What Can You Do With Your Political Science Degree? | College & Careers | The Princeton Review



TLDRThe video discusses the versatility of a political science major, highlighting its popularity and the wide range of career options available to graduates. Political science equips students with research, communication, and data analysis skills used in both public and private sectors. Entry-level job opportunities include Public Relations Coordinator, Social Media Manager, Nonprofit Program Coordinator, and Legislative Assistant. Advanced degrees such as a Master's in Public Administration and law are popular paths for further specialization, opening careers in academia, law, and executive leadership. The speaker encourages exploring this field and subscribing for more educational content.

A retenir

  • 📚 Political science is a versatile major with vast career prospects.
  • 🎓 Nearly 42,000 political science degrees were awarded in 2019.
  • 💼 Graduates can pursue roles in law, politics, media, and nonprofit sectors.
  • ✍️ Political science majors have strong research and communication skills.
  • 🏛 Advanced degrees expand career opportunities to law and MPA roles.
  • 📊 PhD in political science can lead to roles in academia and research.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Popular entry-level jobs include PR Coordinator and Social Media Manager.
  • 💬 Advanced education paths include law school and Master's programs.
  • 🏢 MPA graduates can work as City Managers and Campaign Managers.
  • 🤝 Political science is popular among law school applicants.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:08:06

    In this introduction, Rob Franek from The Princeton Review addresses the common concern about the utility of certain college majors, specifically political science. He highlights the appeal of this major for those interested in global affairs and public policy, and notes the acquisition of skills like research, communication, and data analysis which are versatile across many fields. He emphasizes the significant number of degrees awarded in this field, pointing to its popularity and the broad career opportunities it offers in both private and public sectors.

Carte mentale

Vidéo Q&R

  • What is political science?

    Political science is a field of study focusing on systems of government, political behavior, and the application of political theories to current events.

  • What skills do political science graduates possess?

    Political science graduates typically have strong research, communication, and data analysis skills.

  • What are some entry-level jobs for political science majors?

    Entry-level jobs include Public Relations Coordinator, Social Media Manager, Nonprofit Program Coordinator, and Legislative Assistant.

  • Can political science majors pursue advanced degrees?

    Yes, political science majors often pursue advanced degrees like law school or a Master's in Public Administration.

  • What career paths are available with a law degree after political science?

    With a law degree, political science majors can become lawyers, lobbyists, corporate lawyers, or legal advocates.

  • What is an MPA?

    MPA stands for Master of Public Administration, focusing on areas like Nonprofit Management, Public Policy, Urban Development, and more.

  • What can you do with a PhD in political science?

    With a PhD, you can pursue careers in academia, research, as a professor, or in government institutions.

  • Is political science a popular major for law school applicants?

    Yes, political science is one of the most popular majors among law school applicants.

  • How many political science degrees were awarded in 2019?

    Approximately 42,000 undergraduate degrees were awarded in political science in 2019.

  • What are potential career paths for MPA graduates?

    MPA graduates can work as City Managers, Charity Directors, HR Directors, and Campaign Managers.

