Let's Catch Up 💔
TLDRIl video documenta l'esperienza personale di una madre che affronta la separazione dal marito e la sfida di crescere un bambino da sola. L'autrice condivide la sua vulnerabilità e il suo senso di perdita, descrivendo giorni impegnativi fatti di tristezza e di momenti di sfida per la propria salute mentale mentre si occupa del figlio. Nonostante le difficoltà, esprime la speranza di superare il periodo oscuro grazie al supporto della famiglia e degli amici, a momenti positivi come allenamenti fisici e alla volontà di documentare il viaggio di guarigione. Riconosce la vulnerabilità derivante dalla sua nuova realtà ma mantiene uno spirito combattivo e resiliente, sottolineando l'importanza di concentrarsi sui momenti felici con suo figlio e sulla costruzione di un futuro indipendente e sereno.
Para llevar
- 👶 Affrontare la genitorialità come madre single.
- 🧠 Sfide riguardanti la salute mentale dopo un trauma.
- ❤️ Importanza del supporto di famiglia e amici.
- 📅 Documentare il processo di guarigione.
- 💪 Resilienza e forza interiore.
- 🏋️♀️ Sfruttare l'esercizio fisico per il benessere.
- 🎄 Preoccupazioni per eventi speciali come il Natale.
- 📝 Scrivere un diario per riflettere su sé stessi.
- 🎨 Cambiamenti estetici come simbolo di crescita.
- 🚶♀️ Fare passeggiate per la tranquillità.
- 🗺️ Accettare l'incertezza riguardo al futuro.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:16
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Qual è la situazione personale dell'autrice?
L'autrice sta affrontando una separazione coniugale e sta crescendo il suo bambino di 10 mesi da sola.
Come sta gestendo l'autrice il suo benessere emotivo?
Sta cercando di mantenere un atteggiamento positivo, facendo esercizio fisico e appoggiandosi alla sua rete di supporto composta da famiglia e amici.
Come sta affrontando l'autrice la sua nuova realtà di madre single?
Sta cercando di adattarsi gradualmente, documentando il suo percorso per processare il trauma e sperando in tempi migliori.
Quali sono alcune delle attenzioni quotidiane dell'autrice?
Si sta impegnando in attività quotidiane positive come l'esercizio fisico, il trascorrere del tempo con suo figlio e la costruzione di una routine stabile.
Cosa ha fatto l'autrice per sentirsi meglio a breve termine?
Ha partecipato a uscite sociali e ha fatto piccole modifiche estetiche per sentirsi meglio, come sistemare i capelli.
L'autrice ha piani per il futuro prossimo?
Attualmente sta prendendo tempo per guarire ed è incerta sul suo futuro, ma spera di documentare la sua ripresa e stabilità.
Quali sono le sfide affrontate con la separazione?
Affronta una vasta gamma di emozioni, tra cui dolore e confusione, aggiustandosi a una vita senza il sostegno dell'ex partner.
Qual è il ruolo della famiglia nella vita dell'autrice?
La sua famiglia è il suo principale sistema di supporto, fornendo amore e aiuto durante questo periodo difficile.
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- 00:00:05hi
- 00:00:07YouTube
- 00:00:09um welcome back to my channel I guess
- 00:00:14um the date is the 1st of
- 00:00:20December Kaa is 10 months old today
- 00:00:26um and yeah a lot to update you guys on
- 00:00:30I guess um a little nerve-wracking I
- 00:00:33have a lot to say but I just don't know
- 00:00:35how to say it much thank you to everyone
- 00:00:38so much who have been supporting me
- 00:00:41checking on me like I feel like like
- 00:00:44loads of like online best friends um
- 00:00:47it's been really really really helpful
- 00:00:49and reading I'm trying to read as many
- 00:00:51messages and stuff as I can and they've
- 00:00:53been really heartwarming and they've
- 00:00:56really comforted me in some sort of way
- 00:00:59um I just had to kind of
- 00:01:01like come out from that whole social
- 00:01:05media bubble for a little while and
- 00:01:06obviously he's took a step back from
- 00:01:08YouTube Just
- 00:01:10because well for those of you that don't
- 00:01:12know my whole world's just been turned
- 00:01:13upside down I am
- 00:01:17now well I am still married but um I'm
- 00:01:21no longer with my
- 00:01:23husband and I have to raise a 10-month
- 00:01:25old baby as a single mom
- 00:01:32so it kind of feels like I'm drowning
- 00:01:34right now
- 00:01:38um it's
- 00:01:40[Music]
- 00:01:43um I don't even know how to explain how
- 00:01:45I feel I just feel like everything's
- 00:01:47just numb still even though it's been a
- 00:01:50few weeks I still feel like I'm empty
- 00:01:52inside it's just Hollow like the lights
- 00:01:55are on and just nobody's home I just
- 00:01:56feel like I'm like a robot I don't know
- 00:01:59how the day gone from start to
- 00:02:02finish like there's been days
