:35that's very well known he met with many
- 00:30:37prime ministers with many generals with
- 00:30:39many people in Israeli intelligence and
- 00:30:41so on he didn't advise them in military
- 00:30:44strategy they often didn't listen to him
- 00:30:46but he gave the right calls that's one
- 00:30:48thing where he was in some ways a
- 00:30:51military strategist and did consult with
- 00:30:53the IDF but it's more than that the way
- 00:30:56that the rebbe built Chabad is with a
- 00:30:59lot of military language and symbolism
- 00:31:03right so like for example the youth
- 00:31:06movement of Chabad is called sivot
- 00:31:08Hashem right Siva sashem the the armies
- 00:31:10of God
- 00:31:11and they give them like military ranks
- 00:31:13even and the laboratory instituted
- 00:31:15having a parade every year like a
- 00:31:18military-style parade
- 00:31:20right specifically on like a Bowman
- 00:31:22which really if you ask the historians
- 00:31:25may be first done by Barca right uh so
- 00:31:28he instituted a military parade his
- 00:31:29campaigns
- 00:31:31The rebbe Institute attend campaigns in
- 00:31:33English the word campaign doesn't really
- 00:31:35necessarily mean something military but
- 00:31:37the Hebrew word for them the myth time
- 00:31:40they are military campaigns you know the
- 00:31:4310 campaigns of the rebbe he wanted to
- 00:31:45encourage Jews he that he he told his to
- 00:31:49go and Inspire others to do these 10
- 00:31:51main things like putting on fill in on
- 00:31:53people you know how the Chabad nikkims
- 00:31:55stand on street corners and ask hey are
- 00:31:57you Jewish let's put on Finland that's
- 00:31:58one of the campaigns and the ladies go
- 00:32:00and ask to other women if they litch
- 00:32:02about candles and so he did 10 such
- 00:32:04campaigns
- 00:32:06where he told history
- 00:32:08to go out and reach out to people to
- 00:32:10fulfill these 10 big Mitzvahs and
- 00:32:13they're called he called them if same
- 00:32:14like military campaigns so he used a lot
- 00:32:18of military language a lot of military
- 00:32:21symbolism in his organization in his
- 00:32:23style and some people say it was done
- 00:32:25deliberately to fulfill this need of
- 00:32:28being a warrior Messiah but he was not a
- 00:32:31physical Warrior it was being a
- 00:32:33spiritual Warrior a Mitzvah Warrior
- 00:32:35spiritual so is that enough though
- 00:32:37because the implication of the tanah and
- 00:32:39of the rambam and of all the original
- 00:32:41sources that mashir is really a physical
- 00:32:43fighter like King David fought
- 00:32:45physically and we do expect a physical
- 00:32:47gogu magogo conflict so we expect mashir
- 00:32:50to fight in that conflict to lead
- 00:32:54and his troops essentially in battle
- 00:32:57Yeah
- 00:33:00now one of the people who fulfilled so
- 00:33:02far all these qualities and was a
- 00:33:04warrior and was a great time and should
- 00:33:06have been mashiach
- 00:33:08it says
- 00:33:10he should have been mashiach but he
- 00:33:12wasn't because he was missing quality
- 00:33:14number three that's King Hezekiah
- 00:33:18King Hezekiah should have been the
- 00:33:20Messiah the talmud says that God wanted
- 00:33:22to make him mashiach and the angel said
- 00:33:24no because he was missing one important
- 00:33:28Quality Music
- 00:33:31that's what the talmud says
- 00:33:34uh he was a musician mashiach has to be
- 00:33:38a musician King David was a musician he
- 00:33:40played the harp and the liar and so on
- 00:33:42and wrote all these songs and the talmud
- 00:33:44says
- 00:33:45page 94. first of all it says all the
- 00:33:49Prophecies of Isaiah
- 00:33:51which Christians use to support to
- 00:33:54describe Jesus but who was Isaiah
- 00:33:56actually talking about
- 00:33:582700 roughly 28 2700 years ago who was
- 00:34:02he actually talking about
