Pós-modernidade, justiça e filosofia | Amartya Sen, Simon Blackburn e Fredric Jameson
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- 🔐 安全与自由是生活中不可或缺的价值观
- 🏛️ 后现代建筑风格更具友好与装饰性
- 💬 正义的探讨需要开放的公共讨论
- 🌍 全球化影响了后现代的社会结构
- 📈 后现代经济体制涉及信息技术的崛起
- 💡 幸福的定义包含多种元素
- 🛠️ 互动对于社会进步至关重要
- 📖 理解历史对现有观念的影响
- 🤝 不同文化之间的理念交流很重要
- 🔍 反思思想对个人和社会的塑造作用
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:28for for
- 00:00:41[Music]
- 00:01:01[Music]
- 00:01:11it's
- 00:01:28important for
- 00:02:05and I came to the
- 00:02:07conclusion that there are
- 00:02:09two essential
- 00:02:12values which are absolutely
- 00:02:15indispensable for a satisfactory
- 00:02:18satisfying
- 00:02:20rewarding relatively happy life one is
- 00:02:23security the other is freedom we will
- 00:02:26never find the perfect solution of the
- 00:02:29Dilemma
- 00:02:30between security and freedom there
- 00:02:33always will be too much of one and too
- 00:02:36love the other right
- 00:02:43[Music]
- 00:03:22well I hope so I don't know it depends
- 00:03:25on
- 00:03:35of time by
- 00:03:44space you bring to it the categories of
- 00:03:47thought the categories of
- 00:04:22I began to be interested in the idea of
- 00:04:27postmodernism uh I suppose in the late
- 00:04:3070s and early 80s uh but I came to it
- 00:04:33really through
- 00:04:34architecture uh and through the sense I
- 00:04:37had begun to work with some architects
- 00:04:40in the early 80s um and I had the sense
- 00:04:43first of all that architecture itself
- 00:04:45was undergoing a profound
- 00:04:48transformation uh and that uh all the
- 00:04:51interesting Architects were talking
- 00:04:53about the end of modern architecture
- 00:04:56that is to say uh L Mis uh and so on and
- 00:05:00so forth the
- 00:05:02iconic um the iconic
- 00:05:05picture uh of the end of modernism was
- 00:05:09an enormous um housing complex in the
- 00:05:13sort of standard modern style I think in
- 00:05:17St Louis I think it's called puit ego um
- 00:05:22and this uh housing complex was blown up
- 00:05:25was destroyed so the the image of the
- 00:05:29destruction of this building uh was for
- 00:05:32the Architects a kind of emblem of the
- 00:05:34end of
- 00:05:36[Music]
- 00:05:39modernity and what replaced that was a
- 00:05:41very different kind of architecture one
- 00:05:43that was much less
- 00:05:46severe uh that made less absolute
- 00:05:49demands that was friendlier that was
- 00:05:51more
- 00:05:52decorative um uh and it was clear that
- 00:05:55this was um uh something of a new uh of
- 00:05:59a new style uh and postmodernism then
- 00:06:03became the uh the appropriate word for
- 00:06:07this um uh for this new kind of
- 00:06:10architecture uh I then began to ask
- 00:06:13people The Architects for example uh
- 00:06:16when they thought this change
- 00:06:19began what I began to feel was that uh
- 00:06:23this was not just a change in
- 00:06:26architecture but it was a change um uh
- 00:06:30uh on many different levels of uh social
- 00:06:34life uh and perhaps it was a change that
- 00:06:37was more
- 00:06:39significant well I won't say it was more
- 00:06:41significant than the 60s which of course
- 00:06:45were a
- 00:06:46fundamental um moment of uh of of change
- 00:06:50for many of our societies but it was the
- 00:06:52consequence of the
- 00:06:5460s uh it was what for us uh in America
- 00:07:00uh What uh came out of the uh the end of
- 00:07:04the Vietnam War the defeat in
- 00:07:07Vietnam uh uh this new uh era uh that we
- 00:07:12began to enter at that
- 00:07:13[Music]
- 00:07:28point and in my uh investigations of
- 00:07:31postmodernism it was important to me not
- 00:07:34just to describe this in architecture or
- 00:07:37in literature but to make connections
- 00:07:39with what one might call other levels of
- 00:07:42social life that could be daily life
- 00:07:45itself uh but it would certainly have to
- 00:07:48include politics uh economics and so on
- 00:07:52and so forth and I I think that after a
- 00:07:54while one
- 00:07:56realizes uh and I think today everyone
- 00:07:58realizes is that uh around this period
- 00:08:01maybe 1980 or so fundamental changes
- 00:08:05were taking place uh in society uh which
- 00:08:10um uh left us in a very different place
- 00:08:14from um uh from the older uh the older
- 00:08:17period um the most obvious change of
- 00:08:21course was the introduction of the
- 00:08:23personal computer it seems to me that
- 00:08:25that's a fundamental uh transformation
- 00:08:28that marked a fundamental transformation
- 00:08:30in people's lives and gradually in the
- 00:08:34whole object World um uh around us and
- 00:08:37we forget that I mean uh the even the
- 00:08:39the VCR
- 00:08:41itself um came into being in the early