- 00:02:05of like I just haven't eaten um it's
- 00:02:08great cuz I've lost a little bit of
- 00:02:10weight but it's not in the healthy way
- 00:02:11so I don't really want
- 00:02:13to um glorify that like I feel like I
- 00:02:16have to drag myself out of a dark place
- 00:02:19because I have a child to look after and
- 00:02:22I am with him 247 so it's a bit hard to
- 00:02:26try and navigate my own mental health
- 00:02:29when I have have a small baby to look
- 00:02:31after and I was struggling with things
- 00:02:33anyway postpartum but
- 00:02:36um that's nothing compared to the
- 00:02:38feelings that I feel right now I don't
- 00:02:41want to sound too depressing but
- 00:02:45unfortunately that is the that is my
- 00:02:47life at the minute I don't feel like I
- 00:02:50have been in a worser place in my life
- 00:02:52which is really sad to say because I
- 00:02:54have this beautiful baby but like my
- 00:02:56whole Future's just been robbed from me
- 00:03:00and I'm grieving I'm grieving a life
- 00:03:03that I have had I'm grieving
- 00:03:07a a person that I love so much I'm
- 00:03:10grieving a situation that is just not my
- 00:03:13reality anymore and it's so hard to try
- 00:03:15and comprehend everything
- 00:03:19and be in this mess of adapting to a new
- 00:03:23life
- 00:03:24um it's it's really difficult and it's
- 00:03:27really taken um
- 00:03:33sorry it's been really difficult and
- 00:03:35it's
- 00:03:37really really
- 00:03:38[Music]
- 00:03:43um it's been really hard and it's going
- 00:03:46to be really hard and it's going to
- 00:03:49continue like a roller coaster some days
- 00:03:52I'll have good days bad days I'm sure
- 00:03:53that will happen but now it's literally
- 00:03:55just trying to keep my head above water
- 00:03:58and surrounding myself with as
- 00:04:00many positive people and my support
- 00:04:03system which is my family my close
- 00:04:06friends
- 00:04:09and I know that I'm a strong person I
- 00:04:13haven't been before um but I know that
- 00:04:16deep down I'm a strong person and I know
- 00:04:19that I'll be okay I know that I'll smile
- 00:04:24again and I'll be genuinely happy I know
- 00:04:27that
- 00:04:29these dark days won't last forever but
- 00:04:32at the same time I'm trying
- 00:04:33to force myself to be in the moment with
- 00:04:36my son because he's only little for so
- 00:04:37long he's only 10 months old and it's
- 00:04:39just kind of hard
- 00:04:42to appreciate the happy times when I'm
- 00:04:44in such a bad place at the minute but um
- 00:04:47I thought I
- 00:04:50would I don't know why I picked up the
- 00:04:52camera I'm not going to lie I'm I'm I
- 00:04:55want to document like things with my
- 00:04:57child I still want to do like YouTube
- 00:05:00I don't know how long for just see how
- 00:05:02it goes just winging it I don't know
- 00:05:03where my life's going at the minute in
- 00:05:04all honesty um but I still want to
- 00:05:07document certain things in my life and
- 00:05:09unfortunately this is like a
- 00:05:11really low point in my life that I'm
- 00:05:15hoping in a few months time a few years
- 00:05:17time I look back on
- 00:05:18and although things are bad now I've had
- 00:05:21the strength to pull myself out of this
- 00:05:23dark hole that I've been
- 00:05:25putting completely blindsided um
- 00:05:30it's not what I wanted it's not what I
- 00:05:32expected but it is what's happened and
- 00:05:35that is unfortunately my
- 00:05:37reality maybe it's blessings in Disguise
- 00:05:40that things have happened this way
- 00:05:42because there was plans to have another
- 00:05:45baby in January which is next month so
- 00:05:49that's obviously not happening anymore
- 00:05:52um you know I was going to give I was
- 00:05:56going to give k a sibling so that's no
- 00:05:59longer on the car so I have no idea
- 00:06:01where my life is going but on the upside
- 00:06:04I have the most beautiful baby boy who I
- 00:06:07am obsessed with and he's really pulled
- 00:06:09me out of some Dark Places
- 00:06:13and
- 00:06:16um I'd like to try and keep building
- 00:06:20myself keep building myself keep
- 00:06:21building myself out of these dark places
- 00:06:23I know it's going to be good days and
- 00:06:25bad days but I'd really like to try
- 00:06:27and document this process of healing um
- 00:06:32a new chapter once I've processed the
- 00:06:37initial trauma of things the you know
- 00:06:40I'm not going to go for another baby in
- 00:06:42January obviously those plans have been
- 00:06:45well and truly cancelled I have to
- 00:06:47grieve a marriage I have to grieve a
- 00:06:49life and those things are all going to
- 00:06:51take time to heal
- 00:06:55but I just want to be better already I'm
