Using FAKE Water to FOOL My Friends
TLDRVideoen inneholder en humoristisk fortelling om spillere i Minecraft som bruker forskjellige metoder for å avsløre en venns svindel. Luke har laget en uforgjengelig base ved å bruke vannloggede blokker, men vennen hans bytter ut vannet med pulverisert snø for å avsløre ham som en svindler. Gjennom videoen ser vi flere triks og metoder brukt for å ydmyke Luke, inkludert bruk av vann og snø for å gjøre basen hans sårbar. Videoens fokus ligger på kreativitet, humor og vennskapelige rivaliseringer i spillverdenen.
A retenir
- 😂 Luke prøver å lage en uforgjengelig base!
- 💥 Vennegjeng bruker TNT for å teste basen.
- 💧 Vannloggede blokker beskytter basen effektivt.
- ❄️ Vann blir byttet ut med pulverisert snø for å avsløre svindelen.
- 🤣 Luke fanges i sine egne triks og blir ydmyket.
- 🎮 Kreative triks i Minecraft-verdenen.
- 🤑 Luke krever 100 diamanter for ingenting!
- 🚿 Vann blir gjort 'farlig' for å skremme Luke.
- 🔎 Fokus på kreativitet og humor i spill.
- 🤝 Vennskapelig rivalisering driver hele fortellingen.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Videoen starter med en venn som konstruerer en "ustoppelig" base fylt med vann for å beskytte mot TNT-angrep. Men en annen person avslører at basebeskytterens metode er en svindel, og bestemmer seg for å hevne seg ved å sabotere vennen sin.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Hevngjerrig utnytter sabotøren Minecrafts ressursfiler til å bytte ut vennens vannebøtter med falskt vann. Når vennen forbereder seg på å svindle en annen spiller, blir vannsikkerhetsmetodene hans avslørt som ineffektive.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Mens vennen prøver å løse problemene med vannet i huset, blir han rundlurt med et spesialkommando som får huset hans til å bevege seg under ham, noe som gjør ham enda mer mistenksom overfor vann.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Sabotøren fortsetter å manipulere Minecrafts fysikk for å lure vennen, blant annet ved å sette opp en snikrakett som sender ham opp med vannet. Dette gir mer frustrasjon og paranoia rundt vannet.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Sabotørens neste trekk er å gjøre vennens ustoppelige base sårbar igjen ved å tømme vannet fra trappene som skulle beskytte den. Dette forbereder en ny gravl (TNT) angrep som viser vennens forsvar som ubrukelige.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Videoen viser vennen som faller for flere feller som bamboozler ham med usynlige blokker og manipulerte elementer, og viser hvordan hans jakt på diamanter blir stadig mer skuffende.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Sabotøren utnytter vennens besettelse med diamanter ved å bruke teksturpakker til å få vanlig kull og andre blokker til å se ut som diamanter, noe som fører til mer forvirring når vennen prøver å samle dem.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Sabotøren benytter også usynlige blokker for å sette opp feller der vennen tror han har funnet diamanter, men i virkeligheten er det blokker som fører ham til administrerte feller med lava under.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
I et forsøk på å sikre seg kohesiv fullføre alle forvirrende triksene flyes vennen endelig når sabotøren selv tar på seg et alias og engasjerer ham i en åpen handel med fiktive diamanter.
- 00:45:00 - 00:51:20
Videoen kulminerer med sabotørens plan for å fjerne vennen permanent fra serveren ved å lokke ham til en felle fylt med TNT og sprenge det hele, ettersom vennen ble uvitende brakt til stedet på løfte om å møte en fiktiv "warden" NPC.
Carte mentale
Vidéo Q&R
Hvordan beskytter vannlogging basen mot TNT-eksplosjoner?
Vannloggede blokker kan gjøre basen motstandsdyktig mot TNT-eksplosjoner ved å absorbere eksplosjonskraften, slik at blokken ikke blir ødelagt.
Hvorfor blir vann byttet ut med pulverisert snø?
Vann blir byttet ut med pulverisert snø for å lure vennen og avsløre at han bruker uærlige metoder for å gjøre basene uforgjengelige.
Hva tjener Luke på å selge vannloggede baser?
Luke krever 100 diamanter fra spillere for å vannlogge basene deres som en tjeneste, noe som blir avslørt som en svindel.
Hvordan reagerer Luke når vannet hans blir byttet ut med snø?
Luke blir forvirret og frustrert når han ser at vannet er byttet ut med snø, og at basene ikke fungerer som annonsert.
Hva er videoens hovedtema?
Hovedtemaet er å avsløre og lure tilbake en venn som har svindlet andre spillere ved å lage uforgjengelige baser.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:00my friend Luke is using water to scare
- 00:00:03my fans behold my genius creation the
- 00:00:08base that can't be destroyed wait wait
- 00:00:10wait hold up that is Cap bro this is a
- 00:00:12TNT can and that base is going Skyhigh
- 00:00:15are you sure about that then flip the
- 00:00:17lever and prove me wrong wait wait a
- 00:00:20free pass to blow Luke's base up dude
- 00:00:22I'm so down I click that and oh it's one
- 00:00:24of these like the shotgun ones oh yeah
- 00:00:27baby down it go go goes down
- 00:00:32at wait wow look at that not a scratch
- 00:00:35on my base wait what how how does that
- 00:00:38how did you do that what what and they
- 00:00:42even agree for the Builder Services I
- 00:00:44only charge 100 diamonds 100 diamonds
- 00:00:48bro you're scamming dude how does this
- 00:00:50base even work are you serious Luke is
- 00:00:54just water logging stair blocks wait so
- 00:00:57you're telling me he's scamming fans 100
- 00:01:00diamonds just to fill their base with
- 00:01:01water no we need to put a stop to this
- 00:01:04fake plumber so I'm getting revenge by
- 00:01:07turning all of Luke's water fake until
- 00:01:11he's too scared to even take a shower
- 00:01:14and there he is the scam artist of the
- 00:01:17century all right let's have a look at
- 00:01:18what's going on in his inventory and
- 00:01:20okay bro he's definitely about to go
- 00:01:21scam someone okay we need to do
- 00:01:23something before he arrives at their
- 00:01:24house this is the easiest job ever I'm
- 00:01:27basically selling water for diamonds I
- 00:01:30have the Bamboozle of the Sentry what if
- 00:01:32we switches water buckets with powdered
- 00:01:34snow let me cook guys all right guys
- 00:01:37over here on the right I have myself the
- 00:01:38server folder this is our world and we
- 00:01:40can put resource packs on the world so
- 00:01:42let's go into Here and Now on my left we
- 00:01:45have Minecraft resource pack that has
- 00:01:47literally every single texture inside of
- 00:01:50it as you can see so what we want to do
- 00:01:52is just find powdered snow real quick
- 00:01:53and we want to put that across to
- 00:01:55textures block and just Chuck that in
- 00:01:58right there and now let's rename this
- 00:02:00one to water and now what we have to do
- 00:02:02is switch water bucket and powdered snow
- 00:02:06bucket let's rename this one to
- 00:02:09watercore bucket because we are trying
- 00:02:11to switch these ones around all right
- 00:02:13now let's just grab this real quick and
- 00:02:15go ahead and put this in our item folder
- 00:02:18and Bada Bing b boom now a switcher
- 00:02:21ruing all right guys I got myself my
- 00:02:23powdered snow bucket now it may look
- 00:02:25like a water bucket but I made it
- 00:02:26slightly lighter for you guys to see oh
- 00:02:27no Luke's going in there okay what's
- 00:02:29happening I see the owner wait the
- 00:02:30owner's in the house okay we need to
- 00:02:31quickly change Luke's inventory before
- 00:02:33he uses the water howy good sir what are
- 00:02:36you up to if you just give me some
- 00:02:38diamonds I'll make your house
- 00:02:39indestructible grab all of these Luke
- 00:02:41you don't need these anymore right all
- 00:02:43right now we'll just replace it with our
- 00:02:44special powdered snow buckets all right
- 00:02:46there we go very nice just give me the
- 00:02:48diamonds
- 00:02:50perfect he actually did it I know he's
- 00:02:52leaving this guy's paying Luke before he
- 00:02:54even does the job huh this guy is such a
- 00:02:57scam artist right now but wait here we
- 00:02:59go here we go okay place the stair Luke
- 00:03:01you know you want to he did pay me after
- 00:03:03so I better do the job you know what I'm
- 00:03:05saying go here and boom and then we
- 00:03:08should just be able to place the hello
- 00:03:10dude that looks so cursed what is
- 00:03:13happening maybe it's just a glitch we'll
- 00:03:15just break this one and just Place
- 00:03:18another one there and we'll just grab
- 00:03:21water bucket and place down dude Luke is
- 00:03:24taking his sweet time oh no the owner's
- 00:03:25back oh Luke you are busted bro this is
- 00:03:29very bad the water's just flowing here
- 00:03:31if he appears and he sees that I've just
- 00:03:33been standing here what where did he
- 00:03:35come from oh no he's looking around
- 00:03:37nothing to see here just some normal
- 00:03:39water some technical issues uh how's
- 00:03:40your water going Luke how's that
- 00:03:42business going what's going on I didn't
- 00:03:44pay you 100 diamonds I know that wait
