(很重要)促進睡眠5種食物,增加褪黑激素秘訣,自然療法,柏格醫生 Dr Berg
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- 🌙 维持室温在60-69°F间,最佳为65°F。
- 🍒 樱桃含有天然褪黑激素,帮助提高睡眠质量。
- 🥝 欣赏猕猴桃的消耗,可以增加睡眠时长。
- 🐟 脂肪鱼如三文鱼、金枪鱼对于褪黑激素有帮助。
- 🥛 克菲尔比酸奶更有助于改善肠道微生物,促进睡眠。
- 🥬 酸菜有助于增加GABA,缓解压力,改善睡眠。
- 📵 避免晚上使用手机,以减少蓝光对睡眠的影响。
- 🏡 测试环境中的EMF,以确保没有辐射干扰睡眠。
- ⏳ 睡前应避免大餐,以改善入睡状况。
- 😴 睡眠时慢慢地鼻呼吸可减轻压力。
- 00:00:00 - 00:08:06
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- 00:00:00there are five foods that you need to
- 00:00:01know about to improve your Sleep Quality
- 00:00:04this is one of those videos that you
- 00:00:05want to save and keep watching over and
- 00:00:07over just to remind yourself of these
- 00:00:09key things to help you sleep I
- 00:00:11personally had a sleep problem extremely
- 00:00:13bad for well over a decade and I wish I
- 00:00:17would have known what I'm going to tell
- 00:00:18you right now the big thing about sleep
- 00:00:20is to optimize a hormone called
- 00:00:22melatonin melatonin is a hormone that
- 00:00:24helps you go to sleep and get into some
- 00:00:27of these deep restful waves of sleep
- 00:00:30more importantly than boosting melatonin
- 00:00:33it's important to know how to avoid
- 00:00:35things that reduce your melatonin the
- 00:00:37first thing has to do with your
- 00:00:39temperature in your room if you're going
- 00:00:41to bed and your temperature is
- 00:00:4375° fahr or warmer you're going to have
- 00:00:47a significantly lowered melatonin level
- 00:00:51as well as a lowered REM level the
- 00:00:54quality of sleep is going to be really
- 00:00:55crappy the best temperature to optimize
- 00:00:58melatonin between 60 and 69° F with the
- 00:01:04optimum perfect number at 65° F if
- 00:01:07you're room is at that temperature your
- 00:01:10melatonin will be optimized even your
- 00:01:12body's core temperature which should be
- 00:01:1498.6 between 12:00 and 5:00 your core
- 00:01:19temperature goes down between 1 and
- 00:01:222° people that have insomnia don't have
- 00:01:26that mechanism where their body gets
- 00:01:27cooler by 1 to 2° pleas a lot of you
- 00:01:30watching are doing in aitt fasting and
- 00:01:32you probably watched my videos in the
- 00:01:34past where I told you to get up in the
- 00:01:36morning skip your breakfast have your
- 00:01:38first meal at 12 and your last meal at 6
- 00:01:41but here's my conclusion on that I think
- 00:01:43initially it's very good to do that
- 00:01:45especially if you're trying to lose
- 00:01:46weight and you're trying to correct
- 00:01:47insulin resistance because here you are
- 00:01:50you fasted all night might as well ride
- 00:01:52the wave go as long as you can and then
- 00:01:54have your first meal but after you do it
- 00:01:56for a period of time let's say you do
- 00:01:58this for over a year or even six months
- 00:02:00and you kind of correct this insulin
- 00:02:02resistance you may want to experiment to
- 00:02:04have your first meal in the morning and
- 00:02:06your second meal at lunch and maybe not
- 00:02:09even have a dinner because one thing
- 00:02:12that will disrupt your sleep is sleeping
- 00:02:14on a very large meal what I've been
- 00:02:17doing recently and it seems to work
- 00:02:19really good is to have the two meals in
- 00:02:21the first part of the day this also uh
- 00:02:25gives you a little more energy through
- 00:02:26the day not at night so why would you
- 00:02:28want to have a large meal meal in the
- 00:02:30evening which you're just going to sleep
- 00:02:32on this next Point has to do with blue
- 00:02:35light if we look at the spectrum of
- 00:02:38light part of that spectrum is the blue
- 00:02:41light that is the wave that you want to
- 00:02:43filter out in the evening why because
- 00:02:46blue light inhibits or suppresses that
- 00:02:49sleep hormone melatonin that helps you
- 00:02:51go to sleep probably the worst is the uh
- 00:02:55flipping through the social media on
- 00:02:57your cell phone before you go to bed
- 00:02:59there is a big difference between the TV
- 00:03:02blue light and closeup cell phone blue
- 00:03:05light the blue light in your cell phone
- 00:03:07is much stronger so if you are going to
- 00:03:10watch TV at night that's fine but just
- 00:03:12turn the lights out around the TV so you
- 00:03:14can darken things and if you have to be
- 00:03:16on your cell phone you can wear these
- 00:03:18blue light filtered glasses you have to
- 00:03:20realize that blue light not only affects
- 00:03:22melatonin it kind of wakes you up and
- 00:03:25blue light also messes with your eyes it
- 00:03:27can create damage in the eyes so just be
- 00:03:30aware of blue light turn the lights down
- 00:03:32a little bit as it gets later in the day
- 00:03:34another way to build up your melatonin
- 00:03:36is through exposing yourself to the
- 00:03:39actual Sun during the day the vitamin D
