Online STC on Gender Sensitization 11th August 2023
TLDRDie Sitzung konzentrierte sich auf die Sensibilisierung für Geschlechtergleichheit, speziell im akademischen Bereich. Teilnehmer wurden ermutigt, an interaktiven Aktivitäten teilzunehmen und über Lebenskompetenzen zu reflektieren. Von besonderem Interesse war das Ziel 5 der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen, das sich mit Geschlechtergleichstellung befasst. Um dies zu illustrieren, wurden Initiativen von Unternehmen wie Hindustan Unilever, Hero MotoCorp und Wipro vorgestellt, die sich um Gleichstellung am Arbeitsplatz bemühen. Zudem wurde das Konzept von UGC besprochen, das eine sichere und gewaltfreie Umgebung in Bildungseinrichtungen fördern will, verbunden mit der Initiative 'Saksham'.
Para llevar
- 🎓 Lebenskompetenzen sind crucial für Akademiker.
- 🟢 Ziel 5 der SDGs ist Geschlechtergleichstellung.
- 📚 Interaktive Methoden bereichern den Lernprozess.
- 🏢 Unternehmen wie Hindustan Unilever fördern Gleichstellung.
- 👩🎓 Saksham von UGC unterstützt Frauen an Hochschulen.
- 🤝 Effektive Kommunikation ist Schlüssel zu sozialen Fähigkeiten.
- 🌟 Projekte wie Shakti fördern Frauen in Dörfern.
- 🧠 Emotionale Intelligenz ist Teil der Lebenskompetenzen.
- 🌍 SDGs sollen bis 2030 erreicht werden.
- 🔍 Bewusstsein und Forschung zu Geschlechtergleichheit sind wichtig.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Die Sitzung beginnt mit einer Einführung in die Bedeutung von Geschlechter-Sensibilisierung im akademischen Bereich. Der Moderator ermutigt die Teilnehmer zur Interaktion und erwähnt, dass die Sitzung Videos, Rollenspiele und Fallstudien umfasst.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der Moderator fordert alle Teilnehmer auf, im Chat zu reagieren, um die Interaktion zu fördern. Er bittet um kurze Rückmeldungen zu Fragen, um die Zielgruppe besser zu verstehen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es gibt eine interaktive Diskussion, bei der sich Teilnehmer vorstellen und ihre Abteilungen nennen. Dies hilft, die Vielfalt der akademischen Disziplinen in der Sitzung zu verdeutlichen.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Der Moderator erwähnt, dass 'Lebensträume' inspirieren sollen, bittet um Feedback zu persönlichen Träumen und macht deutlich, dass der Inhalt der Sitzung dynamisch und interaktiv ist.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Die Diskussion verschiebt sich auf die Definition von Erfolg und wie individuell der Weg dahin sein kann. Teilnehmer teilen persönliche Erfahrungen in Bezug auf Träume und Ziele im Leben.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Ein Teilnehmer äußert Bedenken über den Zeitdruck und hinterfragt die Methodik, die der Moderator verwendet, um Gedankenanstöße zu geben. Die Antwort hofft, dass der Prozess Erkenntnisse liefert.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Die Diskussion beschäftigt sich damit, wie Erinnerungen und Erlebnisse im Leben prägen und bleibt interaktiv, indem Erfahrungen ausgetauscht werden. Es ist eine reflexive Übung.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Erfahrungen über öffentliche Anerkennung und persönliche Erfolge werden geteilt. Teilnehmer reflektieren über bedeutende Momente in ihren Karrieren und im persönlichen Leben.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Eine neue Diskussion über den Wert von Liebe im Leben wird eingeleitet, betont wird, dass Engagement erforderlich ist. Die Teilnehmer sind eingeladen, Gedanken zu teilen, wobei Parallelen zum Berufsleben gezogen werden.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Die Sitzung verwendet ein Bild zur Übung im Rollenspiel. Die Teilnehmer werden gebeten, Details zu erkennen und sich zu erinnern, um Beobachtungsfähigkeiten zu fördern. Ergebnisse variieren je nach Department.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
Die Rollenspielübung wird fortgesetzt, um Beobachtungsfähigkeiten und Unterschied im Wahrnehmungsvermögen darzustellen. Es zeigt, wie verschiedene Perspektiven zu unterschiedlichen Interpretationen führen können.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Der Schwerpunkt der Sitzung liegt auf Lebenskompetenzen, definiert durch Problemlösung, soziale Fähigkeiten und emotionale Kompetenzen. Dies wird durch ein intensives, interaktives Rollenspiel verdeutlicht.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Der Moderator stellt Verbindungen zwischen Lebenskompetenzen und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit her, unterstützt durch Zielsetzungen der Vereinten Nationen (SDGs), insbesondere Ziel Nr. 5.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Teilnehmer werden über die Relevanz der 'Sustainable Development Goals' (SDGs) informiert, insbesondere Ziel Nr. 5 zur Förderung der Geschlechtergleichheit in akademischen Institutionen.
- 01:10:00 - 01:15:00
Es wird diskutiert, wie akademische Institutionen, unterstützt durch UGC und Initiativen wie 'SAKSHAM', zur Geschlechtergleichheit in Bildungsmilieus beitragen können.
- 01:15:00 - 01:21:28
Die Sitzung endet mit Beobachtungen zur Rolle unternehmerischer Initiativen in der Förderung der Geschlechtergleichheit und wie 'Lebenskompetenzen' im Alltag angewendet werden können.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Worum ging es in der Sitzung?
Es ging um die Sensibilisierung für Geschlechtergleichheit und die Bedeutung von Lebenskompetenzen für Akademiker.
Welche Methoden wurden in der Sitzung verwendet?
Es wurden interaktive Methoden wie Videos, Rollenspiele und Fallstudien genutzt.
Was sind SDGs und welches Ziel wurde betont?
SDGs sind die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen. Besonders betont wurde Ziel 5 zur Geschlechtergleichstellung.
Gab es Beispiele aus der Unternehmenswelt?
Ja, es wurden Beispiele wie das Projekt Shakti von Hindustan Unilever und Initiativen von Hero MotoCorp und Wipro angeführt.
Warum sind Lebenskompetenzen wichtig?
Lebenskompetenzen sind wichtig, um im akademischen Bereich sowie im persönlichen Leben erfolgreich zu sein und um Geschlechtergleichheit zu unterstützen.
Sind die Teilnehmer zur Teilnahme aufgefordert worden?
Ja, die Teilnehmer wurden zu interaktiven Diskussionen und Feedback ermutigt.
Was ist das Projekt Shakti?
Das Projekt Shakti von Hindustan Unilever fördert Unternehmerinnen in indischen Dörfern und hilft ihnen, finanziell unabhängig zu werden.
Welche Unternehmen wurden für ihre Gleichstellungsinitiativen genannt?
Genannt wurden Hindustan Unilever, Hero MotoCorp und Wipro.
Was ist das Ziel von UGC in Bezug auf Bildungseinrichtungen?
Das Ziel ist die Schaffung einer sicheren und gewaltfreien Umgebung für Frauen in Bildungseinrichtungen.
Wurde auch emotionale Intelligenz diskutiert?
Ja, die Bedeutung emotionaler Intelligenz als Teil der Lebenskompetenzen wurde behandelt.
Ver más resúmenes de vídeos
- 00:00:01to all the esteemed participants of the
- 00:00:04short-term program and I'm really really
- 00:00:06thankful to ma'am for giving me this
- 00:00:08wonderful opportunity to come and spend
- 00:00:11some quality time with all esteemed
- 00:00:13professors from all across the state and
- 00:00:15Beyond I think and this is like a
- 00:00:17homecoming because a few days back I was
- 00:00:19there for a refresher course in this
- 00:00:21prestigious uh University hrdc and
- 00:00:24thanks once again to mam for this
- 00:00:26wonderful opportunity so as the session
- 00:00:28is all about gender sensitization so I
- 00:00:31think I will try and put up the topic
- 00:00:33and then request all the esteemed
- 00:00:36professors to please uh keep yourself
- 00:00:38free and make sure that we have an
- 00:00:40interaction going because I normally
- 00:00:42make it an interactive one with little
- 00:00:44bit of videos role playing case studies
- 00:00:46and things like that hopefully you will
- 00:00:48be there to try and give me good company
- 00:00:50for the next one hour one and a half
- 00:00:52hour so here comes I think the topic for
- 00:00:54today's session and hopefully it is
- 00:00:56visible to everybody we talk about life
- 00:00:58skills for academician in appreciate
- 00:01:01gender equality we all are in the
- 00:01:03academic domain in some way or the other
- 00:01:05maybe our discipline might differ our
- 00:01:07University or affiliation might differ
- 00:01:09our workstation might be in different
- 00:01:12parts of the country but one thing for
- 00:01:14sure uh hamsabi academics and I think in
- 00:01:1821st century ugc is also talking about
- 00:01:20this concept of gender sensitization and
- 00:01:23thanks to ma'am for organizing such a
- 00:01:25wonderful kind of a short-term course
- 00:01:27and I think without Much Ado so let's
- 00:01:29try and request all of you to please uh
- 00:01:32have a eye on the chat box and as I move
- 00:01:35forward I'll always request you to drop
- 00:01:37a message I hope that option is
- 00:01:39available with the participants ma'am
- 00:01:40they will be able to drop some messages
- 00:01:42in the chat box thank you so much I'll
- 00:01:44just thank you I'll just drop a message
- 00:01:46there and then I will expect you to
- 00:01:47kindly give a response so uh with for my
- 00:01:50uh message to come and then you can
- 00:01:53please respond with your answer
- 00:02:05my request to all the estimate
- 00:02:07participants uh please don't forget to
- 00:02:09mention your department in the bracket
- 00:02:12when you drop your answer for the first
- 00:02:14time I think I'm dropping a good morning
- 00:02:15message for all of you and please uh
- 00:02:17drop uh yes no maybe uh if you are clear
- 00:02:21about the topic of the session and don't
- 00:02:22forget to mention your department so
- 00:02:24that will give me a little bit of an
- 00:02:26idea about the target audience so I will
- 00:02:27expect that to come from all our
- 00:02:29esteemed professors uh so let's uh see
- 00:02:32uh how fast we can make use of that yes
- 00:02:35the fastest one is Professor Anita good
- 00:02:38morning but ma'am if you kindly mention
- 00:02:40the department that will be nice along
- 00:02:42with your answer so that will be what
- 00:02:44I'll expect from all of you quickly uh
- 00:02:45before we uh take it forward thank you
- 00:02:47Professor Shiva she's a boss from uh
- 00:02:51very own jadavpur University Mahmoud
- 00:02:53already said that I had been in jadavpur
- 00:02:55University for the FIP earlier so nice
- 00:02:57to have Professor shivashish both
- 00:02:59welcome to the session uh from the
- 00:03:01architecture Department thank you sir
- 00:03:03for joining in we have from library and
- 00:03:06information science Professor Puja
- 00:03:08welcome ma'am hopefully you will be
- 00:03:10there to try and share your thought as
- 00:03:12you move forward in the session
- 00:03:14uh let's see uh the next response
- 00:03:16whoever is dropping it in the chat box
