Auf Wiedersehen Pet (S03E01) - Bridging The Gap
TLDRIn dem Video geht es um eine Gruppe von ehemaligen Freunden, die sich nach Jahren bei einer Beerdigung (die sich später als Täuschung herausstellt) wiedersehen. Einer der Freunde, Oz, hat einen Plan ausgeheckt, um eine alte Brücke abzureißen und das Material gewinnbringend zu verkaufen. Die Männer, viele mit verschiedenen Problemen in ihren Leben, sehen darin eine Chance, ihre finanzielle Situation zu verbessern. Während des Treffens reflektieren sie über die alten Zeiten, ihre Freundschaft und die Wege, die sie alle eingeschlagen haben. Der Plan wird verbunden mit persönlichen Herausforderungen, wirtschaftlichen Problemen und neuen Verbindungen. Das generelle Thema ist die Suche nach einem Neuanfang und die Bewältigung der gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Hindernisse.
Para llevar
- 🚬 Rauchen ist ein wiederkehrendes Problem.
- 🏢 Diskussion über wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen.
- 🎭 Nostalgie über vergangene Zeiten.
- 🚗 Erwähnung des Fahrzeugeigentums als Statussymbol.
- 💼 Verdeckte Operationen und Täuschung.
- 🌉 Brückenabriss als Geschäftsplan.
- 👥 Alte Freundschaften und Verbindungen.
- 🏠 Finanzielle Unsicherheiten zu Hause.
- 🌍 Globale Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und Engagement.
- 🎤 Herausforderungen im persönlichen und beruflichen Leben.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Zwei Männer diskutieren im Auto. Einer von ihnen hat geraucht, und der andere ist verärgert darüber, dass er den Geruch riechen muss. Sie debattieren darüber, was schlimmer ist, der Geruch oder das Risiko von Krebs. Danach unterhalten sie sich über einen bevorstehenden Besuch, während sie im Auto unterwegs sind.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Ein Mann bittet seinen Chef um einen Tag frei für eine Beerdigung, obwohl es sich nicht um einen Familienangehörigen handelt. Ein weiterer Anruf stört das Gespräch, als eine Frau anruft, während sie auf einem Stepper ist. Die Männer amüsieren sich darüber und die Diskussion bewegt sich zu einem anderen Schauplatz.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Eine Gruppe von Leuten trifft sich zu einer Beerdigung und diskutiert über den Verstorbenen, der offenbar vielen bekannt war. Sie erinnern sich an Momente aus der Vergangenheit und tauschen Geschichten über alte Zeiten aus. Es wird auch über die Zukunft und Veränderungen gesprochen.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Die Männer sprechen über die Vergangenheit und bemerken, dass einer von ihnen überlebt hat, während andere nicht da sind. Sie diskutieren über ihre alten Jobs und was sie jetzt tun. Einige erzählen von Erfolgsgeschichten, während andere noch mit alltäglichen Herausforderungen kämpfen. Die Stimmung schwankt zwischen Nostalgie und Trauer.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
In einer Sitzung wird diskutiert, wie sie ein Projekt finanzieren können, obwohl keiner viel Geld hat. Ein Mann erzählt von illegalen Aktivitäten, um den nötigen Betrag aufzubringen. Sie sprechen über die Unsicherheit der Zukunft und Hoffnungen auf bessere Zeiten.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Die Gruppe plant, dem Beispiel eines zurückgezogenen Mannes zu folgen, der eine Berühmtheit wurde, nachdem er wegen Betrugs ins Gefängnis gekommen war. Sie planen eine große Entwicklungsgeschichte und bemühen sich, Investoren zu finden. Sie stolpern über moralische Grenzen in ihrem Streben nach finanzieller Sicherheit.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Barry spricht mit einem potenziellen Investor, der seine eigene Vergangenheit im Gefängnis hat. Sie diskutieren über die Philosophie des Risikos und ob es sich lohnt, für den großen Gewinn moralische Kompromisse einzugehen. Zudem wird darüber gesprochen, wie sie mit allen rechtlichen Unklarheiten bezüglich der Papiere verfahren.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Es gibt ein Gespräch über einen Mann namens Granger, der ihnen bei einem geplanten Projekt helfen kann. Er hat die Erfahrung und die nötigen Verbindungen. Sie diskutieren darüber, wie viel Kapital investiert werden muss und wie es aufgebracht werden kann. Das Risiko und die Unsicherheiten werden erneut hervorgehoben.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Die Gruppe verfolgt weiterhin das Ziel, ein altes Wahrzeichen abzureißen und ein neues Projekt zu starten. Es werden Gangs infolge eingeschaltet, um die Umsetzung zu gewährleisten, was einige moralische und rechtliche Bedenken aufkommen lässt.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Die Gruppe erörtert, wie sie die Finanzierung beschaffen können. Einige sind skeptisch, während andere optimistisch sind und glauben, dass das riskante Projekt zum Erfolg führen könnte. Die Diskussion bewegt sich zwischen Hoffnungen auf Erfolg und der Realität ihrer finanziellen Möglichkeiten.
- 00:50:00 - 00:57:14
Einige Gruppenmitglieder sind motiviert, an diesem großen Projekt zu arbeiten, während andere zögern und Bedenken äußern. Sie sprechen über vergangene Fehler und zukünftige Ambitionen. Es gibt einen Rückblick auf Glücksmomente und ein Streben nach einer besseren Zukunft.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Was haben die Männer vor?
Die Männer planen, eine alte Brücke abzureißen und das Material zu verkaufen.
Welche Art von Stimmung herrscht im Video vor?
Es wird Nostalgie erweckt und über die vergangenen Zeiten reflektiert.
Was ist dem Charakter Jeffrey Granger passiert?
Er hat in der Vergangenheit Karriere und Ansehen verloren, versucht jedoch einen Neuanfang.
In welchen Berufen sind die Freunde tätig?
Einige der Männer arbeiten in Transport und Baugewerbe, andere haben unsichere oder illegale Einkommensquellen.