- 00:03:47why is he what did he just die your
- 00:03:49sacrifice was Noble oh he is not happy
- 00:03:52you've sacrificed yourself to show that
- 00:03:54Luke is a scammer well that I scamed
- 00:03:56scammer get scammed I guess I I don't
- 00:03:58even know I'm sorry dude I don't know
- 00:04:00what's going on I didn't intend for the
- 00:04:01water to damage you and why is it
- 00:04:02flowing I have so many questions right
- 00:04:04now I think my game is broken or
- 00:04:05something wait what if we don't just
- 00:04:07make this water curse but we make the
- 00:04:09entire house liquefied and then convince
- 00:04:12luy that it's his fault all right it's
- 00:04:14time for Ethan science lesson how to
- 00:04:16liquify a house so go to your options
- 00:04:18controls and you just want to go to this
- 00:04:20operator Tab and click on now guys if
- 00:04:23you go to creative menu you're going to
- 00:04:25see we have this new tab what this is is
- 00:04:28every single hacker items super secret
- 00:04:31items in Minecraft now we just want the
- 00:04:33command block cuz that thing is op let's
- 00:04:35come over here place this on the house
- 00:04:37let's place the Leever on here getting
- 00:04:38ready to activate now I'm about to use a
- 00:04:40super secret Ethan command we're going
- 00:04:42to type SL liquify and then we have to
- 00:04:44put a radius so let's do like 25 all
- 00:04:45right activate that how does this even
- 00:04:47happen when I built my waterlock base
- 00:04:51this whatever it is did not happen I
- 00:04:54wait I misclicked completely but why do
- 00:04:58I have an plank bucket
- 00:05:01852 blocks effect that means this house
- 00:05:04is a ticking time bomb and L just found
- 00:05:06that out the hard way maybe this will
- 00:05:08fix my game if I just place it down wait
- 00:05:11what's happening is the house flooding
- 00:05:13oh my Luke why would you place it wait
- 00:05:15no he's going to see the command block
- 00:05:16okay we got to delete that all right
- 00:05:17there we go what the the whole house has
- 00:05:20turned into liquid oh my gosh guys what
- 00:05:23is going on wait am I swimming right now
- 00:05:25I'm swimming I'm swimming under water
- 00:05:26and I'm drowning swim to the top swim to
- 00:05:28the top wait while Luke's distracted by
- 00:05:29let's see if we can make him freak out
- 00:05:31by the like the smallest bit of water
- 00:05:33right now what if we just make a tiny
- 00:05:34little puddle down here and convince him
- 00:05:37that water is evil all right let's grab
- 00:05:38some water real quick and just place
- 00:05:40this down like that bang bang bang bang
- 00:05:41bang I quickly go ins spectator oh he's
- 00:05:44up there okay he almost saw me this
- 00:05:45house is liquid what happened everything
- 00:05:48else seems normal now let's make luy so
- 00:05:50scared of not just this crazy water but
- 00:05:53just regular water all right yes has you
- 00:05:55seen the puddle is all the water in this
- 00:05:57game just cursed everything seems to be
- 00:05:58growing away oh there's water pit right
- 00:06:01here oh okay well clearly this will be
- 00:06:03fine I mean that water just seem to be
- 00:06:05like bugging yeah this water's normal
- 00:06:07now what you might not know guys is if
- 00:06:09you place down water like so what you
- 00:06:11can actually do again in this menu is
- 00:06:13grab a barrier and place this on here I
- 00:06:16can I can swim around in it it's not
- 00:06:19like a different color like what were
- 00:06:21those blocks like now to the
- 00:06:22unsuspecting eye this just looks like
- 00:06:24water but what this actually is is water
- 00:06:26logged barrier guys all right so let's
- 00:06:28come over here come to LY okay we got to
- 00:06:30be sneaky and now let's just b b b b
- 00:06:32losing bubbles like I normally would I I
- 00:06:35can eat food I I mean you can eat food
- 00:06:37anyway but like that's fine and I'm
- 00:06:38drowning but I better get up wait why
- 00:06:41can't I get up Luke what are you doing
- 00:06:42you know you can mine out the side right
- 00:06:44buddy oh oh he's stupid the water is
- 00:06:46possessed what is going on right now no
- 00:06:48no no no I just R there's there's
- 00:06:50actually no way okay well the people on
- 00:06:52the server are having a laugh at him
- 00:06:53dude I'd be having a laugh too man just
- 00:06:55drowned in water with like diamond gear
- 00:06:58wait we got to check out how mad he is
- 00:07:00let's see what he's doing right now it's
- 00:07:01not funny guys okay I just lost all my
- 00:07:03diamonds someone could take my loot poor
- 00:07:05poor NY Loot and wait hey yo someone
- 00:07:07called the plumber this man's house is
- 00:07:09leaking oh no it's just his scam wait
- 00:07:11what did he just do did he just grab
- 00:07:13wait he grabbed buckets okay you know
- 00:07:14what I don't even want my loot cuz I'm
- 00:07:16just going to Quick loot up from my
- 00:07:17secret stash get some buckets here and
- 00:07:20we're going to get some more water and
- 00:07:21guess what instead of charging people
- 00:07:23100 diamonds I'm going to charge them
- 00:07:241,000 he's off to keep scamming people
- 00:07:27are you serious no wait the strips
- 00:07:29actually give me a good idea what if I
- 00:07:31go ahead and make his house not so TNT
- 00:07:33proof anymore to make this man think
- 00:07:35that he's scamming himself and if you
- 00:07:37guys didn't know you can actually get
- 00:07:38the water log stairs water out even by
- 00:07:41doing it underground see how it's going
- 00:07:42to a wet sponge that means we've now
- 00:07:44grabbed the water and yep look at that
- 00:07:45it's working oh he's over there okay we
- 00:07:47got time we got time let's just come on
- 00:07:48the roof real quick and go bop bop bop
- 00:07:50okay this is my secret spot where I get
- 00:07:53my special water AKA just normal water
- 00:07:56that's water loged but no one knows that
- 00:07:57so everybody just go here fill up some
- 00:07:59water I got so much water I mean I
- 00:08:02should have brought more water but like
- 00:08:03I have 16 that's enough it's a small
- 00:08:05start cuz now I'm getting 10 times the
- 00:08:07profit all right that should do it
- 00:08:08there's enough we've got some more water
- 00:08:10okay nice nice nice we just need to go
- 00:08:11go go where's L at right now okay and
- 00:08:12we're back to the base oh Luke's here um
- 00:08:17just just act natural um what is Ethan
- 00:08:20doing here right now wow wall lovely W
- 00:08:23okay guys this is probably not going to
- 00:08:25work we're going to need to join his
- 00:08:26call dang it no this might be it for us
- 00:08:29what are you doing here ah hey hey Luke
- 00:08:32um I was just uh looking at your wall
- 00:08:35because I was my wall just amazed by how
- 00:08:39your base just survived the TNT and I
- 00:08:41was just wondering was that maybe like a
- 00:08:42fluke or something like I don't know if
- 00:08:44I can trust us skill uh recipe that I've
- 00:08:48crafted myself and I don't like sus
- 00:08:50people hanging around my base just
- 00:08:53getting rambling we just need we just
- 00:08:54need to walk off we need to get out of
- 00:08:55here we're too uh well well you see I I
- 00:08:57actually wanted to see it in action
- 00:08:59again cuz I was just wondering like
- 00:09:00maybe maybe it won't work multiple times
- 00:09:03I didn't want to you know spend all my
- 00:09:04money before before actually seeing it
- 00:09:06work again you'd like to try before you
- 00:09:08buy I see yeah yeah yeah no guys I'm not
- 00:09:11buying this guy I'm a great salesman
- 00:09:13I'll just make sure the TNT is loaded up
- 00:09:14we'll just put some more in here real
- 00:09:16quick okay yeah that that looks like
- 00:09:17legitimate TNT to me do you want me to
- 00:09:19show do the demonstration yeah yeah yeah
- 00:09:21cuz you know I don't want to I don't
- 00:09:22want to mess anything up you are so
- 00:09:24smart and you can make these
- 00:09:25invulnerable Bas I got you I got you
- 00:09:27ready why let do it yeah like that and
- 00:09:29then you put the Redstone on here you
- 00:09:31run away you don't want to blow up and
- 00:09:32then yeah you know launches like normal
- 00:09:34and okay cool oh what is happening to my
- 00:09:37B my beautiful face uh Luke your your
- 00:09:39base seems to have some damage right now
- 00:09:42I can see this damage but how clearly
- 00:09:44your things just don't work I feel like
- 00:09:46you maybe scam some people my my face my
- 00:09:48beautiful wait where are you going you
- 00:09:50know what I'm just going I'm just going
- 00:09:51to done I'm just going to I'm just going
- 00:09:53to leave I'm leaving don't take this out
- 00:09:56of me I'm sorry bye Luke see you later
- 00:09:58guys we need to go we need to go run run
- 00:10:00run we need think he's coming to grief
- 00:10:01my base but he doesn't even know that I
- 00:10:03griefed his base I mean well he he
- 00:10:05thinks that I did but he can't know that
- 00:10:06I actually did guys we need to think of
- 00:10:08something that's all over um oh wait
