Watch Live: Fortescue 2024 Annual General Meeting
TLDRFord Es SK afholdt deres 2024 års generalforsamling med fokus på virksomhedens vækst og bæredygtighedindsats. Mødet blev indledt med en anerkendelse af områdets oprindelige ejere, før præsentationer fra ledelsen udfoldede virksomhedens engagement i at opnå nul-emissioner inden 2030 gennem grøn teknologi og innovation. Direktørene understregede virksomhedens strategi om at diversificere og grønnere deres operationer. Særligt blev der lagt vægt på deres indflydelse på både samfund og miljø samt den økonomiske performance. Der blev præsenteret projekter som inkluderede elektriske køretøjer og grønne energiløsninger. Diskussioner omfattede også aktiemarkedets respons og fremtidige strategiske mål for grøn energi. Nogle aktionærer udtrykte behovet for mere detaljeret finansiel rapportering omkring energidivisionens tab. Samlet set signalerede mødet en stærk forpligtelse til at lede vej i overgangen til bæredygtighed.
- 👥 Direktørernes præsentationer fremhævede bæredygtighedsmål.
- 📈 Stærk økonomisk præstation med stor udbyttebetaling.
- 🌍 Fokus på at blive en ledende grøn teknologivirksomhed.
- 🔋 Overgang til elektriske køretøjer og grøn energi.
- 🌱 Indsatser for at reducere fossile brændstoffer til nul inden 2030.
- 🔍 Aktionærer efterspurgte mere finansiel gennemsigtighed.
- 🏗 Nye grønne projekter blev præsenteret, herunder i minedrift.
- 💡 Værdien af innovationer i grøn teknologi blev understreget.
- 📊 Forsikringer om fortsat høj økonomisk ydeevne blev givet.
- 🗣 Diskussion om virksomhedens globale indflydelse og fremtidige mål.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Mona Gil åbner mødet og byder velkommen til Fortescue's årlige generalforsamling 2024. Hun introducerer mødets dagsorden, inklusive præsentationer fra nøgleledere og formelle mødeprocedurer.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Trevor Stack udfører en traditionsrig 'Welcome to Country' ceremoni, hvor han ære de oprindelige folk og fremhæver vigtigheden af at respektere de traditionelle lande, på hvilke mødet finder sted.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Fortescues ledelse præsenterer deres fokus på bæredygtighed og innovation i det forgangne år, herunder overgang til grøn energi og reduktion af fossile brændstoffer, med målet om at nå reel nul i 2030.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Virksomheden viser en video, der fremhæver deres milepæle, såsom implementeringen af batteridrevne lastbiler, opførelse af solparker, og udvikling af grønne løsninger i minedrift og transport.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Dr. Andrew Forest adresserer de finansielle resultater fra det forgående år, understreger vækstraten, og fortæller om virksomhedens fremskridt mod at opnå bæredygtighedsmålene.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Forest diskuterer udfordringerne ved at få leverandører til at levere grøn teknologi og præsenterer virksomhedens egne teknologiske fremskridt, heriblandt deres nye flådestyringssystem.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Fortescue planlægger at udfase brugen af diesel og gas, og i stedet benytte grønne teknologier kombineret med AI-drevet infrastruktur. De planlægger stor investering i grøn energi.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
De beskriver en historisk aftale om udstyrsinvestering og deres planer om at være forgangsvirksomhed i den globale grønne teknologisektor, og fremhæver et stort grønt energinetværk i Pilbara.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Dr. Forest understreger at Fortescue ikke vil bruge kulstofkreditter som genvej til neutralitet, men i stedet opnå virkelig nul gennem innovation og hårdt arbejde med grøn energi.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Virksomhedens mål inkluderer at påvirke global politik og økonomi til at fremme grønne alternativer, og adressere verdensomspændende klimakatastrofer med deres teknologier.
- 00:50:00 - 00:55:00
CEO's fortsætter drøftelser om klimaforandringer og virksomhedens engagement i at vælge hårde men nødvendige skridt mod bæredygtighed, samtidigt fremhævende økonomiske gevinster.
- 00:55:00 - 01:00:00
Selskabet diskuterer deres præstationsrettighedsplan og søger godkendelse for specifikke bestyrelsesmedlemmers fortsatte deltagelse og kompensation.
- 01:00:00 - 01:05:00
Flere bestyrelsesmedlemmer taler, herunder Lord Sebastian Coe og Dr. Jean Baderschneider, som bekræfter deres engagement i innovative og bæredygtige løsninger.
- 01:05:00 - 01:10:00
Diskussioner om menneskerettigheder og operationelle risici, herunder forsyningskædeansvar, slaveri og etik omkring ressourceudvinding i internationale konflikter.
- 01:10:00 - 01:16:43
Mødet afsluttes med en formel afstemning om de fremlagte resolutioner, og resultatet vil blive offentliggjort senere. Formanden afslutter med en invitation til let forfriskninger.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
Hvad var formålet med mødet?
Formålet var at holde Ford Es SK's årlige generalforsamling for 2024, præsentere virksomhedens resultater og bæredygtighedsinitiativer.
Hvem er virksomhedens grundlægger?
Dr. Andrew Forest er grundlæggeren af Ford Es SK.
Hvad er virksomhedens mål inden 2030?
Målet er at opnå nul-emissioner ved at eliminere brugen af fossile brændstoffer i deres drift.
Hvordan vil Ford Es SK opnå nul-emissioner?
De vil opnå nul-emissioner ved hjælp af grøn teknologi, herunder elektriske køretøjer og grøn energi.
Hvilke nye projekter blev nævnt under mødet?
De nævnte projekter inkluderer opførelsen af grønne energiløsninger og en klimavenlig minedriftsflåde.
Hvad blev diskuteret med hensyn til økonomiske præstationer?
Virksomheden rapporterede stærk økonomisk præstation med høj indtjening og fortsatte udbyttebetalinger til aktionærer.
Hvilke temaer blev fremhævet af direktørerne?
Direktørerne fremhævede bæredygtighed, udledning reduktion og fremtidig innovation.
Hvad var reaktionen på rapporterede tab i energidivisionen?
Der var et spørgsmål om mere klar rapportering af de finansielle tab og investeringer i energidivisionen.
Hvem talte om virksomhedens ambitioner inden for bæredygtighed?
Både virksomhedens ledelse og bestyrelsesmedlemmer talte om ambitionerne om bæredygtighed og grøn innovation.
Hvilke spørgsmål blev stillet af aktionærer?
Aktionærer stillede spørgsmål om det finansielle rapporteringsdetaljer for energidivisionen og virksomhedens etiske overvejelser.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:11good morning ladies and gentlemen my
- 00:00:14name is Mona Gil and I'm for escuse
- 00:00:16company
- 00:00:17secretary I would like to acknowledge
- 00:00:19the traditional custodians of the land
- 00:00:22on which we're meeting today the wajak
- 00:00:24people of the NAA nation and I pay my
- 00:00:27respects to Elders past present and
- 00:00:30emerging it is my absolute honor to
- 00:00:34welcome you to Ford es sk's
- 00:00:362024 annual general
- 00:00:38meeting before we start with the formal
- 00:00:41proceedings I'll would just like to take
- 00:00:43you through some
- 00:00:44housekeeping restrooms are located
- 00:00:47externally and they can be accessed
- 00:00:49through the doors to my right opta
- 00:00:52stadium is a smoke free venue including
- 00:00:55the smoking of ecigarettes in the event
- 00:00:57of an emergency please follow the dire
- 00:01:00of the stadium staff and lifts and
- 00:01:02escalators are not to be used the
- 00:01:04nearest assembly area for our current
- 00:01:06location today is the southern oval
- 00:01:08between the
- 00:01:10camfield uh just external to to gate
- 00:01:13D finally may I ask that as a courtesy
- 00:01:16to all shareholders and guests present
- 00:01:19could you please turn off your mobile
- 00:01:20phones or switch them to silent
- 00:01:24mode the format of today's meeting will
- 00:01:27include presentations from your
- 00:01:29executive chairman Dr Andrew Forest AO
- 00:01:33and the chief executive officers of for
- 00:01:35escue Mr Mark Hutchinson and Mr Dino
- 00:01:39atanto presentations will then be
- 00:01:41followed by the formal business of the
- 00:01:42meeting and at conclusion we invite you
- 00:01:45to join us for some light
- 00:01:47Refreshments I would now like to ask
- 00:01:49Trevor stack who will perform the
- 00:01:52welcome to Country thank you Trevor
- 00:02:17thank you to moner and thanks again to
- 00:02:19forcu for the invitation for myself to
- 00:02:21come along and and and stand with you
- 00:02:23guys on this um this day in uh you guys
- 00:02:26moving forward um my name's Trevor St of
- 00:02:29course awesome the business is ghoul and
- 00:02:30win It's always important when we stand
- 00:02:33on country where we come together in W
- 00:02:36country that that we give that blessing
- 00:02:38it's an old blessing of the land that
- 00:02:39has been here for thousands and
- 00:02:40thousands of years and I'm always
- 00:02:42respectful of companies and
- 00:02:43organizations that adhere to the old
- 00:02:47Protocols of the land which is very
- 00:02:49important and when I stand on this
- 00:02:51country I speak in my grandmother's and
- 00:02:53grandfather's
- 00:02:58tongue wajak buja I welcome grandmothers
- 00:03:02and grandfathers spirits to come and sit
- 00:03:04with you here today on this country
- 00:03:06which is wajak
- 00:03:07country in the words that I speak there
- 00:03:09are songs there are dances there are
- 00:03:11stories that have lived in the land for
- 00:03:13thousands and thousands of years the
- 00:03:15song that I always sing comes from