- 00:03:42from the Sun can also help indirectly
- 00:03:46increase your melatonin and your sleep
- 00:03:48cycles but I tell you if you have sleep
- 00:03:50apnea or you have jet leg or you're on
- 00:03:53rotational shifts you should be
- 00:03:55consuming vitamin D as well because
- 00:03:57vitamin D is really important in kind of
- 00:04:01reestablishing those circadian waves now
- 00:04:04there's one more point about cell phones
- 00:04:06there's something called EMF
- 00:04:07electromagnetic fields that come off
- 00:04:09this it's like invisible radiation just
- 00:04:11as a very side note I will do a full
- 00:04:13video on this but this is the device
- 00:04:15that I use it's the trifield so you can
- 00:04:17turn this on and start testing the
- 00:04:19exposure to
- 00:04:22various things to see what is giving you
- 00:04:25all these EMF waves that could greatly
- 00:04:28inhibit your sleep I have tested my
- 00:04:30entire house right I go through the
- 00:04:33computer I go through the area where I'm
- 00:04:35sleeping the walls that are close to my
- 00:04:38bed to make sure there was no uh extra
- 00:04:41frequencies that were affecting me and I
- 00:04:42found several areas that were really
- 00:04:44messing me up and one was just in the
- 00:04:47back wall where my head was on the
- 00:04:49headboard the wires were crossed so I
- 00:04:52had had electrician come in there and
- 00:04:53fix that and that created a huge
- 00:04:56Improvement in my arhythmia that I had
- 00:04:59started getting palpitations in my heart
- 00:05:01and I felt like when I went to sleep it
- 00:05:04was like my heart was like working
- 00:05:06harder and it was those EMF waves
- 00:05:09amazing there's a few more things that
- 00:05:11inhibit melatonin alcohol caffeine
- 00:05:14nicotine medications especially the
- 00:05:17anti-depressants and also a high carb
- 00:05:19diet will inhibit the melatonin and if
- 00:05:21you exercise like 3 hours before you go
- 00:05:25to sleep all right now let's get to the
- 00:05:26five foods that can help you increase uh
- 00:05:29tant the first food we're going to talk
- 00:05:31about is tart cherries okay now there
- 00:05:35was two different studies that I looked
- 00:05:36at one was tart cherry juice like 1
- 00:05:39ounce before bed and the other one was
- 00:05:41just consuming tart cherries uh twice a
- 00:05:44day the tart cherries there actually is
- 00:05:46melatonin in there there's also
- 00:05:48something called tryptophan tryptophan
- 00:05:51turns into serotonin which then turns
- 00:05:53into melatonin apparently giving some
- 00:05:56people 84 more minutes of sleep in a
- 00:06:00study that was done with people over age
- 00:06:0250 number two is kiwis consuming two
- 00:06:06kiwis a day actually increase serotonin
- 00:06:09that's that precursor to melatonin after
- 00:06:124 weeks of consuming kiwis there was a
- 00:06:16significant Improvement in quality of
- 00:06:18sleep length of sleep waking up feeling
- 00:06:21refreshed and speed of going to Sleep
- 00:06:24Number Three fatty fish like salmon tuna
- 00:06:26and trout all three of these can help
- 00:06:29increase melatonin number four kefir
- 00:06:33Kefir is like yogurt but it has even
- 00:06:35more microbes it survives the stomach uh
- 00:06:38acids much better and don't get the
- 00:06:41flavored one get the unflavored whole
- 00:06:43milk grass-fed whether you do you know
- 00:06:46from goats milk sheep milk so you want
- 00:06:48to get the kefir and you can blend that
- 00:06:51with things rich in polyphenols like
- 00:06:54berries I like the blueberry sometimes
- 00:06:56I'll do raspberry or BlackBerry and when
- 00:07:00you drink it you're feeding your
- 00:07:01microbiome polyphenols which they're
- 00:07:03going to thank you for by helping you
- 00:07:06sleep the last food that I'm going to
- 00:07:08recommend is sauerkraut now the microbes
- 00:07:10in raw sauerkraut can help you sleep
- 00:07:13greatly the Cabbage also has tryp toan
- 00:07:16it has things to help your gut it also
- 00:07:19increases something called Gaba Gaba is
- 00:07:22a uh kind of a neurotransmitter that
- 00:07:24calms you down it's going to help you
- 00:07:26sleep and as we age our Gaba goes down
- 00:07:29sauerkraut has certain properties to
- 00:07:31help you reduce stress and cortisol
- 00:07:33sauerkraut also has vitamin C that's
- 00:07:35been associated with better sleep and
- 00:07:38lastly don't forget about your breathing
- 00:07:41while you're sleeping breathe in slowly
- 00:07:44and breathe out slowly through your nose
- 00:07:47so just by focusing on the breathing can
- 00:07:49kind of pull you out of this sympathetic
- 00:07:51stress state so I have videos on that as
- 00:07:54well in fact that might be a really good
- 00:07:56one to watch right now I'll put it up
- 00:07:58right here check it out
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