Ep 48: Why do brains become depressed? | INNER COSMOS WITH DAVID EAGLEMAN
TLDRNeste episódio de "Inner Cosmos", David Eagleman, neurocientista e autor, examina a depressão, suas causas e efeitos, ao lado de novas abordagens para seu tratamento. Eagleman discute como o estado mental relacionado à depressão não é apenas um problema emocional, mas também físico, relacionado a alterações específicas no cérebro. Ele explora a ideia de que a depressão é uma resposta evolutiva a ameaças irreversíveis e como essa resposta pode se tornar uma armadilha mental. Eagleman entrevista especialistas que detalham experimentos, como o uso de estimuladores cerebrais para aliviar sintomas de Parkinson, que inesperadamente evidenciaram a relação entre estímulos cerebrais e sintomas de depressão. É discutido o uso inovador de tecnologias como a estimulação magnética transcraniana (TMS) e dispositivos implantáveis que prometem novas esperanças para aqueles que não respondem bem a medicamentos tradicionais. Há uma ênfase em entender a depressão não apenas como uma doença social, mas uma com raízes biológicas concretas e como intervenções tecnológicas podem revolucionar seu tratamento.
A retenir
- 🧠 A depressão envolve mudanças específicas no funcionamento cerebral.
- 🐶 Sintomas de depressão podem ser observados em vários animais.
- ⚖️ Equilíbrio químico cerebral é crucial para evitar a depressão.
- 💊 Medicamentos nem sempre são eficazes para todos os pacientes.
- 🔦 Novas opções de tratamento como TMS estão sendo exploradas.
- 🧬 A depressão é tanto um problema social como biológico.
- ✨ TMS é promissor devido à sua precisão não invasiva.
- 🔁 A neuroplasticidade tem papel central no tratamento da depressão.
- 🧩 Intervenções tecnológicas podem oferecer novas soluções.
- 🔍 Compreender a depressão a partir de múltiplas perspectivas é essencial.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
David Eagleman investiga a depressão, focando na facilidade do cérebro em escorregar para essa condição. Ele explica que a depressão é um problema físico, semelhante a doenças físicas como a COVID-19. O cérebro é composto por pequenas peças e qualquer alteração pode alterar o humor e comportamento de uma pessoa.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Danos sutis ao cérebro, que não são visíveis externamente, podem alterar seu funcionamento. Eagleman compara isso a um bloco da cidade de Nova York que caiu. Ele conversa com Jonathan Downer, um especialista, para entender como esses pequenos ajustes cerebrais impactam a depressão.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Downer compartilha um caso de estudo em que a estimulação cerebral profunda alterou rapidamente o humor de uma paciente com depressão. A pesquisa sugere que a depressão pode estar ligada a padrões específicos de atividade no cérebro, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre novos tratamentos.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Downer explica a depressão como um mecanismo de defesa cerebral contra ameaças invencíveis, semelhante ao comportamento de animais em situações de perigo. Essa perspectiva é um ponto de partida para novas abordagens de tratamento.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
David e Jonathan discutem o aumento da depressão e possíveis razões sociais, psicológicas e biológicas. A incidência crescente sugere desafios contínuos na saúde mental e a necessidade de novos tratamentos.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Os tratamentos farmacêuticos para depressão, embora úteis, não são 100% eficazes, com muitos pacientes não respondendo aos medicamentos tradicionais. Discussões sobre novas abordagens, como a estimulação cerebral, se mostram promissoras.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Jonathan discute recentes avanços na compreensão cerebral e tratamentos, como a estimulação magnética transcraniana. Eles estão mapeando circuitos cerebrais associados a transtornos mentais, oferecendo novos caminhos terapêuticos.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Estudos explicam como a depressão afeta as simulações futuras do cérebro, focando em resultados negativos. Intervenções cerebrais visam liberar circuitos presos, expandindo a plasticidade cerebral para novos padrões.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Tratamentos avançados visam reconfigurar a plasticidade cerebral, quebrando loops de ruminação negativa. Essa estratégia mostra como novos tratamentos podem alterar o curso da depressão.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:52
O futuro do tratamento da depressão pode envolver uma combinação de avanços médicos e melhorias nas condições sociais. A abordagem colaborativa poderia reduzir significativamente a prevalência de depressão, assim como ocorreu com outras doenças no passado.
Carte mentale
Vidéo Q&R
Quem é David Eagleman?
David Eagleman é um neurocientista e autor, conhecido por explorar diversos aspectos do cérebro e suas funções.
O que é depressão?
Depressão é um transtorno de humor que afeta como a pessoa se sente, pensa e lida com atividades diárias, muitas vezes resultando em sentimentos persistentes de tristeza e desesperança.
A depressão é detectável em animais?
Sim, sinais de depressão podem ser observados em animais como cães, gatos, elefantes e até peixes-zebra.
Como o cérebro entra em estado de depressão?
O cérebro pode entrar em depressão devido a desequilíbrios químicos e mudanças na atividade cerebral, muitas vezes resultando em uma resposta de defesa passiva a ameaças.
Que tratamentos farmacêuticos para depressão estão disponíveis?
Existem medicamentos que aumentam os níveis de serotonina, norepinefrina ou dopamina, mas eles não funcionam para todos e podem ter efeitos colaterais.
O que é estimulação magnética transcraniana (TMS)?
TMS é um tratamento que usa pulsos magnéticos para estimular áreas específicas do cérebro, ajudando a aliviar os sintomas de depressão.
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- 00:00:00what is depression and why are brains so
- 00:00:03easily able to slip into it is
- 00:00:06depression detectable in animals and
- 00:00:09when we look across the animal kingdom
- 00:00:11do we see options Beyond fight or flight
- 00:00:15and what is any of this have to do with
- 00:00:17measuring depression medications in City
- 00:00:20Water Supplies or reward Pathways in the
- 00:00:23brain or the prevalence of tuberculosis
- 00:00:26or zapping the head with magnetic
- 00:00:28stimulation
- 00:00:32welcome to Inner Cosmos with me David
- 00:00:34Eagleman I'm a neuroscientist and an
- 00:00:36author at Stanford and in these episodes
- 00:00:39we sail deeply into our three pound
- 00:00:41Universe to understand why and how our
- 00:00:45lives look the way they
- 00:00:46[Laughter]
- 00:00:54do today's episode is about depression
- 00:00:58we are going to dive into the science
- 00:01:01behind it and we'll see what new
- 00:01:03Solutions are on the horizon so let me
- 00:01:06start by zooming way out what fascinates
- 00:01:09me is not just what the brain can
- 00:01:12accomplish in terms of our normal
- 00:01:14functioning but also one can't help but
- 00:01:17notice the fragility of the brain I mean
- 00:01:20just think about how easy it is to lose
- 00:01:23Consciousness when you hit your head or
- 00:01:26think about what happens when you drink
- 00:01:29alcohol and your perception and your
- 00:01:31decision-making changes or you don't get
- 00:01:34enough sleep and how you behave and how
- 00:01:36you decide these can become a little
- 00:01:38different or when you're hangry and you
- 00:01:41act differently or if you consume
- 00:01:43psychedelic drugs and your conscious
- 00:01:45experience changes entirely what all
- 00:01:48this tells us I think is that it's very
- 00:01:51easy for the system to get knocked off
- 00:01:53its normal pathway and what's clear is
- 00:01:56that the brain puts an enormous amount
- 00:01:58of effort into trying to stay operating
- 00:02:02in the normal
- 00:02:04range now given this context one area
- 00:02:08that's fascinating and of massive social
- 00:02:11importance is depression this is a mood
- 00:02:15disorder it affects how you feel how you
- 00:02:18think how you handle your daily tasks
- 00:02:21how you eat and sleep people with
- 00:02:23depression feel persistently sad they
- 00:02:27often feel empty or
- 00:02:30anxious pessimistic hopeless worthless
- 00:02:34helpless and they lose interest in the
- 00:02:37things that used to bring them Joy they
- 00:02:40are slowed down in all the aspects of
- 00:02:42their life and often there are thoughts
- 00:02:45of suicide now almost everyone has had
- 00:02:49someone in their life who has suffered
- 00:02:51depression at some point whether that's
- 00:02:53recognized or not and generally
- 00:02:56everyone's first intuition when they
- 00:02:59have a friend or a loved one who becomes
- 00:03:01depressed is to talk them out of it to
- 00:03:04say hey things are okay snap out of it
- 00:03:08look at the bright side and eventually
- 00:03:10you might be tempted to say come on just
- 00:03:13toughen up but the important lesson from
- 00:03:16centuries of Psychiatry and more
- 00:03:18recently Neuroscience is that it's not
- 00:03:21so easy it's a physical problem and
- 00:03:24that's why we talk about mental illness
- 00:03:27nowadays exactly as we talk about a
- 00:03:29physical illness like covid or a broken
- 00:03:32leg and that understanding opens the
- 00:03:36door to different approaches because a
- 00:03:39physical problem invites physical
- 00:03:43Solutions now my father was a
- 00:03:46psychiatrist and he was always impressed
