There are 2 Liquid Types Flowing Under God's Throne - An account of Heaven by Dr. Jacques
TLDRIn the video, Dr. Jacqu LeFrance presents his insights on Heaven, emphasizing the immense love of God and the joyful experiences awaiting believers. Dr. LeFrance recounts his personal journey to faith and highlights near-death experiences (NDEs) that describe various aspects of Heaven, such as the beautiful River of Life, the absence of death, and a unique interaction with Jesus. His notable books include 'Heaven is Beyond Imagination' which draws from numerous testimonies of individuals who have glimpsed Heaven. Emphasizing our eternal identity beyond physical life, Dr. LeFrance urges viewers to embrace faith in Jesus and share that hope with others, reinforcing the message that love is the essence of the heavenly experience.
A retenir
- 🌈 Heaven is portrayed as a realm of immense love.
- 💖 Accepting Jesus transforms one's relationship with God.
- 🏞️ The River of Life offers unique healing properties.
- 👶 Children in Heaven experience eternal joy.
- ⚖️ There is no pain, suffering, or death in Heaven.
- 👑 Jesus’ presence embodies the essence of love.
- 🌍 Earth is a temporary residence, Heaven is everlasting.
- 📖 Time in Heaven allows individuals to learn and grow infinitely.
- 🎉 The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is a grand celebration.
- 🙌 Individuals recognize one another and share in perfect relationships.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The video introduces the topic of Heaven and welcomes Dr. Jacqu LeFrance, an author with personal experiences and insights into near-death experiences (NDEs) relating to Heaven.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Dr. LeFrance shares his journey to faith in Jesus starting from his early church experience as a child, leading to a pivotal moment in college, where he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior while reflecting on his past decisions.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
He describes how his interest in the afterlife developed through reading books on NDEs, which inspired him to teach courses on Heaven at Wheaton College and eventually led him to write his own book based on numerous eyewitness accounts of Heaven.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Dr. LeFrance emphasizes that Heaven is characterized by God's immense love, surpassing human imagination, and explains that it serves as a testing ground for believers, contrasting the temporary nature of Earth with the eternal nature of Heaven.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The author shares insights about the beauty and joy found in Heaven, where no one needs to eat or pay for anything, and that all interactions stem from love rather than transactions; in Heaven, people use their unique gifts harmoniously.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The River of Life in Heaven is described with special properties that heal and rejuvenate, and participants experience the water without getting wet, emphasizing the otherworldly nature of existence in Heaven.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Dr. LeFrance recounts how children in Heaven have unique experiences, free from danger and gravity, enjoying playful activities that showcase the absence of harm and the presence of unconditional joy.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
He notes that upon entering Heaven, people are welcomed by loved ones and angels, and that one's life journey is recorded, with only the important dates of conception and rebirth highlighted, reinforcing the significance of a personal relationship with Jesus.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
The author discusses the transformative encounters with Jesus in Heaven, which provide complete acceptance and love, where individuals feel whole and free from past disappointments or memories of sin.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
In discussing the reality of Hell, Dr. LeFrance explains that it was not made for humans but for fallen angels, and he encourages sincere acceptance of Jesus to avoid eternal separation from God.
- 00:50:00 - 00:57:53
The video culminates in a heartfelt prayer by Dr. LeFrance, asking for enlightenment and commitment for viewers to seek a relationship with Jesus and ensure their place in Heaven.
Carte mentale
Vidéo Q&R
What are the key themes of Dr. LeFrance's exploration of Heaven?
Dr. LeFrance emphasizes God's profound love, the beauty and joy of Heaven, and the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus.
What unique experiences did Dr. LeFrance recount about Heaven?
He referenced the River of Life, gravity's altered state, and the welcoming atmospheres for new arrivals.
How does Dr. LeFrance describe meeting Jesus?
Meeting Jesus is described as the essence of love, with feelings of acceptance, joy, and forgiveness.
What does Dr. LeFrance mention about individual experiences in Heaven?
Individuals appear in their prime, joyful states, and engage in eternal learning and creative expression.
Did Dr. LeFrance discuss Hell?
Yes, he mentioned that Hell is the opposite of Heaven, characterized by suffering and the absence of God's love.
What steps does Dr. LeFrance encourage for people regarding their faith?
He encourages viewers to accept Jesus and share their experiences with others.
What kind of preparation does Dr. LeFrance describe regarding the afterlife?
He describes the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as an elaborate celebration prepared for believers.
How does Dr. LeFrance view the nature of time in Heaven?
Time in Heaven is portrayed as different, allowing for experiences and locations that go beyond earthly constraints.
What role does love play in the concept of Heaven according to Dr. LeFrance?
Love is the central theme in Heaven, embodying all experiences and interactions.
What can people expect when they enter Heaven?
They can expect joy, acceptance, relationships with loved ones, and a profound connection with God.
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- 00:00:01[Music]
- 00:00:08hi welcome to touching the afterlife so
- 00:00:10glad you're here because today we are
- 00:00:12going to get an overview of a deep dive
- 00:00:15of the details of Heaven if you like
- 00:00:17details of heaven and you're just as
- 00:00:19excited as I am to be there you're not
- 00:00:22going to want to miss us today welcome
- 00:00:24Dr jacqu
- 00:00:27lefrance hi thank you so much Dr jacqu
- 00:00:30for being with us I'm you know your book
- 00:00:33you wrote a book called Heaven is beyond
- 00:00:35imagination which I've read and you also
- 00:00:38have a book I will lift it up it's
- 00:00:42called a walk through Heaven yes 38 ndes
- 00:00:48of people going to heaven so I know that
- 00:00:51you were became a follower of
- 00:00:53Jesus and your freshman year at Harvard
- 00:00:56it's a very interesting story my uh my
- 00:01:00parents were active churchgoers but they
- 00:01:03didn't really have a relationship with
- 00:01:05Jesus I went to a Methodist Church but
- 00:01:08we didn't go there all the time maybe
- 00:01:10half the time it was about 10 miles
- 00:01:12away um although my dad's parents were
- 00:01:16Christian Believers and I spent many
- 00:01:19summers at that their Vacation Bible
- 00:01:22School uh when I was 11 I joined the Boy
- 00:01:24Scouts and I was very honest
- 00:01:27conscientious kid and so when I took the
- 00:01:29boy scout law I said on MAR honor I will
- 00:01:32do my best okay on my I said I would do
- 00:01:35my best so I'll do my best to do my duty
- 00:01:37to God in my country and to keep the PO
- 00:01:40Scout Law so I tempted to do that well
- 00:01:46uh nothing great experience happened
- 00:01:48except that I was bouncing my basketball
- 00:01:51out in the backyard one day and I saw
- 00:01:53gravity in a different way and I saw
- 00:01:55that something was pulling the ball down
- 00:01:57to the Earth and I looked up the clouds
- 00:01:59and saw the clouds rolling by and I knew
- 00:02:02at that point there was a creator that
- 00:02:04God is real I didn't know him but I knew
- 00:02:07he was out there and he was real well
