MUST HAVE.. AR 15 Upgrades Under $100
TLDRVideoen giver en omfattende guide til opgraderinger, man kan foretage på en AR-15 riffel for under $100, som kan forbedre både ydeevne og komfort. Der er fokus på forskellige komponenter som bolt carrier groups, triggers, greb, butt stocks og mere. Hver opgradering er nøje udvalgt for at give bedst mulige resultat uden at sprænge budgettet. På trods af at der findes mange opgraderinger, der anses for 'ekstravagante', præsenterer videoen dem, som faktisk kan gøre en forskel. Videoen indeholder også detaljerede beskrivelser af, hvordan hver del kan opgraderes, og hvilke fordele dette medfører.
- 💡 AR-15 rifler kan forbedres med billige opgraderinger.
- 🔧 Udskiftning af cam pin og extractor kan forlænge levetiden på din riffel.
- 🎯 En bedre trigger kan drastisk forbedre dine skydningsfærdigheder.
- ✔️ Ambidextrous sikkerheder gør riflen lettere at bruge.
- 🪛 Magpods tilføjer funktionalitet til dine magasiner.
- 🔒 Beskyt dine hænder med de rette greb og butt stocks.
- ⚙️ Streamlight Protac HLX er anbefalet for rifle lys.
- 🔍 Overvej tre-prong flash hiders for bedre kontrol.
- 🛠️ Lithiumfedt kan reducere støj fra fjederen.
- 🎨 Vælg opgraderinger der matcher dine behov og stil.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Ejeren af AR-15 rifler deler sine erfaringer om opgraderinger af riflerne for at forbedre ydeevnen. Han nævner specifikke dele, der kan ændres for under 100 dollars, som fx en cam pin og ekstraktor. Han understreger vigtigheden af at have en pålidelig cam pin og viser, hvordan man kan markere den for at forlænge levetiden.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Han fortsætter med at diskutere fordelene ved at opgradere bolten i bolt carrier gruppen for bedre udvinding. Han nævner specifikke mærker som tilbyder kvalitetsbolte, og fremhæver også billigere triggere som Palmetto State Armory og Hyperfire EDT, der kan forbedre skydeoplevelsen.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Ejeren diskuterer vigtigheden af et godt greb og buttstock tilpasset til skytterens præference. Han taler om forskellige greb, herunder med og uden beavertail, og forskellige buttstocks som B5 Systems og Bravo Company Gunfighter der sikrer en behagelig og præcis skydeposition.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Han diskuterer vertikale foregrips og bolt catches, hvoraf mange kan tilpasse riflens betjening til brugerens behov. Ejeren nævner også, at man kan opnå en mere komplet Ambi-funktionalitet med specifikke opgraderinger trods højere kompleksitet ved installationen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:27:46
Endelig dækker han andre forsigtige opgraderinger som Ambidextrous safety selectors og større charging handles, hvor han deler sine præferencer i mærker og typer, der forbedrer brugervenligheden uden at sprænge budgettet på under 100 dollars.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Hvilke opgraderinger anbefales til en billig AR-15 bolt carrier group?
Du kan opgradere cam pin og extractor for at øge levetiden og pålideligheden.
Hvordan kan en trigger opgradering forbedre skydningen?
En bedre trigger kan forbedre skydefærdighederne betydeligt, især hvis man allerede har gode fundamentale færdigheder.
Hvilke fordele er der ved at skifte greb på en AR-15?
Det kan forbedre komforten og tilpasningen, specielt hvis grebets vinkel og tekstur ikke passer til skyttens præference.
Hvad er fordele ved at bruge en ambidextrous sikkerhedsvælger?
Det gør det nemmere og hurtigere at skifte mellem sikker og brand position, især med 45 graders modeller.
Hvilke slags muslinganordninger anbefales?
Tre-prong flash hiders er gode til at reducere muzzle rise og recoil, og VG6 Gamma er effektiv til flad skydning.
Hvilke billige rifle lys anbefales?
Streamlight Protac Rail Mount HLX anbefales for sin lysstyrke og funktionalitet.
Hvorfor er slings vigtige for rifler?
De giver nem transport og opbevaring af riflen og tillader fri bevægelse under skydning.
Hvad er Magpods, og hvad er deres funktion?
Magpods erstatter bunden på magasiner, så de kan stå oprejst. Nye versioner har multiværktøjer indbygget.
Hvordan kan lithiumfedt forbedre riflen?
Det smører buffer tube og fjederen, hvilket gør riflen mere lydsvag og glat ved genladning.
Hvad er fordelen ved større ambidextrous charging handles?
De gør det nemmere at lade riflen, især når der er monteret optik, som begrænser adgang til standard charging handles.
