Asian Literature



TLDRLa klaso pri monda literaturo fokusiĝas sur azia literaturo, esplorante ĝiajn riĉajn kulturajn kaj historian aspektojn tra diversaj landoj. La instruisto diskutas pri la influo de historiaj eventoj, kiel la evoluo de la ĉina, japanaj kaj sudorientaziaj kulturoj, kiel ili formis la literaturan produkton. Azia literaturo reflektas la riĉecon de kultura heredaĵon kaj unikecon, montrante kiel diversaj ĝenroj elstaras kaj kiel la literaturo traktas temojn de identeco, tradicio, kaj interkultura interagado.

Para llevar

  • 🌏 Azia literaturo estas riĉa kaj diversa.
  • 📚 Ĝin formas historiaj okazaĵoj kaj kulturoj.
  • 🇨🇳 Ĉinio havas profundan literaturan historion.
  • 🇯🇵 Japanio alfrontis okcidentan influon post la Meiji Restarigo.
  • 🕌 Ramayana estas grava en indonezia literaturo.
  • 🧘‍♂️ Orienta filozofio harmoniigas la socian kaj naturan mondon.
  • 📝 Azia literaturo esploras identecajn temojn.
  • ✨ La literaturo inkluzivas multajn originojn kaj ĝenrojn.
  • 📖 Prozaĵo, poezio, kaj dramoj estas komune studataj.
  • 👥 La kulturaj interagoj intersekcas tra literaturo.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    La sinsekva leciono en la mondo-literaturo klaso temigas Azian literaturiĝon, superrigardon de Azia historio kaj ĝian influon sur literaturo. La instruisto evoluigas la diversajn kulturojn en Azio, inkluzive Ĉinion, Japanion, kaj la Filipojn, rigardante ankaŭ la unikajn ĝenrojn de Azia literaturo. La klasĉambro diskutas la signifon kaj adaptadon de tradiciaj kulturaj elementoj en la moderna literaturaj verko.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    La leciono daŭras kun historiaj klarigoj pri Ĉina civilizacio, la dinastioj kaj la historio de Azio. La instruisto parolas pri la tributara sistemo, la evoluo de komerco inter Aziaj landoj, kaj la kulturaj ŝanĝoj tiritaj de eksteraj invadoj. Tio havis profundan efikon sur literaturaj praktikoj, esprimante la tumultajn tempojn kaj la kulturajn interagojn inter diversaj homgrupoj.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:18:29

    Poste, la leciono turniĝas al la literaturo en Suda Azio kaj la Filipoj, klarigante la ĉefajn temojn, stilojn, kaj valorojn en literaturaj verkoj, inkluzive klerigajn elementojn de la Ramajana. Ĉi tio kreas komprenon pri la kulturo kaj valoroj en Aziaj landoj, kio montras kiel literaturo hapas pordon al la riĉeco de historiaj kaj kulturaj heredaĵoj. La instruisto ankaŭ diskutas la influon de Aziaj skribistoj en moderna literaturo, la adapton de tradiciaj temoj en ciferecaj medioj, kaj la gravecon de kultura identeco.

Mapa mental

Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas

  • Kio estas la ĉefa temo de la klaso?

    La ĉefa temo de la klaso estas azia literaturo kaj ĝia historia kunteksto.

  • Kiel azia historio influas literaturon?

    Azia historio havis profundan efikon sur ĝia literaturo, montrante kiel historiaj eventoj kaj kulturoj interagas en la skribo.

  • Kiajn landojn estas inkluditaj en azia literaturo?

    Inkluditaj estas Ĉinio, Hindio, Japanio, Vjetnamio, kaj Koreio.

  • Kio estas la tributa sistemo en Ĉinio?

    Tributa sistemo referencas al la tradicia metodo por administri eksterajn rilatojn en Ĉinio, per kiu tributoj estis ricevataj de aliaj landoj.

  • Kiel Japanio transformiĝis post la Meiji Restarigo?

    Post la Meiji Restarigo, Japanio kreis centralizitan registaron kaj adoptis multajn okcidentajn praktikojn.

  • Kaj kio estas 'ramayana' en indonezia literaturo?

    'Ramayana' estas klasika verko en indonezia literaturo, en kiu la teme evoluigas la konceptojn de bonon super malbono.

  • Kio estas la centra filozofio en orienta literaturo?

    La orienta filozofio harmonigas la naturan kaj socian mondon kun la homaro en la centro.

