1. Introduction to Bayesian Games (Game Theory Playlist 9)
TLDRThis episode introduces Bayesian games, focusing on auctions with incomplete information. The host contrasts the English auction with the simpler second-price auction, illustrating how players lack complete knowledge about each other's valuations and strategies. Using a straightforward bidding example, he shows how each bidder’s beliefs about their opponent’s willingness to pay complicate their decision-making process. The episode culminates in discussing the concept of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium, highlighting how it adapts traditional Nash analysis to account for incomplete information regarding other players' types, thereby paving the way for future in-depth formalization in subsequent episodes.
Punti di forza
- 🎨 English auctions involve open competition for bids.
- 📜 Second-price auctions see bidders submit sealed bids.
- 🔍 Incomplete information complicates bidding strategies.
- 💰 Bids reflect players' valuations of the item.
- 📊 Nash Equilibrium applies to auction strategies.
- ✍️ Private information influences bidding behavior.
- 🤔 Dominant strategies simplify decision-making.
- 📈 Bayesian Nash Equilibrium incorporates beliefs about opponent valuations.
- 📝 Understanding auctions is key to game theory.
- ⚖️ Strategic equivalence exists between auction types under assumptions.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In this episode, the concept of Bayesian games, or games with incomplete information, is introduced. The presenter aims to provide intuition on how to analyze these games, starting with an example of an auction.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
The English auction is explained as a widely recognized auction format where the auctioneer accepts increasingly higher bids until no one bids higher than the standing bid. The highest bidder wins the item at their bid price.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The speaker shifts focus to the second-price or Vickrey auction, which is simpler and strategically equivalent to the English auction under certain conditions. In this format, bidders submit sealed bids and the highest bidder wins but pays the second-highest bid.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
The nature of auctions is explained as a strategic environment where players (bidders) act simultaneously and independently, leading to discussions about their strategies and potential payoffs based on their bids and the valuations of the items.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The concept of Nash equilibrium in a second-price auction is demonstrated through a scenario with two bidders with known valuations. It is concluded that bidding one's true valuation is a Nash equilibrium strategy.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
The episode discusses the implications of bidding higher than one's valuation, emphasizing that it could lead to negative payoffs and thus is not a rational strategy.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Next, the speaker introduces incomplete information in auctions, pointing out that although each player knows their own willingness to pay, they are uncertain about their opponents' valuations, introducing the concept of asymmetric information.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
The modeling of bid strategies is then discussed, highlighting that players must form beliefs about their opponents' valuations and that these beliefs are treated as common knowledge within the game.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
The discussion includes how to analyze Nash equilibrium in environments with incomplete information by creating strategies for different types of players based on their valuations, leading to the concept of multiple personality types in players.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:56
Finally, the episode concludes with the introduction of Bayesian Nash equilibrium, which extends the Nash equilibrium concept to cases with incomplete information, setting the stage for the next episode to formalize these concepts.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
What is a Bayesian game?
A Bayesian game is a game with incomplete information where players have beliefs about the types of other players, often modeled probabilistically.
What is a second-price auction?
In a second-price auction, participants submit bids privately, and the highest bidder wins but pays the second-highest bid.
How is a Nash Equilibrium defined in the context of auctions?
In auctions, a Nash Equilibrium occurs when bidders choose their bids such that no player can benefit from unilaterally changing their strategy.
What is the difference between complete and incomplete information?
In complete information, players know all payoff-relevant details about one another, while in incomplete information, they lack knowledge about other players' types or valuations.
What is a dominant strategy?
A dominant strategy is one that provides a higher payoff for a player, regardless of what other players choose to do.
What is an English auction?
An English auction is a type of auction where bidders openly compete for an item, increasing their bids progressively until no higher bid is placed.
What is the strategic equivalence between English and Vickrey auctions?
Under certain assumptions, the Nash Equilibrium outcomes of English auctions can be strategically equivalent to those of Vickrey auctions.
What is meant by 'private information' in the context of auctions?
Private information refers to the knowledge that individual players have about their own valuations and strategies, but not about other players' valuations.
How do you determine the expected utility of a strategy in a Bayesian game?
The expected utility of a strategy is determined by considering the different possible types of opponents and their corresponding strategies and utilities.
What characterizes a Bayesian Nash Equilibrium?
A Bayesian Nash Equilibrium is where each player's strategy is a best response to the beliefs about other players' types and strategies.
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- 00:00:00hello everyone with this episode i am
- 00:00:03starting a a new chapter where we
- 00:00:07analyze uh what's called bayesian games
- 00:00:10or sometimes they're called uh games
- 00:00:13with
- 00:00:13incomplete information so in this
- 00:00:16episode i'm going to
- 00:00:17give you the intuition behind the
- 00:00:21uh analysis of these games
- 00:00:24and sort of how we approach to those
- 00:00:26games
- 00:00:27and then the next episodes i am going to
- 00:00:30describe
- 00:00:31formally what i am uh sort of
- 00:00:33intuitively mentioning in this episode
- 00:00:36well to give the intuition uh i'll i'll
- 00:00:39i'll start with an example and the
- 00:00:42example i'm going to consider
- 00:00:44is what's called auction so
- 00:00:47uh the first auction i'd like to talk
- 00:00:50about is what's called
- 00:00:51english auction you probably have heard
- 00:00:53of it maybe not the name
- 00:00:55the the english auction but it's
- 00:00:58actually one of the most famous
- 00:01:00ways of of of selling or buying
- 00:01:03uh items so for example you would like
- 00:01:06to buy a painting
- 00:01:08and and the paintings and let's suppose
- 00:01:11by the way this is a
- 00:01:12rare painting auctioned in sotheby's
- 00:01:16or some other auctioning house well
- 00:01:20what is the english auction well the
- 00:01:22english auction is simple
- 00:01:24the auctioneer uh opens the auction by
- 00:01:28announcing uh some suggested opening bid
- 00:01:32we sometimes call it starting price
- 00:01:34sometimes call it reserve
- 00:01:35price well doesn't have to exist but
