Rahu In 12 Houses - Divine Call



TLDRIl video discute l'influenza di Rahu nelle dodici case astrologiche e di come questo pianeta misterioso, associato al passato e all'intuizione, alteri vari aspetti della vita come la famiglia, la carriera, le relazioni e la ricerca spirituale. Rahu è visto come un corpo celeste che enfatizza le esperienze passate, influenzando le decisioni e creando blocchi o progressi nelle aree in cui risiede nel tema natale.

Punti di forza

  • 🌌 Rahu è legato agli eventi passati e può influenzare le decisioni presenti.
  • 🏠 Posizionato nella quarta casa, Rahu influisce sulla famiglia e sulla salute della madre.
  • 📚 Nella nona casa, Rahu ispira ricerca spirituale e insegnamento.
  • 🌀 Rahu, in generale, è associato a dilemmi e confusione.
  • 🔮 Nella casa dodici, Rahu spinge verso la liberazione dai vincoli.
  • 🌟 La presenza di Rahu può potenziare intuizioni e abilità nascoste.
  • 👥 Nella terza casa, influenza le relazioni fraterne e le carriere comunicative.
  • ⚖️ In settima casa, Rahu porta a riflessioni continue sui rapporti.
  • 🚀 Rahu nella decima casa aumenta la creatività e il desiderio di cambiamento.
  • 🗺️ Rahu nella seconda casa guida le decisioni familiari basate sul passato.

Linea temporale

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    In questa sessione con Vidik Jati, esploriamo l'influenza del pianeta Rahu quando si trova in diverse case dell'oroscopo e come questo possa influenzare le varie aree della nostra vita, come matrimonio, relazioni e viaggi all'estero. Rahu nel quarto e nono casa porta specifici effetti sulla vita, in particolar modo nelle relazioni con la madre e nelle influenze delle gravitazioni spirituali.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:10:00

    Rahu ha un impatto sulle nostre vite trascinando la nostra attenzione verso il passato, creando confusione e dilemmi. Le predizioni relative a Rahu dovrebbero essere prese in considerazione seriamente, o a volte non considerate del tutto. Rahu è correlato al passato e alle esperienze ancestrali, e ci sono differenze fondamentali tra Rahu e Giove.

  • 00:10:00 - 00:15:00

    La presenza di Rahu insieme al Sole o alla Luna può portare a una particolare ossessione con i temi del passato, come le figure parentali. Rahu espande i poteri del passato e le ansie passate in una forma che nessun altro pianeta può fare, bloccando a volte il progresso. Si dice che Rahu conosca il passato e questo può essere sia una forza che una debolezza.

  • 00:15:00 - 00:20:00

    Rahu in una specifica casa dell'oroscopo influenza in che modo questi individui si relazionano con il passato e il modo in cui vivono le loro vite attuali. L'analisi si concentra su come Rahu nei vari posizionamenti influenzi le relazioni, la professione, l'educazione e altri aspetti chiave della vita e come simbolizzi il modo in cui il passato continua a influenzare il presente degli individui.

  • 00:20:00 - 00:25:47

    Complessivamente, attraverso l'analisi di Rahu in diverse case, possiamo ottenere una comprensione migliore e più profonda di come il passato persista nel delineare la nostra vita attuale e futura. La sessione si conclude con un invito a unirsi a discussioni astrologiche future per esplorare più a fondo con l'aiuto della tecnica, invitando il pubblico a rimanere connessi tramite iscrizioni e condivisioni.

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Video Domande e Risposte

  • Cosa succede se Rahu si trova nella quarta casa?

    Rahu nella quarta casa influenza la vita familiare e la salute della madre, portando a viaggi o problemi di salute.

  • Qual è l'effetto di Rahu nella nona casa?

    Rahu nella nona casa porta alla ricerca spirituale e all'insegnamento, influenzando anche le credenze religiose e filosofiche.

  • Come si manifesta Rahu nella terza casa?

    Nella terza casa, Rahu influenza le relazioni con i fratelli e può portare a una carriera legata alle lingue o alla comunicazione.

  • Perché Rahu è associato al passato?

    Rahu è considerato legato al passato perché tende a portare le persone a rimuginare su eventi passati e a restarne influenzati.

