Phonological Awareness



TLDRSu in videu, fai mencioni importante de sa bona de s'afare fonologicau in su progressu de sos pitzinnos in pramma de essi legidores e iscritores buonos. S'afare fonologicau est sa capacità de intèndere e identificare sos sonos in su lìnguas parladu e de cumbinare, deparare e manipulare custos sonos. Est essenziale chi sos pitzinnos imperinu cumenti in sa scòla iniciale DDA nécessiti in cumenzare cun ghjos giogos chi no nci faghint daran priente che scoltðu, cun pitzinnos giogos comente su «Whisper Game». Ati presenta giogos de rima, alliterazione, e segmentamentu de sillabas e de onboard rhymes blending e segmenting. Chizi giogos assistint a sa vocazione fonologica cun sa progèsu muzeta e identificantze de palabras in frases e segmentazione in pentidi de frequenzia de so parole. Palabras brincanti, segmentamento e blending aiutant sos bambino a sviluppare isperendathas limbicas essenciale pro predire su sejak happu in sa leggidura e iscriedura posta. Custias atividades debbet di mantensas prevenitivas pro cunsulidare su afare fonologico primma de move inseguidos a mais livelli.

Para llevar

  • 📚 La consapevolezza fonologica è cruciale per il successo nella lettura e scrittura.
  • 🧠 Si sviluppa attraverso giochi di ascolto e non implica la stampa.
  • 🎶 Giochi di rima aiutano i bambini a riconoscere i suoni delle parole.
  • 🔄 Segmentazione delle parole e delle frasi migliora la comprensione del linguaggio.
  • 🔠 Allitterazione sviluppa la capacità di riconoscere suoni iniziali comuni.
  • 🧩 Giochi di "onset-rhyme" migliorano il blending dei suoni nelle parole.
  • 👂 Il gioco del Sussurro insegna ai bambini ad ascoltare attentamente.
  • 🎨 Creare un libro delle rime celebra la capacità di creare rime.
  • 💥 Attività di ritmo aiutano i bambini a prevedere le rime.
  • 👐 "Clapping games" aiutano a segmentare le parole in sillabe.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:06

    Este video explora actividades de conciencia fonológica para mejorar el éxito de los niños como lectores y escritores. Se enfoca en la conciencia fonológica, que es la habilidad de escuchar, reconocer y manipular sonidos del lenguaje hablado. Incluye juegos y actividades que no implican la escritura, como rimar, segmentar oraciones en palabras, y dividir palabras en sílabas. Estos ejercicios, como el juego del "teléfono" y la "caja de rimas", enseñan a los niños a escuchar activamente, reconocer rimas y aliteraciones, y comprender la estructura del lenguaje. La conciencia fonológica es un indicador clave del éxito futuro en la lectura y escritura.

Mapa mental

Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas

  • Cos'è la consapevolezza fonologica?

    È la capacità di sentire e riconoscere i suoni del linguaggio parlato e capire come possono essere combinati, separati e manipolati.

  • Quali sono alcuni esercizi di consapevolezza fonologica?

    Esercizi di ascolto, giochi di rima, allitterazione, segmentazione delle frasi e delle sillabe, e giochi di blending e segmenting onset-rhyme.

  • Come si può introdurre la consapevolezza fonologica?

    Attraverso giochi e attività di ascolto che non coinvolgono la stampa, come il gioco del Sussurro o dei Telefoni.

  • Qual è lo scopo dei giochi di rima?

    Sviluppare l'attenzione dei bambini ai suoni del linguaggio.

  • Perché la consapevolezza fonologica è importante?

    È un forte indicatore di successo nella lettura e nella scrittura.

  • Come si segmentano le frasi nei giochi di consapevolezza fonologica?

    I bambini rompono le frasi in parole e usano cubi per rappresentare ogni parola.

  • Che cos'è l'attività "Word Hunt"?

    È un'attività per il blending e segmenting onset-rhyme dove i bambini identificano parole da suoni dati.

  • Quali abilitá vengono sviluppate con le attività di allitterazione?

    Abilità di riconoscere e dire parole con suoni iniziali comuni.

  • Cosa sono i "clapping games" per le sillabe?

    Attività dove i bambini battono le mani per segmentare le parole in sillabe.

  • Quando si dovrebbe avanzare al prossimo livello di abilità fonologica?

    Solo dopo che ogni step è stato riconosciuto ed esplorato a sufficienza.

