🥤 2024 Masterclass for Creative Strategy Trends Feat. Mirella Crespi
TLDRCreative Milkshake er et bureau, der fokuserer på strategisk og produktion af direkte responsannoncer, som hjælper med at drive omsætning gennem betalte medier. De understreger vigtigheden af kreativ ekspertise ved hjælp af en kontinuerlig cyklus af forskning, udførelse og iteration for at skabe vindende annoncer. I videoen fremhæves tre hovedområder: forskningsmetoder, publikumskendskab samt konkurrentlandskabet og trendforskning. Forskningen er essentiel for at udvikle en effektiv kreativ strategi, hvor annoncerne justeres og forbedres. Derudover er diversifikering i kreative formater og en lyd-først tilgang essentielle værktøjer, ligesom brug af AI til idegenerering og toneændring i scripts kan fremme resultater. De opfordrer til at integrere grundig research og kreativitet for at opnå betydelig succes i annoncepræstationer, selv med små budgetter.
- 🧠 Forskning er nøglen til kreativ strategi.
- 🎯 Målretning via kreative ofnytænkninger.
- 🔊 Lyd-design kan forenkle opmærksomhed.
- 📊 Målrettet iteration hjælper med skalering.
- 🌟 UGC som autentisk kundeoplevelse.
- 🛠 Anvend AI til kreativ idegenerering.
- 📈 Diversificering sikrer holdbar performance.
- 🔄 Iteration af vindende kreativer.
- 📱 Kortformat videoer: Fremtidens format.
- 🖱 Lavet med små budgetter kan stadig klare sig.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Um et kreativt milkshake-firmas introduktion og deres strategiske tilgang til at drive omsætning og ROAS gennem reklamer. De understreger vigtigheden af eksperimentering og iteration i kreative strategier og diskuterer sit fokus på kreativ excellence.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Forskning er en kritisk del af kreativ strategi. Dette inkluderer kontoanalyse, målgruppeforskning, konkurrentanalyse og trendforskning. At forstå, hvad der har virket tidligere, og at sætte realistiske benchmark-mål er vigtigt for at skabe kreative strategier.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Forskellige funnel-tilgange kræver forskellige kreative strategier. For eksempel kan produktfokuserede kampagner mere direkte promovere salgsfremmende tilbud, mens quiz- eller VSL-baserede kampagner kræver en anden kreativ tilgang til at engagere publikum.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Publikumsforskning fokuserer på at identificere følelsesmæssige motiver og brugerens sprogbrug, der kan anvendes direkte på reklameindhold. Kommentarer og feedback fra sociale mediekilder er værdifulde til dette formål.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Konkurrentlandskab kræver strategisk indblik i konkurrenters reklamer og deres varighed som en indikator for succes. Det handler om at forstå de emotionelle motiver, der anvendes, snarere end blot at kopiere.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Trendanalyse fokuserer ikke kun på kortsigtede trends men også på at genkende langvarige ændringer i adfærd på platforme som TikTok. Dette hjælper med at skabe mere tidløse reklamer.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Kreativ diversificering er nøglen til bæredygtig succes. Dette omfatter variation i meddelelsesformulering, format, perspektiv og tone for at nå forskellige målgrupper og influencere.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Vigtigheden af lydkvalitet og lydkroge i reklamer for at engagere publikum nævnes som afgørende. Det diskuteres også, hvordan lydeffekter kan forbedre engagementet i annoncer.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Betydningen af at analysere og analysere kreative præstationer ved hjælp af konkrete metrikker som fastholdelses- og engagementsrater, samt lavt brugerengagement, kan skyldes forskellige faktorer i annoncen.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:58
Strategier for kreativ iteration, tilpasning til målrettede publikum og kontinuerlig forbedring ved at teste og optimere succesfulde reklamer beskrives i detaljen.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Hvad er kerneelementerne i Creative Milkshake's strategi?
Strategien bygger på forskning, udførelse og iteration for at udvikle effektive annoncestrategier.
Hvordan ser teamstrukturen ud i Creative Milkshake?
De fokuserer på at have strategister med en god forståelse for forbrugeradfærd og metrics, samt stærke videoredigerere.
Hvad er vigtigheden af lyddesign i annoncer?
Lyd er en kraftfuld komponent til opmærksomhedsskabning, og en lyd-først tilgang kan forbedre annoncepræstationer.
Hvordan navigerer man mellem performance og branding i reklamer?
Prioritering afhænger af virksomhedens mål; hvis betalte sociale medier er centralt for kundetilgang, bør der fokuseres hovedsageligt på performance.
Er UGC stadig effektivt i annoncer?
Traditionel UGC er mættet, men native indhold og autentiske kundeoplevelser kan stadig fungere godt.
Hvordan kan små teams eller enkeltpersoner skabe effektive annoncer?
Fokusér på stærk research, brug brugervenlige værktøjer som CapCut og Canva, og evt. outsource content creation.
Hvad er hot takes på fremtidens annoncestrategier?
UGC i traditionel forstand er død; fokuser på kortform og lyd foran ads, og bruge ægte kundeoplevelser.
Hvordan anvender Creative Milkshake AI i deres processer?
AI bruges til idegenerering, tilpasning af script tones, og integration af teknologier som Synthesia.
Hvad er vigtigheden af diversificering i kreative formater?
Det tillader at nå forskellige publikummer og opnå holdbare resultater.
Hvad skal lavbudgetvirksomheder fokusere på i annoncer?
Brug kreative værktøjer som Canva og CapCut sammen med dybdegående research for at maksimere effektiviteten.