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- 00:00:02[Music]
- 00:00:13[Music]
- 00:00:18[Music]
- 00:00:30[Music]
- 00:00:42wow
- 00:00:48[Music]
- 00:00:56hey
- 00:01:02[Music]
- 00:01:12you've been smoking again haven't you i
- 00:01:14had one before i picked you up like
- 00:01:16i've told you loads of times i don't
- 00:01:18want to smell that [ __ ] first thing in
- 00:01:19the morning
- 00:01:21crack your window it's freezing man i'd
- 00:01:24rather that than die a cancer
- 00:01:28your cubs are pit dennis you don't own
- 00:01:30it
- 00:01:32juices and fridays i do a car reflects a
- 00:01:35torna
- 00:01:36and you look like [ __ ] no
- 00:01:40[Music]
- 00:01:48[Music]
- 00:02:06god
- 00:02:09[Music]
- 00:02:20so
- 00:02:22uh when do you see they were coming do
- 00:02:25you like this [ __ ]
- 00:02:27my mom says it makes me look like a
- 00:02:29harlot what
- 00:02:31no not at all very
- 00:02:34vibrant went
- 00:02:38all coming the va tima the phone last
- 00:02:40night
- 00:02:41oh next thursday
- 00:02:44coming from york be sad
- 00:02:51[Music]
- 00:03:02so
- 00:03:18[Music]
- 00:03:22yeah i'm sorry to trouble you mr startup
- 00:03:27but i was wondering if i could have a
- 00:03:28day off a day off
- 00:03:30the day after tomorrow to be precise
- 00:03:33funeral someone died
- 00:03:36family er no not exactly
- 00:03:40just someone well
- 00:03:44you need a whole day off it's in geordie
- 00:03:46land
- 00:03:49do you want your train there as well
- 00:03:58no
- 00:04:12hello who is this hey what do you think
- 00:04:15my little cookie bear bye i'm on a ski
- 00:04:17machine i can't talk now does that mean
- 00:04:19you're wearing those
- 00:04:21tight black leotards you call me when
- 00:04:24you're coming back
- 00:04:30[Music]
- 00:04:40awesome
- 00:04:43what are you looking for druggies or
- 00:04:46dusters
- 00:04:48well i'm neither i've been driving a cab
- 00:04:50all night need a shave and a clean shirt
- 00:04:52all right station rule says you can use
- 00:04:55the bog and that's it
- 00:04:56it's not the survive i've just used the
- 00:04:59bog
- 00:05:00you want to stick your head wrong trap
- 00:05:01three there and check the evidence
- 00:05:22awesome
- 00:05:27[Applause]
- 00:05:36study
- 00:05:42knew ben since i saw you last all right
- 00:05:44another girl callista
- 00:05:47calista brenda's a big ally mcbeal fan
- 00:05:55it's a nice car so
- 00:06:00can you believe this was here
- 00:06:04i have no idea i hadn't heard from him
- 00:06:06in years
- 00:06:07do i have the weight on t side must have
- 00:06:10moved it
- 00:06:12[Music]
- 00:06:13it's a terrible thought you know when
- 00:06:15you realize you look at the art of a
- 00:06:17man's life he was born in newcastle
- 00:06:24[Music]
- 00:06:29let me help you thank you
- 00:06:40you're the first to arrive oh it looks
- 00:06:41like it sad
- 00:06:44always are these occasions was he a
- 00:06:47relative
- 00:06:49no but he was a good oppo long time ago
- 00:07:04[Music]
- 00:07:13what a miserable deer so what do you get
- 00:07:16your dog pooped on
- 00:07:18something you come and play more talent
- 00:07:41[Applause]
- 00:07:47you all right i think so i bought all
- 00:07:50day
- 00:07:51i've never ridden one before
- 00:07:56some strange parts of the world isn't it
- 00:08:01yeah they're not judges here right
- 00:08:04certainly not
- 00:08:05so what are they then just
- 00:08:08people from middlesbrough smoggies
- 00:08:13god knows how ours fetched up here i'll
- 00:08:15still kind of get me a head rolling
- 00:08:16melee
- 00:08:17he didn't like me at first in germany
- 00:08:21it's because i was the last to arrive
- 00:08:22and he didn't want another body in the
- 00:08:24billet
- 00:08:24but i assume when i'm over you're one of
- 00:08:26more of a moxie because you had a dark
- 00:08:28board
- 00:08:29that was the only reason any of us let
- 00:08:30you
- 00:08:32and all this time i thought it was me
- 00:08:34charm
- 00:08:36oh [ __ ] off how much did the rich puppy
- 00:08:40guarded never mind and get your hands up
- 00:08:55something special isn't it someone's
- 00:08:58doing all right aren't they
- 00:09:00one of my most vivid memories of us is
- 00:09:02in preparing for a night out
- 00:09:04clean shirt clean for the kicks and
- 00:09:06before we went marauding into the
- 00:09:07dusseldorf night
- 00:09:08dipped his fingers in the chip pad and
- 00:09:10run him through his hair
- 00:09:23you've changed the most it's not your
- 00:09:25bentley out there is it
- 00:09:26right so what a yell what'd you do in
- 00:09:30the lottery or what
- 00:09:31odd graft son now be very fortunate yeah
- 00:09:35and yourselves how about you loss
- 00:09:40catering yeah transport
- 00:09:44i'm still in the building trade
- 00:09:46self-employed like pre-fabricated houses
- 00:09:48great what about you bummer oh
- 00:09:52this mat we're wondering does anyone
- 00:09:55know what happened to him how he uh
- 00:09:58died like
- 00:10:07i don't even know his real name yeah
- 00:10:11who's organized all this hi the old
- 00:10:13either bought a sandwich you didn't know
- 00:10:17you had an ex-wife didn't he marjorie
- 00:10:20that's it
- 00:10:21that wouldn't have been her now she
- 00:10:23moved to carlo
- 00:10:25why what do you mean why
- 00:10:29well have you been to carlisle i have
- 00:10:33well presumably she's got another blog
- 00:10:35but yeah she wouldn't sprung for this
- 00:10:37there was no love lost well it really
- 00:10:39doesn't matter does it
- 00:10:40the point is we've come to mourinho's
- 00:10:42passing it's hard to think whenever
- 00:10:44that big booming gob again
- 00:10:48wayne's not here anybody heard from him
- 00:10:51well he was always jobbing abroad wasn't
- 00:10:53he
- 00:10:53i got a card from him from the golf ones
- 00:10:56what do you say he said
- 00:10:57there's sand everywhere can't get a
- 00:10:59drink but it's hundreds of irish nurses
- 00:11:01desperate fresh eggs
- 00:11:05so are we waiting for them or what can
- 00:11:07we make a start on the sanis
- 00:11:12yeah well maybe we should observe a
- 00:11:15moment's silence first
- 00:11:18uh yeah yeah mark respect
- 00:11:22[Music]
- 00:11:26right
- 00:11:27[Music]
- 00:11:35a couple of years ago i was trying to
- 00:11:37sell me car
- 00:11:39a larder you mean one of them russian
- 00:11:41rat traps
- 00:11:42yeah right no takers but then i met this
- 00:11:45explode caddy
