How to get SO RICH your bank starts to question you.
TLDRLa présentation explique comment utiliser l'intelligence artificielle pour augmenter considérablement les conversions et les ventes de votre entreprise en 30 jours. Le conférencier, un expert australien, partage son expérience avec l'IA, ayant généré 7,8 milliards de dollars en ventes pour ses clients. Il décrit la concurrence accrue pour l'attention des consommateurs dans un environnement numérique saturé et conseille d'être polarisant et créatif dans les publicités pour se démarquer. Le succès repose sur la compréhension des besoins des clients, en capturant leur attention et en leur offrant des solutions précieuses. L'usage d'IA permet de multiplier les variantes d'annonces, optimisant ainsi l'efficacité marketing. Une emphase y est placée sur l'importance des tests A/B constants pour affiner les offres et maximiser le retour sur investissement. Finalement, il incite les marques à améliorer sans cesse leur proposition de valeur et à rester concentrées sur leur mission pour surmonter les défis du marché numérique.
Para llevar
- 🤖 Utiliser l'IA pour doubler les conversions et les ventes en 30 jours.
- 🎯 Les publicités doivent être polarisantes pour capter l'attention.
- 📈 Les tests A/B sont essentiels pour maximiser les profits.
- 👨💼 Comprendre le problème des prospects est primordial.
- 🌍 La concurrence pour l'attention est mondiale et intense.
- 📝 Des titres engageants augmentent considérablement les performances.
- 💡 Le contenu doit fournir de la valeur dès le début.
- 💪 Une offre irréfutable surpasse la concurrence.
- 🚀 L'IA permet d'itérer rapidement sur les variantes d'annonces.
- 🎥 La créativité dans les visuels est cruciale pour la réussite publicitaire.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Aujourd'hui, nous allons voir comment utiliser l'IA pour doubler vos conversions de prospects et vos ventes en 30 jours. Ce n'est pas que de la théorie, c'est un système que j'ai moi-même implanté dans mon entreprise, générant des milliards de dollars en ventes pour mes clients. Je vais vous montrer des secrets pour transformer les publicités en bénéfices en utilisant l'IA.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
L'économie numérique évolue avec l'IA, créant un écart où 20 % des compétences deviennent dix fois plus productives et 80 % risquent d'être remplacées. Pour tirer profit, il est crucial de se concentrer sur ces 20 % et de comprendre les nouveaux défis du paysage publicitaire coûteux et saturé.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
La concurrence est rude non seulement avec vos concurrents directs, mais aussi avec une multitude de contenus disponibles sur Internet. Pour réussir, vous devez capter l'attention du marché, qui est bombardé de distractions constantes, et maîtriser l'art de la conversion de cette attention pour obtenir des résultats publicitaires efficaces.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Un entonnoir de vente efficace commence par capter l'attention puis la convertir en chiffre d'affaires. L'IA égale levier; elle permet d'améliorer les mêmes inputs pour obtenir des outputs supérieurs. Vous devez non seulement obtenir de l'attention, mais aussi maximiser le traitement et la conversion de cette attention au sein de votre système.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Pour capter l'attention, vos annonces doivent être différentes et intrigantes. Utilisez l'IA pour créer de nouvelles variations de titres ou d'accroches publicitaires qui amplifient l'impact. Le langage visuel et verbal doit être unique et orienté vers un bénéfice spécifique et intrigant, afin de susciter plus d'engagement.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Créer des variations d'annonces à grande échelle est essentiel pour surmonter l'inflation des coûts publicitaires et maintenir la portée et la pertinence. Utilisez des outils et l'IA pour créer rapidement diverses itérations d'annonces et générer de nouvelles idées qui augmentent l'efficacité publicitaire.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La conversion de l'attention implique des messages de vente qui soient divertissants et apportent de la valeur réelle, combattant le scepticisme généralisé. Cela nécessite de livrer des offres exceptionnelles et des garanties solides qui capturent immédiatement l'intérêt et la confiance du consommateur.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Tests A/B et ajustements constants sont cruciaux pour optimiser tous les aspects de l'entonnoir, du titre de la page de destination aux publicités. Utilisez des outils de test pour éprouver différentes stratégies et déterminer les combinaisons les plus performantes, maximisant ainsi les retours sur investissements publicitaires.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Formulez des offres irrésistibles qui captivent l'attention et déclenchent l'achat. Ces offres doivent être suffisamment audacieuses pour provoquer de l'intérêt et de l'action de la part du consommateur. Ajustez et perfectionnez constamment les offres pour rester compétitif.
- 00:45:00 - 00:54:54
La focalisation et l'optimisation continues de l'ensemble de l'entonnoir, de l'accroche initiale à la conversion finale, sont la clé du succès des entreprises modernes, vous permettant de multiplier le retour sur investissement initial en attirant et convertissant efficacement l'attention des clients potentiels.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Quel est l'objectif principal de l'utilisation de l'IA dans le marketing tel que présenté dans la vidéo ?
L'objectif principal est d'utiliser l'IA pour doubler les conversions de prospects et augmenter les ventes dans les 30 jours à venir.
Quels secteurs l'IA peut-elle influencer selon le conférencier ?
L'IA peut influencer des secteurs tels que le fitness, la santé, la perte de poids, les relations, l'amélioration personnelle, la construction de richesse, l'immobilier, les services à domicile, et les services professionnels.
Qu'est-ce que le conférencier dit être le principal concurrent des entreprises en ligne actuellement ?
Le principal concurrent est la multitude de contenus disponibles en ligne, tels que Netflix, podcasts, vidéos, réseaux sociaux, qui captent l'attention des consommateurs.
Quelle est la première transaction qui a lieu sur le marché selon le conférencier ?
La première transaction est lorsque le marché vous paie avec son attention.
Comment le conférencier suggère-t-il d'utiliser les titres pour améliorer les publicités ?
Il recommande de créer des titres d'annonces avec des avantages spécifiques et une intrigue brûlante, en utilisant des variations générées par des outils comme ChatGPT.
Pourquoi l'attention est-elle considérée comme précieuse dans le marketing numérique ?
L'attention est précieuse parce qu'elle est la première ressource que les consommateurs choisissent de vous donner avant même d'apprendre sur vos produits ou services.
Quel est l'impact des coûts publicitaires croissants sur les entreprises selon la vidéo ?
Les coûts publicitaires croissants réduisent les profits, rendant essentiel l'optimisation des dépenses pour obtenir le même niveau de performance.
Quelles sont les trois choses sur lesquelles les entreprises devraient se concentrer pour réussir selon le conférencier ?
Comprendre le problème de leur prospect mieux que quiconque, l'articuler clairement et le résoudre efficacement.
Quelle est l'importance d'être polarisant dans les annonces selon le conférencier ?
Être polarisant permet de capter l'attention dans le flux chaotique d'Internet, car le contenu général ou ennuyeux est ignoré.
Comment le conférencier propose-t-il de tester les éléments de marketing pour maximiser le retour sur investissement ?
Il propose d'effectuer des tests A/B sur tous les aspects du marketing, des titres d'annonce aux pages de destination, pour constamment améliorer les performances et imprimer des profits.