- 00:06:57not but I know that I will be but just
- 00:06:59wish that I was just healed if I was in
- 00:07:01a good place but then at the same time
- 00:07:03I'm like my happiness with my firstborn
- 00:07:06child has just been
- 00:07:09completely robbed and I've never felt
- 00:07:12more
- 00:07:14vulnerable and alone in my life but it
- 00:07:17is Christmas coming up it's coa's first
- 00:07:21Christmas which is hopefully going to
- 00:07:24still be as magical as I can make it for
- 00:07:27him um and and then it's a new year and
- 00:07:31then Co will be turning one so I will
- 00:07:34try and document as much as I can of
- 00:07:37that and a new sense of
- 00:07:39motherhood this if I'm honest um it's
- 00:07:42still very fresh and raw it's only been
- 00:07:44like 3 weeks since everything's just
- 00:07:46blown up in my face
- 00:07:48but if you're watching this then I had
- 00:07:50the courage to post it
- 00:07:53and that means that I
- 00:07:56have slightly pulled myself out of the
- 00:07:59hole that I'm in currently so hopefully
- 00:08:02when you fast forward or when this video
- 00:08:04kind of comes to the end um it'll be me
- 00:08:07being in a better place fingers
- 00:08:11crossed a big milestone hit today I went
- 00:08:14on the peltin bike for 20
- 00:08:18minutes um used to keep the peltin bike
- 00:08:20in sorry I'm speaking quietly cuz CO's
- 00:08:22in bed
- 00:08:23um used to keep the peltin bike in the
- 00:08:27garage um
- 00:08:30but I haven't been really feeling
- 00:08:33like safe I guess is the word um so I've
- 00:08:36just poured it in like the one of the
- 00:08:38bedrooms downstair well the bedroom
- 00:08:40downstairs um fun well not fun fact but
- 00:08:44uh never used to lock the doors at home
- 00:08:46it's quite like safe where we are but
- 00:08:48just because of the way I'm feeling I
- 00:08:49have to lock everything all the time I'm
- 00:08:51just a bit
- 00:08:52like vulnerable and paranoid but 20
- 00:08:56minutes on the bike I'm quite proud of
- 00:08:57myself even though I really just didn't
- 00:08:59want to to do it I just wanted to lie in
- 00:09:01bed and cry pretty much but
- 00:09:04um that's not really going to get me
- 00:09:06anywhere longterm place is an absolute
- 00:09:09State that's
- 00:09:11just representing my life at the minute
- 00:09:14but
- 00:09:16um I feel I didn't want to do that
- 00:09:19workout but I
- 00:09:22feel I don't want to say better for it
- 00:09:25but I'm glad that I did it push myself
- 00:09:27that way
- 00:09:29even though it's not what I want to be
- 00:09:32doing but I think that
- 00:09:34the me exercising and doing things like
- 00:09:37myself and my mental health is good for
- 00:09:39me and my
- 00:09:40body I'm really hoping by the end of
- 00:09:42this Vlog I don't know when I'm going to
- 00:09:44post it if I'm going to post it but I'm
- 00:09:45really hoping that I'm going to be
- 00:09:46feeling like slightly in a better place
- 00:09:49Maybe not maybe I feel a lot
- 00:09:52worse um that's a lie I'm pretty much at
- 00:09:55Rock Bottom in my life right now so it'd
- 00:09:58be hard to get anywhere
- 00:10:01uh but I am hoping
- 00:10:04that things slowly start to creep up or
- 00:10:07it's just going to be like a roller
- 00:10:08coaster like I'll cry all day this day
- 00:10:09and then the next day I'll be like okay
- 00:10:11and functioning the next day trying to
- 00:10:13keep my head above water then some else
- 00:10:15just slaps you in the face try not to
- 00:10:17cry that's the main one I cried a lot
- 00:10:20today so if I could go to bed and not
- 00:10:23cry myself to sleep that would be good I
- 00:10:25am cooking up a storm in the kitchen
- 00:10:28this is the long longest time I've ever
- 00:10:30been away from my child before so trying
- 00:10:33to occupy my time
- 00:10:36is a learning process I went to the gym
- 00:10:39today I had a couple of meetings
- 00:10:42with people quite
- 00:10:46um it's not nice it bloody sucks but um
- 00:10:50it is the positives that I'm trying to
- 00:10:52take into it so it's nice to have my own
- 00:10:55time I'm just trying to in all honesty
- 00:10:57I'm just trying to kid myself
- 00:11:00um like things are just a bit normal and
- 00:11:03Co is just out for a little while he's
- 00:11:05back again and just trying to keep
- 00:11:08things as calm as possible for me this
- 00:11:12is the only way I can kind of get
- 00:11:13through this literally just trick myself
- 00:11:14into thinking because I'm such a dear in
- 00:11:16headlights at the minute I'm just trying
- 00:11:19to trick myself into thinking that
- 00:11:20everything's fine everything's normal
- 00:11:22this is like your normal day what you
- 00:11:23would be doing your home alone which is