- 00:02:10then uh when I was a senior in high
- 00:02:12school my dad said really I ought to
- 00:02:15join a church I didn't know you had to
- 00:02:18join ones I thought you just went there
- 00:02:20he said his reasoning was if you want to
- 00:02:22be successful in business you got to be
- 00:02:25a good citizen and to be a good citizen
- 00:02:27you've got to be a member of a church
- 00:02:29that was his reason for joining a church
- 00:02:31well I didn't have any objection so my
- 00:02:33two brothers and I decided to join the
- 00:02:35church pastor gave us three little
- 00:02:37booklets to read and we read them and
- 00:02:39shared together and he probably talked
- 00:02:42to us I don't remember but then he
- 00:02:44called us up to the front of the church
- 00:02:46and said uh will you will you uh support
- 00:02:51their church or their tithes and
- 00:02:52offerings well I didn't have a job but I
- 00:02:54thought if I did I could give 10% to the
- 00:02:56church so I said yes and he said will
- 00:02:59you will you
- 00:03:00be in attendance well I couldn't go 10
- 00:03:03miles without my parents but whenever
- 00:03:04they're there I'll be there so I said
- 00:03:06yes and they said do you accept Jesus
- 00:03:08Christ as Lord and Savior whoa what does
- 00:03:11that mean somehow I never figured out
- 00:03:14what that never learned what that meant
- 00:03:16well I don't promise things if I can't
- 00:03:18keep them and I wasn't willing to
- 00:03:20promise to do that but also I was not a
- 00:03:23bold kid I was shy and I couldn't see
- 00:03:26myself saying no in front of the whole
- 00:03:27church but I couldn't see myself saying
- 00:03:30yes either so finally I said no but then
- 00:03:33to myself I said no I said yes but to
- 00:03:37myself I said no not knowing about what
- 00:03:39it means well nothing happened after
- 00:03:42that I forgot all about it I then I went
- 00:03:45off to uh College the next year uh I was
- 00:03:50fortunate to be able to go to
- 00:03:52Harvard and the uh Harvard assigned as
- 00:03:56roommates and I was assigned a Chinese
- 00:03:59American for Washington DC well he had
- 00:04:01become a Christian a couple years
- 00:04:03earlier through youth through Christ so
- 00:04:05when he got to Boston he volunteered to
- 00:04:07be a counselor at the youth through
- 00:04:09Christ there well he was amazed that God
- 00:04:12gave him a Christian roommate that he
- 00:04:14thought that was pretty unusual in a
- 00:04:15place like that or so
- 00:04:18liberal well I was a member of church I
- 00:04:21read my Bible I prayed I did a good deed
- 00:04:24every day as I could I acted like a
- 00:04:28Christian um he didn't check my belief
- 00:04:30so he didn't know any better he invited
- 00:04:32me to come with him to be a counselor at
- 00:04:34the church at the Youth for Christ well
- 00:04:37I was running cross country I knew
- 00:04:38Harvard was more difficult than high
- 00:04:40school so I said no I I can't afford to
- 00:04:42do that but long in November they were
- 00:04:45showing the movie The Robe and I'd read
- 00:04:46the book in high school and being part
- 00:04:50Scottish I looked forward to going to a
- 00:04:53free movie so I went with him that day
- 00:04:56and a strange thing
- 00:04:57happened it was in the Parks Street
- 00:04:59Church with on the bedge of Austin Comm
- 00:05:01and it's kind of Hill there's the lower
- 00:05:04level that goes into the basement and
- 00:05:06then the upper level where the sanctuary
- 00:05:07is well we entered the building to the
- 00:05:09lower level and met the other counselors
- 00:05:12well they my roommate had told me told
- 00:05:15them about his Christian roommate
- 00:05:16they're all eager to meet me so it was a
- 00:05:19good meeting except soon as I walked
- 00:05:22into the building there were some I felt
- 00:05:25some be barrier around me I had no idea
- 00:05:28what it was it's kind like feeling of
- 00:05:30being inside a bell jar you know what
- 00:05:32that is a big blast jar that just covers
- 00:05:36everything well it would it wasn't
- 00:05:38anything to do with the people there we
- 00:05:40got along had friendly visit they were
- 00:05:42glad to see me and I was happy to see
- 00:05:43them then we went upstairs to sat down
- 00:05:46and this feeling of the Bellar stayed
- 00:05:48with me the whole time and so finally I
- 00:05:51was singing one of the hymns I got up
- 00:05:53and excuse my room myself and I went to
- 00:05:56the back of the church and said God
- 00:05:57what's the problem why am I experiencing
- 00:05:59ing this there was a Bible open there
- 00:06:02and I thought the answer is probably
- 00:06:03there but I didn't where didn't know
- 00:06:04where to look so I didn't but uh after a
- 00:06:08while praying I did not have an answer
- 00:06:10but the SP jar went away went back in
- 00:06:13the meeting had started and nothing of
- 00:06:15any consequence happened that
- 00:06:17meeting but the next day I was walking
- 00:06:20on campus after dinner after cross
- 00:06:24country practice or maybe it was over by
- 00:06:26then I don't remember anyway I was just
- 00:06:28walking on the campus and I got thinking
- 00:06:30about that Saturday evening and then for
- 00:06:32the first time in more than a year I
- 00:06:35remembered that when I joined the church
- 00:06:37I said no to accepting Jesus the Lord
- 00:06:39and Savior and the Holy Spirit at that
- 00:06:42point told me that is the reason you had
- 00:06:45that experience with the belor you are
- 00:06:47cut off from God if you don't accept
- 00:06:50Jesus Lord and Savior you're cut off
- 00:06:51from God well I didn't want to be cut
- 00:06:52off from him so I said right there yes I
- 00:06:54accept J as the Lord and savior they
- 00:06:57were just words I didn't know what it
- 00:06:58meant but I did meant the difference
- 00:07:00between being accepted by God and not
- 00:07:03well that was the beginning of my
- 00:07:04Christian journey I didn't know anything
- 00:07:07significant it happened sometimes be
- 00:07:09walking on the cus I'll think of the
- 00:07:10solution to a math problem this wasn't
- 00:07:12anything more than that but after a few
- 00:07:15months of the spirit indwelling me I
- 00:07:18began to see things were different I no
- 00:07:21longer prayed to a god that I believed
- 00:07:23was out there I prayed to someone I had
- 00:07:25a relationship with I didn't know that's
- 00:07:27what I was doing but I could I could
- 00:07:28sense later I could see that I had a
- 00:07:31desire for Christian Fellowship I joined
- 00:07:34my roommate and being a counselor
- 00:07:37fortunately I didn't have to do any
- 00:07:38counseling because I didn't know
- 00:07:40anything um and
- 00:07:43I uh went to the church i' been going to
- 00:07:46and asked to be
- 00:07:47baptized uh and I quit doing things as a
- 00:07:50good deed as a Boy Scout but I did
- 00:07:52things because I loved people God had
- 00:07:54given me a new love so after about three
- 00:07:56months I saw that I my life had changed
- 00:07:59as a result of accepting Jesus the Lord
- 00:08:01and Savior and I began to understand
- 00:08:03theologically what that meant anyway you
- 00:08:06ask about how I became to be a Christian
- 00:08:08that is my story and I have never
- 00:08:11doubted God I even before I was a
- 00:08:14Christian I knew he was real and now
- 00:08:16I've never doubted that my relationship
- 00:08:18with him some people have doubts they
- 00:08:19say I know really saved I never had a
- 00:08:22problem with that God has made it very
- 00:08:24real to
- 00:08:26me wonderful and what brought you into
- 00:08:30being interested in the
- 00:08:34afterlife
- 00:08:36um after I finished my degree in
- 00:08:39computer science I knew I was going to
- 00:08:42teach and I ended up teaching at Wheaten
- 00:08:44College in Wheaten
- 00:08:46Illinois well uh it's a Christian school
- 00:08:49and I was visiting with someone one day
- 00:08:50and he had a book on his table uh coffee
- 00:08:55table called uh return from tomorrow
- 00:08:59George Richie well I picked it up and
- 00:09:00looked at it and I was intrigued so I
- 00:09:02got a copy and I read it well George
- 00:09:05Richie died in an Army hospital in 1944