- 00:10:10I've got an idea what if we create a
- 00:10:12secret base that's super obvious that
- 00:10:14distracts him you know he's coming to
- 00:10:15grief my base so maybe he'll want to
- 00:10:17like I don't know like take my loot I
- 00:10:20guess okay wait let's just go SL a stack
- 00:10:22okay come on come on come on we need to
- 00:10:23make a deep hole uh 20 down like that
- 00:10:25okay there we go okay so now what we're
- 00:10:26going to do is make this a super obvious
- 00:10:28secret base all right let's grab some
- 00:10:29iron trap doors real quick and just
- 00:10:31place these up the top just make it
- 00:10:32super duper obvious so when he comes in
- 00:10:34he gets distracted and tries to go down
- 00:10:36here and oh wait I can put my own little
- 00:10:38water twist on this this is the perfect
- 00:10:40time to show you my invention the
- 00:10:42reverse water bucket so if we place some
- 00:10:45of this right about here this will be
- 00:10:48perfect now when it may not look like
- 00:10:49much is happening right now I know it's
- 00:10:51not flowing upwards but when a player
- 00:10:52interacts with it oh you guys are in for
- 00:10:55a Trea look at this thing it's literally
- 00:10:56just the Australian water bucket the
- 00:10:58upside down water water bucket how do we
- 00:10:59make this more obvious let's just grab a
- 00:11:01sign real quick um and just place it
- 00:11:03here and go um not secret base you know
- 00:11:07let's just make a lever for him too so
- 00:11:09he doesn't get suspicious so he knows
- 00:11:10that I've been in and out of this thing
- 00:11:12okay perfect that should be good enough
- 00:11:14okay where is he oh here no the TNT is
- 00:11:16out okay please please Luke just see the
- 00:11:19base finally I'm here I can steal this
- 00:11:21poo Loot and bl his base the two One S
- 00:11:24is this I'm a genius I've already
- 00:11:27figured out where this guy's secret base
- 00:11:29please be as dumb as I think you are yes
- 00:11:31he's reading it the bright pink sign not
- 00:11:33a secret base come on look put the TNT
- 00:11:35away man come on man this base took me a
- 00:11:37water back back come on wait he's going
- 00:11:38down Jump Right In And there's water and
- 00:11:40now I can get his
- 00:11:42Lo why is the water raising You Raise Me
- 00:11:46Up okay well I am a good house guest
- 00:11:48when people come into my house what they
- 00:11:50want is to see around the house all the
- 00:11:52exits and entrances so let's make Luke a
- 00:11:54nice back door to leave out of no I'm
- 00:11:57going to get crashed I'm going to die
- 00:11:58I'm going to to suff again what is going
- 00:11:59on what is going stop stop stop stop the
- 00:12:02water stop the water wait what just
- 00:12:04happened it's still racing but the they
- 00:12:07red the roof is never going to touch
- 00:12:10water again after this water literally
- 00:12:11sends him to space bro Elon Musk is
- 00:12:14calling and he's saying that your
- 00:12:15bathtub is about to send you to space
- 00:12:17xhq on Mars bro what put me down buddy
- 00:12:21put me down please I don't I'm going to
- 00:12:23D I'm afraid of H and water this isn't
- 00:12:26good this isn't good okay now while
- 00:12:27look's distracted by that I'm going to
- 00:12:29show you guys something that I prepared
- 00:12:31earlier all right I've prepared a server
- 00:12:33resource pack that literally lets me
- 00:12:35change gravel with water now may not
- 00:12:38look like much right now but just you
- 00:12:40wait it's okay it's okay I have a boat
- 00:12:42maybe I can place the boat and then I
- 00:12:43can fall down but the water's on top of
- 00:12:45me going to get yep there we go and I
- 00:12:48fell down take that water all right
- 00:12:51lukia you might want to look over here
- 00:12:53always heading down always heading down
- 00:12:54all right right all right let's come up
- 00:12:55here let's come up here real quick hey
- 00:12:57Luke how you doing what's up man yeah do
- 00:12:59you see me it's time to bamboozle this
- 00:13:01man like Jus I walk on water bro wait
- 00:13:04what is he doing is he walking on water
- 00:13:07with gravel guess what I have a boat
- 00:13:09buddy I'm going to chase you wait he's
- 00:13:11trying to catch up to me okay wait wait
- 00:13:12we going to disappear for a second he
- 00:13:14fell through the water did he just sink
- 00:13:17or
- 00:13:18something yeah that's right and where my
- 00:13:22my boat's going off into the Ravine well
- 00:13:24luckily I have another boat anyway all
- 00:13:26right bro LC is bambooz and while he's
- 00:13:28over there let's come over to an even
- 00:13:30bigger body of water cuz we want this
- 00:13:31man to be real scared of water and we
- 00:13:32need a giant body of water for that so
- 00:13:34what we can do is come to our setting go
- 00:13:36options physics settings guys we're
- 00:13:39about to do some crazy stuff all right
- 00:13:41jump in Ocean and then what we can do is
- 00:13:43just turn all of this stuff way up so
- 00:13:46Luke literally will never be able to
- 00:13:48touch water again without just getting
- 00:13:50game ended instantly all right let's
- 00:13:51just turn all of this up wait a second
- 00:13:53am I tripping or that Ethan is this man
- 00:13:56trying to taunt me or something oh ly
- 00:13:59YooHoo come over here and look at my
- 00:14:03wavy ocean bro oh it's too good all
- 00:14:06right let's just jump in the water so he
- 00:14:07comes with us all right now let's go
- 00:14:08spectator let's wait for this mat end of
- 00:14:10the line wait he just jumped in the
- 00:14:12water what is he doing okay we want to
- 00:14:14swim I go for a swim I got my boat right
- 00:14:16here buddy wait a second W what is going
- 00:14:20on right now if this doesn't make you
- 00:14:21scared of water I don't know what does
- 00:14:23these seas are rough man this cow that
- 00:14:25cow is done for all right wait let's
- 00:14:27just bait him further into the ocean hey
- 00:14:28luk over here I can't even control this
- 00:14:30this boat is like out of control I'm
- 00:14:33doing hops like I'm on a jet ski what is
- 00:14:36with the E what is he doing yeah yeah
- 00:14:39yeah I'll get you buddy come back here
- 00:14:41no I'm over here oh no I've disappeared
- 00:14:43again all right now that he's in the
- 00:14:44middle guys let's just make it weather
- 00:14:46Thunder real quick and see how crazy
- 00:14:48these W dude look at the wave PS it's a
- 00:14:51flipping tsunam me no the waves are
- 00:14:54getting bigger the waves are they're
- 00:14:55pulling me my boat my boat's tripping no
- 00:14:58no is never going to shower again oh I I
- 00:15:01would be scared if I was this man and
- 00:15:02also he's playing baby Ro did he just
- 00:15:04almost do a flip okay this guy's playing
- 00:15:07baby mode we need to destroy his boat
- 00:15:08real quick enjoy that ly I I checked the
- 00:15:11weather forecast and they didn't say
- 00:15:12anything about this it was supposed to
- 00:15:13be a normal my boat my boat Where's My
- 00:15:16Boat no wa no what's going on I'm
- 00:15:19sinking I'm slowly sinking they're
- 00:15:21pulling me down uh Luke swim up swim up
- 00:15:24Luke okay well I I guess the ocean
- 00:15:26growing above him is not very helpful
- 00:15:29well uh okay well unlucky
- 00:15:32CH I'm I'm going to the bottom I'm I
- 00:15:35don't want to die Mom this is what you
- 00:15:37get for scamming everyone with water bro
- 00:15:39what better way they just scam you back
- 00:15:41with the flipping ocean DJ Ked said
- 00:15:44bring out the whole ocean and there goes
- 00:15:46all of his water buckets ah poor poor ly
- 00:15:49I never want to see another drop of
- 00:15:51water in my life again I'm going to get
- 00:15:54my revenge on you Ethan my friend Luke
- 00:15:57is using a lava death trap to steal
- 00:16:01everyone's stuff all right time to visit
- 00:16:03my friend ly let's see what this man
- 00:16:06is come on etham just one more Step
- 00:16:09Closer a single Diamond just standing
- 00:16:13around ooh don't mind if I do thank you
- 00:16:17Mr Diamond why was there a random
- 00:16:18Diamond wait what the gotcha what is
- 00:16:22that no it's a lava trap it was all a
- 00:16:24trap your loot is mine no someone outse
- 00:16:27I want Revenge so I'm not going to stop
- 00:16:31trapping Luke until he returns
- 00:16:33everything he stole a Luke's literally
- 00:16:36just sitting in a hole waiting for
- 00:16:38another unsuspecting pre yes I can see
- 00:16:40the another day T of a player he's
- 00:16:42coming Derpy dirt's on his way that's
- 00:16:44Derpy dirt over there guys okay we need
- 00:16:45to think what can we do there he is he
- 00:16:47standed there we can use Luke's trap
- 00:16:49against him we can literally make it so
- 00:16:50this trap backfires and Luke gets a
- 00:16:52taste of his own medicine okay do on his
- 00:16:54way replace dispensers with uh
- 00:16:56dispensers and bang he's jumping around
- 00:16:57all right let's H it I've literally
- 00:16:59replaced all of the lava in these
- 00:17:00dispenses with uh nothing so now when