- 00:01:39usually
- 00:01:40it is some positive number say ten
- 00:01:43thousand dollar
- 00:01:44depending on the item auctions well then
- 00:01:46the auctioneer accepts
- 00:01:48increasingly higher bids from the floor
- 00:01:51from the potential buyers who are
- 00:01:53competing with each other
- 00:01:56well the auctioneer usually determines
- 00:02:00the minimum increment of bids
- 00:02:03often raising it when bidding goes high
- 00:02:05well
- 00:02:06i mean for example if it is an an and
- 00:02:09and and a painting from
- 00:02:11uh da vinci uh well then probably
- 00:02:15uh the increments is not going to be
- 00:02:17like you know hundred dollars
- 00:02:19all right so uh usually there are
- 00:02:21increments
- 00:02:23but again for simplicity you can ignore
- 00:02:25the in increments
- 00:02:27which we will well who who wins and how
- 00:02:30do you win the
- 00:02:32auction well the highest bidder at any
- 00:02:35given time
- 00:02:36is considered to have the standing beat
- 00:02:39all right so understanding it is
- 00:02:41basically
- 00:02:42uh uh the the the the the final price
- 00:02:46all right well if if
- 00:02:50nobody sort of increases this standing
- 00:02:53bit
- 00:02:54either you can displace this standing
- 00:02:56bit by
- 00:02:57sort of announcing a higher bid
- 00:03:02but if nobody increases the standing bit
- 00:03:05well then the the auction is going to
- 00:03:08finish
- 00:03:09so if no other competing bidder
- 00:03:11challenges
- 00:03:12this standing bit within some given time
- 00:03:14period
- 00:03:15uh usually it's you know uh you know a
- 00:03:18few
- 00:03:19moments or a few minutes it's not like
- 00:03:22hours or days
- 00:03:23but obviously for some other auction
- 00:03:25environments it can be hours or days
- 00:03:27maybe
- 00:03:28well the standing bid becomes the winner
- 00:03:31again
- 00:03:31if nobody challenges the standing bid
- 00:03:34and
- 00:03:34so if nobody increases it while the
- 00:03:37standing bid becomes the winner and the
- 00:03:39item
- 00:03:39is sold to the highest bidder at a price
- 00:03:42equal to
- 00:03:43uh equal to that that bid
- 00:03:47all right well so this is the english
- 00:03:50auction
- 00:03:51well i am not however going to analyze
- 00:03:54english auction why is that well because
- 00:03:56it's an
- 00:03:57an extensive form game right the the
- 00:04:00potential player potential i mean
- 00:04:02potential buyers are actually the
- 00:04:04players in this game
- 00:04:05and they observe each other's sort of
- 00:04:08strategies one guy
- 00:04:10for example kohl's price say
- 00:04:13one million dollar and then another
- 00:04:15calls it two million dollar and so
- 00:04:17everybody observes his or her actions
- 00:04:19right this is a perfect information game
- 00:04:21in a sense
- 00:04:22uh however there is the sequential move
- 00:04:26uh going on it's like so we we really
- 00:04:29have to analyze the sub games etc etc so
- 00:04:32instead of looking at a complicated
- 00:04:34relatively more complicated game
- 00:04:36let's look at a simpler game and in fact
- 00:04:39it is a simpler version of the english
- 00:04:42auction well
- 00:04:44i i say this version a bit vaguely
- 00:04:47because
- 00:04:48uh they're not really the same game
- 00:04:50obviously as
- 00:04:51i will describe in a moment but the
- 00:04:53thing is they are
- 00:04:55under some some some certain assumptions
- 00:04:57they are strategically equivalent the
- 00:04:59nash equilibrium are the same
- 00:05:01uh the spme of this game is subgame
- 00:05:04perfect nash equilibrium of the english
- 00:05:06auction
- 00:05:07outcome equivalent to the nash
- 00:05:08equilibrium of the victory auction
- 00:05:10i mean there is definitely a strategic
- 00:05:13relation strong relationship between
- 00:05:15these two auctions
- 00:05:17under some assumptions um we are not
- 00:05:19going to prove this in this course it's
- 00:05:21a
- 00:05:22subject for more advanced courses but
- 00:05:24nevertheless
- 00:05:25um i am not giving you the victory
- 00:05:28auction
- 00:05:29uh uh simply because it's easier or
- 00:05:32simpler to work with
- 00:05:34but they are as i said as strategically
- 00:05:36equivalent
- 00:05:38well most of the times i am not going to
- 00:05:41call it victory auction
- 00:05:43uh most of the times i'm going to call
- 00:05:44it what's called a
- 00:05:47second price auction and you'll see
- 00:05:50why this name uh
- 00:05:53well why second price auction well or
- 00:05:56the vicry auction
- 00:05:57so it is a simple a simpler uh
- 00:06:00game uh the bidders the potential buyers
- 00:06:03simultaneously and independently write
- 00:06:06their own bits on a piece of paper
- 00:06:09and then put those bids in an envelope
- 00:06:11all right so it's a simultaneous move
- 00:06:13everybody
- 00:06:14uh writes a price a potential price
- 00:06:17or we call it bid in a piece of paper
- 00:06:20and submit it to the auctioneer
- 00:06:23all right and then the auctioneer opens
- 00:06:26all the
- 00:06:26envelopes and the highest bidder
- 00:06:35wins all right so let's say
- 00:06:38uh let's suppose for simplicity there
- 00:06:40were two bidders
- 00:06:42two buyers and one guy bid uh
- 00:06:45five million dollar the other bid five
- 00:06:47million
- 00:06:49plus one dollar and so the highest
- 00:06:52bidder
- 00:06:52wins the auction well what is the price
- 00:06:57well the price is the second
- 00:07:00highest bid all right
- 00:07:03so you do not pay uh your bid
- 00:07:07if you won the auction you pay the
- 00:07:10highest uh losing bid right so
- 00:07:14equivalently the second highest bid
- 00:07:19so once again another example well let's
- 00:07:21say there are 10
- 00:07:23uh buyers and and buyer one
- 00:07:27uh bid a dollar buyer to bit two dollars
- 00:07:30etc buyer eight bid eight dollars and
- 00:07:33buyer ten bid
- 00:07:34ten dollars let's suppose and so the
- 00:07:37winner is going to be buyer 10 because
- 00:07:39his bid
- 00:07:40ten dollars is the highest however he's
- 00:07:43not going to pay
- 00:07:44ten dollars he's going to pay uh the the
- 00:07:47highest losing bid so who are the losing
- 00:07:51bids well the guy
- 00:07:52who bid one dollar two dollar up until
- 00:07:54nine dollar
- 00:07:55these are all the losers right because
- 00:07:57there's only one item
- 00:07:59that is sold in this auction that's an
- 00:08:01important assumption
- 00:08:02and so only the tenth guy win the
- 00:08:05auction and so the other remaining the
- 00:08:07first nine guys
- 00:08:08loses the auction so what is the highest
- 00:08:10losing bid
- 00:08:11or the what is the second highest bid
- 00:08:14means the same thing
- 00:08:15well it's nine dollars so therefore the
- 00:08:18winner the tenth guy
- 00:08:19only pays nine dollars all right so
- 00:08:23uh kind of awkward right why you don't
- 00:08:25pay what you bid
- 00:08:26while you pay what uh these uh the
- 00:08:29second highest bid is
- 00:08:31uh but trust me they are strategically
- 00:08:34equivalent well
- 00:08:34why it is simpler well as i said because
- 00:08:36it's a simultaneous move game we don't
- 00:08:38really have to worry about
- 00:08:40sub games okay so
- 00:08:43the question is how do we approach to
- 00:08:46these games
- 00:08:47and how do we analyze these games
- 00:08:50well when we want to analyze these
- 00:08:53environments or these strategic
- 00:08:54environments
- 00:08:56obviously there are we have to be
- 00:08:59a formal or sort of clear about the
- 00:09:02description of the environment right
- 00:09:04remember a game has several properties
- 00:09:06like who the players are what their
- 00:09:08strategies are what their payoffs are
- 00:09:10etc
- 00:09:11so here we have to be clear about
- 00:09:13players
