Why Texas is Becoming America's Most Powerful State
TLDRIl video analizza come il Texas sia il secondo stato più grande per popolazione e economia, superato solo da California e Alaska rispettivamente. Nonostante il Texas sia stato sempre in seconda posizione, negli ultimi anni ha sperimentato una rapida crescita demografica ed economica, principalmente grazie a emigrazioni da stati più costosi, come la California, e all'espansione del settore energetico e tecnologico. Dal 2020, molte grandi aziende hanno trasferito i loro quartier generali in Texas, attratte dai bassi costi di vita e da un'industria energetica in continua espansione, specialmente nel gas naturale e nel petrolio. Inoltre, le risorse rinnovabili come l'energia eolica sono in crescita. Proiezioni suggeriscono che il Texas possa superare la California per popolazione intorno agli anni 2040, mentre mantiene la seconda posizione per economia statale grazie a un PIL in rapido aumento.
A retenir
- 🌍 L'Alaska è lo stato americano più grande per superficie.
- 📊 La California ha sempre avuto la popolazione più grande degli USA.
- 🏡 I costi immobiliari in Texas sono molto più bassi rispetto alla California.
- ⚡ Il Texas è un leader negli USA per l'energia eolica.
- 🏢 Il trasferimento di aziende in Texas ha accelerato dopo il 2020.
- 📈 Il Texas potrebbe diventare lo stato più popoloso intorno agli anni 2040.
- 🌐 Il Texas contribuisce al 25% dell'export americano.
- 💼 La crescita economica del Texas è il 39% dal 2010 al 2021.
- 🌆 Dallas Fort Worth è una delle aree metropolitane in più rapida crescita.
- 🔋 Il Texas produce il 43% dell'olio degli Stati Uniti.
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Vidéo Q&R
Qual è lo stato americano più grande per superficie?
L'Alaska è lo stato americano più grande per superficie.
Qual è il secondo stato americano più popoloso?
Il secondo stato americano più popoloso è il Texas.
Quando il Texas ha superato New York in popolazione?
Il Texas ha superato New York in popolazione nel censimento del 2000.
Perché la popolazione della California ha iniziato a diminuire dopo il 2020?
La popolazione della California ha iniziato a diminuire a causa di fattori come l'emigrazione e la mortalità causata dalla pandemia di Covid-19.
Quali aziende si sono trasferite in Texas dopo la pandemia del 2020?
Alcune delle aziende che si sono trasferite in Texas includono Oracle, Tesla, Charles Schwab, HP Enterprise e Caterpillar.
Qual è il contributo del Texas all'export americano?
Nel 2022, il Texas ha contributo con 486 miliardi di dollari di export.
Qual è il campo di energia dominante in Texas?
Il Texas è conosciuto per l'industria del petrolio e gas ma guida anche negli Stati Uniti per l'energia eolica.
Cosa ha portato alla crescita dell'economia del Texas?
La crescita dell'economia del Texas è stata guidata dall'espansione dell'industria energetica, dal trasferimento di aziende e da un costo della vita più accessibile.
Qual è la proiezione futura per la popolazione del Texas?
Proiezioni indicano che il Texas potrebbe diventare lo stato più popoloso degli Stati Uniti intorno agli anni 2040.
Qual è la situazione immobiliare in Texas rispetto alla California?
Il costo delle case in Texas è considerevolmente più basso rispetto alla California, con prezzi medi di case molto inferiori.
Voir plus de résumés vidéo
- 00:00:00in nearly every major category for the
- 00:00:01past several decades Texas has always
- 00:00:03been ranked as only being America's
- 00:00:05second largest state when counting by
- 00:00:07amount of Land Texas has always remained
- 00:00:09second sitting in Alaska's gigantic
- 00:00:11Shadow ever since they were admitted as
- 00:00:13a state back in 1959 there's even a
- 00:00:15common joke in Alaska that Alaska could
- 00:00:17be divided in half and then Texas would
- 00:00:20get to only be the third largest
- 00:00:21American state then when counting by
- 00:00:23amount of people Texas has also long sat
- 00:00:26in the shadow of California the most
- 00:00:28recent us-wide census in 20 revealed
- 00:00:30that at that time California had around
- 00:00:3210 million more people than Texas and
- 00:00:35correspondingly when counting the states
- 00:00:37by the size of their economies Texas has
- 00:00:39once again long sat in second place to
- 00:00:41California's larger first but while the
- 00:00:44Gap in size of land between Texas and
- 00:00:47Alaska can never be filled the Gap in
- 00:00:49size of people and economy between Texas
- 00:00:51and California has recently been
- 00:00:53narrowing rapidly because for the past
- 00:00:5520 plus years Texas has been growing
- 00:00:57much more quickly than California has
- 00:00:59been and it's been a long time coming
- 00:01:01for decades now Texas has been steadily
- 00:01:03making its way climbing up the ranks of
- 00:01:05America's most populous states way back
- 00:01:07in 1960 Texas was only ranked sixth out
- 00:01:10of America's 50 states by population
- 00:01:11behind Ohio Illinois Pennsylvania
- 00:01:13California and New York you see from the
- 00:01:15time of the third ever American census
- 00:01:17taken in 1810 to a century and a half
- 00:01:19later in 1960 New York constantly
- 00:01:22remained as America's longest lasting
- 00:01:24most populous and most influential state
- 00:01:27but the pace of American settlers moving
- 00:01:28to the west and the South to States like
- 00:01:30California Texas and Florida were
- 00:01:32rapidly picking up pace by the mid 20th
- 00:01:34century by the time when the 1970 US
- 00:01:36Census rolled around a startling
- 00:01:38realization was made for the first time
- 00:01:41since the 1810 census taken 160 years
- 00:01:44previously another state had finally
- 00:01:46surpassed New York to become America's
- 00:01:48newest most populous state California it
- 00:01:51was the very beginning of California's
- 00:01:53demographic dominance over all the other
- 00:01:56American states and for the half a
- 00:01:58century ever since then California has
- 00:02:00continually remained in the top position
- 00:02:02by 1990 roughly 12% of all Americans
- 00:02:05were Californians a proportion that has
- 00:02:07remained more or less constant ever
- 00:02:09since but California hasn't been the
- 00:02:11only state experiencing rapid growth
- 00:02:13over the past half a century Texas 2o
- 00:02:15continued adding more and more people
- 00:02:17and was climbing through the ranks as
- 00:02:19well steadily surpassing Ohio Illinois