Lihat lebih banyak ringkasan video
- 00:00:00um quick intro creative milkshake direct
- 00:00:03response creative strategy and
- 00:00:05Production Studio we deliver the ads
- 00:00:07paid media teams need to drive revenue
- 00:00:09and ra that's just a quick background
- 00:00:11about us my team and what we do um some
- 00:00:15of the brands we worked with in the past
- 00:00:18year
- 00:00:19alone arguably one of the biggest
- 00:00:21Spenders in paid social so um there's
- 00:00:25that we firmly believe that creative
- 00:00:28Excellence is the result results of a
- 00:00:30continuous cycle of experimentation
- 00:00:32execution iteration and that's a lot of
- 00:00:35what this conversation is going to be
- 00:00:36about today right like how to develop
- 00:00:39your creative strategy how to execute on
- 00:00:41your creatives how to test and iterate
- 00:00:44on them so you can unlock those winners
- 00:00:47that really help you scale so I'll cover
- 00:00:50these three topics again I'll try and
- 00:00:53zoom through this so that we can spend
- 00:00:55more time having a conversation and
- 00:00:57answering your questions but let's start
- 00:00:59with research resarch so I could spend
- 00:01:02so long talking about research because
- 00:01:05it's the most important part of creative
- 00:01:07strategy arguably but I think the these
- 00:01:10four um parts of the research are the
- 00:01:13most important so the ad account
- 00:01:15accounts audit the audience research
- 00:01:17competitive landscape Trend research
- 00:01:20you're at account audit um this is key
- 00:01:23to understand what has been tested what
- 00:01:26worked what didn't because you want to
- 00:01:27build upon um what all that great budget
- 00:01:31has already um done for the account um
- 00:01:35it's important to understand creative
- 00:01:37metric benchmarks because even though we
- 00:01:39we have those like industry like agreed
- 00:01:43upon metrics of what a good CTR is or
- 00:01:46what a good hook rate is each ad account
- 00:01:49is so different and it's important to
- 00:01:52look at the creatives that have worked
- 00:01:55and delivered the best results when it
- 00:01:56comes to Performance in terms of CPA and
- 00:01:59roas and looking through the creative
- 00:02:02analysis for the creative and
- 00:02:03understanding what was the hook rate on
- 00:02:05that what was the CTR on that what was
- 00:02:07the average watch time because you want
- 00:02:10to understand what you're aiming for and
- 00:02:12what you want to improve upon because
- 00:02:15the default kind of benchmarks don't
- 00:02:17necessarily apply to all ad accounts
- 00:02:19right like we've seen in multiple cases
- 00:02:23creatives that drive incredible results
- 00:02:25and spend at scale for a long long
- 00:02:28amount of time and you know they they
- 00:02:31work with like a 0.5 CTR or a 15 or 20%
- 00:02:35hook rate and it still gives fantastic
- 00:02:38results because sometimes that's just
- 00:02:41the best creative for that account the
- 00:02:43creative is doing the job of filtering
- 00:02:46the audience and resonating with a like
- 00:02:49selective audience so just because the
- 00:02:52hook and CTR are low for example it
- 00:02:54doesn't mean it's not going to have a
- 00:02:56very powerful conversion rate because
- 00:02:58it's doing the job of resonating and
- 00:03:01filtering through and doing the job of
- 00:03:03the targeting right because the creative
- 00:03:04is your targeting so understanding those
- 00:03:07benchmarks are key then understanding
- 00:03:10spend and account structure so this is
- 00:03:13important
- 00:03:14because creative strategy is equal
- 00:03:17because all ad accounts are completely
- 00:03:20different so if you're developing a
- 00:03:23creative strategy you have to understand
- 00:03:25like how much spend are we aiming to
- 00:03:28support right right and what's the
- 00:03:31account structure because there's no
- 00:03:32right or wrong on this teams run at
- 00:03:35accounts in completely different ways
- 00:03:38sometimes you're dealing with accounts
- 00:03:40that put everything in Dynamic creative
- 00:03:42testing or they just use um Advantage
- 00:03:45Plus or they rely on cost controls they
- 00:03:47dump All creatives in One account set
- 00:03:50their cost controls and they're like if
- 00:03:51Facebook decides to spend on it it's
- 00:03:54spending if it didn't spend it didn't
- 00:03:56work while other teams go by a different
- 00:03:58philosophy
- 00:04:00and they have allocated budgets in a
- 00:04:02more controlled method of testing where
- 00:04:05they will dedicate creative testing
- 00:04:07budget and spend x amount or let these
- 00:04:09Concepts run for a certain amount of
- 00:04:11time or you're talking about an ad
- 00:04:13account that will run um top of funnel
- 00:04:16and retargeting campaign so really
- 00:04:18understanding when you're developing
- 00:04:20your strategy are we going for a lot of
- 00:04:23net New Concepts and these big swings or
- 00:04:27are we does the ad spend a allow for
- 00:04:30that are we maybe developing a couple
- 00:04:32new Concepts and then we're doubling
- 00:04:34down on what's working and I'll touch
- 00:04:37more on this later when we talk about
- 00:04:38iterations but it is important to
- 00:04:41understand what that ad account is and
- 00:04:45and how is it run and what does it need
- 00:04:47in order to decide what ads you should
- 00:04:50create so then the last part of it is
- 00:04:53understanding the funnel and the offer
- 00:04:56analysis right like if this is a brand
- 00:04:59that drives traffic straight to let's
- 00:05:01say a product page with a buy one get
- 00:05:04one free offer then that's going to
- 00:05:06inform your creative strategy where your
- 00:05:09ads should be very product focused you
- 00:05:12need to bring that offer into your call
- 00:05:14outs if it's the case where the brand
- 00:05:18runs um quiz funnels or vsls or
- 00:05:23advertorials then that's a very
- 00:05:25different strategy right like maybe your
- 00:05:27creatives are less product focused
- 00:05:30about um speaking to the audience
- 00:05:33getting them engaged and bringing them
- 00:05:35into um that quiz or vssl so that will
- 00:05:39definitely inform um your creative
- 00:05:42strategy as well and helping you
- 00:05:44determine what kinds of ads you're going
- 00:05:46to make and how you're going to make
- 00:05:47them so second part is audience research
- 00:05:51arguably the most important one um when
- 00:05:54we make direct response creatives we're
- 00:05:57talking about identifying key emotional
- 00:06:00motivators people buy the same things
- 00:06:02for different reasons and they don't buy
- 00:06:05the product they buy the problem you
- 00:06:06solve and how I makes them feel so it
- 00:06:09really is so important to understand
- 00:06:12what is the consumer Behavior behind um
- 00:06:16those buying patterns like what are
- 00:06:18their pain points what problems are they
- 00:06:19trying to solve what are their desires
- 00:06:22what are their objections and most
- 00:06:25importantly what language do they use
- 00:06:27this is the same language you should use
- 00:06:30in your scripts in your graphic ads and
- 00:06:33diving into customer reviews comments in
- 00:06:37your own ads and your competitor's ads
- 00:06:40also comments in places like Tik Tok
- 00:06:43right like it's such a fantastic source
- 00:06:45of inspiration where you can search
- 00:06:48through their amazing you know keyword
- 00:06:50search capabilities you can find so much
- 00:06:53organic content around a specific topic
- 00:06:55and dive into the comments to see what
- 00:06:58people say and also Reddit threads um
- 00:07:01where people really go deep into
- 00:07:04discussing their experiences are also a
- 00:07:07great place um to help with that so then
- 00:07:12competitor landscape is the other part
- 00:07:14of it so this is always an interesting
- 00:07:16one because since meta rolled out the ad
- 00:07:19library and Tik Tock the top ads um I
- 00:07:23think a big mistake a lot of PE people