Ver más resúmenes de vídeos
- 00:00:00what I'm going to be going over today is
- 00:00:01how to use AI to double your leads
- 00:00:04conversions and sales in the next 30
- 00:00:07days I know that that is a big claim but
- 00:00:09my goal is that you can walk away from
- 00:00:12this presentation and wherever you've
- 00:00:14flown in from however much you've spent
- 00:00:17that you're going to get
- 00:00:181,000x return on your investment from
- 00:00:21what I'm going to run you through today
- 00:00:22now this isn't all Theory this is the
- 00:00:25exact same system that I implemented
- 00:00:26into my own business and this is what
- 00:00:28our Ras and conversions did after doing
- 00:00:31it so I know it works I'm not an
- 00:00:33armchair expert I'm out there like you
- 00:00:35guys in the trenches every day actually
- 00:00:38doing this stuff got a payroll to make
- 00:00:40from turning ads into profit and I spent
- 00:00:432340 hours experimenting with AI and
- 00:00:46today I'm going to show you the Wild and
- 00:00:49scandalous future of marketing plus the
- 00:00:52craziest stuff that you've ever seen for
- 00:00:53writing ads Hooks and headlines now you
- 00:00:57might be thinking who is this dude right
- 00:00:59who's this wild Australian guy up on
- 00:01:01stage with the internet Daddy on his
- 00:01:02T-shirt a little bit of a wrap sheet on
- 00:01:04me I've generated my clients over $7.8
- 00:01:07billion in sales I run a team of 100
- 00:01:09plus people I've built over 12200
- 00:01:12funnels in a, plus different niches for
- 00:01:161600 clients and I've sold a million
- 00:01:18copies of my book I also have three
- 00:01:21daughters that are under the age of
- 00:01:22seven it is the subie circus in my
- 00:01:24household it is a wild place I also have
- 00:01:27a go-kart that I ride around the office
- 00:01:28and terrorize um other fellow Shark Tank
- 00:01:31members so that's a little bit about me
- 00:01:34what we're going to be going through is
- 00:01:36the uncensored money Making Secrets I'm
- 00:01:38going to be telling you about the future
- 00:01:40of funnels giving your Market crack
- 00:01:43using AI to twox your row as and half
- 00:01:46your CPA 11 simple words that you guys
- 00:01:49can add to all of your Facebook ads that
- 00:01:51are going to Triple the response and
- 00:01:53then sellings at every stage of the
- 00:01:55funnel not just the ad stuff we're also
- 00:01:58going to be going through the number one
- 00:02:00way to two or 3x your profits
- 00:02:02immediately regardless of how much money
- 00:02:04you spend on ads and a ton more I'm also
- 00:02:06going to give you all of my my best
- 00:02:09performing ads that I have personally
- 00:02:11spent over $20 million in actually
- 00:02:13finding them and refining them and
- 00:02:15testing them I'm going to give them to
- 00:02:16you guys as well but just so I get a
- 00:02:19little bit of a read on the room show of
- 00:02:21hands who is currently using AI in the
- 00:02:23business right now all right who uses AI
- 00:02:27in their business every week and who use
- 00:02:30AI in their business every single day
- 00:02:32and so look for anybody whenever I speak
- 00:02:34to an audience everybody's always very
- 00:02:36dubious my customers are different
- 00:02:38they're very special and precious and my
- 00:02:41industry is different how do I know this
- 00:02:43stuff's going to work for me well it
- 00:02:44works in fitness health weight loss
- 00:02:46dating relationships pets
- 00:02:48self-improvement wealth building
- 00:02:50investing real estate Home Services
- 00:02:52beauty treatments and finance from
- 00:02:54dentist to dog walkers and property
- 00:02:57development to Professional Services it
- 00:02:59just work works so put your skepticism
- 00:03:02aside cuz I don't care what business
- 00:03:04that you're in this stuff's going to
- 00:03:05work for you so Leverage is the key to
- 00:03:08making money as business owners we're
- 00:03:11all looking at how do we get more
- 00:03:13outputs for the same inputs into our
- 00:03:15business and what we're seeing now with
- 00:03:18AI is this k-shaped economy where 20% of
- 00:03:21the job skills become 10 times more
- 00:03:24productive and enhanced by Ai and then
- 00:03:27there's the 80% of job skills that are
- 00:03:29going to Plum it to zero and be
- 00:03:31completely replaced by AI however most
- 00:03:34people they obsess over the 80% of job
- 00:03:38skills and they're very scared of it
- 00:03:40replacing a lot of human functions but
- 00:03:43instead what I like to do is think about
- 00:03:45is what is those 20% of job skills
- 00:03:46that's going to get us much more
- 00:03:48leverage on our time because what we're
- 00:03:51actually having right now is leverage
- 00:03:53inflation if you're a business out there
- 00:03:56and you're running ads and you're
- 00:03:57generating leads and you're using the
- 00:04:00internet to get customers you're
- 00:04:02actually getting negative leverage on
- 00:04:04your time what do I mean by that well
- 00:04:07Global advertising spending will grow to
- 00:04:1010.5% this grow a further 10.5% this
- 00:04:13year and it's a total of $1 trillion so
- 00:04:16when I got started in digital marketing
- 00:04:19digital accounted for 10% of budgets it
- 00:04:22now accounts for close to
- 00:04:2570% now the reason that you should care
- 00:04:28is because Facebook is already reporting
- 00:04:31that they're running out of places in
- 00:04:32the news feed to show you ads they're
- 00:04:34relaunching all different types of AD
- 00:04:36inventory to unlock more because cpms
- 00:04:39are going up and chath from Social
- 00:04:42Capital he's even come out and said that
- 00:04:45startups spend almost 40 cents of every
- 00:04:47VC Dollar on Google Facebook and Amazon
- 00:04:50but if you actually look at it and you
- 00:04:52look at all of the functions and roles
- 00:04:54within a business that are tied to
- 00:04:56customer acquisition that number is
- 00:04:58actually closer to 70% this is Google's
- 00:05:01annual revenue going up year on-ear to
- 00:05:042023 and the reason that I show you all
- 00:05:07of this is because cpms are rising and
- 00:05:10they are squeezing out profits we're
- 00:05:12getting less output from the same inputs
- 00:05:16and when you know marketing is the tip
- 00:05:18of the spear that generates the
- 00:05:20customers when those C cpms go up they
- 00:05:23really really affect the bottom line and
- 00:05:26this image summarizes it nicely this is
- 00:05:29what it was like running ads in 2019
- 00:05:32versus running them in
- 00:05:332024 with everything that's gone on
- 00:05:36these costs are just continuing to go up
- 00:05:38and up and up but they aren't the actual
- 00:05:42biggest threat to your business it's not
- 00:05:44the rising at ad cost because the
- 00:05:47biggest threat to your business like
- 00:05:48your competition is not your competition
- 00:05:51you're not competing with your
- 00:05:53competitors that are in the same city or
- 00:05:55in the same niche as you like it used to
- 00:05:58be it used to be the Yellow Pages it
- 00:06:00used to just be Google ads and you were
- 00:06:03just competing with your local market or
- 00:06:05people within your industry but the
- 00:06:07currency of the internet has changed all
- 00:06:09of that because this is what you're
- 00:06:11really competing with you're competing
- 00:06:14with 6,000 titles on Netflix 700,000
- 00:06:17active podcast 29 million episodes 2
- 00:06:20million articles 5 billion videos live
- 00:06:22streams DMS text messages slack one
- 00:06:26phone two browsers and 42 tabs
- 00:06:31right and that is the marketplace that
- 00:06:33we all compete in for attention and you
- 00:06:37need to be a master at stealing and
- 00:06:39converting attention if you want to get
- 00:06:42results from ads these days because the
- 00:06:45market first pays you with their
- 00:06:47attention that's the first transaction
- 00:06:49that ever takes place it's not when
- 00:06:51someone fills out a contact form in your
- 00:06:52on your website on your landing pages in
- 00:06:54your funnel it's not when someone pulls
- 00:06:56out their credit card and buys something
- 00:06:58from you it's when they choose to pay
- 00:07:01with their attention their most valuable
- 00:07:03resource for something that they could
- 00:07:05be spending it on something
- 00:07:08else and this is what it is that you're
- 00:07:11competing with when you run ads these
- 00:07:13are all the things that release dopamine
- 00:07:16for people that they can choose to spend
- 00:07:18their time on other than your boring
- 00:07:21stuff right and that's the the harsh
- 00:07:24reality to to come to terms with but the
- 00:07:27reality of it is that there is a
- 00:07:29infinitely other options out there in
- 00:07:31the marketplace for your prospect to
- 00:07:33spend their attention on that is so much
- 00:07:35more entertaining and fun for them than
- 00:07:38whatever it is that you're trying to
- 00:07:39tell them and this is modern-day
- 00:07:42attention spans they just mice on crack
- 00:07:45out there and that is what you're
