Sustainable Supply Chain Management - MIT SCM 290x Online Course welcome webinar
TLDRCe webinaire de bienvenue présente le cours SEM 290X au MIT, centré sur la gestion durable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement après la pandémie. Les intervenants expliquent que la pandémie a mis en lumière l'importance des chaînes d'approvisionnement durables et la nécessité pour les entreprises d'adapter leurs stratégies pour inclure des objectifs de durabilité. Le cours couvrira divers aspects allant de la logistique durable à des approches de circulation, tout en impliquant des acteurs externes comme les gouvernements et les ONG.
A retenir
- 🌍 La durabilité est cruciale pour les chaînes d'approvisionnement.
- 📅 Le cours commence le 9 novembre.
- 📚 Des lectures recommandées seront fournies.
- 🌱 La pandémie a accru la sensibilisation à la durabilité.
- 🤝 Collaboration avec des acteurs extérieurs comme les ONG est importante.
- ♻️ Approches circulaires seront abordées.
- 📈 Objectifs de réduction des émissions de carbone sont essentiels.
- 💼 Les entreprises doivent équilibrer rentabilité et durabilité.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Jose Velazquez, chercheur au MIT, est l'hôte d'un webinaire de bienvenue pour le cours SC290x sur la gestion durable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, avec Julia Peterson comme assistante pédagogique. Ils expliquent le contenu et répondent aux questions des futurs étudiants.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Le webinaire vise à donner un aperçu du cours sur la gestion durable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, dans le contexte actualisé de la crise causée par la pandémie. L'importance croissante des chaînes d'approvisionnement est soulignée, avec une attention particulière à la façon dont elles peuvent répondre aux besoins sociaux et économiques.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Au cours des deux dernières années, la numérisation a transformé les chaînes d'approvisionnement, et la nécessité de rendre les processus plus visibles et agiles a été mise en avant, grâce à des recommandations de spécialistes en logistique.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Un sondage a été effectué sur les objectifs de durabilité des entreprises, révélant que 60% des participants ont répondu affirmativement. Cela souligne la croissance de l'accent mis sur la durabilité dans le monde des affaires, même si 22% ont répondu par la négative.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Un deuxième sondage a révélé que la durabilité environnementale est la dimension d'intérêt prédominante pour les entreprises, avec 67% des votes, soulignant l'importance des enjeux environnementaux dans la stratégie des entreprises.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Le cas d'Amazon et d'autres entreprises ayant des engagements pour réduire leurs émissions de carbone a été évoqué, en soulignant qu'un grand nombre de sociétés ont commencé à prendre des engagements en matière de durabilité.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La discussion a porté sur la manière dont les entreprises peuvent atteindre leurs objectifs de durabilité tout en respectant leurs objectifs économiques, soulignant la complexité d’atteindre des objectifs de réduction des émissions de carbone à long terme, souvent en gardant les coûts bas et un bon niveau de service.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Le webinaire couvre également les recherches et les innovations menées au MIT en matière de gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement durable et comment ces connaissances peuvent être appliquées dans le cadre de cours en ligne.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Les intervenants encouragent une réflexion sur les actions concrètes que les entreprises peuvent entreprendre dès aujourd'hui pour améliorer leur durabilité, en se concentrant sur les décisions opérationnelles et stratégiques dans la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.
- 00:45:00 - 00:54:08
La session se conclut par des remerciements aux participants et la promotion de l'engagement à rejoindre le cours sur la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement durable, avec des opportunités de dialogue et d’apprentissage continu.
Carte mentale
Vidéo Q&R
Qui sont les présentateurs du webinaire?
Les présentateurs sont José Velasquez, chercheur au MIT, et Julia Peterson, assistante chargée de cours.
Quel est l'objectif du cours SEM 290X?
Le cours est axé sur la gestion durable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.
Quand commence le cours?
Le cours commence le 9 novembre.
Quel est le format du cours?
Le cours est programmé avec des échéances hebdomadaires.
Quels sujets seront abordés dans le cours?
Les sujets incluent les chaînes d'approvisionnement durables, la logistique durable, l'approvisionnement durable et les approches circulaires.
Y aura-t-il des lectures recommandées?
Oui, chaque leçon contiendra des lectures recommandées et des articles supplémentaires.
Le cours sera-t-il en ligne?
Oui, le cours se déroule en ligne avec des interactions virtuelles.
Comment s'inscrire au cours?
Vous pouvez vous inscrire via le lien fourni dans le chat.
Le cours aborde-t-il les normes de comptabilité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre?
Oui, le cours aborde les normes de comptabilité des émissions, notamment à travers des études de cas.
Voir plus de résumés vidéo
- 00:00:01foreign
- 00:00:03my name is Jose Velazquez I'm a research
- 00:00:06scientist at MIT Center for
- 00:00:07transportation and Logistics and I'm
- 00:00:09going to be your host for this welcome
- 00:00:11webinar for the course edx course sem
- 00:00:14290x a sustainable Supply Chain
- 00:00:17management and with me is Julia Peterson
- 00:00:19Julia
- 00:00:21hi my name is Julia Peterson I'm the TA
- 00:00:24of this course so if you enroll in the
- 00:00:27course I will answer all your questions
- 00:00:28like technical questions everything else
- 00:00:32um yeah I'm happy that you're here
- 00:00:34excellent thank you Yulia so let me just
- 00:00:37explain how it's going to be I'm gonna
- 00:00:39share a slide deck and presentation that
- 00:00:42we have prepared to give you an intro
- 00:00:44about the content of the course and feel
- 00:00:47free to just type in the chat any
- 00:00:49questions comments you you have and we
- 00:00:51have also with us uh well Julie of
- 00:00:54course and Camilo Camila is going to
- 00:00:56also be helping in the chat he's also
- 00:00:57one of the ctas and uh and then let's uh
- 00:01:00hope we are able to clarify all your
- 00:01:02questions and get you also all enrolled
- 00:01:05this fascinated course that is a an
- 00:01:08awesome journey to sustainable Supply
- 00:01:09chains
- 00:01:11so let me just start now by sharing the
- 00:01:13slide deck so uh as I said this is a
- 00:01:16welcome webinar and the idea is to give
- 00:01:18you a little bit of information
- 00:01:19why are we launching this course what is
- 00:01:22the context we are living in the
- 00:01:24corporate world as well as in in
- 00:01:26different countries economies and in
- 00:01:28society and uh and also what's going to
- 00:01:31be different topics we're going to be
- 00:01:33covering here so hopefully you will find
- 00:01:34this very interesting and will join us
- 00:01:36we will launch this course in just a
- 00:01:38matter of a couple of weeks so we are
- 00:01:41very excited about it all right so let
- 00:01:43me just start with this so first as we
- 00:01:46all know we are facing a difficult time
- 00:01:48just uh some countries are facing the
- 00:01:50post pandemic While others still are
- 00:01:51struggling with the pandemic and we have
- 00:01:54observed that this is not just uh
- 00:01:56something that affected the whole
- 00:01:57economy but at the same time created a
- 00:01:59world crisis for Humanity right many of
- 00:02:02false have faced uh difficulties in our
- 00:02:05in our home countries and uh and despite
- 00:02:09all the efforts we have put into growing
- 00:02:12and trying to mitigate this impact we
- 00:02:15know that the society has changed and we
- 00:02:18know also that the conditions have
- 00:02:19changed and now we we are questioning
- 00:02:22ourselves whether we should do things
- 00:02:24differently for the future what are the
- 00:02:25things that are that corporate
- 00:02:27corporations corporate world countries
- 00:02:30Society is going to face in the next 10
- 00:02:32to 20 30 years from now
- 00:02:35now we know that this crisis also
- 00:02:37brought uh something good for those that
- 00:02:40are in the fields on supply chain which
- 00:02:43is at least we always knew we were
- 00:02:44relevant now everybody knows we are
- 00:02:46relevant and and that actually has been
- 00:02:49really interesting because uh before it
- 00:02:51was really hard to explain what uh what
- 00:02:52are we doing here when we are conducting
- 00:02:53the research or working in companies in
- 00:02:56the field uh but in reality now the the
- 00:02:59flow of materials the flow of
- 00:03:01information the flow of everything that
- 00:03:04is happening in the world actually
- 00:03:05depends entirely on how these Global
- 00:03:07Supply chains are built and we've been
- 00:03:09struggling a lot to really understand
- 00:03:11better understand what is this signaling
- 00:03:14done by the consumers how we can better
- 00:03:16predict the needs of of different people
- 00:03:19and how we can actually better be better
- 00:03:22prepared in the supply side to really
- 00:03:24come up with better products and
- 00:03:26services and design strategies that can
- 00:03:28that can be more responsive more more
- 00:03:30agile and also more aligned with what