  • Kial la azia literaturo estas speciala?

    Ĝi estas speciala pro la riĉa diverseco de kulturaj kaj etnaj heredaĵoj, kiuj formiĝas per unika ĝenroj de literaturo.

  • Kiel traktas azia literaturo la temon de identeco?

    Azia literaturo ofte esploras la temojn de identeco de migrantoj, interkulturan dialogon kaj la integriĝon de tradiciaj kaj modernaj aspektoj.

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  • 00:00:02
    hi everyone and welcome back to world
  • 00:00:05
    literature class so for today's session
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    uh we're done already with the midterm
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    examination so at this point in time
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    we'll now be moving into really I mean
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    going into the different places from a
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  • 00:00:18
    um continents and uh from the different
  • 00:00:20
    countries uh as we try to look into how
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    world literature works with uh the uh I
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    mean with uh literature and of course
  • 00:00:31
    with a different setting and different
  • 00:00:33
    culture and how the authors try to give
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    really um attack impact to the uh to
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    their context and put into the
  • 00:00:44
    literature so again everyone our topic
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    for today uh for our world literature
  • 00:00:50
    class is about the Asian literature or
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    the Asian or the oceanic literature
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    so the Oriental literature so again our
  • 00:01:01
    topic for today is about the Asian
  • 00:01:03
    history and the Oriental literature so
  • 00:01:06
    we'll now be moving everyone
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    so for our discussion for today we're
  • 00:01:15
    going to be dealing with uh the uh
  • 00:01:17
    overview of Asian history and that how
  • 00:01:21
    does or how do this
  • 00:01:23
    um does this Asian history really affect
  • 00:01:26
    I mean coming up in terms of uh their
  • 00:01:30
    literature as a whole okay so these are
  • 00:01:34
    the following slides providing an
  • 00:01:35
    overview of Asian history from the child
  • 00:01:37
    from the China Korea and whatsoever and
  • 00:01:42
    I know we are very familiar with Asian
  • 00:01:44
    countries right so uh being our country
  • 00:01:47
    Philippines uh which belongs to Asia
  • 00:01:50
    okay so Asian literature basically is uh
  • 00:01:55
    encompassing the people and the rich and
  • 00:01:58
    widely diverse cultural and ethnic
  • 00:02:00
    heritages found in such countries
  • 00:02:04
    belonging in Asia so the examples are
  • 00:02:07
    China India Japan Vietnam and Korea and
  • 00:02:12
    Asia or Asian people uh and uh I know
  • 00:02:16
    you're very familiar that here in Asia
  • 00:02:19
    we have many cultures from different
  • 00:02:22
    countries however since they are
  • 00:02:24
    adjusting to one another they have
  • 00:02:26
    similarities though they have
  • 00:02:29
    differences also because one culture is
  • 00:02:32
    unique from different countries so Asian
  • 00:02:35
    American literature also shows the
  • 00:02:38
    impact of immigrating to a new country
  • 00:02:39
    to the Asian characters trying to retain
  • 00:02:42
    their previous culture and adjust them
  • 00:02:44
    to new situations so Asian literature
  • 00:02:46
    also provides culture with opportunities
  • 00:02:48
    to explore various cultures through a
  • 00:02:52
    wide variety of literary genres so if
  • 00:02:55
    you're going to be looking at Asian
  • 00:02:56
    literature and they have they they have
  • 00:02:59
    their own unique genres the same thing
  • 00:03:01
    with the other I mean other genres from
  • 00:03:05
    the different from the different
  • 00:03:07
    countries but if you're going to be
  • 00:03:08
    looking in Asia
  • 00:03:10
    Asian literature they have some
  • 00:03:12
