I Spent 24 Hours In Nico's House! (He Had NO IDEA)
TLDRV tej zabavni in skrivnostni zgodbi, Cash opazi, da njegovi prijatelji - Niko, Mia in Shady, nekaj skrivajo pred njim. Med poskusom odkritja, za kaj gre, vstopi v njihovo hišo in postavi varnostne kamere, da bi jih spremljal. Medtem ko jih poskuša zvabiti ven s ponujenimi brezplačnimi vstopnicami za kino, odkrije koordinate do skrivne lokacije. Tam najde čudovito novo hišo za zabave, ki so jo prijatelji gradili kot presenečenje zanj. Na koncu Cash spozna, da so ga prijatelji želeli le presenetiti, in vsi skupaj uživajo v novi hiši za zabave.
Para llevar
- 👥 Prijatelji lahko včasih poskrbijo za veliko presenečenj.
- 🔍 Včasih skrivnosti niso tako slabe, kot izgledajo.
- 🏠 Nova hiša za zabavo je bila skrivnost, skrita pred Cashom.
- 📹 Cash je postavil varnostne kamere, da bi odkril skrivnosti.
- 🎟️ Cash je uporabil vstopnice za kino, da bi odvračal pozornost prijateljev.
- 🗺️ Koordinate so vodile do skrivne lokacije.
- 👀 Kljub vsemu skrivanju, ni bilo zlonamerno.
- 💡 Kreativnost in načrtovanje sta ključna za presenečenje.
- 💔 Včasih se počutimo izpuščene, vendar imajo prijatelji lahko dobre namene.
- 🎉 Konec zgodbe se spremeni v vesel dogodek.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Na sončen dan se protagonist sprašuje, zakaj so njegovi prijatelji skrivnostni, ko jih opazuje z daljnogledom. Nato jih skuša soočiti, a ga zavrnejo na vratih. Odloči se, da jih bo zvabil iz hiše z brezplačnimi kino vstopnicami in tako odkril, kaj skrivajo.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Protagonist uspešno očisti kino v zameno za štiri vstopnice, potem ko dobi pomoč od sodelavca. S pomočjo sodelavca iz muzeja uspe uresničiti svoj načrt, da zvabi prijatelje iz hiše, da bi raziskal, kaj skrivajo pred njim. Razmišlja, da bi preveril kaj so njegovi prijatelji v resnici počeli.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Ko so prijatelji odsotni, protagonist vdre v njihovo hišo v upanju, da bo odkril njihove skrivnosti. Na njegovo neprijetno presenečenje, se konča z mini eksplozijo v čudni srečanju z račko. Ne izgubi upanja in poskuša najti več informacij o skrivnosti, ki naj bi jo skrivali.
- 00:15:00 - 00:24:36
Z nekaj pripomočki, protagonist postavi skrivno sobo in namesti kamere za nadzor. Ugotovi, da njegovi prijatelji imajo resnično skrivno bazo in sledi koordinatam do nje. Na skrivnem kraju odkrije, da so njegovi prijatelji načrtovali presenečenje za njegov rojstni dan, kar ga preseneti in razveseli.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Kdo je bil vpleten v skrivnostni projekt?
V projekt so bili vpleteni Niko, Shady in Mia.
Kaj je Cash posumil glede prijateljev?
Cash je menil, da prijatelji kaj skrivajo pred njim.
Kako je Cash poskušal odkleniti vrata Nicojeve hiše?
Poskušal je odpreti vrata z ukazom "Klopni sezam".
Kaj je Cash storil, da bi odkril skrivnost?
Namestil je varnostne kamere v Nicojevi hiši.
Kakšno presenečenje so načrtovali prijatelji?
Načrtovali so presenečenje s postavitvijo nove hiše za zabavo.
Kaj je Cash pomislil, da prijatelji skrivajo pred njim?
Mislil je, da skrivajo novo skrivno bazo ali projekt.
Kako je Cash odkril presenečenje?
Zaradi nesreče je našel papir z koordinatami, ki je vodil do skrivne hiše.
Kaj je povzročilo težave Cashu med raziskovanjem?
En otrok ga je začel izsiljevati zaradi vstopa v Zoeino sobo.