- 00:11:47from moscow and he told me that lola has
- 00:11:50become something of a status symbol back
- 00:11:52home
- 00:11:53so he brought up as many cards we get
- 00:11:54our hands on and shipped him back there
- 00:11:56that's how you made your money no not
- 00:11:59all of it no no because
- 00:12:00we didn't stop there you see we
- 00:12:02paralyzed all our profits into surplus
- 00:12:03food
- 00:12:04you know exporting the stuff from
- 00:12:06supermarket chains it has passed itself
- 00:12:07by date
- 00:12:08marmalade packaged soap and sauces and
- 00:12:11the like
- 00:12:12you mean they're not so choosy over
- 00:12:13there they're not born no
- 00:12:15some young russian soldier shivering in
- 00:12:17a shell howl in chechnya
- 00:12:19ign's been a boiled dog he's not fussed
- 00:12:21about the diet on his tomato ketchup
- 00:12:23sashay
- 00:12:25ah but a big prize for me fellas
- 00:12:28it's not the mono it's not the porticoed
- 00:12:30house or the car
- 00:12:32no but meeting me partner sister tatiana
- 00:12:36a beguiling beauty from the euros who is
- 00:12:39the current mrs taylor
- 00:12:42oh and who will be anxiously awaiting my
- 00:12:44return even as we speak
- 00:12:46oh you're not going already it's all
- 00:12:49been very lovely in that bond but
- 00:12:51i think we've done enough talking about
- 00:12:52the good old eyes don't you
- 00:12:54and most of what's being said clouded by
- 00:12:56sentiment
- 00:12:57i mean apart from the fact we were young
- 00:12:59it wasn't the most elevating time of our
- 00:13:01lives was it
- 00:13:02we slept in a hut we lived off fried
- 00:13:04food and we got pissed with strangers
- 00:13:07i mean i'm sorry i just snuffed it but
- 00:13:09face it most of the time he was with us
- 00:13:11he just inspired
- 00:13:12disgust and derision can i argue with
- 00:13:15that nerve
- 00:13:17i was a monster what a bloody hell's
- 00:13:22liverpool with flies in my face to find
- 00:13:24that you're not suddenly dead
- 00:13:28i am dead at least the oldest is dead
- 00:13:31while he had to bury him
- 00:13:34and celebrate the birth of the newest
- 00:13:38leonid yeah hey man you look like
- 00:13:41large bank employee of the month you're
- 00:13:43still a bollocks for setting us up
- 00:13:45what kind of stunt you john lads how
- 00:13:48else was i going to get yours all in the
- 00:13:49one room at the same time
- 00:13:50[Music]
- 00:13:52so caught me not here i can't see i'm
- 00:13:55surprised
- 00:13:56in fact i'm amazed the rest of you
- 00:13:58turned up we were open there was a will
- 00:14:00haha did ox but i am here to change all
- 00:14:04your lives
- 00:14:05wait a minute wait a minute now it's
- 00:14:08right what never was saying there i was
- 00:14:09now good about the good old days what's
- 00:14:12that
- 00:14:13but what was it what kept all going huh
- 00:14:17i thought that things might get better
- 00:14:18absolutely
- 00:14:20now can any one of you look me in the
- 00:14:22eye and say that it has
- 00:14:23i'll make an exception on mr taylor and
- 00:14:25given his role at park would say
- 00:14:27bentley actually virtually identical to
- 00:14:29the roles equivalent but uh a bit more
- 00:14:31desirable
- 00:14:32it doesn't improve my life losing the
- 00:14:33tears darshan wine glasses into your
- 00:14:35dragon
- 00:14:35losses i'll wait only to smoke why
- 00:14:38couldn't you pull the sick trick back
- 00:14:39over newcastle
- 00:14:44there's a reason
- 00:15:03[Music]
- 00:15:06[Applause]
- 00:15:12the middlesbrough transport average
- 00:15:16designed by the cleveland bridge and
- 00:15:18engineering company
- 00:15:19of darlington and opened on october 17
- 00:15:231911
- 00:15:24by prince arthur of connaught what's our
- 00:15:27next stop
- 00:15:28guide a tour of the hampton hill glow
- 00:15:30factory now as you can see
- 00:15:33there's great track to land on both
- 00:15:34sides of the river just ripe for
- 00:15:36development and there's a big consortium
- 00:15:38already on the kiss
- 00:15:40the only obstacle is this famous local
- 00:15:43landmark here
- 00:15:44now that's where we'd fit in because
- 00:15:46we're gonna pull it down
- 00:15:48and flogging for the fortune
- 00:15:51are you on something oz no
- 00:15:54i'm sure but up moxie what you don't
- 00:15:57touch the sauce
- 00:15:59well comparatively silver you mean your
- 00:16:01drink is not harmful to humanity anymore
- 00:16:03ah
- 00:16:04right let's just stick the shardies
- 00:16:05these deals and get mellow you know i
- 00:16:07don't get blooded anymore and
- 00:16:09don't crack heads but we're british man
- 00:16:11we'll put things up we don't knock them
- 00:16:12down
- 00:16:13we contract this oatman then we'd be the
- 00:16:16gatherers on this one
- 00:16:17but it's monstrous man yes
- 00:16:20it's monstrous neville it's gargantuan
- 00:16:23it's outrageous
- 00:16:25that's the point well how do you know
- 00:16:27about all this jeffrey granger
- 00:16:30now your story has been told many many
- 00:16:33times particularly in the tabloids
- 00:16:35here we are a rising star in the
- 00:16:36political spectrum a beautiful wife
- 00:16:39social and cultural connections and yet
- 00:16:41you threw it all away
- 00:16:43well gloria i didn't throw it all away i
- 00:16:46i was caught
- 00:16:49nevertheless caught prosecuted went to
- 00:16:52jail
- 00:16:52but what would you say overall was the
- 00:16:54worst aspect of it
- 00:16:58lying to my family to my colleagues in
- 00:17:01the in the house
- 00:17:02but as i've said on several occasions
- 00:17:05it's not what i lost it counts
- 00:17:07it's it's what i gained which was
- 00:17:11humility um moral perspective
- 00:17:15and of course god
- 00:17:19so where did you meet this one i was
- 00:17:22tilled up with them in durham nick
- 00:17:23oh yeah they do a good breakfast stop
- 00:17:25there you were inside
- 00:17:27this was the old oz was it leonard it
- 00:17:29was barry eye
- 00:17:30uh we had his ugly head in a pub in wild
- 00:17:32zen one night
- 00:17:33some geezer ended up in hospital i ended
- 00:17:35up with a nick but granger
- 00:17:38said granger was a marked man from the
- 00:17:39minute the doors banged behind him you
- 00:17:41know
- 00:17:42mp privilege i'll add baggage you know
- 00:17:45and i'll see if he's asked one dear my
- 00:17:46target you're not speaking
- 00:17:47metaphorically
- 00:17:48i'm not buddy no in fact i saved it four