- 00:03:18just hi hello good morning will be fine
- 00:03:20and with your department if you're uh
- 00:03:22there in the session so that will give
- 00:03:24me a little bit of an idea so uh let's
- 00:03:26try and get quickly a few responses and
- 00:03:28then we move on because this gives an
- 00:03:30opportunity to try and yes from
- 00:03:32chemistry we are having a doctor I think
- 00:03:35uh nandi from Department of Food Science
- 00:03:38and nutrition welcome uh Dr nande we
- 00:03:41have uh Dr Rekha from Marathi Department
- 00:03:44Namaste ma'am and welcome to the session
- 00:03:46uh we would love to listen to all of you
- 00:03:49uh about this particular issue yes
- 00:03:51Namaste welcome to the session we have
- 00:03:53Dr rohini also uh with us good morning
- 00:03:55Dr rohini from uh I think uh from
- 00:03:58economics uh wonderful uh we have uh
- 00:04:02from Urdu Department also Dr reshma
- 00:04:04welcome ma'am Namaste and uh I think
- 00:04:07again
- 00:04:09so feel free drop your message I think
- 00:04:12everybody got the topic the topic is
- 00:04:14about life skills life skills is very
- 00:04:15important you see uh as I already
- 00:04:18mentioned and ugc is also highlighting
- 00:04:20those things in the uh academic
- 00:04:22curriculum of all the fips and all and
- 00:04:25as we move forward we have uh from once
- 00:04:28again uh from department of public
- 00:04:30administration Dr Chandra shekhar
- 00:04:32welcome Dr Chandra shekhar from
- 00:04:34department of public administration so
- 00:04:36we move forward and uh feel free to uh
- 00:04:38try and drop your messages because after
- 00:04:40every slide I'll request you to uh
- 00:04:42kindly give your thoughts on whatever we
- 00:04:45are actually uh sharing and I think we
- 00:04:48will try and move forward here comes the
- 00:04:50next slide and I hope the topic is
- 00:04:52visible to all of you we were actually
- 00:04:54trying to connect with life skills for
- 00:04:56academician uh in appreciating gender
- 00:04:58equality and nice to see uh there is is
- 00:05:01a professors representing maybe uh all
- 00:05:04the agenda that we can have uh I will
- 00:05:06request you to please have a look for uh
- 00:05:0810 seconds there is a saying that if you
- 00:05:11can dream it uh you can do it
- 00:05:19in the chat box and then I think we can
- 00:05:22move forward I hope everybody has seen
- 00:05:25it up and then there will be a follow-up
- 00:05:27question so let's uh once again go to
- 00:05:30the chat box and I will request you to
- 00:05:32please uh answer a simple question so
- 00:05:35here comes the question uh look for my
- 00:05:37question and then give a response
- 00:05:48and believe me these are all one word
- 00:05:50answers I will expect from all of you
- 00:05:52provided you are near your device and
- 00:05:54you can make use of the chat option my
- 00:05:56question is we were looking at the slide
- 00:05:58if you can dream it you can do it but my
- 00:06:01question is something different do we
- 00:06:03remember the dream we had last night
- 00:06:08so please write a note but kindly give a
- 00:06:11feedback that will be a meaningful so
- 00:06:15please drop a message in the chat box
- 00:06:18the fastest one is from Professor I
- 00:06:20think nilima welcome ma'am and mommy
- 00:06:23saying no sometimes is Dr rohini thank
- 00:06:25you Dr Anita is saying uh no as expected
- 00:06:29Professor amamtha is saying also I know
- 00:06:31kindly just uh share your thoughts Dr
- 00:06:34Rekha is
- 00:06:38Doctor I think
- 00:06:41nandi is saying No thank you Professor
- 00:06:43uh
- 00:06:44uh
- 00:06:45Professor did not dream anything
- 00:06:47Professor Shiva yes
- 00:06:51we had a very pleasant kind of a sleep a
- 00:06:55no kind of dream that we uh see or we
- 00:06:57remember a doctor a vaishali is saying
- 00:07:00no Dr Vandana also is saying no
- 00:07:02Professor Dr Rajesh she's also saying no
- 00:07:05so I think we are getting a good number
- 00:07:07of responses uh coming our way and it's
- 00:07:10a mixed one but if it is not too
- 00:07:12personal I'll request Dr Rekha ma'am
- 00:07:14welcome again
- 00:07:16briefly what exactly you saw so that
- 00:07:19will be nice if that option is open and
- 00:07:21I think if you can unmute and just share
- 00:07:23briefly
- 00:07:27is that option there for the
- 00:07:29participants I'm not sure if it is
- 00:07:32yeah yeah so we request Professor Dr
- 00:07:35Rekha mama if you're in a convenient
- 00:07:37position you want to share
- 00:07:39uh it will be nice to listen to it uh I
- 00:07:42speak Marathi
- 00:07:44um
- 00:07:59foreign
- 00:08:54[Music]
- 00:09:14please appreciate by raising your hands
- 00:09:17that option you can click and hopefully
- 00:09:19our hand will go up I can just show my
- 00:09:21appreciation to a doctor Namaste ma'am
- 00:09:24and I think
- 00:09:25so anybody who is listening you can
- 00:09:27appreciate by just clicking that button
- 00:09:29and raise option because that will be
- 00:09:31wonderful way of appreciating a doctor
- 00:09:33how she had put forward that idea uh I
- 00:09:36will request all of you to look at the
- 00:09:38next Slide the question was not about
- 00:09:39what Dream came last night
- 00:09:46and I hope you'll be able to relate with
- 00:09:49that so here comes I think that slide uh
- 00:09:52I hope everybody can see it now
- 00:09:54if you can dream it you can do it can
- 00:09:58anybody unmute and confirm
- 00:10:00so we can move forward please uh so
- 00:10:03there is a famous quotation I think
- 00:10:05hopefully all of us might have seen it
- 00:10:20yes thank you thank you thank you so
- 00:10:22much because this comes from none other
- 00:10:24than our uh late honorable president uh
- 00:10:27uh Dr apj Abdul Kalam and uh what he
- 00:10:30said about dream
- 00:10:32he said dreams is not what you see in
- 00:10:34sleep I repeat once again dreams is not
- 00:10:38what you see in sleep is the thing which
- 00:10:40doesn't let you open
- 00:10:48true true very well said Thank you thank
- 00:10:51you for that and I think wonderful so we
- 00:10:53can definitely connect with this
- 00:10:56because we are actually now going to
- 00:10:58explore our life life because your
- 00:11:00journey hey I will explore and I hope
- 00:11:03and you'll love to share about your
- 00:11:06life's journey so here comes the first
- 00:11:08question and I will request all the
- 00:11:10esteemed participants the professors uh
- 00:11:12pleased to try and look at this and then
- 00:11:16Apna life of cases
- 00:11:20so just wait for me to ask the question
- 00:11:23my question is uh do we leave for years
- 00:11:25do we leave for months do we leave for
- 00:11:28days or something else
- 00:11:33whether you go by months you go by weeks
- 00:11:36you go by years or something else
- 00:11:38I'll request you please wait for my
- 00:11:41question and then kindly give your
- 00:11:43responses so my question will be uh in
- 00:11:46the chat box once again wait for my
- 00:11:47question do we leave for uh maybe
- 00:11:52it is that's what I can put months
- 00:11:57years
- 00:11:59or I am writing or something else also
- 00:12:01so please
- 00:12:11you can write days if you think no I
- 00:12:13take it maybe in terms of months weeks
- 00:12:15whatever or maybe yeah
- 00:12:20so that also you can please mention I
- 00:12:23hope my question is visible in the chat
- 00:12:25box so please uh give the responses I
- 00:12:27will expect you to please drop a
- 00:12:29response up one the fastest one comes
- 00:12:31from Professor Puja thank you for that
- 00:12:33uh ma'am has written something very
- 00:12:35meaningful uh By the time
- 00:12:40briefly how you try to take your life
- 00:12:42forward
- 00:12:43and in the meantime I respect expect all
- 00:12:46the professors who are there right now
- 00:12:47in the session to please give your
- 00:12:49responses also just a one word answer
- 00:12:51will do don't have to write details
- 00:12:54and you are in a position to unmute
- 00:12:56you're most welcome to try and share
- 00:12:58agarappa good morning yes good morning
- 00:13:02good morning Namaste please Namaste sir
- 00:13:04I would like to uh enjoy the present
- 00:13:07moment and make best use of the time
- 00:13:10which is in my hand at right now
- 00:13:13yes very well said ma'am and I think
- 00:13:15apica Point ham next slide Missouri
- 00:13:18and we love to connect with you again
- 00:13:21thank you so much Professor Puja she
- 00:13:23talked about the present moment we have
- 00:13:25another response from Professor Shiva
- 00:13:27she's both welcome sir Namaste and the
- 00:13:29same request to you if you are in a
- 00:13:30convenient position if you want to
- 00:13:31unmute and share because you had a
- 00:13:34wonderful thought process in the chat
- 00:13:35box so I hope uh
- 00:13:39first year my father died of throat
- 00:13:41cancer and my mother also had breast
- 00:13:45cancer and finally she died the point is
- 00:13:47that when someone has cancer he or she
- 00:13:50counts days you know when you are very
- 00:13:52sick he will count this
- 00:13:54so it depends on the situation of the
- 00:13:56particular person nobody and every
- 00:13:58individual is individual so it cannot be
- 00:14:00categorized like what you said
- 00:14:03somebody has a small dream somebody has
- 00:14:06a big dream like you know for example
- 00:14:07Tata they do they are in the business of
- 00:14:10everything
- 00:14:12okay
- 00:14:13so we can talk about them we can talk
- 00:14:15about the people who earn maybe 50
- 00:14:17rupees a day so that
- 00:14:19dreams are different
- 00:14:23the minimum that I can do understanding
- 00:14:26my abilities and the constraints okay
- 00:14:28now situation is very difficult sir
- 00:14:30political situation everywhere is very
- 00:14:33difficult you know even when we are on
- 00:14:35the road we don't know what will happen
- 00:14:36next moment so the first thing is to be
- 00:14:40alive and come back so that my wife sees
- 00:14:42my me alive that is the point so the
- 00:14:45things are different so very difficult
- 00:14:48and whenever you say something and then
- 00:14:50people will be like you know you are
- 00:14:51wrong you are wrong so India has become
- 00:14:54a very difficult situation in a country
- 00:14:56with a very difficult situation so it is
- 00:14:58better to keep mom
- 00:15:00thank you sir
- 00:15:07you are mute again
- 00:15:12yeah so I'm saying I totally agree with
- 00:15:14uh respected uh Professor Bose and uh I
- 00:15:17said that uh that's why I've kept the
- 00:15:19question very open-ended I said uh how
- 00:15:21you want to take your life or how do you
- 00:15:23look at your life and it will vary as
- 00:15:25Sir rightly pointed out depending on the
- 00:15:27person uh
- 00:15:29so and I think that's why I kept it open
