Ranking The BEST and WORST Guitar Gear 2024
TLDRIn 'n omvattende video loop Taylor ons deur sy volledige regeerlys van toerusting wat hy in 2024 hersien het. Hy bespreek 'n verskeidenheid musiekinstrumente, effekpedale, en musiektoestelle. Die toerusting wissel van kitaarpedale soos die Fredman IR RX, tot verskillende kitare soos die West Creek en Teemu. Hy rangskik elke item na sy ervaring en bied eerlike kommentaar of kritiek, insluitend aan die met probleme soos die goedkoop kitare wat hy ontriefbaar gevind het. Die video het ook 'n paar aanbevelings vir die kykers ingesluit oor watter toerusting die moeite werd is om in te belê en watter om te vermy. Daar is ook bespreking oor multi-effekte eenhede soos die HeadRush Core met sy kloning en profieleringse vermoë. Die afsluiting van die jaar 2024 word gevier met 'n opregte dankbaarheid uitgespreek aan die aanhangers en die inspirasie om voort te gaan in die jaar 2025.
- 🔔 Taylor herontleed sy toerusting vir 2024 en rangskik dit volgens sy ervaring.
- 🎸 Sommige kitare soos West Creek kry 'n lae rangskikking as gevolg van swak kwaliteit.
- 🎛️ Die Fredman IR RX word hoog geag as gevolg van sy uitstekende klank in 'n kompak pedaal.
- 💡 Innovasie word besing in modelle soos die HeadRush Prime Flex vir sy kloningtegnologie.
- 🛒 Taylor gee eerlike menings oor elke item, wat kykers help met aankoopoorsigte.
- 📈 Hy beoordeel produkte op hul waarde, innovasie en bruikbaarheid.
- 🎶 Die video sluit af met waardering vir sy ondersteuners en 'n uitnodiging om in te skakel vir bydraes in 2025.
- 🤖 Die review-video bestuur 'n balans tussen professionele kritiek en persoonlike opinie.
- 💬 Kykers word aangemoedig om hul gedagtes en aanbevelings oor toekomstige hersienings te deel.
- 🎉 Die afsluiting van die jaar 2024 word met optimisme gegroet voor 2025.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Taylor 2024 sluit die jaar af met 'n oorsigtierlys van alle toerusting wat hy hierdie jaar hersien het. Hy bied skakels aan vir volledige video's en noem dat daar geen borg vir die video is nie. Hy moedig kykers aan om die kanaal te ondersteun deur middel van skenkings of intekening.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Die West Creek-kitaar van Amazon word nie aanbeveel nie vanweë swak fretwerk en speelbaarheid. Aan die ander kant beveel hy die Total Distortion Warship MK1 en MK2 aan vir misvorming-aanhangers. Die Ampero Two Stomp word as 'n goeie produk beskou, maar nie noodwendig geskik vir almal nie, terwyl die GE 1000 van Mooer hoogs aanbeveel word vir sy gehalte en funksies.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Die Teemu-kitaar is gekritiseer as 'n swak kwaliteit produk, terwyl die Loud stack midi grooves baie hoog aangeskryf word weens sy doeltreffende organisasie. Die Blob Audio se Ragnarok is as matig beskryf, terwyl die Fredman IR RX 'n god-tier erkenning kry omdat dit 'n kragtige klankpedal is.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Die Mesa Boogie-tonemodelle van Tonx is nie vir Taylor nie, hoewel hulle nie sleg is nie. Die Flam FX20 oorfoneversterker bereik ook nie god-tier status nie. Die MLC Subzero en C-unf-stelsel word as goed beskou, maar nie geskik vir Taylor se behoeftes nie. Die Synergy-stelsel bereik egter god-tier status vir sy digitale skeppings.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Taylor bespreek die tontrack produkreekse, waar baie van hulle by god-tier geplaas word, danksy hulle uitsonderlike funksionaliteit. Hy noem ook die Head Rush Core as 'n goeie opsie vir lewendige optredes. Die Wish-kitaar en ENO Nova Go Sonic word nie aanbeveel nie en het baie kritiek ontvang weens die kwaliteit.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Die Tone X1 pedaal van IK Multimedia is 'n gunsteling en word as 'n waardevolle belegging beskou met sy uitgebreide funksies teen 'n redelike prys. Aan die ander kant word die Jackson JS11 as 'n uitstekende beginner-kitaar beskou, terwyl die ASMUSE se goedkoop kitaar swak ontvang is weens ongerief tydens spel.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Die IOUD MTM MK2 luidsprekers van IK Multimedia en die VHD 140C pedaal word hoog aangeskryf. Die AYS Effects Savage Drive het beperkings maar werk goed vir spesifieke toepassings. Die Fender Squire debuut reeks kitaar is goed maar het lawaaierige pickups. Die PRS MT15 is geliefd vir sy unieke klank.
- 00:35:00 - 00:44:01
Taylor bespreek dan die Firefly kitaar as 'n aanbevelenswaardige koop vir sy waarde. Die Pandorra voorversterker word laat deur aanbeveel weens sy goeie prestasie met analoog toerusting. Hy sluit sy toerusting lys vir 2024 af en bedank sy kykers terwyl hy hulle 'n voorspoedige nuwe jaar toewens.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Wat doen die Fredman IR RX-pedaal?
Die Fredman IR RX-pedaal is 'n een-truuk ponie wat 'n amp in 'n pedaal is, en dit klink baie goed met die opsie om IRS te laai en te laat opdateer.
Waarom word sommige gitarre nie aanbeveel nie?
Sommige gitarre soos die West Creek en Teemu gitarre is van swak gehalte, wat hulle ongeskik maak vir beginners of enige spelers, en word dus nie aanbeveel nie.
Wat is die kenmerke van die HeadRush Core?
Die HeadRush Core het clone tegnologie en is bekend vir die value vir geld wat dit bied, insluitend klankprofielering en multi-effek funksies.
Hoe vaar die Solar X1.6 TrueTempered gitaar?
Die Solar X1.6 is 'n hoogs aanbevole werkperd kitaar bekend vir sy funksionaliteit en uithouvermoë, waarna Taylor lief is.
Wat is die unieke kenmerk van die Headrush Prime Flex?
Die Headrush Prime Flex het innovasie in sy super cloon funksies en klankkloning, en open 'n nuwe reeks moontlikhede in die klankruimte.