- 00:03:48that he could have a patient who would
- 00:03:51be suffering from clinical depression
- 00:03:53and would lose his job and maybe lose
- 00:03:56his spouse and my father could make a
- 00:03:57prescription like let's say Prozac and
- 00:04:01that patient often could get out of bed
- 00:04:03again and then get his job back and win
- 00:04:06his spouse back now how do we understand
- 00:04:09this well it's an issue that I talk
- 00:04:11about a lot which is that we are made up
- 00:04:14of small pieces and parts and the thing
- 00:04:17to appreciate is that you are the sum
- 00:04:20total of all those pieces and parts
- 00:04:22whatever is going on at this microscopic
- 00:04:24level is you and your mood and your
- 00:04:28behavior now why would anybody think
- 00:04:31that crazy statement is true well there
- 00:04:33are many things that we see in the
- 00:04:35clinics every day which teach us this
- 00:04:38lesson people can get damaged to their
- 00:04:41brains and they can no longer understand
- 00:04:43how to use a mirror or they can no
- 00:04:46longer name furry animals or they can no
- 00:04:49longer see colors or understand speech
- 00:04:53or understand music or any of a million
- 00:04:56other things that we think should just
- 00:04:58come for free in the world world now
- 00:05:00what this exposes is that these are
- 00:05:03functions of the brain and even if a
- 00:05:05little bit of the brain is damaged then
- 00:05:08you can't perform that function anymore
- 00:05:11now many of the sorts of brain damage
- 00:05:13that you'll read about in an exciting
- 00:05:16book about the brain these are things
- 00:05:17that most people won't see in their
- 00:05:20lifetimes they won't know any friend or
- 00:05:23relative who has these issues because
- 00:05:25they are rare things to happen and they
- 00:05:28usually involve Dam Dage to a region of
- 00:05:31the brain from a tumor or a stroke or a
- 00:05:33traumatic brain injury and those things
- 00:05:36represent big changes in the city of the
- 00:05:39brain like an entire block of New York
- 00:05:41City falling in an earthquake but there
- 00:05:44are much more subtle things that happen
- 00:05:46in the brain as well and these are
- 00:05:48changes that have to do with the way the
- 00:05:51system runs with its tens of billions of
- 00:05:54neurons and trillions of synaptic
- 00:05:57connections so to return to the City
- 00:05:59analogy imagine that instead of big
- 00:06:01damage that you can see the city still
- 00:06:05looks the same but parts of it are
- 00:06:07operating very subtly differently so the
- 00:06:11playwrights have all quit and the city
- 00:06:14planners have stopped planning and the
- 00:06:17coffee shops are closing 2 hours earlier
- 00:06:20and all of this stuff impedes the city's
- 00:06:23ability to thrive and be an active
- 00:06:27well-functioning place for Innovation
- 00:06:29and tourism but it's all very subtle and
- 00:06:32if you looked at this from a drone
- 00:06:34flying over the city you really wouldn't
- 00:06:36see much of a difference it's small
- 00:06:39stuff that's happening at a small level
- 00:06:42but it changes the way that the city
- 00:06:46operates and again who you are and how
- 00:06:49you see the world comes from the way
- 00:06:52that the city of your brain is operating
- 00:06:55in other words the sum total of what's
- 00:06:57Happening under the hood your
- 00:07:00biology and I think the reason this is
- 00:07:02surprising is because we tend to think
- 00:07:05of ourselves as being removed from our
- 00:07:09biology or separate from it or able to
- 00:07:12ride above
- 00:07:14it so if you've ever known someone with
- 00:07:17depression or had depression yourself
- 00:07:19you will know that you can't just say
- 00:07:22hey come on cheer up snap out a bit that
- 00:07:25doesn't suffice to change the
- 00:07:28biology
- 00:07:30and one of the most pervasive and
- 00:07:32Society important examples of these kind
- 00:07:36of subtle changes to the brain is with
- 00:07:39depression and so for this episode I
- 00:07:42decided to call my colleague Jonathan
- 00:07:43Downer who is an incredibly insightful
- 00:07:47and empathic Observer of the brain he
- 00:07:50has an MD and specializes in Psychiatry
- 00:07:53and he also has a PHD in neuroscience
- 00:07:56and one of his areas of expertise is
- 00:07:58depression and as it turns out Jonathan
- 00:08:01and I wrote a textbook together on
- 00:08:03cognitive Neuroscience called brain and
- 00:08:05behavior and this is the textbook used
- 00:08:08at Stanford and at universities
- 00:08:10worldwide and the textbook covers a lot
- 00:08:12of ground but for today I just want to
- 00:08:15zoom in on depression so I rang him up
- 00:08:18to get his perspective on this issue
- 00:08:21that is not only neuroscientifically
- 00:08:23important and fascinating but also
- 00:08:27unlike the strange deficits that you
- 00:08:28might see only in a textbook you almost
- 00:08:31certainly know someone with depression
- 00:08:33perhaps someone close to you or perhaps
- 00:08:35yourself it's a shockingly common
- 00:08:39challenge so let's dive in to understand
- 00:08:46it so Jonathan how did you get
- 00:08:48interested in studying
- 00:08:50depression well it's a a bit of an
- 00:08:52interesting story David um you'd have to
- 00:08:54go back about 20 years to when I was a
- 00:08:57graduate student over at the Toronto
- 00:08:59Western Hospital that is a hospital that
- 00:09:01has a uh I guess a major Neurosurgical
- 00:09:04unit where they perform surgeries where
- 00:09:07they implant deep brain stimulators uh
- 00:09:09which are a bit like brain pacemakers
- 00:09:11into the brains of people with
- 00:09:13Parkinson's disease and other kinds of
- 00:09:14neurological disorders uh and around
- 00:09:172002 a patient came in uh who was a
- 00:09:20middle-aged woman who had previously
- 00:09:22suffered from depression but no longer
- 00:09:24and she was coming in to have the deep
- 00:09:25brain simulators implanted for her
- 00:09:27Parkinson's disease they imp the
- 00:09:29electrodes one on one side and one on
- 00:09:31the other and uh during the surgery they
- 00:09:33turned them on to make sure that they
- 00:09:35are succeeding in reducing the person's
- 00:09:37hand tremors or the other Tremors in
- 00:09:39their body that uh that they're trying
- 00:09:41to have treated what was interesting is
- 00:09:43when they turned on the one on one side
- 00:09:45the opposite hand started to reduce in
- 00:09:48its Tremor and the Tremor went away
- 00:09:49which is exactly what they expected to
- 00:09:51happen on the other side though
- 00:09:53something very strange happened as soon
- 00:09:54as they turned it on nothing happened to
- 00:09:56her Tremor whatsoever and instead she
- 00:09:58descended instantly into a deep
- 00:10:02despairing reexperiencing of her
- 00:10:05depression it kicked in within seconds
- 00:10:07and she described it as a deep down bad
- 00:10:09feeling in the pit of my stomach I
- 00:10:11wanted to cry but I couldn't uh someone
- 00:10:14could have come in to shoot me and I
- 00:10:15wouldn't have cared I couldn't have
- 00:10:16cared less now immediately they turned
- 00:10:19the switch off again and surprisingly
- 00:10:21within seconds the sadness lifted again
- 00:10:24and they found themselves in a very
- 00:10:26weird situation where every time they
- 00:10:27turned on this current the person would
- 00:10:30descend immediately within a few seconds
- 00:10:32into sadness and then every time they
- 00:10:33turned it off she would be able to
- 00:10:35emerge within a few seconds again it was
- 00:10:37literally sadness of the flip of a
- 00:10:40switch wow and so that's what got you
- 00:10:42started in researching that so that's
- 00:10:45exactly it so at the time I was doing my
- 00:10:48PhD using a technology called functional
- 00:10:51functional MRI which I'm sure you've
- 00:10:52talked about uh on on the podcast before
- 00:10:55which is a way of using MRI scanners to
- 00:10:57look at the brain activity of people as
- 00:10:59various things happen so the
- 00:11:01neurosurgeons wanted to understand what
- 00:11:03was going on so we went down to where
- 00:11:05the functional MRIs were being done and
- 00:11:07uh they turned on and off one of the
- 00:11:10switches on the one side that affected
- 00:11:11the Tremor and they were able to show a
- 00:11:13particular brain pathway that was
- 00:11:14affected controlling the motor circuits
- 00:11:16of the brain which is the intended
- 00:11:18effect on the other hemisphere though
- 00:11:20the electrode was just a few millimeters
- 00:11:22off and as a resulted it landed on some
- 00:11:24other Pathways that projected out to a
- 00:11:26completely different part of the frontal
- 00:11:28loopes and every time they turned on and
- 00:11:30off this part of the frontal loopes the
- 00:11:31person would instantly go in and out of
- 00:11:33the sadness now that was happy news for
- 00:11:35the patient because they were able to
- 00:11:36reposition the electrodes so that both
- 00:11:38electrodes did the appropriate thing but
- 00:11:40it got us thinking about what this
- 00:11:43really meant about depression um all
- 00:11:45these theories at the time that
- 00:11:46depression might be a chemical imbalance
- 00:11:48or this or that uh we really saw very
- 00:11:50directly that there was a question of
- 00:11:52the activity of the brain and that
- 00:11:53within seconds one pattern of activity
- 00:11:55in the brain led to sadness and within
- 00:11:57seconds if that pattern of activity
- 00:11:59could somehow be turned off then the