- 00:17:51times in the first month
- 00:17:52so we owe you big time is that it he
- 00:17:54does bomb eye and he's part of this big
- 00:17:56land deal consortium is he
- 00:17:58and he came to me because of that he
- 00:18:00said us he said if you can put
- 00:18:02the right team together you have got a
- 00:18:05contract
- 00:18:06for bringing down the bridge there's
- 00:18:08going to be a hell of an outcry
- 00:18:10we'll build a new bridge man revive the
- 00:18:12whole area let me see if i've got this
- 00:18:13straight
- 00:18:15we as an entity would be the contractors
- 00:18:19yeah not the
- 00:18:20hired help absolutely
- 00:18:23foreign labor or more certainly how much
- 00:18:26initial capital do we need to lie out
- 00:18:27have you worked that out
- 00:18:3075 care 75 just to prove that one of the
- 00:18:33fady you know
- 00:18:34and then when the job kicks up we'll get
- 00:18:35a draw from the developer hmm
- 00:18:37it doesn't sound enough to me you work
- 00:18:40not enough where would any of us get
- 00:18:42that sort of money yeah
- 00:18:44well the bank the building society or
- 00:18:46your granny's pools
- 00:18:48listen if you wanted bad enough you'll
- 00:18:50find it won't you and then when the
- 00:18:52job's finished
- 00:18:53we'll get a hefty commission on the sale
- 00:18:55of the bridge
- 00:18:57now i reckon we'll be looking at
- 00:18:59somewhere in the region of
- 00:19:01250k between the six or what
- 00:19:05so do the sums
- 00:19:09yes did i miss the memorial thing
- 00:19:12i didn't know it was this far i didn't
- 00:19:14know i knew it was this far
- 00:19:16it was just a joke nobody died
- 00:19:19yeah my dad did you sent him an invite
- 00:19:22look it didn't have the right address on
- 00:19:24it
- 00:19:25but i got it in the end you're never
- 00:19:27wins laddie
- 00:19:29yeah my name is wyman it cannot be man
- 00:19:33i mean look at you you're uh you're very
- 00:19:35welcome wyman
- 00:19:38did you say your dad passed on yeah
- 00:19:42how he just died
- 00:19:45two years back freak heart thing
- 00:19:47congenital they said
- 00:19:50oh [ __ ] so
- 00:19:54it is awake after all
- 00:19:57[Music]
- 00:20:04smiles
- 00:20:09[Music]
- 00:20:14you've got my number get backwards as
- 00:20:16soon as you can er
- 00:20:17i know there's a lot to take in all in
- 00:20:18one go but just remember
- 00:20:20nobody ever changed their lives by
- 00:20:22thinking small
- 00:20:25eh buddy is there any chance of a lift
- 00:20:28like you know just part of the way
- 00:20:29my bike's buggered leave it in the river
- 00:20:32there man i thought you said you
- 00:20:33borrowed it
- 00:20:34i know but the bloke don't know it yet
- 00:20:36all right come on
- 00:20:37oh cheers
- 00:20:50there's a spare coated mag gaff if
- 00:20:52you're stuck for a kip
- 00:20:54cheers that'd be cool
- 00:21:03[Music]
- 00:21:05well you're the tycoon barry what do you
- 00:21:07think of this idea
- 00:21:09that's an open i must admit i admire its
- 00:21:12impudence
- 00:21:14nothing wrong with that boldness be my
- 00:21:16friend
- 00:21:17harmony audacity edwin i think
- 00:21:19shakespeare
- 00:21:20that's right box i'm not stupid just
- 00:21:28strange
- 00:21:31i wish you that will have to come up
- 00:21:34like
- 00:21:3510 grand plus challenge i haven't even
- 00:21:38got the plus
- 00:21:39change 75 percent grand
- 00:21:44ah easy right about one thing though we
- 00:21:47could all do with a boost
- 00:21:48you're all right you've got your own
- 00:21:49business
- 00:21:52are you still people like you stuffed it
- 00:21:56how do you mean people like me you
- 00:21:58import ready built buildings neville and
- 00:22:00diy freaks put them up themselves at the
- 00:22:02weekends
- 00:22:03where does that leave artisans like me
- 00:22:05zans
- 00:22:07dinosaurs more like
- 00:22:12this whole area used to be pit villages
- 00:22:14man everybody worked for the culinary
- 00:22:16you know what they do now what all the
- 00:22:18men wear hair nets and pack airline
- 00:22:20meals
- 00:22:22everything's changed dennis deal with it
- 00:22:26[Applause]
- 00:22:27[Music]
- 00:22:29[Applause]
- 00:22:32[Music]
- 00:22:37[Music]
- 00:22:46sorry if your room's a bit basic kid but
- 00:22:48i just moved in a couple of weeks ago
- 00:22:50nice little village queen oh it's quint
- 00:22:54i kind of get used to waking up where
- 00:22:55they sounded cows in the morning
- 00:22:58i mean i've woken up with a few of me
- 00:22:59timely
- 00:23:04no i came here to get away from old
- 00:23:05haunts and bad habits you know
- 00:23:08when i go to the jail it was a case i
- 00:23:10get my tools out
- 00:23:11head down arse up graph like a black man
- 00:23:17that's just an expression you know it's
- 00:23:19a compliment really
- 00:23:21where was your fellow working when he
- 00:23:23met your mother nigeria
- 00:23:26piss off my mom's from campbell well
- 00:23:27they met a madness concert at the lyceum
- 00:23:30madness i thought you must have been a
- 00:23:32stone's father lumber here with a name
- 00:23:34like why me
- 00:23:35no i mean you'd hardly idolize the bass
- 00:23:37player would you
- 00:23:38no i think she wanted it to be close to
- 00:23:41wayne without actually being wayne
- 00:23:44my professional names are spin my
- 00:23:45stroller so what
- 00:23:47the spin maestro cause that's what i do
- 00:23:49spin spin
- 00:23:51dj all right mostly round landing
- 00:23:54sometimes further afield
- 00:23:56i've never been around these parts your
- 00:23:59father was up here once
- 00:24:00just before it all went off to spin
- 00:24:02that's why i came up here
- 00:24:04or you like knew him and i never did
- 00:24:18the strongest link is lee he was the
- 00:24:20only person to get all of his questions
- 00:24:22right
- 00:24:23michael is statistically the realm's
- 00:24:25weakest link will his game be over now
- 00:24:37martini straight to a couple of olives
- 00:24:44cheers
- 00:24:46oh sorry barbie
- 00:25:04again on the other hand if you see the
- 00:25:07duke of edinburgh stay out of the way
- 00:25:09michael because you know nothing about
- 00:25:10nature and he's very
- 00:25:11he's gonna say no face he's i tooled up
- 00:25:13in the bentley why david
- 00:25:15david see all those years ago they used
- 00:25:18to see me as a bit of a radish can you
- 00:25:19believe it but if you're watching this
- 00:25:21program
