8 Cara Public Speaking yang Baik (Belajar Bicara untuk Pemula) Agar Tidak Grogi



TLDRVideo ini menjelaskan tentang teknik dan dasar public speaking, termasuk kepercayaan diri, pola pikir positif, relaksasi, ekspresi wajah, kontak mata, dan pengucapan yang jelas. Pembicara membagikan langkah demi langkah untuk menjadi presenter yang baik, mulai dari membangun kepercayaan diri hingga pentingnya latihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara di depan umum.


  • 💪 Kepercayaan Diri: Penting untuk percaya pada diri sendiri saat berbicara di depan umum.
  • 🧠 Pola Pikir Positif: Ubah pola pikir negatif menjadi positif.
  • 😌 Relaksasi: Selalu usahakan untuk tetap tenang sebelum tampil.
  • 😊 Ekspresi Wajah: Tersenyumlah saat berbicara untuk menarik perhatian audiens.
  • 👁️ Kontak Mata: Melihat langsung audiens membantu membangun koneksi.
  • 🔊 Berbicara Jelas: Pastikan suara cukup keras dan jelas.
  • 🚫 Bahasa Tubuh Negatif: Kenali dan hindari bahasa tubuh yang tidak sengaja.
  • 🕒 Latihan: Teruslah berlatih untuk menjadi pembicara yang lebih baik.

Garis waktu

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Video ini diperkenalkan oleh Muhammad Noer dari Presenta Edu, yang membahas topik teknik asas dan bahan untuk berucap di depan umum. Dia menekankan pentingnya keyakinan sebagai asas pertama, di mana seorang penceramah mesti percaya pada diri sendiri dan bahan yang telah disediakan agar dapat berucap dengan baik. Di samping itu, dia juga mengingatkan untuk tidak membiarkan keraguan dan ketakutan menghalang kemampuan seseorang untuk menjadi penceramah yang baik.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Setelah menekankan keperluan untuk yakin, Muhammad Noer membincangkan pentingnya mindset positif. Public speaking memerlukan pandangan positif terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain. Keterikatan audiens dengan penceramah dapat tercipta jika penceramah memiliki mindset yang baik berfokus pada manfaat yang dapat diberikan kepada audiens, bukan pada penilaian negatif yang mungkin mereka terima. Dia juga menekankan pentingnya bersikap santai serta berdoa sebelum berucap bagi mengurangkan ketegangan.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:17:20

    Teknik lain yang ditekankan termasuk ekspresi wajah yang ramah, kontak mata yang baik, cara bercakap dengan jelas dan mengelakkan bahasa tubuh negatif. Muhammad juga menekankan bahawa latihan adalah kunci kejayaan. Dia menggalakkan penonton untuk terus berlatih agar dapat menginternalisasi teknik-teknik ini, yang dapat menjadikan mereka penceramah awam yang lebih baik. Terdapat lapan teknik asas yang dibentangkan, dan penonton disarankan untuk mencuba secara berperingkat agar dapat menguasai kemahiran tersebut.

Peta Pikiran

Video Tanya Jawab

  • Apa saja teknik dasar public speaking yang harus dikuasai?

    Ada delapan teknik dasar yang harus dikuasai: kepercayaan diri, pola pikir positif, relaksasi, ekspresi wajah, kontak mata, berbicara jelas, pengenalan bahasa tubuh negatif, dan latihan.

  • Mengapa penting untuk memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam public speaking?

    Kepercayaan diri membantu pembicara menyampaikan pesan dengan lebih baik dan dapat mengurangi rasa cemas.

  • Bagaimana cara mengatasi ketakutan saat berbicara di depan umum?

    Ubah pola pikir negatif menjadi positif dan ingat bahwa pendengar ingin melihat Anda sukses.

  • Apa itu bahasa tubuh negatif dan bagaimana cara menghindarinya?

    Bahasa tubuh negatif termasuk ekspresi wajah yang tegang dan gerakan yang tidak perlu. Kenali dan kurangi gerakan tersebut.

  • Seberapa penting kontak mata dengan audiens?

    Kontak mata membantu membangun hubungan dengan audiens dan membuat mereka merasa diperhatikan.