- 00:03:33are the needs and the different on
- 00:03:35certain things that are uh you know in
- 00:03:38any almost product and service that
- 00:03:40Alexis in the world
- 00:03:42you know this is happening we know also
- 00:03:44that many of the things that have been
- 00:03:46discussed in the last uh two three years
- 00:03:48it was even before but it was really
- 00:03:50emphasized and stress out even more
- 00:03:52during these years has to do a lot with
- 00:03:54the digitization right we know that a
- 00:03:58plenty of organizations started facing
- 00:04:00different stages of uh of Technology
- 00:04:03adoption to be able to work in this now
- 00:04:06more virtual interactive World in which
- 00:04:09we were not able to really touch each
- 00:04:11other uh not the product services in the
- 00:04:14same way that we were doing before or
- 00:04:15access to the same type of products and
- 00:04:17services and the ways that we are
- 00:04:18envisioning how Supply chains are going
- 00:04:21to be more competitive in the future has
- 00:04:23to do a lot with some of these
- 00:04:24recommendations that are uh in in the
- 00:04:27books of Professor Jeffy the director of
- 00:04:29the center for transportation
- 00:04:30transportation and Logistics at MIT
- 00:04:32which is the boss of of my boss
- 00:04:35and uh and and he mentioned interesting
- 00:04:37things related to this uh to this topic
- 00:04:39how we can achieve in the supply chain
- 00:04:41more visibility and this has to do with
- 00:04:43the fact that many of the products and
- 00:04:45services are coming from places that we
- 00:04:48haven't identified yet and that means
- 00:04:51these are potential vulnerabilities not
- 00:04:53just in terms of risk management but
- 00:04:55also in terms of sustainability as we
- 00:04:57see in a moment but there is a lot a
- 00:05:00huge wave happening also with the
- 00:05:02automation that is also bringing more
- 00:05:04more agility the e-commerce and
- 00:05:06omnichannel strategies and how all these
- 00:05:08uh different domains are shaping the way
- 00:05:12that we are accessing to products and
- 00:05:13services in the field of Supply Chain
- 00:05:15management so I'm pretty sure that I'm
- 00:05:17not saying anything new but at least I'm
- 00:05:19trying just to reflect on uh what makes
- 00:05:22sense at this stage and why we are doing
- 00:05:23what we are doing by launching this
- 00:05:25sustainability course
- 00:05:27now when we look at uh different sources
- 00:05:30and in this case I'm just citing the
- 00:05:33reference of the world economic Forum in
- 00:05:35one of the service that they launched in
- 00:05:372122 which is exactly the moment of uh
- 00:05:40probably the peak of the pandemic uh so
- 00:05:43far and one of the key questions asked
- 00:05:46to different practitioners industry and
- 00:05:48also policy makers was related to the
- 00:05:50most severe risk for the next 10 years
- 00:05:53and what we see here is that there are
- 00:05:55different categories related to economic
- 00:05:57environmental geopolitical societal and
- 00:06:00technological
- 00:06:01uh the interesting part here is that uh
- 00:06:04we can see just in the top 10 we see
- 00:06:07five of them are actually related to
- 00:06:09environmental which is of course one of
- 00:06:12the of the main dimensions on
- 00:06:14sustainability related to The Climate
- 00:06:16action failure the extreme weather that
- 00:06:18we have we have also faced that also
- 00:06:20relates to many different humanitarian
- 00:06:23challenges the laws in biodiversity and
- 00:06:25different species that now have gone
- 00:06:28extinct as well as also the human
- 00:06:30environmental damage also caused by you
- 00:06:33know respiratory disease and all this
- 00:06:34pollution as well as the crisis in terms
- 00:06:36of the scarcity in natural resources now
- 00:06:40this is again related to the topic again
- 00:06:43that we are leaving now with the
- 00:06:44different disruptions and the different
- 00:06:46challenges we face as consequence of the
- 00:06:48pandemic but it's also something that
- 00:06:50has been adding up for the last 100
- 00:06:52years or more in which we have
- 00:06:55discovered how these anthropogenic
- 00:06:57commissions uh are actually driving
- 00:07:00climate change and are creating global
- 00:07:02warming and then actually creating a
- 00:07:04risk for society uh and also the economy
- 00:07:07in the way that we operate
- 00:07:10now we know this sustainable is a Hot
- 00:07:12Topic and just before starting with this
- 00:07:14I would like to launch a a couple of
- 00:07:17polls three questions just to see also
- 00:07:20what is your perspective on this so let
- 00:07:22me launch the first one
- 00:07:24uh
- 00:07:26relaunch awesome
- 00:07:29fantastic
- 00:07:31so the question here is does your
- 00:07:33company have explicit goals strategies
- 00:07:35on sustainability
- 00:07:38now what we are having here is three
- 00:07:40options we have yes no not short
- 00:07:42and I'm looking at the results now 60 of
- 00:07:46uh of participation support 70 now
- 00:07:49everybody's getting excited with this I
- 00:07:51will show you in a moment the results
- 00:07:53let me just end the book but I want to
- 00:07:55wait until we have a little bit more
- 00:07:57participation
- 00:07:59does your company have explicit goals
- 00:08:01strategies Etc on sustainable
- 00:08:06all right so I'm gonna wait until we get
- 00:08:08the 80 participation and then I will I
- 00:08:11will end the poll
- 00:08:14all right almost there so let me finish
- 00:08:16now and share the results okay so we
- 00:08:19have we have a winner here more than 60
- 00:08:2261 says uh yes 22 says no and 70 says
- 00:08:28not sure all right so that's uh a little
- 00:08:32bit uh expected let me ask now another
- 00:08:35question so let me go just to understand
- 00:08:36what are those type of uh of goals
- 00:08:39if so what dimension of sustainability
- 00:08:42apart from the economic is your company
- 00:08:45mostly interested in and again I know
- 00:08:48that there is always discussions on this
- 00:08:49which which are the correct Dimensions
- 00:08:51ESG or others in this case I will just
- 00:08:53leave it in environmental social and
- 00:08:55then over which mostly relate to people
- 00:09:00all right so again I'm gonna wait we
- 00:09:02have so far 50 of participation
- 00:09:06and I'm gonna wait a little bit more so
- 00:09:07far it seems one is winning so the
- 00:09:11question is if so what dimension of
- 00:09:13sustainability apart from the economic
- 00:09:14is your company mostly interested in
- 00:09:19all right so I believe I'm gonna
- 00:09:23I'm gonna finish it now so that
- 00:09:25everybody can see
- 00:09:27share results now you see
- 00:09:30environmental seems to be the one that
- 00:09:33uh companies seem mostly interested in
- 00:09:3667 social 24 and the other nine percent
- 00:09:40all right so it seems to steal the
- 00:09:42environmental sustainability seems to be
- 00:09:44the most relevant for the companies at
- 00:09:46least not necessarily for for you or for
- 00:09:48or for or what is the most relevant it's
- 00:09:50more mostly related to what companies
- 00:09:53are saying now let me ask the last
- 00:09:55question of this poll and let me launch
- 00:09:56it now
- 00:09:57does your company or key customers have
- 00:10:01established clear camera reduction
- 00:10:02targets for the next 10 20 or 30 years
- 00:10:07all right so we have again the same
- 00:10:09options yes no not sure
- 00:10:17all right we are getting faster in this
- 00:10:18one this is going to be really
- 00:10:20interesting because it's not that clear
- 00:10:22as the other one so we already saw that
- 00:10:24the majority has either companies or key
- 00:10:27customers that are concerned about
- 00:10:28sustainability
- 00:10:29uh we saw certain environmental
- 00:10:31sustainability seems to be the most
- 00:10:33relevant at this stage and and the other
- 00:10:35is whether the company or a key Customer
- 00:10:38because we know that there is certain
- 00:10:40influence that the customers may have
- 00:10:42in our companies have established carbon
- 00:10:45reduction targets for the next years all
- 00:10:47right so we'll finish the poll now and
- 00:10:50this is almost almost a Time wow so 42
- 00:10:54uh said yes 35 said no and 22 not sure
- 00:11:00all right fantastic well thank you so
- 00:11:03much for answering all of this well this
- 00:11:05is just in in a way it emphasizes what
- 00:11:08I'm saying we are just living at the
- 00:11:10moment of uh of an important uh a
- 00:11:14post-pandemic or pandemic and different
- 00:11:16disruptions have caused many challenges
- 00:11:19create more awareness about the
- 00:11:20importance of Supply chains and and what
- 00:11:23it seems to be something that uh is not
- 00:11:26necessarily related to the economic
- 00:11:27growth should not be relevant it seems
- 00:11:29that by the way now plenty of companies
- 00:11:31are really paying attention close
- 00:11:33attention to sustainability uh the
- 00:11:35majority environmental sustainability
- 00:11:36but also social and we also know that at
- 00:11:39least in in this poll run with uh with
- 00:11:42those participants in this webinar half
- 00:11:44of you are very much aware that uh you
- 00:11:49have already carbon targets either in
- 00:11:50your companies or your key customers and
- 00:11:53and others said no other said not sure
- 00:11:55now what we see also in the news
- 00:11:57well we know that in 2019 Amazon started
- 00:12:02this the climate pledge and started with
- 00:12:05with them signing for a reduction of
- 00:12:08carbon emissions and a goal of becoming
- 00:12:10carbon neutral by 2050.