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- 00:00:00all right party people so it doesn't
- 00:00:01matter if your AR-15 is a poverty Pony
- 00:00:04like this one or something a little more
- 00:00:06higher end like this one there's always
- 00:00:08room for improvement or there's always
- 00:00:10something that you can upgrade on them
- 00:00:11just to make them a little bit better
- 00:00:13and to make them fit you as a shooter a
- 00:00:15little bit better as well now over these
- 00:00:17past seven or eight years of owning
- 00:00:19AR-15s I've tried a ton of different
- 00:00:22upgrades for my AR-15s I've tried the
- 00:00:24stuff that people think is stupid and
- 00:00:26I've tried stuff that people don't think
- 00:00:27is stupid I've tried to whittle it down
- 00:00:29to things that make it worthwhile
- 00:00:31upgrading things that actually matter in
- 00:00:33your AR-15 and in today's video we're
- 00:00:36going to be covering the top 13 or 14 I
- 00:00:38haven't decided yet AR15 upgrades that
- 00:00:41can be had for less than one Benjamin
- 00:00:43Franklin so welcome back Party People
- 00:00:45hope you guys are doing awesome so as
- 00:00:47we're going through the video today if
- 00:00:48you see anything that you want to pick
- 00:00:49up for yourself or find ways not to pay
- 00:00:52full price for it I will include a parts
- 00:00:53list for everything that we're talking
- 00:00:55about in this video to find that parts
- 00:00:57list it's the very first link in the
- 00:00:58description and I'll also pin it down in
- 00:01:00the comments section for you as well so
- 00:01:03I don't want to waste any time today
- 00:01:04let's just jump into it now the first
- 00:01:05upgrade is probably the most exciting
- 00:01:07one because you can either buy it or you
- 00:01:09can do it for free now if you have a
- 00:01:11cheaper bulk carrier group or a bulk
- 00:01:12carrier group that doesn't have much of
- 00:01:13a reputation you don't have to replace
- 00:01:15the entire bolt carrier group to get
- 00:01:18really good life out of it you can
- 00:01:19replace just a couple of things and you
- 00:01:22will actually get a lot of life out of
- 00:01:24it and make it a lot more reliable as
- 00:01:26well for example two of the most common
- 00:01:28failure points on an AR-15 is going to
- 00:01:31be in the bolt carrier group more
- 00:01:33specifically your cam pen and your
- 00:01:35extractor a lot of gunsmiths have noted
- 00:01:37that one of the things that wears out
- 00:01:39the cam pin the fastest is when you take
- 00:01:41it apart to clean it you actually spin
- 00:01:43the cam pin in different directions
- 00:01:45every time you reassemble it and that
- 00:01:47can cause premature breakage of the cam
- 00:01:49pen one of the ways you can address that
- 00:01:51is to buy a new cam pin that has an
- 00:01:53indexing point on there so that way
- 00:01:55whenever you reassemble it you always
- 00:01:57face that indexing point in the same
- 00:01:58exact Direction and then therefore you
- 00:02:01prolong the life of the campaign in your
- 00:02:03boat Carrier Group however there is a
- 00:02:05free way to do this simply get yourself
- 00:02:07a stinking punch and a hammer and mark
- 00:02:10the campaign that you currently have
- 00:02:12it's actually really easy to do you just
- 00:02:14put the campaign into a vise whack it
- 00:02:16one or two good times and it's marked
- 00:02:18and now you have an indexing point so
- 00:02:20you always know which direction to face
- 00:02:22it this is something I'm started to do
- 00:02:24recently on all of my bolts especially
- 00:02:26when they're new from the factory by the
- 00:02:28way if you could do me a quick favor and
- 00:02:29just hit the Subscribe button and turn
- 00:02:31on all notifications when you hit the
- 00:02:32Subscribe button it trips the algorithm
- 00:02:34to recommend these videos so that more
- 00:02:35people can see it and if that's not
- 00:02:37enough reason to shove it in the face of
- 00:02:39anti-gunners I don't know what is now
- 00:02:42the second upgrade you could do to your
- 00:02:43current bolt carrier grip if you have a
- 00:02:45more affordable one is you can simply
- 00:02:47buy a higher end Bowl there's a bunch of
- 00:02:50them that are available that are made of
- 00:02:51really good Carpenter 158 tools steel
- 00:02:53and have really good extractors on them
- 00:02:55a couple off the top of my head I know
- 00:02:57that Sons of Liberty Gun Works makes a
- 00:02:58really good bolt that way less than a
- 00:03:01hundred dollars and then I know that
- 00:03:02Daniel Defense also makes a really good
- 00:03:04bolt that's less than a hundred dollars
- 00:03:06now if you find yourself that already
- 00:03:07having a really good bolt but maybe
- 00:03:09you're having some extraction issues you
- 00:03:11can always upgrade the extractor with an
- 00:03:13extractor kit from BCM they have really
- 00:03:16high powered Springs and they just take
- 00:03:18a lot of care into making them stronger
- 00:03:19and more reliable those can be had for
- 00:03:21like 30 bucks or something like that but
- 00:03:23honestly like if you had a decent bow
- 00:03:25carrier group and you just wanted to
- 00:03:26ensure the life of it you can simply
- 00:03:28just do the cam pin and upgrade your
- 00:03:30extractors in the life of this thing
- 00:03:32will last a heck of a lot longer now the
- 00:03:34next place to think about when you want
- 00:03:35to do an upgrade on your AR-15 if you're
- 00:03:37still running a mil-spec trigger and you
- 00:03:39love it then fine you don't need to