- 00:15:31I said that whether we like to take it
- 00:15:33in terms of a single day whether we look
- 00:15:35at it in terms of weeks or months or
- 00:15:37maybe we look at it in a long term
- 00:15:38perspective
- 00:15:40I deliberately suppress the next point
- 00:15:42because some of you have already given
- 00:15:44that answer and I think uh
- 00:15:47so that's why I will try and complete
- 00:15:49that slide and hopefully we will try and
- 00:15:52uh get a few more uh talking point on
- 00:15:54that in the meantime we have Professor
- 00:15:56nilima thank you ma'am I think uh you
- 00:16:00have a wonderful take about that
- 00:16:02particular slide so if you don't have
- 00:16:04any problem I'll invite you to unmute
- 00:16:06and briefly share it uh similarly Dr uh
- 00:16:09also ma'am sir it is an invitation to
- 00:16:12both of you yes if we can hear Dr nilima
- 00:16:15yes please
- 00:16:16welcome yes please
- 00:16:20is Dr nilima in a position because I
- 00:16:22think something meaningful is written in
- 00:16:24the chat option so I think uh it will be
- 00:16:26uh wonderful if we get to hear from your
- 00:16:28side please
- 00:16:30uh is uh there a professor nilima or
- 00:16:33else we can go and uh
- 00:16:36yes yes yes very good morning sir good
- 00:16:39morning yes yes yes
- 00:16:44today is the day do not waste the time
- 00:16:47utilize the time for the proper thing uh
- 00:16:50behave in a positive way
- 00:16:54and enjoy the life till the philosophy
- 00:16:57very true and I think uh if I see in the
- 00:17:00chat box Professor Sandeep had also
- 00:17:02mentioned something meaningful I think
- 00:17:04it's written in the present I think what
- 00:17:07I think Professor Ajay was also trying
- 00:17:09to highlight thank you Professor Puja
- 00:17:11had said for the present moment so it's
- 00:17:13your life and the way you try to look at
- 00:17:16it uh uh yes Professor is saying her
- 00:17:19microphone is not working but I'll read
- 00:17:20out for everybody what she has written
- 00:17:22it's visible we should live in the way
- 00:17:24uh that we should be remembered and
- 00:17:27leave a mark on people I think leaving a
- 00:17:29mark on people that is what the
- 00:17:31Highlight is yes please someone it was
- 00:17:32trying to unmute bully please
- 00:17:35uh
- 00:17:39sir I think uh we all of us must be live
- 00:17:43in a present life because the Lord
- 00:17:46Krishna says
- 00:17:48foreign
- 00:18:55nothing official about it nothing
- 00:18:57official means may not be only from our
- 00:19:00professional life may be not only
- 00:19:02connected with the profession that we
- 00:19:04are actually associated with it can be
- 00:19:06from life in general so I will request
- 00:19:09anything in brief you would like to
- 00:19:11share subscribe
- 00:19:14now which you happen to remember I think
- 00:19:16I'll put that question for uh maybe a
- 00:19:18little 10 seconds and then I will
- 00:19:21request you to please a try and think
- 00:19:22about it so my question is any memorable
- 00:19:25moment
- 00:19:27that you would remember
- 00:19:36I think if you are remembering anything
- 00:19:39and you'd love to talk about it I think
- 00:19:41you are most welcome so my question in
- 00:19:42the chat box any memorable moment that
- 00:19:44we can recall
- 00:19:46so you are most welcome to drop it it
- 00:19:48can be maybe getting your PhD it might
- 00:19:51be getting your first job it might be uh
- 00:19:53seeing your students complete their
- 00:19:54research and awarded a PhD degree it can
- 00:19:57be maybe uh getting married it can be
- 00:19:59having a baby born in the family it can
- 00:20:02be making your parents or maybe family
- 00:20:04members proud with some achievement so
- 00:20:06that can be anything that you would love
- 00:20:08to talk about up you're most welcome to
- 00:20:10drop it so I'll leave it for 10 seconds
- 00:20:12if you anybody is willing to write
- 00:20:14something and then I think
- 00:20:17you can raise your hand and I'll give
- 00:20:19you the opportunity to unmute yourself
- 00:20:21because what I have seen among academic
- 00:20:25community that there are a lot of common
- 00:20:26things which uh people over the years
- 00:20:28they talk about so they talk about about
- 00:20:30either as I am saying their dream job
- 00:20:32they can talk about maybe some research
- 00:20:34that they have completed they can talk
- 00:20:36about even seeing their students uh
- 00:20:38doing well uh with their little bit of
- 00:20:41guidance and support so uh I hope if you
- 00:20:44are in a position to hear me
- 00:20:49or maybe something from your
- 00:20:51professional life also yes I think we
- 00:20:53are seeing Professor sandri once again
- 00:20:55Namaste anything special memorable
- 00:21:02Sandeep
- 00:21:10uh is Sir in a position to say something
- 00:21:12I think
- 00:21:15if you are able to uh yeah yes sir
- 00:21:23[Music]
- 00:21:30uh
- 00:21:47conditions
- 00:22:05I think wonderful yes very well or sir
- 00:22:37when we'll try to leave for others I
- 00:22:39think whether they are our family
- 00:22:41members or maybe people whom we really
- 00:22:43uh connect and they matter in our life
- 00:22:46and I think Here Comes one example from
- 00:22:48Professor Sandeep I don't know whether
- 00:22:50uh we get a few more response yes I
- 00:22:53think Dr Rekha once again I think
- 00:22:55something which uh maybe you are talking
- 00:22:58about uh the voice of many of our
- 00:23:00professors
- 00:23:02and you can share because you have
- 00:23:05mentioned something which is very very
- 00:23:07special for many of us who are in the
- 00:23:09academic domain Dr foreign
- 00:24:27if possible we would love to listen from
- 00:24:30your own mouth Sarah
- 00:24:32who and you are willing to share uh
- 00:24:35because I think it's long back but still
- 00:24:37that is very very fresh I think because
- 00:24:39that was my first journey by airplane
- 00:24:41and then my father died in 1989 when I
- 00:24:44was studying master's degree so I
- 00:24:46finished master degree could not work
- 00:24:48because uh it was not possible to work
- 00:24:51at the same time starting finally I
- 00:24:53managed to to keep my mother and me live
- 00:24:57and anyway so in 1994 I got this
- 00:25:00opportunity to study atikram which is a
- 00:25:02United Nations study center for
- 00:25:04architectural conservation and I got the
- 00:25:07scholarship and on the last moment I had
- 00:25:09to go anyway so that was the first
- 00:25:11journey like you know to go abroad in in
- 00:25:14while before that I went only to New
- 00:25:18Delhi that was so by train so it was a
- 00:25:21journey for a young man uh with somewhat
- 00:25:24like Oblivion and we knew about Rome
- 00:25:27architecture of Rome and everything so
- 00:25:28there was huge dream as you say now it
- 00:25:31said dream so to see those things in
- 00:25:35person at the same time to learn so this
- 00:25:37was the biggest opportunity so the mind
- 00:25:40was you know fearful at the same time
- 00:25:42very Charming joyful that it will it
- 00:25:45will be a new world for me I am going to
- 00:25:47do but I have to be very careful every
- 00:25:49moment like you know I don't I did not
- 00:25:51know what to do and
- 00:25:52there were three stopovers
- 00:25:55so
- 00:25:57it is I think almost 30 years down the
- 00:26:00line and I think still that is very
- 00:26:02fresh and I think that's the best part
- 00:26:03of it Sarah and in this session believe
- 00:26:05me I think this is actually the most
- 00:26:07important takeaway when collectively I
- 00:26:09think we have so many esteemed
- 00:26:11professors sharing their Journey a
- 00:26:13little bit of a life's journey because
- 00:26:14the session is on life skills we might
- 00:26:16come from different discipline that is
- 00:26:18what I was saying
- 00:26:20yes yes please sir today we have a very
- 00:26:22tight schedule of times and I see that
- 00:26:24you are engaging Us in discussions so is
- 00:26:28it the way that you are actually
- 00:26:29delivering your lecture and engrossing
- 00:26:32ourselves into the thoughts that we
- 00:26:34finally maybe uh you will be coming up
- 00:26:36to some something
- 00:26:40you missed it sir please please us
- 00:26:43please tell me yeah please tell me yes
- 00:26:47in questions
- 00:26:49finding answers from us what is your
- 00:26:52actual intention
- 00:26:54to understand about our minds or or this
- 00:26:57is the way your deliverable is
- 00:27:02so nice of you sir and I think that if
- 00:27:06you really ask me
- 00:27:08yes yes
- 00:27:10today we can talk so this is a great
- 00:27:14format
- 00:27:15sir I think uh hopefully I'll get a
- 00:27:18chance to meet you in person because we
- 00:27:19are from the same part of the country so
- 00:27:22I'll fix up an appointment
- 00:27:25we will try and definitely meet you and
- 00:27:27take your blessings because I can
- 00:27:29understand looking at your life so it
- 00:27:30will be an enriching session for me but
- 00:27:32for the time being I'll not disclose
- 00:27:33what is my intention time will tell you
- 00:27:35okay so we'll move together but
- 00:27:37hopefully nice to have you sir thank you
- 00:27:39so much for your kind words and
- 00:27:40blessings thank you thank you
- 00:27:42and I think the session is on life
- 00:27:45skills rather than talking about life
- 00:27:46skills I think as Sarah is rightly uh
- 00:27:49pointed out it's about an experience and
- 00:27:51uh and I think that's why I think we are
- 00:27:55trying to uh get in touch with everybody
- 00:27:56and get to hear from you more than me
- 00:27:58actually doing the talking so here comes
- 00:28:01I think that slide where we were
- 00:28:02actually trying to figure out about some
- 00:28:04memorable moments so whether it was
- 00:28:05Sandeep sir whether it was maybe a Madam
- 00:28:08or even sir talking about that moment or
- 00:28:10in the 90s about going abroad and that's
- 00:28:13a wonderful kind of a thing similarly
- 00:28:15there are many more I think uh real life
- 00:28:17incident uh you see life is all about a
- 00:28:20story and why not narrate it
- 00:28:23say I think uh the next line
- 00:28:27and what is that when we talk about life
- 00:28:30and it's a story and why not we narrate
- 00:28:32it and I think my simple observation is
- 00:28:34success and failure
- 00:28:37I think these two things are somehow uh
- 00:28:40connected and when I ask you a simple
- 00:28:42question once again after maybe taking
- 00:28:44one or two slides uh how is the road to
- 00:28:47success if you have tested success in
- 00:28:49life in any form I think I said life not
- 00:28:52just in academics but beyond so uh how
- 00:28:54was the road to success uh if I ask you
- 00:28:57hopefully you will have your own