- 00:08:4480s and so on and so forth one can begin
- 00:08:46to collect these uh signs of change now
- 00:08:50I don't think one has to think in terms
- 00:08:52of
- 00:08:53causality uh Society uh is a I don't
- 00:08:57want to say a seamless web uh but
- 00:09:00nonetheless all of these uh all of these
- 00:09:02various phenomena are interrelated they
- 00:09:05Echo each other they are maybe symptoms
- 00:09:10of uh of some fundamental Central uh
- 00:09:14reality um uh and therefore the more one
- 00:09:19observes of them uh the the more
- 00:09:23complete a sense one has of the nature
- 00:09:26of this
- 00:09:28change BL Frederick Jameson temp
- 00:09:32[Music]
- 00:10:19uh one can see uh this as a
- 00:10:23transformation uh of our economic system
- 00:10:26now uh I never wanted to say that we
- 00:10:29were in a different economic system it
- 00:10:31seems to me we're still very much in
- 00:10:33capitalism but we're in a different
- 00:10:35moment of capitalism so I posit three
- 00:10:37moments of capitalism a national moment
- 00:10:41uh that was what Marx was writing about
- 00:10:43in the 19th century then uh a a new
- 00:10:47moment of
- 00:10:49expansion uh which is what Lenin writes
- 00:10:51about in imperialism and which is indeed
- 00:10:53the beginning of an imperial capitalism
- 00:10:56the conquest of
- 00:10:58colonies so what's being uh suggested
- 00:11:01here by this idea of postmodernism is
- 00:11:05that now we've reached a third stage of
- 00:11:07capitalism which I would call uh
- 00:11:09postmodern
- 00:11:11capitalism which is marked by um uh uh
- 00:11:15by uh Information
- 00:11:17Technology uh which is marked also by
- 00:11:22decolonization uh there are still
- 00:11:24relations of domination all over the
- 00:11:25world obviously economic domination but
- 00:11:28but of a very different type than the
- 00:11:30older Colonial uh Colonial type this is
- 00:11:35a period dominated by Finance capital
- 00:11:37and that's a very special thing and it
- 00:11:40is indeed I think very closely related
- 00:11:42uh to the post uh postmodern phenomena
- 00:11:46was first writing on this subject I made
- 00:11:48a
- 00:11:50mistake which I think was quite
- 00:11:52comprehensible at the time and it was to
- 00:11:55call this
- 00:11:57postmodernism uh because because there
- 00:11:59was a postmodern style in these things
- 00:12:03and then people came along and they said
- 00:12:05well you know postmodernism is over
- 00:12:07nobody builds buildings that way anymore
- 00:12:10uh we're in a new period and so on and
- 00:12:12so forth and at that point I realized
- 00:12:14that I was not talking about a style
- 00:12:18postmodernism I was talking about a a
- 00:12:21social structure a system and therefore
- 00:12:24now I would much rather I would prefer
- 00:12:26to speak of
- 00:12:28postmodernity in general as opposed to
- 00:12:32uh the older
- 00:12:33modernity uh uh and as opposed to what
- 00:12:36came before
- 00:12:37that um uh the other the reason I think
- 00:12:41I wasn't aware of that and the other
- 00:12:43Omission in the first things I wrote was
- 00:12:46that a word began to be used I would say
- 00:12:50in the mid
- 00:12:521980s which suddenly cast a whole new
- 00:12:55light on all of this and this word was
- 00:12:58globalization
- 00:12:59uh hard for us to remember there was a
- 00:13:01time when nobody used a word like that
- 00:13:03but globalization did um emerge uh at
- 00:13:07that point and that's at that point also
- 00:13:09that I understood that uh that was what
- 00:13:12was lacking in my description of
- 00:13:14postmodernity that uh globalization was
- 00:13:17the U let's say the infrastructure of
- 00:13:21which postmodernity was the
- 00:13:23superstructure if you like that these
- 00:13:25were two faces of the same
- 00:13:28reality
- 00:13:57for precisely what of the great shifts
- 00:14:00from the modern to the postmodern is the
- 00:14:04is the shift from the dominance let's
- 00:14:07think in structural terms you have a
- 00:14:09dominant subordinates and so forth the
- 00:14:12dominance the dominant of time in the
- 00:14:14modern to the dominant uh of space in
- 00:14:18the postmodern if you think of modern
- 00:14:21literature uh it's obvious that the
- 00:14:23great modern novels I mean it's a cliche
- 00:14:26to say that Thomas man po done so on so
- 00:14:30forth all of these novels are saturated
- 00:14:33with time with the sense of time the
- 00:14:35obsession with time and so on and so
- 00:14:37forth um it is the period uh of great
- 00:14:41experiments in music uh which are above
- 00:14:45all uh constructions of new
- 00:14:48temporalities um uh experiments in uh in