- 00:03:41worry about this but a lot of us don't
- 00:03:42really care for the mil-spec trigger
- 00:03:44especially if you're a civilian and
- 00:03:46you're not on any type of Duty use I
- 00:03:48know a lot of Duty weapons don't come
- 00:03:49with upgraded triggers just because of
- 00:03:51insurance purposes I know that a lot of
- 00:03:53people say you can't buy skill set and I
- 00:03:54totally agree with that but changing the
- 00:03:56trigger will dramatically improve your
- 00:03:58shooting don't get me wrong practicing
- 00:03:59your fundament rentals is always
- 00:04:01important so don't ever skip that but if
- 00:04:03you already have good Trigger Discipline
- 00:04:05and good fundamentals it just takes you
- 00:04:06to the next level a couple of my
- 00:04:08favorite triggers that cost less than a
- 00:04:10hundred dollars are number one the
- 00:04:11Palmetto State Armory drop-in trigger
- 00:04:14it's not the best drop-in trigger ever
- 00:04:16and it's not the worst it pulls really
- 00:04:18good at about 3.5 pounds and it's
- 00:04:21definitely the easiest to install of the
- 00:04:23triggers that we're going to be talking
- 00:04:24about today I've had one for over a year
- 00:04:26I've ran it I've had zero issues with it
- 00:04:28and I love and a heck of a lot nicer to
- 00:04:30shoot than mil spec those come in around
- 00:04:33the 99 Mark and so if you want to go
- 00:04:35even cheaper favorite trigger to get is
- 00:04:37the hyperfire EDT triggers they're
- 00:04:40essentially mil-spec plus triggers that
- 00:04:42pull it around the four and a half pound
- 00:04:44Mark they're not as light as the PSA
- 00:04:46drop-in trigger but the good thing about
- 00:04:48them is you can still shoot them really
- 00:04:49fast those typically cost around 30 to
- 00:04:5240 dollars just kind of depending on
- 00:04:53where you pick them up I'll make sure to
- 00:04:55have links to them over at the parts
- 00:04:56list but if you can't afford that and
- 00:04:58you want to go even cheaper for I highly
- 00:05:01recommend a set of JP springs for your
- 00:05:04mil-spec setup the set of JP Springs
- 00:05:06will take your trigger pull from about
- 00:05:08six and a half seven pounds down to
- 00:05:10about four and a half pounds very easily
- 00:05:12and it's a very cost effective trigger
- 00:05:15upgrade now the next upgrade is usually
- 00:05:17the one that I changed first whenever I
- 00:05:19pick up a new rifle if it doesn't come
- 00:05:21with the right one and that is going to
- 00:05:22be the grip I changed this out primarily
- 00:05:25because a lot of the guns that I get
- 00:05:27come with either the wrong angle of the
- 00:05:28grip or they come with the wrong texture
- 00:05:31or they come without the beaver tail so
- 00:05:34if you're new to AR-15 grips they come
- 00:05:36in different angles different textures
- 00:05:37and then some have a beaver tail like
- 00:05:40this one from lwrc and some don't for me
- 00:05:43I prefer one with a beaver tail so it
- 00:05:45pushes my hand a little bit further back
- 00:05:46because you can see my index finger is
- 00:05:48already starting to touch the front of
- 00:05:50this trigger guard whereas you can see
- 00:05:52on this one it doesn't have a beaver
- 00:05:54tail and when it's this far forward you
- 00:05:56can see how far past the trigger guard
- 00:05:58my finger sits and sometimes when you're
- 00:06:01coming uh from low ready and shooting
- 00:06:02your finger will get caught on it so you
- 00:06:04can choose to get a beaver tail or no
- 00:06:06beaver tail and you can choose to get
- 00:06:08different textures and stuff like that
- 00:06:09currently my favorite grip is the B5
- 00:06:12systems I'll have a link over the parts
- 00:06:14list I don't remember the actual name of
- 00:06:15it but I like the B5 systems that has
- 00:06:17the beaver tail they also make them
- 00:06:19without the beaver tail as you can see
- 00:06:21on this guy um they're only like 20
- 00:06:23bucks and they have really good grip
- 00:06:25texture and they have the right angle
- 00:06:27for me so when I'm shooting I don't get
- 00:06:30my wrist tweaked in the wrong way I can
- 00:06:32really hang on to it when I start
- 00:06:33sweating you know yourself better than
- 00:06:35anyone but I'll just rattle off some of
- 00:06:37my favorites and I'll have them over at
- 00:06:39the parts list for you favorite is the
- 00:06:41B5 systems love it to death it's
- 00:06:43affordable and you can't go wrong with
- 00:06:45it very similar to the B5 systems my
- 00:06:47next favorite is the Bravo Company
- 00:06:49gunfighter grip this one actually has
- 00:06:51storage in it whereas the B5 systems
- 00:06:53doesn't but it's essentially the same
- 00:06:55thing you can get these with or without
- 00:06:56the beaver tail they have really good
- 00:06:58texturing and they have a really good
- 00:06:59good angle on them my next favorite is
- 00:07:01going to be the Magpul k2s they have the
- 00:07:04mo and the mo plus I think the mo plus
- 00:07:06is rubberized and the mo isn't I like
- 00:07:09them non-rubberized I used to love the
- 00:07:11rubberized ones years ago but over the
- 00:07:13years as you shoot the rubberized grips
- 00:07:15they become slippery because the oil
- 00:07:16from your hand soaks into the grip so I
- 00:07:19used to love rubberized grips not So
- 00:07:21Much Anymore which leads me to my next
- 00:07:23favorite grip which is the Hogue grips
- 00:07:25the hog grips are the most ergonomic
- 00:07:27grips ever and it's like a hug for your
- 00:07:29hand if that makes any sense but the
