Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck




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  • 💡“尚未”是学习的过程。
  • 📈 成长心态可以改变孩子的未来。
  • ✔️ 赞美努力而非智力。
  • 🔍 克服挑战能增强信心。
  • 🌱 教育环境应充满“尚未”的可能性。
  • 🎓 实践证明,成长心态能改善成绩。
  • ✊ 每个孩子都有能力通过努力成长。
  • 🏆 教师的角色至关重要。
  • 🌍 平等的教育机会也是可能的。
  • 📚 不要浪费任何人的潜力。


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:37

    The speaker introduces the concept of 'yet', learned in high school as a grading system for progress. Students labeled 'not yet' are shown a path for growth, fostering a mindset that embraces challenges rather than viewing failure as an end. Early career observations highlight two types of mindsets: growth and fixed. Those with a growth mindset perceive failure positively and see it as a learning opportunity, while those with a fixed mindset react negatively, often opting for cheating or avoidance when faced with challenges. This introduces the need to raise children with a focus on 'yet' rather than immediate success, assessing how current educational environments stress performance over learning.

Mapa mental

Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas

  • 什么是“尚未”?


  • 成长心态与固定心态有什么不同?


  • 如何培养孩子的成长心态?


  • “尚未”在学习中有什么重要性?


  • 有没有成功的例子来支持这些观点?


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  • 00:00:05
    Thank you.
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    Today I want to tell you about the power of "yet."
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    I learned in High School in Chicago where students had to pass eighty four unity to
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    graduate and if they didn't pass they got the grade "not yet."
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    I thought, isn't that wonderful?
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    Because if you fail you're nowhere but if you get the grade "not yet" you're on a learning
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    "Not yet" gave them a path into the future.
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    And "not yet" also helped me understand a critical experience early in my career.
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    To figure out how kids cope with challenge, I gave ten year olds some problems that were
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    a little too difficult for them.
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    Some of them reacted in a shockingly positive way.
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    They said things like, "I love a challenge!"
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    or "I was hoping this would be informative!"
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    They understood that their abilities could grow through their hard work.
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    They had what I would call a "growth mindset."
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    But for other children it was tragic, catastrophic from their more fixed mindset perspective
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    their core intelligence had been tested and devastated.
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    Instead of the power of "yet" they were gripped by the "tyranny of now."
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    So what did they do next?
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    In one study, after a failure on a test, they said they'd cheat next time instead of study
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    In another study they found someone who did worse than they did so they could feel better.
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    And in many studies we found they run from difficulty.
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    Let's look at how that looks in the brain.
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    Moser and his colleagues measured from the brain as kids encountered errors.
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    Processing the error shows up in red.
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    If you look at the fixed mindset brain on the left nothing is happening.
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    But if you look at the growth mind-set on the right it's on fire with "yet!"
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    They're processing the error deeply learning from it and correcting it.
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    So, how are we raising our kids?
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    Are we raising them for a growth now or for "yet?"
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    Are they focused on the next "A" or test score instead of dreaming big?
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    Instead of thinking about what they want to be and how they want to contribute to society?
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    And if they are too focused on "A's" and test scores, are they going to carry this with
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    them into the future?
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    Because many employers are coming to me and saying, "we've already created a generation
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    of young workers who can't get through the day without a reward."
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    So, what can we do?
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    How can we build that bridge to "yet?"
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    First, we can praise wisely.
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    Our research shows that when we praise kids for the process they engage in for their hard
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    work, their strategies, their focus, their perseverance - they learn that challenge seeking.
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    They learn that resilience.
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    Praising talent, praising intelligence makes them vulnerable.
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    There are other ways of rewarding "yet."
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    We teamed up with game scientist at the University of Washington to create a math game: Brain
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    The typical math game rewards right answers, right now.
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    But not Brain Points.
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    We rewarded process and the learning curve so effort, strategy and progress.
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    The Brain Points game created more sustained learning and perseverance than the standard
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  • 00:04:34
    And just the words "yet" and "not yet" after a student has a set back we're finding creates
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    greater confidence and greater persistence.
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    We also can change students mind-sets directly.
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    In one study, we taught students that every time they pushed out of their comfort zone
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    to learn something really really hard and they stuck to it the neurons in their brain
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    could form new, stronger connections and over time they could become smarter.
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    Those who learned this lesson showed a sharp increase in their grades.
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    Those who did not showed a decrease.
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    We have done this with thousands of students now across the country with similar results.
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    Especially for struggling students.
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    So let's talk about equality.
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    In our country there are groups of kids who chronically show poor performance and many
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    people think that's inevitable.
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    But when educators create growth mind-set environments steeped in "yet" equality can
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  • 00:06:04
    Let me give you a few small examples.
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    One teacher took her Harlem kindergarten class, many of whom could not hold a pencil for the
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    first month, threw daily tantrums, she took them to the 95th percentile on the National
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    Achievement Test.
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    That same teacher took a fourth grade class in the South Bronx - way behind - she took
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    them to the top of New York State on the state math test.
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    That teacher is a Stanford grad and she's here today.
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    And another Stanford grad, Phd student, now a professor, went back to her Native American
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    reservation in the state of Washington.
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    She transformed the elementary school in terms of a growth mind-set.
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    That school had always been at the bottom of the district - at the bottom of the state!
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    Within a year to a year and a half, the kindergarteners and first graders were at the top of the district
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    in reading and reading-readiness.
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    That district contained affluent sections of Seattle so the reservation kids outdid
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    the Microsoft kids.
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    And they did it because learning a growth mindset transformed the meaning of effort
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    and difficulty.
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    It used to mean they were dumb and now it means they have a chance to get smarter.
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    Difficulty just meant "not yet."
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    Last year I got a letter from a thirteen year old boy.
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    He said, "Dear Professor Dweck, I read your book.
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    I liked the fact that it was based on sound scientific research.
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    That's why I decided to test out your growth mindset principles in three areas of my life.
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    As a result, I'm earning higher grades, I have a better relationship with my parents,
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    I have a better relationship with the other kids at school.
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    I realize I've wasted most of my life."
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    Let's not waste any more lives because the more we know that basic human abilities can
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    be grown, the more it becomes a basic human right for kids - all kids, all adults - to
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    live in environments that create that growth.
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    To live in environments filled - overflowing - with "yet."
  • 00:09:29
    Thank you.
  • 成长心态
  • 尚未
  • 教育
  • 失败
  • 成功
  • 学习过程
  • 心理学
  • 见解
  • 挑战
  • 儿童教育