- 00:07:47competing
- 00:07:48with and there's never been a greater
- 00:07:51need to understand social psychology and
- 00:07:54marketing then now in modern times you
- 00:07:57need to be a student of markets you need
- 00:07:59need to be tapped in to not only what is
- 00:08:02everyone doing in your market and what
- 00:08:03your competitors are doing but what is
- 00:08:06your prospect doing what television
- 00:08:08shows are they watching what podcasts
- 00:08:10are they listen to what are they doing
- 00:08:13and where are they spending their time
- 00:08:14and attention
- 00:08:15on so you can no longer just be good at
- 00:08:19writing copy you must be a brilliant
- 00:08:21marketer I was heavily influenced by a
- 00:08:23lot of the marketing greates the David
- 00:08:26OG the Gary halberts but none of these
- 00:08:28guys have to compete with the chaotic
- 00:08:31blizzard that is the internet it is a
- 00:08:35wild wild place out there and we have
- 00:08:38more things to focus on but we focus on
- 00:08:41them for shorter periods of
- 00:08:42time and content is just constantly
- 00:08:45increasing in volume which exhausts our
- 00:08:48attention span we have unlimited options
- 00:08:51to choose to spend our attention
- 00:08:53therefore we focus our attention on
- 00:08:55things for less amount of
- 00:08:57time and your competing with the
- 00:09:00strongest competitors on all of these
- 00:09:03platforms so you're competing with the
- 00:09:05Tik tokers with the YouTubes with the
- 00:09:07podcast shows because that's where your
- 00:09:09prospects are spending their attention
- 00:09:11and whenever you serve those people and
- 00:09:13AD you're asking for some of that
- 00:09:18attention Netflix you know Reed Hastings
- 00:09:20has come out and says that their biggest
- 00:09:22competition is sleep it's not Disney
- 00:09:25plus it's not the other streaming
- 00:09:27platforms they get it they understand
- 00:09:29the game that that is their biggest
- 00:09:32competitor is people turning off Netflix
- 00:09:34and going to sleep so how do they combat
- 00:09:36that well they run a whole bunch of
- 00:09:39split tests and Shady experiments to get
- 00:09:41you to watch how many people have fired
- 00:09:43up their Netflix you haven't clicked on
- 00:09:45a show next time you go in there it's a
- 00:09:48different thumbnail or maybe you've even
- 00:09:50watched the show but they've changed the
- 00:09:52thumbnail and you're like oh there's a
- 00:09:54new season and you click into it right
- 00:09:56they're running 220 million users split
- 00:09:59test cuz they understand the game is to
- 00:10:02hijack
- 00:10:04attention because everything competes
- 00:10:07with everything for attention we are in
- 00:10:09one giant attention Arena competing for
- 00:10:13it now Leverage is about it amplifying
- 00:10:16the input to provide a greater output so
- 00:10:20let's talk about that let's talk about
- 00:10:22day trading attention so a sales funnel
- 00:10:24is simply a system with inputs and
- 00:10:27outputs we have the raw inputs being the
- 00:10:31raw materials being attention then the
- 00:10:33processing of those raw materials is
- 00:10:35persuasion and then the output is the
- 00:10:37revenue right whether it's leads
- 00:10:39whatever it looks like for your business
- 00:10:40it's ultimately to drive
- 00:10:42Revenue so regardless of what it is that
- 00:10:45you're selling that is true you have to
- 00:10:48first get attention nothing happens
- 00:10:50until you first hijack that attention
- 00:10:53and it doesn't matter what price point
- 00:10:54it is it's still going to remain true
- 00:10:58now once you understand this the game
- 00:11:00then becomes how do you hack that system
- 00:11:04to get more attention and to get more
- 00:11:06throughput to the system not just the
- 00:11:08attention on the top end but how do you
- 00:11:10get more throughput through your whole
- 00:11:13funnel you do it by getting leverage so
- 00:11:17this is what a lead gen funnel looks
- 00:11:19like for us so we typically buy traffic
- 00:11:22at one to two bucks a click depending on
- 00:11:24what Niche you're in I've just put these
- 00:11:26numbers up there to keep things
- 00:11:27simplistic we send them to an opt-in
- 00:11:30page then we send them to a landing page
- 00:11:32then we ask them to book an appointment
- 00:11:34and then we ask them to buy on that
- 00:11:36appointment for e-commerce $1 to $2 a
- 00:11:39click we send them to a long form
- 00:11:41landing page we hit them with an order
- 00:11:43bump that they can add as they check out
- 00:11:45I'm going to be going into all this
- 00:11:46stuff in detail then we hit them with
- 00:11:48upsell one upsell two and then the down
- 00:11:51cells so that that model like we've
- 00:11:55built over 1,200 funnels we have
- 00:11:57guarantees on our services so we're
- 00:11:59always always coming up against people
- 00:12:00that are putting us up against other
- 00:12:02funnels um and this is what works right
- 00:12:05we've generated over 7.8 billion dollars
- 00:12:08doing so so in a world where the cost of
- 00:12:11traffic is just going to keep going up
- 00:12:13the businesses that will win are the
- 00:12:15ones that can get the most leverage from
- 00:12:17that same traffic because you're
- 00:12:19competing with Coca-Cola you're
- 00:12:21competing with all the different brands
- 00:12:23that are out there because there's only
- 00:12:25one news
- 00:12:27feed so a i equals leverage right so the
- 00:12:32inputs being time money or energy that
- 00:12:35you have to put into the funnel into the
- 00:12:37into the system the output being the
- 00:12:39outcome that you desire whether that's
- 00:12:40income Revenue impact eyeballs you get
- 00:12:44the
- 00:12:45picture so who wants to see how to use
- 00:12:48AI to double the outputs using the same
- 00:12:51inputs for what it is that you're
- 00:12:52already
- 00:12:54spending all righty step one getting
- 00:12:57attention so let's look at the very
- 00:12:59first step that we all go out there and
- 00:13:01compete for which is the attention so
- 00:13:03there are tens of thousands of ads that
- 00:13:07never ever get clicked on and that's
- 00:13:09because most people's ads are this it's
- 00:13:12called rice soup there's no flavor
- 00:13:15there's no seasoning in it it's just
- 00:13:17boiled rice and
- 00:13:19water and what you need to do is you
- 00:13:22need to focus on being different and
- 00:13:24unusual and as dramatic as possible in
- 00:13:28your ads because the people and the
- 00:13:30content that you're competing with in
- 00:13:32the news feed if you just come out here
- 00:13:35and say this is what I've got to sell
- 00:13:36you you will going to be one of those
- 00:13:38ads that simply just gets ignored and
- 00:13:40you're going to be paying a premium on
- 00:13:42all the
- 00:13:44cpms you need to be polarizing because
- 00:13:47being all things to all people is the
- 00:13:50fastest way to become
- 00:13:53invisible now in the chaotic blizzard
- 00:13:56that is the internet we don't earn
- 00:13:58attention we hijack it and then we earn
- 00:14:01the right to retain it I'm going to say
- 00:14:03that again cuz it's very very
- 00:14:06important in the in the chaotic internet
- 00:14:10right you can't just go out there and
- 00:14:12just sell from your heels and not be
- 00:14:15really loud and out there and outgoing
- 00:14:17because you have to hijack the attention
- 00:14:20and then the value that you deliver to
- 00:14:22your Marketplace is where you then earn
- 00:14:25the right to retain that attention so
- 00:14:28these are some of my right I try to eat
- 00:14:30my own medicine so to speak they've got
- 00:14:33you know me here the $1.3 billion
- 00:14:36unicorn funnel mating dance me hoping a
- 00:14:38poop emoji and me in in a red B laava
- 00:14:41and I'm going to tell you why I do this
- 00:14:43in a moment but it's also that I know
- 00:14:45that this is what I'm competing with
- 00:14:48right Dan Bilzerian with a bunch of
- 00:14:51super
- 00:14:52models feeding a bear raw meat right
- 00:14:55that is what is in the news feed before
- 00:14:57the ad that I serve them and and it's
- 00:14:59not just our ads we do in in all of our
- 00:15:02clients ads and the first rule of an ad
- 00:15:05is to not make it look like an ad right
- 00:15:08Facebook is a native advertising
- 00:15:10platform everyone whether you go on
- 00:15:13Facebook or Tik Tok as soon as you see
- 00:15:15the little sponsored thing as soon as
- 00:15:16you know that it's an ad what do you do
- 00:15:18you scroll faster right and Facebook
- 00:15:21knows that so you would you need to make
- 00:15:23your ads not look like ads so humans
- 00:15:27have an average of 50,000 thoughts per
- 00:15:29day 995 which are the same thoughts
- 00:15:32repeated over and over and over
- 00:15:35again but the human brain is an
- 00:15:38incredibly efficient patent recognition
- 00:15:41machine and it recognizes that it's a
- 00:15:43waste of mental RAM for us to relearn
- 00:15:45things that we believe we already
- 00:15:49know so unless you are doing something
- 00:15:52that is different then you simply are
