

TLDRThis video serves as a guide for individuals feeling unfulfilled in life, offering insights into how understanding and changing 'timelines' can lead to personal transformation. It describes timelines as flexible energy pathways that individuals co-create with their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Viewers are encouraged to reflect on their lives through journaling, gain clarity, set strong intentions, and take action to shift towards more fulfilling life experiences. The video emphasizes empowerment, revealing that anyone can change their current path by mastering these concepts and processes.

Para llevar

  • ✨ Timelines are flexible paths that unfold as you walk your life journey.
  • 🧠 You co-create your timeline with your energy—thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
  • 📈 Timelines gain momentum based on repeated actions and beliefs.
  • 🔄 There are infinite timelines available to you; it's about choosing the right ones.
  • 💪 Setting a strong intention is key to shifting your timeline.
  • 🚀 Taking actionable steps is necessary to manifest a new reality.
  • 📝 Journaling can help clarify feelings and beliefs about your current life trajectory.
  • 🔮 Higher timelines align with your soul's purpose and highest destiny.
  • ❗ Awareness is the precursor to meaningful change in your life.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    The video addresses feelings of being stuck or unfulfilled in life, emphasizing that it's possible to change one's circumstances through understanding timelines. A timeline is described as a flexible path shaped by personal beliefs, thoughts, and energies, guiding individuals toward their desired destinies. The speaker aims to empower viewers with techniques for transforming their timelines, sharing both insights into the nature of timelines and practical steps for change, including a list of journaling prompts to facilitate this process.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:14:58

    The six rules of timelines are elaborated, highlighting their flexibility and the individual's role in co-creating them through energy and intention. Timelines are said to have momentum, and while there are infinite options available, individuals tend to gravitate toward those reinforced by consistent thoughts and behaviors. The speaker encourages viewers to take deliberate action based on self-reflection to shift toward higher timelines, which represent optimal life paths, ultimately aiming to lead to fulfillment and the realization of one's highest destiny.

Mapa mental

Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas

  • What is a timeline in this context?

    A timeline is the energy path that unfolds as you take steps toward your goals or destiny.

  • How can I change my timeline?

    You can change your timeline by following a four-step process: ask questions, gain awareness, set intentions, and take action.

  • What are the six energy rules of timelines?

    1. Timelines are flexible. 2. You co-create your timelines. 3. Timelines are energy-based. 4. Timelines have momentum. 5. There are infinite timelines. 6. There are higher timelines guided by your soul.

  • What are the 23 journal prompts?

    The journal prompts are designed to help you reflect on your current life trajectory and identify areas for change, enhancing your understanding and feelings about potential future timelines.

  • How important is awareness in changing my timeline?

    Awareness and clarity are essential as they help you understand the internal mechanisms that need to change in your life.

  • What is the significance of intention in timeline changing?

    Setting a strong intention declares to the universe that you are ready to change your current path.

  • What role does action play in changing my timeline?

    Taking action is crucial in manifesting your new timeline by moving from contemplation to physical steps towards change.

  • Can anyone change their timeline?

    Yes, anyone can change their timeline by applying the principles shared in the video.

  • What are higher timelines?

  • Why should I use paper for journaling?

    Writing on paper helps access parts of your brain and emotions that may be harder to reach through typing.