- 00:07:31downside to most of them is they're made
- 00:07:32out of rubber and over time the oils of
- 00:07:35your hands seep into them and they just
- 00:07:36get slippery something else I like to
- 00:07:38swap out on most of my guns is the butt
- 00:07:40stock especially if they come with those
- 00:07:42mil-spec butt stocks that like to Rattle
- 00:07:44around a lot now depending on what
- 00:07:45you're going to use the gun for is going
- 00:07:47to depend on what kind of butt stock
- 00:07:49you're going to be getting now if you're
- 00:07:50wanting something for long range
- 00:07:51shooting you might want to get something
- 00:07:53that's big and has the little levels on
- 00:07:55it and stuff like that so you can shoot
- 00:07:57long range but for me just for a
- 00:07:59standard dual purpose AR-15 I look for
- 00:08:01something that has a decent cheek weld I
- 00:08:03look for something that has QD points on
- 00:08:06the rear of it right here and I look for
- 00:08:08something that's easy for me to adjust
- 00:08:10and I look for something that's
- 00:08:12lightweight one of my favorites is the
- 00:08:13B5 systems sock mod stocks they're not
- 00:08:16the tightest lockup on them
- 00:08:18but they do have a QD point in the back
- 00:08:21they're very easy to extend and grab
- 00:08:24that latch that's right here and they
- 00:08:26just feel really good and they're really
- 00:08:28lightweight now probably my favorite
- 00:08:29stock of all time is the Bravo Company
- 00:08:31gunfighter stock this whole bottom
- 00:08:33section here is a compression so that
- 00:08:35you can extend it it's not that easy to
- 00:08:38really crank enter and get it out but I
- 00:08:40like about it it's got a way better lock
- 00:08:41up than the B5 systems it's also
- 00:08:43lightweight and it also has QD points at
- 00:08:46the back as well as the little slits for
- 00:08:48your sling if you're running one now one
- 00:08:51stock that I've really been geeking out
- 00:08:53on lately is I recently acquired an lwrc
- 00:08:57di gun and their stock on here is
- 00:09:00incredibly tiny and it's a little bit
- 00:09:03wobbly but this thing is incredibly
- 00:09:05short and something that I noticed about
- 00:09:06it is number one it's probably the
- 00:09:08lightest weight stock that I own right
- 00:09:10now number two it has that easy lock to
- 00:09:13move it backwards and forwards three you
- 00:09:15still have the QD points but what I
- 00:09:17noticed about this stock that makes it
- 00:09:19different from all the others that you
- 00:09:20just looked at is when this isn't a
- 00:09:23fully closed position it makes the
- 00:09:25overall length of this gun the same as
- 00:09:27some of my 13 9 and 14.5 pin and welded
- 00:09:30rifles and this is a 16 inch rifle I
- 00:09:33mean look at that difference the lwrc is
- 00:09:35a full 16 inch barrel with a flash hider
- 00:09:37and the other one is my blackout defense
- 00:09:39and I don't remember if it's 13 9 or
- 00:09:4114-5 but it has a pin welded barrel and
- 00:09:43that really impresses me so I'm going to
- 00:09:46look into these stocks a little bit more
- 00:09:47here in the near future because I want
- 00:09:50to try to take one of these and put it
- 00:09:51on some different guns and see how I
- 00:09:52feel about it but first impressions of
- 00:09:54it so far are really good now one of my
- 00:09:56next favorite stocks is the Magpul SL
- 00:09:58stocks I like them because they're also
- 00:10:01small and lightweight they don't rattle
- 00:10:03they fit really snug they also got the
- 00:10:06QD point and the only gripe that I have
- 00:10:08about these is you can't just grab like
- 00:10:11this to pull it back you have to grab on
- 00:10:13the sides there's one on either side of
- 00:10:15this to pull it back like that now
- 00:10:17that's a pro and a con for traffic
- 00:10:19traveling around in military vehicles
- 00:10:20bouncing around you don't want that
- 00:10:22button getting hit and getting pulled
- 00:10:23maybe that's a good thing for you but
- 00:10:25for me if a gun comes with it I'm not
- 00:10:27worried about changing it it's not my
- 00:10:29first pick but it is a really good stock
- 00:10:31now let's talk about four grips I like
- 00:10:33two types of four grips for me this one
- 00:10:36here is a Magpul angled foregrip it's
- 00:10:38made of polymer I used to like metal for
- 00:10:40grips back in the day but I found as you
- 00:10:43start running the guns and getting them
- 00:10:45beat up a little bit if a rock or
- 00:10:46something hits those metal foregrips and
- 00:10:48it causes them to gash they're going to
- 00:10:50cut you so I've gone back to all polymer
- 00:10:53for my foregrips I like these angled
- 00:10:55ones because they're very ergonomic on
- 00:10:57your hands you can wrap your finger
- 00:10:58around the front or you can put these
- 00:11:00against the wall and use them as a
- 00:11:02standoff when you're shooting I like
- 00:11:04these a lot but sometimes if you don't
- 00:11:06grab them just right your hand can slip
- 00:11:09back and so my favorite one is this guy
- 00:11:11here I think it's the BCM short vertical
- 00:11:14foregrip but it has a slight angle to it
- 00:11:15you flip it around like that and what I
- 00:11:17like about it is when you're out
- 00:11:19shooting and you can really just pull
- 00:11:21this thing into you you can also use it
- 00:11:23as a standoff like against a wall or
- 00:11:25something like that and you get zero
- 00:11:27slippage this one just feels the most
- 00:11:29secure they're only like 20 bucks or
- 00:11:31something like that but I prefer these