- 00:12:01person's sadness would go away and that
- 00:12:03really got us thinking about whether we
- 00:12:05might start being able to use things
- 00:12:06like brain stimulation to understand
- 00:12:09what uh Depression was about in the
- 00:12:10brain and maybe even to come up with a
- 00:12:12new generation of treatments that work
- 00:12:13better than the medications and therapy
- 00:12:15of the time okay terrific so we'll talk
- 00:12:18about that um let's start with can you
- 00:12:20define depression clinical depression
- 00:12:23sure um so there are standardized
- 00:12:25definitions of depression that involve a
- 00:12:27series of symptoms the core of which is
- 00:12:29sad or depressed mood most of the day
- 00:12:31most days and the second of which is a
- 00:12:33thing called anhedonia which is the
- 00:12:35inability to enjoy things or experience
- 00:12:37pleasure a loss of motivation a loss of
- 00:12:39Joy a loss of the brain's reward
- 00:12:41functions uh in addition to that there
- 00:12:43are some standard symptoms that go along
- 00:12:45with that commonly people will have
- 00:12:47disturbances in their sleep or appetite
- 00:12:49trouble with concentration uh they may
- 00:12:51have difficulty with their energy and
- 00:12:53fatigue levels uh and there are thoughts
- 00:12:55that come along of self harm and suicide
- 00:12:57that are that are obviously the most
- 00:12:58concerning Parts uh about the depression
- 00:13:01so that's the standard sort of
- 00:13:02diagnostic approach by which we
- 00:13:04determine whether somebody has been
- 00:13:06entering into a a period of depression
- 00:13:08it's unfortunately really common at any
- 00:13:10given time in North America about 5% of
- 00:13:13people uh are in the middle of a
- 00:13:15depressive episode and at least 10% of
- 00:13:17people perhaps more these days are going
- 00:13:19to go through an episode of depression
- 00:13:21at some point in their lifetimes almost
- 00:13:23everybody will have somebody they know
- 00:13:26who has been through depression or is
- 00:13:27going through depression or will go
- 00:13:29through depression so one of the things
- 00:13:31I want to talk about is why this happens
- 00:13:33what it is about the wiring of the human
- 00:13:35brain that allows us to slip so easily
- 00:13:38into that mode what are your thoughts on
- 00:13:41that it's it's a really fascinating
- 00:13:43question uh and I think to answer that
- 00:13:46what we found is you can get a lot of
- 00:13:48the clue to that looking at Evolution or
- 00:13:50biology um because humans are not by no
- 00:13:52means the only animals that can go into
- 00:13:54a dispair like syndrome I mean
- 00:13:55depression most of us who have pets and
- 00:13:57most of us have animals who have seen
- 00:13:58seen uh situations where animals can
- 00:14:01drop into a Despair and stop eating and
- 00:14:03stop sleeping and do all the same things
- 00:14:04and don't enjoy the things they normally
- 00:14:06would uh something that looks a bit like
- 00:14:08depression is is detectable in dogs and
- 00:14:10cats and elephants and zoo animals and
- 00:14:13even even in things like zebra fish
- 00:14:15which are you know tiny little
- 00:14:16vertebrates so Evolution seems to have
- 00:14:19put a depression-like mode there you
- 00:14:21know a very long time ago and it's one
- 00:14:23of the oldest circuits in the brain when
- 00:14:26we look at the circuitry that drives
- 00:14:27depression what we find is it falls into
- 00:14:29a bigger category of circuits that help
- 00:14:32the brain to defend against threats uh
- 00:14:34and in a nutshell for every living thing
- 00:14:36whether you're a fish or a raccoon or a
- 00:14:38human there are sort of four main
- 00:14:40categories of things you can do if a
- 00:14:42threat comes along so let's say you're a
- 00:14:43fish swimming along and and a shark
- 00:14:45shows up the first thing you can do is
- 00:14:47you can freeze and hope the shark
- 00:14:49doesn't see you so that's freeze mode if
- 00:14:51the shark sees you and starts chasing
- 00:14:52you then you have to go beyond freeze
- 00:14:53you have to go into the sort of the
- 00:14:54flight mode which would be the Escape
- 00:14:56mode uh and if the shark Corners you uh
- 00:14:59we've all seen that there animals you
- 00:15:01know if you happen to get a psum or a
- 00:15:02raccoon in your garage um they usually
- 00:15:05will run away but of course if they get
- 00:15:06cornered and they feel like there's no
- 00:15:07way out they will fight very fiercely
- 00:15:09and lots of animals do that so there is
- 00:15:12this third Mode called fight but the
- 00:15:14brain needs a fourth mode to deal with
- 00:15:16situations that are unwinable sometimes
- 00:15:18you've tried freezing you've tried
- 00:15:20fleeing you've tried fighting but if at
- 00:15:22some point the brain decides you're not
- 00:15:23going to win this fight and there's no
- 00:15:24running away there's no escaping and you
- 00:15:26can't just ignore the problem the brain
- 00:15:28Taps into a fourth mode that I'll call
- 00:15:30fold it's a passive threat defense mode
- 00:15:33where the instincts are all about losing
- 00:15:35your confidence running home and hiding
- 00:15:37in your burrow and keeping your head
- 00:15:38down and hoping that something changes
- 00:15:41this is the mode that is turned on when
- 00:15:43people are fighting off an illness or a
- 00:15:45major injury so if they have surgery or
- 00:15:46if they're fighting off an illness some
- 00:15:48people will actually have a drop in
- 00:15:49their mood when they have an
- 00:15:50immunization as their immune system
- 00:15:52fires up to sort of to deal with the
- 00:15:54infection um but in any situation where
- 00:15:56the brain decides that it needs to be
- 00:15:58hiding doubt in recovery and recovering
- 00:16:01and keeping its head down it will go
- 00:16:03into this fold mode um now that may be
- 00:16:06necessary to keep you out of danger uh
- 00:16:09until the threat goes away or at least
- 00:16:10hopefully until the threat goes away but
- 00:16:12the problem that comes up in depression
- 00:16:14is when this becomes a self-perpetuating
- 00:16:16process and the circuits that drive fold
- 00:16:19mode which is a normal and useful
- 00:16:21defense mechanism for the threats we
- 00:16:23can't win against if those circuits get
- 00:16:25stuck in in an infinite feedback loop
- 00:16:26and just keep going and going then the
- 00:16:28person may still be stuck in depression
- 00:16:30Weeks Later months later maybe even
- 00:16:32years later you once gave me an example
- 00:16:34of uh falling off a ship in the middle
- 00:16:37of the night to illustrate this fold
- 00:16:39mode yeah so I want that's actually a
- 00:16:41great Point um so there are situations
- 00:16:44where you we're we're doing we're going
- 00:16:46into this mode is really useful and uh
- 00:16:48the every once in a while we're reading
- 00:16:50the news about somebody who falls off
- 00:16:51the back of a ship in the middle of the
- 00:16:53night and then miraculously gets rescued
- 00:16:55in the morning now if you or I fell off
- 00:16:57the back of a ship in the middle of the
- 00:16:58night like a cruise ship or something
- 00:16:59we'd probably swim after the ship for a
- 00:17:01while and scream for help and try and
- 00:17:03attract his attention but if it was
- 00:17:04really clear that the ship was sailing
- 00:17:06away and no one could hear us and we
- 00:17:07were stuck in the middle of the sea I
- 00:17:10mean we're in a really bad situation
- 00:17:11it's really risky and this is probably
- 00:17:12not going to work out well but our best
- 00:17:14chance of survival is actually to to
- 00:17:17fold to curl up into a ball and just
- 00:17:20wait and save your energy and hope that
- 00:17:22something about the situation changes
- 00:17:24hope you get rescued that mode is the
- 00:17:26same mode that we talk about when we
- 00:17:28talk about depression and in fact when
- 00:17:31pharmaceutical companies are developing
- 00:17:32new medications for depression one of
- 00:17:34the ways that they'll do animal testing
- 00:17:36to see if the molecule help suppression
- 00:17:38is with the thing called the forced swim
- 00:17:39test in the forc swim test the animal
- 00:17:42like the mouse or whatever uh is placed
- 00:17:44inside an air a little Beaker where they
- 00:17:46have to swim around and there's nothing
- 00:17:48to stand on now mice are quite good
- 00:17:49swimmers and they're also quite good
- 00:17:50floaters so they'll swim and swim around
- 00:17:53and eventually at some point they'll
- 00:17:54realize that they're not going to get
- 00:17:55out of this situation and so they stop
- 00:17:57swimming around and they just give up
- 00:17:58and float uh and at that point the
- 00:18:00experiment will stop the stopwatch and
- 00:18:02see how many minutes that took what's
- 00:18:04interesting is that uh there are breeds
- 00:18:07of mice who are prone to depression and
- 00:18:08prone to sort of giving up quickly um
- 00:18:11and most anti-depressants when the mice
- 00:18:13are on the antidepressant they'll
- 00:18:14actually swim for a lot longer before
- 00:18:16giving up and so this Force swim test uh
- 00:18:19which is really just a way of tapping
- 00:18:20into how long before the animal switches
- 00:18:22into this mode of folding and giving up
- 00:18:24and waiting for something to change um
- 00:18:27that approach is a a long-standing and
- 00:18:30standard way that people have searched
- 00:18:31for uh new anti-depressant medications
- 00:18:34over the last several decades okay