- 00:25:22oh sorry probably myself that's correct
- 00:25:25never heard of the bubble why don't you
- 00:25:27get for yourself something to eat
- 00:25:29statistically well it doesn't seem to be
- 00:25:31much in the fridge actually
- 00:25:32then call for a curry i have never
- 00:25:35stopped all day
- 00:25:39i need
- 00:25:42[Applause]
- 00:25:48to be voted off the weakest line
- 00:25:56should be here because he was the
- 00:25:57weakest link in that round
- 00:26:13[Music]
- 00:26:16how many stuff do you employ mr hope why
- 00:26:18do you assume he runs the business
- 00:26:20we do everything together lorraine looks
- 00:26:22after the phones in the filing
- 00:26:24it's mostly done on the internet people
- 00:26:26order by email
- 00:26:27and then the stuff sent direct from the
- 00:26:29suppliers in sweden pre-packed
- 00:26:31ready to board together and who looks
- 00:26:33after the v80
- 00:26:35that's always been brenda's province
- 00:26:37thanks for the blame shifting
- 00:26:39yes we're behind but we've been having
- 00:26:41to give three months credit just to stay
- 00:26:42competitive
- 00:26:43you are severely behind have you any
- 00:26:46idea what it's like to run a small
- 00:26:48business with these margins
- 00:26:49and a home and raise three kids are you
- 00:26:52married
- 00:26:53that's not really relevant brenda it is
- 00:26:55to me do you own your own home
- 00:26:57it lasts a couple of mortgages we took
- 00:26:59out the second one when we're kicked off
- 00:27:00the business we haven't got a second
- 00:27:02home in the algarve
- 00:27:03we spent last summer in a rented caravan
- 00:27:05on windermere brenda please
- 00:27:07she's just trying to do a job just
- 00:27:08because you haven't got the balls to
- 00:27:09face up to these people oh you're
- 00:27:11the one that bollocks the figures that
- 00:27:12doesn't mean they can treat us like
- 00:27:14criminals
- 00:27:16i'll put it right okay or would you just
- 00:27:19like to lock us up now and throw away
- 00:27:20the keys
- 00:27:21i still find it hard to describe
- 00:27:24what i felt when i went into prison the
- 00:27:27banging of doors
- 00:27:29the cries in the night the smell of
- 00:27:32urine
- 00:27:33and overcooked cabbage the almost
- 00:27:37tangible smell of fear itself
- 00:27:42yet i was more afraid of coming out into
- 00:27:45the sunshine of a hostile world
- 00:27:49it
- 00:27:52it it was it was part of the price
- 00:27:56of starting over obsessing
- 00:28:04and uh who's this one too to my dear
- 00:28:07friend dawson
- 00:28:10what can we do for you oz oh i could
- 00:28:12think of a few things
- 00:28:13but i'm gonna have to settle for a cup
- 00:28:14of tea with your boss
- 00:28:20thanks beth
- 00:28:23well i hope this bloody book sells i'm
- 00:28:25still crippled with legal fees and since
- 00:28:27the divorce the wife got the house in
- 00:28:29westminster
- 00:28:30smoked salmon and bubbly it's not
- 00:28:32exactly skid row jeb this is all on the
- 00:28:34publisher's nut
- 00:28:36well our plonk mate 20 quid down
- 00:28:39i've need intention to read well i
- 00:28:42suggest that you at least peruse chapter
- 00:28:4416
- 00:28:44talking to god i've been too busy
- 00:28:47talking to the lads
- 00:28:48you have them they're set virtually
- 00:28:50virtually
- 00:28:51doesn't pack it oh as soon as the ink is
- 00:28:54dry on those permits i want work to
- 00:28:56start on the bridge if you can't
- 00:28:57guarantee it i'll have to go elsewhere
- 00:28:58don't sweat it jeffrey
- 00:29:00i'm crewed up all right here
- 00:29:06they look like mercenaries who's the
- 00:29:09bentley belong to
- 00:29:10art top man in his field
- 00:29:14import export with the ivans
- 00:29:17so the money shouldn't be a problem
- 00:29:28[Music]
- 00:29:32oh good morning mr taylor i hope you're
- 00:29:35not planning to drive another forklift
- 00:29:37today
- 00:29:38well i'll get bored in the office
- 00:29:39somebody hands on me arthur i know mr
- 00:29:41taylor
- 00:29:42but it was an awful lot of mess to clear
- 00:29:44up
- 00:29:45this is what i love about our business
- 00:29:48the way it unites
- 00:29:49people of the world just think families
- 00:29:52and azerbaijan will be eating pickled
- 00:29:54onions
- 00:29:55bottled in walsall it brings us all
- 00:29:57closer together doesn't it
- 00:29:59oh it does that mr taylor
- 00:30:25what i still don't understand why are we
- 00:30:27bringing the largest back from russia
- 00:30:30this is for us to restore to renovate i
- 00:30:32thought you did
- 00:30:34you see buddy russian he has a great
- 00:30:36pride in his car
- 00:30:37and he now wants some [ __ ] drop down in
- 00:30:40back street of moscow
- 00:30:41and one week later all paint fell off no
- 00:30:48the cry
- 00:31:03what well you know you were saying
- 00:31:06that's where you and your family went oh
- 00:31:08right
- 00:31:15it was in a tent
- 00:31:22oh barry yeah it's nev no hello mike
- 00:31:25i listened to the sweeter the other day
- 00:31:31oh she's fine listen barry there's
- 00:31:33something i want to ask you
- 00:31:34this idea is it feasible i mean maybe
- 00:31:37you should have a word with this granger
- 00:31:39bloke
- 00:31:41uh not exactly i've been to prison for
- 00:31:43fraud and corruption
- 00:31:44you're successful man you speak the same
- 00:31:46language as him
- 00:31:47i'm sorry to ask i know you must be
- 00:31:50really busy no no
- 00:31:51no i can't find time for that no no
- 00:31:54okay cheers okay don't leave it with me
- 00:31:57i'll sort it out
- 00:32:05[Music]
- 00:32:27i take a closer look his big job
- 00:32:30you need many peoples well i'm told you
- 00:32:33all the monies can provide them
- 00:32:34is no problem i pay them i find
- 00:32:38them beds you pay me whole package
- 00:32:42i'll need a figure obviously i work out
- 00:32:45we disgust
- 00:32:50will your people be like legal they will
- 00:32:53have papers
- 00:32:54no problems i think maybe
- 00:32:5950 peoples where will they be from
- 00:33:03from everywhere why you care
- 00:33:07i am from macedonia well i find by me
- 00:33:11as long as you are not from sunderland
- 00:33:15you have picked up at 37th bywood road
- 00:33:18eaton as-800
- 00:33:27[Applause]
- 00:33:36uh
- 00:33:50you find it hard don't you doing a job
- 00:33:53like this
- 00:33:54almost complaining mr cooper i don't
- 00:33:56mean physically
- 00:33:58i mean in your mind i lived here 35
