It's Getting Pretty Bad For EA Games...
TLDRVideoen analyserer problemene med AAA-spill, med EA Games og BioWare i fokus, og diskuterer hvordan deres strategier for live service-spill har resultert i skuffende opplevelser for spillere. Det uttrykkes frustrasjon over at spill som Dragon Age og Anthem ikke lever opp til forventningene, med kjedelig gameplay og manglende innhold ved lansering. Det diskuteres også hvordan utviklingen har vært skiftet mot kortvarige opplevelser som ikke gir fullverdige spillopplevelser. Til slutt blir seerne oppfordret til å være forsiktige med forhåndsbestillinger og å kreve mer fra spillutgivere.
Punti di forza
- 🎮 EA Games får mye kritikk for sine live service-strategier.
- 🛠️ Dragon Age og Anthem nevnes som skuffende titler.
- ⚠️ Spillere oppfordres til å være forsiktige med forhåndsbestillinger.
- 🔄 Det er en klar forskjell i kvalitet mellom gamle og nye spill.
- 📉 Live service-modellen reduserer ofte innholdet ved lansering.
- 💔 Mange spillere er misfornøyde med manglende engasjement i spill.
- 🚀 Videoen fremhever frustrasjonen over AAA-spillindustriens utvikling.
- ⚔️ Battlefield-serien har også hatt problemer, som Battlefield 2042.
- 🧩 EA Games kritiseres for klar mangel på innovasjon av spill.
Linea temporale
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Innledningen refererer til EA Games og deres utfordringer med å tilfredsstille gamere. Det blir påpekt hvordan studioer som BioWare virker i tilbakegang, spesielt med spill som Dragon Age, og kritikk av hvordan de store spillselskapene bommer på hva spillere vil ha.']
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Drøfting av EA Games og deres tilnærming til 'live service'-modellen, og hvordan det har påvirket spillene deres negativt. En personlig refleksjon over hvorfor live service-konsepter ikke alltid fungerer, med henvisning til erfaring med spill som Rainbow Six Siege.
- 00:10:00 - 00:22:05
Analysen går i dybden om såkalte 'Legacy Collections' som Sims 2, og hvordan dårlig optimalisering har resultert i problemer, noe som illustrerer EAs manglende engasjement for kvalitet. Det stilles spørsmål ved prisen og verdien av slike samlinger i dagens marked.
Mappa mentale
Video Domande e Risposte
Hva er hovedtemaet i videoen?
Hovedtemaet er kritikk av EA Games og BioWare for deres tilnærming til spillproduksjon, spesielt med live service-modellen og utviklingen av spill som Dragon Age og Anthem.
Hva er kritikken mot Dragon Age?
Kritikken mot Dragon Age er at gameplay er kjedelig og at utviklerne har mistet kontakten med hva spillere virkelig ønsker.
Hvordan påvirker live service-modellen spillopplevelsen?
Live service-modellen gjør at spill ofte slippes med minimal innhold, som fører til en utilfredsstillende opplevelse for mange spillere.
Hvilke spill nevnes som eksempler på dårlig utvikling av AAA-spill?
Eksempler inkluderer Dragon Age, Anthem, og Battlefield 2042.
Hva er innholdet i Sims Legacy Collection som kritiseres?
Det kritiseres for ytelsesproblemer, manglende moderniseringer, og for at det ikke tilpasser seg moderne teknologiske krav.
Hvilken tilnærming anbefales spillere å ta med nye EA-spill?
Det anbefales å unngå å forhåndsbestille spill og vente til de er fullt utgitt og godt mottatt.