    different uh types of literature that
  • 00:03:15
    can help that can only be found in Asian
  • 00:03:18
    countries and were adopted by other
  • 00:03:20
    countries also okay so let's start first
  • 00:03:24
    with the history of Asia and how this
  • 00:03:27
    Chinese civilizations and uh and of
  • 00:03:31
    course those uh events and all really
  • 00:03:34
    um affect the Asian literature or the
  • 00:03:37
    works of literature in Asia so let's
  • 00:03:40
    start with the Chinese civilization so I
  • 00:03:43
    know you're very familiar in epoxy now
  • 00:03:45
    being Chinese
  • 00:03:47
    dynasty so we have lots of Dynasty here
  • 00:03:51
    um including the king the Queen the
  • 00:03:52
    emperor the empress and whatsoever so
  • 00:03:55
  • 00:03:56
    um it started with 1600 BC to 1047 BC
  • 00:04:00
    and from the Shang Dynasty having 31
  • 00:04:03
    Kings of same family I'm having weak
  • 00:04:06
    central control and written records so
  • 00:04:08
    if you're going to be looking into the
  • 00:04:09
    Chinese civilian each one
  • 00:04:12
    having that context it was uh clearly
  • 00:04:15
    seen from the Chinese drama right
  • 00:04:19
    I know you're very familiar with the
  • 00:04:21
    Chinese drama that really I mean
  • 00:04:23
    flaunting from the Netflix and other
  • 00:04:26
    um and not other digital platforms so
  • 00:04:29
    here we do have also the zoo Dynasty at
  • 00:04:32
    10 47 to 256 BC the Qin dynasty from 221
  • 00:04:38
    to 206. here they have the unification
  • 00:04:40
    of the political
  • 00:04:43
    entities having centralized control the
  • 00:04:47
    laws the measures the currency the roads
  • 00:04:49
    the Great Wall of the thinking so they
  • 00:04:51
    have already the uh one thinking from
  • 00:04:54
    the 31 Kings having first emperor okay
  • 00:04:59
    okay and then finally from the later
  • 00:05:02
    Dynasty we do have the hand the G and
  • 00:05:04
    the soup uh the tongue the song that you
  • 00:05:06
    want the Ming so each year I mean each
  • 00:05:09
    Dynasty they have their own uh really
  • 00:05:12
    rich culture and really I mean different
  • 00:05:15
    events that really affect one another
  • 00:05:17
    and really affect also our writers and
  • 00:05:20
  • 00:05:21
    so here we do have the Chinese tributary
  • 00:05:23
    system here they have the traditional
  • 00:05:25
    system for managing foreign relation and
  • 00:05:28
    therefore they have the central Kingdom
  • 00:05:30
    worldview the Ming Dynasty at 1368 the
  • 00:05:33
    1644 had the most extensive tributary
  • 00:05:36
    system what is tributary system
  • 00:05:37
    tributary system is basically more of a
  • 00:05:40
    loss more of their tools so tributes
  • 00:05:45
    from East Asia South Aisha
  • 00:05:49
    um Southeast Asian even West Asia and
  • 00:05:51
    Africa uh they have one agreement of
  • 00:05:54
    certainty okay so here at Zhang has
  • 00:05:58
    plead at 1405 to 33 33 over 300 ships
  • 00:06:03
    and 20 000 men freed and commerce so
  • 00:06:06
    southeast Asia South Asia West Asia and
  • 00:06:08
    East Africa they try to open their
  • 00:06:11
    countries already in terms of trading
  • 00:06:13
    and in terms of
  • 00:06:15
    um Commerce of economy so more of uh
  • 00:06:18
    trading their own products and all so
  • 00:06:21
    therefore through that they have the
  • 00:06:23
    here they send his expedition crowning
  • 00:06:27
    success is his gift of exotic African
  • 00:06:29
    animals to the Chinese court at Europe
  • 00:06:31
    is taken to the mythical killing and a
  • 00:06:34
    symbol of a just government so if you're
  • 00:06:37
    going to be looking also into the other
  • 00:06:39
    literature the animals takes into
  • 00:06:41
    symbolism and also other objects and can
  • 00:06:46
    also be seen into the types of
  • 00:06:48
    literature that they have
  • 00:06:50
    so here we have the ancient southeast
  • 00:06:53
    Asia the Buddhist kingdoms and Empires
  • 00:06:56
    trade with east and south Asia nearly
  • 00:06:58
    continuous Warfare and therefore there
  • 00:07:01
    is an invasion of Mongols already and
  • 00:07:03
    spread of Islam and then Mosaic of small
  • 00:07:06
  • 00:07:08
    so like that
  • 00:07:10
    so here
  • 00:07:12