- 00:09:09in West Texas well he didn't know he had
- 00:09:12died and he got up and and so he had had
- 00:09:16gotten the past to go to medical school
- 00:09:18in Virginia so and he was in a hurry to
- 00:09:20get there so some strange things
- 00:09:23happening he couldn't find his clothes
- 00:09:26uh an orderly walking in the hallway
- 00:09:28completely ignored him almost ran into
- 00:09:30him he thought he should go outside and
- 00:09:33suddenly with that thought he was uh the
- 00:09:36chief wasn't there but he started flying
- 00:09:38over the trees and the towns he never
- 00:09:40didn't know how this could be happening
- 00:09:41but it was and he got as far as a big
- 00:09:44river and he saided and he asked a guy
- 00:09:47where is this and the guy didn't pay any
- 00:09:49attention to him put his hand on his
- 00:09:50shoulder and went right through he
- 00:09:52leaned up against the guy where powerful
- 00:09:53hole and fell through that he said I
- 00:09:57don't know what's happened but I've lost
- 00:09:58my solid part and I can't go to medical
- 00:10:00school my solid part so he hurried back
- 00:10:03to West Texas searched all the barracks
- 00:10:06till he found a bed with himself in it
- 00:10:09and he said how can I ever recognize
- 00:10:11myself I've never um seen myself except
- 00:10:15in a mirror well he remember his his uh
- 00:10:20ring that he had his fraternity ring so
- 00:10:23he looked around he finally found a body
- 00:10:25with that that ring on the hand but the
- 00:10:28problem is the sheet was was pulled up
- 00:10:29over his face same position he
- 00:10:32remembered seeing his grandfather when
- 00:10:34he died that was the first point he
- 00:10:37recognized he had
- 00:10:38died well Jesus came and met him right
- 00:10:41then and took him on a journey and he
- 00:10:44never wanted to leave Jesus because he
- 00:10:45fell in love with him but Jesus said
- 00:10:48nope you got to go back it's not your
- 00:10:50time yet he didn't make it to Heaven he
- 00:10:52recognized he wasn't ready to go there
- 00:10:54he saw it from a distance well that was
- 00:10:56that was my first story I was really
- 00:10:59fascinated with that story and I started
- 00:11:01picking up other books and reading them
- 00:11:03and then I had collected I think it was
- 00:11:0618 books of 16 16 books and the pastor
- 00:11:11was leading a uh study on Wednesdays uh
- 00:11:16people from other churches were coming
- 00:11:18and he wanted to quit for the summer but
- 00:11:19they didn't want to quit they wanted to
- 00:11:21keep going so I volunteered to teach the
- 00:11:23class for the summer and one of the
- 00:11:25topics I taught was what is heaven like
- 00:11:28and i' at would look up I say what are
- 00:11:30the trees like and i' go to these books
- 00:11:32and and read what different people said
- 00:11:34about the trees and then the flowers and
- 00:11:36then the gates and then what it's like
- 00:11:39to meet Jesus what it's like to meet
- 00:11:40others what are the Angels like and so
- 00:11:42forth well they really like that class
- 00:11:45and I thought I need to do this again
- 00:11:47but I didn't want to have to carry 16
- 00:11:48books around with
- 00:11:50me uh and Page through them looking for
- 00:11:53the things I wanted to talk about so I
- 00:11:54started typing it out and it got bigger
- 00:11:57and bigger and bigger I finally realized
- 00:12:00this this could be a book so I did I put
- 00:12:03it together and had found a publisher
- 00:12:05Christian faith publishing and this was
- 00:12:08the first edition a composite portra of
- 00:12:10heaven based on 16 or 18
- 00:12:15eyewitnesses uh well Christian faith
- 00:12:18Publishers charged me
- 00:12:19$3,000 and didn't do any marketing and I
- 00:12:23didn't my friends bought the copies but
- 00:12:25that was it so I said I've lost money on
- 00:12:28this I need to do something more so I
- 00:12:31bought 16 more books uh 16 more stories
- 00:12:34of heaven and put out a new New Edition
- 00:12:38Heaven is amazing I got this published
- 00:12:41by uh Trinity Faith
- 00:12:44publishing TR Christian
- 00:12:49publishing because I needed someone who
- 00:12:51do some marketing and they're associated
- 00:12:53with TBN and I figured that they would
- 00:12:56do some promoting on their great
- 00:12:58television Ministry well they
- 00:13:00did they presented a a thing on my book
- 00:13:04twice a day uh on two different St
- 00:13:07programs all
- 00:13:09week uh two in the morning two in the
- 00:13:12evening after that week was over they
- 00:13:14didn't do it
- 00:13:15anymore they charged me a whole lot more
- 00:13:18five
- 00:13:19more
- 00:13:22$5,000 and I sold some more books
- 00:13:24through TBN but not nearly enough so I
- 00:13:27said I got to do something
- 00:13:29I'd like to get a traditional publisher
- 00:13:31to be involved well I found out a
- 00:13:32traditional publisher will only accept
- 00:13:35think won't accept think the new Authors
- 00:13:36you have to go through a
- 00:13:39u
- 00:13:42um literary
- 00:13:45agent the uh well I found out the litery
- 00:13:48agents will only only accept people if
- 00:13:50you have a thousand people on your
- 00:13:52waiting list to buy your book well I'm
- 00:13:55not a promoter I I my friends had
- 00:13:58already bought copy is the first
- 00:14:00edition uh what
- 00:14:02was they said well you start a blog and
- 00:14:06get people to sign up that way well okay
- 00:14:07I started a Blog have an unveiled
- 00:14:10docomond that blog I've got 99 entries
- 00:14:14in it now um well I got a um 100 people
- 00:14:19interested in that so I got a mating
- 00:14:21list of a 100 plus that includes the
- 00:14:24friends well that wasn't quite the
- 00:14:26Thousand that were expected so I never
- 00:14:28did get a traditional publisher to be
- 00:14:30interested I knew it was a good book I
- 00:14:32knew people would if they knew about it
- 00:14:35would enjoy it and but I couldn't
- 00:14:38persuade anybody because I couldn't
- 00:14:40guarantee they'd sell a thousand copies
- 00:14:42right
- 00:14:43away so I found out I
- 00:14:47could publish it through Kindle I do all
- 00:14:51the work I'll do the editing do the
- 00:14:53formatting do the pagination everything
- 00:14:55get it all set up transfer the file to
- 00:14:58them and they put it on their their
- 00:14:59printer and they could print copies and
- 00:15:01they don't charge me for that uh and I'm
- 00:15:05reasonably talented I could do it all
- 00:15:06together so that became this book Heaven
- 00:15:09is beyond imagination it's now based on
- 00:15:1250 IW s not just the original 18 34 for
- 00:15:17the next valuee and then 50 for this
- 00:15:20well later on uh another
- 00:15:24agent created a cover for me so this is
- 00:15:27a current cover
- 00:15:35uh and it's been pretty successful I've
- 00:15:38sold quite a few the best time was when
- 00:15:42Epic Times reported on a lady who came
- 00:15:45back from death and said and wrote
- 00:15:48Scratchy on a napkin it is real she had
- 00:15:52seen heaven and I wrote to her wrote to
- 00:15:56the heav times and said that's that's
- 00:15:59amazing but my book talks about 50 such
- 00:16:01people you ought to take a look at it
- 00:16:04well they wrote back to me and we
- 00:16:06dialogue Back Time forth a few times and
- 00:16:08they ended up publishing an article
- 00:16:10about heaven is beyond imagination and
- 00:16:13me that was in August of uh what was it
- 00:16:1921 uh anyway the that next month Amazon
- 00:16:25sold a thousand copies of my book
- 00:16:27because of that uh interviewed then the
- 00:16:30next month it went down and it went down
- 00:16:32after that but that was the best
- 00:16:34promotion I ever had I've had people
- 00:16:36come along and say we'll help you
- 00:16:37promote your book uh just spend $500
- 00:16:41with us and we will make it happen well
- 00:16:43I've done that several times it never
- 00:16:45turns out the way they said so anyway
- 00:16:49that's the history of how how it all
- 00:16:51happened okay well thank you for the
- 00:16:53history on that how that process went
- 00:16:56for you now I would love to get into Dr
