You'll Never Doomscroll Again If You Do This In 2025



TLDRThe video explores a personal struggle with Doom scrolling and outlines a four-step analog solution to reset attention span through a dopamine detox. The speaker shares how they transitioned from being overwhelmed by digital distractions to living life on their own terms by identifying personal goals, using notebooks for ideas, replacing YouTube with books, and confronting discomfort directly. Emphasizing the importance of physical engagement over digital fixation, the speaker highlights the transformative power of introspection and active participation in one's journey towards productivity and personal fulfillment.

A retenir

  • 🌀 Recognize the problem: Identify your addiction to digital distractions.
  • 📝 Write down your personal goals: Focus on what you truly want.
  • 📒 Use a pocket notebook: Jot down ideas without digital interruptions.
  • 📚 Replace YouTube with books: Engage with focused reading instead.
  • 🧠 Face discomfort: Identify and confront tasks you avoid doing.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:08:42

    The speaker reflects on a 18-month struggle with a doom scrolling addiction that severely impacted their productivity. They realized the issue wasn't just a short attention span, but a lack of direction in their life. This discovery prompted them to embark on a 'dopamine detox' and identify four analog solutions to regain their focus. They emphasized the importance of focusing on personal goals that aren't influenced by external expectations, suggesting that the first step is to write down three passions that are personally meaningful. This addresses the common issue of individuals running on autopilot and feeling guilty for wasting free time without a clear sense of purpose.

Carte mentale

Vidéo Q&R

  • What is Doom scrolling?

    Doom scrolling refers to the habit of endlessly scrolling through negative news or social media, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed or anxious.

  • What are the four levels of dopamine detox mentioned in the video?

    The four levels include identifying personal goals, carrying a pocket notebook for ideas, replacing YouTube consumption with reading books, and facing uncomfortable tasks rather than avoiding them.

  • How can I get started with reducing my screen time?

    Begin by writing down three personal goals that genuinely interest you, then document your ideas in a notebook instead of using your phone.

  • Why is writing goals on paper important?

    Writing on paper helps clarify your true desires and keeps you focused without digital distractions.

  • What journaling technique is recommended?

    The video suggests a specific journaling technique that encourages introspection and tackling difficult tasks.

  • How did the speaker's perspective on productivity change?

    The speaker realized that engaging in activities perceived as productive, like watching YouTube, was actually distracting them from real progress.

  • What role does discomfort play in attention span?

    Avoiding discomfort can lead to reliance on distractions, which derails productivity and focus.

  • How can replacing YouTube consumption with books help?

    Reading books allows focused learning without the overwhelming barrage of suggestions that comes with YouTube.

  • What should I do if I feel stuck in my routines?

    Reflect on what uncomfortable tasks you might be avoiding and confront them directly.

  • What is the potential consequence of constant phone usage?

    Constantly using your phone can prevent you from addressing difficult tasks and hinder personal growth.