- 00:03:18katar which you call King's Park and
- 00:03:21it's about a it's about the spider
- 00:03:23coming together and the web encompassing
- 00:03:26you while you sit on country and holds
- 00:03:28you safely
- 00:03:30until you go to your
- 00:03:32family this is R Mel the SPID song
- 00:03:46[Music]
- 00:03:58[Applause]
- 00:04:01[Music]
- 00:04:14[Music]
- 00:04:18Mel
- 00:04:20[Music]
- 00:04:44[Music]
- 00:04:57thank you very much for that and also um
- 00:04:59once again and like I've said thank you
- 00:05:00very much to forq for the invitation to
- 00:05:03come and sit with you guys on Country
- 00:05:04they I welcome the countries and the and
- 00:05:06the the songs are a blessing they're a
- 00:05:08blessing for you when you sit with us on
- 00:05:11country and pay respect to the country
- 00:05:14men and women that sit over to ear and
- 00:05:16and Uncle n that sits there in the end
- 00:05:18and also pay respect to my brother Mark
- 00:05:20tazwell ladies and gentlemen all the
- 00:05:22best for the today in your new direction
- 00:05:25that you're taking and it's a good sign
- 00:05:27and I thank you very much
- 00:05:40thank you Trevor for that very warming
- 00:05:42welcome to
- 00:05:43Country please now join me in welcoming
- 00:05:46your directors and chief executive
- 00:05:48officers on my left Ford escuse founder
- 00:05:52and executive chairman Dr Andrew Forest
- 00:05:55AO Elizabeth
- 00:05:58gains Lord Sebastian
- 00:06:01Co Dr Jean B
- 00:06:03Schneider n
- 00:06:06Pearson Usha ra manari and Dino atanto
- 00:06:11CEO for skew
- 00:06:13metals on my right Deputy chairman Mark
- 00:06:17baraba Penny Bingham Hall Dr Larry
- 00:06:22Marshall ye Lee and Mark Hutchinson CEO
- 00:06:27forcu
- 00:06:28energy we're also joined here today by
- 00:06:31our Chief Financial Officer apple
- 00:06:34padet and Chief Operating Officer
- 00:06:36Shelley Robertson together with members
- 00:06:39of your executive
- 00:06:41team foris skue has had a massive 12
- 00:06:45months we have achieved huge Milestones
- 00:06:48across our business and we will now play
- 00:06:51a short video for you to replay the year
- 00:06:53that has been before you hear from our
- 00:06:56executive chairman Dr Andrew Forest to
- 00:06:58provide his address
- 00:07:00thank
- 00:07:04you foris skue is focused on delivery
- 00:07:08delivering results the Australian Min
- 00:07:10are bucking the trend then delivering
- 00:07:12real proof what do you think of my
- 00:07:14truckmate if you want to see a battery
- 00:07:16operated H truck come to the pill and
- 00:07:18delivering real solutions on our path to
- 00:07:21real zero one of the largest mining
- 00:07:23companies in the world is going green we
- 00:07:25are stepping Beyond fossil fuels forever
- 00:07:28we have a very aggressive of real zero
- 00:07:30for scope one and two by the end of this
- 00:07:32decade and we're absolutely on track to
- 00:07:34achieve that we are changing the company
- 00:07:37for what it must be to meet all the
- 00:07:39future challenges of our world for 21
- 00:07:42years foris skue has built its success
- 00:07:44by bringing strong returns for
- 00:07:46shareholders taking risks and constantly
- 00:07:50innovating and pushing boundaries we are
- 00:07:52doing something that no one else in the
- 00:07:54industry is and we have to work a lot
- 00:07:55harder as MERS we have to work harder to
- 00:07:58actually make a margin and when people
- 00:08:00think that 13 they think well how do I
- 00:08:01lower my margins well 1/3 of my cost is
- 00:08:05diesel fuel our Australian operations
- 00:08:08burn a billion lers of diesel every year
- 00:08:11by 2030 we'll burn zero instead using
- 00:08:15the green technologies we're creating to
- 00:08:17eliminate the use of fossil fuels when
- 00:08:20we started this journey the technology
- 00:08:21didn't exist and the equipment companies
- 00:08:23just said we can't do it in your time
- 00:08:25frame so the decision was made we're
- 00:08:27just going to go do it and we already
- 00:08:29are that is the biggest dier in the
- 00:08:31world and the biggest truck in the world
- 00:08:33and guess what mate zero emission it's
- 00:08:36called the t264 battery operated whole
- 00:08:39truck we signed a record multi-billion
- 00:08:41dollar deal with leer to supply hundreds
- 00:08:44of zero emission machines to foris skew
- 00:08:46by the end of the decade wonderful
- 00:08:49Machinery like this doesn't only look
- 00:08:52cool it doesn't po electric excavators
- 00:08:55hydrogen powered and Battery electric H
- 00:08:58trucks agreen energy Hub and new solar
- 00:09:01Farms are now on site in the
- 00:09:04pilb Green Solutions delivered by our
- 00:09:07Green Technology business for escq zero
- 00:09:10a global team tasked with inventing
- 00:09:13developing and Manufacturing the things
- 00:09:16we need and others will too Technologies
- 00:09:19available now today we are seeing you in
- 00:09:22Dubai at cop standing in the port in
- 00:09:25front of your green ship we've taken our
- 00:09:27ammonia powered vessel to the world
- 00:09:30stage this is really uh exciting it's a
- 00:09:33strong statement we've got the
- 00:09:35regulatory approval now we need
- 00:09:36acceptance from a world scale from ports
- 00:09:39around the world and here in Australia
- 00:09:41we're now Manufacturing electrolyzers in
- 00:09:44Queensland we've delivered all this
- 00:09:46while continuing to build and grow Ford
- 00:09:48esc's mining operations Ford escue has a
- 00:09:52history proving the nay say is wrong and
- 00:09:54indeed the company's Fortunes in recent
- 00:09:56years have only grown and grown we
- 00:09:58ramped up the Comm in of Ironbridge
- 00:10:00Advanced our Metals portfolio with first
- 00:10:03all from flying fish at Elana and Hall
- 00:10:06Hub at Christmas Creek and we're now
- 00:10:08focused on exploration in Gabon all this
- 00:10:11while maintaining a balance sheet that
- 00:10:13is the Envy of our peers and playing an
- 00:10:16important part in our local communities
- 00:10:19and seeing these businesses start from
- 00:10:21the ground up and be an integral part of
- 00:10:23the supply chain of for skue um has been
- 00:10:25a huge success our billion opportunities
- 00:10:28program has now now awarded more than $5
- 00:10:31billion in contracts to First Nations
- 00:10:34businesses this is a massive Economic
- 00:10:37Opportunity worth taking we've also made
- 00:10:40progress towards the future of our
- 00:10:42business this is the first Green Iron
- 00:10:44and when we sent it to China no
- 00:10:47pollution at all for go group will today
- 00:10:49Begin work on its Green Iron Metal
- 00:10:52project in the pelra Green Iron will be
- 00:10:54produced from foris ores through
- 00:10:56reaction with hydrogen 10%
- 00:10:59of the pollution we pour into the
- 00:11:01atmosphere is humity comes from the
- 00:11:04making of iron to steel we're also
- 00:11:06moving forward with our green hydrogen
- 00:11:09Ambitions breaking ground at our PM 50
- 00:11:12project in gladston and Arizona hydrogen
- 00:11:15project in the US this is the beginning
- 00:11:18it's putting the Green in the green
- 00:11:19circle all corporations should be held
- 00:11:21to there if we can do it as a you know
- 00:11:23mining company why can't you come and
- 00:11:25have a look it's real what forcu is
- 00:11:27delivering is real real people finding
- 00:11:31real solutions to reach real zero Net
- 00:11:34Zero 2050 is failing and failing the
- 00:11:36future of the global youth real zero
- 00:11:392040 is achievable we have the
- 00:11:41technology we have the capital we have
- 00:11:44the leadership let's play
- 00:12:02that was quite the introduction ladies
- 00:12:03and gentlemen um thank you all for being
- 00:12:06here um look representing you I'm as
- 00:12:10proud as I've ever been um I do think
- 00:12:14that we have a history in this great
- 00:12:16company of ours um which we can be proud
- 00:12:19of and when I spoke to only 12 months
- 00:12:21ago it was in our 20 year 20th year and
- 00:12:24I remarked we're only just getting
- 00:12:26started only just getting started
- 00:12:28directors we've taking giant strides in
- 00:12:31the mission that does unite us all to
- 00:12:33show the world that we foros cuq are
- 00:12:36still the world's most efficient mining
- 00:12:39company with the lowest operating cost
- 00:12:42globally but we're also like all the
- 00:12:46others we're big
- 00:12:48polluters yet we are determined to
- 00:12:51eliminate fossil fuels profitably from
- 00:12:54our mining operations by
- 00:12:562030 this is why we continue to deliver
- 00:12:59for you shareholders issuing over 42
- 00:13:02billion Aussie dollars in dividend since
- 00:13:052014 we've ma your company the highest
- 00:13:08sharehold return company in Australia's
- 00:13:11Stock Exchange
- 00:13:12history this year the dividend of nearly
- 00:13:14$2 with some distribution back to you of
- 00:13:186
- 00:13:19billion kind of I hope rewarding your
- 00:13:23great faith in our company net profit
- 00:13:25after tax was also really strong 8.7
- 00:13:28billion
- 00:13:29that's the third highest earnings in
- 00:13:32foru history despite a bumpy iron oil
- 00:13:34price a free cash flow of 7.8 billion
- 00:13:38was also the second highest in the
- 00:13:40company's history and as of 30th of June
- 00:13:44your company's pream balance sheet has
- 00:13:467.5 billion in cash on the
- 00:13:49sheet we're Australia's fifth largest
- 00:13:52taxpayer we continue to make an