- 00:34:04Isaiah Isaiah was talking about Hezekiah
- 00:34:07Isaiah was the prophet the leading
- 00:34:09Prophet the court prophet in the time of
- 00:34:11King Hezekiah and his father King ahaz
- 00:34:14and his prophecies on the shut level on
- 00:34:17the simple understanding king or Isaiah
- 00:34:20the prophet was actually talking about
- 00:34:21Hezekiah and Chris fulfilled us so the
- 00:34:25talmud says fulfilled the Prophecies of
- 00:34:28Isaiah Christians say no Isaiah was
- 00:34:30talking about Jesus the truth is
- 00:34:33like around 27 roughly 100 years ago I
- 00:34:36mean there's a little discrepancy
- 00:34:37between secular dating and Jewish
- 00:34:39traditional dating but let's say roughly
- 00:34:412700 years ago King Hezekiah was one of
- 00:34:44the descendants of King David he was one
- 00:34:45of the kings of Yehuda the kings of
- 00:34:47Judah and he was extremely righteous and
- 00:34:50in his day the Torah was learned and he
- 00:34:52was very learned himself and actually he
- 00:34:56ended up marrying he was an in-law of
- 00:34:59Isaiah eventually and he was his great
- 00:35:01leader and he stood up to he fought Wars
- 00:35:04he stood up to sanib if you remember
- 00:35:06this Assyrian King who destroyed the
- 00:35:09Northern Kingdom of Israel and God made
- 00:35:12a miracle and sanif was unable to defeat
- 00:35:15yeah get him as a finger he didn't have
- 00:35:18to but in this particular conflict but
- 00:35:20he was a military King as well in that
- 00:35:23particular battle with sanjariv he
- 00:35:25didn't God made a miracle for him and we
- 00:35:27actually have historical evidence for it
- 00:35:28we have found the pillars that were
- 00:35:31inscribed by The King by San kherif that
- 00:35:34talk about this actually and that he he
- 00:35:36doesn't admit that he couldn't take
- 00:35:38Jerusalem but he says that he had
- 00:35:39Hezekiah hold up in Jerusalem that's how
- 00:35:42he describes it in his own Victory
- 00:35:43tablets
- 00:35:45so we do have archaeological evidence
- 00:35:47for this
- 00:35:48in Isaiah there's a place where the word
- 00:35:51where there's a word that has a mem so
- 00:35:54feet in the middle of the word with a
- 00:35:57mems of feet in the middle of the word
- 00:35:59which doesn't make sense why would why
- 00:36:02would it say that so the talmud says
- 00:36:03that it's actually referring to Hezekiah
- 00:36:06and how he was supposed to be mashiach
- 00:36:08and God wanted to make him
- 00:36:14that the Angels kind of that symbolize
- 00:36:16the the strictness of God
- 00:36:18master of the universe
- 00:36:21King David David
- 00:36:24he said so many songs he composed so
- 00:36:27many songs for you and you lost it you
- 00:36:30didn't make him and now Hezekiah
- 00:36:35you did all these miracles for him and
- 00:36:37yeah he might be a great guy
- 00:36:39but he didn't even sing one song for you
- 00:36:42now you're gonna make him
- 00:36:44and so
- 00:36:46God said Okay God was almost like
- 00:36:48overruled that Hezekiah was not made the
- 00:36:51Messiah because he was missing this
- 00:36:53critical feature which is to be a
- 00:36:54musician first of all why is music so
- 00:36:56important we see for example the
- 00:36:58prophets in in the Tana they needed
- 00:37:00music to enter a state of Prophecy music
- 00:37:03is something very spiritual it can
- 00:37:05actually put you into a trance and
- 00:37:06Elevate you really highly spiritually we
- 00:37:10see for example the prophet Elisha who
- 00:37:11was one of the greatest
- 00:37:12he says he when he wanted to get into a
- 00:37:15prophetic State he said again
- 00:37:18again
- 00:37:21that God's the spirit of God only came
- 00:37:24upon him when the music was playing he
- 00:37:26needed music to get into a trance in
- 00:37:29fact there's one place that suggests
- 00:37:31what was the difference between Moses
