October's CRAZIEST Upcoming Games
TLDR这个视频介绍了2023年10月即将发布的许多热门游戏,包括《直到黎明》的重制版、《寂静岭2》的重新制作版、《暗黑破坏神4》的新DLC,以及几个全新的游戏如《Metaphor ReFantazio》、《使命召唤 黑色行动6》。《直到黎明》的重制提高了图像质量,并保留了其经典的选择系统。《寂静岭2》在保留经典氛围的同时引入了新的战斗和视觉效果。《暗黑破坏神4》的新DLC将带来新的冒险和职业。视频中还提到了一些预期的独立新作如《MechWarrior 5 Clans》和《Batman: Arkham Shadow》,以及其独特的游戏机制。最后,作者号召观众支持他的频道发展。
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- 🎮 2023年10月有许多热门游戏即将发布。
- 📅 《直到黎明》将推出PC和PS5重制版。
- 👻 《寂静岭2》进行全面重制,保留经典玩法。
- 🕹️ 《暗黑破坏神4》DLC推出了新内容。
- 🎲 Metaphor ReFantazio融合了战术和角色扮演。
- 🔫 《使命召唤》的新作带来了革命性变化。
- 🌀 《奇异人生》新作将引入双重时间线。
- 🐉 《龙腾世纪》新作将引入即时战斗系统。
- 🦇 蝙蝠侠VR游戏将在新游戏机上推出。
- 🤖 《机甲战士5:氏族》将有叙事驱动模式。
- 🔄 Roguelike游戏《redacted》具有挑战性。
- 👍 支持频道发展,获取更多游戏资讯。
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Il creatore di contenuti anticipa i maggiori lanci di videogiochi di ottobre. Inizia con "Until Dawn" in uscita per PC e PS5 il 4 ottobre, un gioco narrativo che offre una trama horror intricata basata sulle scelte del giocatore. Prosegue con il remake di "Silent Hill 2" l'8 ottobre, sviluppato da Blooper Team, con miglioramenti visivi e una nuova prospettiva di telecamera, rielaborando un classico horror.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Si discute del DLC "Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred" previsto per l'8 ottobre, che aggiunge nuove attività PVE e una classe chiamata "Spirit Born". Poi, il focus passa su "Metaphor Re Fantazio" in uscita l'11 ottobre, un nuovo RPG da Studio Zero, noto per la serie Persona, con un sistema di battaglia ibrido e una ricca esplorazione del mondo di gioco.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Il segmento successivo introduce "Call of Duty Black Ops 6" in uscita il 25 ottobre, ambientato durante la Guerra del Golfo e con un sistema di movimento migliorato. Discutono anche di "Life is Strange Double Exposure", in uscita il 29 ottobre, un gioco con una meccanica unica che permette di spostarsi tra due universi temporali per risolvere misteri.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Si presenta "Dragon Age: Veil Guard" in uscita il 31 ottobre, il quarto capitolo della serie con miglioramenti significativi nel sistema di combattimento e un focus su una narrativa densa. Il gioco adotta un approccio open world meno dispersivo rispetto ai predecessori, introducendo effetti di lunga durata delle decisioni del giocatore sul mondo di gioco.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Annuncia "Batman Arkham Shadow", un gioco VR su Meta Quest 3, e "Mech Warrior 5 Clans", un'espansione autonoma in arrivo il 17 ottobre, che si concentra su un forte sviluppo narrativo e una nuova ambientazione. Entrambi i titoli presentano un'interessante evoluzione rispetto ai giochi originali e introducono nuove meccaniche di gameplay.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:20
Si conclude con "Redacted", un nuovo gioco dallo stile grafico diverso, sviluppato dai creatori di Kalisto Protocol, con una struttura di gioco roguelike e innovative meccaniche di combattimento. Il video termina con un appello ai fan per interagire con il creatore tramite i commenti e partecipare al suo Patreon, promettendo più contenuti e recensioni future.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
《暗黑破坏神4 憎恨之器》DLC加入了哪些新内容?
Metaphor ReFantazio的设定是什么?
《使命召唤 黑色行动6》的新特点是什么?
《奇异人生 双重曝光》的核心玩法是什么?
《蝙蝠侠 阿卡姆暗影》有哪些吸引人的特点?
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- 00:00:00it's almost October okay who am I
- 00:00:01kidding we're barely halfway there but I
- 00:00:03figured it was time to break down some
- 00:00:04of the huge games coming out in October
- 00:00:06which is stacked let's begin this is my
- 00:00:0810th year of doing these hope you like
- 00:00:10them subscribe if you want also I'm sure
- 00:00:12I missed something so pipe off in the
- 00:00:14comments the first 100 people in the
- 00:00:15comments who comment well have commented
- 00:00:17in the comments let's go up first until
- 00:00:20dawn October 4th for PC and PS5 now
- 00:00:24first off until dawn from super massive
- 00:00:27it sort of hit the ground running like
- 00:00:28most of the Loosely term prot anist that
- 00:00:30made up the hormone charged flirt group
- 00:00:32that decided the best thing to do to
- 00:00:33honor the death of a prior friend is to
- 00:00:35revisit the place of The Disappearance
- 00:00:37originally PlayStation 4 game now
- 00:00:39finally many years later the PC version
- 00:00:42is coming out care of Sony's much more
- 00:00:44open attitude towards PC ports until
- 00:00:46dawn puts players in control of eight
- 00:00:48young adults trying to survive a
- 00:00:49terrifying night in a remote Mountain
- 00:00:51Lodge The Narrative begins with this
- 00:00:53tragic prank gone wrong resulting in The
- 00:00:55Disappearance of two twin sisters and
- 00:00:57one year later their brother Josh
- 00:00:59invites the group back to the family's
- 00:01:00Mountain Lodge which doesn't sound
- 00:01:02suspicious like at all this is one of
- 00:01:04those narrative story based games a
- 00:01:06cinematic title like quy or the dark
- 00:01:08Anthology games except this one was good
- 00:01:11it's got murder Mayhem treachery a
- 00:01:13mystery played out across the whole damn
- 00:01:14Mountain it's got Hayden pantier the
- 00:01:16woman with the extraordinary name she's
- 00:01:18in the game so is Brett Dalton who was
- 00:01:20an Agents of Shield as well as Remy
- 00:01:22Malik star of Mr Robot Bohemian raps and
- 00:01:25of course the super hit classic
- 00:01:26Battleship the original Game's plot and
- 00:01:29story acting music and of course Peter
- 00:01:31storm a as a fourth wall breaking
- 00:01:33character absolutely made the game
- 00:01:35something unique it was fantastic then
- 00:01:37and returning now to the PS5 and the PC
- 00:01:39I'm stoked to actually replay this the
- 00:01:41game's excellent open-ended choice and
- 00:01:43consequence system was not necessarily
- 00:01:46one note as other games that have come
- 00:01:48before and after it have it had many