    um from that uh I I know you're very
  • 00:07:15
    familiar that uh there is an Opium War
  • 00:07:18
    into the uh China that really affects
  • 00:07:21
    the trading of of uh of uh countries and
  • 00:07:26
    therefore British Navy captured Hong
  • 00:07:29
    Kong and defeated China which as uh were
  • 00:07:32
    us this uh historic Turning Point uh
  • 00:07:35
    comes in with a series of Western
  • 00:07:37
    Invasion and equal treaties with Western
  • 00:07:40
    powers and then the extra territorial
  • 00:07:43
    jurisdiction the tariffs also uh subject
  • 00:07:46
    to approval by Western powers and
  • 00:07:49
    shattered the tributary system more of
  • 00:07:51
    agreement and exacerbated domestic
  • 00:07:54
    crisis and then culminated in the fall
  • 00:07:57
    of King Dynasty so there you go so Paul
  • 00:08:00
    of China and their uh the flourishing of
  • 00:08:04
    Japan so Japan's major restoration
  • 00:08:06
    similar challenges different response so
  • 00:08:09
    Japan 250 years inclusion American
  • 00:08:13
    Commodore Matthew Perry's worship
  • 00:08:15
    entered tokyobe in 1853 therefore uh
  • 00:08:19
    Through The Invasion and all therefore
  • 00:08:23
    there is a western challenge a series of
  • 00:08:25
    treaties with Britain France Russia and
  • 00:08:28
    the Netherlands opening Port the low
  • 00:08:31
    custom duties the extra territorial
  • 00:08:33
    jurisdiction and therefore there is a
  • 00:08:36
    domestic problem the Shogun are
  • 00:08:39
    literally General in Edo Tokyo
  • 00:08:41
    controlled the emperor in Kyoto shogun's
  • 00:08:43
    government didn't have strong central
  • 00:08:45
    control and therefore Japan was divided
  • 00:08:48
    into some 260 semi-auto autonomous and
  • 00:08:52
    mitually jealous domains so there is
  • 00:08:56
    another major restoration broken down
  • 00:08:58
    the Shoguns politely
  • 00:09:00
    um created centralized national
  • 00:09:02
    government used Emperors focus of
  • 00:09:05
    loyalty and symbol of legitimacy and
  • 00:09:07
    therefore there is an Imperial Guard of
  • 00:09:09
    10 000 men so if you're going to be
  • 00:09:12
    looking into really the events of it
  • 00:09:14
    you're gonna be uh you're gonna be
  • 00:09:16
    seeing this one into our movies into our
  • 00:09:19
    stories of histories and all because
  • 00:09:21
    eventually they try to enact only what
  • 00:09:24
    is happening into the context of other
  • 00:09:27
    countries so here there is a two most
  • 00:09:29
    important constituencies the Samurai and
  • 00:09:31
    the farmers the samurai the Privileges
  • 00:09:34
    but uh gradually removed and then
  • 00:09:36
    Farmers from the land tax reform
  • 00:09:38
    eradication or payment and produce basis
  • 00:09:41
    for modern capitalists and when 109
  • 00:09:43
    million certificates of land or
  • 00:09:45
  • 00:09:46
    so there is already the establishment of
  • 00:09:50
    Education from a elementary school and
  • 00:09:52
    then there is a compulsory of Education
  • 00:09:54
    already and there is military work in
  • 00:09:57
    the the arm the citizen becomes Army and
  • 00:10:01
    then the magical constitution of 1889
  • 00:10:03
    the meals of Prague the bicameral
  • 00:10:07
    legislature the emperor's right
  • 00:10:10
    and the war minister of Navy Minister
  • 00:10:13
    from military
  • 00:10:15
    so if we're gonna be looking at it they
  • 00:10:17
    have already I mean a different way of
  • 00:10:20
    how uh there is an administrative
  • 00:10:22
    control from the emperor to electorate
  • 00:10:25
    and then going into down from the whole
  • 00:10:29
    Ministry and then there is a different
  • 00:10:30
    from the prime ministers that's why
  • 00:10:32
    we're going to be looking into the
  • 00:10:33
    stories of China uh Korea Irma dramas uh
  • 00:10:38
    they have a different from a different
  • 00:10:42
    um organization of the emperor and then
  • 00:10:45
    the Prime Minister okay so however they
  • 00:10:48
    have still have I mean the same judicial
  • 00:10:51
    system and all however into our
  • 00:10:53
    um Emperor and all they have a different
  • 00:10:55
    way of how they try to appoint their own
  • 00:10:58
    people okay so South modernization
  • 00:11:00