- 00:09:15who are they well the players are the
- 00:09:17potential buyers right the guys who
- 00:09:19bid well um good well what about their
- 00:09:23actions well the actions or the
- 00:09:24strategies
- 00:09:26uh that's simple they basically bid
- 00:09:29so let's call it bi this is the strategy
- 00:09:32of bidder i
- 00:09:33he bids some number right some number
- 00:09:36between
- 00:09:36zero and infinity well obviously you can
- 00:09:39bid as high as you like
- 00:09:40and obviously you can't beat something
- 00:09:43negative so these are the strategies as
- 00:09:45simple as this i already mentioned what
- 00:09:48the rules are
- 00:09:49right everybody simultaneously and
- 00:09:51independently bids
- 00:09:52and the highest bidder wins but pays
- 00:09:54only the second highest bid
- 00:09:56all right well then finally the payoffs
- 00:10:00well kind of simple right everybody
- 00:10:04if if you lose
- 00:10:07well then we assume that your payoff is
- 00:10:10going to be regardless of your bid well
- 00:10:12given that with this bid you lost
- 00:10:14your payoff is going to be zero well if
- 00:10:16you win
- 00:10:18win with this bid bi ui bi
- 00:10:22well then okay so how do we model this
- 00:10:26well that's one simplification obviously
- 00:10:28we assume that
- 00:10:29the the potential buyer
- 00:10:32has some valuation for the item that is
- 00:10:35auctioned all right so that's that
- 00:10:37painting
- 00:10:37has some value to you um and
- 00:10:40so this is your willingness to pay the
- 00:10:43maximum willingness to pay you do not
- 00:10:45want to pay more than
- 00:10:46vi so vi is just a number all right
- 00:10:50this is ui the utility vi is some number
- 00:10:53between
- 00:10:54zero and infinity all right and so it's
- 00:10:57your highest willingness to pay
- 00:11:00and then the thing is
- 00:11:04you win you bid bi but
- 00:11:07remember you pay bj where
- 00:11:13bj is the second
- 00:11:17highest bid okay
- 00:11:21so you do not pay bi dollar this is what
- 00:11:24you bid
- 00:11:25so here obviously because bi
- 00:11:28is winning so winning means what bi is
- 00:11:31greater than
- 00:11:33bj for all j
- 00:11:37equals to 1 n all right okay good
- 00:11:41so this is the payoffs all right it's as
- 00:11:44simple as this
- 00:11:45well the question is
- 00:11:48um so here this is a simultaneous move
- 00:11:52game and so we can find the nash
- 00:11:53equilibrium of this game right
- 00:11:56nash equilibrium all right
- 00:11:59actually let's do this for a very simple
- 00:12:02example
- 00:12:03so example is here there are two players
- 00:12:07two buyers potential buyers or we call
- 00:12:11them bidders all right
- 00:12:13and bidder one has a valuation hundred
- 00:12:17dollars
- 00:12:18bidder two has a valuation uh ninety
- 00:12:21dollars
- 00:12:22okay let's suppose well then
- 00:12:25the question is what is the nash
- 00:12:28equilibrium
- 00:12:29of this game well actually there are
- 00:12:33many nash equilibrium of this game
- 00:12:35all right but the one that makes the
- 00:12:38most sense
- 00:12:39is the one where they both bid
- 00:12:42their uh true values meaning
- 00:12:47b1 equals hundred and b2
- 00:12:50equals 90 is
- 00:12:53a nash equilibrium of this game
- 00:12:57all right well why is that so
- 00:13:00well here the things like suppose that
- 00:13:03your opponent
- 00:13:04so again we are checking nash
- 00:13:06equilibrium
- 00:13:07so suppose you observe that your
- 00:13:09opponent
- 00:13:10bid 90 are you going to regret from your
- 00:13:13bid
- 00:13:14100 well not really why well
- 00:13:17you could bid higher than 100 but you
- 00:13:20could still win
- 00:13:21and so so in this case the bitter one
- 00:13:24his utility with this bit hundred is
- 00:13:27equal to
- 00:13:28his valuation minus the price he pays so
- 00:13:31it's ten dollars
- 00:13:33but imagine you bid something
- 00:13:36b1 where b1 is greater than hundred
- 00:13:40would this change anything no because as
- 00:13:43long as b1 is higher than ninety dollars
- 00:13:45you're going to win
- 00:13:47and when you win your payoff is not your
- 00:13:50bid
- 00:13:50minus the second highest bid
- 00:13:54but it's your valuation which is fixed
- 00:13:56right your willingness to pay
- 00:13:58is something that doesn't change it's
- 00:14:01fixed before the game and after the game
- 00:14:04all right so this is what we assume
- 00:14:06in economics and so it's going to be 100
- 00:14:09minus 90 again
- 00:14:1010. so as long as you bid higher than
- 00:14:13100
- 00:14:14you're going to get the same payoff as
- 00:14:16long as
- 00:14:17you bid higher than 90
- 00:14:20but less than 100 all right for example
- 00:14:23you could bid
- 00:14:2495 92 would this change your payoff
- 00:14:28no not really once again you would win
- 00:14:31and then this would be your payoff
- 00:14:33but the question is what if you bid
- 00:14:37something less than ninety dollars all
- 00:14:39right
- 00:14:40well you may ask what happens if they
- 00:14:43both
- 00:14:43bid 90 dollars it is irrelevant
- 00:14:46trust me but if you like to be clear
- 00:14:49about it
- 00:14:50let's suppose that when two guys bid
- 00:14:52exactly the same amount
- 00:14:54well then the auctioneer tosses a fair
- 00:14:56coin
- 00:14:57with one half probability it's going to
- 00:14:59come up had with one half of probable it
- 00:15:01is going to come up tail
- 00:15:02and if it is had a buyer one wins or the
- 00:15:05auction
- 00:15:06per you know person one wins if it is
- 00:15:08tail person two wins all right so
- 00:15:10therefore
- 00:15:11if two guys bid exactly the same number
- 00:15:14it's going to be you know half enough
- 00:15:16probability
- 00:15:17to win the object and to lose the object
- 00:15:20but obviously this is a zero probability
- 00:15:22event because if you can
- 00:15:24bid any number between zero to infinity
- 00:15:26right you could beat anything
- 00:15:28so two guys can beat anything between
- 00:15:29zero infinity what is the likelihood
- 00:15:32that
- 00:15:32both are going to pick exactly the same
- 00:15:34location
- 00:15:35out of infinitely many possibilities
- 00:15:38well it's a zero
- 00:15:38possibility event for that reason it
- 00:15:41really doesn't matter
- 00:15:42um but as i said just for uh
- 00:15:45completeness
- 00:15:46i i i i we can assume that uh they
- 00:15:50they will get with equal probabilities
- 00:15:53so the question is what happens
- 00:15:57i ignore what happens when b1 is equal
- 00:15:59to 90 for that reason
- 00:16:01what if it is less than 90. so what if
- 00:16:03you bid
- 00:16:04something less than 90 dollars well this
- 00:16:06time you're gonna lose because
- 00:16:09if you bid for example 80 or 90 i'm
- 00:16:12sorry 89
- 00:16:13you're gonna lose this auction and so
- 00:16:16your payoff will be
- 00:16:17automatically zero all right so for that
- 00:16:20reason
- 00:16:22as you see bidding hundred is
- 00:16:25one of the best responses there are many
- 00:16:28others for example bidding
- 00:16:292000 is also best response bidding 91
- 00:16:32is also best to respond but but bidding
- 00:16:35hundred dollars
- 00:16:36is a best response is a best response
- 00:16:40to the second player's strategy
- 00:16:43all right so the first guy is best
- 00:16:45responding the second guy
- 00:16:46well the question is is is the second
- 00:16:49guy best responding the first guy well
- 00:16:51let's check
- 00:16:53well given that the first guy is bidding
- 00:16:56hundred dollars
- 00:16:57um for the second guy can he
- 00:17:01uh i mean if the second guy bids
- 00:17:04something less than hundred dollars we
- 00:17:07know that he
- 00:17:08is going to lose right whether it's 99
- 00:17:11or zero dollars it doesn't matter the
- 00:17:15the second guy is gonna lose and he's