- 00:16:59jacqu some of these stories because that
- 00:17:01is what intrigued me and enhanced my
- 00:17:04excitement for heaven so would you share
- 00:17:08with us one of the main
- 00:17:10highlights or you can take us through
- 00:17:12some steps of stories in different parts
- 00:17:15of Heaven well there's several things
- 00:17:18first of all as I read all these stories
- 00:17:21I didn't actually talk to anybody I
- 00:17:23didn't know how to find them to talk to
- 00:17:25I all these stories are ones that they
- 00:17:27they printed in books and public
- 00:17:29and I read their books 56 of them but
- 00:17:34the thing I that struck me most as I
- 00:17:37read was reading these is God has far
- 00:17:41more love for us than we have ever
- 00:17:43imagined we know Jesus loved us enough
- 00:17:46to die for us but God's love for us is
- 00:17:50even exceeds that he created us in His
- 00:17:54image because he wanted
- 00:17:56companionship Jesus and the
- 00:17:59and the father and the Holy Spirit have
- 00:18:01a love relationship unlike any we've
- 00:18:04seen they want that love relationship
- 00:18:06with us that's why he created us and
- 00:18:10Heaven is the place where that's going
- 00:18:12to happen then he created Earth as a as
- 00:18:16a testing ground this isn't the real
- 00:18:18thing we think it's real because it's
- 00:18:20the only thing we know but Heaven is
- 00:18:23what's real and this is just a temporary
- 00:18:26place from the astronomy we know it's
- 00:18:28eventually going to go away the Sun is
- 00:18:30going to blo up to a red giant and
- 00:18:33swallow up Earth it be cooked to death
- 00:18:36and disintegrated eventually the whole
- 00:18:39universe will spread out into nothing
- 00:18:42and in other words this world has been
- 00:18:45designed the end maybe not in our
- 00:18:48lifetime hopefully not but uh it's not
- 00:18:52the end when I look at it I see it this
- 00:18:56way Heaven is the real thing
- 00:18:59Earth is like an architect's model it
- 00:19:01looks like the real thing it acts like
- 00:19:04the real thing in some ways but it's not
- 00:19:06the real thing Heaven is the real thing
- 00:19:09and the love of God put into what is
- 00:19:12Heaven is
- 00:19:15amazing we have anything we want to eat
- 00:19:17anything we want to do uh just bask in
- 00:19:21his love and love one another and it's
- 00:19:24all free we don't have to eat we don't
- 00:19:27have to pay pay for anything
- 00:19:29each of us have given gifts and in
- 00:19:30heaven we're going to continue to
- 00:19:32exercise those gifts if you're you have
- 00:19:35a gift of sewing you'll be making
- 00:19:37clothes for people you have a gift of
- 00:19:39Music you'll be helping people make
- 00:19:41music you have a gift of writing you'll
- 00:19:43keep
- 00:19:45writing heaven heaven is infinite we
- 00:19:48will never finish learning in heaven we
- 00:19:52will always be learning there are books
- 00:19:54there there's there's ways to learn
- 00:19:57we'll all be learning and we'll all be
- 00:19:58growing and we'll be helping one another
- 00:20:01but there's no money exchange it's all a
- 00:20:03free gift I do what I can do for you out
- 00:20:07of my love for you because that's what
- 00:20:08heaven is like it's love it's all love
- 00:20:11that's all it is it's everything the
- 00:20:13flowers love us we love the flowers the
- 00:20:15animals love us animals love each other
- 00:20:18the lion will lie down with the
- 00:20:21lamb no nothing dies in heaven animals
- 00:20:24don't die people don't die leaves don't
- 00:20:26die fruit doesn't die flowers don't die
- 00:20:31excuse me one version was told to pick a
- 00:20:33flower and he did and he smelled it and
- 00:20:36the smile the flower smiled at him too
- 00:20:38he didn't realize there was emotions and
- 00:20:40flowers and they were praising God
- 00:20:43couldn't imagine flowers praising God
- 00:20:44any either angel said put it back down
- 00:20:47and it'll keep growing so he did put it
- 00:20:49back down it was replanted and kept on
- 00:20:51growing and the angel point out if you
- 00:20:53put a flower on your wall it'll continue
- 00:20:55to
- 00:20:57grow and here in Earth we have to eat
- 00:21:00because our M our body is made of
- 00:21:03molecules the molecules break down and
- 00:21:06they have to be restored we need eat in
- 00:21:09order to get the the tools to rebuild
- 00:21:13those
- 00:21:14molecules as far as I can see Heaven is
- 00:21:17not made of atoms and molecules like
- 00:21:19this world is nothing there breaks down
- 00:21:22so we don't have to eat to restore our
- 00:21:25bodies our bodies are perfect all time
- 00:21:29forever we can eat because God has
- 00:21:32provided food for our pleasure and one
- 00:21:36one doctors looked at his body and saw
- 00:21:38it was translucent he could see through
- 00:21:40it see the flowers on the other side and
- 00:21:43he also saw he had no internal organs
- 00:21:46well what are we going what's going to
- 00:21:49happen if we eat something and there's
- 00:21:50no stomach so what happens is once
- 00:21:54you've enjoyed the The Taste you've
- 00:21:55enjoyed the food it just regularizes
- 00:21:59uh one guy took a pear type thing and
- 00:22:03ate it and he got juice on his face and
- 00:22:05his hands and he wonder if where it's
- 00:22:07going to clean up but the juice just
- 00:22:11evaporated excuse me
- 00:22:16and God has given us more than we could
- 00:22:19want there and we give to one another
- 00:22:22it's an amazing place and so that was
- 00:22:25the
- 00:22:26main main thing I drew from it is how
- 00:22:28God's love is Way Beyond anything we can
- 00:22:31imagine and what how he's created it and
- 00:22:34what he's given for us and what we're
- 00:22:35going to be like there now beyond that
- 00:22:38there's there's just beautiful and
- 00:22:40there's interesting things it's it's
- 00:22:43amazing well one of the things jacqu
- 00:22:46that I wanted to touch on one of the
- 00:22:48many things is you talked about from
- 00:22:51reading a testimony of the River of Life
- 00:22:55and what that was like going in kind of
- 00:22:57like the fruit of the Je juice it just
- 00:22:59it didn't stay on them when they came
- 00:23:01out of the water they weren't wet can
- 00:23:03you share about what you learned about
- 00:23:04the River of Life
- 00:23:09yes uh in heaven there's a lot of things
- 00:23:12like on earth like water uh it tells us
- 00:23:16in the in the Bible that there there's
- 00:23:19Waters that flow under the throne and
- 00:23:21out into the watering the
- 00:23:24area well
- 00:23:28an angel was walking with someone and
- 00:23:30and and he said to step out she has the
- 00:23:34water well I forgotten how it went but
- 00:23:36anyway he said the water has special
- 00:23:38properties so she walked out into the
- 00:23:40water and she said I don't have a
- 00:23:43bathing suit I've just got this
- 00:23:44beautiful gown on he don't worry about
- 00:23:46it I don't want to get it messed up it
- 00:23:48won't be messed up just go ahead so she
- 00:23:50walked out into the water and water had
- 00:23:53a different feeling it kind of like it
- 00:23:55was caressing her wasn't just on her it
- 00:23:58was doing things to it and you walked
- 00:24:00out she walked a little
- 00:24:04farther and she little went a little
- 00:24:06farther I got up up onto her chest he
- 00:24:08said it was it was combination of cool
- 00:24:11and warm at the same time and it it was
- 00:24:15doing something it was caressing her so
- 00:24:19funny way he said keep going well I'm up
- 00:24:21to my neck I'll drown no you can't drown
- 00:24:24in heaven nothing ever dies in heaven
- 00:24:26you can't be hard you can't be har
- 00:24:28just keep going so she went a little
- 00:24:31further and ended up over her head and
- 00:24:34felt out she could breathe now I don't
- 00:24:37understand breathing because we don't
- 00:24:38have lungs and we don't need oxygen
- 00:24:41because we don't metabolize
- 00:24:44food but the sense of breathing was
- 00:24:47there whatever whatever it is she didn't
- 00:24:50have any problem being underwater and
- 00:24:53she saw other K other people underwater