  • Qual è l'impatto di Rahu nella decima casa sulla carriera?

    Nella decima casa, Rahu può portare a insoddisfazione nella carriera attuale, spingendo a cercare talenti e abilità inespresse.

  • Come influenza Rahu nella dodicesima casa?

    Rahu nella dodicesima casa porta una tendenza a cercare la liberazione dai vincoli materiali attraverso la comprensione del passato.

  • Quali sono le caratteristiche di Rahu nella settima casa?

    Nella settima casa, Rahu porta a pensieri costanti sul partner e sul passato della relazione.

  • Cosa simboleggia Rahu nell'oroscopo?

    Rahu simboleggia le illusioni, i desideri intensi e la tendenza a focalizzarsi sugli eventi passati.

  • In che modo Rahu influenza le decisioni familiari se si trova nella seconda casa?

    Rahu nella seconda casa influenzia le decisioni familiari attraverso eventi passati che ancora toccano la persona.

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  • 00:00:07
    Hello, welcome all of you to the session of Vidik Jati. In this session, we
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    will try to understand how Rahu planet sits in 12 different houses of the horoscope and
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    controls the different dimensions of your life. Yes, if Rahu is in the fourth house. If
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    it is sitting inside, then something will happen in your life with your mother which will make you life long intense.
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    So now you will be able to take the big decisions be it regarding the marriage be it the relations be it
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    regarding the profession be it regarding the foreign travel.
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    When you get the support of your mother and some positive things come into your life from her side,
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    it means positive like blessings are provided to you. If Rahu
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    is placed in the ninth house then the ninth house starts shaping your life. It is like the
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    gravitational pull. Is in the Ninth House Now what is Gravitational Pull? How
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    does Rahu influence you? How to take remedies for Rahu? How can the effects of Rahu be avoided
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    and what is Rahu? At the end we will try to understand about that planet which
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    you want to understand. Understand that when predictions are made about Rahu,
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    it is said that the predictions of Rahu should be taken very seriously and sometimes
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    they should not be taken seriously at all. This planet is such that it removes the smoke of dilemma,
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    confusion, etc. It is very difficult to understand and very easy too.
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    Look at the session. Look at the analysis. Understand the readings. My promise to you is
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    that after the session, when you come out of it, you will be able to explain
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    everything about Rahu to any person. If you are able then this is what we are going to do in this session. This is the basic
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    work we are going to do in this session. If you are watching the session till now, you are connected
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    with Astrologer Hemant. You can like, share and subscribe if you want. If
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    you want, you can follow our channel.
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    The advantage of joining the channel with the session is that with this session,
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    you always get something or the other with this channel. You will keep getting beat updates, you may get beat
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    online, you may get readings, you may get files, whatever happens,
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    you will keep getting something, so this is the positive thing and with the divine energies,
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    I think we have to be one with everyone. If we understand Rahu, it should be connected with others, then
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    whether the mention of Rahu has come out of astrology in Vedic astrology or has
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    Rahu been mentioned somewhere in Vedas, Puranas and different different texts,
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    then whenever Rahu is talked about. You will start back to the same
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    square. One square story is that Rahu is who he is, how Rahu
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    drank the nectar at the time of Samudra Mantan, how Lord Vishnu drank the nectar, how Lord Narayan destroyed Rahu,
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    so this is the basic story. Our basic understanding is about planet
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    Rahu, how many desires it has, its indelible desires are not going to end, because Rahu which is
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    Lord Shiva also comes with him, Lord Shiva has a battle with epilepsy,
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    if you see the south facing idol of Lord Shiva. So there
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    under his feet what you will see is Lord Rahu, he is Apsamar, who is
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    the lord of darkness, who is the lord of darkness, who means the god of night, who
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    wants to bring darkness everywhere. Rahu literally wants to do the same thing, so
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    you can link epilepsy with Rahu somewhere. From Rahu source, if you go,
