Saving Homeless Lives in Kentucky's Deadly Cold
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- 🏠 法案讓無家可歸者更難獲取幫助。
- ❄️ 寒冷天氣使得無家可歸者的生存挑戰加大。
- 🤝 志願者們努力提供食物和住宿。
- 🚫 法案限制無家可歸者在公共場所過夜。
- 💔 哀悼在街上死亡的無家可歸者。
- 🔥 提供睡袋等保暖物品至關重要。
- 💡 提高社會對無家可歸問題的認識和支持。
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Large Marge Truckers Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure Podcast Episode 36
- 00:00:00motel room you want to go to Motel 8
- 00:00:02days now okay we don't want you freezing
- 00:00:04man for 8 days there's a pretty big
- 00:00:07storm coming I think it was one below or
- 00:00:101° this morning so how are you surviving
- 00:00:13out here best I can house bille 5 here
- 00:00:17in the state of Kentucky criminalizes
- 00:00:19homelessness every time we push a poor
- 00:00:22man to where he's about to break we're
- 00:00:25going to pay down the road it it it's
- 00:00:28just horrible if I have n here we go she
- 00:00:30old
- 00:00:32DE I'm in Lexington Kentucky about to go
- 00:00:35out with the compassion Caravan we're
- 00:00:38going to go to homeless encampments
- 00:00:40where people could freeze to death in
- 00:00:42this weather to get them inside to a
- 00:00:45hotel room follow along Thomas how you
- 00:00:48doing there sir I'm doing good what are
- 00:00:50we doing
- 00:00:52today well we're going to go to the
- 00:00:54camps make sure they made it through
- 00:00:55last night and then get supper for them
- 00:00:57save a lot and just ride around
- 00:01:00and then we get phone calls pick people
- 00:01:03up then we try to find people that's
- 00:01:07barely made it through last night you
- 00:01:09know and get them in before they you
- 00:01:12know the storm comes this weekend plus
- 00:01:13it's going to be colder theight so we're
- 00:01:16going to try to round them up how is um
- 00:01:19House Bill
- 00:01:215 uh uh made it harder to help homeless
- 00:01:26people well we got 200 something
- 00:01:30sleeping bags I gave them all
- 00:01:32out they came along took everything they
- 00:01:35had so we've gave some people two or
- 00:01:36three and now they're with nothing so
- 00:01:39they're just uh taking their stuff and
- 00:01:42then uh and when you say they you mean
- 00:01:44police the
- 00:01:46police and this time of year a sleeping
- 00:01:49bag could help somebody stay alive it's
- 00:01:52the only thing that's going to stay
- 00:01:52alive was the sleeping man uh so when
- 00:01:56they they don't realize when they take
- 00:01:58all this guy stuff you know he went out
- 00:02:00to try to make him some money or get
- 00:02:01something to eat then when he comes back
- 00:02:03in and there's nothing there or they
- 00:02:07tell him you got to get up and move it's
- 00:02:09just running from place to place and
- 00:02:11they're getting farther out of the city
- 00:02:13uh and as an Outreach worker I mean you
- 00:02:17need to be able to connect with people
- 00:02:20and if the criminalization is displacing
- 00:02:23people it makes it harder to get them
- 00:02:26help yeah get them help it's harder to
- 00:02:28find them make sure they made it I mean
- 00:02:31if you know where they're at then you
- 00:02:32can help them kind of you know try to
- 00:02:35help them keep their Camp clean and all
- 00:02:36that but when they move from place to
- 00:02:38place to place then we're on a a more or
- 00:02:41less a search to try to get them through
- 00:02:43one night of this weather every night it
- 00:02:46just starts making it rough on them you
- 00:02:48know if if you had to make it through a
- 00:02:50night you come back all your stuff's
- 00:02:52going then they're going to do things
- 00:02:54they normally wouldn't do they're going