- 00:28:58interpretation when you look back up
- 00:29:02how was the road
- 00:29:05it was very smooth but what all I have
- 00:29:07already figured out from your life a
- 00:29:09little bit of experience sharing I think
- 00:29:11hopefully you will agree that uh maybe
- 00:29:13the road to success is uh almost always
- 00:29:16under construction and today also I
- 00:29:19think uh we are here for this short term
- 00:29:21program and hopefully uh in spite of a
- 00:29:23lot of other commitments
- 00:29:25are professionally a personal life will
- 00:29:29be we are managing time and we have
- 00:29:30enrolled and continuing with this a
- 00:29:33short-term program so I think the road
- 00:29:34to success if you ask me is always
- 00:29:36under construction and uh on that note I
- 00:29:39will ask you once again a simple
- 00:29:41question because yes we all are actually
- 00:29:43trying to give our experience of life
- 00:30:00thank you sir
- 00:30:02uh thank you yeah my question is uh in
- 00:30:04the chat box
- 00:30:06and hopefully you will have your own way
- 00:30:08of looking at it uh
- 00:30:09so kindly check the question and then uh
- 00:30:12give a response uh to that uh
- 00:30:18so my question is is there any uh
- 00:30:23experience because the session is on
- 00:30:26life skills and little bit of gender
- 00:30:28equality so uh is there any shortcut to
- 00:30:30success I hope all the professors who
- 00:30:32are right now in the session
- 00:30:35so is there any shortcut to La success
- 00:30:38whatever I think life has taught you so
- 00:30:40who is actually responding with what
- 00:30:43kind of an answer and I hope uh on this
- 00:30:46hopefully everybody will have their own
- 00:30:48way of interpreting it I think uh as
- 00:30:51expected coming from respected sir most
- 00:30:53Professor Dr Bose yes thank you sir once
- 00:30:56again we get uh Professor Puja ma'am
- 00:30:58responding with a no uh we get Professor
- 00:31:00nilima also writing no thank you uh
- 00:31:02Professor Sandeep uh followed by I think
- 00:31:05we have Dr Rekha ma'am also uh giving us
- 00:31:07strong no and uh those who are hopefully
- 00:31:10in the session and you are not
- 00:31:12responding I would love to listen to
- 00:31:13your answer but hopefully uh
- 00:31:16shortcut formula finals I think when we
- 00:31:20talk about success this is a mindset
- 00:31:21with which we are actually uh standing
- 00:31:24before our students and we are doing the
- 00:31:26mentoring and we are also appreciative
- 00:31:28about our seniors about our team members
- 00:31:30in the academic domain or maybe somebody
- 00:31:33a junior Professor who is joining uh in
- 00:31:35the department or in the University of
- 00:31:37the colleges where we come from so this
- 00:31:38is the mindset Professor I think Nan
- 00:31:41Kishore is also saying thank you no
- 00:31:42Professor Mamta is also saying no
- 00:31:44wonderful to uh get a response from all
- 00:31:47of you those who are right now in the
- 00:31:48says
- 00:31:52I will have something for all of you and
- 00:31:54hopefully you will be able to understand
- 00:31:56and connect with that
- 00:31:58and I said the road to success is almost
- 00:32:02always under construction
- 00:32:03and if there are no shortcut to success
- 00:32:06I think uh we can just have a simple
- 00:32:08kind of a wagon wheel which all starts
- 00:32:11with uh working hard it talks about hard
- 00:32:15work and then if you move in a clockwise
- 00:32:17Direction
- 00:32:18then comes the next one which is why
- 00:32:21should somebody work hard we also talk
- 00:32:24about smart work but why should somebody
- 00:32:26whether it's our student or we ourselves
- 00:32:28or maybe our colleagues our junior
- 00:32:30senior why should somebody work hard
- 00:32:32because hopefully we will love to
- 00:32:33improve ourselves and that's why I think
- 00:32:35every day we are trying to uh put in
- 00:32:37that extra effort uh when we are trying
- 00:32:40to improve ourselves hopefully you will
- 00:32:41agree there should be a focus or
- 00:32:43whatever be your department could we
- 00:32:45hope could be our responsibility I think
- 00:32:47there should be a focus and why are we
- 00:32:49for this course yes as per ugc as per a
- 00:32:52career advancement we are supposed to do
- 00:32:54some short-term program or maybe a
- 00:32:56refresher course or maybe some other
- 00:32:58kind of programs but I think it's about
- 00:33:00our passion that has brought us together
- 00:33:02from different parts of the country so
- 00:33:04this passion also we have to see in our
- 00:33:06students and hopefully when they come as
- 00:33:08to us they will be passionate to try and
- 00:33:11move forward in life there should be a
- 00:33:13push from within I don't know whether
- 00:33:15anybody has forced you to join this
- 00:33:17particular course you can say yes
- 00:33:19because of some kind of a career
- 00:33:21advancement as I can guess or I think
- 00:33:23there is a push from within
- 00:33:28so that is the post I think we which you
- 00:33:31will expect to come so that we can move
- 00:33:33on and we are all in this academic
- 00:33:35domain which is a service sector and we
- 00:33:37are here to serve hamara College
- 00:33:41we are a sweet organization and it is
- 00:33:44established in 1860. why am I talking
- 00:33:46about it
- 00:33:48because our honorable father principle
- 00:33:50always reminds us we are here to
- 00:33:53actually accompany our students
- 00:33:55universities institutes
- 00:33:58you will be there to try and be a
- 00:34:01facilitator be a guide to all your
- 00:34:03students so that is what we are saying
- 00:34:05we are in a service sector and we are in
- 00:34:07a motive to serve other the society and
- 00:34:09how we are going to be different from
- 00:34:11the others I think it will be our idea
- 00:34:14students whether it is idea about some
- 00:34:17research topic whether it's an idea
- 00:34:19about solving some problems or doing
- 00:34:22some experiments in some scientific
- 00:34:24disciplines so these are things which
- 00:34:25will be very very useful and her life
- 00:34:32we all have to go to some kind of
- 00:34:34criticism
- 00:34:36and then we also have to take a lot of
- 00:34:39pressure also of our academic and may be
- 00:34:41personal and administrative commitment
- 00:34:43so you only told me there are no
- 00:34:44shortcut to success I hope for those who
- 00:34:46saw this particular slide hopefully you
- 00:34:49will have a similar kind of a thought
- 00:34:51process since there are no shortcut to
- 00:34:53success so why not we try and look at
- 00:34:55this and hopefully you will agree at
- 00:34:57least to a certain extent that this is
- 00:34:59how probably I think we can think of
- 00:35:01moving forward so I'll request all of
- 00:35:03you if you you have seen this slide is
- 00:35:06it possible to just give a confirmation
- 00:35:08and you can just raise your hand don't
- 00:35:11think I'll request you to unmute no I'll
- 00:35:13not request you to unmute on that
- 00:35:14question but that list those who said no
- 00:35:17hopefully you will agree that yes there
- 00:35:18are no shortcut to success and it all
- 00:35:21starts with hard work or maybe smart
- 00:35:23work and then it goes on I'll request
- 00:35:25you to check the handbras option device
- 00:35:30so please click that one and give me a
- 00:35:32quick feedback that yes we saw that
- 00:35:34particular slide because that will be
- 00:35:36really really very meaningful as we move
- 00:35:38forward so I am waiting for you yes I
- 00:35:40can see one hand it's from Dr Rekha that
- 00:35:42has gone up anybody else who is in the
- 00:35:44session yes I can see Professor Mamta I
- 00:35:46can see Dr rohini thank you quickly for
- 00:35:49giving a response Professor Bosch thank
- 00:35:51you sir Professor Puja yes Professor
- 00:35:53nilima had also raised the hands and
- 00:35:56these are a quick kind of a feedback
- 00:35:58that I think is coming my way and we
- 00:36:01will try and move forward into the next
- 00:36:03uh portion of our journey or our
- 00:36:06discussion examples
- 00:36:08because I think when we talk about life
- 00:36:11skills these are very very meaningful
- 00:36:13things and maybe we are trying to take
- 00:36:15it uh in a different way but I hope you
- 00:36:18will be able to connect with it so here
- 00:36:19comes the next slide and uh I will
- 00:36:22request you to kindly check and confirm
- 00:36:24we were discussing about success and
- 00:36:27failure and ultimately what is our role
- 00:36:29as academician as a mentor I think we
- 00:36:32are mostly the facilitator whether we
- 00:36:33are guiding Scholars and I think there
- 00:36:35are many who have guided a lot of
- 00:36:37Scholars and eventually you saw them
- 00:36:39getting their PHD awarded we have seen a
- 00:36:42lot of mentors out here in this session
- 00:36:43who might be guiding students on and off
- 00:36:45the classroom so Mira symptoms thought
- 00:36:48process is we have to tell our students
- 00:36:51that you are going to be the creator of
- 00:36:53your own destiny
- 00:37:00you are supposed to be the creator of
- 00:37:02your own destiny yes there might be
- 00:37:04divine intervention there might be some
- 00:37:06guide required absolutely I don't
- 00:37:08disagree with that but ultimately
- 00:37:12I think that is what came out from the
- 00:37:15discussion we had briefly uh examples to
- 00:37:18all of you and I hope you are in a mood
- 00:37:20to uh at least a writer yes no maybe in
- 00:37:23the chat box if you are still listening
- 00:37:25because this is a very simple question
- 00:37:28and don't think that whether you have
- 00:37:29enough experience about it or not I will
- 00:37:32request all of you to kindly check and
- 00:37:33confirm
- 00:37:35my question is yes uh uh Falling in Love
- 00:37:39is Easy staying in love requires work so
- 00:37:42there is a saying uh which goes like
- 00:37:43this falling in love I repeat is easy
- 00:37:45staying in love requires work so I will
- 00:37:48request all the estimated Professor just
- 00:37:50maybe uh yes maybe you are able to hear
- 00:37:53my voice
- 00:37:56maybe you can raise your hand and put it
- 00:37:59so I'll just wait for my question please
- 00:38:01uh
- 00:38:03and then uh we can move forward
- 00:38:07so just wait for me don't be in a hurry
- 00:38:09uh
- 00:38:10I'm not completing it I'm just putting
- 00:38:12dot dot dot so that you can put your
- 00:38:13response Falling in Love is Easy but uh
- 00:38:16staying in it requires vodka dobara DJ
- 00:38:18please otherwise I'll miss out on your
- 00:38:20answers
- 00:38:21please that will be nice after the
- 00:38:24question I have dropped the fastest
- 00:38:26response this time coming from Professor
- 00:38:29Mamta thank you followed by Professor