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    Rahu is that planet, which is the son of Sinka,
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    whose son is he and what does he do? They always oppose the Moon and Sun.
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    Now let me tell you something special about Rahu. People say that Rahu has aspects.
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    There are 579 aspects. Rahu gives you the power of intuition. Rahu
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    knows only about the past. You must have seen many siddhis, you must have seen vashikaran mantras,
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    you must have seen vampire powers, you
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    must have seen these, Karna, vampire power and l, they cannot
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    tell anything except your past, that is the effect of planet Rahu, so this is the only arrangement in Sunderkand.
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    Lord Hanuman ji goes towards Lanka, he meets a demon
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    and he literally gives a promise to you that
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    when I come, you will eat me but for now let me go so it's late. Sage or not, I
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    mean, we cannot believe in the future, tell me about now, what is its energy,
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    it can see the past, what is Rahu, it can see the past, Rahu cannot
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    see the future, this is the difference between Rahu and Jupiter, that is why Rahu
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    has been bitten by Lord Vishnu. If you read the name Vishnu Sahastra then in the beginning
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    itself what is there is Bhoot Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu who knows the past, knows the present and the future.
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    Know Rahu knows only the past so that is the basic separation Basic difference between
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    Rahu and planet Jupiter People affected by Rahu can tell you anything Like that
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    Kalnemi in the Sunderkand What does Kalnemi do, it tells everything about the past,
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    what happened How is Naag Shakti engaged? How has everything happened? Is there a war going on? But one
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    comes to the future and the present. If Rahu's energy does not work there, then the first
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    influence is how to find out that a person is affected by Rahu, he is
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    suffering from the past. He will be so troubled by the past that he
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    will go back to the past every time. He will go to the past like this, what has happened in the past and this
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    adds weakness and strength to the chart. If Rahu is placed in your fourth house
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    . Whatever events have happened with your mother in the past and if Rahu is associated with her mother
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    then it is obvious that she might have disturbed the fourth house, her
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    childhood might have been spoiled, she goes through some troubles, her mother travels as she is.
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    Travel can be a matter of health. Get the family to travel a bit, but what is the concern? They
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    care about the planet. They go to the past.
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    Talk to them about the present or the future. They will immediately go to the past. Why are you not looking for a job
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    in a relationship? Why is there an issue? Why are there problems in marriage? Such
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    problems have happened with my mother, so she is still hunting them. So that is the main power of
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    planet Rahu. It always remains in the past. Some people say that Rahu which is
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    Definitely Rahu knows about the future journeys,
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    what is your goal, where do you want to go, but what Rahu basically does is that it keeps you more
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    towards the past, but it can predict the past of a person.
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    If you go closer, you will see whether the scandal is vampire powers or raw Kalve
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    is a different kind of thing, you give all just works for the
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    past within Tant Tantrik Siddhi, that is the basic reason why Pitra Dosh, Nag Pash Dosh, everything is caused by Rahu only.
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    Rahu knows about the past, he knows where this person is facing,
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    Rahu is sitting with the Sun, that person will tell you at least 10 times in a day
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    how many grandfathers and great-grandfathers he has had in his past. So were they strong or did they have nothing.
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    Moon is sitting with Rahu, that person
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    will tell you about his mother 10 times a day. Because of mother, all the potentials in my life, all
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    the options were gone. Rahu does this, no other planet can do this,
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    this is the special power of Rahu, it can also strengthen the planet, whenever we say
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    what does Rahu do, it does expansion, you will ask every person