- 00:37:32and all the other prophets we know that
- 00:37:35Moses's Prophecy was unique Moses was
- 00:37:37the greatest prophet he was different
- 00:37:38than all the other prophets according to
- 00:37:40one explanation how was he different
- 00:37:42what made him different Moses was the
- 00:37:44only Prophet that didn't need music to
- 00:37:47prophesy that all the other prophets
- 00:37:49actually needed some kind of music to
- 00:37:51get into a prophetic trance and Moses
- 00:37:53did not right he was fully aware he was
- 00:37:55fully conscious and he did not need
- 00:37:56music that's according to one opinion
- 00:37:58but music in general something very
- 00:38:00spiritual it can uplift the soul it can
- 00:38:02get a person into a very deep prophetic
- 00:38:04State and King David used music to get
- 00:38:07into that kind of state
- 00:38:08and what what instruments might mashiach
- 00:38:11play if you think about if we want to be
- 00:38:13more specific so King David he played
- 00:38:15two instruments the harp and the liar
- 00:38:18which is like a little harp a liar
- 00:38:22he mentions that many times in Thailand
- 00:38:28also also schminate yeah did he play all
- 00:38:33those instruments it's possible we know
- 00:38:35for sure from the
- 00:38:36beginning
- 00:38:39from the actual remember King David's
- 00:38:42career in the Tanakh begins as the
- 00:38:44musician for King Saul Tallman says that
- 00:38:46he had over his bed right a harp that
- 00:38:48when the night the wind when the
- 00:38:50midnight Breeze would blow it would be
- 00:38:52like his alarm clock I'll tell you one
- 00:38:54very beautiful gimatria for what it's
- 00:38:57worth if you look at novel and Rino
- 00:39:00these two instruments do the guimate of
- 00:39:02navel noon is 50 that is two lamid is
- 00:39:0530. 82 and Rino if you add them up it's
- 00:39:09358. 300 Novelle Andor is 358 which is
- 00:39:14the gematri of mashiach so mashirk's
- 00:39:17instruments are the novel and the grino
- 00:39:19the harp and the liar the harp is bigger
- 00:39:21the liar is more of a portable string
- 00:39:24instrument the question is what is a
- 00:39:27novel in hinor today because nobody
- 00:39:29really today plays the harp and the liar
- 00:39:30maybe there's a handful of of musicians
- 00:39:33that play these antique instruments in
- 00:39:35the world but these are not common so if
- 00:39:37we were to ask well what is a modern day
- 00:39:39harp how did the harp evolve
- 00:39:41historically the harp was eventually it
- 00:39:44got so big that they laid it down you
- 00:39:47know by the Middle Ages they laid it
- 00:39:49down horizontally
- 00:39:50and then they made they made a
- 00:39:52harpsichord and then after the
- 00:39:54harpsichord they wanted to be able to
- 00:39:56regulate the sound better so they added
- 00:39:58Hammers and that was really the birth of
- 00:40:00the piano right if you look at a grand
- 00:40:01piano it still has the shape of a harp
- 00:40:03right it's a harp lying on its side so
- 00:40:05the heart became the harpsichord which
- 00:40:07became the piano and so the modern day
- 00:40:09harp would be a piano and what is the
- 00:40:12liar the liar is a small
- 00:40:14portable string instrument in the Book
- 00:40:17of Daniel Daniel lists in chapter three
- 00:40:19various instruments that the king
- 00:40:21nebuchadnezza that his uh
- 00:40:24choir or whatever that is his band used
- 00:40:26and it lists a whole bunch of
- 00:40:28instruments and one of them is called
- 00:40:29the kitaras
- 00:40:31is the origin of the guitar yeah the
- 00:40:34guitar started off as as it's like a
- 00:40:36portable string instrument right so
- 00:40:38uh perhaps the liar and the harp are the
- 00:40:42piano and the guitar which are really
- 00:40:43the two most common instruments musical
- 00:40:46instruments today that's how they