- 00:15:55going to be ignored because the human
- 00:15:57brain is looking just for that
- 00:15:58continuous patent and that's why in
- 00:16:00advertising we use things called patent
- 00:16:03interrupt to interrupt that
- 00:16:06patent right and that's why things that
- 00:16:08a new novel or that interrupt a patent
- 00:16:11get attention so therefore that's what
- 00:16:14we must make sure that our ads
- 00:16:16do now in 2024 you know when it comes to
- 00:16:20how do you hijack ads how do you hijack
- 00:16:23attention when it comes to Media buying
- 00:16:2580% is on creative and 20% is on media
- 00:16:29buying you want to spend a
- 00:16:31disproportionate amount of your time on
- 00:16:33the creative that you put in your ads
- 00:16:36gone of the days where all you needed to
- 00:16:38do would be a killer media buyer and
- 00:16:41you'd get really good ad
- 00:16:42performance for these big platforms for
- 00:16:45Facebook and
- 00:16:46Google the biggest thing the biggest
- 00:16:49threat for these guys or the thing that
- 00:16:50they don't like is a lot of the people
- 00:16:52that are in the room that run agencies
- 00:16:54right and the reason for that is their
- 00:16:56goal is just for a mom and pop business
- 00:16:59out on the street to be able to fire up
- 00:17:01a Facebook ads account and to be able to
- 00:17:03run ads
- 00:17:04profitably so their whole goal is to
- 00:17:07make things as simple as possible for
- 00:17:09the end user and to remove all of the
- 00:17:12Power and to leverage their AI to do all
- 00:17:14the media buying so the half life of
- 00:17:17those skills are very very short instead
- 00:17:20what you need to focus on is creative so
- 00:17:23let's talk about what makes a good
- 00:17:24creative so first of all as we've
- 00:17:26identified you need to First inter up
- 00:17:29the pattern this is the leadin copy
- 00:17:31right it's also done in the image itself
- 00:17:34it needs to look unusual it needs to
- 00:17:36look different and it needs to also
- 00:17:38Drive the Intrigue of what is going on
- 00:17:41here right why is this bold handsome
- 00:17:43dude here holding a USB stick so to
- 00:17:45speak um and this client getting hacked
- 00:17:48feels illegal in quotation marks that's
- 00:17:51going to get your
- 00:17:52attention then not only does it need to
- 00:17:55interrupt the patent but it needs to
- 00:17:57have burning Intrigue behind both the
- 00:17:59headline and also the creative in
- 00:18:01addition to that you need to have a big
- 00:18:04specific benefit the framework for a
- 00:18:07killer ad is Big specific benefit with
- 00:18:11burning inry you want to make sure that
- 00:18:13all of your ads have that present if you
- 00:18:15do that you're going to get a huge
- 00:18:17discount on the CPM that you pay on
- 00:18:19these platforms because Facebook are
- 00:18:22monitoring all this stuff they're seeing
- 00:18:24what the dwell time is of people just
- 00:18:26hovering over your ad how many people
- 00:18:28are clicking the C more and then reading
- 00:18:30the rest of the copy how many people are
- 00:18:32sharing it and clicking it and if you're
- 00:18:34getting a disproportionate amount of
- 00:18:36those engagements that's just sending
- 00:18:38signals to their algorithm that this
- 00:18:40must be good because a lot of people are
- 00:18:43reading it and they're only going to
- 00:18:44stop and read it if it's different and
- 00:18:46if you hijack
- 00:18:47attention right so a question is are you
- 00:18:50launching hundreds of new ads every
- 00:18:53single week brand new creatives brand
- 00:18:56new copy it's a challenge right because
- 00:18:5980% is meant to be invested on Creative
- 00:19:02but it is also very very difficult to do
- 00:19:04that at
- 00:19:07scale again I like to you know do what
- 00:19:10it is practice what I preach we're we're
- 00:19:12literally launching hundreds and
- 00:19:13hundreds of new ad variations and that's
- 00:19:15the way that you also can fight this
- 00:19:18inflation is by launching new creatives
- 00:19:21everyone's launching new creatives on
- 00:19:23ads and seen that they get a big little
- 00:19:25bump in the ad performance so then the
- 00:19:27game is like how do we do that how do we
- 00:19:29repeatedly do that at scale and that's a
- 00:19:31challenge that I've even had to face
- 00:19:33with my own business and with the amount
- 00:19:35of money that I spend on ads so here's
- 00:19:38how to do it first of all the headline
- 00:19:40carries 80% of Freight in any given
- 00:19:45ad
- 00:19:4680% is down to the headline it's not
- 00:19:49what a lot of people think we've spent
- 00:19:51100 million plus on ads to figure that
- 00:19:53out so as you can see here you've got
- 00:19:57all the different headlines new Shark
- 00:19:58Tank secret floods businesses with
- 00:20:00clients gurus losing their minds over
- 00:20:02this that is the headline right so the
- 00:20:05first thing that you can do is you can
- 00:20:06take your winning headlines that you're
- 00:20:08running right now you give them to chat
- 00:20:10gbt and say give me 10 variations of
- 00:20:12this Facebook ad headline make it
- 00:20:14visceral Ultra specific and very direct
- 00:20:19each headline should include a big
- 00:20:20benefit and burning Intrigue limited to
- 00:20:2345 characters here's an example of a
- 00:20:25winning headline if you just do that
- 00:20:28alone
- 00:20:29and all you do is take your existing ads
- 00:20:32but every single week you take your best
- 00:20:35headline and you run it through with
- 00:20:37this prompt and you launch it that will
- 00:20:39increase your ad performance by 10 to
- 00:20:4115%
- 00:20:43alone 11 words to Triple response from
- 00:20:46Facebook ads what are they what are
- 00:20:49these words that the internet daddy
- 00:20:51speaks of is it the
- 00:20:53headline is it the headline on the
- 00:20:57creative what what is it it's actually
- 00:21:00what we call the leadin copy right so
- 00:21:03what you want to do is with this leading
- 00:21:05copy and I'm not just using that and
- 00:21:08saying it's going to Triple like this is
- 00:21:10something that we we triple consistently
- 00:21:12triple response from Facebook ads by
- 00:21:15changing nothing more than those first
- 00:21:1810 to 15 words that lead into an ad and
- 00:21:21what you want to do is you want to use a
- 00:21:23quotation that is a hair on fire
- 00:21:26question or a problem that your Market
- 00:21:28is facing right now and you want to take
- 00:21:30it verbatim a great place to find those
- 00:21:33things is on
- 00:21:34Reddit and it must be that's where you
- 00:21:36start your ad as the leading copy and
- 00:21:39you change nothing more than those and
- 00:21:42you'll get really really good
- 00:21:43performance you can also use quotations
- 00:21:45or testimonials as well same thing here
- 00:21:48give me 10 variations of this opener to
- 00:21:50this Facebook ad make it V visceral
- 00:21:52Ultra specific and very direct limit it
- 00:21:54to 11 words here's an example take your
- 00:21:56winning openers Bang then you've got a
- 00:21:59whole bunch of headlines a whole bunch
- 00:22:01of leading copies to also
- 00:22:03change general rules for your ads is
- 00:22:06that you must be different at all costs
- 00:22:10you need to write like you talk use
- 00:22:12stories do not talk about your company
- 00:22:16in its actual company name talk from
- 00:22:19either a user talk from first person
- 00:22:21make your ads valuable this is a big one
- 00:22:24right if you want to get your stuff
- 00:22:26shared your ads in themselves need to be
- 00:22:29of value because remember what I said
- 00:22:31before the first sale that is made is
- 00:22:33the sale for somebody's attention and
- 00:22:36you want to make sure that you overd
- 00:22:37deliver on that attention so if you make
- 00:22:41your ads actually valuable in themselves
- 00:22:43and you give value you're going to find
- 00:22:46that you get lots of shares and lots of
- 00:22:48reach and lots of people sharing that
- 00:22:49thing for
- 00:22:50free your ads shouldn't look like ads
- 00:22:54you should not be able to distinguish it
- 00:22:56from the content that is already on
- 00:22:58those platforms and that is also getting
- 00:23:00lots of shares and likes short sentences
- 00:23:035 to 10 words or less spark enough
- 00:23:05emotion to generate a comment share and
- 00:23:07a click because that's what it is that
- 00:23:09these platforms are looking for
- 00:23:11Meaningful
- 00:23:13engagement people do not meaningfully
- 00:23:15engage with anything that is boring guys
- 00:23:19or that they just forget or that they
- 00:23:21can scroll by they do it when things are
- 00:23:23novel and when they're different and
- 00:23:25when they're
- 00:23:27valuable so the creative is the Grabber
- 00:23:29that works with the headline to hijack
- 00:23:31attention video versus image ads right
- 00:23:34there's a lot of people that are always
- 00:23:35like yeah it's all about video ads you
- 00:23:38just want to make sure that you've got
- 00:23:39lots of good video ads that's the best
- 00:23:41platform then there's a whole different