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Desplazamiento automático:
  • 00:00:01
    you clicked on this video because
  • 00:00:02
    there's probably one or more areas of
  • 00:00:04
    your life that are not working out as
  • 00:00:06
    you had hoped for or dreamed heck you
  • 00:00:08
    may even be living situations in your
  • 00:00:10
    life that are so surreal or painful you
  • 00:00:12
    find yourself thinking how the hell did
  • 00:00:14
    I end up here but remember that even
  • 00:00:17
    though you may feel stuck or your life
  • 00:00:19
    may feel unfulfilling or unhappy to you
  • 00:00:21
    right now things can change and by the
  • 00:00:24
    time you finish watching this video
  • 00:00:25
    you'll realize just how fast they can
  • 00:00:27
    change when you master what I'm about to
  • 00:00:29
    show you you the reason your life is
  • 00:00:31
    unfolding exactly as it is right now is
  • 00:00:33
    because of something called a timeline
  • 00:00:35
    and in this video you'll learn what a
  • 00:00:37
    timeline is exactly and how it paves the
  • 00:00:39
    way for your life experiences your role
  • 00:00:42
    in creating a timeline and how you have
  • 00:00:44
    the power to change it four easy steps
  • 00:00:47
    to help you change a timeline and shift
  • 00:00:49
    your life towards more joy fulfillment
  • 00:00:51
    and your highest Destiny and I'll also
  • 00:00:53
    share 23 life-changing Journal prompts
  • 00:00:56
    that will help you make this shift in
  • 00:00:58
    record-breaking time first what's a
  • 00:01:01
    timeline sometimes people use the word
  • 00:01:03
    timeline as a synonym for Destiny or
  • 00:01:06
    fate but these are very different things
  • 00:01:08
    Destiny or fate is a potential
  • 00:01:10
    destination finish line or a pinnacle in
  • 00:01:13
    your life a timeline is the road you
  • 00:01:16
    walk towards that Destiny spiritually a
  • 00:01:19
    timeline is the energy path that takes
  • 00:01:21
    you in a specific Direction in life
  • 00:01:23
    eventually leading to a destination or
  • 00:01:25
    outcome one of the best illustrations of
  • 00:01:28
    a timeline is found in the classic movie
  • 00:01:30
    The Wizard of Oz in which Dorothy and
  • 00:01:32
    her friends walk down the yellow brick
  • 00:01:34
    road to eventually meet the great wizard
  • 00:01:36
    so the wizard is her Destiny and the
  • 00:01:38
    yellow brick road is the timeline that
  • 00:01:40
    takes her there but although The Wizard
  • 00:01:43
    of Oz is a good starting point for
  • 00:01:45
    understanding timelines it's too
  • 00:01:46
    simplistic and basic from an energy
  • 00:01:48
    perspective so let's dive deeper into
  • 00:01:51
    the six energy rules of timelines to
  • 00:01:53
    understand how they really work rule
  • 00:01:55
    number one is that timelines are
  • 00:01:57
    flexible in The Wizard of Ozz the yellow
  • 00:02:00
    brick road is a set path of bricks that
  • 00:02:02
    stretches out all the way to the
  • 00:02:03
    Wizard's Palace but in reality a
  • 00:02:06
    timeline doesn't stretch out that far in
  • 00:02:08
    front of you but rather it unfolds under
  • 00:02:11
    your feet as you take steps in a
  • 00:02:13
    specific Direction so timelines are not
  • 00:02:16
    deterministic or rigid they appear right
  • 00:02:19
    in front of your feet as you walk along
  • 00:02:21
    life rule two is you co-create your
  • 00:02:24
    timelines this is again different from
  • 00:02:27
    the yellow brick road which is a road
  • 00:02:29
    outside of Dorothy and is separate from
  • 00:02:31
    her your timelines are being created by
  • 00:02:34
    your beliefs your thoughts your feelings
  • 00:02:37
    your behaviors your actions and
  • 00:02:39
    ultimately your energy all of these
  • 00:02:42
    things combined give you a certain
  • 00:02:44
    energy frequency and that energy makes
  • 00:02:46
    you take a step in a specific Direction
  • 00:02:48
    and then the timeline appears right
  • 00:02:50
    under your feet in response to you and
  • 00:02:53
    your energy so you have an extraordinary
  • 00:02:55
    amount of power in the unfolding of your
  • 00:02:57
    timelines if you find yourself thinking
  • 00:02:59
    things things like my karma sucks I'm