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    one thing after going to astrology. Rahu does all the expansion, then why
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    is he weakening the Rahu planet? He has expanded but has expanded his past. Now that person
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    can never come out of that past. This is the real like real blockage around the person.
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    It is like a cage, how to break this cage, how to get out of it, this is the
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    main main question, so this is the state of Rahu, this is its separation from Jupiter, Jupiter
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    has three different aspects, Jupiter knows about the future but Rahu does not come to
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    Rahu Rahu knows about the past More Rahu is in the ninth house, past is in the ninth house, such people
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    become teachers because of the energy of the past, even if they do not read a book in this life, there
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    is no problem for them, they have read so much in the past, Rahu. The image of the work he has done in 10th will
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    always remain in his profession. Whatever work he is doing in this life, he
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    may not feel connected to it, he may even say to you, I am
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    not interested in it. I am not interested but
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    make me work on my past talent and past skills. I am capable of doing that and powerful. Hoots the basic difference.
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    Here I have created the difference between Rahu and planet Jupiter so that you can understand
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    other wise when it comes to astrology intuition. Will you say that Rahu also has astrology, Rahu
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    also makes predictions, Rahu also knows but not about the past but
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    about the present and the future. Now if Rahu is in your ascendant, then the
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    presence of Rahu in the ascendant is like the gravitational force now. Lagan
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    is sitting inside, you will see such people that they
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    think too much about themselves, think too much about themselves, if you
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    sit with them for 10 minutes, then in 10 minutes you will learn at least 10 things about yourself. 10 qualities and good things
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    will be told to you - Rahu sitting here, which attaches the passion to the past, like
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    I told you, attaches it to the past, or attaches it to the past, so
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    focus a lot on yourself to know your past. try to understand yourself
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    Understanding and as the age increases, you will be able to feel a change in their personality.
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    As their age increases, they
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    start becoming very conscious and very skeptical.
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    If you are fond of things, the more you do them in the early age, the better it is for them. This
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    is my one advice whenever you feel like doing things
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    , try to do things in the early age only, when your age will be 40-50. Then you will have 40 years and
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    you will think about them, well, that was a job, I could not get that education, because of this today
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    my life is like this, they are the people when Rahu is in Lagan and the basic prediction point
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    is that it is the teeth. There may be a difference in their teeth, there may be a gap in their teeth,
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    there may be something special in their teeth, it is possible that you can see the influence of Rahu in their Lagan.
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    The influence of Rahu is that some people are
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    more caring about themselves or others. People are more thinkers and
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    presence of Rahu in Ascendant makes a person a special person. For sure, this special person makes you.
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    But what happens when you connect with the past. You
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    give a lot of priority to your talent and your skills.
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    Many a times, you will find such people more in business.
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    Their mindset is like this. They are the ones who do something on their own, like beat the start and beat the pulse. You
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    will find all these people suffering or affected by Rahu. These are affected by Rahu because they
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    will try to see their face in the mirror 10 times. Rahu has a problem that it cannot be erased, so
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    keep focus on yourself and do everything with full understanding. When one thing It will go wrong
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    . Suppose, if there is any issue in the first relationship, then they will think a lot about making second and third relationship. But the
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    past matters to them a lot. Whether they say it or not, but the past