- 00:38:31Puja okay Dr Vandana also is saying yes
- 00:38:34uh Jessica
- 00:38:37Sandeep is also saying Professor uh I
- 00:38:40think the nand Kishore is saying yes sir
- 00:38:42once again thank you sir for uh
- 00:38:44responding Dr Bose uh sir in spite of
- 00:38:47lot of commitment is still there thank
- 00:38:48you so much sir it's an honor to connect
- 00:38:50with you yes Professor Anita had given a
- 00:38:52yes thank you uh Dr Rekha had also given
- 00:38:55a yes thank you very much uh I think uh
- 00:38:58we are expecting if anybody else is
- 00:39:00there to or try and talk about it yes uh
- 00:39:03we are getting the response and uh the
- 00:39:05question was very simple and harmless it
- 00:39:07says Falling in Love is Easy but staying
- 00:39:09in it requires
- 00:39:20can just give little bit of an
- 00:39:22interpretation of it if it is Professor
- 00:39:24Puja will be Professor Mamta whoever is
- 00:39:26in a convenient position
- 00:39:29why you think like that
- 00:39:31that thought process what you saw uh
- 00:39:35so I will be honored to listen to you
- 00:39:37feel free anytime you are yes yes please
- 00:39:39go ahead yes
- 00:39:52[Music]
- 00:40:07thank you for that wonderful uh sharing
- 00:40:10of your experience I think Mamet brought
- 00:40:12a wonderful Dimension to this thought
- 00:40:13process thank you so much
- 00:40:15be with us and we would love to connect
- 00:40:17with you thank you anyone else if you
- 00:40:19are in a convenient position it's open
- 00:40:20Forum please uh and uh I I would love to
- 00:40:23listen to anybody who is having anything
- 00:40:25to share up uh
- 00:40:29no problem in listening to you yes a
- 00:40:32professor uh Sandeep there once again
- 00:40:34because they're also agreed yes uh
- 00:40:37you're most welcome Dr Rekha is saying
- 00:40:39something yes ma'am bully up
- 00:40:44foreign
- 00:41:26foreign
- 00:42:04[Music]
- 00:42:29I was like you know dejected and finally
- 00:42:33that dream or or as you say love for
- 00:42:36that because I am not getting
- 00:42:38reciprocation or any value from that so
- 00:42:41generally eat gradually eat almost died
- 00:42:46my ability did not die but the situation
- 00:42:49is that because I could not establish in
- 00:42:52a great way so my love for that one died
- 00:42:55so it is exactly what in the
- 00:42:58relationship level human beings level
- 00:43:00but you can see that it is very easy to
- 00:43:03love but actually commitment for real
- 00:43:07absolutely is very difficult
- 00:43:10work is also very difficult absolutely
- 00:43:15thank you thank you sir this is your
- 00:43:17your intention and it is yes
- 00:43:23thank you yes thank you so much sir with
- 00:43:27your blessings I will definitely try and
- 00:43:28live up to your expectations so I think
- 00:43:30Sarah's uh hit the nail on the head I
- 00:43:33think uh whoever as of now were thinking
- 00:43:35we were actually thinking about some
- 00:43:37human being in that context we were
- 00:43:38trying to uh give the response but sir
- 00:43:41what a new dimension as expected and
- 00:43:43that's why I said I am honored to have
- 00:43:45you in the session sir and and your
- 00:43:47life's experience is actually making a
- 00:43:49difference so so sir was saying it's not
- 00:43:51only about a human being it can be about
- 00:43:52anything when we talk about falling in
- 00:43:54love it can be falling in love with our
- 00:43:56work it can be falling with love with
- 00:43:58something else also so let's move on and
- 00:44:00I think I'll just take that from sir's
- 00:44:02uh point and try and put up the next
- 00:44:04slide hopefully you all will agree and
- 00:44:06understand why sir was sharing that so
- 00:44:09here comes the next slide I hope it is
- 00:44:10visible
- 00:44:11so this was the first slide which talks
- 00:44:14about falling in love is easy but
- 00:44:15staying in it requires work and merajo
- 00:44:18intense I was actually trying to take
- 00:44:20you not only from human being but
- 00:44:21towards a new dimension and I think yes
- 00:44:24uh sir was spot on so hey what was my
- 00:44:27intention
- 00:44:28another one I think hopefully many of us
- 00:44:30might be uh knowing about this uh which
- 00:44:33comes from none other than Steve Jobs
- 00:44:34and he said the only way to do great
- 00:44:36work is to love what you do
- 00:44:38I repeat once again the only way to do
- 00:44:40great work whatever you are doing if you
- 00:44:43really want to make it a great work I
- 00:44:45think he said it's to love what you do
- 00:44:47so believe me for the last almost half
- 00:44:49an hour 40 minutes I'm enjoying every
- 00:44:51moment of it to get a little bit of a
- 00:44:53familiarity to get little bit of
- 00:44:55experience sharing coming from all
- 00:44:56estimated professors and I will have a
- 00:44:59simple question for you after this in
- 00:45:01the chat box and I hope all of you will
- 00:45:03agree and give a response to this uh my
- 00:45:06question is uh do we love uh what we do
- 00:45:11so whoever is doing whatever of Hindi
- 00:45:13says
- 00:45:23do you really love what you do that is
- 00:45:26my question in the chat box up please
- 00:45:27maybe sometimes also you can write
- 00:45:29anyway whatever I think job
- 00:45:33honest answer please give it the fastest
- 00:45:35response is coming from Professor Puja
- 00:45:37thank you
- 00:45:53once again responding with a yes
- 00:45:56Professor Anita had also given yes so
- 00:45:59feel free and uh give your responses
- 00:46:02please uh doctor I think nandy is saying
- 00:46:05uh yes thank you always uh thank you Dr
- 00:46:08nandy uh we have Professor puja's hand
- 00:46:10going up mama
- 00:46:12you have written something which is the
- 00:46:14honest answer uh not always
- 00:46:17you will not love or maybe you don't try
- 00:46:20and connect with your whatever you do
- 00:46:23but at a time so we do some works
- 00:46:26because of obligation only so not always
- 00:46:28each and every work I enjoy there are
- 00:46:30some responsibility which I have to uh
- 00:46:33fulfill but uh and uh that also
- 00:46:37depends on the time availability and as
- 00:46:41per my mood also burden
- 00:46:53yes I hope ma'am it's nothing happening
- 00:46:56like now uh johore I hope uh
- 00:47:00thank you so much
- 00:47:03thank you for that honest answer and
- 00:47:06true that's very true what ma'am said uh
- 00:47:08we have Dr nande saying yes as expected
- 00:47:11and I hope all the professors whoever is
- 00:47:13listening or is
- 00:47:15hopefully you will have an honest answer
- 00:47:17for this so whether it's always true or
- 00:47:19maybe sometimes sometimes not so that
- 00:47:21was my intention to figure it out when
- 00:47:22we talked about uh do we really uh love
- 00:47:26whatever we do and a job I think this is
- 00:47:29what other slide actually talks about so
- 00:47:31here comes I think the next one and I
- 00:47:33think as we move forward we will
- 00:47:35definitely try and connect with all this
- 00:47:38and I think uh uh and I think
- 00:47:42or Professor say response uh because we
- 00:47:46are going to have a small role playing
- 00:47:48exercise
- 00:47:49perspective of your department I think
- 00:47:51it doesn't matter Jovi departments
- 00:47:54are a role playing exercise I am
- 00:47:57planning to do with you hopefully you
- 00:47:58will enjoy that if you are uh in the
- 00:48:00discussion so here comes that slide and
- 00:48:02I hope it will be visible to everybody
- 00:48:03so this was from Steve Jobs which said
- 00:48:06the only way to do great work is to love
- 00:48:08what you do
- 00:48:09and many of you have given me a strong
- 00:48:12confirmation that yes you love what you
- 00:48:14do so here comes that slide which says I
- 00:48:16love my job and maybe as ma'am had
- 00:48:18rightly said maybe you often sometimes
- 00:48:20yes it's under compulsion so then maybe
- 00:48:23otherwise otherwise most of the time we
- 00:48:25do it so my request will be in the chat
- 00:48:27box uh
- 00:48:29are we uh interested
- 00:48:32for uh
- 00:48:34symbols are role playing exercise it
- 00:48:36doesn't matter
- 00:48:42some questions I'm going to ask after
- 00:48:44looking at the picture so my question is
- 00:48:47for a role playing exercise
- 00:48:50so we will do that or else we will skip
- 00:48:53it quickly it's simple role playing
- 00:48:56exercise that we are going to try and uh
- 00:48:58experience in the next two minutes
- 00:49:00matter whether you are from Hindi
- 00:49:01whether you are from maybe Urdu or maybe
- 00:49:03some other discipline as long as you can
- 00:49:05see the picture I think your job will be
- 00:49:07done
- 00:49:12chat box one or two points of course
- 00:49:17so let me see if any is interested in
- 00:49:19the role playing exercise you can just
- 00:49:21write a yes
- 00:49:24I think our job will be done I'll show
- 00:49:27you a picture I'm briefing
- 00:49:35foreign
- 00:50:10then I'll skip that one because uh if
- 00:50:13you are showing interest then only I'll
- 00:50:14be able to try and have the role playing
- 00:50:16exercise uh can we expect a quick
- 00:50:18response because I repeat one second
- 00:50:21examples uh uh and then you have to give
- 00:50:24your response I hope Professor Bosch
- 00:50:27will not mind the taking part in the
- 00:50:28role playing sir still there I hope you
- 00:50:31will not mind the uh then I can say
- 00:50:34please nothing to lose sir please write
- 00:50:37yes if you're there
- 00:50:39I am yeah
- 00:50:41yeah so please write a yes I'll get
- 00:50:43confidence that's what is there thank
- 00:50:45you so much Professor Sandeep we had
- 00:50:46been giving me good company I hope sir
- 00:50:48is there up uh interested uh you have
- 00:50:51nothing to oh nothing at stake a picture
- 00:50:57are you interested in that role playing
- 00:50:59it simple sir yeah so please drop a yes
- 00:51:02in the chat box I think that will be
- 00:51:03nice thank you thank you yeah because
- 00:51:05then I'll at least get a few
- 00:51:07participants otherwise I'll just play
- 00:51:08with myself
- 00:51:10because I think you will enjoy
- 00:51:12definitely and those who are silently
- 00:51:13willing to play you are most welcome
- 00:51:15without giving your response also uh
- 00:51:17only request is thank you at least we
- 00:51:19got a few participants
- 00:51:24also writing yes thank you sir once
- 00:51:27again Professor Sandeep we had Professor
- 00:51:29Mamta and we have Professor Puja and yes
- 00:51:32they all are interested
- 00:51:37and give a response only request is we
- 00:51:40will play in real time
- 00:51:42so uh there'll be a time constraint so
- 00:51:45no screenshot nothing
- 00:51:47I'll drop a question
- 00:51:50so simple nothing to worry examples a
- 00:51:54slide diagram and then we will have a