- 00:18:37terrific and so when we look at
- 00:18:40depression in this country or or uh
- 00:18:43around the world um what are the rates
- 00:18:46of depression like are things going up
- 00:18:48or down yeah so it's unfortunate that uh
- 00:18:52I mean the encouraging thing over the
- 00:18:53last few decades is that compared to say
- 00:18:56the 1980s or the 1990s when I started
- 00:18:58doing brain Imaging research there's a
- 00:19:00lot less stigma of Remnant Al Health
- 00:19:02than there was and that that's certainly
- 00:19:03very encouraging there are a lot more
- 00:19:05people seeking treatment than before and
- 00:19:07people are seeking treatments with
- 00:19:08medications and uh and with
- 00:19:10Psychotherapy more more than ever the
- 00:19:13problem is that this hasn't changed the
- 00:19:14numbers at all so despite the fact that
- 00:19:17there's less stigma despite the fact
- 00:19:19that people are coming forward and
- 00:19:20taking anti-depressants and that in fact
- 00:19:22antidepressant are being used in sex
- 00:19:23quantities that they can be detected
- 00:19:25with spectroscopes um in the in the
- 00:19:28Water Supplies of of cities and so on so
- 00:19:30they'll actually be able to go and they
- 00:19:32can detect Trace Amounts of all these
- 00:19:34medications um in City Water Supplies
- 00:19:37despite all of this the prevalence of
- 00:19:39depression and of suicidal acts and
- 00:19:42suicidality has not gone down at all and
- 00:19:44in certain populations like younger
- 00:19:47folks uh under age 20 and in the early
- 00:19:4920s the numbers for depression anxiety
- 00:19:51and suicidality are going up rather than
- 00:19:53down so we definitely need uh to put the
- 00:19:56search on to understand how how
- 00:19:58depression works in the brain and really
- 00:19:59develop a new generation of treatments
- 00:20:02uh because what we're having right now
- 00:20:03is not moving the needle why do you
- 00:20:05suppose the numbers are going
- 00:20:07up there are a lot of different uh
- 00:20:09possibilities for why that is there I I
- 00:20:11think we could probably have a whole
- 00:20:13other podcast on what that is in a
- 00:20:15nutshell there are more there seem to be
- 00:20:17more situations where people feel like
- 00:20:19the fight is unwinable uh when I see
- 00:20:21that it numbers for depression and
- 00:20:22suicidality going up it's sort of an
- 00:20:24index of number of people who feel like
- 00:20:26they are losing at life and uh that
- 00:20:28there's no way out for them so it is a
- 00:20:30bit of a barometer of of social health
- 00:20:32in that way uh some people have also
- 00:20:34attributed to increased stressors around
- 00:20:37social media use and so on and some
- 00:20:38people have even attributed to things
- 00:20:40like changes in the composition of the
- 00:20:42bacteria that live within our guts some
- 00:20:44of which appear to have a protective
- 00:20:46effect against depression so um there
- 00:20:48are a lot of theories out there but I
- 00:20:49wouldn't say anyone has solved the
- 00:20:51mystery as of what it is there are uh
- 00:20:52lots of people prosing everything from
- 00:20:54social factors to uh psychological
- 00:20:57factors to biolog olcal factors like uh
- 00:20:59literally right down to the bacteria in
- 00:21:00a person's gut ah so so what do you
- 00:21:03think about the pharmaceutical
- 00:21:04treatments for depression are they are
- 00:21:07they useful are they
- 00:21:09neutral well I would say that I can give
- 00:21:11you what the numbers say so if a person
- 00:21:13comes into their family doctor with an
- 00:21:15episode of depression and they try an
- 00:21:17anti-depressant uh there was a famous
- 00:21:19study about 15 years ago called stard D
- 00:21:22LED out of the University of Texas
- 00:21:23Southwestern and they found that uh
- 00:21:26about 2third of people people could get
- 00:21:29to remission from depression after
- 00:21:32trying one medication or two medications
- 00:21:34or three medications or four medications
- 00:21:36one after the other but the numbers
- 00:21:38really Dro precipitously so about
- 00:21:39one-third of people would get better at
- 00:21:41trying the first medication they ever
- 00:21:42tried only about onethird about a
- 00:21:44quarter of people would get better on
- 00:21:46the second medication they tried but by
- 00:21:48the time you've tried two medications
- 00:21:50without success the third and the fourth
- 00:21:51one are down to you know around 8 to 12%
- 00:21:55success rates not particularly high at
- 00:21:57all so so we're unfortunately a
- 00:21:59situation where the medications tend to
- 00:22:01work by fairly similar mechanisms in
- 00:22:03terms of boosting serotonin levels or
- 00:22:04boosting norrine levels or or dopamine
- 00:22:07levels and so on and so yes you try to
- 00:22:10influence the person's depression by
- 00:22:11influencing these neurotransmitters in
- 00:22:13the brain but at least onethird of
- 00:22:15people don't get any benefit from them
- 00:22:17and unfortunately a lot of people
- 00:22:18relapse and uh a very large percentage
- 00:22:21of people about 25% of people stop
- 00:22:23taking medications early because of side
- 00:22:25effects so I don't want to run down
- 00:22:27medic
- 00:22:28because the upside is that you know it's
- 00:22:31in some ways it's quite remarkable that
- 00:22:32you can take somebody who's despairing
- 00:22:34about where their life is going and all
- 00:22:36you ask them to do is take 10 seconds
- 00:22:38out of their day to take a serotonin
- 00:22:40boosting medication or a norepinephrine
- 00:22:42boosting medication just at bedtime with
- 00:22:43their toothbrush and it is quite
- 00:22:45remarkable that just by doing that one
- 00:22:47little thing a certain percentage of
- 00:22:48people will emerge from depress spare
- 00:22:50and suicidality and be able to face the
- 00:22:52world again so that's the upside of it
- 00:22:54the downside is that there's also a very
- 00:22:56large number of people who don't get
- 00:22:57better on the medications and a very
- 00:22:59large number of people who can't
- 00:23:00tolerate the medications so tell me
- 00:23:01about recent breakthroughs in our
- 00:23:05understanding so we're in what I would
- 00:23:08argue is actually one of the most
- 00:23:09exciting periods of Discovery within all
- 00:23:12of uh within all of medicine so
- 00:23:14psychiatry in particular a field called
- 00:23:16Interventional Psychiatry is now looking
- 00:23:19at all the traditional disorders like
- 00:23:22depression anxiety and so on in terms of
- 00:23:24brain circuitry and in terms of brain
- 00:23:26function uh and thanks to 25 years of
- 00:23:29brain Imaging research we're actually
- 00:23:30starting to get really lovely maps of
- 00:23:33where stuff happens in the brain and
- 00:23:35what brain circuits are involved in
- 00:23:36depression anxiety OCD post-traumatic
- 00:23:40stress disorder Eating Disorders pretty
- 00:23:42much most of the of the major categories
- 00:23:46of mental health disorders we are
- 00:23:48starting to get really great maps of
- 00:23:50what areas of the brain are affected in
- 00:23:51them the thing that's making that
- 00:23:53knowledge useful is that we're also
- 00:23:55starting to really take advantage now of
- 00:23:57a new generation of brain stimulation
- 00:24:00treatments um inspired by the kinds of
- 00:24:03cases that I told you about at the
- 00:24:05beginning of our conversation uh which
- 00:24:07can go into those circuits which may be
- 00:24:09overactive or underactive and can
- 00:24:12actually stimulate them and reset them
- 00:24:14back to their normal pattern of
- 00:24:17activity so these new generation of of
- 00:24:19treatments are brain stimulation
- 00:24:21treatments and what's important about
- 00:24:22them is they're anatomically precise
- 00:24:24some of them as I mentioned before
- 00:24:26involve implantable devices like deep
- 00:24:29brain stimulators and for the last 20
- 00:24:32years people have been pioneering and
- 00:24:33starting to come up with ways that they
- 00:24:35can actually implant little Pacemakers
- 00:24:37in the brains of people who have very
- 00:24:39serious forms of depression where
- 00:24:40nothing has worked and uh these deep
- 00:24:43brain stimulators have caused quite
- 00:24:44remarkable ability of people to turn
- 00:24:46around and immerse from their depression
- 00:24:48but of course we also have the issue
- 00:24:49that not everybody wants to have a
- 00:24:51pacemaker implant in their brain and so
- 00:24:52it would be really really useful if they
- 00:24:55could undergo a different form of
- 00:24:57treatment that was noninvasive and so
- 00:24:59the other kind of treatment that's
- 00:25:01really taking off right now uh involves
- 00:25:03a treatment approved by the FDA in 2008
- 00:25:05called transcranial magnetic stimulation
- 00:25:09transcranial magnetic stimulation
- 00:25:10involves using a powerful Focus magnetic
- 00:25:14pulse generator uh placed it looks like
- 00:25:17a little pingpong paddle it's sort of
- 00:25:18placed against the scalp uh you place it
- 00:25:20over the target circuit that you want to
- 00:25:22stimulate and with the magnetic pulses
- 00:25:24you're able to actually stimulate and
- 00:25:26activate targets circuits in the brain
- 00:25:28without needing any surgery they're
- 00:25:30quite powerful so even though they're
- 00:25:31magnetic pulses these are not you know
- 00:25:33fridge magnets like if you were to place
- 00:25:35this uh this paddle over the precise