- 00:11:25quite normal well not alone but I'd be
- 00:11:26with color but yeah I'm just trying kind
- 00:11:29of kid myself in a way not quite sure
- 00:11:31how else to describe it but um my life
- 00:11:34is a mess and we are just Runing with
- 00:11:37the punches I say we yeah me and Kaa
- 00:11:40were just Runing with the punches so I'm
- 00:11:42going to appreciate this little time
- 00:11:44left I have to myself and try and get
- 00:11:46everything ready
- 00:11:48and I would say today is a successful
- 00:11:52day as went to the gym that was nice I
- 00:11:56had like a good amount of time for
- 00:11:58myself I once rather than r washing to
- 00:11:59be
- 00:12:00home and had some meetings like I said
- 00:12:03and hopefully it will be a nice evening
- 00:12:06with my son because I miss him a lot
- 00:12:08and it's all just a learning curve but
- 00:12:11taking the winds whilst I can even
- 00:12:14though the winds are just like me
- 00:12:15tricking myself of this is the life that
- 00:12:18I wanted which is not but um yeah the
- 00:12:21positives I get to cook my lunch SL
- 00:12:24dinner in peace I get to have a small
- 00:12:27tiny little glass of wine
- 00:12:33and I'm physically healthy I guess well
- 00:12:38I hope I still actually need to go to
- 00:12:39the doctors to get
- 00:12:42myself checked um which is really
- 00:12:46embarrassing but yeah I am physically
- 00:12:48healthy as far as I'm aware
- 00:12:52so positive thinking and all that back
- 00:12:55from the hairdresses I've got my hair
- 00:12:57done feeling
- 00:13:00quite nice
- 00:13:01actually um the hairdresser that did it
- 00:13:03James Casey he was honestly just like my
- 00:13:06biggest typ
- 00:13:08man you just really made me feel like
- 00:13:11special and just I don't know I think
- 00:13:12just what I needed you know like you
- 00:13:14after a breakup or whatever you just I
- 00:13:16don't know why I'm doing that as if like
- 00:13:18I'm not going through a breakup um just
- 00:13:20let me thr really nice you just want
- 00:13:22that kind of like glow up or change and
- 00:13:24just a whole
- 00:13:26new I don't know what I'm trying to say
- 00:13:28like you just want to cleanse everything
- 00:13:30out you just want to change things and
- 00:13:31switch things up so it's just a bit hard
- 00:13:34really like giving Kaa away for a few
- 00:13:37hours even though it's needed like I'm
- 00:13:39I'm glad that I have time to myself it's
- 00:13:41just a sad situation all around
- 00:13:44really um I think whatever way you look
- 00:13:46at a breakup whether it's bad good
- 00:13:49betrayal not betrayal um a breakup is a
- 00:13:52breakup and it's still hard so trying to
- 00:13:55get used to a new schedule or a new
- 00:13:58routine or new life is very um difficult
- 00:14:02so I find it a bit hard
- 00:14:04like these little moments like leading
- 00:14:06up to color coming back just cuz it's
- 00:14:09not ideal but on the bright
- 00:14:13side
- 00:14:16hello
- 00:14:17ay oh God scare the life out of
- 00:14:20me ay just walked through the door um by
- 00:14:24the bright side going out tonight which
- 00:14:26is going to be my first night out in
- 00:14:27about
- 00:14:29two years I think maybe more maybe less
- 00:14:32I don't know but
- 00:14:34nervous looking forward to it but also
- 00:14:37very nervous cuz I think I'll have like
- 00:14:38two drinks and then that'll be enough
- 00:14:40for me but um can't take my camera on
- 00:14:44and out obviously but I
- 00:14:46am excited nervous scared looking
- 00:14:50forward to it and yeah as long as I
- 00:14:54don't cry by the end of the night it's a
- 00:14:57success oh my God put your
- 00:15:01hair come say
- 00:15:06hi
- 00:15:09hey good
- 00:15:11morning it is the morning after the
- 00:15:13night out the day before I'm at my
- 00:15:16parents house in their spare
- 00:15:18bedroom where I lived for about 2 weeks
- 00:15:21a little while ago and like felt
- 00:15:25nice and then I went out and then it was
- 00:15:28just like yeah this is too soon this is
- 00:15:30way too soon because all I was picturing
- 00:15:32in my head is stuff that normal people
- 00:15:35just wouldn't picture on a night out
- 00:15:37um and just kind of getting like pushed
- 00:15:40and shoved obviously it's Christmas
- 00:15:42that's you know going to be busy
- 00:15:43everywhere but then there's like
- 00:15:43Christmas music ping and I'm just
- 00:15:45literally standing and there're
- 00:15:48like
- 00:15:50just just too soon to be going out and
- 00:15:53doing things um I don't know why I'm
- 00:15:57doing this I think it's just like
- 00:16:00maybe a survival guide for anyone in the
- 00:16:02future that's going to go through a