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  • 00:00:00
    about 18 months ago I was going through
  • 00:00:01
    this really weird phase of my life where
  • 00:00:04
    every time I sat down to try and do
  • 00:00:06
    something productive no more than about
  • 00:00:08
    4 minutes could pass before I'd find
  • 00:00:10
    myself opening a tab on Instagram
  • 00:00:12
    looking for a cheap hit of dopamine and
  • 00:00:14
    something to distract me with I quickly
  • 00:00:16
    realized that I had a very big problem
  • 00:00:18
    it wasn't just that I had a short
  • 00:00:19
    attention span I didn't even have one
  • 00:00:21
    anymore and it was only when I was
  • 00:00:23
    praying to the algorithm Gods to stop my
  • 00:00:25
    Doom scrolling addiction that I realized
  • 00:00:27
    something that completely changed my
  • 00:00:28
    life what have I been going about trying
  • 00:00:30
    to solve my Doom scrolling addiction the
  • 00:00:32
    wrong way maybe the solution to a
  • 00:00:34
    digital problem wasn't actually
  • 00:00:35
    something digital and instead it was
  • 00:00:37
    something that my parents generation
  • 00:00:39
    would recognize so in today's video I'm
  • 00:00:41
    going to share with you all what these
  • 00:00:42
    four analog Solutions were that I used
  • 00:00:45
    to completely reset my attention span in
  • 00:00:47
    a process I'm calling a dopamine detox
  • 00:00:49
    that took me from somebody that couldn't
  • 00:00:50
    even get out of bed in the morning
  • 00:00:51
    because I was Doom scrolling through
  • 00:00:52
    social media on my phone to somebody now
  • 00:00:54
    living a life on my own terms so as
  • 00:00:57
    always the time stamps are on screen and
  • 00:00:58
    they Down Below in the description but
  • 00:00:59
    that's hanging around let's get right
  • 00:01:00
    into the video so we're going to start
  • 00:01:02
    off with level one because this was the
  • 00:01:04
    first thing that I did when I felt
  • 00:01:06
    completely addicted to my phone so if
  • 00:01:08
    you have no idea where to start look no
  • 00:01:10
    further than this and this is when I'm
  • 00:01:11
    realized that I had a huge problem with
  • 00:01:13
    my Doom scrolling addiction and I'm sure
  • 00:01:15
    that this must resonate for some of you
  • 00:01:17
    guys too because do you ever get super
  • 00:01:19
    excited about that weekend that you have
  • 00:01:20
    free or maybe a day in the middle of the
  • 00:01:22
    week where you don't have to be at
  • 00:01:23
    school or you don't have to be at work
  • 00:01:25
    because you can finally work on the
  • 00:01:26
    thing that you're truly passionate about
  • 00:01:28
    so I look forward to these days with so
  • 00:01:30
    much anticipation I finished uni really
  • 00:01:32
    excited and make sure to have a good
  • 00:01:33
    night's sleep but when that alarm clock
  • 00:01:35
    went off in the morning I couldn't do
  • 00:01:37
    anything and the absolute worst thing is
  • 00:01:40
    I was just feeling so guilty because
  • 00:01:42
    even though I was sort of tricking my
  • 00:01:43
    brain into thinking I was being
  • 00:01:45
    productive you know I was watching semi
  • 00:01:47
    reasonably productive things on reals I
  • 00:01:49
    still wasn't actually doing anything for
  • 00:01:51
    myself and I just felt like a complete
  • 00:01:52
    loser but one day I'll be honest I think
  • 00:01:54
    I got a little bit lucky because one of
  • 00:01:56
    those videos I was watching was an Ali
  • 00:01:58
    abdal video and he touched upon
  • 00:02:00
    something that completely changed my
  • 00:02:02
    life for the better and stopped me Doom
  • 00:02:04
    scrolling through my phone because I
  • 00:02:06
    realized very quickly that the reason
  • 00:02:08
    why I was squandering all of this free
  • 00:02:09
    time was that even though I could get
  • 00:02:11
    really excited about having all of this
  • 00:02:13
    space and energy to focus on myself I
  • 00:02:15
    didn't actually know what that was for
  • 00:02:16
    me and I didn't know what would give me
  • 00:02:18
    happiness so what is it what I did was
  • 00:02:21
    take out a pen and paper yes a physical
  • 00:02:23
    pen and paper guys that is absolutely
  • 00:02:25
    crucial if you want to succeed and just
  • 00:02:27
    write down three things that you
  • 00:02:29
    actually want to do with your life but
  • 00:02:32
    this is important those three things
  • 00:02:33
    need to be for you not for anybody else
  • 00:02:36
    not for your work not for school not
  • 00:02:38
    expectations from your friends or
  • 00:02:39
    families what do you actually want to do
  • 00:02:41
    with your life now you can get fancy and
  • 00:02:43
    call this your sort of mission or your
  • 00:02:45
    purpose but the reason why this was the
  • 00:02:47
    first thing that I did and the first
  • 00:02:48
    thing anybody has to do if they want to
  • 00:02:50
    get their attention spam back is because
  • 00:02:52