- 00:01:51decisions coming back a bit later to
- 00:01:53bite you both figuratively and literally
- 00:01:55in more subtle ways than a lot of other
- 00:01:57titles and some not so subtle the game's
- 00:01:59Cor mechanic revolves around the
- 00:02:01Player's Choice and consequences as you
- 00:02:03control each character and your
- 00:02:05decisions shape this narrative and
- 00:02:06determine who lives and who dies it's
- 00:02:08sort of a butterfly effect system that
- 00:02:10they discuss within the game it creates
- 00:02:12a highly replayable experience and there
- 00:02:15are numerous outcomes throughout the
- 00:02:17game different characters that can die
- 00:02:19and different endings I really enjoyed
- 00:02:21until dawn though it had a couple
- 00:02:22technical issues upon launch and now
- 00:02:25we're going to be seeing it again on
- 00:02:26PlayStation 5 and PC another game coming
- 00:02:29to play St 5 and PC Silent Hill 2 on the
- 00:02:338th of October and sure bler team has a
- 00:02:35success record that spotty enough
- 00:02:37they've been relegated to being called
- 00:02:38blooper team but hear me out here Silent
- 00:02:41Hill 2 remake is diving into just that
- 00:02:43the classic horror game loved by many
- 00:02:45regaled is one of the finest horror
- 00:02:47titles by others and blubber team their
- 00:02:49idea is to remake it from the ground up
- 00:02:51with today's conventions yester Year's
- 00:02:53ideas and Tech that might make it look
- 00:02:55good enough to come across as something
- 00:02:57from tomorrow it's a groundup
- 00:02:58reimagining from gameplay play to sound
- 00:03:00music voices now Silent Hill 2 follows
- 00:03:02James Sunderland a widower drawn back to
- 00:03:04the mysterious town of Silent Hill the
- 00:03:06ever burning ever churning myma of
- 00:03:08misery that pretty much has fascinated
- 00:03:10Gamers since its very first appearance
- 00:03:12but James after getting a letter from
- 00:03:13his deceased wife decides to go back to
- 00:03:16the town to investigate we can ignore
- 00:03:18the fact that he should call the cops or
- 00:03:19maybe you know check to make sure it
- 00:03:20wasn't some Chinese hacker scammer
- 00:03:22trying to talk him out of his Bitcoin
- 00:03:23but that's what he does James is a doer
- 00:03:25and he does what doers do he gets in
- 00:03:27deep [ __ ] the best part here is it's not
- 00:03:29just blubber team they got staff from
- 00:03:31the original game to come back like the
- 00:03:33original creature designer who made the
- 00:03:34creatures in the first place and is
- 00:03:36helping with not only their design but
- 00:03:38location design as well as their reworks
- 00:03:41but they also got the original composer
- 00:03:43back to remake and remix the original
- 00:03:44game soundtrack which makes sense as
- 00:03:46they're making changes to locations I'm
- 00:03:48going to talk about in a second and
- 00:03:49there's some events that are really so
- 00:03:52integrated with all of the audio this
- 00:03:54just really ends up aligning well bler
- 00:03:56teams also decided to change the game to
- 00:03:58an over shoulder camera perspective
- 00:04:00similar to maybe Resident Evil type of
- 00:04:02remakes combat has been overhauled the
- 00:04:04enem is reacting more realistically to
- 00:04:06gunfire and some new stealth mechanics
- 00:04:08are implemented but they also promised
- 00:04:10that it's not going to be Gears of War
- 00:04:12the village Edition it's just that they
- 00:04:13wanted to increase the Fidelity and
- 00:04:15discreet feeling of control that
- 00:04:16honestly was missing in that game which
- 00:04:19was made back when tank controls and
- 00:04:21clumsy protagonist were used to amp up
- 00:04:22the tension versus you know actually
- 00:04:24good gameplay ideas the game's also on
- 00:04:26unreal 5 q Shader compilation stutter
- 00:04:29QuickTime death scene but seriously it's
- 00:04:32going to look great and while unreal has
- 00:04:33its issues we all know of them lighting
- 00:04:35detail and future proofing are not some
- 00:04:37of them that's the exciting part to me
- 00:04:39is that because in this day and age of
- 00:04:40remasters and remakes where sometimes it
- 00:04:42feels like a ramshackled job like
- 00:04:44someone using superglue on Legos because
- 00:04:46they forgot three Basse pieces and can't
- 00:04:47figure out why it keeps breaking blir
- 00:04:49team is going all out full out and to me
- 00:04:51that speaks volumes for how seriously
- 00:04:53the developers and the publisher is
- 00:04:55taking this but the best part and the
- 00:04:56part that has me so interested is that
- 00:04:58they're actually working on a expanding
- 00:05:00the environments in some places letting
- 00:05:01players dive a little bit deeper into
- 00:05:03the town and the original spots they're
- 00:05:05also altering some of the writing and
- 00:05:06dialogue with an aim at changing the
- 00:05:08character development but we'll see how
- 00:05:10that works I can't remember anyone
- 00:05:12really wanting a bunch of FanFiction on
- 00:05:13the Silent Hill 2 characters but who
- 00:05:15knows because expanding the environments
- 00:05:16to me making places familiar yet also
- 00:05:18mysterious again is a rare damned thing
- 00:05:21in remix I have to admit that has me
- 00:05:23actually a bit more stoked for this one
- 00:05:25than I expected to be I wasn't a great
- 00:05:28Silent Hill fan I've liked some of them
- 00:05:30and not liked others here listening and
- 00:05:32reading and watching about it actually
- 00:05:34feel like blubber team's history such as
- 00:05:36the game with a perfect name the medium
- 00:05:38which couldn't have explained its
- 00:05:39mediocrity any better unless it had just
- 00:05:41been called a game that history may be
- 00:05:44all of these combined ideas coming
- 00:05:47together their successes and their
- 00:05:49failures these are the makers of layers