- 00:02:21and Pennsylvania until finally came the
- 00:02:232000 census which revealed that Texas
- 00:02:26had suddenly become the second state
- 00:02:28since 1810 to surpass the population of
- 00:02:30New York for the past 23 years ever
- 00:02:32since then it has continually been
- 00:02:34California and Texas in the number one
- 00:02:36and two position for the most populous
- 00:02:38states but Texas has been spending these
- 00:02:40past 23 years growing at a much faster
- 00:02:43rate than California's been back in 2000
- 00:02:46when Texas was confirmed by the census
- 00:02:47as having America's second largest state
- 00:02:49population for the first time the state
- 00:02:51was home to around
- 00:02:5420.85% around 13 million more than the
- 00:02:58Lone Star State but over the the next 20
- 00:03:00years California would only add around
- 00:03:025.6 million additional people to its
- 00:03:04population to hit its 2020 census
- 00:03:06designated population of around 39.5
- 00:03:08million conversely Texas added in an
- 00:03:11additional 8.25 million people over
- 00:03:13those same 20 years in order to reach
- 00:03:15its 2020 census designated population of
- 00:03:18around 29.1 million that means that
- 00:03:21within the first 20 years of the 21st
- 00:03:23century the Gap in population between
- 00:03:24the two states had narrowed from 13
- 00:03:26million to just 10.4 million and then it
- 00:03:29narrowing even faster after 2020 you see
- 00:03:33year after year for California's entire
- 00:03:35history since being admitted as a state
- 00:03:37it knew nothing other than growth and
- 00:03:39more people calling at home with every
- 00:03:41passing year but beginning in 2020 after
- 00:03:43the covid-19 pandemic struck the state
- 00:03:45along with the rest of the world the
- 00:03:46previously Unthinkable began to happen
- 00:03:49for the first time ever California began
- 00:03:52to actually lose people in the 2-year
- 00:03:55time frame between April of 2020 right
- 00:03:57after the pandemic gripped the country
- 00:03:59to July of 2022 the California state
- 00:04:02population declined by an estimated
- 00:04:04500,000 people this was due to a variety
- 00:04:07of factors as around 700,000 previous
- 00:04:10California residents left the state over
- 00:04:11those two years either by moving
- 00:04:13somewhere else or dying while only
- 00:04:15around 2 200,000 new residents moved
- 00:04:17into the state to take their places this
- 00:04:20Exodus of people from California in the
- 00:04:21early 2020s was indicative of the fact
- 00:04:24that for the first time in its more than
- 00:04:25170e State history California further
- 00:04:29lost an amount of its enormous political
- 00:04:32power by losing one of its seats in the
- 00:04:34population-based US House of
- 00:04:35Representatives getting downgraded from
- 00:04:3853 representatives to only 52 further
- 00:04:41meaning one less Californian vote in the
- 00:04:43Electoral College for president but the
- 00:04:45situation in Texas since the covid-19
- 00:04:47pandemic began could not be any more
- 00:04:49different over that same 2-year period
- 00:04:52between April of 2020 and July of 2022
- 00:04:55the Texan state population increased by
- 00:04:5788400
- 00:04:59th000 people more than the entire
- 00:05:01population of San Francisco proper
- 00:05:04relative to California's loss of around
- 00:05:06500,000 people the Texan state
- 00:05:08population narrowed its Gap with
- 00:05:09California in only 2 years in nearly the
- 00:05:13same amount it took an entire decade to
- 00:05:15accomplish beforehand as of now in 2023
- 00:05:19California's population is estimated to
- 00:05:21be sitting at around 39 million people
- 00:05:23even while Texas is projected to be
- 00:05:25sitting at around 31.2 million a total
- 00:05:28difference now of fewer than 8 million
- 00:05:30people and if the current trends
- 00:05:32continue on as they have been then Texas
- 00:05:34may end up even eclipsing California's
- 00:05:36population as America's newest most
- 00:05:38populous state by sometime in the 2040s
- 00:05:41the growth in Texas's population has
- 00:05:43also resulted in an accompanying growth
- 00:05:45in the state's political power
- 00:05:46conversely to California Texas gained
- 00:05:49not only one but two additional seats in
- 00:05:51the population-based House of
- 00:05:53Representatives from 36 up to 38 roughly
- 00:05:5615% of the number of electoral votes
- 00:05:58required now to win the American
- 00:06:00presidency and perhaps most remarkably
- 00:06:03the population explosion in Texas has
- 00:06:05been very well spread out across the
- 00:06:07state as well it seems like pretty much
- 00:06:09everywhere in Texas has been booming
- 00:06:11recently Dallas Fort Worth or DFW a
- 00:06:13large Urban metropolitan area in the
- 00:06:15north of Texas has added nearly 1 and A2
- 00:06:18million people to its population just
- 00:06:20since 2010 with around 7.8 million
- 00:06:22people now calling it home DFW is the
- 00:06:25fourth largest metropolitan area in the
- 00:06:27entire United States with more people
- 00:06:29than the entirety of Washington state
- 00:06:31and perhaps even more remarkably DFW is
- 00:06:34likely all set to surpass greater
- 00:06:36Chicago as America's third largest
- 00:06:38metropolitan area within only a decade
- 00:06:40from now sometime in the mid 2030s at
- 00:06:43which point it will only remain behind
- 00:06:45Los Angeles in New York City but DFW is
- 00:06:48far from the only urban area of Texas
- 00:06:50that has been booming with people
- 00:06:51recently Millions more have moved to the
- 00:06:54state's other major cities in Houston
- 00:06:55San Antonio and Austin in an emerging
- 00:06:58densely populated Mega region that is
- 00:07:00being called the Texas triangle the
- 00:07:02triangle only takes up less than a
- 00:07:03quarter of Texas's total land area and
- 00:07:05is roughly comparable in size to the
- 00:07:07state of Georgia and yet it already
- 00:07:09contains a population of more than 22
- 00:07:12million people or about three out of
- 00:07:14every four Texans it contains America's
- 00:07:174th 7th 9th 11th and 13th largest cities
- 00:07:21and is the fourth most heavily populated
- 00:07:23Mega region in the United States behind
- 00:07:24Southern California the Northeast
- 00:07:26megalopolis and the Great Lakes but by
- 00:07:28sometime in the 2030s the Texas