- 00:11:32over the others but I do like the angled
- 00:11:35ones as well just kind of depends on the
- 00:11:37gun and how I'm feeling that day but for
- 00:11:38my purposes they work great but the
- 00:11:40biggest benefit to having any type of
- 00:11:42vertical foregrip or angled foregrip is
- 00:11:44they give you just a much more stable
- 00:11:46shooting platform so that you're faster
- 00:11:48and more accurate now let's talk about
- 00:11:49bulk catches there seems to be a lot of
- 00:11:51debate about bolt catches on the
- 00:11:53internet so where I stand on both
- 00:11:54catches I usually don't worry about
- 00:11:56upgrading it I'll just use the mil-spec
- 00:11:58bolt catch it's not a big deal I know
- 00:12:00how to use it it's fine if the gun comes
- 00:12:02with a better one that's even better
- 00:12:03however a lot of people tend to like the
- 00:12:07Magpul bad levers there's also a similar
- 00:12:10one from a company called phase five
- 00:12:11tactical personally for me I have a bad
- 00:12:14lever I just don't know where it is
- 00:12:15otherwise I'd show it to you I don't
- 00:12:17like them I don't like something else in
- 00:12:20my trigger guard and the way that I
- 00:12:22manipulate it is you kind of push it to
- 00:12:24release the bolt you pull it up with
- 00:12:25your finger to lock the bolt and I
- 00:12:28showed you earlier how my index finger
- 00:12:30is already extends pretty far across
- 00:12:32here and so I found myself when I was
- 00:12:34coming in to get the trigger I just kept
- 00:12:36hitting the bad lever and so therefore I
- 00:12:38took it off and I don't use them anymore
- 00:12:40but a lot of people do like them I just
- 00:12:42don't happen to be one of those peoples
- 00:12:44that can run really good with them and
- 00:12:46the other downside about them is They
- 00:12:47Don't Really provide much benefit for
- 00:12:49left-handed Shooters they mainly just
- 00:12:51make doing reloads for a right-handed
- 00:12:54shooter a lot easier however recently
- 00:12:56I've been playing with two ambidextrous
- 00:12:58guns one of them is this guy from X2
- 00:13:01Development Group I'll have a review
- 00:13:02coming out on this one in the near
- 00:13:04future this one has Ambi bolt lock
- 00:13:08as well as bolt release the lwrc also
- 00:13:12Ambi bolt lock
- 00:13:14and Ambi bolt release and then I got a
- 00:13:17couple of other guns that have bolt
- 00:13:18release only one of the reasons why you
- 00:13:21don't see bolt lock and release on a lot
- 00:13:23of guns that are affordable is because
- 00:13:26there's a patent on it and only certain
- 00:13:28companies have enough money to spend to
- 00:13:30license that patent which is why their
- 00:13:32guns cost more however there is a very
- 00:13:35affordable solution if you want a
- 00:13:38complete bolt lock and release on your
- 00:13:41non-ambidextrous lower and that's called
- 00:13:43the PDQ bolt release now the downside to
- 00:13:46this one is you either need to pay
- 00:13:47someone to install it for you or you
- 00:13:49need to know what you're doing with a
- 00:13:50Dremel and a file in order to install it
- 00:13:52but they're only like 50 bucks and it
- 00:13:54will completely transform your lower
- 00:13:56into a fully Ambi bolt lock and bolt
- 00:13:59release but I will say this if you can
- 00:14:01swing it on getting a fully Ambi gun it
- 00:14:04does make the biggest difference in the
- 00:14:06world and let me show you why
- 00:14:14now moving on to another touch point
- 00:14:16this is another area of the gun that I
- 00:14:18always tend to upgrade if the rifle
- 00:14:20doesn't already include it and that's
- 00:14:21going to be an ambidextrous safety
- 00:14:24selector that I can change to be either
- 00:14:2690 degrees or 45 degrees now for years I
- 00:14:29never upgraded my safeties really I
- 00:14:31tried one from Strike Industries in like
- 00:14:342017 I didn't like it and so I just
- 00:14:36didn't even worry about it however I got
- 00:14:39a gun a few years ago from facts and
- 00:14:40firearms and it came with the radiant
- 00:14:42ambidextrous safety selectors on it and
- 00:14:44after I shot it I realized what I was
- 00:14:46missing now with that said there are a
- 00:14:48couple things you really need to be
- 00:14:50mindful of when you're choosing an
- 00:14:52ambidextrous safety because that'll be
- 00:14:54the difference between you having a good
- 00:14:55experience and a not so good experience
- 00:14:57in regards to how easy and fun it is to
- 00:15:00shoot with number one you want the
- 00:15:02offhand side of the safety to always be
- 00:15:04a little bit shorter than the primary
- 00:15:06hand side and you want to be able to
- 00:15:07reverse those in case you're left-handed
- 00:15:09the second thing is you want to have no
- 00:15:13interference of that safety hitting your
- 00:15:16trigger finger I recently did a review
- 00:15:17on a Daniel Defense rifle believe the
- 00:15:19ddm4 version 7 a couple of weeks ago and
- 00:15:23I didn't like their safeties because
- 00:15:24although it was ambidextrous they were
- 00:15:27the same length and I ended up having to
- 00:15:28remove one of the sides in order to just
- 00:15:31be able to come up and shoot it you know
- 00:15:34like so and so what I like about these
- 00:15:36guys right here is number one when
- 00:15:38they're 45 degrees in ambidextrous not
- 00:15:40only can you just come up real fast pull
- 00:15:43the trigger and defeat the safety at the
- 00:15:44exact same time but when you go to
- 00:15:47re-engage the safety on a lot of the 90