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    starts to matter subconsciously. If this Rahu is in the second. So the decisions that this person will take with his family
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    are influenced by his family's past.
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    Something or the other has happened in his family in the past which keeps playing in his mind
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    and is haunting him till now. If you go and ask them about the male members of their family,
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    they will tell you, yes, there was something like this, something like this has happened, there is something
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    because of which my decisions are being affected today. Such people come and the first
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    question is that is the marriage, relationship and profession. What will happen in livelihood?
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    Rahu placed in the second house also leads to livelihood and the answer is
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    how your family is working, what is your family doing because family
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    is determining everything here. So they should be more towards family,
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    they should think a little about family and here they
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    should look a little, Rahu is it is in Ma second house so should work like second house planet
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    Raho that take some time in things and away from family. Try to get all the guidance from them,
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    if there is a problem of marriage like yours in their family, then
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    there may be some such problems in the marriage in their family itself, one or two generations back,
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    which you can see which are haunting them till now. Are they wondering whether I should move ahead or not?
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    Is it a profession? Something has happened in the family in the past, maybe one or two generations ago,
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    which is affecting them till now. Well, everyone was in a government job,
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    I too should be everyone. If I was in business, should I also go, then the family shapes them.
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    What Rahu is doing in the second house and if Jupiter was there, then he considers the future
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    that now I should change. Rahu does not change, Rahu is from the past,
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    it can happen many times. Bhoot is a concept which is derived from Rahu Bhoot
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    is a concept which is different from Rahu
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    If it is inside the third house, Rahu is sitting in the third house,
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    whatever happens with their siblings affects them, that is why here Sitting Rahu
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    makes you the oldest or the youngest. The eldest or the youngest can be either of the two and what
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    has happened to the sibling or what has happened to their siblings
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    determines their directions. Whatever happened in the past of the siblings. If
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    they get education, they can do what their siblings have done or if their
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    siblings are not able to go where they were interested in going, then if they say that they will go, then these
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    siblings sit on their mind, if the siblings' past has been good
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    . In fact, their life will also be smooth and if
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    there have been issues in the past of the siblings, then Rahu creates disturbance in their life.
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    Being in the third house, if Rahu is in the fourth house, I think Rahu is in the fourth house.
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    It is a very wonderful arrangement to be inside when your mother
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    tries to support you in some way, tries to support you, but
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    what is there here, Rahu sitting in the fourth house has made the mother the past conscious. Something like this has happened
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    with them in the past and it is still haunting you.
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    It goes on inside your mind. The second is that
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    Rahu sitting in the fourth house makes you feel a little bit, Rahu sitting here makes you feel normal. Yes
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    , whatever happens in the life of these people becomes normal. Being normal means
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    a lot of efforts have to be made to become normal, the way marriage
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    should be normal, the way profession should work normally, it means that there will always be attraction.
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    They always keep grasping the light, they will remain in the lime light, wherever you
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    take them, the concept of lime light cannot be removed from them, they
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    are like attracting the light all the times, so how can they attract it? They are
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    like getting married in a different way, doing something new in their profession
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    and mother influences their decisions a lot,