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- 00:00:00it's a beautiful day wait that's what
- 00:00:03Nico says I'm not supposed to say that
- 00:00:05oh my gosh well it is still a beautiful
- 00:00:07day either way whoa wait are those my
- 00:00:09friends over there hold on I gotta go
- 00:00:11grab something I wonder what they're
- 00:00:12doing hanging out without me come on I
- 00:00:14think I keep this somewhere around here
- 00:00:16oh yeah perfect by spy glass okay now I
- 00:00:18can go see why they're sneaking around
- 00:00:20so much gotta be sneaky make sure no one
- 00:00:22is looking at a shitty way going City
- 00:00:24you're going too far I feel like
- 00:00:26somebody's looking at us yep we gotta
- 00:00:28return home quick oh gosh I think we
- 00:00:30should just run for it oh my gosh Shady
- 00:00:31almost saw me go go go go go go go go
- 00:00:34God
- 00:00:39just gotta keep pushing through it no
- 00:00:41one can know about the super secret
- 00:00:42project what project are they talking
- 00:00:45about oh my gosh I can't believe they're
- 00:00:47being so secretive and without me um
- 00:00:49maybe I should just go to his front door
- 00:00:51and ask him hey guys I know you're in
- 00:00:54here knock knock someone at the door
- 00:00:56hello open up
- 00:00:58the Nico what are you guys doing today
- 00:01:02uh nothing oh really not building
- 00:01:05anything
- 00:01:06um secretive in here
- 00:01:09close the door on me no I think secret
- 00:01:11going on here characters in normal day
- 00:01:13come out here real quick okay it's a
- 00:01:15beautiful day today you're just trying
- 00:01:17to distract me what's in there nothing I
- 00:01:20think hey stop slamming the door on me
- 00:01:22cash is that a load of redstone over
- 00:01:24there wait what where whoa come here
- 00:01:26where uh just keep walking that way and
- 00:01:28you'll find it are you serious where's
- 00:01:30the Redstone where is it lock the door
- 00:01:32lock the door Hey Hey Oh My Gosh guys
- 00:01:35let me in they open that stick right now
- 00:01:39hey oh my gosh are you serious why are
- 00:01:43they keeping secrets from me I thought
- 00:01:45they were my friend ah [ __ ] you know
- 00:01:48what I know something that'll lead them
- 00:01:49out of the house I need to get in there
- 00:01:51somehow I just need to go get something
- 00:01:53one sec Collide I need your help Clyde
- 00:01:56hello Clyde hey man what's good ah
- 00:01:59nothing my friends are being super
- 00:02:01secretive right now yo friends like Nico
- 00:02:04and Zoe and uh Shady yeah yeah yeah yes
- 00:02:07they all were sneaking out of the shop
- 00:02:09and then they went home and locked the
- 00:02:10door in my face they locked the door yes
- 00:02:13did you do something mean to them no I
- 00:02:16was literally just walking along the
- 00:02:17street um I did spy on them a little bit
- 00:02:19whoa what is that oh sorry I was just
- 00:02:22looking at your face super up close oh
- 00:02:23let me try oh wow do you see me wow wow
- 00:02:26yeah oh okay okay yeah yeah no it's
- 00:02:29climb stop
- 00:02:30use back
- 00:02:31oh my gosh listen I need your help
- 00:02:34anyways okay what's up well I gotta find
- 00:02:36a way to distract them so maybe I could
- 00:02:39get some free movie tickets and make
- 00:02:41them come over here free what do you
- 00:02:43think life is free uh yes you're my
- 00:02:45friend aren't you nah you're gonna have
- 00:02:47to work for it little bro what uh fine
- 00:02:49okay I'll work for it I just need three
- 00:02:52tickets though all right then go in
- 00:02:53there sweep the movie theater are you
- 00:02:55serious I don't even have a broom nah I
- 00:02:58don't care you gotta work for it little
- 00:02:59bro come on get in there ah fine I'll go
- 00:03:03do it maybe it's not as bad as I think
- 00:03:06oh my gosh this place is disgusting I
- 00:03:10seriously have to clean all this hey
- 00:03:11Clyde no way I'm cleaning all this up
- 00:03:14man yeah you better get in there if you
- 00:03:15want some free movie tickets I'm tired
- 00:03:17of letting y'all in for free ah well can
- 00:03:20you at least give me like shears or