- 00:07:30triangle's population is projected to
- 00:07:32equalize with Southern California and
- 00:07:35unlike those other two largest regions
- 00:07:36in the Northeast and the Great Lakes the
- 00:07:39Texas triangle is mostly all contained
- 00:07:41within just a single State's borders now
- 00:07:44there are ultimately many factors for
- 00:07:46why so many people have been moving to
- 00:07:47Texas and the Texas triangle
- 00:07:49specifically but one of the largest has
- 00:07:50been the rapidly expanding Texas economy
- 00:07:53the huge number of jobs that is created
- 00:07:55and the relatively affordable cost of
- 00:07:56living and doing business in the state
- 00:07:58you see between 2010 and 2021 the
- 00:08:01population of Texas grew by 18% but the
- 00:08:03economy of Texas grew by a whopping 39%
- 00:08:07over that same time period a rate that
- 00:08:09was approximately 1 and a half times
- 00:08:11faster than the US national average rate
- 00:08:13of economic growth over the same time
- 00:08:15now as of 2023 the Texas state gross
- 00:08:18domestic product or GDP stands at a
- 00:08:20towering 2.35 trillion US dollar meaning
- 00:08:24that if Texas were an independent
- 00:08:26country it would be the world's eighth
- 00:08:27largest economy when measured by nom GDP
- 00:08:30ahead of Heavy Hitters like Italy and
- 00:08:32Canada for now though the Texan economy
- 00:08:34still sits beneath California's gigantic
- 00:08:36economy of 3.6 trillion but if Texas can
- 00:08:40continue growing its population base at
- 00:08:41a faster clip than California as it has
- 00:08:43been for the past 23 years now for how
- 00:08:46much longer will California Remain the
- 00:08:48top US state economy there's already
- 00:08:50plenty of signs that it might not be
- 00:08:52very long at all Texas already
- 00:08:54dramatically leads the 50 US states in
- 00:08:56terms of exports in 2022 Texas exported
- 00:08:59a whopping
- 00:09:00$486 billion worth of products about a
- 00:09:03quarter of all of America's exports
- 00:09:05combined in an amount that was higher
- 00:09:07than all of the exports of California
- 00:09:08and New York put together and part of
- 00:09:10the reason why droves of people have
- 00:09:12been relocating to Texas recently has
- 00:09:14been because of the droves of companies
- 00:09:16relocating to the state before them in
- 00:09:18just the few short years since the
- 00:09:20covid-19 pandemic began in early 2020
- 00:09:23about 140 major companies have relocated
- 00:09:26their headquarters to Texas and more
- 00:09:28than 40% of those companies relocated
- 00:09:30from California some of the biggest
- 00:09:32companies that did so since 2020 that
- 00:09:34got the biggest headlines included
- 00:09:35Oracle and Tesla which relocated from
- 00:09:37California to Austin Charles Schwab
- 00:09:39which relocated from California to DFW
- 00:09:41hilet Packer and Enterprise which
- 00:09:43relocated from California to Houston
- 00:09:45caterpillar that relocated from Illinois
- 00:09:46to DFW and McLaren North America which
- 00:09:49also left New York for DFW and besides
- 00:09:51for all these corporate headquarters
- 00:09:53relocating to Texas since 2020 other
- 00:09:55major companies have begun to
- 00:09:56significantly increase their office
- 00:09:58presences in the loan Star State as well
- 00:10:00Apple's new $1 billion campus in Austin
- 00:10:03will become the company's second largest
- 00:10:04corporate office space in the world when
- 00:10:06completed with more than 5,000 employees
- 00:10:09remaining only behind their primary
- 00:10:10headquarters in Apple Park in copertino
- 00:10:12California Google and meta each likewise
- 00:10:14significantly increase their office
- 00:10:15spaces in downtown Austin as well with
- 00:10:17thousands of new employees a piece and
- 00:10:19shiny new office Towers before the tech
- 00:10:21slowdown caught up to them in late 2022
- 00:10:24well Goldman Sachs the second largest
- 00:10:26Investment Bank in the world announced
- 00:10:28that they would be constructing their
- 00:10:29their new second largest office bace in
- 00:10:31the world in Downtown Dallas they will
- 00:10:33house 5,000 of their own employees when
- 00:10:36completed which will make Dallas the
- 00:10:38company's second largest Center of
- 00:10:39operations after their primary HQ in New
- 00:10:42York in part because of all these
- 00:10:44widescale corporate relocations and
- 00:10:46expansions to Texas the Lone Star State
- 00:10:48has been responsible for an absolutely
- 00:10:50astonishing
- 00:10:5235% of all the new jobs created in
- 00:10:55America since the covid-19 pandemic
- 00:10:57began in February of 2020 and to both
- 00:10:59corporations and people Texas offers a
- 00:11:02lot of attractions for one the Texas
- 00:11:04triangle sits at roughly the center
- 00:11:06point of the contiguous 48 United States
- 00:11:08enabling easy and Rapid air travel to
- 00:11:10both American coasts and to Latin
- 00:11:12America since 2021 DFW airport has
- 00:11:15ranked as the second busiest airport in
- 00:11:17the entire world by Passenger traffic
- 00:11:19with 193 direct domestic destinations
- 00:11:22and 67 direct International destinations
- 00:11:24as far away as Sydney Dubai and DOA it
- 00:11:26is also the primary hub for American
- 00:11:28Airlines lines the largest airline in
- 00:11:31the world when measured by Fleet size
- 00:11:32and passengers carried and then DFW
- 00:11:35Airport isn't even the only major
- 00:11:36airport in town There's also Dallas Love
- 00:11:39Field nearby with another 71 direct
- 00:11:41flight destinations and it's the primary
- 00:11:43hub for Southwest Airlines the largest
- 00:11:45lowcost carrier in the world and the
- 00:11:47largest carrier of domestic passengers
- 00:11:49in America and then even further there's
- 00:11:51the perau field Fort Worth Alliance
- 00:11:53Airport which is primarily focused on
- 00:11:55cargo operations and is one of America's
- 00:11:57largest acting as a regional hub for
- 00:11:59FedEx Express and a focus City for
- 00:12:01Amazon air all of these advantages to
- 00:12:03cheap easy and fast air travel to pretty
- 00:12:05much anywhere else in the country or
- 00:12:07even the world makes DFW a highly
- 00:12:10strategic Center for businesses with
- 00:12:11national or Global business interests to
- 00:12:13relocate their operations too but it's
- 00:12:15far from Texas's only Advantage at