- 00:14:53temporality uh I think that today uh
- 00:14:56space has taken the uh um uh come to the
- 00:15:00for over temporality and this um has uh
- 00:15:05several uh consequences why should this
- 00:15:08be so well how does one
- 00:15:12explain
- 00:15:13modern the modern obsession with with
- 00:15:16time I just throw this out as a
- 00:15:18possibility it seems to me that um the
- 00:15:23modern modernism was charactera the
- 00:15:26period of modernism was characterized
- 00:15:29by uh an uneven
- 00:15:32development um uh uh which we might
- 00:15:35describe as an incomplete
- 00:15:39modernization uh there were still uh
- 00:15:41older there was still an older
- 00:15:44agriculture uh there were still
- 00:15:46peasants uh there was still there were
- 00:15:49still older parts of the city older
- 00:15:52professions professions that had not
- 00:15:55been swept up into the bureaucratic
- 00:15:58organization
- 00:15:59of of modernity and so on and so forth I
- 00:16:02think that um in that period people
- 00:16:06moved from one temporality to another
- 00:16:09people grew up in their Village they
- 00:16:11came to the big city uh a city dominated
- 00:16:15by speed and uh uh of a of a almost
- 00:16:21inhuman kind uh and therefore they were
- 00:16:24somehow
- 00:16:26sensitized um to temporality such to
- 00:16:29variations in
- 00:16:31temporality uh I think that with
- 00:16:34postmodernity we arrive at a much more
- 00:16:37complete
- 00:16:39modernization uh I I always take
- 00:16:41agriculture as an example because I
- 00:16:44think
- 00:16:45that uh the there is a relationship
- 00:16:47between a national culture and
- 00:16:50Agriculture and peasant life um and I
- 00:16:53think that to the degree that the Green
- 00:16:55Revolution destroys the older
- 00:16:58agriculture to the degree that the great
- 00:17:00Agra businesses um uh replace uh uh
- 00:17:05transform peasant into Farm Workers to
- 00:17:08the degree that this genetic uh these
- 00:17:11genetic crops
- 00:17:14replace let's call them natural crops I
- 00:17:17think U much much is transformed and one
- 00:17:20must say that nature in that sense um uh
- 00:17:25in nature in the older sense ceases to
- 00:17:27exist and is replaced by the artificial
- 00:17:30in the sense of the manmade let's say I
- 00:17:32think that therefore
- 00:17:34existentially um there is not the same
- 00:17:37kind of um uh there's not the same kind
- 00:17:40of sensitization to these variations in
- 00:17:44uh in time instead what we have around
- 00:17:47us is a world of built space as far as
- 00:17:50the eye can see it is a new spatial
- 00:17:52politics of land grabs uh struggles over
- 00:17:56regions uh and so on and so forth
- 00:17:59um if one's talking about existential
- 00:18:02experience I think it may go something
- 00:18:04like this that is to say what is the
- 00:18:08status of time under a regime of
- 00:18:12space um since I'm affirming this
- 00:18:15priority of space What H happens to time
- 00:18:18in that I think the time becomes reduced
- 00:18:21to the
- 00:18:22present uh and the present for each of
- 00:18:25us is the body and therefore which is
- 00:18:28spatial
- 00:18:29uh and therefore there's a reduction
- 00:18:31there's a there's a
- 00:18:33gradual uh waning of our sense of past
- 00:18:36and
- 00:18:37future um does it impinge on personal
- 00:18:41identity I think to a certain degree uh
- 00:18:44that is to say I think that the the 19th
- 00:18:47century novels show that people had a
- 00:18:50sense of their biographical
- 00:18:53Destiny uh uh and its duration in time
- 00:18:56that maybe we don't have anymore uh at
- 00:18:58any rate I think that in the Arts uh
- 00:19:01everywhere one can see this reduction to
- 00:19:04the present uh and to the body uh which
- 00:19:07is another sign of the um
- 00:19:10supersession uh of time by space in the
- 00:19:14postmodern and there would be of course
- 00:19:16more to say about
- 00:19:19that the really interesting question is
- 00:19:21not what happened is happiness but how
- 00:19:24important is it in our
- 00:19:27evaluation for
- 00:19:30[Music]
- 00:20:11the answer to the question what is
- 00:20:14justice is
- 00:20:16to understand the question to be one
- 00:20:19about increasing Justice or reducing
- 00:20:22Justice I argue in my book the idea of
- 00:20:26justice that to think of
- 00:20:29um the theory of Justice in terms of
- 00:20:33identifying an ideally just set of
- 00:20:36Arrangements is always a mistake we have
- 00:20:39disagreements among them which do not
- 00:20:42arise only for from vested interest of
- 00:20:46personal um concerns it also arises from
- 00:20:49the fact that we have different
- 00:20:51approaches to justi this but we can