- 00:07:25make is just assuming that because the
- 00:07:27ad is running it means it's working
- 00:07:29that's not true and top ads also quite
- 00:07:32deceiving because top ads aren't really
- 00:07:34top ads right it's just ads that are
- 00:07:37running or that have run so it's really
- 00:07:41important to understand how to use these
- 00:07:43tools so for example if it's meta ad
- 00:07:45Library paying attention to the amount
- 00:07:48of time the ad has been running to give
- 00:07:51you some more clear indication whether
- 00:07:53it has performed or not and within the
- 00:07:55top ads knowing how to use the filters
- 00:07:57of picking ads that
- 00:07:59a conversion objective or that have a
- 00:08:01higher CTR have have a higher average
- 00:08:04watch time because this is also a closer
- 00:08:06indication that it has performed so
- 00:08:10don't get like distracted by all the
- 00:08:12things that your competitors or or other
- 00:08:15brands are testing um and don't try to
- 00:08:18mimic the goal is
- 00:08:20to understand the landscape from a more
- 00:08:22strategic point of view so pay attention
- 00:08:26to you know the collection of ads Within
- 00:08:29their ad Library what are the common
- 00:08:31themes what are the emotional motivators
- 00:08:33they're speaking to what are the general
- 00:08:35angles they're going for and use that to
- 00:08:38improve um upon your strategy and add
- 00:08:41your spin to it um and then observe
- 00:08:44other verticals too I think a lot of the
- 00:08:46times we tend to just um what are other
- 00:08:50Hair Care Brands advertising what are
- 00:08:52other you know gaming Brands advertising
- 00:08:55but you can learn a lot from other
- 00:08:57verticals so say for example you are
- 00:08:59selling shapewear or or underwear that
- 00:09:02helps women feel more confident you can
- 00:09:04learn a lot from um Fitness and Wellness
- 00:09:08advertisers that are targeting weight
- 00:09:10loss right because it's those common
- 00:09:12themes of talking about confidence and
- 00:09:15feeling good in your body so um
- 00:09:17observing not only your kind of direct
- 00:09:19competitors but thinking about what
- 00:09:22other brands and other verticals might
- 00:09:24use similar tactics to speak to those um
- 00:09:28common pain points that all humans have
- 00:09:31so the last one is Trends research so
- 00:09:35Trends live and die fast so from our
- 00:09:39perspective we don't really put a lot of
- 00:09:41time and effort into trying to recreate
- 00:09:44on jump on Trends because at the end of
- 00:09:46the day our goal is to create ads that
- 00:09:48will scale that are more Evergreen that
- 00:09:51have a longer
- 00:09:53lifespan um Tik Tok is a great great
- 00:09:56source to help you uncover these trends
- 00:09:59Trends and they have a brilliant
- 00:10:00methodology of understanding Trends so I
- 00:10:03can share a link to this report it's
- 00:10:06amazing reports on trends for 2024 and I
- 00:10:09really like how they describe Trend
- 00:10:13moments as these like creative prompts
- 00:10:17that gain this quick traction that live
- 00:10:20and die fast but then they evolve to
- 00:10:23become Trend signals which become these
- 00:10:26new kind of content patterns and then
- 00:10:28event become Trend forces these are more
- 00:10:32these kind of larger scale
- 00:10:34behavioral um changes that happen within
- 00:10:38the platform and that's what you should
- 00:10:40really aim to understand because you
- 00:10:43need to understand the language of the
- 00:10:45platform you're advertising in to really
- 00:10:47be able to create ads that are powerful
- 00:10:50that feel
- 00:10:51native um so the timing of creative
- 00:10:55execution is also really important right
- 00:10:57like last year we saw ASMR unboxing we
- 00:11:00saw the podcast ads and the street
- 00:11:02interviews and those like comedy skits
- 00:11:04of the same person playing two
- 00:11:06characters like if you were early on
- 00:11:08that Trend and you like maximized that
- 00:11:11opportunity great but now we're kind of
- 00:11:13starting to see that die and saturate so
- 00:11:16um trying to keep the finger on the
- 00:11:18pulse of that but for us the biggest
- 00:11:22learning is from a creative execution
- 00:11:25perspective so how are they using sound
- 00:11:28what are the different camera angles
- 00:11:30like recently there was the trend where
- 00:11:32you put your phone on the ceiling and
- 00:11:33you shoot content from that kind of
- 00:11:35angle what are the fun transitions that
- 00:11:38creators are experimenting with there's
- 00:11:40so much that you can learn from Super
- 00:11:43Creative creators on Tik Tok and real
- 00:11:46and YouTube to kind of help you execute
- 00:11:50creative that feels like fresh and
- 00:11:53Native so moving on to ideation and
- 00:11:57execution creative diversification is
- 00:12:01key like so key right so creative is
- 00:12:04your targeting like I said people buy
- 00:12:06the same things for different reasons
- 00:12:08and because of how the meta and Tik Tok
- 00:12:10auction works if an ad is similar it
- 00:12:13will reach the same audiences and this
- 00:12:16is both good and bad and you need to
- 00:12:19know when to lean into it and I'll I'll
- 00:12:21touch more on this in a bit but having
- 00:12:23diversity and your creatives allows you
- 00:12:25to reach different audiences for
- 00:12:27sustainable performance over time um so
- 00:12:32when we talk about creative
- 00:12:33diversification it means a lot of
- 00:12:36different things so it means how you
- 00:12:39craft your message and what you say so
- 00:12:41if we look at this chart for example
- 00:12:44your creative can focus on functional
- 00:12:47benefits so the different ways that the
- 00:12:49product works do you offer 30 days money
- 00:12:52back guarantee all those like functional
- 00:12:55aspects or you can speak only to the
- 00:12:59emotional parts right or you can live
- 00:13:01somewhere in the middle but having that
- 00:13:03diversity is very important and then
- 00:13:06from which point of view is it on is it
- 00:13:08from the Brand's perspective is it say a
- 00:13:10Founder story or you're highlighting
- 00:13:13Brands values or is it more native and
- 00:13:17it's coming more from the customer
- 00:13:19perspective so aiming to have creatives
- 00:13:23that exists within all the different
- 00:13:25siid of this charts is really important
- 00:13:29and then you have creative
- 00:13:30diversification when we speak of formats
- 00:13:34all creative formats contribute equally
- 00:13:36to Performance and you should be testing
- 00:13:38all of them um from Statics to shorts
- 00:13:42animated graphics to carousels and
- 00:13:44catalog to short videos to long videos
- 00:13:47and this is not only because different
- 00:13:49people will react and resonate better to
- 00:13:52different formats but because you also
- 00:13:54want to make the most out of the
- 00:13:57inventory right out of the placements
- 00:13:59that are available definitely testing as
- 00:14:02many formats as you
- 00:14:04can so when we talk about creative
- 00:14:07diversification we talk about testing
- 00:14:09different formats we talk about
- 00:14:11different levels of awareness so making
- 00:14:14ads that speak to people that have no
- 00:14:17idea what your brand is have never heard
- 00:14:20of it before or maybe customers that are
- 00:14:22more familiar or maybe customers that
- 00:14:24have already purchased from you
- 00:14:26before um or levels of awareness that
- 00:14:29when it comes about being even aware
- 00:14:31that they have that problem or being
- 00:14:33very aware that they have that problem
- 00:14:35and have already tried different
- 00:14:37alternative Solutions before so then
- 00:14:40also crafting like I said before
- 00:14:42creatives from both points of view and
- 00:14:45then also tone of voice um making ads
- 00:14:49that have a humorous approach or an
- 00:14:51educational approach a motivational
- 00:14:54approach something provocative something
- 00:14:56that starts with a question starts with