    there about 98% of the population
  • 00:02:54
    they're just sort of running on
  • 00:02:56
    autopilot and you're told what to do and
  • 00:02:58
    then when you all of a sudden have that
  • 00:02:59
    free time where you have to figure out
  • 00:03:01
    for yourself what you're going to do you
  • 00:03:03
    have no idea where to start and if you
  • 00:03:04
    look at it this way it's really not your
  • 00:03:06
    fault that you're Doom scrolling and
  • 00:03:07
    wasting all of your time your energy and
  • 00:03:09
    getting sucked into all of these cheap
  • 00:03:11
    fixes and cheap hits of dopamine even
  • 00:03:13
    though this first level was pretty
  • 00:03:15
    life-changing for me I very quickly
  • 00:03:17
    realized that there was a huge problem
  • 00:03:19
    with this gold setting and when I first
  • 00:03:21
    sat down to get started working through
  • 00:03:23
    my YouTube channel I discovered it
  • 00:03:25
    pretty quickly and I'm sure that you
  • 00:03:27
    will experience this too unless you
  • 00:03:29
    implement what I'm about to tell you
  • 00:03:30
    because let's be honest guys not
  • 00:03:32
    everybody that watches this channel is
  • 00:03:33
    going to have the goal of wanting to
  • 00:03:34
    start a YouTube channel for you maybe
  • 00:03:36
    you want to lose 20s maybe you want to
  • 00:03:38
    start saving for retirement you want to
  • 00:03:40
    start saving for a family holiday it
  • 00:03:42
    could be anything but there is a common
  • 00:03:44
    factor that unites all of these big
  • 00:03:46
    goals what do you think it is I think
  • 00:03:48
    that the problem with these big
  • 00:03:49
    aspirational goals is that through
  • 00:03:51
    around 97% of people you forget that
  • 00:03:54
    actually it's what you do in your days
  • 00:03:56
    that dictates your future success but
  • 00:03:58
    often times when you have a big goal it
  • 00:04:00
    can be difficult to break down what you
  • 00:04:02
    actually need to do daytoday and that's
  • 00:04:03
    where I implemented level two the thing
  • 00:04:05
    is if you haven't set goals before
  • 00:04:07
    you're going to very quickly realize
  • 00:04:09
    once you start doing this that you're
  • 00:04:11
    actually a lot more creative than you
  • 00:04:12
    ever gave yourself credit for and
  • 00:04:14
    essentially this means that you're going
  • 00:04:15
    to get loads of ideas dayto day about
  • 00:04:17
    things that you could be doing towards
  • 00:04:19
    this goal towards this Hobby and
  • 00:04:20
    invariably even though I was no longer
  • 00:04:22
    Doom scrolling in the mornings that
  • 00:04:23
    still would mean that if I took my phone
  • 00:04:25
    out in the middle of the day to drop
  • 00:04:26
    down an idea potentially for a script or
  • 00:04:28
    a video or something to do with you
  • 00:04:29
    YouTube I just find myself on Instagram
  • 00:04:31
    again so the solution to this and what
  • 00:04:33
    you need to do for level two is start
  • 00:04:35
    carrying around one of these pocket
  • 00:04:37
    notebooks because obviously they don't
  • 00:04:39
    have an algorithm they don't have a feed
  • 00:04:40
    you can drop down all of your ideas and
  • 00:04:42
    then just see how they sort of link from
  • 00:04:43
    day to day but the next part of this
  • 00:04:45
    system to completely get your life back
  • 00:04:47
    together and reset your attention span
  • 00:04:49
    is something I realized I needed when I
  • 00:04:50
    sort of bypassed and went past this
  • 00:04:53
    beginner stage of the dopamine detox and
  • 00:04:55
    this isn't something that many people
  • 00:04:57
    talk about but I think it's a really big
  • 00:04:59
    problem so hear me out the thing is when
  • 00:05:01
    people say that they're Doom scrolling
  • 00:05:02
    or they're addicted to their phones or
  • 00:05:04
    social media often times they're just
  • 00:05:06
    referring to either Tik Tok or Instagram
  • 00:05:08
    or even for the heathens out there
  • 00:05:10
    Facebook you know who you are but have
  • 00:05:12
    you noticed how nobody ever really talks
  • 00:05:14
    about being addicted to YouTube and
  • 00:05:17
    let's be honest maybe that's why you're
  • 00:05:18
    here and you are staring at my face and
  • 00:05:21
    the thing is often times many people
  • 00:05:22
    myself included think that being on
  • 00:05:24
    YouTube is actually kind of productive
  • 00:05:27
    and this brings us to a huge problem
  • 00:05:29
    because often times when we're
  • 00:05:31
    progressing in our life and we're trying
  • 00:05:32
    to make progress on one way or another
  • 00:05:34
    we need access to new information and
  • 00:05:35
    one of the best ways to do that is by
  • 00:05:37
    consuming content and the problem was
  • 00:05:39
    that my sort of YouTube addiction went
  • 00:05:40
    on for a good few months because I sort
  • 00:05:43
    of convinced myself that since some of
  • 00:05:45
    the time I was being somewhat productive
  • 00:05:47