- 00:03:21something to clean it up with uh hang on
- 00:03:24let me see ah should be something in
- 00:03:26this pile over here gosh this is so
- 00:03:28disgusting this is all you get little
- 00:03:30bro no no I can't use that it won't work
- 00:03:33I need shears no man you're not getting
- 00:03:35my shears I use those ah fine I'll just
- 00:03:38go ask someone else for shears I'll be
- 00:03:39right back Clyde okay then gosh the guy
- 00:03:42at the tech shop usually always hooks me
- 00:03:43up I can't believe Clyde's trying to
- 00:03:45make me use a wooden sword that is
- 00:03:47terrible hello is anyone working here
- 00:03:49today please oh yes there is someone
- 00:03:52hello oh um hello can I help you yes do
- 00:03:55you guys sell shears over here no what
- 00:03:57no shears why not we do not but please
- 00:04:00you gotta have like some under the desk
- 00:04:02or something right no goodbye hey stop
- 00:04:04help me please get out oh my gosh put me
- 00:04:08down I'll get out myself we do not have
- 00:04:10shoes ah fine I don't need your help
- 00:04:12wait wait oh hi Juliet howdy cash did
- 00:04:15you say you need some shares yeah the
- 00:04:17guy at the front wasn't giving me some I
- 00:04:19know they have some too well what do you
- 00:04:21need them for uh well I'm cleaning up
- 00:04:23Clyde's movie theater because he's
- 00:04:25giving me free tickets if you can get me
- 00:04:27a ticket I'll let you use my shares wait
- 00:04:29really so I need to get four tickets
- 00:04:31then yeah but I'm sure he won't mind if
- 00:04:33you say it's for me
- 00:04:34um okay fine just give them to me all
- 00:04:36right good luck and I'll be waiting on
- 00:04:38my ticket gosh fine I gotta go do this
- 00:04:41now Clyde I got the shears I'm going to
- 00:04:44clean your movie theater now good good
- 00:04:46and then you can get them free movie
- 00:04:48tickets okay fine and um on second
- 00:04:50thought can I actually get four tickets
- 00:04:52man what you think just everything is
- 00:04:54free around here well well it's for
- 00:04:56Juliet uh okay I guess she's a little
- 00:04:59pretty thing so I guess so oh my gosh
- 00:05:03fine Clyde I'm getting four movie
- 00:05:05tickets let me just go clean up this
- 00:05:06movie theater then ah gosh this is gonna
- 00:05:08take a while and what is that thing
- 00:05:10there's a mushroom in here ew I can't
- 00:05:13believe they started growing out of the
- 00:05:14floors this place is so dirty Jesus I
- 00:05:17need to get someone to help me with this
- 00:05:18stuff
- 00:05:19wow
- 00:05:22um what uh is that the minor
- 00:05:25Mr Miner what are you doing
- 00:05:29uh I guess you're doing nothing do you
- 00:05:32think you could help me mine all this
- 00:05:33Moss out of here
- 00:05:35uh I don't understand a single thing
- 00:05:37you're saying I just I'm just gonna take
- 00:05:39that as a yes just start helping me
- 00:05:42are you doing it correctly oh yeah
- 00:05:44that's perfect okay and uh can you also
- 00:05:46just get rid of this mushroom I don't
- 00:05:48know what it's doing here oh gosh
- 00:05:51oh gosh Mine ride I didn't mean like
- 00:05:54that okay I'm just not gonna look at
- 00:05:55whatever that is just help me clean up
- 00:05:57the rest of this movie theater thanks
- 00:05:59and done there we go I got everything on
- 00:06:02my side all right minor you forgot the
- 00:06:05vines on here
- 00:06:06gosh dang we did a pretty darn good job
- 00:06:09what do you think
- 00:06:12this place looks pretty spotless now I'm
- 00:06:15gonna go tell Clyde about it thank you
- 00:06:16minor bye-bye nope see ya okay Clyde I
- 00:06:19just finished mining everything yeah I
- 00:06:21could take you out on a date oh goodness
- 00:06:24thank you so much Hey Juliet oh okay
- 00:06:28hang on that's my worker Clyde I
- 00:06:30finished all the cleanup of the movie
- 00:06:32theater now can I have the four tickets
- 00:06:33yeah did you get rid of that little toad
- 00:06:35in there too yeah yeah the uh yeah I
- 00:06:38totally got rid of it all right dang
- 00:06:39good okay yeah let me get them tickets
- 00:06:41for you okay Julia what are you doing
- 00:06:43here I was getting you your ticket I