Visualizza altre sintesi video
- 00:00:00hello guys and gals me mudar and uh you
- 00:00:03know ladies and gentlemen EA Games
- 00:00:05challenge everything that was a slogan I
- 00:00:07remember back in like every PlayStation
- 00:00:102 game that I was kind of digging into
- 00:00:11and for a while you know I will just say
- 00:00:13it like so you know when I was making
- 00:00:15the Ubisoft video there's always one
- 00:00:17game people remember from some of these
- 00:00:19big monolith Pro Publishers and you know
- 00:00:22nowadays it's kind of easy to rag on
- 00:00:24them because of literally them straight
- 00:00:26up not liking gamers in a lot of cases
- 00:00:29uh the other I was reading some insane
- 00:00:31[ __ ] about Dragon Age apparently EA
- 00:00:33thought that the Dragon Age Veil guard
- 00:00:35dog poo that they released would have
- 00:00:37done better if somehow it was a live
- 00:00:40service game so according to an earnings
- 00:00:42call right where they were talking about
- 00:00:44why they didn't do so [ __ ] well
- 00:00:46quarter 3 was not the financial
- 00:00:48performance we wanted or expected we
- 00:00:51know as a leader in global entertainment
- 00:00:54great titles even when built and
- 00:00:56delivered with polished execution can
- 00:00:58sometime miss our financial expectations
- 00:01:01maybe it's because you have your
- 00:01:02expectations like that of square enex
- 00:01:05where it's like yeah we're not making
- 00:01:07like billions I guess or something uh I
- 00:01:10guess that IP is just a failure yeah
- 00:01:13Sleeping Dogs Wait you tell me that
- 00:01:15doesn't sell as much as Final Fantasy oh
- 00:01:17man we got to we got to accit DSX isn't
- 00:01:21as popular as Final Fantasy clearly it's
- 00:01:24an irrelevant franchise just throw it
- 00:01:25out into the mix never make it
- 00:01:28again godam damn do I hate AAA gaming
- 00:01:31sometimes in order to break beyond the
- 00:01:34core audience games need to directly
- 00:01:36connect to the evolving demands of
- 00:01:38players who increasingly seek shared
- 00:01:40World features and deeper engagement
- 00:01:43alongside highquality narratives in this
- 00:01:45beloved category so it was this quote
- 00:01:48that a lot of people were wondering whoa
- 00:01:50what do you mean shared World features
- 00:01:53that equates to life service experiences
- 00:01:56now I want to just Begin by saying that
- 00:01:58again I'm not like a live service hater
- 00:02:01or anything like that I played games
- 00:02:03that are actually popular live services
- 00:02:05for crying out loud I've played Rainbow
- 00:02:07Six siege for years I mean not as much
- 00:02:09these days but I played it pretty
- 00:02:12actively I would say 2018 2019 I was a
- 00:02:14Rainbow Six Siege gamer for a while and
- 00:02:18of course when it comes to live Services
- 00:02:20obviously Grand Theft Auto online is
- 00:02:22significantly popular it is a live
- 00:02:23service MMO but again EA games through
- 00:02:28BioWare it which by the now is
- 00:02:30effectively at it's like you know grave
- 00:02:33we're talking about apparently less than
- 00:02:35100 employees work at this company and
- 00:02:37it's like an actual former shell of
- 00:02:39itself apparently Mass Effect 5 I think
- 00:02:41is just touching things like
- 00:02:43pre-production or getting into act I
- 00:02:45don't even think that game is going to
- 00:02:46see the light of day I would be shocked
- 00:02:48if it does but bioware's only duty was
- 00:02:52not Dragon Age obviously if you remember
- 00:02:54Anthem came out a massive life service
- 00:02:57experience by the way and I'm sure if we
- 00:02:59asked EA intelligent business Harvard
- 00:03:01graduates uh how successful this [ __ ]
- 00:03:04game is they tell you oh man it's got
- 00:03:07you know all of 20 [ __ ] people still
- 00:03:10on it all right yeah this live service
- 00:03:12experience didn't really do like million
- 00:03:14didn't do Gang Busters did it you know
- 00:03:15doesn't have millions of active live