- 00:15:49degree safeties if you look at this
- 00:15:51footage here when I'm finished shooting
- 00:15:52I have to pull my hand up all the way
- 00:15:55like this in order to re-engage the
- 00:15:58safety whereas with an Ambi safety I can
- 00:16:01simply be bang bang I could just pull up
- 00:16:03my index finger and I'm on safe again
- 00:16:06it's just less movement and it's just a
- 00:16:08lot easier and faster to shoot with
- 00:16:10currently my two favorite ambidextrous
- 00:16:13safeties are going going to be the ones
- 00:16:14from radian and the ones from blackout
- 00:16:17defense both of them I would say are
- 00:16:19about equal to one another and both of
- 00:16:21them are around the same price however
- 00:16:23the blackout defense you can get in more
- 00:16:25colors than you can for the radiant so
- 00:16:27that's always fun and speaking of
- 00:16:29radiant and blackout defense the next
- 00:16:31part that I typically upgrade if the gun
- 00:16:33needs it is a larger ambidextrous
- 00:16:35charging handle and the primary reason
- 00:16:37for that is Optics there's nothing wrong
- 00:16:39with these basic charging handles they
- 00:16:42do their job and they do their job very
- 00:16:44effectively however when you start
- 00:16:46putting Optics on guns especially Scopes
- 00:16:48and if they don't have the best eye
- 00:16:49relief you have to scoot them back a
- 00:16:51little bit you'll find yourself
- 00:16:52searching for these charging handles
- 00:16:54when you're trying to you know charge it
- 00:16:56and sometimes you hit your knuckles on
- 00:16:57the scope or on the throw lever whatever
- 00:17:00the case is and so that's why I always
- 00:17:02prefer a bigger ambidextrous charging
- 00:17:05handle currently I have three favorites
- 00:17:07the first favorite is radian I mean
- 00:17:10they're well known for their
- 00:17:11ambidextrous charging handles I like
- 00:17:13them a lot and I've never had one bail
- 00:17:15on me or anything like that my second
- 00:17:17favorite is also from blackout defense
- 00:17:19it's definitely worth the money it's
- 00:17:22less than 100 bucks I forget exactly
- 00:17:24what the price is I think they're close
- 00:17:25to 100 but man you get really robust
- 00:17:27handles it's got really robust pins in
- 00:17:30there because tiny roll pins on these
- 00:17:32mil-spec versions are a very common
- 00:17:35failure point so having robust pens is
- 00:17:37something else important however there
- 00:17:39is another charging handle that I've
- 00:17:41recently started using and I'm kind of
- 00:17:43digging it this one is called The Jackal
- 00:17:46from X2 Dev group I have one on the X2
- 00:17:49Dev gun that I have right here and then
- 00:17:51I have one on a build that I'm doing in
- 00:17:53a video series that we have coming in
- 00:17:54the near future now the X2 Dev group
- 00:17:56version is different than both the
- 00:17:58radian and different from the blackout
- 00:18:00defense and that's going to be based on
- 00:18:02where the hinge points is essentially
- 00:18:04what X2 Dev group noticed if any of
- 00:18:06these other charging handles get caught
- 00:18:08on gear or straps or they hit a ledge it
- 00:18:11can unlock the bowl so they put the inch
- 00:18:14on the outside of the charging handle
- 00:18:15instead of on the inside and what this
- 00:18:18does is it allows the charging handle if
- 00:18:20it gets hit with something not to budge
- 00:18:22but if you want to disable it you just
- 00:18:24put your hand in there and pull it back
- 00:18:26and you're good to go thought that was
- 00:18:27very fascinating I don't have a lot of
- 00:18:29experience with these charging handles
- 00:18:31yet it's just something I just started
- 00:18:32playing with and so I thought I'd
- 00:18:34mention it to you guys but I will
- 00:18:35include links to all of these over at
- 00:18:37the parts list for you now let's talk
- 00:18:38about muzzle devices now muzzle devices
- 00:18:40tons of people are going to have
- 00:18:42different opinions about these I tend to
- 00:18:44go this route if I want to use a flash
- 00:18:46hider I'm typically going to reach for
- 00:18:48some kind of three-prong flash hider I
- 00:18:50like these a lot better than your
- 00:18:52standard A2 bird cages for a couple of
- 00:18:54different reasons number one they do a
- 00:18:56really good job at suppressing Flash the
- 00:18:58second reason that I like these is they
- 00:19:01actually do a really good job at
- 00:19:02reducing muzzle rise and eliminating a
- 00:19:05little bit of recoil and not the AR-15s
- 00:19:07have a lot of recoil but a jerky gun is
- 00:19:10not as fun to shoot as a flat gun and so
- 00:19:12because of that if I'm going to run a
- 00:19:13flash hider I always go for some kind of
- 00:19:15three prong and honestly I'm not really
- 00:19:17particular about the brand however I am
- 00:19:20starting to unify most of my muzzle
- 00:19:23devices to accept chemo although I don't
- 00:19:25have suppressors yet that's a whole
- 00:19:27other story I just don't like paying for
- 00:19:29something that should be legal in the
- 00:19:30first place it's it's a long story we'll
- 00:19:32get into that later but in the future
- 00:19:34I'm going to get suppressors um so I
- 00:19:36want everything to have a quick QD mount
- 00:19:38for the suppressors my next favorite is
- 00:19:40going to be the vg6 gamma which I
- 00:19:42actually don't have on a gun right now I
- 00:19:44had it on another gun that I was
- 00:19:45reviewing years ago and then I took it
- 00:19:47off to review something else on it I had