Lihat lebih banyak ringkasan video
- 00:00:00what's up everybody Welcome to the
- 00:00:01channel my name is Taylor 2024 is coming
- 00:00:03to a close and I thought what better way
- 00:00:05to close out the year than by making a
- 00:00:07tier list of all the gear that I
- 00:00:08reviewed on this channel in
- 00:00:112024 okay so I have this tier list
- 00:00:13opened up here I have all the gear that
- 00:00:15I reviewed on the channel in 2024 in
- 00:00:17chronological order so if you want to
- 00:00:18see the full videos for any of these I
- 00:00:20will put it in a playlist in
- 00:00:21chronological order and I will leave a
- 00:00:23link to that down in the description
- 00:00:24below also this video is sponsored by no
- 00:00:27one so if you want to help out the
- 00:00:28channel just be here just watch video
- 00:00:30hit the like button that stuff goes a
- 00:00:31really really long way you can subscribe
- 00:00:34if you want to no pressure uh if you
- 00:00:36really want to help out the channel I
- 00:00:37will leave my affiliate links down in
- 00:00:39the description below if you want to use
- 00:00:40those to purchase some of this gear or
- 00:00:41really any piece of gear it goes a long
- 00:00:43way into helping out this Channel at no
- 00:00:45cost to you and if you want to be super
- 00:00:46op about it you can join us over on
- 00:00:48patreon where you get exclusive access
- 00:00:50behind the scenes content all sorts of
- 00:00:51stuff that I don't post here on YouTube
- 00:00:53let's get into it all right so starting
- 00:00:55out here the first piece of gear that I
- 00:00:56reviewed in 2024 was this West Creek
- 00:00:58guitar from Amazon this is going
- 00:01:00straight into the would not recommend
- 00:01:01category and if you saw that video you
- 00:01:03probably know
- 00:01:05why oh so second problem here that we're
- 00:01:08having is uh remember what I said about
- 00:01:10the Fret work being very good well the
- 00:01:13actual Frets themselves are good but if
- 00:01:15you saw my string just got pinched
- 00:01:17underneath one of them because these
- 00:01:18Frets aren't actually like set in the
- 00:01:20neck very well there are several Frets
- 00:01:23where it's like the neck was super
- 00:01:24flexible it like really messed with the
- 00:01:26tuning and not only that but the Frets
- 00:01:27were popped up out of the fretboard and
- 00:01:29they were actually like catching the
- 00:01:30strings and I know you might be saying
- 00:01:32to yourself Taylor those are all easy
- 00:01:34fix like you could fix that stuff it's a
- 00:01:36brand new guitar why should I have to
- 00:01:37pound the Fret back into the fretboard
- 00:01:39it just came to me not playable so I'm
- 00:01:40going to put that in the would not
- 00:01:41recommend category uh moving on here
- 00:01:44this is the total Distortion warship MK1
- 00:01:47now with some of these things I'm going
- 00:01:48to have to consolidate so I don't have a
- 00:01:50bunch of redundant products cuz we would
- 00:01:51never make it through this video but
- 00:01:53like specifically with software
- 00:01:55especially if I reviewed multiple
- 00:01:56plugins from a company I just picked one
- 00:01:59you know from each company with this one
- 00:02:00I reviewed the MK1 and the MK2 pedal I'm
- 00:02:02going to put this in the highly
- 00:02:04recommend category and the reason is I
- 00:02:07think if you're a distortion fan this is
- 00:02:09going to do a lot for you it just lets
- 00:02:10you contort your Distortion in a way
- 00:02:12that's very pleasing and the MK2 is
- 00:02:14actually a little bit better than the
- 00:02:15MK1 in my opinion just because it has
- 00:02:17more gain the pedal is called total
- 00:02:18Distortion warship so it's probably a
- 00:02:20good thing you know that it has more
- 00:02:21Distortion so uh yeah that goes in the
- 00:02:23highly recommend category the ampero two
- 00:02:25stump now I struggle putting this in
- 00:02:27between uh good but not for me and
- 00:02:30highly recommend I'm going to put in
- 00:02:31highly recommend for now I do like the
- 00:02:33hot T te stuff a lot I think the empero
- 00:02:352 is really great uh the reason that I
- 00:02:38struggle with this a little bit is
- 00:02:40because as far as like a new product
- 00:02:41it's not really for me in a lot of ways
- 00:02:44hotone already has a lot of ampero
- 00:02:45products and they're definitely one of
- 00:02:47those companies that in my opinion just
- 00:02:48release too many things instead of
- 00:02:50really heavily supporting good things
- 00:02:52that they've already released if that
- 00:02:54makes sense however with that being said
- 00:02:56I have not had the opportunity to really
- 00:02:58dive in and test out their uh sampling
- 00:03:01cloning whatever feature that you call
- 00:03:03that you can make profiles with so I
- 00:03:05have to kind of give it the benefit of
- 00:03:06the doubt I think and I'm going to put
- 00:03:07it in the highly recommend category but
- 00:03:09either way it's good uh moving on here
- 00:03:11GE 1000 from Mo this is going to be
- 00:03:14really similar in a lot of regards and
- 00:03:16I'm going to put this in the highly
- 00:03:17recommend category for now however M was
- 00:03:20the first company I believe to come out
- 00:03:22with a piece of software that would
- 00:03:24allow you to make clones or captures
- 00:03:25whatever you want to call them and then
- 00:03:26load it onto their hardware and again
- 00:03:29like I said with hot tone uh I just
- 00:03:31think that they released so many
- 00:03:32products that they can't focus on the
- 00:03:34development of that I would have rather
- 00:03:36seen Mo support the products that they
- 00:03:40already had maybe release one new
- 00:03:42updated multi unit but really focus on
- 00:03:44supporting the implementation of what
- 00:03:47they had already done with the mnrs
- 00:03:48sampling which is their version of
- 00:03:50cloning capturing whatever it it makes
- 00:03:52it hard to categorize because I kind of
- 00:03:53want to put it down just because there's
- 00:03:55so much of the stuff that comes out but
- 00:03:57we're going to put it in the highly
- 00:03:58recommend category Mo stuff is is very
- 00:04:00very good I like it a lot I just think
- 00:04:01like you know with hot tone they release
- 00:04:03too many products okay moving on here we
- 00:04:06have the Teemu guitar this should
- 00:04:09surprise no one this is going directly
- 00:04:11into the would not recommend the guitar
- 00:04:13was just shitty like it just wasn't good
- 00:04:16for any amount of money one of these
- 00:04:17things this definitely didn't come from
- 00:04:18a factory where someone knew how to set
- 00:04:20up a guitar or anything like that you
- 00:04:22know what I mean like this definitely
- 00:04:23just came from a factory where they just
- 00:04:25make things that are like other things
- 00:04:27if you're one of those people is like oh
- 00:04:28it's a good beginner no dude get a
- 00:04:30beginner a good quality you don't have
- 00:04:32to spend a ton of money to get a good
- 00:04:34quality guitar as you will see later in
- 00:04:36this tier list don't be that guy in the
- 00:04:37comments trying to defend this guitar
- 00:04:39right now it's garbage moving on the
- 00:04:40loud stack mini grooves these are great
- 00:04:43I use these all the time so I'm going to
- 00:04:44put these in the highly recommend now
- 00:04:45what's cool about the midi grooves from
- 00:04:46loud stack is that they're organized in
- 00:04:49a very efficient way so you can quickly
- 00:04:51find the type of drum beats that you are
- 00:04:52looking for when you're riding a song uh
- 00:04:54they're not quite god tier for me you
- 00:04:56know there's not I'll get into the
- 00:04:58reasons why for that in it yeah they're
- 00:05:00the highly recommend moving on we have
- 00:05:02the blob audio I think it's called
- 00:05:04Ragnarok or something I don't know it's
- 00:05:06like the Norse mythology amp sweet uh
- 00:05:09this goes this is a hard me I mean it's
- 00:05:11fun and it's definitely unique it does a
- 00:05:13lot of different things if you're into
- 00:05:15that art style more power to you I'm not
- 00:05:18I personally didn't find it very
- 00:05:19inspiring uh that's why it goes in the
- 00:05:21Met tier moving on here we have the
- 00:05:22fredman IR
- 00:05:24RX god tier this little petal man is so
- 00:05:29so so good it just kind of is a one
- 00:05:32trick pony it just is an amp in a pedal
- 00:05:34and it just sounds so so good and it
- 00:05:36does have enough features in there to
- 00:05:38elevate it to God tier status for me
- 00:05:39like the fact that you can go in with
- 00:05:40the app and connect to it with your
- 00:05:42computer update it load IRS into it if
- 00:05:44you want it just makes it super
- 00:05:45versatile you know if you want to add it