- 00:13:54extraordinary contribution to the
- 00:13:56Australian economy every year this year
- 00:14:00some
- 00:14:0127.5 billion dollar this year
- 00:14:05alone we have some 21,000 people
- 00:14:08employed because of this Su sustained
- 00:14:10success and I'm confident that the new
- 00:14:13markets were unlocking unlocking right
- 00:14:17now by going green will continue this
- 00:14:21outstanding record long into the future
- 00:14:23we've had an excellent run with iron or
- 00:14:26it's really Rolling Green Iron is next
- 00:14:30big chapter going green across the world
- 00:14:34much bigger opportunities again so we
- 00:14:38won't be Net Zero for whatever that
- 00:14:41means someone can explain it to me by
- 00:14:432030 we'll be real Zero by
- 00:14:482030 burning zero zero
- 00:14:52emissions we're releasing ourselves from
- 00:14:54the hostage of fossil
- 00:14:56fuel there will be no shortcut
- 00:15:00we're not taking the easy road to this
- 00:15:02so-call Net Zero by buying offsets or
- 00:15:05using totally disproved waiting for the
- 00:15:08next idiot to come along politician or
- 00:15:11Grant maker of carbon capture and
- 00:15:14storage it
- 00:15:16fails real zero means we will no longer
- 00:15:19use diesel we will no longer use gas
- 00:15:21forq will be entirely powered by Green
- 00:15:25energy and it's an investment that I
- 00:15:27believe is going to Future proof your
- 00:15:29company saving us billions of dollars
- 00:15:32along the way as carbon taxes and
- 00:15:34turbulent fossil fuel prices continue
- 00:15:36their grip around the lifestyles of
- 00:15:40every Australian and every
- 00:15:43human
- 00:15:45it's it's a grip we have to
- 00:15:49release and I know we've got our
- 00:15:51naysayers our doubting Thomas has always
- 00:15:53have had bring them on but our ambition
- 00:15:56to real zero has has attracted harsh
- 00:16:00criticism harsh doubt but I assure you
- 00:16:04shareholders real z230 is no different
- 00:16:08we've been on this path for five years
- 00:16:11now some of the older directors will
- 00:16:13remember we started exploring its
- 00:16:14viability some 11 years
- 00:16:17ago and our fully costed plan now is
- 00:16:20well
- 00:16:21underway have to say we didn't get a lot
- 00:16:23of help along the way the vendors these
- 00:16:26great big companies across America and
- 00:16:29Europe and
- 00:16:30Asia just
- 00:16:32arrogantly when we asked our equipment
- 00:16:35providers where the customer right
- 00:16:37customer is always right apparently not
- 00:16:40when we said we need green equipment so
- 00:16:43we can deliver green for our
- 00:16:45shareholders and for our communities
- 00:16:47they just arrogantly Shrugged their
- 00:16:48shoulders and said well wait till the
- 00:16:50next decade at the
- 00:16:53earliest and this even included our
- 00:16:55Fleet Management System now this is a
- 00:16:57Fleet Management System with some
- 00:16:59history we helped develop this
- 00:17:01system um and it's the last time we got
- 00:17:03caught not
- 00:17:05patenting
- 00:17:07our
- 00:17:09inventions
- 00:17:11that system is owned by someone else and
- 00:17:14we like others hire it it's so large in
- 00:17:17its Fleet Management System of our
- 00:17:19automated trucks if you added the trips
- 00:17:22made each day would go around
- 00:17:24Australia four times each day
- 00:17:29but now with collaboration leer we've
- 00:17:33developed a
- 00:17:34system which I'm delighted to say has
- 00:17:38led us to switch off the old much more
- 00:17:41inefficient system our first crack um
- 00:17:44and switch on the world's best and much
- 00:17:47better system we turned on what we now
- 00:17:50call Forex it's owned by your company
- 00:17:53it's the most efficient Fleet Management
- 00:17:56System in the world and we will of
- 00:17:58course be happy happy to license it to
- 00:18:00others to improve the global world of
- 00:18:02Min mining
- 00:18:04productivity and for Forex will improve
- 00:18:07that productivity across our sites as we
- 00:18:09plug into our entire decarbonization
- 00:18:12ecosystem where we're no longer just a
- 00:18:15mining company we are a massive Energy
- 00:18:17company as well so this ecosystem isn't
- 00:18:21just trucks trains everything else it's
- 00:18:23green Energy Systems which is charge and
- 00:18:28charging ations we're building around 3
- 00:18:32gaw of renewable energy and battery
- 00:18:34storage in the pilra one of the largest
- 00:18:36if not the largest green grids in the
- 00:18:38world and a grid which in many cases is
- 00:18:41larger than some small
- 00:18:44countries we're exchanging over 800
- 00:18:46pieces of normal polluting equipment
- 00:18:50used by everyone else for green Energy
- 00:18:53Zero pollution
- 00:18:55operations we're installing 20 new
- 00:18:58sophisticat software AI powered systems
- 00:19:01to run our green energy infrastructure
- 00:19:03continuously improving by
- 00:19:06AI think the March we're getting on our
- 00:19:09competitors will just get bigger and
- 00:19:11bigger only in September we announced
- 00:19:13the largest single equipment deal in our
- 00:19:15history and we think in mining history
- 00:19:17the single biggest mining equipment and
- 00:19:20batter electric deal in history it's a
- 00:19:23$4.2 billion single hit dollar
- 00:19:26equivalent order for 360 mining trucks
- 00:19:3055 electric excavators 60 Battery P
- 00:19:32dozers all integrated with a
- 00:19:35groundbreaking battery electric P system
- 00:19:38developed inhouse by a technology har
- 00:19:41inhouse from Oxford Britain across North
- 00:19:45America great thinkers great inventors
- 00:19:48all the way to Perth where some of the
- 00:19:50great inventions of green energy will be
- 00:19:53recorded worldwide but right
- 00:19:56here so if anyone ever doubted our
- 00:19:58commitment to real zero don't or whether
- 00:20:01we could pull it off stay the course
- 00:20:03with us this is surely the moment that
- 00:20:06we begin to put those doubts to rest
- 00:20:09we're leading the way ladies and
- 00:20:10gentlemen to to show that
- 00:20:13decarbonization of our entire diesel
- 00:20:15Hall truck Fleet in the pilra within a
- 00:20:18few years and we know we know ladies and
- 00:20:21gentlemen that the tide is turning
- 00:20:23across the mining world and therefore as
- 00:20:26one of the hardest toate Industries in
- 00:20:28the world
- 00:20:29it will start to turn across the
- 00:20:31industrial world and you turn industry
- 00:20:34you turn the
- 00:20:36planet so we know this because within
- 00:20:39hours of unveiling that truck you saw
- 00:20:42the first of these 240 ton green powered
- 00:20:45trucks with our partner leave her there
- 00:20:48was a line a conga line of mining
- 00:20:49Executives from companies all over the
- 00:20:51world now expressing great interest mlan
- 00:20:54engineering one of the largest suppliers
- 00:20:57of underground equip equipment of mining
- 00:20:59equipment globally has joined us in our
- 00:21:02real zero Mission as a result they
- 00:21:04believe as we deliver for us we can
- 00:21:06deliver for them as we will deliver for
- 00:21:09others it was a seminal moment ladies
- 00:21:12and gentlemen it showed how far we've
- 00:21:15come from that small exploration company
- 00:21:18to Global onon or minor Global critical
- 00:21:22minerals Explorer and developer on par
- 00:21:25with any of the
- 00:21:27majors to our new existing Green
- 00:21:30Technology Energy and metals leadership
- 00:21:33our future ladies and gentlemen that I
- 00:21:35believe will unlock enormous new
- 00:21:38markets easily the scale of the iron or
- 00:21:41business and it's that diversification
- 00:21:44ladies and gentlemen which will deliver
- 00:21:46for you our long-term and lawy
- 00:21:49shareholders again and again and
- 00:21:52again so look frankly I am thrilled to
- 00:21:54bring you the details if yet another
- 00:21:56example of this transformation
- 00:21:58as part of that $4.22 billion do Aussie
- 00:22:02Le her deal with forq zero we stand to
- 00:22:05generate some 1.5 billion in Revenue
- 00:22:09just from the supply of battery powered
- 00:22:11systems we're ramping up our production
- 00:22:14in Britain exploring how to do it faster
- 00:22:17in North America Asia because these
- 00:22:20electric powered systems are becoming in
- 00:22:22hot
- 00:22:23demand and of course we are rolling all
- 00:22:28through through the
- 00:22:29pilra so these Power Systems have been
- 00:22:32designed and engineered by our Green
- 00:22:33Technology arm forto keru mostly
- 00:22:37manufactured as I've mentioned in the UK
- 00:22:39but also across the world and this is
- 00:22:40going to provide I believe even greater
- 00:22:43value for you because it'll strengthen
- 00:22:45our reputation as the world's leading
- 00:22:48Green Technology provider certainly to
- 00:22:50the mining industry if not also heavy
- 00:22:52industry across the
- 00:22:54world so as we all come here today we
- 00:22:58know exactly what our mission is and we
- 00:23:01know exactly how to achieve
- 00:23:03it real Zero by 2030 is in our grasp
- 00:23:08ladies and
- 00:23:09gentlemen for years your company
- 00:23:12steadfastly led the way towards a world
- 00:23:14no longer held hostage by fossil fuel we
- 00:23:18call the alarm on dead ends like carbon
- 00:23:21capture and storage and to companies who
- 00:23:23argue planting a few trees means they
- 00:23:25can go build a new coal plant we call
- 00:23:27them out for years those plagued by lack
