8 *BIG* topics for Edexcel GCSE Business Paper Two



TLDRDette materiale dækker essentielle emner for GCSE Business eksamen. Det første emne er lagerstyring, hvor man diskuterer just-in-time og buffer-lageransætningsmetoder, hver med sine fordele. Motivationsmetoder for arbejdstagere følger, med både finansielle og ikke-finansielle metoder. Ratioanalyse beskrives, især brutto- og nettoresultatmargener, og fordelene ved denne analyse. I strukturelle overvejelser diskuteres centralisering versus decentralisering, og de respektive fordele. Desuden præsenteres designmixet, som omfatter æstetik, funktion, og omkostninger, samt produktlivscyklussen og strategier til dens forlængelse.


  • 📦 Just-in-time lagerstyring reducerer opbevaringsomkostninger.
  • 💼 Motivation af medarbejdere forbedrer produktivitet.
  • 📊 Ratioanalyse er nyttig til at vurdere økonomisk sundhed.
  • 🏢 Centraliserede strukturer giver hurtigere beslutningstagning.
  • 🛠 Designmix kræver balance mellem æstetik, funktion, og omkostninger.
  • 📉 Produktlivscyklussen består af fem faser.
  • 🔄 Strategier til forlængelse kan inkludere prisreduktion og ny markedssegmentering.

Garis waktu

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:28

    I denne session skal vi gennemgå de otte store emner relateret til Edexcel GCSE Business eksamen. Emne nummer et er lagerstyring, hvor vi diskuterer 'just in time' og buffer lager. Just in time minimerer lageromkostninger og forhindrer nedbrydning af produkter, mens bufferlager sikrer, at pludselige efterspørgselsændringer opfyldes. Det giver også indkøbsbesparelser. Emne to omhandler vigtigheden af motivation, da det forbedrer produktivitet, reducerer fravær og rekrutteringsomkostninger. Emne tre handler om motivationsmetoder, både finansielle og ikke-finansielle. Emne fire dækker ratioanalyse, med fokus på brutto- og nettofortjenstmargener, deres beregning og deres relevans for interessenter. Emne fem diskuterer centraliserede og decentraliserede strukturer, med deres respektive fordele. Emne seks præsenterer designmix, som involverer æstetik, funktionalitet og omkostninger i produktdesign. Endelig gennemgår vi produktlivscyklussen og strategier for at forlænge produktets livscyklus, især i mætnings- og nedgangsfasen.

Peta Pikiran

Video Tanya Jawab

  • Hvad er fordelene ved just-in-time lagerstyring?

    Fordelene inkluderer lavere opbevaringsomkostninger, mindre risiko for forældelse af produkter, og effektivitet i produktionen.

  • Hvad er de vigtigste motivatorer for ansatte?

    Vigtige motivatorer inkluderer forbedret produktivitet, lavere fravær, bedre fastholdelse af personale, og forbedret kvalitet.

  • Hvad er forskellen mellem brutto- og nettoresultatmargen?

    Bruttomarginen er bruttofortjeneste divideret med omsætning, mens nettoresultatmargen er nettoresultat divideret med omsætning.

  • Hvad er fordelene ved en centraliseret struktur?

    Fordele inkluderer hurtigere og mere ensartede beslutninger.

  • Hvad består designmix af?

    Designmix består af æstetik, funktionalitet og omkostninger.

  • Hvilke faser er der i produktlivscyklussen?

    Faserne inkluderer forskning, udvikling, introduktion, vækst, modenhed og tilbagegang.

  • Hvad er nogle strategier til at forlænge produktets livscyklus?

    Strategier kan inkludere at målrette nye segmenter, reducere priser, tilføje nye funktioner eller introducere nye markeder.