- 00:40:47evolved historically
- 00:40:50so that's music so that's the third
- 00:40:51quality of of mashiach is to be a
- 00:40:54musician remember God wanted to make it
- 00:40:56bless you God wanted to make Hezekiah
- 00:40:59the mashiach and the angel said no no no
- 00:41:01no he's not a musician end of discussion
- 00:41:03right if he's not a musician he can't be
- 00:41:05Monica there was a harp turned into the
- 00:41:07what the heart became the harpsichord
- 00:41:09which is the piano yeah and the liar
- 00:41:11really became the guitar
- 00:41:14so that's quality number three
- 00:41:16and then quality number four is a really
- 00:41:18big one and it's a big one and you'll
- 00:41:21find something really incredible with
- 00:41:22this one and it seems so simple quality
- 00:41:24number four is that mashiach has to be a
- 00:41:27family person a family man that he has
- 00:41:29to be married and he has to have
- 00:41:31children okay we know that the Zohar
- 00:41:34talks about it in several places where
- 00:41:36it says about mashiach that mashiach and
- 00:41:39his wife they are a person has to come
- 00:41:42it says the world will continue
- 00:41:44until will come
- 00:41:47a woman like Eve
- 00:41:50and a man like Adam
- 00:41:54they will outsmart the serpent if you
- 00:41:57remember we mentioned before that the
- 00:41:59nahash the serpent was the force that
- 00:42:01took us out of Eden and mashiach is
- 00:42:03supposed to bring us back to Eden and
- 00:42:05the gimatri of nahash is 358 just like
- 00:42:07mashiach is 358 and the Tsar says that
- 00:42:10it's going to take a man like Adam and a
- 00:42:12woman like Eve to do the tikkun for Eden
- 00:42:15and to outsmart to reverse what was done
- 00:42:17in Eden so mashiach's wife we're talking
- 00:42:20about the man mashiach but also his wife
- 00:42:22plays an equally important role here or
- 00:42:24almost equally important in terms of
- 00:42:26going restoring mankind to the Garden of
- 00:42:29Eden so mashiath is for sure married
- 00:42:34well let's see and in another place in
- 00:42:37another place in Missouri it talks about
- 00:42:39the
- 00:42:42pasuki
- 00:42:44all right
- 00:42:47says
- 00:42:50just like a palm tree they're not going
- 00:42:53to grow if unless you have a male and
- 00:42:54female that pollinate each other and you
- 00:42:57need to have a minimum of two palm trees
- 00:42:58in an orchard so that they give fruit so
- 00:43:00just like a palm tree because we say
- 00:43:02it's
- 00:43:02the righteous one the Messiah will will
- 00:43:05flourish like a palm tree just like a
- 00:43:08date palm needs both male and female so
- 00:43:11too so too the righteous one
- 00:43:15has to have both male and female haves
- 00:43:18husband and wife just like
- 00:43:21they will be like avraham and Sarah if
- 00:43:24you remember the Torah says they made
- 00:43:25Souls
- 00:43:27they were able to inspire people and
- 00:43:29work together to do mitzvot so mashiach
- 00:43:32and his wife are like a a team just like
- 00:43:34avraham and Sarah just like Adam and Eve
- 00:43:36and how do we know will he will have
- 00:43:39children well that's implied by the fact
- 00:43:41that he has to re-establish a davidic
- 00:43:43dynasty so if you have a dynasty that
- 00:43:45implies more than one ruler and that's
- 00:43:48what actually the rambam says very
- 00:43:50clearly the rambam says he will die
- 00:43:56after mashiach will die his son will
- 00:43:58rule and then his son will rule so there
- 00:44:00will be a minimum of three generations
- 00:44:02in the Messianic age of the davidic
- 00:44:05dynasty because it's supposed to be a
- 00:44:06dynasty it's not a dynasty if you only
- 00:44:08have one one king so there has to be a
- 00:44:10re-establishment of a dynasty and this
- 00:44:12is something really amazing because if
- 00:44:14you think about it