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    they will move ahead in their decisions only when they get a positive nod from their mother, whatever
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    happened to their mother. It has affected them very deeply till their soul.
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    Whenever it is said in childhood that tension can come, Rahu sits in the fourth house,
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    those problems come from the mother's side. Some people have health issues in the mother. Mother's Health. If we face issues,
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    fight with the grandfather, then all these things are normal
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    stuff but here it gets intensified a bit, you can immediately tell
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    that you are a person who should do things when you want. Mother
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    's positive sayings give you positive yes notes. Mother's positive sayings influence
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    you a lot, so one it is in the fifth house. I think Rahu's
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    presence in the fifth house makes a person very technical, very analytical.
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    It gives what is Rahu in the past, what is the fifth house, the virtues of the previous life, the previous
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    life has already come in it, that now Rahu of the past life
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    had come sitting here in the fifth house, a very good arrangement has been made, now I have got a feeling like my own. What to do
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    is to think about past life and be analytical, that's why Rahu sitting here
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    makes you learn different languages. Rahu sitting here takes you to computer science.
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    Rahu sitting here makes you bilingual. Rahu sitting here makes
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    you somewhere or the other. It leads to analysis. I
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    have seen MBA people and teachers whose Rahu is in the fourth and fifth house. What they are doing is just correcting the past
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    and try to learn from the past. So, people who are like this, their Rahu is in the fifth house,
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    they are the first ones to do so. The decision about the relationship should be taken very thoughtfully,
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    it is their first relationship, their education is also the starting education, it
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    affects them throughout their life, they have become attached to it, which means they have become so deeply attached to it that
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    they cannot erase it. It is such that they have been completely absorbed
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    inside them, after the first relationship, whenever they can move in the second, they can also
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    move to the third party, when their experience in the first relationship has been good,
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    then we should always keep this in mind. This is the gravitational pull of your daughter-in-law,
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    you cannot remove it and move forward, if you move forward only by taking it with you, then I think
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    Rahu sitting on this will try to keep you more around your relationship and create
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    a positive connection somewhere. I also think it is positive because there is
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    a planet sitting inside the house which behaves like that but somewhere it also comes in Pitra Dosh,
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    the Ra sitting here also generates Pitra Dosh, so for sure it does these things. The sense
  • 00:15:17
    that a person is more concerned about his forefathers, he
  • 00:15:22
    keeps thinking more, so when you search your own DNA, then you will definitely be connected to your forefathers,
  • 00:15:26
    then this Rahu can sit in it and do the past. What is
  • 00:15:32
    the concern here? Is there any issue in the first relationship? Did you start education? Did you
  • 00:15:36
    face any issue in it or did your father not support you in the beginning? These three things
  • 00:15:41
    are the lung which haunts you in life. Lung hunts, that is, if
  • 00:15:45
    you ask them even in their 80s, they will talk about these three things first, they will talk
  • 00:15:48
    about others later, but they will talk about these three things first,
  • 00:15:53
    that if their education is right. If that relationship had worked, life
  • 00:15:57
    would have been different today. If it was in the Si house, then whichever house Rahu is in is
  • 00:16:02
    a planet of the past. It attaches you to the past. What is the sixth house, destiny?
  • 00:16:05
    Rahu sitting inside the Sixth House starts singing praises of the form and qualities of the Sixth House.
  • 00:16:09
    Now he is a planet of the past. He is sitting in the house of destiny. He
  • 00:16:13
    is sitting in the house of bonds. The bonds that bind such people start tying them. It means that they
  • 00:16:19
    suddenly start seeing the foundation in everything, this thing is the foundation in this thing, that
  • 00:16:23
    thing is the foundation in them, but you will find Ketu in their 12th house, what is he doing,
  • 00:16:27
    he is cutting the karmas from such people, if you go If you ask then what are these concerns
  • 00:16:31
    about or how are our relations with our own father, mother, sister and brother, we
  • 00:16:35
    are concerned about this, this is destiny, destiny is the relationship that you have with your family,
  • 00:16:39
    if it is life long then it is destiny. Someone
  • 00:16:43