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Gulir Otomatis:
  • 00:00:00
    let's have a session on edexcel paper
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    two this is for gcse business
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    so we're gonna go through eight big
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    topics and that's based on the advanced
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    information the link for the advanced
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    information is in the description box
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    below know it know it well
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    topic number one stock management or
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    inventory management so remember when we
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    think about stock management is just in
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    time and buffer stock or just in case so
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    the benefits of just in time you hold
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    limited stock so you have lower storage
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    products won't perish or become obsolete
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    because you're only holding the bare
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    minimum because it's arriving just in
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    time now remember just in time is a type
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    of lean production so it has a focus on
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    but you might go for a buffer stock
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    approach being you hold much more you
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    hold a larger quantity of stock why you
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    do that is because if you're holding a
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    large quantity of stock it suggests you
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    bought in bulk so you would get
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    purchasing economies of scale and that
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    means lower average cost per unit and
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    that's going to be good for you in terms
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    of adding value
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    next thing can meet sudden demand
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    changes because you hold lots of stock
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    if there's fluctuating demand and it
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    fluctuates and it increases very quickly
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    of course you can meet that demand
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    change now also it might not be just be
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    demand changes it could be supply
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    changes and the fact that because of
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    brexit boat stuck in suites canal and of
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    course coronavirus has meant supply
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    issues and supply chains has been a
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    problem the last few years so by having
  • 00:01:24
    a just in case approach a buffer stock
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    approach you can meet those sudden
  • 00:01:28
    supply changes supply changes for the
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    worse of course
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    last thing to think about is with buffer
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    stock there's less reliance on suppliers
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    so there's less supplier risk
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    as there would be with just in time more
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    more details on that the cards up there
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    number two importance of motivation so
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    why is it important to motivate your
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    workforce important if it's chains of
  • 00:01:50
    analysis type questions so improve
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    productivity lower absenteeism improve
  • 00:01:54
    staff retention reduce recruitment costs
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    and of course improved quality
  • 00:01:59
    number three motivation methods remember
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    if you're trying to motivate your staff
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    we just saw the benefits of motivating
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    your staff just a minute ago there's
  • 00:02:06
    financial methods and there's
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    non-financial methods non-financial
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    could be job rotation job enrichment
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    autonomy and on the financial side
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    increase remuneration salary or wage
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    bonus or for commission sales promotion
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    of course fringe benefits
  • 00:02:19
    topic number four ratio analysis and
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    when you're thinking about ratio
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    analysis that's gross profit margin and
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    net profit margin gross profit margin
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    expressed as a percentage is gross
  • 00:02:29
    profit divided by revenue times by 100
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    because it's expressed as a percentage
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    and if you need to calculate the gross
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    profit remember gross profit is
  • 00:02:37
    different to gross profit margin gross
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    profit is revenue minus cost of sales
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    and that information is going to be
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    found on the income statement
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    net profit margin so net profit margin
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    is net profit divided by revenue times
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    by 100 and if you need to calculate net
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    profit remember net profit is different
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    to net profit margin net profit is gross
  • 00:02:57
    profit minus expenses
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    now of course that information can also
  • 00:03:01
    be found on the income statement the
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    next thing to think about is benefits of
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    ratio analysis so it's useful to compare
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    to previous years useful to compare to
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    rivals and it's useful for stakeholders
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    such as potential or existing
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  • 00:03:15
    number five centralized and
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    decentralized structures so a
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    centralized structure is when control
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    and therefore decision making is made by
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    the highest the highest layers of
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    management whether a decentralized
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    structure is when control and therefore
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    decision making is
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    delegated by the highest layers of
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    management but they still have
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    responsibility but they delegate the
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    decision-making process
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    benefits of centralized approach quicker
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    decision making consistent decision
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    making that might be appropriate for the
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  • 00:03:44
    decentralized benefits might motivate
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    junior and middle management they're
  • 00:03:48
    impo empowered of course through that
  • 00:03:49
    delegation and it could be useful for
  • 00:03:51
    internal recruitment
  • 00:03:54
    number six the design mix when designing
  • 00:03:56
    a product a business must consider its
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    design mix and there's three bits to it
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    afc arsenal football club so aesthetics
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    the business will need to consider how
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    the product appeals to the senses of the
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    consumer senses of the customer such as
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    the appearance of the product
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    function the product must do the job it
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    has been sold to do it must do it and
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    cost the economics the business will
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    need to consider the cost production per
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    unit how much it cost to make the
  • 00:04:24
    product and compare this to the expected
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    price it intends to sell that product
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    for maybe you could do some market
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    research to work that out design mix of
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    course that's in the research and
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    development phase of the product life
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  • 00:04:36
    the product life cycle so the phases of
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    the product life cycle research
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    development before the release and then
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    the release the introduction and then
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    you'll have the growth stage the
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    maturity stage and of course the decline
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    stage remember in the decline stage
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    sales are not zero they are declining
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    and also you have extension strategy if
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    you're in the maturity phase extend your
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    time in the maturity phase if you're in
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    a decline phase you're trying to get
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    back into the maturity phase remember
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    extension strategies
  • 00:05:01
    extension strategies are a method for a
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    business to increase sales in a
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    saturated market they are mostly
  • 00:05:06
    commonly used in the maturity or decline
  • 00:05:08
    stage of the product life cycle examples
  • 00:05:11
    of extension strategies target a new
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    segment reduce the price add new
  • 00:05:15
    features to the product update packaging
  • 00:05:17
    advertise more enter new markets that
  • 00:05:19
    could be new regions
  • 00:05:22
    and the last thing to say is thank you
  • 00:05:23
    for support this year this is the end
  • 00:05:25
    this is the final sesh goodbye
  • lagerstyring
  • motivation
  • ratioanalyse
  • centralisering
  • decentralisering
  • designmix
  • produktlivscyklus
  • strategier