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Gulir Otomatis:
  • 00:00:00
    Hello friends, meet again with me Muhammad Noer from Presenta Edu. Today
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    we will discuss the topic of public speaking again. In the following video, I explain to
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    my friends all the basic techniques and materials for public speaking. So for you, for all my friends who
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    want to learn what public speaking really is, what is the technique, how to do it,
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    then I will break it down in the following video. Let's watch the video.
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    The first basis of public speaking is confidence. Yes confident. A public speaker must
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    believe in what he is saying. You have to believe in yourself. We can't possibly
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    be a good public speaker if we hesitate, we worry, we fear.
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    So first of all, friends, you have to be confident, you have to be confident, just relax that I will speak in
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    public. I believe with what I have learned, what have I prepared. I also
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    have sufficient background to speak the topic. This will help us to
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    become a good public speaker, a reliable public speaker. So a public speaker
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    must be confident even though we might not be 100% ready last night. But when performing make sure
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    that I want to give the best and I am confident to face my audience. The
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    second basis of public speaking is to have the right mindset. What is the right mindset? We have
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    a vision, have a positive view of ourselves and also towards others. The problem
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    that is often experienced by public speakers, especially beginners, is that they are often
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    afraid. Often worried about the views of others. Well, later I will be judged ugly by
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    those who watch. Later, if my boss asks me something like this, how will the answer be? I can't answer.
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    These are all negative mindsets. We imagine in our heads that other people
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    will trouble us. Others will make us fail. Other people want us to
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    be so, so perfect that we have a lot of pressure. It's all a negative mindset.
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    Change it to a positive perspective or mindset. The point is that when
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    your friends have to speak in public, rest assured that the person in front of us
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    wants you to be successful. I want my friends to be successful. They have spent time,
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    spent energy to attend he wanted to get something. So audience, participants are here
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    to benefit from ourselves as a public speaker. With this mindset
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    , friends will see that the participants are friendly. It turned out that the audience was easy
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    to communicate with. It turned out that this audience connected with me. So naturally we will be
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    able to present the best public speaking for our audience. The next public speaking technique
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    that you must have is learning to always relax. And relaxing is related to
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    the first two: with confidence and also with a positive mindset. The more confident we
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    are, the more positive the mindset is, the easier it will be to relax. Someone might ask:
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    "I'm trying to relax but I'm still nervous, what's going on?" A little nervous, a little nervous is natural.
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    Never mind friends, not me, not us. Even the
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    greatest public speaker will still have a little nervousness ahead of the performance or sometimes
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    known as stage fright. This is something natural. We have to come to terms
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    with that nervousness, that fear. Change it to a more relaxed feeling. How can
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    we be more relaxed? The first is that before performing, try to clear up all the affairs first.
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    So if you need to go to the toilet, go to the toilet first. Move body. Make the body more
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    flexible, more relaxed. Movement of his hands, feet, head. Try to adjust his facial expression so that he
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    will be more relaxed when he speaks. Before starting to inhale deeply, deeply, exhale,
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    inhale a few more times, exhale. Why is this important? Because this will try to neutralize
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    all the hearts that beat faster, the things we worry about, we will try to get rid of this and
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    make us more relaxed. And also don't forget to pray. So when the relaxation is obtained,
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    friends appear to talk, we will appear comfortable, relaxed and finally able to
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    interact optimally with the audience. The fourth basis of public speaking is
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    facial expressions. This facial expression is mainly a smile. If we speak in front of other people, his face
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    must be friendly, not too tense. So his face must be friendly, must be comfortable to be seen by
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    others. And it's all very easy to do when what? When we smile at the audience. So
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    friends have to smile, look at the audience like they are our friends. our friends,
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    people will support us. Then we will be easy to smile at them. Why
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    is this facial expression important, this smile important? When we smile, the audience will
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    smile back too. What are the consequences? We become more comfortable, more relaxed later when talking.
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    And with friends also smiling, what happened? Created contact between
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    the presenter self, between ourselves as public speakers with our audience. Then the discussion,
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    the conversation will become more relaxed, better and can also achieve
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    the expected goals. The next basic technique and material in public speaking is
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    eye contact. So if we speak in front of other people, in public,
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    never busy looking up like this. This is called no "eye contact". Also Don't
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    look down, or look at it anywhere, we don't see the audience. But do
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    "eye contact". Like this I make eye contact for friends, look at our audience.
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    If we have a large audience, don't just stare at one person, but look at us. The
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    first person, three seconds later moved to the second person. move to the third person,
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    and so on. If we stand on the stage, we also share. Eye contact here
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    once, right, middle, left, this is called eye contact. With eye contact what happens?
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    Audiences will feel cared for and as a result they will pay attention to us
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    as public speakers. That's where a connection, a relationship, or the cool language of
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    an "engagement" is created between the audience and the person who spoke earlier, and the public speaker.
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    The sixth basic material of public speaking is speaking clearly. What does it mean
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    to speak clearly? We must speak at a sufficient volume. Can't be too
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    slow. Because if it is too slow, our voices are not heard and are not clear to the audience.
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    Also, don't be too high, too loud, the audience will be disturbed by
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    our volume being too high. So, the volume must be sufficient, must be powerful. That's a
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    clear voice. It's not just about volume. clear voice is also related to the way we pronounce
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    words or the cool language "articulation". So friends, you have to practice pronouncing word for
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    word properly and neatly according to the rules of good and correct language. In accordance with what words