- 00:12:13now the interesting part is that already
- 00:12:15there are 300 companies already across
- 00:12:18different Industries and different
- 00:12:20countries that have already also signed
- 00:12:23a climate ledge and you can see here
- 00:12:25some of them uh very large from
- 00:12:27Logistics from consumer package goods
- 00:12:29from technology from social media
- 00:12:32companies are making pledges to really
- 00:12:35reduce their carbon emissions and
- 00:12:37Achieve those either carbon neutral or
- 00:12:39relevant significant reductions for the
- 00:12:42next years in hand with their corporate
- 00:12:45strategies you know meaning they need
- 00:12:47still to be competitive in the business
- 00:12:49achieve their business goals but inside
- 00:12:51to that also they are committing to
- 00:12:53reduce their emissions now when we look
- 00:12:55at also you know in terms of countries
- 00:12:58and I got the the opportunity to
- 00:13:00participate in one of the panels here
- 00:13:01with the Asia Pacific economic operation
- 00:13:03just a couple of weeks in the new supply
- 00:13:05chain connectivity framework action plan
- 00:13:08so it's number three they actually
- 00:13:10established five different chalk points
- 00:13:12they call it like these bottlenecks that
- 00:13:14they need to work on to alleviate and
- 00:13:17and create more uh and improving fluency
- 00:13:21between economies to be able to uh to
- 00:13:24achieve different strategies to become
- 00:13:26not just more competitive but at the
- 00:13:27same time also related to sustainability
- 00:13:29as this fifth priority talks about the
- 00:13:33lack of understanding on the green
- 00:13:34Supply Chain management what are those
- 00:13:36practices and how by building better
- 00:13:38policy
- 00:13:40these economies are able to increase
- 00:13:42pressure for Supply chains to become
- 00:13:44more sustainable
- 00:13:45and again this is another risk that in
- 00:13:48the course we we also discussed from one
- 00:13:49side we know that there is a pressure
- 00:13:50from consumers that can can pay more
- 00:13:53attention to sustainable either products
- 00:13:55and services we know that we have
- 00:13:56different shareholders and investors
- 00:13:58that are also paying a lot of attention
- 00:14:00and pressure we have key customers but
- 00:14:03at the same time we also have policy
- 00:14:05makers that can also in a moment create
- 00:14:08policy that can drive a different way
- 00:14:10how we operate or Supply chains and of
- 00:14:12course these risks are important and
- 00:14:14that's why it's it's key for
- 00:14:16organizations to start paying more
- 00:14:17attention to to these topics on
- 00:14:19sustainable Supply chains
- 00:14:21now let me just start talking about the
- 00:14:24the course on sustainable Supply Chain
- 00:14:25management and the first is this is a
- 00:14:28course that this inspired on the
- 00:14:29in-person course that I teach at MIT
- 00:14:31this is a graduate course that is being
- 00:14:33uh at MIT for uh 10 years uh different
- 00:14:38people have worked and collaborated in
- 00:14:40this one and still in my case when I
- 00:14:42took the lead on this course I've been
- 00:14:43still engaging with different people
- 00:14:45from the industry as well as other
- 00:14:46colleagues at MIT that I will introduce
- 00:14:48in a moment to trying to build content
- 00:14:50to introduce students to what are the
- 00:14:53the foundation to build sustainable
- 00:14:55Supply chains and in this case the
- 00:14:58course is is an introductory course it
- 00:15:00is not the intended to be comprehensive
- 00:15:02but at least create awareness of
- 00:15:04different topics different strategies
- 00:15:06how organizations can start moving
- 00:15:08toward their their own carbon targets
- 00:15:10but at the same time by looking at their
- 00:15:13business goals and and I will show you
- 00:15:16in a moment but the first of course this
- 00:15:17course is inspired by the vision of our
- 00:15:20University
- 00:15:21MIT Massachusetts Institute of
- 00:15:23Technology that has as a core the the
- 00:15:27vision to solve the problems of humanity
- 00:15:29and and we love this fragment
- 00:15:30information we seek to develop in in all
- 00:15:33the community the MIT Community the
- 00:15:35ability and passion to work wisely
- 00:15:37creatively and effectively for the
- 00:15:39betterment of humankind
- 00:15:40so for our sustainability it's a it's a
- 00:15:42it's a problem of humanity and that's
- 00:15:44why we are launching not just the course
- 00:15:46but also disseminating all the knowledge
- 00:15:49that we have acquired in these years by
- 00:15:51developing research on different topics
- 00:15:54on on sustainable Logistics sustainable
- 00:15:56Supply chains and social sustainability
- 00:15:58in sustainable sourcing and different
- 00:16:00topics that you'll see in a moment
- 00:16:02now within the MIT we have the the
- 00:16:06center for transportation and Logistics
- 00:16:07which is as in our Premier Center and
- 00:16:09Logistics the largest Center in terms of
- 00:16:13network with all the skill sensors we
- 00:16:15have in all over the world and our
- 00:16:16Center has a very clear Vision which is
- 00:16:19creating supply chain Innovation and
- 00:16:21driving into the practice this is our
- 00:16:23mission we want to focus again to solve
- 00:16:25the problems of humanity but we look at
- 00:16:28this by by building Innovative research
- 00:16:31that lands into applications for our
- 00:16:34corporate partners and this is one way
- 00:16:36that we see this we have different
- 00:16:37dimensions in research Outreach and
- 00:16:39education but of course the foundation
- 00:16:41of what we do has to do with the
- 00:16:42research and the connection with the
- 00:16:44corporate partners and how this fits or
- 00:16:47different educational programs and of
- 00:16:49course we have the Supply Chain
- 00:16:50management program we have the
- 00:16:51micromasters and Supply Chain management
- 00:16:53some of you probably have already taken
- 00:16:55some of these courses or are alums in
- 00:16:57our courses but per our course acm290x
- 00:17:00is is having the same Foundation station
- 00:17:03inspired by the same approach of
- 00:17:06building Innovation and disseminating
- 00:17:07knowledge that will help you become
- 00:17:09leaders in the field and shape also the
- 00:17:12topic on sustainable Supply Chain
- 00:17:14management in your own organizations
- 00:17:16now we have different research areas as
- 00:17:18you can see related to Technology
- 00:17:21Innovation
- 00:17:22food and Retail humanitarian
- 00:17:25Last Mile Etc
- 00:17:28and of course we have areas on
- 00:17:30sustainability and and in my case I've
- 00:17:32been focusing on sustainable logistics
- 00:17:33for almost 10 years now but you know
- 00:17:37recently we have some changes because
- 00:17:39some of our colleagues have moved to
- 00:17:40different positions so I've been
- 00:17:42overseen now also the rest of the
- 00:17:44sustainability efforts at the center and
- 00:17:47and this is what's going to be also the
- 00:17:49core what's the core of the course that
- 00:17:51we are offering in this sem 290x for for
- 00:17:53all of you now this is just to compare
- 00:17:57the results of the poll we just run a
- 00:17:59moment ago this is just a screenshot of
- 00:18:01the different corporate Partners at the
- 00:18:03center these are our partners that uh
- 00:18:05help us you know Drive the The
- 00:18:07Innovation and many of them uh is
- 00:18:10sponsor research projects sponsor thesis
- 00:18:12caps and projects with their Mastery
- 00:18:14students and we've seen a huge
- 00:18:15increasing wave of type of projects they
- 00:18:18are now sponsoring related to
- 00:18:20sustainability a lot actually by in
- 00:18:23seven years that I've been at MIT uh is
- 00:18:25the first time that I've seen so many
- 00:18:27probably half of them related to
- 00:18:28sustainability
- 00:18:29now in February January I was invited to
- 00:18:33give a presentation to some of the
- 00:18:34partners to present just a research
- 00:18:36brief on the different topics we are
- 00:18:38doing on sustainable Logistics and then
- 00:18:40I actually started with the same
- 00:18:41questions I started this uh this webinar
- 00:18:43I asked well first does your company
- 00:18:45have explicit goals and strategies on
- 00:18:47sustainability
- 00:18:49now look at the answers
- 00:18:51uh I believe it's a little bit more skew
- 00:18:53but it's still quite similar the vast
- 00:18:55majority still is uh is very much aware
- 00:18:57about the importance of sustainability
- 00:18:59so yes no I'm not sure then I asked the
- 00:19:02question again which dimension a
- 00:19:03sustainability apart from the economic
- 00:19:05and it looks again quite similar to what
- 00:19:07uh you all also responded in these polls
- 00:19:10the majority seems to be at this stage
- 00:19:12most interested in environmental
- 00:19:13although we know that social is quite