- 00:16:04breakup or going through a really hard
- 00:16:05time with a partner and
- 00:16:07just either oh this worked well for me
- 00:16:09or this didn't work well for me or don't
- 00:16:11follow any advice that I'm giving or do
- 00:16:13follow this I don't know I don't really
- 00:16:15know what I'm doing that's pretty much
- 00:16:16the story of my life right now but um
- 00:16:20I'm glad I did it to know that that's
- 00:16:22not what I want to do be going out and
- 00:16:24partying and this that the
- 00:16:26other but I'd much rather like get ready
- 00:16:30have a few drinks um I think I enjoy the
- 00:16:33process of getting ready to go out
- 00:16:35rather than actually going out a lot
- 00:16:37more than going out so I think in the
- 00:16:40future I'd rather just like get ready
- 00:16:42make myself feel nice and then go out
- 00:16:44for
- 00:16:45dinner and then have a couple drinks and
- 00:16:47then be at home with cover by like 8:00
- 00:16:49p.m. 9:00 p.m. that would be nice it's
- 00:16:51just
- 00:16:53not I'm just not there I'm not in the
- 00:16:55place to be going out and having a good
- 00:16:59time when I'm not in a good mood I don't
- 00:17:02have it in me to loosen up and be free
- 00:17:04and have a good time and be your happy
- 00:17:08because well I'm not
- 00:17:11um I'm really not happy this isn't what
- 00:17:13I pictured don't want to cry I tried the
- 00:17:17night out 4 weeks
- 00:17:19later probably wasn't the best idea but
- 00:17:21I really enjoyed the getting ready part
- 00:17:22and making myself feel nice and stuff
- 00:17:24like that but then when we actually got
- 00:17:26out it was just like oh okay it's like
- 00:17:29in the movies you when you're getting
- 00:17:30pushed and shoved and you're just like I
- 00:17:31just want to go home and get a Chinese
- 00:17:33and crawl up on the sofa with your
- 00:17:36person and just um well not your person
- 00:17:39but
- 00:17:40your whoever in a loving
- 00:17:45way but I just can't do that
- 00:17:48anymore well I don't know if it's a good
- 00:17:50thing or a bad thing because Co is so
- 00:17:52young he's 10 months old I don't know if
- 00:17:54that's like good or bad but he will
- 00:17:56notice that I'm stressed or that is
- 00:17:58patterns that are changing that
- 00:18:00nothing's in a routine and I don't know
- 00:18:04so just a bit hard but my tip if anyone
- 00:18:07is going through something like me
- 00:18:09hopefully no one is going through
- 00:18:10something like me but um surround
- 00:18:13yourself of loved ones don't go out too
- 00:18:16soon
- 00:18:18you need time to
- 00:18:21heal what I pictured my life just isn't
- 00:18:24what my reality is and
- 00:18:27like like I'm still grieving a breakup
- 00:18:30grieving a marriage and like it's a
- 00:18:31proper grieving process and then
- 00:18:34like you could say
- 00:18:37the other person or hypothetical
- 00:18:41situation in a
- 00:18:43relationship one
- 00:18:46person's
- 00:18:48distraught shocked ading headlights
- 00:18:50trying to grieve trying to process
- 00:18:52everything and then another person is a
- 00:18:55year and a half two years into another
- 00:18:57relationship
- 00:19:01um yeah so that balance is
- 00:19:05very very
- 00:19:07different that just kind of puts a bit
- 00:19:09of a not a Twist on things but just
- 00:19:12makes it a lot
- 00:19:14more traumatic I don't know what the
- 00:19:16word is but yeah it's not it's not
- 00:19:19a it's not a nice
- 00:19:21feeling I'm not going to be a pushover
- 00:19:24I'm a very strong woman I get that from
- 00:19:26my mom and a really good relationship
- 00:19:27with my dad so
- 00:19:29so that's a
- 00:19:31benefit I'm just not going to
- 00:19:34be
- 00:19:37this victim I don't know what the word
- 00:19:39is I don't like using that victim
- 00:19:40mentality but I'm not going to be this
- 00:19:42blubbering mess sad depressed or
- 00:19:45whatever you want to call it for the
- 00:19:47rest of my life I'm not I'm just not
- 00:19:48that's just not of my nature it's just
- 00:19:49not as much as I can try and fight it
- 00:19:52it's just not who I am so I just need
- 00:19:54the time to heal process things try and
- 00:19:57move forward with things in the best way
- 00:19:58possible
- 00:19:59because I'm hoping it's not going to get
- 00:20:02messy but by the way things have gone
- 00:20:04it's hard to keep
- 00:20:06it
- 00:20:08respectful so I will go over this I will
- 00:20:11be better I just wish I could fast
- 00:20:14forward to the time where I'm better and
- 00:20:16I'm happy and I'm singing dancing
- 00:20:21and yeah that would be nice me and Ka he
- 00:20:26his little Walker
- 00:20:29we're just getting ready to have dinner
- 00:20:30his dinner is just in the oven this is