- 00:17:17gonna get
- 00:17:18zero payoff which is what he's achieving
- 00:17:22when he beats 90 so there is no
- 00:17:24improvement there is no
- 00:17:26profitable deviation here
- 00:17:29profitable deviation to some b2 less
- 00:17:32than 100
- 00:17:33but what if b2 to more than 100
- 00:17:37all right i mean what if player 2 bids
- 00:17:40something higher than 100 so
- 00:17:43is there any profitable deviation there
- 00:17:46i mean 101 2 000 it really doesn't
- 00:17:49matter because
- 00:17:50why b2 greater than 100 because this is
- 00:17:53the case which
- 00:17:54ensures that the second guy will be the
- 00:17:57winner
- 00:17:58well if he is the winner all right
- 00:18:00what's going to happen
- 00:18:01is the following well with this bid
- 00:18:04higher than 100
- 00:18:05you're going to win the object and in
- 00:18:08this case your payoff is your valuation
- 00:18:10remember what was your maximum
- 00:18:12willingness to pay
- 00:18:13well it was 90 so you your willingness
- 00:18:16to pay is not 100
- 00:18:18it's 90 so 90 minus
- 00:18:22what is the losing bit well remember you
- 00:18:26bid
- 00:18:27higher than hundred dollars so there are
- 00:18:30two bits
- 00:18:30b2 which is higher than 100 and b1 which
- 00:18:33is hundred so
- 00:18:34what is the second highest bid or what
- 00:18:37is the
- 00:18:38highest uh losing bid well it's hundred
- 00:18:41so you're going to pay hundred dollars
- 00:18:43so what's your payoff
- 00:18:44it's -10 which is less than zero which
- 00:18:48is what you achieve when you bid
- 00:18:5090 and lose this auction so what does
- 00:18:52that mean that means
- 00:18:53given that the first guy is bidding
- 00:18:55hundred dollars
- 00:18:57the second guys bidding ninety dollars
- 00:19:00is
- 00:19:00one of the best responses obviously
- 00:19:03bidding zero
- 00:19:03is also best response right bidding
- 00:19:06five dollars is also best response but i
- 00:19:08don't care other best responses all i
- 00:19:10care
- 00:19:11is 90 is a best response 200
- 00:19:16so therefore both guys both buyers are
- 00:19:19best responding one another
- 00:19:21and hence this strategy profile is in
- 00:19:24fact
- 00:19:25a nash equilibrium all right
- 00:19:28so what do we learn from this very
- 00:19:31simple analysis
- 00:19:32uh well many things one of them
- 00:19:36well first of all in a
- 00:19:39a decree auction or second price auction
- 00:19:42or equivalently
- 00:19:43in the english auction you shouldn't bid
- 00:19:46higher than your valuation all right so
- 00:19:48if you think
- 00:19:49that this picture this painting whatever
- 00:19:51the action
- 00:19:52the item that is auctioned if you think
- 00:19:55it's it's not
- 00:19:56worth more than ten thousand dollars or
- 00:19:59if this is your max budget
- 00:20:01well you should not bid higher than this
- 00:20:05well what is the second thing that we
- 00:20:07learn well
- 00:20:08every bitter bidding his or her true
- 00:20:11value
- 00:20:12is actually a nash equilibrium right so
- 00:20:14basically you don't really make
- 00:20:16any strategic thinking it's like should
- 00:20:18i bid
- 00:20:19five dollars less than my maximum
- 00:20:22willingness to pay two dollars less
- 00:20:24or you know 10 less more you don't
- 00:20:27really need to make this strategic
- 00:20:29uh thinking in this game because um
- 00:20:33we didn't show that uh in fact here
- 00:20:38bidding the true values is a dominant
- 00:20:41strategy if you if you apply iterated
- 00:20:43elimination of weekly dominated
- 00:20:45strategies you'll see that actually
- 00:20:48bidding the true values are sort of a
- 00:20:50weakly dominant
- 00:20:52strategy in this game and it's in nash
- 00:20:54equilibrium so you don't really have to
- 00:20:56worry about the strategic interaction
- 00:20:59here
- 00:21:00well so but obviously this is not the
- 00:21:03game that i
- 00:21:04am intended to uh sort of explain why
- 00:21:07well because
- 00:21:08we want to do something new here we
- 00:21:10would like to talk about
- 00:21:11incomplete information game if you
- 00:21:14remember we talked about
- 00:21:16perfect versus
- 00:21:19imperfect games right well they were
- 00:21:23games where there's a simultaneity of
- 00:21:27moves
- 00:21:28and obviously uh the the second price
- 00:21:30auction
- 00:21:31is an imperfect information game when
- 00:21:33you
- 00:21:34choose your strategy your you don't know
- 00:21:37your opponent's strategy you can't
- 00:21:39observe it
- 00:21:39and so it's imperfect information game
- 00:21:42however
- 00:21:43chess is a perfect information game but
- 00:21:46on top of that we would like to do
- 00:21:47something
- 00:21:48new incomplete so some parts of the
- 00:21:52information is incomplete so we are
- 00:21:53actually relaxing some of our
- 00:21:55assumptions in game theory what is this
- 00:21:59well here i mean let's consider we
- 00:22:02consider this very simple example
- 00:22:04in real life if this is really the case
- 00:22:07i mean
- 00:22:07think about an auction environment in
- 00:22:10real life
- 00:22:11you probably do observe how many
- 00:22:14potential buyers are there in the
- 00:22:16auction house right
- 00:22:18some of them are in on on a phone
- 00:22:21which are basically talking to the buyer
- 00:22:24who would like to be anonymous
- 00:22:26and some are present there basically
- 00:22:29raising
- 00:22:30some card to indicate that they would
- 00:22:32like to increase the price
- 00:22:34and so the potential buyers are all in
- 00:22:36the same location right so the number of
- 00:22:38buyers are there
- 00:22:40so the players i mean there's a perfect
- 00:22:43information or complete information
- 00:22:45about players so who the players are etc
- 00:22:48strategies well again uh
- 00:22:51this is exactly why i didn't want to
- 00:22:53talk about auction
- 00:22:55english auction because their strategies
- 00:22:57are more complicated
- 00:22:58you know when i should bid you know in
- 00:23:01which increment i should bid
- 00:23:03and when should i stop bidding etc so
- 00:23:06the strategies are sort of a
- 00:23:08multi-dimensional and so it's more
- 00:23:10complicated
- 00:23:11for that reason i i wanted to study
- 00:23:13second price auction so here the
- 00:23:14strategies are very simple
- 00:23:16i am just going to write a number on a
- 00:23:19piece of paper
- 00:23:20and that's it um so in terms of
- 00:23:24you know i mean that the strategy is
- 00:23:26that everybody is willing to bid
- 00:23:28some number between zero to infinity
- 00:23:30well i mean it's a common knowledge it's
- 00:23:32a common information right
- 00:23:33so therefore the strategies are sort of
- 00:23:36a complete information in this game
- 00:23:38well what about the payoffs hmm so
- 00:23:41question is
- 00:23:42here in fact not whether you get zero
- 00:23:45versus this
- 00:23:46the rules are clear right the rules are
- 00:23:49such that
- 00:23:50if you win you are going to pay
- 00:23:53the second losing bid and so
- 00:23:56this functional form is an assumption
- 00:23:59that we made
- 00:24:00and if you lose you're gonna get zero
- 00:24:01payoff well maybe if you lose you're
- 00:24:03going to suffer
- 00:24:05and incredibly because you're going to
- 00:24:07feel terrible for
- 00:24:09i don't know not having this this this
- 00:24:11particular painting
- 00:24:13i mean yeah there might be some room of
- 00:24:15improvement there
- 00:24:16but what is the most important or i
- 00:24:19think
- 00:24:19uh most relevant extension is that
- 00:24:23in reality we usually do not know what
- 00:24:26vi is for each player in the game right
- 00:24:30i mean think of like this very two very
- 00:24:33simple example
- 00:24:34two potential buyers so as a buyer you