- 00:05:47to your rig or whatever so that goes
- 00:05:48into god tier for me moving on here we
- 00:05:50have the Mesa Boogie reference tone
- 00:05:52models from tonx this was a pack um this
- 00:05:54is good but this is not for me and the
- 00:05:56reason that this is not for me is just
- 00:05:59because I don't really Vibe with a lot
- 00:06:01of Mesa amplif you know that might
- 00:06:02change that might change in the future I
- 00:06:04really liked this a lot I thought it was
- 00:06:06excellent but you know for me for being
- 00:06:09a guy that just doesn't really
- 00:06:10necessarily Vibe with dual re like I've
- 00:06:12learned through the course of this
- 00:06:13channel that I'm really a 5150 Engle guy
- 00:06:16you know I mean there is the mark 5 in
- 00:06:18there which was pretty good but I just
- 00:06:20found that like these specific
- 00:06:23amplifiers um they just didn't really do
- 00:06:25it for me in a lot of ways I don't know
- 00:06:27maybe I'm wrong maybe I need to revisit
- 00:06:29this one uh moving on here we have this
- 00:06:30flam fx20 this little headphone amp
- 00:06:33thing this thing is super meh and it's
- 00:06:35not super meh because it's a bad product
- 00:06:37it's just how do you get excited about a
- 00:06:38headphone amplifier it serves a very
- 00:06:40specific function uh and it works well
- 00:06:42for that it gets you tones you plug your
- 00:06:44headphones into it and you can play your
- 00:06:46guitar it's awesome it's just not very
- 00:06:47exciting it's not sexy you know what I
- 00:06:50mean so uh the feeling that it gives me
- 00:06:52is very me uh moving on here we have the
- 00:06:54mlc Subzero one knob plug-in mlc makes
- 00:06:57excellent stuff this one's really good
- 00:07:00I'm going to put this in the good but
- 00:07:02not for me category though because I Str
- 00:07:05this one this one's probably one of
- 00:07:06those ones that's in between too uh I
- 00:07:08just don't use this much I haven't used
- 00:07:10this much since I got it I really like
- 00:07:13the one knob plugins because they're
- 00:07:14very easy to just load up and get to
- 00:07:17work right away but um I find myself
- 00:07:20using the 5153 one knob that they have
- 00:07:23the most so I'm going to leave this in
- 00:07:24the good but not for me category moving
- 00:07:26on here the C in UNF system this is
- 00:07:31another good but not for me this is a
- 00:07:33very very specific thing the reason it's
- 00:07:34a good but not for me is it has to be
- 00:07:37set up in a very specific way meaning
- 00:07:39that your setup has to accommodate it so
- 00:07:43right away my impressions are that there
- 00:07:45is so much lowend that I did not hear
- 00:07:48when I was mixing this song There is
- 00:07:50quite a bit more low-end information
- 00:07:52with this system and if you were worried
- 00:07:54about this not being loud enough it is
- 00:07:57so loud like I can't have it up halfway
- 00:07:59it's just way too loud so there is more
- 00:08:01than enough volume with this system you
- 00:08:04can see there in the the way it's
- 00:08:06pictured right now that's kind of how
- 00:08:07you set it up either that or you lay the
- 00:08:09subwo for flat and you can put like a
- 00:08:11monitor on top of it but you're not
- 00:08:12supposed to put a laptop on top of it
- 00:08:14because the magnets and'll mess with
- 00:08:15your hard drives so you know it it has
- 00:08:18limitations in its setup because of that
- 00:08:20it just it didn't work with my setup
- 00:08:22here specifically so that's why it's
- 00:08:24like not for me but it was a very good
- 00:08:26system and it sounded really really good
- 00:08:29and
- 00:08:30if it does fit your setup needs uh then
- 00:08:33I think this could be a really good
- 00:08:35option for you that's why that is in
- 00:08:37this one moving on here we have the
- 00:08:38Synergy system I did a bunch of videos
- 00:08:41uh with the Synergy stuff this year I'm
- 00:08:43going to put the Synergy stuff in god
- 00:08:44tier as well digitally I like to make
- 00:08:46the comparison that owning tube amps is
- 00:08:48kind of like owning muscle cars they get
- 00:08:50terrible gas mileage handle like a
- 00:08:51jogger during a Portland ice storm it's
- 00:08:53the perfect texture for running very low
- 00:08:55impact and its dry snow so your feet
- 00:08:56don't get wet
- 00:08:59we've seen a lot of people out here like
- 00:09:01he said running sledding just enjoying
- 00:09:03it enjoying
- 00:09:10enjoying and are just mostly
- 00:09:12inconvenient to own and maintain when
- 00:09:13there's better technology on the market
- 00:09:15I really like this system a lot I
- 00:09:16actually have one of these little
- 00:09:17modules here the cool thing about this
- 00:09:19system is while it might be kind of
- 00:09:20expensive to get into it uh after that
- 00:09:23each one of these modules is like $400
- 00:09:26and these are all analog tube modules so
- 00:09:29you know you essentially get to add in
- 00:09:31these different amplifiers these
- 00:09:32different flavors into your system for
- 00:09:34$400 each rather than having to buy you
- 00:09:37know a bunch of large bulky amps and
- 00:09:40while these might not cover all of the
- 00:09:41ground as their amp counterparts I think
- 00:09:43that they did it in a way where it's
- 00:09:45like you get the vibe from that
- 00:09:46amplifier in the module like this one
- 00:09:48right here is a friy it deliverance and
- 00:09:49when I hook this up uh it does sound a
- 00:09:51lot like my Deliverance 120 you know the
- 00:09:54Deliverance 120 is a lot different
- 00:09:55because of the power section that's a
- 00:09:57whole rabbit hole that you could dive
- 00:09:58into with these things is what power amp
- 00:10:00to run them with what what works the
- 00:10:01best with this system but just the
- 00:10:03Synergy system itself awesome I love it
- 00:10:05I think it's god tier it's why it's
- 00:10:06going in the god tier category moving on
- 00:10:08here to ton track uh I Consolidated all
- 00:10:11ton track into one thing because I did a
- 00:10:14lot of videos with them this year to
- 00:10:15track is going into god tier all their
- 00:10:17stuff that I've used Easy Drummer
- 00:10:19Superior drummer uh the midi packs
- 00:10:21especially the midi packs it's all very
- 00:10:23very good and it really makes
- 00:10:25songwriting easy it's one of the
- 00:10:27products that actually lives up to it
- 00:10:29title and that's why it goes into god
- 00:10:31tier for me and going back to the loud
- 00:10:33stack midi Groves thing I think what
- 00:10:35elevates the toun track midi grooves the
- 00:10:37nuances in the hits and the timing and
- 00:10:40everything sound much more like a real
- 00:10:43drummer like there's just a very big
- 00:10:45difference in the subtleties with the
- 00:10:47velocities and the timing and they just
- 00:10:50yeah they sound great really really does
- 00:10:52sound like a solid real drummer when you
- 00:10:54load these up so that's why it gets a
- 00:10:55god tier for me it's something that I
- 00:10:57use all the time all the time moving on
- 00:11:00here uh we have the headrush core not
- 00:11:03the headrush Prime core even though it
- 00:11:05is in the prime family of products uh
- 00:11:07this is the scale down version of their
- 00:11:10Flagship Prime board I'm going to put
- 00:11:11this in highly recommend now out of all
- 00:11:14of the multi effects that I have at my
- 00:11:15disposal that I could pick I would
- 00:11:17probably not pick this one however I
- 00:11:20could definitely get along with this uh
- 00:11:22for playing shows or playing you know
- 00:11:24practice or whatever with my band I
- 00:11:25could 100% get along with this unit and
- 00:11:28the reason that I move this into the
- 00:11:29highly recommend category is because
- 00:11:30it's feature set um you know you have
- 00:11:33the the prime cloning which is their
- 00:11:34profiling technology you have the
- 00:11:37cloning technology that they introduced
- 00:11:40with the prime family and this unit
- 00:11:41comes in at $700 for a fully featured
- 00:11:44multi effect unit like that like if
- 00:11:46you're going to compare this to quad
- 00:11:47cortex which is similar in size and the
- 00:11:49amount of features that it has and
- 00:11:50everything the quad cortex is
- 00:11:52$1600 or 17 it's way more expensive it's
- 00:11:56like almost $1,000 more expensive so you
- 00:11:59get a lot of bang for your buck with the
- 00:12:01headrush stuff and that is why I put it
- 00:12:04into the highly recommend the wish
- 00:12:05guitar this goes straight into the would
- 00:12:07not recommend category you know a lot of
- 00:12:08people were really mad at me about
- 00:12:10smashing this guitar in that video if
- 00:12:11you saw that
- 00:12:26video so as you can see the wish guitar
- 00:12:28is an extremely smashable guitar uh