- 00:20:54still agree on many
- 00:20:56things uh about how to remove what
- 00:21:00appears to us to be manifest in Justice
- 00:21:03and thereby enhance the pursuit of
- 00:21:05justice so the whole issue of what is
- 00:21:08justice is not answerable in that form
- 00:21:11but it is about how to increase Justice
- 00:21:16reduce Injustice that's what the debate
- 00:21:19has always been about I think what the
- 00:21:21society has to do is to make sure that
- 00:21:24the that the lines on which we agree
- 00:21:29that Justice could be enhanced um are
- 00:21:32Pursuit and that requires paying
- 00:21:35attention to development as well which
- 00:21:37is particularly important as I try to to
- 00:21:40say in my earlier book development of
- 00:21:42Freedom that um uh development it's it's
- 00:21:47about more education more secure health
- 00:21:50care and better health care and also um
- 00:21:55Social Security uh and human Security in
- 00:21:58general
- 00:21:59so I think we have to view all these
- 00:22:01other issues like growth and so on in
- 00:22:04derivative terms economic growth can be
- 00:22:06very important indeed it is very
- 00:22:08important but not for its own sake but
- 00:22:11for what this does to enhance people's
- 00:22:14lives and their freedoms I begin my book
- 00:22:18with a quotation from Charles Dickens
- 00:22:20someone is discussing his childhood and
- 00:22:24how he was unjustly treated we all the
- 00:22:26time thinking about that
- 00:22:39[Music]
- 00:22:41the question is that quite often VI are
- 00:22:44very different about what how Justice
- 00:22:48should be pursued um some people would
- 00:22:50give much greater importance to Liberty
- 00:22:53some people even to concern with one's
- 00:22:56possessions and property others would
- 00:22:58give much more importance to people's
- 00:23:02basic uh living and and the freedoms
- 00:23:07that they enjoy the well-being they have
- 00:23:09the medical care they receive the
- 00:23:11education they have the opportunity to
- 00:23:13have and so all these concerns come in
- 00:23:17and I I have a position on that but
- 00:23:19there are two really different things
- 00:23:21here one is what is my position on this
- 00:23:24question and the other is how do you
- 00:23:26think when we disagree these differences
- 00:23:29could be resolved and the isolution has
- 00:23:32to be in terms of public discussion
- 00:23:35exchange of views um interactive
- 00:23:38scrutiny now that doesn't mean every
- 00:23:41different would be result and but many
- 00:23:44would be and those which are then become
- 00:23:47the right candidates to be pursued by
- 00:23:50the society but these things these
- 00:23:52agreement won't emerge without the
- 00:23:54reasoning these are not antecedent gut
- 00:23:58agreement there it doesn't operate in
- 00:24:01the guts it works on the vein so you
- 00:24:03have to look at after reasoning what we
- 00:24:06find okay this is reasonable and ready
- 00:24:08to accept
- 00:24:08[Music]
- 00:24:13it core responsibility is always very
- 00:24:16important when some people are trying to
- 00:24:19act together to achieve some result I
- 00:24:22think the real trouble with the
- 00:24:23Copenhagen Summit is because they didn't
- 00:24:25have any discussion about anything else
- 00:24:29other than some fixing of Co
- 00:24:32responsibility by Europeans who wanted
- 00:24:35to fix a certain limit and ask the
- 00:24:37Chinese the Brazilian South Africans and
- 00:24:40Indians to fall in line that was never
- 00:24:42going to happen and there were also
- 00:24:44small Islands here and there all kinds
- 00:24:46of things
- 00:24:48[Music]
- 00:24:55[Music]
- 00:25:09[Music]
- 00:25:12I think what you need is to see what
- 00:25:15there are different types of
- 00:25:16co-responsibility co-responsible for
- 00:25:18what you know Europeans and the Chinese
- 00:25:21point out that Europeans and North
- 00:25:23Americans have polluted the world for
- 00:25:26hundreds of years and suddenly when the
- 00:25:28CH Chinese start polluting they tell the
- 00:25:31Chinese stop it the games are all
- 00:25:33changed now well I mean the Chinese
- 00:25:35think this very unfair on the other the
- 00:25:37idea that the Chinese can't get away
- 00:25:39with the idea that they can pollute as
- 00:25:40they like so we have to arrive at some
- 00:25:43some kind of a fair settlement but the
- 00:25:45fair settlement can happen only on the
- 00:25:48basis of public discussion as to yes we
- 00:25:51take into account the European and
- 00:25:52American um having already filled up the
- 00:25:56biere with their de
- 00:25:58and what room is there for Brazil South
- 00:26:01Africa China or India and so on and then