- 00:34:01years
- 00:34:02i know the tragedy of this area it's
- 00:34:04full of
- 00:34:05men like yourself who have no place in
- 00:34:07the techno world
- 00:34:08well let me know it says people like me
- 00:34:10are a thing of the past
- 00:34:13that's a comforting thought when you
- 00:34:14switch off the light at night there
- 00:34:16however dennis i believe there is a line
- 00:34:19you don't cross
- 00:34:22what do you mean brotherly tommy rompton
- 00:34:25maybe he thinks doing his filthy
- 00:34:27business from a mini-cab
- 00:34:28makes him less conspicuous but when
- 00:34:30police take him down
- 00:34:32and you are driving him that day they
- 00:34:34will take you too
- 00:34:37i wouldn't like to see that happen
- 00:34:50moxie
- 00:34:58which is it drug dealers or cops
- 00:35:04dizzy could have done with a pick meal
- 00:35:07coffee
- 00:35:08pizza why aren't i in a dark room
- 00:35:11getting hurt
- 00:35:13this isn't the pool moxie although we'll
- 00:35:15see from your file you've got a bit of
- 00:35:17previous
- 00:35:19three convictions for arson if this is
- 00:35:22about a fire
- 00:35:24i didn't do it i've been going to
- 00:35:26arsenal's synonymous
- 00:35:28how long have you been working for
- 00:35:29mickey startup less than a year
- 00:35:33he's scum and we won him
- 00:35:37he's making more money out of human
- 00:35:38traffic than arms running or drug
- 00:35:40dealing
- 00:35:41i wondered how you felt about wearing a
- 00:35:43wire you're joking are you
- 00:35:46well you must hear a lot see a lot
- 00:35:49awake in the kitchens i don't hang out
- 00:35:51with mickey's start up
- 00:35:53what's he gonna tell me we got six
- 00:35:55natasha's coming in from belgrade
- 00:35:56tonight so keep it under your app mox
- 00:35:58it's not just girls he's winning the
- 00:36:00whole black labor record for the north
- 00:36:02of england
- 00:36:04well if you won't wear a wire maybe you
- 00:36:06can get a bug in his office for us
- 00:36:07who do you think i am donnie sodon
- 00:36:10brasco
- 00:36:14anchovies one of his former bookkeepers
- 00:36:18came to us
- 00:36:19told us what's in his safe she also told
- 00:36:22us
- 00:36:23how to get into the safe
- 00:36:27could you do that for us
- 00:36:31well it's a question of civic duty
- 00:36:36i think we'll have to consider it and
- 00:36:37what risk are we serving
- 00:36:39well maybe it's time you had a bit of
- 00:36:40risk in your life level
- 00:36:42i've always worked to reduce the risk in
- 00:36:44our lives brenda man
- 00:36:46for you and the girls but it hasn't made
- 00:36:48you happy you get depressed
- 00:36:50negative i don't think it's just sexual
- 00:36:55where did that come from i've seen the
- 00:36:57way you look at lorraine and our
- 00:36:58daughter's friends
- 00:36:59and there's not been a lot of activity
- 00:37:01in the bedroom oh
- 00:37:03sweetheart man let's just pick us up uh
- 00:37:08i just feel like i'm wading through
- 00:37:11treater
- 00:37:13we have to take a chance if we're ever
- 00:37:15going to get ahead of the game
- 00:37:17that's the way it works nev
- 00:37:21dream just confident the board will pass
- 00:37:23the scheme
- 00:37:24final votes next week born it's a
- 00:37:27seven-way split again
- 00:37:28wins young and rang up and he wants it
- 00:37:31where's he got the money
- 00:37:32where is it top disc jockey they're made
- 00:37:34of fortune apparently
- 00:37:35he'd be well qualified for nothing doing
- 00:37:36a bridge hey listen
- 00:37:38he's not made for your martian and it's
- 00:37:40knee secret i didn't like his father
- 00:37:41neither but if the kid's got the one guy
- 00:37:43he's in barry's tequila isn't he
- 00:37:47maybe he'll get a bit more pregnant once
- 00:37:48he's met granger
- 00:37:51do i take it you're in neville
- 00:37:54yeah i'm gonna have to bite the bullet
- 00:37:56on the v8
- 00:37:58but if this works out i'll get everybody
- 00:38:00off me back bomber's come up a heart but
- 00:38:02he's so far but he's got all them burns
- 00:38:04hasn't he so maybe he's he'll chip in
- 00:38:05for him
- 00:38:06i wouldn't get me hopes too high on
- 00:38:07moxie oh fully enough he ran last night
- 00:38:10and said he knows where he can get his
- 00:38:12hands on some money
- 00:38:13you're all mad it's a massive bastard
- 00:38:16job nobody knows [ __ ] about demolition
- 00:38:18yeah
- 00:38:18but like us says then we're the gaffers
- 00:38:21on this that's right
- 00:38:22i've already spoken to a gang master but
- 00:38:24what the gang would either blow up what
- 00:38:26rounds up your foreign labour for you
- 00:38:27cause it'll be a bunch of albanians or
- 00:38:29yugoslavs what actually brings the
- 00:38:31bridge down
- 00:38:32where the money on this one then where
- 00:38:34the money i haven't got any bloody money
- 00:38:38how many mailbags did you have to sue to
- 00:38:40get your stick
- 00:38:41uh i've got that through honest craft
- 00:38:43actually sweating me bro
- 00:38:45when i got out of jail i went back on
- 00:38:47the tools and i've worked six days a
- 00:38:48week ever since and you've saved
- 00:38:50ten thousand pounds no i fell up a
- 00:38:53scaffold and scored for eight grand con
- 00:38:55pen
- 00:38:56what happened to that 25 grand pal you
- 00:38:58got from ali for either that was
- 00:39:0015 years ago man two divorces a new pair
- 00:39:02of shoes took care of that
- 00:39:04well maybe barry would see you right i'm
- 00:39:06not on anybody
- 00:39:09we need you you were always top man the
- 00:39:12anger
- 00:39:14but he kept us in line bye then huh
- 00:39:24every tuesday and friday i drive a drug
- 00:39:26deal around the house in the states in
- 00:39:28the shop centers
- 00:39:30why would i do that huh because it's my
- 00:39:34biggest peer deal of the week
- 00:39:36the rest of time i work the graveyard
- 00:39:38shift you know
- 00:39:39bigger tips at night even though you've
- 00:39:41got to clean up after blower jobs and
- 00:39:43drunks
- 00:39:44if i had 10 000 pounds do you think that
- 00:39:46would pay me life
- 00:40:03you turn some heads mr granger jeffrey
- 00:40:05please
- 00:40:06jeffrey price of notoriety i'm afraid
- 00:40:10but you've always been a public figure
- 00:40:11unto jeffrey even before the disgrace
- 00:40:16public life is what i chose from a very
- 00:40:17early age i was mp for south cleveland i
- 00:40:20was only 28.
