Musda ORARI Jakarta & Pameran Radio - [Metro Pagi Primetime]



TLDRThe Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization (ORARI) in Jakarta organized its 16th regional meeting focusing on strengthening communication to unify Indonesia. However, the meeting was postponed because the national ORARI organization deemed the regional management expired since November 3, preventing them from holding the meeting in line with organizational statutes. The event was nonetheless used for networking among members. Alongside the meeting, ORARI Jakarta arranged social activities, including free health checks, consultations, and distributing free glasses to the community. Despite challenges, the event was combined with the Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair, emphasizing the need for professional leadership in advancing the hobby while ORARI sets itself apart through its emphasis on social communication, disaster response, and more.

Punti di forza

  • 📡 ORARI Jakarta planned its 16th regional conference.
  • ⏳ The conference was delayed due to management issues.
  • 👥 Used as a networking event among members.
  • 🏥 Offered free health services to the public.
  • 👓 Distributed free glasses to the community.
  • 📻 Held jointly with Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair.
  • 🌐 Emphasizes professional leadership for advancement.
  • 🔗 ORARI focuses on social communication and disaster aid.
  • 🎓 Aimed at uniting Indonesia through communication.
  • 🚦 Highlights continuity challenges post-COVID.

Linea temporale

  • 00:00:00 - 00:01:47

    The Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization or ORARI Jakarta region held its 16th regional conference with the theme 'Strengthen Communication, Unite Indonesia', in a hotel in South Jakarta. The main agenda was the election of a new chairman and board for the 2024-2029 period. However, the conference had to be postponed because the central ORARI deemed the regional management demisionary as of November 3, preventing them from conducting the conference according to the organization's regulations. Despite the postponement, the meeting was used as a platform for members to socialize. Additionally, ORARI Jakarta held a social service event offering free health check-ups, health consultations, and free glasses for the public. The activities were combined with the Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair due to the gap caused by COVID-19, emphasizing that amateur radio management should be professional, aiming to advance the hobby further. ORARI also differs from other amateur radios because of its social roles, including assisting during Eid, communication during disasters, and participation in rescue operations.

Mappa mentale

Video Domande e Risposte

  • What is the main agenda of the ORARI Regional Jakarta conference?

    The main agenda is the election of new leaders and management for the period 2024-2029.

  • Why was the conference delayed?

    The conference was delayed because the central ORARI considered the regional management to be demissioned since November 3, and therefore unable to conduct the conference as per the statute.

  • How is the event used despite the delay?

    The event serves as a gathering for networking among ORARI Jakarta members.

  • What social activities are conducted along with the conference?

    Social activities include free health checks, health consultations, and the distribution of free glasses to the public.

  • What is the name of the event associated with the conference?

    The event is called the Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair.

  • How should the leadership in ORARI be handled?

    Leadership in ORARI should be professional to advance the hobby.

  • What makes ORARI different from other amateur radio organizations?

    ORARI is unique due to its focus on social communications, especially during emergencies and social activities like disaster communication and support.

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    orari daerah Jakarta menggelar
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    musyawarah daerah ke-16 yang mengusung
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    tema perkuat komunikasi Satukan
  • 00:00:07
    Indonesia di salah satu hotel di Jakarta
  • 00:00:10
    Selatan agenda utama dalam Musda adalah
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    pemilihan ketua dan pengurus baru
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    menganggap kepengurusan daerah telah
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  • Amateur Radio
  • Jakarta
  • Conference
  • Leadership
  • Social Activities
  • Health Check
  • Community Service
  • Professionalism
  • Disaster Response