- 00:26:03given what China India Brazil and South
- 00:26:06Africa do what room is left for the
- 00:26:08countries which are still not going at
- 00:26:11all and and not started industrializing
- 00:26:14what happens to Sudan Ethiopia Somalia
- 00:26:18the sahil countries uh you know what
- 00:26:21happens to to to some extent in Ghana
- 00:26:24and so on only Nigeria had some some of
- 00:26:27these indust will Dev happen and so one
- 00:26:30has to
- 00:26:31see we have to live together in a un in
- 00:26:34in a universe and particularly this
- 00:26:36globe and we have to find Fair
- 00:26:39settlement taking into account history
- 00:26:42as well as the possibilities today and
- 00:26:45then on a the basis of a fairly arrived
- 00:26:48contract there could be cor
- 00:26:50responsibility where Copenhagen failed
- 00:26:52is that they wanted to get a contract
- 00:26:54with no discussion Europeans having
- 00:26:57arrived at in the European soil and said
- 00:27:00here it is it's a fair agreement well
- 00:27:03that's not the way to do it the way to
- 00:27:04do it is to have much more extensive
- 00:27:07public discussion and then to portray
- 00:27:09that anyone who didn't agree with the
- 00:27:11Europeans must be irresponsible is is is
- 00:27:14a very silly way of understanding what
- 00:27:18went wrong in Copenhagen it is that
- 00:27:21agreement without preceding discussion
- 00:27:24is never going to to come to come to
- 00:27:27pass so I think the leadership has had a
- 00:27:30problem the Europeans would probably
- 00:27:32like to take the leadership and they
- 00:27:34have the right to do so but on the other
- 00:27:36hand they have to also listen to the
- 00:27:38different concerns that come from
- 00:27:41already developing you know developing
- 00:27:44country that are already developing fast
- 00:27:46like Brazil or China or India and
- 00:27:49developing count that are not yet
- 00:27:51developing and and so all these are
- 00:27:54different parties and they have to air
- 00:27:57their view on on top of that there are
- 00:27:59some new issues you can save the global
- 00:28:02warming problem with um using nuclear
- 00:28:06fuel which are still quite expensive
- 00:28:08compared with coal and other and and oil
- 00:28:11but the Hope was that it will become
- 00:28:13cheaper but then Fukushima disaster
- 00:28:15brings out in a country of great
- 00:28:17scientific achievement and tremendous
- 00:28:19discipline that it can still cause
- 00:28:22absolute havoc and had it happened in
- 00:28:25countries that are not as disciplined uh
- 00:28:28it that could have been disaster
- 00:28:35[Music]
- 00:29:25so when that is it all right to fill the
- 00:29:27world with hundreds of thousands of
- 00:29:29these
- 00:29:31nuclear reactors I think that would be
- 00:29:34that could be very serious indeed so one
- 00:29:37has to think about to what extent to
- 00:29:40proper subsidy um solar wind power and
- 00:29:44other things can be pursued and if it
- 00:29:47can be pursued how economic can you make
- 00:29:49it does it become economic after taking
- 00:29:53into account the externalities of coal
- 00:29:56for example for the global war warming
- 00:29:58and the externalities of nuclear power
- 00:30:01for the danger of uh sabotage accident
- 00:30:06or stealing of nuclear material which is
- 00:30:09quite a serious issue when you have it
- 00:30:11everywhere it's not so hard to get it
- 00:30:14think stealing takes place in the world
- 00:30:16all the time
- 00:30:26[Music]
- 00:30:28my concept of Happiness isn't any
- 00:30:30different I hope from
- 00:30:33yours I think happiness is the word and
- 00:30:36she
- 00:30:37follow the lines of analysis presented
- 00:30:41by wienstein we follow certain rules in
- 00:30:46describing understanding what if you see
- 00:30:48a person crying in the street you they
- 00:30:50say gosh this person must be very happy
- 00:30:53because that's not the rule we follow so
- 00:30:55we tend to follow that the really
- 00:30:57interesting question is not what Happ is
- 00:30:59happiness but how important is it in our
- 00:31:03evaluation because you some people
- 00:31:05regard that utilitarians do that that's
- 00:31:08the only thing that ultimately matters
- 00:31:10it anything that makes you happy would
- 00:31:12be fine so that you if you're put in a
- 00:31:15pleasure machine as Robert nosi
- 00:31:17discussed and St to it but there's some
- 00:31:20kind of in some kind of drug given to
- 00:31:23you or some kind of Sensational creating
- 00:31:27uh move movement made so you feel very
- 00:31:29happy then you are leading a very good
- 00:31:31life now on the other hand I would say
- 00:31:34that you're trapped in a chair and you