- 00:03:17players I was expecting with all of this
- 00:03:20live service intelligence thrown into it
- 00:03:23probably should be sitting at two
- 00:03:25billion active players every single hour
- 00:03:27but you know unfortunately I guess I
- 00:03:29guess some some intellectual missed the
- 00:03:31mark over there now anthem is not like a
- 00:03:34terrible game it's a game that has some
- 00:03:37real actual like effort put into it like
- 00:03:39I can actually see like why some people
- 00:03:41really enjoy it the shame is it's a game
- 00:03:44designed to again be more for the life
- 00:03:46service Community where you log in every
- 00:03:48day you get your dailies you do
- 00:03:50everything it almost feels like there's
- 00:03:52so much mobile game involvement so much
- 00:03:54thought processes put into people
- 00:03:57constantly doing the same content over
- 00:03:58and over again just to grind for better
- 00:04:01and better riches right I guess if you
- 00:04:02played any mobile game it's kind of like
- 00:04:04you know I grind so I can get five
- 00:04:06pieces of [ __ ] and I can fuse those
- 00:04:08together to get a lump of [ __ ] and then
- 00:04:10I can use the lump of [ __ ] to generate
- 00:04:13slightly better gear and I keep doing
- 00:04:14that over and over and over again like a
- 00:04:17[ __ ] lab rat until eventually I have
- 00:04:20the highest possible gear score and then
- 00:04:22that's it that's my that's gaming for me
- 00:04:25now obviously I don't think most gamers
- 00:04:27are really looking too forward to that
- 00:04:28especially those that buy $60 uh single
- 00:04:31player or like you know community
- 00:04:33experiences now Dragon Age I talked
- 00:04:36about this in the Ubisoft video it's
- 00:04:38funny as hell when you play this game
- 00:04:40because even the gameplay like forget
- 00:04:41about all the politics and and
- 00:04:43everything around it the game play is
- 00:04:46[ __ ] boring okay it's somebody that's
- 00:04:49played through a majority of that game
- 00:04:51I'll tell you right now the first like
- 00:04:54six let's say first 15 hours of the game
- 00:04:56right which are probably the most
- 00:04:57pivotal important sections if the combat
- 00:05:00just the combat isn't exciting okay what
- 00:05:04makes you think people are going to
- 00:05:05stick around and you might be like bu
- 00:05:06muda it gets better you know by the time
- 00:05:08you reach level 20 Level 25 when you've
- 00:05:10gotten through your skill trees bro
- 00:05:13getting to level 20 25 is where you need
- 00:05:15to spend 15 hours of your life into dog
- 00:05:19if the first 15 hours aren't fun I'm not
- 00:05:22going to do it I'm not going to go all
- 00:05:24the way to level 2025 you catch what I'm
- 00:05:26saying this is not Final Fantasy 13
- 00:05:29where it's like Moody you just have to
- 00:05:30get to like chapter 13 before things
- 00:05:33finally get good bro chapter 13 is the
- 00:05:35end of the [ __ ] game okay it's the
- 00:05:38end what do you mean it gets good what
- 00:05:40the credits roll and I can finally
- 00:05:42uninstall this oh yeah the game's
- 00:05:45amazing then absolutely perfect wow 10
- 00:05:48out of 10 finally I reached the end let
- 00:05:50me uninstall this pile of [ __ ] that's
- 00:05:53the reality of it okay if your if your
- 00:05:55game isn't engaging or fun and again
- 00:05:57this is my opinion it's objective yeah
- 00:06:00people are going to obviously be a
- 00:06:02little bit questionable about it so yeah
- 00:06:04when I saw this live service thing I was
- 00:06:06sitting down and I'm like dude again
- 00:06:08it's like the most outof touch
- 00:06:10Executives working at these companies
- 00:06:12who literally cannot understand these
- 00:06:14games fail because they're again not
- 00:06:17even close to an actual expansion over
- 00:06:19games like Dragon Age Inquisition which
- 00:06:21was like a PS4 launch title a PS3 title
- 00:06:26we are not even producing games that are
- 00:06:28taking real advantage of the PS5 we are