- 00:14:58a I istic um there's so many different
- 00:15:01routes that you can take and having the
- 00:15:04diversification on that tone of voice is
- 00:15:06also key and this is when chat GPT can
- 00:15:09be just wonderful for you because let's
- 00:15:11say you have a creative that shows sign
- 00:15:15of good performance or that is working
- 00:15:18being able to diversify the tone of
- 00:15:20voice can literally just mean taking
- 00:15:22that script putting into tra GPT and
- 00:15:25saying like write this with a humorous
- 00:15:28tone or make it more empathetic make it
- 00:15:31more form formal make it less formal um
- 00:15:34insert statistics around
- 00:15:37XYZ um so really leaning into that to
- 00:15:40help you test the the tone of voice
- 00:15:42within your messaging and then um within
- 00:15:45the more specifics of the creative
- 00:15:47testing different styles of VI visuals
- 00:15:50so testing more produced higher end
- 00:15:54visuals versus testing the very native
- 00:15:57lowii you GC style visuals testing
- 00:16:00different
- 00:16:01voiceovers um with human or AI generated
- 00:16:05or the robot voice or male versus female
- 00:16:08um testing all of that as well and then
- 00:16:11font treatment which is does your do
- 00:16:15your ads always look super native and
- 00:16:18organic using the platform fonts or are
- 00:16:21you testing branded fonts definitely
- 00:16:22testing both so if you see what I mean
- 00:16:25like there's so many different levels of
- 00:16:28creative
- 00:16:29diversification and it's important to
- 00:16:31play around with all of those but being
- 00:16:34intentional about it and tagging and
- 00:16:37identifying each ad based on the list
- 00:16:40above so that then you can use a
- 00:16:42powerful tool like motion to start
- 00:16:45creating those comparison analysis right
- 00:16:48like do ads with a humorous tone perform
- 00:16:52better than an ads with a formal tone or
- 00:16:55do my ads from a brand POV perform
- 00:16:57better than my C customer POV um and so
- 00:17:00on and so forth so every ad creative is
- 00:17:04a hypothesis that needs to be tested
- 00:17:07really predict creative performance but
- 00:17:10this is our way of conceptualizing the
- 00:17:13different ideas this is kind of step one
- 00:17:16before diving into storyboarding and
- 00:17:18scripting but always identifying what is
- 00:17:22that emotional motivator what is the
- 00:17:23pain point or the desire or the
- 00:17:25objection that we're speaking to and
- 00:17:28then connecting the product or Services
- 00:17:30benefit that addresses that specific
- 00:17:33motivator and then from there you craft
- 00:17:35your hook and you pick your offer and
- 00:17:37your call to action kind of your concept
- 00:17:40one and then intentionally creating
- 00:17:43concept two to be different in concept 3
- 00:17:46as well so that you can then test these
- 00:17:48creative then validate um your
- 00:17:51hypothesis and from there draw the most
- 00:17:54learnings you
- 00:17:55can um when it comes to creative
- 00:17:58ideation execution looking ahead to
- 00:18:012024 I think that the teams that are
- 00:18:03using AI for all stages of development
- 00:18:06and iteration are going to be ahead of
- 00:18:08the game so that means using AI to help
- 00:18:12you with ideation help you with the
- 00:18:15execution in terms of pumping out
- 00:18:17scripts and changing tones and like
- 00:18:20changing personas and things like that
- 00:18:23but then also the tools let's say like
- 00:18:26hen labs and Synthesia magic ads that
- 00:18:29allow you to generate voices and even
- 00:18:31Talent right like you can even put human
- 00:18:35AI generated faces that look really
- 00:18:38realistic um and that has shown to
- 00:18:41perform well as well so it's really
- 00:18:44exciting is these tools are developing
- 00:18:46so fast and it's really fun to play
- 00:18:48around with them and be able to
- 00:18:51understand um how it can make your
- 00:18:53creative production more efficient and
- 00:18:56we talked about formats but I would say
- 00:18:59that looking into 2024 and Beyond if
- 00:19:01there's one format that you should
- 00:19:04absolutely try and master is short form
- 00:19:08vertical videos and that's primarily
- 00:19:10because was where everything is going
- 00:19:13right so like reals Tik Tok YouTube
- 00:19:15shorts if you can really crack short
- 00:19:17from vertical videos you can make the
- 00:19:20most out of all these platforms with
- 00:19:22like one assets which is
- 00:19:24beautiful thumbnail split testing this
- 00:19:27is so overlooked I'm willing to bet like
- 00:19:3290% of media buyers do not manually
- 00:19:36select their Thum thumbnails or upload a
- 00:19:39custom file for their thumbnails and
- 00:19:41they are sleeping because it makes such
- 00:19:45a difference it can literally make her
- 00:19:47break a creative you can take an a video
- 00:19:50that's showing mediocre performance and
- 00:19:52you split split the the thumbnails and
- 00:19:55it can grow into being a winner or if
- 00:19:57you already have a winner split testing
- 00:19:58your thumbnails makes a huge difference
- 00:20:01and when it comes to autoplay placements
- 00:20:04focusing on the first frame retention
- 00:20:06which is literally like the first microc
- 00:20:09second or the first second has a huge
- 00:20:12impact on performance and motion is
- 00:20:15amazing for that because you have that
- 00:20:17like first frame first second retention
- 00:20:20um metric there that you can apply and
- 00:20:22you can start paying attention to what
- 00:20:25is the retention there it should be like
- 00:20:2880 90% plus if it's not nothing else is
- 00:20:31going to work there's no points in
- 00:20:33focusing on what's my hook rate if your
- 00:20:36first frame retention is low right so
- 00:20:38focusing on that second and then a sound
- 00:20:42first
- 00:20:43approach um let's dive into that 95% of
- 00:20:48Tik Tok reals and YouTube shorts users
- 00:20:50spend time on the platform with sound on
- 00:20:53which makes sound a very powerful tool
- 00:20:55for capturing attention if we look look
- 00:20:58back and think about how we think about
- 00:21:00creatives and we're guilty of that as
- 00:21:02well sound used to be such an
- 00:21:04afterthought right we put so much time
- 00:21:06and attention into developing the
- 00:21:09visuals the Hulk the script and we would
- 00:21:12just layer on this like music at the end
- 00:21:15but if you think about how content is
- 00:21:18creative in reals or Tik Tok it's a
- 00:21:23mostly sound first approach like audios
- 00:21:25Trend and go viral and people take an
- 00:21:28audio and they use that to create their
- 00:21:31content and that should be how you
- 00:21:33approach your creatives as well um we
- 00:21:36for the last six months have been
- 00:21:38spending so much time and effort paying
- 00:21:41attention to sound making sound first
- 00:21:44creatives with a combination of sound
- 00:21:47effects voiceovers beats and just taking
- 00:21:50a sound first approach to even thinking
- 00:21:53about and conceptualizing the ads so
- 00:21:56original sounds super charging pain
- 00:21:59performance we've been testing this with
- 00:22:01a lot of our partners and when we add
- 00:22:03bespoke sound it can lower your CPA by
- 00:22:06up to
- 00:22:0750% so if we take our direct response ad
- 00:22:12structure where you have your hook which
- 00:22:14is your what why your body which works
- 00:22:16to break resistance and build trust and
- 00:22:18your call to action think of the hook as
- 00:22:21the ear stoer so really pay attention to
- 00:22:24that other layer element of your
- 00:22:26creative which is the sound um and try
- 00:22:30to create an audio hook for every single
- 00:22:33one of your creatives and adding in
- 00:22:36sound effects throughout the body of the
- 00:22:38ad is another way of making our creative
- 00:22:40more engaging so I'll play some examples
- 00:22:44so this first one we were creating ads
- 00:22:47for a tella Health brand that is
- 00:22:50advertising Ed right erectile