  • 00:03:02
    destined for failure or I'm unlucky in
  • 00:03:05
    life remember that if you truly believe
  • 00:03:07
    these disempowering things about
  • 00:03:09
    yourself then that energy is what is
  • 00:03:12
    creating the timeline you're currently
  • 00:03:13
    on and so then you become a
  • 00:03:15
    self-fulfilling prophecy bottom line is
  • 00:03:18
    pay attention to the energy you're
  • 00:03:20
    putting out into the world rule number
  • 00:03:23
    three is that timelines are made up of
  • 00:03:25
    energy that energy is directed by the
  • 00:03:28
    universe as your co-creative part
  • 00:03:29
    partner and it's very much alive a
  • 00:03:32
    timeline has its own frequency and
  • 00:03:33
    information that resembles your own
  • 00:03:35
    Energy System just like your aura and
  • 00:03:38
    chakras and all the parts of you that
  • 00:03:40
    are not seen by the physical eyes
  • 00:03:42
    timelines also operate in a Quantum
  • 00:03:44
    reality outside of this time space
  • 00:03:46
    reality we can see with our human senses
  • 00:03:49
    but they still exist and just like your
  • 00:03:50
    aura and chakras timelines are also
  • 00:03:53
    filled with information that is
  • 00:03:54
    downloaded by your human body as you
  • 00:03:56
    walk on the timeline think of it like
  • 00:03:59
    this let's say you're walking down a
  • 00:04:01
    road but instead of the road being made
  • 00:04:03
    out of asphalt it's actually made of
  • 00:04:05
    living energy that contains a lot of
  • 00:04:07
    information about where you're going as
  • 00:04:10
    you walk this path your Energy System
  • 00:04:12
    interacts with it creating a symbiosis
  • 00:04:14
    between you and the path you send
  • 00:04:16
    information to the path and it also
  • 00:04:18
    sends information to you and together
  • 00:04:21
    both of your energies combine to guide
  • 00:04:23
    you to your destination rule number four
  • 00:04:26
    is timelines have momentum the more you
  • 00:04:28
    walk down a certain path or do the same
  • 00:04:31
    thing over and over the timeline beneath
  • 00:04:33
    your feet will get bigger and stronger
  • 00:04:35
    making it easier to keep walking in the
  • 00:04:37
    same direction the flip side of this is
  • 00:04:39
    that in energy terms this means the
  • 00:04:41
    timeline increases momentum making it
  • 00:04:44
    harder for you to change directions if
  • 00:04:46
    you wanted to at least at first let's
  • 00:04:48
    use trains to illustrate momentum
  • 00:04:51
    imagine a regular train passing by you
  • 00:04:54
    at a slow speed if something were to
  • 00:04:57
    cross the tracks in front of that train
  • 00:04:59
    it would probably be able to stop before
  • 00:05:01
    hitting it because the train is moving
  • 00:05:03
    slow enough and the brakes don't have to
  • 00:05:05
    work as hard to stop it but now imagine
  • 00:05:08
    a bullet train going full speed ahead if
  • 00:05:11
    something were to cross the tracks in
  • 00:05:13
    front of that train there's no way it
  • 00:05:15
    could stop in time before hitting it
  • 00:05:17
    because it's just going too fast and the
  • 00:05:19
    brakes would take forever to bring that
  • 00:05:20
    train to a complete stop this is energy
  • 00:05:23
    momentum in a nutshell timelines are the
  • 00:05:26
    same the more you reinforce the same
  • 00:05:28
    behaviors and thoughts and energy the
  • 00:05:30
    stronger the timeline gets in a specific
  • 00:05:33
    Direction and the only way for you to
  • 00:05:35
    weaken the energy of a timeline is to
  • 00:05:37
    stop thinking believing or acting in the
  • 00:05:39
    same way if you've been walking a
  • 00:05:41
    certain timeline for a long time the
  • 00:05:43
    energy of that timeline is strong and it
  • 00:05:45
    will take a lot of energy strength on
  • 00:05:47
    your part to stop the timeline and
  • 00:05:48
    change directions you can do it but it
  • 00:05:51
    may take time and big energy rule number
  • 00:05:54
    five is that there are infinite
  • 00:05:56
    timelines it is true that the more you
  • 00:05:59
    walk down a a specific timeline the
  • 00:06:00
    easier it is to keep going down that
  • 00:06:02