- 00:17:02Derpy D Falls in he fell he just gets a
- 00:17:07single free diamond and now he's going
- 00:17:08to be able to dig himself back out of
- 00:17:10the hle he's going to lose all his loot
- 00:17:12now and now when Luke comes around to
- 00:17:14check why his trap isn't working wait
- 00:17:16why isn't the lava killing him we're
- 00:17:18going to activate it on him oh it's
- 00:17:20genius he's running off did the lava not
- 00:17:22work yeah nice go away Dey dirt off you
- 00:17:24go and wait let's just break this
- 00:17:25quickly so it activates okay there we go
- 00:17:27wait let me reset this real quick and
- 00:17:29now Luke's going to come right it's
- 00:17:30reset now so then if I press the button
- 00:17:32again it should be fixed okay now what
- 00:17:34we're going to do is just SL SL undo the
- 00:17:35second he comes in we're going to
- 00:17:37replace all of the dispensers back with
- 00:17:38their lava yeah wait why is the lava not
- 00:17:40wait no the lava is working and bang yes
- 00:17:43there we go take that boo wait it wasn't
- 00:17:46lava there SI get a taste of your own
- 00:17:48medicine idiot let's go see that Bozo
- 00:17:51absolutely crying wait what where is he
- 00:17:53what the somebody needs to fix the lag
- 00:17:55on This Server bro luckily all my loot
- 00:17:57just comes back into this chest so I can
- 00:17:58just gear right up is this where he
- 00:18:00stores everyone's loot bro are you
- 00:18:02serious and that's my loot there guys I
- 00:18:05have no idea whose loot is who then
- 00:18:07there's no way I can return all of this
- 00:18:09wait I've got it guys maybe we can't
- 00:18:10return all of the loot because well
- 00:18:12there's a flip ton in here but what we
- 00:18:14can do is stop Luke from stealing anyone
- 00:18:17else's loot by stopping him from using
- 00:18:18his lava trap and the only way to do
- 00:18:20that is to retext your lava with a
- 00:18:22diamond block all right guys we got the
- 00:18:24lava texture here and if we just reveal
- 00:18:27the secret inside that's right we are
- 00:18:29replacing lava with diamond blocks so we
- 00:18:31can fool Luke into never ever using lava
- 00:18:34to troll anyone again look at this
- 00:18:36greedy man Chuck and diamonds back on
- 00:18:38trying to catch another player now we
- 00:18:40wait for our next victim but we got to
- 00:18:42check if our texture actually worked out
- 00:18:44look at that guys it did work it is
- 00:18:46literally lava but first we have to
- 00:18:48equip a skin because uh otherwise he's
- 00:18:50going to know it's us and then something
- 00:18:52will definitely sus so let's be Duncan
- 00:18:54D's Nuts that's right I am your boy and
- 00:18:56let's see did we get out yes we got out
- 00:18:58lava there end victim D nuts and when ly
- 00:19:03goes to mine it it is game over for the
- 00:19:05man it's a little bit closer yes look at
- 00:19:07the Diamonds oh wow look at this I I
- 00:19:10found a diamond this is so amazing bro
- 00:19:12it's actually kind of stuck I feel bad
- 00:19:14for this guy he's about to lose all his
- 00:19:15loot okay yeah yeah I think he's over in
- 00:19:17that pit what if we just go and oh no I
- 00:19:19I grabbed the diamonds ah what okay
- 00:19:21perfect the B quickly there we go this
- 00:19:22could be so bad if the Trap accidentally
- 00:19:24activates oh no it activated okay guys
- 00:19:26quickly place the thing down okay
- 00:19:27doesn't matter if we die
- 00:19:29now he's going to fall down and burn we
- 00:19:31need to die so that he comes and mines
- 00:19:32this and even look at the lav here it's
- 00:19:33turning to Diamond okay let's check it
- 00:19:35out all right guys quickly we respawn we
- 00:19:37got to go check out if luky falls for
- 00:19:39this right now what the sus where did
- 00:19:41this diamond block come from did it
- 00:19:43belong to yeah I I thinking they were
- 00:19:45holding one all right here we are and
- 00:19:46yes the diamond block is placed
- 00:19:48perfectly they placed it down here they
- 00:19:49tried to get out what a bot okay it may
- 00:19:52seem like a regular diamond block right
- 00:19:54now guys it's my lucky day got some XP
- 00:19:56don't mind if I do yes there we go it's
- 00:19:59flowing like lava this is perfect wait
- 00:20:01what just happened wait why is it
- 00:20:02flowing and wait he's got ladders out no
- 00:20:04it's getting closer towards me it
- 00:20:06doesn't matter ly you're about to get
- 00:20:07killed by the lava is this actually a
- 00:20:09diamond no no it's lava get no no no no
- 00:20:11get out of there quickly oh this was so
- 00:20:13genius this is perfect okay I'm just
- 00:20:14going to tower out there's no way are
- 00:20:16you kidding me bro oh man no I'm going
- 00:20:20to die gold an apple quickly okay that
- 00:20:21was a close one are you serious no way
- 00:20:24dude okay we need to think of something
- 00:20:25else perfect there's some water over
- 00:20:26here I need to grab that this man is
- 00:20:29seriously so stubborn but I'm not taking
- 00:20:31any chances anymore I'm going to
- 00:20:32actually grab two just to be double safe
- 00:20:35I tried to burn him alive with a FL
- 00:20:37diamond block why aren't any players
- 00:20:39falling for the diamonds where is
- 00:20:40everyone there's literally like 30
- 00:20:42people on the server right now and he's
- 00:20:43still trying to steal other people's you
- 00:20:45know I'm fine and no one wants this
- 00:20:46they're just sitting here for free I'm
- 00:20:48done I'm so done with this he's so eager
- 00:20:50that's fine by me because we can make
- 00:20:52him uh accidentally steal some illegal
- 00:20:56items guys that's right I can give my
- 00:20:58myself some legal items right here oh my
- 00:21:00look at this guys and when ly goes to
- 00:21:02use this he's going to get a uh spicy
- 00:21:05surprise all right guys hacker skin
- 00:21:08equipped we are now the skulls I don't
- 00:21:11know man this guy just had a hacker skin
- 00:21:12I thought it was fitting yes finally
- 00:21:14someone is walking towards the Diamonds
- 00:21:16oh wow look Diamonds oh my God that's
- 00:21:19crazy look they're circling around the
- 00:21:21diamonds don't you want them they're so
- 00:21:23beautiful oh and there's no one here
- 00:21:25else to take it except that snake over
- 00:21:27there pick them up who would have want
- 00:21:28some free diamonds all right I might as
- 00:21:30well just jump on here and grab those
- 00:21:31diamonds there they go I okay hit the
- 00:21:33butter quickly Oh yay I got some
- 00:21:34delicious Diamonds oh that's so good now
- 00:21:37they're going to die ah I fell in the
- 00:21:39lava whatever should I do all right
- 00:21:42quickly we just got to let these items
- 00:21:43drop let's go that guy had some good
- 00:21:46loot it seems all right now if we
- 00:21:48respawn we can see this man pick up
- 00:21:50those items now let's just check it out
- 00:21:51quickly we need to get in the base all
- 00:21:53right quickly we to get over to that man
- 00:21:54ASAP let's go go go go go go go any
- 00:21:57second we should see the loot return
- 00:21:59right into here okay it's starting with
- 00:22:01the Cobblestone okay he's going
- 00:22:02downstairs to check on the items this is
- 00:22:03perfect wait a minute what is this a
- 00:22:05lava sword a lava Axe and a lava pickaxe
- 00:22:08he's just picking them up he's literally
- 00:22:09not picking anything else up was that
- 00:22:11guy hacking or something and it's time
- 00:22:13ly use the item because they will be the
- 00:22:15last items you use my friend imagine
- 00:22:17hacking and falling for a trap that's
- 00:22:19like the number one newbest thing you
- 00:22:20could ever do hopefully this will teach
- 00:22:22him a lesson and he won't want to steal
- 00:22:23from anyone ever again I guess I'm the
- 00:22:25pro hacker now and hopefully he's going
- 00:22:27to turn all the loot that he sto let's
- 00:22:29just try these things out okay we got a
- 00:22:31lava pickaxe yes perfect what is going
- 00:22:34on I'm burning cuz if he tries to use
- 00:22:36these items they will literally just set
- 00:22:38him on fire bro that isn't no Lava
- 00:22:40pickaxe and yeah he's going to burn to
- 00:22:42death now no water bucket water bucket
- 00:22:43he's got a water bucket okay that was
- 00:22:45closed oh no I didn't see this coming at
- 00:22:48all except I did but lava axe that's TR
- 00:22:51no it's burning me too luckily I thought
- 00:22:53of hit and we can open up this man's
- 00:22:54inventory how do you even spell it slow
- 00:22:56speed just like that perfect no it must
- 00:22:57be glitch right let's try it again no no
- 00:22:59no it keeps burning me all right now we
- 00:23:00just got to replace all of his water
- 00:23:02buckets with lava buckets just like that
- 00:23:04that makes no sense okay here we go no
- 00:23:06no put the water out wait lava No Yes we
- 00:23:09finally got him where did that lava come
- 00:23:11from get D on loser that's it I'm
- 00:23:15leaving I need some air wait did he just
- 00:23:18leave the okay wo wo wo guys I expected
- 00:23:21him to be so mad that he returned the