- 00:12:18attracting companies and people the
- 00:12:19state is only one of a few that has a 0%
- 00:12:22state income tax in 0% capital gains tax
- 00:12:25while land for corporations and housing
- 00:12:27for people reach significantly less
- 00:12:29expensive than on either of the American
- 00:12:31coasts as of March 2023 and according to
- 00:12:34realtor.com the median listing price for
- 00:12:36a home in San Diego was $925,000
- 00:12:39$1.1 million in Los Angeles $1.25
- 00:12:42million in San Jose and 1.3 million do
- 00:12:45in San Francisco conversely in the Texas
- 00:12:48triangle region the same data from the
- 00:12:50same Source in the same time shows a
- 00:12:52median listing price for a home in
- 00:12:53Houston is just
- 00:12:54$340,000 in Fort Worth is
- 00:12:57$350,000 in Dallas is $400 $30,000 and
- 00:13:00in Austin at
- 00:13:01$619,000 meaning that home prices in
- 00:13:03Houston and Fort Worth are generally
- 00:13:05around four times less than in San
- 00:13:07Francisco while even in Austin Texas's
- 00:13:10most expensive city there's still nearly
- 00:13:12half the price as seen in Los Angeles
- 00:13:15Austin in particular has seen a
- 00:13:17skyrocketing in the cost of living over
- 00:13:18the past decade as major tech companies
- 00:13:21from California have relocated and
- 00:13:22expanded their operations there back in
- 00:13:242010 just 13 years ago the median home
- 00:13:27price in Austin was less than a third of
- 00:13:29what it currently is today and this was
- 00:13:32the tallest building in the city at just
- 00:13:34683 ft tall now the city is not just one
- 00:13:38but two super tall skyscrapers under
- 00:13:40construction that will Tower at 1,22 FT
- 00:13:44and 1,35 ft High respectively once
- 00:13:47completed they will become the new
- 00:13:49tallest Towers in the state and the
- 00:13:51taller of them the Wilson Tower will
- 00:13:53become the tallest all Residential
- 00:13:55Building anywhere in North America
- 00:13:57outside of Manhattan you see the various
- 00:14:00different major cities in Texas all have
- 00:14:02various different economic strengths
- 00:14:03today Tech is concentrated around Austin
- 00:14:06Finance is centered around Dallas energy
- 00:14:08is based around Houston while Aerospace
- 00:14:10Agriculture and other Industries are
- 00:14:11well spread out all across the state in
- 00:14:14total there are now 54 of America's
- 00:14:16Fortune 500 companies that are
- 00:14:18headquartered in Texas more than in
- 00:14:20California or indeed in any other state
- 00:14:23and while there are many factors that
- 00:14:24led Texas to this leading business
- 00:14:26position that I've already discussed the
- 00:14:28most important of all and the biggest
- 00:14:30reason for Texas's increasing position
- 00:14:32as America's most important state are
- 00:14:34there enormous oil and gas resources
- 00:14:36their energy industry and their recent
- 00:14:39technological innovations because if
- 00:14:41there's anything that Texas has long
- 00:14:42been synonymous with it is the oil
- 00:14:44industry an industry that since the
- 00:14:462010s has become perhaps America's most
- 00:14:49geopolitically valuable domestic asset
- 00:14:51the oil industry in Texas dates back to
- 00:14:53the turn of the 20th century in 1901
- 00:14:56back then the whole State's population
- 00:14:58was barely more than than 3 million
- 00:14:59people it was completely rural without
- 00:15:01any major cities to speak of and the
- 00:15:03largest industries were simply Timber
- 00:15:04and agriculture but in 1901 a discovery
- 00:15:07was made in the town of Bowmont in East
- 00:15:09Texas that would change the destiny of
- 00:15:11Texas and of America forever the largest
- 00:15:13oil field ever discovered in the world
- 00:15:16up to that point though its size has
- 00:15:18long since been eclipsed by many future
- 00:15:21discoveries the Discovery at Bowmont set
- 00:15:23off an oil frenzy across the whole of
- 00:15:25Southeast Texas but it soon became
- 00:15:27apparent that that wasn't even the only
- 00:15:29location in the state that had a lot of
- 00:15:31oil additional huge oil finds were
- 00:15:33suddenly being made in the south of the
- 00:15:35state in the north of the state and then
- 00:15:37in the 1920s came the biggest find of
- 00:15:39them all in the west of the state in an
- 00:15:41area that would later become known as
- 00:15:43The perian Basin within less than half a
- 00:15:45century of the initial huge discovery of
- 00:15:47oil in the state in 1901 to the end of
- 00:15:49World War II Texas had emerged as the
- 00:15:52dominant producer of oil in America and
- 00:15:54America had emerged as by far the
- 00:15:57world's largest producer of oil and with
- 00:15:59that came immense geopolitical power and
- 00:16:02influence during World War II the United
- 00:16:05States provided nearly six out of every
- 00:16:07seven barrels of oil that the Allies
- 00:16:09collectively used fighting against the
- 00:16:10Axis powers and Texas provided the Lion
- 00:16:13Share of them in only 30 years between
- 00:16:161900 and 1930 the populations more than
- 00:16:19five towns in Texas exploded by more
- 00:16:22than 5 100% and became the fastest
- 00:16:25growing cities in America during the
- 00:16:27entire early 20th Cent Century as
- 00:16:29Millions came to strike their Fortunes
- 00:16:32in only 30 years from the initial big
- 00:16:34discovery of oil in Bowmont the whole
- 00:16:36state population roughly doubled and by
- 00:16:38the end of World War II Texas had
- 00:16:40transformed from a predominantly rural
- 00:16:43State into a heavily industrialized one
- 00:16:45with many of America's largest cities
- 00:16:48and for all intents and purposes Texas
- 00:16:50was essentially a contained Petro state
- 00:16:52within the United States because the oil
- 00:16:55industry effectively became the whole
- 00:16:57economy but shortly after the second
- 00:16:59world war Texas and America's dominant
- 00:17:01position in the global oil industry
- 00:17:03steadily began diminishing as the
- 00:17:05post-war economy boomed and more
- 00:17:06Americans began moving out away from
- 00:17:08cities and into heavily car dependent
- 00:17:10suburbs the demand for oil in the
- 00:17:12country shortly began to outpace
- 00:17:14America's own production in 1946 the
- 00:17:17first large-scale shipment of oil from
- 00:17:18the Middle East specifically from Kuwait