    path because of the energy momentum
  • 00:06:04
    behind it but that does not mean that
  • 00:06:07
    timelines or destiny are deterministic
  • 00:06:09
    it's quite the opposite there are
  • 00:06:12
    infinite timelines available to you at
  • 00:06:14
    any given moment this may seem crazy to
  • 00:06:17
    contemplate if you happen to be faced
  • 00:06:19
    with challenges right now or if your
  • 00:06:21
    life is going very differently from what
  • 00:06:24
    you expected but it is true there are so
  • 00:06:27
    many timelines available to you it all
  • 00:06:29
    depends on where you choose to step and
  • 00:06:32
    how your energy interacts with the
  • 00:06:34
    universe years back a client came to see
  • 00:06:36
    me because he was having a scary
  • 00:06:38
    recurring dream let's call him Joe in
  • 00:06:40
    the dream Joe was drunk and he was
  • 00:06:42
    driving at night down a deserted Road
  • 00:06:44
    when he suddenly fell asleep at the
  • 00:06:46
    wheel and he hit a light post dying
  • 00:06:48
    instantly he confessed that he was an
  • 00:06:50
    alcoholic and had been using substances
  • 00:06:53
    often on all of his life and he wanted
  • 00:06:55
    to know if this nightmare was a view
  • 00:06:57
    into his future or if it was just a
  • 00:06:59
    nightmare I read his energy and I could
  • 00:07:01
    see that if he stayed on his current
  • 00:07:03
    timeline that's exactly what was going
  • 00:07:05
    to happen to him I told him that his
  • 00:07:07
    soul was trying to get his attention to
  • 00:07:09
    show him that his current timeline was
  • 00:07:11
    taking him to this specific destination
  • 00:07:14
    but I also told him that he had the
  • 00:07:16
    power in this situation that his dream
  • 00:07:18
    wasn't a rigid look into his future it
  • 00:07:20
    was only a possible future Joe stopped
  • 00:07:22
    drinking cold turkey after that session
  • 00:07:25
    and in the next sessions we started
  • 00:07:27
    working on the traumas that had led him
  • 00:07:28
    to substance abuse and he set a strong
  • 00:07:31
    intention to the universe he was ready
  • 00:07:34
    to change his timeline the incredible
  • 00:07:36
    thing is that Joe's recurring nightmare
  • 00:07:38
    disappeared and in the next few sessions
  • 00:07:41
    I could see in his energy that he had
  • 00:07:42
    completely jumped off of one timeline
  • 00:07:45
    and was now walking on another this is
  • 00:07:47
    the power we all have we have the power
  • 00:07:50
    to write and rewrite our stories as many
  • 00:07:53
    times as we want and here's an important
  • 00:07:55
    side note to this story this is a secret
  • 00:07:58
    that most psychics or mediums do not
  • 00:08:00
    share with their clients but psychics
  • 00:08:03
    don't predict or see the future of a
  • 00:08:05
    client they see one potential future
  • 00:08:07
    based on the energy that the person
  • 00:08:09
    presents when they go see the medium a
  • 00:08:11
    good medium will always be clear about
  • 00:08:13
    that they see and read a person's energy
  • 00:08:16
    in present and the good ones will even
  • 00:08:18
    see where the person's potential
  • 00:08:20
    timeline is taking them but the great
  • 00:08:22
    mediums also see potential parallel or
  • 00:08:25
    alternate timelines that the client can
  • 00:08:27
    tap into if they want to so if you go
  • 00:08:29
    see medium and they tell you that a
  • 00:08:31
    specific thing will happen that isn't
  • 00:08:33
    always true rule number six is there are
  • 00:08:36
    higher timelines although you do have an
  • 00:08:39
    infinite number of timelines available
  • 00:08:41
    to you at any given moment your soul
  • 00:08:43
    also influences those timelines your
  • 00:08:45
    soul makes plans for a human self before
  • 00:08:48
    you incarnate and it consistently tries
  • 00:08:50
    to influence you to follow certain
  • 00:08:52
    timelines while you're in physical form
  • 00:08:54
    these timelines that the soul prefers
  • 00:08:56
    are called higher timelines sometimes
  • 00:08:59
    your soul may let you stray from its
  • 00:09:01
    planned timelines sometimes it says nope
  • 00:09:04
    you're going to go this way but
  • 00:09:06