- 00:23:23eyes but he literally just left the game
- 00:23:25are you Ser okay well the trolls don't
- 00:23:27stop here guys we need to keep doing
- 00:23:28this until he returns everything he
- 00:23:30stole and I have a perfect idea what if
- 00:23:32the lava came to Luke IRL all right guys
- 00:23:35I just heard Luke yelling I think he's
- 00:23:37getting off his computer this stupid PC
- 00:23:39shut up bro I need to get out here if I
- 00:23:42break something no okay we don't need
- 00:23:44him to get off the PC cuz we need to
- 00:23:45keep teaching the lesson so I've got my
- 00:23:47real life bucket of love right here but
- 00:23:49first guys we need to set the mood so
- 00:23:51we're going to come over into the heat
- 00:23:52up and just Spam It Up Guys spam it as
- 00:23:54high as it 50° what why is go so high
- 00:23:58okay whatever and now we're coming over
- 00:24:00yes okay he's warming up okay now we're
- 00:24:01comeing over here and we're just going
- 00:24:02to turn the fire alarm on guys all right
- 00:24:04ready let's just click that and
- 00:24:06wait going on that's so loud guys all
- 00:24:09right now if I just come down here and
- 00:24:11grab my secret solution guys all right
- 00:24:13let me just quickly unscrew this here
- 00:24:14all right perfect and now let's take
- 00:24:16this all the way over to our bucket of
- 00:24:18lava guys here okay ready all right here
- 00:24:20we go this is the Moment of Truth guys
- 00:24:22pour this in and oh my God guys it's
- 00:24:26prob it's propping up it's popping up we
- 00:24:27need to pour under his door now go go go
- 00:24:30go go go go okay yes the lava will be
- 00:24:32flowing through his room okay it's got
- 00:24:34to be boiling hot in there
- 00:24:37that yes okay he's freaking out only Luc
- 00:24:40is dumb up to full FL all right we just
- 00:24:42need to go before he figures out it's us
- 00:24:44all right guys I think ly joined the
- 00:24:46server to get some help or something
- 00:24:47none of my friends are picking up my
- 00:24:48calls maybe I can get someone to help me
- 00:24:50in Minecraft this man is going to be
- 00:24:52panicking right now I'm actually
- 00:24:54panicking right now there ain't no help
- 00:24:55here for him I shouldn't be grabbing lot
- 00:24:57there's a fire I could die at any second
- 00:24:59oh and why is he even stacking up Loop
- 00:25:01bre help me fire in my house oh no call
- 00:25:05911 well um things are about to get a
- 00:25:07whole lot worse before this man can get
- 00:25:08any help let's grab ourselves a blaze
- 00:25:10rod help me call 911 I I I need help and
- 00:25:13just set it to a brush of bear sphere
- 00:25:15and let's make it lava just like that oh
- 00:25:17I I don't even know what's going on and
- 00:25:19now let's trap luky inside his house so
- 00:25:21no one can help him let's head out to my
- 00:25:24what what is going on why is the lava
- 00:25:25around my house try Escape for now lcky
- 00:25:28boy why is the lava following me
- 00:25:30everywhere and now what we have to do
- 00:25:31the Peace Day resist on we have to
- 00:25:33really set the mood time set midnight
- 00:25:36wait no no why is it night time now and
- 00:25:38SL weather Thunder just like that it's
- 00:25:40all dark and creepy and it's raining
- 00:25:42because there is a natural disaster
- 00:25:43coming please help me I'm surrounded and
- 00:25:46now guys the finale the natural disaster
- 00:25:49to end all natural disasters my house
- 00:25:52and surrounded what is going on we are
- 00:25:55bringing down destruction on LY with the
- 00:25:57lava tsunami wait what is that thing
- 00:25:59over there and why is it getting closer
- 00:26:01is that lava die ly die no it's cored me
- 00:26:05no I'm going to no bro I just lost
- 00:26:08everything I'm going to stack up and
- 00:26:10show Ethan who the real boss is the
- 00:26:12nether ain't ready for me look at this
- 00:26:14man he's just be lining in a straight
- 00:26:16line okay no way this man H and he just
- 00:26:18found the debris just like that check
- 00:26:20this out guys it's already be 10 minutes
- 00:26:21and I've already got 10 ancient debris
- 00:26:24let's go there is no doubt about it and
- 00:26:26my guess is cuz we have an upcoming PVP
- 00:26:30fight event where the last person alive
- 00:26:32wins
- 00:26:33$1,000 and uh my guess is that Luke is
- 00:26:35trying to get stacked up for that event
- 00:26:37with some netherite gear but Luke isn't
- 00:26:40going to win anything at least uh not
- 00:26:43with this fake netherite I am going to
- 00:26:46make all Netherrack in the world look
- 00:26:48exactly like ancient debris that way
- 00:26:51Luke won't be able to tell what's real
- 00:26:53netherite and what's fake bro look at
- 00:26:56this dude he's wered he doesn't know
- 00:26:58what's happening because on our screen
- 00:27:00yeah it looks like crummy old nether but
- 00:27:02on this man's screen it's nether season
- 00:27:04man what just happened why is there
- 00:27:06ancient debris everywhere the mother of
- 00:27:08Minecraft has blessed us she really
- 00:27:10wants me to win the ,000 this must be my
- 00:27:12legacy look at him he going crazy dude
- 00:27:14okay I would honestly be so happy right
- 00:27:16now wait Netherrack what happened to the
- 00:27:18ancient debris that I just mined why
- 00:27:20does he stop mining bro keep on mining
- 00:27:22now this can't be real wait maybe my
- 00:27:24x-ray is bugging out or something let me
- 00:27:26toggle it real quick x-ray
- 00:27:28false wait slow speed has disabled his
- 00:27:29X-ray pack why would he disable that
- 00:27:32that gave him a clear Advantage for
- 00:27:33getting the nether oh unless he thought
- 00:27:36the X-ray pack was the reason that his
- 00:27:38textures were broken bro we got to
- 00:27:40disable our Netherrack pack and then we
- 00:27:41could convince him that his hacks are
- 00:27:43absolutely BK dude so my game is normal
- 00:27:46what that stupid xray I'm going to have
- 00:27:48to fix that and it's going to be such a
- 00:27:49waste of time there we go the game
- 00:27:51should be looking normal for both him
- 00:27:53and I but before that I need to actually
- 00:27:55get some ancient debris and I remember
- 00:27:57something in this this direction if we
- 00:27:58could keep going this way we should
- 00:27:59eventually hit into it wait he's still
- 00:28:01mining guys no does he remember where it
- 00:28:04was from when he had the X-ray on come
- 00:28:05on it's got to be around here somewhere
- 00:28:08I'm going to get more ancient depre dude
- 00:28:10no no no okay we need to test this
- 00:28:12Theory ASAP all right if we come over
- 00:28:13here and just make a little artificial
- 00:28:15cave just like that all right come in
- 00:28:16here and then we grab ourselves some
- 00:28:17ancient debris all right here we go here
- 00:28:19we go and now with the power of
- 00:28:21something I prepared earlier I mean I
- 00:28:23didn't expect myself to be using it like
- 00:28:24this I thought I'd use it with the
- 00:28:25ancient debris but look at that guys oh
- 00:28:27and I hear him coming y guys we're in a
- 00:28:29cave where's that ancient to bre he's
- 00:28:31literally walking straight past it dude
- 00:28:33this game is a scam I remember it was in
- 00:28:35this station is give me the ancient de
- 00:28:37now oh my gosh it's too easy man
- 00:28:41literally just walk past it I'm playing
- 00:28:43games anymore I want that ,000 ly too
- 00:28:46bad you don't have yourself a beautiful
- 00:28:47x-ray pack because there was ancient
- 00:28:49debris right there my friend the next
- 00:28:52part of my genius plan is to make this
- 00:28:55man terrified of netherite Let's uh
- 00:28:57let's just go ahead and make a little
- 00:28:58cave spot right here for him right there
- 00:29:00with the power of magical commands we
- 00:29:02go/ function FN and we want to go pixel
- 00:29:05and bang we have ourselves a fake
- 00:29:08ancient debris block yes here he comes
- 00:29:10he's noticed it finally there's the bad
- 00:29:12boy I've been looking for now give me
- 00:29:14the loot look at him he's trying to mine
- 00:29:16it and uh yeah it it it ain't going to
- 00:29:17work like that why won't this block mine
- 00:29:19the game is legitimately lagging I can't
- 00:29:21mind you got to go onto it Luke jump on
- 00:29:24the Block because you will be terrified
- 00:29:26something is going on no I think the
- 00:29:28server's lagging wait let me get closer
- 00:29:29to it what just happen look at this man
- 00:29:32is literally the size of a pixel why is
- 00:29:34everything so tiny why am I on this
- 00:29:36block wait I can mine it now and he's
- 00:29:38just mining individual pixels bro this
- 00:29:40is great this makes no sense get me out
- 00:29:42of here we just quickly go like SL give
- 00:29:46at s barrier let's just make sure this
- 00:29:47man never leaves there we go now he
- 00:29:50can't escape oh and might as well put
- 00:29:52one on the top and this man is now stuck
- 00:29:54in barriers why can't I get out I'm
- 00:29:55Legit walking and I can't walk out and