    asked me Prarabdha, what are Prarabdha deeds, with whom do they happen, they happen with family
  • 00:16:46
    for sure, they last for life long, you cannot make him angry, Rahu sitting here
  • 00:16:51
    will ask questions to the person, you can go with your family. Tell something about them and you
  • 00:16:54
    will see that they have a book ready about the family, about mother,
  • 00:16:59
    sister, brother, they know about everyone and it is they who are influencing them, that is why
  • 00:17:03
    it is also called maternal family. Maternal family has a very deep influence. It happens
  • 00:17:06
    in a person's life that if you ask them even in their 70s and 80s, they will either say that
  • 00:17:10
    because of my maternal family, my life got spoiled or got better and it depends
  • 00:17:14
    on how the planet is and which rising is which, but that is their concern. It is possible that
  • 00:17:20
    they will say about the father that he did not take the right decision, the mother did not take it, then here they
  • 00:17:24
    should be free from this thing, they should try to get out of this thing, I
  • 00:17:28
    am trying to tell you that where Rahu is there. He is sitting, take him out a little, no,
  • 00:17:31
    he will take you so far in the past that it has no sense, no, the seventh house is what, the seventh
  • 00:17:36
    house is the partnership, the seventh house is the marriage, the seventh house is the balance of power,
  • 00:17:40
    what will Rahu, sitting here, do here? Rahu sitting on P will take you to the past. If
  • 00:17:45
    I say that Rahu is in the seventh house then where is Ketu, it is inside the ascendant,
  • 00:17:48
    whenever Ketu is in the ascendant, what does this planet say about marriage, it is not right, it means.
  • 00:17:52
    This is a planet which is extremely selfless, it does not think about itself,
  • 00:17:56
    Rahu in the seventh house thinks about the partner day and night, such a person keeps thinking about the spouse, partner, marriage,
  • 00:18:00
    and the past means that they have so much of the past.
  • 00:18:05
    They are not concerned about the present as much as they are about the past. They want to know why
  • 00:18:08
    their partner took that decision 10 years ago, why that work was done 20 years ago
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    and whatever happens in their marriage, whatever happens with their partner, the partner's
  • 00:18:15
    past . They have a long life, they affect life long, it does not mean
  • 00:18:19
    that they will do it only for 40 years, no no, they will have a long life, for 30 years, go to them anytime and
  • 00:18:24
    ask them two-three questions, they will always be concerned about their partner. The first three questions
  • 00:18:27
    are about their spouse, you
  • 00:18:32
    should get out of this, otherwise what is Rahu? Rahu never allows the objectives to be completed.
  • 00:18:36
    Rahu never allows the objectives to be completed, it keeps you stuck
  • 00:18:41
    in the past, the past, you keep thinking about it. Regarding this, you should go towards Lord Vishnu,
  • 00:18:45
    the ghostly Lord, so does not come to the 8th house, so what is a house, 8th house, House of
  • 00:18:52
    depth, there is too much depth inside it, Rahu of 8th house goes
  • 00:18:57
    very deep into things. What is his past also? Such a person should be careful. Such
  • 00:19:02
    a person should be careful. That's why the initial ages of their life, the
  • 00:19:06
    initial 10, 20 years, 20, 25, 30 years are very important
  • 00:19:12
    in their life. The biggest personnel changes keep coming, Rahu keeps bringing them
  • 00:19:17
    from anywhere, Rahu will catch and something or the other personnel keeps happening and lessons keep coming,
  • 00:19:21
    whether it is a break in education, whether it is something in profession, whether it is
  • 00:19:25
    in relations. Be it a break, formation of a new relationship, formation of a relationship out of nowhere, be it
  • 00:19:30
    Rahu of 8th house, what a good Rahu, I think
  • 00:19:33
    this is this, this is beneficial, this is beneficial whenever you are , make the
  • 00:19:39
    first 20 years as per your convenience. Mold it, otherwise it
  • 00:19:43
    is a very challenging point technically. Then what will such a Rahu do, it will separate you from every person,
  • 00:19:47
    but this is a planet of the past and it has gone to the infinite depth of the past. Such
  • 00:19:52
    people say that Okay, everything has not been good for 203 years, that means if the relations are not good then they
  • 00:19:56
    will not be good in future also, there are no good relations with the family, now they will not
  • 00:19:59
    be good in future also, this thing is not right now, it will not be good in future also, this means let's make up our mind about that.
  • 00:20:03
    So they should come out of this, that is the Lord Vishnu, you can do this,
  • 00:20:07
    if it is in the ninth house, then how is it that Rahu is sitting inside the ninth house, I
  • 00:20:14
    find Rahu so wonderful because of you and maybe you agree with this. Do not say that Rahu which is
  • 00:20:18
    in the ninth house is not right.
  • 00:20:20
    Analytically, technically it may not seem right but when Rahu or Rahu in the ninth house
  • 00:20:25
    becomes Atma Karaka, then the nourishment that comes comes by touching that spiritual peak
  • 00:20:30
    which is What is the past here? What is the past? What is the ninth house.
  • 00:20:35
    Spirituality is religion. This is knowledge. When you go into the past in knowledge then how
  • 00:20:40
    deep will you go. Think how deep you will go and where will you stop there.
  • 00:20:45
    Knowledgeable about human civilizations, how did man develop, how was religion established,
  • 00:20:49
    how is religion progressing, they talk about big things, they
  • 00:20:54
    are people who talk about big things and they establish themselves as teachers somewhere in the society.
  • 00:20:58
    These philosophers become teachers, they become guides, people
  • 00:21:02
    start taking consultations from them, then I see Rahu sitting in the ninth house as positive Rahu, that is why
  • 00:21:07
    Rahu sitting here will boost you, support you and this Rahu.
  • 00:21:12
    You should remember that whatever
  • 00:21:16