- 00:12:30which is weird to me because I paid for
- 00:12:32it like it was my like why are you upset
- 00:12:34that I just burned my own money odd but
- 00:12:37uh the reason that I smashed that guitar
- 00:12:38is cuz it was just unplayable this
- 00:12:40guitar was such a hot mess it was just
- 00:12:42[ __ ] garbage so it's like oh I should
- 00:12:44have given it to some why would I do
- 00:12:46that why would I give this guitar to
- 00:12:47some beginner and discourage them you
- 00:12:48know give them some like shitty guitar
- 00:12:50that won't stay in tune um that you
- 00:12:52can't even set up an intonate even just
- 00:12:54trying to move the screws in the back to
- 00:12:56adjust the springs for the tremolo it's
- 00:12:59started to strip out the wood like this
- 00:13:00is not something you want to give a
- 00:13:01beginner you can get much much better
- 00:13:03for the money than this don't buy this
- 00:13:04garbage it sucks moving on we have the
- 00:13:07ENA Nova go Sonic this should be in the
- 00:13:11meh category but I'm going to elevate it
- 00:13:13I'm going to put it in the good but not
- 00:13:14for me category and I'll tell you why
- 00:13:16although this looks on the surface like
- 00:13:18a gimmick guitar it's made out of carbon
- 00:13:20fiber and while it might not be the
- 00:13:22carbon fiber that you're used to seeing
- 00:13:23on like Fast and the Furious or whatever
- 00:13:26um it's technically carbon fiber I guess
- 00:13:28but with with all that being said it
- 00:13:29looks like a gimmick it's got the
- 00:13:30built-in speaker and the built-in
- 00:13:32effects which were kind of shitty they
- 00:13:33weren't very good but as a guitar it
- 00:13:36played so well and it sounded super
- 00:13:39super unique and there was something
- 00:13:41about the material and the way that it
- 00:13:43was crafted where they got away with
- 00:13:45having a very thin neck that just didn't
- 00:13:48move at all the neck just it was just
- 00:13:50straight but I just know from playing it
- 00:13:51as a guitar without like the gimmicky
- 00:13:53features in it it was very nice but I
- 00:13:55wouldn't be caught dead playing it if
- 00:13:57you know what I mean because it looks
- 00:13:58like such a guitar so that is why it is
- 00:14:00in the good but not for me category
- 00:14:02moving on here the tone X1 pedal this
- 00:14:05goes straight into god tier I think ik
- 00:14:07multimedia is very smart in their
- 00:14:09products and the way they release them
- 00:14:10and at what price points and the tx1
- 00:14:12pedal is like 160
- 00:14:14or 180 some it's not very expensive here
- 00:14:16let's look it up $180 so for that $180
- 00:14:19not only do you get a pedal which now
- 00:14:21has like delay and rever it's got multi
- 00:14:24effects units in it but even if it
- 00:14:25didn't even before it had that stuff you
- 00:14:27have a pedal that can load up two
- 00:14:29different tone models and it's a little
- 00:14:31bit tricky to navigate but they crammed
- 00:14:32a lot of stuff into this pedal like you
- 00:14:33have to hold down this button while you
- 00:14:35twist this knob to access a certain
- 00:14:37parameter whatever but there's a lot of
- 00:14:39stuff crammed into this pedal for $180
- 00:14:42you also get the tonx SE software I
- 00:14:43believe so you can just start making
- 00:14:46tonx models of your own amplifiers and
- 00:14:47pedals and then put them in this little
- 00:14:49thing you know I don't know man I just
- 00:14:51think I just think it's an insane value
- 00:14:53so that's why it goes into god tier uh
- 00:14:55the tonx software is really excellent I
- 00:14:57think tonx doeses a great job of giving
- 00:15:00you exactly what they're advertising to
- 00:15:01you which is a problem with some other
- 00:15:03companies on this tier list we will get
- 00:15:04into later but uh yeah got to moving on
- 00:15:08the Jackson js11 I'm going to put this
- 00:15:10into the highly recommend category the
- 00:15:13reason I put this into the highly
- 00:15:15recommend category not the good but not
- 00:15:16for me category because while this
- 00:15:18guitar is not for me I recommend this
- 00:15:20guitar to almost everyone who asks me uh
- 00:15:23you know I'm a beginner what guitar
- 00:15:24should I get I almost always Point them
- 00:15:26to this guitar because this guitar
- 00:15:28showed up to me I bought bought it third
- 00:15:29party from a vendor Jackson didn't send
- 00:15:31me the guitar even though I've worked
- 00:15:32with Jackson in the past they did not
- 00:15:33send me this I bought it from a third
- 00:15:35party and I was just so impressed with
- 00:15:36the quality control I hardly had to do
- 00:15:38anything to set it up it played great
- 00:15:40everything felt good in the hands just
- 00:15:41right out of the box and I think that's
- 00:15:43what you want if you're a beginner and
- 00:15:45you're playing you know you don't want
- 00:15:46to buy some crappy guitar that you have
- 00:15:48to spend a bunch of time setting up and
- 00:15:49learning how to that's all valuable it's
- 00:15:51valuable to learn those skills but you
- 00:15:53know when you first start playing a
- 00:15:54guitar you probably just want a guitar
- 00:15:56that you can actually play right so
- 00:15:59that's why that goes on the highly
- 00:15:59recommend list to me moving on here we
- 00:16:02have the asmuse this was the cheapest
- 00:16:04headless guitar I could find on Amazon
- 00:16:06uh this goes in the trash bin this
- 00:16:08guitar absolutely sucked it cut up my
- 00:16:09hands when I was playing
- 00:16:13it okay I'm tired of getting my hand
- 00:16:15shredded up I've got to play something a
- 00:16:18little bit more comfortable just to wipe
- 00:16:19the memory of playing that guitar out of
- 00:16:21my hands the bridge while being a really
- 00:16:23cool unique design was just not very
- 00:16:26good like it just was inaccurate you
- 00:16:28would turn the tun tuning pegs on it and
- 00:16:29you can never get the strings to adjust
- 00:16:32to pitch correctly it just it was a mess
- 00:16:35it was a mess it's not a fun guitar to
- 00:16:36play at all I've never been so relieved
- 00:16:38to not have anything in my possession
- 00:16:40anymore to be honest with you uh moving
- 00:16:42on here we have the ioud MTM MK2
- 00:16:45speakers these are god tier like I was
- 00:16:48saying before ik multimedia make some
- 00:16:50really really great stuff and while I
- 00:16:51was actually moving my studio around I
- 00:16:53somehow blew up one of my speakers I use
- 00:16:56the ik ioud 6in speakers whatever these
- 00:16:59are god tier speakers also for different
- 00:17:01reasons but while I was waiting for the
- 00:17:03warranty replacement I actually hooked
- 00:17:04up uh these ioud mtms and I was blown
- 00:17:07away I forgot how good these things
- 00:17:08sound and they have the uh room
- 00:17:10correction built into them and
- 00:17:11everything too so you can like you know
- 00:17:13adjust them to your room great feature
- 00:17:15set they sound incredible for how big
- 00:17:17they are tons of bass response for a
- 00:17:19speaker that's here s actually have it
- 00:17:21over here incredible Basse response for
- 00:17:23a speaker that's this big look at the
- 00:17:24size of this thing it is not very big at
- 00:17:26all yeah and it sounds incredible has an
- 00:17:28awesome feature set that's why it goes
- 00:17:29to god tier we have the vhd 140c pedal
- 00:17:32ah I like this one a lot this goes into
- 00:17:36the highly recommend category this is
- 00:17:38the cult effects version so it's blacked
- 00:17:41out and it has the red knobs uh a little
- 00:17:43bit different than the actual vhd pedal
- 00:17:45but that's not why I'm putting into the
- 00:17:46highly recommend I'm putting it into the
- 00:17:47highly recommend category because if you
- 00:17:50want that old school '90s death metal
- 00:17:53sound that you would get from an EG
- 00:17:55vh140c which are very very expensive
- 00:17:58these days I bought mine for $800 but
- 00:18:00I've seen them sell for up to
- 00:18:01$1,600 it's kind of crazy but if you
- 00:18:04want that sound you don't want to spend
- 00:18:05$1,600 on it uh this pedal does it it's
- 00:18:08like a one to one Recreation and in the
- 00:18:09video we actually shot it out with the
- 00:18:11actual amplifier and it's really really
- 00:18:14impressive now I would put this into god
- 00:18:16tier if it had some more switches like
- 00:18:19some more options something that
- 00:18:20elevated it uh above and beyond the 140c
- 00:18:24but as it rests it's just a one to1
- 00:18:26Recreation so we're just going to put
- 00:18:27this and highly recommend I think it's
- 00:18:28it's a great piece of gear uh we have
- 00:18:30the ays effects Savage drive this is
- 00:18:32going to be good but not for me the
- 00:18:36reason that this is good but not for me