- 00:51:55role playing
- 00:51:57so I think uh yes uh here comes that
- 00:52:01picture for all of you uh since for
- 00:52:04almost uh uh last one hour we have
- 00:52:06warmed ourselves up for very well so we
- 00:52:08are ready for a role playing exercise uh
- 00:52:10so here comes the picture I hope we will
- 00:52:13try and see and uh enjoy it don't write
- 00:52:16anything I hope you can see
- 00:52:19uh can you see Professor Sandeep uh
- 00:52:25this is not the this is not the role
- 00:52:27playing this is a trailer yeah
- 00:52:30this is a trailer to warm you up
- 00:52:35so you can tell me
- 00:52:38can anybody tell me
- 00:52:40uh you can unmute and tell me what is
- 00:52:43that you are seeing okay
- 00:52:51yes uh you are seeing some people are
- 00:52:54running very good
- 00:53:12thank you thank you very much but look
- 00:53:14this is not the case actually this is
- 00:53:16just to warm you up uh now the next one
- 00:53:19will come which is that what I'll expect
- 00:53:21you to do so now uh please uh watch it
- 00:53:23uh not this one yes this is a real role
- 00:53:26playing don't write anything update and
- 00:53:28only request is there will be a time
- 00:53:31constraint
- 00:53:37my question is do you see what I see so
- 00:53:40at least five six people have shown
- 00:53:41interest that they are willing to play
- 00:53:43this game
- 00:53:48only constraint I repeat only constraint
- 00:53:51is you will be seeing it only for 10
- 00:53:53seconds and no screenshot nothing in
- 00:53:56real time we will play then only we'll
- 00:53:57enjoy are we ready can you unmute and
- 00:53:59tell me if you are ready
- 00:54:02yes I hope you're ready thank you thank
- 00:54:04you so much so here comes the picture
- 00:54:05for all of you this second is
- 00:54:11here comes the picture for all of you
- 00:54:14your time starts now I hope you are
- 00:54:17seeing it one two three four don't say
- 00:54:21anything don't say don't say anything
- 00:54:22don't say anything just watch it five
- 00:54:24six seven eight nine ten don't write
- 00:54:29anything wait for my question don't say
- 00:54:31anything just wait for my question
- 00:54:38please
- 00:54:40write the department in bracket so
- 00:54:43whoever has seen whatever
- 00:54:45please write that and then you write
- 00:54:48your department also ah Sandeep sir
- 00:54:52and then you write in bracket the
- 00:54:54department
- 00:54:56take your time
- 00:54:58and please give your response quickly
- 00:55:01let me see uh five six of our players
- 00:55:04who are there whether it's a professor
- 00:55:06nand Kishore whether it was Professor Dr
- 00:55:08Rekha whether it was Professor Bose
- 00:55:10Professor Mamta Professor Puja
- 00:55:13uh you can just uh write yes very good
- 00:55:17professor Sadi from library had seen lot
- 00:55:20of things great
- 00:55:22uh sir from architecture Department had
- 00:55:25seen wonderful uh very good
- 00:55:28excellent Professor I think bombers say
- 00:55:30uh okay this is about gender and I think
- 00:55:34Professor Anita was very meaningful
- 00:55:36wrote about an empowered lady from
- 00:55:39Commerce wonderful but specifically
- 00:55:42wonderful so this is about gender
- 00:55:45equality and that's why we have this
- 00:55:46picture Professor nilima from physical
- 00:55:48education uh yes she noticed a face uh
- 00:55:52uh and maybe uh some birds and animals
- 00:55:54okay greater Dr Chandra shekhar I think
- 00:55:59uh running horse yes from which
- 00:56:01departments
- 00:56:03yes Professor Puja from library science
- 00:56:07once again she saw Birds horses and a
- 00:56:10face also similarly Professor Anand
- 00:56:12Kishore horse yes from political science
- 00:56:16birds and a girl great Professor Rajesh
- 00:56:19I expected a lot of people will play
- 00:56:20silently because they want to be winner
- 00:56:23yes please thank you so much all
- 00:56:24professors who are there and uh willing
- 00:56:26to take part in the games this was level
- 00:56:28one
- 00:56:29after that we move on to level two Dr
- 00:56:31Mamta from chemistry Dr Rekha from
- 00:56:33Marathi horse birds or face great I
- 00:56:37think Dr Mamta had talked about a
- 00:56:39beautiful face horses and maybe some
- 00:56:42birds and all greater answer NATO will
- 00:56:44go to level two I hope uh we are all
- 00:56:47interested in this game and we move on
- 00:56:49to level two of the game so level two
- 00:56:51make Yahoo I will show the picture once
- 00:56:53again
- 00:56:55and then he was supposed to look at the
- 00:56:57question and answer are we ready can we
- 00:56:59raise our hands and uh just give a
- 00:57:02signal if you are unable to unmute that
- 00:57:03you are ready to play this level two of
- 00:57:05the game uh please
- 00:57:08button which is there on your device I
- 00:57:11think then I'll get a feedback yes I can
- 00:57:13see Professor mamta's hand up I can see
- 00:57:15Dr rohini thank you Dr Mamta uh I can
- 00:57:18see yes Dr Rekha and already those who
- 00:57:21are already playing yes Dr Anita also is
- 00:57:23there thank you so much I think we'll
- 00:57:25move on to level two once again the same
- 00:57:27request you have to obser of in real
- 00:57:29time and after I put my question you
- 00:57:32will answer here comes the slide once
- 00:57:34again for all of you since you said you
- 00:57:36are ready and then we will move forward
- 00:57:37and uh see a question coming in the chat
- 00:57:40box I hope everybody is able to see it
- 00:57:42your time starts now one two three four
- 00:57:47five six seven eight nine ten wait for
- 00:57:52my question don't write anything now
- 00:57:54this is level two wait for my questions
- 00:58:01kindly wait for my question and once
- 00:58:03again with your department
- 00:58:05questions
- 00:58:09don't forget to mention your department
- 00:58:11my question is how many birds we saw
- 00:58:14and please write the number though
- 00:58:19is writing from library science three Dr
- 00:58:22Mamta please mentioned the department
- 00:58:24ma'am please uh
- 00:58:41from Marathi 3 wonderful I think from
- 00:58:45literary science thank you welcome sir
- 00:58:47Professor ravindra uh I think three from
- 00:58:50literary science that's wonderful to see
- 00:58:52sir is also participating as of now the
- 00:58:55highest from Professor Bose which is
- 00:58:57seven from architecture Department Hindi
- 00:59:00Dr Sunil is saying four wonderful great
- 00:59:03answer and I think political science so
- 00:59:06we are part of this short term course
- 00:59:08for almost a few days and uh we are
- 00:59:11seeing the same thing but I think the
- 00:59:13answers are different
- 00:59:15so please uh
- 00:59:17give your response I think that
- 00:59:18hopefully upco said what exactly I am
- 00:59:22hinting at yes we are seeing different
- 00:59:24departments looking at the same thing
- 00:59:26but uh the answers are not the same my
- 00:59:29last question will be uh please uh uh
- 00:59:32look at this and I think
- 00:59:36uh this is a level three and uh
- 00:59:40uh my question is am I uh
- 00:59:44confident
- 00:59:46my question is am I confident so wait
- 00:59:48for my question and then up yes
- 00:59:51with the uh the number and confidence
- 00:59:58and I think uh we will get that answer
- 01:00:01if somebody is confident uh whatever
- 01:00:04number you have seen six or five also
- 01:00:06please write yes and the number so we
- 01:00:09will get to see that Jessica
- 01:00:10you are confident so write six yes so
- 01:00:14which will show that you are confident
- 01:00:15if you are not confident write the
- 01:00:16number and write no
- 01:00:28she has also shown confidence with three
- 01:00:30so please give it uh all of you those
- 01:00:33who have given the number of confidence
- 01:00:35right no but the number also quickly
- 01:00:38give it please uh Dr Rekha is writing
- 01:00:41three but no uh Dr Anita is writing yes
- 01:00:44but five everybody is confident with
- 01:00:46your answer but not the same number I
- 01:00:49think it doesn't tally yes that's a
- 01:00:51beauty of this game Dr nand Kishore is
- 01:00:53saying uh five ten years
- 01:00:56Dr Mamta is from chemistry and saying
- 01:01:00seven ultimate Lockheed I kind of answer
- 01:01:03seven and confident also okay Dr Chandra
- 01:01:06shekhar is saying seven and hopefully
- 01:01:08sir is also confident I am waiting for
- 01:01:10another 10 seconds for all the esteemed
- 01:01:12professors to give their responses and
- 01:01:14then we move forward
- 01:01:16and then we will try and move forward
- 01:01:20yes I think uh that will be wonderful
- 01:01:24when we talk about this uh kind of a
- 01:01:27confident attitude in all of our
- 01:01:29esteemed professors so mil Gaya I think
- 01:01:31Dr Sunil is saying seven uh okay I hope
- 01:01:35that is a confident answer as of now the
- 01:01:38last is response last response for that
- 01:01:39matter coming from Dr Rajesh who is
- 01:01:42saying not confident part three
- 01:01:44and what exactly is the objective of
- 01:01:47doing all this role playing and things
- 01:01:48like that I think the next slide will
- 01:01:50clarify that and hopefully you'll be
- 01:01:52able to see that here comes that one and
- 01:01:54I think
- 01:01:56I hope you are able to see that the
- 01:01:58session is on life skills and what is it
- 01:02:00all about you see I hope it is visible
- 01:02:03to you those who are right now in the
- 01:02:04session can anybody unmute and tell me
- 01:02:07yes it talks about I think thinking
- 01:02:11skills which relates to problem solving
- 01:02:13and decision making so last minute I
- 01:02:17have given you a problem in the form of
- 01:02:18a picture
- 01:02:19and then you have given your decision
- 01:02:22whether you saw maybe uh first what all
- 01:02:24things you noticed
- 01:02:26horses birds and all and then the next
- 01:02:28level I asked how many birds you saw and
- 01:02:31each one of you have given your decision
- 01:02:33whether it is two three four five six
- 01:02:36seven that is the highest as of now I
- 01:02:37have got seven couple of the professors
- 01:02:39have given seven so that talks about the
- 01:02:41first aspect of life skills so
- 01:02:43irrespective of our department I have
- 01:02:45proven today that whether we are from
- 01:02:47any Department
- 01:02:49military saying so or maybe architecture
- 01:02:52it doesn't matter life skills is
- 01:02:53required for everybody and that too in
- 01:02:55the corporate world also so second one
- 01:02:58talks about you see social skills
- 01:03:00and he talks about interpersonal
- 01:03:02relationship you can tell me that I am a
- 01:03:04little bit uh what we can say a shelf is
- 01:03:06kind of a person why because I didn't
- 01:03:08want this opportunity to let goja
- 01:03:11professors
- 01:03:14so I think I tried to make use of this