- 00:20:32like my favorite time of
- 00:20:34day it's always my favorite time of day
- 00:20:36having like getting dinner ready having
- 00:20:39a little dance B with him in the kitchen
- 00:20:41and just yeah quality time I guess I am
- 00:20:46cuz I'm on my I think I've been on a
- 00:20:49fitness and health Journey for the last
- 00:20:51like 10 years but um this has got a
- 00:20:53whole new twist to things now so I feel
- 00:20:56like I should be more motivated than
- 00:20:57ever
- 00:20:59so I've started writing little like
- 00:21:01discipline messages to myself on the
- 00:21:03board so excuse my hand Ryan I did this
- 00:21:06in a rush says every time I skip a
- 00:21:09healthy meal I silent message to myself
- 00:21:10saying my goals don't really matter my
- 00:21:12potential isn't worth the effort don't
- 00:21:14let yourself down be her be that girl be
- 00:21:17your own dream girl because I doing this
- 00:21:20for me and me only obviously Kaa but I
- 00:21:23just want to be in the best
- 00:21:26mental state in my life kind it's a long
- 00:21:29time coming but I can try and trick
- 00:21:32myself or when I have good days really
- 00:21:34feel those good days and when I have a s
- 00:21:36day and when I have those sad days just
- 00:21:38really Embrace that or just deal with
- 00:21:41that I guess literally my life is just
- 00:21:43like a roller coaster
- 00:21:45so it is really tricky but we're going
- 00:21:49to get by aren't we
- 00:21:52Ka Kaa you saying
- 00:21:54[Music]
- 00:21:57hi weeks
- 00:21:59but I'm trying to get into that mindset
- 00:22:01of just taking one day at a time because
- 00:22:02I don't know what's going to happen
- 00:22:03tomorrow or the day after that
- 00:22:06especially the type of situation I'm in
- 00:22:08where there's lawyers involved and it's
- 00:22:12a little bit tricky with things so just
- 00:22:16trying to take things one day at a time
- 00:22:18and try to not let things get the better
- 00:22:21of me so at the minute it's been a good
- 00:22:22day so I don't want to go into anything
- 00:22:24sad
- 00:22:26so yeah going to make some dinner with
- 00:22:31Kaa like I'm glad that Co is asleep and
- 00:22:33I have this time to myself but I don't
- 00:22:35know if so much time to myself is a good
- 00:22:37thing at the minute unless unless you've
- 00:22:39going through a breakup or divorce
- 00:22:42or some sort
- 00:22:45of betrayal or whatever you want to call
- 00:22:47it um it's really hard to explain the
- 00:22:51feelings of how like empty you feel or
- 00:22:53your your own selfworth and your
- 00:22:55self-confidence
- 00:22:57and stuff like that I
- 00:23:00mean like it's been about 4 weeks 5
- 00:23:04weeks until sorry since my marriage was
- 00:23:09over or when I realized my marriage was
- 00:23:13over and I think like it's you know it's
- 00:23:16only been a month or so
- 00:23:18and even though what was done
- 00:23:22was you know really horrible and how it
- 00:23:24ended was really horrible and stuff
- 00:23:26but although that was horrific I
- 00:23:30think somehow the treatment since has
- 00:23:36been more surprising or more horrific or
- 00:23:40I can't really put it into
- 00:23:42words but it's just the zero remorse or
- 00:23:46zero empathy to the situation
- 00:23:51um which I am which I think I struggle
- 00:23:55with the most um
- 00:24:00so yeah it's all it's all a big
- 00:24:02confusion it's all a big
- 00:24:05like you know stabb to the heart in
- 00:24:07multiple ways find out your whole
- 00:24:08world's burn up and then next minute um
- 00:24:11your bags are packed or my bags were
- 00:24:13packed
- 00:24:14so it's just a kind of hard one
- 00:24:18to kind
- 00:24:20of adjust to because a few weeks
- 00:24:23ago it's December now so a few a few
- 00:24:26weeks ago like I was
- 00:24:29like things were planned for us to have
- 00:24:31our next baby so so then to go from
- 00:24:36that fast forward four or 5 Weeks Later
- 00:24:38is
- 00:24:40just really hard
- 00:24:43to
- 00:24:45um get into my head my head's not a nice
- 00:24:48place in a minute anyway
- 00:24:53but yeah I I don't really know um how
- 00:24:56else to explain it
- 00:24:58I'll be thankful one day um it'll make
- 00:25:01me stronger I know that say good morning
- 00:25:05YouTube say
- 00:25:09hi just going to go for a walk and then
- 00:25:13Kaa is away with his daddy for a little
- 00:25:16while so I've got some time for myself
- 00:25:18which is
- 00:25:20good watch this he loves this funny H is
- 00:25:24that funny
- 00:25:30just thought I'd like show show you show
- 00:25:33people some books that I've been trying
- 00:25:36to
- 00:25:37read um I got this book a little while
- 00:25:40ago saying one day at a time I think