- 00:31:36can't get up and you being lot of things
- 00:31:38are being done to you which is not
- 00:31:40something you choose I would got to be a
- 00:31:42pretty bad life so I think one has to
- 00:31:44think about the importance of happiness
- 00:31:47I certainly don't take the view that
- 00:31:49happiness is the only thing that matters
- 00:31:51but given other things is happiness
- 00:31:54important yeah it's not a measure of
- 00:31:56everything but in itself
- 00:31:58yes indeed and happiness of different
- 00:32:01kind there is uh Comfort there is
- 00:32:05stimulation you could be very
- 00:32:06comfortable and no stimulation at all or
- 00:32:09you could have huge stimulation and
- 00:32:11toally uncomfortable like moat might
- 00:32:14have been and and so in all kinds of
- 00:32:16ways you have different elements in
- 00:32:19happiness I once wrote a paper called
- 00:32:21plural utility which I'm not asking you
- 00:32:24to read came out with other classical
- 00:32:27Journal call proceedings of the
- 00:32:29Aristotelian Society U but my question
- 00:32:33my concern here is how to assess
- 00:32:36happiness how do we understand the
- 00:32:38different elements in it rather than
- 00:32:41what is happiness there we're trying to
- 00:32:43follow the rules that the language has
- 00:32:45given
- 00:32:47us Simon black think of myself as
- 00:32:50somebody who brings people to philosophy
- 00:32:53I don't bring philosophy to people it's
- 00:32:55the power of ideas the difficulty of
- 00:32:58ideas the reason why taking command of
- 00:33:03ideas is so important andh
- 00:33:10[Music]
- 00:33:53Simon
- 00:34:00[Music]
- 00:34:01one advantage of philosophy and of the
- 00:34:04history of ideas the philosophy of ideas
- 00:34:06and the history of ideas is that it
- 00:34:08opens the students mind to the
- 00:34:11difficulties involved in even the most
- 00:34:14Elementary sounding concept a concept
- 00:34:16that you might think is the property of
- 00:34:19the whole world that has no history it's
- 00:34:21always been part of the thought
- 00:34:24processes of mankind and if you learn
- 00:34:27that Concepts and not they have a life
- 00:34:28they have a history they have a uh um a
- 00:34:33pattern of Discovery a pattern of
- 00:34:35refinement a pattern of change uh then
- 00:34:38you learn something very important about
- 00:34:40our minds and eventually about our lives
- 00:34:43and our politics because I think one of
- 00:34:46the most dangerous uh political ideas is
- 00:34:49the idea that our way is the only way um
- 00:34:53we are the only people of reason or we
- 00:34:56are the only people to have got
- 00:34:57something right our way is the best way
- 00:35:02um I think opening your mind to other
- 00:35:05ways of thought which is one of the
- 00:35:06things that philosophy and history most
- 00:35:08certainly do for you is a very important
- 00:35:12educational device and without it think
- 00:35:15of what we risk Socrates is supposed to
- 00:35:18have said that the unexamined life is
- 00:35:20not worth living um Hegel said that
- 00:35:24philosophy is the queen of the Sciences
- 00:35:26nowadays I think if you took a snap poll
- 00:35:29on the internet what's the queen of the
- 00:35:33Sciences people would say physics
- 00:35:36physics perhaps mathematics mathematical
- 00:35:39physics um why did Hegel think that
- 00:35:41philosophy was well he may have had bad
- 00:35:44reasons but I think he had good reasons
- 00:35:46and the good reason was
- 00:35:48that all paths lead to
- 00:35:51reflection um a physicist um May do
- 00:35:56wonderful work B based on a particular
- 00:35:58set of concepts with a particular set of
- 00:36:00problems but eventually he's going to
- 00:36:03use terms like energy time um entropy uh
- 00:36:09in his uh thoughts about physical
- 00:36:12systems and if he starts to reflect he's
- 00:36:16going to ask of the nature of those
- 00:36:18Concepts what's their uh what's their
- 00:36:20identity what do they what do they
- 00:36:21really mean um how do we measure them uh
- 00:36:26is their meaning just given by the way
- 00:36:28that that we measure them or is
- 00:36:29something else involved and those are
- 00:36:31philosophical questions they're
- 00:36:33questions in which the concepts which he
- 00:36:36normally uses themselves become the
- 00:36:39topic of
- 00:36:41interest and I think that's
- 00:36:42characteristic of philosophy one
- 00:36:45metaphor to explain that might be this
- 00:36:47that when you look at the world you look
- 00:36:51at the world deploying a set of
- 00:36:54categories using a set of thoughts um
- 00:36:58one of the few things that all
- 00:37:00psychologists and philosophers agree
- 00:37:02about now is that there is no such thing