- 00:02:55to break in somebody's garage they're
- 00:02:56going to get try to find a car unlock
- 00:02:58but when you take everything they got
- 00:03:00then you're forcing them to do things
- 00:03:02that they normally wouldn't do so to me
- 00:03:05it's almost like going to make double
- 00:03:07jeopardy it's going to make these people
- 00:03:09do things that they're not doing they've
- 00:03:11never done it but sooner or later to
- 00:03:13live they're going to do it
- 00:03:19[Music]
- 00:03:26Yep they're under the bridge here then
- 00:03:29they got a camp here but all the way
- 00:03:31down this railroad track they have camps
- 00:03:34because it's hard to get to yeah and so
- 00:03:36they're on Church property here and the
- 00:03:39church is not complaining so they can't
- 00:03:41come and do nothing to this one
- 00:03:43yet so it's it's a
- 00:03:46plus that that that the church allows
- 00:03:49this yeah so let's go see if they're
- 00:03:51there let's see if we got sleeping bags
- 00:03:53and stuff we're going to give them
- 00:03:54whatever they need okay if they want to
- 00:03:57go to the motel we're going to take them
- 00:03:58got sleeping bag
- 00:04:01hand
- 00:04:04warmers so when the weather's this bad
- 00:04:06I'm going to look in to make yourbody M
- 00:04:09then I'm leaving I'm not going to mess
- 00:04:12with
- 00:04:14nobody
- 00:04:18hey make sure nobody's frozen to death
- 00:04:21that's what I'm doing one of them's at
- 00:04:23the mot already yeah so you've already
- 00:04:26picked somebody up from here
- 00:04:28yep they came out it was cold they said
- 00:04:31please take me in so
- 00:04:33yeah I can't
- 00:04:36imagine sleeping
- 00:04:39outside like this when it's freezing
- 00:04:43cold uh two nights ago somebody did die
- 00:04:46out here grateful to the Outreach team
- 00:04:49going out trying to get people in the
- 00:04:51hotel rooms shelters are full it it it's
- 00:04:55just
- 00:04:57horrible and the guy that we lost this
- 00:04:59year
- 00:05:00did not have a sleeping bag they found
- 00:05:02him under a tart wow so I hope to God
- 00:05:07that this is not one that they took his
- 00:05:09sleeping
- 00:05:10bag and he didn't make it because all he
- 00:05:13had was a tar it's because of like you
- 00:05:16said the rent yeah for every $100
- 00:05:19increase in median rent homelessness is
- 00:05:22going up
- 00:05:239% as you were saying you know shelter
- 00:05:26people have checks they're getting
- 00:05:29income
- 00:05:30but they can't afford rent well they had
- 00:05:32a place to live they can't the the
- 00:05:34landlord kicks them out cuz they can't
- 00:05:36pay an extra hundred bucks so then when
- 00:05:40they're kicked out they're homeless for
- 00:05:42the first time they never did drugs or
- 00:05:43nothing it's putting drugs on people
- 00:05:45that's never done drugs right many of
- 00:05:47the people that are entering into
- 00:05:49homelessness first time come in sober
- 00:05:51and then they start doing drugs to cope
- 00:05:54yeah yeah not only are they homeless not
- 00:05:56only have they never been here before
- 00:05:59but after a year or two or 10 years they
- 00:06:02become mental ill some of them wasn't
- 00:06:04born that way it was the streets and
- 00:06:07being run from here to there I mean
- 00:06:09mental illness is going to go up all
- 00:06:11this stuff is going to increase every
- 00:06:13time we push a poor man to where he's
- 00:06:16about to break we're going to pay down
- 00:06:18the road see I feel for my grandkids if
- 00:06:21I don't we don't get out and do
- 00:06:23something about this what we're doing
- 00:06:24right now what's it going to be like for
- 00:06:26them yeah what kind of world are we