- 00:19:48them on a 308 AR-10 that I have and that
- 00:19:51made my 308 shoot incredibly flat and
- 00:19:54for a standard 223 556 they shoot really
- 00:19:58really flat as well my next favorite
- 00:20:00muzzle break I would say that cost less
- 00:20:02than 100 and if you finagle it right
- 00:20:04with codes you can get them for less
- 00:20:06than 100 is the lantac dragon love that
- 00:20:08thing to death it shoots flat as a
- 00:20:10pancake every single time now with that
- 00:20:12said one of the downside to most puzzle
- 00:20:14brakes is you're going to get blast out
- 00:20:16to the side and if you're shooting
- 00:20:17indoors or if you're feeling the
- 00:20:20concussive forces yourself you need to
- 00:20:22do something with those and so that's
- 00:20:24where blast mitigation devices come in
- 00:20:26there's a couple of different blast
- 00:20:27Universal blast mitigation devices that
- 00:20:29you could choose from one that I've
- 00:20:31always used from seven years or so is
- 00:20:33this guy from Indian Creek design
- 00:20:35essentially it comes with a piece that
- 00:20:37goes behind your muzzle brake that
- 00:20:39allows you to thread this on and thread
- 00:20:40it off if your muzzle breaks longer than
- 00:20:42two inches it might not work but it does
- 00:20:45work very very well figure out what the
- 00:20:47price is but they're really cheap the
- 00:20:50next one that I've been testing for
- 00:20:51about a year or so is this guy from
- 00:20:53Strike Industries it's the same thing
- 00:20:56they come with like a tri-lug type
- 00:20:58adapter it also goes behind your muzzle
- 00:21:01brake when you're installing it and then
- 00:21:02this guy just clicks on and turns but
- 00:21:04both of these are under 100 bucks and I
- 00:21:06will say if you're gonna run a muzzle
- 00:21:08break you need some kind of blast
- 00:21:10redirection device for indoor ranges now
- 00:21:12this next upgrade isn't really an
- 00:21:13upgrade but I think you're going to like
- 00:21:15it because it's super cheap and that's
- 00:21:16going to be this stuff this is white
- 00:21:17lithium grease I'll make sure to have a
- 00:21:19link for this over at the parts list but
- 00:21:20I use this on every single gun in the
- 00:21:23buffer tube this makes your charging the
- 00:21:26gun a lot smoother and it also quiets
- 00:21:28the spring down a little bit as well
- 00:21:30here's an example of a gun that has a
- 00:21:34very loud buffer tube and buffered
- 00:21:36spring listen
- 00:21:40this gun has never been fired as of yet
- 00:21:42listen
- 00:21:44[Music]
- 00:21:48that's without a break-in has never been
- 00:21:49fired either all I did was Grease up the
- 00:21:51spring and the buffer
- 00:21:55I think you can tell the difference
- 00:21:56between that
- 00:21:59and that I know that a lot of people
- 00:22:00like to get the JP silent capture
- 00:22:02Springs and stuff like that I honestly
- 00:22:04have never tested them I hope that I
- 00:22:06will in the future but I don't believe
- 00:22:07that those are less than 100 bucks so it
- 00:22:08wouldn't even pertain to today's video
- 00:22:10anyway now for these next few upgrades
- 00:22:12these aren't really upgrades that you do
- 00:22:14to the gun they're things that you add
- 00:22:16to the gun the first one is going to be
- 00:22:18lights for sub 100 rifle lights I'm just
- 00:22:21gonna stick to one because it's my
- 00:22:24all-time favorite and it's I think it's
- 00:22:25very difficult to beat for the price you
- 00:22:28can find these for less than 100 bucks
- 00:22:29sometimes most of the time they're about
- 00:22:31120 130 but because they can be had for
- 00:22:34Less we're going to include it and
- 00:22:35that's going to be the Streamlight
- 00:22:36protac rail mount hlx this thing is
- 00:22:40great it comes with the pressure pad
- 00:22:41switch comes with the mount it uses
- 00:22:43rechargeable 18 650 batteries I believe
- 00:22:46I mean this thing is incredibly bright
- 00:22:48you can also get the strobe mode on it
- 00:22:50I've been running it on this gun here
- 00:22:52for a little over a year love it to
- 00:22:54death and it has not failed or anything
- 00:22:56and I just like how you can mount these
- 00:22:58right here on the the corner of the M
- 00:23:00lock and it just looks dead sexy I'm not
- 00:23:02going to go into a ton of detail about
- 00:23:03it because there's not a whole lot of
- 00:23:06rifle lights that I would recommend that
- 00:23:08are as affordable as this one but all
- 00:23:10you do is slap it on get you a ranger
- 00:23:11band I'll have links for those over at
- 00:23:13the parts list that way you can keep
- 00:23:14your pressure pad on the gun without it
- 00:23:16coming off and you can also you know
- 00:23:17tuck up your wiring and things like that
- 00:23:19as well now on my next favorite upgrade
- 00:23:22is slings slings are great especially
- 00:23:25when you're at the range and you don't
- 00:23:26have anywhere to set your gun so for
- 00:23:27slings I have three favorites and
- 00:23:29they're all two point slings I don't
- 00:23:31like single point slings very much the
- 00:23:33first one is going to be the Magpul ms1
- 00:23:38sling I like it because it has that
- 00:23:39quick release so you can keep it cinched
- 00:23:42up and a little extra tip for you when
- 00:23:45you have them cinched up if you loosen
- 00:23:47it a little bit wrap it around the butt
- 00:23:49stock put it around the front grip and
- 00:23:51then re-tighten it you can store your
- 00:23:52guns just like this and not only that
- 00:23:54say you had it in your truck or