- 00:29:57he's stuck yes the barriers work
- 00:29:59perfectly bro this only cost for one
- 00:30:01move we need to give ourself the hacker
- 00:30:03pickaxe all right SL give SL speed
- 00:30:05hacker pickaxe okay there we go slowed
- 00:30:07speed has been given one times hacker
- 00:30:09pickaxe what the flip is that any second
- 00:30:11now should be out of here yes okay I'm
- 00:30:12out he just broke barriers he broke the
- 00:30:14barriers with the pickaxe whatever was
- 00:30:16following me I don't want to hang around
- 00:30:18I do not want to get trapped anywhere he
- 00:30:19literally just won't stop cheating this
- 00:30:21man is's a cheatah holic I mean I guess
- 00:30:23it's a w because he literally had to
- 00:30:25cheat to get away from the netherite Bro
- 00:30:28man just fleed the nether from the
- 00:30:30ancient debris and now I I can't find
- 00:30:32him he's just he's on the Run he's
- 00:30:34hiding okay guys and actually doesn't
- 00:30:35matter I'm going to face the challenge
- 00:30:36that mother Minecraft is throwing us I
- 00:30:38don't need netherite when I can just use
- 00:30:39my mom's credit card yellow enemy
- 00:30:41spotted I buy netherite uh $100 anyone
- 00:30:46have I buy netherite $100 how did he get
- 00:30:49$100 what Sur one of these Bots has to
- 00:30:52have netherite and then we'll get it
- 00:30:53easily we won't have to mine for it
- 00:30:54anymore I mean I'm not complaining cuz
- 00:30:57this is a perfect opportunity to test my
- 00:31:00next part of the plan now first of all
- 00:31:02we have to change our name tag and then
- 00:31:04next of all we are going to change our
- 00:31:06skin and now I am Z be all right here we
- 00:31:09go let's just say h me me me I want to
- 00:31:13trade wait D don't want to try I come to
- 00:31:16your base smiley face where you at bro
- 00:31:19you come to my base Perfect all right
- 00:31:21let's bring the goods to him the best
- 00:31:23part is I'm going to kill the person as
- 00:31:24soon as they give me that know they
- 00:31:25right they're not even going to get that
- 00:31:27$100 except we're not going to trade
- 00:31:30real netherite I do to do I'm just a
- 00:31:32regular Derpy dirt here to sell stuff to
- 00:31:35my best friend ly yo what's up der long
- 00:31:39time no see oh you already have some
- 00:31:41ancient de bricks it's not real ancient
- 00:31:43debris son it is fake debris that's
- 00:31:45right there it is right there now just
- 00:31:47hand it over and you'll definitely get
- 00:31:49your $100 uh it may look like normal
- 00:31:51ancient debris but this is just stinky
- 00:31:53crummy old sand come on Brian got all
- 00:31:56day here I'm in the challenge oh you
- 00:31:58want this you want this we cough up the
- 00:31:59100 bucks punk why' you just hide it you
- 00:32:01know what you're not get me $100 thank
- 00:32:03you for your service wo wo what the he
- 00:32:05just killed me let's go we got the agent
- 00:32:07to break now we'll just go and smelt it
- 00:32:09right here well I guess I won't feel too
- 00:32:11bad about what's to come next this man
- 00:32:14is going to pay bro actually just killed
- 00:32:16me but let's go see how he's doing with
- 00:32:18his uh glassy debris wait guys why is
- 00:32:20there glass in my Fon this should be
- 00:32:22turning into netherite just a second
- 00:32:24let's place it on the roof real quick
- 00:32:26wait why is my block falling Good Luck
- 00:32:28luy winning $1,000 with your glass armor
- 00:32:31you bot of course deut would scam me you
- 00:32:34scammer you're dead to me I will get my
- 00:32:37revenge how is that any different from
- 00:32:40how you just scammed me all right I've
- 00:32:42gone and done some brainstory I think
- 00:32:44I've got some pretty good ideas on how
- 00:32:45to prank this man we got to make him a
- 00:32:48scared all right guys netherite is
- 00:32:50terrifying and I want nothing to do with
- 00:32:51it anymore I'm going to win this PVP
- 00:32:53battle using Diamond arm only why is
- 00:32:55there a naked yellow man on my
- 00:32:57no no no I do not want to see that
- 00:32:59yellow butt got my full set of diamond
- 00:33:01armor may as well take the pickaxe there
- 00:33:03we go okay much better why is he wearing
- 00:33:05diamond armor wait a minute bro the
- 00:33:09plane is working look at this dude he
- 00:33:11started to dislike netherite already
- 00:33:14we're looking drippy some might say and
- 00:33:16we're good to go all right well now it's
- 00:33:18time to make him really fear cuz what we
- 00:33:20have now is an inventory full of
- 00:33:22netherite items that's right netherite
- 00:33:25everything we're about to convert this
- 00:33:26man's world to netherite let's give
- 00:33:28ourselves effect invisibility because uh
- 00:33:31we don't want to be caught by this man
- 00:33:32let's go 100 seconds to True bank and
- 00:33:35now let's grab out all these items and
- 00:33:36change this man's world all right he's
- 00:33:38gone upstairs that's perfect now let's
- 00:33:39come around here change his doors to NE
- 00:33:40right what what what do we got we got a
- 00:33:42crafting table perfect grab ourselves a
- 00:33:44crafting table right there all right
- 00:33:45let's grab ourselves some chest
- 00:33:47B I just stole this man's loot I just
- 00:33:49stole all these loot okay it doesn't
- 00:33:50matter it doesn't matter we're
- 00:33:51converting it all we're converting oh no
- 00:33:52here it comes here it comes what is
- 00:33:53going on with my chest that kind of
- 00:33:55looks like netherite what in the mother
- 00:33:57of Minecraft is cursing me let's just
- 00:33:59come over here we need to grab ourselves
- 00:34:00the chest just like this but okay now we
- 00:34:02just need to convert this to the chest
- 00:34:04there we go looks exactly like a
- 00:34:05netherite block MOJ what is going on
- 00:34:07with these updates yeah and let's just
- 00:34:09convert his bed okay we have to be so
- 00:34:10sneaky right now if he discovers us it's
- 00:34:12all over okay come over here and just
- 00:34:13bed right there bang my doors stop stop
- 00:34:15stop please okay he's looking away he's
- 00:34:17looking away perfect perfect okay let's
- 00:34:18just grab that okay there we go there we
- 00:34:19go and now let's let's break that and
- 00:34:21now we just got to kill him quickly
- 00:34:22while Luke's not
- 00:34:23looking die die die please disappear
- 00:34:26okay there we go now cheuck the spitty
- 00:34:27mixit face spitt mix spit face what are
- 00:34:29you doing you're throwing okay whatever
- 00:34:31we can just have him walk around no is
- 00:34:32that spitty mix spit face what have they
- 00:34:34done to you why are you in netherite we
- 00:34:35just need to get out there so ly does
- 00:34:37not notice what we're up to that's
- 00:34:38enough I draw the line there I'm out of
- 00:34:40here fast I wasn't even done doing the
- 00:34:41makeover bro he's literally D throwing
- 00:34:44netherite stuff I don't want you anymore
- 00:34:46jump over it no I picked it up again no
- 00:34:48this isn't good get out of my inventory
- 00:34:50dude I was trying to be so sneaky all I
- 00:34:52had to do is change spin's Pit face and
- 00:34:53he's on the Run somebody help me I don't
- 00:34:56have time time for this anymore he's so
- 00:34:58out of here he just dropped his
- 00:35:00netherite out for everyone to take this
- 00:35:02works so much better than I thought it
- 00:35:04would yes liy run run run my boy the
- 00:35:07netherite is after you it's coming to
- 00:35:09get you ly wait who's on the server
- 00:35:11right now I see Ethan but I don't see
- 00:35:13dery D I don't even remember Derpy D
- 00:35:15leaving the server how is this possible
- 00:35:17why is he stop running already no way it
- 00:35:19did that much damage to him he just left
- 00:35:21his PC wait guys I know it it must be
- 00:35:24Ethan he's pranking me he done this
- 00:35:25stuff way too many times I'm going to
- 00:35:27head to his room and check and see
- 00:35:28what's going on this guy bro
- 00:35:34wait um uh listen wait just H I'm naked
- 00:35:37you can't come in right now shut this up
- 00:35:40I know you're the one get this this time
- 00:35:43open the door no please leave me alone
- 00:35:46guys I'm going to stop to death he's
- 00:35:47going to keep me in here help Luke
- 00:35:50caught me red handed and unless I
- 00:35:53surrendered all my diamonds he would get
- 00:35:56his Revenge there you go bro enjoy your
- 00:35:59stacks of D yo I'm literally packing
- 00:36:02fair trade Bots but my boy L has no idea
- 00:36:05it's actually just stinky old rotten
- 00:36:08flesh bro Luke has been mining for hours
- 00:36:11and still has not found a single Diamond
- 00:36:13my man is blueless I'm going to help
- 00:36:16this man find some diamonds bro I've
- 00:36:17been mining for ages I don't want this
- 00:36:20stupid iron I just want some diamonds no
- 00:36:23way he's actually close to real diamonds
- 00:36:25okay well let's just replace this with
- 00:36:26some St Ean that's not a troll you L
- 00:36:28getting rid of diamonds now hear me out
- 00:36:30if we go/ function template give we give