- 00:22:52dysfunction for men and the thought
- 00:22:54process behind this creative is what is
- 00:22:57that emotional motive Ator men that
- 00:22:58struggle with Ed they struggle with
- 00:23:01confidence with performance anxiety they
- 00:23:03it affects their relationships it
- 00:23:05affects their relationships with their
- 00:23:07partners and with themselves and when
- 00:23:09you fix your Ed and you feel like you
- 00:23:11have your mojo back and you have great
- 00:23:13sex with your partner it's that feeling
- 00:23:16of of confidence and feeling like you
- 00:23:19know the best version of yourself what
- 00:23:22does that sound like so we played with
- 00:23:24the sound of confidence and starting
- 00:23:27with the sound kind of imagined what the
- 00:23:30visuals would be um with a little spin
- 00:23:33of humor so let me play it hopefully you
- 00:23:35can
- 00:23:38[Applause]
- 00:23:44hear all
- 00:23:46right
- 00:23:48yes so super easy super simple feels
- 00:23:51really native um it's just funny it's
- 00:23:54just the sound of confidence and he's
- 00:23:56feeling himself he's waving to the
- 00:23:58imaginary crowd he's feeling so good and
- 00:24:02then boom get your prescriptions easier
- 00:24:04and faster and this ad absolutely
- 00:24:07crushed and I challenge you to think of
- 00:24:10your brand your product your service um
- 00:24:14think about your customers and how they
- 00:24:16feel and are there any sounds that you
- 00:24:19can think of and create visuals around
- 00:24:23that so this is another
- 00:24:26one
- 00:24:32[Music]
- 00:24:40so it starts with the sound of the alarm
- 00:24:42and it's time to change to a better bank
- 00:24:46and it's the sound of the alarm and the
- 00:24:48sounds of online banking sounds of
- 00:24:50payments sounds of transactions sounds
- 00:24:52of using the app um mixed into a beat
- 00:24:56and then you think about the visuals
- 00:24:58this one is one voiceovers to create
- 00:25:01this like humorous approach girls don't
- 00:25:05want flowers for Valentine's we want
- 00:25:09[Music]
- 00:25:21this so as you can see it starts with
- 00:25:24this with this sound that is already
- 00:25:26kind of the the audio hook like the ear
- 00:25:29stopper um and we sprinkle on some sound
- 00:25:32effects and the visuals kind of come
- 00:25:34together when you imagine um using that
- 00:25:38sound and it plays a lot with the
- 00:25:41emotional motivators behind using the
- 00:25:43product and this one's another cute one
- 00:25:46there are three things I love in
- 00:25:49life
- 00:25:51this
- 00:25:53this and this D matica treatments
- 00:25:57contain prescription strength
- 00:25:58ingredients that are proven to work more
- 00:26:00effectively than any shop bought
- 00:26:02products start your free online
- 00:26:04consultation only takes two minutes so
- 00:26:07you can play around with voiceovers that
- 00:26:09are not necessarily related to the
- 00:26:12specific product like she wasn't even
- 00:26:14talking about skincare she was just like
- 00:26:15there are three things I love in life
- 00:26:17but it sounds native it sounds like
- 00:26:19those audios that Trend and that people
- 00:26:22create content around and you can start
- 00:26:24with that and then later on your more
- 00:26:28let's say commercial voice over um with
- 00:26:31the native visuals so some inspiration
- 00:26:34for you to understand what I mean about
- 00:26:36the sound first approach to creatives so
- 00:26:39jumping on to the metrics and creative
- 00:26:42analysis so what we pay attention to
- 00:26:45when trying to understand if the ad
- 00:26:47worked and if it didn't work why um the
- 00:26:50first second retention that I mentioned
- 00:26:52before so video play actions divided by
- 00:26:55Impressions and your hook rate which is
- 00:26:57three second views divided by
- 00:26:58Impressions and you're wanting to answer
- 00:27:00the question of did it make them stop
- 00:27:02scrolling um these are kind of what you
- 00:27:05should aim for but like I said each ad
- 00:27:08account is so different um it doesn't
- 00:27:10mean that if you don't have these
- 00:27:12metrics the ad is not going to perform
- 00:27:14but there's always always room for
- 00:27:16improvements if these are low then after
- 00:27:19that we have your hold ratees the
- 00:27:21average watch time and the waterfall
- 00:27:23rate so this is really paying attention
- 00:27:25to what happens after the hook and did
- 00:27:28the ad do a good job retaining them
- 00:27:30after the hook and using motions
- 00:27:33waterfall like the drop offs you can
- 00:27:35really understand um where the biggest
- 00:27:37drop offs happened and go back and
- 00:27:40analyze that frame and figure out why um
- 00:27:43sometimes it's just a matter of
- 00:27:44replacing a visual or adding in a sound
- 00:27:47effect or cutting down the voice over or
- 00:27:50whatever it is to make sure that you
- 00:27:53boost the engagement throughout the
- 00:27:54video and then the more action focused
- 00:27:57me metrics like your CTR your engagement
- 00:28:00rates your conversion rates did it
- 00:28:03generate interest and ultimately um your
- 00:28:06performance metrics like CPA and Ras
- 00:28:08which answer the question of did it make
- 00:28:10them want to buy so when we're trying to
- 00:28:13troubles shoot creatives or we're trying
- 00:28:15to understand um why it worked or not
- 00:28:17those are mostly the metrics that guide
- 00:28:20our analysis and decision making so
- 00:28:23going to zoom through iteration
- 00:28:25strategies so spend does not equal reach
- 00:28:27you can you probably know this if you
- 00:28:29have a winning ad you can pump as much
- 00:28:32budget as you want through it it doesn't
- 00:28:34mean you're going to necessarily reach
- 00:28:35more people you're probably going to
- 00:28:38just saturate your core audience and
- 00:28:39start to see some creative fatigue so
- 00:28:42most learnings live on the creative so
- 00:28:45instead of pausing your ads add in new
- 00:28:48ad variations into that ad set that has
- 00:28:51the high spend and starting to show
- 00:28:53fatigue so creating these iterations of
- 00:28:56your winning ads will allow you to
- 00:28:58squeeze as much profits as you can from
- 00:29:00an audience that is working um so this
- 00:29:04is the best way to look at and think
- 00:29:07about creative iteration so again
- 00:29:09understanding the level of spend and the
- 00:29:11ad account structure but always trying
- 00:29:14to look at your accounts and figure out
- 00:29:16how you can refresh creatives that are
- 00:29:20resonating with your core audience while
- 00:29:23also developing and diverse creatives
- 00:29:27that will help you unlock new audiences
- 00:29:30and this balance is what's going to help
- 00:29:32you maintain performance so sometimes
- 00:29:34it's really not about trying to pump in
- 00:29:37as many new net New Concepts big swings
- 00:29:40into ad the ad account sometimes it's
- 00:29:43really just about okay we have create
- 00:29:46that is working that is resonating with
- 00:29:48this core audience how can we create
- 00:29:51more variations of that um through
- 00:29:55diversification within that kind of of
- 00:29:57concept that has been validated or
- 00:29:59speaking to a Persona or a motivator
- 00:30:02that is working to help support that
- 00:30:05increase in spend while also let's say
- 00:30:08throwing in like a couple new Concepts
- 00:30:11to help you hopefully unlock these new
- 00:30:14audiences that will start converting as
- 00:30:17well so some creative levers if you have
- 00:30:21low first frame retention test a new
- 00:30:23thumbnail or edit the first second of
- 00:30:25the ad low hook rate focus on the Deep
- 00:30:29analysis of those first three seconds
- 00:30:31trying new visuals new copy new sound um
- 00:30:35low hold rates try reordering the clips
- 00:30:38add a new shots after the third second
- 00:30:40make the ad shorter sometimes changing
- 00:30:42the editing style adding transitions can
- 00:30:45help sound effects as well um if you
- 00:30:48have a low