- 00:23:56something like that and you found
- 00:23:57yourself pulling your gun out of your
- 00:23:58truck you had it stored like that you
- 00:24:00can still
- 00:24:02totally shoot like this throw rounds
- 00:24:05down range until you can get behind
- 00:24:06cover and pull you know and take off the
- 00:24:08sling and extend the stock you can still
- 00:24:11shoot it in this configuration which is
- 00:24:13why I prefer to do it like that the
- 00:24:14thing I don't like about the ms1 sling
- 00:24:17is I don't like how difficult it is to
- 00:24:19pull this when you actually have it on
- 00:24:21which brings me to my second favorite my
- 00:24:24second favorite comes from Blue Force
- 00:24:25Gear this has been one of my long time
- 00:24:27favorites for a while it has a pull tab
- 00:24:31right here so you can extend it and when
- 00:24:33you have it on you can also pull it and
- 00:24:36tighten it up really easily as well and
- 00:24:38again it's the same as the Magpul ms1
- 00:24:40sling and you can wrap it around and
- 00:24:43store your gun as well now this isn't
- 00:24:45the biggest deal in the world but the
- 00:24:46one thing that I don't like about this
- 00:24:48is how thick the actual material of the
- 00:24:50sling is and it's not that it's bad or
- 00:24:53anything but if you have one of those
- 00:24:55stocks that doesn't have a QD Mount and
- 00:24:58you only have those little slots to
- 00:24:59stick sling through this guy doesn't
- 00:25:01really fit through the there very well
- 00:25:03especially if you have to double it over
- 00:25:04and also because of the thickness it's
- 00:25:07just not the most flexible sling ever
- 00:25:08which brings me to my new favorite sling
- 00:25:11this guy right here is the tier one
- 00:25:14concealed X Flatline rifle sling it's
- 00:25:18basically identical in function to the
- 00:25:20Blue Force Gear but it's using a lot
- 00:25:22thinner of material so that you can
- 00:25:24really get this thing on and wrapped
- 00:25:26around and it doesn't get cumbersome
- 00:25:28when it's around your neck or if you
- 00:25:29have a play carrier on and have it
- 00:25:31around this thing is very lightweight it
- 00:25:33also has a shoulder pad on it which the
- 00:25:36previous two do not have these are less
- 00:25:38than 100 bucks I forgot the exact price
- 00:25:40of them and they come in a few different
- 00:25:42colors they got them in this one which
- 00:25:44is the coyote version you can get it to
- 00:25:46match your gun if you want to they also
- 00:25:47have it in Ranger Green Woodland camo
- 00:25:50they also have it in Gray and multi-cam
- 00:25:52with Ranger Green awesome slings love
- 00:25:54them to death I'm actually going to get
- 00:25:56a couple more to put on some of these
- 00:25:57other guns because for now at least it's
- 00:26:00my all-time favorite I might as well rig
- 00:26:01up my favorite guns with them now for
- 00:26:03our plus one upgrade today I'm going to
- 00:26:06recommend these guys here called magpods
- 00:26:08these work for Gen 2 and there is one
- 00:26:11for Gen 3 pmags they replace your base
- 00:26:13plates of your magazines and then as you
- 00:26:16can see right up there you can stand
- 00:26:18them up it's basically for a display
- 00:26:19however there is a new version that came
- 00:26:22out that has a multitaskers tool in it
- 00:26:24and the magpod actually retains that
- 00:26:27tool so if you're at the range you don't
- 00:26:29have a tool with you you can get a
- 00:26:31multi-tool to put on there and I think
- 00:26:33that's kind of cool I don't have that
- 00:26:34version as of right now but I will be
- 00:26:36getting one in the very near future but
- 00:26:37the downside to the magpods is they
- 00:26:39don't work with my favorite magazines
- 00:26:41ever with and that's going to be Lancer
- 00:26:43L5 magazines a couple of things that I
- 00:26:45don't like about the pmags is you can't
- 00:26:47really see through them unless you get
- 00:26:48the Gen threes and also if your rounds
- 00:26:50aren't within that small little window
- 00:26:52on the Gen 3s and you still don't know
- 00:26:53how many rounds you got so I like some
- 00:26:55translucent mags and the thing that I
- 00:26:58liked about the Lancer mags the most was
- 00:27:00not only can you get them in a bunch of
- 00:27:01cool color that is translucent but they
- 00:27:04also have metal feed ramps on them and
- 00:27:06the metal feed ramps make a big
- 00:27:08difference because if you've ever
- 00:27:09noticed when you buy a PMAG they come
- 00:27:12with these little plates that are on the
- 00:27:13top of them a lot of people just yank
- 00:27:14those plates off and discard them but
- 00:27:16what those plates are meant for is if
- 00:27:18you store your magazines loaded if you
- 00:27:20don't have that plate to put on top of
- 00:27:22it over time that spring tension will
- 00:27:24start to separate the feed lifts at the
- 00:27:26top and your magazines can be ruined and
- 00:27:28so I like the fact that these have metal
- 00:27:29feed lips therefore you don't need to
- 00:27:32keep that top cap if you're going to
- 00:27:33keep your magazines loaded so let me
- 00:27:35know down in the comments section which
- 00:27:36was your favorite upgrade that you do
- 00:27:38like to do to your AR-15s for less than
- 00:27:40a hundred dollars if there's something I
- 00:27:42missed let me know that as well but
- 00:27:43until next time guys I love you and you
- 00:27:45guys stay sexy
- AR-15
- opgraderinger
- rifle
- skydevåben
- cam pin
- trigger
- greb
- sikkerhedsvælger
- muskontroller
- lys
- slings