    has happened to your father or grandfather influences you. If you want to meet these people, no matter how great
  • 00:21:19
    spiritual gurus they are, if you take them aside and ask them two-three questions in the beginning.
  • 00:21:23
    You may want to know about his family about his father for his father and
  • 00:21:27
    you can pick up the books of many religious cruises and see spirituality and despite doing everything,
  • 00:21:30
    his movement remained only towards his village, his father for his grandfather.
  • 00:21:34
    That is the basic reason, if something is not right with the father then he keeps hunting them ,
  • 00:21:39
    before doing anything, ask the father, grandfather,
  • 00:21:43
    he is very important, it is not a matter of joke, very It is important to have
  • 00:21:46
    Rahu in the 10th house. If it is in the 10th house then Rahu is in the 10th house. I told you Rahu is all about the
  • 00:21:50
    past. Rahu knows the past. Talks about the past.
  • 00:21:53
    Rahu sitting in the 10th house shows you your skills. Shows your skills. Shows one's talent.
  • 00:21:57
    Such people will say that whatever job they have in this life, there
  • 00:22:01
    is no satisfaction from it and no connection is being made. But yes, if you talk to them, you will see their talent
  • 00:22:05
    and there will be a smile on their face. This feeling will come within us that we
  • 00:22:09
    know a lot, we have done a lot of work, we will do this work easily,
  • 00:22:12
    such energy comes here, presence of Rahu in the house
  • 00:22:17
    can make you a very wonderful person. If they know well, then they have incorporated
  • 00:22:21
    every talent, every skill within themselves, they just need to know their skills. I
  • 00:22:26
    have seen such persons many times that they can also be influencers, some kind of
  • 00:22:29
    art by hand. And you understand that they
  • 00:22:36
    can possibly be on the business side, start up and all can be on their side, some
  • 00:22:39
    of them have a brilliant idea in their brain, they have some brilliant idea in their brain,
  • 00:22:44
    that is a good one. The thing is, if this Rahu is in th house then it
  • 00:22:50
    is Rahu of th house, again it will go to the past, th house is work, this is the work which is
  • 00:22:55
    the meaning of this life, it is deciding whether I want it or not, meaning do I
  • 00:23:00
    want this thing in life or Rahu sitting inside the 11th house is a vengeful planet, here
  • 00:23:04
    you will see the most wonderful thing and it is wonderful because
  • 00:23:09
    Rahu sitting in the 11th house goes to the past, so such persons do not switch things, now they
  • 00:23:12
    go to the past. They already know what work I have done, what
  • 00:23:16
    things I have done, so this is their main strength, they
  • 00:23:21
    do not invest energy in every work, that means they are very much, I think they
  • 00:23:24
    are intelligent kind of people. Ketu is present in their fifth house. They are so intelligent and
  • 00:23:27
    rational. The more rational you are, the more analytical you become, the more things
  • 00:23:31
    will be in your favor and the more you go with the flow, the more things will go out of your hands.
  • 00:23:34
    Elder among siblings. The youngest can make it and the second one is Siblings
  • 00:23:39
    have an important role in life. Whatever has happened to the siblings
  • 00:23:42
    affects you deeply and from that you take all the awakening as to
  • 00:23:46
    how to run my life and how to move forward. So this is a very important thing when Rahu is
  • 00:23:50
    situated inside the 11th house. If this Rahu is sitting in the 12th house then now you
  • 00:23:54
    think about it, there is a planet whose name is Rahu is sitting in the 12th house which is
  • 00:23:59
    There is a feeling of liberation, this planet shows the past and in the past, it
  • 00:24:04
    will make you jump towards the past, it will take you towards the past lives. The particular
  • 00:24:08
    planet sitting here, what energy is there in the planet that sits here, it gives me the information
  • 00:24:11
    of the past. Now tell me something about my past,
  • 00:24:15
    how was my life in the past life, how things happened in the past life, whether I was able to achieve that liberation
  • 00:24:19
    in things or not, whatever relationship it goes into after some time.
  • 00:24:24
    What they do is how to bring out liberation from within.
  • 00:24:29
    Liberation is needed even within the profession. Liberation does not mean that you sit in sadhana in a stately
  • 00:24:32
    state and worship God. That means in the material world. In terms
  • 00:24:38
    , it means to get out of any problem. The effort you give for it
  • 00:24:41
    is liberation, it is counted in liberation. Rahu sitting here,
  • 00:24:45
    Rahu sitting inside 12 house tries to do the same, he wants to give similar efforts. It means that he
  • 00:24:49
    has to be free from some or the other bondage, no matter what kind of bondage it is, if it is of relationship, then
  • 00:24:53
    try to get free from there, if it is of marriage, then try to get free from there too, then
  • 00:24:56
    running things with them is too much, too much of yours. This can be very enjoyable
  • 00:25:01
    for those people who do not want to be very possessive, meaning he is not the one who
  • 00:25:04
    will torture you or catch you, he is not the kind of person who drinks blood, he is very
  • 00:25:09
    calm, mind his own business and knows. Till then they remain very happy, as soon as they get liberated in anything,
  • 00:25:14
    they remember the past too, that in the past too,
  • 00:25:17
    I was liberated or I was about to be liberated, but I could not get liberated because of this thing
  • 00:25:20
    . If you find that erase it, only such a person exists, then we have covered it in this session,
  • 00:25:26
    how you can make your life better by worshiping Lord Vi, but like
  • 00:25:31
    past, present, future, you can include everyone with yourself, three times. Not
  • 00:25:35
    like planet Rahu, Rahu also shows these things in the next session, we
  • 00:25:40
    will understand Rahu from some other special level with the help of technique, so what to do for it,
  • 00:25:44
    stay connected, like, share, subscribe, thank you.
  • Rahu
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