- 00:25:38spot on your brain that moves your thumb
- 00:25:40and I were to press the button and cause
- 00:25:43a couple of little pulses you would
- 00:25:44actually see your your thumb or your
- 00:25:46hand move with every single pulse uh so
- 00:25:49these are ways of actually stimulating
- 00:25:50Target regions in the brain and by
- 00:25:52stimulating them over and over again
- 00:25:54hundreds of times a day you can
- 00:25:56gradually strengthen the con Connections
- 00:25:58in areas of the brain that require
- 00:26:00strengthening or you can reduce the
- 00:26:02strength of the connections in areas
- 00:26:04that I guess are overc connected and
- 00:26:06with these two approaches you can try to
- 00:26:08return the brain or reset the brain back
- 00:26:11to its normal pattern of activity that
- 00:26:13occurs when they are not in this mode of
- 00:26:16Despair and folding and how did uh how
- 00:26:19was this figured out about which brain
- 00:26:21areas to
- 00:26:23zap so the uh the work on this began all
- 00:26:26the way back and then I 1980s when they
- 00:26:28started using pet scanners uh which
- 00:26:30inject a radioactive die to look at the
- 00:26:32metabolism of the brain and they were
- 00:26:35able to compare the brain activity of
- 00:26:37people with depression and people who
- 00:26:39were not in depression um and so the
- 00:26:41first maps of these came out in the late
- 00:26:431980s and early 1990s and they
- 00:26:45pinpointed a set of areas in the frontal
- 00:26:48loes and also elsewhere in the brain
- 00:26:50that seem to be consistently underactive
- 00:26:52in people with depression they also
- 00:26:54pinpointed areas of the brain that were
- 00:26:57consistently overactive in people with
- 00:26:59depression those ones appear to be
- 00:27:01deeper in and this led to a new
- 00:27:03generation of treatments where people us
- 00:27:05the transcranial magnetic simulation
- 00:27:07devices to Target the frontal o areas
- 00:27:09near the surface because the magnetic
- 00:27:11pulses could read them they also went to
- 00:27:13the surgeons and began using the deep
- 00:27:15brain simulator electrodes which despite
- 00:27:18their name as stimulators can actually
- 00:27:20be used to inhibit and disrupt areas of
- 00:27:22the brain that are overactive and so
- 00:27:24they were able to implant these in the
- 00:27:26areas of the brain that were deeper and
- 00:27:28overactive in depression and use them to
- 00:27:31reset their activity so I recently did
- 00:27:33an episode on uh how brains simulate the
- 00:27:37future this is one of the main jobs of
- 00:27:39brains is to simulate and evaluate
- 00:27:42possible Futures what's your
- 00:27:43interpretation of what happens when
- 00:27:45somebody is depressed in terms of the
- 00:27:47Futures that they are simulating so
- 00:27:51that's that's a fascinating question um
- 00:27:53and I I think there actually are some
- 00:27:55really lovely brain Imaging studies that
- 00:27:56were done on this
- 00:27:58about 10 years ago led by Adam gazale
- 00:28:01and some other folks over at UCSF what
- 00:28:04they noticed was that uh perhaps in your
- 00:28:06discussion you talked about a a set a
- 00:28:08network of areas in the brain called the
- 00:28:09default mode network uh the default mode
- 00:28:12Network seems is name that because it
- 00:28:14seems to be one of the most uh you know
- 00:28:16it's the area of the brain that is on by
- 00:28:17default when we're not doing anything
- 00:28:18else so if you or I are sitting in a
- 00:28:20room quietly and there's nothing going
- 00:28:22on our default mode Network turns on and
- 00:28:24as we've all experienced that involve
- 00:28:26what happens in our mind as our brains
- 00:28:28start thinking about the past and
- 00:28:29thinking about the future and making
- 00:28:30plans and thinking about what may take
- 00:28:32place there are two Pathways by which we
- 00:28:34do that there's a so-called reward
- 00:28:36pathway where our brain thinks about
- 00:28:38opportunities and things we might start
- 00:28:40to want or desire to get us up out of
- 00:28:42our seats and get going but there's also
- 00:28:44a second pathway uh called the
- 00:28:46non-reward pathway whose job it is
- 00:28:48entirely to think about non-rewarding
- 00:28:50outcomes things that could go wrong
- 00:28:52fires I have to put out problems in my
- 00:28:54life things that I should be motivated
- 00:28:55to go and sort out uh and we we need
- 00:28:57both of those to work in Balance so we
- 00:28:59both need the ability to come up with
- 00:29:01ideas for opportunities and things that
- 00:29:03we desire to do but we also need to be
- 00:29:06guided by all the problems in life all
- 00:29:08the things that we really need to be
- 00:29:10motivated to take care of and with a
- 00:29:13balance between those two we can both
- 00:29:14pursue opportunities in the future and
- 00:29:16we can also avoid threats and problems
- 00:29:18and uh and resolve them the problem in
- 00:29:21depression occurs when this so-called
- 00:29:23non-reward pathway whose whole job is to
- 00:29:25think about all negative consequences
- 00:29:27things that are going wrong things could
- 00:29:28that could screw up um it can get
- 00:29:30trapped in a sort of self-perpetuating
- 00:29:32feedback loop so the circuit in the
- 00:29:35brain is rrang as a bit of a loop um
- 00:29:37from the frontal loes going down into
- 00:29:39the the reward and motivational
- 00:29:40structures of the brain and as uh if it
- 00:29:44gets stuck in a loop what happens is the
- 00:29:46person experiences just finding that
- 00:29:48even though there may be 99 things that
- 00:29:50are going well in the person's life
- 00:29:52their brain will find the one thing
- 00:29:54that's going wrong and it will get stuck
- 00:29:56on it and it will just Loop on it over
- 00:29:57and over and over again I think most of
- 00:30:00us know somebody as family friends
- 00:30:01colleagues maybe even ourselves who tend
- 00:30:03to do that who are always really good at
- 00:30:05spotting the one problem and getting
- 00:30:06stuck on it uh but in depression it
- 00:30:08becomes true to a pathological extent
- 00:30:10where they get so stuck on it that even
- 00:30:11with effort they cannot pull themselves
- 00:30:13out of the negative circle of thoughts
- 00:30:17which we call by the technical term
- 00:30:19ruminations so in depression um this
- 00:30:22non-reward pathway has gotten stuck in a
- 00:30:24loop and what the person experiences is
- 00:30:26an endless circle of ruminations and
- 00:30:29self-criticism and thoughts about all
- 00:30:31the possible Futures that will go wrong
- 00:30:33and all the past things that have gone
- 00:30:34wrong and it just becomes very difficult
- 00:30:37to pull yourself out of this even when
- 00:30:38you need to and so what is the
- 00:30:40transcranial magnetic stimulation doing
- 00:30:43when you are hitting a particular area
- 00:30:45is it giving a second bite at the Apple
- 00:30:49for that area to rewire is it simply
- 00:30:52making the area more plastic so that it
- 00:30:54has an opportunity to wire up um in a
- 00:30:57more beneficial way the next time around
- 00:31:00so I'll give you our best guess as to
- 00:31:02what's happening right now as with many
- 00:31:04things in psychiaty we discovered that
- 00:31:06these things worked long before we
- 00:31:07actually figured out why they worked um
- 00:31:10but the the original areas of the brain
- 00:31:12that we stimulated were were targeted
- 00:31:15because they just seem to be underactive
- 00:31:16in depression so the theory was look
- 00:31:18they're underactive let's use this brain
- 00:31:19stimulator let's stimulate them let's
- 00:31:21turn them back on and then all will be
- 00:31:22well later on we discovered that what
- 00:31:25these areas really seem to be associated
- 00:31:26with is courage and resilience in other
- 00:31:29words people who happen just by chance
- 00:31:32to have more gray matter or born with
- 00:31:34more gray matter in these areas they're
- 00:31:36more resilient to stress they have
- 00:31:37better ability to cope these brain areas
- 00:31:40in the frontal lobes are in are engaged
- 00:31:42every time we do a thing called
- 00:31:44cognitive control which is our ability
- 00:31:45to self-regulate our thoughts and our
- 00:31:47behaviors and emotions in fact for those
- 00:31:49of you who've tried mindfulness
- 00:31:51meditation if you've ever sat in a chair
- 00:31:53and tried to not ruminate and tried to
- 00:31:54focus on your breathing uh every time
- 00:31:56you notice that your mind is wandering
- 00:31:59and you shut down the ruminations and
- 00:32:01come back to your breathing again you
- 00:32:02turn on this network of areas it looks
- 00:32:05like what we're doing with TMS is
- 00:32:06actually not so much pushing happiness
- 00:32:08into the brain or pulling anxiety out
- 00:32:10but more generally strengthening the
- 00:32:12very same network that is activated when
- 00:32:15you do mindfulness meditation uh and so
- 00:32:17when I talk to patients about what it's
- 00:32:20like for them after the TMS has worked
- 00:32:22they talk a lot about how something
- 00:32:23stressful happened this week and
- 00:32:25normally it would have ruined my whole
- 00:32:26week but noticed that I just got over it
- 00:32:28I kind of thought about it and realized
- 00:32:30it wasn't as bad as and I was able to
- 00:32:32kind of cope with it they describe it as
- 00:32:34as having more coping capacity and so it
- 00:32:36looks like the effects of TMS on
- 00:32:38depression at least with the sander