- 00:17:21arrived on America Shores to help meet
- 00:17:23the growing Demand by 1948 the country
- 00:17:26had tipped into being a net importer of
- 00:17:28oil for the very first time and
- 00:17:30America's dependence on outside sources
- 00:17:32of oil would only continue growing ever
- 00:17:34greater for decades and decades the
- 00:17:371970s showed everyone in the United
- 00:17:39States how geopolitically vulnerable
- 00:17:41this new situation made the country by
- 00:17:431970 American oil production had peaked
- 00:17:46and by 1972 an overwhelming 83% of
- 00:17:50American oil imports were coming from
- 00:17:53the oil rich countries of the Middle
- 00:17:55East then due to American support for
- 00:17:58Israel against the the combined armies
- 00:17:59of Egypt and Syria during the 1973 yam
- 00:18:02kaper War OPEC the organization of
- 00:18:05petroleum exporting countries decided to
- 00:18:07embargo the United States and other
- 00:18:09Western allies of all of their supplies
- 00:18:11the price for gasoline in America
- 00:18:13subsequently skyrocketed more than
- 00:18:16fourfold as long lines at gas stations
- 00:18:19became the norm for everyone America's
- 00:18:21Home economy largely based around fossil
- 00:18:23fuels as an energy source was vulnerable
- 00:18:25to being attacked by outside Powers who
- 00:18:27controlled most of the World Supply and
- 00:18:30so as America's own domestic oil
- 00:18:32production kept decreasing but demand
- 00:18:34kept increasing America's foreign policy
- 00:18:36was being forced into becoming
- 00:18:38increasingly concerned on geopolitical
- 00:18:40events taking place far away from home
- 00:18:42in the Middle East and the oil Rich
- 00:18:44Persian Gulf where more than half of the
- 00:18:46world's known reserves of oil were
- 00:18:48located by the end of 1973 president
- 00:18:51Richard Nixon vowed that America's
- 00:18:53primary goal moving forward would be to
- 00:18:55achieve complete energy independence
- 00:18:57from the rest of the world within a
- 00:18:59decade so that a situation like the Arab
- 00:19:01Oil Embargo could never threaten the
- 00:19:03United States economy ever again it
- 00:19:05would end up taking well over 40 years
- 00:19:08to actually more or less do so and in
- 00:19:10the meantime things weren't looking very
- 00:19:12good because by 1974 the gigantic perian
- 00:19:15Basin in Texas had reached its peak
- 00:19:18production and was providing nearly 1/4
- 00:19:20of America's entire supply of oil but
- 00:19:23from then on production in even the
- 00:19:25perian began steadily declining as the
- 00:19:27conventionally easy to access oil and
- 00:19:29large pools beneath the surface began
- 00:19:31running out then the 1979 Islamic
- 00:19:33revolution in Iran transformed that
- 00:19:35country from one of America's greatest
- 00:19:37allies to one of its greatest enemies
- 00:19:40and therefore removed access to Iranian
- 00:19:42oil reserves from America's economy
- 00:19:44further constraining America's Supply
- 00:19:46but somewhat paradoxically Texas
- 00:19:48momentarily benefited tremendously from
- 00:19:50the rise in global oil prices across the
- 00:19:521970s as production in the state was
- 00:19:54still pretty high and oil was the
- 00:19:56state's primary industry the skylines of
- 00:19:59Dallas and Houston boomed dramatically
- 00:20:01during this time period but then in the
- 00:20:031980s the price of oil finally fell out
- 00:20:05and collapsed and with its fairly
- 00:20:07undiversified economy at the time Texas
- 00:20:09fell into a deep oil induced recession
- 00:20:12alongside it that spread throughout the
- 00:20:13whole State's economy ambitious
- 00:20:15buildings that were planned to be
- 00:20:16constructed during the ' 80s in cities
- 00:20:17like Dallas and Houston had to be
- 00:20:19abruptly cancelled as the oil money
- 00:20:21began running out like this very
- 00:20:23ambitious Art Deco inspired aund Story
- 00:20:26Tower that was planned for Dallas in
- 00:20:28the'80s
- 00:20:28but was never even started by 2005 it
- 00:20:31had been more than 30 years since
- 00:20:33Richard Nixon claimed America would be
- 00:20:35fully energy independent within a decade
- 00:20:37but 30 years on America was importing
- 00:20:39more oil from abroad than it ever had
- 00:20:42before in its entire history 60% of
- 00:20:45America's oil consumption was coming
- 00:20:46from imported sources from abroad though
- 00:20:48by this point only 20% of those Imports
- 00:20:51were still coming from the Middle East
- 00:20:53but nonetheless nearly everyone back
- 00:20:55then believed that America's oil imports
- 00:20:57would only continue growing even higher
- 00:21:00by 2007 oil production within the peran
- 00:21:02in Texas had hit its alltime low and
- 00:21:05nearly everybody believed that the
- 00:21:07United States was doomed to be the
- 00:21:09world's largest importer of oil and
- 00:21:11natural gas indefinitely with a chronic
- 00:21:14overdependence on foreign suppliers who
- 00:21:16could potentially weaponize their energy
- 00:21:18resources to harm the country like
- 00:21:20during the Arab Oil Embargo but then as
- 00:21:23if out of nowhere a technological
- 00:21:25revolution in the oil and gas industry
- 00:21:27beginning in Texas started Ed to quickly
- 00:21:29change everything just like it had
- 00:21:32originally done a century previously
- 00:21:34back in 1901 petroleum engineers and
- 00:21:37geologists working in the Barnett Shale
- 00:21:39region of North Texas were the first who
- 00:21:41managed to put together two previously
- 00:21:43unrelated Technologies to produce a
- 00:21:45revolutionary and unconventional new
- 00:21:47result they had combined horizontal well
- 00:21:50drilling with hydraulic fracturing and
- 00:21:52in doing so came up with a new if
- 00:21:54slightly misleadingly labeled technique
- 00:21:57called fracking tracking ultimately
- 00:21:59enabled energy companies to do what was
- 00:22:01previously believed to be impossible
- 00:22:03economically Harvest petroleum resources
- 00:22:05like crude oil and natural gas out of
- 00:22:07non-porous sedimentary shale rock
- 00:22:09deposited hundreds of millions of years
- 00:22:11ago beneath the surface of oceans and as
- 00:22:14it so turned out Texas was once covered
- 00:22:17by an ocean many hundreds of millions of
- 00:22:19years ago and so the state consequently
- 00:22:21had a massive massive amount of