- 00:05:50of fear and that game game it feels like
- 00:05:53they're making a lot of the great
- 00:05:54decisions I'm expecting for remakes and
- 00:05:57cross my fingers on this one the next
- 00:05:59one I'm cross my fingers on just because
- 00:06:01hey it'd be nice to have this all
- 00:06:03continue to roll forward with success is
- 00:06:05Diablo 4 vessel of hatred this is DLC
- 00:06:08for pretty much everything out on the
- 00:06:108th of October for Diablo if there's any
- 00:06:12DLC with a name so aptly describing and
- 00:06:14succinctly explaining how many fans feel
- 00:06:17about Diablo 4 on release its vessel of
- 00:06:19hatred that's probably not fair but we
- 00:06:21can all agree that the last two have got
- 00:06:23pretty rough starts however vessel of
- 00:06:25hatred is the upcoming expansion for
- 00:06:27Diablo 4 set to release on October
- 00:06:29number eight that seems to add a ton
- 00:06:30more to the already improving game in
- 00:06:32its own right now vess of hatred
- 00:06:34continues the main Narrative of Diablo 4
- 00:06:36with players embarking on a quest to
- 00:06:38find n after a sacrifice to trap the
- 00:06:40Primeval it also has a new PVE activity
- 00:06:43new rewards and of course the age-old
- 00:06:45new location and class that many
- 00:06:47expansions for these games have as well
- 00:06:49as new mercenaries now the new locations
- 00:06:51it is a massive jungle region your
- 00:06:53feverishly clicking game is set to get
- 00:06:56on in this developer stated location
- 00:06:58that is supposed to feel completely
- 00:07:00different to anything else in the game
- 00:07:02tropical swampy Lush setting so that you
- 00:07:04can fill it with ass sorted bad guys all
- 00:07:06trying to kill you at every turn as well
- 00:07:08as new towns and Villages and otherwise
- 00:07:10to collect side quests and buy and
- 00:07:12outfit your various different character
- 00:07:14death machines it all seems to me like a
- 00:07:16really good idea in a unique place but
- 00:07:19even more unique might be the spirit
- 00:07:20born class they're adding basically kids
- 00:07:22who've been tested by the jungle and
- 00:07:23those that fail well they die those that
- 00:07:25don't can become the new spirit born
- 00:07:27it's entirely new and it takes on the
- 00:07:28aspects and temporary very
- 00:07:29transformative powers of creatures of
- 00:07:32the Jungle the Jaguar the gorilla and of
- 00:07:34course a centipede cuz everyone wants
- 00:07:35the power those 50F footed pins are
- 00:07:37biting P's in their games they're
- 00:07:39supposedly masters of hand toand as well
- 00:07:41as glaive combat honestly once they
- 00:07:44mention centipedes I pretty much missed
- 00:07:46the rest because I cannot wait to jump
- 00:07:49in with that kind of character I loved
- 00:07:51what I saw in the video this just looks
- 00:07:53exactly what I want some of the base
- 00:07:54game updates as well are going to
- 00:07:55include new pets and more skills cleaner
- 00:07:58looting larger paragon boards new
- 00:08:00legendary glyphs and a whole new dungeon
- 00:08:02type that blizzard aims to challenge
- 00:08:04even the best players with Diablo I may
- 00:08:06have launched to a fairly Rocky start
- 00:08:08for a lot of people and they've made
- 00:08:09some changes that people haven't
- 00:08:11necessarily loved but I'm actually
- 00:08:12looking forward to vessel of hatred even
- 00:08:14if it's just because they do some of the
- 00:08:16best cutcenes in the world and I can
- 00:08:17always sit back and watch a really cool
- 00:08:19anime in cutscene form if the game isn't
- 00:08:22that good like I said coming out October
- 00:08:24next up metaphor re fantasio this is PC
- 00:08:28PS4 PS5 Xbox series X and S on the 11th
- 00:08:32of October now metaphor is a new Fantasy
- 00:08:34roleplaying game developed by Studio
- 00:08:36zero a division of Atlas known for
- 00:08:37creating of course the Persona games
- 00:08:39this is one of those titles that if you
- 00:08:42see it and you go dude that's Persona or
- 00:08:43dude that's persona's cousin that visits
- 00:08:45who's super edgy and always has one
- 00:08:47headphone in during dinner you wouldn't
- 00:08:49be blamed for that if you did in fact
- 00:08:51it's got some wild ass weird World
- 00:08:54building you're in a location called the
- 00:08:55United Kingdom of I don't know ukia
- 00:08:58which is a world where ours is fantasy
- 00:09:01sort of like zank and mundanes in the
- 00:09:03pier Anthony books the kingdoms in
- 00:09:05Anarchy after their King is assassinated
- 00:09:07and for some reason that ends up
- 00:09:08triggering a magical election where
- 00:09:10anyone no matter who or what they are
- 00:09:12can become king if they gain enough
- 00:09:14support sort of like you know someone
- 00:09:15who did TV shows or maybe YouTube or
- 00:09:17maybe lots of social media and then ran
- 00:09:19for leadership of an entire nation
- 00:09:21players take on the role of a nameless
- 00:09:22protagonist to alongside their different
- 00:09:24companions becomes embroiled in this
- 00:09:26larger political struggle they have to
- 00:09:28lift the curse of a long Prince while
- 00:09:30competing in this Royal tournament to
- 00:09:32gain the trust of the populace over a
- 00:09:33six-month deadline if it feels like two
- 00:09:36or three story lines running over the
- 00:09:37top of one another it is and I sort of
- 00:09:39dig that instead of just being dry it
- 00:09:42mixes that dry feeling of running mates
- 00:09:44in a fantasy world and takes it and
- 00:09:46smashes it into lots of fighting and
- 00:09:48Magic the game also has a new hybrid
- 00:09:50battle mechanic that allows players to
- 00:09:52switch between real-time action fast and
- 00:09:54turn-based action this flexibility
- 00:09:56enables some efficient handling of the
- 00:09:58lower level enemies while also letting
- 00:10:00you jump into more strategic depth for
- 00:10:02more challenging encounters so you can