- 00:23:43camp that it's like it's all about
- 00:23:44static ads but more often than not
- 00:23:46people think that video ads is the way
- 00:23:48to go however video ads on Facebook is
- 00:23:52the highest premium inventory that you
- 00:23:54can get so unless you really know how to
- 00:23:56make absolute Banger video ads then
- 00:23:59you're going to be paying a much higher
- 00:24:01premium for those cpms and often times
- 00:24:04video ads are actually lower row as or a
- 00:24:07higher cost per lead unless you really
- 00:24:09know what you're doing on the creative
- 00:24:11but even if you really do know what
- 00:24:13you're doing with the creative there
- 00:24:15then becomes another bottleneck which is
- 00:24:17it's very difficult to produce large
- 00:24:20volumes of video creative that is good
- 00:24:23that is remarkable at scale so image jge
- 00:24:27by and large is the way that you can
- 00:24:28launch much more ads you can iterate
- 00:24:31your way to the bullseye a lot quicker
- 00:24:34than what you typically would and it's a
- 00:24:36way to remove that bottleneck of running
- 00:24:39a lot of fresh
- 00:24:41ads one winning ad is worth more than a,
- 00:24:45hours of theory the amount of businesses
- 00:24:49that I come into contact with that
- 00:24:51believe the growth of where it is that
- 00:24:53they want to grow in their business is
- 00:24:54on the other side of another Facebook ad
- 00:24:57course amuses me right that is not where
- 00:25:01the answers are what you really want to
- 00:25:03be doing is launching hundreds of
- 00:25:05different ads to find that one winning
- 00:25:09ad and then taking the DNA of that ad
- 00:25:13using the prompts that I just gave you
- 00:25:15and iterating and creating more of those
- 00:25:17things so who would like a $500,000 ad
- 00:25:21one ad that will generate your business
- 00:25:24$500,000 all the hands should be up
- 00:25:30all right so I spent 2340 hours
- 00:25:32experimenting with AI and here is the
- 00:25:35Wild and scandalous way to 2 to 5x your
- 00:25:37ads results because yes you can use the
- 00:25:40prompts we developed our own in-house AI
- 00:25:43tool that is like if Hemingway and Zuck
- 00:25:46had a baby and its life depended on
- 00:25:48writing High converting copy because I
- 00:25:50like a lot of people when chat GPT came
- 00:25:53out was skeptical and I was like hey I
- 00:25:56forged my whole career in marketing
- 00:25:58surely chat GPT can't just come and
- 00:26:01replace
- 00:26:02me and I nicknamed it snooze GPT and I
- 00:26:07ran some ads I sat down like a lot of
- 00:26:09people write me a high converting
- 00:26:11Facebook ad for this Niche and was very
- 00:26:13underwhelmed by the output it wasn't
- 00:26:16until I thought I went back I went for a
- 00:26:18walk and I was like I I don't need to be
- 00:26:22the skeptic on this I need to go all in
- 00:26:24this is definitely where the future is
- 00:26:25heading so instead of being skeptical
- 00:26:28about it how do I treat my chat GPT
- 00:26:31account and my AI the same way that I
- 00:26:34would a new internal team member and
- 00:26:36give it the same love support and
- 00:26:38guidance and continuous prompting and
- 00:26:40training and the occasional whipping in
- 00:26:42order to get it to the response that I
- 00:26:44needed it to and so what we ended up
- 00:26:47doing was taking all of the winning ads
- 00:26:50across all of our agencies and finding
- 00:26:52out which of the ads that had the
- 00:26:54highest CTR the lowest CPL and the
- 00:26:57highest row as and and we use that as a
- 00:26:59private data set to create our own
- 00:27:02platform so we fed at $7.8 billion in
- 00:27:05row as and used that as a private data
- 00:27:07set so that it knew exactly what a
- 00:27:10winning ad looked like and so you can
- 00:27:12basically log into it give it a few
- 00:27:14prompts it will write you a Facebook ad
- 00:27:17if you go on in there create a new ad we
- 00:27:19have all these different formats of ads
- 00:27:22I'm not only going to be going over Kong
- 00:27:24I give you prompts and all of that good
- 00:27:26stuff as well but basically you feed it
- 00:27:28your basic inputs and you give it your
- 00:27:30list of your benefits how many reviews
- 00:27:33that you've got how many stars you
- 00:27:35review and what it is that you're
- 00:27:36ultimately selling and you give it a
- 00:27:38minute or two and then this thing will
- 00:27:40spit out hundreds of different ad
- 00:27:42headlines hundreds of different body
- 00:27:44copy combinations and also link
- 00:27:46descriptions and
- 00:27:48whatnot so you would go in we've got
- 00:27:50seven different ads in there we've got
- 00:27:52the weird Authority ad the secret piece
- 00:27:54of information the commitment and
- 00:27:56consistency and you pick one of these
- 00:27:58for your individual business then you
- 00:28:01choose what's the CTA is it to download
- 00:28:03a free report an ebook is it to book a
- 00:28:06call in with your sales team is it to
- 00:28:08watch a video training once you've given
- 00:28:10it that it will also formulate a unique
- 00:28:13mechanism for you to make sure whatever
- 00:28:15it is that you're selling sounds unique
- 00:28:19and interesting that your Market gives
- 00:28:21your attention you have to feed it
- 00:28:22things like what are the pain points so
- 00:28:24for this one it was for a property
- 00:28:25Investment Company we said retire 20
- 00:28:28years early quit the soul sucking 9 to5
- 00:28:30job and replace their income and build
- 00:28:32wealth through property investment so we
- 00:28:34give it all of this the things that they
- 00:28:36ultimately want is to replace their
- 00:28:37income and retire 20 years early where
- 00:28:40they got some press who is the authority
- 00:28:42figure behind it feeded all of this good
- 00:28:45stuff and then away it
- 00:28:48goes exhausted 95 a millionaire property
- 00:28:51Tycoon shocking investment trick
- 00:28:53revealed here do this now um if you have
- 00:28:55a mortgage it works and there is a whole
- 00:28:58bunch of winning headlines that it will
- 00:28:59spit out that you can just run then in
- 00:29:01addition to that what makes a good ad is
- 00:29:04the readability score there's a free app
- 00:29:06called the Hemingway editor I highly
- 00:29:08suggest that all of you use it you can
- 00:29:10take I have no affiliation with them you
- 00:29:12can take whatever copy that you've got
- 00:29:14uploaded in there and it highlights
- 00:29:17where are the things that are hard to
- 00:29:19understand what is complex and we have
- 00:29:22found that you want to write at a third
- 00:29:25grade reading level or below and you
- 00:29:28want to break up the copy of the ads
- 00:29:31because most of people are consuming
- 00:29:32this on an iPhone or or on a smartphone
- 00:29:35you want to break up these sentences as
- 00:29:36well to make it highly readable because
- 00:29:40consumption precedes conversion if you
- 00:29:43want to get people to convert you need
- 00:29:45to get them to First consume whatever it
- 00:29:48is that you've
- 00:29:49got and so you can see with Kong it spat
- 00:29:53out this copy and yeah it's at a third
- 00:29:55grade reading level if you did nothing
- 00:29:57more than that on your app ads you'll
- 00:29:58see a big bump in conversions as
- 00:30:02well then the other thing that you want
- 00:30:04to make sure that all of your ads have
- 00:30:06is a positive lexical sentiment there
- 00:30:10are a bunch of different tools this is
- 00:30:11another free one it's called Center Gem
- 00:30:13and what you do is you copy whether it's
- 00:30:16your video script because Facebook and
- 00:30:18all of these platforms AI is reading
- 00:30:21everything that you say in your videos
- 00:30:23or it's your body copy and their whole
- 00:30:26thing is they want to share m mesages
- 00:30:28that make their users feel good so that
- 00:30:31they come back and they use those
- 00:30:32platforms even more and so the way that
- 00:30:35they do that is they analyze the
- 00:30:36sentiment of that in the words that you
- 00:30:39use and you need to make sure that
- 00:30:40overall you have a positive lexical
- 00:30:43sentiment Kong also spits out copy to
- 00:30:45make sure that's the case it doesn't
- 00:30:47mean that you don't need to have any
- 00:30:48negative sentiment in there but you can
- 00:30:49see here's the overall sentiment is
- 00:30:51positive that's a big
- 00:30:53one but what about the creatives yo
- 00:30:56because that's what you guys are
- 00:30:57probably all thinking that's just all
- 00:30:58the copy stuff you've given me the chat
- 00:31:00GPT prompts you've showed me Kong how do
- 00:31:02I get the creatives Kong also does
- 00:31:04creatives right so we've taken all of
- 00:31:06our winning best ad per formats also and
- 00:31:09uploaded it into Kong you can go in
- 00:31:11there and edit these things and just
- 00:31:14change your image drag and drop put your
- 00:31:16winning headlines that you get from chat
- 00:31:18GPT or that you get from Kong and then
- 00:31:21you can literally launch hundreds and