- 00:06:30producing games that really feel like
- 00:06:33hampered neutered life service co-op
- 00:06:35games that now have these stories
- 00:06:37attached to it that just feel like
- 00:06:39they're PS4 games with slightly higher
- 00:06:41resolutions and maybe some Ray tracing
- 00:06:43haphazardly thrown in these are not PS5
- 00:06:46games these are not actual improvements
- 00:06:49right you think when you play a game a
- 00:06:51decade down the road there would be
- 00:06:53something pretty massive something
- 00:06:54pretty changing but there isn't and
- 00:06:58that's one of the problems that I think
- 00:06:59people have when it comes to these video
- 00:07:01games the teams involved have shifted
- 00:07:04and changed so much throughout the years
- 00:07:06that Dragon Age might as well be titled
- 00:07:08as something different because even the
- 00:07:10original Dragon Age team doesn't seem to
- 00:07:11give that much of a [ __ ] about this new
- 00:07:13Dragon Age stuff that comes out but even
- 00:07:16beyond all of it like the other thing
- 00:07:17that I saw coming out that made me laugh
- 00:07:19my ass off was this Sims Legacy
- 00:07:22Collection okay now I'm somebody that's
- 00:07:24a fan of the Sims and the moment you
- 00:07:26start seeing mixed on Steam you go oh
- 00:07:29boy boy what's going on here and
- 00:07:32unfortunately it seems like the Sims 2
- 00:07:34actually has some performance issues now
- 00:07:37how the [ __ ] does a game that was
- 00:07:39released in 2004 have performance issues
- 00:07:42in the year
- 00:07:442025 well according to a few of the
- 00:07:46reviews for this it really led to a lot
- 00:07:48of issues that came with this Legacy
- 00:07:50Collection now they released these games
- 00:07:52again these are old PC games' 04
- 00:07:55apparently there is no UI scaling at
- 00:07:57resolutions of 1080P and O So mind you
- 00:08:02modern resolutions like 4K monitors
- 00:08:051440p monitor 1080p monitors if you're
- 00:08:07not even scaling to do that should
- 00:08:10people spend by the way $40 on this when
- 00:08:16I'm not advocating piracy but if you
- 00:08:18have like older discs existing I'm sure
- 00:08:20you can find fan patches that work
- 00:08:23better than the official [ __ ] that EA
- 00:08:25makes so apparently there is even worse
- 00:08:28for the pre-rendered neighborhood view
- 00:08:29which seems to be presented as a small
- 00:08:31low res window in the center that they
- 00:08:33couldn't even like up they couldn't even
- 00:08:36think of throwing that [ __ ] into like an
- 00:08:38AI upscaler and then putting it into the
- 00:08:40game no no that would require effort Eda
- 00:08:44that would apparently require them
- 00:08:46giving a [ __ ] crashes at launch and
- 00:08:48after assorted durations of playtimes I
- 00:08:51mean that's just part for the course I
- 00:08:52mean [ __ ] you're trying to what play a
- 00:08:54PC game in 2025 going to have to deal
- 00:08:56with lack of modernizations Q fix or
- 00:08:59even basic [ __ ] like steam Cloud saves
- 00:09:02bro you know how many [ __ ] dudes
- 00:09:04would play this [ __ ] on their computer
- 00:09:05and then be like well time to go to bed
- 00:09:07let's bring s you don't even have clout
- 00:09:10saves in
- 00:09:122025 how much could it have been how
- 00:09:16much effort could that have been
- 00:09:18retention of known bucks from the
- 00:09:20original rele I mean that's just
- 00:09:21hilarious like not not even fixing any
- 00:09:24of the issues from the original games
- 00:09:27you know you can tell the game company
- 00:09:28doesn't give [ __ ] just by reading the
- 00:09:30system requirements you're telling me a
- 00:09:32game released in 2004 The Sims 2 by the
- 00:09:34way requires 4 gigs of RAM you know a
- 00:09:38lot of people are using 32bit Windows at
- 00:09:40the time they couldn't even the
- 00:09:41computers back then didn't even know 4
- 00:09:43gigb of ram existed [ __ ] was like
- 00:09:45Plato's allegory of the [ __ ] cave the
- 00:09:48computers all were sitting in blindness