- 00:06:45couldn't wait any longer and I figured
- 00:06:47maybe if I flirted with Clyde he'd let
- 00:06:49me in early oh my gosh you said what now
- 00:06:52oh nothing nothing okay here you go oh
- 00:06:56is that four oh you gave me five that's
- 00:06:58perfect yeah give it to the miner
- 00:07:00working in there too oh you saw him yeah
- 00:07:02all right fine here Juliet just take
- 00:07:05that and uh I'll just leave the second
- 00:07:06one at this gate when the miner comes
- 00:07:08out thank you cash I'll see you guys
- 00:07:10later I got some friends to go distract
- 00:07:11now now gosh that took a while but now
- 00:07:13that I have these tickets I can learn
- 00:07:15Nico Mia and Shady all out of the house
- 00:07:17there's no way they're gonna say no to
- 00:07:19free movie tickets Nico Knock knock
- 00:07:21hello
- 00:07:22uh hello uh Hey guys can I come in now
- 00:07:26but no no hey we're doing something very
- 00:07:29secret okay well bring me and Shady out
- 00:07:32here oh gosh uh Mia Shady key wants to
- 00:07:35talk to you okay but cover the door when
- 00:07:38you get out good guys look what I got uh
- 00:07:41what are those I got free movie tickets
- 00:07:44oh
- 00:07:45my gosh and the movie's starting now if
- 00:07:49you guys want to go watch it I mean it
- 00:07:51won't hurt to watch a movie real quick
- 00:07:53right guys yeah let's just take a little
- 00:07:55break yeah come on guys movie time
- 00:07:57woohoo oh my gosh I can't believe it
- 00:08:00actually worked perfectly they're all
- 00:08:01going to the movie theater now and while
- 00:08:03they're running away I can sneak into
- 00:08:05Nico's house come on I gotta open this
- 00:08:07thing oh come on open up hey yeah why is
- 00:08:10this thing not opening God don't put
- 00:08:12Sesame go there we go got it and now I
- 00:08:15can see what they were hiding hmm it
- 00:08:18doesn't really look like there's
- 00:08:19anything in here oh gosh what if Nico
- 00:08:21was just lying to me the whole time
- 00:08:22there's probably nothing even in here
- 00:08:24maybe it's in the man cave though let's
- 00:08:25check it out come on I want to see
- 00:08:27something cool huh this makes no sense
- 00:08:30Nico made it seem like something crazy
- 00:08:32was going on in here but it all looks
- 00:08:34the exact same wait what is that thing
- 00:08:37hello Mr duck hey hello hey uh hey why
- 00:08:42do you keep saying the same thing hey
- 00:08:43hey what do you want got any bombs what
- 00:08:47now oh gosh what's
- 00:08:50oh my gosh that is a lot of smoke jeez
- 00:08:54what just happened with that duck are
- 00:08:56you okay sir oh wait never mind he's
- 00:08:59gone what the heck was that for he just
- 00:09:01blew me up for no reason okay you know
- 00:09:03what whatever ah gosh I don't think
- 00:09:05that's what Nico was trying to hide from
- 00:09:06me I just need to look around more hmm
- 00:09:08it must have been something they bought
- 00:09:10from the shop like an item yes maybe I
- 00:09:13can go check in Nico's chest or
- 00:09:15something let's see nope oh these things
- 00:09:17are pretty empty that's kind of sad ah
- 00:09:20whatever oh wait what kid what are you
- 00:09:23doing in here oh hey what's up nothing
- 00:09:25why are you here uh well
- 00:09:28um I know it but I don't think I should
- 00:09:31see it what are you talking about I have
- 00:09:33no idea what that means what you're not
- 00:09:34supposed to be in Nico's basement you
- 00:09:36know well I just knew Zoe was gonna be
- 00:09:38down here and I don't know I shouldn't
- 00:09:40say it uh Zoe's not down here right now
- 00:09:42dude she's at the amusement park okay
- 00:09:44well I just wanted to hug her I don't
- 00:09:46know no no kid you can Zoey here come
- 00:09:50here
- 00:09:51if you if you take me out I'll blow your
- 00:09:54cover I know you're trying to do wait
- 00:09:55what yeah that that's right I'm
- 00:09:57blackmailing you oh what did you know
- 00:10:00that I'm trying to spy on Nico yeah I I
- 00:10:02heard you and I saw you ah fine I won't
- 00:10:06kick you out but you can't tell any of
- 00:10:08them yeah how about these rules apply to
- 00:10:10me because I could just tell Nico and