- 00:25:42actually spoke about in my last Vlog
- 00:25:43maybe it's basically like a little diary
- 00:25:47um but it's like Got Deep meaningful
- 00:25:48questions in it like
- 00:25:52um okay this one says who do you trust
- 00:25:54the most and
- 00:25:56why um have you changed the The Last 5
- 00:25:58Years three long-term go three long-term
- 00:26:02goals um what something you finally come
- 00:26:06to terms with and just stuff like that
- 00:26:07just like deep rooted like
- 00:26:10self-reflecting questions I think I got
- 00:26:12this of Amazon and then just a everyday
- 00:26:15journal and this was meant to find you
- 00:26:19when you needed it the most uh Kelsey
- 00:26:21got me this and it's such a good book it
- 00:26:24is really really really like just
- 00:26:28the final bit of mine and coa's
- 00:26:30Christmas tree come so I wanted to do
- 00:26:32like a 90s theme this year and for the
- 00:26:34last few months I've been collecting all
- 00:26:36these little ornaments they're quite
- 00:26:37expensive so like I say expensive they
- 00:26:39like range between like £5 to
- 00:26:42like12 so it's like for me that's
- 00:26:45expensive because it's a ball Bell but
- 00:26:46um I just thought it was really cute
- 00:26:49like a ' 90s Christmas tree there's a
- 00:26:51nappies um my niece Faith she thought
- 00:26:54coa's toy would go perfect as a star but
- 00:26:57like I've got like a Disney theme so
- 00:26:59like Toy Story Monsters Inc uh CO's
- 00:27:04first Christmas that was when I went to
- 00:27:06New York um the little highland
- 00:27:10cow Sally and stuff like that 101
- 00:27:13dations I just thought it was really
- 00:27:16cute okay it was sunny but uh now cuz
- 00:27:20we're in Scotland it's uh just about to
- 00:27:23rain probably I stayed in bed on morning
- 00:27:26I watched a movie CAU it ends with us
- 00:27:28it's a really great movie we've wanted
- 00:27:29to watch it for ages um I'd recommend
- 00:27:31anyone to watch it speaking at Mill
- 00:27:33miles an hour just need to chill I've
- 00:27:35had a whole can of Monster
- 00:27:38um I was planning on going to the gym
- 00:27:41today but when Kaa comes back and goes
- 00:27:43to bed I'll just do a workout at home I
- 00:27:45have weights and stuff at home so I'm
- 00:27:48actually going to go for a hike there's
- 00:27:50a mountain near us called fish us
- 00:27:53there's a mountain near where I live
- 00:27:54called fish and I don't know how high is
- 00:27:58but I haven't done it in about 2 years
- 00:28:00so um I think it usually takes around 45
- 00:28:02minutes to walk up probably take me over
- 00:28:05an
- 00:28:07hour I'm
- 00:28:09dying just trying to see if there's
- 00:28:11anyone watching or coming outside don't
- 00:28:13like a weird I record to myself well for
- 00:28:15anyone that is going
- 00:28:17through a breakup or a similar
- 00:28:20situation or just curious just thinking
- 00:28:24there like just
- 00:28:25because someone else is on a faster path
- 00:28:30or a different situation in their life
- 00:28:33than you are in ours and you're trying
- 00:28:34to compare it doesn't mean that you have
- 00:28:36to match that process like I went for a
- 00:28:39KN out that was way too soon didn't
- 00:28:41enjoy it I enjoyed the getting ready
- 00:28:43part rather than going for night I'm
- 00:28:45much more of a dinner and a couple
- 00:28:47drinks type of girl then home for 9: um
- 00:28:51and also just trying to think oh he's
- 00:28:53moved on and he's done this and iest do
- 00:28:56the same but like that's the worst thing
- 00:28:58you can do whilst you're trying to like
- 00:29:00heal something that's broken sounds so
- 00:29:02cheasy I'm sorry but like learning who
- 00:29:04you are trying to find who you are and
- 00:29:06like learning so many things about
- 00:29:07yourself and reflection of things that
- 00:29:11maybe you could have done better cuz
- 00:29:12obviously you blame yourself for certain
- 00:29:14things which don't get me wrong I'm not
- 00:29:16blaming myself for any part of the
- 00:29:17situation but you always do blame
- 00:29:20yourself for parts of where you know
- 00:29:22your marriage or relationship breaks
- 00:29:23down or broken down for it to end up in
- 00:29:27this way way but like I know that I'm
- 00:29:29going to be okay and I know that like
- 00:29:33when me and COA find
- 00:29:34are like forever home like it's going to
- 00:29:37be such a nice magic bubble that it's
- 00:29:40just going to be me and Ka and that's
- 00:29:42going to be so happy or that's going to
- 00:29:45bring me so much
- 00:29:46happiness and although I love the house
- 00:29:48that we're in just now it's it's too
- 00:29:50broken for things to be fixed in so like