- 00:06:27going to live in
- 00:06:29to where they put them in cages like uh
- 00:06:32you know almost like concentration camps
- 00:06:35be like Hitler well that's where it's
- 00:06:37had it yeah I'm just saying be like
- 00:06:39Hitler this is where we're going to put
- 00:06:40them this is where they live it's not
- 00:06:42the
- 00:06:43answer so you you're seeing someone
- 00:06:48yeah yeah come over here he knows
- 00:06:50[Music]
- 00:06:52me hey
- 00:06:53buddy where'd you stay last night out
- 00:06:57here we can get you we can get you a
- 00:06:58motel
- 00:07:00for uh 7 Days eight days free look you
- 00:07:03can go get the motel come back out here
- 00:07:05and do your thing and go
- 00:07:08back that what work GL come on get
- 00:07:11in what's your name uh Dwayne hey Dwayne
- 00:07:14how long you been out here 6 years not
- 00:07:17long oh my gosh what happened I lost my
- 00:07:20mother and I ain't got no bir sister so
- 00:07:22I'm on my own yeah so how are you
- 00:07:25surviving out here best I can it's cold
- 00:07:30going to be warm tonight my friend we're
- 00:07:32going to get to a motel room you get in
- 00:07:34there and get your room take you a bath
- 00:07:37stay there you hear me I'm talking it's
- 00:07:40like 8 days so you got a room for 8 Days
- 00:07:44paid for No Strings Attached you see
- 00:07:47Carrie over there when you come to the
- 00:07:49office to get your food yeah and you say
- 00:07:52is it Carrie here and then you let her
- 00:07:54know you get a check and you want to get
- 00:07:56an
- 00:07:57apartment I'll let Jenny know she'll pay
- 00:07:59the application fee once you get in
- 00:08:01there we hope you get you know whatever
- 00:08:04you need to live in there pots of pans
- 00:08:05or
- 00:08:06whatever I bet Eugene sitting up her on
- 00:08:08his grocery
- 00:08:11cart don't never moov he sleeps that's
- 00:08:14what I told you I said Eugene you'd be a
- 00:08:17rich man if you didn't sleep on that car
- 00:08:19he said shut up hey would H don't never
- 00:08:23wake up you know he was under bridge 3
- 00:08:25years now he's got his own apartment ask
- 00:08:28him about what we How We Do for people
- 00:08:30hey you want to go to a
- 00:08:32motel motel room free come on get your
- 00:08:37stuff praise God he's coming in yes sir
- 00:08:42you can get open that other door and you
- 00:08:43can set back over my grandson there you
- 00:08:46go how you good God bless you all right
- 00:08:51my Feel Good Just slam it's okay we
- 00:08:53going to be in a room now 8 Days man
- 00:08:55paid for
- 00:08:59Road room 132 y so you and your wife
- 00:09:03don't have to stay uh outside tonight
- 00:09:06man that's a blessing that with be there
- 00:09:08and then they got food and everything
- 00:09:10okay okay 132 right yeah room 132 her
- 00:09:13name's Tanya focal so go and tell her
- 00:09:16brother Thomas sent you over motel room
- 00:09:19you want to go to Motel 8 Days okay we
- 00:09:22don't want you freezing man for eight
- 00:09:24days nice you gra room for8 days you
- 00:09:26hear me yes sir praise God
- 00:09:31Hallelujah Jimmy how long you been
- 00:09:35outside for year 4 years 5 years what
- 00:09:39happened I just give up give up yeah
- 00:09:43lost my job last time bar and everything
- 00:09:46I forgot to ask you when you got in how
- 00:09:49long were you homeless I've I've been
- 00:09:51homeless for ever since my sister that
- 00:09:54five years she five 5 years ago yeah the
- 00:09:58first time I've seen the van
- 00:10:01I done got everybody got ponying all of
- 00:10:02them we hunting them down yeah just not
- 00:10:05at the right place the right time
- 00:10:07[Music]
- 00:10:11yeah she old put it Park she's out