- 00:32:40areas might be somewhat indirect you're
- 00:32:41not so much pushing happiness in or
- 00:32:43taking anxiety out but you are
- 00:32:45strengthening a sort of mental muscle
- 00:32:47for cognitive control and as a result
- 00:32:49people just generally get better at
- 00:32:51self-regulating their thoughts and
- 00:32:53behaviors and emotions and they can cope
- 00:32:54with more stress so things don't feel
- 00:32:56quite quite as defeating things don't
- 00:32:58look quite as bad I I I've been sort of
- 00:33:01playing with a different interpretation
- 00:33:02slightly about it which is that you are
- 00:33:06uh to phrase it colloquially you're sort
- 00:33:08of loosening up a Network that has found
- 00:33:12itself getting into a particular way um
- 00:33:16a particular structure and what you're
- 00:33:17doing is reintroducing plasticity to
- 00:33:20that area so that you have a chance of
- 00:33:23things running correctly through there
- 00:33:25and with TMS is as we know sometimes the
- 00:33:29first treatment doesn't work but the
- 00:33:31second treatment does my view on that is
- 00:33:34that it's you know possible that after
- 00:33:36the first time the system Recon
- 00:33:39converges into some
- 00:33:42pathological wiring and then you know if
- 00:33:44you do it again you're getting another
- 00:33:46chance to have it find uh better
- 00:33:49wiring yeah I'm really glad you brought
- 00:33:52that up because I think that actually
- 00:33:53lines up really well with a very recent
- 00:33:56discovery that's still quite new um uh
- 00:33:59about what is happening for people who
- 00:34:01are trying um a second form of rtms that
- 00:34:05kicks in when the first one doesn't work
- 00:34:06so when I say rtms I'm it's repetitive
- 00:34:09transcranial magnetic stimulation it's
- 00:34:11effectively TMS treatment but you're
- 00:34:13using these repetitive pulses so some
- 00:34:15people will call it rtms and some people
- 00:34:17will simply just abbreviate it to TMS
- 00:34:19but we're talking about using this
- 00:34:20non-invasive stimulation so when a
- 00:34:22person goes through and does the
- 00:34:23treatment using the standard parameters
- 00:34:25that I talked about sometimes it works
- 00:34:27and yet there's a percentage of people
- 00:34:29where it doesn't work what we've noticed
- 00:34:31that those people tend to have higher
- 00:34:32scales on rumination negative
- 00:34:34ruminations about life uh and a lovely
- 00:34:37study came out by a group led by Andy
- 00:34:39luer at UCLA where he was able to
- 00:34:41identify that these people have higher
- 00:34:43rumination scores um they then move the
- 00:34:46coil to a different area so instead of
- 00:34:48stimulating the first area that I talk
- 00:34:50about they go to a different brain area
- 00:34:52which actually sits within this
- 00:34:54non-reward circuit that we were talking
- 00:34:56about before and instead of trying to
- 00:34:58stimulate and strengthen it uh sure
- 00:34:59enough what they do is they try and
- 00:35:01inhibit and disrupt the activity of this
- 00:35:03area so they are trying to disrupt and
- 00:35:06break up the feedback loop that they
- 00:35:08call the non-reward attractor State uh
- 00:35:11it's in fact a professor named Edmund
- 00:35:12rolles that of Cambridge by the way just
- 00:35:14described he came up with a theory of
- 00:35:16depression which is very similar to what
- 00:35:17you describe he called it the non-reward
- 00:35:20attractor theory of depression that
- 00:35:22non-reward circuit the more it runs and
- 00:35:24the more it dwells on things the more it
- 00:35:26strength the connections in and of
- 00:35:28itself so it becomes self strengthening
- 00:35:29self-perpetuating and just you're just
- 00:35:31going to get stuck in this so-called
- 00:35:33attractor State and not be able to get
- 00:35:35out of it the solution with TMS would be
- 00:35:37to put the coil over those areas and
- 00:35:40apply some pulses of stimulation not to
- 00:35:42strengthen the pathway that's not what
- 00:35:43we want but to disrupt and weaken the
- 00:35:45connections through uh neuroplasticity
- 00:35:48to the point where the person can now
- 00:35:49pull themselves out again that's your
- 00:35:51interpretation of what trans cranial
- 00:35:53magnetic stimulation does right yeah so
- 00:35:56we're still fig figuring this out but
- 00:35:57what we think is that for some people
- 00:35:58when you strengthen the first circuit
- 00:36:01and they regain their cognitive control
- 00:36:03that circuit is is connected to the
- 00:36:05non-reward Circuit so they can then use
- 00:36:07their cognitive control to do this work
- 00:36:08themselves of popping themselves out of
- 00:36:10this attractor state for in other people
- 00:36:12for whatever reason these two Pathways
- 00:36:14aren't really very well connected so
- 00:36:15they kind of operate independently so
- 00:36:17you strengthen the first pathway they
- 00:36:19get more coping capacity but the problem
- 00:36:21is they're still stuck in these negative
- 00:36:22ruminations then you bring them back
- 00:36:24again you move the stimulator over to
- 00:36:26this other pathway I actually had a
- 00:36:28patient who described it saying this F
- 00:36:30your first treatment didn't work but the
- 00:36:32second one you gave me over this
- 00:36:33non-reward pathway I he said I'm
- 00:36:36definitely one of those people you
- 00:36:37talked about who always finds the one
- 00:36:39negative thing in the room and if I see
- 00:36:41it it's like a neg he said it's like an
- 00:36:43escalator I'm forced to get on the
- 00:36:45escalator and ride it down down down all
- 00:36:47the way to the bottom and then I'm just
- 00:36:49stuck there I could be stuck there for
- 00:36:50days or weeks and after I finished the
- 00:36:53course of treatment something really
- 00:36:54horrible happened and I thought oh boy
- 00:36:56here we go go I'm going to be dragged
- 00:36:57down the escalator and it just didn't
- 00:36:59happen I noticed the way he said it he
- 00:37:01says it's like I walked up to the top of
- 00:37:03this escalator I saw where it was going
- 00:37:05and I realized I didn't want to go down
- 00:37:06there and so my brain just kept going
- 00:37:09and I think what's interesting on the
- 00:37:11brain Imaging study is of course if you
- 00:37:13scan people before and after what you
- 00:37:14find is exactly what you described that
- 00:37:16the connections between within this
- 00:37:19circuit are actually getting disrupted
- 00:37:20and weaken so uh the circuit's still
- 00:37:22there and functioning but it's not
- 00:37:23getting stuck in this attractor state or
- 00:37:26this Loop so I think it actually lines
- 00:37:28up really well with the account you just
- 00:37:29described in the one case plasticity
- 00:37:31being used to strengthen the person's
- 00:37:33ability to control their thoughts but if
- 00:37:35that doesn't work in the other case you
- 00:37:37can then go directly to the area that's
- 00:37:39stuck in a loop in the first place and
- 00:37:41use another form of plasticity to weaken
- 00:37:43those connections and loosen them so the
- 00:37:45person can come out of it again yeah and
- 00:37:47this is very cool because originally
- 00:37:50with depression I mean I think it's
- 00:37:51always been this way historically that
- 00:37:53people let's say loved ones who are with
- 00:37:55somebody who's depressed feel like hey
- 00:37:57we should just be able to talk The
- 00:37:59person out of this just say hey look at
- 00:38:00the bright side and so on that that
- 00:38:02doesn't work and so this idea of being
- 00:38:06able to help
- 00:38:08somebody by let's say loosening up
- 00:38:11circuits in the brain doing other thing
- 00:38:13you know getting someone out of an
- 00:38:14attractor State uh
- 00:38:17non-invasively is is so promising uh
- 00:38:20what do you predict is going to be the
- 00:38:22field in in 40 years from now when
- 00:38:24you're when you're elderly oh wow that's
- 00:38:28that's really interesting I I I'll get
- 00:38:29to that in a moment I but I I want to
- 00:38:31just come back and highlight that I
- 00:38:33think you really hit the nail on the
- 00:38:34head with this that uh every one of us
- 00:38:37has tried to talk someone who's
- 00:38:38despairing out of their despair we've
- 00:38:40all tried to do it and we've all been
- 00:38:42sort of SED and frustrated going why are
- 00:38:44you fighting us on this like we I keep
- 00:38:46trying to tell you all the things that
- 00:38:47are good in life and reminds you of them
- 00:38:49and it's almost like you want your brain
- 00:38:50wants to just go to the one negative
- 00:38:52thing and stuck there you've had that
- 00:38:54experience in talking to somebody I'm
- 00:38:55sure we all have um and it comes back to
- 00:38:58exactly that lesson that depression is a
- 00:39:01kind of motivated State it's the the
- 00:39:02brain is turning this on because it
- 00:39:04thinks that it needs to be in this
- 00:39:06survival mechanism of just folding and
- 00:39:08giving up it thinks that that's its best
- 00:39:09chance of survival and so it's a highly
- 00:39:11motivated State and you will not be able
- 00:39:13to talk somebody out of it because their
- 00:39:15their motivational circuitry literally
- 00:39:17has been hijacked by the depression uh
- 00:39:20and so just talking people out of it
- 00:39:21doesn't work terribly well but as you
- 00:39:23say now that we know where this
- 00:39:25motivational lives now that we know
- 00:39:27where this non-reward circuit lives we
- 00:39:30can do all kinds of interventions and