- 00:24:55she played with the Pebbles on the
- 00:24:57bottom the colored petals then she came
- 00:24:59back up and as she came out first of all
- 00:25:03she asked where do we have towels said
- 00:25:05you angel said you don't need
- 00:25:07towels turns out that's true she wasn't
- 00:25:10her gown wasn't wet she wasn't wet and
- 00:25:14her hair was still in order you didn't
- 00:25:15need to do anything through her hair one
- 00:25:18young girl was seen by a guy uh she he
- 00:25:21had known her when she was little she
- 00:25:23had died of of cancer and she said look
- 00:25:26what I can do she shook her head and her
- 00:25:28hair went well over the place and when
- 00:25:30she stopped it came right back into its
- 00:25:32normal State and he said it looks like
- 00:25:36uh we always have perfect hair in
- 00:25:39heaven
- 00:25:41so that reminds me that reminds me of
- 00:25:45the girl from uh Sigman that you
- 00:25:47referenced when she had cancer and lost
- 00:25:49her hair on Earth and in heaven she was
- 00:25:52seen by him and her hair was down and
- 00:25:56beautiful yeah every everyone in heaven
- 00:25:58is their perfection whatever they were
- 00:26:01in their Prime of Life your hair is back
- 00:26:04your eyesight's back your hearing is
- 00:26:06back the pimples are gone uh if if you
- 00:26:10lost a limb it's back on anything was
- 00:26:14missing is back you've got your teeth I
- 00:26:16don't know what you use them for because
- 00:26:17you don't have to eat anything but in
- 00:26:19any case um we do have there's no bad
- 00:26:23hair days in
- 00:26:25heaven um I can probably B benefit from
- 00:26:29that because mine has got a little
- 00:26:30unruly I combed it before this meeting
- 00:26:32but still sticking out a little bit up
- 00:26:35up up here yeah anyway
- 00:26:40um
- 00:26:44and now someone else at ate the well
- 00:26:47said about the pear eating the pear and
- 00:26:48all the juices disappeared then the then
- 00:26:51she said I feel different what's
- 00:26:53happened and he said well in in the
- 00:26:55River of Life when you bathe in the
- 00:26:57River of Life life it takes away your
- 00:26:59earthliness to prepare you for your life
- 00:27:02in heaven now for you it didn't always
- 00:27:05it hasn't done it completely because you
- 00:27:08have to go back to Earth so your Earth
- 00:27:10memories are still intact when you come
- 00:27:12back permanently it'll wipe away all the
- 00:27:16bad memories of your past so there'll be
- 00:27:18nothing to spoil your time in heaven no
- 00:27:22memory of things that are would upset
- 00:27:25you would make you feel sad or grieving
- 00:27:28remember all your sins are gone anything
- 00:27:31you've done wrong is taken care of and
- 00:27:34that's another story but anyway we save
- 00:27:37that for a
- 00:27:38minute so the River of Life has some
- 00:27:41sort of healing properties and it tells
- 00:27:44us uh now there's someone that said
- 00:27:47there's there's two liquids underneath
- 00:27:49the throne but they don't intermingle
- 00:27:52they stay separate and
- 00:27:54so if two if two jewes came together
- 00:27:57like
- 00:27:59uh alcohol and water they mix together
- 00:28:02and but here that there they don't do
- 00:28:05that and so the water in heaven is not
- 00:28:09H2O I don't know what it is but it's
- 00:28:12it's like water but it's different it's
- 00:28:14got different characters it has
- 00:28:16a it has a way of healing and nourishing
- 00:28:19you that water here doesn't do also you
- 00:28:23don't get wet don't need a
- 00:28:25towel you don't have to breathe
- 00:28:31so that's the River of Life actually
- 00:28:33there's a he there's a sea and uh and
- 00:28:37the lake there um and they all they all
- 00:28:42that kind of stuff and it goes back to
- 00:28:44my thinking that heaven is not made of
- 00:28:46atoms and molecules I don't know what
- 00:28:48it's made of but there won't be any
- 00:28:51hydrogen and oxygen to make H2O so I
- 00:28:55don't know what it is but maybe as when
- 00:28:57I get there I can be a scientist and I
- 00:29:00can check learn on what heaven is
- 00:29:03like yes I can tell that you're very
- 00:29:05interested in that as am I and do that
- 00:29:08kind of go into when one of the accounts
- 00:29:11was seeing children you know being able
- 00:29:14to just leap and and there was no would
- 00:29:18you say gravity or you can go from one
- 00:29:20place to another that excites me Richard
- 00:29:23Richard Sigman had probably the longest
- 00:29:25experience of anybody he was dead for
- 00:29:28eight hours before he came back to life
- 00:29:30and his story is one of the most
- 00:29:32extensive ones and he talks about having
- 00:29:36scene of children and he shall children
- 00:29:39run and play just like children as if
- 00:29:42God intended children to be children and
- 00:29:44We Know It tells us Jesus loves the
- 00:29:46children well there they get to be
- 00:29:48children and he and he said something
- 00:29:51and I agree with him it would have been
- 00:29:53wonderful to have a childhood in
- 00:29:55heaven uh would have been an amazing
- 00:29:57experience
- 00:29:59well one thing he talked about was the
- 00:30:01children will get in a circle and one of
- 00:30:03them will be picked and they'll hover up
- 00:30:06above above a circle so that gravity is
- 00:30:08not affecting them the other people are
- 00:30:10on the ground so that's another thing
- 00:30:13gravity is and isn't I mean this this
- 00:30:17girl this one that's hovering above is
- 00:30:19not being affected by the gravity but
- 00:30:21the others are they're on the ground so
- 00:30:25gravity is a mysterious thing there it's
- 00:30:28presence and his absence anyway the kids
- 00:30:30will push the one that's covering and he
- 00:30:33or she will Glide across the circle and
- 00:30:34then they'll push her back the other way
- 00:30:36and back and forth and they're all
- 00:30:38giggling and laughing and having a lot
- 00:30:40of
- 00:30:41fun then another time he saw the kids
- 00:30:43climbing up into trees 20 30 50 feet up
- 00:30:47and jump out then coming down like
- 00:30:49cotton
- 00:30:50balls like like he was told earlier
- 00:30:54nothing ever harms you in heaven
- 00:30:56children in no danger
- 00:30:58you can't fall and hurt yourself you
- 00:31:00can't drown you can't won't be attacked
- 00:31:03by a lion but nothing in heaven can harm
- 00:31:07you um
- 00:31:10so there is no gravity in the sense that
- 00:31:13that that one could hover above the
- 00:31:15circle but there is gravity because
- 00:31:17others are on the ground and when you
- 00:31:18jump out of the tree you float down to
- 00:31:21the ground in another case people would
- 00:31:23seen walking in the air uh Bridges
- 00:31:27Sigman saw a cloud in the sky but then
- 00:31:30he realized it wasn't a cloud in the
- 00:31:32Earth Sense it was a crowd of angels
- 00:31:36singing and angels and people together
- 00:31:40if you and you can if you want to you
- 00:31:42just rise up on the ground and in the
- 00:31:45air and then come back
- 00:31:46down uh if you need to be somewhere you
- 00:31:49can just suddenly be there gravity is
- 00:31:51not an issue there so that's another
- 00:31:56scientific thing to get curious about
- 00:31:58what is gravity in heaven uh there is
- 00:32:01there is something because you can walk
- 00:32:03on the ground but can also don't have to
- 00:32:06stay there you can be up in the
- 00:32:08air Rebecca Springer when she left her
- 00:32:12her house with the company of her
- 00:32:15brother-in-law who had died
- 00:32:18uh they just walked off out of the
- 00:32:21balcony on the second floor and just
- 00:32:24kept on
- 00:32:28one of the things that stands out to me
- 00:32:30many of the things is you wrote who was
- 00:32:33the account of the person that God said
- 00:32:35there was two dates that were important
- 00:32:37it wasn't the date you were born talk to
- 00:32:40us about that it was a conception and
- 00:32:43then the day you
- 00:32:45die
- 00:32:48okay I was just rereading one of David D
- 00:32:51Black's books and he he said this in his
- 00:32:54book and I think I saw it in another one
- 00:32:56but I put it in in my book uh