- 00:19:15relevant it's it probably this stage not
- 00:19:18as not as taking a serious as
- 00:19:20environmental but we know it's very
- 00:19:21important and creates also more
- 00:19:24vulnerabilities in the supply chain so
- 00:19:25we don't know how it's going to be in
- 00:19:27the next years
- 00:19:28but now the question uh to to the extent
- 00:19:31of uh the current reduction targets for
- 00:19:33the next 10 20 years 30 years then here
- 00:19:36again we saw similar behavior in the
- 00:19:38poll with you we saw half half which is
- 00:19:40also interesting but in this case we saw
- 00:19:43that actually the majority that we're
- 00:19:44having or at least commenting on their
- 00:19:46Incorporated strategy having
- 00:19:48sustainability criteria there they also
- 00:19:51have seen that they either their
- 00:19:53customers or themselves have made a
- 00:19:55pledge or achieving certain goals for
- 00:19:57the next 10 20 or 30 years
- 00:19:59now how to achieve these carbon targets
- 00:20:02while meeting business goals and that's
- 00:20:04uh that's the key question right it's
- 00:20:06not trivial but of course the important
- 00:20:08thing is to First be aware that this is
- 00:20:10what we want to achieve to to just claim
- 00:20:12that you want to achieve as a company uh
- 00:20:15some goals and sustainability but
- 00:20:16putting at risk your own business from
- 00:20:19the economic perspective is not
- 00:20:21sustainable so the idea is how we can
- 00:20:23look at this from a more systemic
- 00:20:25comprehensive way in in which we can
- 00:20:27provide solutions that are more holistic
- 00:20:29and help the company also track their
- 00:20:31performance in the all criteria and make
- 00:20:34strategic decisions to that end and just
- 00:20:36to do this I would like just to explain
- 00:20:38a little bit more about the importance
- 00:20:40of how the path is built to achieve this
- 00:20:42carbon goal and this is actually a chart
- 00:20:44inspired by a nice conversation coming
- 00:20:46with a PhD student from our Center a
- 00:20:48Uranus that is also working on these
- 00:20:50topics on sustainability and and in this
- 00:20:52what you see here is in the in the
- 00:20:54horizontal axis you have the years you
- 00:20:57know from today up to 24 40 could be
- 00:21:002050 but the different years and we know
- 00:21:03we have also in the vertical axis the
- 00:21:05CO2 emissions in which we have certain
- 00:21:07animations that you have already
- 00:21:08identified in your current carbon
- 00:21:10footprinting or your greenhouse gas
- 00:21:12inventory you have conducted and what's
- 00:21:14your target what you're intending to
- 00:21:15achieve in the next years
- 00:21:17so the idea here is that everybody is
- 00:21:19very much aware that this has to do with
- 00:21:20that investment in technology so we know
- 00:21:22what we want to we want to make an
- 00:21:24investment in renewable energies in
- 00:21:26different equipment in electric vehicles
- 00:21:28or different hydrogen Technologies so we
- 00:21:31know there is something related to that
- 00:21:32that is going to help us move material
- 00:21:35in the supply chain in a more
- 00:21:36sustainable way
- 00:21:38now I'm just talking about environmental
- 00:21:40sustainability in this case but if we
- 00:21:42have that moment in which the technology
- 00:21:44will become more affordable of course
- 00:21:45the discussions between now shippers and
- 00:21:48carriers is always related to this from
- 00:21:49one side the shippers are pushing the
- 00:21:51carriers to go for this technology and
- 00:21:53the carriers are claiming why you are
- 00:21:55not putting more money are you willing
- 00:21:56to pay more and this is always usually
- 00:21:58the elephant in the room in almost any
- 00:22:00conversation presentation I'm invited to
- 00:22:02discuss now the way that companies are
- 00:22:04seeing is that in some of the incentives
- 00:22:05either by the government or just the
- 00:22:07economy are going to take this you're
- 00:22:09going to achieve this technology that
- 00:22:11becomes more affordable and at this
- 00:22:13stage you're gonna as a company starts
- 00:22:15squeezing deficiencies to achieve this
- 00:22:16reduction of carbon emissions and then
- 00:22:18achieve your carbon Target by either
- 00:22:202040 or whatever is the year you are
- 00:22:22establishing this goal now it could be
- 00:22:24that once the technology is more
- 00:22:25affordable there is better ways to
- 00:22:27actually squeeze those efficiencies and
- 00:22:28become aware not faster but at least
- 00:22:31with less emissions
- 00:22:33in the path to get to 2040 you know as a
- 00:22:36point in which you're going to achieve
- 00:22:37your carbon Target
- 00:22:39now this works very well but what we
- 00:22:41argue is that there are ways in which
- 00:22:43you can start establishing some quick
- 00:22:45wins now to start reducing the missions
- 00:22:48even prior to this adoption of
- 00:22:50technology that is going to happen
- 00:22:51either when you know different
- 00:22:53Investments are done and once you get
- 00:22:56the affordability you're gonna probably
- 00:22:58achieve it even in more a straight line
- 00:22:59to be able to achieve this this
- 00:23:01reduction now make no mistake all of
- 00:23:04them achieve the same carbon Target but
- 00:23:06that's why we say the park is more
- 00:23:07important than the goal because the
- 00:23:09difference here is first by focusing on
- 00:23:10this area that only can be achieved by
- 00:23:13these quick wins that is related to
- 00:23:15decisions we can make at this stage if
- 00:23:18we don't do it this is going to be a
- 00:23:19cumulative amount of emissions that is
- 00:23:21going to definitely have an impact in
- 00:23:22climate change and the interesting part
- 00:23:24is that we tend to discuss more about
- 00:23:25the current Target instead of discussing
- 00:23:29the path that actually makes a whole
- 00:23:31difference of what's going to be the
- 00:23:32effect for the for the environment and
- 00:23:34in the in in general for society and the
- 00:23:36planet now how to do it we just put this
- 00:23:39into a impact effort chart and what we
- 00:23:41argue here is that there are of course
- 00:23:43different efforts we can we can have but
- 00:23:46if those efforts uh either is is there
- 00:23:49or a lot only bring a limited impact we
- 00:23:53shouldn't waste time on those because
- 00:23:55the time is really relevant at this
- 00:23:57stage is much more important to focus on
- 00:23:59those that have high impact and of
- 00:24:01course the one that has the highest is
- 00:24:02investment on the equipment that we know
- 00:24:04this if we change energy sources the
- 00:24:06network the supply and we are starting
- 00:24:08looking at all this investment for the
- 00:24:10next years five ten years this is the
- 00:24:12one that definitely is going to have a
- 00:24:14significant amount of reduction in in
- 00:24:15the carbon animations which in turn is
- 00:24:17also going to help companies achieve
- 00:24:19their carbon targets but as I mentioned
- 00:24:21before there are something that we call
- 00:24:22the quick wins which is related to the
- 00:24:25decisions in the supply chain at this
- 00:24:27stage this has to do a lot with an
- 00:24:29example that I also mentioned in the
- 00:24:30course which is when we tend to have
- 00:24:32problems with certain
- 00:24:34components and I and I use the example
- 00:24:36of having an organ for instance if I
- 00:24:38have a problem with a kidney that uh
- 00:24:40thanks God not not that I know of but
- 00:24:43imagine that there is a problem with the
- 00:24:45kidney and then you say well what's the
- 00:24:45a problem we'll just have a kidney
- 00:24:47transplant and then make the kid even
- 00:24:48stronger better so that you never have a
- 00:24:50problem with your kidney well that's one
- 00:24:52way to do it the other way could be that
- 00:24:55maybe I should stop drinking so much
- 00:24:56alcohol or maybe I should drink more
- 00:24:58water or maybe I should do more
- 00:24:59exercises so there are certain decisions
- 00:25:02that are going to drive the performance
- 00:25:04of a hot spot in the supply chain and
- 00:25:07that's what makes a difference having a
- 00:25:08specific Warehouse that has high
- 00:25:10emissions or specific Transportation
- 00:25:12Lane that has high emissions this might
- 00:25:14be a consequence of an inventory policy
- 00:25:16you have in place of a Mis of a very
- 00:25:19large problem in the error with the
- 00:25:21forecast or could be related to other
- 00:25:24strategies in sourcing so things that
- 00:25:26are related to other parts of the supply
- 00:25:27chain may actually drive the rest of the
- 00:25:30hot spots in the supply chain and that's
- 00:25:32the secret not to just identified hot
- 00:25:34spots but identify what are those causes
- 00:25:36by looking at the supply chain decisions
- 00:25:38and this is something that we emphasize
- 00:25:40a lot also in this course not just by