    regardless of how your soul guides you
  • 00:09:07
    to create certain timelines you do have
  • 00:09:10
    many to choose from as a human but your
  • 00:09:12
    higher timelines are the ones that will
  • 00:09:14
    take you to your highest Destiny in this
  • 00:09:16
    life Guided by the wisdom of your soul
  • 00:09:19
    and to me the best way to tap into these
  • 00:09:20
    higher timelines is to follow this
  • 00:09:22
    simple Mantra I put my human ego aside
  • 00:09:26
    and make room for my soul to show me the
  • 00:09:28
    best timelines for me at any given
  • 00:09:31
    moment this will allow you to live your
  • 00:09:34
    highest timelines always and will
  • 00:09:36
    prevent you from getting lost in painful
  • 00:09:38
    parallel timelines that are being
  • 00:09:40
    created by the wounded human self pH now
  • 00:09:43
    that you're a master at understanding
  • 00:09:45
    timelines let's get into the juicy part
  • 00:09:48
    how do you change your timeline here's
  • 00:09:50
    my simple four-step process step one is
  • 00:09:53
    to ask questions asking questions gets
  • 00:09:57
    you thinking about whether your current
  • 00:09:59
    timeline is the right one for you or not
  • 00:10:01
    it gets you to stop to contemplate your
  • 00:10:03
    life and to start moving energy in a
  • 00:10:05
    different direction if you do want to
  • 00:10:07
    change your current timeline there are
  • 00:10:09
    many questions you can ask yourself to
  • 00:10:12
    get this step started and I've put
  • 00:10:13
    together a cheat sheet of 23 Journal
  • 00:10:16
    prompts to help you work through your
  • 00:10:18
    current timeline and start changing how
  • 00:10:20
    you think and feel about a future
  • 00:10:22
    timeline all you have to do is pick a
  • 00:10:24
    few questions from the cheat sheet or
  • 00:10:26
    answer them all in your journal and
  • 00:10:28
    here's a pro tip use an actual Journal
  • 00:10:30
    of paper and pencil or pen because doing
  • 00:10:33
    this exercise on paper helps you access
  • 00:10:35
    parts of your brain and emotions that
  • 00:10:37
    are harder to come through when you type
  • 00:10:39
    on a screen you can click on the link in
  • 00:10:41
    the description box to download these
  • 00:10:43
    Journal prompts after watching this
  • 00:10:44
    video but here are a couple of the
  • 00:10:47
    questions from that cheat sheet to get
  • 00:10:49
    you started how do I feel about my
  • 00:10:51
    current life trajectory what areas of my
  • 00:10:55
    life do I feel most dissatisfied with
  • 00:10:57
    and why take your time to really feel
  • 00:11:00
    into these questions and don't just
  • 00:11:02
    answer them from the Mind feeling means
  • 00:11:04
    you're tapping into your heart center
  • 00:11:06
    which is the home of your intuition and
  • 00:11:08
    inner knowing another great tip is to
  • 00:11:10
    Doodle first as a way to open up and
  • 00:11:12
    access repressed feelings or emotions
  • 00:11:14
    that you may be disconnected from I like
  • 00:11:16
    to use one-word doodling as a way to
  • 00:11:19
    start my journaling and then when I feel
  • 00:11:21
    ready I move into free form writing to
  • 00:11:23
    go deeper into the answers I've started
  • 00:11:25
    doodling about step two is awareness
  • 00:11:28
    once you get the answers to all the
  • 00:11:30
    questions I talked about in step one on
  • 00:11:32
    paper you can see those words emotions
  • 00:11:34
    and feelings on the paper and this
  • 00:11:37
    automatically gives you greater Clarity
  • 00:11:38
    and awareness of how your timeline is
  • 00:11:40
    currently unfolding and most importantly
  • 00:11:43
    why it's unfolding this way awareness
  • 00:11:46
    and Clarity are the precursors to actual
  • 00:11:48
    change you can only change something on
  • 00:11:51
    the outside when you understand the
  • 00:11:53
    mechanisms for doing certain things on
  • 00:11:55
    the inside here's an example of this
  • 00:11:58
    let's say you're in a relationship that
  • 00:11:59
    is deeply unfulfilling and your
  • 00:12:01
    intuition has been telling you for a
  • 00:12:03
    long time that this connection isn't
  • 00:12:04
    going to work out but something has been
  • 00:12:07