- 00:10:04speed it through mobs and take the ease
- 00:10:06guys out and then go slow and turn-based
- 00:10:08and rethink and think and rethink again
- 00:10:10every item and attack usage against
- 00:10:12higher level enemies something that
- 00:10:14developers have said is needed because
- 00:10:15they've actually tuned this game to be a
- 00:10:17bit more difficult than you might expect
- 00:10:19the game's also got a job system called
- 00:10:21archetypes here and you unlock more by
- 00:10:23becoming friends and leaders and
- 00:10:25companions with other characters in the
- 00:10:27game world that you meet who un lock
- 00:10:29those something we've seen in a lot of
- 00:10:30other games one place where metaphor
- 00:10:32seems to be going is the deeper water in
- 00:10:34the job system with unique characters
- 00:10:36like Soul haacker as a class or an
- 00:10:38archetype to offset the more expected
- 00:10:40ones like tank and healer we'll just
- 00:10:42have to see how that plays out we have a
- 00:10:44lot of games that offer that and you
- 00:10:45notice it doesn't really change much but
- 00:10:47I think this one from what I've seen
- 00:10:49looks like it will it also is going to
- 00:10:51have a ton of exploration which is a key
- 00:10:53component for metaphor and for me one of
- 00:10:55the best parts because the Persona games
- 00:10:56have always been locked into schools and
- 00:10:58Dungeons and silhouetted heavy streets
- 00:11:00of urban environments metaphor has you
- 00:11:01exploring the entire Kingdom you got
- 00:11:03massive cities towns giant ancient ruins
- 00:11:06all the while doing the very typical RPG
- 00:11:09stable of taking care of everyone for
- 00:11:11everything else in the game because
- 00:11:12apparently in RPG games the other people
- 00:11:14can't make a cup of hot chocolate
- 00:11:16without losing a [ __ ] mug in a ravine
- 00:11:17filled with demons but all of it helps
- 00:11:19you with the social Dynamic that's so
- 00:11:21important here and makes you become the
- 00:11:23most popular dude in the land darker
- 00:11:25fantasy-like Grim dark even but with a
- 00:11:27slant at times that reminds you of of
- 00:11:29the Persona games and then just
- 00:11:31something else the composer for Persona
- 00:11:34returns here as well beautifully so
- 00:11:36because for the most part that dude's
- 00:11:37final form is just going to be a
- 00:11:39platinum trophy in the shape of a
- 00:11:40musical note that defeats enemies by
- 00:11:42just saying who he is and they're going
- 00:11:43to quit his ability to deliver amazing
- 00:11:46soundtracks is right up there so if
- 00:11:48you're into this kind of thing this
- 00:11:49might be for you but I do mention that
- 00:11:50for a reason despite its changes and
- 00:11:52they're going to be deep and ranging the
- 00:11:53game isn't going out to be anti-p
- 00:11:55persona it's not running from the prior
- 00:11:57elements and a bid to change up
- 00:11:58everything it's a game solidly made by
- 00:12:01some of those devs with an idea towards
- 00:12:03branching out not tearing up the tree
- 00:12:04and replanting another one it's a highly
- 00:12:07stylized mix and some of the changes
- 00:12:08speak to me as a person who honestly got
- 00:12:10tired of retreading the same high school
- 00:12:12grounds like a star football player who
- 00:12:13kept returning to graduation in a
- 00:12:15letterman jacket at a point you just get
- 00:12:17a little bit tired of returning but
- 00:12:19instead of just slightly adjusting one
- 00:12:20thing it looks like they came up with a
- 00:12:22bunch of ideas some probably percolating
- 00:12:24for years and are putting it into a
- 00:12:26particular game that to me is exciting
- 00:12:28can't wait to play that next up Call of
- 00:12:30Duty Black Ops 6 for PC PS4 Xbox One
- 00:12:34Xbox series X and S this is coming out
- 00:12:36October 25th another year another Call
- 00:12:39of Duty is what we basically get it's
- 00:12:41been a long time coming especially
- 00:12:43because of the issues with Microsoft
- 00:12:45buying Activision and how this is all
- 00:12:47going to be packaged for people but this
- 00:12:49one's been packaged up by Treyarch in
- 00:12:50collaboration with Raven and it promises
- 00:12:53to bring a lot of changes some we've
- 00:12:55seen in the demo now first when it comes
- 00:12:57to the setting and the overall feel
- 00:12:58black Ops 6 is set during the Gulf War
- 00:13:011991 with parts of the campaign also
- 00:13:03apparently taking place after 9/11 in
- 00:13:062001 The Game's narrative moves between
- 00:13:08those two points and time periods unlike
- 00:13:10previous titles Black Ops 6 does feature
- 00:13:12some elements of open world mixed with
- 00:13:15more linear missions that we've seen
- 00:13:16from previous games I say unlike some
- 00:13:18there has been that a little bit though
- 00:13:20when it comes to the big changes one of
- 00:13:22them is the Omni movement system and
- 00:13:24it's exciting if you jumped into the
- 00:13:26Beta I'd like to hear what you think of
- 00:13:28this Omni movement let's players slide
- 00:13:30and dive and move and Sprint in any
- 00:13:33direction at any one time which feels
- 00:13:35like a start contrast to the way the
- 00:13:37original Call of Duty games play and
- 00:13:39feel and even in my short time with the
- 00:13:41beta I got to say I actually enjoyed it
- 00:13:43though there were a couple issues you
- 00:13:44can go prone twist around shoot in any
- 00:13:46direction it just feels good has a
- 00:13:47fluidity to it that the games prior just
- 00:13:50didn't have I can't wait to see how it
- 00:13:51works in single player or if it's there
- 00:13:54both for us but also if you get see some
- 00:13:56AI doing it you can also turn off and on
- 00:13:58those movement assists for crouching and
- 00:14:00mantling and so forth to make it feel a
- 00:14:02little bit more older School listen I