- 00:25:42looking at what could be an important
- 00:25:44investment but also looking at what you
- 00:25:46can do at this time in the organization
- 00:25:47to really help the company achieve those
- 00:25:49carbon targets
- 00:25:51so now we look at different approaches
- 00:25:53and we liked uh you know this this chart
- 00:25:55in which from one side we still like the
- 00:25:57idea of squeezing for efficiencies in
- 00:25:59the supply chain and Logistics we look
- 00:26:01at examples using data analytics and
- 00:26:04machine learning different type of
- 00:26:06mapping and and measurements so that we
- 00:26:09can really find a optimized operations
- 00:26:12in the supply chain that can balance
- 00:26:14both
- 00:26:15business goals are still rate the
- 00:26:17service level minimization of cost at
- 00:26:20the same time also reduction in carbon
- 00:26:21emissions so we translate many of these
- 00:26:23things we are discussing into the
- 00:26:25operational level and that's something
- 00:26:27again organizations in in our experience
- 00:26:29have a struggle with because while they
- 00:26:31have this Cooperative strategies with
- 00:26:33sustainability when when we discuss with
- 00:26:36either supply chain planners or
- 00:26:38schedulers or people that are making
- 00:26:39decisions they they don't know what
- 00:26:42exactly the impact of their decisions in
- 00:26:44these strategies and there are ways to
- 00:26:46really build this type of metrics to
- 00:26:48help those those those people in the
- 00:26:49organization to achieve those so we're
- 00:26:51in favor of that but at the same time we
- 00:26:53are also in favor of growing the supply
- 00:26:55capacity by looking at also the customer
- 00:26:57and consumer side and this is also again
- 00:26:59another part that is very unique in our
- 00:27:02course we look at how we can invoke
- 00:27:04consumers and customers into our
- 00:27:06sustainability strategies and by doing
- 00:27:08this we can grow the capacity of the way
- 00:27:10that we Supply in in really large large
- 00:27:13amount and the and the savings are many
- 00:27:15times as significant and if and if the
- 00:27:18company had made some investments in the
- 00:27:20equipment as as big as that but again at
- 00:27:23this stage many customers consumers get
- 00:27:25access to products and services and they
- 00:27:27have no idea what is their footprint of
- 00:27:29that decision and whether a different
- 00:27:30way in their behavior May can actually
- 00:27:32help the company achieve those
- 00:27:34sustainability strategies
- 00:27:37so the content
- 00:27:39now enough of all these conversations I
- 00:27:42hope that you get a sense of the things
- 00:27:43that we're going to be discussing I
- 00:27:44think we're going to be doing in general
- 00:27:45we have a course as I said this is a
- 00:27:47half term course at MIT which means it's
- 00:27:50only seven weeks it's a short course but
- 00:27:53also deep in content is going to run
- 00:27:55from November 9th to January 17 next
- 00:27:59year and we have seven main modules we
- 00:28:02start with introduction to sustainable
- 00:28:03Supply chains in which we discuss some
- 00:28:05of the basic concepts as well as the
- 00:28:07business implications we continue with
- 00:28:09the environmental hotspots which is key
- 00:28:11you get what you measure so we are going
- 00:28:13to discuss different measurements you're
- 00:28:15gonna do exercises of conducting some
- 00:28:17common food printing in Supply chains
- 00:28:19and using that information to establish
- 00:28:21some decisions then we're going to spend
- 00:28:23a couple of modules three and four to
- 00:28:26discuss topics on sustainable Logistics
- 00:28:27and this is mainly my my research
- 00:28:29expertise discussing routing
- 00:28:31Transportation Network design affiliate
- 00:28:34composition and also the topic of
- 00:28:36involving consumers into this decision
- 00:28:38making
- 00:28:39then later we are going to move to
- 00:28:40sustainable sourcing and for this one
- 00:28:42I'm going to invite my colleague Dr Dave
- 00:28:44Correll the lead of the sustainability
- 00:28:47is survey that we have launched and
- 00:28:49probably some of you have already
- 00:28:50responded it or at least seen the the
- 00:28:52amazing insights that he has built with
- 00:28:55this uh
- 00:28:56interesting approach and he's also an
- 00:29:00expert on procurement so he's going to
- 00:29:01come and discuss with us some of these
- 00:29:03topics on sustainable sourcing and I'm
- 00:29:04gonna complement with uh something
- 00:29:06related to Green inventory strategies
- 00:29:09then later we're having week six uh ever
- 00:29:11Ponce doctor of a Ponce which is the
- 00:29:13executive director of the micromasters
- 00:29:15in Supply Chain management as well as
- 00:29:16the lead on Omni Channel distribution
- 00:29:18strategies at the center and she's going
- 00:29:20to discuss the topic of circular Supply
- 00:29:21chains as you know this is a key topic
- 00:29:23very fashionable all the discussions of
- 00:29:27the closed loop Supply chains reverse
- 00:29:28Logistics she's been doing research on
- 00:29:30this for more than 10 years and it's
- 00:29:32going to come and share some of these
- 00:29:33insights also related to the e-commerce
- 00:29:35context
- 00:29:37and last but not least the topic in last
- 00:29:39week of improving the social performance
- 00:29:41in Supply chains this is delivered by
- 00:29:43our colleague Dr Alexis Bateman which is
- 00:29:46uh also a research affiliate at the
- 00:29:48center as well as also our lead
- 00:29:50practitioner in Amazon web services and
- 00:29:53she's gonna actually she actually was
- 00:29:54the director of sustainable Supply
- 00:29:56chains and I have to say The Mastermind
- 00:29:58behind the course which she tried to
- 00:30:00launch it and then later uh I Heritage
- 00:30:03from from her and I'm very happy that
- 00:30:05she still keeps the engagement with us
- 00:30:07and is going to deliver this topic that
- 00:30:10also involves plenty of the research she
- 00:30:12has conducted for the last uh 10 years
- 00:30:15also at the center
- 00:30:16so this is a plan just to give you some
- 00:30:19screenshots of the things we are going
- 00:30:20to use light board and discuss some of
- 00:30:22these ideas we are going to also do some
- 00:30:24simulators in which you are going to
- 00:30:26play to make decisions you know in the
- 00:30:28either monthly or weekly basis and we
- 00:30:30are going to make comparisons with the
- 00:30:32rest of the of the class to also see
- 00:30:34what is your performance in achieving
- 00:30:36carbon targets but at the same time
- 00:30:37keeping fill rate and keeping also cost
- 00:30:40low
- 00:30:41we also going to have Dave Correll as I
- 00:30:43said discussing this sustainable
- 00:30:44sourcing and different strategies and
- 00:30:47alsoever in order circular circularity
- 00:30:49circular Supply chains as I said
- 00:30:51uh we also have Alexis as I said
- 00:30:53discussing responsible Supply chains
- 00:30:55which by the way she also LED that
- 00:30:57initiative at the center and combining
- 00:30:59all these you know we are intending to
- 00:31:01provide really an amazing learning
- 00:31:03experience for all of you that enroll to
- 00:31:05the course
- 00:31:06so these are the instructors that are
- 00:31:08going to be with you
- 00:31:09um Jose Velasquez as I said reset
- 00:31:11scientists and I'm the course lead but
- 00:31:13also my colleagues Alexis Bateman Dave
- 00:31:15Correll evapon said that are going to be
- 00:31:18close teaching also with you with me and
- 00:31:20teaching you and uh and also helping in
- 00:31:24this interaction with all of you we also
- 00:31:26have the sign up of uh of our community
- 00:31:28teaching assistants a team of uh eight
- 00:31:32brilliant students that also took my
- 00:31:34class in Solomon in person class got an
- 00:31:36A or an A plus and they are are also
- 00:31:39willing lead practitioners in different
- 00:31:41fields that are going to be taking part
- 00:31:43of the Forum discussions and if they are
- 00:31:45also attending this this call uh deeply
- 00:31:48grateful with all of you for doing this
- 00:31:50and uh and last of course as I said
- 00:31:53Julia Peterson that already introduced
- 00:31:55herself she's being also instrumental in
- 00:31:58all this work for the course uh helping
- 00:32:01a lot in following up and planning all
- 00:32:03the deliveries that we have for for this
- 00:32:05interesting course and we are getting
- 00:32:07ready she's going to be your your ta and
- 00:32:10and myself also taking part of all these
- 00:32:12discussions but uh with that I say thank
- 00:32:15you if you are interested please uh
- 00:32:17either in the chat I'm sure we already
- 00:32:19have share or not we are going to be
- 00:32:20sharing the the course link so that you
- 00:32:22can enroll if you haven't done and you
- 00:32:24can also reach out to us you know in our
- 00:32:26either emails personal emails and also