- 00:22:24petroleum Rich shale rock deposits
- 00:22:26beneath its surface right for the new
- 00:22:29fracking technique to exploit from the
- 00:22:31Barnet Shale region in north Texas tens
- 00:22:34of thousands of unconventional fracking
- 00:22:36Wells began suddenly getting drilled all
- 00:22:38across other newly discovered Shale
- 00:22:39plays like the Eagle Ford sedimentary
- 00:22:42Basin running through South and
- 00:22:43Southeastern Texas and then all eyeses
- 00:22:46began once again turning back towards
- 00:22:48the gigantic perian Bas an over in West
- 00:22:51Texas in 2012 the first successful
- 00:22:54horizontal Shale well was drilled in the
- 00:22:55peran and the fracking boom had come to
- 00:22:58what had one been America's greatest oil
- 00:23:00field and as it turned out the peran 2
- 00:23:03was absolutely covered with previously
- 00:23:06inaccessible petroleum Rich Shale rocks
- 00:23:08beneath the surface as a result in a
- 00:23:11period of just 7 years from 2007 when
- 00:23:13the peran hit its lowest point of
- 00:23:15production to 2014 peran oil production
- 00:23:18more than doubled from 850,000 barrels a
- 00:23:21day to more than 2 million and it was
- 00:23:24once again accounting for a full quarter
- 00:23:27of America's entire production C of oil
- 00:23:29as it turned out fracking revealed that
- 00:23:31Texas contains several of the largest
- 00:23:33oil and gas fields that have ever been
- 00:23:35discovered anywhere in the world the
- 00:23:37spraberry and wolf Camp field in the
- 00:23:39peran is generally now regarded as the
- 00:23:41second largest oil field on the planet
- 00:23:43behind only Saudi Arabia's largest oil
- 00:23:46field at gavar the Eagle Ford is now
- 00:23:49regarded as the world's fifth largest
- 00:23:50oil field ahead of the summit lore field
- 00:23:52in Siberia the largest of all of
- 00:23:54Russia's oil fields and even better the
- 00:23:57massive Tex and Shale oil and gas fields
- 00:23:59are all perhaps the most strategically
- 00:24:01well-located of all the major petroleum
- 00:24:04reserves on the planet these aren't the
- 00:24:06massive oil and gas fields of Saudi
- 00:24:08Arabia that are all located in the very
- 00:24:10sparsely populated deserts of the east
- 00:24:12of the country and hemmed in by the
- 00:24:14major Maritime choke points of the
- 00:24:15straight of Hormuz the Babel MB and the
- 00:24:17Suez Canal with major geopolitical
- 00:24:20threats immediately nearby making Saudi
- 00:24:22oil and gas challenging to build
- 00:24:24infrastructure around that is required
- 00:24:26to get it out to World Markets these
- 00:24:28like aren't the massive oil and gas
- 00:24:30fields of Russia all of which are
- 00:24:31located deep within the interior of
- 00:24:33sparsely populated Siberia that is
- 00:24:35similarly difficult to build
- 00:24:37infrastructure to and from that is
- 00:24:38required to get them out to the World
- 00:24:40Market instead the massive Texan Shale
- 00:24:43oil and gas Fields among the largest
- 00:24:45anywhere in the world can be found
- 00:24:47almost precisely where many of America's
- 00:24:50largest cities and most advanced
- 00:24:51infrastructure had already been built
- 00:24:54overlap the map of Texan Shale oil and
- 00:24:56gas Fields with Texan population density
- 00:24:58and remember the 22 million people that
- 00:25:00live within the Texas triangle the
- 00:25:02Barnett Shale region largely runs over
- 00:25:04Dallas Fort Worth the Eagle Ford spans
- 00:25:06right through the center of the triangle
- 00:25:08and runs right nearby to San Antonio
- 00:25:10Austin and Houston and the mighty peran
- 00:25:12Basin is only a bit further to the west
- 00:25:14of the triangle and is well connected to
- 00:25:16it by Highway and rail they can take the
- 00:25:18basin's oil and gas directly to the
- 00:25:20Texan Coast for easy immediate
- 00:25:23geopolitical risk-free access to the
- 00:25:25Gulf of Mexico and the world's oceans
- 00:25:27from there assume assuming of course
- 00:25:29that Cuba isn't under the control of a
- 00:25:31major hostile foreign power which has
- 00:25:33from time to time been the case before
- 00:25:35but not currently within just 5 years
- 00:25:38from 2009 to 2014 the fracking
- 00:25:41Revolution along with Texas's geology
- 00:25:43and the location of its Mighty Shale
- 00:25:45reserves nearby to Major infrastructure
- 00:25:46links and the ocean all resulted in
- 00:25:49Texan oil production more than tripling
- 00:25:52and within time it would accelerate even
- 00:25:54faster by today in 2023 the fracking
- 00:25:57Revolution has enabled Texas alone to
- 00:26:00become the producer of
- 00:26:0243% of America's entire Nationwide
- 00:26:05production of oil and 25% of America's
- 00:26:08production of natural gas far higher
- 00:26:11amounts than any other single state has
- 00:26:13been capable of achieving Texas now
- 00:26:15produces even more oil than Iraq and if
- 00:26:18it were an independent country it would
- 00:26:20be the world's fourth largest producer
- 00:26:22barely behind the rest of the United
- 00:26:24States and then Russia and Saudi Arabia
- 00:26:26Texas further produces more natural gas
- 00:26:28now than either China or Qatar and were
- 00:26:31it to be its own country it would
- 00:26:32possess the fourth highest production of
- 00:26:34natural gas on the planet just barely
- 00:26:37behind Iran and then even further Texas
- 00:26:40controls the largest amount of crude oil
- 00:26:41refineries out of any US state as well
- 00:26:44and thus possesses the largest ability
- 00:26:45out of any of the states to refine crude
- 00:26:47oil into finished products like gasoline
- 00:26:49Diesel and jet fuel as of 2021 there are
- 00:26:52a total of 31 petroleum refineries in
- 00:26:55Texas largely concentrated around the
- 00:26:57Gulf Coast that collectively account for
- 00:26:59about a third of America's entire crude
- 00:27:01oil refining capacity and that grants
- 00:27:04Texas the ability to refine more oil
- 00:27:07than India and every other country in
- 00:27:08the world besides for Russia China and
- 00:27:10the rest of the United States as a
- 00:27:13result the second Texas oil boom that
- 00:27:15began in the early 2010s has proven to
- 00:27:17be nearly as massive a development for
- 00:27:19the state as the first oil boom was in
- 00:27:21the early 20th century and has been a
- 00:27:23further primary factor in the state's