- 00:14:04don't know about you but I think Call of
- 00:14:05Duty has always been a quick twitch
- 00:14:06gameplay where matches felt like you
- 00:14:08leapt into a game with a bunch of AI
- 00:14:10trained on a subreddit dedicated to
- 00:14:11oneliner Shane Gillis probably thinks
- 00:14:13are funny the combat always felt finicky
- 00:14:16to me not bad but just very Call of Duty
- 00:14:19e it's always felt like a slow cousin
- 00:14:21into a family reunion Pictionary game
- 00:14:23where a yell out it's a goat three games
- 00:14:25after you drew it whether you're going
- 00:14:27to like it or not I don't know also of
- 00:14:29course what would it be if it wasn't a
- 00:14:30Call of Duty where you can get your
- 00:14:32prepper on it's got 50 plus weapons
- 00:14:34including some fan favorites they've
- 00:14:35also said there's some new additions and
- 00:14:37it also features of course the ability
- 00:14:39to decorate the weapons and do all kinds
- 00:14:41of that it's also got new perks and
- 00:14:43equipment and who knows if the game
- 00:14:44single player campaign is longer than
- 00:14:46the shortest Lord of the Rings movie
- 00:14:48it's still going to be longer than Call
- 00:14:49of Duty Modern Warfare 3's campaign it
- 00:14:51just feels like they have a more
- 00:14:53discreet idea and a focus on what they
- 00:14:55want to deliver with the single player
- 00:14:57the devs have made a ton of changes
- 00:14:58which we've seen SE some of them and
- 00:14:59we'll see more where will they land I
- 00:15:01don't know but I do hope they do land it
- 00:15:03well because we also have zombies
- 00:15:05zombies is almost as contentious as the
- 00:15:07single player and multiplayer versions
- 00:15:09of this game with each version coming
- 00:15:11out vacillating between this is the best
- 00:15:12zombies version ever to oh my God this
- 00:15:14is terrible what we do know about this
- 00:15:16one is it's round based it's four
- 00:15:17players it's waves it's zombies looking
- 00:15:19to chew on you as you can put down traps
- 00:15:22and setups that you buy between rounds
- 00:15:24to stop that chewing the system of back
- 00:15:26and forth and that risk and reward
- 00:15:27purchasing that one trap and hoping it's
- 00:15:29in the right place is awesome I've
- 00:15:30always loved that about zombies and it
- 00:15:32looks like they've got that dark odd
- 00:15:34Whimsical style of humor that's always
- 00:15:37smack dab in the trailers and they show
- 00:15:39that I cannot wait to jump into all
- 00:15:40those modes and just see how it comes
- 00:15:43together but we're not even close to
- 00:15:44done next up is life of strange Double
- 00:15:46Exposure this is PC PS5 Xbox series X
- 00:15:49and S as well and it's on the 29th of
- 00:15:52October so life is strange Double
- 00:15:53Exposure is the new entry in life is
- 00:15:56strange as a series it is developed by
- 00:15:58deck nine games and not by don't not but
- 00:16:01that doesn't mean they haven't brought
- 00:16:03back the characters just because it's a
- 00:16:05different developer this is the return
- 00:16:06of Max Coffield who now works as a
- 00:16:08photographer at a university Max was in
- 00:16:11some of the prior games a young girl at
- 00:16:12the time given the ability to adjust
- 00:16:14time and affect choices if you've never
- 00:16:16played these but now set in Vermont at a
- 00:16:18college where Max works and refuses to
- 00:16:20use her powers like a damned idiot her
- 00:16:22best friend Safi is found dead in the
- 00:16:24snow on campus in a desperate attempt to
- 00:16:26save her of course Max tries to use her
- 00:16:28time rewind winding power which she
- 00:16:30hasn't used in a long time however
- 00:16:31instead of rewinding time she
- 00:16:32inadvertently opens a gateway to a
- 00:16:34parallel universe where sopie is still
- 00:16:36alive but remains in danger that's right
- 00:16:38two timelines cuz one Universe with time
- 00:16:40traveling characters trying to trip us
- 00:16:42up in death isn't confusing enough this
- 00:16:45unique premise introduces the game's
- 00:16:46core mechanic now which is the ability
- 00:16:48to shift between both timelines players
- 00:16:51have to navigate both realities uncover
- 00:16:52Clues make choices that will affect both
- 00:16:55versions of events and if it's anything
- 00:16:57like the prior titles consistently man
- 00:16:58managing an Ever growing level of bad
- 00:17:00choices to stop it from full-on flipping
- 00:17:02over and spilling everyone out into an
- 00:17:04even worse situation than the One Max
- 00:17:06powed her way into while listening to
- 00:17:08avenge sevenfold the amazing thing here
- 00:17:10though is because there are two
- 00:17:12timelines and Two Worlds that also means
- 00:17:14yeah two killers and you have to figure
- 00:17:16out how to stop them both the campus
- 00:17:18that we know so far is fully explorable
- 00:17:20from converted churches to popular
- 00:17:22student Hangouts including a bar each
- 00:17:24location is supposedly crafted to have
- 00:17:26players able to go around find secrets
- 00:17:29and also solve this ever growing mystery
- 00:17:31across both timelines also it's been a
- 00:17:33while and I will say that this has taken
- 00:17:35a pretty good graphical step up even if
- 00:17:37the character's art style is still going
- 00:17:39to be present in that sort of
- 00:17:41characterization that we've expected and
- 00:17:43seen in the prior titles not necessarily
- 00:17:45super realistic but going between almost
- 00:17:48a hyper realistic Sims 4 and the
- 00:17:51original games it's also got a complete
- 00:17:52soundtrack with licensed music the only
- 00:17:54issue here I have is a big one and
- 00:17:56that's that square is doing the whole
- 00:17:57Early Access thing with two weeks early
- 00:17:59access to two chapters if you get the
- 00:18:01ultimate edition of the game which makes
- 00:18:03about as much sense as tearing off a