- which is the the
- 00:32:34website or for of our research lab
- 00:32:37and that's all I have to say and now we
- 00:32:40are ready to answer some some questions
- 00:32:43or comments that you may have thank you
- 00:32:44so much for your attention
- 00:32:50all right so if you see any comments in
- 00:32:53the chat uh please let me know and then
- 00:32:55we can we can start
- 00:32:56having fun yeah so we have a few
- 00:32:59questions in our q a
- 00:33:01um section so the question is
- 00:33:04um is carb neutral good enough shouldn't
- 00:33:06they be pledging to achieve Net Zero
- 00:33:10uh of course this is an uh this is an
- 00:33:12interesting question ideally of course
- 00:33:14we want the organizations to to be pure
- 00:33:18uh carbon neutral meaning uh avoiding as
- 00:33:21much as possible the carbon dioxide
- 00:33:23which is probably as as you know a big
- 00:33:25discussion at the moment so uh at this
- 00:33:28stage without carbon upsets is is
- 00:33:30practically impossible to really achieve
- 00:33:32uh a net zero right this is the reality
- 00:33:35because we don't have necessarily the
- 00:33:37technology and almost any economic
- 00:33:39activity has in in a way certain impact
- 00:33:41for the environment but that doesn't
- 00:33:43mean that that goal should be erased
- 00:33:46that this should be a name a long aim
- 00:33:49but in the meantime what we should
- 00:33:51probably try to enforce with the
- 00:33:53organization is that they should achieve
- 00:33:55a as much reduction as possible and try
- 00:33:58to minimize the amount of carbon apps
- 00:34:00that they have in their strategies but
- 00:34:02this is an interesting point and I
- 00:34:03believe uh of course once you are also
- 00:34:06in your company or yourself now it's
- 00:34:08important that you keep that conviction
- 00:34:10to really drive a real change to really
- 00:34:12help environment on society
- 00:34:16awesome I hope that covered that
- 00:34:18question we have another question from
- 00:34:20Igor who will will be the course as
- 00:34:23pre-required for SCM Blended program
- 00:34:26uh not yet right no there is no evidence
- 00:34:28that that's going to happen of course
- 00:34:31have been discussing with with both Eva
- 00:34:33Ponce and also Chris kaplies the
- 00:34:35executive director of the of the center
- 00:34:37about this idea but uh so far the course
- 00:34:40is is is a society even though it's
- 00:34:42inspired by the content in the
- 00:34:44micromasters on different courses it's
- 00:34:46not part of the micromasters and at this
- 00:34:48stage we don't see when this is going to
- 00:34:50be the case but uh but that doesn't mean
- 00:34:52that the course is not as relevant it's
- 00:34:55as relevant as uh because it's also part
- 00:34:57of the key electives for the master's
- 00:35:00program in Supply Chain management and
- 00:35:01if you are a blended hopefully you will
- 00:35:03take the course also in person
- 00:35:05awesome we have another question from
- 00:35:08Scott he asked when considering
- 00:35:11emissions intensity we must consider
- 00:35:13weight not just distance like a typical
- 00:35:15milp when calculating routing will this
- 00:35:18course provide instruction on how to do
- 00:35:20this modeling
- 00:35:22this is actually something we cover very
- 00:35:24comprehensively definitely I am I am
- 00:35:27against the idea of uh of just arguing
- 00:35:30that the reduction of miles or reduction
- 00:35:31of distance implies reduction of CO2
- 00:35:33emissions in fact in the class I always
- 00:35:35make this joke that all the students
- 00:35:38should repeat themselves you know before
- 00:35:40starting the class in in Green Logistics
- 00:35:42shorter distances not the salimin less
- 00:35:44CO2 emissions and then I still repeat it
- 00:35:46again if you go for a date if you are
- 00:35:48with your family just repeat it right
- 00:35:50because this is true as you are just
- 00:35:52pointing out Scott weight matters a lot
- 00:35:54the topographic conditions of the of the
- 00:35:56road also matters speed matters so when
- 00:35:59you combine all these conditions you may
- 00:36:00actually have plenty of routes in which
- 00:36:03um you you may actually have increased
- 00:36:05in the distance but actually achieve
- 00:36:08reductions of fuel consumption CO2
- 00:36:10emissions and we we definitely look at
- 00:36:12these models we show some of the of the
- 00:36:14modeling behind scenes but as I said
- 00:36:16before this is a an introductory course
- 00:36:18you may get knowledge sufficient
- 00:36:20knowledge to really follow up on this
- 00:36:22and and look for the right references
- 00:36:23understand what are the main drivers and
- 00:36:26and if you are already good in analytics
- 00:36:28it's uh an optimization it's very likely
- 00:36:31you will be able to make implementations
- 00:36:33in your company but this is something I
- 00:36:35definitely spent uh sufficient amount of
- 00:36:38time to really discuss these insights
- 00:36:40thank you for bringing this up
- 00:36:42thanks
- 00:36:44um Mr gonna be self-paced or scheduled
- 00:36:46on weekly deadlines
- 00:36:48uh it's going to be scheduled and so far
- 00:36:51we are not going to go on demand like
- 00:36:52the securex so we'll see you as the
- 00:36:55first time we are launching it so we
- 00:36:56want to really stay close and we know
- 00:36:58that uh sorry I know that in the course
- 00:37:02we are going to also cross some some
- 00:37:04festivities and we are going to also be
- 00:37:06mindful of that and provide some uh some
- 00:37:09weeks for you to work but we are going
- 00:37:10to stay very close and our idea is that
- 00:37:12we can keep a very open interaction and
- 00:37:14follow up with all the all the all the
- 00:37:16students that that enrolled
- 00:37:18okay thank you for the question
- 00:37:21um another question from Jorge Moreno he
- 00:37:24asks I said sorry
- 00:37:26I'm not so sure how to pronounce it
- 00:37:28correctly and you kind of look in the
- 00:37:30case Moreno I think so yeah oh nice
- 00:37:34she's a student what's his former
- 00:37:35student of mine yeah go ahead oh okay
- 00:37:37that makes sense
- 00:37:39um he asked I saw Kinesis as a sponsor
- 00:37:42what examples of sustainability targets
- 00:37:45involvement can software companies have
- 00:37:48ah what was a question that can access
- 00:37:49is sponsoring I didn't get the question
- 00:37:51yes I saw can access as a sponsor what
- 00:37:54examples of sustainability targets
- 00:37:56involvement can software companies have
- 00:38:00uh there are plenty of examples uh but
- 00:38:03probably Jorge you uh uh would like to
- 00:38:06know that we can access we are we are
- 00:38:08also talking very closely to uh to bring
- 00:38:10some different ideas related to uh
- 00:38:13translating those sustainability
- 00:38:15strategies into the uh the planning
- 00:38:18level I know we are interested in in
- 00:38:20helping those that are doing demand
- 00:38:22planning inventory planning to really
- 00:38:24get information about how their
- 00:38:26decisions affect their metrics on on
- 00:38:28sustainability how they either
- 00:38:30contribute or not and those decisions in
- 00:38:32general are going to really drive a lot
- 00:38:33of behavior at least this is what we are
- 00:38:35expecting so we are actually having a
- 00:38:37plenty of conversation conversations can
- 00:38:38have this is a it's a great partner and
- 00:38:40uh yeah we look forward to seeing this
- 00:38:42this collaboration thank you for your
- 00:38:43question okay nice to to say hi to you
- 00:38:46so awesome we have another question from
- 00:38:50Jean Francois I think it's a French name
- 00:38:53I hope I pronounced it the correct way
- 00:38:55um and I can maybe even answer that one
- 00:38:57uh it is what is the deadline to enroll
- 00:38:59to the verified track of the course
- 00:39:01Josue do you mind if I answer that
- 00:39:03question
- 00:39:04so it's the 30th of November so the
- 00:39:08first week
- 00:39:09um you won't have any like deadlines any
- 00:39:11homework and then the uh second and the
- 00:39:14third week you have um lectures and
- 00:39:16after the second week you can enroll on
- 00:39:19the verified tracks you can have a look
- 00:39:21at the lectures first enroll free and if
- 00:39:24you like it you can enroll to the
- 00:39:25verified track
- 00:39:27um yeah I hope that answers that
- 00:39:28question
- 00:39:29uh we have another question from Oscar
- 00:39:32it's does the course covers the
- 00:39:34different standards to do a greenhouse
- 00:39:36gas emissions inventories
- 00:39:39is some of them right it's a good a good
- 00:39:41question but some of them as you know
- 00:39:42there are plenty of different standards
- 00:39:44okay so we uh for when we do for
- 00:39:47instance the exercise of the carbon
- 00:39:48footprinting and the supply chain which
- 00:39:49we are looking at case study uh written
- 00:39:52by Professor L solivati from MIT and
- 00:39:55also Dr Edgar Blanco what we do is that