- 00:30:49CTR try adding in messages of scarcity
- 00:30:53exclusivity urgency agitate the pain
- 00:30:56points a little more add in some social
- 00:30:59proof um some credibility as well and
- 00:31:02then add in a new CTA um what I mean by
- 00:31:06credibility is like sometimes you have
- 00:31:08PR features and things like that and
- 00:31:10then low conversion rate check for
- 00:31:13congruency or make a custom landing page
- 00:31:15a lot of the times when we are kind of
- 00:31:17going too far with the creative testing
- 00:31:19new Concepts and new messaging you might
- 00:31:22deviate Too Much from the page you're
- 00:31:25sending them to from the ads so It's
- 00:31:27always important to check for congruency
- 00:31:29because if the ad metrics are really
- 00:31:32really strong it's doing the job of
- 00:31:36engaging the audience and bringing them
- 00:31:38to your website so if you have a
- 00:31:39creative that really slaps on the ad
- 00:31:42metrics but the conversion rate is low
- 00:31:44maybe making a custom landing page or
- 00:31:46editing your page to bring on the
- 00:31:50message from the ad onto your landing
- 00:31:52page and then checking spend by
- 00:31:55breakdown of age and gender
- 00:31:57is always key sometimes this is like
- 00:32:00overlooked but you might have an ad that
- 00:32:03is spending more on a specific agent
- 00:32:05gender brackets and you could recreate
- 00:32:07that ad to resonate even more by
- 00:32:10adjusting the language to speak to a
- 00:32:12younger older audience the tone changing
- 00:32:15the pacing to match um and that's that
- 00:32:19let's get to your questions I think I
- 00:32:21hopefully covered a lot of things um
- 00:32:24I'll stop sharing my screen and oh my
- 00:32:28God so many
- 00:32:29questions let's do this that was
- 00:32:32incredible that was incredible I feel
- 00:32:35like so I don't feel I know so many
- 00:32:37questions have come through and this was
- 00:32:39the perfect step to set the stage for
- 00:32:41the different areas everybody I'm sorry
- 00:32:43you know we're gonna run out of time
- 00:32:45there's no way we're get to 60 some
- 00:32:46question I'm sorry did I take too
- 00:32:49long no no no no no this was the
- 00:32:51foundation that everyone needed and I
- 00:32:53think like there was so many great
- 00:32:55things in there for me about an ear
- 00:32:57stopper drop the mic bar killer talking
- 00:33:01about Ai and the concept of like an AI
- 00:33:04influencer esque super interesting like
- 00:33:07so many things to unpack um I do want to
- 00:33:10get to these questions now I have my own
- 00:33:13natural Curiosities but we'll save that
- 00:33:15for offline or a different thing so a
- 00:33:19lot of the questions that are starting
- 00:33:20to roll in are relating to to how
- 00:33:23individual teams start to make this come
- 00:33:25to life so we've talked about the
- 00:33:27process I want to bring us all the way
- 00:33:30back to when you had started creative
- 00:33:31milkshake and I'm guessing it was just
- 00:33:33you and maybe one other person so one of
- 00:33:35the not the most upvoted question that
- 00:33:38we've actually got at this point that I
- 00:33:39took from um our questions before before
- 00:33:41the show is what is your top tip for be
- 00:33:44uh for being okay what is your top tip
- 00:33:46for getting the best creative as
- 00:33:48possible as a team of one at this point
- 00:33:51so there's different angles you can take
- 00:33:52it from but the idea is one person show
- 00:33:55Okay so starting as a team of
- 00:33:58one I would say your core focus is on
- 00:34:01the research part of it right is
- 00:34:04understanding how to develop a really
- 00:34:07strong creative by understanding your
- 00:34:10audience deeply understanding your
- 00:34:11competitor landscape crafting those like
- 00:34:13scripts and storyboards to be really
- 00:34:16strong then the question then comes to
- 00:34:18the creative production and
- 00:34:20execution um there's there's different
- 00:34:23ways to go about it you can Outsource
- 00:34:25this to content creators right like you
- 00:34:28can go on to marketplaces and platforms
- 00:34:30and you can send your briefs and
- 00:34:32storyboards get people to shoot content
- 00:34:34for you um and then you turn that into
- 00:34:37ads or you can take a more Hands-On kind
- 00:34:38of do-it-yourself approach which was our
- 00:34:41approach back then which is just I'm
- 00:34:43literally going to take my phone and I'm
- 00:34:45going to start shooting content I was
- 00:34:47never the one to put my face on ads but
- 00:34:51I always preferred to work with content
- 00:34:54creators and actors to come into what a
- 00:34:57studio environment doesn't even need to
- 00:34:59be a studio but you're just literally
- 00:35:02behind the camera executing on the
- 00:35:04creative yourself um or you can
- 00:35:06Outsource this creative production to if
- 00:35:09you're going for a bigger budget
- 00:35:11production you can develop the strategy
- 00:35:14and you know get these briefs over to a
- 00:35:17studio that will execute beautifully for
- 00:35:19you depends what you're going for um but
- 00:35:21then I it is key to have um a strong
- 00:35:25video editing support Sports however if
- 00:35:28you're going for reals and Tik Tok cap
- 00:35:30Cuts is wonderful like it's just you can
- 00:35:35do so much with your phone if you have
- 00:35:38like a fantastic script and really good
- 00:35:41references you can shoot content
- 00:35:43yourself you can get creators to content
- 00:35:46for you and edit them easily on cap cut
- 00:35:50to create that even look feel native
- 00:35:54like cap cut has already built buil-in
- 00:35:57features that allow you to like edit
- 00:36:01supers and captions so easily the text
- 00:36:03to voice feature you have trending audio
- 00:36:06in there so
- 00:36:09yeah I'm in capcut all the time so I'm
- 00:36:12with you I'm with you on that front and
- 00:36:14I think you hit it nail on the head
- 00:36:15saying like research informs everything
- 00:36:17else then you're leaning into your skill
- 00:36:19sets is how I interpret it it's like
- 00:36:21okay if I'm more creative can I own that
- 00:36:23script process can I invite someone over
- 00:36:25to shoot but if you lean to the media
- 00:36:27side it might differ a little bit so I
- 00:36:29think that's super great I do see a
- 00:36:32question that came in from Hannah along
- 00:36:33the line of teams I do want to remix it
- 00:36:36a little bit here but the question that
- 00:36:38Han has is who should drive this
- 00:36:39creative strategy when it comes to paid
- 00:36:41media advertising so formats should it
- 00:36:44be the paid media managers should it be
- 00:36:45the designers should it be a creative
- 00:36:47strategist so that's the initial
- 00:36:48question and then the one that I'm going
- 00:36:50to tack on to the end is just like team
- 00:36:52structure-wise do you have any opinions
- 00:36:54on how this should come to
- 00:36:55life
- 00:36:57yeah so it really depends on
- 00:37:00like some some brands have like
- 00:37:04inhouse creative teams other Outsource
- 00:37:07it completely to agencies but just to to
- 00:37:10simplify a team that would execute the
- 00:37:13process I described right creative
- 00:37:15strategist and a lot of media buyers now
- 00:37:18are playing the creative strategist role
- 00:37:20because they are able to speak to
- 00:37:22creatives right so I think primarily
- 00:37:25understanding those metrics and being
- 00:37:27able to to speak to what has worked in
- 00:37:30the ad account um is is very important
- 00:37:34so kind of that first piece of the
- 00:37:36puzzle a strategist that can understand
- 00:37:39um the metrics in terms of how to use
- 00:37:42that to inform strategy but that also
- 00:37:45have a really strong finger on the pulse
- 00:37:48of these channels and kind of understand
- 00:37:50how to create content that that works
- 00:37:52for that channel and and and it is
- 00:37:54native so then having a strategist can
- 00:37:58be someone on your team can be someone
- 00:38:00that you Outsource but ideally that's