    stopping you from taking the steps
  • 00:12:09
    necessary to end the relationship when
  • 00:12:11
    you use the cheat sheet I shared above
  • 00:12:12
    and start doodling and then writing out
  • 00:12:14
    the answers from your heart you start to
  • 00:12:17
    uncover hidden wounds and beliefs that
  • 00:12:19
    keep you stuck in this relationship
  • 00:12:21
    maybe in your writing exercise you
  • 00:12:23
    discover that you're staying because
  • 00:12:24
    there's a deep-seated belief that you
  • 00:12:26
    don't deserve better when you see the
  • 00:12:29
    those words on paper it's shocking and
  • 00:12:31
    maybe even makes you sad but the clarity
  • 00:12:34
    you get from seeing those underlying
  • 00:12:36
    beliefs spelled out on paper changes
  • 00:12:38
    something seeing the words on paper
  • 00:12:40
    gives you awareness and that awareness
  • 00:12:43
    gives you the spark to want to change
  • 00:12:45
    things step three is the intention to
  • 00:12:48
    shift remember my client Joe who was
  • 00:12:51
    having a recurrent nightmare that he was
  • 00:12:52
    going to die in a car accident while
  • 00:12:54
    drunk he only changed his timeline when
  • 00:12:57
    he put a strong intent behind it his old
  • 00:13:01
    timeline had a strong momentum behind it
  • 00:13:03
    and it felt like he was running out of
  • 00:13:05
    time so he used all the strength he had
  • 00:13:07
    inside of him to declare a powerful
  • 00:13:10
    intention to change you can't change
  • 00:13:12
    your timeline especially if it's one
  • 00:13:14
    that you've been walking for a long time
  • 00:13:16
    by simply saying oh yeah I want to
  • 00:13:18
    change you see how that energy is weak
  • 00:13:21
    and brittle that can't stop the bullet
  • 00:13:24
    train that's your current timeline you
  • 00:13:26
    need to muster all the strength in you
  • 00:13:28
    to decl clar to the universe that you
  • 00:13:30
    are done with your current timeline and
  • 00:13:32
    are ready to create another one this
  • 00:13:35
    strong intention stops the momentum of a
  • 00:13:37
    timeline in its tracks and allows you
  • 00:13:39
    the time and the clarity to help you
  • 00:13:41
    step into another Direction here's a
  • 00:13:43
    powerful Mantra to get you started on
  • 00:13:45
    this step it is my powerful intention as
  • 00:13:48
    a multi-dimensional being of God to
  • 00:13:51
    shift into a higher timeline now step
  • 00:13:55
    number four is called action steps steps
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    1 through three are more feminine in
  • 00:13:59
    nature requiring you to go Inward and
  • 00:14:02
    feel and sense where your life is and
  • 00:14:04
    where you want to change it but now in
  • 00:14:06
    step four you're using powerful
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    masculine energy of action to make
  • 00:14:10
    things happen on the outside this is so
  • 00:14:13
    important because if you just
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    contemplate and listen to your intuition
  • 00:14:16
    about things that need to change in your
  • 00:14:18
    life but don't actually do anything
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    about it then you become a stagnant
  • 00:14:22
    being that is stuck in life remember
  • 00:14:25
    that you have to take a step for the new
  • 00:14:28
    timeline to unfold under your feet
  • 00:14:30
    feminine energy shows you the direction
  • 00:14:32
    to go in because it's your internal
  • 00:14:34
    Compass but masculine energy takes the
  • 00:14:36
    steps on the outside world to make that
  • 00:14:39
    new timeline come to life and speaking
  • 00:14:41
    of timelines and energy there's more you
  • 00:14:44
    need to know about a new energy that is
  • 00:14:46
    operating behind the scenes on the
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    planet and affecting all of our
  • 00:14:50
    timelines watch this video next to find
  • 00:14:52
    out what this energy is and how to best
  • 00:14:54
    work with it to help you change your
  • 00:14:56
    timelines faster
  • timeline
  • destiny
  • energy
  • transformation
  • self-improvement
  • journaling
  • awareness
  • intention
  • action
  • life change