- 00:18:37is it does a very specific thing it's
- 00:18:39kind of like a tube screamer type boost
- 00:18:42that lets you really get in there and
- 00:18:44adjust the mid-range it works really
- 00:18:47really great it's almost magical for
- 00:18:48very specific applications but I just
- 00:18:51don't find myself needing those specific
- 00:18:53applications a lot I would rather have a
- 00:18:54pedal that has a broader range of uses
- 00:18:57myself personally so uh very good pedal
- 00:18:59not for me heavy Hatchet this goes into
- 00:19:02the god tier category if you saw that
- 00:19:05video you know I love this
- 00:19:09[Music]
- 00:19:17pedal it's awesome it has the Vintage
- 00:19:20and the modern modes the high the low
- 00:19:21gain it's got a built-in boost it's got
- 00:19:23a built-in Noise Gate it sounds killer
- 00:19:27it sounds so so so good for a solid
- 00:19:29state preamp pedal uh you can run it in
- 00:19:31preamp or Distortion mode just a really
- 00:19:33awesome super flexible pedal that's why
- 00:19:35it's going into god tier moving on here
- 00:19:37we have the fender Squire debut series
- 00:19:41$120 on Amazon this goes into the good
- 00:19:44but not for me category uh this might be
- 00:19:46a highly recommend H I have a tough one
- 00:19:49with that I'm going to say good but not
- 00:19:50for me the reason I'm going to say good
- 00:19:51but not for me and not highly recommend
- 00:19:53is while this guitar's quality is on par
- 00:19:56with the js11 like if someone was asking
- 00:19:59me I'm buying my first guitar and I
- 00:20:01really want a Stratocaster type guitar I
- 00:20:02would Point them that way like if I
- 00:20:04would have had this for my first guitar
- 00:20:06I would have been stoked I would have
- 00:20:07been so stoked but the reason that it
- 00:20:10goes here for me is because I think this
- 00:20:11is a guitar that right away you're
- 00:20:13probably going to want to swap out the
- 00:20:15pickups the pickups were very noisy I
- 00:20:17think that's why whereas with the Jacks
- 00:20:18and The js1 these pickups the humbuckers
- 00:20:20sounded pretty good pretty good right
- 00:20:23out of the box so uh yeah I think that's
- 00:20:25what differentiates these things for me
- 00:20:26is the fact that you would probably want
- 00:20:28to mod this thing right away uh the PRS
- 00:20:31mt15 god tier amp I love this little
- 00:20:34thing dude it is so loud it's a 15 wat
- 00:20:36amplifier but it hangs with 50 wat
- 00:20:38amplifiers no problem
- 00:20:59uh it sounds really good the lead
- 00:21:01channel has like this growl to it that I
- 00:21:04think is pretty unique to this amplifier
- 00:21:06I can't think of any amplifiers that I
- 00:21:07own that have a similar sort of like
- 00:21:09midrangey throaty growl to them you know
- 00:21:11you can run at that diminished power
- 00:21:13rating small portable lightweight it's
- 00:21:16just it's just a killer killer piece of
- 00:21:18gear that goes into god tier for me next
- 00:21:20we have the fley guitar and as much as I
- 00:21:23want to put this in the would not
- 00:21:25recommend you know just throw this thing
- 00:21:27in the trash bin uh the guitar itself
- 00:21:29was actually pretty decent so I'm going
- 00:21:31to put this in the meh category now the
- 00:21:33reason I put this in the meh category is
- 00:21:34because there was nothing that really
- 00:21:36excited me about this guitar and what
- 00:21:38really pulls this guitar down for me is
- 00:21:40the fact that I know that a lot of
- 00:21:43people got these guitars like I've had
- 00:21:44people comment and I've actually I know
- 00:21:47other YouTubers even though they didn't
- 00:21:48disclose it in their videos I know other
- 00:21:50YouTubers got these guitars in big boxes
- 00:21:52as well and I know that people that got
- 00:21:53these things in these huge boxes had the
- 00:21:55same problem that I had which is they
- 00:21:56got smashed and the headstocks broke
- 00:21:59I must have RI the tags off whoops so I
- 00:22:01think it's worth mentioning here when
- 00:22:02this guitar showed up at my house it
- 00:22:03showed up in a much larger box oh
- 00:22:07no that's a deal breaker oh yeah well
- 00:22:11that sucks uh so you know there's like a
- 00:22:14small dent up here but the headstock is
- 00:22:17actually cracked so you can see here
- 00:22:19there's a fat crack in the headstock I
- 00:22:22guess they were trying to be a little
- 00:22:23bit too authentic you got to know when
- 00:22:24to stop copying the Les Paul these are
- 00:22:26all jokes by the way don't sue me Gibson
- 00:22:29it's definitely a logistics problem that
- 00:22:30they have that they need to figure out
- 00:22:31and also this company was just kind of a
- 00:22:33nightmare to work with like when I see
- 00:22:34the way they conduct themselves it just
- 00:22:35doesn't make me want to play their
- 00:22:37guitars so uh I'm going to put this in
- 00:22:39the Mac category Because the actual
- 00:22:40instruments themselves are fine but you
- 00:22:42could do better you know moving on here
- 00:22:44uh we have the leashed Len Prometheus
- 00:22:47god tier this shouldn't surprise anyone
- 00:22:49if you saw this review now I said that
- 00:22:51this might be my favorite amplifier of
- 00:22:52all time and I put my money where my
- 00:22:53mouth is I actually have one of these on
- 00:22:56order right now uh so I should be
- 00:22:58getting this like March or April or
- 00:22:59something like that the only reason I
- 00:23:00can't say conclusively that this is my
- 00:23:02all-time favorite amplifier is because I
- 00:23:04haven't spent enough time with it my
- 00:23:05first impressions were very very high of
- 00:23:07this I think it's a god tier amplifier
- 00:23:08it has a crazy amount of features it is
- 00:23:10very expensive but uh Boutique amps are
- 00:23:14you know Boutique amps are expensive
- 00:23:15what do you want moving on we have the
- 00:23:16ianz grg too many letters I'm going to
- 00:23:19put this in the good but not for me
- 00:23:20category uh you know hard tail Bridge
- 00:23:23not really a fan of the neck shape I
- 00:23:25think it's really cool on paper like
- 00:23:26this should be right at my alley but you
- 00:23:28know in practice and playing it um I
- 00:23:30just didn't Vibe with it so much so very
- 00:23:32good guitar not for me next we have the
- 00:23:34Simmons Titan 50 B X I don't know the
- 00:23:40Simmons Titan 50 Drum Set uh this is a
- 00:23:42highly recommend for me the reason that
- 00:23:44this is highly recommend for me is this
- 00:23:45electronic drum kit comes in at $380 you
- 00:23:48get mesh heads the snare is 10 in the
- 00:23:51bass drum pad actually will accommodate
- 00:23:54dual beaters which is not something most
- 00:23:56drum kits in this price range do and on
- 00:23:58top of all of that one of my least
- 00:24:00favorite things about electronic drum
- 00:24:02kits is trying to navigate the menus on
- 00:24:05like the the brain like the module
- 00:24:06trying to navigate the menus as a
- 00:24:08nightmare they made an app they made it
- 00:24:10super easy so you can just connect to it
- 00:24:11with Bluetooth and control with your I
- 00:24:13just I love that I loved all that stuff
- 00:24:14about it so uh this gets a highly
- 00:24:16recommend for me if you're looking for a
- 00:24:17budget electronic drum set and you're
- 00:24:19asking a guitar player's opinion which
- 00:24:21is weird but you know no judgment if you
- 00:24:24need a budget electronic drum set uh
- 00:24:27it's a good one it's a good one highly
- 00:24:28recommend the quantum
- 00:24:30hd8 I got a lot of heat for this a lot
- 00:24:33of people thought I was artificially
- 00:24:34boosting this up because it was a
- 00:24:35sponsored video but no man this thing is
- 00:24:37god tier it just has a really excellent
- 00:24:39feature set um it solves some workflow
- 00:24:41problems for me personally which I can
- 00:24:43really appreciate I've also been
- 00:24:45comparing my guitar tracks I recorded
- 00:24:47with the hd8 to guitar tracks recorded
- 00:24:50with my Apollo twin and I think the hd8
- 00:24:51sounds better they sound a little bit
- 00:24:53more articulate a little more clear in
- 00:24:55the top end you know I haven't done
- 00:24:56enough testing with that to say
- 00:24:57conclusive ly if that's one unit or the
- 00:24:59other who really knows but uh yeah
- 00:25:03sounds awesome and they also released a
- 00:25:05software update for this the one big
- 00:25:07drawback for me with the hd8 was the
- 00:25:09fact that you couldn't record with like
- 00:25:10built-in plugins like you could on the
- 00:25:12Apollo twin that's just something I
- 00:25:13really like to do for my own workflow
- 00:25:15it's like a personal preference thing
- 00:25:16but they did release an update and it
- 00:25:18looks like you might be able to do that