- 00:44:15[Music]
- 00:44:17they came supposed to last 40 years then
- 00:44:20it'll be 120 years that's going to go
- 00:44:22home that's right so if you think about
- 00:44:24the years we've said this before it's
- 00:44:2657.83 so we only have like 200 and some
- 00:44:29years left and if the rambam's telling
- 00:44:31us we need three kings and if if each
- 00:44:33one rules 40 years then you need you
- 00:44:35still need to leave time for 100 until
- 00:44:37the year six thousand you need to leave
- 00:44:39like 120 years minimum of uh of of a
- 00:44:43dynasty
- 00:44:45also by the year 6000 the resurrection
- 00:44:48needs to happen so but certainly we only
- 00:44:50have 200 and some years for all this to
- 00:44:53occur these three you know mashiach to
- 00:44:55be the king then his son then his son
- 00:44:57and there's a resurrection of the dead
- 00:44:58at some point so there's all this stuff
- 00:45:00that still needs to happen so there's
- 00:45:01really not that much time
- 00:45:03but what's really amazing about this is
- 00:45:06if you note how the five major figures
- 00:45:09in history that we talked about
- 00:45:11Jesus did not have children Jesus was
- 00:45:13not even married did not have children
- 00:45:16had multiple wives didn't have children
- 00:45:19finally after he already converted to
- 00:45:21Islam he did have a son who he called
- 00:45:24Ishmael of course but that son died
- 00:45:27after just a few years as a child and so
- 00:45:30he never actually had again any progeny
- 00:45:32left over and again many many times also
- 00:45:36did not have children he had a beautiful
- 00:45:38marriage for sure so that's a major
- 00:45:42quality that mashiach has to have so
- 00:45:46quality number five
- 00:45:48quality number five is that mashiach is
- 00:45:49about so he's somebody that was not born
- 00:45:52religious that he becomes religious this
- 00:45:55is discussed in in multiple places why
- 00:45:57is this necessary because and we talked
- 00:45:59about this before that when you have
- 00:46:01this a great Soul like that the sitra
- 00:46:04the forces of evil are always going to
- 00:46:06try to prevent that it's their job like
- 00:46:08God programmed these forces to kind of
- 00:46:11prevent and oppose the positive there's
- 00:46:13good angels and there's there's angels
- 00:46:15that do good and there's angels that do
- 00:46:16not so good and it's meant to maintain
- 00:46:18the Free Will and God programmed them to
- 00:46:20do this and so if there's a possibility
- 00:46:23for a soul to be mashiach then the sitra
- 00:46:25the forces the opposing forces are going
- 00:46:28to do everything possible to make sure
- 00:46:29that that soul is not born
- 00:46:32to keep it from coming into this world
- 00:46:35and so as the arizal explains and many
- 00:46:36others that Soul has to be covered up in
- 00:46:39many clip there is also the same thing
- 00:46:41about avraham the Ariza talks about how
- 00:46:43avraham was born a Ben Nida his mother
- 00:46:46was of course and he does she she
- 00:46:47conceived him in a state of menstrual
- 00:46:49impurity and for obvious reasons because
- 00:46:52avram was the first Jew so how could he
- 00:46:54not be he was by by default of Benida
- 00:46:56but the resources was necessary to allow
- 00:46:59the soul to enter the world
- 00:47:04well he's the first Jew so he they
- 00:47:06wouldn't have known the laws of Mikvah
- 00:47:08and all that
- 00:47:09we consider him the first Jew like the
- 00:47:12first person that made a covenant with
- 00:47:13God that was circumcised and that began
- 00:47:15the Torah tradition
- 00:47:17so their Israel talks about how even
- 00:47:19avram had to be a Ben Neda on purpose to
- 00:47:21because that Soul had to be covered up
- 00:47:23in a lot of klipot to kind of cover its
- 00:47:26light to allow it to enter this world