- 00:39:32you asked what's it going to look like
- 00:39:34in 40 years I don't think there's going
- 00:39:35to be any one treatment that is just
- 00:39:39universally what people use uh I'll give
- 00:39:41you an example of that so recently A
- 00:39:43couple of years ago a team at UC San
- 00:39:45Francisco led by uh Katherine scango and
- 00:39:48colleagues they were able to go to this
- 00:39:51non-reward circuit in the brain that I
- 00:39:52talked about uh and they took people who
- 00:39:55had very severe depression and they did
- 00:39:57something that I think is very kind of
- 00:39:58futuristic first of all they brought
- 00:40:00them into a special monitoring ward in
- 00:40:03the hospital and they implanted little
- 00:40:05electrodes in their brain and let them
- 00:40:06stay in the hospital for several days or
- 00:40:08weeks normally that's what you'll do in
- 00:40:10epilepsy patients if you were trying to
- 00:40:12find the source of the epilepsy within
- 00:40:14the brain you'll put electrodes all over
- 00:40:15the brain and you'll let them sit and
- 00:40:16you wait for them to have seizures and
- 00:40:18then you go back and reconstruct where
- 00:40:20they came from so you can perform a
- 00:40:21surgery and this case they said well you
- 00:40:24know the folks with depression these
- 00:40:25folks are really they can't function
- 00:40:27they're suicidal you know they really
- 00:40:29need something just as drastic as this
- 00:40:30so they brought them in they implanted
- 00:40:32the electrodes but instead of waiting
- 00:40:33for seizures they just let them have
- 00:40:35negative thoughts and using a little app
- 00:40:37on their tablet they could constantly
- 00:40:39rate what their brain was thinking about
- 00:40:40and so you could see what kind of brain
- 00:40:43activity was going on when they were
- 00:40:44having positive thoughts or negative
- 00:40:46thoughts um and by doing that and using
- 00:40:48a machine learning algorithm they were
- 00:40:50able to detect the electrodes that
- 00:40:52showed particular pattern of abnormal
- 00:40:55activity that was present when the brain
- 00:40:57got sucked into those negative
- 00:40:58ruminations when they did that they were
- 00:41:00then able to implant a deep brain
- 00:41:02stimulator in that uh and it was a
- 00:41:04closed loop system so it was attached to
- 00:41:06a tiny little computer that would uh
- 00:41:08that would detect when the brain had
- 00:41:10gone into this abnormal rhythm of
- 00:41:12negative thoughts and it would just
- 00:41:13disrupt the activity with about five or
- 00:41:15six seconds of stimulation so it just
- 00:41:17flip just to like when you tap on a
- 00:41:19microphone to break a feedback loop it
- 00:41:20was literally just tapping on that
- 00:41:22microphone and saying hey stop it um
- 00:41:24we've used this approach in the heart
- 00:41:25for a long time so people have heart
- 00:41:27rhythm problems can wear things called
- 00:41:29implantable have a surgery to have an
- 00:41:31implantable cardiac defibrillator so
- 00:41:34something like the defibrillator paddles
- 00:41:35that you might see in the airport but
- 00:41:37this is actually implanted inside so if
- 00:41:38their heart ever gets stuck in an
- 00:41:40abnormal Rhythm that might be fatal the
- 00:41:42device will automatically detect that
- 00:41:44the heart's in that Rhythm and just give
- 00:41:46a few blips to reset it so interestingly
- 00:41:49they were doing the same thing in the
- 00:41:50brain these folks had effectively
- 00:41:52created an implantable brain
- 00:41:53defibrillator and so it was detecting
- 00:41:55when this abnormal pattern comes along
- 00:41:57they blip it for a few seconds um and
- 00:42:00there's a lovely article in the New York
- 00:42:01Times a couple of years ago where they
- 00:42:02interviewed the patient describe what it
- 00:42:04was like and they talked about it as
- 00:42:06being a sort of you're about to get
- 00:42:08sucked down into these negative thoughts
- 00:42:09and she said suddenly the rational side
- 00:42:11of you comes on and those negative
- 00:42:13emotions can be separated from your real
- 00:42:16situation what was encouraging is that
- 00:42:18this seems to this process of implanting
- 00:42:20these stimulators seems to work even in
- 00:42:22people who have had depression for
- 00:42:24decades and have tried every other
- 00:42:25treatment avail multiple medications
- 00:42:27therapies TMS even electrc convulsive
- 00:42:29therapy all kinds of things so people
- 00:42:32have really gotten nowhere with the
- 00:42:33other treatments uh using this targeted
- 00:42:36intelligent approach I think that really
- 00:42:38is sort of the Prototype of what the
- 00:42:39future looks like yeah I think one of
- 00:42:41the most amazing things about this U
- 00:42:44many many listeners will already sort of
- 00:42:45be aware of this research but generally
- 00:42:49we think of ourselves and our
- 00:42:51personalities and our thoughts and our
- 00:42:53emotions as something different from
- 00:42:56let's say our heart and how is our heart
- 00:42:58functioning and you can defibrillate the
- 00:42:59heart but the brain it feels like well
- 00:43:02that's me that's just who I am and so on
- 00:43:05and it's uh sort of an amazing
- 00:43:07Revelation that that many people have
- 00:43:09when they start seeing this sort of data
- 00:43:11to understand that we are physical
- 00:43:13creatures and when you um do things to
- 00:43:17change the physical structure that
- 00:43:18changes who you are in that moment I I
- 00:43:21think that's spot on and that comes back
- 00:43:23to the story we told at the beginning
- 00:43:25why it was so interesting for me as a as
- 00:43:27a young researcher um that you know at
- 00:43:30that time many years ago we really there
- 00:43:32were the default idea was this thing
- 00:43:34called the serotonin hypothesis of
- 00:43:36depression where you know serotonin had
- 00:43:38something to do with your mood and if
- 00:43:39your mood was low it was maybe because
- 00:43:41your serotonin was low you you know
- 00:43:42didn't have enough serotonin in your
- 00:43:44soup so we should get out a serotonin
- 00:43:46Shaker and we shake some put some more
- 00:43:47serotonin into your soup and that will
- 00:43:49somehow just you know make your mood get
- 00:43:50better but uh it turns out of course
- 00:43:53it's not as simple as that the serotonin
- 00:43:55is not mood serotonin in you know in
- 00:43:57your in your GI tract will will cause
- 00:44:00your you know to have uh to have gi
- 00:44:02motions uh in the brain stem it can
- 00:44:04regulate nausea and the visual cortex it
- 00:44:06can do visual things and so there's no
- 00:44:08such thing as a really where just mood
- 00:44:10is just boiled down to not having enough
- 00:44:12of a molecule in place but when we
- 00:44:15looked at those cases as you said were
- 00:44:16people who had been depressed for so
- 00:44:18long that they thought it was just part
- 00:44:20of who they were uh they then have this
- 00:44:22experience where you literally just take
- 00:44:24a circuit in the brain and blip it and
- 00:44:27reset it and the person immediately in
- 00:44:29their thoughts is no longer getting
- 00:44:31stuck in the negative thoughts and can
- 00:44:33look past the one thing that's going
- 00:44:35wrong to the other 9 things that are
- 00:44:37going right through that clear sort of
- 00:44:39logical way uh and you're right people
- 00:44:40do really find it as a res as a
- 00:44:42revelation and people who improve on
- 00:44:44these they often find that because
- 00:44:46they've been depressed for 20 years you
- 00:44:47know they uh they don't it can be
- 00:44:50actually quite a lot of work to sit down
- 00:44:51with a person and figure out how to
- 00:44:53reconstruct their life uh based on the
- 00:44:55premise that they actually get up every
- 00:44:56day and feel good and ready to do things
- 00:44:58they have spent 20 years building a life
- 00:45:00around disability so it's not something
- 00:45:03where so there often can be quite a lot
- 00:45:04of work done over months or years to try
- 00:45:06and figure out how the person will adapt
- 00:45:08to a life that has hope in it again yeah
- 00:45:12so so you once told me how you see the
- 00:45:14uh the battle against depression in the
- 00:45:1621st century from a historical point of
- 00:45:20view yeah so I mean I let's come back to
- 00:45:23those numbers we talked about earlier on
- 00:45:24where we said that there's a the
- 00:45:26prevalence of depression over the
- 00:45:28lifetime is maybe 10% and the prevalence
- 00:45:30at any given time is about 5% now there
- 00:45:33are lots of diseases uh in the history
- 00:45:35of medicine where the prevalence uh has
- 00:45:37come down a lot so people used there
- 00:45:39used to be a lot of people with
- 00:45:40tuberculosis that's come down a lot and
- 00:45:42we're now making progress against
- 00:45:43malaria we're making progress against
- 00:45:45various forms of hepatitis we're making
- 00:45:48progress against uh stomach ulcers that
- 00:45:50used to sometimes be fatal if they
- 00:45:51progress and for each of these things we
- 00:45:53now have effective treatments and the
- 00:45:55prevalence is coming down even for HIV
- 00:45:57uh something that was once untreatable
- 00:45:59and uncontrollable is now turned into
- 00:46:01something that is controllable and that
- 00:46:02over time we may be able to get the
- 00:46:04prevalences down uh so the dream for us
- 00:46:06I think for the 21st century would be
- 00:46:08that we would like you know at the end