- 00:10:12then he'll be so mad God gosh well I you
- 00:10:15know I could tell on you too yeah but
- 00:10:17you would get in more trouble he's used
- 00:10:19to me being down here ah fine whatever
- 00:10:21well you have to help me then I'm not
- 00:10:24helping you I'll just do things on my
- 00:10:25own terms oh fine whatever so what are
- 00:10:28you doing down here anyway weirdo well
- 00:10:30I'm trying to figure out what Nico shady
- 00:10:33and me are hiding from me they all
- 00:10:35bought something from the shop and they
- 00:10:36brought it here but I think they took it
- 00:10:38with them to the movie theater oh yeah
- 00:10:40pretty sure they did uh wait you saw
- 00:10:43them yeah I saw them leave when you gave
- 00:10:45them the movie tickets are you serious
- 00:10:46yeah that's when I snuck in my secret
- 00:10:48hole oh my gosh wait you have a secret
- 00:10:50hole yeah it connects to all of your
- 00:10:52houses wait I shouldn't have said that
- 00:10:54even mine uh no I am so blocking that up
- 00:10:57next time I go home but whatever that's
- 00:10:59not the main point right now the main
- 00:11:01point is that my friends are hiding
- 00:11:02something from me and I have to figure
- 00:11:04it out all right well good luck I think
- 00:11:06I'm gonna go to Mia's house and sniff
- 00:11:08her stings wait no you can't do that
- 00:11:10this is gonna stop me oh gosh you are so
- 00:11:14weird whatever just get out of here and
- 00:11:16don't blow my cover what I'm not gonna
- 00:11:18blow your cover all right fine I believe
- 00:11:20you for now actually I won't blow your
- 00:11:22cover unless you go into Zoe's house and
- 00:11:26uh still be something of hers no no way
- 00:11:29I'm not doing that right now okay then
- 00:11:31Nico
- 00:11:33kid kid kid stop okay fine I'll get
- 00:11:36something from Zoe's shop what do you
- 00:11:38want maybe like one of her hats I don't
- 00:11:40know one of her hats her hair is so
- 00:11:43glamorous and maybe there's a strand
- 00:11:44left in there oh my gosh are you serious
- 00:11:47I really have to go in there yeah I'll
- 00:11:49go with you too no you're not coming
- 00:11:51with me I'll go in there myself no no
- 00:11:53I'm going with you Nico
- 00:11:57because you are being so pretentious
- 00:11:58right now let's go uh she better not get
- 00:12:02mad at me for being in here gosh it's I
- 00:12:04just know it smells like flowers in her
- 00:12:06room God you are so weird wait I'm not
- 00:12:09weird I'm just a kid that's in love Yeah
- 00:12:12but Zoe obviously is not interested in
- 00:12:14you she's just playing hard to get uh
- 00:12:16whatever gosh okay I'll go and ruin
- 00:12:18myself but we don't need you in there oh
- 00:12:20that's the bathroom oops oh wait that's
- 00:12:22the bathroom no no no don't go in there
- 00:12:24oh my gosh you are staying in here got
- 00:12:27it I'll get the hat for you what snacks
- 00:12:29does she have in here whatever okay
- 00:12:31let's see should be in here somewhere
- 00:12:34gosh nope not in there hey hello oh
- 00:12:39Dore you I'm I'm cold
- 00:12:43what are you doing in Zoe's room
- 00:12:46um I'm spying around
- 00:12:49dad oh my gosh Hey kid come over here
- 00:12:51hey
- 00:12:53oh my gosh where did the kid go now but
- 00:12:56wait here Garfunkel kid
- 00:13:00inside over here yeah put me down look
- 00:13:03you have some competition this kid was
- 00:13:04in Zoe's room wait a second
- 00:13:07[Music]
- 00:13:13oh oh you're gonna go yeah let's go
- 00:13:16let's go
- 00:13:17there
- 00:13:18Zoey's mine while they're fighting over
- 00:13:20there I'm just going to get her hat gosh
- 00:13:22where is it oh there it is finally yeah
- 00:13:25you're going down dude you can't throw
- 00:13:27him off the balcony
- 00:13:29down
- 00:13:31oh my gosh this is so hard so heavy I'm
- 00:13:35gonna show you you now you're not suing
- 00:13:37anybody yes I will my dad's a lawyer his
- 00:13:40name's Ben oh gosh uh kid what did you
- 00:13:43just do I won the Battle For the Love of
- 00:13:46Zoe whatever I got your hat for you now
- 00:13:49will you stop blackmailing me that
- 00:13:52smells great thank you what the heck I