- 00:47:27and the the idea with mashiach is very
- 00:47:30similar that mashiach is born in a not
- 00:47:32so holy spiritual environment and you
- 00:47:34know the whole lineage of mashiach this
- 00:47:35is very famous our sages point this out
- 00:47:37all the time the whole lineage of
- 00:47:38mashiach is full of strange
- 00:47:40relationships lot and his daughter
- 00:47:43produced who's then the group the great
- 00:47:45grandfather I guess of Ruth and Ruth is
- 00:47:47the great grandmother of King David
- 00:47:50into the convert and Yehuda and Tamal
- 00:47:52and there's all these weird
- 00:47:54relationships with David and bacheva so
- 00:47:56in the whole lineage of mashiach there's
- 00:47:58all kinds of seemingly sins involved and
- 00:48:01it's done on purpose to cover up the
- 00:48:04soul of mashiach in a lot of klipot so
- 00:48:07that his soul will not be prevented from
- 00:48:09entering this world so the midrash
- 00:48:11famously says
- 00:48:15that there's four people that don't have
- 00:48:19Arabi that didn't have a rabbi that
- 00:48:21found God on their own
- 00:48:25that four people were able to find God
- 00:48:29on their own the first is avraham
- 00:48:39and that's another enigmatic figure that
- 00:48:41we have to discuss who exactly was job
- 00:48:43and who what's his story we will do that
- 00:48:46in the future so avraham was first
- 00:48:48obviously and then eov and the third was
- 00:48:51like we said who God wanted to make
- 00:48:55mashiach no because if you read the
- 00:48:57Tanakh where was he born his father King
- 00:49:00ahaz
- 00:49:02was one of the most wicked Kings of
- 00:49:04Yehuda he was a horrible idolater and he
- 00:49:07expunged Torah in his generation he
- 00:49:09turned the Tanakh says that he made the
- 00:49:11temple a place of idolatry and Chris was
- 00:49:13born in that environment into that
- 00:49:15context in a world where Torah Scholars
- 00:49:17were hunted down there was no Torah it
- 00:49:19was all idolatry the temple was
- 00:49:21idolatrous and Chris came to God himself
- 00:49:24and when he became king he cleaned up
- 00:49:26the country re-established the Torah
- 00:49:28schools and did all this great stuff to
- 00:49:30restore Torah to the land and so like we
- 00:49:33said was one of the potential Messiahs
- 00:49:35and he was one of these people who was a
- 00:49:37balchuva and found God on his own and he
- 00:49:39was supposed to be mashiach as well and
- 00:49:41so we had Abraham found God on his own
- 00:49:43EO found God on his own found God on his
- 00:49:46own and the last one
- 00:49:48is also will himself come to God he's
- 00:49:51not somebody that has a rebbe he finds
- 00:49:54God
- 00:49:55by himself so he's born into an Unholy
- 00:49:57into a let's say atheistic environment
- 00:50:01into a secular environment and comes to
- 00:50:04God on his own so those are the five
- 00:50:06qualities that mashiach must have so the
- 00:50:09scholar part the Warrior part the
- 00:50:11musician part the family and being a
- 00:50:14balchuva the truth is being about chuva
- 00:50:16it doesn't like even if somebody born in
- 00:50:18the religious world could be about chuba
- 00:50:20the truth is that unfortunately not
- 00:50:22every religious household is really a
- 00:50:24hundred percent religious and there's a
- 00:50:26lot of wayward households and and even
- 00:50:28somebody born into a religious family
- 00:50:30could kind of go off the Derek and
- 00:50:34certain rules but they're not correct
- 00:50:36exactly exactly so the truth is that
- 00:50:38even doesn't have to be like necessarily
- 00:50:40somebody was completely secular and
- 00:50:41became although that seems to be the
- 00:50:43implication
- 00:50:44um but it doesn't have to be that way
- 00:50:45but those are the five qualities so
- 00:50:47somebody like also like the