- 00:25:19now don't hold me to that I might be
- 00:25:21spreading misinformation but I noticed
- 00:25:23on the most recent update they did uh
- 00:25:25they have like spots for compressors and
- 00:25:28stuff so I I have to check into that I
- 00:25:30have to dive into that and see you know
- 00:25:32if that's the case because if that's the
- 00:25:33case then it definitely cements its
- 00:25:34place in god tier but um it' probably be
- 00:25:36in god tier for me anyways it's just a
- 00:25:38really really excellent product moving
- 00:25:40on here we have the solar x 1.6 Corner
- 00:25:43guitar this is a highly recommend from
- 00:25:46me uh now the thing with solar guitars
- 00:25:49it's kind of goofy here let's fix the
- 00:25:51fix it right solar guitars in my opinion
- 00:25:53are like mid to high mid-range guitars
- 00:25:55they're Workhorse guitars they're not
- 00:25:57super fancy High guitars they're guitars
- 00:25:59that get the job done and will last and
- 00:26:02take a beating like they're just they're
- 00:26:03true Workhorse guitars and I just really
- 00:26:06like the X Series I like the goto trim
- 00:26:08that's on it this is the first guitar
- 00:26:09that I've had with one I like the
- 00:26:10fisherman fluence moderns in this guitar
- 00:26:12actually quite a bit that's probably
- 00:26:13because I didn't have to install them
- 00:26:15myself you know uh but I like that you
- 00:26:16know I have all the different tonal
- 00:26:18options with that it's just an excellent
- 00:26:21well playing well-built guitar that does
- 00:26:23a job and looks badass what else is
- 00:26:26there to say about it man highly
- 00:26:28recommend moving on here the next thing
- 00:26:29we have these Gator cases these also go
- 00:26:31in the highly recommend category let's
- 00:26:33actually move this so it's not taking up
- 00:26:34so much space yeah you know I had a lot
- 00:26:36of fun making that video uh we dropped
- 00:26:38it off like a second story we kicked it
- 00:26:40off a dock dropped it down some stairs
- 00:26:41and I still use this case after all that
- 00:26:44[Music]
- 00:26:58the one criticism that I got which is
- 00:27:00valid is I didn't try to compress it I
- 00:27:01didn't try to put heavy weight on top of
- 00:27:02it there's no reason for that I just
- 00:27:04didn't think about doing it when I made
- 00:27:05the video but uh this held up through
- 00:27:08all of that beating the guitar that was
- 00:27:09inside of it came out perfect and I
- 00:27:11still use this case and I would highly
- 00:27:13recommend these cases to anyone they're
- 00:27:15excellent excellent cases uh next thing
- 00:27:17we have here the Keith Maro km7 cult
- 00:27:20Edition guitar this is a good but not
- 00:27:22for me the reason that this is a good
- 00:27:23but not for me guitar is it's actually
- 00:27:25an excellent guitar very wellmade made
- 00:27:28the craftsmanship is super high on it
- 00:27:29but it's a 27in scale it's got one
- 00:27:31pickup it's got a hard tail Bridge it's
- 00:27:33a super Strat style guitar like all
- 00:27:35those things are just like not my vibe I
- 00:27:37will say that I had one of the best
- 00:27:38playing necks that I've ever played on
- 00:27:39it uh it was just an absolutely
- 00:27:42Immaculate guitar in every way but you
- 00:27:44know not for me if there was a category
- 00:27:46in between highly recommend and good but
- 00:27:48not for me it would be there but we're
- 00:27:50going to put it in good but not for me
- 00:27:51the UA anti anti pedal this goes into
- 00:27:55god tier for me I really like what this
- 00:27:57pedal does it is very expensive for
- 00:27:59being like a one amplifier emulation
- 00:28:02sort of pedal but it covers all the
- 00:28:04ground that you could ever want with
- 00:28:05that amplifier and the cool thing is if
- 00:28:07you connect it with your phone you
- 00:28:08actually have like hidden options uh
- 00:28:11that you would have with the actual
- 00:28:12amplifier like the bias mod and things
- 00:28:14like that and I just really appreciate
- 00:28:16that level of detail I really like that
- 00:28:17I totally understand why other people
- 00:28:19wouldn't like that though I know a lot
- 00:28:21of people don't like gear that you have
- 00:28:23to use your phone to connect to I get it
- 00:28:25I get why you wouldn't like that but for
- 00:28:27me uh it's a god tier piece of gear on
- 00:28:29top of all that it just sounds [ __ ]
- 00:28:31brutal dude it's just a really cool
- 00:28:33pedal moving on we have the Jackson
- 00:28:35baritone Warrior now I love this guitar
- 00:28:39but I'm going to put it in the good but
- 00:28:40not for me category and I'll tell you
- 00:28:42why if this guitar was 252 Ines and had
- 00:28:45like even a Floyd Rose 1500 on it and
- 00:28:47didn't have the kill switch it would
- 00:28:49easily be a god tier instrument for me
- 00:28:51easily but because of those things it's
- 00:28:53not really for me I do actually like
- 00:28:55playing this guitar a lot and I'm I mean
- 00:28:58again if there was a category between
- 00:28:59these two I would put it you know what
- 00:29:01no I'm I take it back I'm going to put
- 00:29:02this in the highly recommend because I
- 00:29:04actually have no problem recommending
- 00:29:05this guitar it's a really excellent
- 00:29:06guitar for the money I think it's $1,600
- 00:29:09something like that it's a very very
- 00:29:11high quality excellent instrument at
- 00:29:13that cost very cool aesthetically um I
- 00:29:16just personally don't Vibe with the hard
- 00:29:18tail Bridge the 27in scale length and
- 00:29:20the kill switch and even though I don't
- 00:29:22Vibe with it I still play it quite a bit
- 00:29:23so I don't know what that says but we're
- 00:29:25going to put that in the highly
- 00:29:26recommend tier next up we have the devil
- 00:29:29from my company obsidian audio that goes
- 00:29:31straight into god tier and I know you
- 00:29:33might be like oh you're just putting it
- 00:29:34in god tier because it's the pedal from
- 00:29:35your company yeah like don't you want me
- 00:29:37to stand behind the things that I put
- 00:29:39out the devil solves a very specific
- 00:29:42problem for High Gain enthusias that
- 00:29:44love to boost amplifiers and that is it
- 00:29:46takes a broad range of boosts combines
- 00:29:49all that with the Noise Gate and puts it
- 00:29:50into one pedal so you have a tube
- 00:29:51screamer circuit you can cover all the
- 00:29:53ground that you would with a tube
- 00:29:54screamer but it has way more output than
- 00:29:55a tube screamer so when you take that
- 00:29:56and you pair it with the EQ you can
- 00:29:58really get into the range of like a fort
- 00:30:00and grind or a pepper dirty tree or
- 00:30:02something like that um you know dialing
- 00:30:04that back and messing with the EQ you
- 00:30:05can get it in the range of a boss sd1 I
- 00:30:08mean it's just it's really versatile it
- 00:30:10also has the low cut feature if you want
- 00:30:11to clean up the low end it's just a
- 00:30:13super versatile pedal and that's what I
- 00:30:15set out to make I set out to make a
- 00:30:16pedal that combin a bunch of different
- 00:30:18pedals into one pedal so that I didn't
- 00:30:20have to swap out pedals all the time so
- 00:30:24uh yeah that's why it goes into god tier
- 00:30:26obviously I'm biased take it for what is
- 00:30:28Randall
- 00:30:29rg100 uh this is very cool I'm going to
- 00:30:31put it in the highly recommend with the
- 00:30:33caveat if you can find one for a good
- 00:30:35price because I've seen these priced
- 00:30:37online for way too much it's cool it's a
- 00:30:40Vibe but I wouldn't pay $1,000 for it uh
- 00:30:42next up we have STL now I did work with
- 00:30:44STL a bunch in 2024 uh I chose the
- 00:30:47Borland plugin that was my favorite
- 00:30:49thing that they released and I would put
- 00:30:51this in the good but not for me category
- 00:30:52the reason it's good but not for me is
- 00:30:54because it is such a weird plugin which
- 00:30:57is what I think is pretty cool about it
- 00:30:58but on the other hand it's just not
- 00:31:00something that I would use dayto day um
- 00:31:02you know they really did stick to like
- 00:31:05the authenticity of West Borland's tone
- 00:31:07with this plug-in and all like the kind
- 00:31:09of weird combinations of gear that he
- 00:31:11uses so it is very very cool in that
- 00:31:13regard however I probably wouldn't use a
- 00:31:15lot of that stuff so uh you know that's
- 00:31:17why it's good but not for me moving on
- 00:31:19Nano cortex this one's probably going to
- 00:31:21get me in some hot water I'm going to
- 00:31:22put this in a meh and the reason I'm
- 00:31:25going to put this in a meh is not
- 00:31:26because it's a bad piece of gear it's
- 00:31:28actually a really great piece of gear
- 00:31:29I'm going to put this into M because I
- 00:31:30think neural DSP has really poor