- 00:33:00anyway when you when you come up to the
- 00:33:03gate and the angel looks in The Book of
- 00:33:06Life to see if your name is there
- 00:33:08there's two dates and uh whoever was
- 00:33:13doing seeing this saw the first date and
- 00:33:15the second date
- 00:33:18um the first date was wrong it wasn't
- 00:33:22the date that he was born he was born in
- 00:33:24I don't know sometime in my book I I put
- 00:33:28my my date is June 25th 1939 but the
- 00:33:31date that was written in in
- 00:33:36record I walked through
- 00:33:39Heaven is September 25th
- 00:33:431938 so Dale black looked at his Angel
- 00:33:47and said uh that's not right that's not
- 00:33:50my birth date and the angel said no the
- 00:33:53date you were born is irrelevant that's
- 00:33:56the date you were conceived
- 00:33:58that's when the comp complete compliment
- 00:34:02of DNA came together to make you you
- 00:34:05that is when God gave you a spirit
- 00:34:08that's when your spirit was born
- 00:34:12so so we are who we are from the cons
- 00:34:16they day we were conceived when
- 00:34:20the chromosomes from
- 00:34:24the egg and the sperm came together and
- 00:34:28became that when we became the
- 00:34:31person uh and then the then the next
- 00:34:35date was the date that they that he had
- 00:34:37accepted Jesus and had been forgiven of
- 00:34:40all his sins and there's something more
- 00:34:42beautiful I want to tell you about that
- 00:34:45then and then they he said what about
- 00:34:48the date I died I mean I think I've died
- 00:34:51I'm here and the angel
- 00:34:54said you don't die you'll never die once
- 00:34:58you've been born again you're alive
- 00:35:00forever all you do is transfer from the
- 00:35:04physical body to the spiritual one so
- 00:35:07only two dates are important the date
- 00:35:09you were conceived the date you were
- 00:35:12reborn there is an archives building
- 00:35:14where God keeps the records of
- 00:35:16everything he keeps records of
- 00:35:18everything everyone has ever done said
- 00:35:22or thought of doing or thought of
- 00:35:25saying those records are extremely
- 00:35:28extensive all your sins all the things
- 00:35:31you did wrong are recorded
- 00:35:34there but the moment you accept Jesus
- 00:35:38those sins are wiped away and one person
- 00:35:40saw an angel coming into that room when
- 00:35:43they were there and he took a book and
- 00:35:45he started wiping the pages with a red
- 00:35:47cloth and the angel told this person
- 00:35:50that that person has just accepted Jesus
- 00:35:54and the angel is wiping all record of
- 00:35:56wrongs from his from that record they
- 00:35:58will not be available to God or anyone
- 00:36:02there will be no record of your wrongs
- 00:36:04anymore in heaven so when you time comes
- 00:36:07you look God looks at the record it's
- 00:36:10clean and the sing of the red cloth is
- 00:36:13that you're cleaned by the blood of
- 00:36:15Jesus so the red cloth represents the
- 00:36:17blood of Jesus that has wiped away all
- 00:36:20your
- 00:36:22sins
- 00:36:25Hallelujah yes love that
- 00:36:28now everyone knows each other there's
- 00:36:31one language talk about people knowing
- 00:36:35each other okay well there's not one
- 00:36:37language there's all languages but we
- 00:36:39know all languages we can understand
- 00:36:42Chinese and Spanish and Ethiopian and
- 00:36:46whatever else there is plus there is a
- 00:36:49Heavenly language and there our minds
- 00:36:53are a whole lot better than they are
- 00:36:54here we can comprehend all those
- 00:36:56languages what person heard heard people
- 00:36:59singing singing in different languages
- 00:37:01singing different songs but it wasn't
- 00:37:04awkward it was all harmonious and he
- 00:37:06understood everything that was being
- 00:37:08said no matter which language it was
- 00:37:11it's like uh at Pentecost when
- 00:37:14the uh disciples were filled with the
- 00:37:17Holy Spirit and they spoke in tongues
- 00:37:18they spoke in the languages of everybody
- 00:37:20that was there so parthians and mes and
- 00:37:23Elites and everybody else heard the
- 00:37:26words in their own language
- 00:37:28language and heaven we hear we know all
- 00:37:32these languages our minds are a whole
- 00:37:34lot more capable in heaven than they are
- 00:37:37here we the people come back say I can't
- 00:37:42remember everything that I learned there
- 00:37:44Earthly mind can't contain it so and
- 00:37:47from your
- 00:37:49studies and what you've read is
- 00:37:54there a welcoming committee do do our
- 00:37:58loved ones in heaven see us here on
- 00:38:00Earth everybody who got there had a
- 00:38:03welcome committee he says you they said
- 00:38:06you will you will have a welcome
- 00:38:07committee and it's it's all the people
- 00:38:10that have preceded you that had an
- 00:38:12positive effect in your
- 00:38:14life in fact one person saw ancestors
- 00:38:18that he never did even know but they
- 00:38:22prepared the way for him everybody that
- 00:38:25I read had a walk Committee of some sort
- 00:38:29now the only one I can't think of having
- 00:38:31one was Richard Sigman he was met by a
- 00:38:34couple angels and and they took him
- 00:38:36around and showed him things but it
- 00:38:39varies you're going to be met by
- 00:38:41something in his case it was just a
- 00:38:43couple angels and
- 00:38:47um another person's case it was her
- 00:38:50brother-in-law that met her and took her
- 00:38:52around and then she met a couple other
- 00:38:54friends in some cases there was a whole
- 00:38:56bunch of people uh don Piper had a whole
- 00:38:59bunch of friends and relatives that he
- 00:39:02met
- 00:39:05and and that the word was when you come
- 00:39:08back permanently you will have a welcome
- 00:39:10Committee of all the people that have
- 00:39:13ever that have preceded you that had an
- 00:39:15part in your life they will be there to
- 00:39:17welcome you to
- 00:39:20heaven that's what several of them
- 00:39:23said Dean probably one of them from all
- 00:39:26of your studies and writings what would
- 00:39:29you say was the biggest highlight or
- 00:39:31excitement for you
- 00:39:35personally probably uh two of them were
- 00:39:39shown the preparations for the marriage
- 00:39:43supper the
- 00:39:44lamb uh Richard Sigman was the first one
- 00:39:48and he was taken and Jesus had the
- 00:39:51Angels take him and Shore him with the
- 00:39:52preparations and he said this is huge
- 00:39:56building long longer than three football
- 00:39:58fields so long you can't even see the
- 00:40:01end of it and it's a it's got high
- 00:40:03ceiling stained glass windows absolutely
- 00:40:06gorgeous and inside there were rows and
- 00:40:09rows and rows of tables with with fine
- 00:40:12linen Claws and and silver dinner wear
- 00:40:16and glass goblets and chairs and each
- 00:40:19chair had the name written on the back
- 00:40:21and he looked and he saw one that had
- 00:40:23the name Richard Sigman he wanted to sit
- 00:40:25in it angel said or the angel said no
- 00:40:28you can't sit at it until you're invited
- 00:40:31in and then there were a long line of
- 00:40:33people outside and they were told she so
- 00:40:36these people know that the time is short
- 00:40:39and they're eager to come in and be a
- 00:40:40part of the
- 00:40:41banquet well then his book was written
- 00:40:45in 2004 I think updated in
- 00:40:482010 then in 2018 I there another book
- 00:40:52was published um and this lady was shown
- 00:40:56the same thing
- 00:40:58and her description matches what Richard
- 00:41:00Sigman said it's a tall building Arch
- 00:41:03seek ceilings stained glass
- 00:41:05windows bigger than you can imagine and
- 00:41:08the tables were the same with linen
- 00:41:10Claws and silver dinner wear and glass
- 00:41:13goblets there was one change though
- 00:41:16somebody was lighting the candles
- 00:41:19Richard Sigman didn't say anything about
- 00:41:20that so that's that to me is exciting
- 00:41:24because in that 10-year period between
- 00:41:26the time Richard Sigman wrote and the
- 00:41:29time uh this other person wrote I can't
- 00:41:32remember her
- 00:41:33name the angel were lighting the candles