- 00:24:37probably know how much
- 00:24:39you're willing to pay for this painting
- 00:24:41let's say you're a buyer one
- 00:24:43so what is willingness to pay well this
- 00:24:45idea comes from
- 00:24:46you know you heard about it in
- 00:24:49intermediate microeconomics in
- 00:24:51advanced microeconomic theory so it's
- 00:24:53basically
- 00:24:54what derives the demand curve right so
- 00:24:57it is about your preferences it is about
- 00:25:00your income your wealth etc
- 00:25:02so i'm not going to give sort of a
- 00:25:04detailed discussion about what
- 00:25:06derives valuation but what we assume in
- 00:25:09economics is that
- 00:25:10everybody you know when they come to a
- 00:25:12market environment
- 00:25:13so sort of a to trade something well
- 00:25:16they they come
- 00:25:17with some clear picture of how much
- 00:25:21the maximum how much they're willing to
- 00:25:23pay for this item
- 00:25:24all right in real life you may be unsure
- 00:25:27about it
- 00:25:28right because for example if it is a
- 00:25:30painting you actually do not want to
- 00:25:32hold it for a long time you want to
- 00:25:34resell it
- 00:25:35and so the resale price is what
- 00:25:37determines your willingness to pay
- 00:25:40so that you know if things are more
- 00:25:41complicated in real life i know
- 00:25:43but we usually assume that everybody
- 00:25:45knows his willingness to pay
- 00:25:47because everybody is fully aware of his
- 00:25:49preferences
- 00:25:50and his income and wealth all right so
- 00:25:52that's sort of an assumption we don't
- 00:25:54really want to play too much
- 00:25:56but what we can extend or
- 00:26:00relax what assumption that we relax is
- 00:26:03what i know about my opponent's
- 00:26:06willingness to pay so here for example
- 00:26:08we assumed that as player one buyer won
- 00:26:12i know that i would like to pay a
- 00:26:13hundred dollars but i also know that my
- 00:26:16opponent is actually
- 00:26:17willing to pay ninety dollars which is
- 00:26:19less than what i want
- 00:26:21and so strategically that makes me s
- 00:26:24sort of advantaged why well because i
- 00:26:27would like to pay
- 00:26:28more than what this guy wants to pay all
- 00:26:30right so
- 00:26:31um let me bid hundred dollar so i know
- 00:26:34that he's not going to go above 100
- 00:26:36because his willingness to pay
- 00:26:38is definitely less than 100 so he's
- 00:26:40going to make loss which he doesn't want
- 00:26:42to
- 00:26:42because by losing the object he could
- 00:26:44ensure zero payoff anyway
- 00:26:46all right so for that reason we can
- 00:26:49extend this
- 00:26:50idea well what if players
- 00:26:53do not know their opponent's
- 00:26:57payoffs for sure so in that sense
- 00:27:00there is some incomplete information all
- 00:27:03right
- 00:27:04sometimes we call this by the way
- 00:27:06asymmetric information
- 00:27:11well why asymmetric well because
- 00:27:13everybody knows
- 00:27:14his or her evaluation but unsure about
- 00:27:18his opponent's valuation all right so
- 00:27:20player one knows that he wants to pay
- 00:27:23hundred dollars but he is probably
- 00:27:26unsure about
- 00:27:27how much his opponent wants to pay and
- 00:27:30symmetrically player two knows that he's
- 00:27:32a
- 00:27:32he wants to play 90 stops but he
- 00:27:35is probably unsure about how much his
- 00:27:38opponent
- 00:27:39buyer one is willing to pay right so
- 00:27:43the next question is how are we going to
- 00:27:45model this environment
- 00:27:47and then how are we going to solve this
- 00:27:49environment
- 00:27:52okay so let's think of the again the
- 00:27:55simplest environment where there are two
- 00:27:57players
- 00:27:58or two bidders or two potential buyers
- 00:28:00and they would like to
- 00:28:02bid for this non-divisible good the
- 00:28:05painting
- 00:28:06here the assumption none divisibility is
- 00:28:09important because
- 00:28:10it means if somebody wins that means the
- 00:28:13other guys
- 00:28:14are going to lose because the good is
- 00:28:16not divisible they cannot share it
- 00:28:18all right well so let's assume that the
- 00:28:20first guy has evaluation hundred the
- 00:28:22second guy has a valuation 90.
- 00:28:25so we call this but this time private
- 00:28:27information
- 00:28:28why well because the first guy although
- 00:28:30he knows how much he's willing to pay
- 00:28:32he's
- 00:28:33unsure about his opponent's willingness
- 00:28:35to pay and same for player two
- 00:28:37although he knows his willingness to pay
- 00:28:39i'm sure
- 00:28:40he's unsure about how much his opponent
- 00:28:43is willing
- 00:28:44willing to pay so how can we model this
- 00:28:46well obviously we do not want to say
- 00:28:48well the buyers are unsure about
- 00:28:52their opponent's willingness to pay we
- 00:28:54have to be we want to be more formal
- 00:28:56about it
- 00:28:57and so the one way to formally describe
- 00:29:00the beliefs
- 00:29:01is you can say for example
- 00:29:04buyer 1 believes that his opponent's
- 00:29:07willingness to pay which is
- 00:29:08v2 the parameter is actually randomly
- 00:29:11distributed
- 00:29:12according to some cumulative
- 00:29:14distribution function f2
- 00:29:16on the interval zero infinity all right
- 00:29:18so
- 00:29:19basically that means buyer one things
- 00:29:22anything is possible
- 00:29:23uh but the thing is you know according
- 00:29:26to this probability distribution for
- 00:29:28example if it is a uniform
- 00:29:29maybe uh sort of uh sort of the
- 00:29:32distribution of this v2 is uniform
- 00:29:36but if it is a normal well that means uh
- 00:29:38sort of uh it's more likely to be around
- 00:29:41the mean of this normal distribution but
- 00:29:43you know nevertheless anything is
- 00:29:45possible
- 00:29:46all right so symmetrically you can think
- 00:29:48that the buyer too
- 00:29:49believes that the the first buyer's
- 00:29:52willingness to pay is random
- 00:29:54and so the v1 parameter is randomly
- 00:29:57distributed according to some
- 00:29:59probability distribution function f1
- 00:30:01on zero infinity interval all right so
- 00:30:05here obviously one thing is important
- 00:30:07remember
- 00:30:08in our earlier discussions of game
- 00:30:10theories like
- 00:30:12uh the players the set of players set of
- 00:30:14strategies and their payoffs all this
- 00:30:16information is common knowledge so here
- 00:30:19we are sort of extending this
- 00:30:23uh or sort of relaxing this assumption
- 00:30:26so some you know things are not complete
- 00:30:30information
- 00:30:30there's some incomplete information in
- 00:30:32the sense that player one
- 00:30:34is unsure about the second player's
- 00:30:38sort of private information so but
- 00:30:41nevertheless
- 00:30:42um you know can we still do we still
- 00:30:46keep this idea of common knowledge
- 00:30:48assumption yes
- 00:30:49how so while here i mean we are not
- 00:30:51going to
- 00:30:52argue this too much in this course
- 00:30:54because it really deserves
- 00:30:56i mean requires some advanced
- 00:31:00training in game theory but we are going
- 00:31:02to assume that
- 00:31:03those probable distributions are common
- 00:31:06knowledge
- 00:31:06so what does that mean that means the
- 00:31:08following if buyer 1
- 00:31:10thinks that his opponent's
- 00:31:14valuation is distributed normally
- 00:31:17distributed
- 00:31:18with mean for example
- 00:31:22mu and the standard deviation sigma
- 00:31:25all right well then player so this is
- 00:31:28player one's belief
- 00:31:29but then player two will also be aware
- 00:31:33fully aware that player one is
- 00:31:36in fact believing that his valuation is
- 00:31:39distributed
- 00:31:40in this range although his valuation is
- 00:31:43exactly 90.