- 00:31:33advertising the reason that I say that
- 00:31:35is because uh the way this thing was
- 00:31:36built up was like this is going to be
- 00:31:38the quad cortex light it's a cheap entry
- 00:31:41point for people to get into the quad
- 00:31:44cortex ecosystem and while it is sort of
- 00:31:47those things what this really is and the
- 00:31:48way they should have advertised it in my
- 00:31:50opinion is it's a capture pedal it's a
- 00:31:52pedal that's specifically made for
- 00:31:54making captures for the neural DSP
- 00:31:56platform call it what it is it does have
- 00:31:58some extra features it does have some
- 00:32:00effects but they're pretty lackluster
- 00:32:02they're pretty unimpressive and I think
- 00:32:03when you take all that into
- 00:32:04consideration it's just a pretty meh
- 00:32:05release and I know that a lot of people
- 00:32:08were like singing this thing's praises
- 00:32:10and then a lot of people were on the
- 00:32:11other side bashing this thing for neural
- 00:32:13dsp's misrepresentation of what it
- 00:32:16actually is but um there you go there's
- 00:32:18my thoughts on it I think it is a device
- 00:32:20made for making captures on the neural
- 00:32:21DSP platform and it's very expensive for
- 00:32:24what it is so we're going to move that
- 00:32:26into the mech category moving on here we
- 00:32:28have the gear for music 529 Pro this is
- 00:32:31a really cool guitar uh this would
- 00:32:33probably be somewhere in between these
- 00:32:35categories but what elevates this into
- 00:32:37the highly recommend for me is while
- 00:32:39this is a guitar that I probably
- 00:32:40wouldn't use uh personally just you know
- 00:32:43I have other guitars I'd rather play
- 00:32:44it's very very nice for the money this
- 00:32:46guitar is right around $300 it has
- 00:32:48stainless steel Frets uh it has a Floyd
- 00:32:50Rose special bridge on it which isn't
- 00:32:51the greatest but again you know for $300
- 00:32:54you get the reverse headstock like it's
- 00:32:55just it's it's cool it's a really really
- 00:32:58really great value so that's why I put
- 00:32:59it in the highly recommend category I
- 00:33:02might not personally play it but I could
- 00:33:03definitely recommend it to other people
- 00:33:05the boss Katana gen 3 head uh this goes
- 00:33:08straight up into god tier for me this
- 00:33:10amplifier is awesome and while it might
- 00:33:11get boring making content with this
- 00:33:13amplifier all the time uh it offers such
- 00:33:16a tremendous value it's $320 is dollar
- 00:33:19something $330 something like that it
- 00:33:21will power a 4x12 cabinet it has a
- 00:33:23built-in speaker if you want to practice
- 00:33:25you know in your bedroom or whatever or
- 00:33:27you can plug headphones directly into it
- 00:33:29uh it's a full multi effects unit
- 00:33:31although the thing that does want to
- 00:33:32make me put it in the highly recommend
- 00:33:34category is you do have to buy a
- 00:33:36Bluetooth adapter to connect to it with
- 00:33:38your phone and use the phone app to you
- 00:33:41know access the Noise Gate like that's
- 00:33:43kind of stupid but all the other
- 00:33:45features and the price for what it is
- 00:33:47and what it does just elevates it into
- 00:33:49god tier for me moving on here we have
- 00:33:51the cheapest LTD that they currently
- 00:33:53produce and let me explain this for
- 00:33:55those of you that leave me comments like
- 00:33:56well LTD makes the BL blah BL and it's
- 00:33:58cheaper no this is the cheapest LTD they
- 00:34:00currently produce just because you can
- 00:34:02find cheaper LTDs online doesn't mean
- 00:34:05that they produce them so at the time
- 00:34:06that I made this video and probably now
- 00:34:08the cheapest guitar that LTD produces is
- 00:34:10the M200 Deluxe I'm going to put this
- 00:34:13into the meh category you know what yeah
- 00:34:17okay I want to put this into the meh
- 00:34:18category because it came out of the box
- 00:34:20just not set up well and just pretty
- 00:34:22like uncomfortable to play and but
- 00:34:24aesthetically it's so cool it is just a
- 00:34:26very very beautiful guitar so that
- 00:34:28elevates it to me at least for the good
- 00:34:30but not for me um I wasn't stoked with
- 00:34:33that guitar when it came out of the box
- 00:34:35but I can see the beauty in it I can
- 00:34:36move it into the good but not for me
- 00:34:38category moving on here uh we have the
- 00:34:40fender Ultra I can't remember the naming
- 00:34:42convention but it's Defender Ultra 2
- 00:34:43Stratocaster this is a god tier guitar
- 00:34:47it is we're going to start overlapping
- 00:34:48gear here cuz we're running out of room
- 00:34:49your metal guy there you go heads up on
- 00:34:51that
- 00:34:58but this is a god tier guitar every time
- 00:34:59I play it I feel like I have no business
- 00:35:01playing this guitar whatsoever and I
- 00:35:03actually have two of these guitars now
- 00:35:05and they pretty much live in the cases
- 00:35:06and every time I open them up uh my
- 00:35:08Palms get sweaty and I get nervous
- 00:35:10playing it like you know I'm in some
- 00:35:12expensive showroom at a guitar store or
- 00:35:15something like that you know they're
- 00:35:17just they're very very nice high quality
- 00:35:18guitars so goes into the god tier
- 00:35:20category for me if you've ever played
- 00:35:22one you know they feel like butter
- 00:35:23moving on here we have the sheer C6
- 00:35:26Deluxe again again the cheapest guitar
- 00:35:28they produce at the time of making this
- 00:35:30video I don't know why that's confusing
- 00:35:31for people um this goes into the Mec
- 00:35:33category for me very similar to the M200
- 00:35:37Deluxe this one actually came set up out
- 00:35:39of the box unplayable while it was
- 00:35:42pretty comfortable to play once I got it
- 00:35:43all set up and everything there's just
- 00:35:45not much going on here to really elevate
- 00:35:47it for me like I just got this very meh
- 00:35:48feeling about it you know so moving on
- 00:35:51here we have the UA Knuckles pedal and
- 00:35:54you might be thinking to yourself oh
- 00:35:55that goes straight into god tier 2 with
- 00:35:56the uh anti pedal right no I'm actually
- 00:35:59going to put this into the good but not
- 00:36:01for me category the reason is because um
- 00:36:03you know I just don't like I said
- 00:36:04earlier I don't really Vibe with
- 00:36:05rectifiers so much so I find myself
- 00:36:07having to like spend a lot of time
- 00:36:09dialing this in to get a sound that I
- 00:36:12like out of it and that is not to say
- 00:36:14that anything is wrong with The Petal
- 00:36:16it's to say that the petal does such a
- 00:36:17good job at recreating a rectifier tone
- 00:36:22that I struggle to dial it in you know
- 00:36:24I'll admit it like I'm I'm not great at
- 00:36:26dialing in rectifiers it is what it is
- 00:36:28uh but if you like that if you love
- 00:36:30rectifier stuff this might be god tier
- 00:36:31for you teach their own uh I'm going to
- 00:36:33put this in the good but not for me
- 00:36:34category these are the Tim Henson
- 00:36:36signature seven string fisherman fluence
- 00:36:39pickups that a mouthful way to go about
- 00:36:41learning this riff is to split it up
- 00:36:43into different phrases so we're going to
- 00:36:45go ahead and start with this first
- 00:36:48[Music]
- 00:36:54phrase why isn't this working
- 00:36:57maybe I'm doing this wrong hold on a
- 00:36:59second
- 00:37:04here okay there we
- 00:37:08[Music]
- 00:37:10go I that's the closest I'm going to get
- 00:37:12these uh I can put these in the highly
- 00:37:14recommend I have these in my seven
- 00:37:15string right now currently and the thing
- 00:37:16that I really love about them and the
- 00:37:18reason they're living there now is
- 00:37:19because you get such a huge variety of
- 00:37:21tonal options with them and the reason
- 00:37:23that I like that in my seven string is
- 00:37:24because I don't play seven strings that
- 00:37:26often and I don't really want to have a
- 00:37:28bunch of seven strings around for
- 00:37:29different things uh I'd rather just have
- 00:37:31one seven string that has a massive
- 00:37:33array of tonal options because uh you
- 00:37:36know it has a really good set of pickups
- 00:37:38in there so yeah I like that we're going
- 00:37:40to highly recommend that one uh next up
- 00:37:42you know we can space this out I'm
- 00:37:43finding that I'm not putting very many
- 00:37:45things in the uh would not recommend
- 00:37:47category and I have them all spaced out
- 00:37:49like I was going to cram this thing full
- 00:37:51of guitars but it's just the shitty
- 00:37:52guitars go figure uh okay the next thing
- 00:37:55we have up is the gear for music eight
- 00:37:57this goes straight into the good but not
- 00:37:59for me category and it's not because