- 00:41:37and somebody asked about that and won't
- 00:41:41the candles uh burn up and they said
- 00:41:45first of
- 00:41:46all there's no fire in heaven they
- 00:41:49aren't they aren't burning like candles
- 00:41:51burn here they're lighted By the Light
- 00:41:53Of God the light of God lights
- 00:41:55everything it comes out of everything
- 00:41:57everything and it lights everything well
- 00:42:00anyway so the candles won't won't go out
- 00:42:06um but that's exciting to me because
- 00:42:09it's telling me that we are at the end
- 00:42:11we are in the end times now we see
- 00:42:14things happening in the world and we see
- 00:42:16fulfillments of the things predicted for
- 00:42:19the end times and uh so that's probably
- 00:42:23the most exciting thing for me is to see
- 00:42:26that as all coming to a head and we
- 00:42:29might be the last
- 00:42:32generation I fully agree and with that
- 00:42:36said there's been people that have also
- 00:42:41seen we just need to touch on this for a
- 00:42:43moment I know this is about heaven but
- 00:42:45there's people that have also been shown
- 00:42:47hell correct yes yeah the appendex my
- 00:42:51books shares the results of 19 people
- 00:42:54who went to hell and came back most of
- 00:42:57them were Christians they had gone to
- 00:42:59heaven and Jesus Saidi want you to see
- 00:43:01the other place well Richard Sigman said
- 00:43:04I don't want to see the other place and
- 00:43:06said Jesus said no I want you to see the
- 00:43:08other place another one didn't want to
- 00:43:10go there but she was walked with Jesus
- 00:43:13so she knew she was okay as long as she
- 00:43:15was with him but it is
- 00:43:19a complete opposite of Heaven is
- 00:43:21wonderful beyond anything you can
- 00:43:23imagine hell is horrible beyond anything
- 00:43:26you can imagine you cannot imagine the
- 00:43:28her the terror and the pain and the
- 00:43:31suffering that goes on in
- 00:43:34hell hell is God created hell not for
- 00:43:37people but for the angels that
- 00:43:39rebelled people go there only because
- 00:43:42they choose to reject God and reject his
- 00:43:44son if they reject God they can't go to
- 00:43:46his kingdom where are they going to go
- 00:43:49instead well there's only one other
- 00:43:51choice if you if you bled Your
- 00:43:53Allegiance to Satan then you get to go
- 00:43:56in his Kingdom and he's not there to
- 00:43:59love you the
- 00:44:01angels that are that rebell are going to
- 00:44:05be and are now demons they aren't having
- 00:44:08fun for you in heaven they're having fun
- 00:44:11with you seeing how much they can
- 00:44:14torture you how much pain they can give
- 00:44:16you how much suffering they can cause
- 00:44:17you that's their entertainment you are
- 00:44:20they're going to be their entertainment
- 00:44:22you do not want to go there H that's
- 00:44:25the the senses of everyone who saw this
- 00:44:29you do not want to go
- 00:44:32there uh do whatever you can to avoid it
- 00:44:36which means confess your sins to Jesus
- 00:44:39accept his forgiveness that is the only
- 00:44:42key to stay away from
- 00:44:45there what was it like for these people
- 00:44:48to meet Jesus that they
- 00:44:51describe the chapter on meeting Jesus is
- 00:44:54the longest chapter in the book
- 00:44:57uh it is the most significant experience
- 00:45:00of anything Heaven is about Jesus and
- 00:45:04the father and he is his love is there
- 00:45:08all the time everywhere with everyone
- 00:45:11meeting him is the very essence of Love
- 00:45:15um he embodies God's love God God the
- 00:45:20Father we don't get to see as a body he
- 00:45:23sees his his love comes to us through
- 00:45:25the person of Jesus Jesus is the person
- 00:45:28we can see and identified with and
- 00:45:31everyone is looking forward to meeting
- 00:45:34with
- 00:45:35Jesus time is different in heaven and
- 00:45:37he's able to be many different places at
- 00:45:40the same time Richard Sigman could see
- 00:45:42him down the road talking to someone and
- 00:45:44then he's over here talking to someone
- 00:45:46he's talking on the stage
- 00:45:48and everyone gets to meet Jesus and you
- 00:45:51can meet him anytime you want but uh
- 00:45:54probably the best example of that is is
- 00:45:57what I put in my book Heaven is amazing
- 00:46:01and if I don't mind I'll read you the
- 00:46:03last part of
- 00:46:05that oh not the wrong one got too many
- 00:46:08books here I walk through
- 00:46:10Heaven uh in my in this novel I imagine
- 00:46:13himself meeting Jesus uh at the
- 00:46:17end if you don't mind I would like to
- 00:46:19read that part to
- 00:46:23you yes
- 00:46:27Jacob said it's time for you to go you
- 00:46:29have one more appointment and then I'll
- 00:46:31be taking you back he took me back along
- 00:46:34a golden Pathway to a building I hadn't
- 00:46:36seen before we went in and sat in chairs
- 00:46:39looking out through a large window
- 00:46:42directly into
- 00:46:43Earth Jesus appeared before us he smiled
- 00:46:47at me with the warmest smile I have ever
- 00:46:49received and his eyes pierced me with
- 00:46:51love and complete acceptance I knew in
- 00:46:54in that instant in that gaze that I was
- 00:46:57led more than I could possibly know and
- 00:46:59all the wrong I had done or good I had
- 00:47:02not done were completely forgiven and
- 00:47:05forgotten I had his total loving
- 00:47:07Acceptance in a way that made me whole
- 00:47:10and complete like I had never previously
- 00:47:12experienced I was totally the way he
- 00:47:15created me to be without any reservation
- 00:47:18I cannot describe the joy that flooded
- 00:47:20my soul to be in his presence like this
- 00:47:23we talked about many things I brought up
- 00:47:25times I knew had done wrong and he said
- 00:47:27I know Jo there were many times you
- 00:47:29disappointed me and times you didn't do
- 00:47:32what I wanted you to do but all those
- 00:47:34were forgiven when you accepted me into
- 00:47:36your heart even the ones that came after
- 00:47:38that that never changed my love for you
- 00:47:41and my desire to bless you and allow you
- 00:47:43to serve me I was always with you no
- 00:47:46matter what you did I always replace my
- 00:47:50disappointment with bringing new ways
- 00:47:52for you to have joy and to serve me when
- 00:47:54you didn't allow me to bless you and use
- 00:47:57you the way I wanted I just found other
- 00:47:59ways to bless and use you after that he
- 00:48:02told me funny things that caused things
- 00:48:04to caused to happen in my life like the
- 00:48:07time a spaghetti noodle went out through
- 00:48:09my nose when I sneezed he said he made
- 00:48:12that happen because he wanted me to
- 00:48:14enjoy the life he gave me seeing Jesus
- 00:48:17Joy with me made my time
- 00:48:22together only an inspir not only an
- 00:48:28okay U seeing jesus' Joy with me made
- 00:48:32our time together not only an
- 00:48:34inspiration but also a very joyful
- 00:48:36humorous time together his sense of
- 00:48:38humor exceeds that of anyone on
- 00:48:41Earth then we talked about the times
- 00:48:43before I did times then we talked about
- 00:48:47the times that did do what he wanted me
- 00:48:49to and he told me more people than I
- 00:48:51knew were blessed because I gave them a
- 00:48:53glimpse of him and what I did and what I
- 00:48:56shared he reminded me that along with
- 00:48:58the vision of how my first wife was full
- 00:49:00of joy and beauty and healing and
- 00:49:03confidence he had told her to tell me
- 00:49:06that he was pleased with me I remembered
- 00:49:09that and how it blessed me but now to
- 00:49:12hear it again from Jesus himself I am
- 00:49:14humbled to know that God not only loves
- 00:49:17me forgives me and gives me joy but he's
- 00:49:20also proud of me the Lord of all is
- 00:49:22proud of me that is more than I have
- 00:49:25ever expected from God
- 00:49:27it is an honor that I have troubled
- 00:49:29believing I
- 00:49:30deserve that along with his love and
- 00:49:33acceptance and joy in my presence
- 00:49:35continues to be a treasure to my
- 00:49:38soul even now since I have returned to