- 00:39:58we we look at the different entities in
- 00:40:00a supply chain that is having operations
- 00:40:02in Asia in the US and the idea is to by
- 00:40:06using uh the greenhouse gas protocol we
- 00:40:09we teach how to do discount footprinting
- 00:40:11now what once we we look at that once we
- 00:40:15are discussing the sustainable
- 00:40:16transportation we spent a little bit
- 00:40:18more time discussing other standards for
- 00:40:19instance we we compare glac framework
- 00:40:21which is you know the the most widely
- 00:40:23used Transportation methodology into
- 00:40:26estimate emissions uh also with
- 00:40:28admission factors from the greenhouse
- 00:40:30gas protocol we may use also defra we
- 00:40:33also use NTM from Europe and the idea is
- 00:40:35to uh to discuss how the accuracy of
- 00:40:39these estimations may may actually drive
- 00:40:42a correct or wrong Supply Chain
- 00:40:44management decision so we spend time on
- 00:40:47that and we make some recommendations
- 00:40:48but as I said just to discuss exactly
- 00:40:51how you're going to implement all of
- 00:40:52this with following completely as
- 00:40:54standard it might be a little bit beyond
- 00:40:56the scope but again with that topic is
- 00:40:59very likely that the participant will be
- 00:41:01able to to explore that on their own
- 00:41:05awesome thanks Jose
- 00:41:07um another question from Teddy um I
- 00:41:09think he has done also the micromasters
- 00:41:11in SCM yes
- 00:41:14um the concept of sustainability SCM and
- 00:41:17the sustainable STM report is the same
- 00:41:19that is used in the course question mark
- 00:41:21thanks
- 00:41:24the sustainability survey is not that
- 00:41:28it's having a specific as far as I
- 00:41:30understand right if not they've will
- 00:41:32probably kill me but but as far as I
- 00:41:34understand it's more like getting the
- 00:41:36insights from the practitioners what do
- 00:41:38they understand by by looking at the
- 00:41:40definition of sustainability right so
- 00:41:42this is this is more more that rather
- 00:41:44than saying we know what is the right
- 00:41:45definition
- 00:41:46so the way that we see it in the course
- 00:41:48is that we embrace all the definitions
- 00:41:50uh particularly what we do is we focus
- 00:41:53more on on the actions as we said in an
- 00:41:56entire line of the course we try to
- 00:41:57avoid the conversation whether this is a
- 00:41:59pure you know strong sustainability
- 00:42:01approach for a company or a weak
- 00:42:03sustainability or whether the company is
- 00:42:05having uh the sustainability as a
- 00:42:07business strategy or is more like you
- 00:42:09know part of their Essence in their
- 00:42:10culture we we discuss these things to
- 00:42:12create awareness that this exists but we
- 00:42:14immediately move to to the majority of
- 00:42:16the organizations that are facing the
- 00:42:18problem of saying okay whether I believe
- 00:42:20in this or not now I'm here I have a
- 00:42:22current Target I have a a challenge now
- 00:42:25I need to do something about it now we
- 00:42:27we embrace the definition of
- 00:42:28sustainability even though we spend most
- 00:42:30of the time discussing environmental
- 00:42:31sustainability and the reason is because
- 00:42:33the same as in the service it seems the
- 00:42:35one that companies are mostly interested
- 00:42:37in at this stage but we also spend time
- 00:42:39on social you know particularly with
- 00:42:42their or expert on this Alexis Bateman
- 00:42:44and the economic side is always in the
- 00:42:46side of the discussions so in a way we
- 00:42:48are keeping you know a general
- 00:42:50definition of sustainability in the
- 00:42:52course that this is pretty much practice
- 00:42:55oriented and this is how we we wanted to
- 00:42:57keep it so hopefully this answers your
- 00:42:59question and hopefully you feel excited
- 00:43:01to to join us
- 00:43:03perfect
- 00:43:04uh we have a lot more questions so let's
- 00:43:07go on with those
- 00:43:09um a question from Muhammad I'm not
- 00:43:10totally sure if I understand it right I
- 00:43:12hope Josue you understand it it's how
- 00:43:14are my measuring progress
- 00:43:17how are your measuring Pro progress yes
- 00:43:20I'm not so sure maybe Muhammad means how
- 00:43:23the progress and the course is like
- 00:43:25measured
- 00:43:27um well yeah I mean yours I don't know
- 00:43:29but uh the ones that we teach uh we try
- 00:43:32to we try as I said before we try to
- 00:43:34provide different approaches to uh to
- 00:43:36compare what is the impact of selecting
- 00:43:38different
- 00:43:39techniques to measure emissions and how
- 00:43:42those Drive different Supply Chain
- 00:43:43management and Logistics decisions so
- 00:43:45this is a a core discussion in the
- 00:43:47course because we really believe that
- 00:43:48whenever possible a company should focus
- 00:43:51on very detailed approaches to get those
- 00:43:54estimations
- 00:43:55awesome thanks I think that was the
- 00:43:57correct answer because we got a thumbs
- 00:43:59up awesome awesome thank you Mohammed
- 00:44:01cool so Carlos asked how does climate
- 00:44:04change impact agricultural Supply chains
- 00:44:09well you know I will not pretend to be
- 00:44:11the expert on that on that question
- 00:44:13Carlos uh I am sure that uh Dave Kura
- 00:44:16probably the right person to answer that
- 00:44:18question but of course the answer is uh
- 00:44:19there is a lot of impact a lot of impact
- 00:44:22into mainly all the entities in the
- 00:44:23supply chain a particularly in
- 00:44:24extraction like agriculture it matters
- 00:44:27it matters a lot but I uh I will not
- 00:44:29venture to give you a more discussion on
- 00:44:31that I invite you to join the course and
- 00:44:33also participate in those discussions in
- 00:44:35our discussion forums once we are there
- 00:44:37and Dave Correll that discusses a lot of
- 00:44:39sustainable sourcing will probably spend
- 00:44:41more time answering those questions
- 00:44:44perfect so rui says um as you said the
- 00:44:48path is more important than the goal my
- 00:44:51perception is that most companies are
- 00:44:52currently just declaring interesting
- 00:44:54strategic plans but don't have a
- 00:44:56concrete plan the program will cover how
- 00:44:59to convince the decision people to go
- 00:45:01beyond the nice declarations and yeah ah
- 00:45:05you know I'm very much a with you on
- 00:45:07this one right even though I believe
- 00:45:09there are some companies that definitely
- 00:45:10haven't invested taking the time to
- 00:45:13really build interesting plans but I
- 00:45:16believe this is honestly a key question
- 00:45:17at this stage at least in my experience
- 00:45:19when I've been discussing with both you
- 00:45:21know companies and and body the the the
- 00:45:25in cpgs logistics as well as Consulting
- 00:45:28companies the challenge is okay we've
- 00:45:30done some exercises in estimating our
- 00:45:32carbon emissions we already identified
- 00:45:34clear hot spots so we have already
- 00:45:36implemented some strategies that we know
- 00:45:39are going to help immediately but then
- 00:45:41from there to save now I need to get in
- 00:45:432040 or 2050 a carbon neutral the part
- 00:45:46is still very very strange how are you
- 00:45:48going to do it what are the investments
- 00:45:50in which moment what initiatives so
- 00:45:53those questions are still in the place
- 00:45:55and companies do not know it and Our
- 00:45:57intention is to is to help them reflect
- 00:45:59on this by looking also at the framework
- 00:46:01that I was discussing today which is
- 00:46:03focus on this investment but spend time
- 00:46:05also looking at what you can do at these
- 00:46:07current decisions now the the feeling
- 00:46:10that I get is that they they don't want
- 00:46:12to make in general Investments that uh
- 00:46:14will jeopardize also their
- 00:46:17economic competitiveness right we want
- 00:46:19to make sure that by by investing they
- 00:46:22still are going to be able to deliver
- 00:46:23and being profitable that's uh that's
- 00:46:25the main at least approach we we use to
- 00:46:28discuss and uh try to convince them to
- 00:46:30embrace this so the way to do it is that
- 00:46:32we acknowledge that that's the approach
- 00:46:33and we look at any decision that we are
- 00:46:35making any recommendation that we are
- 00:46:37making always looking at the side what
- 00:46:39is the economic impact as well the
- 00:46:41impact in the in the in the in the cost
- 00:46:44minimization as well as the service how
- 00:46:46much these decisions May or not affect
- 00:46:48or or capability to serve the customers
- 00:46:51with the standards times and quantities
- 00:46:53that they are used to and again so we
- 00:46:56can balance all of this and we use
- 00:46:57examples in almost anything in
- 00:46:58consolidation strategies in routing in
- 00:47:02inventory planning so all those
- 00:47:03decisions in this course we are going to