- 00:13:55need to get back to Nico's house and spy
- 00:13:56on them already just leave me alone kid
- 00:13:58okay I might be back for another favor
- 00:14:01you better not uh whatever I have an
- 00:14:04idea for what to do in Nico's house I
- 00:14:05just need to go upstairs and grab
- 00:14:07something from his room real quick hmm I
- 00:14:09should be here yep there we go perfect
- 00:14:11okay I gotta pickaxe and uh now you know
- 00:14:14what I'm gonna build a little bit of a
- 00:14:15secret room in his house so no no one
- 00:14:18will ever see me and I'm gonna build it
- 00:14:20back here this is perfect ah but wait I
- 00:14:22kind of need someone to help me gosh I
- 00:14:24need to go get a builder real quick gosh
- 00:14:26is anyone here please oh wait guess this
- 00:14:29is perfect the miners right there he
- 00:14:30could definitely help me excuse me Mr
- 00:14:32Miner
- 00:14:34baby this reminder what are you doing
- 00:14:36right now
- 00:14:38what is it something to do with the
- 00:14:40statues oh uh okay I guess you could
- 00:14:42just put on the side
- 00:14:45statues are poo poo those are not these
- 00:14:48statues are amazing
- 00:14:50what do you mean what oh my gosh well I
- 00:14:53don't have time for this right now my
- 00:14:54friends are gonna be back from their
- 00:14:55movie
- 00:14:57you stinky guy yeah what do you mean
- 00:15:00listen oh my gosh we're wasting time
- 00:15:04right now my friends are gonna be back
- 00:15:06you want help yes yes I want help I need
- 00:15:09someone that can help me build
- 00:15:11oh my gosh
- 00:15:14I can't give you a cookie right now
- 00:15:16listen can I just give it after you help
- 00:15:17me
- 00:15:19I have no idea what that means but I'm
- 00:15:21just gonna take that as a yes come on
- 00:15:23let's go I need you to help me build a
- 00:15:24secret room in Nico's house before they
- 00:15:26get back
- 00:15:28yeah whatever that means and we need to
- 00:15:30make it super quick because they're
- 00:15:32almost gonna be done with the movie that
- 00:15:33I sent them off too
- 00:15:36um
- 00:15:38I have no idea what that means come on
- 00:15:40no mine are up here yes we have to build
- 00:15:43it right here look I just need some
- 00:15:45white concrete I need a few stacks of it
- 00:15:47I have no idea what you're saying yes
- 00:15:51yes that block that's perfect thank you
- 00:15:52oh my gosh now I can build out a secret
- 00:15:54room with this thing look minor no yes I
- 00:15:58know it's going to be protruding out
- 00:15:59from the back but what are the chances
- 00:16:01they come out here in luck
- 00:16:03yeah I know but it doesn't matter it's
- 00:16:06okay they won't find out just trust me
- 00:16:10whatever oh my gosh are you serious
- 00:16:12right now watch uh watch what
- 00:16:19um okay I have no idea what you're doing
- 00:16:21what is that
- 00:16:23one-way glass and secret doors oh my
- 00:16:27gosh that is genius and I could just
- 00:16:29place the one-way class right here oh
- 00:16:31can you see me minor
- 00:16:34wait really and I can open this door oh
- 00:16:37my gosh that is so smart but wait what
- 00:16:40if they go upstairs I won't be able to
- 00:16:41see them
- 00:16:44oh you have something for me really
- 00:16:46whatever oh my gosh whoa security
- 00:16:50cameras this is perfect I can place this
- 00:16:52all around the house
- 00:16:54okay where do you think we should place
- 00:16:56them down in the man cave maybe
- 00:16:58yeah this is perfect I'll Place one all
- 00:17:01the way over here right there perfect
- 00:17:04and now when I look on the camera oh my
- 00:17:06gosh I can see us look
- 00:17:08it's super cool wait try putting a sign
- 00:17:11down in front of the camera oh yeah
- 00:17:12that's perfect I can see it you idiot
- 00:17:15what do you mean how am I an idiot
- 00:17:18I have no idea
- 00:17:20uh okay I guess I'll follow you yeah I
- 00:17:24have no idea what you're saying I just
- 00:17:25have to guess every single time you make
- 00:17:27a sentence
- 00:17:28what what is it what
- 00:17:31Oh you mean put it on top of the house
- 00:17:34that's probably way smarter okay boom
- 00:17:36there I put one up there and now if I