- 00:31:45all right so whatever mu is
- 00:31:48so so that probability these probability
- 00:31:52distributions are common knowledge this
- 00:31:54is what we assume
- 00:31:56again what happens if these are not
- 00:31:58common knowledge
- 00:32:00well again this is not the discussion
- 00:32:02for this
- 00:32:03level uh it it requires a much more
- 00:32:07uh advanced uh skills in game theory
- 00:32:11all right let's consider a simpler case
- 00:32:14right i mean it doesn't really have to
- 00:32:15be
- 00:32:16like well anything is possible according
- 00:32:18to some continuous
- 00:32:19cumulative distribution function well in
- 00:32:21fact for most of our examples we are
- 00:32:23going to look at simpler environments
- 00:32:25where
- 00:32:26you know one of three things can happen
- 00:32:28or one of two things can happen type of
- 00:32:30environments
- 00:32:31so you can imagine for example buyer one
- 00:32:34believes
- 00:32:34that the buyer two's valuation is in
- 00:32:37fact
- 00:32:38uh distributed according to sorry
- 00:32:41equally so it's a uniform distribution
- 00:32:43but the potential values are a hundred
- 00:32:46and ten hundred and ninety
- 00:32:47and symmetrically buyer two believes
- 00:32:49that the buyer one's valuation is
- 00:32:51hundred and ten hundred or ninety
- 00:32:53all right so as player one i know my
- 00:32:56valuation is hundred
- 00:32:58uh i know that i believe that my
- 00:33:00opponent
- 00:33:02can actually beat me meaning his
- 00:33:04valuation can be hundred and ten dollars
- 00:33:06with one third probability his valuation
- 00:33:09can be 100
- 00:33:10so we can actually be in a tie and his
- 00:33:12valuation can actually be 90.
- 00:33:15so the question is as by the way
- 00:33:17everything is symmetric for player 2. so
- 00:33:19here remember when this information
- 00:33:22wasn't private but public
- 00:33:24meaning this the previous example we
- 00:33:27analyzed
- 00:33:27where the valuation for buyer one and
- 00:33:30two are
- 00:33:30are known by everyone well in this case
- 00:33:33buyer one knew that
- 00:33:35he has the advantage because he knows
- 00:33:38that his opponent cannot overbid
- 00:33:40him no way because otherwise
- 00:33:44his opponent is going to get negative
- 00:33:45payoff but so therefore he was kind of
- 00:33:47relaxed
- 00:33:48saying well whether i bid 100 or
- 00:33:5195 or 91 i'm going to win this auction
- 00:33:54anyway
- 00:33:55i remember so he was kind of relaxed
- 00:33:58however now
- 00:33:59he can't be so relaxed because he knows
- 00:34:01that if he
- 00:34:02bids for example 91
- 00:34:06he can actually lose it in in these two
- 00:34:09i mean
- 00:34:10strictly i mean definitely lose it if
- 00:34:12his opponent is under these two
- 00:34:14scenarios
- 00:34:15right he may i mean because
- 00:34:18it doesn't we don't know whether those
- 00:34:21guys
- 00:34:22meaning uh let me put it this way we
- 00:34:24don't know if the buyer
- 00:34:25with the value 110 or buyer value 100
- 00:34:29are going to
- 00:34:30bid exactly the evaluations or maybe
- 00:34:33less or maybe more
- 00:34:34but what i want to show is that the
- 00:34:37buyer one
- 00:34:38with the valuation hundred is not going
- 00:34:40to be relaxed about
- 00:34:42saying whether 90 or 91 or 95
- 00:34:46or 99 i'm gonna win this object so i'm
- 00:34:49kind of
- 00:34:49uh sort of okay i'm cool about bidding
- 00:34:52hundred
- 00:34:52so this time it's not so easy you see
- 00:34:55what i mean
- 00:34:56so therefore the the calculations must
- 00:34:59be more careful obviously
- 00:35:01but the so so maybe the equilibrium
- 00:35:03strategies will
- 00:35:04will be different this is what i would
- 00:35:06like to say
- 00:35:08um well how different or
- 00:35:11the real question is how do we analyze
- 00:35:13this environment anyhow
- 00:35:15right even in this very simple
- 00:35:17environment so
- 00:35:18how are we going to approach this
- 00:35:20environment well very simple
- 00:35:22what we're going to do we're going to
- 00:35:23find
- 00:35:25um let me
- 00:35:29erase this what we're going to do we are
- 00:35:31going to find
- 00:35:33nash equilibrium all right
- 00:35:38so we're going to find the nash
- 00:35:39equilibrium of this game
- 00:35:41um so we know the definition of nash
- 00:35:45equilibrium every player best responds
- 00:35:47his opponent
- 00:35:48however there's a trick that we're going
- 00:35:51to use here
- 00:35:52what is this trick well here the
- 00:35:54strategy
- 00:35:55profile is it is it b1 and
- 00:35:58b2 only is this the strategy profile
- 00:36:02really hmm well you may say yes it is
- 00:36:06the strategy profile because there are
- 00:36:07two players
- 00:36:09remember yes there are two players
- 00:36:12and so for each player there should be a
- 00:36:14strategy
- 00:36:16i mean agree but the problem is
- 00:36:19let's let's look at player one so player
- 00:36:22one
- 00:36:24uh things that his opponent can
- 00:36:27have this guy with a valuation 110
- 00:36:32or this guy with the valuation hundred
- 00:36:34or this guy
- 00:36:35with the valuation 90. question is
- 00:36:39when i say b2 doesn't it
- 00:36:42imply that i i sort of believe
- 00:36:46that my opponent is going to bid exactly
- 00:36:49the same
- 00:36:50amount of money regardless of his
- 00:36:53valuation
- 00:36:54yeah because remember here b1 is my
- 00:36:57strategy
- 00:36:58b2 is my opponent's strategy
- 00:37:02why do i do this well remember the nash
- 00:37:04given a strategy profile
- 00:37:06every player takes his opponent's
- 00:37:09strategy
- 00:37:10fixed and see if he is best responding
- 00:37:13it or not
- 00:37:14right so therefore i'm gonna fix b2 and
- 00:37:17check if b1 is the best response but for
- 00:37:19this
- 00:37:20i need to know what b2 is and what b2
- 00:37:23implies in this environment all right so
- 00:37:26b2
- 00:37:26is just a number like 190 95
- 00:37:30thousand zero but b2
- 00:37:33a single b2 for player 2 means
- 00:37:38even though my opponent valuation
- 00:37:41true valuation is 110 well his his true
- 00:37:44valuation is 90.