- 01:03:17time to try and have a good
- 01:03:18interpersonal relationship and we
- 01:03:20definitely had a very very effective
- 01:03:22communication coming from all of you
- 01:03:23because though we are in The New Normal
- 01:03:25in spite of maybe having a lot of
- 01:03:27constraint firvi I think the way you
- 01:03:28have made the session very interactive
- 01:03:30with your messages in the chat box
- 01:03:34and uh I'll be honored in the end if
- 01:03:37anybody is in a position to turn on the
- 01:03:38camera because then we will make an eye
- 01:03:40contact also so that talks about the
- 01:03:42second aspect of life skills which talks
- 01:03:44about social skills and third one I
- 01:03:46think uh yes in the morning when we
- 01:03:48heard Sandeep sir or maybe when we heard
- 01:03:50all the other professors talking about
- 01:03:52their memorable moments and all it was
- 01:03:54very emotional also when sir talked
- 01:03:56about in the 90s going abroad on his own
- 01:03:59Merit and I think that's the best part
- 01:04:01of it and then somebody talked about
- 01:04:03writing I think it was reikham I'm the
- 01:04:05first book getting published so these
- 01:04:07are all very emotional moments so life
- 01:04:09skills talks about that also javam
- 01:04:11students I hope they come with a lot of
- 01:04:13emotions also they come with dreams they
- 01:04:16come with aspiration in the higher
- 01:04:17education system whether as a
- 01:04:19undergraduate student or maybe in the PG
- 01:04:21curriculum or even for their PHD so
- 01:04:24these are the three dimensions of life
- 01:04:25skills Joe I thought instead of saying
- 01:04:27why not we experience it and I think
- 01:04:29time will tell as I said sir what
- 01:04:32exactly is my intention so I hope I'll
- 01:04:33put a question once again in the chat
- 01:04:35box and hopefully we'll be able to get a
- 01:04:37response from all of you
- 01:04:44I hope you realize and understand the
- 01:04:47importance of life skills so my question
- 01:04:48is life skills concept is it clear so if
- 01:04:51you can please uh drop a message that
- 01:04:53will be nice yes or no just a simple uh
- 01:04:56answer I think I'll expect from all of
- 01:04:57you I hope I have given the message in
- 01:04:59the chat box the concept of life skills
- 01:05:01if that is uh clear to all of you
- 01:05:03because irrespective of our discipline
- 01:05:05our universities our departments our
- 01:05:07maybe whether we are in the academic or
- 01:05:09in the corporate world because I also
- 01:05:11get invitation to conduct lot of mdps
- 01:05:13and all but for corporate peoples and
- 01:05:15also there also we try and talk about
- 01:05:16life skills and how important it is
- 01:05:18across different kind of sectors so I
- 01:05:21hope yes nice to get a quick response
- 01:05:23coming from the respected Professor
- 01:05:25thank you sir once again Professor Bose
- 01:05:27followed by Professor nandfisho thank
- 01:05:29you uh Professor I think we have
- 01:05:32Professor uh yes uh Dr Rekha responding
- 01:05:35Dr Sandeep thank you for all your
- 01:05:37responses Professor Puja had also given
- 01:05:39a response so I will expect uh you to
- 01:05:42please try and be there with us for the
- 01:05:45next couple of slide because life skills
- 01:05:47and I think the session is also talking
- 01:05:50about the concept of
- 01:05:52a little bit of a gender equality so how
- 01:05:55maybe and what exactly is it
- 01:05:58and I hope uh the next slide we'll talk
- 01:06:01about it and you will give me uh uh yes
- 01:06:04or no answer so this is another
- 01:06:05close-ended question are we uh aware
- 01:06:08about
- 01:06:13so kindly just write a yes or no but I
- 01:06:17want you to please give a response in
- 01:06:18the chat box are we aware about the sdgs
- 01:06:23please write a note uh because next
- 01:06:26couple of minutes we will try and focus
- 01:06:28and then get involved with this uh so
- 01:06:31please jaldi answer options
- 01:06:35but please give a feedback so that we
- 01:06:37can understand uh those who are there in
- 01:06:39the session
- 01:06:41no problem
- 01:06:43you are aware about it please write a
- 01:06:46yes answer I hope my message is visible
- 01:06:48in the chat box so please drop a message
- 01:06:53yes or no I think that will be wonderful
- 01:06:56quickly please the fastest response
- 01:06:58coming from Professor Puja thank you
- 01:07:00for that response Dr amamta is saying no
- 01:07:03thank you but at least I am getting a
- 01:07:05response uh Dr uh Chandra shekha thank
- 01:07:08you sir for saying no Professor uh Dr
- 01:07:10Shiva she's a boss sir has said no but I
- 01:07:13think we will clarify don't worry
- 01:07:14Professor Anita had said a no uh
- 01:07:16Professor I think uh reshma thank you
- 01:07:19ma'am for responding with I know Dr
- 01:07:21Rekha had said no doctor had said no
- 01:07:24because why you see uh why we are
- 01:07:26bringing it up because the topic of
- 01:07:28gender sensitization and gender equality
- 01:07:30I think somehow is connected with these
- 01:07:32sdgs and uh so that's why I think thank
- 01:07:35you for your response the next slide
- 01:07:37will clarify this and I hope I get up
- 01:07:39next minute we will come to terms with
- 01:07:42lot of things which I think you and me
- 01:07:44hopefully are directly indirectly
- 01:07:45connected with so here comes the concept
- 01:07:48of sdgs and I hope you have heard about
- 01:07:51it uh right now you are not able to
- 01:07:53recall
- 01:07:55these are actually the sustainable
- 01:07:57development goals
- 01:07:59I repeat once again these are actually
- 01:08:01the sustainable development goals and uh
- 01:08:04they have kept the timeline of 2030
- 01:08:06keeping that deadline in mind I think
- 01:08:08all the leaders of other nations of
- 01:08:11different nations they have come
- 01:08:12together and they have come with a
- 01:08:14common agenda so what is that I think uh
- 01:08:17adding that we are going to see there
- 01:08:18are actually 17 sustainable development
- 01:08:20goals
- 01:08:24and I've highlighted the goal number
- 01:08:27five
- 01:08:28among all the 17 goals that you are
- 01:08:30seeing these are actually somehow going
- 01:08:32to affect Nations across the country the
- 01:08:35one which I have highlighted talks about
- 01:08:37today's session which talks about gender
- 01:08:39equality
- 01:08:40apart from that I think you and me are
- 01:08:42going to be affected by uh the point uh
- 01:08:4513 if you see which is about climate
- 01:08:47actions about climate change and all all
- 01:08:50these goals are very very meaningful and
- 01:08:52I think uh uh yes from the gender
- 01:08:54equality point of view thank you sir for
- 01:08:56your response I think yes we are
- 01:08:58highlighting goal number five so where I
- 01:09:00think the United Nations this 17
- 01:09:02sustainable development goals talks
- 01:09:04about goal number five so as academician
- 01:09:06how do we connect with Goal number five
- 01:09:08and what is that uh we need to remind
- 01:09:10our students also when we do the
- 01:09:12mentoring so I will try and briefly
- 01:09:14touch upon that one and I think as per
- 01:09:16ugc uh the recommendation of ugc
- 01:09:19hopefully they are also trying and
- 01:09:20talking about this concept I hope you
- 01:09:23have heard of if not I think kindly
- 01:09:26check this slide which talks about uh
- 01:09:28you see they are also committed to the
- 01:09:30goal of developing a safe secure and
- 01:09:32violence-free environment I repeat
- 01:09:34already uh hopefully we are aware about
- 01:09:37it
- 01:09:37ugc is also somehow connecting with this
- 01:09:39goal number 5 and they are talking about
- 01:09:42developing a safe secure and
- 01:09:44violence-free environment
- 01:09:46in all the educational institute across
- 01:09:49the country wherever you are that's why
- 01:09:50I said in whichever Department Hindi
- 01:09:53military assigns or nutrition or
- 01:09:55economics so Commerce so management or
- 01:09:58architecture everywhere somehow or the
- 01:10:00other I think this is what ugc is trying
- 01:10:02to talk about and they are helping us to
- 01:10:04connect with this concept and I hope uh
- 01:10:07all the professors might have heard
- 01:10:09about it
- 01:10:11I hope you will be definitely
- 01:10:13remembering it which is called a saksham
- 01:10:15I hope all the professors you might have
- 01:10:18heard about it this is the takeaway of
- 01:10:21today's session I think when we talk
- 01:10:22about life skills in appreciating gender
- 01:10:25equality we have professors from all the
- 01:10:28genders out here and I think the kind of
- 01:10:30participation I've received from all the
- 01:10:32genders it's very encouraging so we talk
- 01:10:34about saksham and I think when you go
- 01:10:36back to your Institute universities and
- 01:10:38all hopefully you will remind it to your
- 01:10:39students also so what ugc is talking
- 01:10:42about
- 01:10:44so look at this please uh they have
- 01:10:46developed uh this concept of shaktam
- 01:10:48which is a dynamic portal that ends
- 01:10:51towards empowerment of women in campuses
- 01:10:53and I think across higher Educational
- 01:10:55Institute in the country so they are
- 01:10:57talking about women empowerment and
- 01:10:59that's why this concept of shaksham I
- 01:11:01think hopefully if I request you up
- 01:11:05and uh what exactly is your takeaway
- 01:11:08from this if you are aware about it how
- 01:11:10you are going to be benefited so that
- 01:11:11we'll talk in the next slide and I hope
- 01:11:13you are there to try and look into it
- 01:11:15and connect with it so please have a
- 01:11:17look and we will try and connect with it
- 01:11:21so who are actually the target group of
- 01:11:24this particular concept which ugc has
- 01:11:26started off and I think what exactly is
- 01:11:28the objective for this the primary
- 01:11:31objective is to create awareness I
- 01:11:33repeat important objective here is to
- 01:11:35try and create and build awareness we
- 01:11:38are doing it I hope uh some of you are
- 01:11:40aware about it if not everybody
- 01:11:44you became aware about this concept uh
- 01:11:48so it talks about opportunities and
- 01:11:50initiative in the higher Educational
- 01:11:51Institute for women and I think it talks
- 01:11:54about support and with racial mechanism
- 01:11:56for students and employees of higher
- 01:11:58educational institutes
- 01:12:01some kind of an issue you are
- 01:12:03encountering there should be some
- 01:12:04redressal mechanism that is what ugc is
- 01:12:07trying to talk about so that is what for
- 01:12:09students I repeat as well as for uh
- 01:12:11employees of the universities Institute