- 00:23:30of vision yes they're refusing to follow
- 00:23:34in the past and even now but things are
- 00:23:37changing and it has to change I speak to
- 00:23:40now just very quickly but casually as a
- 00:23:42scientist we're over 1.5 degrees ladies
- 00:23:45and gentlemen but we support the UN to
- 00:23:48say 1.5 degrees time is running out the
- 00:23:50evidence is everywhere last Thursday the
- 00:23:53Bureau of meteorology and the
- 00:23:56CSO Australia's own scientific ific
- 00:23:59organization released their biannual
- 00:24:01stateof the climate
- 00:24:03report which said there's more deaths
- 00:24:06caused by excessive heat in Australia
- 00:24:09now than any other natural hazard in our
- 00:24:10history it found Australia is already
- 00:24:13warmed by 1.51 Dees with more extreme
- 00:24:16heat events longer bushire seasons and
- 00:24:20fire Seasons more intense and heavy
- 00:24:22rainfall causing floods rising sea
- 00:24:25levels they say leaves Australia
- 00:24:27uniquely vulnerable
- 00:24:29well your company is doing its bit and
- 00:24:31it's leading the way as heat and
- 00:24:35humidity is ratting up the pressure here
- 00:24:38in Australia and around the world it's
- 00:24:41pushing Humanity closer to the limits of
- 00:24:43survival in many parts of the world as I
- 00:24:46speak the ferocity of storms now forming
- 00:24:49in the superheated waters of Florida to
- 00:24:52Europe to
- 00:24:53Australia it's just evidence and that
- 00:24:55evidence is everywhere recently
- 00:24:58hurricane Milton in Florida caused over
- 00:25:0150 billion US in damage one hurricane 50
- 00:25:07billion such was the speed which had
- 00:25:10intensified it had meteorologists
- 00:25:13rewriting the textbooks on how to
- 00:25:14predict A hurricane's
- 00:25:16intensity it was a hurricane without
- 00:25:20precedent
- 00:25:22starting what we know is the utterly
- 00:25:24predictable
- 00:25:25Trend when the fossil fuel sector calls
- 00:25:28out that this is a one-off sector or
- 00:25:31Mayors and politicians say oh my God
- 00:25:33this is so terrible how could it happen
- 00:25:34can I tell you it's
- 00:25:37predictable and we can still turn this
- 00:25:39around if we work hard together both as
- 00:25:41a business and as Nations at the UN
- 00:25:44General Assembly in September and a
- 00:25:47recent conventing of the Quad in
- 00:25:49Delaware with the United States
- 00:25:51President Australian Prime Ministers and
- 00:25:53Indian prime ministers
- 00:25:55Japanese where our sister company the M
- 00:25:58Foundation announced announced its
- 00:26:00commitment to ending cervical cancer in
- 00:26:02the Endo
- 00:26:03Pacific as the key to the cancer quads
- 00:26:07cancer moonshot I called for business
- 00:26:10and government to drop their net
- 00:26:142050 facade net isn't
- 00:26:18real it's not because I'm a cent Deni of
- 00:26:21course you can see the evidence in funny
- 00:26:23but the opposite but because I know that
- 00:26:25Net Zero doesn't cut it it doesn't get
- 00:26:28us there we're experiencing the weather
- 00:26:30events we are and the accelerating heat
- 00:26:33because net fails us it's now well known
- 00:26:36amongst the scientific community that
- 00:26:38majority of the plant's boundaries
- 00:26:40natural boundaries have been breached
- 00:26:43and chief amongst these
- 00:26:45threats are of course carbon dioxide
- 00:26:48emissions and they're irreversibly
- 00:26:51destabilizing Earth's systems and
- 00:26:53ecosystems we don't see signs of a bait
- 00:26:56and we have to do it ourselves ladies
- 00:26:57and gentlemen
- 00:26:59back only in the 60s we emitted 11
- 00:27:02billion tons we're now emitting over 36
- 00:27:04billion tons per year up three times the
- 00:27:07trend is
- 00:27:09accelerating and the world must Peak its
- 00:27:12emissions before 2025 and then have them
- 00:27:15by 2030 it's not going to happen happen
- 00:27:17but that's the science that's the math
- 00:27:20you can't argue with a mathematical
- 00:27:22formula it's there to preserve 1.5
- 00:27:25degrees so we know we have no time to to
- 00:27:28wait now we must
- 00:27:30act
- 00:27:32ecosystems the carbon sinks which have
- 00:27:34always protected humanity and organic
- 00:27:36life are beginning to crumble now
- 00:27:39they're not absorbing the carbon dioxide
- 00:27:42they did the assumptions that that
- 00:27:44continue at infin item are wrong and as
- 00:27:47a result they're absorbing less and less
- 00:27:49carbon dioxide so this is all proof that
- 00:27:52net0
- 00:27:542050 as the United Nations endorsed
- 00:27:57policy is an abject
- 00:27:58failure Net Zero is commercially
- 00:28:01self-serving to those who hold us
- 00:28:04hostage and that is the fossil fuel
- 00:28:06sector net got pushed into that language
- 00:28:09as a word by the fossil fuel sector
- 00:28:12before the Paris
- 00:28:14agreement and the fossil fuel sector are
- 00:28:16using it as a get out of jail freecard
- 00:28:18and as I said to you ladies and
- 00:28:20Gentlemen by 2030 you will have a large
- 00:28:23Energy company which you will own
- 00:28:25powering all of forcu and others
- 00:28:28sure the the fight against us is massive
- 00:28:33puts our mergence through BP and R and
- 00:28:36the others into the iron or industry
- 00:28:38into the shade but this time we're
- 00:28:42strong this time we know what to do this
- 00:28:45time we have the
- 00:28:48weapons they've been devastatingly
- 00:28:51effective for now but they will
- 00:28:53lose this was the exact same delaying
- 00:28:55offis scating and confusing strategy
- 00:28:59which got played out by the tobacco
- 00:29:01industry for 52 years before they had to
- 00:29:04admit with scientific proof that they
- 00:29:07are responsible for
- 00:29:08cancer so let's change this narrative
- 00:29:11ladies and gentlemen from Net Zero to
- 00:29:13what foscue propagates and that's real
- 00:29:15zero real zero for the World by 2040 you
- 00:29:18will do it ladies and Gentlemen by
- 00:29:202030 so if foros skue a huge meter can
- 00:29:24fully escape the group of the fossil
- 00:29:27fuel sector by 2030 there's no reason
- 00:29:30why the rest of the world can't do it by
- 00:29:3210 years later 2040 we have the
- 00:29:37technology we have the
- 00:29:39capital it's a great
- 00:29:42investment we just need the leadership
- 00:29:44so I ask any heavy industry company any
- 00:29:47chief executive around the world when
- 00:29:49will you stop burning fossil fuel and
- 00:29:51only a few of them will give you a date
- 00:29:53if they say I can't say you're right
- 00:29:55mate why didn't you get off this stage
- 00:29:58and let in someone who can because your
- 00:30:01company can it's the leadership which is
- 00:30:04failing and forq can tell you exactly
- 00:30:06how to do it this year we published a
- 00:30:09gold standard climate transition plan
- 00:30:11that will be updated every year for the
- 00:30:12United Nations every business every
- 00:30:14government must follow us in tackling
- 00:30:17this problem transparently and head on
- 00:30:20and we're not alone ladies and gentlemen
- 00:30:22we're now being joined working together
- 00:30:25peacefully and this means of course all
- 00:30:28also GRE hydrogen GRE hydrogen is
- 00:30:30critical to decarbonizing Industry steel
- 00:30:33shipping Aviation all the hard to obate
- 00:30:37sectors that can't be electrified can
- 00:30:41be released from the grip of the fossil
- 00:30:43fuel sector by Green hydrogen and that's
- 00:30:46why it's C so much criticism that's why
- 00:30:48it's lobbied so hard against because it
- 00:30:51is the death no for the fossil fuel
- 00:30:54sector and of course it's going to be
- 00:30:56critical for us to build a massive new
- 00:30:58Green Iron Metal industry in the pilra
- 00:31:01this I feel is a once in a generation
- 00:31:03opportunity to build perhaps Australia's
- 00:31:05largest ever single industry we ship 3/4
- 00:31:08of a billion tons of iron oil a year for
- 00:31:123/4 of a trillion dollar we're going to
- 00:31:14double or triple that in revenues if we
- 00:31:17change all that to iron
- 00:31:20forq is wasting no time to seize that
- 00:31:23opportunity to lead the
- 00:31:26way so ladies and gentlemen gentlemen
- 00:31:28fellow
- 00:31:29shareholders we all know Net Zero is far
- 00:31:32far easier you can get it by buying a
- 00:31:35few credits than real zero it's
- 00:31:38Innovation it's change it's just hard
- 00:31:40work but the payback speaks for itself
- 00:31:42seizing these opportunities creates
- 00:31:44tremendous value for the company and
- 00:31:46therefore for you our
- 00:31:47shareholders so I say in closing as we
- 00:31:49look Beyond 2025 I know we are on track
- 00:31:52to change the world for the
- 00:31:54better and on behalf of all of my
- 00:31:58leadership team all of the
- 00:32:0121,000 family members of
- 00:32:03forq I wish to thank you
- 00:32:06shareholders for believing in us we're
- 00:32:10changing the world because of everyone
- 00:32:13at foscue and your determination
- 00:32:16shareholders to stay the course with us
- 00:32:19we are foros skue thank you
- 00:32:28[Applause]
- 00:32:29D
- 00:32:31tranto medal chief executive floor is
- 00:32:34yours
- 00:32:39sir what a hard act to follow thank you
- 00:32:43chairman uh and thank you all for taking
- 00:32:46the time today to join us for our annual
- 00:32:48general meeting I'd also like to thank
- 00:32:50Trevor for that amazing welcome to
- 00:32:52Country uh and as we've mentioned 2024