- 00:37:05as the innocent eye your eye is trained
- 00:37:09your eye is the eye of somebody who has
- 00:37:12your Human Experience has learned to
- 00:37:15detect various saliences in uh the scene
- 00:37:19around you to notice some things to fail
- 00:37:21to notice other things to categorize the
- 00:37:23world in a certain way philosophy arises
- 00:37:26when those categories are themselves the
- 00:37:28subject of your vision you you turn your
- 00:37:31attention onto the lens through which
- 00:37:34you normally see the world the lens
- 00:37:36formed by your preconceived ideas your
- 00:37:39culturally embedded traditions and
- 00:37:40habits uh the things that you uh
- 00:37:43naturally interpret the world in terms
- 00:37:45of then become the topics of thought but
- 00:37:49I think nobody is so innocent as to
- 00:37:51think that their way of perceiving the
- 00:37:54world is the only possible way of
- 00:37:56perceiving the world and then you have
- 00:37:59to ask yourself what is the
- 00:38:00justification of the categories you
- 00:38:02bring to the world are there
- 00:38:04Alternatives could they do better could
- 00:38:06they be refined could they be more clear
- 00:38:08could they be uh could you be helped to
- 00:38:11understand them better to understand the
- 00:38:13roots of inference the uh the practices
- 00:38:17in which they become embedded and which
- 00:38:19to which they give rise so it's ideas
- 00:38:22are the most important determinants of
- 00:38:24our lives in many ways of course other
- 00:38:26things are too energy is very important
- 00:38:29I have to say this in this building
- 00:38:30energy is very important um but ideas
- 00:38:34will determine who can pay for the
- 00:38:36energy um who who can deploy the world's
- 00:38:39resources how they are to be allocated
- 00:38:41uh those will be ideas to do with the
- 00:38:44for example the different roles of the
- 00:38:46market and the different roles of the
- 00:38:48body politic of the social and political
- 00:38:51structures that we live in
- 00:38:55[Music]
- 00:38:58we saw a very
- 00:39:01strange sea change in the climate of
- 00:39:05ideas it was the view that created in
- 00:39:07Europe the welfare state the idea that
- 00:39:10the collective the body politic the
- 00:39:13nation or the group we all hung together
- 00:39:17um people deserved therefore if they
- 00:39:20couldn't afford it they deserved free
- 00:39:22education if they couldn't afford it
- 00:39:24they deserved free medicine they
- 00:39:26deserved that the state look after us
- 00:39:28take care of our vulnerable side our
- 00:39:33dependencies uh basically from birth to
- 00:39:35death and that was a consensus in Europe
- 00:39:38certainly uh from the well before the
- 00:39:42second world war but it gained in speed
- 00:39:45after the second world war um suddenly
- 00:39:48people started saying things like greed
- 00:39:49is good private contract became
- 00:39:54sacran uh the wisdom of the market the
- 00:39:56idea that you could have simply
- 00:40:00individual atoms selfish atoms
- 00:40:03self-interested atomistic individual
- 00:40:06people owing no identity to society no
- 00:40:09identity to their culture their
- 00:40:11surrounding their politics free
- 00:40:13individual
- 00:40:14agents and the ideal political and
- 00:40:17social Arrangement was one in which
- 00:40:18these free agents simply tried to
- 00:40:20maximize their own um profits or their
- 00:40:24own pleasure or their own um economic
- 00:40:26well-being
- 00:40:28by means of interchange free interchange
- 00:40:30free market interchange with each other
- 00:40:32this became the ideology of the market
- 00:40:34the ideology of the free
- 00:40:36market why did this happen in
- 00:40:391979 I don't know the answer I guess the
- 00:40:42terms of
- 00:40:43cooperation which make up a society or a
- 00:40:46collective have begun to seem wrong to
- 00:40:49the people who felt that they their um
- 00:40:52uh the amount they were contributing to
- 00:40:54the social good was more than the amount
- 00:40:56they were getting out of it
- 00:40:58um so they naturally felt they could
- 00:40:59form a breakaway we the rich can as it
- 00:41:04were afford to ignore the poor the poor
- 00:41:06are being parasitic upon the rich and
- 00:41:09that became the set of ideas it's most
- 00:41:12famously uh exhibited in Robert nok's
- 00:41:15book Anarchy State and Utopia a
- 00:41:17rightwing repost to the more social uh
- 00:41:21um socially just social justice
- 00:41:23orientated Book of John rolls a theory
- 00:41:25of Justice which and those two books
- 00:41:27together basically have set the scene
- 00:41:30for political philosophy uh ever since a