- 00:29:54a fresh start when I eventually move
- 00:29:56hope hopefully I'll document that
- 00:29:57process
- 00:29:59ESS well if all things go okay like
- 00:30:02things
- 00:30:04are like things are not as volatile as
- 00:30:09they were before still horrific don't
- 00:30:10get me wrong
- 00:30:12but I want to be able to enjoy my son's
- 00:30:15childhood he's only 10 months old and
- 00:30:17having all this hatred and anger
- 00:30:21and I don't even know what is just not
- 00:30:23good for my happiness to be flooded that
- 00:30:26way with all of that so I'm trying to
- 00:30:30not even be the bigger
- 00:30:32person cuz I'm furious but just trying
- 00:30:37to accept things and trying to not let
- 00:30:43things I don't know it's it's hard like
- 00:30:46some days I'm angry some days I'm sad
- 00:30:48some days I'm happy some days I'm like
- 00:30:51singing Whitney houon and gangster rap
- 00:30:54and all this kind of stuff snow
- 00:31:02so far we've had
- 00:31:03Sunshine rain and now
- 00:31:11snow look at that
- 00:31:15view Sun creeping
- 00:31:19in so
- 00:31:25snowy not sure if you can hear me it's
- 00:31:27so so windy up here but I'm the only
- 00:31:29person Onish actually only took me 50
- 00:31:33minutes so maybe I was just really unfit
- 00:31:36before and still already unfit now but
- 00:31:37um quite surprised at the time it took
- 00:31:41yeah it's
- 00:31:49[Music]
- 00:31:54nice family Sundays
- 00:31:58[Music]
- 00:32:08[Music]
- 00:32:15it's been a different Vlog I do
- 00:32:17apologize I know my other Vlogs are
- 00:32:19quite depressing but this kind of takes
- 00:32:21the first spot of depressing videos on
- 00:32:23YouTube I'm sure uh a big thing for me
- 00:32:27was having a good support system um I'm
- 00:32:30really lucky I have an amazing
- 00:32:32relationship with my mom and dad my mom
- 00:32:33and dad are amazing and so is my sister
- 00:32:36Rachel but having them obviously is
- 00:32:39number one but having my friends is just
- 00:32:42such a like literally just like
- 00:32:43surrounded Me In Love they come up they
- 00:32:45FLIR from London straight away and
- 00:32:47helped
- 00:32:48me reorganize the house and time to heal
- 00:32:51I think it's really important like so
- 00:32:52going out for walks like doing your
- 00:32:54drives like blaring the music like for
- 00:32:56me it's dancing in the kitchen in with
- 00:32:58CER at night with music
- 00:33:00playing it's very easy
- 00:33:03to like jump in a new situation or go on
- 00:33:07a dating website or trying to jump on
- 00:33:10that situation which is very not me and
- 00:33:13that's not healthy well I don't think
- 00:33:15it's healthy I think that you need to
- 00:33:17learn who you are and gain confidence
- 00:33:20and your self-esteem and everything like
- 00:33:22that it's going to take me a long time
- 00:33:23to get that magic back in me but I know
- 00:33:26that I have it I'm a very very confident
- 00:33:29person not at the minute right now but I
- 00:33:32know that I'm going to get that back and
- 00:33:33I have the sounds so cheesy but it is
- 00:33:37true but I have the ability to be who I
- 00:33:39want to be I have so much more time to
- 00:33:42myself than I ever would have had before
- 00:33:45not really sure that's a good thing in
- 00:33:46certain times but it is needed I've had
- 00:33:50friends from school from from when I
- 00:33:53lived in London all reach out to me that
- 00:33:55I haven't spoken to in like years
- 00:33:58is the way people have supported me
- 00:34:00online messaging like even when I don't
- 00:34:03even open the message they'll message me
- 00:34:04again or they'll call me and like my
- 00:34:07in-laws like Jodie Nikki they've been so
- 00:34:11say in-laws soon to be ex-in-laws like
- 00:34:14jod and Nikki they've been like really
- 00:34:16really really supportive and then
- 00:34:17obviously my ex or my no still my dad my
- 00:34:21father-in-law Ben um like they've been
- 00:34:25so supportive and I feel stronger
- 00:34:27because of those people
- 00:34:30and the number one thing is a support
- 00:34:32system give yourself time to heal go
- 00:34:35through those emotions do not jump in a
- 00:34:37new relationship cuz that's never ever
- 00:34:39ever healthy even though some people do
- 00:34:42but that's not me
- 00:34:45and
- 00:34:47just take your time look how cute my Mr
- 00:34:53Grinch
- 00:34:55is this is from cover's cousin
- 00:34:58[Laughter]
- 00:34:59facei oh
- 00:35:07cute oh this is the cutest little
- 00:35:09costume I've ever
- 00:35:14seen uh
- separazione
- genitorialità
- salute mentale
- resilienza
- supporto familiare
- guarigione
- cambiamento di vita
- documentazione
- sfida personale
- adattamento