- 00:32:56was a defining year for for us at foris
- 00:32:59we continue to challenge the status quo
- 00:33:02achieve our stretch targets whilst never
- 00:33:06ever losing sight of keeping our
- 00:33:08teammates safe delivery is key to
- 00:33:12everything we do at forcu and that's
- 00:33:14evident in the progress we've made this
- 00:33:16year we commenced construction of our
- 00:33:19green medals project in the
- 00:33:20pilra we deployed the first of many of
- 00:33:24our zero emissions mining Fleet we
- 00:33:27finished building a 100 megawatt solar
- 00:33:30farm at Northstar Junction the first of
- 00:33:33over 1 gaw we will build before the end
- 00:33:35of the decade we are well into ramping
- 00:33:38up Ironbridge our most Innovative
- 00:33:41project to date and we continued to
- 00:33:44advance our Metals portfolio with first
- 00:33:47or from our flying fish deposits and
- 00:33:50Hall Hub at Christmas Creek in Gabon we
- 00:33:54completed early stage mining with our
- 00:33:57Focus now now on exploration drilling
- 00:34:00studies and our pioneering billing
- 00:34:03opportunities program continued to
- 00:34:05succeed with more than five billion
- 00:34:08Aussie dollars in contracts awarded to
- 00:34:10First Nations businesses since
- 00:34:142011 we achieved all this while
- 00:34:17maintaining cost discipline and a
- 00:34:19balance sheet that's the Envy of our
- 00:34:21peers of course no year is without its
- 00:34:25challenges but what is important in is
- 00:34:27how we respond and at foris skue we
- 00:34:30tackle challenges head-on none more so
- 00:34:33than the team rallying together at the
- 00:34:36end of last year to face a derailment in
- 00:34:39our
- 00:34:40business it was through our never ever
- 00:34:44ever give up mindset that we achieved
- 00:34:46what many thought was impossible
- 00:34:48shipping
- 00:34:57q1 shipments of
- 00:35:0047.7 million tons our best start
- 00:35:05ever and our business is not just about
- 00:35:08today it's about delivering value for
- 00:35:11you all well into the future and our
- 00:35:13future starts right now in decarbonizing
- 00:35:17our business by rethinking the entire
- 00:35:20Iron and Steel value chain we can
- 00:35:23produce an entirely new product a green
- 00:35:27industry
- 00:35:28here in
- 00:35:30Australia but we can't sit by and watch
- 00:35:34this opportunity pass us we need to lean
- 00:35:37in move quickly and seize it with both
- 00:35:40hands and our track record shows we're
- 00:35:43not afraid to move first for esc's pivot
- 00:35:47to Green Iron oil will be our point of
- 00:35:49difference and our competitive
- 00:35:52advantage and there is an incredible
- 00:35:54opportunity in grein
- 00:35:55medal but if if this new industry is to
- 00:35:59truly succeed in Australia we cannot do
- 00:36:02this alone now it's more important than
- 00:36:06ever for political and Industry
- 00:36:09leadership alike to join at the hip the
- 00:36:12cost of green energy is still a
- 00:36:14significant challenge here in Australia
- 00:36:17and a barrier to getting a green metal
- 00:36:20industry off the ground which will
- 00:36:23revolutionize Australia for the Next
- 00:36:25Generation with the help of the Govern I
- 00:36:28firmly believe we can establish a new
- 00:36:31green metal industry here in the pilra
- 00:36:34that will serve our country and create
- 00:36:36jobs for generations to come forcu has
- 00:36:40never been in better shape and the key
- 00:36:42to this success is the more than
- 00:36:4621,000 people some of those who are here
- 00:36:48today that make up our family and as
- 00:36:51shareholders in foris cuq you can be
- 00:36:54confident we are well positioned into
- 00:36:56the future thank you very much and I'll
- 00:36:58now hand over to
- 00:37:06Hutch thank you Dino um big welcome this
- 00:37:09morning and thank you so much for
- 00:37:11coming we have a very clear Mission
- 00:37:14that's driving us and everything we're
- 00:37:16doing here at foris skew we need to show
- 00:37:18the world we can eliminate fossil fuels
- 00:37:20but do it profitably it's not easy but
- 00:37:24nothing worth doing ever is luckily that
- 00:37:27is where forcu R We R the
- 00:37:31challenge that's what we've been doing
- 00:37:33for 21 years pushing boundaries and
- 00:37:35testing limits providing doubs Wrong by
- 00:37:38delivering very strong
- 00:37:40results just a few years ago people told
- 00:37:43us it wasn't possible to decarbon our
- 00:37:46operations by
- 00:37:472030 you'll have to wait until 2040 2050
- 00:37:50for the technology and the machines to
- 00:37:52be ready we could have just sat back and
- 00:37:55waited instead we're done us eles we've
- 00:37:59developed the Solutions in house
- 00:38:01bringing together the best engineering
- 00:38:03mins in the world to create our own for
- 00:38:06skew
- 00:38:07Technologies electric excavators
- 00:38:10hydrogen powered and Battery electric
- 00:38:12Hall trucks large fast Chargers and the
- 00:38:15Battery Systems and software needed to
- 00:38:17use it efficiently are now available on
- 00:38:20site in the pill being used
- 00:38:23today these green technologies will
- 00:38:25decarbonize for first but that's just
- 00:38:28the
- 00:38:29start we're now working to sell the same
- 00:38:32Solutions and products to other heavy
- 00:38:35industry players who need also to
- 00:38:37eliminate their
- 00:38:39emissions as our chairman mentioned last
- 00:38:41month we unveiled our autonomous battery
- 00:38:43electric t264 truck to the
- 00:38:47world as you heard it was a significant
- 00:38:49order over4 billion doar contract signed
- 00:38:52with Liber but a big part of that
- 00:38:54actually does flow back to forq Z
- 00:38:58this means that a significant value will
- 00:39:00come back to the company our Battery
- 00:39:03Systems will do do more than just
- 00:39:05decarbonize our mining operations we're
- 00:39:08also going to partner with others around
- 00:39:10the world including in the us where we
- 00:39:13have our manufacturing center they ready
- 00:39:14to
- 00:39:15go our Alysia team also signed a
- 00:39:19multi-billion dollar partnership with
- 00:39:20Jago Landrover to deploy their battery
- 00:39:23intelligence software on the next
- 00:39:25generation of electronic vehicles
- 00:39:28what's clear is there is a huge demand
- 00:39:30and a gap in the market for what we're
- 00:39:32creating and foris skew is being
- 00:39:34recognized for leading this
- 00:39:37way the green Pioneer is a testament to
- 00:39:41that our dual fueled ammonia powered
- 00:39:43vessel was debuted to the world almost a
- 00:39:45year ago and since then it's been named
- 00:39:47a winner at the world hydrogen Awards
- 00:39:50after successfully completing our trials
- 00:39:52and being certified in the port of
- 00:39:55Singapore this is a sign significant
- 00:39:57Milestone and brings the world one step
- 00:40:00closer to Green
- 00:40:02shipping what we're doing is real and we
- 00:40:05continue to drive value for you our
- 00:40:07shareholders let's turn to energy
- 00:40:10projects our goal is to play our part in
- 00:40:13decarbonizing the world by producing
- 00:40:15renewable energy around the world at
- 00:40:18scale this will be in the form of green
- 00:40:21electrons and green
- 00:40:23molecules as we do this we will always
- 00:40:26keep our strong financial discipline at
- 00:40:28the very center of every decision that
- 00:40:30we
- 00:40:31make for SKU is maintaining a portfolio
- 00:40:34projects which show significant
- 00:40:36potential for decarbonization and
- 00:40:39economic growth we have projects in
- 00:40:41Australia USA Norway Brazil Morocco the
- 00:40:46Middle East which are progressing very
- 00:40:48well fors always makes business
- 00:40:51decisions that make sense commercially
- 00:40:54and are the best interests of you our
- 00:40:55shareholders
- 00:40:57what we've achieved as a one forq team
- 00:41:00this year is incredible we're delivering
- 00:41:03on what we said we
- 00:41:04do we will continue to deliver value and
- 00:41:07show the world what real progress is and
- 00:41:10how we can all get to real zero so thank
- 00:41:13you for your time today and I'll hand
- 00:41:15back to Mona
- 00:41:29thanks
- 00:41:30H okay now we'll move to the formal
- 00:41:32business of the meeting um we haven't
- 00:41:35received any new apologies and I can
- 00:41:38advise that a quorum exists and I
- 00:41:41declare the formal business of the
- 00:41:42meeting open the minutes from the last
- 00:41:45AGM have been approved by the board and
- 00:41:48a signed copy is available to be viewed
- 00:41:50by any shareholder should they wish the
- 00:41:53notice of meeting is taken as read to
- 00:41:56streamline the meeting details of the
- 00:41:59resolutions and the proxy votes for each
- 00:42:02resolution will be displayed on the
- 00:42:04screens and I don't intend to read each
- 00:42:07of them out to you shareholders their
- 00:42:10proxies and representatives will also be
- 00:42:12given the opportunity to ask questions
- 00:42:15relevant to the business of today's
- 00:42:16meeting at the time of each resolution
- 00:42:18being considered if you have a question
- 00:42:22please raise your white or blue
- 00:42:23admission cards which you received when
- 00:42:25you registered today and please state
- 00:42:27your name when addressing the meeting if
- 00:42:30you do have a red or green card you're
- 00:42:32not entitled to vote or speak at the
- 00:42:34meeting