- 00:18:04steak and eating some of it before it's
- 00:18:06even close to being done and then being
- 00:18:08mad that the rest of it isn't completely
- 00:18:10cooked the idea of waiting for 2 weeks
- 00:18:12just makes no sense it should be called
- 00:18:14like early half access or halfast access
- 00:18:17or just halfast but whatever I still
- 00:18:19want to play it I love the Universe I
- 00:18:21dig the choices and I'll take a weirdly
- 00:18:23refreshing delightful tour down bad
- 00:18:25ideas and even worse character choices
- 00:18:28any day especially if it means jumping
- 00:18:29between universes can deck 9 nail it as
- 00:18:32many think they did with true colors or
- 00:18:34carry on where don't not have passed the
- 00:18:36ball who knows I'm excited to check it
- 00:18:37out next up Dragon Age Veil guard this
- 00:18:41is PC PS5 Xbox series X and S and this
- 00:18:44is on October 31st so Dragon Age Veil
- 00:18:48guard this is going to be the fourth
- 00:18:49Mainline installment to the game if
- 00:18:51there's a series of games with more ups
- 00:18:53and downs than Dragon Age I can only
- 00:18:55assume it's an adult only dating
- 00:18:57simulator on Steam from Dragon Age
- 00:18:59Origins Dragon Age 2 and what the hening
- 00:19:02of Dragon Age Inquisition the story of
- 00:19:04how the Hinterlands broke the backs of
- 00:19:06entire Legions of Gamers these titles
- 00:19:08have been all over the place they've
- 00:19:10been just hit and miss because each one
- 00:19:11of them usually has at least one thing
- 00:19:13great or some things great like Dragon
- 00:19:15Age Origins but the others are just
- 00:19:18everywhere which seems to be the
- 00:19:19response for Dragon Age Veil guard and
- 00:19:21its announcement now vilard is set 10
- 00:19:24years after the events of the original
- 00:19:25Dragon Age Inquisition in a world still
- 00:19:28grappling with the aftermath of the
- 00:19:29inquisition's collapse and sess'
- 00:19:31betrayal which was about as surprising
- 00:19:33as realizing the day you were born was
- 00:19:34the first day someone ever took
- 00:19:35attendance in your life but here we are
- 00:19:38the dread wolf and the player taking on
- 00:19:40the new role of Rook a new protagonist
- 00:19:43who leads a group called The Veil guard
- 00:19:44tasked with stopping soless from tearing
- 00:19:46down the veil and potentially destroying
- 00:19:48the world if anyone thinks the name of
- 00:19:50the main character doesn't have a major
- 00:19:52double meaning involving chess and maybe
- 00:19:54a newbie then you haven't played a
- 00:19:55Dragon Age game and they're very
- 00:19:57straightforward writing one of the most
- 00:19:59significant changes in Veil guard is the
- 00:20:00combat system Veil guard leans straight
- 00:20:03into action-based gameplay with a system
- 00:20:05you can pause though to pick new moves
- 00:20:07from but also let you just bash it out
- 00:20:09with the abilities and skills you have
- 00:20:10hot fitted into your Loadout pausing to
- 00:20:13pick particular skills or new sets so it
- 00:20:15feels fast-paced at first but sometimes
- 00:20:17there are other moments where it can
- 00:20:19look a bit Herky jerky but we'll just
- 00:20:21have to see how this ultimately plays
- 00:20:23out when we all jump into the game the
- 00:20:25demos have been a little bit all over
- 00:20:27the place the game's gone away from the
- 00:20:29older style upgrade and leveling systems
- 00:20:30to something that would look closer to a
- 00:20:32jrpg with grids of abilities and
- 00:20:34specializations and systems that are
- 00:20:36attached to core disciplines now while
- 00:20:38you play as Rook you're going to be
- 00:20:40utilizing others as companions who have
- 00:20:42their own trees and skills but they're
- 00:20:43more of a subset of the main character
- 00:20:45with less options to keep them firmly
- 00:20:47into the upgradeable but not upsettingly
- 00:20:49complex for no reason variant of
- 00:20:52companion each companion also has five
- 00:20:54core abilities that can be enhanced and
- 00:20:55modified through individual progressions
- 00:20:58taking those companions across the land
- 00:20:59is going to be one of the major story
- 00:21:01elements and players who do travel in
- 00:21:03this will realize right away that
- 00:21:06there's a big change here thankfully the
- 00:21:07developers have gone away from that
- 00:21:09often times questionable idea of the
- 00:21:11open world that was in Inquisition which
- 00:21:13almost felt like an MMO in some
- 00:21:15locations and instead of chosen to go
- 00:21:17with a larger open Hub styled location
- 00:21:19where you can still explore and find
- 00:21:21Secrets but they aren't so directionless
- 00:21:24as perhaps the Hinterlands was however
- 00:21:26it's not BioWare if they don't try to
- 00:21:28repli at the excellent Mass Effect
- 00:21:30Paragon Renegade system for discussion
- 00:21:32by making something really close to it
- 00:21:34that never feels quite as good it's a
- 00:21:36mixture of an almost Telltale like
- 00:21:37system with that dialogue tree as well
- 00:21:40as a game informing you at some decision
- 00:21:42point and hey this will have
- 00:21:43consequences later which is like telling
- 00:21:45you that eating off the floor of a
- 00:21:46Kolkata restroom might make you sick
- 00:21:48pretty much by just looking at what
- 00:21:49you're going to say you're going to
- 00:21:50notice that however Veil guard does seem
- 00:21:52to be doing something that's a bit
- 00:21:53unusual and long long wanted from me
- 00:21:56effects that you make changes that you
- 00:21:58do and character interactions you have
- 00:22:00seem to have a longer or resonate longer
- 00:22:03kind of time period to them with less of
- 00:22:04the oh man you made me mad but now it's
- 00:22:06fine kind of situation and something
- 00:22:09that tracks a little longer who knows
- 00:22:11I'm excited to finally get my hands on
- 00:22:12this all the Dragon Age games have