- 00:10:16of I don't know probably
- 00:10:18so
- 00:10:20he yeah there I do Thomas do you still
- 00:10:25yeah need do you still need Narin I
- 00:10:27don't think she's Narin yeah I didn't
- 00:10:29think think so either I think she's
- 00:10:30diabetic okay I put her car in park I'm
- 00:10:32about to turn it off hey I got some
- 00:10:34sugar there's a safety cop right
- 00:10:36[Music]
- 00:10:43[Music]
- 00:10:47there sorry for the shaky camera uh it's
- 00:10:51trying to find my
- 00:10:53Naran uh this woman in a car here was
- 00:10:57passing out and Thomas got out and
- 00:11:02uh now they've called over police she
- 00:11:06passing out man she she was rolling and
- 00:11:09W her up Ma you got you
- 00:11:13okay she she's something
- 00:11:16[Music]
- 00:11:18wrong we don't know they're bringing
- 00:11:22ambulance she acts like she's diabetic
- 00:11:24heard some pop in here
- 00:11:36got yeah this is all the candy I've got
- 00:11:39I was hoping I had
- 00:11:41some crazy
- 00:11:44afternoon I looked over she was like
- 00:11:46this look I was like God in the
- 00:11:48carolling and it could be a stroke too
- 00:11:50yeah yeah yeah you know I've
- 00:11:54uh well just is part of good man Thomas
- 00:11:58uh that's the Lord man we're in the
- 00:11:59right place at the right
- 00:12:01time we don't want nobody else passing
- 00:12:04away amen it's good thing you looked
- 00:12:07over seen
- 00:12:08her well I thought it was a wreck you
- 00:12:10know cuz if no or a stalled car yeah I
- 00:12:13was like nobody's moving I got a she was
- 00:12:15like this look I'm like what in the
- 00:12:16world and then it started rolling I
- 00:12:19yelled and she raised up put her foot on
- 00:12:21the brake and I put it in park and took
- 00:12:24her I took her keys out she was didn't
- 00:12:25want me getting back in car yeah bless
- 00:12:28her heart she's like it's a
- 00:12:30stranger stranger yeah what I want that
- 00:12:33ballhead man here me she
- 00:12:36saved well hopefully she's all right man
- 00:12:38we got to pray for her y'all hear me
- 00:12:40let's say a prayer right now all right
- 00:12:42Lord we just ask you'd be with this lady
- 00:12:44Lord we don't know the situation but we
- 00:12:46know that you're the Healer Lord so be
- 00:12:48with her Lord in this situation of her
- 00:12:50life we thank you for protecting her and
- 00:12:52those around her Lord we've been in the
- 00:12:54right place at the right time watch over
- 00:12:56these men as they go to shelter Lord
- 00:12:59give them peace if there be anybody else
- 00:13:02out there Lord let us see them to get
- 00:13:04them help we pray in Jesus name amen
- 00:13:06amen everybody say amen that's what I'm
- 00:13:08talking about look at that smile right
- 00:13:10there what you know so what are we doing
- 00:13:13here we're going to get supper for
- 00:13:14everybody so we're going to get uh 200
- 00:13:18meals so we pay by faith doing it all by
- 00:13:23faith and then once people see what
- 00:13:25we're doing either they pay or don't or
- 00:13:27got to make a way but we're we're going
- 00:13:29to go in here and pay cash for this sa
- 00:13:30the
- 00:13:31receipt everybody's going to get to eat
- 00:13:34God is good come on boy Christian you
- 00:13:36going work for your meals our grandson
- 00:13:39he works for food come on in here
- 00:13:45[Music]
- 00:14:03Christian good job
- 00:14:06boy come on man give me some of
- 00:14:09[Applause]
- 00:14:11that who you work for this Jesus that's
- 00:14:16all we need to know
- 00:14:18[Music]
- 00:14:31[Music]
- 00:14:33that's a lot of TV dinners
- 00:14:36[Music]
- 00:14:49hello hey sorry I'm looking like this