- 00:40:21oh really which i suppose explains my
- 00:40:25concern for the needs and hardships of
- 00:40:27the working people of t-side
- 00:40:29sir
- 00:40:33is that what you had in mind jeffrey
- 00:40:35should do very nicely
- 00:40:37thank you
- 00:40:55ah is you know right
- 00:41:03you're like me i think you like good
- 00:41:06things in life
- 00:41:07especially having been deprived of them
- 00:41:09for a while
- 00:41:14of course being from russia i should
- 00:41:16imagine you've been deprived of many
- 00:41:17things yourself
- 00:41:23how did you snag this delectable
- 00:41:25creature back well
- 00:41:26it's a long story which we don't have to
- 00:41:28hear now
- 00:41:31so jeffrey this land deal
- 00:41:34vision barry a vision of a community
- 00:41:38revitalized and rejuvenated a phoenix
- 00:41:41rising from the ashes of waste and
- 00:41:42neglect
- 00:41:43and a new bridge connecting a continual
- 00:41:46flow of people and traffic which is why
- 00:41:48of course the old anachronism has to be
- 00:41:50pulled down
- 00:41:51oz says you've got a buyer for the
- 00:41:52bridge because as i understand it
- 00:41:54that would be the lads big payday
- 00:41:57absolutely
- 00:41:58and incidentally i want no part of that
- 00:42:00it's not what i'm in this business for
- 00:42:01this is my way of giving something back
- 00:42:05of course i'm not yet personally
- 00:42:08committed do you understand well maybe
- 00:42:10you should think of this buddy
- 00:42:12you go to the north you see your friends
- 00:42:15do you take
- 00:42:16a keen interest in his ventures tatiana
- 00:42:18i advise
- 00:42:19yes sometimes i say barry don't go there
- 00:42:22with the barge pool
- 00:42:28well i do hope that we can rely upon
- 00:42:30your support
- 00:42:46why are we going this way home
- 00:42:49well i like to drive by me empire it's
- 00:42:53uh it gives me a warm glow inside baby
- 00:43:09what's your range rover doing there
- 00:43:11buddy let's go home i'm tired
- 00:43:28what's going on cat hey
- 00:43:32can you believe it's more cars drive i
- 00:43:34have to offload or they stay overnight
- 00:43:36outside
- 00:43:37it's no good well it's very good over
- 00:43:39here but it's a bit beyond the call of
- 00:43:40duty mate
- 00:43:42take the tiana home buddy
- 00:43:45good dinner it cost a fortune
- 00:43:48all right don't kill yourself i turn off
- 00:44:14[Music]
- 00:44:27[Music]
- 00:44:34so
- 00:44:38[Music]
- 00:45:02um
- 00:45:05[Music]
- 00:45:16[Music]
- 00:45:30tossy
- 00:45:32[Music]
- 00:45:48oh [ __ ]
- 00:46:08[Music]
- 00:46:11all right darling cheers
- 00:46:30all right all right man
- 00:46:34you're banging hello us
- 00:46:38sorry did i wait here we've sprung run
- 00:46:41liverpool
- 00:46:43uh-huh by cab
- 00:46:47what are you doing here well i told you
- 00:46:48on the phone i'm in
- 00:46:50so i brought my contribution
- 00:46:54oh
- 00:47:01oh well you had a big private job moxie
- 00:47:05the deal's not closed yet fingers
- 00:47:08crossed then hey
- 00:47:09otherwise i'll have to invest elsewhere
- 00:47:11what have you brought a check
- 00:47:13eh no
- 00:47:21hell it's bollocks hey you better stick
- 00:47:23that in the bank
- 00:47:25but rather not have you got a shovel
- 00:47:28[Music]
- 00:47:37what are you doing what
- 00:47:40why boss you should be out looking for
- 00:47:43that thieving piece of turd
- 00:47:44it's been two days now we've combed a
- 00:47:47[ __ ] boss
- 00:47:48get out find him and kill him then bring
- 00:47:52him here and i'll kill him
- 00:47:54again we'll soon be saying goodbye to a
- 00:47:56local landmark following a decision by
- 00:47:59the middlesbrough development
- 00:48:00corporation to go ahead
- 00:48:01with the havisham project the unique
- 00:48:03transporter bridge which has spanned the
- 00:48:05tease for more than 90 years was
- 00:48:07featured
- 00:48:07in the award-winning film billy elliot
- 00:48:10now it has to go
- 00:48:11as part of a massive redevelopment
- 00:48:13scheme the details of the venture were
- 00:48:15revealed today at a hastily summoned
- 00:48:17news conference on the banks of the
- 00:48:18river tees
- 00:48:19in the shadow of the doomed bridge this
- 00:48:22is an historic day
- 00:48:24a triumph for the area because what the
- 00:48:27havisham project
- 00:48:28is ultimately about is improving the
- 00:48:31lives of
- 00:48:33lord people some people think it's a
- 00:48:35shame that the scheme has to be at the
- 00:48:37expense
- 00:48:38of such an historic structure oh well
- 00:48:40you
- 00:48:41you can't create vital twin communities
- 00:48:44and link them
- 00:48:44with an antiquated fedex that will only
- 00:48:47take a dozen
- 00:48:48calories what does dad know about
- 00:48:49pulling down bridges
- 00:48:51nothing debbie which i think is a point
- 00:48:53worth considering
- 00:48:54it's there on television it's happening
- 00:48:57someone's going to make a profit from it
- 00:48:58why not us
- 00:48:59i think it's your dad yeah
- 00:49:03yeah i'm at the hospital now yeah well i
- 00:49:06took some more tests
- 00:49:07changed my medication no
- 00:49:10i'm still going up north kathy it means
- 00:49:12a lot
- 00:49:14that gives a bit of a point to my
- 00:49:16existence
- 00:49:17there might be a bubble or two in it and
- 00:49:20the crack was always good
- 00:49:43no i've got business to attend to in the
- 00:49:45north actually
- 00:49:47baby bear oh
- 00:49:50sorry
- 00:49:54well the crack on gonna get changed
- 00:49:58tom's getting on
- 00:50:03ladies and gentlemen to the bridge
- 00:50:10i thought you didn't do that anymore