- 00:22:14vastly change their feel between titles
- 00:22:17and looks and Veil guard is no different
- 00:22:19whether that's also reflecting a change
- 00:22:21to the core gameplay being better than
- 00:22:22Inquisition I don't know I'm sure some
- 00:22:24of you guys really love that if you did
- 00:22:26pipe off in the comments I would like to
- 00:22:27know why you liked any of the Dragon Age
- 00:22:29games what was the one you enjoyed I
- 00:22:31sure as hell hope it has though also
- 00:22:32it'd be great as an inside joke if the
- 00:22:35game had a quest that had you go to the
- 00:22:36Hinterlands and then when you try to
- 00:22:38complete it it just says you wake up
- 00:22:39from a terrible Nightmare and you move
- 00:22:41on speaking of terrible nightmares this
- 00:22:44next game is probably a nightmare for
- 00:22:45some fans of a particular series which
- 00:22:48is Batman and that is of course Batman
- 00:22:50Arkham shadow on the meta Quest 3 in
- 00:22:52October now at some point this whole we
- 00:22:53know you want a game but we're not going
- 00:22:55to give it to you we're going to give
- 00:22:56you something somewhat like it kind of
- 00:22:58Oddity that we have with developers is
- 00:22:59going to come back to bite these people
- 00:23:01while everyone clamors for a new Batman
- 00:23:02game we get Gotham Knights or suicided
- 00:23:04itself Squad here we are getting Batman
- 00:23:07but in VR just like having a delicious
- 00:23:08meal inside of a restaurant in a prison
- 00:23:10that you also have to pay to get into
- 00:23:12Batman Arkham Shadow is going to or at
- 00:23:15least they say allow you to re-enter the
- 00:23:17immersive dimension of Batman in the
- 00:23:20original games and that sort of makes me
- 00:23:22excited I love the original Batman
- 00:23:24experience and camouflage Studios known
- 00:23:25for their work on Iron Man VR have
- 00:23:27stated that this is not an experienc
- 00:23:30game but a full game of batman-like
- 00:23:31experiences and take place right after
- 00:23:34Origins and prior to Asylum story lines
- 00:23:37and tells a story of a new Batman
- 00:23:38villain the Rat King and his cult
- 00:23:40bringing on the day of Wrath the story
- 00:23:41promises to they say deliver a darker
- 00:23:44element of Gotham with players
- 00:23:45encountering a lot of the characters
- 00:23:47from the story good guys and bad guys
- 00:23:49gameplay in Arkham Shadow aims to
- 00:23:50translate a lot of the core mechanics of
- 00:23:52the Arkham series into Batman more so
- 00:23:55than the original experience did which
- 00:23:57does mean bat fighting they say there's
- 00:23:59going to be bat punching bat ranging and
- 00:24:01hopefully some bat back breaking I also
- 00:24:04wish there were stealth takedowns that
- 00:24:05let you whisper swear to me I would pay
- 00:24:07real money for the devs to let us use a
- 00:24:09distance context sensitive system for
- 00:24:11voice feedback where you could whisper
- 00:24:13at enemies from the Shadows to scare
- 00:24:14them maybe next time here you go you
- 00:24:16have the bat hook the rangs the smoke
- 00:24:18bombs and more you're doing puzzles
- 00:24:20investigating a dark and mysterious
- 00:24:21place here there as you bounce around
- 00:24:23the game world and always flatly just
- 00:24:25doing Batman things presentation wise so
- 00:24:27far the game doesn't look half bad for a
- 00:24:30VR game on locked in Hardware it's meta
- 00:24:32prison-like system of delivery was a
- 00:24:34little questionable to me but the
- 00:24:36trailers I've seen don't look so bad the
- 00:24:38developers have also stated that Arkham
- 00:24:39Shadows inspired by the structure of
- 00:24:41Batman Arkham Asylum focusing on a
- 00:24:43series of interconnected detailed
- 00:24:45locations rather than as I said that
- 00:24:47fully open world I'm all for that if
- 00:24:49they can nail the puzzles a bit of
- 00:24:51investigation and some combat without
- 00:24:53making players sick as a dog and still
- 00:24:55look pretty good honestly this one could
- 00:24:57end up being highly successful or at
- 00:24:59least as successful as a game on the
- 00:25:01meta can be next up Mech Warrior 5 Clans
- 00:25:05October 17 so Mech Warrior 5 Clans is an
- 00:25:08upcoming Standalone expansion to Mech
- 00:25:10Warrior 5 mercenaries it's developed by
- 00:25:12Piranha games and it marks a pretty
- 00:25:14significant departure from that older
- 00:25:16game focusing on a narrative driven
- 00:25:18campaign rather than what we saw in the
- 00:25:20original which was procedurally
- 00:25:22generated content you dive into the skin
- 00:25:24tie Clan mech suit of a new Jaguar pilot
- 00:25:27and during the clan invasion of the
- 00:25:29inner sphere you leap into your unit
- 00:25:30with five total mechs that you can leap
- 00:25:33into at any time that are on your team
- 00:25:35or control Via Real Time as well as a
- 00:25:37battlefield map I like the idea of this
- 00:25:39and jumping in and out we'll just have
- 00:25:40to see how fast that switching is but
- 00:25:43Mech Warrior 5 Clan showcases a lot of
- 00:25:45different technology for the different
- 00:25:47mechs and that's why the idea of jumping
- 00:25:48into them is exciting for me you're
- 00:25:50going to be able to customize the mechs
- 00:25:51with different weapons from that Clan a
- 00:25:53key feature of the game is to support up
- 00:25:55to five player co-op as well allowing
- 00:25:57friends to jump into those mechs if
- 00:25:59you're not playing them well the game
- 00:26:00maintains the series Focus on a lot of
- 00:26:02that customization in combat it also
- 00:26:04introduces some new elements and we'll
- 00:26:05just have to see how it all comes
- 00:26:07together overall Mech Warrior 5 Clans
- 00:26:09represents a pretty ambitious change to
- 00:26:11the mech Warrior series at least for how
- 00:26:13they're handling these expansions and
- 00:26:16how they're moving this forward they