- 00:42:36today in accordance with the company's
- 00:42:38Constitution the voting procedure is at
- 00:42:41the discretion of the chair and I can
- 00:42:43advise that we will hold a poll in
- 00:42:46relation to resolutions 1 through
- 00:42:48n Mr Chris Hernandez from the company
- 00:42:51share registry link Market Services has
- 00:42:54been appointed to conduct the poll
- 00:42:59the persons entitled to vote on the poll
- 00:43:02are shareholders representatives and
- 00:43:04attorneys of shareholders and proxy
- 00:43:07holders who hold the white voting cards
- 00:43:10an example will now be shown on the
- 00:43:14screens on this card you will find a
- 00:43:17series of boxes for voting please
- 00:43:20indicate on your card how you wish to
- 00:43:21vote by ticking or marking the
- 00:43:23appropriate square and you must Mark
- 00:43:25either the for or against box for your
- 00:43:28vote to count if there are any aspects
- 00:43:30on the voting procedure on which you are
- 00:43:33uncertain please ask the representatives
- 00:43:35from the link team who will be
- 00:43:37circulating the room with ballot boxes
- 00:43:39after all the resolutions have been
- 00:43:41read the formal business of the meeting
- 00:43:44will close following collection of the
- 00:43:46poll and the results will be announced
- 00:43:48to the ASX later
- 00:43:51today and with that I'll now move to the
- 00:43:54first item on the agenda which is in Rel
- 00:43:57relation to receiving the financial
- 00:44:00reports details of this item are now on
- 00:44:03the
- 00:44:04screens are there any questions in
- 00:44:08relation to the financial reports
- 00:44:10including questions of the company's
- 00:44:12auditor PWC represented here today by Mr
- 00:44:16Chris Dodd Chris could you please
- 00:44:22stand
- 00:44:23no if there are no questions
- 00:44:33question thank you very much thank you
- 00:44:36Mona and congratulations on your new job
- 00:44:39and we appreciate the earlier
- 00:44:41conversations we've had with Penny
- 00:44:43Bingham Hall Mona and Phil mver so Lyn
- 00:44:47Roy from the Australian shareholders
- 00:44:49Association and we have
- 00:44:52248
- 00:44:53proxies today um my question question
- 00:44:57and commentary is regarded to foris skew
- 00:45:01energy we certainly appreciate the
- 00:45:04comments you made hutch in the
- 00:45:06Progressive Way you're leading that
- 00:45:08division on the one hand we have forcu
- 00:45:11Metals being a leader in transition to
- 00:45:13low emissions and in parallel achieving
- 00:45:17enviable financial performance and on
- 00:45:20the other hand we have forcu energy at
- 00:45:22The Cutting Edge of the new green
- 00:45:25technologies but incurring losses of 659
- 00:45:30million and 6117 million Us in the last
- 00:45:34two
- 00:45:37years we accept that research
- 00:45:40development uh going forward in the
- 00:45:42green World cost a lot of money cost a
- 00:45:45lot of time and and and a lot of effort
- 00:45:48that's fully understood as we head
- 00:45:51towards this low emission technology
- 00:45:53situation but shareholders feel that the
- 00:45:57reporting of those losses has been very
- 00:46:00very limited we have the we have the
- 00:46:03gross numbers but we feel as
- 00:46:05shareholders that there should be
- 00:46:08some detailed reporting on the material
- 00:46:11items where that money has gone and has
- 00:46:14been expended and invested in effect we
- 00:46:18feel just giving those totals and then
- 00:46:21consolidating under forc
- 00:46:23one uh shareholders don't have that
- 00:46:26right right to understand where those
- 00:46:28significant monies have gone and and
- 00:46:31accounted for so we would appreciate
- 00:46:34some clarity in that
- 00:46:43regard uh thank you Roy um I don't think
- 00:46:46that'll be an issue we'll we'll happily
- 00:46:48break it down for you
- 00:46:57thanks chairman are there any further
- 00:47:03questions if there are no further
- 00:47:05questions I propose we take the reports
- 00:47:08as
- 00:47:09read the next business item on the
- 00:47:12agenda today is the adoption of the
- 00:47:14remuneration
- 00:47:16report details for this resolution are
- 00:47:18now on the
- 00:47:20screens before we open for questions I
- 00:47:23would just like to make some brief
- 00:47:24comments on behalf of the board in
- 00:47:26relation to the remuneration
- 00:47:28report foris sku's remuneration
- 00:47:30framework is designed to be competitive
- 00:47:33in attracting and retaining the best
- 00:47:35talent whilst rewarding in line with
- 00:47:37share shareholder
- 00:47:39expectations following the first strike
- 00:47:41on the FY 23 remuneration report the
- 00:47:44deputy chair and the chair of the people
- 00:47:47remuneration and nomination committee
- 00:47:49LED extensive engagement with proxy
- 00:47:52advisors and investors to address the
- 00:47:54key areas of concern
- 00:47:57the remuneration report for the FY 24
- 00:48:00Financial year explains how we've
- 00:48:02addressed those concerns with details of
- 00:48:05the key changes outlined in the
- 00:48:07report based on the proxy votes we have
- 00:48:11received we are very pleased with the
- 00:48:13response from our
- 00:48:15shareholders are there any questions on
- 00:48:17this
- 00:48:24resolution if there are no questions
- 00:48:27I will now put the resolution to a vote
- 00:48:31please complete your vote
- 00:48:37now
- 00:48:39okay I now propose the resolution to
- 00:48:43reelect Lord Sebastian CO as a
- 00:48:47director details for this resolution are
- 00:48:49on the
- 00:48:51screens Lord Co was appointed a director
- 00:48:53of the company in 2018 and he is a
- 00:48:55member of the people remuneration and
- 00:48:57nomination committee he is currently a
- 00:48:59non-executive director of the Vitality
- 00:49:01group of life and health insurance
- 00:49:03companies and a chancellor of lfre
- 00:49:06University Lord co-chairs wman and is a
- 00:49:09non-executive director of orn
- 00:49:11entertainment AG he's currently serving
- 00:49:13his second term as president of world
- 00:49:16Athletics I would now like to ask
- 00:49:18Sebastian to make a brief statement
- 00:49:20thanks sir
- 00:49:28Mona thank you very much for your lovely
- 00:49:32introduction I was reminded once by a
- 00:49:34history tutor at my University that you
- 00:49:37only ever reach Perfection on your CV
- 00:49:39but thank you uh very much I'm I'm
- 00:49:42delighted to be here the last time I
- 00:49:44took a public platform uh was before I
- 00:49:47flew here uh from London and it was to
- 00:49:49address a group of Scottish
- 00:49:51conservatives how nice it is to have an
- 00:49:53audience this morning um
- 00:49:58I think it was three years ago uh that I
- 00:50:01last stood and sang for my supper uh and
- 00:50:04my goodness three years has gone very
- 00:50:06quickly uh and what a three years it's
- 00:50:08been uh and as some of you may well be
- 00:50:11aware this is my second stint as a
- 00:50:14director of this great business uh and
- 00:50:16at the risk of sounding like a cliche
- 00:50:19ridden uh jobbing uh football pundit uh
- 00:50:22it really has been for me a game of two
- 00:50:26halves
- 00:50:27uh and the first half I was very
- 00:50:29privileged uh to witness the Genesis and
- 00:50:32the growth uh of this extraordinary
- 00:50:35Metals business driven by uh the
- 00:50:37Visionary doctor uh sitting to my left
- 00:50:41who simply saw things that few others
- 00:50:45did uh and I'm here to tell you that he
- 00:50:48still does and to the challenge of the
- 00:50:50board sometimes uh by the hour uh today
- 00:50:55I'm hoping uh that you will grant me
- 00:50:58another term uh in my second stint uh
- 00:51:03some of you will also know that I'm
- 00:51:05currently pitching for another job in
- 00:51:07sport some have described it as the last
- 00:51:11great race I will re run but what I can
- 00:51:14tell you uh is that the most important
- 00:51:17race I'm running I think I'm joined by
- 00:51:20all of you uh and that is
- 00:51:24the race against the un
- 00:51:27controlled March of climate change uh
- 00:51:31and the ambition is simple uh it is to
- 00:51:33save the planet and I know of no other
- 00:51:37uh more important race uh that is why
- 00:51:40I'm here at Fortis skew and I know of no
- 00:51:43other company your company uh that is
- 00:51:47doing more uh to challenge that I'm
- 00:51:50currently president of world Athletics I
- 00:51:52am responsible for the delivery uh of
- 00:51:55the sport in 2113 countries and let me
- 00:51:58just leave you with a sobering thought
- 00:52:01that by
- 00:52:032055 uh there will be 15 less countries
- 00:52:06uh in the family of world Athletics and
- 00:52:09that's why I'm standing here hoping that
- 00:52:13you will give me another opportunity uh
- 00:52:15to continue the journey with this
- 00:52:17extraordinary company and extraordinary
- 00:52:20family thank you very much indeed
- 00:52:31thanks Seb are there any questions on
- 00:52:34this
- 00:52:38resolution if there are no questions I
- 00:52:40will now put the resolution to a vote
- 00:52:43please complete your vote
- 00:52:48now I now propose the resolution to
- 00:52:51reelect Dr Jean bad Schneider as a
- 00:52:54director and details are now on the
- 00:52:57screens Jean was appointed a director of
- 00:52:59the company in January of 2015 and she
- 00:53:02chairs the safety and sustainability
- 00:53:04committee and she is also a member of
- 00:53:06the audit finance and risk management