- 00:09:51one [ __ ] updated to 64 bit went
- 00:09:54back in and they were like nope this
- 00:09:56doesn't exist that what and then you at
- 00:09:59the graphics for this too like the
- 00:10:00graphics requirements NVIDIA GTX 600
- 00:10:03nothing says I gave a [ __ ] about
- 00:10:06optimization then requiring a graphics
- 00:10:08card from 2012 for a game literally
- 00:10:11released in 2004 okay that is actually
- 00:10:15wild I'm sure the way that these things
- 00:10:17are done is somebody at you or EA or any
- 00:10:20game game publishing firm goes into like
- 00:10:22the the tech closet somewhere in the
- 00:10:24site digs out the dustiest oldest
- 00:10:26[ __ ] computer from like from like the
- 00:10:29the Clinton Administration sticks that
- 00:10:31[ __ ] down onto a desk fires it up thing
- 00:10:34explodes like a dust ridden IED and as
- 00:10:37long as they can see the splash screen
- 00:10:39whoa congratulations throw that [ __ ] up
- 00:10:42on Steam boys what is the minimum
- 00:10:44requirement Windows 10 in what Universe
- 00:10:48does Sims 2 require Windows 10 [ __ ]
- 00:10:51could run on XP you might as well just
- 00:10:53give actual requirements cuz I'm pretty
- 00:10:55sure this game is just a slightly
- 00:10:57patched and I say slightly pached
- 00:10:59version of the original binaries 17 Gigs
- 00:11:02available space what the hell did you
- 00:11:04stick on here A whole bunch of Sims rule
- 00:11:0734 on the drive that's inaccessible I
- 00:11:09doubt the game is even close to half
- 00:11:11that space requirement but I'm being a
- 00:11:14little too wild okay obviously I'm
- 00:11:17trying to expect EA to put effort into a
- 00:11:20game and and they won't they don't
- 00:11:22really care like obviously there's like
- 00:11:25shining examples where games like Mass
- 00:11:27Effect legendary edition actually do
- 00:11:29have some effort put into it and they
- 00:11:31release a pretty solid release right
- 00:11:32there but the Sims nah I mean to be fair
- 00:11:36The Sims Community or at least most of
- 00:11:37the community is so technically literate
- 00:11:39when it comes to this game that for them
- 00:11:41this is like already amazing for anybody
- 00:11:42that has actually played some PC
- 00:11:45games I mean obviously you would look at
- 00:11:47all these issues as serious actual
- 00:11:49issues involved so again going in
- 00:11:52further into this situation too one of
- 00:11:54the other things I saw with EA that had
- 00:11:56me a little Blown Away was Apex Legends
- 00:11:58now for those of you don't remember uh
- 00:12:00Apex Legends abandoned Linux like 3
- 00:12:02months ago uh apparently Linux had a
- 00:12:05cheating issue right you couldn't really
- 00:12:06monitor a lot of the cheaters that well
- 00:12:08and obviously Apex Legends decided to go
- 00:12:10from you know 91,000 and this isn't
- 00:12:13Linux people leaving like there was no
- 00:12:14way there were 20,000 Linux users
- 00:12:16playing Apex Legends on Steam but uh in
- 00:12:19amongst other issues actual cheating
- 00:12:21issues uh which have remain unresolved
- 00:12:24from everything that I've been reading
- 00:12:25with their updates yeah that's what's
- 00:12:28causing your game to effectively dry out
- 00:12:30and again I wanted to bring this up
- 00:12:32because usually anytime you deal with
- 00:12:34like these windows [ __ ] who are
- 00:12:35always like I'm glad those Linux
- 00:12:38cheaters left bro I'm sorry to say most
- 00:12:41of the cheaters are playing Windows okay
- 00:12:43the cheaters don't even want to waste
- 00:12:45time switching to the penguin all right
- 00:12:47that's just a cop Fest from these
- 00:12:49companies to remove an established
- 00:12:51player base people who spend money to
- 00:12:53play these games and have spent money to
- 00:12:55play these games from their systems
- 00:12:56because they're too [ __ ] lazy or they
- 00:12:58just do not care to support the most
- 00:13:01basic anti-cheats that already have a
- 00:13:03lot of the work done for him but this is