- 00:50:48lubavitcherbi he would not qualify as a
- 00:50:50balchuva he was born into the holiest
- 00:50:52possible environment his father was a
- 00:50:53great
- 00:50:55yeah he Comfort his father-in-law of
- 00:50:58course what was his rebbe so to say that
- 00:50:59the laboratory didn't have Arabia of
- 00:51:01course he did he had many he studied
- 00:51:03with some of the greatest rabbis he
- 00:51:04studied with the rogge over gone and he
- 00:51:06had the greatest teachers the finest
- 00:51:08teachers then he was born in the holiest
- 00:51:11finest environment anyway so these are
- 00:51:13the five qualities and we'll just
- 00:51:15conclude if we were to put some numbers
- 00:51:17to this just as a fun little thought
- 00:51:19exercise if we were to actually
- 00:51:21statistically look at how many people
- 00:51:24actually have these five qualities like
- 00:51:27if we were to look at the world today
- 00:51:28how many people would even qualify not
- 00:51:31even a handful so let's see let's put
- 00:51:33some numbers let's do this real quick
- 00:51:35you have about 15 million Jews in the
- 00:51:37world
- 00:51:37we said before that maybe 20 percent can
- 00:51:40be described as being religious in some
- 00:51:42way let's say 20 let's be a little
- 00:51:44liberal with our numbers let's say it's
- 00:51:4620 that are connected to God in some way
- 00:51:49and are like living a Torah life
- 00:51:52as necessary so out of 15 million
- 00:51:57out of 15 million you're down to about 3
- 00:51:59million right and if we're going to
- 00:52:01focus specifically on the man the
- 00:52:03woman's like we said the woman also
- 00:52:04plays the role the wife is just there
- 00:52:06just as much but if we're talking about
- 00:52:07one individual then you got to cut that
- 00:52:09number in half twenty percent of the
- 00:52:11religious that brings you down to three
- 00:52:12million let's add of those half as male
- 00:52:15half as female you're down to about one
- 00:52:16and a half million we know that mashiach
- 00:52:18has to be a direct descendant of King
- 00:52:20David which technically disqualifies KOA
- 00:52:22name sorry and uh it disqualifies Levine
- 00:52:25because there cannot be this assuming
- 00:52:27you're a genuine Cohen then you have a
- 00:52:29direct descent from Aaron and you're not
- 00:52:31a direct descendant of King David the
- 00:52:33good thing is that you can serve in the
- 00:52:34temple when it's rebuilt it shouldn't be
- 00:52:36a genuine Cohen or a levite and also not
- 00:52:39a convert because somebody who converted
- 00:52:41they're not a direct descendant of King
- 00:52:43David also if they're father converted
- 00:52:45or their grandfather or their
- 00:52:46great-grandfather because once you have
- 00:52:48in the paternal line a convert then
- 00:52:50you're no longer a direct descendant of
- 00:52:52King David so if we were to put some
- 00:52:55number on it if we have one and a half
- 00:52:57million in you can definitely take out
- 00:52:59about a third about a third you can
- 00:53:01probably take out right if you consider
- 00:53:03all the coin name the Levine and
- 00:53:05Converse people who have a convert in
- 00:53:07their paternal lineage the truth is
- 00:53:09there's some other tribe too right we
- 00:53:12don't know also who might not be we're
- 00:53:15assuming everybody is a yehudi is from
- 00:53:17the tribe of Yoda although it's true
- 00:53:19that there could be many people that are
- 00:53:20not necessarily
- 00:53:21from the tribe of Yoda it's possible so
- 00:53:25let's say you're down to about 1 million
- 00:53:28and then so you have about a one in a
- 00:53:30million shot if you're a religious Jew
- 00:53:32who's not a Cohen Levy or convert you
- 00:53:34know assuming that you're from the tribe
- 00:53:35of yudah from the descendant of King
- 00:53:37David you already have a one in a
- 00:53:39million shot