- 00:53:07committee and the people remuneration
- 00:53:09and nomination committee she brings over
- 00:53:1235 years of extensive International
- 00:53:14experience in procurement strategic
- 00:53:16sourcing and Supply Chain
- 00:53:18management Jean is currently a member of
- 00:53:21the United Nations financial sector
- 00:53:23commission and is a member of the
- 00:53:25international advisory committee to the
- 00:53:282024 un convention on climate
- 00:53:32change Gan is a member of several boards
- 00:53:34and other committees including as a
- 00:53:36Founder board member and chair of the
- 00:53:39global fund to end modern
- 00:53:42slavery I would now like to ask Jean to
- 00:53:44make a brief statement thanks
- 00:53:48Jean good morning
- 00:53:51everyone thank you for being here it's
- 00:53:53good to look around and see some
- 00:53:54familiar faces and especially to see new
- 00:53:57faces but thanks for being here what an
- 00:53:59honor and a privilege it is for me to be
- 00:54:03on the foris skue board and to work for
- 00:54:05all of you this is the most unique
- 00:54:08company I know in the world with
- 00:54:11Visionary leadership look up here and
- 00:54:13look down here bold enough to take on
- 00:54:15the biggest challenges with guts and
- 00:54:18determination always we are rapidly
- 00:54:21becoming as you saw today a global
- 00:54:23integrated Green Technology Energy and
- 00:54:26metals company but never ever forgetting
- 00:54:29Our Roots and iron ore and the pilra but
- 00:54:32positioning all of us for long-term
- 00:54:35value and growth if you own one share of
- 00:54:39fordisc stock or you support the Mission
- 00:54:42Vision and values of foris you are a
- 00:54:46part of the foris family and that is a
- 00:54:49very big deal so what does it mean as
- 00:54:52you see today one you invested in the
- 00:54:54best mining and metals company two you
- 00:54:57invested in an energy company that's
- 00:54:59committed to Leading The Way on decarb
- 00:55:01three you invested in a technology
- 00:55:03company that is leading the way in zero
- 00:55:06emissions technology and four you
- 00:55:09invested in an innovation company that
- 00:55:11turns that technology into value we have
- 00:55:15always been willing to take on the big
- 00:55:17guys and I love that don't you about us
- 00:55:21and we rapidly just leap right over the
- 00:55:24top of them and get get it done better
- 00:55:27so take that fossil fuels we're Scrappy
- 00:55:30and determined and we never ever give up
- 00:55:33saving the planet may seem uh saving the
- 00:55:37planet and eliminating all the
- 00:55:39greenhouse gas emissions may seem bold
- 00:55:41and audacious but that's foris skue and
- 00:55:44that's how we roll after years of
- 00:55:47international experience running
- 00:55:49high-risk operations and my kids once
- 00:55:51counted it up over a 100 countries you
- 00:55:53have my commitment to work as hard as I
- 00:55:55can
- 00:55:56to deliver value to all of you
- 00:55:59shareholders thank you so much for being
- 00:56:02here today I can't wait to share a cup
- 00:56:04of tea and maybe a little sandwich with
- 00:56:07all of you I would be honored to have
- 00:56:09your support take care and take care of
- 00:56:12each other thank you very
- 00:56:21much thanks Jane are there any questions
- 00:56:24on this resolution
- 00:56:29okay if there are no questions I'll now
- 00:56:31put the resolution oh there is a
- 00:56:36question uh wrong guy from the uh
- 00:56:39regional trade Union's uh uh human
- 00:56:42rights shareholder uh group um and uh if
- 00:56:46I can get my phone to work
- 00:56:48properly um uh Jean uh your CV is
- 00:56:52incredibly impressive and uh if I could
- 00:56:54just ask uh what do you you consider the
- 00:56:56most successful thing that you've
- 00:56:58achieved in the last term in regarding
- 00:57:01to deal with modern day slavery and also
- 00:57:03in regard to supply supply chain
- 00:57:06operations and procurements and uh are
- 00:57:09you aware of the recent European court
- 00:57:11of justice legal ruling upon Western
- 00:57:13Sahara as a territory distinct from
- 00:57:16Morocco and with the right of
- 00:57:19self-determination uh this ruled
- 00:57:21considered and rejected the legality of
- 00:57:24Morocco's extraction of resources like
- 00:57:26fish from occupied Western s Sahara it
- 00:57:29also affirmed that psaria the official
- 00:57:32recognized author authorities
- 00:57:34representing Sahari people Western
- 00:57:36Sahari resource watch have been
- 00:57:38recording and monitoring the alleged
- 00:57:40theft for many years and produce a well
- 00:57:43research document on the issue um
- 00:57:45interesting modern modern resource theft
- 00:57:49uh items as passive energy such as wind
- 00:57:52and solar which can be transferred
- 00:57:54across land without the permission of
- 00:57:56the non-self-governing country western
- 00:57:58Sahara while it is seen as a passive and
- 00:58:01renewable the infrastructure associated
- 00:58:05with its production and transmission
- 00:58:07further dispossesses the saharis of
- 00:58:09their land and emboldens the the
- 00:58:11Moroccan State this could be Pro
- 00:58:13problematic for foris skew as it means
- 00:58:16that foris skew is contributing to the
- 00:58:18ongoing brutalization of the indigenous
- 00:58:20people of Western Sahara under the
- 00:58:22occupation of Morocco uh in regard to
- 00:58:25commercial dealing with Western Sahara
- 00:58:28what that that involved natural
- 00:58:29resources from the last colony of Africa
- 00:58:32uh you might be aware of the Amnesty
- 00:58:33International report on Western Sahara
- 00:58:36suana Kaya and the political presence
- 00:58:39that uh International J jurists have
- 00:58:42cast out over the legality of the
- 00:58:45imprisonment has foris here given any
- 00:58:47consideration to the ethics and legal
- 00:58:50risk of operating um in this
- 00:58:54area sorry um in the imprisonment of
- 00:58:58political prisoners who have demanded a
- 00:59:00referendum and the end of Morocco LED
- 00:59:02resource extraction in the
- 00:59:04territory well thank you those are all
- 00:59:07really important questions I think there
- 00:59:09were three in there and um I'll take
- 00:59:11them and be brief but please after the
- 00:59:15session come up and we can talk in more
- 00:59:17detail first of all on supply chain the
- 00:59:20big issue on supply chain is track and
- 00:59:22tracing where your supply chain
- 00:59:24originates and what happens along the
- 00:59:26way right we have worked very diligently
- 00:59:30in the fund to create both digital ways
- 00:59:33and real ways uh to to track those
- 00:59:36Supply chains and we've had a big advant
- 00:59:38we've had big results in developing
- 00:59:41technology but we're not where we need
- 00:59:43to be um and that's an ongoing effort
- 00:59:46and I will tell you from foris sk's
- 00:59:49vantage point we look very carefully at
- 00:59:52our entire supply chain and verify there
- 00:59:55is no slave reinforced labor in it and I
- 00:59:57can talk in more detail about that with
- 00:59:59any of you who' like to talk afterwards
- 01:00:02secondly on the global Fund in modern
- 01:00:05slavery you know it was 10 12 years ago
- 01:00:09I met this young man at Clinton Global
- 01:00:13initiative and we bonded on the fight
- 01:00:16against modern slavery and with Andrew's
- 01:00:19help globally we've identified three
- 01:00:22things that needed to happen there
- 01:00:23needed to be a movement there needed to
- 01:00:25be a fund and there needed to be data
- 01:00:27because we really didn't understand the
- 01:00:29nature of the problem and if you look
- 01:00:31over that time period slavery's actually
- 01:00:33gone up that's because we're identifying
- 01:00:35pockets and places where it exists and
- 01:00:37we're going after it hard in many ways
- 01:00:40but what's frustrating is that we need
- 01:00:42to continue to keep a focus on it and I
- 01:00:44will tell you that both Andrew and I are
- 01:00:46going to talk about the Nexus between
- 01:00:48modern slavery and climate change at the
- 01:00:50upcoming cop meeting because there is a
- 01:00:52Nexus between slavery and the
- 01:00:55degradation of the environment and then
- 01:00:57finally on West Sahara this board is
- 01:01:00very aware of everything you mentioned
- 01:01:02and we're going to take that under an
- 01:01:04advisement currently we do not operate
- 01:01:06there but we will clearly listen
- 01:01:08carefully to everything you've said we
- 01:01:10talked about it yesterday and and um as
- 01:01:13time wears on you will see what we're
- 01:01:15going to do
- 01:01:17there all right but see me afterwards
- 01:01:27are there any further
- 01:01:32questions if there are no further
- 01:01:34questions I will now put the resolution
- 01:01:36to a vote please complete your vote
- 01:01:40now I now propose the resolution to
- 01:01:43elect Usha ramari as a director details
- 01:01:47are now being shown on the screens Usha
- 01:01:50was appointed a non-executive director
- 01:01:51of the company in January of this year
- 01:01:53and she is a member of the audit Finance
- 01:01:56and risk management committee and the
- 01:01:58safety and sustainability committee she
- 01:02:00brings over 30 years of senior
- 01:02:02infrastructure investment experience
- 01:02:04leading investment platforms and
- 01:02:06management
- 01:02:07organizations she has previously held
- 01:02:09senior positions on the World Bank group