- 00:13:05a argument that I have with my I'm
- 00:13:07literally Shadow Boxing like I can't win
- 00:13:09this argument okay it is what it is but
- 00:13:11again the last thing that I wanted to
- 00:13:13see with Battlefield this one blew me
- 00:13:15away so one of the last I think Hail
- 00:13:17Marys that EA kind of has and I say hail
- 00:13:20Mary it's not as if they have like all
- 00:13:22these sports games that like print money
- 00:13:24for them yeah apparently Battlefield
- 00:13:26Labs is now a thing ladies and gentlemen
- 00:13:28and apparently they've got four studios
- 00:13:30around the entire globe that are
- 00:13:32basically working together to make
- 00:13:34Battlefield games now EA's big franchise
- 00:13:37for me is Battlefield it's a game that
- 00:13:39I've been playing since I was literally
- 00:13:41before puberty actually I played
- 00:13:43Battlefield 2 I played Battlefield 1942
- 00:13:46I've been playing the only Battlefield
- 00:13:47game I probably didn't play and that's
- 00:13:50because my integrated Graphics couldn't
- 00:13:51run it at the time was Battlefield 2142
- 00:13:54but rest assured Battlefield 3 was the
- 00:13:56game that made me want to actually build
- 00:13:58a gaming computer so I could play that
- 00:14:00game on an actual PC as opposed to the
- 00:14:03360 that literally felt like a neutered
- 00:14:05experience and of course Battlefield 4
- 00:14:08remains one of my favorite games ever
- 00:14:10[ __ ] made shooter wise and in fact it
- 00:14:13was such a good game by EA so much care
- 00:14:15put into it that like not only you had
- 00:14:17perfect progression without making the
- 00:14:19game feel like a microtransaction ridden
- 00:14:21[ __ ] hole but you also had a lot of
- 00:14:23thought put into the maps I mean to this
- 00:14:25day I don't think there is a map as good
- 00:14:27as siege of Shanghai from Battlefield 4
- 00:14:30in anything that they've released since
- 00:14:32then since then and that was a game that
- 00:14:34had things like Levolution in every map
- 00:14:37where in Battlefield like four you could
- 00:14:39in siege of Shanghai you could see the
- 00:14:41actual central tower destroy in front of
- 00:14:43you and you might be like well that's
- 00:14:45just a pre-baked animation I didn't care
- 00:14:47it looked good it changed the map made
- 00:14:49everything Dusty made it feel like I was
- 00:14:51in a battlefield and you know the
- 00:14:52funniest thing is that ran on a
- 00:14:54PlayStation 3 and it only got better you
- 00:14:57know dice EA actually put a game
- 00:15:00together that people could be proud of
- 00:15:01and yes it did have issues at launch
- 00:15:03like matchmaking wasn't exactly perfect
- 00:15:05but overall I would say very very fun
- 00:15:09experience and since then Battlefield is
- 00:15:11a franchise that I believe is a little
- 00:15:12bit too much more casualized it's one
- 00:15:14that has kind of lost I would say the
- 00:15:17original it's kind of like Halo where
- 00:15:19maybe it's like tuned itself into a way
- 00:15:21to appeal to like the masses completely
- 00:15:23forgetting the gameplay Loops that it
- 00:15:25built initially so yeah Battlefield 2042
- 00:15:28was last one that came out I I kind of
- 00:15:30enjoyed it at the time when it released
- 00:15:32when I played with like hug bees but
- 00:15:34then I remembered I played that game at
- 00:15:35launch with friends okay and to be
- 00:15:37honest getting tortured and Pyongyang
- 00:15:39while eating pck [ __ ] off the street is
- 00:15:41actually fun as long as you're obviously
- 00:15:43with friends now since then I've been
- 00:15:45playing Battlefield 2042 pretty recently
- 00:15:47some Battlefield 4 even Battlefield 3
- 00:15:50heck might even install Battlefield 2
- 00:15:52and play some online on some private of
- 00:15:54you know Community servers and I'll have
- 00:15:56a great experience at least there
- 00:15:58playing a game like Battlefield 2042
- 00:16:00shows me just how much they have not
- 00:16:03expanded this game the maps again just