- 00:31:24hundreds and hundreds of new ads every
- 00:31:27single single week and if you do that it
- 00:31:30sends the algorithm
- 00:31:33wild and that's what happens and that's
- 00:31:36what it feels like when you launch a
- 00:31:37brand new ad and you hit a six row as
- 00:31:40out the gate because you're not sitting
- 00:31:43down with a blank canvas and wondering
- 00:31:45and this is what happened to me when I
- 00:31:46started deploying this I had a huge
- 00:31:48bottleneck in my business of like okay
- 00:31:50cool I like to create video ads they're
- 00:31:53fun right they're also very difficult to
- 00:31:56produce I have a whole video production
- 00:31:58team and it's still a huge effort and
- 00:32:00production for us to do it and then you
- 00:32:02need all of the different ad
- 00:32:03combinations for when it
- 00:32:05fatigues so it really really does work
- 00:32:08and there's no such thing as a boring
- 00:32:11product just boring marketing very
- 00:32:14people that just looked at those ads and
- 00:32:15thought that's a little bit out there
- 00:32:17that's a little bit wild my what I have
- 00:32:19isn't as entertaining as that you can
- 00:32:22make anything interesting if you spend
- 00:32:25the enough time and resources to do so
- 00:32:27and you should be spending 80% of your
- 00:32:29time on that function because it is the
- 00:32:32tip of the spear and it's the things
- 00:32:34that will dramatically add to your
- 00:32:36profits and how did I figure this out um
- 00:32:39I launched a vsl about a video sales
- 00:32:42letter for those that aren't familiar 3
- 00:32:44and a half four years ago and I did two
- 00:32:46variations one was just the normal one
- 00:32:49where it's just like me talking about
- 00:32:51business and hey do you want to get more
- 00:32:53leads coming into your business do you
- 00:32:54want to increase your row as and your
- 00:32:56profits very straight down the line
- 00:32:59then I I did the Wildman hook right the
- 00:33:02Wildman Hook is me holding a poop emoji
- 00:33:04in my hand that has nothing to do with
- 00:33:06digital marketing but it is different
- 00:33:09and that thing dramatically outperformed
- 00:33:12the ad I didn't know why I I I don't
- 00:33:14know what the correlation to a poop
- 00:33:16emoji is in digital marketing but the
- 00:33:18thing that it does it it's different it
- 00:33:20hijacks your attention and consumption
- 00:33:23precedes conversion
- 00:33:28big Brands get it too right I used to
- 00:33:30look at these guys and laugh and think
- 00:33:32they know nothing about marketing right
- 00:33:34like they're not using hardcore Hulks
- 00:33:36and sales messages and stuff like that
- 00:33:38but these guys get it they get the game
- 00:33:41they get how to hijack people's
- 00:33:42attention and that's why they put on
- 00:33:45outrageous spectacles like this with
- 00:33:47Snoop for big lighters and Arnold
- 00:33:49dressed as Zeus and lightning coming
- 00:33:51down all of this crazy stuff cuz they
- 00:33:53understand how to hijack the game
- 00:33:55because there is a war for attention and
- 00:33:57the question that you want to ask
- 00:33:59yourself is what weapons are you
- 00:34:01using are you bringing a knife to a
- 00:34:04gunfight right are you using plain
- 00:34:07boring rice soup for your
- 00:34:09ads or are you being very very different
- 00:34:12to what everybody else is doing in your
- 00:34:14marketplace now using this method you'll
- 00:34:17have thousands of fresh ads to run
- 00:34:19weekly and that's how you get 100x
- 00:34:22leverage on the same ad spend that
- 00:34:24you're already doing take the ad spin
- 00:34:27use this system system and you will see
- 00:34:29a ridiculous output throughput to your
- 00:34:32funnels this is what it felt like for me
- 00:34:34when I figured this out and I could
- 00:34:35start running the
- 00:34:36ad so that's the getting the attention
- 00:34:39part let's talk about converting the
- 00:34:41attention so the first rule of Fight
- 00:34:43Club is that nobody is going to read
- 00:34:45watch or listen to your stuff it is so
- 00:34:48boring it could make an accountant
- 00:34:51cry so you need to look at all the sales
- 00:34:54messages that you're putting out there
- 00:34:56the email flows the website copy and say
- 00:35:00is this entertaining because this is
- 00:35:02what you're competing with you're
- 00:35:03competing with Hyper customized local
- 00:35:07content that is fed through an algorithm
- 00:35:09releasing dopamine to your target market
- 00:35:12through Tik Tok through YouTube through
- 00:35:14all of these different
- 00:35:16platforms and unless it is different and
- 00:35:19it unless it does hijack their attention
- 00:35:21then you're not going to be able to
- 00:35:22provide any real value because you it
- 00:35:25needs to provide real value the first
- 00:35:27thing to consider is why does my
- 00:35:30Prospect even care about what it is that
- 00:35:32I'm
- 00:35:33saying it's got to be really interesting
- 00:35:35it's got to be entertaining and it also
- 00:35:37has to provide
- 00:35:39value because skepticism is at an
- 00:35:42all-time high thanks to the internet the
- 00:35:46barriers to entry in order to start a
- 00:35:48business are almost zero it's an
- 00:35:51internet connection in a phone and what
- 00:35:53that means is that for all of the
- 00:35:54business owners that are in this room un
- 00:35:57un fortunately there is some Guru on the
- 00:36:00news feed that is hawking your business
- 00:36:03idea as a business opportunity for other
- 00:36:07people to go out there and make money
- 00:36:09with and convince people to quit their
- 00:36:129-to-5 job and to start a business in
- 00:36:15your Niche and what that means is that
- 00:36:18you have a whole bunch of people that
- 00:36:20don't know what the hell they're doing
- 00:36:22that are going out there and they're
- 00:36:24running ads and they're cluttering up
- 00:36:26the marketplace and then how many people
- 00:36:30have had a new client come to them but
- 00:36:33you're not the first person in that
- 00:36:34Niche that has served them
- 00:36:36before and they have been burnt to a
- 00:36:39crisp and they are highly skeptical
- 00:36:42about everything that it is you're
- 00:36:44saying right and that's going to only
- 00:36:47accelerate with more time as more people
- 00:36:50come
- 00:36:51online so it makes every step of the
- 00:36:55funnel from people being dubious about
- 00:36:57clicking on ads to opting into your
- 00:36:59content to watching a video to booking a
- 00:37:01call with your sales team to coming into
- 00:37:03your showroom because everybody is just
- 00:37:05screaming and competing for more
- 00:37:07attention and the chances are that
- 00:37:08they've already been with someone else
- 00:37:10and haven't gotten the result that they
- 00:37:11want a great way to combat that is a
- 00:37:13high value content offer one of the
- 00:37:15quickest and downest dirtiest ways to do
- 00:37:17that is what some people know as a lead
- 00:37:19magnet which is a free
- 00:37:21report um where you basically provide
- 00:37:24value but most people say yeah I've
- 00:37:26tried this sub did didn't get the result
- 00:37:28that I wanted right or I tried it and I
- 00:37:30didn't have a line out the door of
- 00:37:32people waiting to to give me money and
- 00:37:34to throw money at me I'm going to show
- 00:37:35you how to do that in a second but the
- 00:37:36first rule to understand is that this is
- 00:37:40the second transaction that takes place
- 00:37:42the first one being we're getting their
- 00:37:44attention and then the second one is
- 00:37:46when we give them something for free it
- 00:37:48needs to be as good as a paid product
- 00:37:51most people put together a stodgy free
- 00:37:53report a white paper and there's no real
- 00:37:56value in that thing it's just like a
- 00:37:58promotional merchandise for their
- 00:38:00business telling them how great they are
- 00:38:02that's not real
- 00:38:04value right the other way that you can
- 00:38:06do it is through a video opt in as well
- 00:38:09where you have a video that people click
- 00:38:10on this button and it pops up and then
- 00:38:12they opt in for that as well again it's
- 00:38:14just anything that your prospect
- 00:38:17Associates with high value and it is a
- 00:38:19Val it's an offer for that value for
- 00:38:23free so we've run these things in in all
- 00:38:26different markets videos webinars optins
- 00:38:30low ticket products all of that kind of
- 00:38:32stuff and with all of that said right
- 00:38:36nothing will give you a cheaper cost per
- 00:38:39lead than a free report we've split
- 00:38:42tested it to the High Heavens that's how
- 00:38:44you spend 7,000 bucks pull in 668 leads
- 00:38:48add 11 bucks a pop it's also how you to
- 00:38:51spend 8,000 bucks and get
- 00:38:54$3,589 and $446 a lead right it gives
- 00:38:58you the cheapest cost per lead that you
- 00:38:59can possibly
- 00:39:01get so value is the antidote to
- 00:39:06skepticism and that's why in the age of
- 00:39:09influen of brands with people putting
- 00:39:11out content it's because that value is