- 01:02:11and the Blackstone Group and her last
- 01:02:15position was under the Secretary General
- 01:02:17at the United Nations she holds a number
- 01:02:20of board and committee positions
- 01:02:23including as chair of the voluntary
- 01:02:24carbon markets in Integrity initiative
- 01:02:27and is a member of the environmental
- 01:02:28steering committee of neom Saudi Arabia
- 01:02:32I would now like to ask Usha to make a
- 01:02:34brief
- 01:02:44statement good morning ladies and
- 01:02:47gentlemen dear
- 01:02:49shareholders I'm honored to be here with
- 01:02:52you this morning to seek your approval
- 01:02:55for my election
- 01:02:56to this wonderful phc
- 01:02:59board just to give a bit of a background
- 01:03:01in what's on my mind today we are at a
- 01:03:05point in time as people in planet where
- 01:03:07six out of nine planetary boundaries
- 01:03:09have been breached and we're facing
- 01:03:12unprecedented stress on climate on water
- 01:03:16and on nature everything that's
- 01:03:18important to
- 01:03:19us and in this Bleak
- 01:03:22scenario I'm very happy to say is this
- 01:03:25wonderful company Fortis QQ a remarkable
- 01:03:28company with a Visionary
- 01:03:31chairman that's putting human and
- 01:03:33financial resources and passion and
- 01:03:36commitment behind
- 01:03:39decarbonization and real zero
- 01:03:42Pathways the company operates from a set
- 01:03:46of core values that guide how we work
- 01:03:49how we engage how we
- 01:03:53collaborate today Fortis cu as others
- 01:03:56have said is a leading Technology Energy
- 01:03:58and metals company that is blazing a
- 01:04:01trail for corporate climate action
- 01:04:05globally and in doing this 4q is
- 01:04:08ensuring continuing High Financial
- 01:04:11returns for you our shareholders while
- 01:04:14achieving substantial positive impact
- 01:04:18for communities and Indigenous peoples
- 01:04:20everywhere they
- 01:04:22work I bring to the board expertise and
- 01:04:26experience in finance
- 01:04:28infrastructure
- 01:04:30sustainability and through my last job
- 01:04:33geopolitics in in terms of all the
- 01:04:35various positions I've held over my
- 01:04:37career it is truly a privilege for me to
- 01:04:40be part of this board I'm energized by
- 01:04:44the challenges ahead of us and committed
- 01:04:46to working alongside my esteemed board
- 01:04:49members and colleagues and our fortue
- 01:04:52team to help reach our goals I thank you
- 01:04:56for your support and
- 01:05:06Trust thanks oosha are there any
- 01:05:09questions on this
- 01:05:14resolution if there are no questions I
- 01:05:18will now put the resolution to a vote
- 01:05:19please complete your vote
- 01:05:24now I now proposed the resolution to
- 01:05:27elect n Pearson as a director and
- 01:05:29details are on the
- 01:05:31screens n was recently appointed a
- 01:05:33non-executive director of the company in
- 01:05:35August of this year a prominent
- 01:05:38Australian indigenous leader social
- 01:05:40Advocate and lawyer n has pursued
- 01:05:43various initiatives to achieve
- 01:05:44socioeconomic development outcomes for
- 01:05:47indigenous
- 01:05:48Australians he has co-founded the cape
- 01:05:51York land Council and is the founder of
- 01:05:54the cape York partnersh parip and the
- 01:05:56good to Great Schools Australia program
- 01:05:59which aims to lift education outcomes
- 01:06:01for all Australian
- 01:06:03students I would now like to ask nol to
- 01:06:06make a brief
- 01:06:16statement good
- 01:06:18morning let me acknowledge the
- 01:06:20traditional owners I bring greetings
- 01:06:23from Cape York peninsula
- 01:06:26you don't need my telling that forcu
- 01:06:30knows how to create
- 01:06:32Prosperity its pronatural
- 01:06:35performance over 20 years is patent
- 01:06:41proof I join a company whose founder and
- 01:06:44chairman Dr Forest holds a deep passion
- 01:06:49that we must decarbonize now and move
- 01:06:53Beyond fossil fuels before or it is too
- 01:06:57late for tcue is leading the world's
- 01:07:00transition to Green energy and a zero
- 01:07:03emissions
- 01:07:05future I am on a steep
- 01:07:10curve as to what that means and what it
- 01:07:15entails the leadership and
- 01:07:19Ingenuity required to realize the
- 01:07:23business model and the the moral Vision
- 01:07:27that this company has for itself and its
- 01:07:30role in the world is for me Vivid in a
- 01:07:35way not possible to
- 01:07:39understand from the
- 01:07:43outside for tesu is creating Prosperity
- 01:07:47today while working
- 01:07:49relentlessly to fulfill our
- 01:07:52responsibilities to our future
- 01:07:57unborn my life's work is dedicated to
- 01:08:00the empowerment of Australia's
- 01:08:05disadvantaged I've learned much and have
- 01:08:08much to contribute to
- 01:08:12fortescu fortescue's founder professes
- 01:08:15two truths with the burning magnesium
- 01:08:19flame of entrepreneurial
- 01:08:23conviction that it is not only only
- 01:08:25possible but
- 01:08:28imperative for an Enterprise committed
- 01:08:31to economic growth and prosperity to
- 01:08:35overcome
- 01:08:37disparity for the
- 01:08:40disparate for the betterment of
- 01:08:43Australia and for the planet to
- 01:08:47reverse a calamitous future if we don't
- 01:08:51move to real zero
- 01:08:55I share these
- 01:08:58convictions I commit my very best to
- 01:09:02contributing for to Fortescue securing
- 01:09:07success for you our
- 01:09:10shareholders for
- 01:09:12Australia and to show the way to the
- 01:09:15rest of the
- 01:09:16world thank you for your support
- 01:09:29thank you n are there any questions on
- 01:09:32this
- 01:09:36resolution if there are no questions
- 01:09:39I'll now put the resolution to a vote
- 01:09:41please complete your vote
- 01:09:45now the next item on the agenda is the
- 01:09:49approval of for exuse performance rights
- 01:09:52plan details are now being shown on the
- 01:09:54screens
- 01:09:56the plan was last approved at Ford
- 01:09:58escuse AGM in its 2021 annual general
- 01:10:02meeting and approval is required this
- 01:10:04year to ensure that any Securities that
- 01:10:06are granted under the plan are not
- 01:10:08counted towards the company's annual 15%
- 01:10:11placement
- 01:10:12capacity are there any questions on this
- 01:10:20resolution if there are no questions
- 01:10:23I'll put the resolution to a vote
- 01:10:26please complete your votee
- 01:10:31now I now propose the resolution to
- 01:10:35approve participation in the performance
- 01:10:37rights plan by Mr Dino atanto CEO
- 01:10:41Metals details are now being shown on
- 01:10:44the screens and before we open for
- 01:10:46questions I would just like to make some
- 01:10:48brief comments on behalf of the board in
- 01:10:50relation to both this resolution and the
- 01:10:52next resolution being Mr atanto and Mr
- 01:10:55Hutchinson's participation in the
- 01:10:58performance rights
- 01:10:59plan whilst legally there is no
- 01:11:02requirement for shareholder approval on
- 01:11:04the grant of performance rights to
- 01:11:06either Mr atran or Mr Hutchinson in
- 01:11:09their capacity as CEOs of for escue in
- 01:11:12accordance with good corporate
- 01:11:13governance shareholder approval is being
- 01:11:16sought details of the maximum number of
- 01:11:19rights that may be granted to the CEOs
- 01:11:22During the period and the relevant
- 01:11:24vesting condition are contained in the
- 01:11:26notice of
- 01:11:28meeting are there any questions on this
- 01:11:36resolution if there are no questions I
- 01:11:39will put the resolution to a vote please
- 01:11:42complete your vote
- 01:11:47now I now propose the resolution to
- 01:11:50approve participation in the performance
- 01:11:53rights plan by Mr Mar Mark
- 01:11:56Hutchinson details are now on the
- 01:12:00screens are there any questions on this
- 01:12:07resolution if there are no
- 01:12:10questions I'll put the resolution to a
- 01:12:14vote please complete your vote
- 01:12:22now okay we'll now move on to the final
- 01:12:25resolution on the agenda today which is
- 01:12:27a conditional
- 01:12:28resolution and the validity of this
- 01:12:31resolution is conditional on at least
- 01:12:3325% of the votes cast in resolution one
- 01:12:36being cast against the remuneration
- 01:12:38report for the year end of
- 01:12:402024 and I'm pleased to advise that
- 01:12:43based on the the proxy results
- 01:12:46resolution of on resolution one
- 01:12:49resolution 9 will be voided however for
- 01:12:51completeness of the poll we will now put
- 01:12:54the resolution to a
- 01:12:56vote could you please complete your vote
- 01:13:05now I will now proceed to the closing
- 01:13:10poll kindly Lodge your voting cards in
- 01:13:13the ballot boxes circulating the
- 01:13:24room
- 01:13:54for
- 01:14:24e for
- 01:15:07okay I take it that all persons
- 01:15:09intending to vote have now done sir
- 01:15:34I now declare the poll closed subject to
- 01:15:39finalization final results of the
- 01:15:41resolutions will be announced on the
- 01:15:43asex L later
- 01:15:44today ladies and gentlemen this now
- 01:15:47concludes the formal business of today's
- 01:15:49meeting as you've heard from our
- 01:15:51chairman and our CEOs it's been another
- 01:15:54incredible year for foros skue we would
- 01:15:57be delighted if you could now join us
- 01:15:59for some light Refreshments just outside
- 01:16:01the room thank you
- 01:16:07[Music]
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