- 00:38:03the person that's guiding the decision
- 00:38:06making of
- 00:38:08like understanding the ad accounts and
- 00:38:10being like look okay like we have tested
- 00:38:12so much video already let's throw in
- 00:38:15some Statics let or we have been leaning
- 00:38:17too heavy on static might be some missed
- 00:38:20opportunities I'm testing shorter or
- 00:38:22longer form videos so I think whoever is
- 00:38:25closest
- 00:38:27to like living inside the kind of AD
- 00:38:30accounts and understanding what it needs
- 00:38:32should be making those suggestions of
- 00:38:35what type of formats um to test next and
- 00:38:40then copywriters can be the creative
- 00:38:42strategists or not maybe sometimes the
- 00:38:45creative strategist just sends the brief
- 00:38:47and then either chat PT is your
- 00:38:49copywriter or you have a copywriter that
- 00:38:51will turn those into scripts um and then
- 00:38:54creative production again this can be
- 00:38:56in-house or outsourced um you can be
- 00:38:59sending your storyboards and scripts to
- 00:39:02creators or you can be shooting all of
- 00:39:04this in house um and then video editors
- 00:39:08is key like cap cut can only take you so
- 00:39:10much that's if you're like a scrappy
- 00:39:12team of one that you know will be
- 00:39:14putting out these videos but if you're
- 00:39:16talking about a certain level of scale
- 00:39:20and being able to quickly turn around
- 00:39:22iterations having a video editing team
- 00:39:24that is reversed in performance design
- 00:39:27best practices is invaluable so I would
- 00:39:30say either building that yourself or
- 00:39:32finding a partner like creative not J
- 00:39:35that can do that for you if you didn't
- 00:39:38plug yourself I was gonna do it talking
- 00:39:40about send your storyboards to a partner
- 00:39:42I'm like hint hint creative milkshake
- 00:39:44you know what to do make it come to life
- 00:39:47Mar super great that's super great this
- 00:39:49takes it to the next question though
- 00:39:51right because when we're talking about
- 00:39:52that skill set of being a little bit
- 00:39:54closer to the data this is where I think
- 00:39:56of you is like goated it's like you have
- 00:39:58this down to a science who talking about
- 00:40:00how great your team is so the question
- 00:40:01that we have here is how do you onboard
- 00:40:04new employees to make them feel really
- 00:40:06good about creative help them quickly
- 00:40:08become performance Masters like
- 00:40:11yourself yeah I think the the foundation
- 00:40:14of of great creative is like two things
- 00:40:19understanding consumer Behavior because
- 00:40:21at the end of the day you're you're
- 00:40:22selling to humans and the is not going
- 00:40:26to be great if you don't understand like
- 00:40:30how to to craft creatives that really
- 00:40:33speak to those emotional
- 00:40:34motivators um so for us it's it's really
- 00:40:38onboarding people who either have some
- 00:40:41form of relevant experience or are just
- 00:40:43hungry and eager to learn so teaching
- 00:40:45them direct response best practices
- 00:40:47first um teaching them how to conduct
- 00:40:50research like knowing how to use the
- 00:40:52tools on how to understand competitor
- 00:40:55landscape
- 00:40:57um and then that feedback loop right
- 00:41:00like understanding how to learn from
- 00:41:03your strategy whether you get a best
- 00:41:06case scenario linked to emotion reports
- 00:41:09or you just get like these are the ads
- 00:41:11that worked well learning how to
- 00:41:13creative is really important knowing
- 00:41:15like if someone sends you an ad and says
- 00:41:18this was our top performer when you play
- 00:41:21that ad like what do you see like that's
- 00:41:24something we train our cre our creative
- 00:41:26strategist our video editors our
- 00:41:28production team on is like what do you
- 00:41:30see when you look at to have a method of
- 00:41:33analyzing creatives what is the hook
- 00:41:35what is the body what is the call to
- 00:41:37action like what is the overarching
- 00:41:39message what is the pacing what are the
- 00:41:41visuals like there's so many layers to
- 00:41:43analyze in Creative so that's definitely
- 00:41:46one that is super important because if
- 00:41:49you know how to analyze a creative you
- 00:41:52can reverse engineer it to recreate it
- 00:41:54to iterate it and so on
- 00:41:58so I I do want to jump to the tactics
- 00:42:00now so we have the team in place we're
- 00:42:02training them on up I know there's a
- 00:42:03couple other questions we'll try to get
- 00:42:04them to later but Max now has a question
- 00:42:07we get deeper into the weeds so now
- 00:42:09you're working with teams that are
- 00:42:10involved how do you balance performance
- 00:42:12with branding it can be easy to lose
- 00:42:14sight of branding in pursuit of the best
- 00:42:16performing creative and vice versa but
- 00:42:18digital ads are often the first
- 00:42:19interaction for a customer how do you
- 00:42:21think about things
- 00:42:23Mela that's a really good question and
- 00:42:26it's it's it's a fair debate and it's
- 00:42:29it's always fair to think about what are
- 00:42:32the priorities for this brand and what
- 00:42:38is really the goal of your creatives and
- 00:42:41and your paid social strategy as a whole
- 00:42:44right like let's say your brand relies
- 00:42:48so heavily on paid social for customer
- 00:42:51acquisition right like it is without
- 00:42:54that you're dead so if that's the case
- 00:42:58if you so heavily on paid social for
- 00:43:01customer acquisition I would say your
- 00:43:04priority number one should be like
- 00:43:07performance it's really about finding
- 00:43:11creatives that work
- 00:43:14because and you will have to sacrifice
- 00:43:17brand sometimes for that because ugly
- 00:43:19works because you know you you just have
- 00:43:22to concede because you have to think of
- 00:43:24the brand as a whole
- 00:43:26and there are so many other
- 00:43:29opportunities to build your brand
- 00:43:31outside of your creative even though it
- 00:43:33is the first touch so for example you
- 00:43:36rely have the unpaid social you
- 00:43:38sacrifice some brand to focus on
- 00:43:40performance you're running ugly ads and
- 00:43:42you hate it but then the customer
- 00:43:44receives the product in their house and
- 00:43:46you have a beautiful unboxing experience
- 00:43:50and you have a beautiful notes from the
- 00:43:52founder that talks about your mission
- 00:43:54and you know what I mean like there's so
- 00:43:56so many your emails might do the job of
- 00:43:59helping convey your Brands like there's
- 00:44:00so many other touch points that you can
- 00:44:03use to help build your brand and if
- 00:44:07really paid social is crucial for you I
- 00:44:09would say Lan to Performance but if you
- 00:44:12if you can afford to let's say your
- 00:44:14channel is is super relevant for you
- 00:44:17then maybe there's some room there to be
- 00:44:19like okay let's let's focus on the brand
- 00:44:21when it comes to our digital because
- 00:44:23it's not live or die for us right
- 00:44:27I love that honestly drawing it back to
- 00:44:29the goal is so important so perfect
- 00:44:31perfect perfect perfect the most upvoted
- 00:44:34question we now have is what's your
- 00:44:37advice for lowbudget companies so
- 00:44:39thinking monthly ad spends at this point
- 00:44:42so it could be creative it could be on
- 00:44:43the media side um Anything That Floats
- 00:44:45through your
- 00:44:47mind H I think low budget doesn't mean
- 00:44:52like bad I've seen like the the
- 00:44:56simplest creatives absolutely kill
- 00:45:00anything else like sometimes like
- 00:45:02pulling out your phone and taking a
- 00:45:04photo yourself or like making a video
- 00:45:08that is like lowy and feels and looks
- 00:45:11organic doesn't mean bad um I would say
- 00:45:16like getting the basics right so like
- 00:45:19going back to understand like you can do
- 00:45:22wonders with canva templates for your
- 00:45:24Statics and iPhone videos for your