- 00:39:14combating all the skepticism that is
- 00:39:16rising in the
- 00:39:18marketplace so the lens that I want you
- 00:39:20guys to all look at it for is how can
- 00:39:22you provide the most value to your
- 00:39:24market for free and treat them like a
- 00:39:27customer customer before they give you a
- 00:39:28scent because that's the way that you're
- 00:39:31going to be able to fight this
- 00:39:32skepticism that is just running wild
- 00:39:35right
- 00:39:35now so we grab them by the throat with
- 00:39:39an attention grabbing headline because
- 00:39:41in order to provide that value we have
- 00:39:43to first get them into our world to
- 00:39:44start
- 00:39:45with so let's talk about profit printing
- 00:39:48I made a promise at the start of this
- 00:39:50presentation about how to make your
- 00:39:52business 2 to 3x more profitable we do
- 00:39:54that using profit printing AKA splits
- 00:39:57testing again I don't have any
- 00:39:59affiliation with these guys
- 00:40:01Google they sunsetted their feature of
- 00:40:04Google optimize and being able to run
- 00:40:06split tests directly in Google analytics
- 00:40:09um but I get very anxious and nervous if
- 00:40:11I don't have several split test running
- 00:40:14at any given time people see me around
- 00:40:15the office that something wrong with
- 00:40:17subur today it's because I don't have
- 00:40:18seven split test running but I always
- 00:40:21have seven split tests running because
- 00:40:23split testing not only on the ads like
- 00:40:26we just covered but at every step of the
- 00:40:28funnel is the way that you literally
- 00:40:30print profits it's the single easiest
- 00:40:33way for any business to double or even
- 00:40:35triple their profits immediately show of
- 00:40:38hands who has a split test running right
- 00:40:41now not enough people what do you do
- 00:40:44when you want to run a split test so the
- 00:40:45biggest easiest thing that's going to
- 00:40:47move the most Freight in your funnel is
- 00:40:49going to be the headline of the opt-in
- 00:40:50page that you run right you just pick a
- 00:40:53headline you can run it using those same
- 00:40:55prompts right this this is what it does
- 00:40:57for me so on this one I got a 35% bump
- 00:41:01this one I got a 20% bump and on that
- 00:41:04last one I got a 2 43%
- 00:41:07bump you put them all together it
- 00:41:10compounds you keep running that every
- 00:41:12week you keep iterating your way to the
- 00:41:14bullseye and that's the way that you
- 00:41:16print
- 00:41:17profits that's the way that you have a
- 00:41:19lot more money at the end of the month
- 00:41:22to buy protein shakes or pistachios or
- 00:41:24like for me organic raspberries for my
- 00:41:26three
- 00:41:28CU it is an expensive habit they have so
- 00:41:30let's talk about headlines what do you
- 00:41:32put in the headlines so first of all the
- 00:41:35headline job is to grab attention and
- 00:41:37then filtering that talk target audience
- 00:41:39generating burning Intrigue and
- 00:41:41promising a specific benefit focus on
- 00:41:45what to say and not how to say it most
- 00:41:48marketers obsess over how to say things
- 00:41:51that's not the small hinge that swings
- 00:41:53the biggest door you want to figure out
- 00:41:56what is it that I need to say in the
- 00:41:58first place and the way that you do that
- 00:42:00is by something I call diving inside the
- 00:42:02monkey brain what questions are they
- 00:42:04asking look at Forums on Reddit cor
- 00:42:07subscribe to the email list of all your
- 00:42:08competitors check out Amazon reviews be
- 00:42:11a prospect speak Mystery Shop or your
- 00:42:14competition join Facebook groups what
- 00:42:17are the common things that come up that
- 00:42:19they say and then you want to put those
- 00:42:22things that they say into buckets to
- 00:42:24test and it's about what you say and not
- 00:42:28just finessing the words and adding more
- 00:42:30polarizing language into it a pro tip on
- 00:42:34this download a Chrome extension called
- 00:42:36discussions and then when you search for
- 00:42:38anything in your Marketplace it will
- 00:42:40only show you all the forums and
- 00:42:43discussions for the search
- 00:42:46results right best diet for weight loss
- 00:42:48it will show up here as an additional
- 00:42:50little tab discussions and then it just
- 00:42:53starts showing you all the forums what
- 00:42:55everybody's saying online this is
- 00:42:57limited fod for all of your ads Hooks
- 00:43:00and
- 00:43:01headlines pay attention to the language
- 00:43:04and the vacular that they use some of my
- 00:43:07best performing headlines in copy is
- 00:43:10when I have literally copy and pasted
- 00:43:12exactly what somebody has said in my
- 00:43:14target market from an email or a COR
- 00:43:17post or Reddit and I have literally used
- 00:43:20that verbatim because that's the the
- 00:43:22language that my market speaks in I
- 00:43:24don't want to speak like a marketer
- 00:43:28above everything else put yourself in
- 00:43:30the shoes of the prospect do not think
- 00:43:33about what it is that you've got to say
- 00:43:36think about what it is your prospect
- 00:43:37wants to
- 00:43:38hear before use for headline formula
- 00:43:42make it urgent unique useful and Ultra
- 00:43:45specific do not talk in just broad
- 00:43:49generalities as the market gets more
- 00:43:51fragmented you need to get more specific
- 00:43:53with your language again here we use
- 00:43:56chat GPT give me 10 variations of this
- 00:43:58headline make it visceral Ultra specific
- 00:44:01and very direct here's an example of an
- 00:44:04opener right or a headline I should say
- 00:44:07and so you're taking your winning
- 00:44:08headlines that you're already running
- 00:44:10split tests with and then you're not
- 00:44:12having to reinvent the wheel every time
- 00:44:14you you leverage AI to do that for you
- 00:44:17you can do it on chat gbt with a free
- 00:44:19account you can do it on Kong as well
- 00:44:22right where you prompt it and it will
- 00:44:23give you all of the outputs that it is
- 00:44:24that you need
- 00:44:27so we've got buying the traffic then
- 00:44:29we're sending it to a landing page
- 00:44:32because we're running hundreds of
- 00:44:34different ad combinations if not
- 00:44:35thousands we get a bare minimum I'm
- 00:44:38being you know very very generous by
- 00:44:41saying you're only going to get a 20%
- 00:44:42uplifting in your ad performance it's
- 00:44:46typically double right but I don't want
- 00:44:48to use any exaggerated claims you're
- 00:44:49going to get a higher CTR lower cpms
- 00:44:53lower cost per purchase and a lower cost
- 00:44:55per lead let's talk about processing
- 00:44:58that
- 00:44:59information so the biggest hack ever is
- 00:45:02just to sell what people want to
- 00:45:05buy simple yet most people don't do it
- 00:45:09most business owners think about what is
- 00:45:12convenient for me to
- 00:45:14sell what is easy for me to sell not
- 00:45:17what the market is absolutely starving
- 00:45:20for so what I would encourage you to do
- 00:45:24of regardless of the niche or the
- 00:45:25product that you've got put that aside
- 00:45:28for a moment use the method that I just
- 00:45:30discussed of exactly how to figure out
- 00:45:33what people want and then just sell it
- 00:45:35to them because the perfect Bullseye
- 00:45:37exists in any given Marketplace and it
- 00:45:39doesn't matter if you hit it with a
- 00:45:42sniper rifle or a rubber mallet when you
- 00:45:44hit it people buy emotionally
- 00:45:46irrationally and in large large
- 00:45:49quantities and you need to make an offer
- 00:45:52with balls right I call it a Godfather
- 00:45:55offer so when a god father offer is made
- 00:45:58people
- 00:45:59buy however what a lot of people do is
- 00:46:02that they run around and they make
- 00:46:04offers that everybody can
- 00:46:08refuse rather than having a offer that
- 00:46:11is so good that people can't refuse it
- 00:46:14and that's the tip of the spear all the
- 00:46:15stuff that I'm telling you about ads and
- 00:46:17funnels none of that stuff matters if
- 00:46:19you're selling something that the market
- 00:46:21isn't starving for the best way to come
- 00:46:24up with one of these offers is to first
- 00:46:26put put it all down on paper everything
- 00:46:29that you've
- 00:46:30got right forget about your lawyers for
- 00:46:34a moment forget about makinga claims at
- 00:46:37a compliant just put it down on paper
- 00:46:39and think what is the most ludicrous
- 00:46:42offer that I could create that people
- 00:46:45would run to throw money at at me and
- 00:46:47don't think about how you're going to
- 00:46:49deliver on that yet or how you're going
- 00:46:50to even sell that start with that in
- 00:46:53mind and then you peel it back to
- 00:46:54something that's actually deliverable in
- 00:46:56instead what most people do is they go
- 00:46:58out with an offer that they feel
- 00:47:00comfortable with and it doesn't work and
- 00:47:03then they're like oh let me like put
- 00:47:05lipstick on a pig now and try to make