- 00:50:12well it's only tequila
- 00:50:13i'm going to watch a doom with a caliber
- 00:50:15so what's the order of player than us
- 00:50:17yeah uh first thing we'll get ourselves
- 00:50:19down to middlesbrough
- 00:50:20get all the paperwork signed well i have
- 00:50:22to hand it to you also you've got all
- 00:50:23this together
- 00:50:24yeah and us that's right yeah nice
- 00:50:26warming i have to say
- 00:50:28you are the last person on earth i
- 00:50:29imagine being in business with
- 00:50:31when it comes to that you're the last
- 00:50:32person on earth i ever thought would be
- 00:50:34a millionaire but
- 00:50:35i can still see you in the hood sitting
- 00:50:37on your bed in your monkey underpants
- 00:50:39eating soup from a tin and cleaning your
- 00:50:41toenails with your trowel
- 00:50:43i didn't see that you guys lived in a
- 00:50:46hut
- 00:50:46yeah we used to call it stalag17
- 00:50:52felt like prisoners of war your dad
- 00:50:56fused the lights every other night blow
- 00:50:57dry in his hair
- 00:50:59oh i was a bit of a ladies man why
- 00:51:01aren't i yeah yeah
- 00:51:02yeah i gathered that i have to say
- 00:51:04everything i know about women i learned
- 00:51:06from your dad well i must have taken a
- 00:51:08mile of 30 seconds
- 00:51:09oh you may laugh you wait until you clap
- 00:51:12eyes on touch your arm
- 00:51:16one of you is missing though apart from
- 00:51:18my dad i mean
- 00:51:23that's not wrong but i don't think he's
- 00:51:26right
- 00:51:28[Music]
- 00:51:33i want to get finished early today the
- 00:51:36wife's opening up a new salon
- 00:51:38so to sell them oh you know lots of
- 00:51:41stuff
- 00:51:42cellulite tannin leg waxing this is a
- 00:51:45third
- 00:51:46up in hillbilly land concert can you
- 00:51:49believe it
- 00:51:51i expect a good deal with a town up
- 00:51:52there she's got a great ad for business
- 00:51:55that's your name
- 00:51:57have you got a wife i've had two
- 00:52:01history note not surprised
- 00:52:04i mean look at the state here have you
- 00:52:07got any kids at all
- 00:52:09i don't see them watching won't live in
- 00:52:10the area janine wants to say no i'll add
- 00:52:13a boarding school
- 00:52:15why how many grams would you have to
- 00:52:18shift to put a kid through eating
- 00:52:20you want to watch your mouth dennis just
- 00:52:22drive your mobile [ __ ] out and shut up
- 00:52:30right
- 00:52:34did you get this card on the drift buddy
- 00:52:37the wood
- 00:52:37the drip chucky never never are you
- 00:52:41purchased
- 00:52:42all right actually i wanted to pay cash
- 00:52:45for this but uh
- 00:52:46my accountant suggested it'd be foolish
- 00:52:48to have so much capital tied up in a
- 00:52:51in a depreciating accident hit a red
- 00:52:54late round here to appreciate even
- 00:52:55faster
- 00:52:56i love your wheels off quicker than a
- 00:52:58formula one pit crew
- 00:53:00well number six if it's in the car sure
- 00:53:03don't count on it maybe i think we're a
- 00:53:06boy band shooting a video
- 00:53:13charlie snacks left
- 00:53:36magnificent seven this wouldn't be the
- 00:53:38same without you man
- 00:53:40look off surely we're asked don we're
- 00:53:42gonna come up with you
- 00:53:44that means you're all six people no you
- 00:53:46won't when we get our back in bonus
- 00:53:48what you or us will come off the top
- 00:53:55look i've got an all-day affair i kind
- 00:53:56of talked about this right now oh is
- 00:53:58that the dealer
- 00:53:59how come he's not tuttling around in a
- 00:54:01beamer lost his license
- 00:54:03road rage who's this lot we're the drug
- 00:54:06squad
- 00:54:08the bentley's just the cunning sub the
- 00:54:09fuse why don't you just pay dennis what
- 00:54:12he's old because he's finished for the
- 00:54:13deer he is bastard no
- 00:54:14now piss off a lot of you then
- 00:54:18what does he owe you just leave it out
- 00:54:19oh yeah oh
- 00:54:21is that the name i've seen your ugly
- 00:54:23face around
- 00:54:24so you'll be easy to find hundley
- 00:54:29what does that mean look there's no
- 00:54:30reason for this to get unpleasant
- 00:54:32no it means if you dick with me
- 00:54:36i'll eat your liver
- 00:54:39is that with or without the fava beans
- 00:54:47i hate the know where i live man you
- 00:54:49don't live there anymore you're coming
- 00:54:50with us
- 00:54:52away
- 00:54:57want to ride shotgun bummer see if the
- 00:54:58old house is still with us
- 00:55:01well he has to appear every once in a
- 00:55:02while bomb as people might think i'm
- 00:55:04cliff richard
- 00:55:09[Applause]
- 00:55:21[Music]
- 00:55:25[Applause]
- 00:55:30we're gonna pull it down the same way as
- 00:55:32i'm putting up nine years ago
- 00:55:34with pulleys and chains and sweat oil
- 00:55:38can you not think about who will you're
- 00:55:39shagging brenda i know i shouldn't have
- 00:55:41mentioned this seems like how the good
- 00:55:42way to get your money's well out of a
- 00:55:44sex therapist
- 00:55:44your friend you think was his head what
- 00:55:47is your friend think with his bollocks
- 00:55:49i'm broke i'm stressed i'm depressed i'm
- 00:55:51too old right
- 00:55:52have you as much experience in this line
- 00:55:54of work not exactly on this scale
- 00:55:59you're not good in that now i don't need
- 00:56:01anything from you dad you used to
- 00:56:03when you were a kid
- 00:56:10do you put your bloody amateurs how do
- 00:56:12you feel about killing them hairs
- 00:56:14bullets
- 00:56:42wow
- 00:57:13you
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