- 00:36:32ourselves a map and would you look at
- 00:36:34that we have some diamonds on the map
- 00:36:36let's place this around here just like
- 00:36:37so b b b b just like that can't even
- 00:36:40tell a difference well okay they're like
- 00:36:42real diamonds but uh much brighter and
- 00:36:45uh well more suu but Minecraft has
- 00:36:47lighting glitches okay surely there's
- 00:36:48some diamonds hiding around here
- 00:36:50somewhere dude I'm going to find these
- 00:36:53yo let's go finally my prayers have been
- 00:36:56answered I got some TI oh yes yes he's
- 00:36:58seen them voila look at
- 00:37:01that let's go wait what a map if this
- 00:37:06man's that clueless this is going to be
- 00:37:07kind of fun cuz I'm just getting warmed
- 00:37:09up quickly while Luke's questioning his
- 00:37:11life wondering why he just got paper
- 00:37:12from diamonds we can find real diamonds
- 00:37:14all right let's make this uh I'm feeling
- 00:37:16some I'm feeling some coal or you know
- 00:37:18I'm feeling placing some coal ore down
- 00:37:20here and um there we go troll complete
- 00:37:22even e going to hear me out I have
- 00:37:25created a beautiful texture pack this is
- 00:37:28going to swap coal ore and diamond ore
- 00:37:30together and I can grab some real
- 00:37:32diamond ore and Chuck it right next to
- 00:37:34it and Luke the greedy guts he is is not
- 00:37:37going to think to M that cuz it's just
- 00:37:38measly coal let's Chuck this texture
- 00:37:40pack on and please work yes it worked we
- 00:37:45have coal or and World Diamond okay well
- 00:37:47he's he's it's confusing me already yo
- 00:37:50let's go some diamonds yes he's going
- 00:37:53towards the diamonds okay what's he
- 00:37:54going to do is he going to be sused out
- 00:37:55because okay he is s he sused out cuz of
- 00:37:58the maps let's just hit them okay it's
- 00:38:00not dropping Maps so they they have to
- 00:38:02be real diamonds finally and there's
- 00:38:04some coal for you baby it actually
- 00:38:07worked oh thank God you're wear are the
- 00:38:10diamonds why do I have more coal in my n
- 00:38:12they got to be here somewhere dude dude
- 00:38:14there's diamonds literally right next to
- 00:38:15you Luke but well you're too greedy so
- 00:38:17you're not going to get those all right
- 00:38:19Luke on your way go on go look for some
- 00:38:21more diamonds well Luke might not have
- 00:38:23any diamonds but he sure has lots of
- 00:38:25other resources and I'm just not feeling
- 00:38:27nice enough to let him leave with those
- 00:38:28today so we're going to trick him into
- 00:38:31killing himself with his own greed
- 00:38:33that's where the ghost block comes into
- 00:38:35play we just go a ghosta block and there
- 00:38:37it is now what we're going to do is
- 00:38:38we're going to create this little lava
- 00:38:40pool here and we're going to make this
- 00:38:42into our next troll destination now
- 00:38:44we're going to have some real diamonds
- 00:38:45sh Luke's going to mine those up and
- 00:38:46it's going to be all Dandy and good but
- 00:38:48then once my man gets far enough in he's
- 00:38:51uh well yes he's he's going to stand on
- 00:38:53on these and uh fall in uh like so just
- 00:38:57just like that okay now let's just fill
- 00:38:58this in to make it look a little bit
- 00:39:00less sus and there we have it nice and
- 00:39:02easy nice and inconspicuous please your
- 00:39:05boy just wants some diamonds whoever is
- 00:39:07doing this is going to get died up yo
- 00:39:09let's go finally I found some diamonds
- 00:39:1220 there's ly yes and we have been
- 00:39:14waiting but now it will finally pay off
- 00:39:16come on LY it's not sus at all there's
- 00:39:18no Lava pool there I swear to you these
- 00:39:20are deep slide diamonds so they have to
- 00:39:22be real okay let's mine this but let's
- 00:39:25stand but it dropped the diamond okay so
- 00:39:27it has to be I assure you these ones are
- 00:39:29real well half of them are real but
- 00:39:34oh that wasn't even planned my man just
- 00:39:37lost a diamond in the lava please please
- 00:39:40please yes I I got a diamond finally
- 00:39:42let's go okay now let's get this one
- 00:39:46what why can't I mine this diamond luk
- 00:39:49you can't you can't mind that one mate
- 00:39:51what I don't know what you the g box you
- 00:39:53can't bro he tried to he tried don't
- 00:39:56jump in why am I burning dud no I need
- 00:39:59to get out of here do no please I I got
- 00:40:02no and there goes all his stuff dude I
- 00:40:05would pay real life diamonds to see
- 00:40:08Luke's reaction right now luky should be
- 00:40:10spawning right about now and okay I'm
- 00:40:12sure he's very mad okay I feel kind of
- 00:40:13bad let's give him some real diamonds
- 00:40:15just to start off this game is so stupid
- 00:40:17the one time I get diamonds I die why
- 00:40:21does this game hate me yo those diamonds
- 00:40:24are looking kind of sus though but why
- 00:40:26is there diamonds here look at the
- 00:40:27diamonds mine the diamonds steal the
- 00:40:31what the I'm giving you diamonds man
- 00:40:34this is what you wanted what what is he
- 00:40:37doing dude I don't have time for this
- 00:40:39anymore I'm just going to wait for
- 00:40:41someone to like log in on the server and
- 00:40:42then we'll get some diamonds that way
- 00:40:44yes you have your iron G now mine the
- 00:40:45diamonds yeah mine the he walked off I'm
- 00:40:49leaving in Luke's mind Ren free my man
- 00:40:52is actually scared of diamond or now bro
- 00:40:54Luke has just been walking around
- 00:40:55skeptical this troll is not going to
- 00:40:57work if he's scared of diamonds I'm
- 00:40:59going to have to join and convince him
- 00:41:00otherwise so we're going to go SL fake
- 00:41:02join there we go y Ean join the game I
- 00:41:06hate playing with this guy but maybe I
- 00:41:08could scam him and we just walk up to
- 00:41:09here uh and let's just grab ourselves
- 00:41:11you know some uh some some gold oh sorry
- 00:41:14did I say gold I actually meant I meant
- 00:41:15diamonds these are these are actually
- 00:41:17diamonds uh of course you guys wouldn't
- 00:41:18be able to see that because I'm going to
- 00:41:20enable a resource pack okay I need to
- 00:41:22find a way to trade these diamonds for
- 00:41:24something without making it seem sus
- 00:41:27okay dude ean's been standing still for
- 00:41:28a long time okay I'm going to talk in
- 00:41:29the chat yo best friend you want to to
- 00:41:34trade you want to trade wait are you
- 00:41:38trying to scare me one Emerald equals
- 00:41:41one Diamond okay Luke is literally
- 00:41:43begging me to sell him diamonds right
- 00:41:45now the fake Blues are what he wants
- 00:41:47okay uh sure thing bro okay uh we got
- 00:41:51some diamonds over here uh now what do
- 00:41:52we do we just give him a 64 and Y he
- 00:41:54said sure thing I gave righto here here
- 00:41:56we go here's the emeralds bro let's go I
- 00:41:59got 6 more times in here and got 20
- 00:42:01emeralds bro he got scared he gave me 20
- 00:42:04I just got scammed within a scam you're
- 00:42:07worse than villagers bro but still I
- 00:42:09gave him some fake diamonds now let's
- 00:42:11see what my man gets up to I'm going to
- 00:42:12craft some armor and we'll be full
- 00:42:14diamond let's go wait what why why am I
- 00:42:18crafting gold armor what is going n dude
- 00:42:21this has to be some kind of glitch or
- 00:42:22something there's no
- 00:42:24way it's all it's yellow than usual bro
- 00:42:28what dude this is gold armor not diamond
- 00:42:31armor bro am I the one who's getting
- 00:42:33scammed bro you scamm what what do you
- 00:42:35mean you scammed no I didn't I didn't do
- 00:42:37anything bro what is going on um okay
- 00:42:40this is actually bad I didn't realize
- 00:42:41this I forgot to change the goal Luke
- 00:42:43could actually be on to me for this uh
- 00:42:45uh uh of course let's just gasl light uh
- 00:42:47it work for me uh question mark I craft
- 00:42:52now he's going to craft now okay bro
- 00:42:55let's see what he's doing he CL now s is
- 00:42:58going on bro what do we do uh um shoot
- 00:43:01oh yes okay I've got it I've got it okay
- 00:43:03let's just go onto my skin and then we
- 00:43:05just set it to that perfect okay if I
- 00:43:07just do this and please work please work
- 00:43:09yes there we go and now we have diamond
- 00:43:12armor on that is the quick solution I
- 00:43:13have what is taking this guy so long bro
- 00:43:15I'm I'm going to be here for day y he's
- 00:43:18got the diamond armor on he's got the
- 00:43:20trip how does it work for him hello Mr
- 00:43:23Luke uh see uh I can craft I'm going to
- 00:43:26kill him and drop his armor bro you just
- 00:43:29Noob ow ow why is he hitting me bro what
- 00:43:32the yo wait where's the armor bro wait
- 00:43:36no this is good I planned ahead he's not
- 00:43:39going to get any diamonds for this bro
- 00:43:41what did not dude I'm done bro I give up
- 00:43:44on this game that is karma for you Luke
- 00:43:46and he left the game that is karma you