- 00:16:05do not have that same level of fun as
- 00:16:08Maps like laning Dam from Battlefield 4
- 00:16:11uh siege of Shanghai obviously and of
- 00:16:13course one of my favorites flood zone
- 00:16:16these are all maps that existed in Prior
- 00:16:18Battlefield games that actually appear
- 00:16:20to have care and effort put into them
- 00:16:22and obviously Battlefield 20 2042
- 00:16:25doesn't really seem to have that level
- 00:16:27of care put into it and the progression
- 00:16:29really isn't all the way there this
- 00:16:30really feels like again a a game
- 00:16:32franchise that's going back in time so
- 00:16:35anyways Battlefield laps comes out and I
- 00:16:36feel like it's the last Hail Mary for
- 00:16:39this franchise where like they're
- 00:16:40apparently trying to release a new
- 00:16:42Battlefield game sometime in 2026 that's
- 00:16:45going to blow people
- 00:16:46away and there is some new footage
- 00:16:49that's come out and this footage has
- 00:16:50gotten at least some Gamers a little
- 00:16:52riled up so there have been 12 seconds
- 00:16:56of footage released for this game and uh
- 00:16:59I want to show you guys what I think is
- 00:17:01re really important so obviously I want
- 00:17:03to point out this is pre-alpha gameplay
- 00:17:05sub gamep playay subject to change now
- 00:17:08typically when I'm at the pre-alpha
- 00:17:09stage uh I'm sure it's going to be very
- 00:17:12subject to change all right so let's
- 00:17:14look at what they've got in the let's
- 00:17:15see what the labs are cooking here let's
- 00:17:16see what the uh let's see what's going
- 00:17:18on in those test tubes and beers oh they
- 00:17:20got the Battlefield 3 theme soldiers
- 00:17:22running around with guns oh boy building
- 00:17:25destruction woo baby rocket launchers
- 00:17:28who
- 00:17:30now you can sign up for this and I've
- 00:17:31tried doing it but apparently the the
- 00:17:33queue is like 200,000 players large so
- 00:17:35obviously people are excited there
- 00:17:37there's a bit of excitement from Gamers
- 00:17:39and again to be completely real uh I I
- 00:17:42would Reserve any form of excitement for
- 00:17:44myself remember this is like Early
- 00:17:45Access gameplay the fact that you know
- 00:17:48guns being shot uh players running
- 00:17:50around and destructibility that again
- 00:17:52the battlefield franchise is not neww
- 00:17:55this has been happening since Bat
- 00:17:57Company 2 on the Xbox 360 is enough to
- 00:18:00excite people again like just the
- 00:18:02prospect of of EA Dice and a lot of
- 00:18:05these organizations that work at EA just
- 00:18:07basically saying yeah we're going to go
- 00:18:09back to Battlefield 3 we're going to go
- 00:18:10back to Battlefield 4 just shows you all
- 00:18:14right what the gamers actually crave
- 00:18:16what they want but you know ultimately
- 00:18:18at the end of the day for a company like
- 00:18:20EA it's going to actually be ruined and
- 00:18:22again quote me on this when this game
- 00:18:24releases this game probably will be
- 00:18:26ruined because they're going to have
- 00:18:27this insane Focus on the life service
- 00:18:30the hyperfocus on like monetization let
- 00:18:32me tell you why a lot of these big
- 00:18:34Shooters fail as soon as they come out
- 00:18:36of these life service experiences
- 00:18:38usually and again I'm going to bring
- 00:18:39Halo infinite as an example when you
- 00:18:41release a live service shooter typically
- 00:18:43these companies release games as like
- 00:18:46minimal viable product or Early Access
- 00:18:48or you know products that are
- 00:18:50functioning games but they don't have
- 00:18:52all their content from day one so back
- 00:18:55in the day when games like Battlefield 3
- 00:18:57or Halo Reach came out these were full
- 00:18:59released games they came with their
- 00:19:00campaigns they came with their
- 00:19:01multiplayers occasionally they would
- 00:19:03come with some sort of like PVE uh in
- 00:19:05Halo's case it would have like Forge