- 00:49:41Earth and I'm writing this book the
- 00:49:43memory of his love and acceptance
- 00:49:45affects everything I do and is my chief
- 00:49:47motivation I really want to please
- 00:49:50him since he loves me and trusts me so
- 00:49:54much I now have an eternal View that my
- 00:49:58priorities are now based on the REM
- 00:50:01remembrance of this time in jesus'
- 00:50:04presence I know now for real that he
- 00:50:07will take care of me more than he had
- 00:50:09Tak care of The Sparrows no matter what
- 00:50:12the world or Satan throws at me I know
- 00:50:15that no one can kill me they can only
- 00:50:17free my spirit from my body en me to
- 00:50:20come here for
- 00:50:22forever ja Jac do you see the world out
- 00:50:25there he asked yes yes I want you to go
- 00:50:28back there and tell everyone you can
- 00:50:30about this visit I am I am coming back
- 00:50:32very soon to take all my own to be with
- 00:50:35me and to sit down at the celebration
- 00:50:37supper of the land I want them to know
- 00:50:40how I wonderful my preparations for them
- 00:50:42are and no one I love and died for to
- 00:50:46save will miss this my father does not
- 00:50:49allow any anger hate greed jealousy Envy
- 00:50:52cess or anything unloving here to spoil
- 00:50:55the beauty of at this place but I will
- 00:50:59be with you when you write this story
- 00:51:02and I
- 00:51:03will be with you to open doors for you
- 00:51:06and tell it I love you my dear jacqu you
- 00:51:09are a good servant and you bless me I
- 00:51:12don't know what to say I am flored and
- 00:51:15how much you love me and accept me even
- 00:51:18flaw old me I will tell the
- 00:51:21story and look for doors that you will
- 00:51:24open to tell the story I can't can't
- 00:51:26thank you enough for all you've given me
- 00:51:28with that he hugged me Jacob took my
- 00:51:31hand and redeemed out the window toward
- 00:51:33the earth I
- 00:51:35saw that I think summarizes what
- 00:51:39everybody said about meeting Jesus the
- 00:51:41feelings that I express are the ones
- 00:51:44that they expressed the sense of what
- 00:51:47Jesus is like how he cares for us I've
- 00:51:50captured that in that personal
- 00:51:53testimony um maybe someday I'll be there
- 00:51:56and I'll see experience this for real
- 00:51:59right now it's just a my imagination
- 00:52:02based on what everybody has said because
- 00:52:04that is what they have said and taking
- 00:52:06various pieces and putting them together
- 00:52:08that is what it's like to meet
- 00:52:11Jesus yes and that book that you're
- 00:52:13describing that you talked about is what
- 00:52:15I read and it certainly has given me
- 00:52:18such an excitement an enhanced eager
- 00:52:22awaiting excitement to be there and what
- 00:52:25you've shared through all these these
- 00:52:26stories are just a glimpse of what's to
- 00:52:30come can you imagine what it's actually
- 00:52:32going to be like when we're
- 00:52:35there
- 00:52:37well no
- 00:52:40because everybody
- 00:52:43says things like I can't tell you what I
- 00:52:47experienced there I don't have the words
- 00:52:49to say it or what I saw or experienced
- 00:52:52was so different than what's here I
- 00:52:55can't say it or my Earthly mind can't
- 00:52:58contain what I learned and saw there
- 00:53:01there is a lot more that we're going to
- 00:53:03be able to see we have only been given a
- 00:53:05glimpse I've taken 50 50 glimpses and
- 00:53:08put them together but that is just a
- 00:53:10fraction of what's there uh the things
- 00:53:14that I'm going to be able to accomplish
- 00:53:15there will go beyond what I can
- 00:53:17accomplish here the things we're going
- 00:53:19to experience the joy the love the
- 00:53:23peace it we can't we can't imagine in it
- 00:53:27now that's the excitement that that what
- 00:53:30do what we do know makes it very
- 00:53:33wonderful and worthwhile but it's more
- 00:53:35than that and that's my takeaway that
- 00:53:38God's love for us goes Way Beyond
- 00:53:41anything we can
- 00:53:42imagine and Heaven is that love embodied
- 00:53:45in
- 00:53:47everything yes thank you so much it's
- 00:53:50been such a delight and a treat and it's
- 00:53:52just stirred up my faith and for those
- 00:53:55you that have this Rel relationship put
- 00:53:57their faith for what Jesus has done for
- 00:53:59them this is what awaits you and there's
- 00:54:02no fear of death there's just an
- 00:54:06excitement like like I said nobody can
- 00:54:08kill me if they if I don't take the mark
- 00:54:11of the beast and they say you gota you
- 00:54:13got to buy down worship the goldenage
- 00:54:16like anybody kids are told the kids they
- 00:54:17said no we're not going to do that
- 00:54:19you're GNA throw you in the FY furnace
- 00:54:21okay God can save us from the fiery
- 00:54:23furnace but even if he doesn't we're not
- 00:54:25going to bow down to you oh guess what
- 00:54:27he threw them in the fiery furnace but
- 00:54:30there were four people in there not just
- 00:54:32the three turned in and the fourth
- 00:54:34looked like a Son of God it says so he
- 00:54:37called them all out they came out no
- 00:54:39fire damage no smoke nothing but the
- 00:54:42soldiers that threw the men fell in and
- 00:54:44they were killed well God can protect us
- 00:54:48like that and that's the attitude we we
- 00:54:50got to have I don't want to bow down to
- 00:54:54this uh evils of this world and if you
- 00:54:58decide to throw me in the furnace okay
- 00:55:01God can protect me but even if he
- 00:55:03doesn't I'm not going to Bow Down and
- 00:55:05Worship the evils of this world you
- 00:55:08can't kill me suppose I die in that
- 00:55:11furnace all that happens means is that
- 00:55:14my spirit gets taken out my body is
- 00:55:16destroyed I don't need it anymore I have
- 00:55:18a new body so we can go into the future
- 00:55:23with beautiful confidence our God is
- 00:55:28Victorious he is Victorious over Satan
- 00:55:31he has more love than we can possibly
- 00:55:32imagine and that love is channeled
- 00:55:34toward us who will Who will bow down and
- 00:55:38and give our lives to him
- 00:55:41so yes life can be great if we're
- 00:55:44walking with
- 00:55:46him it's been such a pleasure having you
- 00:55:49today I would love for you to pray Dr
- 00:55:51jacqu and end this video with a prayer
- 00:55:55that you is on your heart for everyone
- 00:55:57listening I would be happy to do
- 00:56:00that uh here's what's on My Heart Lord
- 00:56:04You' bless me with these glimpses of
- 00:56:07your kingdom and the
- 00:56:09alternative Lord I love you and I know
- 00:56:12you love me and your love for me is goes
- 00:56:16beyond anything I can imagine and that's
- 00:56:17true of everyone all those listening to
- 00:56:20this
- 00:56:22presentation your love for them goes Way
- 00:56:24Beyond anything they can imagine
- 00:56:26you want them with you you prepared
- 00:56:28heaven for us it's not just there it's
- 00:56:31not just a place it
- 00:56:34is an embodiment of your love and Lord I
- 00:56:38pray that people who listen to this
- 00:56:40message will get on their knees and bow
- 00:56:43before you and say Lord I want to be a
- 00:56:46part of your kingdom I want to love you
- 00:56:50I want to experience your love help me
- 00:56:52do that let me help me lead others to
- 00:56:56give their lives to Jesus so that all
- 00:56:59your people can be there you don't want
- 00:57:02any of them spared you don't want any
- 00:57:04lose any of
- 00:57:06them scripture says there's no tears in
- 00:57:08heaven but I know there there will be
- 00:57:11tears because when someone that Jesus
- 00:57:14died for and loves refuses and doesn't
- 00:57:17go to heaven Jesus would be shedding
- 00:57:20tears he's the only one but his tears
- 00:57:24are because he loves you so much please
- 00:57:28turn to him and look forward to
- 00:57:31experiencing these things I've shared
- 00:57:33God wants you to there he created for
- 00:57:36you and he loves you in Jesus name we
- 00:57:40pray amen Jesus name amen
- Heaven
- God's love
- Near-death experiences
- Dr. Jacqu LeFrance
- Jesus
- Afterlife
- Spiritual journey
- Faith
- Eternal life
- Christianity