- 00:38:01there's anything wrong with the guitar
- 00:38:02it's an amazing value it plays great
- 00:38:04it's a very cool instrument I just have
- 00:38:07a hard time playing
- 00:38:08it good but not for me next we have the
- 00:38:12headrush this is not the MX5 this is the
- 00:38:15prime Flex which is the prime version of
- 00:38:18the MX5 board now if I was just putting
- 00:38:22this pedal on this tier list I would
- 00:38:25probably put this pedal in meh maybe in
- 00:38:27good but not for me it's cool people
- 00:38:29really like these things they're
- 00:38:30inexpensive this is $500 I'm not a huge
- 00:38:32fan of having actual pedals on the thing
- 00:38:34here but the thing that I have to base
- 00:38:36my opinion on this with is it came
- 00:38:37bundled with software that was actually
- 00:38:39really incredible and Innovative in a
- 00:38:40lot of ways the software that came with
- 00:38:42allows you to make clones which is head
- 00:38:45Rush's version of captures profiles
- 00:38:47whatever allows you to make them not
- 00:38:49only does it do that it allows you to
- 00:38:50make clones of plugins natively within
- 00:38:52the software which is amazing and not
- 00:38:55only does it do that but it allows you
- 00:38:57to make super clones which are
- 00:38:58essentially a bunch of different clones
- 00:39:00that sort of like morph together with
- 00:39:02the gain control it's very very cool it
- 00:39:04opens up a huge range of possibilities
- 00:39:07uh in this space in this ecosystem and
- 00:39:08for that I have to say I have to give it
- 00:39:10god- tier status I have to just because
- 00:39:13things like this that are Innovative
- 00:39:14really do push this industry and the
- 00:39:16space forward if no one had any
- 00:39:17Innovation they'd just be making the
- 00:39:19same products over and over and over
- 00:39:20again and coming up with different ways
- 00:39:22to Market them to you and so for that
- 00:39:23reason I think the headrush Flex Prime
- 00:39:25belongs in god tier uh your mileage may
- 00:39:27vary on that and I totally understand
- 00:39:29why but I have to put it in god tier for
- 00:39:31those reasons okay the next thing we
- 00:39:32have here is the mo
- 00:39:34ge150 now I would put this probably in
- 00:39:37the meh category but I know they just
- 00:39:40updated the software to include the mnrs
- 00:39:43samples which is like Mo's version of
- 00:39:45capturing cloning we talked about that
- 00:39:47earlier you know because they added that
- 00:39:49to this I would say it's good but not
- 00:39:50for me because that really does elevate
- 00:39:52it quite a bit and again they were the
- 00:39:53first company to do that to make an app
- 00:39:55that you could make you know profiles of
- 00:39:58your analog gear withth and then load
- 00:39:59them up onto a hardware like this and no
- 00:40:02one knows it because they didn't really
- 00:40:03promote it you know if you compared
- 00:40:05mover's marketing to neural DSP it's
- 00:40:06almost the exact opposite like it's very
- 00:40:09very they just put out more and more
- 00:40:10products so uh again the fact that you
- 00:40:12can load the mnrs profiles whatever you
- 00:40:14want to call it on this really does
- 00:40:16elevate it for me I haven't had a chance
- 00:40:17to check that out yet but it does really
- 00:40:19make this a more valuable piece of gear
- 00:40:21so I'm going to put that into the good
- 00:40:22but not for me category then next up is
- 00:40:24the gear for music 30-in baritone base
- 00:40:27guitar whatever you want to call it uh
- 00:40:29this goes into the highly recommend
- 00:40:32category for me and I actually got to
- 00:40:34put this over here now run out of space
- 00:40:36the reason that this goes into the
- 00:40:37highly recommend category for me is
- 00:40:38because I found from playing this to
- 00:40:41playing the a string if I wanted to go
- 00:40:42into a super low tuning like an octave
- 00:40:45blow e for whatever reason I find it
- 00:40:49much more palatable and playable if I go
- 00:40:52this way versus this way if you know
- 00:40:54what I mean I had a much easier time
- 00:40:55playing this guitar than I did the eight
- 00:40:56string guitar and it's also incredibly
- 00:40:58inexpensive especially if you live in
- 00:40:59the UK you don't have to pay you know
- 00:41:02the uh expensive import shipping on and
- 00:41:03everything so for those reasons it gets
- 00:41:05a highly recommend for me uh I have
- 00:41:07another gear for music guitar right
- 00:41:08after this and this
- 00:41:10guitar I want to put it in the good but
- 00:41:12not for me category because it's so cool
- 00:41:15like I just I think it's such a cool
- 00:41:16guitar but I have to put it into the
- 00:41:18mech category the reason that I have to
- 00:41:19put it into the mech category is because
- 00:41:21the hardware that it comes with is not
- 00:41:23going to last you and you are going to
- 00:41:24have to upgrade that Hardware probably
- 00:41:26like a Floyd Rose special would be the
- 00:41:28cheapest thing I think to upgrade it to
- 00:41:30or maybe a goto uh someone said like
- 00:41:32Wilkinson but I don't have any
- 00:41:33experience with these other cheap
- 00:41:34tremolo systems so you know I just have
- 00:41:36to say Floyd Rose special that's the one
- 00:41:37I know and that's like just as much as
- 00:41:39the cost of the actual guitar so uh you
- 00:41:41know for that reason it gets a meth for
- 00:41:42me but honestly this is a really cool
- 00:41:44guitar I like it um if I had a category
- 00:41:47between these two it'd probably be in
- 00:41:48between these two but we're going we're
- 00:41:50going to put it into me okay remember
- 00:41:51when I was talking about fle earlier and
- 00:41:52I said if you wanted a less Paul style
- 00:41:54guitar that uh you could do much much
- 00:41:56better on this list even uh that is
- 00:41:59where this Firefly comes in I'm going to
- 00:42:01put this Firefly up in the highly
- 00:42:04recommend category you know this guitar
- 00:42:06is just an insane value I think they're
- 00:42:08right around $300 and for that you get
- 00:42:09stainless steel Frets your traditional
- 00:42:11Les Paul shape and layout and if you saw
- 00:42:13that video you know how authentic it is
- 00:42:15because the head stock cracked when I
- 00:42:16dropped it so so we'll let this drive
- 00:42:17for 24 hours we'll see if that holds up
- 00:42:19and then uh we'll put it back together
- 00:42:21and uh get new strings on it and set it
- 00:42:23up
- 00:42:31okay it has been 24 hours here let's
- 00:42:35check this thing
- 00:42:36[Music]
- 00:42:39out all right it looks like it actually
- 00:42:41worked if you've done guitar repair
- 00:42:43you're probably watching this and like
- 00:42:44yeah it worked you [ __ ] idiot that's
- 00:42:45how you do [ __ ] just a really great
- 00:42:48guitar for the money uh I still have
- 00:42:49mine over here it's probably going to
- 00:42:50live here if I'm being honest with you
- 00:42:52and lastly the Pandora preamp pedal from
- 00:42:56my buddy Daniel at leum audio uh this is
- 00:42:59going to go into the highly recommend
- 00:43:00the reason that I can't put this into
- 00:43:02god tier is because I found when I was
- 00:43:06using it with my modelers It produced
- 00:43:08some less than desirable results with
- 00:43:10digital gear but with analog gear it
- 00:43:12crushes it's such a great pedal so uh
- 00:43:15this gets a highly recommend for me if
- 00:43:17you are a quad cortex guy and looking to
- 00:43:20power your 4x12 with it just know that
- 00:43:21you're probably going to have to ride
- 00:43:22those presence and depth knobs pretty
- 00:43:24low you might get a little bit of
- 00:43:25undesirable breakup if if you really
- 00:43:27Crank That presence up specifically all
- 00:43:29in all highly recommend really great I
- 00:43:32think everyone should have a power amp
- 00:43:33pedal I mean I I said this in the video
- 00:43:35but you guys get it all right that is my
- 00:43:37gear tier list for 2024 do you guys
- 00:43:39agree with me do you disagree with me
- 00:43:40let me know down in the comments let me
- 00:43:42know what you would like to see on the
- 00:43:43channel in 2025 if you guys like this
- 00:43:45video make sure to hit the like button
- 00:43:46if you really like what I do here on the
- 00:43:48channel consider subscribing or being
- 00:43:50super op and joining these beautiful
- 00:43:51people over here on patreon Happy New
- 00:43:53Year by the way this is the last video
- 00:43:55I'm going to release for the year so so
- 00:43:57happy New Year I really appreciate every
- 00:43:59single one of you I'll see you in the
- 00:44:00next video bye
- Toerusting resensies
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- Musiektegnologie
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- Musiektoerusting