- 00:47:06this thing work and you're just swimming
- 00:47:08against the Raging River so here's an
- 00:47:10example of an ordinary offer buy your
- 00:47:12mattress online fast and free you know
- 00:47:15Australia made with free delivery buy
- 00:47:17your mattress online today for better
- 00:47:18quality Factory Direct locally owned and
- 00:47:20operated various payment options
- 00:47:22headboards assembly this is what most
- 00:47:24people's ads look like right you
- 00:47:26wouldn't look at that and go oh my God
- 00:47:27that's such a terrible ad that's what
- 00:47:28most people's ads just look like that's
- 00:47:31their offer this is this is their offer
- 00:47:33buy an australian-made mattress online
- 00:47:35with free and fast delivery if you had
- 00:47:36to boil that ad down right instead
- 00:47:40irresistible offers are detailed and hyp
- 00:47:46specific this was the offer that we
- 00:47:48created for this client get an
- 00:47:49Australia's best reviewed mattress
- 00:47:51delivered to your door for free with a
- 00:47:53100 night trial
- 00:47:57for a company called koala these guys
- 00:47:59went from 0 to 13 million and then to
- 00:48:01$200 million in Revenue in 3 years right
- 00:48:04so that's what it looks like when you go
- 00:48:06into a market and you disrupt it with a
- 00:48:09Godfather offer so let's look at another
- 00:48:11one say you run an SEO agency best SEO
- 00:48:14management digital marketing experts
- 00:48:17100% results focused no locking
- 00:48:19contracts best local SEO management
- 00:48:20company looks pretty normal right looks
- 00:48:23what most SEO agencies would
- 00:48:25do right if you had to boil that down
- 00:48:28best SEO management and digital
- 00:48:29marketing experts how many people are
- 00:48:31making that claim on the
- 00:48:33internet right
- 00:48:36everyone instead when I was coold
- 00:48:39calling from my bedroom um I created
- 00:48:42guaranteed Google rankings in 90 days or
- 00:48:44we work for
- 00:48:45free this went on to take me to win all
- 00:48:48of these Awards and to go from Co
- 00:48:50calling in my bedroom to becoming a
- 00:48:52shark on Shark Tank on that one offer
- 00:48:54alone that's the power of this stuff
- 00:48:57the offer is the tip of the spear right
- 00:49:00and it's that's the offer that you're
- 00:49:02making it's your marketing message it's
- 00:49:04what everything else stems from it's
- 00:49:06what arms your sales team it what arms
- 00:49:09your funnels you're selling e-commerce
- 00:49:11online to convert a disproportionate
- 00:49:13amount of that traffic and a compelling
- 00:49:15offer is 10 times more powerful than a
- 00:49:18convincing
- 00:49:19argument yet most people find themselves
- 00:49:22on sales calls trying to have a
- 00:49:23convincing argument
- 00:49:27a strong offer will succeed in spite of
- 00:49:30weak
- 00:49:31copy but strong copy will not overcome a
- 00:49:34weak offer so when you're sitting down
- 00:49:38and you're looking at your offer on what
- 00:49:40I call the offer scale make sure that
- 00:49:42you're not sitting on the crappy end or
- 00:49:44the ordinary end like most people do and
- 00:49:46have a Godfather offer it's going to
- 00:49:48make your life so much
- 00:49:52easier and the way to figure out whether
- 00:49:54or not you have a Godfather offer I have
- 00:49:57a saying if the offer and guarantee
- 00:49:59don't keep the founder up at night then
- 00:50:02they simply aren't strong
- 00:50:04enough if you're feeling comfortable
- 00:50:07with the offers that you're making
- 00:50:09they're not strong it's as simple as
- 00:50:11that you should get a little bit hot and
- 00:50:13bothered a little bit nervous when you
- 00:50:15put the offer out should be legal should
- 00:50:17be compliant but it should make you feel
- 00:50:19very uncomfortable because that's what
- 00:50:22opens up the loop in a prospect's mind
- 00:50:25of how are they able to offer
- 00:50:29this and you need to give it your very
- 00:50:32best shot on the first time no
- 00:50:34exceptions don't start from a place of
- 00:50:36weakness and then try to dial it up
- 00:50:38start from the strongest Place possible
- 00:50:39and then dial it down if you want to
- 00:50:42breakthrough results you have to put in
- 00:50:44a breakthrough effort there is no
- 00:50:46shortcut to this stuff
- 00:50:48guys all righty so we send people we get
- 00:50:52a 20% bump on the opin page then we also
- 00:50:55let me go back here we get a 20% bump on
- 00:50:57the CTR of our ads we get a 20% bump in
- 00:51:00the conversion rate on our opt-in page
- 00:51:02by running those split tests and finding
- 00:51:04our way to the Bullseye by figuring out
- 00:51:07what our Market wants and then giving it
- 00:51:08to them and then using AI to generate
- 00:51:11lots of headlines and then as a result
- 00:51:14of that we get a 73% output throughput
- 00:51:17to our funnels which means we get 73%
- 00:51:20more appointments or 73% more revenue
- 00:51:23and profits at the end of the day and
- 00:51:25that's what it looks like when you hit
- 00:51:26the money printer it
- 00:51:29goes yeah that's my favorite little
- 00:51:31noise little little money printer going
- 00:51:33off and that's what happens when you
- 00:51:35compound all of these things together
- 00:51:38it's not about just the best ad hack and
- 00:51:40the best ad strategy it's about looking
- 00:51:43at every single touch Point as a part in
- 00:51:45your funnel and thinking how do I do
- 00:51:49more here how do I get more leverage out
- 00:51:51of the cpms more leverage from the
- 00:51:53traffic onto my opt-in page and you do
- 00:51:55that by profit Printing and running all
- 00:51:56of the split test just some closing
- 00:51:59thoughts in business you know you really
- 00:52:02want to we're constantly in a battle of
- 00:52:04shiny object syndrome I know that I had
- 00:52:06a really bad case of shiny object
- 00:52:08syndrome early on in my career and I got
- 00:52:10my ass handed to me because I kept on
- 00:52:12jumping around from thing to thing and I
- 00:52:16only started getting good results when I
- 00:52:18started focusing on the main thing and
- 00:52:21the main thing is one to understand your
- 00:52:23prospects problem better than anybody
- 00:52:25else that is is a fundamental thing that
- 00:52:28is going to always serve you two is
- 00:52:30being able to articulate that better
- 00:52:32than anyone else and three is to solve
- 00:52:36it better than anybody else and if you
- 00:52:40guys are like me right entrepreneurs
- 00:52:42start a business because for some we're
- 00:52:45not happy with something that's going on
- 00:52:47right and then we try something new and
- 00:52:50we get some results and we're like oh
- 00:52:53that that's awesome so that means like
- 00:52:54either I keep trying new things I'm
- 00:52:57going to recreate this and keep getting
- 00:52:59results but that's often not the case
- 00:53:03right instead we're always faced with
- 00:53:05the Battle of do I improve my existing
- 00:53:08business or do I launch a new business
- 00:53:10do I launch a brand new product do I do
- 00:53:12something completely brand new and it's
- 00:53:15a it's a forever battle and the higher
- 00:53:18that you get up the opportunities just
- 00:53:20become more
- 00:53:22enticing and there's always a fight to
- 00:53:24go towards them so you need to say no to
- 00:53:27distractions because focus is a
- 00:53:29superpower and the most dangerous
- 00:53:31competitor is the one with singular
- 00:53:34Focus they're not getting distracted by
- 00:53:36launching thousands of different things
- 00:53:38and all these different businesses with
- 00:53:40all these different revenue streams
- 00:53:41coming in and the way that I have found
- 00:53:43to combat and still scratch that need
- 00:53:45for something that is novel is to launch
- 00:53:48new front-end offers that all lead to
- 00:53:51the same
- 00:53:52backend because it allows you to still
- 00:53:55scratch the itch of trying something new
- 00:53:58and launching new products but all paths
- 00:54:01lead to Ram they all lead to the one
- 00:54:03backend business that you've got and
- 00:54:05allows you to have a bit of that you
- 00:54:07know shiny object syndrome and add and
- 00:54:09wants to constantly do new things as an
- 00:54:11entrepreneur but it still serves the
- 00:54:13main purpose which is to grow the
- 00:54:16overall main
- 00:54:18thing it's going to take you much longer
- 00:54:20than you think to hit your goals it's
- 00:54:23going to take you much more volume much
- 00:54:25more work and it requires years and
- 00:54:28years of focus in order to get
- 00:54:32there but it is worth it and for anybody
- 00:54:35that's thinking about quitting or going
- 00:54:36through those hard times my word is that
- 00:54:39if the path was easy then everybody
- 00:54:41would walk it and it would lead to
- 00:54:43Nowhere don't quit keep pushing for what
- 00:54:46it is that you want and stay dangerous
- 00:54:49thank you
- IA
- Marketing numérique
- Conversions
- Attention
- Tests A/B
- Offres irrésistibles
- Publicité
- Créativité
- Optimisation
- Funnel de ventes