    industrialization technological
  • 00:11:02
    innovation and growth of trade
  • 00:11:05
    and then there you go the Japan defeated
  • 00:11:07
    China in 1894 and the Japan defeated
  • 00:11:11
    Russia in 1905. so here so Asia by World
  • 00:11:16
    War II we're going to be looking at the
  • 00:11:18
    uh the map
  • 00:11:20
    um how really look into uh the World War
  • 00:11:24
    II take place from the different
  • 00:11:26
  • 00:11:27
    from the Union of Soviet Socialist
  • 00:11:29
  • 00:11:30
    so there you go and then after that one
  • 00:11:33
    we do have already the Southeast Asian
  • 00:11:35
    literature history
  • 00:11:36
    so let's move on so if you're going to
  • 00:11:39
    be looking into the Southeast Asian late
  • 00:11:41
    uh literature they have what we call the
  • 00:11:44
    uh theme or the uh central idea or
  • 00:11:47
    Central messages of all of some of our
  • 00:11:50
    literature so we have the Oriental
  • 00:11:52
    philosophy this is a system that
  • 00:11:55
    harmonizes the natural and social world
  • 00:11:57
    that includes Humanity in the center
  • 00:12:00
    uniting with nature and society and they
  • 00:12:03
    discover not only the three directions
  • 00:12:04
    of time the past the present and the
  • 00:12:07
    future but also a poor direction
  • 00:12:08
    direction of the spiritual life that's
  • 00:12:11
    why if we're going to be looking into
  • 00:12:12
    their own stories and on
  • 00:12:16
    um poems and uh most of their Central
  • 00:12:19
    messages and Central topics are from the
  • 00:12:22
    past personal future and of course a
  • 00:12:24
    spiritual life
  • 00:12:26
    so here they have the nature and society
  • 00:12:29
    and Humanity Unite with one another in a
  • 00:12:31
    Harmony of beauty so the link of human
  • 00:12:34
    generations and the creatures
  • 00:12:37
    um never end so Nan turns up Nan means
  • 00:12:39
    unless can hand have it's not simply
  • 00:12:42
    possessive any meaning but it means the
  • 00:12:44
    limitation of changing and the
  • 00:12:46
    developing a process of everything
  • 00:12:48
    so here
  • 00:12:50
    um also different countries they have
  • 00:12:52
    their own
  • 00:12:53
    um own beliefs and own religion so there
  • 00:12:56
    you go so here we do have Burma as the
  • 00:12:59
    uh one that they try to
  • 00:13:04
  • 00:13:05
    they try to really have a
  • 00:13:08
    spiritual thing for Buddhism the
  • 00:13:11
    anti-government exposure of government
  • 00:13:13
    corruption so here for Indonesian event
  • 00:13:16
    we do have the ramayana the Journey of
  • 00:13:20
    Rama we're in the purpose of uh of other
  • 00:13:24
    stories about conquering evil with good
  • 00:13:27
    so the important things that you may see
  • 00:13:30
    into ramayana are the meditation the
  • 00:13:32
    power of language the hierarchy and the
  • 00:13:35
    case thing which is about the law
  • 00:13:36
    so here at Laos or Laos we do have the
  • 00:13:39
    secular text much richer than religious
  • 00:13:42
    texts because it's more of a popular and
  • 00:13:45
    classical literature that well known uh
  • 00:13:48
    into the levels of society the stories
  • 00:13:51
    the Legends the poems of oral Traditions
  • 00:13:54
    that are satirical in tone and called uh
  • 00:13:59
    the stories they are called cesva more
  • 00:14:01
    of strong moral and educational content
  • 00:14:04
    so they have also tales and judicial
  • 00:14:06
    stories they have also historical
  • 00:14:09
    Legends The Poetry the classical law
  • 00:14:11
    literature that uh their teams are
  • 00:14:14
    including the handsome priests as the
  • 00:14:16
    heroine and the beautiful princess as
  • 00:14:19
    the antagonist as a demon so there is
  • 00:14:22
    also a loud version of the ramayana
  • 00:14:24
    so how for however on the other end for
  • 00:14:27
    our Philippines our Philippine
  • 00:14:29
  • 00:14:31
    um in Asia we have the epics for like
  • 00:14:33
    stories of Euros the meats Legends the
  • 00:14:36
    riddles and the balagtasan
  • 00:14:38
    we have also the cultural values as a
  • 00:14:41
    universal team of epic poetry which are
  • 00:14:43
    the following the birth of the Euro the
  • 00:14:46
    precautious strength the magical powers