    on YouTube it wasn't actually a problem
  • 00:05:49
    but everything all of a sudden Came
  • 00:05:51
    Crashing Down and this is because I very
  • 00:05:53
    quickly realized that the solution to my
  • 00:05:55
    YouTube addiction has actually been sort
  • 00:05:57
    of staring me in the face all a long and
  • 00:06:00
    it's something that wherever you are in
  • 00:06:01
    the world I can practically guarantee
  • 00:06:04
    you'll have access to it so what I did
  • 00:06:06
    and level three of this system to reset
  • 00:06:08
    your dopamine is to replace your YouTube
  • 00:06:11
    addiction even in the name of learning
  • 00:06:13
    with books and it sounds ridiculously
  • 00:06:16
    simple but hear me out you can still get
  • 00:06:18
    about 90% of the information that you
  • 00:06:20
    would otherwise on YouTube but because
  • 00:06:22
    you don't have an algorithm you're
  • 00:06:23
    restricted to that content and that
  • 00:06:25
    topic you're not bombarded with stuff
  • 00:06:26
    you didn't ask for I mean it's like
  • 00:06:28
    having YouTube without the sidebar the
  • 00:06:30
    suggestions or the homepage It's the
  • 00:06:31
    Best of Both Worlds I was listening to
  • 00:06:33
    an Andrew huberman podcast recently and
  • 00:06:35
    he made an excellent point he suggested
  • 00:06:38
    that in this sort of day and age we are
  • 00:06:41
    so Bound by these feelings of comfort
  • 00:06:43
    that we'll do anything we can to avoid
  • 00:06:45
    any level of discomfort in our lives
  • 00:06:47
    think about this if you go into a new
  • 00:06:49
    place maybe it's a restaurant you're
  • 00:06:51
    attending a seminar for your work you're
  • 00:06:53
    doing a new University class anything
  • 00:06:55
    you don't know anybody well what's the
  • 00:06:57
    first thing that about 99% of people do
  • 00:06:59
    in this situation well I can tell you
  • 00:07:01
    from firsthand experience of meeting
  • 00:07:02
    people in loads of different context in
  • 00:07:04
    loads of different parts of the world
  • 00:07:06
    that to 99% of people they don't make
  • 00:07:08
    eye contact they don't try and strike up
  • 00:07:10
    conversation with strangers they'll just
  • 00:07:12
    reach for their phone out of their
  • 00:07:13
    pocket and pretend to be busy on their
  • 00:07:15
    phone whether that's scrolling social
  • 00:07:17
    media whatever and what the heck does
  • 00:07:18
    this have anything to do with resetting
  • 00:07:20
    your attention span you might ask well
  • 00:07:22
    that's an excellent question because the
  • 00:07:23
    last level to this system was something
  • 00:07:25
    that I only realized pretty recently as
  • 00:07:27
    of a few months ago because even though
  • 00:07:29
    I sort of got my my life back on track
  • 00:07:30
    I'd started to grow this YouTube channel
  • 00:07:31
    I'd started to feel a lot more
  • 00:07:32
    comfortable going out and meeting new
  • 00:07:34
    people I'd still resort to those times
  • 00:07:37
    where I'd scroll through my phone and I
  • 00:07:39
    wouldn't know why CU I thought I'd solve
  • 00:07:41
    the problem and I realized that in all
  • 00:07:42
    of these cases when I was resorting to
  • 00:07:44
    my phone I was just trying to avoid
  • 00:07:46
    doing the hard thing doing something a
  • 00:07:48
    little bit uncomfortable so level four
  • 00:07:49
    of resetting my attention span and
  • 00:07:51
    stopping wasting all of my time Doom
  • 00:07:53
    scrolling through social media was
  • 00:07:55
    asking myself this what difficult thing
  • 00:07:57
    am I putting off just because it makes
  • 00:07:59
    me feel uncomfortable maybe it was
  • 00:08:00
    making a phone call doing the essay
  • 00:08:02
    responding to an email I really started
  • 00:08:04
    to look introspectively at what was
  • 00:08:06
    causing me that sort of psychological
  • 00:08:08
    discomfort and if you constantly use
  • 00:08:09
    your phone to avoid these negative
  • 00:08:11
    feelings well you'll never get anything
  • 00:08:12
    hard done but Ollie what can I do
  • 00:08:14
    instead well we've talked about this
  • 00:08:16
    loads on the channel so if you know
  • 00:08:17
    anything about me you'll know that I've
  • 00:08:19
    been journaling for the past 7 years and
  • 00:08:21
    there is one journaling technique that
  • 00:08:22
    if Done Right will actually allow you to
  • 00:08:25
    sort of force yourself into doing hard
  • 00:08:27
    things even if you don't want to and the
  • 00:08:29
    thing about that is that you're never
  • 00:08:30
    going to resort to Doom scrolling on
  • 00:08:32
    your phone again so to find out what
  • 00:08:33
    this journaling technique is and how to
  • 00:08:35
    easily get started you got to want to
  • 00:08:36
    watch this video here so I'll see you
  • 00:08:38
    all there
  • Doom scrolling
  • dopamine detox
  • attention span
  • personal goals
  • notebook
  • books
  • YouTube addiction
  • journaling
  • discomfort
  • productivity