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    you want to say properly and correctly. In accordance with the spelling, the text of the sentence, that
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    is what is called speaking well and clearly. This is important because novice speakers, novice public speakers
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    are usually in a hurry when they talk. And if we rush to speak,
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    the result is that the pronunciation becomes less clear. Maybe he's energetic, maybe he's got good
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    body language. But when a public speaker's voice doesn't sound clear enough,
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    it doesn't sound clear enough what he's saying, this will disturb the credibility of the public speaker
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    . Speak calmly, relax, don't be in a hurry. Everyone has their
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    own tempo. Suppose my tempo is like this to speak, then I use this tempo to
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    speak comfortably, clearly and clearly. Later, if you are more advanced, you can
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    add it by displaying pauses, increasing the tempo, lowering the tempo or including
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    speaking faster, or slower for certain cases. Make sure to speak
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    clearly. The 7th basis of public speaking is to recognize negative body language, then
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    avoid showing that negative body language. What are negative body language?
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    A huge amount. I'll start with the first one, from our facial expressions to our bodies. There are
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    people when they talk their heads move in an uncertain direction. This is negative body language.
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    So why do people see it like that anyway? Then the second is, the
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    other negative is that people have their hands doing unnecessary things. For example, while talking he
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    is holding his hair, holding his ears, or sometimes holding his collar,
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    trimming constantly, this is negative body language. And this will actually happen
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    when we are not confident. When we have nervousness, automatically negative body language
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    will appear. So friends, the task is to try to realize that I like to hold it like this when I
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    talk. I like scratching like this. Get to know it. Once we are aware, try
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    not to do it. Reduce negative body language. Including when speaking
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    another negative is crossing your arms in front. Everything that covers our bodies, whether I'm holding
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    it like this, or sometimes having one's hand in his pocket while speaking, this is all
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    closed body language, and part of negative body language. Know it, avoid it.
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    What is good body language? Is open. So if we talk,
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    my arms are open like this, beside me like this. What does it mean? I give
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    trust to the audience and the audience to believe in me. So with body language
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    like this we will be able to perform optimally. Therefore, if later friends want to
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    master the basics of good public speaking, recognize the negative body language that we have.
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    And specifically for this, friends, you can see my other videos. I've discussed in more detail
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    about the negative body language. Finally, the 8th, if later friends want to master
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    the techniques and basics of good public speaking, we have to keep practicing.
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    There is a saying that practice leads to perfection. "Practice makes perfect",
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    he said like that. There is no great public speaker, who is good at speaking,
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    performing, without practice. We might ask how can he talk like that? How come
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    the performance is so good? How can his body language be so good? It's all trained. Very rarely
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    do people succeed at the first opportunity. Often what happens we don't know
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    how deep the person is practicing. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, founder of Apple, when he wanted to appear
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    in a big presentation, it was a practice of days to months. Even
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    to practice with the "slide", without the "slide", the sound training, the lighting, everything is trained
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    in very, very detail. So when it appears it looks perfect. If you watch
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    the videos of the winners of world-class public speakers who are able to speak
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    well, the opening is very good, it's not all sudden. It's all trained. So before
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    they come up with just a short time, seven minutes and eight minutes they practice it
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    for hours, days, for the same words, the same phrases, the same techniques. So
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    what? So that it can be tested. So, friends, the basics of public speaking, which is also very
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    important, is to keep practicing. Practice, practice and practice. Why should you practice? Because
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    we really need flying hours. The more trained we are, the more internalized
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    we are. We will be internalized when we speak, internalized when we display body language,
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    including internalization when we want to try to describe something,
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    want to improvise in what we are talking about. So don't forget to keep practicing and
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    practicing. This is also part of a preparation for a public speaker. No one is
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    successful without good preparation, careful preparation. Thus, friends, we have
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    learned the basic techniques and materials of public speaking. There are eight basic techniques and techniques that you
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    need to learn and master. The first is confidence. Make sure we are confident at every
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    intersection. Second, use the right mindset. Continue to think positively towards others,
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    towards the audience as well as towards ourselves. The third is always relaxed. Just relax,
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    enjoy the performance you show. Fourth, don't forget to smile. Because this smile
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    will give a positive impression in front of our audience. They will also return the smile
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    of a presenter. One package with the fifth smile is to make eye contact.
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    When the audience is seen, they feel cared for and they will pay attention back. Sixth
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    , make sure friends have a clear voice, the articulation can be heard well, the
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    volume is sufficient. A public speaker whose name is also a speaker if the sound is problematic it will be
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    a big problem. The voice must be clear. Seventh, recognize negative body language, identify negative things
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    that we display when we speak. Reduce little by little. And
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    lastly don't forget to practice, practice and practice. I believe that if you will
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    present and show these 8 basic public speaking techniques, then gradually you will
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    be able to become a good public speaker, the public speaker that you
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    aspire to be. They all implement this and the best way to just don't force
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    it right away is all at once. Try to apply one by one, which one is easy first. Apply one by one later
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    gradually slowly we will have all these basics well. Thank
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    you to all who have watched this video. Don't forget I talk a lot about
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    public speaking topics, please see again in other videos. Don't forget to subscribe to
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    this channel, share your friends' comments, click like, we share with each other.
  • 00:16:31
    God willing, we will meet again in the next video. I'm Muhammad Noer from Presenta.
  • public speaking
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  • presentasi