- 00:17:38press on camera two yes this is perfect
- 00:17:40now I can see the front door
- 00:17:44oh okay fine here's where else should I
- 00:17:46put it
- 00:17:47right here okay there boom just like
- 00:17:51that
- 00:17:53okay oh are you sure the bedroom that's
- 00:17:55kind of private
- 00:17:58okay yeah that's a good idea I'm putting
- 00:18:00it here anyways there we go and where
- 00:18:02else do you think we should put it
- 00:18:03probably somewhere down in the man cave
- 00:18:05yeah I agree let's go to be honest I
- 00:18:08actually have no idea what he's saying
- 00:18:09but I just pretend like I agree come on
- 00:18:12I'm guessing down here somewhere
- 00:18:16oh uh I think we should put probably out
- 00:18:19here like this that way I could see the
- 00:18:21entire space and into there perfect
- 00:18:24what what is it
- 00:18:27back really oh gosh what are you saying
- 00:18:29cookie okay yes I'll get it for you
- 00:18:31after this let me just finish setting up
- 00:18:32first
- 00:18:33I guess I'll just place the last one
- 00:18:35there that's perfect now I can see them
- 00:18:37at every angle they tried wait for me at
- 00:18:40and now we can go up and finish the
- 00:18:41secret room come on miner we have to do
- 00:18:43it quick before they all come back home
- 00:18:45from the movie okay I'm gonna need a lot
- 00:18:48more concrete for this Miner yes yes
- 00:18:51that's perfect you also have light blue
- 00:18:53concrete
- 00:18:55it looks like this yes yes perfect ah
- 00:18:58there we go nice and now I could just
- 00:19:00build all around the square like this
- 00:19:02and cover myself up come on miner help
- 00:19:04me out
- 00:19:06yeah I know it sticks out but it's fine
- 00:19:08there we go now I have my own secret
- 00:19:10room hey can you also break this block
- 00:19:14thank you this is good and now while I'm
- 00:19:16in here I could just look at all the
- 00:19:18cameras for myself just like one and two
- 00:19:21oh my gosh this is so perfect
- 00:19:23oh yeah good idea okay minor let's go
- 00:19:26get that cookie now and you have to
- 00:19:28leave right as I get it for you because
- 00:19:29I don't want them seeing that you were
- 00:19:30here
- 00:19:31yeah whatever I have no idea what that
- 00:19:34means come on okay I think she keeps it
- 00:19:37in this drawer yup there you go six
- 00:19:39cookies just for you Mr Miner yeah
- 00:19:42you're welcome now you gotta go away
- 00:19:44okay no I don't have time to talk more
- 00:19:46more I don't have more her drawers are
- 00:19:48literally empty
- 00:19:50hey don't freak out I gave you all more
- 00:19:53than enough
- 00:19:55oh gosh that Miner always wants more
- 00:19:58cookies uh whatever now I can go camp in
- 00:20:01Nico's house and wait for them to get
- 00:20:02back this is gonna be so good let's see
- 00:20:05yeah it doesn't really look that bad
- 00:20:06from the back there's no way they're
- 00:20:08gonna notice that secret room I'm just
- 00:20:10gonna go camping there until they come
- 00:20:11back ah guys that movie was pretty good
- 00:20:13like oh gosh they're coming oh how did
- 00:20:16they not see me what do you think about
- 00:20:17that Holy that was close it was a good
- 00:20:19movie I enjoyed it yeah I don't know why
- 00:20:21cash picked a romance movie though oh my
- 00:20:24gosh I could just see them through the
- 00:20:25class now that was weird I thought he
- 00:20:27liked the action but anyways are we
- 00:20:29ready to go to that secret base dude yes
- 00:20:32let me grab something for my bunker real
- 00:20:34quick Nico did you get a new paint job
- 00:20:35or something oh gosh I don't know I
- 00:20:37might have messed something up huh I'll
- 00:20:39call the miners then yeah I guess I
- 00:20:41should have fixed that right now no no
- 00:20:43you should help the miners do it oh yeah
- 00:20:45they need something to do anyways that
- 00:20:47was so close I can't believe I didn't
- 00:20:49see this door right here yeah it does
- 00:20:51look kind of messed up okay I need to go
- 00:20:52spot with them with the next camera okay
- 00:20:54number one there we go perfect we can't
- 00:20:56tell cash About That Base oh my gosh I