- 00:41:33curious aspect of this kind of shift in
- 00:41:37perspective um which I think has to be
- 00:41:39understood historically it may seem very
- 00:41:41remote from anything of immediate
- 00:41:44practical interest we're interested in
- 00:41:46the economy we're interested
- 00:41:48in uh the distribution of costs and
- 00:41:51benefits of cooperation we're interested
- 00:41:53in perhaps our morality you know how to
- 00:41:56deal with our daughter who's going off
- 00:41:57the rails or something like
- 00:41:59that um those are the practical Affairs
- 00:42:02of life and this this interplay between
- 00:42:05our ideas our Concepts the lenses
- 00:42:08through which we see the world and
- 00:42:11practice uh which has always struck me
- 00:42:13as the absolutely
- 00:42:15fascinating justification really for
- 00:42:18being interested in
- 00:42:20[Music]
- 00:42:25philosophy people get very worried about
- 00:42:28the meaning in life when they think
- 00:42:29about the size of the universe or the
- 00:42:31length of time the length of time
- 00:42:34there's going to be after you're dead
- 00:42:36length of time there's going to be after
- 00:42:38you're forgotten the
- 00:42:40endless galaxies hundreds of thousands
- 00:42:44millions of galaxies in which you're not
- 00:42:46heard of so we're very insignificant in
- 00:42:49the space of the universe either in
- 00:42:52space or time and then they think oh
- 00:42:54well it would be better if we were
- 00:42:56bigger if we lasted for longer or if we
- 00:43:00occupied more space um and I think
- 00:43:03that's just a mistake that's just a
- 00:43:05that's imagining a meaning arriving from
- 00:43:08Mere lasting longer uh but if lasting
- 00:43:12longer was just more of the same it
- 00:43:14wouldn't give meaning at all I mean I
- 00:43:17find meaning in something like one of my
- 00:43:19children's smile or meeting my wife
- 00:43:22after an absence that's a meaningful
- 00:43:24experience it wouldn't be more
- 00:43:26meaningful if it went on on forever so I
- 00:43:28think you have to learn to find meaning
- 00:43:30in perspective in the in our
- 00:43:33perspective people like you fill my
- 00:43:35perspective at present um I find meaning
- 00:43:38in trying to speak to you in ways that
- 00:43:39you appreciate or the ways that mean
- 00:43:42something to you and if I fail in that
- 00:43:44then this evening has no meaning for me
- 00:43:47I want people to appreciate the power of
- 00:43:50ideas the difficulty of ideas the reason
- 00:43:54why taking command of ideas
- 00:43:57is so important and is better than
- 00:44:00having ideas take control of you there
- 00:44:04going to be people who say yeah
- 00:44:06reflection you know I don't I don't need
- 00:44:07that stuff and it's certainly true for
- 00:44:11large parts of life we don't need that
- 00:44:13stuff you uh you want to know the bus
- 00:44:16timetable you don't ask a philosopher
- 00:44:18you ask the bus timetable you go to
- 00:44:20Google you search it and so on um what
- 00:44:24I'm interested in are the the categories
- 00:44:26that structure our thoughts the the
- 00:44:28categories that structure our terms of
- 00:44:30cooperation our Pol politics and our
- 00:44:33ethics um if people say that that's not
- 00:44:37practical I would take I I think that's
- 00:44:41that is itself a kind of
- 00:44:43blindness um we we conceptualize the
- 00:44:47world we think of the world in terms of
- 00:44:49Concepts just take a concept like
- 00:44:52progress you can immediately start to
- 00:44:55interrogate that and wonder what the
- 00:44:57costs and burdens of progress are um
- 00:45:01think think of a concept like reason uh
- 00:45:04we all like to think that we're
- 00:45:05reasonable you know philosophers
- 00:45:07supposed to be above all a guardian of
- 00:45:10Reason somebody like Hume comes along
- 00:45:12and asks us to interrogate the concept
- 00:45:14of Reason what makes for reason in human
- 00:45:18Affairs experience we all like to think
- 00:45:21that we learn from experience but what's
- 00:45:23Experience um uh you know experience
- 00:45:27comes filtered it's filtered especially
- 00:45:29by memory um how do we know when we're
- 00:45:32using experience in the right way and in
- 00:45:34the wrong way to come to ideas about
- 00:45:37things you don't have to ask those
- 00:45:39questions and some people have no
- 00:45:41interest in those questions I to me a
- 00:45:43puzzle is there to be solved so I I do
- 00:45:46require a certain kind
- 00:45:48of um ambition from a young philosopher
- 00:45:53[Music]
- 00:46:09pH
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- 00:46:33[Music]
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