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  • 00:00:00
    Hello, everyone! I am Rob Franek, Editor-in-Chief  at The Princeton Review, and today we are covering
  • 00:00:05
    that oft-repeated question when  it comes to college majors:
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    What are you going to do with that?
  • 00:00:12
    Let’s drill down further, because today,  my friends, we’re going to talk about
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    your poli-sci major. Maybe you majored in  political science because you are fascinated
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    by global affairs, public policy, and  current events. As a political science
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    major, you get to learn about systems of  government and political behavior, and how
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    to apply political theories to current events. And you are far from alone. With nearly
  • 00:00:43
    42,000 total undergraduate degrees awarded in  2019, political science is a fantastic field
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    for students looking for a service-oriented  career that combines research and advocacy.
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    It’s also a multipurpose degree that  equips you with strong research,
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    communication, and data analysis skills applicable  to careers in both the private and public sectors.
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    It’s also a growing field. Upon  earning your political science degree,
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    you’d join 3.8 million professionals  with degrees in the social sciences.
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    While all of this sounds amazing, I know what  you’re about to ask! What in the world can I do
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    with a degree in political  science? And the answer is plenty!
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    Like many social science degrees,  political science is a versatile major.
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    Upon graduation, many political science majors  pursue roles in law, politics, and government,
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    while others build enriching careers in  the nonprofit sector, media, consulting,
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    financial services, business, and education! Speaking of which, let’s discuss some of the
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    most popular ENTRY-LEVEL jobs  for political science majors.
  • 00:02:15
    Public Relations Coordinator  — As a PR coordinator,
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    you’ll put your writing skills to work  writing and editing press releases,
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    managing media contact lists, and monitoring  press coverage. This is a great fit for majors
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    interested in media, as you’ll learn firsthand  how to use media to shape public opinion.
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    Social Media Manager –– In today’s  digital world, public opinion is also
  • 00:02:49
    greatly influenced by social media!  Politicians, nonprofit organizations,
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    political parties, and interest groups all need  digital-savvy social media managers to monitor
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    the views of constituents and their  overall audience. In this role,
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    you’ll help develop social media campaigns and  strategies to monitor and shape perception.
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    Nonprofit Program Coordinator — As  an entry-level program coordinator,
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    you’ll help further the mission of a nonprofit by  coordinating events, writing outreach materials,
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    organizing program agendas, and assisting  with project management. If you’re passionate
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    about a particular cause and making a meaningful  contribution, this is a role worth considering!
  • 00:03:47
    Legislative Assistant –– As a legislative  assistant, you’ll take on a variety of
  • 00:03:52
    responsibilities related to legislation, including  writing, editing, and tracking legislation,
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    serving as point of contact for constituents, and  drafting speeches and talking points. This is a
  • 00:04:04
    great opportunity for those looking to work  with elected officials and advocacy groups.
  • 00:04:14
    Now that we’ve covered a mere handful of the  entry-level roles available after graduation,
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    let’s discuss some of the career paths available  to you should you pursue an advanced degree.
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    While you certainly don’t need an advanced  degree to have a rewarding career,
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    many political science majors choose to pursue  master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees
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    to prepare for roles in academia,  law, and executive leadership. So,
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    let’s review what you can do with these degrees. Law school is a popular track for political
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    science majors––and fun fact, political science is  one for the most popular majors amongst law school
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    applicants each year! No surprise since similar to  political scientists, lawyers are also interested
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    in studying legal systems, conducting research,  and doing a significant amount of reading
  • 00:05:21
    and writing! Not to mention, a law degree offers  a variety of career paths––some quite lucrative!
  • 00:05:30
    You could develop legislation at the local, state,  or national level as a lobbyist. You could work
  • 00:05:39
    as a corporate lawyer drafting contracts and  establishing a corporate governance framework
  • 00:05:45
    for corporations. You could also work as a legal  advocate for at-risk populations or issue-based
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    organizations within the  nonprofit sector. In a nutshell,
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    you’ll have an array of options available to you.
  • 00:06:02
    Many political science majors also go on to  pursue master’s programs, such as a Master of
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    Public Administration (or MPA) to specialize  in a particular area of political science––like
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    Nonprofit Management, Public Policy Analysis,  Urban Development, and International Relations.
  • 00:06:23
    MPA graduates often find meaningful  work as managers in both the public
  • 00:06:30
    and private sectors, including as a City Manager  overseeing the day-to-day operations of a city;
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    Charity Director managing organizational  fundraising efforts; Human Resources
  • 00:06:43
    Director developing hiring strategies and  employee policies, and Campaign Manager
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    overseeing fundraising, volunteers, and  media requests for a political candidate.
  • 00:06:57
    More than 700 people also pursued doctorates  in political science in 2019. As a PhD student,
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    you’ll spend several years learning in small  classes with experienced faculty mentors, while
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    putting together a dissertation and completing  original research. A PhD or doctoral program
  • 00:07:20
    is a great path for those looking for a career in  academia, specifically as a researcher, professor,
  • 00:07:29
    and scholar at universities, think tanks,  consulting firms, and government institutions.
  • 00:07:35
    So if you’re wondering: What can I do with  that degree? The answer, my friends, is a lot.
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    If you’re planning to major in political science,
  • 00:07:51
    leave us a comment and tell us  what you love about the field!
  • 00:07:54
    As always, thanks so much for watching! Please  subscribe to our channel for all the latest,
  • 00:07:59
    greatest updates about college, careers,
  • 00:08:02
    study tips, and a whole lot  more. See you here the next time!
  • political science
  • career options
  • undergraduate degree
  • advanced degree
  • entry-level roles
  • law school
  • MPA
  • PhD
  • social sciences
  • nonprofit