- 00:20:59know I feel so secretive I can't believe
- 00:21:01they're hiding a base from me yeah I
- 00:21:03spent so long building it let me just
- 00:21:05grab one more thing let's head over okay
- 00:21:07uh what are they going to grab uh oh
- 00:21:09gosh they're going in the storage room
- 00:21:11and I just gotta grab the supplies eyes
- 00:21:14yeah that looks good but wait I forgot
- 00:21:16to grab something from the grocery store
- 00:21:17guys we gotta go let's go come on wait
- 00:21:20go go go what is that did Nico just drop
- 00:21:23something down there I could have sworn
- 00:21:25that's a paper right there hold on
- 00:21:26what's going on come on guys we gotta
- 00:21:28get this before we go to the house uh I
- 00:21:30know I wonder what they're going to get
- 00:21:32but hang on a second I need to go see
- 00:21:34what Nico dropped down there that piece
- 00:21:36of paper is super weird looking gosh
- 00:21:39where is it uh oh right there I think I
- 00:21:42see it okay perfect give me that thing
- 00:21:44whoa does this have coordinates on it
- 00:21:46that is this for the secret base that
- 00:21:49they're trying to keep from me oh my
- 00:21:50gosh I'm going over to these I need to
- 00:21:52go see what's up apparently it's next to
- 00:21:54these tents or something through the
- 00:21:56forest wait is this the secret house oh
- 00:22:00my gosh why would they hide this from me
- 00:22:03I can't believe they all wanted to go
- 00:22:05over here on their getaway vacation
- 00:22:06without me gosh this place looks so nice
- 00:22:09and they even have a floating TV what
- 00:22:12this is like the ultimate bit party
- 00:22:14house ever it has a bathroom and even an
- 00:22:16upstairs are you serious there's no way
- 00:22:19gosh I really thought they were my
- 00:22:22friends but they don't want me to hang
- 00:22:23out with them on this awesome house gosh
- 00:22:26are you serious all right we're here uh
- 00:22:29wait what they're here already oh gosh I
- 00:22:31have nowhere to hide let's go we gotta
- 00:22:34get everything ready wait Nico did you
- 00:22:35leave the doors open uh no that's weird
- 00:22:38I must have forgot it even has a secret
- 00:22:40gym gosh oh I gotta go with the pool oh
- 00:22:44they won't find me in here ah I think
- 00:22:45I'm ready to take a splash guys
- 00:22:48oh yeah back flip
- 00:22:52oh baby I can get out oh gosh wait what
- 00:22:55is that over there
- 00:22:59a red person oh gosh hey guys oh my gosh
- 00:23:04what are you doing here well what are
- 00:23:06you guys doing here hiding this house
- 00:23:08for me well Nico you want you was
- 00:23:11playing God this ruins everything well
- 00:23:13we were planning a surprise party for
- 00:23:15you wait what a surprise party yeah
- 00:23:18because I built this all by myself oh my
- 00:23:21gosh is that why you guys were being
- 00:23:23super secretive and why you didn't want
- 00:23:25me to see these coordinates I wanted to
- 00:23:27surprise you with this crazy house oh
- 00:23:30gosh well we went to the movie we had
- 00:23:32the miners do the finishing touches here
- 00:23:34oh geez I feel like an idiot oh I'm
- 00:23:37sorry I ruined the surprise uh it's okay
- 00:23:40we weren't really hiding that secret
- 00:23:42very well anyways yeah but to be honest
- 00:23:45I kind of thought you guys were just
- 00:23:47hanging out without me and I kind of set
- 00:23:49up a bunch of security cameras around
- 00:23:51your house and I hit in the back yeah
- 00:23:53here look look at these cameras Oh my
- 00:23:57gosh yeah yeah that one leads to the
- 00:23:59front and this one's your upstairs and
- 00:24:01the miner even made me put one in your
- 00:24:03bedroom what
- 00:24:04sorry cheese oh gosh well now that we're
- 00:24:08at the house we might as well enjoy it
- 00:24:09together right yeah true I say we go
- 00:24:11have a party
- 00:24:13yeah hooray
- 00:24:16hey wait a second the yacht meals is
- 00:24:20looking beautiful oh gosh
- 00:24:26if you want to watch more videos from us
- 00:24:28then click on your screen right now and
- 00:24:31also don't forget to subscribe subscribe
- 00:24:34bye guys bye
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