  • 00:14:47
    Eric Garland needs the Extraterrestrial
  • 00:14:50
    journey and of course the death and
  • 00:14:52
    resurrection and we do have also some
  • 00:14:54
    epic of romance and then epic of
  • 00:14:56
  • 00:14:57
    like the diage
  • 00:15:02
  • 00:15:04
    like that
  • 00:15:06
    so we have also a literature from
  • 00:15:09
    Thailand but uh the the revolving uh way
  • 00:15:14
    of having to presenter literature are
  • 00:15:16
    more of faith and Karma Tales the
  • 00:15:20
    Buddhists the theme of rice
  • 00:15:22
    um gather as much you need for one day
  • 00:15:25
    for Vietnam we do have the rich and
  • 00:15:27
    varied over the centuries we're in the
  • 00:15:29
    depict humor realism and irony of the
  • 00:15:32
    Vietnamese people wherein it's about the
  • 00:15:34
    Buddhism Confucianism taoism and animism
  • 00:15:37
    and it uh can you can clearly see it
  • 00:15:40
    into their literature and into their
  • 00:15:42
  • 00:15:43
  • 00:15:45
    here at the Isha literature uh they are
  • 00:15:49
    rich and diverse cultural and ethnic
  • 00:15:51
    Heritage and they try to impact on
  • 00:15:53
    emigrating to a new country trying to
  • 00:15:55
    retain their previous culture and adjust
  • 00:15:58
    to new situation so we have also the
  • 00:16:01
    piety in China the importance of respect
  • 00:16:03
    for ancestors and at most regards for
  • 00:16:06
    parents that's why if we're going to be
  • 00:16:07
    looking into uh their stories and they
  • 00:16:11
    have uh what we call
  • 00:16:13
  • 00:16:14
    they tried to to look into first uh what
  • 00:16:19
    the ancestors would say into a certain
  • 00:16:21
    thing and therefore from there things
  • 00:16:24
    that the Insiders are I mean from the
  • 00:16:27
    sayings of their ancestor they try to
  • 00:16:28
    put into their everyday life and they
  • 00:16:30
    really have a strong belief about that
  • 00:16:32
    so the piety towards parents Society the
  • 00:16:35
    virtues of righteousness love goodness
  • 00:16:37
    and Truth
  • 00:16:38
    so we do have also one of the Year
  • 00:16:41
    well-known authors the Lawrence Yap of
  • 00:16:43
    2000 so her style I hit style is about
  • 00:16:47
    the people difficulty in writing uh
  • 00:16:49
    bridging to culture so his observations
  • 00:16:52
    are extremely important
  • 00:16:54
    um into the understanding on how
  • 00:16:57
    students parents view society and human
  • 00:16:59
    relationship Robert beer another author
  • 00:17:02
    and he really showed the importance of
  • 00:17:06
    the five Buddhas or the five enlightened
  • 00:17:08
    families another from the stereotypes in
  • 00:17:11
    past literature uh they are more of the
  • 00:17:14
    earlier books that were influenced by
  • 00:17:17
    the Chinese Exclusion Act so they stayed
  • 00:17:20
    on the legislation forever changed
  • 00:17:22
    America's relationship
  • 00:17:24
    so we do have another new stereotypes of
  • 00:17:26
    Asia Americans the high achievement
  • 00:17:28
    Asians are only five percent of the U.S
  • 00:17:31
    population and therefore they are
  • 00:17:33
    influenced with that
  • 00:17:34
    so so they are the things that you see
  • 00:17:37
    on the screen are examples of Asian
  • 00:17:40
    literature and they can uh however we
  • 00:17:44
    are already digitalized so therefore
  • 00:17:46
    um those books are um adapted into
  • 00:17:49
    movies and therefore uh really uh
  • 00:17:52
    presented into the digital platforms and
  • 00:17:55
    really uh we have already the
  • 00:17:58
    independent movies and also really uh
  • 00:18:02
    everyone can be a writer really uh was
  • 00:18:05
    this a poetry and presenting the
  • 00:18:08
    richness of the culture of each
  • 00:18:10
    countries especially of course in Asia
  • 00:18:12
    so that would be all everyone for
  • 00:18:15
    Eastern literature thank you so much
  • 00:18:16
    everyone and we'll uh we'll have another
  • 00:18:19
    discussion for another literature I
  • 00:18:21
    guess with Australia so that would be
  • 00:18:24
    all everyone thank you so much
  • aziano
  • literaturo
  • civila historio
  • orienta kultura
  • dynastioj
  • ramayana
  • historio
  • ekzilaj identecoj
  • japana restarigo
  • buddhismo