- 00:37:46i i can hear but i don't know that in
- 00:37:49this game remember this is a private
- 00:37:51info game or
- 00:37:52asymmetric info game or incomplete info
- 00:37:54game meaning
- 00:37:55i just know my valuation and i just
- 00:37:58believe
- 00:37:59that my opponent can be 110 guy or 100
- 00:38:02guy or 90 guy but i'm not really sure
- 00:38:04which one
- 00:38:05is he and i can't see his type
- 00:38:08his his valuation before i make a
- 00:38:10decision so that's the problem
- 00:38:12i have to make a decision without
- 00:38:14observing
- 00:38:15uh his his his true evaluation
- 00:38:19so in sort of simultaneous move game
- 00:38:23there are two type of
- 00:38:24uncertainty one i'm going to choose my
- 00:38:27action
- 00:38:28without knowing my opponent's action so
- 00:38:30that's always
- 00:38:32there right and the second type of
- 00:38:34uncertainty that we are in
- 00:38:36in incorporating now is i am going to
- 00:38:40choose my strategy without knowing uh
- 00:38:43you know who my
- 00:38:44opponent really is is it really the 110
- 00:38:47guy or is it the 90 guy
- 00:38:49so i need to make my strategy choice
- 00:38:52before
- 00:38:52knowing his true valuation or true type
- 00:38:56you see what i mean so again
- 00:38:59if i assume that my opponent's strategy
- 00:39:02is b2
- 00:39:02that automatically directly indirectly
- 00:39:05implies
- 00:39:06that all these three potential
- 00:39:10opponents of mine are going to bid
- 00:39:13exactly the same number
- 00:39:15but this is unrealistic right i mean the
- 00:39:18110 guy who could actually
- 00:39:20may actually prefer to bid higher than
- 00:39:23100 dollars for example
- 00:39:25and where the 90 guy actually doesn't
- 00:39:28probably prefer to beat hundred dollars
- 00:39:30because
- 00:39:31if he wins he's going to make a negative
- 00:39:34profit
- 00:39:35of course if he if he if he loses he's
- 00:39:37gonna make
- 00:39:38zero profit but if he wins he may make a
- 00:39:41negative profit
- 00:39:42so therefore this is a strong assumption
- 00:39:45well then what am i going to do well why
- 00:39:48not
- 00:39:48say b21 b22
- 00:39:52b23 what does that mean that means
- 00:39:56i'm gonna fix as player one i'm gonna
- 00:39:59fix my opponent's
- 00:40:00strategy but if he
- 00:40:03is really 110 guy he may choose a
- 00:40:07strategy
- 00:40:09different than his strategy if he
- 00:40:13is in fact 100 guy and that also may be
- 00:40:16different than
- 00:40:17his strategy if he in fact 90 guy
- 00:40:20so therefore for every potential type
- 00:40:24all right so these are types of my
- 00:40:27opponents
- 00:40:28type 1 type 2 type 3 or you call it type
- 00:40:31110
- 00:40:32type 100 type 90 as you wish but we call
- 00:40:35those as
- 00:40:36types so for each type of my opponent
- 00:40:39i should assign i mean this is the
- 00:40:41safest thing i should assign
- 00:40:43potentially a different strategy because
- 00:40:46again
- 00:40:47assigning the same strategy for all the
- 00:40:50types is very restrictive
- 00:40:51because again there's a 110 guy and 90
- 00:40:54guy
- 00:40:55i i shouldn't be expect expecting them
- 00:40:57both
- 00:40:58bidding the same number it's it's
- 00:41:00irrelevant right i mean here for example
- 00:41:02when i was 100 and the other guy was 90
- 00:41:05and that was common knowledge well we
- 00:41:07know that i would bid higher than his
- 00:41:09bid
- 00:41:09but now i mean why 110 guy and 90 guy
- 00:41:12are are supposed to bid the same amount
- 00:41:14so therefore i should assign different
- 00:41:17strategy
- 00:41:18for different types well
- 00:41:22and then i should see if i'm best
- 00:41:24responding these three
- 00:41:26huh but are there i mean okay what the
- 00:41:29heck is going on are there three
- 00:41:31opponents
- 00:41:32for me no not really there's in fact
- 00:41:35just
- 00:41:35one guy there it's the buyer too but the
- 00:41:38thing is with one third probability he
- 00:41:41can be
- 00:41:41type one with one third probability he
- 00:41:44can be type
- 00:41:45two and with one third probability he
- 00:41:47can be type
- 00:41:49three so these are the probabilities of
- 00:41:52types
- 00:41:54of types all right so therefore what i
- 00:41:58should be doing is like
- 00:42:00calculating my expected utility well
- 00:42:02what is my
- 00:42:03expected utility if i bid b1
- 00:42:07is going to be obviously my expected
- 00:42:09utility i bid b1
- 00:42:11my opponent bids b2 1
- 00:42:14but this is one third probability plus
- 00:42:17with one third probably right this is
- 00:42:19kind of a lot right now
- 00:42:20with one third probability my opponent
- 00:42:22is going to be this type
- 00:42:24so the second type and so he's going to
- 00:42:26play this strategy
- 00:42:27and therefore the outcome is going to be
- 00:42:30different for me
- 00:42:31b1 b22 plus one-third
- 00:42:34expected utility or just utility uh
- 00:42:38yeah let's call them utility because
- 00:42:40these are not expected
- 00:42:42this one is expected so the utility
- 00:42:45that i bid b1 my opponent b23
- 00:42:50well you may say why don't you
- 00:42:53bid different numbers for each different
- 00:42:56types look i can't do that because
- 00:43:00i can't observe my opponent's type
- 00:43:04right is it 110 guy 100 guy 90 guy and
- 00:43:07so therefore i cannot condition my
- 00:43:09strategy
- 00:43:11on my opponent's type i can't say i'm
- 00:43:14going to bid
- 00:43:15this money if my opponent's type is that
- 00:43:18i'm going to beat that if my opponent's
- 00:43:20type is this
- 00:43:21i can't really do that because i can't
- 00:43:23observe my opponent's type
- 00:43:25so therefore i'm going to choose one
- 00:43:28bid b1 and the thing is
- 00:43:31it may lead to three different outcomes
- 00:43:35why well because there are three
- 00:43:37potential types
- 00:43:39different types of my opponent and they
- 00:43:42all may or may not i don't know that
- 00:43:46follow different strategies and so
- 00:43:49therefore i may achieve
- 00:43:50different payoffs and different outcomes
- 00:43:53in
- 00:43:54each three each of these three cases
- 00:43:57all right so this is how i should say
- 00:44:00well you know what uh the expected
- 00:44:02utility of b1
- 00:44:03is the best response if it basically
- 00:44:05maximizing i mean the b1 is maximizing
- 00:44:08this
- 00:44:09so if you change b1 to b1 prime well the
- 00:44:11thing is
- 00:44:12uh you're going to calculate the
- 00:44:14expected utility in exactly the same way
- 00:44:16instead of b1 so instead of for example
- 00:44:19100 it's going to be 99
- 00:44:21instead of uh maybe if b1 is is zero
- 00:44:24so you're gonna insert zero here but
- 00:44:27nevertheless the expected utility will
- 00:44:28be calculated according to this
- 00:44:31so uh
- 00:44:34one thing let's come back here i said
- 00:44:38if we are thinking of a strategy profile
- 00:44:41then
- 00:44:41we should be thinking of three different
- 00:44:44strategy for the
- 00:44:45three different types of player two but
- 00:44:48you know what this is
- 00:44:49the perspective when we'll look at this
- 00:44:52game from
- 00:44:52uh from the point of view of player one
- 00:44:55what if we look at this game from the
- 00:44:57point of view of player two
- 00:44:59well he also doesn't know the
- 00:45:02his opponent's type the player one so
- 00:45:04therefore
- 00:45:06player two is going to assume well maybe
- 00:45:08it is the first type