- 00:47:06play with that and create that awareness
- 00:47:07and that's mostly our idea that you are
- 00:47:09if you become familiar with these tools
- 00:47:12and also conscious that this is an
- 00:47:14opportunity for organizations to really
- 00:47:16Embrace this in a in a realistic way in
- 00:47:19which they can achieve those goals and
- 00:47:20at the same time looking at the business
- 00:47:22expectations
- 00:47:24awesome thanks real sweet welcome so
- 00:47:27Jean Francois ask another question
- 00:47:29thanks for being so active from Francois
- 00:47:31and he asked that's the course address
- 00:47:33the types of cooperation with
- 00:47:35non-business stakeholders like ngos to
- 00:47:38improve the supply chain sustainability
- 00:47:41yeah I wish I could tell you that that's
- 00:47:43the case the realities that we mention
- 00:47:45it right so we discuss about the
- 00:47:46importance of uh of the ngos and and how
- 00:47:49they also may drive uh plenty of
- 00:47:52behavior but we um
- 00:47:56you know they we don't do particular uh
- 00:47:59how to say a differentiation between the
- 00:48:02the type of content we developed based
- 00:48:04on on these ngos except for one project
- 00:48:07that for instance we discussed at least
- 00:48:09an illustration of the green Network
- 00:48:10design because we work on a Capstone
- 00:48:12project just uh last class uh with uh
- 00:48:16with UNICEF in Zimbabwe in Africa it was
- 00:48:19actually sponsored by a former student
- 00:48:22yuto and uh and also done by a couple of
- 00:48:25brilliant students a team and uh and
- 00:48:28Kareem and the idea was to uh to do a
- 00:48:32distribution a strategy to deliver
- 00:48:34particular Goods that were needed in
- 00:48:36Zimbabwe but again the approach didn't
- 00:48:39vary that much because mainly was
- 00:48:41related to how to build this network to
- 00:48:43achieve certain reduction of emissions
- 00:48:45by keeping the service level of this
- 00:48:47network so we we treated the NGO as if
- 00:48:49it was any other organization but at
- 00:48:52least we create the awareness
- 00:48:53unfortunately we do not spend we don't
- 00:48:55not have so much time to really discuss
- 00:48:57much more than that
- 00:48:59perfect thanks this way so unfortunately
- 00:49:03the time is uh almost up
- 00:49:05um so if you have more time you can
- 00:49:08still stay in here or we can finish
- 00:49:10first way what do you prefer no I if I
- 00:49:13would be happy to uh to at least take
- 00:49:15five minutes more right and then if you
- 00:49:18have more questions what we're gonna do
- 00:49:19is we are going to take the chart and
- 00:49:21try to answer you but if you can reach
- 00:49:23out to us maybe we can write some of our
- 00:49:25emails in the chat so that they can
- 00:49:27reach out to us and make sure that uh
- 00:49:29did you get your uh your answers because
- 00:49:31we we really want want you to uh to help
- 00:49:33you decide to join us in this uh in this
- 00:49:36fascinating course awesome so if you
- 00:49:39want to stay everyone's welcome to stay
- 00:49:40we will answer a few more questions but
- 00:49:42I will write my email address
- 00:49:45um in here so if you have any more
- 00:49:47questions I'm happy to answer them
- 00:49:50um yeah so this is my email address just
- 00:49:52message me
- 00:49:53um and we have a few more questions to
- 00:49:55go okay so another one is is it actually
- 00:49:58possible to assess accurately the final
- 00:50:00carbon footprint of a product or a
- 00:50:02service when it should require to get to
- 00:50:04get the visibility of all the Upstream
- 00:50:07chain beginning from raw material
- 00:50:09Industries
- 00:50:10oh that was a very comprehensive
- 00:50:12question and I believe it was a little
- 00:50:13bit too fast for me to capture
- 00:50:14everything
- 00:50:15I can tell you that uh yeah we we also
- 00:50:19mentioned the product footprint but this
- 00:50:21is not a course on life cycle assessment
- 00:50:23right so we do not uh do that exercise
- 00:50:25because that will require probably a
- 00:50:27different type of uh of course like
- 00:50:29industrial ecology in that regard and so
- 00:50:31this at least what we do is what we
- 00:50:33mentioned the the existence of this
- 00:50:35product footprint but what we do is
- 00:50:37discuss more the what we call the
- 00:50:38corporate footprint is more what are the
- 00:50:40missions associated with organizations
- 00:50:42and the supply chains operating with
- 00:50:44those products and services so this is a
- 00:50:46slightly different as you can see
- 00:50:47because the order is something that in a
- 00:50:49manner is a little bit fixed this is the
- 00:50:51life cycle because of the materials and
- 00:50:53how this is extracted and how this is
- 00:50:54moved and it's a discussion on
- 00:50:56functional units in this case it's more
- 00:50:58about how you are deciding in Supply
- 00:51:01Chain management your decisions on
- 00:51:03Transportation Planning inventory
- 00:51:05production and those things are the ones
- 00:51:07that we are going to assess what are the
- 00:51:08environmental impacts or sustainability
- 00:51:10impacts in the in in those decisions
- 00:51:13right but we mentioned that and of
- 00:51:15course there are other courses in life
- 00:51:16cycle assessment that you can also go
- 00:51:18but hopefully you find also that the
- 00:51:20corporate footprint matters a lot
- 00:51:21particularly when you are looking at
- 00:51:23achieving those carbon targets for the
- 00:51:25next years
- 00:51:27awesome
- 00:51:28so Yasin as meeting Target is important
- 00:51:32but setting the right emissions Target
- 00:51:33is even more critical our company is
- 00:51:36able to measure their emissions
- 00:51:37accurately are they able to connect
- 00:51:39those measurements to business decisions
- 00:51:42oh my goodness this is brilliant
- 00:51:44questions so the first one I will say
- 00:51:46it's uh arguable uh not the case right
- 00:51:49we don't know because it depends a lot
- 00:51:51of this discussion we are saying what is
- 00:51:52the right methodology to estimate the
- 00:51:54missions right important thing at the
- 00:51:56end the way that we see it is to keep
- 00:51:57consistency well we have observed and we
- 00:51:59discuss a lot in the course is that uh
- 00:52:02at the corporate level as organization
- 00:52:04at a corporate level many of the
- 00:52:06methodologies provide similar
- 00:52:08estimations of emissions
- 00:52:10so that that means it doesn't matter how
- 00:52:12accurate it is in the aggregate level
- 00:52:14you usually get it right or missed or
- 00:52:16errors of five percent
- 00:52:18but when you are gonna assign this to a
- 00:52:21logistics business supply chain
- 00:52:23management decision this is when it
- 00:52:24makes a whole difference because those
- 00:52:26those fluctuations that exist for the
- 00:52:28error become really relevant and can
- 00:52:30actually drive a completely different
- 00:52:31decision so it matters a lot in the in
- 00:52:35the in the in the Tactical and
- 00:52:37operational level to really look for the
- 00:52:40most detailed approach to actually align
- 00:52:42this with the with the business decision
- 00:52:44now at this stage I know that some
- 00:52:46organizations have started to do this
- 00:52:48but this is still a little bit more in
- 00:52:50the in the first steps the important
- 00:52:53thing is that we develop part of those
- 00:52:55at the research
- 00:52:57output and we intend to disseminate this
- 00:53:00through the course to help organizations
- 00:53:03or practitioners like yourself to learn
- 00:53:06how to really use that information to to
- 00:53:08make better decisions that will account
- 00:53:10for this for these impact so this is
- 00:53:12part of the content and and the other is
- 00:53:14part of the discussion we are going to
- 00:53:15also have
- 00:53:17awesome we have another question from
- 00:53:20Rishi I think I can maybe the last one
- 00:53:22yeah yes
- 00:53:24um it's lectures would have recommended
- 00:53:25readings and white papers and yes after
- 00:53:28each lecture and even before we have
- 00:53:30listed recommended readings that you
- 00:53:32have to read and also some that you
- 00:53:34wouldn't have to read that are just
- 00:53:35interesting
- 00:53:37um like additional readings so yeah we
- 00:53:39have a lot of them
- 00:53:40awesome so I think uh Associates at the
- 00:53:43time is up
- 00:53:44um as I said you can send me all your
- 00:53:46questions
- 00:53:47um and I'm really happy maybe to see you
- 00:53:49again I guess
- 00:53:51fantastic
- 00:53:52well thank you so much Julia thank you
- 00:53:54so much everyone for attending and as
- 00:53:56Julia said we look forward to having you
- 00:53:58in our virtual class thank you so much
- 00:54:00and have a great day bye thank you bye
- chaîne d'approvisionnement
- durabilité
- logistique
- émissions de carbone
- approvisionnement durable
- cours en ligne
- pandémie
- stratégies environnementales
- innovation