- 00:14:52but look great it's that evening we're
- 00:14:56up to probably about 15 5060 people that
- 00:15:00have been checked in wow and you got
- 00:15:02more checking in more coming in more
- 00:15:04coming right now food we have to find a
- 00:15:08place for them but we're going to do
- 00:15:09that yeah we doze but we never close and
- 00:15:13earlier you were talking
- 00:15:16about the criminalization so house bille
- 00:15:195 here in the state of Kentucky is like
- 00:15:22Across the Nation it criminalizes
- 00:15:25homelessness it tells people um that
- 00:15:29they can no longer sleep in tents it
- 00:15:32tells family members who are in distress
- 00:15:35that after 12 hours in your car if you
- 00:15:37are sleeping then you are subject to
- 00:15:39arrest now the bill itself also has a
- 00:15:43component where a property owner can use
- 00:15:46lethal Force they can use lethal
- 00:15:54Force this is the hardest part of that
- 00:15:56bill because uh we have so many um
- 00:16:01property owners and so many people who
- 00:16:03owns restaurants and businesses where
- 00:16:07people used to huddle up to stay warm or
- 00:16:10stay in the shade in the summertime and
- 00:16:13yes Kentucky passed that bill that
- 00:16:16homeowners can use lethal Force without
- 00:16:20prosecution don't forget that piece yeah
- 00:16:23without prosecution on anyone that's on
- 00:16:26their property and so that the little
- 00:16:30the little dignity that came with that
- 00:16:33of just having a conversation and asking
- 00:16:35someone to please uh remove themselves
- 00:16:38from their properties they don't have to
- 00:16:40go through that anymore and we know that
- 00:16:42the winter is coming every year so I
- 00:16:45question why we are never ever prepared
- 00:16:49for people being out in the cold we've
- 00:16:52got a lot of money going through
- 00:16:53Lexington Kentucky but somehow it can't
- 00:16:56trickle down to giving someone a decent
- 00:16:59place to live I am rolling off of the 22
- 00:17:0324 city council and I was the council
- 00:17:08member of the first district in which I
- 00:17:11talked about and tried to make other
- 00:17:14council members see how important it is
- 00:17:16to invest in people's lives feeding them
- 00:17:18is good but uh just like in the Babel it
- 00:17:23says if you give a man a fish he can eat
- 00:17:26for a day but if you teach him to fish
- 00:17:28he can eat for
- 00:17:30cool you had somebody at the
- 00:17:36[Music]
- 00:17:42door what a crazy day Thomas oh my gosh
- 00:17:47he's a superhero going out in tent camps
- 00:17:51helping the woman who's diabetic and
- 00:17:54passed out in her car then we come back
- 00:17:57here and Tanya she's running this hotel
- 00:18:00program Hotel
- 00:18:03programs are challenging to run but
- 00:18:07without support like this people die
- 00:18:11outside the criminalization of
- 00:18:13homelessness does absolutely nothing
- 00:18:17absolutely nothing to solve homelessness
- 00:18:21in fact in many ways it makes it worse
- 00:18:25programs like this save lives especially
- 00:18:29when it's cold outside but we need to
- 00:18:31get people into housing we need to
- 00:18:34prevent and solve homelessness and if
- 00:18:36you are anywhere near Lexington Kentucky
- 00:18:40support the Catholic Action Center
- 00:18:43they're doing amazing work wherever you
- 00:18:45live in this country you need to speak
- 00:18:49up real loud and we need to support
- 00:18:53evidence-based programs that prevent and
- 00:18:55solve homelessness and we need to fight
- 00:18:58the nalization of poverty
- 00:19:02[Music]
- 00:19:09[Applause]
- 00:19:13[Music]
- 無家可歸
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