- 00:27:25recent extraordinary growth rate and
- 00:27:28even better this time around when the
- 00:27:30price of oil inevitably comes down again
- 00:27:32in the future the state's economy is
- 00:27:34well Diversified enough to weather
- 00:27:35through the storm unlike in the past the
- 00:27:38Texan Shale boom along with smaller but
- 00:27:40still significant Shale booms in other
- 00:27:42states like North Dakota has ended up
- 00:27:43completely crushing everybody's
- 00:27:46predictions back from the 2000s about
- 00:27:48the United States being doomed to become
- 00:27:50the world's largest importer of oil and
- 00:27:52gas quite to the contrary Texan oil and
- 00:27:55gas production heavily contributed to
- 00:27:57the United States finally regaining the
- 00:27:59title of the world's largest oil
- 00:28:01producer from Saudi Arabia in 2018 a
- 00:28:04title that America had lost more than 40
- 00:28:06years previously and a title it still
- 00:28:09would not have without Texas or fracking
- 00:28:12by 2015 Texas in the United States were
- 00:28:14already doing what had previously been
- 00:28:16thought of as impossible that December a
- 00:28:19tanker in Corpus Christie loaded up with
- 00:28:21crude oil drilled from the Shale in the
- 00:28:23Eagle Ford and set sail for France
- 00:28:26representing the first major export Port
- 00:28:28of us oil abroad since the 1970s the
- 00:28:31United States had suddenly returned back
- 00:28:33to the world stage again as the largest
- 00:28:36oil and gas power in the world and the
- 00:28:38reverberations shook across the globe as
- 00:28:41the United States slowed down its
- 00:28:42Imports of oil and gas from abroad
- 00:28:44America's trade deficit was also rapidly
- 00:28:46declining by 2019 the United States had
- 00:28:49dramatically slashed down on its net oil
- 00:28:51imports from the peak of 60% of total
- 00:28:53Supply back in 2005 to less than 3% of
- 00:28:56total Supply and then is the United
- 00:28:58States became by far the world's largest
- 00:29:00producer of natural gas of which Texas
- 00:29:02produces a quarter of the country gained
- 00:29:05the ability to use this abundant natural
- 00:29:07gas to produce some of the cheapest
- 00:29:08electricity and cheapest chemicals seen
- 00:29:10anywhere in the developed World
- 00:29:12America's seemingly bottomless supply of
- 00:29:14natural gas established by fracking
- 00:29:16after the 2010s and its reliable
- 00:29:18electricity grid compared to its peers
- 00:29:20has become another primary factor in
- 00:29:22encouraging manufacturing to relocate
- 00:29:24back to the United States and
- 00:29:26specifically Manufacturing and chemical
- 00:29:28firms have been largely relocating their
- 00:29:30operations from abroad to the gulf coast
- 00:29:32region around Texas and Louisiana where
- 00:29:35the gas and electricity rates are so
- 00:29:37insanely cheap since they're right by
- 00:29:39the sources of the gas and from where
- 00:29:41the ability to export finished products
- 00:29:43to the rest of America and the world is
- 00:29:45so good that even some Chinese companies
- 00:29:47have relocated their manufacturing
- 00:29:49operations there because the cheap
- 00:29:50electricity and Cheap shipping costs
- 00:29:52outweigh the relatively cheaper Chinese
- 00:29:54labor and then of course there are the
- 00:29:57geopolitical advant manages to America
- 00:29:59once again producing the highest amount
- 00:30:00of oil and gas in the world following
- 00:30:03the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early
- 00:30:042022 the European Union acted quickly to
- 00:30:07slash its Imports of Russian oil and gas
- 00:30:09in order to deny the Kremlin funding
- 00:30:11that would help to pay for its War
- 00:30:13Machine the Shale revolution in Texas
- 00:30:15and the United States helped the
- 00:30:16European Union do this in more ways than
- 00:30:19one for starters were it not for the
- 00:30:21Shale Revolution the United States would
- 00:30:23still almost certainly be the world's
- 00:30:25largest importer of oil and gas and
- 00:30:27would therefore directly competing for
- 00:30:29the limited outside world supplies with
- 00:30:31Europe right now meaning that the price
- 00:30:33Europe would have had to pay to replace
- 00:30:35Russia's oil and gas would be far higher
- 00:30:38than it really was but because of the
- 00:30:40Shale Revolution the United States was
- 00:30:42not only hardly importing any oil and
- 00:30:44gas from the Middle East or elsewhere at
- 00:30:46all and thus was better freeing up those
- 00:30:48resources for Europe but it was also
- 00:30:50producing enough to export to Europe
- 00:30:52itself since the Russian invasion Texan
- 00:30:55and American Oil and Gas have been
- 00:30:57blowing in container ships across the
- 00:30:59Atlantic to Europe in a deluge that
- 00:31:02resembles the Allied Supply effort
- 00:31:04during World War II as a result America
- 00:31:07suddenly displaced even Qatar as the
- 00:31:09world's largest exporter of liquefied
- 00:31:11natural gas this year in 2023 as it
- 00:31:14found itself the second largest provider
- 00:31:16of gas to the European Union at 20% of
- 00:31:19their total Imports only behind Norway
- 00:31:22in first at 31% the gas has of course
- 00:31:26been accompanied by Texan and American
- 00:31:28oil as by the end of 2022 18% of the
- 00:31:31European Union's oil imports were also
- 00:31:33all coming from across the Atlantic the
- 00:31:36end result has dramatically blunted
- 00:31:38Vladimir Putin's ability to Blackmail
- 00:31:40the European continent with energy
- 00:31:42Warfare and its deprive the Russian army
- 00:31:45of billions of dollars in potential
- 00:31:46funding as American oil and gas coming
- 00:31:49in on ships from the West moves in to
- 00:31:51largely replace the Russian oil and gas
- 00:31:53that was coming in through pipes from
- 00:31:55the East and the vast majority of
- 00:31:58America's ability to do all of this
- 00:31:59countering without firing a single shot
- 00:32:02has all come from the state of Texas and
- 00:32:05then Texas doesn't just leave the United
- 00:32:07States in oil and gas production either
- 00:32:09but also in renewable energy this is a
- 00:32:12map of America's regions with a Highest
- 00:32:14Potential to generate electricity from
- 00:32:15wind power the windiest part of America
- 00:32:18and indeed one of the windiest places on