- 00:19:07World they would have like custom games
- 00:19:08they would have the entire Suite ready
- 00:19:10to go and that meant players actually
- 00:19:12got a functioning full complete
- 00:19:15experience for $60 on launch and then
- 00:19:17typically after a month or two map packs
- 00:19:19would start to be released for again
- 00:19:21paid Services you know $10 $15 $20 packs
- 00:19:25that people would buy and add on now in
- 00:19:27this case of live service I'm totally
- 00:19:29cool when game companies release map
- 00:19:32packs for free so nobody's sort of like
- 00:19:33segregated in these communities and
- 00:19:35obviously the way they subsidize It Is
- 00:19:37by releasing cat ear or goofy
- 00:19:39microtransactions that whales end up
- 00:19:41buying who subsidize the cost of DLC for
- 00:19:44the general player base so everyone
- 00:19:46plays together everyone stays together
- 00:19:48and the company still makes good money
- 00:19:50by selling bacon themed gun skins okay
- 00:19:53because people will buy that [ __ ] I've
- 00:19:55bought gun skins because I enjoy games
- 00:19:58especially if game developer and
- 00:19:59publisher treats me right but the
- 00:20:02problem with games like Battlefield and
- 00:20:03the games like Halo nowadays or I would
- 00:20:06even say as far as Call of Duty
- 00:20:08eventually at some point too when you
- 00:20:10release these games as minimal viable
- 00:20:12product meaning that they have a very
- 00:20:14very minimal multiplayer Suite with not
- 00:20:16as many Maps as one would like I would
- 00:20:18say these games release probably at the
- 00:20:20state of 50% of their overall content
- 00:20:22than games that released a decade ago
- 00:20:24like Battlefield 4 and you can play them
- 00:20:27and play them and play them and
- 00:20:28typically the release drip for content
- 00:20:30is so long and so far off that the
- 00:20:33player base usually tapers off well
- 00:20:35before they're releasing their first
- 00:20:37seasons and then content and content on
- 00:20:39top of that the only real successful
- 00:20:41shooter that I've actually played that
- 00:20:43matches this model well I would say is
- 00:20:45probably Rainbow Six Siege the first two
- 00:20:47three years of that game they were
- 00:20:49releasing DLC like expansion content
- 00:20:52every season and of course people kept
- 00:20:54getting engaged they released a full
- 00:20:56game day one a full multiplayer
- 00:20:58experience and they just kept adding
- 00:20:59from there and I don't think Battlefield
- 00:21:02is going to be able to recreate that
- 00:21:03unless the companies at EA the labs
- 00:21:06actually understand that and they
- 00:21:08understand the respect of the consumer
- 00:21:09and the respect of the consumer's time
- 00:21:12right there if this game releases in a
- 00:21:14similar state to Battlefield 2042 as a
- 00:21:17minimal viable product with people
- 00:21:19clamoring for content for quite a long
- 00:21:22time before it actually gets delivered
- 00:21:24it will die and again I'm not Nostra
- 00:21:27[ __ ] damus for thinking so okay I'm
- 00:21:29just somebody that has been in this
- 00:21:30gaming space for a long time my whole
- 00:21:33life and I can tell you the actual
- 00:21:35issues that exist there and I can tell
- 00:21:37you from somebody that spends their own
- 00:21:38money playing video games and knows what
- 00:21:41a good video game is what the actual
- 00:21:43issues are in this field but yeah EA I
- 00:21:47would say if you're thinking of
- 00:21:49pre-ordering this whenever it comes out
- 00:21:50don't just don't pre-order anything
- 00:21:54ensure that these games actually release
- 00:21:55as fully shipped products and don't be
- 00:21:57supporting any form of mediocrity in the
- 00:21:59gaming space if you like what you saw
- 00:22:01please like comment and subscribe
- 00:22:03dislike if dislike it I am out
- EA Games
- BioWare
- live service
- Dragon Age
- Anthem
- Battlefield
- Sims Legacy Collection
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