- 00:26:17probably just decided they didn't want
- 00:26:19to do a full complete additional game so
- 00:26:21let's just call it Mech Warrior 5 Clans
- 00:26:23but what I've seen looks very cool and
- 00:26:26the idea of a complete story like that
- 00:26:28is is also exciting it's focus on the
- 00:26:29clan perspective and a tighter narrative
- 00:26:31seems to me at least to be an excellent
- 00:26:34idea and merging those two or just a
- 00:26:37person wanting to jump into this stand
- 00:26:39alone seems like a very valid bet I had
- 00:26:41a lot of love for Mech Warrior 5 but
- 00:26:43diving into the fully drawn out story
- 00:26:45with that political Intrigue and
- 00:26:46backstabbing and front stabbing and just
- 00:26:48stabby stabbing of Mech Warrior is
- 00:26:50exciting to me so I can't wait to check
- 00:26:51this one out next up redacted 31st of
- 00:26:55October for the Xbox series X and S PC
- 00:26:58PC and Playstation I wanted to mention
- 00:27:00this one cuz it's made by the Kalisto
- 00:27:02protocol devs but it's a complete
- 00:27:03departure the Kors game is really
- 00:27:06revolving around repeated attempts to
- 00:27:07reach the last Escape pod on a prison
- 00:27:10it's black Iron the same prison that we
- 00:27:12saw in the other game a state-of-the-art
- 00:27:14Penitentiary it's located on Jupiter's
- 00:27:15icy Moon Kalisto this should all sound
- 00:27:17pretty familiar it's overrun with hordes
- 00:27:19of infected inmates and of course as the
- 00:27:21prison guard it's your first job which
- 00:27:23is to just leave them and try to escape
- 00:27:26now one of the major intriguing parts
- 00:27:28here is not only is it roguelike it's
- 00:27:30got a system in it called Rivals players
- 00:27:32aren't the only ones trying to escape
- 00:27:33other survivors are including deranged
- 00:27:35characters and all kinds of very
- 00:27:37dangerous ones they can actually change
- 00:27:39the world around you making some
- 00:27:41locations harder and even diving in on
- 00:27:43you and having you have to fight them in
- 00:27:45a oneon-one battle but because it is Rog
- 00:27:48likee it's tons of equipment and
- 00:27:49upgrades many of them connected to how
- 00:27:51you performed in Prior locations and
- 00:27:53what you did or how you killed somebody
- 00:27:54you have five or six close-ranged
- 00:27:56weapons and you have eight long range
- 00:27:59weapons they can be mixed and matched
- 00:28:00and upgraded once you get out the first
- 00:28:02time you also are able to build and
- 00:28:04upgrade the character in the equipment
- 00:28:06and take those continually forward so
- 00:28:08each time you make it full through the
- 00:28:09story and come back again the weapons
- 00:28:11are upgraded little tiny mini n Plus
- 00:28:13game I guess and while initially it
- 00:28:15looks like an isometric twin stick
- 00:28:17shooter which is pretty much what it is
- 00:28:18it also has some other elements I really
- 00:28:20liked for example particular attacks
- 00:28:22have specific codes needing to be
- 00:28:23entered very much like hell divers 2
- 00:28:25when calling in strategems but something
- 00:28:27else I Love in This the game introduces
- 00:28:29a fight your last corpse mechanic now
- 00:28:32this is when players die they leave
- 00:28:33behind more than just their body they
- 00:28:35leave behind all of their stuff and
- 00:28:36their skills in subsequent runs you can
- 00:28:38face off against a reanimated version of
- 00:28:41your previous character complete with
- 00:28:42the load out that they had died with and
- 00:28:44if you defeat them you get back one of
- 00:28:46those skills as an upgrade visually
- 00:28:48redacted marks a pretty significant
- 00:28:51change from kalista protocol and that
- 00:28:53hyper realistic look Instead This has a
- 00:28:55very graphic novel Style with an arcade
- 00:28:58Punk kind of look and at times it looks
- 00:29:00like Borderlands or even void bastards
- 00:29:02as you guys know I like a lot of these
- 00:29:04games whether it be a scent or just any
- 00:29:06of these titles where you can jump in
- 00:29:07Rog like's not always my thing but the
- 00:29:09ideas they have here seem fairly deep it
- 00:29:12aims to blend some pretty intense
- 00:29:13combats got strategic stuff that you're
- 00:29:15going to be doing as well as what
- 00:29:16appears to be a lot of dark humor Rog
- 00:29:19likes like this have a tendency
- 00:29:21especially if that Loop is well done to
- 00:29:23be very addicting and what I've seen of
- 00:29:25this looks like the combat's pretty
- 00:29:27slick the graphic they represent exactly
- 00:29:29what's going on I'm not 100% sure I
- 00:29:31absolutely love it but it's ended up
- 00:29:33catching me by surprise and caught me
- 00:29:35enough that I wanted to put it on this
- 00:29:37list speaking of putting things on this
- 00:29:38list what games do you think I missed
- 00:29:40cuz I am sure there are some if you guys
- 00:29:42want to check out the patron it's a huge
- 00:29:43help listen it's been 10 years we do not
- 00:29:45do sponsors where everybody else is
- 00:29:47going on trips to Disneyland and all
- 00:29:48that stuff do you know what we do
- 00:29:50nothing we just buy the games and review
- 00:29:52them and I say we because I actually
- 00:29:54mean you and me I mean the patrons
- 00:29:56who've been there for seven8 years it's
- 00:29:58a huge help to the channel but also
- 00:29:59subscribing posting these when you see
- 00:30:01them sharing them those things help
- 00:30:04immensely what also helps is just a
- 00:30:06thumbs up or a comment but regardless of
- 00:30:08all that peace out and enjoy the rest of
- 00:30:10your week oh and by the way you're going
- 00:30:12to see a ton of content in the coming
- 00:30:14week from me a bunch of reviews as well
- 00:30:16as hopefully one or two interviews with
- 00:30:18some composers peace out
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