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Desplazamiento automático:
  • 00:00:03
  • 00:00:23
    bipp bumblebee these are the sounds of
  • 00:00:26
  • 00:00:27
    developing little wiie was a flea
  • 00:00:31
    these phonological awareness exercises
  • 00:00:34
    can be very important to Children's
  • 00:00:35
    success as readers and writers
  • 00:00:37
    phological awareness is hearing and
  • 00:00:40
    recognizing the sounds of spoken
  • 00:00:41
    language and understanding how the
  • 00:00:43
    sounds can be combined separated and
  • 00:00:46
    manipulated it is developed through
  • 00:00:48
    listening games and
  • 00:00:49
    activities it does not involve print
  • 00:00:53
    some activities that promote
  • 00:00:54
    phonological awareness can be done
  • 00:00:56
    blindfolded were you right good job you
  • 00:00:58
    were right pre students should focus on
  • 00:01:01
    listening activities that include
  • 00:01:03
    rhyming George what are you trying to
  • 00:01:05
    buy a ring and a string alliteration
  • 00:01:09
    great green gorillas great green
  • 00:01:11
    gorillas word and sentence segmenting I
  • 00:01:17
  • 00:01:19
    my mom syllable
  • 00:01:24
  • 00:01:26
    Mar right and onset rhyme to develop
  • 00:01:30
    their phonological awareness P IG pig
  • 00:01:35
    pig good job rhyming involves matching
  • 00:01:38
    the ending sounds of words such as May
  • 00:01:41
    Day pay or say for prek children
  • 00:01:45
    alliteration is recognizing or saying
  • 00:01:47
    words with common initial sounds like
  • 00:01:50
    lazy Lions lounging in the local library
  • 00:01:54
    sentence segmenting involves breaking
  • 00:01:56
    sentences into words I like
  • 00:02:00
    milk syllable segmenting is the breaking
  • 00:02:03
    down of words into syllables such as
  • 00:02:06
    skating onset rhyme blending and
  • 00:02:09
    segmenting is combining or separating
  • 00:02:11
    the initial consonant or consonant
  • 00:02:13
    cluster in a word the onset from the
  • 00:02:16
    sounds that come after it the rhyme
  • 00:02:20
  • 00:02:21
    bat prek students can advance their
  • 00:02:24
    level of phonological awareness by
  • 00:02:26
    playing certain types of language games
  • 00:02:30
    legs Rhymes
  • 00:02:32
    withs the first step toward developing
  • 00:02:34
    phonological awareness is introducing
  • 00:02:36
    children to the art of listening
  • 00:02:38
    actively Whispering or telephone is an
  • 00:02:41
    effective game that teaches children to
  • 00:02:43
    listen not for what they expect but for
  • 00:02:46
    what they actually
  • 00:02:48
    hear starting with the simple sentence
  • 00:02:51
    provided by the teacher each student
  • 00:02:53
    Whispers what he or she heard to the
  • 00:02:55
    student next to them in a circle at the
  • 00:02:58
    end of the circle the students find out
  • 00:03:00
    how well they were actively listening
  • 00:03:02
    okay what was the sentence the water at
  • 00:03:05
    first this exercise works best with
  • 00:03:07
    single words then as the children's
  • 00:03:10
    ability to overcome distractions and
  • 00:03:12
    pronunciation differences improves move
  • 00:03:15
    on to phrases and finally full
  • 00:03:17
    sentences rhyming games are a fun and
  • 00:03:20
    easy way to introduce children to the
  • 00:03:22
    sounds of words I would really like to
  • 00:03:24
    have this bat but I need to find out
  • 00:03:27
    what rhymes with it so I can buy it Hat
  • 00:03:31
    B hat the purpose of rhyming games like
  • 00:03:34
    this one is to develop children's
  • 00:03:35
    attention to the sounds of language
  • 00:03:38
    rhyming box helps demonstrate that
  • 00:03:40
    almost any word can be rhymed children
  • 00:03:43
    select an item from the box or basket
  • 00:03:46
    that item will be the clue word next the
  • 00:03:49
    children must find another object that
  • 00:03:51
    rhymes with the clue word what's another
  • 00:03:53
    word for
  • 00:03:54
    shoe notice how the teacher will
  • 00:03:56
    sometimes challenge the student to think
  • 00:03:58
    of a second word to describe the clue
  • 00:04:00
    item as well as a rhyming
  • 00:04:02
    word pretending that the rhyming box is
  • 00:04:05
    in a rhyming store can add fun and
  • 00:04:07
    Intrigue to the
  • 00:04:09
    activity it's called a rhyme time
  • 00:04:13
    book so we're going to do rhyming words
  • 00:04:17
    once the children have developed their
  • 00:04:19
    ability to rhyme you can help them
  • 00:04:21
    celebrate their new skill by creating a
  • 00:04:23