- 00:46:10of our careers 40 years from now as you
- 00:46:12said we'd like to be able to look back
- 00:46:14at the prevalence of depression and
- 00:46:16anxiety and other mental health
- 00:46:18disorders and say look at that we used
- 00:46:20to be at 5 or 10% and look how much
- 00:46:22numbers have come down since then
- 00:46:25millions of people who were had no
- 00:46:27pathway forward uh now see depression as
- 00:46:30something that is treatable um and
- 00:46:32employers no longer look at depression
- 00:46:34as something that would disqualify you
- 00:46:36from being hired for a job oh you have
- 00:46:38depression that's okay not the end of
- 00:46:39the world just go in and get the course
- 00:46:41of treatment and we'll see you we'll see
- 00:46:42you back in a week or two so you know
- 00:46:45this will help to erode the stigma and I
- 00:46:46think we'll really get to see the
- 00:46:48numbers coming down on this are we going
- 00:46:50to get those millions of people better
- 00:46:51with deep brain simulators alone no of
- 00:46:53course not um we're not going to be
- 00:46:55implanting Millions millions and
- 00:46:56millions of deep brain simulators and
- 00:46:57everybody not everybody wants them and
- 00:46:59just there aren't off servic to do that
- 00:47:01um but I think we do have a real
- 00:47:03opportunity using the non-invasive forms
- 00:47:05of brain stimulation like TMS which are
- 00:47:08getting you know very very good as well
- 00:47:10so your colleague over at uh over at
- 00:47:13Stanford one of my good friends Nolan
- 00:47:15Williams uh was instrumental in
- 00:47:17developing a radical new form of TMS
- 00:47:19treatment uh that could take a person
- 00:47:22from severe depression on Monday all the
- 00:47:24way down to being in remission in
- 00:47:25literally 5 days uh the secret was to do
- 00:47:29two things the first was not to do a
- 00:47:30treatment once a day traditionally but
- 00:47:32to do up to 10 treatments a day so that
- 00:47:35a person can have 30 or 40 or 50
- 00:47:36treatments in a week and that's
- 00:47:38definitely enough TMS sessions to get
- 00:47:39them better the second part of their
- 00:47:41trick was actually perform some brain
- 00:47:42Imaging in the person so you could see
- 00:47:44what Pathways to be targeting and then F
- 00:47:46tune and personalize where the coil is
- 00:47:48through some combination of those two
- 00:47:51things they seem to be hitting very high
- 00:47:52success rates that are you know north of
- 00:47:5450% so we have a tool now with TMS that
- 00:47:58if you know someone who has struggled
- 00:48:00with depression or anxiety and has not
- 00:48:02done well on therapy or medications
- 00:48:04that's a lot of people uh they can go
- 00:48:06anywhere in the United States right now
- 00:48:08to a TMS clinic and they can undergo a
- 00:48:10course of transcranial magnetic
- 00:48:12simulation and with the most recent FDA
- 00:48:15approved protocols you we believe that
- 00:48:17we can get more than 50% of people to
- 00:48:19remission even if nothing else has
- 00:48:20worked so we do think we have a tool
- 00:48:23that is now capable of treating most
- 00:48:25people with depression and getting at
- 00:48:27least half of them out of depression
- 00:48:29maybe more the trick is going to be to
- 00:48:31scale that so just scaling up so that
- 00:48:33everyone in the country will have access
- 00:48:35to this treatment once we're there we I
- 00:48:37think we will absolutely see
- 00:48:39improvements in the prevalence in our
- 00:48:41lifetimes it's great hey just dig into
- 00:48:44one more thing because you talked I've
- 00:48:46heard you talk before about tuberculosis
- 00:48:48and the uh the the parallel
- 00:48:51there yeah so that's an interesting
- 00:48:53thing um it is possible I guess that our
- 00:48:56battle against oppression in the 21st
- 00:48:57century is really a little bit like the
- 00:48:59battle against you know tuberculosis in
- 00:49:01the 19th and TW and the 20th century um
- 00:49:04one of the pioneers of modern medicine
- 00:49:06the 19th century physician Sir William
- 00:49:09Osler um he of course saw many patients
- 00:49:12in his career with tuberculosis coming
- 00:49:14from the poor areas of town the
- 00:49:15overcrowded areas and so on uh the
- 00:49:18places where living conditions were
- 00:49:19terrible where sanitation was terrible
- 00:49:21and as a result he described
- 00:49:22tuberculosis as primarily quote a social
- 00:49:26disease with a medical aspect in other
- 00:49:29words yes we can treat it medically but
- 00:49:31fundamentally tuberculosis isn't going
- 00:49:33to go away until people have better
- 00:49:34living conditions until you don't have
- 00:49:36eight people living in one room and
- 00:49:38until people aren't with bad food and
- 00:49:39all the rest of it so in fact although
- 00:49:42tuberculosis drugs were developed in the
- 00:49:4420th century and saved millions of lives
- 00:49:46when they invented the reality is that
- 00:49:48the rates of tuberculosis were coming
- 00:49:50down decades before any of these drugs
- 00:49:53were ever rolled out to reach people and
- 00:49:55the prevalence of tuberculosis improved
- 00:49:57because people's lives improved you know
- 00:49:59better food cleaner water less crowded
- 00:50:02living conditions less dire poverty less
- 00:50:05desperation and I think we're going to
- 00:50:07see that a very similar thing is
- 00:50:09happening here it's not that we won't be
- 00:50:10able to use new technologies like brain
- 00:50:12stimulation to pull people out of
- 00:50:13Despair but it's also possible that a
- 00:50:16key to getting people out of Despair
- 00:50:17will be to understand depression also as
- 00:50:19to some degree a social disease with a
- 00:50:21medical aspect if we go back to the idea
- 00:50:24that depression is the thing that
- 00:50:26happens when the brain has decided it's
- 00:50:27in a battle for survival that it's not
- 00:50:29going to win then we look at the
- 00:50:31prevalence of depression as a number of
- 00:50:33people who look around at their lives
- 00:50:34and included that they are in an
- 00:50:36unwinable
- 00:50:37situation and I believe in the same way
- 00:50:40that we part of the pathway to getting
- 00:50:42people out of depression and reducing
- 00:50:44its prevalence will be improving the
- 00:50:46conditions of people's lives their the
- 00:50:48degree to which they feel secure the
- 00:50:50degree to which they don't feel like
- 00:50:51they're going to lose their housing or
- 00:50:53to be under threat of violence the first
- 00:50:55first places in the world to overcome
- 00:50:57depression will be the ones that don't
- 00:50:59just develop you know better
- 00:51:01Technologies to reset the brain but also
- 00:51:03develop stronger Societies in which we
- 00:51:06just have fewer percentages of people
- 00:51:08who are trapped in fights for survival
- 00:51:09that they feel like and never seem to
- 00:51:11win and I guess that's maybe there is a
- 00:51:15concept which one of my uh colleagues
- 00:51:17introduced me to from the history of
- 00:51:19Judaism and it's it's a lovely phrase
- 00:51:21that I just really carry around with me
- 00:51:23all day it's a the phrase is
- 00:51:26uh and it has been described to me as
- 00:51:29the religious injunction to repair the
- 00:51:31world yeah I can't I think you and I
- 00:51:34have also discussed this in the past as
- 00:51:35well yeah so yeah when we talk about
- 00:51:39resetting the brain I think that falls
- 00:51:40within the larger of battle to try and
- 00:51:42improve the lot of humanity and reduce
- 00:51:44them reduce despair everywhere and uh so
- 00:51:47when I think about the pathway to tun
- 00:51:49Alam and what neuros signs can
- 00:51:52contribute to it and what uh you know
- 00:51:54brain stimulation can can can contribute
- 00:51:56to it I think it has an essential um
- 00:51:59role in reducing the number of people
- 00:52:01who face the world in Despair and that
- 00:52:03will be an essential component of this m
- 00:52:05arure injunction to repair the world
- 00:52:07which I think we can all relate
- 00:52:10[Music]
- 00:52:12to I spend many of these episodes
- 00:52:15talking about the extraordinary things
- 00:52:17that the brain does well but it's
- 00:52:20equally important to talk about what
- 00:52:22happens when the brain gets off track
- 00:52:25because some percentage of your friends
- 00:52:27and loved ones are going to have to
- 00:52:29battle depression at some point and it
- 00:52:32might be a slightly higher percentage
- 00:52:35than you think the brain is incredible
- 00:52:38but fragile and what we see from
- 00:52:41depression is that it's relatively easy
- 00:52:44for it to slip out of its optimal
- 00:52:46operating range happily Neuroscience
- 00:52:50Labs all over the world are working to
- 00:52:53understand this and researchers and
- 00:52:56companies are generating new approaches
- 00:52:59as with trans cranial magnetic
- 00:53:01stimulation such that as we move forward
- 00:53:05we will have increasingly better ways to
- 00:53:08get things back on
- 00:53:13track go to eagan.mn
- 00:53:22with questions or discussion and I'll be
- 00:53:25making monthly episodes in which I
- 00:53:27address those and check out and
- 00:53:29subscribe to Inner Cosmos on YouTube for
- 00:53:32videos of each episode and to leave
- 00:53:34comments until next time I'm David
- 00:53:37Eagleman and this is inner
- 00:53:51Cosmos
- depressão
- neurociência
- tratamento
- David Eagleman
- estimulação cerebral
- evolução da depressão