- 00:45:10or the second type or the third type i
- 00:45:13don't know
- 00:45:14but each may have a different strategy
- 00:45:17and so therefore the second guy
- 00:45:19is going to take fix those three
- 00:45:23strategies
- 00:45:24and so if we are talking about nash
- 00:45:27equilibrium of this game
- 00:45:29you know what the strategy profile
- 00:45:31shouldn't be
- 00:45:32as simple like b1 b2 well it should be a
- 00:45:35bit
- 00:45:35more complicated than this how so well
- 00:45:38we just derived
- 00:45:40that it should be b11
- 00:45:43b12 b13 comma
- 00:45:46b21 b22 b23
- 00:45:50so these are strategies for player one
- 00:45:55these are strategies for player two so
- 00:45:58yes there are still two players but
- 00:46:02now a strategy profile is not a tuple
- 00:46:05b1 b2 it's a
- 00:46:08it is it's a vector with six component
- 00:46:11why well because for each
- 00:46:15type we assign a strategy
- 00:46:20and i just explain the intuition or the
- 00:46:23reasoning behind this
- 00:46:25all right so let me finish by giving you
- 00:46:28a bit more
- 00:46:30um sort of intuition about what the heck
- 00:46:33we are doing here
- 00:46:35uh once again although there are two
- 00:46:37players
- 00:46:39we cannot simply say b1 b2
- 00:46:42is its strategy profile and hence nash
- 00:46:45and hence whatever
- 00:46:47because assuming something like this
- 00:46:50i mean assuming this format sort of
- 00:46:53forces
- 00:46:54us to assume that all types of different
- 00:46:57players
- 00:46:58have to play the same strategy but this
- 00:47:00is too
- 00:47:01restrictive this doesn't have to be the
- 00:47:04case
- 00:47:04if buyer 1 is in fact 110 guy
- 00:47:08he is going to or he may prefer to
- 00:47:11bid higher than the buyer if he is type
- 00:47:1590. so therefore you have to use a
- 00:47:18different strategy potentially different
- 00:47:21they don't have to be different maybe
- 00:47:22they will be in equilibrium
- 00:47:24maybe they will be the same but
- 00:47:25potentially different strategies
- 00:47:28for each type all right and then you
- 00:47:32should look at the nash equilibrium of
- 00:47:34this profile
- 00:47:34how do i do that well simple so
- 00:47:39once you sort of construct the strategy
- 00:47:41profile all you have to do
- 00:47:43just assume or
- 00:47:46imagine that
- 00:47:50there are six players
- 00:47:55all right i'm not going to call them
- 00:47:57really players
- 00:47:58i'm going to call them uh
- 00:48:02as such type one of
- 00:48:06player 1 type 2
- 00:48:09of player 1 type 3
- 00:48:12of player 1 and then type 1
- 00:48:16of player 2 type
- 00:48:202 of player 2 and then finally
- 00:48:24type 3 off player 2. all right
- 00:48:27so again ins once i construct this
- 00:48:31strategy profile just
- 00:48:33imagine that there are six players
- 00:48:36and so just find the nash equilibrium
- 00:48:40or for those six players all right
- 00:48:44you know the payoffs for each player
- 00:48:47right for example if this if this is the
- 00:48:49player of i mean
- 00:48:50type one uh of player two well then we
- 00:48:53know his payoff
- 00:48:54if he loses he's going to get zero
- 00:48:56payoff if he wins his payoff is going to
- 00:48:58be 110
- 00:48:59minus the losing bid the highest losing
- 00:49:02win
- 00:49:02right so we know the payoffs of all
- 00:49:04these players we know the strategies
- 00:49:07and then checking nash equilibrium is
- 00:49:08very simple fix
- 00:49:10all the other so what you have to do fix
- 00:49:15all other
- 00:49:18players and types
- 00:49:24strategy meaning
- 00:49:27if you want to check whether b11 is a
- 00:49:29best response or not
- 00:49:31you have to fix all those five
- 00:49:34strategies
- 00:49:35why well look first of all these three
- 00:49:39strategies belong to the second player
- 00:49:42right and so i cannot play with them i
- 00:49:45cannot change it so i have to take it as
- 00:49:47given
- 00:49:48what about these two strategies these
- 00:49:49two strategies in fact belong to player
- 00:49:52one
- 00:49:52well yes but these are different types
- 00:49:55of player one
- 00:49:57by the way i don't know if it makes
- 00:49:58sense but i usually
- 00:50:00consider this as follows so when we have
- 00:50:04incomplete information we actually look
- 00:50:06at environments where the players are
- 00:50:10having multi-person uh
- 00:50:13kind of so this guy player one
- 00:50:16has three personality player two has
- 00:50:20three personality all right so multiple
- 00:50:22personality disorder
- 00:50:24they call it i'm not going to call it a
- 00:50:26disorder so let's say
- 00:50:27player one and two can be three
- 00:50:30different guys
- 00:50:31uh the thing is uh when you interact
- 00:50:34with
- 00:50:35your opponent you're not sure whether
- 00:50:37you're interacting with one type or the
- 00:50:39other
- 00:50:40all right it's just you know that guy
- 00:50:42but i can't really
- 00:50:43did distinguish him he's his type
- 00:50:46because uh you know
- 00:50:47i i can't gather this information
- 00:50:50what is your valuation obviously this
- 00:50:52guy is not going to answer this question
- 00:50:54truthfully
- 00:50:56so therefore uh symmetrically obviously
- 00:50:59i may be interacting with this guy
- 00:51:01because i am type one i know that my
- 00:51:04type
- 00:51:04but the thing is the other guy may
- 00:51:06actually be thinking that i am type 2
- 00:51:08all right and type 2 may actually so
- 00:51:11if i have a multiple personality we may
- 00:51:13actually do completely different than
- 00:51:15crazy things and we may not be aware of
- 00:51:17each other's actions so therefore
- 00:51:19i'm not going to treat my other types as
- 00:51:22myself
- 00:51:23because i can't really control them
- 00:51:25they're uncontrollable for me and hence
- 00:51:28i am going to take them as if they
- 00:51:29belong to another player and another
- 00:51:31person
- 00:51:32all right so because it's a different
- 00:51:34personality so
- 00:51:36that's the thing so if you're checking
- 00:51:38b11 best response
- 00:51:40to others strategy you have to fix
- 00:51:43all those five strategies obviously the
- 00:51:46same for b12 if you want to check if b12
- 00:51:49is the best response you have to
- 00:51:51fix all the other so all those four
- 00:51:54and this strategy all right so
- 00:51:58that means if there's an incomplete
- 00:52:00information
- 00:52:02the nash equilibrium that we're going to
- 00:52:04do is just
- 00:52:05standard nash equilibrium but the idea
- 00:52:08of strategy profile is extended
- 00:52:11to types all right well the thing is
- 00:52:14we're not going to call
- 00:52:16this approach nash equilibrium because
- 00:52:18that wasn't
- 00:52:20the nash john nash's original idea
- 00:52:24we call this
- 00:52:28bayesian nash equilibrium but you got
- 00:52:30the idea the principle is the same
- 00:52:32just finding the nash of some strategy
- 00:52:35of some game but the idea of creating
- 00:52:38the strategy profile is new
- 00:52:41because there is additional uncertainty
- 00:52:43we should incorporate
- 00:52:45and for that reason we call it bayesian
- 00:52:47nash equilibrium
- 00:52:48all right so in the next episode i'm
- 00:52:51going to formalize
- 00:52:52all the things i mentioned in this
- 00:52:54episode
- Bayesian games
- Incomplete information
- English auction
- Second-price auction
- Nash Equilibrium
- Bidding strategy
- Private information
- Dominant strategy
- Auction theory
- Game theory