- 00:45:28videos you know some iPhone content and
- 00:45:32cap cut but as long as the message is
- 00:45:35there like as long as you really have
- 00:45:37down like who your target audience is
- 00:45:40what are their motivators their pain
- 00:45:42points their desires and that's in your
- 00:45:45ads like I don't see like you don't need
- 00:45:48big budget Productions to to make
- 00:45:51creatives
- 00:45:52work love that love that okay now want
- 00:45:56to start picking your brain on just like
- 00:45:58the the overall Trends and from what
- 00:46:00you've seen so Anie has a question what
- 00:46:03are some of the most authentic non-l
- 00:46:05looking like ad themes you have seen
- 00:46:07working
- 00:46:10well um in the past year um Street
- 00:46:14interviews have worked really well like
- 00:46:17comedy kind
- 00:46:18of um using sound to create ads like
- 00:46:23everything that feels and looks really
- 00:46:25native to Tik Tok um and that is born
- 00:46:29out of a Tik Tok Trend um tends to
- 00:46:32perform really well um and these things
- 00:46:35don't necessarily look like ads and also
- 00:46:39a lot of the time yeah those are getting
- 00:46:42overused but it's about knowing what's
- 00:46:45coming next um
- 00:46:49and what you can do as well is just
- 00:46:53like just really live on Tik Tok like
- 00:46:56it's it kind of sucks cuz you have to
- 00:46:58like Doom scroll a little bit but it
- 00:47:01kind of helps you like you get so many
- 00:47:04ideas like we have DM groups with our
- 00:47:07team and we're always sharing like oh
- 00:47:09wait this would be a really good ad um
- 00:47:11and people are so creative in how they
- 00:47:13create content and easily use that into
- 00:47:17in your creative
- 00:47:20strategy we we need to be real like
- 00:47:22living on there gives us Insight like I
- 00:47:24I'm on food talk like no tomorrow so
- 00:47:27even just regular Concepts that I'll
- 00:47:29just randomly think of are now inspired
- 00:47:31by food talk and I'm like oh that's kind
- 00:47:32of cool like it could work tell the
- 00:47:34story so I feel like inspo is everywhere
- 00:47:36and like being there actually helps
- 00:47:40out all right uh we're coming up to the
- 00:47:42end here folks three minutes left please
- 00:47:44be sure to get your question uh like up
- 00:47:46vote where it makes sense the last one
- 00:47:49that I'm going to get to I have to try
- 00:47:51my best to to pick one that actually
- 00:47:53matters and I think this is a good
- 00:47:54summary one we got it earlier here
- 00:47:56before uh before the session started but
- 00:47:59it's around hot takes so you've talked
- 00:48:01about a bunch different things chat gbt
- 00:48:03ai's involvements um The Sounds
- 00:48:06themselves but talk us through like what
- 00:48:08some of the hot takes are as we get into
- 00:48:102024 that you might not have already
- 00:48:11mentioned or dig a little bit deeper to
- 00:48:13the ones you
- 00:48:15have hot takes
- 00:48:18um I guess that like ugc is dead is a is
- 00:48:21a is a hot take um MH
- 00:48:26and like the the iterations like that
- 00:48:28you there's no such thing as creative
- 00:48:30fatigue or like you shouldn't iterate or
- 00:48:32you should iterate like that those two
- 00:48:35um I would say that like ugc as we kind
- 00:48:40of know or whatever it became in the
- 00:48:43last few years I think that is dead and
- 00:48:46and dying I guess just because it has
- 00:48:49just become so saturated and everyone in
- 00:48:52their mom is a is a ugc Creator and you
- 00:48:56know this has been a game changer or
- 00:48:59this has changed my life like that just
- 00:49:01doesn't work anymore but it doesn't mean
- 00:49:05that native first content short firm
- 00:49:08vertical content native first is not
- 00:49:11going to work like that is the future so
- 00:49:15I haven't come up with a proper term for
- 00:49:17it yet but it's just like it's content
- 00:49:21that looks and feels native it is
- 00:49:23created for a direct response you kind
- 00:49:25of it's ugc but it's not really right so
- 00:49:28there's two directions you can take it
- 00:49:30it's like on One Direction it's it's the
- 00:49:33script wellth thought out
- 00:49:35developed ads shots in a native format
- 00:49:39that look and feel like it could be done
- 00:49:41from like that native perspective and
- 00:49:44then the other direction is real actual
- 00:49:47customer content like that's so so
- 00:49:50powerful when Brands can tap into their
- 00:49:52real customers to share their
- 00:49:54transformation
- 00:49:56to talk about their stories like that is
- 00:49:59just like unmatched right like it's so
- 00:50:02authentic and it builds so much Social
- 00:50:04proof and you can use that to make
- 00:50:05really powerful creatives so it's like
- 00:50:07the two two opposite directions one is I
- 00:50:10guess you could call it actor generated
- 00:50:13content that does perform really well
- 00:50:15and then really using real customers but
- 00:50:17it's almost like that like in
- 00:50:20between um everyone's tired
- 00:50:23of and when it comes
- 00:50:26to like the iterations part I I go back
- 00:50:30to that slide where I showed like yes
- 00:50:33that it doesn't mean you have to iterate
- 00:50:35endlessly it has to be very intentional
- 00:50:38in terms of understanding like is really
- 00:50:42to um get more creative into that adset
- 00:50:46to speak to the audience that's
- 00:50:47resonating to get as much profit as you
- 00:50:49can out of an audience that's performing
- 00:50:52or is it about developing new Concepts
- 00:50:55and can the ad account sustain you know
- 00:50:58testing so many net New
- 00:51:01Concepts Mela you're incredible is there
- 00:51:05is there anything you we've come to time
- 00:51:07we've come to time you've you've crushed
- 00:51:09it on setting the foundation and gotten
- 00:51:10to some of the questions that the the
- 00:51:12audience has had any final things you
- 00:51:14want to leave the audience
- 00:51:17with um I challenge you guys to like
- 00:51:21think outside the box like look at all
- 00:51:24the um amazing AI tools and Powerful
- 00:51:27tools that are out there to to help you
- 00:51:29with your
- 00:51:30creative um yeah just it I just love
- 00:51:34seeing great creative out in the wild
- 00:51:36you know whenever I see a good ad I'm
- 00:51:38like oh my God this is so good and I
- 00:51:41know there are a lot of you out there
- 00:51:43that are making these ads and just yeah
- 00:51:47let's let's keep pushing the bar we are
- 00:51:50literally
- 00:51:52like it's such a cuttingedge industry
- 00:51:54you know like Performance Marketing is
- 00:51:57just constantly evolving and it's it's
- 00:52:00challenging and it's exciting um and I
- 00:52:03really appreciates I've been a day one
- 00:52:05fan of
- 00:52:06motion the content that you guys put out
- 00:52:08there is invaluable even being able to
- 00:52:11have this conversation and discussion is
- 00:52:13so cool to see so many creative strategy
- 00:52:16nerds out there you know um so yeah I
- 00:52:20really appreciate you guys taking the
- 00:52:21time to join and and ask your questions
- 00:52:24I hope um lived up to your expectations
- 00:52:27thank you so much my heart every have to
- 00:52:30show love to Mel in the chat and she
- 00:52:32didn't strut her stuff but please be
- 00:52:34sure to check out creative milkshake
- 00:52:36have to have to you you've seen the mind
- 00:52:39so let's make it happen okay everyone
- 00:52:41else as I always say always appreciate
- 00:52:43your eyes and ears during this time if
- 00:52:45there's anyone else you think could
- 00:52:46benefit like let's send this recording
- 00:52:48out to the masses after the fact and
- 00:52:50Mela has blessed us with all this
- 00:52:51knowledge so let's start implementing it
- 00:52:53along the way too Mela thanks thanks a
- 00:52:55million this is super fun thank you
- Creative Strategy
- Ad Production
- Direct Response
- Consumer Behavior
- AI Integration
- Performance vs Branding
- Creative Diversification
- Sound Design
- Research