- 00:53:40if you add up I looked up the statistics
- 00:53:42of how many people are musicians that
- 00:53:44are proficient in a musical instrument I
- 00:53:47found different numbers uh in terms of
- 00:53:49how many people have taken music lessons
- 00:53:50or how many people or whatever but it
- 00:53:53seems like that about 10 of the
- 00:53:55population is proficient in at least one
- 00:53:58instrument ten percent I don't know if
- 00:54:00that's too generous or not but that's
- 00:54:02the number I found so that one million
- 00:54:04if you take 10 you're down to a hundred
- 00:54:06thousand
- 00:54:08now the biggest one is really who is a
- 00:54:10real talmit who's a Torah teacher
- 00:54:12mashiach is supposed to be an inspiring
- 00:54:14Torah teacher who really truly knows
- 00:54:18so how do we figure out how many people
- 00:54:20know their stuff and can teach it King
- 00:54:24Solomon said in coelet King Solomon said
- 00:54:30I was my soul was looking and I didn't
- 00:54:33find Adam
- 00:54:35I only found one real man in a thousand
- 00:54:39so the midrash rabba says what does that
- 00:54:41mean when King Solomon said I only found
- 00:54:43one real man out of a thousand
- 00:54:47so the the midrashaba says
- 00:54:51the way of the world is
- 00:54:54a thousand people
- 00:54:56will start learning Torah we'll start
- 00:54:59learning scripture
- 00:55:02a hundred will really be able to grasp
- 00:55:04it and graduate to learn mishnah
- 00:55:14only ten will graduate to properly
- 00:55:17understand talmud and everything and
- 00:55:19that implies
- 00:55:21and out of those
- 00:55:24that one will come out to be able to
- 00:55:27teach so there's a rule that the
- 00:55:29midrashram says based on King Solomon
- 00:55:31what does it mean when King Solomon said
- 00:55:33I only found one man in a thousand it
- 00:55:34means out of a thousand people who learn
- 00:55:36Torah one will actually know what
- 00:55:38they're talking about will end up
- 00:55:39graduating and we'll know to be able to
- 00:55:42actually teach Torah and talmud and all
- 00:55:44of that and mishna and Kabbalah and
- 00:55:46whatever one in a thousand so and that's
- 00:55:49why
- 00:55:51that's the meaning of I found King
- 00:55:53Solomon saying I found one in a thousand
- 00:55:55so if you have a hundred thousand
- 00:55:57potential
- 00:55:58and you're only saying that one in a
- 00:56:00thousand is capable of being a genuine
- 00:56:02real
- 00:56:03scholar teacher then you're only down to
- 00:56:05100 people
- 00:56:07out of a hundred thousand so you have
- 00:56:09maybe a hundred people that are
- 00:56:10musicians that are real Torah teachers
- 00:56:13that are not calling him Levine that are
- 00:56:16religious connected to Hashem maybe a
- 00:56:19hundred
- 00:56:20and then still yeah then you still need
- 00:56:23what you were saying that they have to
- 00:56:25be married that they have to have
- 00:56:26children and that they have to have some
- 00:56:28kind of warrior potential that they have
- 00:56:30to be physically physically strong not
- 00:56:33just your Chevrolet but also somebody
- 00:56:35who's both your Chevrolet
- 00:56:37so how many do you really have right
- 00:56:39maybe a small handful of people that
- 00:56:43would actually even qualify so it's not
- 00:56:45so simple we said last time that there's
- 00:56:47maybe 36 hidden in siddiquim in the
- 00:56:49world that might be the number there
- 00:56:50might be maybe 36 people that have the
- 00:56:52potential and it doesn't really matter
- 00:56:55who it is we just want that person to
- 00:56:58come and hopefully we Merit to be the
- 00:57:01generation where the Real the true
- 00:57:02mashiach finally shows up okay we'll end
- 00:57:05there thank you thank you
- Mashiaj
- Judío
- Tanaj
- Talmud
- Rey David
- Guerrero
- Música
- Templo
- Mesías
- Dinastía Davídica