    rhyme book remember that it is the
  • 00:04:25
    rhyming not the print that makes this a
  • 00:04:28
    phonological awareness activity
  • 00:04:30
    in this activity children make up a
  • 00:04:32
    rhyming couplet that is written down for
  • 00:04:34
    them by the teacher you can even have
  • 00:04:36
    the children illustrate the book be sure
  • 00:04:38
    and review the book with the children
  • 00:04:40
    after it is
  • 00:04:41
    finished we have clock and what did we
  • 00:04:45
    rhyme with
  • 00:04:47
    It Rock and sock
  • 00:04:52
    and good job games that incorporate
  • 00:04:56
    Rhythm can enhance phonological
  • 00:04:58
    awareness activities when you draw a
  • 00:05:00
    monster it is said you always begin with
  • 00:05:06
    his head
  • 00:05:08
    head rhyme stories like this one teach
  • 00:05:11
    children to use meaning and meter to
  • 00:05:13
    notice and predict rhyming words what
  • 00:05:15
    rhymes with
  • 00:05:19
    South Rhythm also helps children grasp
  • 00:05:22
    alliteration activities like tongue
  • 00:05:24
    twisters big black bear bot big black
  • 00:05:28
    bear bot literation helps children learn
  • 00:05:31
    to recognize and say words with common
  • 00:05:33
  • 00:05:36
    sounds blueberry the next step toward
  • 00:05:39
    phonological awareness is to develop an
  • 00:05:41
    understanding that language is made up
  • 00:05:43
    of strings of words here's a game that
  • 00:05:45
    helps children analyze sentences into
  • 00:05:48
    their separate words I love
  • 00:05:53
    my using these simple cubes instruct the
  • 00:05:56
    students to make up a sentence and put
  • 00:05:59
    one Cube down on the board for every
  • 00:06:00
    word they say encourage the children to
  • 00:06:03
    arrange the blocks from left to right so
  • 00:06:05
    that they begin to establish
  • 00:06:07
    directionality at first you should only
  • 00:06:09
    be concerned with making sure that the
  • 00:06:11
    student understands the concept of one
  • 00:06:13
    block for one word using short sentences
  • 00:06:16
    and monosyllabic words is a good idea
  • 00:06:19
    but do let the students expand as they
  • 00:06:21
  • 00:06:23
  • 00:06:25
    Barry Barry
  • 00:06:29
    once the students have established that
  • 00:06:31
    sentences are made up of words it is
  • 00:06:33
    time to move on to step five which is
  • 00:06:35
    introducing them to the concept that
  • 00:06:37
    words are made up of smaller units of
  • 00:06:39
    speech called syllables activities like
  • 00:06:42
    clapping names help children to grasp
  • 00:06:45
    the concept of syllables even with a
  • 00:06:47
    simple activity like the clapping game
  • 00:06:49
    there will be a wide range of abilities
  • 00:06:51
    among the students it is important that
  • 00:06:54
    each child feels successful at the
  • 00:06:56
    activity and that the activity be a fun
  • 00:06:58
    learning experience
  • 00:07:00
    can you clap your
  • 00:07:01
    name Leo or
  • 00:07:05
  • 00:07:07
    Leo when they are ready show the
  • 00:07:09
    children that words are made up of
  • 00:07:11
    separate units of sound onset rhyme
  • 00:07:14
    blending requir students to be able to
  • 00:07:17
    hear and separate the first sound of a
  • 00:07:19
    word and then blend the sounds of the
  • 00:07:21
    word together
  • 00:07:23
    s it
  • 00:07:26
    sit M at
  • 00:07:31
    map word Hunt is a good activity for
  • 00:07:33
    onset rhyme blending and segmenting
  • 00:07:36
    we're going on a word hunt you try
  • 00:07:41
    it what word do you
  • 00:07:45
  • 00:07:49
    good bad bad good job
  • 00:07:53
  • 00:07:55
    P IG pig pig good job
  • 00:08:00
    we're going on a word hunt your turn
  • 00:08:03
    we're going on a word hunt what word do
  • 00:08:07
  • 00:08:08
    hear to you
  • 00:08:13
    here Daddy Dad Dad all of these
  • 00:08:16
    activities are beneficial to developing
  • 00:08:18
    phonological awareness it is critical
  • 00:08:21
    that each step be recognized and
  • 00:08:23
    explored before moving on to the next
  • 00:08:25
    skill level as children move forward in
  • 00:08:28
    their development to phonolog awareness
  • 00:08:30
    be sure and balance these activities to
  • 00:08:32
    include each and every step phonological
  • 00:08:36
    awareness is a strong predictor of how
  • 00:08:38
    successful children will be at reading
  • 00:08:40
    and writing
  • 00:08:46
  • fonologia
  • consapevolezza fonologica
  • bambini
  • lettura
  • scrittura
  • giochi di ascolto
  • rima
  • allitterazione
  • segmentazione sillabe
  • blending onset-rhyme