- 00:32:20the entire planet runs straight down the
- 00:32:22Great Plains from North Dakota through
- 00:32:24the Texas Panhandle North Texas and
- 00:32:27Central Texas
- 00:32:28by comparison nowhere in Continental
- 00:32:30Europe does it get anywhere near as
- 00:32:32windy as it does in these areas of Texas
- 00:32:35the only locations with similar wind
- 00:32:37potential here are within the European
- 00:32:38offshore regions of Denmark Northern
- 00:32:40Germany the UK and the aan sea between
- 00:32:43turkey and Greece consequently Texas
- 00:32:45possesses a major ability to harvest a
- 00:32:48lot of power from wind and it does there
- 00:32:51are more than 150 wind farms in the
- 00:32:53state already that collectively produce
- 00:32:55over 30,000 megaw of power and provide
- 00:32:57for for around 16% of the entire State's
- 00:33:00electricity needs that's by far the
- 00:33:03highest amount of wind power generated
- 00:33:05by any US state and if Texas were an
- 00:33:07independent country it would rank fifth
- 00:33:09in the entire world by wind power
- 00:33:11generation in addition to Fifth and
- 00:33:13natural gas and fourth in oil and then
- 00:33:16to just keep adding on to Texas's energy
- 00:33:18advantages you can further measure the
- 00:33:20state by solar energy potential where
- 00:33:23once again it contains some of the best
- 00:33:25solar potential land in the entire
- 00:33:27country Across the Western portions of
- 00:33:29the state and so solar already accounts
- 00:33:31for another 4% of Texan electricity wind
- 00:33:34solar and nuclear combined provide for
- 00:33:36around a third of Texas's total
- 00:33:38electricity needs and are growing
- 00:33:40greater all the time enabling the state
- 00:33:42to export even more of its vast oil and
- 00:33:45gas supplies to other states and other
- 00:33:46countries who need them more Texas is
- 00:33:49therefore effectively one of the world's
- 00:33:51greatest energy super provinces because
- 00:33:54it contains many of the largest and the
- 00:33:55most productive oil and gas fields on
- 00:33:57the Planet one of the largest Refinery
- 00:34:00capabilities on the planet some of the
- 00:34:01windiest and sunniest locations on the
- 00:34:04planet a strategic position in the
- 00:34:06center of North America granting it the
- 00:34:07ability to easily export many of those
- 00:34:09resources across the continent and a
- 00:34:11long coastline free of major Maritime
- 00:34:14choke points to export those resources
- 00:34:16around the world from Texas is America's
- 00:34:19greatest energy Province and the boom
- 00:34:22that the energy industry has been
- 00:34:23providing the state over the past decade
- 00:34:25and a half has reverberated across every
- 00:34:28other industry in the state from Tech to
- 00:34:31finance to Aerospace and more which has
- 00:34:33all collectively led to Texas being the
- 00:34:36fastest growing of all America States
- 00:34:38and raw numbers of people during the
- 00:34:4021st century In Time by the 2040s Texas
- 00:34:44May indeed finally end up even
- 00:34:46surpassing California and become
- 00:34:48America's newest most populous and most
- 00:34:50influential State time will tell and
- 00:34:53we'll see if I'm right 20 years from now
- 00:34:57now as a nearly lifelong resident of
- 00:34:59Texas myself I'm prepared to admit that
- 00:35:00I may be a little biased towards my home
- 00:35:02state in more ways than one especially
- 00:35:05when it comes to the state's food scene
- 00:35:06TexMex and barbecue have both pretty
- 00:35:08much always been my favorite genre of
- 00:35:10food ever since I was little and today's
- 00:35:12sponsor hellofresh offers a plent of
- 00:35:13choices in both with recipes ranging
- 00:35:15from these texme enel lables to these
- 00:35:17Cheesy texme Stuffed peppers to bacon
- 00:35:19jalapeno mac and cheese and so much more
- 00:35:22taking yourself to a grocery store and
- 00:35:24painstakingly searching for everything
- 00:35:26you need or want and then driving back
- 00:35:27home takes up a lot of time and effort
- 00:35:30but hellofresh greatly innovates on that
- 00:35:32inefficient model by shipping precisely
- 00:35:34what you want in the exact quantity you
- 00:35:36need directly to your front door you
- 00:35:38just use their app or website to select
- 00:35:40one of their 40 different meal options
- 00:35:41each week and then all of their
- 00:35:43ingredients show up directly on your
- 00:35:44doorstep in an insulated ice packed box
- 00:35:47and you can even add on extra snacks
- 00:35:48sides and desserts as well once you get
- 00:35:50your box you can go straight to cooking
- 00:35:52with all the instructions provided on
- 00:35:53each meal's recipe card and the cooking
- 00:35:55goes quicker than you'd expect since you
- 00:35:57don't have to de deal with measuring it
- 00:35:58all and certain ingredients already come
- 00:36:00pre-prepared that way you can make a
- 00:36:02delicious home-cooked meal in only
- 00:36:03around 30 minutes without spending any
- 00:36:06of your time shopping or meal planning
- 00:36:07it's also cheaper than grocery shopping
- 00:36:09and 25% cheaper than takeout options
- 00:36:12personally it really allows me to fit
- 00:36:13more delicious cooking into my busy
- 00:36:15schedule and that means I can avoid
- 00:36:16ordering more expensive delivery food or
- 00:36:18eating unhealthy frozen meals that's why
- 00:36:21I've been using hellofresh myself now
- 00:36:22for more than 2 years and regularly
- 00:36:25order some of my all-time favorites like
- 00:36:27these amazing TexMex Beef stuffed
- 00:36:29peppers all around hellofresh is just a
- 00:36:31better way to eat and it's often cheaper
- 00:36:33too especially since you can click the
- 00:36:34button that's here on your screen right
- 00:36:36now or by following the link down in the
- 00:36:37description below which will take you to
- 00:36:39hellofresh.com where you can use the
- 00:36:40code real life floor 16 for 16 free
- 00:36:43meals plus free shipping it's a great
- 00:36:46way to help support real life floor and
- 00:36:47eat well too so once again that's
- 00:36:49hellofresh.com and code real life floor
- 00:36:5216 for 16 free meals and free shipping
- 00:36:55and as always thank you so much for
- 00:36:57watching
- 00:36:57[Music]
- Texas
- crescita
- California
- economia
- popolazione
- petrolio
- fracking
- energia
- tecnologia
- emigrazione