- 01:12:14and colleges and then we are talking
- 01:12:16about web resources in the form of
- 01:12:18government and United Nation policy
- 01:12:21document for women so that is what I
- 01:12:23think shaksham is all about and uh who
- 01:12:26are actually the direct beneficiaries or
- 01:12:28stakeholder of this concept and I will
- 01:12:30try and uh request you to please take
- 01:12:33note of this particular slide when we
- 01:12:35talk about saksham I think it's for our
- 01:12:37girls students in different higher
- 01:12:39educational universities it talks about
- 01:12:41the faculty members as well as other
- 01:12:43women staff members
- 01:12:45I think those are right now in the
- 01:12:48session in real time hopefully you are
- 01:12:49coming to terms with this concept of
- 01:12:52shaksham so I uh request you once again
- 01:12:55please uh get back in the chat box and
- 01:12:57give me a
- 01:12:59kindly a quick kind of a response
- 01:13:04so I'm dropping a question
- 01:13:18foreign
- 01:13:19ly please uh give a quick response uh I
- 01:13:22think that will be nice so I will
- 01:13:24request uh you to please drop a quick
- 01:13:26response in the chat box and hopefully
- 01:13:29uh we'll be able to try and get a quick
- 01:13:31feedback so uh I hope uh we all are now
- 01:13:34aware about sakshamba some of you might
- 01:13:37be knowing it from uh beginning also but
- 01:13:39I think I can expect a response in the
- 01:13:41chat box
- 01:13:43because that is very very meaningful
- 01:13:46when we talk about uh
- 01:13:49and as I said the concept of life skills
- 01:13:52and uh maybe about uh not only in the
- 01:13:56academic world but gender equality how
- 01:13:58maybe the other side the corporate world
- 01:13:59they are tackling so I will just share
- 01:14:01only next two three slides and then we
- 01:14:03will try and keep it open for any kind
- 01:14:06of observations uh for the session yes I
- 01:14:09think the responses that are very
- 01:14:10encouraging uh yes I hope Dr Puja is
- 01:14:13responding Dr Vandana thank you uh uh we
- 01:14:16talk about Professor Ajay thank you uh
- 01:14:18Professor Bose thank you sir for being a
- 01:14:20response we have doctor I think uh
- 01:14:22ravindra thank you for that uh response
- 01:14:25Dr nande once again thank you for your
- 01:14:27response and when we are talking about
- 01:14:30uh academic world we understood the
- 01:14:32importance of gender equality but how is
- 01:14:34it in the corporate world only a few
- 01:14:35examples I'll throw before you hopefully
- 01:14:38and there are many more coming our way
- 01:14:39so here comes the next slide and I hope
- 01:14:42when we are talking about the importance
- 01:14:44of life skills and a little bit of
- 01:14:46gender equality so here comes that one I
- 01:14:49hope savior life say uh this company is
- 01:14:52somewhere or the other uh connected
- 01:14:55so here comes an example a case study
- 01:14:58from the corporate world and uh you are
- 01:15:00using a detergent powder by the name
- 01:15:02surf Excel other you are brushing with
- 01:15:04maybe a pepsodent or a close-up or maybe
- 01:15:07you are having some kind of a brand
- 01:15:09called kishanka Jam yeah maybe a tomato
- 01:15:11sauce or using a sunlight detergent
- 01:15:13powder or maybe using a Luxe soap for
- 01:15:16that matter then probably these are all
- 01:15:17brands of Hindustan Unilever and I think
- 01:15:20they are also appreciating and talking
- 01:15:22about this concept of gender equality
- 01:15:24look at the left of your screen you will
- 01:15:26come across this term which is called a
- 01:15:27project sakthi I know those are from
- 01:15:30Commerce or maybe some kind of Economics
- 01:15:32background hopefully you might have
- 01:15:33heard of it but for our friends who are
- 01:15:35not from Commerce background I think
- 01:15:37this project sakthi is enabling the
- 01:15:39women in villages across India to
- 01:15:41nurture the entrepreneurial mindset and
- 01:15:44become financially independent I think
- 01:15:46this is another important one where we
- 01:15:48talk about a woman empowerment and all
- 01:15:50how these companies are coming forward
- 01:15:52so this is one aspect which is coming
- 01:15:54from Hindustan and Unilever and I think
- 01:15:56they are touching many life in Indian
- 01:15:58context and globally with their range of
- 01:16:00products and all the other one I think
- 01:16:02if we look at this project I think it is
- 01:16:05also improving the self-esteem and
- 01:16:07generating some kind of an
- 01:16:09entrepreneurial mindset in women across
- 01:16:12the Villages of India so this is a very
- 01:16:14very important project I think it is
- 01:16:16going on for quite some time and
- 01:16:17hopefully if you are interested you can
- 01:16:19check out on that so that is another one
- 01:16:21from the corporate world the second one
- 01:16:24when we talk about it the context of
- 01:16:26gender equality I think a company which
- 01:16:28many of us might be knowing is called
- 01:16:30hero Moto crop and I think
- 01:16:33look at this they got the economic Times
- 01:16:35based workplace for women award uh and
- 01:16:38they are talking about this kind of a
- 01:16:40project where uh uh recently they have
- 01:16:43crossed a thousand uh I think I repeat
- 01:16:44the number you can see which they call
- 01:16:46it just like ugc is naming IT project
- 01:16:49saksham they are having it called
- 01:16:50project
- 01:16:51and the number of women employees at
- 01:16:54hero motocov recently crossed thousand
- 01:16:56and thereby surpassing a major milestone
- 01:16:59in this journey of diversity so they are
- 01:17:02trying to believe in equal kind of
- 01:17:03opportunity for all the genders and I
- 01:17:05think this is a recognition which comes
- 01:17:08to hero Moto Prof from their kind of
- 01:17:11appreciation towards a woman Workforce
- 01:17:13uh another one from the it enabled
- 01:17:16service a brand which you and me all
- 01:17:17know about which is called Wipro and if
- 01:17:20you look at this they are also uh the
- 01:17:22recent one in 2022 they have been rated
- 01:17:25as India's best workplace for women and
- 01:17:28I think yes we are in the academic world
- 01:17:30but our student might aspire to be in
- 01:17:32this sort of an organization in future
- 01:17:34whether they are in the fmcg sector like
- 01:17:36the rivers or maybe they can be in the a
- 01:17:38little bit of automobile segment or
- 01:17:40maybe the consumer durable segment and
- 01:17:41also in the it and it enabled service
- 01:17:43sector so Wipro also is having that kind
- 01:17:45of a thing where they are now uh trying
- 01:17:48to promote a lot of women leadership and
- 01:17:50I think they are trying to have that uh
- 01:17:52raised up to 20 by 2025 so that is the
- 01:17:56timeline that they have set for
- 01:17:58themselves so slowly but steadily I
- 01:18:00think
- 01:18:01we have come to the more or less end of
- 01:18:04our session and the session was all
- 01:18:06about life's journey and uh how does it
- 01:18:09help in appreciating the concept of
- 01:18:11gender equality whether in the academic
- 01:18:12world or maybe otherwise in the industry
- 01:18:14and I think uh yes uh we were talking
- 01:18:17about life's journey and a lot of
- 01:18:18professors said that uh
- 01:18:22so that's why why not we enjoy life
- 01:18:25today so on that note I think I will try
- 01:18:28and drop uh this particular slide which
- 01:18:30says uh when it's dark enough then only
- 01:18:32you can see the stats so we need to have
- 01:18:34a positive attitude we need to remind
- 01:18:35our students and tell them that he has a
- 01:18:38positive attitude is very important and
- 01:18:41I think hopefully they will be the
- 01:18:42creator of their own destiny so with
- 01:18:44that I think I come to the end of my
- 01:18:46presentation and hopefully on time and I
- 01:18:49think I'm dropping my mail ID also and
- 01:18:51if anybody is interested I'll be honored
- 01:18:53to try and be in touch with you so on
- 01:18:55that note I will try and thank once
- 01:18:58again uh respected apriti ma'am for this
- 01:19:01wonderful opportunity and hand it over
- 01:19:03to her thank you so much ma'am and I
- 01:19:05hope we are on time thank you
- 01:19:07thank you Dr Patra sir for your
- 01:19:10wonderful session and very engaging
- 01:19:12session rather on live schemes and
- 01:19:15comparison to gender equality uh I
- 01:19:17request any participant if you have any
- 01:19:19query or any question you feel free to
- 01:19:22ask or any feedback you want to give
- 01:19:27anyone any question
- 01:19:37they were quite engaged during whole
- 01:19:39session
- 01:19:46comments you're most welcome uh as ma'am
- 01:19:49had requested polio please
- 01:19:52yes sir there are some message in the
- 01:19:53chat box
- 01:19:56okay thank you so much Dr anilima I
- 01:19:58think uh yes I can see uh yes thank you
- 01:20:02for your engagement thank you I think Dr
- 01:20:04Sunil thanks once again for that message
- 01:20:06we have Dr Rajesh also thank you sir uh
- 01:20:09Professor Bose a sales sir has anything
- 01:20:11to share comment or any word of advice
- 01:20:14please
- 01:20:15Sarah has been all throughout with us
- 01:20:17giving uh it has been very good
- 01:20:20I have understood the meaning of what
- 01:20:23you wanted to say okay in my way
- 01:20:26thank you thank you so much thank you so
- 01:20:28much for your uh active presence sir and
- 01:20:30your experience sharing thank you sir it
- 01:20:33was an honor to be with you thank you
- 01:20:34sir
- 01:20:35thank you
- 01:20:43uh it's because of you also I said by
- 01:20:47the time the session comes to an end
- 01:20:48I'll be the most enriched person because
- 01:20:50I'll get to connect with so many
- 01:20:51esteemed professors and uh your Moka
- 01:20:54would not have been possible without
- 01:20:55Preeti ma'am so thanks once again to
- 01:20:57ma'am and the entire team at uh this
- 01:20:59prestigious hrdc at nagpur thank you
- 01:21:01thank you so much thank you so much sir
- 01:21:03on behalf of hrd
- 01:21:05and from all the participants
- 01:21:10for your session on skill and gender
- 01:21:12equality thank you so much sir once
- 01:21:14again thank you thank you ma'am it's an
- 01:21:15honor and pleasure and hopefully looking
- 01:21:17forward to similar session in future
- 01:21:19thank you so much for the invitation
- 01:21:20thank you thank you all of you all the
- 01:21:23estimate professors so I take your leave
- 01:21:25thank you so much it was wonderful thank
- 01:21:27you thank you
- Geschlechtergleichheit
- Lebenskompetenzen
- Akademiker
- Interaktive Sitzung
- Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele
- Saksham
- Frauenförderung
- Unternehmensinitiativen
- Emotionale Intelligenz