- 00:43:49deserve that no Blues For You yellow boy
- 00:43:52with Luke out of the picture I had one
- 00:43:55last person to fool
- 00:43:56e stream somehow he manages to escape
- 00:44:00every single trap I've made but today
- 00:44:03that changes yo check out the stone I
- 00:44:06just mined psych it's actually TNT oh
- 00:44:09and Cy oh I took a bit of damage better
- 00:44:12cool off in some water pych it's
- 00:44:14actually lava but how you may ask with
- 00:44:17the power of editing I can change how
- 00:44:19any block looks in the game after
- 00:44:22slaving away for all this sand one might
- 00:44:24wonder Ethan why do you need so much
- 00:44:26sand well it's simple sand is a key
- 00:44:29ingredient to make my trap to trap e
- 00:44:31stream and claim the $1,000 bounty on
- 00:44:34his head let us obtain the graay my plan
- 00:44:38was easy dubs Spade ey man into mine
- 00:44:41rigged with TNT all I needed was a crib
- 00:44:44full of sand and gunpowder oh I'm
- 00:44:46exhausted from digging up all that sand
- 00:44:49I just don't have it in me to wreck some
- 00:44:50creepers and steal their powder luckily
- 00:44:52I have a friend of a friend who knows a
- 00:44:54guy who has a dog who has a pet go fish
- 00:44:56has a friend who has an uncle it's Luke
- 00:44:58I I know Luke and Luke has a creeper
- 00:44:59farm so we're going to go steal some of
- 00:45:01his creeper Farm stuff I mean we're
- 00:45:02going to go borrow some Gunpowder from
- 00:45:04him oh ly boy let me in hey L what
- 00:45:09the I successfully stopped another bot
- 00:45:12from stealing my loot what what do you
- 00:45:14mean I wasn't going to steal your loot I
- 00:45:15literally came here to ask for help for
- 00:45:17once I want to trap Jordan and I need
- 00:45:19gunpowder and you have a creeper farm
- 00:45:21and why should I even believe you and
- 00:45:24better yet why should I help you because
- 00:45:26uh there's there's uh there's lots in it
- 00:45:28for you yes um there's diam diamond
- 00:45:32diamond blocks there's lots of diamonds
- 00:45:34and they're in block form and there's
- 00:45:36lots of them diamond blocks oh dude I
- 00:45:39don't know about that one how about you
- 00:45:41come here when you actually have the
- 00:45:42loot you but no no no please don't kill
- 00:45:45me luk what that you're sck in the head
- 00:45:48bro fine I guess I'll go get some
- 00:45:50diamond blocks so I can get my inventory
- 00:45:53back but first just a bit of texture
- 00:45:55pack Magic what a butt does he really
- 00:45:57think I'm going to give him my D's later
- 00:46:00ah finally after so much effort I've
- 00:46:02collected all these 15 diamond blocks or
- 00:46:05are they sh don't tell anyone we put on
- 00:46:07Advance tool tips look at that we have
- 00:46:09ourselves 15 clay blocks they're called
- 00:46:11diamond blocks they look like diamond
- 00:46:13blocks Luke won't know the difference
- 00:46:15that bot's about to get pranked all
- 00:46:17right I got your diamond blocks now what
- 00:46:18do you want you what the where didd your
- 00:46:20hack go bro I did the drip it's not
- 00:46:22Cannon what what does that even mean
- 00:46:25okay whatever I have your 15 diamond
- 00:46:27blocks Now give me my stuff what how did
- 00:46:29you even get these give me my stuff it's
- 00:46:31an agreement see I never break my word
- 00:46:34I'm giving you your stuff for here take
- 00:46:35it all I don't want it yeah that's right
- 00:46:37you don't want it because it's my stuff
- 00:46:38I never break my w i do the diamond box
- 00:46:41at you okay okay okay what wa you threw
- 00:46:43the diamond BL just get them back please
- 00:46:45that's all I need okay go thank you now
- 00:46:47take me to the gunpowder Farm I follow
- 00:46:50me I'm giving you the tour okay W whoo
- 00:46:52whoo wo wo W my my inventory my
- 00:46:54inventory hurry up I don't have die okay
- 00:46:56okay okay chill all right where's the
- 00:46:59gunpowder show me f if you do anything
- 00:47:01Su like boy this up I'm going to sell
- 00:47:02your mama and eay sell my mom on eay
- 00:47:05what the I made she might fetch a good
- 00:47:06price but that doesn't matter I never do
- 00:47:08anything S I would never ever in the
- 00:47:10history of ever do anything sus okay
- 00:47:14whatever dude just check these chest
- 00:47:15over here there's the gunpowder now
- 00:47:17leave me alone you bot um okay you're
- 00:47:19just going to trust me to do this uh
- 00:47:21sure okay no we got gun P at the woo now
- 00:47:24to initiate our next part of the plan
- 00:47:27let's do this thing now that I have all
- 00:47:29the TNT that I needed it's boom boom
- 00:47:32time after a hardcore build sesh my cave
- 00:47:35was ready and we're done there we go
- 00:47:39this cave is looking perfect well I mean
- 00:47:41it looks totally normal and it legit has
- 00:47:43diamonds too as a mega IQ bait Jordan
- 00:47:46will not know what hit him and we'll uh
- 00:47:48just in case the bot somehow escapes us
- 00:47:50and thinks oh I can escape VI the water
- 00:47:52uh uh no because that my friend is lava
- 00:47:55we have done a big 1,000 IQ Strat here
- 00:47:59Jord will not stand a chance now for my
- 00:48:02big brain Escape R some of you may be
- 00:48:04thinking but Ethan once the TNT goes off
- 00:48:07won't it kill you and Jordan what's the
- 00:48:09point do not underestimate me those
- 00:48:12people I have prepared something watch
- 00:48:14this above above and down we go into our
- 00:48:18little secret passage way now we just uh
- 00:48:20build these ones back up up up up cuz I
- 00:48:22need to be able to get back up once I'm
- 00:48:24down here and we're going to start
- 00:48:25ourselves the opposite way of the TNT so
- 00:48:27we don't die of course what I do with
- 00:48:29this plan is I will be making myself a
- 00:48:32mine card system we're going to dig all
- 00:48:34the way down this cave we're going to
- 00:48:35connect up some rails which uh uh which
- 00:48:37I do have finnally enough uh which I
- 00:48:40totally did not ever steal from Luke
- 00:48:43when I saw him uh last week no I would
- 00:48:45never steal from Luke these 20 powered
- 00:48:48rails and there's this TNT mine cart in
- 00:48:51this no I I I stole them from Luke I I
- 00:48:54am a menace to Luke but it's fine all
- 00:48:56right let's grab ourselves some of the
- 00:48:57Rails some of that we need some Redstone
- 00:48:59torches uh let's just Rix that up in our
- 00:49:01inventories just like that um let's grab
- 00:49:04we need the pickaxe on us uh let's grab
- 00:49:05us some red seron a creeper just oh my
- 00:49:08God a creeper just no no no it's too
- 00:49:09close to T no
- 00:49:14die oh my God I think there's TNT
- 00:49:17literally right here is the TNT that
- 00:49:19thing exploded that would have oh my God
- 00:49:22that would have triggered the TNT oh my
- 00:49:25God my heart is beating out of my chest
- 00:49:27my goodness man almost blew up my whole
- 00:49:30operation he literally spawned right
- 00:49:32there I stream out of the corner of my
- 00:49:33eye just spawned down here it's light
- 00:49:35too is it cuz it's too dark in that spot
- 00:49:37bro Minecraft is capping bro I hate this
- 00:49:40game we got to get back to work though
- 00:49:42we don't have much time to lose and now
- 00:49:45we
- 00:49:49dig and wait yes he joined okay now I
- 00:49:51just need to bait him down here without
- 00:49:53looking Mega sus ah um oh I've got an
- 00:49:56idea money uh yo ey trash um I mean I
- 00:50:00mean friend right I need to be nice uh I
- 00:50:02found a warden um I'll give you uh
- 00:50:08$1,000 oh damn dollar feels uh if you
- 00:50:13can kill it yes please sure this works
- 00:50:17please come on come on easy cheasy let's
- 00:50:20go and the prank is in motion hey I'm
- 00:50:23about to slap this big blue man so hard
- 00:50:25all right you're going to owe me th000
- 00:50:26bucks I'm using it to buy a Bugatti a
- 00:50:29Bugatti wow a Bugatti yeah go you John
- 00:50:33wo 000 yes so the warden just back at
- 00:50:35the end of the cave Keep On Walking he's
- 00:50:38over there somewhere keep looking ah yes
- 00:50:41the invisible Warden oo so scary all
- 00:50:43right Ethan the gig's up all right the
- 00:50:45shind Dig is up I know something sus is
- 00:50:47going on I give you one chance to commit
- 00:50:49your sin or well admit your sin and I'll
- 00:50:50forgive you I'll forget everything
- 00:50:51happened as long as you tell me right
- 00:50:53now I will have you know I'm the least
- 00:50:54Su man on this and I did nothing wrong
- 00:50:56other light your face okay bye John
- 00:50:58going to go have fun with the TNT oh no
- 00:51:00quick get out of
- 00:51:01here I'm out baby wait wait what do you
- 00:51:05mean you're out what do you mean what
- 00:51:07yeah you see you scammed Luke with fake
- 00:51:08diamond so he snitched on you hope
- 00:51:10you're like creepers he hope you like
- 00:51:12creepers what do you mean I hope you
- 00:51:13like creepers what what creepers oh what
- 00:51:15what is this pit no it doesn't end like
- 00:51:17this
- 00:51:19no
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